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Tour Documentation

Star Tours ®

Seating Allocation Distances & Journeys

• Seating allocation is generally done on a first come, • An important point to note on a touring holiday is that
first serve basis by booking number, however, there are some long journeys are unavoidable especially when
exceptions to this. We do not, unfortunately, promise traveling from city to city as distances in Europe is
or guarantee any particular seat on the coach. vast.
• Passengers with children in their group may not be • Distances covered on some days will be quite long,
seated in the front of the coach even if they have with late check in at the hotel and dinner.
booked very early due to safety legislation. • Changing the Itinerary & Timekeeping
• If passengers have different booking reference numbers • Please note that during the tour, the tour manager
and wish to travel together then it is the responsibility reserves the right to modify the itinerary as they
of the passengers to inform Star Tours at the time of deem fit. All our tours are subject to governance by
booking in writing. DVSA, for driving hours hence it is the passenger’s
• Any medical, and or personal grounds are not responsibility to ensure all departure times are
considered when allocating seats, unless explicitly adhered to.
stated by law or governing bodies. • It is imperative you follow the timings given by
Coaches & Transportation the Tour Representative, so you do not miss the
connection, it is also advisable to be at the coach five
• We have a strict no smoking and alcohol policy on our mins before the departure time, to ensure you do not
vehicles; this includes the use of Electronic cigarettes miss any connections.
(including e-cigars, e-pipes, and other vaporizers).
• No hot food, ice creams or greasy foods will be
allowed on the coach • Lunches will be vegetarian (ask for exceptions) and
• The toilet on the coach is for emergency use only and dinners will contain at least one non-veg dish (usually
can only process liquid waste hence, should only be placed at the end or on separate table)
used as a urinal. No solid waste (inc tissues, nappies), • The meals are buffet style and a choice of menu is not
as any misuse or obstructions will deem the toilet available.
closed. • All meals are prepared by various chefs from different
• Toilet has limited flushes, and can only be emptied parts of the country so taste and style will vary.
at certain points in Europe, which can handle and • Once your meal is finished please throw any excess
regulate human waste, so will be closed if tank food in the waste bin and stack plates next to the bin.
becomes full. • Breakfast is continental which means you will get –
• Regular stops will be made for you to use the toilets – Bread, Croissants, Fruit, Jam, Butter, Cereal, Juices, and
approx. every 3 hours. Tea/Coffee.
• Please keep your own seating area tidy for your own Lost Property & Thefts
• No charging units or Wi-Fi is available on the coach • It is the passenger’s’ responsibility to keep their
• Coaches will be locked at various stages, and it will not property and valuables safe at all times.
be possible to remain on the coach at some excursions Tour Managers/Tour Representatives
and stops. • All our tours will be conducted in English
• Our Tour Representatives can include Drivers
• You can spend in Euros but all change will be given
back in Swiss Franc (CHF) at most places
• Mountain weather can change at any time so please
pack accordingly (Closed shoes, Extra socks, gloves

Call us 24 hours on 0208 900 23 23 or visit star.tours

Tour Documentation
Star Tours ®

Hotels Excursions
• All our hotels are of a Minimum 3 Star Category • Due to a large number of visitors, there may be waiting
• Facilities include en-suite bathroom, TV, and bedding. times, which can be anything up to 3 hours.
• Please remember that some hotels will NOT have air- • In the case of loss or theft, the tickets cannot be
conditioning, tea/Coffee or kettle facilities in rooms as reimbursed.
standard. We advise you to bring a portable kettle or • Certain excursions may restrict access due to
fan (during summer periods). saturation. E.g. Eiffel Tower - If saturation occurs or
• Hotels are usually outside the city center. heavy winds, top floor will be closed.
• Most hotels can only accommodate a maximum of • Please expect long queues at Eiffel Tower as it is the
three persons in each room however if you are a family world’s, most visited paid monument.
of four, i.e. two adults and two children, then your first •
child will be given an extra bed but the second child Additional Excursions
will be required to share the bed as no extra bed can
be provided. • Passengers are entitled to refuse any optional.
• Extra bed provided will either be a sofa bed or roll- • The operation of additional excursions is subject to
away bed. availability, logistics, and feasibility, and in no part
• Hotels in mainland Europe regard two single beds guaranteed to be operated on all tours.
placed together as a Double. General
Children & Young infants • Please ensure you buy your international travel
• Child/Infant booster seats are not provided by Star adaptors in advance as well as ensuring you do your
Tours on coaches and it is strongly advisable to carry currency exchange in advance otherwise can be
your own, which is adaptable to coach seats (three purchased from Ferry. Hotels will have only a limited
point seatbelt). supply of adaptors to rent/borrow with a deposit.
• Milk and baby food cannot be provided by the hotel or • Most toilets in Europe will be paid toilets; it is
restaurants, therefore passengers are advised to carry advisable to carry small change for this
ready baby milk cartons whilst on tour. • If you are a Non-EU citizen it is advisable to carry your
flight tickets for the Home journey.
• Please have your passport and invoice to hand before
• Star Tours operate a luggage handling service weighing boarding the coach, your invoice may be rechecked at
up to a maximum of 20kg, and not exceeding Wembley by the Tour Representative.
dimensions of 90 x 75 x 43cm / 35.5 x 29.5 x 16ins. • Immigration will require your passports and British
• Hand Luggage permitted at weighing up to a Residency Permit (BRP) cards if applicable.
maximum of 7kg, and not exceeding dimensions of 20 Safety
x 20 x 48 cm / 8 x 8 x 19 inches.
• You should carry a small bag in which you carry • It is important that your valuables are kept with you
essentials like Jackets/Jumpers, Cameras/Camcorders, secure at all times. DO NOT leave valuables on the
Umbrellas, Water, Snacks, Water, Medicine, Passports coach at any point.
and anything else you are likely to need as any luggage • We strongly advise you to be vigilant at all times
placed in the lockers can only be accessed at the including on the coach, excursions, and hotels as
Hotel/final point. there have recently been instances of theft from the
coach by third-parties, especially during loading and

Call us 24 hours on 0208 900 23 23 or visit star.tours

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