Mine Sight For Short Term Planning
Mine Sight For Short Term Planning
Mine Sight For Short Term Planning
c 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 by Leica Geosystems AG. All rights reserved. No part of this document shall be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written
permission from Leica Geosystems AG. All terms mentioned in this document that are known to be trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies have been appropriately identified. MineSight R is a registered trademark of Leica Geosystems AG. This material
is subject to the terms in the Hexagon Mining Terms and Conditions (available at www.hexagonmining.com).
Short Term
MineSight: Exploration to Production
MineSight software is a comprehensive mine planning platform offering integrated solutions for
exploration, modeling, design, scheduling and production. It uses raw data — from drillholes,
blastholes, underground samples and other sources — to derive 2D and 3D models essential to
mine design and planning. Below the ground or at the surface, from precious metals to base
metals, for coal, oil sands and industrial minerals, MineSight software tackles geomodeling mining
applications to improve productivity at every stage of a mine’s life.
Use digitized data to define geologic information in section or plan; define topography contours;
and define structural information, such as mine designs, important in the evaluation of an ore
body. Virtually every phase of a project, from drillholes to production scheduling, either uses or
derives geometric data. MineSight software lets you create, manipulate, triangulate and view
any geometric data as 2D or 3D elements.
Manage drillhole, blasthole and other
sample data in a Microsoft SQL Server
database. The data can be validated,
manipulated and reported; and it is
fully integrated with other MineSight
products for coding, spearing, com-
positing, interpolation, statistics and
display. Some of the types of data
you can store are drillhole collar infor-
mation (location, length and more),
down-hole survey data (orientation),
assays, lithology, geology, geotechni-
cal data and quality parameters for
Calculate composites by several methods, including bench, fixed length, honoring geology and
economic factors. These composites are fully integrated with other MineSight products for statistics
and geostatistics, interpolation and display.
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Used to model base metal deposits such as por- Used to model layered deposits, such as coal and
phyry copper, non-layered deposits, and most oil sands. Although they are normally oriented hor-
complex coal and oil sands projects. izontally, they can be oriented vertically for steeply
dipping ore bodies.
Vertical dimensions are typically a function of the Vertical dimensions are a function of the seam
mining bench height. (or other layered structures) and interburden thick-
Contains grade items, geological codes and a to- Contains elevations and thickness of seams (or
pography percent among other qualities and mea- other layered structures), as well as grade items, ge-
surements. ological codes, a topography percent, and other
qualities and measurements.
Build and manage 3D block, stratigraphic and surface models to define your deposit. Populate
your models through: geometries (polygons, solids or surfaces) coded into the model; calculations
on model items; text files loaded into the model; and interpolation through techniques such as in-
verse distance weighting, kriging or polygonal assignment. As you design and evaluate your mine
project, you can update your model, summarize resources and reserves, calculate and report
statistics, display in plots or view in 2D and 3D.
MineSight for Short Term Planning
1 Calculating Reserves 1
1.1 Short Term Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Bench Polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Mining Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Validating Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5 The MineSight Planning Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.6 Interactive Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.7 Working With Mining Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.8 Calculating Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Calculating Reserves
Design, validate and manage cuts for use in the development of a mining schedule. Calculate
and store reserves with MSIP, and manually schedule cuts with MineSight Interactive Planner —
Material Manager. Create a SQL database (MSPD) to store material cut geometry and equipment
1.1 Short Term Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Bench Polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Mining Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Validating Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5 The MineSight Planning Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.6 Interactive Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.7 Working With Mining Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.8 Calculating Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Bench Polygons right-click on folder in Data Manager → Slice View → Slice with Grid Set →
select the mid-bench grid set → OK
4 | Bench Polygons
MineSight for Short Term Planning
A cut at the bench toe (left) will be extruded vertically to the crest. Reserves will be under
reported; area B will be ignored. A cut at mid bench (right) will be vertically extruded in both
directions. Tonnage will be computed for A1 and A2 on either side of the cut. The area denoted
by B1 will be excluded from the total, but this will be compensated by including area B2
(pseudo-material which falls outside of the true geometric boundary).
Bench Polygons | 5
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Create Cuts MS3D Desktop Menu → Utilities → Auto Cut Generation → Options tab → Poly-
gon radio button → enter X and Y dimensions
6 | Mining Cuts
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Quickly and easily create cuts of similar size and shape with the Cut Generation Tool.
Then create cuts using the Cuts Along Polyline Option. First digitize a polyline along the “sunset,” or pit wall
side, of the Phase 2 polygon. Use this polyline in conjunction with the Cuts Along Polyline option to create
three polygons (each 100m wide) that run parallel to the polyline and traverse the length of the entire bench.
In the Naming tab, use auto-naming options (ex. Ph2-1515-$count).
Make Cuts Polyline → Cut Generation Tool → Options → Auto Polygons → click on the point
selection icon and then the Viewer to set an origin point, or enter values for
East, North and Elevation → enter cut size for X and Y → enter number of cuts
in direction X and Y → check Clip Along Polygonal Boundary box → use the
polyline selector to select boundary polygon
Cuts Along Polyline Polyline → Cut Generation Tool → Options → Cuts Along Polyline → click on the
polyline icon and select the polyline along which the cuts will be made →
define cut width → enter number of cuts → select the phase polygon as the
polygonal boundary
Digitize the first polygon and use the Polygon Intersect Tool (Polyline → Polygon Intersect Tool) to auto-
matically create the second polygon.
Mining Cuts | 7
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Shovel Polygons
Previously, you defined a minimum operational mining
width using the Cut Generation Tool. Now you will use
a cursor to manually design shovel polygons, which de-
fine a minimum operational width for equipment, and
then divide the shovel polygons into mining cuts with the
AutoSlicer. The AutoSlicer allows you to quickly generate
cuts based on a criterion such as distance, area or vol-
Polygon Intersection Polyline → Intersect Polygon Tool → define Group A (main polygon) and right-
Tool click → define Group B (digitized polygon) and right-click> select result icon
→ Preview → Apply
Along Ray (left): This method will create cuts perpendicular to the displayed arrow in the viewer.
The orientation of the arrow can be modified by setting the Ray Azimuth and Dip.
Along Polyline (center): This method requires that an existing polyline be used to define the direc-
tion of the cuts. Both Along Ray and Along Polyline are best straight or slightly curved benches.
Along Polyline Tube (right): This method is similar to the Along Polyline method, but is applied in 3D,
i.e. it requires a radius to be defined. This is ideal for solid cuts or when dealing with a really curved
bench. The cuts are kept within the polyline tube boundary.
8 | Mining Cuts
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Creating Cuts Main tab → select the polygon or solid to slice → check Slice All box, or en-
ter the number of cuts → check Save “Leftover” Solid When Finished box
→ Target tab → select the target type → enter a Target Value → Direction
tab → select and configure method of direction → Naming tab → configure
naming scheme and assign materials → Apply
Subtract the digitized polygon from the original bench polygon using the Intersect Polygon Tool.
Then use the AutoSlicer to make cuts. The AutoSlicer offers multiple ways to generate mining cuts
and name them.
Mining Cuts | 9
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Manual cuts can be easily made using a wire frame model view
to display additional information for reference.
Display Wire Frame Model View Editor → Display tab → select a Primary Display Item → check
Display in Sectional Views → Style = Filled Polygon → Edit the Cutoff Table
icon → select all of the cutoff table value intervals → Properties → General
tab → click Show Surfaces As box → click Wireframe Only radio button → OK
Display Tonnage File → Project Setting → Status Bar → click Tonnage box → Set Thickness Value
to bench height → set SG value → OK
Create Cut open a bench polygon to use as a boundary → Polyline → Create → Polygon →
configure Attribute on Create dialog with a wildcard to automatically name
created cuts → digitize the cut → check tonnage value on Status Bar
MSIP can use solids or polygons when computing reserves. A 3D polygon will not be accepted by
MSIP unless it’s completely planar. For this reason, you should digitize polygons in 2D. Additionally, the
poly2dRpt.pyz will not detect the 3D polygons, so it makes them harder to validate.
10 | Mining Cuts
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Mining Cuts | 11
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
The poly2dRpt.pyz script gives summary information of the mining cut geometries. Information
such as if the cut is 2D, Area, if it’s an opened cut and if there are self-intersections.
poly2dRpt.dpyz File → Scripts → Run Script → C:\ MineSight\ scripts → poly2dRpt.pyz → Open
→ Input Object → browse to *.msr file → select all the items to include in the
report → Go
Delete Duplicates place all your cuts in Selection Mode → Element → Delete Duplicates
Size Parameters Polyline → Size Parameters → Reselect → click and drag a box around the cuts
→ opened cuts will be reported as polylines
Close Cuts put cut in Selection Mode → Polyline menu → Global Join → set a join tolerance
→ Apply
12 | Validating Cuts
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Validating Cuts | 13
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Create ODBC continue in MSDBM dialog → Sever Management → Create ODBC Data
Source → select the database name → enter Data Source Name
The System Admin status displays whether a user has permissions or not to perform SQL tasks
using the MSDBM. If the status is “FALSE,” you will require permissions from your IT department.
Connect to MSPD
Many programs in MineSight require a connection to the MSPD, allowing data to be read from
and stored to relevant tables.
Connect to a MSPD Utilities → MSPD → Connect to MSPD → Machine Data Source tab → select a
Data Source Name (ODBC)
To connect to a different MSPD, first disconnect (Utilities |MSPD | Disconnect MSPD) from the current
MSIP plans are versatile; they can be set up in various ways depending on the specific conditions
of your project. Most MSIP plans reference a block model, but sometimes a reserve calculation is
necessary in the absence of a block model. In these cases an MSIP plan may be set up to read
from a drillhole view.
Create an IPO right-click the folder in which you will save the IP plan → New → Interactive
Planner Object → name the IPO → OK → connect to the MSPD, if you haven’t
already → IP Set Creation dialog → Create New radio button → enter IP Set
Name → check the Drillholes box → OK
IP Tool Drillhole View icon → choose a drillhole view → OK → select a Zone item (if
applicable) → select a Density item and Type (if applicable) → select any
Grade items → check Accum box if item can be reported as a Sum instead
of an average → File → Save As → give Area name
Material Set enter Zone Name and Value → enter Density (or leave as default) → enter
Cutoff Values (if applicable) → define a default Zone → select an Area →
File → Save As → enter Material name
16 | Interactive Plans
MineSight for Short Term Planning
To visualize the extruded cut in MS3D, go to 2D Cut options and check the Display Extruded Solid box.
The thickness of a digitized cut is controlled at the bottom of the same panel by entering Against and
Along values.
Note: By default all grade items in MSIP are Mass Weighted Averaged (MWA). If an item can be summed (i.e.,
lbs of copper, $/ton), the Accum tick box should be used.
Interactive Plans | 17
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Cloning an MSIP Plan Type of IP Set = Clone Existing → set an IP Set Name → select Existing IP Set →
clone entire plan or just the settings → Ok
18 | Interactive Plans
MineSight for Short Term Planning
EXERCISE: Configure an MSIP plan using Multiple Ore Percent (no Priority Mining)
Create an IPO and call it “msip-multiore%.” Toggle on the Multiple Ore Percent option. Pct Item = Ore1% and
Ore%2; Zone Item = Ore1 and Ore 2; SG = SG1 and SG2; Grade Item = CUID (1 and 2) and MOID (1 and 2).
Interactive Plans | 19
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Import Cuts open the geometry object that contains cuts → click on IPO → Design Cuts
→ Cut → New → From Multiple Elements → select all the cut geometries →
Open Script File → Scripts → Run Script → C:\ MineSight\ Scripts\ em-ImportCutsToMSPD.pyz
→ Open
Configure Script click File → Connect → select Server Name → OK → select MSR File → set
the Geometry Type as 2D polygons or solids → choose the Database and IP
plan → set Attribute, Type and Values (if applicable) → Seams/Benches tab
→ choose PCF File → set the Edit Range → Apply
Create Cut click plan IPO → Cut → New → Digitize → digitize your cut and right-click →
when cut is displayed in Design tab, give it a name and assign attributes →
Cut → Save Selected
With the Clip Inside of Cuts & Clip Outside of Selection option, any portion of a digitized cut that
overlaps another cut or exceeds past a bench polygon is clipped.
Clip Inside of Cuts Portions of cut that overlap existing cuts are clipped
Take advantage of some features designed to help with digitizing. Use the Snap functions (Snap menu)
for increased accuracy, disable model view selectability (arrow toggle next to geometry object) so you
don’t snap to the model view, and Autonaming (IP Tool → Design Cuts → Defaults) to automatically
assign cut names. There are also clipping options which make digitizing manual cuts much easier.
MSIP AutoSlicer
The AutoSlicer is also available in MSIP, but with one important difference — it allows cut creation
by targeting on reserve tonnage. This makes it much more practical for the engineer, by automat-
ically creating cuts of a particular tonnage.
Create Cut click on IPO to open IP plan → Design Cuts → Start AutoSlicer icon → select
the desired cut using the Polygon Chooser icon → enter number of slices →
Target tab → Reserves radio button → Direction tab → define the direction
of the cuts → Naming tab → use wildcards to name cuts → Preview → Apply
Select a Cut open IP plan > Design Cuts > Cuts tab > highlight and right-click on a cut from
the list > Open Cut
Run Script Scripts tab > click on the “+” button > browse to C:\MineSight\scripts\reserve >
select script (ip-accum.pyz) > Open > GO
• The Use the Accumulation Script box allows an accumulation script to be run by clicking on the
Sigma ∑ button. If you activate the Run on Save option, the script will automatically execute any
time you digitize and save a cut.
• Some scripts require you to select and open a cut before executing. Check for prompts in the
message window.
• Any time you make changes to the MSIP plan, make sure to re-compute reserves. This forces the
program to recalculate the reserves using the latest parameters (click the diskette icon).
22 | Calculating Reserves
MineSight for Short Term Planning
IP-ACCUM.PYZ Displays a detailed reserve summary for the opened cut and all cuts in the
opened IP plan.
IP-FLATREPORT.PYZ Detailed summary formatted to import into Excel. Multiple lines per cut.
IP-ALLFLATREPORT.PYZ Detailed summary formatted to import into Excel. Onl line per cut.
IP-SUMMARY.PYZ Detailed cut report followed by summaries by bench, mining area, period
and plan. This report does not support IP objects with multiple cutoffs.
Calculating Reserves | 23
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24 | Calculating Reserves
Generating Cycle Times
Develop a haulage network and plan that accounts for periods, phases and equipment. Cal-
culate digline and direction (actual mining sequence per bench). Create haulage network at-
tributed geometry, calculate and store cycle times, and route materials.
2.1 MineSight Haulage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2 Haul Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.3 Global Settings in Haulage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.4 Haulage Plan Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5 Material Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.6 Material Routing Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.7 Haulage Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.8 Cycle Times and Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.9 Haulage Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.10 Analysis of Haulage Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
26 | MineSight Haulage
MineSight for Short Term Planning
MineSight Haulage | 27
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
A haulage network
Nodes in haulage need to be defined as sources, destinations, stockpiles or tie nodes. By default,
all nodes will be imported as tie nodes. You will need to set the correct node type manually. To
avoid this extra step, you can add a suffix to the element name as follows: “_SRC” = Source; “_DST”
= Destination; “_STK” = Stockpile; all others = Tie Nodes. The following exercises highlight methods
that will help you create a correct haul network.
28 | Haul Networks
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Nodes put contours in Edit Mode > MS3D Desktop Menu → Element → Prompt for
Attribute on Create → Point → Create → Point → give the point an attribute
name → position point by snapping to a contour line or a surface → right-
click to end → Save
Roads MS3D Desktop Menu → Element → Prompt for Attribute on Create → File →
Project Settings → Status Bar tab → Configure Angles section → select dip
information to report → Polyline → Create → Polyline → give the polyline an
attribute name → snap line to contours or the surface faces → right-click to
end → Save
Check Directions place polylines in Selection Mode > MS3D Desktop Menu > Polyline > Redefine
> Direction > check Show Current Polyline/Polygon directions box > select an
Change Directions Redefine Directions panel > Reselect > click the polyline segment(s) to modify
and right-click to confirm > Polylines (or Polygons) > select new direction >
Preview > Apply
Haul Networks | 29
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Haulage assigns a default value to any material not sent to a destination. Any lift added to the
destinations will receive a default design grade and max speed. Roads imported into Haulage
are assigned the max speed and rolling resistance.
Also of note, the default “fastest time” logic that Haulage uses to route materials in a haul network
does not guarantee use of the same outbound and inbound route. For example, the program
might route a loaded hauler down a hill for the outbound trip but select a less steep route for the
return trip. Keep this in mind later when you are validating cycle times.
Project Settings MSHaulage → Global Settings → Project Settings → turn on/off options
The Ignore Source/Destinations Warnings option also allows you to stop the program from running in the
event that it contains too many errors.
Connect to MSPD MS3D Desktop Menu → Utilities → MSPD → Connect to MSPD → select Data
Source → Machine Data Source tab → select ODBC → OK
New Haulage Plan MS3D Desktop Menu → OP Eng → MSHaulage → File → New → name plan
If there are no road restrictions in the plan, one period will be sufficient. Adding more will only
delay calculation time and yield the same result. Haulage computes the cycle times from each
source to each destination for each material cutoff, period and equipment set combination.
Add Period Periods section → click “+” → enter a period name and time span
Add Phase Phases section → click on the “+” → enter a phase name
You can group periods and phases together by selecting them from the Pick Elements column, assigning
a group name and clicking on the “+” button. This method is useful when defining road restrictions for a
group of periods or phases.
Import Nodes Haul Network → Locations → Select Nodes icon → click and drag a window
around all the nodes to import → right-click to confirm your selection
Edit Node Haul Network → Locations → modify the information in the matrix → Save
Delete Node Haul Network → Locations → click “X” to delete one node or “XX” to delete all
Add Lifts/Sub Zones Haul Network → Locations → select and right-click on the node → add lifts,
subzones, capacities, distances and speed
Import Nodes Haul Network → Locations → Select Nodes icon → click and drag a window
around all the nodes to import → right-click to confirm your selection
Import Roads Haul Network → Routes → Select Route → click and drag a window around all
the road polylines to import → right-click to confirm
Delete Road Haul Network → Locations → click “X” to delete one road or “XX” to delete all
Route Details Haul Network → Locations → select and right-click road → define max speed,
rolling resistance and availability per segment
You can add detail to the imported codes or routes with the Haulage - Network Editor (pencil icon). This
panel provides an easy way to: verify node types; verify haulage route start points and endpoints; add
lifts to sources and destinations; and add node types along a specified route. Use the Network Editor to
add nodes to a selected route segment at a specified distance.
Haulage requires at least one truck and one shovel (an equipment set) to calculate values such
as cycle times, equipment hours and truck/shovel numbers. A cycle time is the travel time from
a source to a destination and back to the source, plus any delay time encountered along the
way. Delay times include load, dump, spot and wait times. To add precision to the calcula-
tions, Haulage also considers road conditions, road restrictions, speed limits and equipment per-
formance parameters.
You can copy equipment specs and operating parameters manually from a Heavy Equipment
Manual; or you can select equipment and associated specs from the Equipment Repository. The
repository contains predefined equipment and performance specifications for a variety of haulers,
including the most common CAT/KOMATSU haulers. You can configure and store additional equip-
ment configurations in the Equipment Repository for future use.
Truck Equipment → Add Truck icon → Hauler field → give truck a name → associated
hauler window (bottom) → enter truck and performance specs Equipment
Repository| Equipment → Equipment Repository → Add → OK → click on the
hauler label → Attributes for a Truck or Shovel panel → configure parameters
Shovel Equipment → click Add Shovel button → configure Loader attribute fields
Equipment Set Add Equipment Set → name the set → set the _Hauler and _Loader parameters
Add to Repository Equipment Repository → select the equipment → set a name and description
→ To Repository
Finally, map the Mill Dtype to the MILL_DST, STK1_STK, and STK2_STK; the Waste Dtype to WD1_DST; and the
Leach Dtype to LEACH_STK. Note: Mill material can be broken down into additional Dtypes (e.g., hg, mg, lg)
if more detail is needed in the Haulage plan.
Import Materials Material Routing → Materials → click Import Materials from IP button → select
IP plan → Import
Dtypes Destination Types → click on “+” button → add Mill, Leach and Waste Dtypes or
use Import Destination from CSV file option to import them → select material
bins → select the Dtype and click the right arrow → expand the tree to see
that the correct mapping has been set → repeat for all Dtypes → choose
a different period for which to configure Dtypes or click on Set All to set the
same configuration for all periods
Map DTypes Material Routing → Destinations → set a Dtype for each Location
If materials are not going to be routed, uncheck the Use Material Routing check box in the Global
Settings Menu. This will deactivate all fields having to do with routing materials.
36 | Material Routing
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Haulage routes Dtypes to the closest destination. It will send materials to another destination only
after the capacity of the first one has been met. During unexpected situations (e.g., road outages,
capacity caps and mill anomalies), you may need to force a material to a different destination
than the one mapped in the Dtype. In these situations, you can choose from several override
options available in Haulage. The options have an order of precedence as follows:
• Material Routing — Map Overrides dialog
• Material Routing — IP Attribute Overrides dialog
Includes control over the equipment set used to mine a cut, the period in which a cut will be
mined, and the destination to which a cut will be sent.
• Material Routing — Destinations dialog — Dtype
• Global Settings defaults
Default settings can be set for cuts that don’t have them defined. The defaults include the
period, phase, equipment set, haul source and haul destination.
• Material Routing — Editor
Used to preview the material routing report for a selected material and make any necessary
modifications to the Period, Phase, Destination, Lift and Equipment Set columns. An output
report is generated that can be manually altered. Each change results in a dynamic cal-
culation result, ideal for comparison purposes (i.e., choose a different equipment set and
instantaneously see a change in cycle time).
Material Overrides Material Routing → Map Overrides → choose a period, Dtype, destination and
equipment set
IP Attribute Overrides Material Routing → IP Attributes Overrides → check the attribute boxes that you
want to use → click in the field and type either “c” or “I” or “m” to activate
a dropdown list of attributes beginning with these letters
Material Routing | 37
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
A material routing report displays input data as white (or grey) and calculated data as blue.
Material Routing Report Material Routing → Editor → route cuts from IP → Select IP Plan → select the IP
plan → Import
Editing Report Material Routing report → click one of the fields to activate a drop down menu
→ select new value → Tab
Place the cursor over the Haulage icons to see their names. The Route Cuts from IP icon is the first one in
the material routing editor panel.
Then export a route to MS3D and save it using Route to.msr. Finally, store the report in the MSPD.
Copy to Excel Material Routing report → select all the columns → Ctrl + C → in Excel → Ctrl
Detailed Dump Material Routing report → select a source and right-click → use Route Detail
Dump or Selected Routes Detail Dump → configure the ASCII Dump Helper
→ Save Setup → Create File → enter a name → save the report
Export Route Material Routing report → right-click on a source → Show Routes → use the
Show Routes and Clear Routes icons in the tool bar to activate and deacti-
vate highlights → Material Routing report → right-click on a Source → select
Route to .msr or Selected Routes to .msr → name the geometry object
By default, Haulage routes materials by snapping a stub line from the center of a cut to a source road,
and following the road to the proper destination. A source road contains a source node and provides
access points for cuts to snap to. You can route cuts or benches that do not contain source nodes.
Adding source nodes, however, gives you additional control using the Consider Only Exact Nodes option.
40 | Haulage Settings
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Haulage Settings | 41
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Cycle Times Haulage → Cycle Times and Profiles → Cycle Times and Profile Generation Tool
→ Custom Cycle Time dialog → format Phases → Periods → Equipment →
format parameters → Columns to Report → Save the Setup → Create
Route Profiles Haulage → Cycle Times and Profiles → Cycle Times and Profile Generation Tool
→ Custom Cycle Time dialog → Profiles → select a folder for storage
Cycle Time Database Haulage → Global Settings → Cycle Time Database → configure as needed
→ Save and select mssoPhase phase attribute
Selecting this option highlights all available route segments for a given period or phase in the
viewer, making it easy to spot areas that are inaccessible during that period or phase.
Highlight Network MSHaulage → Validation → select period or phase values → click Show Period
or Show Phase button
This options checks the connections between route segments and nodes, and produces a report
containing a log of all the errors/warnings. Click on any error or warning to see a corresponding
highlight in the Viewer.
Check Connections MSHaulage → Validation → click Check Connections button → click on any
error or warning messages
44 | Haulage Validation
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Haulage Validation | 45
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Configure the Field List as follows: Column Area = Destination; Row Area = BenchToe, SourceID; Data Area
= Cycle Times, Fuel Burn. Highlight Cycle Times and Fuel Burn Rates for a particular source and destination
combination to activate the chart. Save the template, and call it “Haulage.” Export the table to save it in
Excel format.
Pivot Table Analysis → Cycle Times → click Field List → add or remove item labels → click
on the Header labels to sort the data → click and drag the items in the pivot
table to reorganize → Filter icon → simplify the data
New Field Analysis → Cycle Times → New Field → enter field name → click on the ellipsis
(. . . ) → use the necessary Functions, Operators, Fields or Constants to define
the new field → OK → Add
Save Template Analysis → Cycle Times → Template → Save As. . . → browse to a storage folder
→ name the template → OK
Export Data Analysis → Cycle Times → Export → Format = Excel → browse to storage folder
→ Save as CycleTimes.xlsx
Create and implement a short term schedule that balances economics, and truck and shovel
hour constraints.
3.1 Sequencing Mining Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.2 Geometry View Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.3 MSSO Project Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.4 Material Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.5 MSSO Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.6 Haulage in MSSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.7 MSSO Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.8 MSSO Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.9 Manual Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.10 End-of-Period Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.11 Connect/Disconnect MSPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.12 Backup/Restore MSPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.13 Copy an MSPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.14 Conclusion & Future Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Add MSSO Attributes click on IPO → Open IP Plan → Design Cuts → Attributes → Add → select the
attribute to add by checking the associated box → Add
Attribute Visibility Design Cuts → Edit → Attribute Visibility → check the Hide box for any attribute
you wish to hide → OK
Attribute Order Design Cuts → Edit → Attribute Order → select the attribute to move → use
arrows to move up or down the list → OK
You can create and configure custom attributes in an MSPD (Utilities → MSPD → Edit MSPD Attributes).
Note that an MSIP plan needs to be closed before new attributes can be created.
The Quick Attrib method sequences mining cuts either based on the order the cuts are selected
in the Viewer or by following a polyline (geometry or virtual).
The Quick Attrib panel lets you select and populate attributes on the fly.
Manual Assignment place view in 2D → click on IPO → Open IP Plan → Design Cuts → Quick Attrib
→ Add the attributes you wish to configure → set a value or a wildcard →
Wildcards tab → configure index (or date) values → Preview section → set a
label size → Indexing tab → select the method to sequence cuts → click on
cuts → select lead line or digitize leadline (virtual) → Select → select cuts →
The Digline Generator provides a semi-automatic way of sequencing mining cuts. The previous
method relied on a cut selection order or a polyline to sequence cuts. In contrast, the Digline
Generator can sequence cuts with minimal input. It only requires you to define the seed, or the
first cut to be mined. Then it automatically sequences the remaining cuts using a set, user-defined
mining direction.
To define a seed, you can:
• Use a global mining direction, at which point the seed will be the first cut encountered in that
• Select the seed by clicking one or more cuts on a bench.
• Use existing geometry (e.g., points) to set the seed.
• Use leadlines previously created in MineSight 3D (MS3D).
Activate any of the three highlight toggles and click any Physical Grouping to see the digline
results. At right, the teal colored cuts represent leach material; early access to these cuts will
make it easier to schedule in this project.
After you’ve generated a digline, click on the appropriate highlight toggle and then the bench elevation
listed to see results. Export a digline.
Digline Generator MS3D Utilities → Digline Generator → select Geometry Type (polygons or solids)
→ Connection → select MSIP plan, Geometry View Object, or *.dlg file →
select grouping and output attributes (usually left as default)
Seeds Assign Seeds → select from Auto, Manual or From Object → Generate Diglines
Leadline Assign Leadlines → select leadline From Viewer or ODBC → Generate Diglines
Export a Digline highlight a Physical grouping → right-click → Export Selected Diglines to Object
• Save time by first using seeds to auto-sequence the mining cuts with the Digline Generator. This
will generate a digline that may not give a practical mining sequence, but which can be
exported and fixed. Fixed leadline(s) can then be reused in the Digline Generator to sequence
the cuts correctly.
• Once a bench has successfully sequenced, it can be locked (tick box) so that its results are not
overridden with any successive running of the Digline Generator.
• When dealing with a split bench (below), multiple leadlines may be used to allow MSSO flexibility
in creating a schedule.
Validate that each cut has an mssoDigline and mssoDirection attribute assigned to it—and that
the sequence is correct.
Create Geometry View right-click → New → Geometry View Object → name the geometry view object
Object → Select Data Set → Geometry Filter → Attribute Filter
Configure Properties rick-click → Properties → Line Labels tab → set attribute to display → Labels at
the Center of Mass → General tab → set cutoffs attribute → configure the
You can also use Line Labels in the Properties dialog of an MSIP plan to display the mssoDigline and
mssoDirection attributes. Make sure the Labels toggle (L) is activated. Verify that there are no
irregularities in the numbering sequence.
Create MSSO View and Data Manager → right-click on 04_MSSO VIEWS folder → select New → MSSO
Project View → object name "01–WithoutEquipment" → select New Project → select
ellipses to browse → project name "01–WithoutEquipment"
To create a new plan in MSSO, you must set up a process flow linking mining areas with destinations,
and configure the number and durations of periods. Set up of an MSSO project begins in the
Project Setup input tab, which is subdivided into the Process Flow and the Period Configuration
The Process flow panel consists of the project canvas where mining areas and destinations can be
displayed, added, and arranged. Mining areas are defined by their data source. These include
Model source, MineSight Interactive Planner (MSIP), Schedule Files (SCD), MineSight Planner, GSM
Stratigraphic model, and MS3D Viewer sources. Traditionally, SCD files were used for long term
planning projects and MSIP connections were common for mid term planning. Now however,
mining geometry may be imported directly into MSSO through the MS3D viewer for any horizon,
leveraging MineSight Reserve and viewer interaction for more direct scheduling.
Destinations created in MSSO are internally denominated “virtual,” but can be imported from ex-
isting MineSight Planning Database (MSPD) haulage plans. Subzone geometry may be imported
for each destination type (virtual or database defined), but only haulage destinations may have
cycle times generated automatically. In the Period Configuration panel, you can define the num-
ber of periods and the duration of each one. MSSO uses the setup to calculate equipment usage
per period.
In addition to bringing in the destinations from a linked haulage plan, the network geometry and equip-
ment sets will be imported and are configurable.
The MSSO canvas allows the mapping and displaying of the process flow.
Project Setup Project Setup → Process Flow panel → Destinations tab (bottom right) → click
and drag the Open Pit (Viewer) icon into the canvas → specify 45 periods
Define Reserve Logic click Reserves in top menu bar → click Add... → click Import From File... →
select Route_Cutoff logic → save and close logic setup
Apply Reserve Logic click on Mining Area icon → Properties tab → Reserve Logic = Route_Cutoff
Import Cuts click on Mining Area icon → Properties tab → click on the ellipsis (. . .) in the
Cuts field → Use tokens to define Cut Name and Phase → set Auto Level
to BY_PCF → select Cuts Geometry from 01_Optimizing with MSEP\08_PHASE
SOLIDS\Bench Solids
Import Haulage Plan click Import/Export in top menu bar → select Database Server → select Au-
thentication type → MSPD = LTP Copper → Haulage plan = Haulage → de-
fine Destination type → Load → configure Properties
Link Destinations click on Mining Area icon → click on the midpoint of the highlight box and drag
it to a destination (e.g., Pit material goes to Mill) → repeat process for other
destinations or right click on the pit icon and select Link to All Destinations →
set up reclaiming in the same way (material from stockpiles goes to Mill)
Cuts-Mining Area click on Mining Area icon → click Cuts tab (bottom left)
Reserves click on Mining Area icon → click Reserves tab → click Refresh
Destination Properties
Destination properties allow you to define setup information about the destination, as well as im-
port and edit associated geometry. Options to define include Reclaim Method (for stockpile type
only), Period Availability, Lift Order, Opening Balance (for stockpile type only), and in-lift Haulage
The specific lift and/or subzone information may be viewed and edited in the Lifts dialog at the
bottom of the Process Flow panel. Here the Dump Rate(kt/day) for a particular subzone may be
defined, and options to Ignore Tonnage, Volume, and Dump Rate are available.
Use the Properties dialog of a stockpile to define a reclaim method (ANY, AVERAGE, first in first out (FIFO),
last in first out (LIFO), or NONE).
Destination Geometry
Subzone geometry, both polygons or solids, may be imported from MS3D for each destination. This
geometry will automatically define the capacities on the Lifts panel. During the import various
options need defined: Grouping, Tolerance (polygon only), Ramp Geometry, Seed Selection, SG,
and Height (polygon only). The Lift Naming is read only and depends on the Grouping, while
Subzone Naming can use a variety of tokens. The seed selection method is used to automatically
assign a default sequence (filling order) to the subzones on a lift.
Changes are allowed to any of these options after the initial setup through the Edit dialog in the proper-
ties panel. Manual changes are also allowed in the Lifts dialog as well. Both require the Process Flow to
be in Edit mode.
Import Destination select Destination in canvas → Properties tab → Geometry → Import → define
Geometry parameters → select Destination Geometry with appropriate icon (solid or
Lifts-Destination Process Flow panel → left-click on the destination in canvas → Lifts panel
Configuring Period Project Setup → Period Configuration panel → enter Operating Days and Hours
Configuration per day
When the Distribute option is activated, MSSO optimizes the objective by calculating the best proportions
of a specific material bin to send to each destination. When this option is not used, the program sends
100% of a material’s bin to a destination.
62 | Material Mapping
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Standard Materials → Material Mapping panel → Check each box or highlight multiple
bins and right-click to massively check multiple destinations
With the standard matrix it is possible to assign one period’s mapping to all others very quickly. In the filter
by period window, check the period already mapped, right-click and click Apply to All Periods.
Material Mapping | 63
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64 | Material Mapping
MineSight for Short Term Planning
The constraints can be quantitative, such as the tonnage or volume sent to a destination; qualita-
tive, such as a material min/max grade per period; geometric, such as a phase or cut precedence
definition; or operational, such as truck/shovel hours needed per period. Additionally, constraints
can be defined by area, by phase, or by destination.
Utilize Excel or other functions to quickly establish parameters that can be copy and pasted into the
fields. Filter each constraint to copy and paste for all periods in one pass. Note the format in Excel must
be number for inputs.
Trucks Constraints → Trucks panel → Truck Hours [Total] → set Upper constraint for all
MSSO Inputs | 65
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Setup all inputs in the Equipment tab and look at Miscellaneous Parameters → Availability to see what
the program would calculate for total truck hours. These inputs would negate the truck hours constraint.
Stockpile Reclaim Materials that are reclaimed from each stockpile to each schedule material in
each period
Stockpile Closing Closing balance in a stockpile, also referred to as end-of-period (EOP) balance
Mineral Content Each grade item multiplied by tonnage in each material in each period (results
in tonnage of commodity, not sales unit)
Vertical Advance Rate VAR by number of benches in each phase or period (lower limit is ignored)
Vertical Advance VAR by number of bench units in each phase or period (lower limit is ignored)
Open Phases Number of phases that have been started but are not yet completely finished
Open Benches Number of benches that have been started but are not yet completely finished
Advanced Constraints Use to apply three types of constraints to cuts: Must Mine, Mine Completely or
Don’t Mine
Constraints Relaxation Use to apply four types of constraints to cuts: Must Mine at Period, Must Mine
by Period, Mine Completely, or Don’t Mine
66 | MSSO Inputs
MineSight for Short Term Planning
To calculate the net value of a pit, you must enter an Objective. There are standard and item-
based objectives that can be minimized or maximized, set globally to all periods, or varied on a
period-by-period basis.
Objective Objectives field → select the Net Present Value objective → choose to Maxi-
MSSO features seven panels for inputting economic parameters: Discount Factor, Capital Invest-
ment, Fixed Mining Costs, Fixed Cost by Phase, Additional Mining Cost, Additional Processing Cost,
and Destination Economics. The Discount Factor panel will automatically determine the factor for
each period based on an entered discount rate. Overall capital investment per period is entered
on the Capital Investment panel, while a fixed capital cost to begin mining a phase is entered on
the Fixed Cost by Phase panel.
In the Fixed Mining Costs panel, a base mining and processing cost ($/unit) is defined for each
schedule material. You can add or subtract costs in the Additional Mining Cost or the Additional
Processing Cost panels. Use the Destination Economics panel to enter the recovery, selling price,
and a conversion factor (optional) for each scheduled material. MSSO uses these inputs to calcu-
late the net value of the cuts mined in a particular period.
Enter the following in Destination Economics for copper sent to the mill: recovery = 87%; selling price =
$2.40/lb.; conversion factor = 22.046. Enter for molybdenum sent to the mill: recovery = 75%; selling price
= $7.50/lb.; conversion factor = 22.046. Enter the following destination economics for copper sent to the
leach pad: recovery = 67%; selling price = $1.80/lb.; conversion factor = 22.046.
Fixed Costs Economics tab → Fixed Mining Cost → enter a mining cost and processing cost
for each destination
Destination Economics Economics tab → Destination Economics → enter recovery percent and selling
price per unit → enter the conversion factor for lbs/tonne
MSSO Inputs | 67
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Phase Precedence
MSSO requires a 3D spatial precedence sphere around each cut that is to be mined. The Prece-
dence panel lets you define After precedence per mining area, undercutting precedence, and
the order of levels per mining area. The only requirement is each cut has to have a digline and
direction, which default values are assigned upon cut import.
When using MineSight Planner as a data source, you can assign digline and direction to a mapped
attribute. The Digline and Direction values for each cut can be reviewed in the Digline Sequencing
dialog or in the Project Setup cut list in the Process Flow dialog.
The After relationship between phases sets the phase mining sequence. Phases are generally
designed and sequenced based on economics and/or geometric configuration. These still must
be considered during the scheduling process. After precedence ensures that a specific level from
a preceding phase is mined before that same level from the dependent phase.
In the Cut Precedence table, you can input parameters to control the undercutting precedence
calculation. MSSO calculates which cuts precede each consecutive cut to be mined based
on the inputs. In the Levels panel, you can re-arrange the bench levels to fix any undercutting
problems that may arise. MSSO honors these precedence parameters to correctly define the
most realistic cut mining sequence that meets the schedule objective.
The Destination Precedence panel assigns filling priority to destinations and also controls when
secondary destinations can start receiving material. The Destination/Phase Precedence panel
defines a dependency between filling destinations and phase mining. It is commonly used when
setting a backfill trigger. For example, completely mining an area triggers the filling of a dump in
the same area.
Keep the defaults of the Cut Precedence and Level panels. As a general rule, ensure the ”Recalculate
digline and direction” option is unchecked in the Phase Precedence Panel. Review the help document for
additional details and precedence example. Hit Apply on the panel with Recalculate precedence checked,
which is a requirement to run a schedule.
68 | MSSO Inputs
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Phase Precedence Precedence → Phase Precedence → define the relationships between the
Cut Precedence Precedence → Cut Precedence → review the Upper Level row values (Slope,
expanded cut, tested cut, grid size, and grid %) → check the Recalculate
Precedence and Save When Updating MSPD boxes → Apply
Level Precedence Precedence → Level → select an elevation → use the arrows on the right to
change the order of the list
find the cuts (B1 to B4) on the above bench that must be mined prior to mining cut A. First expand cut A
above the bench level, following the slope angle. The expanded cut is A.
You want to test each cut B to see if it must be mined prior to mining cut A. You must do this cut by cut.
The tested cut is cut “B.” Define the intersection between the expanded cut and the tested cut:
W = A’ B.
Calculate the percentage of the intersection falling within the expanded cut and the tested.
The Cut Precedence table allows you to define the maximum percentages for either the expanded cut
or tested cut. If the calculated percentage exceeds the percentage in the table, the tested cut must
be mined before cut A on the bench below.
MSSO Inputs | 69
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70 | MSSO Inputs
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Configure Loader Equipment Fleet → click equipment icon → enter Number of Units → click on
“. . . ” → check Use Digrate box (default uses load time) → enter Availability%,
Efficiency%, min/max truck hours and Operating Costs
Configure Hauler Equipment Fleet → click equipment icon → enter Number of Units → Default
Haulage Setup → create default cycle time → set up Payload Configuration
(for Reclaim as well) → check Use Default Cycle Time → Set the Fuel Burn
Rate (Dump, Load, SPOT, Wait) → enter Availability%, Efficiency%, min/max
truck hours and Operating Costs
Add Equipment Add Equipment Fleet → input equipment name → select type (Hauler or
Loader) → Add
Default Cycle Times click on Hauler icon → Default Haulage Setup (. . . ) → configure cycle time for
Mining Area, Stockpile, In-Lift By Period, Phase and Level → Update
Haulage in MSSO | 71
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Period Mapping
Using the Period mapping dialog, you can associate periods of different lengths between Haulage
and MSSO. For example, if each period in MSSO has a duration of one month, but a period is
Haulage is a week, the period mapping would look like the table below — a period in Haulage is
referenced to the same MSSO period multiple times to define the month. In this manner, MSSO is
able to use the road availability restrictions you set up in Haulage.
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
Period Mapping Haulage tab → Period Mapping → select By Mining Area, Mining Area and
Haulage plans → Period Mapping tab → map MSSO Period to Haulage Pe-
riod → select Stockpiles and Haulage Plans → Period Mapping → enter the
period maps for each → Verify
72 | Haulage in MSSO
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Basic Schedule
In this section, you will start off by learning how to create a mining schedule using the Mill, Leach,
and Waste destinations. Later on, you will add the stockpiles. When creating a schedule, it’s
always a good idea to start with relaxed constraints. As you go on, you can add complexity.
Run MSSO Schedule Calculation → run (or use the Start Schedule Calculation icon in
header menu) → General tab → select from and to → select Scheduling
Options (default is Scheduling without Equipment) → Engine tab → select
Engine Options LINDO → Partial Cut Options tab → uncheck Allow partial
MSSO Schedules | 73
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Find the remaining un-mined material by filtering on _PERIODS = zero (0) and by using the Material Ton field.
Save the template and call it “Remaining Material.”
Display Results Reports → Analysis Report → select standard templates (Installed) → click
Open or PivotChart (create custom)
Modify View Field List → click and drag to add, remove or rearrange data in the PivotChart
Filter current template → click on the filter icon on the _PERIODS button → check
Period zero (0) only → Field List → add Material Ton to the Data Area
Rerun the schedule for periods 1-4. Use partial cuts and set Maximum Partial Cuts in a Period to 2. Review the
results. Make sure there is no material reported for Period 0. Experiment by modifying the other options and
reviewing the results.
Partial Cuts MSSO — Schedule Calculation dialog → Partial Cut → check Allow Partial Min-
ing box → enter appropriate parameters → define the period range → Run
74 | MSSO Schedules
MineSight for Short Term Planning
The Analysis report displays material movement to each destination. In the report for the exercise
you just completed, you will notice that the grand total is larger than what you started with. This
is because the material tonnage is counted for each destination to which it goes. For example,
when material goes from pit to stockpile and then from stockpile to mill, it is counted twice. Use
the_SOURCE filter and toggle on Mining Area to see tonnage taken from the pit directly to the mill,
or toggle Reclaim to see tonnage taken from the stockpile(s) to the mill.
The (+) and (-) symbols denotes material that has entered a stockpile and left a stockpile,
MSSO Schedules | 75
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Several reports are available to review an MSSO schedule. The Analysis Report lets you monitor
material movement and equipment use. The Cash Flow Report details expenses and revenue.
The Cycle Time Report shows the results of the cycle times calculated on the Cycle Time panel.
The Full Report is a flat report of all material movement made. The Full Report may be linked
with the viewer to view the routes taken for each material movement, as well as the cut and
subzone geometry. All reports are customizable, taking advantage of the Advanced Reporting
and Charting (ARC) format. All reports may be exported into a variety of formats including .xls,
.xlsx, and .csv. All reports are accessed through their icons on the main menu bar.
Display Results Main menu bar → Analysis Report → Material Movement By Destination tem-
plate (installed) → Open
Modify View Field List → click and drag to add, remove or rearrange data in the PivotChart
Open Report Grouping Analysis Report main menu bar → click Report Grouping icon
Add reporting group Report Grouping → Plus icon (top left) → select add Material Report Group →
give Report Group Name → select groups to add → refresh to add to Field
76 | MSSO Schedules
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Cash Flow Report Cash Flow Report icon (main menu bar) → Input Parameters (lower left
MSSO Schedules | 77
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Adding Equipment
So far, you have created a mining schedule that takes into account materials and destinations.
Now, recalculate the MSSO schedule using two other options: Scheduling then Assign Equipment
and Scheduling with Equipment. The Scheduling then Assign Equipment option calculates equip-
ment requirements. It can assign equipment to selected periods for a schedule without having to
re-run the schedule. The Scheduling with Equipment option allows you to enter available truck and
shovel hours as a constraint. MSSO honors all the constraints to create a mining and equipment
schedule in one pass.
MSSO calculates truck/shovel hours, number of units and specific equipment to use with the
calculated schedule.
The Schedule with Equipment option honors truck and shovel hour constraints.
Run the schedule a third time using the Select Schedule with Equipment option. Set a maximum total truck
hour constraint to 16,000 hours for the first five periods. Note the change in the schedule.
Add Truck Hour Constraints → Trucks tab → Configure new constraints (plus) button → Total →
Constraints check Total and hit OK → type 16,000 for upper limit Period 1-5
Assign Equipment Start Schedule Calculation → Schedule Periods → select periods 1 to 3 → tog-
gle Scheduling with equipment → Run
78 | MSSO Schedules
MineSight for Short Term Planning
The Analysis report displays a set of defined fields. You can also create custom fields for the report,
including calculated fields.
Create New Field New Field → enter a name → click on the ellipsis (. . . ) → Expression Editor →
create a calculation → OK → Add
In newer versions of MSSO, the Equipment Usage template can be used in the Analysis Report to auto-
matically calculate equipment requirements.
MSSO Schedules | 79
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Multi-Period Scheduling
By default, MSSO creates schedules on a period-by-period basis. Using this method is quick and
easy, but you could end up with a “short-sighted” plan, which occurs when the best solution is
found for one period (X) but a non-solution for the following period (X+1). Multi-period scheduling
logic can help in these cases, as it allows you to group several periods together. MSSO looks
“forward” or “backward” when solving for that group of cuts. The solution for period X, for example,
would be tweaked just enough to allow solutions for all the other selected periods (without violating
any constraints).
Relaxing Constraints
There are times when a combination of constraints may prevent MSSO from completing a sched-
ule. In these situations, you will need to either manually relax constraints or use the Constraint
Relaxation option in MSSO. The Constraint Relaxation option automatically relaxes a constraint
based on an assigned flexibility ranking. A value of 1 indicates a constraint is very flexible (will
be modified first); a value of 10 indicates a constraint is not flexible; and a blank field indicates a
constraint is fixed and can’t be modified.
Use the Constraint Relaxation option to make a feasible mining plan. Enter 1 in the Lower Limit Preference
column for the Grade constraint (CUI[WD1_DST]). In the MSSO Message Window, click the Audit File link to
view the report. Then, adjust the constraint to 0.07 and run the schedule again.
Finally, double the lower tonnage constraint in Period 1. Adjusting this constraint will also result in an infeasible
schedule. Use Constraints Relaxation to get a feasible schedule.
Add Constraint Constraints section → Grades panel → enter lower limit → Run
Constraint Relaxation Constraints Relaxation panel → enter Lower Limit Preference → check the Use
Option → Schedule Calculation → Run
80 | MSSO Schedules
MineSight for Short Term Planning
The results of relaxing constraints are displayed in the Suggested Changes to Original Constraints
section. In this case, the CUI constraint should be 0.5 - 0.4202967 = 0.079 in order to get a feasible
Destination Properties
Destination properties allow you to view key information about specific lifts and/or subzones within
an MSSO project. Although this information is imported from Haulage by default, you can manually
edit it after the fact.
Lift capacities, sequence, and filled/unfilled tonnage can be viewed in the Lifts dialogue.
MSSO Schedules | 81
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82 | MSSO Schedules
MineSight for Short Term Planning
The Link Viewer option is used during Sequencing for direct interaction and control of the physical
geometry, for reviewing and assigning precedence (e.g. Advanced Precedence), and establish-
ing haulage parameters such as the Haulage Network and Source Nodes. MSSO-Visualize provides
an interactive display of cuts mined in each period, and the MSSO-Animate produces a video of
the mining sequence.
MSSO View display in MS3D Viewer using the Link Viewer option, with reports in the MSSO
MSSO Views | 83
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
MSSO View highlight folder in the Data Manager → right-click → New → MSSO View →
enter name → Existing project (radio button) → browse (. . . ) → *.mso file →
84 | MSSO Views
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Destination Properties click on a destination → Object Properties dialog → enter a name → select
Icon Type → add additional information
Manual Scheduling | 85
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Map Materials Settings → Mapping → highlight material bin → highlight destination → click
arrow to map material to the destination
Reclaim Material Process Manager → Stockpile icon → hold down Shift → drag arrow from stock-
pile icon to mill icon
The Summary tab displays material types divided by their destinations. Highlight the Grand Total column
to update the accompanying chart. Note that there is only one period called “period” by default.
86 | Manual Scheduling
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Add periods IP Cuts Design dialog → Default → click the “+” icon to add a period
Configure Attribute IP Tool → Edit → Properties → Style By = Cutoff → choose the attribute → Cutoffs
button → enter the names of each period → highlight a period name →
Tonnage targets: Mill: 840,000 — 845,000 tonnes; Waste: 700,000 — 745,000 tonnes; Leach:80,000 — 100,000
MSIP-MM allows you to assign a priority number to destinations that can receive the same material
type. This allows you to control the order of which destination receives material first.
Set Priority Object Properties → Destination menu → select a destination → Priority → enter
a number
Manual Scheduling | 87
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Schedule Cuts IP Cut Design panel → Quick Attrib tab → Add → chose an attribute → set an
attribute value → Select → in the Viewer, click on the cuts you wish to assign
the attribute value → Apply
Check Tonnage Material Manager → Summary tab → review the pivot table and bar graph to
see tonnage sent to each destination
Check Status Status button on the lower right → read status message to stay informed on
material movement
• If you need to reset a cut, change the Quick Attrib value back to Period and assign it to the cut.
• You may want to display the block model (smaller blocks) in the back ground to have a better idea of
where material types are found.
Dynamic reporting in MSIP-MM lets you select the best cut sequence that meets the destination
tonnage targets.
Reclaim Reclaim button → enter the required tonnage to be reclaimed from the stock-
piles to the mill
88 | Manual Scheduling
MineSight for Short Term Planning
End-of-Period Maps | 89
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Create EOP Maps/Solids Desktop Menu → Utilities → End OF Period Maps Tool → select the starting sur-
face → enter the Attribute in which the period values are stored → define a
Start and End period, or check Use All Periods → select a Target folder to store
the results → check Get Surface, Get Solids, Period Surface, Period Solids →
enter a wildcard as part of the naming convention for each → define the
options → Apply
Once you’ve selected the objects and populated the table, you can save the table for future plotting.
90 | End-of-Period Maps
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Connect to MSPD MS3D Desktop Menu → Utilities → MSPD → Connect to MSPD → Select Data
Source → Machine Data Source tab → select ODBC → OK
Check Connection MS3D Desktop Menu → Utilities → MSPD → Connection Info → check connec-
tion → Close
Connect/Disconnect MSPD | 91
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
92 | Connect/Disconnect MSPD
MineSight for Short Term Planning
A less common way of transferring data is by detaching and attaching the MSPD between servers. This
method is riskier, in that the original MSPD is switched from one server to another.
Create Backup MS3D Desktop Menu → Utilities → MSPD → MSPD Manager → Connection →
Connect → select SQL Server → Server Management → Backup → select
the database → enter a BAK file name → save the file → check Compress
the Backup File (zip archive) box (optional) → Apply
Restore BAK File MS3D Desktop Menu → Utilities → MSPD → MSPD Manager → Connection →
Connect → select SQL Server → Server Management → Restore → name
database → select a BAK file → browse BAK file location → Advanced (op-
tional) → enter a restore path for the MDF and LDF files → Apply
Create ODBC MineSight Database Manager → Sever Management → Create ODBC Data
Source → select the database → enter Data Source Name or check Name
Data Source after database box → Apply
Backup/Restore MSPD | 93
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
94 | Backup/Restore MSPD
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Create MSPD Utilities → MSPD → MSPD Manager → Connection → Connect → select SQL
Server → MineSight Planning Database → Create → name database →
change the file location → Apply
Create an ODBC MSPD Manager → Server Management → Create ODBC Data Source → select
Database and Data Source Name → Apply
Copy MSPD disconnect from older SQL Server → connect to newer SQL Server → Mine-
Sight Planning Database → Copy Full → the source Sever is setup by de-
fault (should be newer) → select Source Database → define the Destination
Server and the Destination Database to where the data will be stored →
check Auto-rename Duplicate Object Names → Apply
Copy Attributes disconnect from older SQL Server and connect to newer SQL Server → Mine-
Sight Planning Database → Copy Attributes → the source Sever is setup by
default (should be newer), select Source Database → define the Destination
Server and the Destination Database to where the attributes will be stored
→ Apply
Copy an MSPD | 95
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Copy Objects
Data related to planning is stored to the MSPD, including IP Plans, Geometry Sets and Haulage
plans. You can copy objects in an MSPD to a different MSPD via the MSDBM. Again, an existing
MSPD is required to receive the data.
Copy Objects disconnect from older SQL Server and connect to newer SQL Server → Mine-
Sight Planning Database → Copy Objects → the source Sever is setup by
default (should be newer), select Source Database → define the Destination
Server and the Destination Database to where the attributes will be stored
→ Apply
Delete Objects
It is just as simple to delete objects from an MSPD.
Delete Object Utilities → MSPD → MSPD Manager → Connection → Connect → select SQL
Server → MineSight Planning Database → Delete Objects → select the
database → Delete Objects dialog → select objects to delete → Apply
96 | Copy an MSPD
MineSight for Short Term Planning
Copy an MSPD | 97
c 2017 Hexagon Mining
Future Training
Whether it takes a few hours or a few days, training with Hexagon Mining’s newest tools can pay
instant dividends. Designed to fit your schedule, our mix-and-match formats support your learning
needs no matter what your expertise with MineSight software.
Spend some time using our software in day-to-day applications. When you are comfortable
working with MineSight software, contact us at training.mp.tus.min@hexagonmining.com or visit
www.hexagonmining.com to set up your next training.
c 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 by Leica Geosystems AG. All rights reserved. No part of this document shall be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from Mintec, Inc.
All terms mentioned in this document that are known to be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies have been
appropriately identified. MineSight R is a registered trademark of Leica Geosystems. This material is subject to all the terms in the MineSight
End User License Agreement (EULA).