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DDA3 - Eye of Traldar (TSR9271) (Remastered)

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Official Game Adventure

The Eye of Traldar

by Carl Sargent

Table of Contents

Introduction .. ....... .......... .... ..... .. .. .. ........ .. ......3

Chapter 1: Death on the Roads . ... ............. .. .. ... ..... . ... .5

Chapter 2: Below Fort Doom . . .. . .... ......... .. ....... . ...... . 12

The Monster Caverns .. . ................... . .. .. ... .... .... . 13
The Dungeons of Fort Doom . . . ...... . .... .. .................. 20
Design: Carl Sargent Chapter 3: The Tower and the Eye .. ....... .. ... .. ....... . .... . . 24
Editing: Richard Steinberg
Ed iting Assist: Steven E. Schend
Entering the Keep . .. . ..... . ............. .... ......... ... .. . 24
Product Manager: Bruce Heard The Keep Tower ......... ..... ....................... .. ... . .26
Cover Artist: Jeff Easley
Interior Artist: Thomas Baxa
Typography: Tracey Wrobel Pull-Out Section . .. . . .. . .. .... . .. .. . .. . .. . ............... . . 15-18
Keylining: Sarah Feggestad
Pre-Generated Player Characters ....... . . . ... . .............. . . 15
C>J991 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Handouts and History . .............. . ..... . ............ .... . 17
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Map 1: Skirmish (Inside cover)
Distributed to the book trade by Random House, Inc. Map 2: Shop in Luln (Inside cover)
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tributors. Distributed in the Unite.cl Kingdom by TSR
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This module is protected under the copyright laws of Map 5: The Keep at Fort Doom (Inside cover)
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ISBN 1-56076-063-X 9271


Welcome to The Eye of Traldar, a DUNGEONS & Adventure Synopsis

DRAGONS® (D&D®) game adventure for 5 to 7 charac-
ters of levels 1 and 2. This module is particularly suit- T he player characters (PCs) begin traveling along a
able for novice players and Dungeon Masters (DMs). To road in western Karameikos where they encounter a
play this adventure, the only additional reference you fighter being pursued by thugs who take the PCs for his
will need is the D&D® Boxed Game. DMs should also con- friends. As a result, the PCs have to fight for their lives.
sider acquiring the D&D® Gazeteer-The Grand Duchy of They are hired as bodyguards by the fighter, and arrive in
Karameikos, since this gives useful extra information on the town of Luln where they are ambushed once more.
the lands where this adventure takes place. However, After several skirmishes, the characters escape and are
the basic information given about Karameikos and the d rawn into a mission to Fort Doom, capital of the Black
intrigues of the Black Eagle Barony in this module is cer- Eagle Barony.
tainly sufficient for running the adventure. Also, all the Within Fort Doom, the PCs have to retrieve a stolen
floorplans, detailed maps and descriptions you need for magical gem-the legendary Eye of Traldar itself. T his
running this adventure are within this module. isn' t going to be easy. The fortress of Baron Ludwig von
The Eye of Traldar has an optional sequel, the module Hendriks is a place teeming with brutal and evil people
DDA4, The Dymrak Dread. However, the two stand alone and creatures, and it will require great courage and no
and can be played entirely separately. The Eye of Traldar little luck to retrieve the Eye from this place. But the ad-
has alternative endings in the storyline that allow D Ms to venturers can exploit the chaotic lack of organization
link its adventure with The Dymrak Dread and therefore among the guards and forces of the fortress. They should
run campaigns together if they wish, or they can end this also be able to find help from prisoners of the Barony, an
adventure when the characters have achieved their goal alchemist forced into service, and others.
in Fort Doom. The PCs may also find other things they were not
expecting-lists of Black Eagle agents and slavers in the


cities and towns of Karameikos, and even plans for mili- For the Novice Dungeon Master
tary invasions by the Barony. They could end up with a
lot more than they bargained for! If you haven't run many D&D® adventures before,
then The _Eye of Traldar is going to be particularly helpful to
The Land of Karameikos you. The adventure script briefs you on "what to do if. .. "
problems. It also gives good advice on role-playing non·
The large-scale map on the outside screen of this mod- player characters (NPCs) and their actions and reactions,
ule shows much of the country of Karameikos, the land combat tactics, and keeping the ad\;'enture rolling along.
where The Eye of Traldar is set. In the pull-out section in Combat tactics, and how to run combats, are carefully
the middle of this module (page 17), there is a more de- addressed for the first two combats of the adventure. This
tailed map of western Karameikos, the area where the ad- will help you gain the experience and confidence to run
venture takes place. This doubles as a Player's and DM's later combats.
map, and you may wish to photocopy it for your own per- There are also sections of boxed text that give descrip-
sonal use (permission is given for this) while providing tions and backgrounds to players, which should be read
players with the map for their own use. On the reverse verbatim. Some also have reported speech-something
side of this map is a short history and summary of Kara- that NPCs say. If these passages are too lengthy, then you
meikan life. For players (and DMs) unfamiliar with the can always paraphrase them and allow players to ask
Karameikos game setting, this will give some good scene- questions. For example, a player may want to ask about
setting background. Chapter 1 also gives some additional something that anticipates about what NPCs will say later
information on Karameikos. in scripted speeches. If players are obviously itching to
ask such questions, then allow them to do so and change
Ready-To-Play Characters the order of information in the boxed speech. If players
ask questions about something not directly referred to in
Six ready-to-play PCs for use in the adventure can be the set speech, you have to improvise. Often the answer is
found on pages 15 and 16. Using these characters will to be found elsewhere in the adventure script (so make
save time help with the adventure itself. We strongly sug- sure you read it through before beginning play). Other-
gest their use because they are somewhat superior to ran- wise, you have to invent plausible answers. This can in-
domly rolled PCs, giving them a better chance of clude "I'm not sure" or "I don't know."
survival, and they have extra equipment and money, re- The first chapter is scripted with a lot of boxed text, as
flecting their background (see Chapter 1). Some of the well as explanations about handling various possible PC
PCs have good personal reasons for undertaking the ad- courses of action. This gives you very complete detail and
venture. This is especially true for PCs 1 and 2, fighter coverage of adventure possibilities at the start of the ad-
and elf (names are not given to the pregenerated PCs venture. Later chapters, detailing Fort Doom itself, don't
since these should be for players to choose). Make sure give quite such lengthy descriptions because when you
players are aware of these elements of their PCs ' back- get to the fortress and its exploration and run through the
grounds. However, The Eye of Traldar can easily be played first encounters, you will have to be able to improvise and
with other PCs of levels 1 and 2. get into the flow with later encounters.
Finally, to reiterate, it's vital to read through the ad-
venture before you run it for your players. You don't have
to memorize the whole thing-after all, this is for fun and
no-one is going to test your knowledge. But the m ore you
are on top of your material, the more confident you'll feel
about running the adventure. That makes it more com-
fortable for you, and more fun for your players in turn.
So read through, get to know the general plotline, the ma-
jor places and people in the story, and set the adventure

ChapteR 1: Oeath on the Roaos

Introduction for Players Thugs (3): AC4 (chain mail and shield); Fl; hp 2, 7, 5;
#AT 1 sword; Dmg 1d8; THACO 19; Save Fl; ML 10;
Before the start of the adventure, players should be ALC .
given the ready-to-play characters from pages 15 and 16,
as well as the Players Map of the lands of western Kara- Chaotic Elf: AC3 (chain mail + 1 and Dexterity bonus);
meikos. If you have fewer than six players, use these PCs El; hp 5; #AT 1 shortsword or crossbow; Dmg ld6;
in the order given; if you have more than six, randomly THACO 19 ( 18 with crossbow); Save El; ML 11; AL C.
roll up an extra character (another fighter or cleric would Spell: magic missile (already used).
be most useful). Players should certainly introduce their
characters to each other. Then , when play is ready to be- Each PC now has one free round before the attackers
gin, read the players the following: close to melee range. Ask the players what their charac-
ters are doing during this time. The one exception is the
NPC elf- he will fire a crossbow bolt at a PC who is not
It's a cool night at the campsite where you have settled
wearing 'metal armor, if possible. If PCs want to use mis-
for some food and rest. Escorting the merchant's wag-
sile fire , their shots will have a -2 penalty to the hit roll
ons traveling from the great capital city of Specularum
(it's dark out there!). This does not apply to the NPC elf
to the city of Luln proved to be dull work, but you
because he is firing into an illuminated area.
earned a few gold pieces for your efforts as body-
The two thieves and the three fighters run at the PCs
guards. Now you're headed back with some extra
from opposite directions so it's not possible to cast a sleep
money, but that won't last long and something a little
spell at both groups . Map 1 shows a small-scale tactical
more exciting would be more to the taste of heroes and
map of how these attackers are placed to begin with .
adventurers. The light fades as you make a fire and
Their leader, Torstar, is a wretched coward and doesn't
prepare a meal. Then, suddenly, there is a loud neigh-
come in to fight himself-he stays on his horse and watch-
ing of a horse galloping along the Westron Road and
es. He will almost certainly get away at the end of the
some loud shouting. Suddenly, into your campsite gal-
fight. The elf will not come closer than 50 feet, and will
lops a foam-flecked roan horse with a wild-eyed rider,
rely on his crossbow, firing at exposed PCs (and not at
and an arrow strikes the poor animal in the throat! It
anyone actually in melee). The elf is too far away to be
drops at once, and the rider just manages to avoid be-
seen except by a PC elf or dwarf with infravision.
ing pinned underneath it. He draws a sword and
Torstar and the elf will both flee if the PCs kill at least
shouts to you, "They are on us! There is no time to
three of the five thugs attacking them. At this time, make
lose!" You hear horses close by and a man shouts out,
a morale check for any surviving thugs; if they make this,
"Kill the wretch-and his friends!" Men come run-
they will fight to the death.
ning out of the darkness!
Obviously, Alexei will fight the thugs. As DM, you
should make dice rolls for Alexei , but he should be brave
The horseman is Alexei Schelepin, and details of this
in helping the PCs. He should also survive this combat;
non-player character (NPC) are given separately bel~w.
this is essential!
Stats are given for the attackers, then notes on runnmg
Assuming the PCs manage to win, they should be in-
the combat.
terested in two matters: treasure and information.
Torstar Malenkov, Fighter-Leader: . AC2 (chain mail and
shield); F3 ; hp 19; #AT 1 sword; Dmg 1d8 + 1 (Strength NPC Capsule: Alexei Schelepin
bonus); THACO 18; Save F3; ML 11; AL C. S15, 113,
Wl3, Dl6 , Cl4, Ch7 . Fighter, 2nd Level
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16
Thugs (2): AC5 (leather armor and shield, Dexterity bo- Intelligence: 13 Constitution: 16
nus); T2; hp 8, 5; #AT 1 shortsword; Dmg ld6; THACO Wisdom: 9 Charisma: 11
19; Save T2; ML 10; AL C.

Chapt€R 1: <'.:>eath on th€ Roabs

Armor Class: 1 (magical chain mail + 1 and shield, Dex-

terity bonus) The young fighter looks anxiously about in the dark-
Hit Points: 15 ness. " I don't think the others will be here yet ," he
MV: 90' (30') says, "but we will have to move. It isn't safe here. I'm
Dmg: 1d8 + 2 (sword) or ld6 (crossbow) sorry you've become involved in this, but you 'll be at-
THACO: 17 tacked by these thugs if they see you. I 'm afraid we're
Alignment: Lawful in this together now." He pauses to think for a mo-
Equipment: Backp ack, Normal Sword, C rossbow and ment, and then launches into his tale.
24 bolts, Silver Dagger, 2 vials of H oly Water, 2 Wa- " My name is Alexei Schelepin. I'm from a small vil-
terskins, 12 Torches, Iron Rations for 5 days, 50' of lage, Ryania, on the Rugalov River. It's a couple of
R ope, Steel Mirror, 45 gp. hundred miles from here in Eastern Karameikos.
Those bandits are slavers-men of the Iron Ring, a
Alexei is 30 years old, 6' 2", with straw-colored hair group that kidnaps people from Karameikos and takes
and blue-green eyes. H e is friendly, affable, and a likeable them to Fort Doom, in the Black Eagle Barony, from
and honest man . H e places great value on loyalty and where they arc shipped overseas. My own cousin, and
honesty, in sharing resources fairly, and does not give his an elven friend of mine, have both been lost to them in
word lightly. More details of his history and quest are recent months. I've been trying to hunt them with
given in the main text. As a special note, Alexei speaks friends. Those friends are dead now. I have little left of
Elven as well as Common and Lawful. He also has a mag- them," and suddenly his voice cracks as his hand
ical potion of healing that restores 1d6 + 1 hit points if moves almost involuntarily to a silver amulet of unmis-
drunk. takably elven design around his neck. "It's not only
people and elves who have been kidnapped. My Vyalia
friends-the elves of the eastern lands-are certain
Treasure: Each thug has a belt-pouch with ld6 gp and that the Iron Ring, or other agents of the evil in Fort
2d6 sp . One has a gold signet ring worth 25 gp. One of Doom, have stolen a magical gem from the Lake of
the thieves has a silver dagger with a small gem in the Lost Souls. Even now the gem is probably within Fort
handle (value 60 gp ). The evil elf has a spell book with the Doom itself."
spells magic missile, read magic and sleep, and a silver brace- " I was heading for Luln with five Vyalia elves, and
let worth 40 gp. His chain mail won't be detected as mag- we were a mbushed by these slavers three times. I am
ic unless a detect magic spell is cast on it. Torstar has 35 the only one left alive. I must reach Luln. If the gem is
gp, a gold neckcha in worth 50 gp, and a small gem ring lost to Fort Doom, then the evil Ba ron will be able to
worth 40 gp. Alexei will not want any of this treasure. use it to keep magical watch over much of these lands
Smart players may think of retrieving the horses the thugs and use powers of mind control over helpless folk far
were riding, but these were not tethered and will have rid- and wide. I have to stop this!" H e clenches his fists in
den off. anger, and his knuckles whiten. " I need your help to
Information: If a ny of the thugs have survived and been reach Luln-1 can 't hope to make it alone. I'll make
captured (e.g., if the PCs have used a sleep spell), they sure you are well paid fo r your time. Please, I must
won't talk, and will simply spit defiance. If coerced with a find the friends I was told to contact there and alert
charm person spell, the thugs a re simply bandits fro m the them to the danger the gem's theft raises for all of us!"
Radlebb Woods under Torstar's orders and can say little
else. Alexei, however, has a story to tell the PCs. Read or The PCs may have several questions. If they ask about
paraphrase the description and speech below. You should the gem, Alexei knows no m ore than he has said (that it
point out to the players the locations of the places Alexei allows magical spying and mind control, and is potent
refers to on the la rge scale map of Karameikos on the in- magic). If asked about pay, Alexei looks slightly contemp-
ner cover of this module. tuous but offers 25 gp per PC when he reaches Luln (this
is a very, very good rate for an eight-mile hike, which you
might point out to the players). If the PCs ask about the
Vyalia elves, these are forest-dwell ing elves of reclusive

Chapt€Q 1: beath on the Roaos

nature who live east of the Lake of Lost Dreams (Alexei dawn is at around 5 a.m. Keeping watch is important
will happily speak Elven to anyone who can speak it _to outdoors; wandering monsters do not only exist in
prove his acquaintance with elves). T hey are fair- dungeons. It's a good adventuring habit to get into, so if
skinned, with notably green eyes, and are tree-house players don't think of it have Alexei point this out.
dwellers. If the PCs set off at dawn they can reach Luln at
The trek to Luln will take some three hours to cover the around 8 a.m. and they will not be attacked along the
eight miles of road, and Alexei suggests setting off as soon road. If the PCs ask about Luln (they have been there
as dawn breaks. If three hours seem like a long time, after all) feed information from the description below,
point out that the ground is hilly and undulating; walki~g which should be read as they approach the town.
slows down as calves ache! If the players are uncertain
about traveling time, point out that they know how long it
You near the city gate of Luln, which is built into the
will take to return to Luln-after alli they've just walked
wall that serves as some kind of defense against the
from there! If the PCs are reluctant, Alexei points out
raiders from Fort Doom. The guards check you care-
that more thugs will be on the way-and it's faster to get
fully, but there has been little trouble for a while and
to Luln than to Radlebb Keep (where the PCs are
they aren't too bothered by you. Alexei looks at a
headed-point this out on the pull-out map). Once in
scrawled street map he produces from a leather pouch ,
Luln, the PCs will have extra money and help from Alex-
just as some heavy rain drops begin to fall from a rap-
ei's friends. This will give them a much better chance of
idly darkening sky. "Down Market Hall Street, second
beating off any bandits who attack them on the way
left, first on the right, and then the shoesmith's shop,"
he mutters, as he folds up the map and pulls his collar
If their players haven't realized it, point out to the
around his neck. "Let's move," he says and he heads
player of the fighter (PC 1) that this PC has a goo? ~eason
off straight ahead. Seeking shelter from the storm, you
for helping Alexei (because of the slavers!). This is also
are only too ready to follow him. You round the corner
true for the player of the Elf (PC 2, who has a family debt
of a small side-street and see a small shop on your left.
to the Vyalia elves, and should be helping a friend of
Alexei opens the door and ushers you in; the rain is
these folk). If the fighter asks Alexei about the slavers, he
really pouring down now. You shake the wetness from
will say that his friends in Luln can say more than he can.
your hair and clothes and see before you some ugly,
If the PCs don't agree to accompany Alexei, just have
leering men in chain mail flying at you with swords!
another group of thugs attack them a mile down the road
as they head east. Use the stats from the group above. Map 2 shows a layout for the shop and the street ?utside.
Have Alexei turn up half-way through the fight and save Alexei has guided the PCs into an ambush; the friends he
one or two PCs with some hefty blows. If they aren't pre- had here have been mostly slain and the PCs are under
pared to help Alexei after th~t, y~u nee_d to ~ave a word attack. The actions for their enemies are as follows:
with your players about their attitude m this adventure Inside the shoe shop, there are three thugs in room 1,
and whether their PCs are heroic types or just cowardly where the PCs enter (stats below). This is a repair room
and ungrateful lowlifes. . with many shoes hung up behind the_ wooden sh?p
Finally, if the PCs have taken some damage m ~he counter. The thugs fight in melee. There is also a magic-
fight, Alexei will say that his friends in Luln can pro~1de user who is behind the shop counter here; this gives him
magical healing (another reward to te~pt th~m _with~, an AC bonus of -2 and he uses his magic missile spell to
and if the PCs agree to accompany Alexei, he will give his attack a strong-looking fighter. After this, he fights with
potion of healing to the most needy PC . This should reas- his dagger, but he is 50% likely each round (1-3 on a roll
sure PCs that he is a decent sort; after the next encounter
of ld6) to cut and run through the back doo~-, thr?ugh
they may wonder! rooms 4 and 3, and out into the back streets, if he is at-
tacked by an armored PC . Outside the shop, a pair ~f
Ambush in Luln thugs attack the PCs in the street; the arrows show their
direction of travel in getting to the PCs.
Get the PCs to organize an order of watch during the After the first round of combat, a chain-dad fighter
night. It is about 8 p.m. when they are attacked, and

) ..
Chapt€Q t: Oe.ath on th€ Roabs

bursts out of room 2 and, on a d6 roll of 1 or 2, he gains have to make their way through room 2 or 4 (see Map 2),
surprise on the PCs and a free attack. This is the leader of to room 3, up the stairs, and then into room 10. Map 2
the thugs and his armor and sword are blood-stained al- has a room key that shows the basic nature of each room
ready. (a display room, living room, etc.). In room 10, a robed
man is lying on the floor with a vicious and discolored
Thugs (3): ACS (chain mail); Fl; hp 5, 1, 5; #AT 1 sword wound through the stomach. He is barely con-
sword; Dmg ld8; THACO 19; Save Fl; ML 9; AL C. scious, but is just able to talk. His wounds are not cur-
Each thug has a purse with ld8 gp. able, however, due to the use of a blade venom. If Alexei
is alive, he recognizes the man as a friend, and falls beside
Magic-User: AC9; MU 1; hp 4; #AT 1 dagger; Dmg him, gripping his hand as the man whispers a message.
ld4; THACO 19; Save MUl; ML 8; AL C. Spell memo- Read the boxed text below; if Alexei isn't with the PCs
rized: magic missile. The magic-user has a gold ring worth you need to paraphrase this, but there's no time for th;
80 gp and an amethyst gem worth 50 gp. PCs to ask questions of the man, who is expiring fast.

Thugs (2): AC6 (leather armor, Dexterity bonuses); Tl;

"Iron Ring ... slavers . .. knew to expect you here," the
hp 2, 4; #AT 1 short sword; Dmg 1d6; THACO 19; Save
man gasps. "They will be after you now. You must
Tl; ML 9; AL C . One thug has a pouch with 17 gp; the
make for The Growling Griffon and ask for Leraith."
other has a purse with 11 gp and 8 ep, plus a silver ring set
The man coughs a little dark blood over his robe and is
with a small ruby worth 125 gp.
clearly close to death. " I won't make it. But you must,
and you must get the Eye of Traldar back. Even now it
Thug Leader: AC 2 (magical chain mail + 1, shield, and
will soon be in Fort Doom with .. . ," and the man shud-
Dexterity bonus); F2; hp 9; #AT 1 sword; Dmg 1d8 + 1
ders his last breath.
(Strength bonus); THACO 18; Save F2; ML 10; AL C.
Alexei's eyes narrow in determination and fury.
The leader has a solid gold bracelet worth 55 gp, a sil-
"The cowardly murderers, they killed a harmless old
vered brooch worth 15 gp, and a gold signet ring set with
shoesmith," he snarls, " Come. We must head for the
a blue-white moonstone worth 70 gp. He has a silver vial
Griffon, it's not far from here. We'll take a back street
(worth 20 gp) that has a magical potion of healing within it;
he will try to drink this if reduced to 2 hit points or below.
Following Alexei, not least because there is safety in
If he attempts to drink this on the first round, the PCs
numbers, you pick your way through a maze of small
gain the initiative and overcome him; this silver vial will
side-streets in Luln and emerge over a gate into the
fall from his hand, but will still be intact and usable by the
back yard of a tavern. A beefy, red-faced taverner
PCs. The thug-leader has to drop his shield to drink the
wearing a leather jerkin cries out, "Hey, where do you
potion, reducing his AC to AC3 thereafter.
think you 're going[" and then recognizes Alexei. "It's
all right, Marander. Where's Leraith?" Alexei asks
Be careful with this combat. Don't use the magic missile
anxiously. The man's manner changes to one of seri-
attack, or the attack of the thug leader against PCs who
ousness. "Down in the main cellar, hiding out. The
are too weak to survive them. Give the PCs a chance.
Iron Ring has been sniffing around. Get down there
This fight should challenge and scare them, but they
fast, it may not be safe. And I can't let you stay long
shouldn't be dropping like flies here[ A morale check for
either." Alexei clambers down some stone steps to a
the thugs may be important; make one if their leader is
wooden door and, with you in tow, knocks and says,
killed, or if at least three of the other six are slain. The
"Alexei, for Leraith." The door opens slowly and you
survivors will simply flee. If captured, they will again
~nter a dimltlit, dank cellar. Before you, by the door,
refuse to talk. If the PCs threaten them, they will just say
is a lantern-Jawed man in chain armor with a sword·
that they expect the PCs to kill them anyway, so they still
behind him, on a pallet bed, is a robed man lying with
won't talk. Alexei will suggest binding and gagging them
a horribly discolored wound visible around a poultice
and leaving them behind when the PCs leave.
on his right leg. He is obviously in pain, and Alexei
When the dust settles from this combat, the PCs will
looks shocked. "Leraith, what has happened to you?"
hear a loud groan from upstairs in the shop. The PCs

Chapt€R 1: 0€ath on th€ Roaos

"One of the Iron Ring's evil clerics," Leraith replies

coolly, "amused himself by inflicting a magical disease "You will have to do it. Our own people in Luln
on me. Not much I can do about it unless Zemeter ar- have been murdered or dispersed by the Baron's
rives with a cure disease spell soon, that is if he's not been agents. You can be smuggled as peasants into Fort
killed yet. But you and your friends here, why haven't Doom, and our contact there can get you into the for-
you introduced us? You're going to have a much busier tress itself. Then you must find the Eye of Traldar and
time in store than lying around waiting for help. bring it either to me or to Morander. If something has
You're going to have a job to do!" happened to us, you'll have to get it back to the Seer at
the Lake of Lost Dreams itself. It's a great responsibili-
If Alexei was killed in the shoe shop, then the PCs can be ty. But the alternative is too bad to contemplate."
directed to the Growling Griffon by a street urchin, and
will have to persuade the taverner, Marander, that they
need to see Leraith. Showing an item of Alexei's gear- To conclude, Leraith offers the PCs magical healing for
such as his elven neck amulet-will help, but Marander their wounds and magical help for their adventure. He
will also speak in Lawful alignment language to check the will give them two potions of healing, is able to cast two cure
PCs out. With Leraith, they will have to tell the story of l£ght wounds spells immediately (he is a 3rd level cleric),
their adventures, which Alexei will relate otherwise. Con- and also loans a priceless staff of healing that can cure
tinue by reading the text below: 1d6 + 1 hit · points of damage once per person per day.
This is for the PCs to keep if they complete their mission. .
The PCs will be given 50 gp each for delivering Le-
"The Iron Ring will be in determined pursuit of you raith, but if they ask for more treasure or money, Leraith
now. They'll be expecting you to lie low here and then is stern and points out that the alternative is death along
head off to Radlebb Keep along the Westron Road. the Westron Road and no help from him. Leraith also
And they may even have men along to the east, back points out that since the lands of western Karameikos will
toward Specularum. They're vindictive and evil, slav- be the first to fall to Hendriks, the homes and families of
ing agents of the Black Eagle Barony. Why doesn't the the PCs will soon be at risk if the Eye ofTraldar isn't res-
Duke do something about that vile cousin of his?" cued from Fort Doom. In the end there will not be any-
"So, head that way and you're dead. You've only where to hide.
got one choice. You've got to do what no one in their "Think of the old shoemaker," Alexei adds, "who died
right mind would do. Go to Fort Doom." waiting to give us a message, to help us." (If Alexei is
"The enemy will never expect you to head into his dead, revenging him should be a matter of pride!) Then,
fortress. You'll buy time for yourselves and confuse the with the ready-to-play PCs, the fighter has a personal
thugs who are expecting you to go east. It's highly dan- grudge against Fort Doom and the Iron Ring, while the
gerous, obviously. It's also something I need you to do elf should be helping out any friend of the Vyalia elves
for the sake of all the free people of Karameikos. Listen (such as Alexei). The PCs really should undertake this
carefully." mission. If the players still resist, you will need to discuss
''Baron Ludwig von Hendriks had his agents steal with them why they are playing the D&D® game. A dar-
the Eye ofTraldar, which Alexei must have told you of. ing entry into Fort Doom and snaffling the Eye of Traldar
It will be in Fort Doom later this very day, if my from its guards is an adventure only heroes could bring
sources of information are right. The Baron is away for off successfully. And the D&D game is about being he-
a few days but will hasten back to study his prize-and roes, after all!
if it is still there for him, his power will be extended far When the PCs agree to their mission, Alexei (if alive)
across the lands. The Eye is able to control minds and will want to go with them. For a party of 1st-level PCs,
perceptions, and Hendriks would be able to control this fighter is a vital helper. You can run him as an NPC;
slaves everywhere in the country. This has to be he isn't bright enough to make key decisions, so the play-
stopped." ers can't keep looking to him for advice all the time. If
Alexei has been killed, then the chain-clad fighter with
Leraith named Warreck should be used as an NPC fighter

Chapt€R 1: Oeath on the Roaos

to beef up the adventuring party. Give him identical stats such as spears, longbows and two-handed swords, are too
and equipment (including magic) to Alexei, with the fol- large to be carried around undetected. Although swords
lowing changes: he doesn' t have a magic potion, uses a and crossbows can be hidden under baggy robes, these
longbow rather than a crossbow, and has arrows rather bulky weapons listed above cannot be. Such weapons
than bolts. He is a native of Luln, and is a quiet and in- must be left behind. Again, suitable replacements can be
tense man. He will say little, but is brave and loyal. rustled up for the PCs. Suitable old brown cloaks can be
In planning the adventure, Alexei makes one crucial found for the party to wear. The PCs can also buy stand-
point-it isn't possible to walk the streets of Fort Doom ard equipment and items other than armor and weapons,
wearing plate mail and brandishing swords. Chain mail such as rations, extra oil, and torches. Then , they receive
can be disguised underneath cloaks; plate mail can't, and the magical healing listed above, and can rest in the
it clanks. The City Watch will detect such a violation of Growling Griffon. Because of his illness, Leraith sleeps
laws at once. Fortunately, Morander can rustle up a suit most of the time. The PCs should be ready to set off just
of chain mail (in exchange). Likewise, certain weapons before dawn the next day.

ChapteR 2: Below (:QRt Ooom

The PCs leave Luln in charge of a wagon full of turnips warn them to be quiet and feign stupidity.
provided by Morander. Their cover is as peasants taking
food to sell in Fort Doom. Two horses pull the wagon . Fort Doom
The PCs are to take the cargo to the merchant Lemnos in
the town of Fort Doom, and once there, they are to ask for The guards at the main gates of the walled city of Fort
Petronius. Precise directions are given to find Lemnos, Doom will make the PCs wait after they arrive and ask for
w~o ~as a warehouse on Great Eagle Street. The eight entrance. The gates are only slowly unlocked and
mile JOunrney to the border with Fort Doom across hilly opened, but the PCs are fortunate here. Read the boxed
ground is covered in three hours, and is followed by an text below.
encounter by the PCs with a border post. Alexei will warn
the PCs to be deferential to the border guards here.
A Watch Sergeant walks out unsteadily, and as he ap·
. The wagon is called to a halt by the leader, a swagger·
mg Sergeant who has six soldiers with him. He demands proaches the wagon, you can smell strong drink on
to know what the PCs are doing. If answered sensibly him. He looks under the sacking and drags out a turnip
or two, throwing one at one of you but missing abject·
(e.g.! "we're taking these turnips for sale, sir") he asks
why it takes so many people to escort mere turnips. If the ly. "Gerrin yer scum," he says, belching loudly and
waving you drunkenly into the gloomy city of Fort
PCs hesitate, he contemptuously snorts, "Because you
peasants are turnip heads, I suppose," and then demands
In the streets of this spartan place, the local people
a fee of6 gp for allowing the wagon to pass. If this is paid,
the soldiers let the PCs go. If not, or if the PCs get abusive have an almost tangible quality of being oppressed and
downtrodden. The tales that the fisherfolk who operate
or difficult, the Sergeant takes out a whip and lashes at a
randomly chosen male PC , delivering suitable verbal out of this city have to leave family members as hos·
abuse. He hits 1d3 + 1 times, doing 1 hit point of damage tages to guarantee their return seem all too plausible
now. Dominating the city is the great fortress that
each time, and then swears and lets the PCs pass. If the
PCs take aggressive action at any stage, the soldiers fight; gives its name to the city itself-the forbidding stone
towers and walls of Fort Doom, the Black Eagle's lair.
the. Sergeant uses a sword to fight. Also, a PC hit by a
whip must roll a d6 each time he is hit. On a roll of 1 if You keep your heads down as you walk past soldiers
the PC is wearing any armor or carrying a weapon lar~er and make your way to the warehouse on Great Eagle
than a dagger, this is seen by the Sergeant, who orders his Street. You meet Lemnos, who seems to be anxious
men to attack the PCs. and doesn't even need your message. He quickly ush·
ers you along a back alley behind the warehouse, down
Sergeant: AC4 (chain mail and shield); F2; hp 12; #AT a flight of stone steps beside a large building, and then
'.11o~g an underground passage. The smell leaves you
1 sword; Dmg 1d8 + 1 (Strength bonus); THACO 18;
m httle doubt that sewers are close by. Clambering
Save F2; ML 10; AL C. The sergeant has a leather bag
with 25 sp and 35 gp. down wet stone steps, you are shown into a vaulted un·
derground chamber where three men await you. The
tallest of them, a handsome sandy-haired man with al-
Soldiers (6): AC4 (chain mail and shield); Fl; hp 4 (x3),
6 (x3); #AT 1 sword; Dmg 1d8; THACO 19; Save Fl; most noble features, greets you and explains what you
must now do.
The Eye of Traldar is the magical gem stolen from
If this encounter ends in a fight, Alexei will warn the
the Seer at the Lake of Lost Dreams. A yellow gem the
size of a large hen's egg, it is set within a golden frame
PCs that future challenges to the authorities will result in
in the shape of a dragon's claw. The gem is certainly
a swift death. The might of Fort Doom and its men is too
great to oppose with violence, and doing so within the city now wi.thin Fort Doom. Currently, Baron Ludwig von
would be suicide. The remaining 14 miles to Fort Doom Hendriks is away, as is his new Court Wizard,
Sverdlov, a sinister and evil man reputed to be from
can be covered in an additional four hours as the terrain
gets easier. The PCs now arrive at the gates. Alexei will

ChapteQ 2: Below fom Ooom

torches, which will make surprise difficult to achieve.

Glantri, a land of many supremely powerful wizards. Floors are slippery and strewn with small rocks, stones,
If they return to find the Gem, all is lost. Fortunately, a
and here and there some bones, rotted rags of clothing, or
spy within the fortress reports that the Eye is being such like. Rats scurry about, but are no threat unless
studied by Aurelian , Sverdlov's apprentice, who is otherwise noted. The sounds of water dripping, the smell
presumably making a provisional report on it. Aureli-
of decay and rot, and oppressive dankness are every-
an lives atop the central tower of the smaller Keep, out- where. Somewhere in here the PCs must find a way up
side the main body of the fortress. His location makes a into Fort Doom!
raid feasible because you won't have to enter the main
Note: Due to space limitations, descriptions given here
body of Fort Doom itself to enter the Keep. are incomplete. Add your own flourishes to them, and
The Fort cannot be directly assaulted, Petronius read the Dungeon Master's Rulebook to check full descrip-
points out, although this was obvious from your own
tions for monsters there. Relate their appearances to the
observations. Rather, an entrance will have to be ef- players with relish! For location 2, a boxed description is
ft::cted via the under-dungeons; the hateful Baron has given for you to read as an example. Obviously, you may
certain prisoners flung into a monster-infested set of
need to alter or paraphrase it under certain conditions
caverns, and this is the one way to get into the dungeon
(e.g., an advance scout spies on the ghouls, the PCs sur-
levels below the Fort. The dungeons lead up to the prise them, etc.).
Keep, and from there you must make your way to the
Tower and retrieve the Eye. 1. Entrance Passage
Petronius adds, " This may not be so desperate as it
seems. The wretches in the fortress are always squab-
This passage slopes gently downward some 30 feet over
bling and backstabbing, and most of them are too terri- its full length .
fied to take any real action if the Baron is displeased.
They'll try to cover up any problems rather than deal
2. Ghoul Cavern
with them. So, you may be able to get away with
raids-for a while. But don't press your luck."
"Time grows short. Perhaps you can find a way Inside this dark, dank, and chilly cavern, two filthy
through the monster caverns to the entrance to the cas- grey-skinned humanoid creatures are gnawing at some
tle dungeons today. What do you say?" old, yellowed bones . A pile of bones and refuse lies be-
fore them. They shriek at your appearance and rush at
you, their filth-encrusted claws flailing at you. They
If the PCs left Luln at dawn, it is now around 2 p .m., and have a disgusting odor-the stench of the charnel
the adventuring day should end around 8 p.m. to allow house-and a life-hating evil plays upon their grimac-
for sleep and rest (the PCs were up at about 4 a.m. after ing faces!
all). So they certainly have time to make some inroads
into the monster caverns in the rest of the day. Assuming
they agree-and there is no case for delaying-they will These monsters are ghouls, but the PCs shouldn't auto-
be led by one of Petronius' men through sewer viaducts to matically be told this, especially if they haven't actually
a winding passage, which is the entrance to the monster met ghouls before. They should be told what these crea-
caverns. If the PCs want to delay, they will have to sleep tures look like. If you want to be kind, you can tell cleric
here in the sewer viaducts, so you should make wander- PCs after the fight here (if the ghouls aren't recognized as
ing monster checks during their rest period. Map 3 shows such) that they think it probable that these creatures were
the layout of these caverns. undead. Ghouls are immune to sleep and charm spells and
any PC hit by one (except for elves, who are immune)
The Monster Caverns must make a saving throw versus paralysis or be immo-
bile for 2d4 turns (during which time the ghoul will switch
The caverns are dank and wet. Because they are also to attack another PC) .
unlit, the PCs will almost certainly need a lantern or
Chapte~ 2: Below ~om Ooom

Ghouls (2): AC6; HD 2•; hp 7, 10; MV 90' (30'); #AT 2 appear to be a ring worth about 15 gp. It has to be worn
claws/1 bite; Dmg 1d3/1d3/1d3 + Paralysis; THACO 18; on a finger for its protective value to operate, as usual
Save F2; ML 9; AL C. with a magical ring.

In the pile of refuse (rotted leather, strips of cloth, etc.) 6. Zombie Cavern
the ghouls have 8 pp , 14 gp, 30 ep, 8 cp, and a silver ring
worth 40 gp. Two shrivelled human figures stand guard 10 feet be-
yond the entrance here , mindlessly attacking anyone who
3. Skeleton Cavern enters. The zombies are immune to charm and sleep
spells, and always lose the initiative on each round.
This cavern contains three skeletons and four giant
rats, plus the partly-decomposed body of a human in the Zombies (2): AC8; HD 2; hp 3, 12; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1
far northern corner. The rats don't attack unless the PCs claw; Dmg l d8; THACO 18; Save Fl; ML 12; Al C.
attack them , scurrying toward the PCs (as if about to at-
tack) but running past unless the PCs attack. Note that 7. The Prisoner
skeletons are immune to sleep and charm spells.
Here, a rag-clad human figure (Normal Man) hides
Skeletons (3): AC7; HDl ; hp 6, 5, 4; MV 60' (20'); #AT behind some rocks at the far end of the cavern . He will
1 bone club; Dmg 1d4; THACO 19; Save Fl; ML 12; Al hide from anyone entering, so the cavern has to be ·
c. searched to find him. The man, named Taiurus, is terri-
fied and needs to be calmed before he will speak. He was
Giant Rats (4): AC7; HD; hp 4, 3, 3, 2; MV 120' (40'); thrown into the caverns as punishment for trying to steal
#AT 1 bite; Dmg 1d3 + 5 % chance of disease; THACO food from the fortress kitchens for his family in the town.
19; Save NM; ML 8; Al C. He is only a servant and knows little . He knows about the
If the partly decomposed body is checked , it has a gold secret passage at location #8 because he inadvertently
bracelet on one hand, worth 70 gp. stumbled into it. He knows about the bugbear and his
dog at #13, the zombies at #12, and generally the rumor
4 and 5. Chambers of the Carrion Crawler that there are several undead creatures in the caverns. He
can give the PCs instructions on how to get to the
Prowling around here is a carrion crawler. There's a dungeons (via #13) if they want to go there. In return, he
50 % chance it will be in area #4 (roll of 1-3 on 1d6) and a is desperate to be shown to a safe way out.
50% chance it will be in area #5 (roll of 4-6). The Crawler Taiurus has not heard of Aurelian if asked, but he does
has 8 attacks per round , but can only attack up to two know that something magical is rumored to have reached
PCs in front of it. the fortress and that messengers have been sent to bring
the Baron back from an army inspection exercise. If
Carrion Crawler: AC7; HD 3+1 • ; hp 13; MV 120' asked about the tower in the Keep, he shudders and says
(40'); #AT 8 tentacles; Dmg Paralysis; THACO 16; Save that an evil cleric lives there with undead creatures and a
F2; ML 9; Al N. wizard. He also knows that at nighHime, ores (with
infravision) keep watch around the battlements of the
In chamber #5 there are some half-eaten remains of a Keep .
prisoner who met a tragic end thrown into the caverns. The PCs should escort Taiurus to the exit (#1) and, if
Unusually, he was thrown in here by drunk soldiers with- they do, award a 25 XP bonus for this release.
in the fortress who didn't bother to search and strip him
first. Consequently, the PCs can find 12 pp and 11 gp, a 8. Secret Passage
small silver brooch with a tourquoise setting worth 25 gp,
and what appears to be a plain silver ring. This is actually This shortcut has secret doors at both ends. The PCs
a magical ring of protection + 1, but without a detect will discover this only if they are actively checking; on a
magic spell it will not be registered as magical and will roll of 1 on ld6 or 1 or 2 on ld6 if they include an elf.

PReqeneRateb pcs

PC # 1: Fighter PC #2: Elf PC #3: Cleric

Strength: 13 Name: Strength: 14 Name: Strength: 9 Name:
Intelligence: 9 Age: Intelligence: 13 Age: Intelligence: 7 Age:
Wisdom: 8 Sex: Wisdom: 10 Sex: Wisdom: 16 Sex:
Dexterity: 13 Alignment: Dexterity: 9 Alignment: Dexterity: 10 Alignment:
Constitution: 18 (as selected by Constitution: 15 (as selected by Constitution: 16 (as selected by
player) player) player)
Charisma: 10 Charisma: 9 Charisma: 9
Armor Class: 3 (includes Armor Class: 4 Armor Class: 2
D exterity Hit Points: 6 Hit Points: 7
bonus) Money: 24 gp Money: 12 gp
Hit Points: 9 XPs: 0 (5% bonus) XPs: 0 (10% bonus)
Money: 10 gp Equipment List Equipment List
XPs: 0 (5% bonus) Chain mail and shield Plate mail and shield
Equipment List: Sword, Normal Holy Symbol
Chain mail and shield Sling and 30 stones Mace
Sword, Normal Dagger Backpack
Crossbow and 30 quarrels Backpack Standard Rations, 7 days
Backpack Standard Rations, 7 days Small Sack
Standard Rations, 7 days Spear Torches, 12
Large Sack Iron Spikes, 12, and Small H ammer Waterskin
Torches, 12 Rope, 50 feet Oil, 2 flasks
Rope, 50 feet Waterskin Character Background
Waterskin 2 Wineskins, and 1 quart of white You are an enthusiastic acolyte of
Oil, 2 flasks wine the Church of Karameikos, born
Character Background Spell book close by Marilenev Village but now
You are from a humble farming Magic missile living close to Radlebb Keep. You
family, born in a small village just Read magic are eager to root out wickedness and
south of the Radlebb Woods. Your (only one spell may be cast per day) evil, which is just as well; there is
physical build and exceptional Con- Character Background much of it about. Its major focus in
stitution make you a promising fight- You are a Callarii elf from the the western lands is the Black Eagle
er and the adventuring life has woods some leagues northeast of Spe- Barony, home to rapacious raiders
always attracted you. To earn a little cularum. Most elves in Karameikos and evil, unspeakable slavers. You
money, you have taken jobs escort- are Callarii, save for the rarer Vyalia are often impatient with the ruler of
ing merchant caravans along the elves to the far east; your sister mar- Karameikos, Duke Stefan, for his
ried one of these elves and you have
Westron and Duke's Roads, often friends among them. Curious and hesitation in dealing with the
with your cousin Caerin. But he was bright, you seek your fortune among Baron- who is his cousin. l s familial
kidnapped not long ago, almost cer- the humans of Karameikos. A com- favoritism staying the Duke's hand?
tainly by the vile Iron Ring, who will petent warrior who can also cast a Perhaps such a thought is unworthy.
probably have shipped him off to spell is much in demand, and while But this does not lessen your desire
Fort Doom to be sold into slavery. escorting merchant convoys to pro- to see the major scourge of goodness
You have a deep personal grudge tect them from bandits isn't high ad- and harmony in your home lands.
against these villains, and are search- venture, you've been getting to see
ing for ways to strike back against much more of the world than you ev-
them . er did in your woodland home. Still,
some more active and challenging ad-
venture would be nice ...

PQecieneQateb pcs

PC #4: Magic User PC #5: Fighter

Strength: 7 Name: Strength: 18 Name:
Intelligence: 17 Age: Intelligence: 10 Age:
Wisdom: 13 Sex: Wisdom: 9 Sex:
Dexterity: 7 Alignment: Dexterity: 16 Alignmen t:
Constitution: 15 (as selected by Con stitution: 13 (as selected by
player) player)
Charisma: 14 Charisma: 7
Ar mor Class: 10 Armor Class: 2 (includes
Hit Points: 4 Dexterity
Money: 10 gp bonus)
XPs: 0 (10% bonus) Hit Poin ts: 7
Money: 6 gp
Equipment List
Silver Dagger XPs: 0 (10% bonus}
Backpack Equ ipment List
Holy Water, 1 vial Chain mail and shield
Standard Rations, 7 days Normal Sword
Steel Mirror Short Bow and 20 arrows
Lantern Dagger
Oil, 2 flasks Backpack
Tinderbox Standard Rations, 7 days
Torches (6) Tinder Box
Waterskin Torches, (6)
Wineskin, with 1 quart of red wine Waterskin
Spell book Char acter Background
Detect magic You come from a family of poor
Read magic fisherfolk living in Kelvin, a great
Sleep bustling city on the Hillfollow River.
(only one spell usable per day) Restlessness and a desire to see more
Character Back ground of the world than fishing nets and
You are from a family of scholars grinding poverty have brought you
and sages living in Specularum, the far west, acting as a bodyguard and
capital city of Karameikos. Truth be escort along the great roads of Kara-
told, you would be happier studying meikos. Employers take one look at
arcane tomes in musty libraries than your powerful physique and sign you
be out on the road, selling your mag- up on the spot. Perhaps , before long,
ical skill for filthy lucre. But wizards that great strength of yours will be
only progress through practical ex- put to the test in some more demand-
perience and the adventuring !ife ing adventure than protecting fat
does have some kind of excitement of merchants on the roads!
its own which you haven't known be-
fore. To date, acting as an es.cart for
rich merchants isn't exactly adven-
turing in the raw, but who knows
what may be just around the corner?

hanoouts ano h1st0Ry

The Grand Duchy of Karameikos Duke Stefan's interests. While there are certainly danger-
ous areas within Karameikos, these are usually fairly re-
Karameikos is a young nation, only recently unified by mote. But there are exceptions.
Duke Stefan Karameikos. Its oldest human inhabitants The Dymrak forest is a dangerous place because of the
were the Traldar tribe, and their modern descendants, the many goblins who raid from their bases there . Ogres and
Traladarans, form the majority of the population. Their bugbears are fairly common in the western hills and
lands were conquered by the might of the Thyatian em- woodlands. Undead horrors such as ghouls, vampires,
pire to the east, and these lands were then granted to Ste- and perhaps worse creatures, are whispered of all over the
fan who traded his own ancestral lands in Thyatis for lands. But the worst threat is human, as is so often true.
them. Duke Stefan has proved a wise and good ruler in Baron Ludwig von H endriks, the Black Eagle himself,
most respects, and he clearly cares for the land and its broods in his citadel at Fort Doom and schemes the con-
peoples. quest of the western lands. Ores", bugbears and worse are
Karameikos is a country blessed with good natural said to walk freely among the half-enslaved population of
resources-fertile lands in the south, minerals and metals Fort Doorn, and the Barony's troops raid villages and
in the northern hills and mountains, and it is also well towns outside the Barony. It is rumored that slavers take
placed for trade through its bustling ports. The "national people on these raids and sell them to foreign lands . Hen-
spirit" is one of optimism and some pride. The elves and driks is cousin to Duke Stefan, but despite this the pres-
dwarves of Karameikos have their own lands, and their sure is growing on the Duke to act decisively against this
cultures are well-respected by the nobles who rule in evil.

Maflalllt: Mallantt:
if there has ban troublt down i11 Iht ~tollS, just cover ii '9'. AJ')1arenGy there may be some t11trudtrs some ylau i11 the
0011't send a11yo1tt down there Into an ambush. The Baron isn't fortress or Kuy try~ to Bet In and cal(St some mt.schtef. 1 hardly
here 11nd we've O't to pest buy tlmt to ftg1m out what to do. nu) to tell you that we do11't want anytht~ ltkc this ha,Pyent~
Mayb< we can blame it on Tib<rtan not Bfvl~ tlfOl\'lh rt1njorce- htrt. Tht Joo~ dow11 i11 the d~t'111S are quite exyendable, 11nd if
mt11ts, bMt at thts ~e pest cova everythi~ up. That's an order. thest Intruders c111tst any mischief down there, don't stnd 1111yone
do'lllt !1110 a1111mb1tSh. Wt don't waste our ,Peofle doWI! there. JllSf
Lftu!t11a11t Galltret
kup everytht~ qllltt and, if there's trouble, cover everytht~ "!
while I think about what to do about !I.

LieuleMnl G11Ilmt:
Duri~ the 11bSt11£t ef our GlortoJtS LtAAtr, you had better not
mess '9' as you dtd la.st lime whe11 that J1111]'lt worm burrowed
thro~ the cavtl'llS. Another mistakt like that and yw. wtU ftnd
yourself lacki~ a head. Maf1ttatn order at 11ll times, llnd don't
come runni~ to me if you aren't itblt to handlt any d!fficiJttes ltke
yw. did la.st llmt. I am bl!S)' o'W'nizl~ the 11ext yhasc for the
Baro11 and 1 am llOI to be dt.sturbc~.
hanbouts anb htstoizy

Lituteiuint Mnola.s: Eyt of naldAr . .

Aurel/lln has had to be llWVtd. Thtrls som.e fracas in the faa, for Powers wear to dtpffld on stm~th of the person ntltMptlng .' ' r
which the isliot Gailtrd i.s yrobiibly at flllllt as USIUll. Tire move was to K5t the deviu...need 5J1eflcast1ng powers for llSt.
suddtn, 50 aet som.e of Aurelian's th~ tllllt he wi1l nad for tht
jollrnty and~ them to the watdt HollSe: he wants his robe, the . ,;(.
.. First maaical abilities simple dettctions-ma8iC and evil (yrob-
ab/y). usable MOre than once in a day, 11f!artnlly three times ·.••·,;,:'
scroll on the main IAblt, a page ef iwltS In the robe _pockd he fargx ' .,'• (but does this depend on my powtr?) • ::
(thtst wizilrds are so damn absent-ntinded), and the SJ1!D W from oeftnilt potential for farther }'CWtrs-m11.St be studied by a
tllllt M alchmti.st felkM downstairs. Don't IArry. strns of wizards. Note to svmliDv about this.

WesteRN l{aRaMeiROS Scale: ONe t}ex eQuars 2 Miles

.. I
.. ..~
to ~iNon,
v illaGES


ChapteR 2: Below ~oRt Ooom

9. Gnoll Cave shown above in area #3; those here have 2 hit points each.
They have no treasure.
There is only a single occupant of this cave, but it is
cunning and vicious. The gnoll hides behind a la·rge pile 11. Cave Gecko
of rubble in the middle of the chamber and jumps out at
the PCs as they approach it, striking with a rusty sword. Just around the corner of this cave (whichever way the
The gnoll will surprise on a roll of 1-3 on ld6, and is nev- PCs enter) is a 5' long grey lizard that blends into the
er surprised due to its cunning and vigilance. stone of the cave, aJJowing it to surprise on a roll of 1-3 on
1d6. The cave gecko is very hungry, since no prisoners
GnoJJ: AC5; HD2; hp 12; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 sword; have fled this way for some time, and it will attack the
Dmg ld8; THACO 18; Save F2; ML 8; Al C. PCs in desperation (so it has a higher morale than the
usual gecko).
Behindtherubbleisthegnoll'shoard: 11pp,26gp, 12
sp, a silver dagger (value 30 gp), and a silver vial (worth Cave Gecko: AC5; HD 3 + 1; hp 11; MV 120' (40');
25 gp). Inside the vial is a potion of invisibility. #AT 1 bite; Dmg 1d8; THACO 16; Save F2; ML 9; Al N.

10. Giant Rats There is treasure in this cave. By the entrance opposite
the one the PCs entered is the mostly-eaten body of a half-
The PCs will hear squeaking and scurrying outside this ling, who has 31 gp spilling from a purse in his hand , and
cave. If they enter, a pack of giant rats will bound toward a gold neckchain worth 50 gp. Also, if the PCs search the
them. The rats here are very hungry and vicious, but cave thoroughly, they have a 50% chance (1-3 on roll of
they are also cowardly, so make a morale check for them 1d6) of finding a moonstone worth 60 gp under a large
after one-third of their numbers have been kiJJed. There stone here.
are 18 giant rats here all told. Stats for giant rats are

Chapt€R 2: BElow J-Om Ooom

12. Zombie Guards The Dungeons of Fort Doom

The zombies here were animated by a cleric within the The chambers here are of crafted stone with ceilings as
fortress and instructed to obey the bugbear in area #13. much as 12 feet high. The cells are unlit, but the corridors
They are also under instructions to attack any intruders are lit with burning torches above each door and along
and to scream if any such intruders appear. In the best the walls. The doors to cells have a grille of metal rods at
traditions, a zombie scream is a horrible blood-curdling face height, 1 foot square, and they are all locked unless
affair. This will affect the tactics of the guard in # 13 (see otherwise noted . The lead jailer (#22) has the keys.
below). Stats for Zombies are given in area #6 above; the Note: The script below needs elaboration. Occupants
three here have 2, 4, and 11 hit points. are listed in their original locations (exceptions are care-
fully noted). Don't stick with this if the players do some-
13. Bugbear Overseer thing ingenious and original. For example , the PCs
might hide in location #24, get the prisoners in cells #15h-
In this cavern, the bugbear Overseer of the Monster 15m to make an unearthly noise, lure some of the guards
Caverns dwells with his brutish dog, a pit bull-like mon- out of #25 (you decide how many) , ambush them from
ster with grey fur and long, yellowed fangs. The bugbear behind, and then move further in to the dungeons and the
is indolent and aggressive . It will rush to attack if it re- Keep. This· kind of clever play can't always be covered in
ceives any alarm from the zombies in area #12 . PCs al- an adventure script such as this one. Rather, read
ready fighting zombies will have to deal with the bugbear through this chapter as with the others, know who and
and his dog after one round of combat; warn them that what is in this dungeon, and adjust the actions to the play
they can hear yelping and the clink of metal armor as of the PCs.
these two head down the passage toward them. This re- The soldiers/jailers in this level wear black cloaks and
duces the bugbear's chance of surprise to normal; it will leather badges that are the uniforms of the Fort Doom
not get surprise on 1-3 on 1d6 as usual. military. The PCs should be encouraged to realize that
when they get above ground and into the Keep of Fort
Bugbear: AC5; HD 3 + 1; hp 14; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 Doom that these uniforms will be important disguise. If
sword; Dmg 1d8+1; THACO 15; Save F3; ML 9; Al C. they don't realize this, Alexei will suggest it to them. If
they don't acquire enough uniforms for everyone, then
Dog: AC6; HD 1+2; hp 8; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 bite; they can acquire more when they make their first foray
Dmg ld4; THACO 18; Save Fl; ML 10; Al N. into the Keep at location #29 or #34.

The bugbear itself wears a silver neckchain set with a 14. Entry Cell
bloodstone amulet worth 75 gp, and has a belt pouch with
9 pp, 19 gp, and 8 cp. In this cavern, the bugbear has a This chamber is bare. A trapdoor is bolted from inside
crude pallet bed, a table and stool, and a wooden chest. this cell. PCS who are thieves may use their Open Locks
The chest is unlocked, and contains assorted items of val- special ability to slip the latch, but otherwise the PCs sim-
ue from the poor wretches the bugbear has thrown into ply have to bash it open, which may alert someone (see
the monster caverns: 17 gp , 19 ep, 80 sp, 145 cp, a pair #17 below). Striking powerfully up at the door (e.g., with
of gold ear-rings worth 50 gp, a black velvet cloak worth a shield) will break the bolt setting on a roll of 6 on d6
80 gp , a silver scroll tube worth 50 gp, and a box of ivory (Strength bonuses apply). Keep track of how many at-
dice worth 100 gp. tempts are needed, as each attempt makes noise. The
At the point shown on Map 3, the ceiling has a trap main cell door is not locked, however.
door with a step ladder leading up to it. This is the en-
trance to the dungeons of Fort Doom. It is likely that the 15a-15m. Dungeon Cells
PCs may need to rest and sleep, regaining spells and the
ability to use the staff of healing they were given. If this is Each of these cells holds 1d3 prisoners, kept in chains,
so, exploration of the dungeons can start on a new day of many of whom are manacled to the walls. The cells are
game time. Map 4 shows the layout of the dungeons. filthy, lice-infested, and smell dreadful. For the most part,

ChapteR 2: Below ~om Ooom

the prisoners are simple, ordinary folk who have incurred each round of noise until that door is opened. Otherwise,
the wrath of the authorities for arbitary reasons or for the torturer is in the main chamber 17a, and the door to
very petty crimes (such as stealing food) . The two excep- this chamber is unlocked.
tions are listed below. For each group of ordinary pris- This chamber is vilely furnished with racks, iron maid-
oners the PCs help to escape back down the monster ens, ceiling manacles, and many other instruments of
caverns (as far as area # 1), award a 50 XP bonus to the Gebhard's evil practice. From a brazier he will snatch a
PCs as a group . heavy brand to fight with; on a natural hit roll of 20 he
In cell 15f, there are four prisoners who are soldiers strikes an enemy in the face with this, leaving a scar
from Luln. Each is a 1st level fighter with Strength which reduces Charisma by 1 point.
12 + 1d6 (roll other abilities randomly if needed), with
4 + ld4 hit points, and of Neutral alignment. They might Gebhard the Torturer: AC7 (leather armor); F3; hp 14;
join the PCs if the party really needs help (they are anx- MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 brand; Dmg 1d6 + 2 (Strength bo-
ious to return to their families in Luln), and if suitable nus of +2); THACO 17; Save F3; ML 10; AL C.
armor and weapons can be found for them. If they join,
Tibor, Imren, Tadeus, and Maraden should receive a Just about to expire on the rack (magical healing will
half-share of treasure and XPs. If released, award 80 XPs not help this poisoned unfortunate) is a halfling who, if
to the PC group. If you wish, only one or two might join the PCs rush to him, will manage to croak the words,
the PCs, the others preferring to escape. "end cell ... stone .. " and then promptly dies. This is a ref-
Cell 15i contains a single manacled male occupant erence to area #18 and the item hidden there.
named Paurus who is a merchant of Specularum. He will The small side-cell 17b is currently empty. The PCs
promise the PCs 50 gp each for rescuing him if they escort may search the filthy straw and pallet bed here but there
him into the city of Fort Doom itself (not just to #1 of the is nothing of value there.
monster caverns). He will be as good as his word, al-
though the PCs will have to go to Specularum to collect. 18. Empty Cell
Paurus is a wealthy man with good connections, and he
could be a good patron for further adventures. This cell must be searched carefully by the PCs for at
None of these prisoners knows anything about the Eye least two rounds in order to have a 3 in 6 chance (4 in 6 if
of Traldar, nor about what is inside the Tower of the an elf or dwarf is among the PCs) of finding a stone in the
Keep. Prisoners are always brought down blindfolded, so east wall that is slightly dislodged from that wall. If this is
they do not know the way out and up either. pulled out a small gold ring is hidden in a crevice behind
it; this is a magical ring of invisibility the halfling hid. Also,
16. Slop Room the stone is right next to the secret door and shows its
presence if pulled out by revealing the doorframe. The
This filthy room is used to slop out food remnants, old steps beyond this door wind around and up into area #29
rags, and ordure of all kinds. The single occupant which of the Keep.
used to eat the muck has just learned how to climb the
ceilings and is above the door. It will drop on the first PC 19. Hostages
to enter.
Each of these cells holds 11·20 ( 10 + 1d10) natives of
Carrion Crawler: AC 7; HD 3 + 1 • ; hp 15; MV 120' Fort Doom. They explain that they are being held hos-
(40'); #AT 8 tentacles; Dmg Paralysis; THACO 16; Save tage to ensure that their relatives who are fishermen re·
F2; ML 9; Al N. turn with their produce and money to Fort Doom. Half of
them are eager to be released and, for each group freed
17. The Torturer and taken back to area #1 of the monster caverns, award
the PCs as a group 100 XPs. The others don't want to
The occupant of this room, Gebhard the Torturer, may endanger their relatives and opt to stay put.
come out to investigate noises from area #14 as the PCs
break open the trapdoor; this chance is 25% (1 on 1d4)

ChaptER 2: Below t-Om: Ooom

20. Skeleton Guards #AT 1 sword; Dmg ld8; THACO 19; Save Fl; ML 8 (6);
The undead here are used as corridor guards some- If any ores are interrogated, they can give some basic
times if cells get very crowded. At the present time they information about the Keep-about the orcish barracks
have orders only to stay here and attack anyone- there, the general layout of the buildings, and so on.
including the PCs, of course-who enters other than the They know nothing about the tower. They obviously
evil cleric who controls them . Note that the door to this know all about the dungeons. However, they will not an-
chamber does not have a metal grille, and is unlocked. swer questions unless a reaction check gives a Friendly
result, since they are fearful and think the PCs will kill
Skeletons (4): AC7; HDl; hp 6, 4 , 3, 1; MV 60' (20'); them after they have talked to them. Each ore has 1d8 sp
#AT 1 short sword; Dmg 1d6; THACO 19; Save Fl; ML and ld4 gp. In addition, the leader has two large bunches
12; Al C. of keys. One bunch opens all the cell doors in the
dungeons, and the other unlocks all the manacles.
21. Ogre Cell Lastly, hidden under one of the five crude wooden beds
here is a small locked wooden chest (one of the leader's
Chained to the wall with very thick manacles and keys opens this). This contains treasure looted from pris-
chains is what appears to be an 8' tall man of very muscu- oners , wages , and other minor items. In total, the chest
lar build. The creature is an ogre, captured in the hills to has 11 pp, 136 gp, 144 ep, 324 sp, 560 cp, and various
the northwest of here who has been forgotten about. As a trinkets, jewelry, ornaments, and minor valuables worth
result, the ogre is hungry, angry, and hostile. However, he a total of 225 gp.
speaks orcish as well as his own language, and if he can be
communicated with (by a character who can speak orcish 23. Storage Room
such as an elf) then a reaction check should be made for
him. Add + 2 to the dice total if the PCs promptly offer This chamber contains manacles and chains, some
the ogre some food. If a Friendly result arises , the ogre heavy metal rods (usable as clubs), bundles of torches
will help the PCs for 1d3 combats in return for their re- (150 in all), ropes (10 50' lengths), sacks (12 small, 8
leasing him and showing him a way out of the dungeons large), a few (6) flasks of oil, and less useful items such as
(the trapdoor in #14 is enough here). Otherwise, if the a broken barrel, an old table with a leg missing, and the
PCs release him, the ogre will seek to flee if possible (run- like. PCs can restock or acquire some useful items here.
ning around randomly if not told how to get out, since he
doesn't know where the exit is). The only situation in 24. Pool Chamber
which he would attack the PCs would be if you roll a 2 for
his reaction on 2d6. The eastern half of this room is a 1O' deep sunken pool,
with three ducking chairs along the edge, used by the
Ogre: AC5; HD 4 + 1; hp 19; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1; brutish jailers to interrogate their unfortunate charges.
Dmg By weapon + 2 or ld4 + 2 (fists); THACO 15; Save The water in the pool is filthy, rank, and scummy, with a
F4; ML 10; AL C. thick coating of slime and detritus on top. There is noth-
ing of interest or value in the pool (there are plenty of
22. The Jailers bones on the bottom of it), and if a PC actually gets into
the water to explore it he must make a saving throw ver-
A group of ores given the unwanted job of being jailers sus poison with a + 2 bonus. If this is failed, after 12
live and squabble here. At any time, three are awake hours he will develop a short-lived aching mild fever (lasts
while two are asleep. They wear black leather jerkins with for 12 + 1d12 hours) during which time he has penalties of
the Black Eagle badge on them, and use swords. Their -2 to Strength and Dexterity.
leader has 8 hp, and if he is killed , the morale for this
group drops to 6. The door to this room is unlocked. 25. Guard Room

Ores (5): AC 6; HD 1; hp 8, 5, 3, 2, 1; MV 120' (40') ; Here, a contingent of human guards oversees the

ChapteR 2: Below fom Ooom

dungeons. The door to this room is unlocked, but is made

of thick dark wood and has no grille. Noises don't pene-
trate here easily, and unless the noise outside is very loud
(all the prisoners in the cells along the passage outside
screaming), the guards stay put here (except in situations
such as when a new prisoner is brought down). The room
itself has tables and chairs and other basic furn ishings,
but nothing unusual.

Soldiers (5): AC6 (leather armor and shield); Fl ; hp 8,

8, 6, 4, 3; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 short sword; Dmg
ld6 +1 (Strength bonus); THACO 18; Save Fl; ML 10;
AL C. Each has 1d8 gp.

Watch Sergeant: AC3 (chain mail and magical shield

+ 1); F2; hp 13; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 sword; Dmg ld8 + 1
(Strength bonus); THACO 18; Save F2; ML 10; AL C .
He has 15 gp and an ivory-handled comb worth 15 gp,
plus a Silver dagger.

When these guards are attacked, the weakest (the 3 hit

point specimen) will open the door to the north and rush
off up the stairs for help . If he gets away (which he will do
after one round unless a missile or magic such as magic
missile or sleep is used to stop him), he will bring help back
four soldiers from location #34 after four rounds (see de-
tails for location #34).
There is treasure here in addition to what the guards
have, contained in a brass-banded metal chest on a small
table in the north-east corner of the room. In bags, the
guards have stashed 67 gp, 224 ep, and 220 cp.

After the Dungeon Level

It's virtually certain that by the time the PCs have

found their way to location #25, they will be forced to rest
and sleep, to regain spells, and use the staff of healing on a
new day. If they're healthy enough to press on, then this is
fine. But if they have to pause and rest, they should get
the equivalent of a night's rest undisturbed . They won't
be attacked by forces from the Keep even if an alarm was
raised there. This is because the bickering forces in the
Keep are too scared to take the responsibility for organiz-
ing such a raid. The following chapter explains the
schisms in the Keep forces in more detail.

Chapt€R 3: th€ tow€R ano th€ €y€

Entering the Keep ble guarantee of safety for the soldier. Obviously, a charm
person spell would work wonders here.
Outer doors here will be unlocked unless otherwise
noted. At night, large wall-torches provide a fairly dim 26. Entrance Gates
level of illumination outside. What happens when the
PCs enter the Keep depends on whether an alarm has These gates open into a main street within the city of
been raised there. If no alarm has been raised, the occu- Fort Doom . They need two full rounds to open due to
pants of the Keep won't be expecting an attack. If an their size, and are usually kept closed and barred on the
alarm has been raised, then extra guards will be placed to inside. Each has a 2-foot square metal grille at face height
confront the PCs in and around location #34 as noted be- with a wooden shutter on the near (Keep) side.
low. Map 5 shows the layout of the Keep.
There are lookouts on the battlements of the Keep 27 and 28. Gatehouse
( #51) and the matter of how the PCs actually leave a
building (#29, #36, etc.) and cross to another location in In each of the lower gatehouse buildings, 27a and 27b,
the Keep (usually the tower) is crucially important. At a pair of soldiers is on guard. Two other soldiers are in #28
night, they will be seen by ores using infravision but where they have arrows trained along the road outside
won't be challenged unless they are obviously behaving through the arrow slits (that give them an AC bonus of -8
in a very shifty way. For example, a straight march over if they are fired back at from outside). The archers need
to the tower won't be regarded as unusual. In the day- two rounds to draw swords and come down the staircase
time, though, just walking out to the tower is unwise un- to help their fellows in melee combat.
less the PCs take special precautions. Sending out an
invisible spy would be an excellent first move, obviously. Soldiers (6): AC6 (leather armor and shield); Fl; hp 8,
The most likely way of ensuring that iltration works 7, 6, 4, 3, 3; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 short sword or cross-
would be by wearing the uniforms of soldiers, guards, or bow; Dmg 1d6; THACO 19; Save Fl; ML 10; AL C.
jailers the PCs have overcome so far. If the PCs don't Each has 1d8 gp.
think of this, then Alexei must suggest it.
As for getting into the tower, the PCs will need a pass 29. Stables
badge. This will have to come from the chambers of Lieu-
tenant Galleret (#38) although the PCs may have some A secret trapdoor in the floor opens at the top of the
trouble finding this out, needing to explore the Keep steps from #18, and opens into a horse stall where there
thoroughly (and carefully) to do so. are 8 tethered horses (as in each stall shown). In the small
The PCs may well capture and interrogate one or more room at the end of the stalls are two stablers (soldiers).
of the soldiers and ores here. Ores will say almost nothing Make a morale check for them as soon as they see the
due to fear. Soldiers may be prepared to give some infor- PCs; if they fail, they won't even fight, being cowardly
mation about the Keep locations, but they know little sorts. Reference stats are given here for the horses, as
about the tower save that a cleric, a wizard-scholar, and PCs might use them to escape at the end of the adventure.
undead can be found there, and that a guard is posted at
the (locked) main door. They also know that a pass is Soldiers (2): AC6 (leather armor and shield); Fl; hp 8,
needed from the Watch Lieutenant to gain entry, and can 3; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 short sword; Dmg ld6+1
tell the PCs where he is . Lastly, they will say that the (Strength bonus); THACO 18; Save Fl; ML 8; AL C.
Keep is self-contained and separate from the main for- One has 12 gp, the other only 14 sp.
tress and the fortress guards pay little attention to events
taking place in the small Keep. The main fortress (not Horses (32): AC7; HD 2; hp 9 each; MV 240' (80');
shown fully on Map 5 due to its size) has its main en- #AT 2 hooves; Dmg 1d4/1d4; THACO 18; Save Fl; ML
trance and great gatehouse on the north side. How much 7; ALN.
of this a captured soldier will say depends on how smartly
the PCs interrogate him and whether they offer a plausi-

ChapteR 3: the toweR anb the €ye

.30, .31, and .32. Ore Barracks above (#30-#32) . Stats for soldiers are also given above
for areas #27-28; the men here have 7, 7, 6, 1, (2, 3) hp.
A total of 16 ores is stationed here. They are distrib- At the end of this combat, the PCs must find a note on
uted, normally, as follows: six will be in #30, which is a the body of one of the soldiers. This man has a gold ring
general living area; four will be in #31, which is a mess (value 60gp) on his left hand that a PC looking for trea-
hall; and six others will be asleep in #32, a dormitory sure will see, and the note is tucked into his belt where it
room. This will be different if an alarm was raised in area can readily be seen. If the PCs raised an alarm from area
#34 within the Keep. If this happens, six of the 16 ores #25, give them Handout 1 from page 18 (you may cut this
(two from each room here) should be moved to areas #34- out or photocopy it as you wish). If they did not raise an
#36, as instructed below for those locations. alarm from area #25, give them Handout 2.
Ores which are asleep need two rounds to gather their
poor armor and weapons; without armor they have AC 8. .3 7. Latrines
A sleeping ore can be slain in 1 round, but the sleepers
will be roused by their fellows if any fighting takes place There are four latrine cubicles here, and if the PCs en-
in the area. ter, they will have the bad luck of encountering a group of
foraging giant rats that will only attack if they pass an ini-
Ores (16): AC6; HD 1; hp 8, 7 (x3), 5 (x4), 3 (x4), 1 tial morale check. Otherwise, the rats will flee.
(x4); MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 sword; Dmg 1d8; T HACO
19; Save F l; ML 8 (6); AL C. Each ore has 1d6 ep and Giant Rats (5): AC7 ; HD ; hp 2 each; MV 120' (401 ) ;
ldlO cp. #AT 1 bite; Dmg 1d3 + 5% chance for disease; THACO
20; Save NM; ML 8; AL C.
The ore leader (with 8 hp) does + 1 damage on a suc-
cessful hit. He has a silver brooch worth 45 gp, a solid .38. The Watch Lieutenant
silver neckchain worth 80 gp, and a pouch with 18 gp.
This large building has a locked door. It is subdivided
.3.3. Armory inside into two areas, a large office/living room (38a) with
a polished desk and chairs, tables, and good furnishings,
This locked chamber (the Watch Lieutenant, #38, has and a smaller bedroom (38b) .
the keys) has racks of weapons, containing a total of 16 Watch Lieutenant Galleret is here, with an aide-de-
normal swords, 8 two-handed swords, 10 short .swords, camp who will be asleep in the office during the night
15 of each type of bow , 100 arrows and 180 crossbow hours. Galleret is a cowardly officer whose desire is sim-
bolts, 14 slings, and 12 quarterstaffs. There are also 10 ply to conceal any evidence of his own incompetence, and
suits of chain mail armor and cloaks. None are magical . buy time to find a way to blame matters on his subordi-
nates. If he surrenders to the PCs (make a morale check
.34, .35 , and .36. Guard Post when he is reduced to one-third of his hp total) he will beg
for his life to be spared, and tell the PCs about the tower.
The stone steps up from area #25 terminate at the door H e will show them the pass (see below), give details of the
within #34. Of these rooms, #34 is a main Jiving room; guard (in #39), and can tell the PCs of its major occu-
#35 is a small, sparse room with a pair of ornamental pants: Aurelian the wizard-sage who lives on the top
shields and a forbidding silk tapestry showing a battle floor; Nikolai the alchemist who lives on the middle floor;
scene (value 125 gp) for decoration, and #36 is an en- and Paurillian the cleric who lives on the ground floor.
trance chamber. Galleret does not mention Menelaus the slaver (#46)
If no alarm has been raised, there will be 4 soldiers in since he is very fearful of the man.
#34 only for the PCs to fight. If an alarm was raised earli-
er, then the following forces will be stationed here: 4 sol- Lieutenant Galleret: AC3 (plate mail); F3; hp 13 ; MV
diers and 2 ores in #34, and a soldier and 2 ores in both 60' (20'); #AT 1 sword; Dmg ld8 + 2 (magical sword + 1,
#35 and #36 (who will rush to attack when there is the Strength bonus); THACO 17; Save F3; ML 9; AL C.
sound of combat inside #34). Stats for the ores are given Galleret has a gold signet ring worth 50 gp, a silver belt

ChapteQ 3: the toWEQ an~ the €ye

buckle with a small jewel worth 70 gp, and a gold medal- call Paurillian who will come to see what's going on,
lion worth 30 gp. On a keyring, Galleret has the keys to readying his Undead and spells (see below), and then the
his desk, to this room, and to the armory (#33). door to the tower will be opened.
Finally, a thief could try and climb in alone using the
Aide-de-Camp (soldier): AC4 (chain mail and shield); Climb Walls special ability. Spying on the rooms through
F1; hp 5; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 sword ; Dmg 1d8; the windows would be smart, especially if some form of
THACO 19; Save F 1; ML 10; AL C. invisibility is used. Entering them is not so smart; a lone
thief is a very vulnerable target. Invisible people leave
Searching the room, the PCs can find minor valuables footprints in dusty floors and invisible does not mean si-
worth a total of 50 gp. Among the paperwork atop the lent!
desk is just one item of importance; give the players
Handout 3 when they find this . In the bottom drawer of Soldier: AC6 (leather armor and shield); Fl; hp 4; MV
the desk, in a locked casket (Galleret's desk key fits this), 120' (40'); #AT 1 sword; Dmg 1d8; THACO 18; Save Fl;
are a pair of silver flasks. Each is worth 30 gp, and con- ML 10; AL C.
tains a magical potion of healing. In the upper drawer is a
leather plaque decorated with an eagle motif in gold When the PCs get in, they now have a choice. They
threading, which is the pass to the tower. can start fighting, or they can tell the guard that they have
been sent to see someone in the tower (if they know any
The Keep Tower relevant names). In short, they can fight or talk. If they
fight, there are combat notes for major NPCs below. If
This is a tough place for the PCs to enter. T heir ene- they try to talk their way through, how things turn out
mies are fairly strong, and they will also find that the Eye depend on how they conduct themselves and who they
isn't here after all. It is vital that the PCs find the magical talk to. They must definitely, at some stage, find out that
assistance placed here with the cleric, alchemist, and in Aurelian has just left the tower. This can ascertained ei-
the wizard's lair; without the potions, scrolls, and other ther from Nikolai the alchemist (#48) or from the note
magic, they do not have much chance of surviving to con- with Lieutenant Aenolas (#50).
tinue their adventure. Doors of rooms within the tower
will be unlocked unless otherwise noted; the place is 40 and 41. Undead Guards
lantern-lit inside.
These chambers contain undead that have only recent-
39. Guard Room ly been animated. They do not attack the PCs unless at-
tacked first; they will obey Paurillian, however, and the
The main door to the tower is locked and also barred cleric will try to reach them to aid him in combat. Each
on the inside. There is a 1-foot square metal grille set at chamber contains 3 newly-created skeletons, immune to
eye level with a shutter behind the door, and a heavy charm and sleep spells as usual.
bronze door knocker. The PCs have to knock for entry,
and they will be greeted by the shutter opening and a Skeletons (6): AC 7; HD 1; hp 4 each; MV 60' (20');
guard inside saying in a bored tone of voice, "not another #AT 1 club; Dmg 1d6; THACO 19; Save Fl; ML 12; AL
lot, what do you want?" The guard asks to see a pass and, C.
if the PCs don't have one, they will not be admitted.
"Come on, you know Galleret gots to give you a pass," 42. Store Room
the guard will say, closing the shutter in contempt if the
PCs don't have a pass. Even ifthe PCs do have a pass, the This is a storage area both for food and supplies (oil,
guard will want to hear some reason for the PCs wanting ropes, lanterns, etc.) and the PCs can stock up with rea-
to enter. Something as simple as "The Lieutenant told sonable quantities of whatever items they might need
us" will do . If the PCs try to bluff, don't forget that brow- here.
beating is more effective than persuasion. But they should
get in. If the PCs really make a mess of it, the guard will

Chapt€Q 3: th€ toW€Q anb th€ €y€

43. The Cleric of Chaos orized: light (x2). Paurillian has a silver ring with an ame-
thyst worth 85 gp, and a silver dagger used as a letter
This comfortably-furnished chamber is the shrine, opener.
study, and bedroom of Paurillian, a chaotic and highly
evil cleric. His task is "programming" undead and relay- Searching the room, the PCs can find minor orna-
ing orders to Nikolai the alchemist (#48). He will try to ments and items worth 50 gp, and an unlocked wooden
avoid a fight here if he can, fleeing to #40/#41 to direct his chest below the cleric's bed. This contains a pouch with
undead to attack the PCs and, if possible, fleeing then to five gems each worth 50 gp, an intricate silver leaf pattern
#46 for the protection of Menelaus. H e only fights himself neckchain worth 100 gp, a bag with 17 pp and 55 gp, and
if cornered. He targets light spells at the eyes of enemies, a scroll with the spells bless and cure light wounds.
in an attempt to blind them temporarily. If Paurillian is
alerted to the presence of enemies (e.g., by the PCs mak- 44. Guest Chamber
ing a hash of talking their way into the tower), he will take
his scroll from the chest , using his bless spell before melee. This chamber is currently empty, but is fairly well fur-
Paurillian won' t talk to or negotiate with the PCs. He nished and can be looted of minor trinkets worth 80 gp if
believes that they will kill him out of hand, and won't the PCs somehow have the time (this takes 5 rounds).
help. If charmed , he will tell the PCs that Aurelian has The door is locked.
left the tower with the Eye of Traldar and is now in the
watch house (#54). 45. Guard Room

Paurillian: AC 2 (chain mail + 1, Dexterity bonus); C3; This chamber is empty. The door is Jocked.
hp 11; MV 120' (90'); #AT 1 mace; Dmg ld6+1 (magi-
cal mace + 1); THACO 18; Save C3 (Wisdom 16 gives + 2
bonus versus magical saves); ML 10; AL C. Spells mem-
Chapt€R 3: the toweR anb the €ye

46. Slaver of the Iron Ring out of the tower. Nikolai also knows the identities of the
magical potions contained within the laboratory, and will
This study/bedroom is occupied by Menelaus, a fairly give them to the PCs if they are going to attack the people
junior member of the Iron Ring slaving organization. in the tower.
Menelaus will be here unless Paurillian has fled here from Nikolai will ask the PCs if he can come with them when
downstairs, in which case the pair of them will have head- they leave. He is too old to be much use at fighting, but
ed to #50 and joined forces with Lieutenant Aenolas. If his spells may be helpful, and he could help cover a get·
unalerted, Menelaus will be seated at his desk, although away if the PCs use horses (if they haven't thought of this ,
his sword will be ready to hand. Nikolai will suggest it). Nikolai will be ready to flee the
Menelaus is a cruel, brutal individual who will not ne- tower and rejoin the PCs on their way out if they agree to
gotiate with the PCs or help them in any way. He will this. N ikolai does not tell the PCs of his magical scroll,
fight to the death. Even if charmed, he knows little about keeping this for himself, but he will use it if he needs to.
Aurelian and the Eye of Traldar and cares even less. His His knock spell could be very useful for opening doors. He
main duties are to keep tabs on Nikolai the alchemist and has managed to keep this scroll secret from his captors
to administer some bookwork for the Iron Ring slaver (but his spell book is kept from him; he knows it is in Au-
network. relian's rooms), and has been saving it for a reasonable
shot at escape. The PCs represent that shot.
Menelaus: AC3 (leather armor + 1, Dexterity bonus); T3;
hp 10; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 short sword; Dmg 1d6 + 1 Nikolai Monescu, Alchemist (Magic-User): AC 9; HD
(magical short sword + 1); THACO 18; Save T3 ; ML 11; MU2; hp 3; MV 60' (20') due to age; #AT 1 dagger; Dmg
ALC. ld4-1 (Strength penalty); THACO 20; Save MU2 ; ML 8;
AL N. Spells memorized-read magic, magic missile. Scroll
Menelaus is vain and wears gold jewelry (neckchain, of spells-detect magic, magic missile, knock.
bracelets, medallion) worth a total of 150 gp. He has the
keys to his (locked) desk in his pockets. The upper drawer Nikolai 's study/bedroom (#47) has poor furnishings
contains a set of bound vellum sheets that have records of and little of value. In the laboratory ( #48), there is an ar-
activities, personnel, and plans of several groups of Iron ray of glassware and metal utensils, and a rack of vials of
Ring slavers. Particularly, the names of slavers and their liquids-15 in total, six yellow, two green, two red, three
contacts in Kelvin, Threshold, Penhaligon, and Verge clear, and two dirty green-brown. The red liquids are
are recorded , together with evidence of their work dates, both potions of poison. The two green vials have potions of
monies paid , the names of their kidnapped victims, and healing, and the middle vial with clear liquid is a potion of
more. This information would be very interesting to the growth. The two brown-green potions are special: these
authorities in those cities, to say the least. are potions of speed. A potion of speed, if drunk, allows the
The lower drawer has a metal box containing money drinker to move twice as fast as normal, to attack twice
bags filled with 75 gp, 150 ep, and 300 sp. per round , and to perform all actions (other than
spellcasting) at twice normal speed. The others are harm-
4 7 and 48. The Alchemist less and ineffectual. These potions are not labeled.

The alchemist here is Nikolai Monescu, an old man 49 and 50. The Wizard's Chambers
who is forced to work creating magical potions and assist-
ing Aurelian under duress. If the PCs burst in and threat- The doors to both rooms here will be closed and locked
en him, old N ikolai will panic and assume they mean to only if Paurillian and M enelaus are here. Room #49 is a
kill him; he will use his spells and fight hopelessly with his well-appointed bedroom with some 150 gp worth of mi-
dagger. If the PC s don't attack him, he will be only too nor treasures, but nothing of major importance. Room
ready to talk to them. He knows all the locations in the #50 is a large study room with many books and shelves,
tower. If Paurillian and Menelaus have headed up to #50 work tables, weird and misbegotten utensils and contain-
to join Aenolas, then Nikolai will be aware of this also. ers, and a jumble of bric-a-brac. It is extremely untidy
He does not know that Aurelian has just been smuggled here. Who is present in this room depends on whether

ChapteR 3: the toweR ano th€ €ye

Paurillian escaped from the PCs and headed here with cloak, a scroll of magic-user spells (charm person, light, mir-
Menelaus. If they are here in addition to Lieutenant ror image) , and a scrap of notepaper with some scrawled
Aenolas, the PCs will have a tough fight. The script here notes-give the players Handout 5 if they find this.
assumes that only Aenolas is present; you can modify it The PCs will now have to find out where the watch
for a group of opponents. house is. This is #54, within the main fortress. They can
Aenolas is here under orders to collect items for Aureli- discover this in various ways: by interrogating a charmed
an, who left in a hurry. He is a vicious and bullying man Aenolas, by asking Nikolas, by interrogating some other
who will fi ght expecting to be able to browbeat the PCs, captured individual, or by simply asking at the main gate
even if he is alone. Make a morale check for him only (#52) as suggested in the description for that location.
when he is reduced to 3 hit points or below. If he surren- They do have a charm person spell on a scroll at their
ders, he will plead for his life, but he won't talk. He only disposal , so it really should not be too difficult to find an
talks if charmed, in which case he will tell the PCs where amenable respondent.
Aurelian now is (#54).
51. Battlements
Lieutenant Aenolas: AC2 (plate mail and shield); F3 ; hp
15; MV 60' (20'); #AT 1 sword; Dmg ld8 + 1 (Strength There are always six guards here, three on each of the
bonus); THACO 18; Save F3 ; ML 10; AL C. S15, 114, east and west walls. During the day, they are soldiers;
W16, DlO , C13, Ch 13 . during the hours of darkness they are ores. They keep
watch outside the Keep unless an alarm has been raised
On his person , Aenolas has a fine gold ring with a small by the PCs in area #25, and guards were ready in #34-
pearl worth 125 gp and a pouch with 8 pp and 15 gp. On #36. If this is the case, the guards here will have cross-
the table is a sack with some items Aenolas has been re- bows ready to fire at the PCs as they emerge into the
trieving. The sack contains Nikolai's spell book (with de- courtyards of the Keep, unless the PCs have taken proper
tect magic, read magic, magic missile and sleep), an elven care and trouble to disguise themselves.
Chapt€R 3: th€ toW€R ano th€ €y€

Soldiers (6): AC 6 (leather armor and shield); Fl; hp 8, guards in #53 will come to investigate, weapons drawn. If
7, 6, 4, 3, 3; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 short sword or cross- they leave the door open, the guards in #53 are 50 %
bow; Dmg 1d6 + 1 (short swords, Strength bonus) or ld6 likely per round to come and investigate.
(crossbows); THACO 18 (19 with bows); Save Fl; ML As an alternative, the PCs can head into the guard
10; AL C. Each has 1d8 gp. room (#53) and attack the guards first to knock them all
out. The door to #54 is open, though, and the group there
Ores (6): AC6; HD 1; hp 5, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2; MV 120' (40'); may hear the fight; the chance is 25 % per round if the
#AT 1 short sword or 1 crossbow; Dmg ld6; THACO 19; PCs close the guard house door, and 75 % per round if
Save Fl; ML 8 (6); AL C. Each ore has l d6 ep and ldlO they don't.
cp .
53. Guard House
52. Fortress Gates
This houses the winches which open the main gates,
The main gates here are 18' high and impossible to and also a group of four bored guards.
open except using winches, the levers for which are in
#53. A knock spell will not be sufficient to move such mas- Soldiers (4): AC6 (leather armor and shield); Fl ; hp 7,
sive gates (magic user or elf PCs will realize this, so in- 6, 4, 3; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 short sword; Dmg 1d6+1
form players if they plan to try this tactic) . Rather, there (Strength bonus); THACO 18; Save Fl ; ML 10; AL C.
is a small side door in the left-hand gate which is 6' tall Each has 1d8 gp.
and 3' wide, allowing PCs to enter in single file (only)
when opened . It is locked and barred from the inside, but 54. Watch House
a knock spell will open it. Alternatively, the PC s can pull a
large bell-pull beside the door and summon a guard from The door to this room is slightly ajar and the sound of
inside #53. He will interrogate the PCs through a shut- arguing is heard clearly from inside. If the PCs stop to
tered metal grille in the door. listen, they will be able to hear the conversation quite eas-
The PCs will have to use a charm person spell or do some ily, so read the boxed text below. It is perfectly reasonable
reasonable bluffing here. If they are disguised in soldier for the PCs to make some preliminary actions (casting a
uniforms, and especially if one has the plate mail of a spell, drinking a potion , etc.) while they are listening.
Watch Lieutenant, a firm and decisive line will get them
access. They could, for example, say "Lieutenant Gal-
You hear a pair of raised voices from beyond the door.
leret has sent us as reinforcements," "Aenolas ordered us
The first is slightly nasal and whining, and the man
to deliver these items to the wizard;' (flourishing the
says " This is too dangerous. Just because there are a
sack), or "Lieutenant Galleret has sent us to report on the
troublemakers in the Keep-we've got to get reinforce- few troublemakers in the place .. . " He is interrupted by
ments. Quickly! There's no time to lose, you oaf!" a much gruffer and more sarcastic man's voice. "Just a
few, but they've accounted for enough of our men and
Once inside the main gates, the PCs will be in a court-
we don't know where they are. Frankly, I don't care.
yard that is bounded by a guardhouse (#53) and a watch
house (#54) where Aurelian, Watch Captain Tiberian I'm not going to take the blame for this. If that magical
thing gets lost inside the fortress, I'm for the high
and his men, and an Iron R ing member are arguing.
What happens now depends on what the PCs do. If they jump. By sending you out with an escort to meet the
start to fight, fine . Throw everything at them-all the oc- Baron halfway, you'll get the thing to that cold-blooded
swine Sverdlov in half the time. And you can deliver
cupants of #53 and #54 will pile into the attack and the
these strategic plans to the Baron a day early into the
PCs will be sore pressed indeed.
The smarter move, since the door to #54 is open, is for
the PCs to head toward #54 and, if they do this, the The first voice protests again. "Sending us out on to
guards return to #53 and close the door. The PCs can now the road, even with an escort, is absurd. I demand to
attack the group in #54 and, if they close the door as they be taken to the Obsidian tower for safety!" There is
pile in , there is only a 10% chance per round that the

ChapteR 3: the toweR anb the €ye

On the table in this simply furnished room is a casket

a guttural laugh in reply. "Once you're out of here, that is locked (Aurelian has the key). Inside this is the Eye
you're not my problem and I've had enough problems.
of Traldar itself, and also a sheaf of papers with the Black
There's five good and true men here now and another Eagle wax seal on each page. These papers document a
20 when my orders get to that idiot J ulianus. Just wait planned attack on Luln, with military orders and com-
a few minutes." The argument goes on, but both men
mand sequences. Added to these are lists of agents of the
simply repeat the same points .. . what will you do now?
Barony in Luln, and notes on further military operations
to invade other villages and lands of western Karameikos.
The PCs have to act; they must attack the occupants of These documents would be very valuable to the authori-
ties in Luln .
this room before the threatened 20 extra escort guards
turn up. If the PCs do nothing, 20 extra soldiers will ar-
rive through the inner gates and head into the courtyard The Eye of Traldar
in 5 minutes (turns). The PCs must attack now; make this
clear to them. The Eye of Traldar is a yellow-orange gem, the size
Inside this room are seven men, stats for whom are of a large hen's egg, mounted in a dragon's claw setting
given below. Because of their arguing and bickering, they fashioned from toughened, red gold. It is a powerful
are slow to react to the PCs if they move in. The PCs have divination device, and one that is also capable of exert-
a 50% chance of getting surprise, on the first round of ing control over minds. Its powers can only be utilized
combat (and cannot be surprised themselves), and if they by a character capable of using magic-user spells (a
don't get surprise, they have a + 2 bonus to Initiative on magic-user or elf). The powers that can be used usually
the first round of combat. depend on the experience level of the person using the
Eye. At Basic levels, a magic-user or elf of levels 1-3
Soldiers (4): AC6 (leather armor and shield); Fl; hp 6, can call forth the following powers from the Eye:
4, 3, 3; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 Short sword or crossbow;
Dmg ld6; THACO 19; Save Fl; ML 10; AL C. Each has 1st level: detect magic, detect evil 3 times per day each
ld8 gp. 2nd level: detect invisible, ESP twice per day each
3rd level: locate object (range 5 miles per level) once per
Aurelian, Wizard-Scholar: ACS (ring of protection + 1); day
MU3; hp 7; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 dagger; Dmg ld4 ;
THACO 19; Save MUl; ML 10; AL C. Spells memo- The Eye certainly possesses other powers usable by
rized: read magic, shield, mirror image. He has a silver neck- higher level spellcasters. Some of these are docu-
chain worth 50 gp, and a fine amber and platinum brooch mented in module DDA4, The Dymrak Dread, but can
on his yellow robe worth 120 gp. His magical ring ap- be devised by a DM using the upcoming D&lfl Game
pears as a simple silver band worth 15 gp. Cyclopedia if needed. T he Eye will gain the use of two
detection-type spells 2 per day each equivalent to spells
Watch Captain Tiberian: AC3 (chain mail + 1 and of one-half the user's level if you want to customize in
shield); F4; hp 16; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 sword; Dmg this way.
1d8+1 (Strength bonus); THACO 16; Save F4; ML 10;
AL C. He has a silver dagger with a fine jewelled scab-
bard (total value 150 gp), and a belt pouch with 15pp and How do we get out of here?
35 gp.
The PCs now have to escape Fort Doom with the Eye
Todosz, Slaver: AC4 (leather armor, Dexterity bonus); of Traldar. Getting out of the fortress simply involves get-
T3; hp 9; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 short sword; Dmg ld6; ting out through the side door in the main gates. Getting
THACO 19; Save T3 ; ML 9; AL C. Todosz wears a gold out of the Keep involves opening the main gates them-
ring worth 35 gp as a ring, but it is also a magical ring of selves, which can be done by a knock spell, by bluffing the
fire resistance, and has 30 pp in a bag by his belt. guards in #27, or by killing them (if they have already

ChapteR 3: the toweR anb the €ye

been killed, there will be a replacement set there now). Eye from them . The PCs will find that their lives become
The PCs should be encouraged to take horses; Nikolai very eventful and very threatened .. .
will suggest this and, if he isn't around, make sure the Finally, you can continue the story in module DDA4,
horses in #29 whinny very loudly as the PCs get anywhere The Dymrak Dread, if you wish. In this event, you should
near them. leave the characters heading to Luln, fearing pursuit per-
The PCs then have to get out of the city gates. If they haps, ever looking over their shoulders ... and pick up
are in uniforms, this is simple enough. If they aren't, then their adventures in that sequel.
bribery, bluff, showing an official-looking pass from #38
and claiming to be on the Baron's business, a charm spell,
a sleep spell, etc., are all feasible ways of getting out .
Then, the PCs should head to Luln. On horseback, rid-
ing to Luln takes 2 hours at a gallop (3 hours if riding at
For Nonstop Fun, Add
Concluding the Adventure
These to Your Campaign!
From here, you have several options. If you simply
want to wrap up this adventure, have the PCs arrive safe- The Dymrak Dread
ly in Luln. Just inform them that they forced march along After you discover the
bloodthirsty goblins oflhe
the road and arrive there unharmed. There, they can Dymrak Forest, can you
hand over the Eye of Traldar to Petronius (now healed survive their power and
escope the treacherous
due to the arrival of a powerfuJ cleric), receive heartfelt swamp. . .. alive? We dare
thanks, and go back home (wherever their homes are). you to take this epic Middle
They can be chased and harried by Iron Ring thugs on Ages adventure Into the
unknown. The Dymrak Dread
the way, of course. They could go to Specularum to get ls a 16-page adventure with a
rewarded by the merchant they rescued (if they did), or large color mapsheet and over
a dozen character stand-ups
they could get involved with the Iron Ring by playing for more fun!
module BlO, Night's Dark Terror, or another published ad- (On sale In December)
venture. They could take the information they have
about the Iron Ring or the Baron's invasion plans to
Luln, or elsewhere, and the authorities in Karameikos Rules Cyclopedia
We dare you! Take your next
will be very interested-leading to the PCs receiving step Into the Medieval adven·
commissions, favors, and the like. ture world with the Rules
Cyclopedia. This Incredible
Alternatively, you could have them arrive in Luln to hardbound book combines all
find Petronius dead and agents of the Black Eagle Barony ofthe "'Bask,"' and " Expert."
spying all over the place. Now the PCs have to find their " Companion," and "Masters"
rules for the DUNGEONS &
way to the Lake of Lost Dreams, a long journey indeed. DRAGONS~ game.
They will meet monsters, highwaymen, bandits, Iron Don't miss It. The brand
Ring slavers trying to kidnap them, Black Eagle agents new Rules Cyclopedia takes
trying to retrieve the Eye, a Chaotic wizard trying to take players all of the way to level
36 (On sale In November)
it for himself, and anything else your imagination can
throw at them. Wilderness rules are best covered in the
upcoming D&IP Game Cyclopedia, so obtaining this will
These great adventure products are on
be helpful even for Basic level characters. sale at book and hobby stores every-
If the PCs try to keep the Eye ofTraldar for themselves, where I Get them today.
then a host of interested NPCs will soon come to get it.
Agents of the Black Eagle Barony, powerful magic users,
and many others will track them down and try to prise the
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