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Politics nal

Lecture 1 notes.

Politics began to be scienti c - scientist became concerned with description.

Politeia - greek word, “the community of citizens in a city/state”.

Aristotle - the arrangement of the o ces in a polis.

Lasswell “who gets what when how”.

Historical conception - building the basis of insights and resources from history that
would tell us how and why we have certain values.

Normative/Philosophical/Ethical conception - the concept is based on the belief that the

world and its events can be interpreted in terms of logic, purpose.

Empirical conception - under the spell of positivism social scientists attempted to create a
natural science of society based on the principle which could be empirically veri ed.
Trend of empirical conception - behavioral revolution.

Contemporary conception - hybridness in character, does not follow commonly accepted

category of classi cation.

Behavioralism - concentrates on processes of politics associated with mainstream

politics and government.
Rational choice theory - concerned with conditions for collective action.
Institutionalism - focus on the rules, norms and values that govern politecal exchanges.
Constructivism - people’s diverse world views.
Marxism - politics is as juggle between social groups.

The history of political science begins with Plato (republic, statesman and laws) - the rst
classics of political science.

Republic - ideal regime, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, tyranny.

Timocracy - corruption of the dead state in which honor and military glory supplant
Oligarchy - corruption of the timocracy, replacing honor with wealth as the principle of
Democracy - corruption of oligarchy.

Plato: monarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy, ochlocracy; basic taxonomy.

Aristotle argues that “polity” (oligarchy + democracy) - the best and tyranny the worst.
Polybius - According to Polybius, the Roman state builders had, through a process of trial
and error, rediscovered the virtues of the mixed constitution—the combination of the
monarchic, aristocratic and democratic principles implemented in the Consulate, the
Senate and the Assembly.
Cicero - More signi cant and lasting was his development of the Stoic doctrine of natural
law. This was the belief that there is a universal natural law resulting from the divine order
of the cosmos and the rational and social nature of humanity. It was his formulation of this
natural law idea which was taken up in the Roman law, and passed from it into Catholic
church doctrine and ultimately into its Enlightenment and modern manifestations.

Linking European political theory with American political science of the rst decades of
the 20th century was the concept of “pluralism,” a variation on the “mixed government”

Pluralism - a variation on the “mixed government” theme.

The end of the Second World War did not signal a return to normality. On the contrary, it
resulted in a new con ict called the Cold War, which caused the long period of
international tension, interspersed with dramatic crises.

UN (united nations) - promotes International cooperation, established in 1945 to replace

league of nations.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) - Paris, December 10, 1948.

1. What can be identi ed as the beginning of the nuclear arms race between the US and
the Soviet Union?
The Manhattan Project, The trinity test, Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings.

2. What aspects the study of public opinion focus to understand?

All of the above.

3. What is “political participation”?

Involvement in collective decision-making.

4. What is globalization?
The notion that the world is a single political, economic and social place.

5. What is political behavior?

The study of the way people think, feel, and act with regard to politics.

6. Mass belief system is closely connected to the


7. A de nition of oppression as process is given by Mar’i (1988) is

Institutionalized collective and individual modes of behavior through which one
group attempts to dominate and control another in order to secure political,
economic, and/or social advantage

8. What were the basic objectives of Alash Orda according to Dave (2007)?
All of the above (territorial autonomy for Kazakhs, the development of an education;
infrastructure, urgent land reform)

9. Please, select the sequence of the development of Western political thoughts

Enlightenment, Anti-Enlightenment, Democracy
10. What best describes non-governmental policy-makers?
The individual citizen

11. How many nuclear tests in Semipalatinsk polygon had been taste by the Soviet
government from 1949-1991?

12. What are the general accepted axioms of a Utilitarian state?

All of the mentioned

13. What is the normative conception of the political science?

The concept is based in the belief that the world and its events can be interpreted in
terms of logic, purposes and ends with the help of the political theorists intuition,
reasoning, insights and experiences.

14. How many of Jeremy Bentham’s (1748-1832) views were considered radical in
Georgian and Victorian Britain?
All the mentioned.

15. What is the theory of recurrent cycles in Political science?

When monarchies degenerate into Tyranny, Tyrannies are overthrown by
aristocracies, which degenerate into oligarchies (короче самый длинный ответ)

16. According to Montevideo Conventions’s (1933, the state as a person of international

law should possess the following quali cations:
All the mentioned

17. What is a de nition of communist manifesto by Karl Marx?

All the mentioned

18. How many theoretical approaches to comparative politics according to Hauge et al?
Five: cultural, interpretivism, structuralism, rational choice и что-то непонятное

19. According to the Akseleu Seidimbekov, a kazakh writer and an academic at the
institute of Literature at the Kazakh Academy of sciences, what does the mankurtizatsiia
of the nations meant?
A de-ethnicization, cultural amnesia, the loss of group solidarity symbolized by the
Kazakh aul, the demise of the rich oral tradition of the nomads, and above all, the
erasure of genealogy and memory which were so central to a nomadic identity

20. What is the social contract political theory?

The idea of agreement or consent as the forming the basis for government.

21. What is “political participation”?

Involvement in collective decision-making

22. Please, describe the rst stage of Kazakhstan’s socio-economic development after
the independence?
The country failed to continue utilizing its resources and as a result of weak political
and economic conditions, the county faced disastrous social and economic

23. De ne non-democratic forms of government:

All the mentioned

24. Select the argument against globalization?

Globalization is merely a buzzword to denote the latest tase of capitalism.

25. What sector is responsible for almost three-quarters of the greenhouse emissions?

26. What were the basic objectives of Alash Orda according to Dave (2007)?
All of the above

27. What it the de nition of public policy?

Collective term for the objectives and actions of government.

28. State the failures of Marxism.

All the mentioned.

29. When did entire Kazakh intelligentsia a liated with the Alash leadership annihilated?
Late 1930s

30. What is considered as the fourth estate?

Mass media

31. Select what best suits for nations and states interactions.
All the mentioned.

32. What is the de nition of socialism?

Production for use, an equitable distribution of wealth and material resources
among all people.

33. What is political oppression?

All of the above

34. What is political culture?

Overall pattern in society of beliefs, attitudes, and values towards the political

35. To preserve a livable climate, greenhouse-gas emissions must be reduced to net zero
by 2050. Where does Kazakhstan’s climate agenda stand in energy transition by 2050?
Around 50%.

36. One of the building blocks of ideology is political authority, which implies:
It assumes that a small group of elites “know” and is capable of governing on the
basis of certain qualities.
37. Due to governmental response to the crises and the world bank investment, what part
of the aral’s water level is increasing?

38. Select the de nition of the Cold War?

The rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union developed from the cease re Line
of the World War II.

39. The Alash leader Alikhan Bukeikhanov drew attention to the presence of two
competing elites in 1910, such as:
Open to European values and Muslims formed in madrassas

40. Early greek, roman, jew & christian thinkers Devised a theory of morality, right &
justice from nature (God). The Enlightenment theories of politics, in turn, had di erent
commitment, which was based on…

41. Select the description of Indian caste system according to Hinduism

One should not attempt to alter ones destiny or change one’s occupational or social
status, but to commit life to one’s current degree or state.

42. What is involved in formulating policy proposals in liberal democracies?

Government, governmental agencies, legislators and executive branches.

43. What is colonialism?

It is a particular relationship of domination between states, involving a wide range of
interrelated strategies, including territorial occupation, population settlement, and
extraction of economic resources by the colonizing state.

44. Select the historical example of the ethnic cleansing:

All the mentioned

45. How many stages of overcoming oppression according to Watts and Abdul-Adil:
Five: acritical, adaptive, pre-critical, critical, liberation.

46. Please select the correct sequence of policy-making stages according to Hague &
Harrop (2015):
Initiation, Formulation, Implementation, Evaluation, Review

47. Gender is considered crucial for analysing global politics and economics, particularly
with respect to issues of inequality, insecurity, and social justice. What discourse studies
these concepts?

48. Please select the statement that does NOT favour democracy
All the mentioned

49. What does semi-democratic regime mean?

A regime in which a substantial degree of political competition and freedom exist,
but the e ective power of elected o cials is limited, political party competition is
restricted, the freedom and fairness of elections are compromised that electoral
outcomes, while competitive, still deviate signi cantly from popular preferences.

50. What are the forms of discrimination?

All the mentioned

51. What are the main e ects of collectivization by the Soviet regime in Kazakhstan?
All the mentioned

52. What are the engines of globalization?

All the mentioned

53. What can best describe the environmental policy?

A wide range of governmental actions that deal with conservation or e cient use of
natural resources such as public lands and waters, wilderness, and wildlife

54. The end of the Cold War marked one of the great turning points in modern
international relations. What event marked another turning point after that?
9/11 terrorist attack in New York

55. What best describes the political communication in authoritarian states?

All the mentioned

56. What is the meaning of the concept ‘power’?

It is the capacity to of an entity of individual to in uence or promote the behavior or
agenda to others for the purpose of ensuring various interests

57. When and where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) that arose from
the experience of the World War II was signed?
10 December 1948, Paris

58. What concept is at a core of the Marxist tradition?

Exploitation of working class

59. During the XVII-XVIII centuries due to inconsolable situation with neighboring nations
Kazakh khans gradually signed an assistant pack to form a temporary alliance against
stronger enemies. Bridges & Sagintayeva (2014) also called this as “a turning point of
Kazakhs’ voluntary colonization”. With what country they became alliances?
Russian Empire

60. What is “political behaviour”?

The study of the way people think, feel, and act with regard to politics

61. What does “collectivization” mean?

It is a policy pursued in the Soviet Union and most other communist countries,
which refers to a process where private agricultural lands were seized by the state
and transferred either to collective farms (kolkhoz in Russian) or state farms
62. What does Politeia (πολιτεία) mean in an ancient Greek?
The community of citizens in a city/state

63. What is the closest de nition to ‘heteronormativity’ in societies?

The assumption that heterosexuality is and should be the norm and that only
opposite-sex marriage is “natural”

64. What are the types of interest groups?

All of the above.

65. Corruption in politics:

All the mentioned.

66. What is the democratic form of government?

It is a government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions
that a ect their lives

67. According to the book “Why nations fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and
Poverty” by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, what is the biggest reason of
countries’ progress or regress?
Political institutions

68. What is the normative position in world politics?

Commitment to change the world, make the world a better place.

69. What does linguistic imperialism mean in the context of Kazakhstan under the Soviet
Billingualism of all Soviet people

70. What are the economically driven types of government?

All the mentioned

71. What is the Utilitarianism?

Maximising the greatest happiness of the greatest number

72. Classi cation system for authority by Max Weber is

All the mentioned

73. Please select the perspectives of political and socio-economic development of

Kazakhstan according to Toimbek?
All the mentioned

74. What is “anti-semitism”?

Ответ тот, где будет слово jews, там варианты не видно

75. Select the correct de nition of political participation in authoritarian state.

Participation typically operates through informal sectors such as social groups, art,
music, literature, rather than formal channels such as political parties.

76. What country is historically responsible for climate change?


77. What best describes the political communication in authoritarian states?

Limiting independent journalism through nancial harassment (taxes)

78. Who is considered as a founder of classical utilitarianism?

Jeremy Bentham

79. What are the basic principles of liberal democracy?

All the mentioned

80. What best describes the political institutions and economic incentives in Kazakhstan?
All the mentioned

81. A de nition of oppression as process is given by Mari’s (1988)

Institutionalized collective and individual modes of behavior through which one
group in order to secure political, economic, and/or social advantage

82. What levels of politics exist in policy-making?

All the mentioned

83. A variety of conditions raise obstacles or create problems for the e ective
accomplishment of policy че-то там, хуево сфоткано
Uncertainty over policy goals, Di culty in determining causality, Di culties in data
acquisition, O cial resistance, A limited time perspective, Evaluation lacks
in uence

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