Becoming A Femme Fatale
Becoming A Femme Fatale
Becoming A Femme Fatale
Before you even find a male target, or start your self-reinvention, you need to
decide on a feminine type. Connecting to your divine femininity is integral to Are you:
your self-love journey. And contrary to popular belief, femininity doesn’t • Dependent on others? (friends/partners)
have to be all pink, gentle and air-like. • Experiencing shame and self-doubt?
• Struggling with repressed emotions, desires and trauma?
• Emotionally unstable (not in control of the release of your emotions and/or
THE FEMININE TYPES reactive to external behaviours)?
There are two most poignant forms of femininity are the dark and the light • Insecure?
feminine. As this e-book is for the femme fatales, vixens and sirens we will be • Unable to predict the behaviours of those around you?
focusing on how to channel dark feminine energy and using it to get what • Wanting the ability to seduce and manipulate but unable to do so?
you want. • Quick to lose friends and unable to sustain positive relationships with
others without conflict?
A lot of women choose to only acknowledge their light feminine side whilst • Struggle to be understood by others?
attempting to suppress their dark femininity. They don’t tap into the rage,
the ability to seduce and manipulate, and even manifest because they’re told We’ve all been there.
these are “masculine” traits.
For so many years of my life I struggled. Struggled to be understood.
Additionally, some women are completely controlled by their dark Struggled to be respected by others. Struggled to make and keep valuable
femininity, falling prey to it and letting it consume them. Untamed dark friendships. Struggled to get a man to treat me the way that I deserved. If
feminine energy is very dangerous and results in extreme this is the same for you just know that dark femininity will change your life.
emotional/sexual/physical complications. This book is your cure.
It can even lead to an inability to tap into light feminine traits such as being What does dark femininity look like?
nurturing, empathetic or loving. • Passion
• Power
The trick is to access your dark femininity and control it without letting it • Intensity
control you. Many TikTok sources constantly discuss dark femininity but • Manipulation
don’t explore the risks, or even explain the broad extent of its effects. The • Control
Dark Feminine is a powerful entity that you need to fully understand before • Magnetism
you channel which luckily, this book will provide you the tools for.
Dark femininity comes when you strip back and delve deep into your rawest
DARK FEMININE ENERGY form. One myth about the dark feminine woman is that it will turn you into a
The paramount and most important stage of beginning your transformation stoic, cold residue of a woman. This is wrong. It involves connecting with
into dark femininity, divinity and power is transforming the inner persona. your emotional roots and connecting with the most feminine form of yourself
to facilitate the control of your emotions. The dark feminine woman uses her
Do not underestimate the divine feminine energy you already have locked emotions to fuel her success. Another myth about the dark feminine is that it
within you. Before you can move onto controlling others and manipulating is the embodiment of the “whore” or is the negative side of divine femininity.
the world around you, the first thing you must do is transform yourself. The Neither is the case.
everyday woman does not have power. She is low in power. Normal women
do not flourish. Normal women are not powerful. Divine women are. Dark feminism is not cruelty, evil and bitterness.
The dark feminine woman, and the femme fatale, have not only been PART ONE: SAY HELLO TO YOUR DARK SIDE
explored in modern society. The story of Tara and the story of Kali are two Carl Jung, a depth psychologist, conceived the idea of a “shadow”, with it
ancient stories that show that this dark divinity has been explored by women being described as a part of our identity that we conceal in day to day life.
for centuries.
Most often, we tend to suppress and feel shame towards the shadow aspects
MODERN WOMEN THAT CHANNEL DARK FEMININE ENERGY: of our personality. We hide them away in fear that they make us terrible or
• Angelina Jolie evil people. In actuality, this is not the case. Everyone has a shadow self and
• Alexa Demie in turn, we all have shadow work to do.
• Rihanna
• Megan Fox Shadow work involves getting in touch with the ‘dark side’ of ourselves and is
an essential part of the self growth process. It unveils primitive human
BENEFITS OF THE DARK FEMININE emotions such as rage, shame and jealousy, and burrows down to discover
Women who are in touch with the dark femininity experience a lot of their origins.
creative, sexual and sensual energy. Tapping into this side of yourself will
release the ability to engulf and overtake masculine energy and will result in Exiling certain parts of yourself does not give you more control or make you
men literally falling at your feet. It is almost a form of alchemy, one that is a better person - in fact, this just enables these emotions to flare up and
available to all women but that little have knowledge on. become present in many unnecessary circumstances.
The wild seduction that comes from dark femininity too is also a plus, and Connecting with your shadow enables you to become fully comfortable with
affects both men & women alike. the dark and light aspects of your feminine self. It will draw awareness to the
suppressed sides of yourself, increase control and give you full access to the
For example, Alexa Demie is a key femme fatale figure in modern society. dark feminine persona.
She attracts the adoration of both men and women, without channelling too
much jealousy and dislike. We know little about her but are constantly eager You will need to embark on a spiritual and emotional process of purging and
to learn more, and she’s very careful about what she posts online. She’s a acceptance of any shame, repressed emotions, trauma and desires that have
complete mystery, so much so that we aren’t even sure about her age. been buried. On the next few pages I have included shadow work questions
to ask yourself.
Likewise, Rihanna is a figure who has used her dark femininity to build an
empire. She is evidence that this form of femininity can be utilised to Write your answers in a journal and spend time deliberating over the results.
conquer all aspects of life, not just men. These are designed to bring forth repressed emotions and begin connecting
you to your dark feminine.
Dark feminine energy is also a source of healing.
1. Describe yourself as a person, being as brutally honest as possible. After engaging in shadow work and uncovering the dark sides of ourselves,
2. What do I not love about myself? we begin the process of uncovering our full potential. The next stage is
a. Why? complete reinvention.
b. How can I change this/learn to accept it?
3. What makes me feel jealous? DARK FEMININE TRAITS TO
a. How can I turn this jealousy into something that will benefit me in a ACKNOWLEDGE AND EMBRACE
healthy way? • Sexual expression
4. What things are triggers for you? • Destruction and Rebirth
a. Where do you think these negative feelings stem from? • Mystery
5. When is the last time you felt let down (by yourself or by others)? Describe • Rage
that feeling and whether it was rational • Emotional intelligence
6. What is a promise you have made to yourself that you have continued to • Emotional embracement
7. What is an emotion I like to avoid? First, lets establish what the traditional femme fatale is like. How she
a. Why do I avoid it? behaves, how she thinks and how you can apply this to yourself and become
b. What can I do to express this emotion in a healthy way? one.
8. What am I addicted to?
a. Where do these addictions come from and do they help or hinder me? “Femme Fatale” directly translates to mean “deadly woman” in French. The
9. Are you a victim of trauma and if so how? dark feminine femme fatale you’ll become takes this one step further. She
a. If yes, how can you heal from this trauma? has learnt how to seduce, manipulate and destroy.
b. How has this trauma made you who you are today?
10. What is something your inner child needs to hear? Whilst people think being a femme fatale relies on appearance, as we’ll
11. What is something your younger self needed but never received? establish later in the book it is your attitude that changes everything.
a. How can you give this to your inner child?
12. What is something that makes you feel shameful? So how does one become a femme fatale? Through research and evidence
a. Why is this the case? from my own life, I have created a short list of three key components of
b. What is one way you can transform this shame into confidence? transforming into the femme fatale:
13. Does being vulnerable make me uncomfortable?
a. Where does this come from? • BECOME A MYSTERY
It is important to honour your good and bad. The light and dark sides to your • SEX APPEAL
personality. The dark feminine doesn’t let her dark side fully consume her –
she instead acknowledges and embraces her painful qualities and transforms 1. Become a mystery
them into something that will benefit her. Bring the darkness to the forefront This will be touched on a little later in the book but this is an important stage
and celebrate it. in the reinvention process. A femme fatale is a mystery to others. She is
difficult to comprehend, unpredictable and different to the rest of the herd.
I recommend also getting therapy, to help you uncover past traumas As humans are minds thirst for certainty and stability.
completely, in a safe space.
Therefore, when we are met with something that cannot be fully gauged, our
Once you’ve done the shadow work, open your heart to allow yourself to minds work overtime trying to figure it out. This is why being a mystery
awaken your dark femininity. Meditate and fill your heart with your own works – it is one of the things that makes people obsessed with you and their
love, adoration and acceptance. Use the Isha system for deep meditation to imagination begins to run wild.
attain peace and develop your intuition. Get ready for the process ahead.
Let’s look at Alexa Demie as an example again. Part of her widespread 3. Sex Appeal and Magnetism
admiration and magnetism lies in what we don’t know about her. What we’re Sex Appeal and Magnetism are two of the most poignant and rememberable
unsure about. She’s the perfect example of how ambiguity and mystery qualities of the femme fatale. In contrary to popular belief, these have less to
triggers curiosity and obsession. do with your physical appearance, body, or face and are instead entirely
reliant upon how you feel about yourself and how connected you are you to
Another reason why being a mystery is important is because it protects your your sexuality. The reason why most women cannot get in touch with their
peace and prevents you from being too susceptible to the actions of other sexual side and feel fully confident is because they have repressed feelings of
people. The normalization of social media and cellphone addiction has led shame and insecurity when it comes to sex.
people to believe that sharing your highlight reels and posting every single
day is necessary to be considered interesting. In reality, being too prevalent Sex appeal and sensuality has been argued to be something innate that
on socials negatively affects your mental health more than anything else. cannot be learned or develop. I disagree. I went from being wildly socially
anxious and uncomfortable around men especially in a sexual sense to being
How do you become mysterious? a sexual siren. Connecting to your sexual side and tapping into that part of
yourself is part of the dark feminine. Sex appeal is something you discover
• Post less, talk less, be less available within yourself and looks different with everyone. Whilst some people may
– post every so often on socials and when you do, make it good. find it easier than others, it is a skill not a trait.
• Be unpredictable to breed uncertainty Ways you can develop your sex appeal/magnetism:
• Practice mirror work. Mirror Work was a technique
• Practice strategic absence and periods of being away developed by Louise Hay as a gateway into the inner psyche. It
involves saying affirmations to yourself, examining your features,
• Conceal your intentions dancing, being naked, all while looking in the mirror. It is a
transformative experience and positively impacts your sensual and
• Allow other people to speak highly of you but never brag about yourself sexual energy.
– let word spread organically about your accomplishments • Decide which features you like about yourself and
capitalise on them. Are your eyes your favourite part of your
2. Show glimmers of a shadow self face? Draw attention to them by wearing bold and colourful eye
The “shadow” as described by Carl Jung, is usually suppressed and hidden looks or thick eyeliner. Got a great bum that you want to flaunt?
from outside view. By hinting at the darkness, you become more thrilling and Change your wardrobe into something flattering to your
powerful in comparison to those who are constantly trying to be perfect. body type to accentuate your curves. It’s all about
emphasising the things you love about yourself to boost your
This is the reason and evidence why dark feminine women are so alluring confidence and use it as a tool to translate your sexual energy.
and exhilarating. They represent a connection to a side of ourselves we’re all • Explore your body and learn how to make yourself feel
afraid to unlock. good. Invest in a vibrator.
• Speak slowly and sustain eye contact. Careful speech that is in
You must be careful and selective with doing this. a low voice, with calculated word choices, as well as being the last
Only reveal this side of you when appropriate. Formal, depressing or tragic person to break eye contact are signs of confidence. However, be
situations are not the place for revealing your darkness. careful not to speak too slowly as you’ll ruin the effect – use it
sparingly, for example when you meet someone for a first time or if
Never get too dark or reveal too much. Remember it is supposed to be a you’ll trying to create sexual tension.
glimmer. Your dark side is supposed to be something to intrigue people not • Buy lingerie. Lingerie is not just for women with partners – it is
the scare them. for yourself too. Underwear can revolutionise your perspective on
your body so invest in some quality, sexy pieces, even if you have no
aim to show anyone.
EXAMINE YOURSELF FROM AN OUTSIDE PERSPECTIVE AND • What would her life look like in five years?
This stage of the process requires intense and unforgiving honesty with • How do men see her?
yourself. You must separate your emotions from reality and look at yourself
objectively. It first involves asking more hard questions. This isn’t to make Ways you can enhance your understanding of the femme fatale:
you dislike, doubt or hate yourself – rather the opposite. It aims to eliminate
your flaws and be 100% real. The biggest defense against your competitors in • Construct her daily routine – from the time she wakes up to when she
life is to figure out your flaws before they can, erase or hide them, and goes to bed. You can also use this as an opportunity to script an ordinary day
reinvent yourself completely. in her life
Ask yourself these questions – make sure to be honest with yourself: • Create a vision board to demonstrate her aesthetic and manifest her
into your reality
• What are my attractive/best qualities?
• Go online and find the clothes she would wear. Compare it to your
• What are my unattractive qualities? wardrobe and make necessary adjustments. You can become this version of
yourself at any moment. It is not necessary to change your appearance to do
• How do other people describe me? so – in fact, looks have little to do with being a femme fatale.
• What do I like and dislike the most about myself? You become this version of yourself at any moment. It is not necessary to
change your appearance to do so – in fact, looks have little to do with being a
• What is my biggest flaw? femme fatale. Anyone can overpower and manipulate a man. This is all down
to recognising your power, connecting to your dark feminine persona and
• What makes me vulnerable to others? channelling it into your present reality.
• What can I change? This is a message for all my bad bitches who have low self-esteem and don’t
believe they have power to harness. The first step to taking control is
• What bad behaviours do I justify? believing you have it.
• How have I been a bad friend/partner to others? There are plenty of beautiful and conventionally attractive women who are
treated terribly by men because they have no clue how powerful they are.
• What do I most want to improve about myself? They haven’t tapped into it yet and are facing the consequences. And there
are also women who are “ordinary” or unconventionally attractive at first
• How can I better embrace my emotions? glance but men literally wrapped around their finger.
Now, envision the femme fatale version of yourself you’ve always wanted to It is the energy that makes you hot and mysterious. And energy doesn’t lie.
be. You want to get specific and answer these questions: Tell the world that you are sexy and important, and everyone will believe
• What does the ideal version of myself look like?
Ever looked back on photos of an old hairstyle you had that you absolutely
• How does she speak? Walk? Dress? loved at the time, but now absolutely hated it? However, when you got it
everyone was complimenting you and treating you like you’re the shit? If
• How would other people describe her? you believe you’re the shit everyone else will too. When it comes to
men specifically it all becomes a lot easier. But first, work on yourself
• If I became this person, what would my life look like now? concept, reinvent yourself and invest in yourself.
Investing in yourself is putting time, money and resources into bettering MENTAL, EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL HEALTH
yourself, your life and your future. This is an integral part of the femme • Eliminate the toxic and bad in your life. This relates to foods, behaviours
fatale transition. and people. Cut off people who do not make you feel good about yourself. If
this means losing a lot of people this is okay – what is meant to be will be.
Often, us women unconsciously invest in the people around us, especially the
men we are involved with. This is not necessarily a bad thing but can result • Practice using affirmations (see next part) to reprogram your subconscious
in overcompensation, neediness and dependency. mind and ensure you speak to yourself with love always. Never ever talk
down on yourself and speak highly about yourself around others. They will
What do these things look like? unconsciously digest these beliefs too.
• Needing validation from others to feel good about yourself • Replace bad habits with healthy ones
• Jumping at every chance a man throws at you to hang out • Become selective with how you utilise your time – consider time to be a
currency with which you need to spend wisely
• Sacrificing vital needs (sleep, studying, eating) for a man and working
around HIS schedule • Exercise regularly and put your physical health to the forefront (health is
• Working overtime to impress other people especially men
• Invest in good skincare products and have weekly self-care routines to
• Comparing yourself to other women and doing everything you can to be show yourself extra love
physically attractive to other men • Read more books especially self-help
The secret to ending this negative cycle of chasing and depending on others • Become comfortable with your own company – in order to stop depending
is to redistribute this energy towards improving and loving yourself. This will on others you need to develop independence
enable you to detach from social outcomes and see yourself as a prize.
Once I started investing in myself, I saw the world start to invest in me too. Although energy, attitude and your aura are fundamentally the most
Men started courting me rather than just trying to fuck and duck. I started important traits when becoming a femme fatale, it would be ridiculous of me
getting flowers, gifts and most importantly, respect. And I eliminated every to gloss over the blatant power of pretty privilege and how this can
man that wasn’t worth my time because I knew exactly what I deserved. advantage you in your seduction process.
Investing in yourself is an adventure. It means becoming the person you’ve However, the difference between this and common knowledge is such: you
always dreamed of and realising that she’s been there locked inside of you all don’t have to have a specific look or even conform to modern beauty
along. standards to be a powerful and seductive woman. You should aim to look
your best (emphasis on your best). No two women are the same and
It’s allowing the dark feminine to shine and catering to her needs, refocusing comparison is a complete waste of time. Your focus should be to enhance
your energy on the things that matter and watching your manifestations your appearance and play on your features to be more attractive.
come to life.
This isn’t about winning the genetic lottery but instead investing in your
So how can you invest in yourself? physical appearance. This doesn’t refer to getting lip fillers, spending £££ on
designer clothes or getting a BBL (unless you want to do all those things of
Instead I’m talking about the simple things that lead to big results: taking
care of your teeth, getting a flattering hairstyle, wearing makeup that suits
your face. Sexy and Powerful Affirmations to use
These affirmations are designed to change your self-concept and help you to
Have you ever tried to replicate a celebrity’s makeup or style and it just quantum-leap into the best version of yourself. Feeling sexy and confident is
looked so bad on you? But then you try something else and it completely the biggest key to become a hot and mysterious femme fatale.
works? This demonstrates the importance of individuality. We all have our
own aesthetic and there’s something out there for all of us. Taking By saying these affirmations and believing them, you will train your self-
inspiration from others is a start but instead of trying to look like someone conscious to believe you are these things (and you are!). The difference
else, the femme fatale develops her own style and finesse. between you and the girl you want to be is the energy.
Do you notice that in Euphoria every woman in the cast is incredibly Fake it until you make it. Eventually you’ll believe the words you’re saying,
beautiful and seductive in their own way, and yet none of them look similar even if you don’t right now.
or even have the same aesthetic? Sydney Sweeney and Alexa Demie look
nothing alike but they both are sexy and seductive. They both radiate • I am divinely protected
confidence and decorate themselves differently, and both are magnetic in
their energy. But again, they’re almost polar opposites in appearance and • I have a completely magnetic seductive vibe that people fall for
dress sense. This shows that we all shine, and can be magnetic, but in
different ways. • I am sexy and mysterious
For me personally, I had to learn which makeup suited my face. I tried it all. • Why am I so powerful?
The 90s thin brow. The 2014 Instagram brow. The dewy and glowy makeup
looks. Intense eye looks. It took me a lot of experimenting as well as • I radiate confidence wherever I go
dedication to find what worked for me. But once you find what works the
time invested is so worth it. • I’m so hot without even trying
Practical tips for finding your aesthetic and improving your • I can get anyone and anything I want
physical appearance:
• People always get lost in my eyes because of how alluring & mesmerizing
• Determine your face shape (oval, long, round, square, heart, diamond) and they are
skin undertone. Base your makeup around these.
• I am the most powerful woman in the world
• Draw emphasis to your favourite facial features. Love your lips? Invest in
lots of different lipsticks and find the shades that work for you. Love your • I’m completely unfazed by the behavior of others
eyes? Try out eyeshadow. It takes a lot of experimenting but this is why it’s
called investing – a lot of time needs to be spent perfecting your look. • I can manipulate any situation to get what I want
• Invest in teeth whitening and take care of them. It’s no secret that a • I am in complete control of my emotions
brighter smile makes you more physically attractive. No need to elaborate on
this. • People are in awe of my beauty
• Figure out your aesthetic and refine your wardrobe. Throw out the clothes • Everyone is so intrigued by me – I am a complete mystery
that don’t suit you. Stop feeding microtrends.
• I am the IT girl
• I am the embodiment of the femme fatale
• The world is my runway HOW DOES THE FEMME FATALE TREAT MEN?
Now onto the nitty gritty. Upon research I found that out of all the seducer
• I am filled with extreme love for myself traits a woman could inhibit, the femme fatale was the most powerful, and
manipulative type out there.
• I am letting go entirely of all negativity, dislike and self-hatred towards
myself Embodying this took me from the needy, crying ex-girlfriend into the
vengeful dark feminine fiancé, ready to destroy the shitty man I had let into
• Anything I want I get my life.
• Everything I wish for is already mine There are three ultimate rules for you to remember. If you take anything
away from this book take these!
• I am the main character, and my life is amazing
Take notes, open your eyes and focus on these vital pieces of wisdom:
• I radiate mystery, sensuality and magnetism
• I am the best version of myself 1. Anyone you chase in life, runs away
2. The less you need him, the more he wants you
• There is not a single man on Earth that can hurt me or make me upset. I 3. If you act like a prize, the world will believe you
make them upset.
RULE 1: Anyone you chase in life, runs away
Affirmations to speed up your manifestation results
The Femme Fatale never, ever chases a man. The secret that men don’t want
• I manifest whatever I want, whenever I want, and the results come to me you to know is that they love the chase. They love the process of trying to
Immediately get what they want. This relates to sex, relationships and any other type of
intimacy from a woman.
• Everything I think of that I desire, arrives immediately
As a woman it is okay to have one-night stands, sleep with a guy soon into
• The moment I see something I want, I always get it knowing them and enter a relationship quickly. There is no shame in this
and I will never criticise women for the same things that men do.
• All my positive wishes for myself are fulfilled instantly
However, if you want to control a man you need to put these things on
• My life is perfect in every shape and form hold and take it slow. The longer you take to give him what he wants the
more he will work for it.
• Immediately in this present moment I have an amazing life
A dark feminine woman, a femme fatale, knows that men must earn the
ability to touch her. She doesn’t settle for less and wants proof that they
desire her as much as they claim. She sets boundaries and never ever ignores
them, and when a man does not respect these boundaries, she quickly
disposes of them. Not chasing a man means several things. It means not
centring your world around them. It means not texting first and not planning
dates. It means having options. All these things force men into their Marilyn Monroe was living proof that confidence and self-belief can change
masculine and makes them more likely to court you. your reality. When she said “do you want to see me become her” that was
evidence that you can become a femme fatale at any moment.
A feminine woman is a receiver. She falls back into her passivity and allows
men to put in the work to prove themselves. Taking this further, the dark You do not have to dramatically alter your appearance or spend thousands
feminine woman accepts no less than what she deserves. She puts men in her on new cosmetic and aesthetic items to do so. But if you believe you’re a
place when needed but is still loving, seductive and sensual when he is doing prize and shift your self-concept, everyone else will see you as one.
well. She never overcompensates or acts needy for a man.
Men will bow at your feet. You won’t have to lift a finger but will still have
RULE 2: The less you need him, the more he wants you them wrapped around it. And you know what’s even better? Your control
over men is just a minor side-effect to changing your energy. Everything else
Neediness and dependency is the quickest way to lose a man. When trying to in life will fall into place simply because you adore yourself.
win a man over, show that you have your own life. You don’t need him, he
can only add to your life not become it.
When he messages you at 2am to come over you won’t respond because One of the most important skills to learn when it comes to seduction is
you’ll be fast asleep preparing for the day ahead. When he goes on a date detachment. The definition of detachment is “the state of being objective
with you but doesn’t get you flowers, doesn’t pay or compliment you, you will or aloof” – this is exactly what you need to be. It means you are disconnected
be extremely unimpressed and won’t put up with it. Why? Because you love from the individual.
There are several benefits to practicing detachment:
By investing in yourself, your goals and your dreams, this will become your
reality regardless. The trick is to detach from other people and love yourself • Being detached allows you to act in a rationale way and ensure your
so much that you won’t allow anyone to impress you so easily. This is seduction is not soured by your emotions. It allows you to see things for how
beneficial in all aspects of life, not just dating. they are and not how you want them to be and enable others to be
themselves without looking for their potential. It removes your expectations
RULE 3: If you act like a prize, the world will believe you
Here’s a powerful teaching tool from a woman who spent the day with • Remaining detached also makes people more dependent on you –
Marilyn Monroe that changed my life: when they realise you don’t need them they are more inclined to respect you.
“I’ll never forget the day Marilyn and I were walking around New York City, • Detachment is also beneficial when it comes to your manifestations.
just having a stroll on a nice day. She loved New York because no one
bothered her there like they did in Hollywood, she could put on her plain- HOW TO BECOME DETACHED FROM PEOPLE, THINGS AND
Jane clothes and no one would notice her. She loved that. So, as we we’re MANIFESTATIONS:
walking down Broadway, she turns to me and says, ‘Do you want to see me
become her?’ I didn’t know what she meant but I just said ‘Yes’ — and then I 1. Acceptance
saw it. I don’t know how to explain what she did because it was so very Realise that not everything is meant for you, what is meant for you will find
subtle, but she turned something on within herself that was almost like you and everything else will dissipate. You are responsible for your own
magic. And suddenly cars were slowing, and people were turning their heads happiness and when you place it in the hands of other people you’re at risk to
and stopping to stare. They were recognizing that this was Marilyn Monroe their own behaviour and decisions. No matter how much you want
as if she pulled off a mask or something, even though a second ago nobody something, or someone, they can leave at any moment and you can’t let it
noticed her. I had never seen anything like it before.” destroy you. It’s how life works.
2. Release
Learn to let go of things that aren’t working out. Stop forcing situations. How can I tell if a man is the Geek?
Embrace the mindset that “everything happens for a reason”. With They usually have an interest in sciences, maths and computers as well as a
manifestations, utilise the law of assumption to detach. When you are “geek” social label on them already. They speak logically and rationally,
obsessed with the outcome you hold onto any limiting beliefs you may have, rarely using emotion to dictate their decisions. They analyse things deeply
which prevent your manifestation to come into your reality. and observe. They actively enjoy reading and writing.
The best way to gauge the interest of a target is to be different and stand out. Sell the fantasy.
As a femme fatale, this would come naturally to you anyway. You are This stage of the process is important. It is simple but not easy. Before this
mysterious, hot and unattainable, but at the same time you are also fun, stage ensure you are completely confident in your dark femininity and
charismatic and social. You’re a walking juxtaposition. Depending on their sensuality. You are the fantasy, the prize. Believe it and demonstrate it and
type, exude an air of superiority, importance (men tend to subconsciously people’s imaginations will ruin wild with ideas. Show little snippets of your
compare themselves / pay attention to intimidating women). exciting life. Turn up to a small number of selective events and wear your
best outfits. Tell stories, be charismatic, play the character. You can have
complete fun with this – it’s like telling a story.
Do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. Don’t post often on social The way you carry yourself is the way you will be treated.
media. The femme fatale is selective with what she gives her time and If you want to be perceived as the mysterious, hot femme fatale, you have to
attention to – so don’t be at every function. But when you do show up, look act the part. Be dreamy, romanticize your life and be passionate. There are
your best and feel your most confident. Be confusing and unpredictable, have exceptions though. Turn on the realism at serious moments unless you want
unpopular opinions and make people laugh. Good memories are facilitated to be perceived as a terrible person. Timing is everything, suss out situations
by emotion. Want someone to remember you? Look them directly in the eyes and determine where and when to pump up the magnetism.
and be bold. Speak openly and. Reveal little things about yourself to make
someone feel special. People are led by their emotions, not rationale. Appeal to more than the physical.
Most seducers aim to rely on their physical appearance to sell the fantasy.
Be charismatic and build a friendship. Although your appearance can help, this is an amateur move. Suggest a
This is a necessary step in the seduction process as it is what begins to higher power and illustrate a belief in it. This can be for any religion or
disintegrate their walls. However, there are some important things you need simply spirituality – you have to show a dislike of the physical plane. Find a
to keep in mind. Despite the overtly flirty and sexual nature of the femme connection between you and the target and milk it. Make them feel like
fatale, although you shouldn’t suppress your sex appeal, you mustn’t flirt you’re the only person in the world who truly understands their perspective.
with them at all at this stage. This is to ensure that they cannot gauge your Put effort in to educate yourself in general and develop an open mind. The
intentions and you can sustain an aura of mystery and keep them uncertain. goal is to appear superior intellectually than your counterparts (this doesn’t
necessarily mean in intelligence, but how you think and the type of
Mirror their body language during conversation. knowledge you know about). This elevates the seduction to a point where
This is playing on a phenomenon that occurs in the human body known as they are completely unaware that they’re under your spell – physical
mirror neurons which illustrate closeness or empathy. This technique attraction is obvious and playing with it to get what you want can raise
therefore is incredibly clever, as it stimulates these feelings in the opposite suspicion. But when someone is attracted to the way you think and feels like
person. Again, make sure this is not obvious. Mimic the person a few seconds you understand them completely? You’ve got them in the perfect trap.
after they’ve gotten into a position.
Create an association.
Use your own body language to subtly seduce. People psychologically associate you with different characteristics, colours
This can be done by tilting your head slightly and leaning in to show good and environments without you even realising. How do you manipulate this to
listening skills; pointing your feet in their direction; keeping your gestures your advantage? If people are going to associate you with certain things you
and physical posture open and keeping your mouth slightly open every so might as well decide what they are.
often. These are all considered attractive subconsciously.
Give yourself certain features so they indirectly associate you with certain
Listen well. traits. Decide on the characteristic you want and work down. Want to be
An important trait for a seducer is being a good listener. People’s favorite associated with sexiness and seduction? Discuss things that you consider
thing to talk about is themselves, and it’s a way you can closely observe their sexy (things, books, films) and wear sexy things. Wear the colour red a lot as
behaviour. The more you listen, the less you have to say about yourself too
it is associated with lust or wear black if you want to channel your dark and every time you alternate between each emotion you maintain an intense
femininity and be associated with mystery/power. obsessive cycle between you and the target.
However, don’t tell people what you are, act the part and let them realise for So how do you do this? First implement hope by demonstrating interest &
themselves. Constantly mention the sexy, and you’ll become it in their minds attraction but never verbal confirming it. Be sensual, seductive but never
without them knowing. give them too much attention. Never say your intentions. Destroy this hope
by creating grief. After a period of things going well and them getting too
Create an experience. cosy, withdraw their pleasure. Deprive them of what they want almost
Their time with you has to be something to remember. It’s about creating a entirely, and they’ll fall to your feet. But leave enough to tease them, just
fantasy, using emotions to drive their experience and blurring the lines enough so they’ll keep trying. Play with their hope.
between real life and illusion. Seduction is
Silence is a powerful thing. It both can make you appear more
Strategically disappear to induce mystery. confident/sure of yourself, as well as breed insecurity in others. When you
Strategic absence is one of the most alluring behaviours of the femme fatale. pull back and fall silent they will believe they were at fault. When the target
Keeping the upper hand is the only way to lead the seduced and the only way does something wrong, or something that would traditionally upset you, do
to do this is by breeding uncertainty. Calculated surprises cloud their vision not react. Instead fall quiet and cold. When prompted, be vague, say you’ll
making the seduction process more difficult to escape. It makes you one step discuss the reason with him later. And then when he asks you enough times
ahead and leaves them incapable of predicting your intentions. tell him firmly but politely that he irritated you with his behaviour. Hold
back on giving him any pleasure or warmth for a little while.
So as soon as people get comfortable with your presence and know what to
expect from you, taking a small hiatus is what will bring back the intrigue. You’ll notice them doing everything they can to compensate for their poor
This is what adds to your unpredictability and mystery. No one can ever be behaviour, as well as never doing it again. Their ego will be on overdrive
sure of what you’re doing, where you’re going and when you’ll be back. This trying to win you back.
will also teach people to respect your presence and value your time.
You can also turn on the coldness when you notice the target starting to get
Make them feel as if they are important and the only person you to comfortable and relaxed with you. Silence overall encourages people to
want/care about. step up their game and be on their best behaviour again.
Instil hope through showing them non-verbal interest. Give them ambiguous
compliments but never ever directly state how you feel about them or your Using time to your advantage
intentions. Make sure your attraction to them isn’t too obvious or obsessive – Take things slow with men. Use the time you’ve been blessed with to
– the point is to make them unsure. analyse them, observe their behaviour, gain an understanding of who they
are. Don’t give them too much too soon.
After a while, destroy their expectations by pulling back. This is called
pattern interrupt, where someone becomes accustomed to a specific thing The Femme Fatale is careful and calculated. She doesn’t act on impulse. She
or behaviour, but the pattern is suddenly disrupted. How this works is as carefully watches her prey and then, when the time is right, she strikes.
soon as they start to be a little bit certain about your behaviour, you’ll switch Patience is extremely important as well as remaining emotionally detached
up and they’ll be forced back into uncertainty. You can use this to help you from the person.
emotionally detach from them also – with every pull back use it to adjust and
reprocess. Be careful not to do the push-and pull process to soon and to Be exclusive.
sloppily – it all must be subtle. Pattern interrupt is what makes them As a mysterious woman, it is integral to your aesthetic to have an exclusive
constantly wonder and obsess. aura about you. Exclusivity represents the elite and superiority. It also acts
as a defence agent against unsupervised negative energy, and by keeping
Blur the lines between hope and fear. your circle small you protect yourself. Additionally, when others see that you
Pain and pleasure is the core of desire. We’ve already clarified that mixed are selective with who you surround yourself with, it makes them even more
signals and uncertainty is what obsession feeds on. It breeds overthinking determined to get involved with you.
Then, once they soothe your insecurities, feed your ego, you start to feel
Destroying your prey better, seeing this as a sign that they truly want and adore you. But then the
Combatting resistance is something you’ll also have to do to overcome cycle continues and you’re completely destroyed, over and over again.
target completely. Humans can naturally be resistant to seduction if they feel Making your target feel insecure is the part of the process where their
like you’re either 1) not their type or 2) scared of change. emotions take the forefront, preventing them to make
rational decisions and breeding their obsession with you.
This is perfectly fine and is a natural part of the process. In order to respond
to this, just be patient. In fact, sometimes you want to conjure tension to How do you make them insecure? First you must find what they are insecure
stimulate desire. about. People do not overtly say what they are insecure about, so you have to
infer this from their behaviour. This can be deduced from their body
Creating a forbidden romance language and if they exhibit defensiveness about a certain topic.
is the best kind of resistance. Insutiating a sexual or romantic tension that
cannot be fulfilled increases desire – everyone wants what they can’t have so For example, if someone is completely
if you convince them that you can’t be theirs, they’ll want you 10x more. happy with their dress sense, when someone insults it they’ll laugh it off.
However, if they are insecure about it, you’ll see through their tone and body
Get them to do anything you want by using reverse psychology language a slight shift. They’ll get defensive. Observation is the only way
and calculated disdain. you’ll be able to figure these things out so you have to pay attention.
Reverse psychology is when you convince someone to do something by
telling them to the opposite. It’s also known as strategic self anti-conformity Next, you have to find a connection between you and their insecurity and use
and is a popular manipulation tactic. this to trigger it. For example, if they are insecure about you leaving them,
hint at it playfully.
This can be helpful or harmful, but using this to your advantage will allow
you to get exactly what you want from men. The normalisation of the term Immediately after this you must soothe this burn by suggesting the exact
“reverse psychology” has led people to be too conspicuous with it, reducing opposite. Give them hope, e.g. by telling them you’ll never leave or abandon
its effect. them. This begins the cycle of validation. By creating this cycle you create an
environment where you control how good they feel. They’ll go mad trying to
You cannot be too obvious when doing this as the minute you make them impress you.
suspicious they will raise their guard. The trick is to rely on one of two voice
tones: flirty & seductive or nonchalant. Make sure the digs aren’t too obvious otherwise they’ll be confrontational.
Act as if you’re joking, as if you haven’t noticed this is something they’re
You can also manipulate their actions by becoming immediately cold when insecure about.
they don’t do what you want them to do, however this only works when
they’re deep in their obsession with you. Use this wisely and not too Keep them at an emotional distance.
generously. Never commit to them emotionally and the second they think they’ve
seduced you, immediately withdraw and turn on the cold switch. Fluctuate
Inflict insecurity. between how much of yourself you give to them.
Insecurity is one of the most powerful seduction components. Why? Because
the people we most want to impress are those who make us feel the most Never give too much or too little.
You have to make them scared of losing you. People don’t value what they
When you go from being complimented, paid attention to and made to feel think will last forever. If you get in an argument with them and they threaten
special by someone and then they make you feel the complete opposite, it to leave/stop talking to, encourage them. This will communicate your
hurts. independence and the fact you don’t need them.
unfollow them on all socials and you stop posting on social media. This is
Leave them at their most happiest. only for a month.
If you want to sustain their obsession and desire for you forever you have to
leave at some point to inculcate the ultimate trap: keeping their locked in you This is proven to make exes see you in a better light. During a period of
seduction forever. separation, people forget the bad memories. They forget the reason they
dumped you and instead reminisce on the good times. Taking time away
When you’ve had them wrapped around your finger for a certain amount of gives them a chance to remember why they loved you and forget where it
time (I recommend a year) and have gotten all that you want out of them, went wrong.
showcase their desires before their very eyes. Give them one last taste of a
future with you, make them believe they finally have it. Once they’re certain, This no-contact period also allows you to begin Project Rejuvenation. By not
pull away and leave them. posting on social media this leaves him wondering what you’re doing, but
also enables you to enhance yourself and your world behind the scenes. Once
Go completely ghost. Do this and you will have successfully conquered them, no contact has ended he will be met with a whole new, improved version of
leaving them hypnotised forever. yourself that is doing amazing without him.
Step by step on how to heal from a breakup (and get your ex back)
If you’re reading this chapter, I’m assuming one of two situations: either it is 2. Begin Project Rejuvenation.
because you got dumped and you want your ex to realise that you’re the one
for them and take you back; or you broke up with someone and now they During the 30 days of no contact, you will place all focus onto yourself.
won’t take you back.
You will invest in yourself using the methods given previously.
There’s no shame in either however for this I will be focusing on the primary
scenario. I’ve been dumped several times – but after following these steps You will create a vision board, morning & night routines, and follow
and taking this seriously I got several exes to run back. By the end of it, I them strictly.
didn’t even take half of them back anyway.
You will reconnect with friends and make new ones.
These steps won’t just help you to get an ex back who dumped you but will
also help you to recentre, improve and enhance your life after a breakup. It You’ll go out when you want and meet new people. But you won’t post it
will help you to heal quickly, reflect on the situation and decide if you even where he can see it.
want them back. And the ultimate glow up is a mental glow up if you ask me.
3. Start a new hobby.
1. Immediately after you get dumped, cut off all contact from This hobby can be anything in the world as long as it keeps you busy.
your ex. There are two reasons for this.
Do not text, call or grovel with them. Act completely content with their First, the opposition to sexual and romantic energy is creative energy. So
decision and do not show them any vulnerability. Be mature about therefore, in the healing process it is integral to do something creative to
things and if you can, end on a good note. From this you will begin the replace the romantic void.
no contact period.
Secondly, by having something that keeps you busy and entertained that
WHAT IS THE NO CONTACT PERIOD? isn’t another person, it will enable you to detach from other people as
The no-contact period is a period of 30 days where you completely ignore you are the one making yourself happy. Hobbies also make you more
and stop speaking to your ex. Once the relationship has ended and they’ve attractive – they show you’re interested in something other than men.
dumped you, you stop speaking to them completely. You don’t reach out, you
4. Practice meditation
5. Release your rage and purge your emotions from the
Saying affirmations and listening to dark feminine subliminals. These breakup.
will directly target your subconscious to change your self-concept.
Although you may not be completely healed, make sure that by the end
This way, if and when you do come into contact with your ex again of the no contact period you are more emotionally stable and secure
they’ll be introduced to a completely new version of yourself: the femme than you were at the start.
HOW DO YOU EMOTIONALLY PURGE FROM A BREAKUP? Although this is a time you can now communicate with them, you need
to remain emotionally detached and patient. You need to wait for them
Releasing your rage, sadness and heartbreak freely is a key characteristic of to come to you (and believe me they will).
the dark feminine woman.
Men always come back at some point however the waiting will be the hardest
The dark feminine woman is mature, but she feels her emotions in its part. If they dumped you it is integral to not be the one to message them first
entirety. as they need to feel like they’re initiating things.
The difference between her and an emotionally unstable woman is she has Use the law of assumption to help with this. Mentally move on from the
control over her emotions but doesn’t let her emotions control her. You can situation and if you’re ready, onto other people. Having options is
do this through cathartic art, meditation and writing letters that you’ll never something that will benefit you in the long run regardless.
4. When he returns (and he will) put your seduction steps
1. Take yourself on three dates. into action.
One of the dates will be with a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, This is why emotional detachment is so important: you cannot see your
one will be with a family member and one will be solo. ex as the man who loved/hurt you.
2. When the 30 days are up this means two things. Instead, you have to metamorphosis him into your target, your prey
otherwise you will not conduct the seduction process properly.
The first means that you can reply to a text or call from your ex from this
point forwards. It also means that you can now start posting on social 5. If you want to destroy your ex, carry out the seduction
media. process until the very end.
After a long period of time of not hearing from you, not knowing what or If you want to get back with them, eliminate the last two stages of the
how you’re doing, when you return make sure it is good. process. Instead mirror their behaviour.
Post while still retaining your mystery. It will turn your ex mad. Use mirroring to disarm and manipulate. In other words, match their
energy. If your ex has other options, you must get other options too. If
you and your ex have agreed to be exclusive, respect that and be loyal.
3. Decentre your ex from your mind and life.
However the instant they disrespect you or show signs of disloyalty,
proceed to conquer them completely until they surrender. If they aren’t
showing signs of commitment, leave. They’ll come running back