Lss Mod 3 CHPT 10 Getting Energy and Nutrients From Food
Lss Mod 3 CHPT 10 Getting Energy and Nutrients From Food
Lss Mod 3 CHPT 10 Getting Energy and Nutrients From Food
11 1 10. Where do we get the • State the importance of digested 1. Science Textbook Textbook Page 22:
energy to live, work food substances as a source of (pg 21–24) Science Nuggets
and play? energy and nutrients for building My Healthy Plate
and repairing body tissues 2. Weblinks / Videos
Why is food important for Nutrition and Food
living things?
11-12 3 10. Where do we get the • Describe briefly how the different 1. Science Textbook Textbook Page 28:
energy to live, work parts of a digestive system help in (pg 25–28) Science Nuggets
and play? the digestion of food How long is our
2. Science Workbook digestive tract?
10.2 How is food • State that food is digested into (pg 25–30)
digested? smaller substances that are
carried by the bloodstream to the Activity 10.1: The Human
other parts of the body Digestive System
12 3 10. Where do we get the • State that when food is broken 1. Science Textbook
energy to live, work down to release the energy (pg 29–33)
and play? trapped within it, oxygen is
required, and carbon dioxide and 2. Science Workbook
10.3 How does the body water are produced (pg 31–35)
get energy from
food? • Relate breathing to the body’s Activity 10.4: The Importance of
need to get rid of carbon dioxide Digested Food
from the body
Activity 10.5: Enzyme Action in the
• Investigate the presence of carbon Digestive System
dioxide in exhaled air using
limewater 3. Weblinks / Videos
Why We Breathe
5 l
Acid Breath