Outsourcing Policy
Outsourcing Policy
Outsourcing Policy
Outsourcing Policy
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1. Preamble/ Background:
Outsourcing is a business decision that is often made to lower costs or focus on competencies. Thus,
Outsourcing involves transferring a significant amount of management control and decision-making to the
third parties, and so requires a robust policy mechanism to manage the activities so outsourced functions
or jobs.
Besides, IRDA has laid down stringent regulations to ensure that the attendant risks are addressed and
managed by the Organizations that choose to outsource their activities. Accordingly, this Policy is being
drafted in line with the relevant terms and conditions as specified by IRDA through IRDA (Insurance
Brokers) Regulations, 2018, which broadly defines the principles and guidelines to be followed by
Insurance Brokers in their respective Outsourcing Activities.
2. Purpose ( Objective):
2.1 To ensure sound and responsive risk management practices for effective oversight, due diligence and
management of risks arising from outsourced activities; and
2.2 To ensure that outsourcing arrangements neither diminish the ability of Manappuram Insurance
Brokers Limited (hereinafter referred to as MAIBRO) to fulfill its obligations to customers and IRDA
nor impede effective supervision by IRDA.
2.3 To ensure that MAIBRO at all times is in compliance with extant guidelines of the regulatory bodies
on outsourcing.
3. Scope:
This policy aims to lay down comprehensive guidelines for all outsourcing activities in the MAIBRO
3.1 The criteria for selection of outsourcing activities as well as service providers including the
justification for Outsourcing of an activity or a function or a job.
3.2 Procedures for outsourcing activities including the assessment of risks and materiality of the
3.3 The processes to Identify, manage and mitigate key outsourcing risks through a Risk Management
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3.6 The parameters to analyse cost benefit from the activity being outsourced.
4. Responsibility :-
5. Policy Review :-
Board of Directors will review the policy at least once in a year keeping in mind the changes in the
internal and external environment impacting the outsourcing arrangements.
7. Definition :-
Outsourcing: For the purpose of this policy, outsourcing means the use of a third party (either an
affiliated entity within a corporate group or an entity that is external to the corporate group) by MAIBRO
to perform activities on a continuing basis that would normally be undertaken by the MAIBRO itself, now
or in the future. ‘Continuing basis' includes agreements for a limited period.
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Third Party: Third party also referred to as service provider in this policy refers to the entity located in
India or elsewhere (Subject to Clause VII of Annexure-1) that is undertaking the outsourced activity,
which may also include a group company of MAIBRO.
Risk Management Programme: Would mean the risk management programme to address the
outsourced activities and the relationship with the third party, as laid down by this policy and approved by
the Board. (Programme outlay is appended as Annexure 1)
5.4 Outsourcing Committee: This is a Management Level Committee constituted by the Board, and
should comprise of the Heads of Departments of the following departments, at a minimum
I. HOD -Operations,
II. Company Secretary & Compliance Officer-
III. HOD- Finance and Accounts,
V. HOD - HR &Admin
VI. CEO – Chairperson of the Committee
The Outsourcing Committee’s duties and responsibilities are elaborated in para 2(2) of this policy.
The Head of HR &Admin will act as the secretary of this Committee.
The CEO will chair this committee.
The Quorum will be a minimum of 4 Members with the CEO being in Chair.
5.5 Material Outsourcing: For the purpose of this policy, material outsourcing arrangements are those
which, if disrupted, have the potential to significantly impact the business operations, reputation,
profitability or customer service.
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5.5.1 The level of importance to MAIBRO of the activity being outsourced as well as the significance of
the risk posed by the same;
5.5.2 The potential impact of the outsourcing on MAIBRO on various parameters such as earnings,
solvency, liquidity, funding capital and risk profile;
5.5.3 The likely impact on MAIBRO reputation and brand value, and ability to achieve its business
objectives, strategy and plans, should the service provider fail to perform the service;
5.5.4 The cost of the outsourcing as a proportion of total operating costs of the MAIBRO;
5.5.5 The aggregate exposure to that particular service provider, in cases where MAIBRO outsources
various functions to the same service provider; and
5.5.6 The significance of activities outsourced in context of customer service and protection.
8. Policy Guidelines :-
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services unless the activities proposed outsourcing, and submit provided by the outsourcing
broker does not undertaken under the same to the Company Secretary service provider.
undertake this the policy. The and Compliance Officer, who will
activity at all. same may be request convene the outsourcing
delegated to the committee to deal with the same.
3. Claims consultancy Outsourcing
services unless the Committee, who The Committee shall deliberate on
broker does not shall furnish the same in a meeting to be held for
undertake this periodic reports to this purpose, which proceedings
activity at all the Board on its shall be minuted.
including the After due discussions, the
decisions that has Committee may recommend for
been taken by it approval or reject the proposals and
from time to time. the reasons for the said decision
taken shall be recorded in writing.
b) Approving a
framework to The Outsourcing Committee’s
evaluate the risks recommendations for Approvals will
and materiality of be submitted to the Chairman of
all existing and Board, for his final approval, along
prospective with the MOM of the committee’s
outsourcing and the meeting.
policies that apply
to such
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c) Laying down
authorities for
depending on
risks and
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4. Ensuring that
contingency plans,
are in place and
tested as dictated
by the policy vis-à-
vis the outsourced
6. Informing the
Board on the risks
and provide
periodical reports
connected with the
activities in a
timely manner;
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7. The Head of AR
and Admin as the
secretary, will also
maintain the
central database of
all Outsourcing
Arrangements of
and Non- IT) and
will maintain the
same in an up to
date manner
8. Report on all
contracts for any
period, to the
Board and
directors, at their
immediate next
meeting in an
approved manner
9. The Responsibility
of the Outsourcing
Committee shall
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be for ALL
activities of
and Non-IT)
3. The Outsourcing
The whole gamut of the outsourcing
arrangements shall be secured by
legally binding written contracts
which shall cover all material aspects
pertaining to the same, including but
not limited to - the rights & liabilities
of the parties, responsibilities,
termination procedures, contingency
plans, confidentiality, risk control
and audit.
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Where specific
sections/sentences/words of our
format are also sought to be
amended / changed, etc., the same
principle would apply and all such
changes would have to be
specifically approved, in writing, by
Company Secretary.
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e. MAIBRO’s Customer
Grievance Redressal
Mechanism shall be applicable
in full to all grievances arising
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f. Prior approvals/consent by
MAIBRO and other conditions
of sub-contracting by the third-
party, with MAIBRO
maintaining a similar control
over the risks with the sub-
contracting party as in the
original direct outsourcing;
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contingency plans,
ii. insurance cover,
iii. business continuity
and disaster
recovery plans,
iv. force majeure
clause, etc.;
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Board of Directors shall annually review summary of all outsourced activities of the Company during the
year. Insurance brokers shall report all the outsourcing arrangements where annual payout per outsourcing
service provider is ten lakh rupees or more to their Board of Directors for review.
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6. Generic guidelines:-
1. Due diligence undertaken during the selection process should be documented and evaluated
periodically as part of the monitoring and control process of outsourcing
2. Outsourcing arrangements shall not impair the ability of IRDAI or other Regulators to exercise its
regulatory responsibilities such as supervision/inspection/audit of MAIBRO. Suitable clauses will be
incorporated in all legal documents to ensure and enable the audit of the service provider by the
regulatory Authorities or their Nominees.
3. Outsourcing arrangements shall not affect the rights of a customer against MAIBRO, including the
ability of the former to obtain redress as applicable under relevant laws. In cases where customers are
required to deal with the service providers in the process of dealing with MAIBRO, it should be
ensured that a clause is incorporated in all related product literature /brochures, etc., stating that they
may use the services of agents in sales /marketing, etc. of the products. The rule of agents may be
indicated in broad terms.
4. The customers shall be specifically informed about the company which is actually offering the
product/service, wherever there are multiple group entities involved or any cross selling observed.
5. The management approved ‘Vendor Information Security Requirements’ shall be applicable to all
outsourcing activities.
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A risk management programme is conceived herewith, stipulating the performance of a risk assessment,
service provider appraisal, evaluation of contingency plans, estimates regarding the preservation of
confidentiality and such other items that may be relevant to scope and materiality of the outsourced
activity. It shall be the responsibility of the Outsourcing Committee to implement this programme with
respect to each activity outsourced and submit periodic reports to the Board which will include among
other things, the details of the activities outsourced, performance evaluation reports, major failures and
changing risk scenarios.
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MAIBRO shall evaluate and guard against the following risks at a minimum, while evaluating an
outsourcing proposal:
i. Strategic Risk - Where the service provider conducts business on its own behalf, inconsistent
with the overall strategic goals of MAIBRO.
ii. Reputation Risk - Where the service provided is poor and customer interaction is not consistent
with the overall standards expected of MAIBRO.
iii. Compliance Risk - Where privacy, consumer and prudential laws are not adequately complied
with by the service provider.
iv. Operational Risk - Arising out of technology failure, fraud, error, inadequate financial capacity to
fulfil obligations and/ or to provide remedies.
v. Legal Risk - Where the MAIBRO is subjected to fines, penalties, or punitive damages
resulting from supervisory actions, as well as private settlements due to
omissions and commissions of the service provider.
vi. Exit Strategy Risk - Where MAIBRO is over-reliant on one firm, the loss of relevant skills in
MAIBRO itself preventing it from bringing the activity back in-house and
where MAIBRO has entered into contracts that make speedy exits
prohibitively expensive.
vii. Counter party Risk – Where there is inappropriate underwriting or credit assessments.
viii. Contractual Risk – Where MAIBRO may not have the ability to enforce the contract.
ix. Concentration and Systemic Risk – Where the overall industry has considerable exposure to one
service provider and hence MAIBRO may lack control over the service
x. Country Risk – Due to the political, social or legal climate creating added risk
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xi. Access Risk – Where MAIBRO may not have access to all books, records and information
relevant to the outsourced activity available with the service provider
Each outsourced activity may bring within its wake any or all the above risks and such other risks
that are not identified by the policy. The management and mitigation of these risks is the
responsibility of the Outsourcing Committee.
II. Assessment
a. Third party’s profile high level appraisal and fitment to this role.
b. The fall out and consequences of a failure of a third party to adequately perform the activity
outsourced on MAIBRO/its clients
c. MAIBRO’s ability to cope up with the work, in case of non-performance or failure by a third
party by having suitable back-up arrangements;
d. Situations involving conflict of interest between MAIBRO and the third party and the
measures put in place by MAIBRO to address such potential conflicts, etc.
After performing the risk assessments as above, if the Outsourcing Committee believes the risks
can be appropriately managed, it shall record its observations as such, before proceeding with the
selection process.
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For each new arrangement or renewal, the Outsourcing Committee shall exercise due care, skill,
and diligence in the selection/continuance of the third party to ensure that the latter has the
ability and capacity to undertake the provision of the service effectively. Wherever possible this
shall be supplemented by independent reviews and market feedback. All applicable laws, rules
& regulations, conditions for approval, registration/licensing etc. shall be considered as a part of
the due diligence process.
Due Diligence shall involve an evaluation & assessment of all available information about the
service provider, including but not limited to –
a. Experience and competence to implement and support the proposed activity over the
contract period.
b. Third party’s resources and capabilities, including financial soundness, to perform the
outsourcing work within the timelines fixed and ability to service commitments even under
adverse conditions.
c. Compatibility of the practices and systems of the third party with the MAIBRO’s
requirements and objectives
d. Market feedback of the prospective third party’s business reputation and track record of
their services rendered in the past;
f. The environment of the foreign country where the third party is located.
h. Security and internal control, audit coverage, reporting and monitoring environment,
business continuity management.
i. External factors like political, economic, social and legal environment of the jurisdiction in
which the service provider operates and other events that may impact service performance.
k. The service provider, if not a group company*(for Group companies, please refer Para VII),
shall not be owned or controlled by any director of MAIBRO or their relatives; these terms
have the same meaning as assigned under Companies Act 2013.
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Due diligence should include periodic review of the capabilities of the service provider and
should highlight any deterioration or breach in performance standards, confidentiality and
security, and in business continuity preparedness of the service provider
IV. Establishment and maintenance of contingency plans, including a plan for disaster
recovery and periodic testing of backup facilities.
a. Appropriate steps shall be taken to assess and address the potential consequence of a business
disruption or other problems at the third-party level and to ensure that the third party
developed and established a robust framework for documenting, maintaining and testing
business continuity and recovery procedures. Specific contingency plans shall be separately
developed for each outsourcing arrangement and to consider co-ordination of contingency
plans at both MAIBRO and the third party, in the event of non-performance by the third
b. Periodical testing of the BCP and DR plan of the service provider should be ensured. The
service provider may also be insisted upon to carry out combined testing and recovery
c. To continue the business operations and services to the customers of MAIBRO, the risk of a
premature/unforeseen termination of the outsourcing arrangement shall be addressed with
proper anticipation and planning on alternative service provider options, resuming the activity
by itself, the time/resources/costs involved.
d. MAIBRO shall ensure that service providers are able to isolate MAIBRO’s information,
documents and records, and other assets. This is to ensure that in appropriate situations, all
documents, records of transactions and information given to the service provider, and assets
of the NBFC, can be removed from the possession of the service provider in order to continue
its business operations, or deleted, destroyed or rendered unusable.
a. Appropriate steps shall be taken to protect MAIBRO’s proprietary and confidential customer
information and ensured that it is not misused or misappropriated.
b. The third party shall be prevailed upon to ensure that the employees of the third party have
limited access to the data handled and only on a “need to know” basis and the third party
shall have adequate checks and balances to ensure the same.
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c. Where the third party is providing similar services to multiple entities it shall be ensured that
strong safeguards are built so that there is no commingling of information/documents, records
and assets
d. MAIBRO shall review and monitor the security practices and control processes of the service
provider on a regular basis and require the service provider to disclose security breaches.
e. Wherever the activity relates to IT services, it shall be ensured that third party maintains
appropriate IT security and robust disaster recovery capabilities.
a. A record of all outsourcing activities should be centrally maintained and preserved for review
by the Board. The records should be updated promptly and half yearly reviews should be
placed before the Board, by the Head – HR & Admin as the Secretary of the Outsourcing
b. The adequacy of the risk management practices shall be subject to regular audits by either
the internal auditors or external auditors of MAIBRO.
c. The respective departments who have outsourced activities should review the check points of
performance as per contract and report on the status of deviations.
d. The Compliance Department of MAIBRO shall also periodically obtain confirmations from
the other departments on status of Outsourced activities to ensure that no activity is
outsourced without it being reviewed by the Outsourcing Committee
e. In the event of termination of the outsourcing agreement for any reason in cases where the
service provider deals with the customers, the same shall be publicized by displaying at a
prominent place in the branch, posting it on the web-site, and informing the customers so as
to ensure that the customers do not continue to deal with the service provider
f. MAIBRO shall ensure that reconciliation of transactions between the MAIBRO and the
service provider (and/ or its sub-contractor), if any, are carried out in a timely manner. An
ageing analysis of entries pending reconciliation with outsourced vendors shall be placed
before the Audit Committee of the Board.
A group entity / associate of MAIBRO may act as the third party. However, controls shall be
put in place to ensure that the transactions/dealings are at arm’s length between MAIBRO
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a. MAIBRO shall have a Board approved policy and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)/
arrangements with their group entities, which shall also cover demarcation of sharing
resources i.e. premises, personnel, etc
b. The customers shall be informed specifically about the company which is actually offering the
product/ service, wherever there are multiple group entities involved or any cross selling
c. Do not compromise the ability to identify and manage risk of MAIBRO on a stand-alone
Where the proposal to engage the services of an Outsourced Service Provider for common
purpose with other group entities, the same shall be done only where Board approved policies that
define and demand creation of SLAs/arrangements, which among other covers the demarcation of
sharing resources etc, like as in sharing of premises, Legal and other Professional Services,
hardware and software applications etc.
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MAIBRO will be
responsible for
compliance with
this clause.
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with Personnel
are obviated to
the lowest
possible levels of
Legal Risk: Legal risk The MAIBRO is
includes but is not limited to planning to
exposure to fines, penalties, monitor the XXX
or punitive damages activities that
resulting from supervisory directly expose
actions, as well as private the MAIBRO to
settlements due to omissions such punitive
and commissions of the actions like
service provider. Reports
Generation and
Verification –
well ahead of the
calendar of
requirements, so
as to be able to
submit the same
as required.
XXX by itself is
not authorized to
perform any
direct interaction
with any other
stakeholder of the
MAIBRO, and as
such its
would always be
routed only
through the
Counter party Risk: Due to DOES NOT
inappropriate underwriting ARISE in this
and credit assessments. arrangement
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2 Details of Service Provided (For e.g.) Enterprise Shared Service Provider – the
agency that will manage the entire back-office
processing of the company’s activities as defined in
greater detail in the SOW[s] to the MSA.
4 Reasons Determining Materiality See Checklist below
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Step 1: Clearly define the business process your organization would like to outsource.
Step 4: Subtract the costs of outsourcing from in-house costs to determine savings.
It is critical that the services to be outsourced are clearly defined, and that all workflow steps are
identified and understood
After the business process is clearly defined, it is time to identify and calculate the costs that would be
avoided if outsourced the process. To start, first itemize all the costs related to the process, including
direct costs (salaries, equipment, supplies, etc.) and indirect costs (general administration and internal
Do not include “sunk costs,” which are costs that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered.
Decision-making based on a cost analysis should instead focus on avoidable future costs, which in this
case are costs that can be eliminated by outsourcing the process.
Next, itemize all the in-house costs that could be avoided if the business process is outsourced.
With in-house costs calculated, next step would be to determine the total costs of outsourcing the business
Step 4: Subtract the costs of outsourcing from in-house costs to determine savings.
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The final step of the cost analysis, will be to calculate the cost savings that outsourcing is expected to
deliver. If the numbers show that outsourcing can significantly reduce the cost of the business process,
then the next step for outsourcing would be initiated.
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-Below 3 Years
-Above 3 Years
1.4 Whether the service
provider has appropriate
background verification of
its employees?
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If the service
provider is unable to
perform the service
over a given period
of time, will there be
any expected impact
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4.1 Does the Service Provider 10%
or any of its employees or
officers been subject to a
regulatory action,
investigation or warning?
5.1 Does the Service Provider 10%
further outsource any of
its functions to third party
service providers?
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6.1 Whether the Service 10%
Provider has an anti-
money laundering policy?
7.1 Are there, or has there 5%
been, any criminal or civil
proceedings taken against
the Service Provider or
any of its current or
former key employees or
8.1 Whether the Service 10%
Provider maintain
bonding and insurance, as
required, by applicable
regulatory bodies or
9.1 Does the Service Provider 5%
have a business continuity
-Within 6 Months
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-Above 6 Months
Total 100%
1. Vendor Risk Assessments should specify the Minimum Score set for the selection of the Vendor – this
is particularly important where multiple vendors have been considered for selection
2. Any deviation to this policy needs to be highlighted to a level above the approving authority for
acceptance or otherwise.
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MAIBRO and the Service provider are collectively referred to as “Parties” and individually referred to as
MAIBRO is an Insurance Broking Company, inter alia engaged in the business of Insurance broking
desirous of engaging the Service Provider to provide ……………………………………….
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations between the parties it is
agreed as follows
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2. Scope of Services:
a. The services to be provided are in compliance with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations and
other legal provisions applicable to this agreement.
b. It has the requisite experience, license, expertise, qualified manpower and other requisite resources
to provide the Services and hereby represents and warrants that all Services provided shall at all
times strictly conform to the requirements of this Agreement as set out herein.
c. The execution, delivery or performance by the Service Provider shall not contravene constitutional
documents of the Service Provider.
d. It warrants that there are no legal proceedings instituted or threatened against the Service Provider
before any court or administrative body or arbitral tribunal which might adversely affect the ability
of the Service provider to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
e. It has full power and authority to enter into this agreement and to take action and execute any
documents required by the terms hereof and this agreement is enforceable in accordance with the
terms hereof and the person(s) executing this Agreement on behalf of the Service provider is/are
duly empowered and authorized to execute this Agreement and perform all its obligations in
accordance with the terms herein.
f. Each of the representations is true and correct in all material respect as of the date of signing and
that none of them omits to state any matter which makes any of such representations misleading in
any material respect.
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7. Statutory Compliances:
a. The Service Provider shall observe and comply with all applicable provisions and requirements of the
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, The Employees Provident Fund and Family
Pension Fund Act, 1952, the Payment of Wages Act, 1926, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, and all applicable statutes, regulations and provisions having the
force of law as also all rules, by-laws and other provisions framed there under in pursuance thereof,
in so far as they are attracted by reason of obligations and rights conferred on the Service Provider
by this Agreement or by reason of duties or responsibilities imposed on the Service Provider by
reason of this Agreement or by reason of the activities or functions discharged by the Service
Provider in pursuance of this agreement and in particular, by reason of the employed or engaging
by the Service Provider of the persons employed or engaged in or connection with rendering of
various services at the said establishment. The service provider shall on demand produce the
documents to MAIBRO for legal compliances.
b. It is hereby expressly agreed and understood between the parties hereto that the Service Provider is
an independent Service Provider and shall be solely responsible as employer/master of the
employees and/or persons engaged by it for the purpose of providing the Services. Further there is
no master and servant relationship between the MAIBRO and the Service Provider or between
MAIBRO and the employees and/or persons engaged by the Service Provider.
c. The Service Provider, being the employer in relation to the persons engaged/employed by it to
provide the services under this agreement shall alone be responsible and liable to pay wages and
salary and all emoluments to such persons and meet the statutory payments /requirements relating to
his employees. In the event of the Service Provider failing in complying with any statutory payments
even after demand, MAIBRO shall be entitled to pay the same to the concerned Department and the
same shall be adjusted against the payments to be made to the Service Provider by MAIBRO.
8. Discipline
a. Service Provider shall issue identity cards, on its own name and trading style, to its personnel
deputed for rendering the said services, which at MAIBRO ’s option, would be subject to
verification at any time. MAIBRO may refuse the entry into the premises to any personnel of the
Service Provider not bearing such identity card or not being tidily dressed.
b. No personnel of the Service Provider shall leave the demised premises where they have been
deployed without permission of MAIBRO.
c. MAIBRO shall always have the right and liberty to do surprise inspection at its sites.
d. Service Provider shall ensure that no personnel engaged by them will engage in any type of
activities prejudicial to the interest of MAIBRO. It is specifically provided that in case any
personnel engaged by the Service Provider for the purpose of security and safety of the properties
of MAIBRO as provided in this agreement, acts or indulges in any activity prejudicial to the
interests or safety of its properties , MAIBRO shall have the right to direct the Service Provider to
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immediately substitute him with another personnel and on such direction being given, the Service
Provider shall implement the direction without any objection whatsoever forthwith.
e. It is understood between the parties hereto that the Service Provider alone shall have the right to take
disciplinary action against any person(s) engaged /employed by it, while no right whatsoever shall
vest in such person(s) to raise any dispute and/or claim whatsoever against MAIBRO. MAIBRO
shall under no circumstances be deemed or treated as the employer in respect of any person(s)
engaged/employed by the Service Provider for any purpose whatsoever, nor would MAIBRO be
liable for any claim(s) whatsoever, of any such person(s).
f. That this agreement does not give any right of license to the Service Provider, save and in respect, to
enter the premises of MAIBRO for the purpose of this agreement as long as this agreement subsists
and also subject to the rules and security procedures of MAIBRO.
10. Indemnification:
a. The Service Provider hereby undertakes to perform its obligations and indemnifies and agrees to keep
MAIBRO, its Directors, employees harmless and indemnified against any loss or damage caused to
MAIBRO in any event and make good any loss, damage, suffered or incurred by MAIBRO due to
any theft, pilferage by the employees of the Service Provider in the performance of their duties in the
premises of MAIBRO. MAIBRO further retains the right to deduct such payment from the
consideration payable to the Service Provider for the loss, damage, suffered or incurred by MAIBRO
due to any theft, pilferage by the employees of the Service Provider. MAIBRO further retains the
right to deduct such payment from the consideration payable to the Service Provider for the loss,
damage, suffered or incurred by MAIBRO due to any theft, pilferage by the employees of the Service
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b. The Service Provider agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified MAIBRO from time to time and at all
times against any loss, damage, claim and liability that may arise as a result of any act or omission or
commission, error on the part of Service Provider in respect of non-payment or non-observance of
any statutory dues, third party liability or statutory compliances of any nature whatsoever in respect
of its employees or any claims made by, through or under its employees against MAIBRO or any of
its officers, directors, employees, Service Providers, agents etc. during the continuance of this
agreement or after termination hereof. The Service Provider undertakes to take care of any such legal
action initiated against MAIBRO or otherwise and shall defend the same at its own cost and expense.
Without prejudice to any other rights and remedies, MAIBRO further retains the right to claim
liquidated damages from the Service Provider.
c. The Service Provider shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified MAIBRO against any claim
by any third party for any injury, damage to the property or person of the third party or for any other
claims whatsoever for any acts of commission or omission of its employees or personnel during the
hours of providing the services at MAIBRO’s premises or before and after that.
d. The Service Provider shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified MAIBRO against any claim
lodged by the personnel of the Service Provider for employment or compensation of any sort financial
or otherwise.
e. That, if at any time, during the operation of this Agreement or thereafter MAIBRO is made liable in
any manner whatsoever by any order ,direction or otherwise of any Court ,Authority or Tribunal, to
pay any amounts whatsoever in respect of or to any of the present or ex-personnel of the Service
Provider or to any third party in any event, the Service Provider shall immediately pay to MAIBRO
all such amounts and costs also and in all such cases /events the opinion of MAIBRO shall be final
binding upon the Service Provider. MAIBRO shall be entitled to deduct any such amounts as
aforesaid, from the security deposit and /or from any pending bills of the Service Provider.
11. Nature of the agreement: The parties hereto have considered agreed to and have a clear
understanding on the following aspects:
a. This agreement is for providing the aforementioned services and is not an Agreement for supply of
contract labour. It is clearly understood by the Service Provider that the persons employed by the
Service Provider for providing services as mentioned herein, shall be the employees of the Service
Provider only and not MAIBRO. The number of persons to be employed and individual person to be
employed for providing the said services shall be decided by the Service Provider who shall be liable
to make payments to its said employees towards their monthly wages/salaries and other statutory
b. MAIBRO shall not liable for any obligations/responsibilities, contractual, legal or otherwise, towards
the Service Provider’s employees /agents or to the said employees/agents directly and /or indirectly in
any manner whatsoever.
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c. The employees /personnel of the Service Provider rendering the services under this Agreement shall
never be deemed to be the employees of MAIBRO in any manner whatsoever and shall not be entitled
for employment, salary/ wages, damages, compensation or anything arising from their deployment by
the Service Provider for rendering the said services.
The applicable law governing this agreement shall be the laws of India and the courts having
jurisdiction over the place of business of MAIBRO where this Agreement is entered into shall have the
exclusive jurisdiction to try any dispute with respect to this Agreement.
14. Confidentiality
a. The Service Provider and its personnel including but not limited to their sub agents, contractor etc.
will at all times comply with Information Security Requirements policy of MAIBRO as mentioned
b. The Service Provider acknowledges that all material and information supplied by MAIBRO which
has or will come into Service Provider's possession or knowledge of Service Provider in connection
with its performance hereunder, is to be considered MAIBRO's confidential and proprietary
information (the "Confidential Information"). By way of illustration, but not as a limitation,
Confidential Information includes the Software, trade secrets, processes, data, knowhow, program
codes, documentation, flowcharts, algorithms, marketing plans, forecasts, unpublished financial
statements, budgets, licenses, prices, costs, and employee and customer lists. Service Provider's
undertakings and obligations under this Section will not apply, however, to any Confidential
Information which: (I) is or becomes generally known to the public through no action on
Developer's part, (ii) is generally disclosed to third parties by MAIBRO without restriction on such
third parties, or (iii) is approved for release by written authorization of MAIBRO. Upon termination
of this Agreement or at any other time upon request, Service Provider will promptly deliver to
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MAIBRO all notes, memoranda, notebooks, drawings, records, reports, files, documented source
codes and other documents (and all copies or reproductions of such materials) in its possession or
under its control, whether prepared by Service Provider or others, which contain Confidential
Information. Service Provider acknowledges that Confidential Information is the sole property of
MAIBRO. Service Provider agrees that disclosure of such information to, or use by, third parties,
either during or after this Agreement, will cause MAIBRO irreparable damage. Service Provider
agrees to use best efforts to hold Confidential Information in the strictest confidence, not to make
use of it other than for the performance of its obligations hereunder, to release it only to the Service
Provider’s employees or contractors with a need to know such information and not to release or
disclose it to any other party.
c. Service Provider further agrees not to release such information to any employee or contractor who
has not signed a written agreement between Service Provider and the employee expressly binding
the employee not to use or disclose the Confidential Information, except as expressly permitted
herein. MAIBRO shall be listed as a third-party beneficiary of any such agreement. Service
Provider will notify MAIBRO in writing of any circumstances within its knowledge relating to any
unauthorized possession, use, or knowledge of such Confidential Information. At any time, upon
request, Service Provider will return any such information within its possession to MAIBRO.
d. Service Provider shall (and shall ensure that all persons who are its servants or agents, acting
thereunder, as the case may be) comply with any applicable laws, statutes, regulations and codes
relating to data protection (including without limitation to the foregoing, the Information
Technology Act, 2000, and rules framed thereunder (the “IT Laws”)) as amended, re-enacted,
modified or supplemented and in particular comply with the confidentiality, Data Protection
Principles set out in the IT Law in connection with personal data processed as a consequence of this
Non-Disclosure Agreement or any agreements referenced herein. . Service Provider shall
implement and follow the rules as laid down in the Information Technology (Reasonable Security
Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 [‘the Rules’] and
the Information Technology Act, 2000.
e. Return or Destruction of Confidential Information: Upon completion of the Business Purpose or upon
the written request of MAIBRO owning Confidential Information, Service Provider shall return all
copies of Confidential Information to MAIBRO or certify, if so requested by the directing party, in
writing that all copies of Confidential Information have been destroyed permanently within the time
stipulated by such requesting party. A party may return Confidential Information, or any part
thereof, to the other party at any time. However, MAIBRO may retain a minimum of one copy of all
work product and relevant project documentation for archival and audit purposes
15. Audit
MAIBRO may, at its discretion, audit the software, books and services/System/DC of the Contractor
by its external / internal / IRDA / auditors. Contractor will facilitate the same without any demur.
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Service Provider shall, whenever required, furnish all relevant information, records, and data to
inspecting officials of MAIBRO and the external / internal / IRDA / auditors. MAIBRO reserves the
right to call for any relevant material information/report. MAIBRO will provide the information in
advance to the Service Provider for the same. Service Provider should get the activities and or
functions audited from time to time as per the requirements of MAIBRO, Reserve bank of India or
any other statutory body, where ever applicable. Audits will be at MAIBRO sole expense. In case
any violations in reported by such Auditors, Service Provider shall be liable to reimburse the
expenses of such auditing to MAIBRO.
Each Party agree, warrant and undertake that it shall take steps aimed at ensuring that other party’s
Intellectual Property Rights or other party’s Products, Services and software are not infringed,
passed off, diluted, reverse-engineered, hacked into, misappropriated, tampered with and/or copied
by a party, its directors, officers, employees, agents, consultants, representatives, subsidiaries,
associates, etc. MAIBRO grants a limited, non-exclusive and limited license in the Mobile
Subscriber’s data as provided by MAIBRO for the sole purpose of provision by ACL of Push SMS
Services to MAIBRO. No other Licenses are being granted by either party, other than those
mentioned in this Agreement.
Trade marks & trade names
Neither Party shall be entitled to use other Party’s Trade Mark/Logo, unless agreed to in writing by
the other party, setting out, inter alia, the terms and conditions, which shall govern such usage.
17. Notice
Unless otherwise provided herein or agreed to in writing by the parties all notices, requests or other
communications shall be served or given to either party by sending it by registered post or facsimile
transmission or shall be personally delivered to the other party at its address specified below:
18. Non-Exclusivity
This Agreement does not prevent MAIBRO from entering into a similar agreement with any other
party. This Agreement is on a non-exclusive basis.
19. Relationship
Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute a partnership or joint venture between the
Parties nor shall any relationship of employer and employee be deemed to be created between
MAIBRO and any employee of the Service provider or between the Service Provider and any
employee of MAIBRO.
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This Agreement is on a principal to principal basis and the Service Provider is not an agent of
MAIBRO and no party shall have the authority to bind or shall be deemed to be agent of the other
party in any way.
No amendment to this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless set forth in writing and duly
executed by all parties to this Agreement. No waiver of any breach of any provision of this Agreement
shall be effective or binding unless made in writing and signed by the party purporting to give the
same and, unless otherwise provided in the written waiver, shall be limited to the specific breach
23. Assignment:
Save and except as provided herein, neither party shall assign this Agreement or all or any of its rights
or obligations hereunder to any person, without the prior written consent of the other party, which
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement and the
respective rights and obligations of the parties hereto under this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of
and be binding on their respective successors (including successor by reason of amalgamation or
merger or any party) and permitted assigns.
24. Severability:
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If any provision of this Agreement shall be found by any court of law, Government or administrative
body of competent jurisdiction or regulatory body to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or un-
enforceability of such provision shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement and all
provisions not affected by such invalidity or unenforceability shall remain in full force and effect. The
parties hereby agree to attempt to substitute for any invalid or unenforceable provision a valid or
enforceable provision, which achieves to the greatest extent possible the economic, legal and
commercial objectives of the invalid or unenforceable provision
In the event of failure of the Service Provider to provide the services or part thereof as mentioned in
this Agreement for any reasons whatsoever, MAIBRO shall be entitled to procure services from other
sources and the Service provider shall be liable to pay forthwith to MAIBRO the incremental increase
in payment, if any made to such other sources, besides damages at double the rate of payment.
The Service provider shall not claim any damages, costs, charges, expenses, liabilities arising out of
performance/ nonperformance of services, which it may suffer or otherwise incur by reason of any
act/omission, negligence, default or error in judgment of their own and/or its personnel in rendering or
non-rendering the services under this Agreement.
Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given between the parties under this
agreement shall be given in writing at the address written in first Para or such other addresses as may
be intimated from time to time in writing
Neither party shall be in default if a failure to perform any obligation hereunder is caused solely by
supervening conditions beyond that party’s reasonable control, including acts of god, civil
commotion, strikes acts of terrorism, labour disputes and governmental or public authorities’
demands or requirements.
29. Counterparts
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This Agreement shall be executed in two counterparts, each of which shall constitute the original but
both of which when taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement.
In witness whereof MAIBRO and the Service Provider party above said have here unto subscribed
their hands on the day month and year first mentioned above in the presence of the following
Authorized Signatory
For ………………………………….
Authorized Signatory
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The vendor who are already registered with MAIBRO, shall be periodically evaluated to ensure that the
vendor is consistent in meeting MAIBRO's expectations. Attached the format for evaluation as mentioned
in Procurement Policy.