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Final Detailed Design Report

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Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Design, Preparation

of Bidding Documents for the Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit

(BRT) infrastructure – Phase 4 (Phase I);
(Contract No. TRD/HQ/1087/2018/19)


MAY, 2021
Draft Detailed Report


Table of Contents .................................................................................................i

List of Tables .................................................................................................... xiv
List of Figures ................................................................................................. xviii

1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1

1.1 Project Background ............................................................................ 1
1.2 Project Objectives .............................................................................. 2
1.3 Project scope and Location ................................................................ 4
1.4 Report Structure: ................................................................................ 6

2.0 GEOMETRIC DESIGN ....................................................................... 7

2.1 Design Standards ............................................................................... 7
2.2 Geometric Design and Volume Computation ..................................... 7
2.2.1 General .............................................................................................. 7
2.3 Road Classification............................................................................. 8
2.3.1 Design Class ...................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Dimensions of the Road ................................................................... 10
2.3.2 Terrain .............................................................................................. 10
2.3.3 Design speed ................................................................................... 11
2.3.4 Design Vehicle ................................................................................. 11
2.4 Design Criteria for BRT Lanes.......................................................... 13
2.4.1 BRT Lane Width ............................................................................... 13
2.4.2 Cross section elements .................................................................... 14
2.4.3 Grading ............................................................................................ 14
2.4.4 Component of Typical Cross-Sectional Elements ............................ 15
2.4.5 Right of Way (ROW)......................................................................... 16
2.5 Roadway Geometry.......................................................................... 16
2.5.1 Between stations .............................................................................. 16
2.5.2 Station areas .................................................................................... 16
2.5.3 Stretch Analysis................................................................................ 18
2.5.4 Critical Sections of the alignment ..................................................... 27

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2.6 Horizontal Alignment ........................................................................ 32

2.6.1 Horizontal Curves ............................................................................. 33
2.7 Vertical Alignment ............................................................................ 33
2.7.1 Gradients .......................................................................................... 34
2.7.2 Minimum curve lengths .................................................................... 35
2.7.3 Critical length of grades .................................................................... 35
2.7.4 Cuts and Fills.................................................................................... 35
2.7.5 Vertical Clearances .......................................................................... 36
2.7.6 Vehicular Traffic Access ................................................................... 36
2.8 Signing and Striping ......................................................................... 37
2.9 Integration of NMT facilities .............................................................. 37
2.10 Pedestrian Bridges ........................................................................... 39
2.11 Integration with other Projects along the project............................... 39
2.12 Intersections ..................................................................................... 41
2.13 Production of Drawings .................................................................... 53

3.0 HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULICS REPORT ................................. 55

3.1 Terms of Reference.......................................................................... 55
3.2 Approach of the Assignment ............................................................ 55
3.3 Scope of Services ............................................................................ 56
3.4 Description of the Project Area ......................................................... 56
3.4.1 Climate ............................................................................................. 56 Temperature ..................................................................................... 56 Rainfall ............................................................................................. 56
3.4.2 Topographical conditions ................................................................. 57
3.4.3 Geological Conditions ...................................................................... 58
3.4.4 Land cover/Land use and Vegetation ............................................... 58
3.4.5 Surface Drainage ............................................................................. 58
3.5 Data Collection ................................................................................. 59
3.5.1 Maps ................................................................................................ 59
3.5.2 Rainfall data collection ..................................................................... 59
3.5.3 River flow data collection .................................................................. 60
3.5.4 Bridge Inventory and Inspection data ............................................... 60

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3.5.5 Field investigations ........................................................................... 60

3.6 Design Standards ............................................................................. 60
3.6.1 Standard Methods of Peak flow calculations .................................... 60
3.6.2 The Rational Method ........................................................................ 61
3.6.3 The TRRL EAFM .............................................................................. 61
3.6.4 The Regionalization Technique ........................................................ 61
3.6.5 Design Frequency and Return Periods ............................................ 62
3.6.6 Freeboard ......................................................................................... 62
3.6.7 Freeboard ......................................................................................... 63
3.7 Previous Studies .............................................................................. 64
3.7.1 RAINFALL INTENSITY - Duration frequency data for stations
in East Africa 1971 ........................................................................... 64
the Environment, Berkshire, England ............................................... 64
BAGAMOYOROAD (PHASE 2), (DETAILED DESIGN) ................... 64
SYSTEMS IN DAR ES-SALAAM METROPOLITAN ........................ 64
(DSDP) FOR DAR-ES-SALAAM FOR PERIOD 2018 -2035 ............ 65
3.8 Hydrological Data Analysis ............................................................... 65
3.8.1 Rainfall data ..................................................................................... 65 Rainfall data analysis ....................................................................... 65 Mean annual rainfall ......................................................................... 65 Daily Rainfall .................................................................................... 65
3.9 The Design Peak Discharges ........................................................... 66
3.9.1 Rational Method ............................................................................... 66
3.11 TRRL EAFM ..................................................................................... 70
3.11.1 Runoff Volume.................................................................................. 70
3.11.2 Base Time TB................................................................................... 73
3.11.3 Results of Computations by TRRL. .................................................. 74
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3.12 The Generalized Flood Model for Tropical Countries ....................... 75

3.13 The Generalized Tropical Flood Model ............................................ 75
3.14 Hydraulics of Drainage Structures ................................................... 80
3.14.1 General ............................................................................................ 80
3.14.2 Field investigations .......................................................................... 80
3.14.3 Ali Hassan/Mkwawa km 3+550 E 0530427 N 9250399 ................... 81
3.14.4 Best Bite km 4+460 E 0529749 N 9251025 .................................... 81
3.14.5 Bagamoyo/Chato Road km 5+525 E 0528704 N 9251133.............. 81
3.14.6 Victoria Tower km 6+475 E 0527801 N 9251044 ............................ 81
3.14.7 Makumbusho area km 6+700 E 0527312 N 9251166 ..................... 82
3.14.8 Oilcom Petrol Station km 6+950 area E 0526712 N 9251432 ......... 82
3.14.9 Bamaga/Shekilango area km 7+600 E 0526178 N 9251863........... 82
3.14.10 Mikocheni/Aspen km 8+300 Area E 0525476 N 9252432 ................ 82
3.14.11 Junction/Sam Nujoma km 9+175 E 0526204 N 9251873 ................. 83
3.14.12 Pedestrian Crossing km 9+512 E 0524682 N 9253526 ................... 83
3.14.13 Makongo Ftball ground area km 10+590 E 0524626 N
9253642 ........................................................................................... 83
3.14.14 Makongo Secondary School km 10+725 E 05361 N 925036 ........... 83
3.14.15 Lugalo near Pump house km 10+975 E 0524513 N 9253893 .......... 83
3.14.16 Lugalo to Military Hospital km 11+175 E 0524268 N 9254370 ......... 83
3.14.17 Lugalo Sports grounds km 11+520 E 0524202 N 925511 ................ 84
3.14.18 Lugalo Sports grounds km 11+685 E 0524113 N 9254730 .............. 84
3.14.19 Lugalo Main Gate km 11+925 E 0524082 N 9254827 ..................... 84
3.14.20 Lugalo after Main Gate km 12+313 E 0524082 N 9254827 ............. 84
3.14.21 Goba Junction km 14+375 E 0523495 N 9257118 ........................... 84
3.14.22 Makonde area km 15+013 E 0523318 N 9257704 ........................... 85
3.14.23 Manyema1 Stream km 15+915 E 0523061 N 9258568 ................... 85
3.14.24 Manyema2 Stream km 16+415 E 0523000 N 9258867 ................... 85
3.14.25 Africana Stream 1 km 16+850 E 0522845 N 9259473 ..................... 86
3.14.26 Africana Str. 2 Crossing km 16+975 E 0522816 N 9259610 ............ 86
3.14.27 Rafia area km 17+612 E 0522666 N 9260214 ................................. 86
3.14.28 Mazrui International km 17+790 2 E 0522615 N 9260392 ............... 86
3.14.29 Tegeta 1 Stream Kwa Ndevu km 20+650 E 0521148 N
9262812 ........................................................................................... 87
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3.14.30 Tegeta Namanga/ Rabininsia Hospital km 23+275 E 0519444

N 9264804 ........................................................................................ 87
3.14.31 Boko Kibo Cement km 24+075 E 0518995 N 9265275 .................... 88
3.14.32 Boko DAWASA km 24+475 E 0518631 N 9265683 ......................... 88
3.14.33 Selection of Peak flow capacities for drainage structures ................ 89
3.14.34 Road Side Storm Discharge and Drainage` ..................................... 89
3.15 Climate Changes .............................................................................. 89
3.15.1 Climate Adaption .............................................................................. 90
3.15.2 Drainage ........................................................................................... 91
3.15.3 Drainage ........................................................................................... 91
3.15.4 Raising Road Level .......................................................................... 92
3.16 Scour computations for proposed Bridges ....................................... 92
3.16.1 Lacey’s Theory of Scour computations ............................................ 92
3.17 Conclusion and Recommendations .................................................. 93

4.0 ARCHITECTURE REPORT ............................................................. 95

4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 95
4.2 Scope of Architectural Works ........................................................... 95
4.3 Architectural Design Issues .............................................................. 96
4.3.1 Architectural Design Concepts ......................................................... 96
4.3.2 Architectural Design Considerations ................................................ 97
4.3.3 Dynamism and Fluidity: .................................................................... 97
4.3.4 Functionality, Efficiency and Adequacy ............................................ 97 Passenger Accessibility and Passengers’ Control............................ 98 Visual Accessibility of the Bus Stands .............................................. 99 Environmental Control and Comfort ................................................. 99 Materials and Construction Technology ......................................... 100
4.4 Bus Station Types and their Numbers ............................................ 100
4.4.1 Station Type I ................................................................................. 101
4.4.2 Station Type II ................................................................................ 102
4.4.3 Station Type III ............................................................................... 103
4.4.4 Station Type IV ............................................................................... 104
4.4.5 Station Type V ................................................................................ 105

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4.4.6 Station Type VI ............................................................................... 106

4.5 Architectural Design Criteria ........................................................... 107
4.5.1 Bus Station Passenger Capacities ................................................. 107
4.5.2 Bus Design and Hours of Usage .................................................... 108
4.5.3 Space and Material Schedule......................................................... 108
4.6 Feeder Stations Module Design ..................................................... 110
4.6.1 Kinondoni Road Feeder Station (Two Numbers) ............................ 110
4.6.2 Rose Garden Road Feeder Stations (Two Numbers)..................... 111
4.6.4 Africana Feeder Stations (Two Numbers) ...................................... 113
4.6.5 University (Magufuli Hostel) Feeder Station ................................... 113
4.6.5 Igesa Road Feeder Station ............................................................ 114
4.6.5 Savei Road Feeder Station ............................................................ 115
4.6.6 Mwenge Feeder Station ................................................................. 115
4.7 Bus Terminal Stations .................................................................... 116
4.7.1 BRT4 Bus Terminal Types and Locations ...................................... 116 Boko Basihaya ............................................................................... 117 Mwenge Bus terminal ..................................................................... 118 Morocco Bus Terminal ................................................................... 119 Kivukoni Bus Terminal.................................................................... 120
4.7.2 Terminal Space Requirements ....................................................... 121
4.8 Depot Design Building .................................................................... 122
4.8.1 Design Criteria................................................................................ 122
4.8.2 Safety ............................................................................................. 123
4.8.3 Functional Requirements ............................................................... 123
4.8.4 The Sites for The Bus Depot Buildings at SIMU 2000 and
Mbuyuni / Sala Sala ....................................................................... 123
4.8.5 The Design of the Depot Building ................................................... 124
4.8.6 Architectural Space Schedule for Depot Building ........................... 125
4.8.7 Other Open Area Spaces ............................................................... 126
4.8.9 Other Separate Facilities Provided in the Depots ........................... 126
4.8.10 Materials’ Schedule for the Bus Depot Buildings ............................ 127
4.8.11 Site Planning of the Bus Depot....................................................... 127
4.8.12 Parking Capacities for SIMU 2000 and Mbuyuni/Sala Sala
Depots ............................................................................................ 128
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4.9 Construction and Finishing Technology Design Achievement ........ 129

4.9.1 Construction and Specifications ..................................................... 129
4.9.2 Achievement of Task Objectives .................................................... 130


CUVLERT STRUCTURES ............................................................. 131
5.1 Drainage Structures ....................................................................... 131
5.2 Drainage Structures Condition Survey ........................................... 132
5.3 Condition assessment of bridge structures .................................... 132
5.4 Collection of document and records ............................................... 135
5.5 Field investigations ......................................................................... 135
5.5.1 Visual inspection of bridge structures ............................................. 136
5.5.2 Measurements and testing of bridge structures.............................. 136
5.6 General .......................................................................................... 138
5.6.1 Planning of Structures .................................................................... 138
5.6.2 Planning of Structural Elements ..................................................... 138 Criteria for structural elements selection ........................................ 138
5.7 Bridge Design Standards ............................................................... 140
5.7.1 Design of Pipes and Box Culverts .................................................. 142 Geometry ....................................................................................... 142 Foundation ..................................................................................... 143 Loads and Loading Combinations .................................................. 143 Load Application Methodology to Culverts ..................................... 144 Structural Analysis for Culverts ...................................................... 145
5.7.2 Design of Bridge Structures ........................................................... 146 Bridge superstructure selection ...................................................... 146 Bridge Geometry ............................................................................ 149 Criteria for bridge substructures selection ...................................... 150 Bridge abutment selection .............................................................. 151 Bridge pier selection ....................................................................... 152
5.7.3 Loads and Loading Combinations .................................................. 154
5.7.4 Structural analysis and design of bridges ....................................... 155

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STRUCTURES ............................................................................... 157
6.1 Planning of Structures .................................................................... 157
6.2 Planning of Structural Elements ..................................................... 157
6.2.1 Criteria for structural elements selection ........................................ 157 Materials; ........................................................................................ 157 Design and aesthetics; ................................................................... 158 Manufacture/construction; .............................................................. 158 Maintenance ................................................................................... 159 Client requirements ........................................................................ 159 Design Philosophy.......................................................................... 159

7.0 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY ........................................................ 164

7.1 Executive Summary ....................................................................... 164
7.1.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 164
7.1.2 The Project Area ............................................................................ 165
7.2 Survey Equipment and Staff ........................................................... 165
7.2.1 Personnel ....................................................................................... 165
7.2.2 Equipment ...................................................................................... 165
7.3 References Datum ......................................................................... 166
7.3.1 Horizontal Datum Points ................................................................. 166
7.3.2 Height Datum ................................................................................. 167
7.4 Field Execution ............................................................................... 168
7.4.1 Data Search and Reconnaissance Survey ..................................... 168
7.4.2 Materialization of GPS Control Points along the road .................... 168
7.4.3 Horizontal determination of Control Points/GPS observations ....... 169
7.5 Mission Planning ............................................................................ 170
7.6 Static Survey .................................................................................. 172
7.6.1 Vertical determination of Control Points (Z value) .......................... 173
7.6.2 Horizontal determination of benchmarks ........................................ 173
7.6.3 Vertical determination of benchmarks (Z value) ............................. 174
7.6.4 Detailed Survey of Cross Sections ................................................. 175

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DRAINAGE STRUCTURE ............................................................. 179
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 180
8.1.1 Background .................................................................................... 180
8.1.2 Scope of Investigation .................................................................... 180
8.1.3 Objectives ...................................................................................... 181
8.1.4 Standards and Limitations .............................................................. 181
8.2 Site description and building locations ........................................... 182
8.2.1 Proposed Development .................................................................. 182
8.2.2 Topography .................................................................................... 182
8.2.3 Geology .......................................................................................... 182 Regional Geology ........................................................................... 182 Local Geology and Soils ................................................................. 183
8.3 Ground Investigation ...................................................................... 184
8.3.1 Walkover Survey ............................................................................ 184
8.3.2 Fieldwork ........................................................................................ 185
8.3.3 In-Situ Testing ................................................................................ 187 Standard Penetration Testing Results ............................................ 188 Groundwater................................................................................... 190
8.3.4 Sub-Surface Ground Conditions..................................................... 191
8.3.5 Laboratory testing........................................................................... 198 General .......................................................................................... 198 Geotechnical Testing Parameters .................................................. 198 Classification Tests ........................................................................ 198 Natural Moisture Content ............................................................... 199 Bulk density/Unit weights ............................................................... 200 Atterberg Limits .............................................................................. 200 Linear shrinkage ............................................................................. 201 Specific Gravity .............................................................................. 202 Shear strength ................................................................................ 202 Consolidation.................................................................................. 203
8.3.6 Interpretation of Laboratory Parameters for Foundation Design..... 204 General .......................................................................................... 204 Classification .................................................................................. 205
Draft Detailed Report Strength .......................................................................................... 205

8.3.7 Stiffness ......................................................................................... 206 Clay Formation ............................................................................... 206 Non-Cohesive Soils Formation ....................................................... 207 Geotechnical Engineering Assessment .......................................... 208 Foundation Assessment ................................................................. 208 Swelling of the Soil ......................................................................... 208 Drained Condition........................................................................... 210 Undrained conditions...................................................................... 211 Excavations .................................................................................... 211 Conclusion and Recommendations ................................................ 212
8.4 Scope of Investigations .................................................................. 213
8.4.1 Objectives ...................................................................................... 214
8.4.2 Standards and Limitations .............................................................. 214
8.4.3 Ground Investigation ...................................................................... 215 Walkover Survey ............................................................................ 215 Fieldwork ........................................................................................ 216 In-Situ Testing ................................................................................ 217 Standard Penetration Testing Results ............................................ 217 Groundwater................................................................................... 219 Sub-Surface Ground Conditions..................................................... 219
8.4.4 Laboratory testing........................................................................... 225 General .......................................................................................... 225 Geotechnical Testing Parameters .................................................. 226 Classification Tests ........................................................................ 226 Natural Moisture Content ............................................................... 226 Bulk density/Unit weights ............................................................... 227 Atterberg Limits .............................................................................. 227 Linear shrinkage ............................................................................. 228 Specific Gravity .............................................................................. 228 Shear strength ................................................................................ 229 Consolidation.................................................................................. 229
8.4.5 Interpretation of Laboratory Parameters for Foundation Design..... 230 General .......................................................................................... 230
Draft Detailed Report Classification .................................................................................. 231 Strength .......................................................................................... 231 Stiffness ......................................................................................... 232 Clay Formation ............................................................................... 232 Non-Cohesive Soils Formation ....................................................... 233 Geotechnical Engineering Assessment .......................................... 234 Foundation Assessment ................................................................. 234 Swelling of the Soil ......................................................................... 234 Bearing Strength for Drained Condition .......................................... 236 Bearing Strength for Undrained conditions ..................................... 237 Excavations .................................................................................... 237 Ground Improvement ..................................................................... 238
8.4.6 Conclusion and Recommendations ................................................ 238 Foundations.................................................................................... 238 Excavations .................................................................................... 239 Ground Improvement ..................................................................... 239


4: PROJECT ROADS) ................................................................... 240
SEGMENTS ................................................................................... 240
9.1.1 Construction of a section of Bibi Titi Mohammed Road .................. 240
9.1.2 Construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road ........................................ 245 Existing Situation along the Road:.................................................. 245
9.1.3 Traffic Control Techniques during Construction: ............................ 247
9.1.4 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road .......................................... 249 Existing Situation Along the Road: ................................................. 249
9.1.5 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road ................................................ 250 Existing Situation Along the Road .................................................. 250 Traffic Control Techniques during Construction: ............................ 250
9.1.6 Traffic Safety at Work Zones .......................................................... 252 Safety of individuals at work zones: ............................................... 252
9.2 Section 2: Traffic Management at Intersections and at U-Turns .... 255

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9.2.1 Intersecting Road Signing and Signals........................................... 255

9.2.2 Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations ...................................... 256
9.2.3 Pedestrian Requirements ............................................................... 256
9.2.4 Bicycle Requirements ..................................................................... 256
9.2.5 Lane Closure Analysis at Intersection ............................................ 257
9.2.6 Portable Regulatory Signs .............................................................. 257
9.2.7 Channelizing Devices ..................................................................... 257
9.2.8 Bibi Titi Mohammed Street Maktaba Street Intersection ................ 258
9.2.9 Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio
Street Intersection .......................................................................... 261
9.2.10 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack Obama Drive Intersection
(Palm Beach).................................................................................. 272
9.2.11 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road Intersection ............................. 277
9.2.12 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni Road/Kenyatta Drive
Intersection ..................................................................................... 280
9.2.13 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kaunda Drive Intersection....................... 285
9.2.14 TOTAL U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road ................................... 289
9.2.15 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile Selassie Road Intersection (St.
Peter’s) ........................................................................................... 294
9.2.16 RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road .............. 297
9.2.17 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old Bagamoyo Road Intersection
(Namanga) ..................................................................................... 303
9.2.18 BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road............................. 307
9.2.19 New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA Street Intersection ....................... 313
9.2.20 SUMA JKT U-Turn (New Bagamoyo Road) ................................... 318
9.2.21 Lugalo U-Turn (New Bagamoyo Road) .......................................... 322
9.2.22 Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road ................................... 326
9.2.23 New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road Intersection ............................. 332
9.2.24 New Bagamoyo Road Ally Sykes Road Intersection
(Tangibovu U-turn) ......................................................................... 337
9.2.25 Goba U-Turn – New Bagamoyo Road ............................................ 341
9.2.26 New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street Intersection (Massana) ......... 345
9.2.27 New Bagamoyo Road Makonde Street (Baraza la Mitihani)
Intersection (and U-Turn) ............................................................... 350
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9.2.28 Interchick U-Turn – New Bagamoyo Road ..................................... 354

9.2.29 New Bagamoyo Road Jupiter Street Intersection (and U-turn)
(Mbezi Jogoo)................................................................................. 358
9.2.30 New Bagamoyo Road Africana Drive Intersection (and U-turn) ..... 362
9.2.31 New Bagamoyo Road Salasala Road Bahari Beach Road
Intersection (and U-turn) ................................................................ 366
9.2.32 New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani Street Intersection
(Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn).......................................................... 370
9.2.33 New Bagamoyo Road IPTL Street Intersection (and U-turn).......... 375
9.2.34 New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road Intersection (and U-turn) ......... 379
9.2.35 DAWASA U-Turn – New Bagamoyo Road ..................................... 385
9.2.36 Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road Intersection (Mpakani
Roundabout)................................................................................... 389
9.2.37 Sam Nujoma Road University Road Intersection (Mlimani City
Roundabout)................................................................................... 391
9.2.40 Magufuli Hostel U -turn – Sam Nujoma Road ................................ 398
9.2.41 Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano Road Intersection ....................... 402

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Table 2.1: BRT phase 4 road classification .................................................. 9

Table 2.2: Design classes for various function class .................................... 9
Table 2.3: Cross Section Dimensions of the Road Design Classes ........... 10
Table 2.4: Traverse in two terrain categories ............................................. 11
Table 2.5: Minimum design speed adopted from RGDM 2011 ................... 11
Table 2.6: Dimensions of Vehicles categories ............................................ 12
Table 2.7: Minimum turning radii ................................................................ 12
Table 2.8: Lane widths ............................................................................... 13
Table 2.9: Minimum requirement for camber slope .................................... 14
Table 2.10: Recommended Side Slopes Ratios vs fill heights are shown
in the table below ...................................................................... 15
Table 2.11: Back Slope Ratios Vs Material Type ......................................... 15
Table 2.12: Cross Section widths. ................................................................ 15
Table 2.13: Summary of Design Criteria ...................................................... 17
Table 2.14: Proposed Cross Section ............................................................ 18
Table 2.15: Proposed Cross section Elements............................................. 20
Table 2.16: Proposed features of the BRT Corridor ..................................... 23
Table 2.17: The proposed cross-section ...................................................... 25
Table 2.18: The proposed cross-section elements ....................................... 26
Table 2.19: Geometric centerline ................................................................. 27
Table 2.20: Minimum radii of horizontal curves ............................................ 33
Table 2. 21: Summary of Vertical Alignment Analysis ................................... 34
Table 2.22: Maximum gradients ................................................................... 34
Table 2.23: Minimum length of Vertical curve............................................... 35
Table 2.24: Critical Length of grades ............................................................ 35
Table 2.25: Pedestrian Bridges .................................................................... 39
Table 2.26: Integration with other Projects ................................................... 40
Table 2.27: U-turn Facilities ......................................................................... 41
Table 3.1: Annual rainfall ............................................................................ 57
Table 3.2: Rainfall data collection relevant stations.................................... 60
Table 3.3: Design Return Periods .............................................................. 62
Table 3.4: The table below summarizes the culvert design criteria: ........... 62
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Table 3.5: Culvert design criteria: ............................................................... 63

Table 3.6: Rainfall Stations and duration of records ................................... 66
Table 3.7: The Runoff Coefficient Values for Different catchments ............ 67
Table 3.8: Runoff Coefficients for Various Other Surfaces ......................... 67
Table 3.9: Results of Computations by rational formula ............................. 69
Table 3.10: The Standard Contributing Area Coefficient, Cs ........................ 73
Table 3.11: The Catchment Wetness Factors, Cw ....................................... 73
Table 3.12: The Land Use factor, CL ........................................................... 73
Table 3.13: Rainfall Time (Tp) for East Africa 10-year Storms ..................... 74
Table 3.14: The Catchment Lag Times, K .................................................... 74
Table 3.15: Results of Computations by TRRL ............................................ 75
Table 3.16: Catchment Slope classifications ................................................ 76
Table 3.18: Land use table Factors (CL) ...................................................... 77
Table 3.19: Catchment Wetness Factors (Cw) ............................................. 78
Table 3.20: Surface cover time..................................................................... 79
Table 3.21: Peak Flow Factors ..................................................................... 79
Table 3.22: Design peak flows for Msimbazi catchment area for each
return period .............................................................................. 80
Table 3.23: Hydraulics of Drainage Structures ............................................. 87
Table 3.25: Possible Climate Change Events, Risks and General
Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 90
Table 5.1: List of Bridge Structures .......................................................... 133
Table 5.2: Basic elements for structural design ........................................ 138
Table 5.3: Codes, Standards and Design manual .................................... 140
Table 5.4: BS EN Codes for Structural Design ......................................... 141
Table 5.5: Materials Unit Weight .............................................................. 141
Table 5.6: Materials Properties................................................................. 141
Table 5.7: Dynamic loads: Earthquake load ............................................. 142
Table 5.8: Partial safety factors (γm) for the materials ............................. 142
Table 5.10: The applied span length for the bridge superstructure ............ 147
Table 5.11: Comparison of the bridge superstructural elements ................ 148
Table 5.12: Selection criteria for abutments based on height limits............ 151
Table 5.13: Selection of abutments based on Pros and Cons criteria ........ 151
Table 5.14: Selection of piers based on Pros and Cons criteria ................. 153
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Table 5.15: Superstructure lane live loading .............................................. 154

Table 5.16: Factors for load combination 1 ................................................ 155
Table 5.17: Load combination 3 for bridge bearings design ....................... 155
Table 5.18: Load combination 4 for sub-structure bridge design ................ 155
Table 6.1: Basic elements for structural design ........................................ 157
Table 6.2: Codes, Standards and Design manual .................................... 159
Table 6.3: BS EN Codes for Structural Design ......................................... 161
Table 6.4: Materials Unit Weight .............................................................. 162
Table 6.5: Materials Properties................................................................. 162
Table 6.6: Permanent loads: Dead load of structures .............................. 162
Table 6.7: Variable loads: Imposed floor loads......................................... 163
Table 6.8: Dynamic loads: Wind load ....................................................... 163
Table 6.9: Dynamic loads: Earthquake load ............................................. 163
Table 6.10: Concrete cover to the reinforcing steel .................................... 163
Table 6.11: Parameters Used..................................................................... 166
Table 6.12: Datum Control Points for Position (X, Y) Coordinates ............. 167
Table 7.1: GPS Static closure error after computation ............................. 173
Table 8.1: Borehole Location for Bridges ................................................. 185
Table 8.2: Borehole location for Interchanges .......................................... 185
Table 8.3: Borehole location for Pedestrian Crossing .............................. 185
Table 8.4: Standard Penetration test (SPT N) results for boreholes for
Bridges .................................................................................... 188
Table 8.7: Groundwater rise variation for proposed bridges along New
Bagamoyo road ....................................................................... 191
Table 8.8: Groundwater variation for proposed pedestrian crossing ........ 191
Table 8.9: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Selander
Bridges .................................................................................... 194
Table 8.10: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Mlalakuwa
Bridge ...................................................................................... 194
Table 8.11: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Lugalo
Bridge ...................................................................................... 195
Table 8.12: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Tegeta
Bridge ...................................................................................... 195

Draft Detailed Report

Table 8.13: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Mbuyuni

Interchange ............................................................................. 196
Table 8.18: Borehole Location for Depots and Terminal ............................ 215
Table 8.19: Borehole location for BRT Stations.......................................... 215
Table 8.20: Standard Penetration test (SPT N) results for boreholes for
Depots and Terminal ............................................................... 218
Table 8.21: Standard Penetration test (SPT N) results for BRT Stations ... 218
Table 8.22: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Mbuyuni
Depots ..................................................................................... 222
Table 8.24: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for DAWASA
Terminal .................................................................................. 222
Table 8.25: Depots and Terminal ............................................................... 228
Table 8.26: Depots and Terminal ............................................................... 230
Table 8.27: Summary of results for Geotechnical tested parameters for
BRT Stations ........................................................................... 230
Table 8.28: Grouped strata formation for various locations of the project .. 232

Draft Detailed Report


Figure 1.1: Project Study Area ...................................................................... 5

Figure 2.1: Busway Typical Cross section................................................... 14
Figure 2.2: Typical Criss section Maktaba to Ohio ...................................... 19
Figure 2.3: Typical Cross section Ohio to Selander bridge (Between
Stations) .................................................................................... 20
Figure 2.4: Typical cross section Aghakhan BRT Station............................ 21
Figure 2.5: Typical cross section Palm Beach BRT Station ........................ 21
Figure 2.5: Typical cross section Salender bridge to Morocco (Between
Stations) .................................................................................... 22
Figure 2.6: Typical Cross section Salender Bridge to Morocco (At
Stations) .................................................................................... 23
Figure 2.7: Typical Cross section Morocco to Mwenge (Between
Stations) .................................................................................... 24
Figure 2.8: Typical Cross section Morocco to mwenge (At Stations) .......... 24
Figure 2.9: Typical Cross section Mwenge-Tegeta (Between Stations) ...... 25
Figure 2.10: The proposed cross-section elements ...................................... 26
Figure 2.11: Ramps, Crosswalks and Corner Treatments............................. 38
Figure 2.12: Handrail along ramps ................................................................ 38
Figure 2.13: Audible Pedestrian Crossing ..................................................... 39
Figure 3.1: Rainfall Intensity-Duration- Frequency Curves .......................... 68
Figure 4.1: Elevated water tank to supply water to the station staff
washrooms (as per DART requirements and
recommendations). ................................................................... 99
Figure 4.2: Bus station type I ..................................................................... 102
Figure 4.3: Bus station type II ................................................................... 103
Figure 4.4: Bus station type III ................................................................... 104
Figure 4.5: Bus station type IV .................................................................. 105
Figure 4.6: Bus Station type V ................................................................... 106
Figure 4.7: Bus Station type VI .................................................................. 107
Figure 4.8: Kinondoni Feeder Stands at Kinondoni Road ......................... 111
Figure 4.9: Feeder Station at Rose Garden Road ..................................... 111
Figure 4.10: Feeder Station at Kajenge Road ............................................. 112
Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.11: Goig Feeder Station at Goig Bus Station ................................ 112
Figure 4.12: Feeder Station at Africana Road ............................................. 113
Figure 4.13: Feeder Station at Sam Nujoma Road (University Feeder
Station) .................................................................................... 114
Figure 4.14: Feeder Station at Igesa Road ................................................. 114
Figure 4.15: Feeder Station at Savei Road ................................................. 115
Figure 4.16: Feeder Station at Lugalo - Mwenge Feeder Station ................ 116
Figure 4.17: Boko Basihaya Bus Terminal: A Single platform at the
centre split between BRT and Feeders Terminal Station. ....... 117
Figure 4.18: (B): Mbuyuni/Sala Sala Bus Terminal: A “two platforms at
the centre” with “BRT outside and Feeder inside” Bus
Terminal, ................................................................................. 118
Figure 4.19: Mwenge Bus Terminal at Mwenge (a single platform at the
centre) ..................................................................................... 119
Figure 4.20: Morocco extended Bus Terminal (a single platform at the
centre) ..................................................................................... 119
Figure 4.21: Kivukoni extended Bus Terminal (an inside terminal” with
“multiple platforms) .................................................................. 120
Figure 4.22: Mbuyuni Depot Building with 414 vehicle parking (design
details of the building in separate drawings). .......................... 125
Figure 4.23: SIMU 2000 Depot Building with 333 parking lots ((design
details of the building in separate drawings). .......................... 128
Figure 4.24: Vehicle parking lots (203 lots) at Sala Sala / Mbuyuni
including Park and Ride parking (109 lots) .............................. 129
Figure 5.1: Salender Bridge ...................................................................... 133
Figure 5.2: Mlalakuwa River Bridge .......................................................... 134
Figure 5.3: Mbezi River Bridge .................................................................. 134
Figure 5.4: Tegeta River Bridge ................................................................ 135
Figure 5.5: Single cell box culvert and pipe culverts ................................. 144
Figure 5.6: Single cell box culvert ............................................................. 145
Figure 5.7: Typical bridge cross section (at middle of existing bridges) .... 149
Figure 5.8: Typical bridge cross section (Salender Bridge) ....................... 150
Figure 7.1: Dar es Salaam height datum referred to Mean Sea level ........ 168
Figure 7.2: Sample of Monumented Control Point along the road ............. 169
Draft Detailed Report

Figure 7.3 Refer to location map below showing datum points used
and new road control points established. ................................ 169
Figure 7.4: Location map........................................................................... 170
Figure 7.5: Time for observation ............................................................... 171
Figure 7.6: Date of observation ................................................................. 171
Figure 7.7: Static GPS Survey operations along the road, Source
Kunhwa survey October 2019 ................................................. 172
Figure 8.1: Generalized Geology and Geologic Section of Tanzania
(Semkimwa P. M et al, 2005) .................................................. 183
Figure 8.2: Soil Map of Tanzania including Dar es Salaam Features ........ 184
Figure 8.3: Drilling works at Selander Bridge (BH02) and Mbuyuni
Interchange (BH01) ................................................................. 186
Figure 8.4: Drilling works at Tegeta Bridge. .............................................. 187
Figure 8.5: Standard Penetration Tests carried on the site at borehole 1
(BH01) with sample recovery at Lugalo Bridge ....................... 190
Figure 8.6: Groundwater level measurement at the boreholes .................. 191
Figure 8.7: Soil strata and profiles from core box at Tegeta Bridge .......... 192
Figure 8.8: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Lugalo
Bridge ...................................................................................... 192
Figure 8.9: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Mlalakuwa
Bridge ...................................................................................... 192
Figure 8.10: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Selander
Bridge ...................................................................................... 193
Figure 8.11: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Mbuyuni
Junction Interchange ............................................................... 193
Figure 8.12: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Goba
Junction Interchange ............................................................... 193
Figure 8.13: The graph of f1 vs. PI (Stroud and Buter) for determination
of shear strength ..................................................................... 207
Figure 8.14: Relationship between swell index and liquid limit for clay
soil Chen, 1988) ...................................................................... 210
Figure 8.15: Drilling works at Super-Lugalo and Morocco Station using
Rotary Drilling equipment and Hand Auger respectively. ........ 217

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 8.16: Standard Penetration Tests carried on the site at borehole 1

(BH01) with sample recovery at Mawasiliano/Simu 2000
Depot ...................................................................................... 219
Figure 8.17: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Mawasiliano
Depot (BH01 & BH02) ............................................................. 220
Figure 8.18: Soil strata layout and profiles at Mbuyuni Depot-BH03 ........... 220
Figure 8.19: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Agha Khan
Station ..................................................................................... 220
Figure 8.20: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Morocco
Station ..................................................................................... 221
Figure 8.21: Soil strata layout and profile from core box at Mjengoni-
UDSM Hostel Station .............................................................. 221
Figure 8.22: Soil strata and profile from core box at Tank Bovu station ...... 221
Figure 8.23: The graph of f1 vs. PI (Stroud and Buter) for determination
of shear strength ..................................................................... 233
Figure 8.24: Relationship between swell index and liquid limit for clay
soil (Chen, 1988) ..................................................................... 236
Figure 9.1: Existing Layout of the section Bibititi Mohamed road .............. 240
Figure 9.2: Traffic management during construction along Bibi Titi
Mohammed Street - stage 1 .................................................... 242
Figure 9.3: Traffic management during construction along Bibi Titi
Mohammed Street - stage 2 .................................................... 242
Figure 9.4: Traffic management during construction along Bibi Titi
Mohammed Street - stage 3 .................................................... 243
Figure 9.5: Possible divergence route ....................................................... 244
Figure 9.6: Existing section with a median, without service road along
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road ......................................................... 245
Figure 9.7: Existing section with a median and service road along Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road .............................................................. 246
Figure 9.8: Existing section with an auxiliary lane along Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 246
Figure 9.9: Traffic management during construction along Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road - stage 1 ............................................................. 248

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.10: Traffic management during construction along Ali Hassan

Mwinyi Road - stage 2 ............................................................. 248
Figure 9.11: Existing features along New Bagamoyo Road (Mwenge
junction to Wazo Hill Road and New Bagamoyo Road
Intersection). ........................................................................... 249
Figure 9.12: Existing features along Sam Nujoma Road ............................. 250
Figure 9.13: Traffic control plan during construction for two lanes two
ways ........................................................................................ 251
Figure 9.14: Traffic control plan during construction for Dual carriage
way .......................................................................................... 252
Figure 9.15: Route Diversion signs ............................................................. 254
Figure 9.16: A Flag Man stopping vehicles at work zone ............................ 254
Figure 9.17: Speed limit sign for controlling vehicle speeds at work zone .. 254
Figure 9.18: Channelizing devices at work zones (Traffic Control
devices) ................................................................................... 255
Figure 9.19: Bibi Titi Mohammed Street - Maktaba Street Intersection ....... 258
Figure 9.20: Construction of Bibi Titi Mohammed Street - Maktaba Street
Intersection during stage 1 ...................................................... 258
Figure 9.21: Construction of Bibi Titi Mohammed Street - Maktaba Street
Intersection during stage 2 ...................................................... 259
Figure 9.22: Construction of Bibi Titi Mohammed Street - Maktaba Street
Intersection during stage 3 ...................................................... 260
Figure 9.23: Construction of Bibi Titi Mohammed Street - Maktaba Street
Intersection during stage 4 ...................................................... 261
Figure 9.24: Existing Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/ Ali Hassan Mwinyi
Road Ohio Street Intersection ................................................. 261
Figure 9.25: Stage 1 construction of Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio Street Intersection ........................ 262
Figure 9.26: Stage 2 construction of Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio Street Intersection ........................ 263
Figure 9.27: Stage 3 construction of Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio Street Intersection ........................ 264
Figure 9.28: Stage 4 construction of Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio Street Intersection ........................ 264
Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.29: Stage 5 construction of Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali

Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio Street Intersection ........................ 265
Figure 9.30: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni Road/Nkomo Street
Intersection (Las Vegas) ......................................................... 266
Figure 9.31: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni
Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas) ......................... 267
Figure 9.32: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni
Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas) ......................... 268
Figure 9.33: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni
Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas) ......................... 269
Figure 9.34: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni
Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas) ......................... 270
Figure 9.35: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni
Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas) ......................... 271
Figure 9.36: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack Obama Drive Intersection
(Palm Beach) .......................................................................... 272
Figure 9.37: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack
Obama Drive Intersection (Palm Beach) ................................. 273
Figure 9.38: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack
Obama Drive Intersection (Palm Beach) ................................. 274
Figure 9.39: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack
Obama Drive Intersection (Palm Beach) ................................. 275
Figure 9.40: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack
Obama Drive Intersection (Palm Beach) ................................. 276
Figure 9.41: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack
Obama Drive Intersection (Palm Beach) ................................. 277
Figure 9.42: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road Intersection ...................... 277
Figure 9.43: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road
Intersection.............................................................................. 278
Figure 9.44: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road
Intersection.............................................................................. 279
Figure 9.45: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road
Intersection.............................................................................. 279

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.46: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road

Intersection.............................................................................. 280
Figure 9.47: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni Road/Kenyatta Drive
Intersection.............................................................................. 280
Figure 9.48: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni
Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection ............................................ 281
Figure 9.49: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni
Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection ............................................ 282
Figure 9.50: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni
Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection ............................................ 283
Figure 9.51: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni
Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection ............................................ 284
Figure 9.52: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni
Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection ............................................ 285
Figure 9.53: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road - Kaunda Drive Intersection ............. 286
Figure 9.54: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road - Kaunda
Drive Intersection .................................................................... 286
Figure 9.55: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road - Kaunda
Drive Intersection .................................................................... 287
Figure 9.56: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road - Kaunda
Drive Intersection .................................................................... 287
Figure 9.57: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road - Kaunda
Drive Intersection .................................................................... 288
Figure 9.58: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road - Kaunda
Drive Intersection .................................................................... 289
Figure 9.59: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road ......................................................... 289
Figure 9.60: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road .................... 290
Figure 9.61: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road .................... 291
Figure 9.62: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road ................... 292
Figure 9.63: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road .................... 293
Figure 9.64: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road .................... 294
Figure 9.65: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile Selassie Road Intersection
(St. Peter’s) ............................................................................. 294

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.66 Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile

Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s) .................................. 295
Figure 9.67: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile
Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s) .................................. 295
Figure 9.68: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile
Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s) .................................. 296
Figure 9.69: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile
Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s) .................................. 296
Figure 9.70: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile
Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s) .................................. 297
Figure 9.71: RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road ..................... 298
Figure 9.72: Stage 1 construction of RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road .............................................................. 299
Figure 9.73: Stage 2 construction of RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road .............................................................. 300
Figure 9.74: Stage 3 construction of RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road .............................................................. 301
Figure 9.75: Stage 4 construction of RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road .............................................................. 302
Figure 9.76: Stage 5 construction of RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road .............................................................. 303
Figure 9.77: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old Bagamoyo Road Intersection
(Namanga) Proposed Construction stages ............................. 303
Figure 9.78: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old
Bagamoyo Road Intersection (Namanga) ............................... 304
Figure 9.79: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old
Bagamoyo Road Intersection (Namanga) ............................... 305
Figure 9.81: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old
Bagamoyo Road Intersection (Namanga) ............................... 306
Figure 9.82: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old
Bagamoyo Road Intersection (Namanga) ............................... 306
Figure 9.83: Main features in Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road ............................... 307
Figure 9.84: Stage 1 construction of BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 308
Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.85: Stage 2 construction of BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan

Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 309
Figure 9.86: Stage 3 construction of BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 310
Figure 9.87: Stage 4 construction of BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 311
Figure 9.88: Stage 5 construction of BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 312
Figure 9.89 New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA Street Intersection ................ 313
Figure 9.90: Stage 1 construction of New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA
Street Intersection ................................................................... 314
Figure 9.91: Stage 2 construction of New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA
Street Intersection ................................................................... 315
Figure 9.92: Stage 3 construction of New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA
Street Intersection ................................................................... 316
Figure 9.93: Stage 4 construction of New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA
Street Intersection ................................................................... 317
Figure 9.94: New Bagamoyo Road ............................................................. 318
Figure 9.95: Stage 1 construction of SUMA JKT U-Turn (New Bagamoyo
Road) ...................................................................................... 319
Figure 9.96: Stage 2 construction of SUMA JKT U-Turn (New Bagamoyo
Road) ...................................................................................... 320
Figure 9.97: Stage 3 construction of SUMA JKT U-Turn (New Bagamoyo
Road) ...................................................................................... 321
Figure 9.98: Lugalo Science - New Bagamoyo Road .................................. 322
Figure 9.99: Stage 1 construction of Lugalo U-Turn (New Bagamoyo
Road) ...................................................................................... 323
Figure 9.100: Stage 2 construction of Lugalo U-Turn (New Bagamoyo
Road) ...................................................................................... 324
Figure 9.101: Stage 3 construction of Lugalo U-Turn (New Bagamoyo
Road) ...................................................................................... 325
Figure 9.102: Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road............................ 326
Figure 9.103: Stage 1 construction of Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 327
Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.104: Stage 2 construction of Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan

Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 328
Figure 9. 105: Stage 3 construction of Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 329
Figure 9.106: Stage 4 construction of Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 330
Figure 9.107: Stage 5 construction of Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road............................................................................ 331
Figure 9.108: New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road Intersection ...................... 332
Figure 9.109: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road
Intersection.............................................................................. 333
Figure 9.110: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road
Intersection.............................................................................. 334
Figure 9.111: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road
Intersection.............................................................................. 335
Figure 9.112: Stage 4 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road
Intersection.............................................................................. 336
Figure 9.113: New Bagamoyo Road Ally Sykes Road Intersection
(Tangibovu U-turn) .................................................................. 337
Figure 9.114: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Ally Sykes
Road Intersection (Tangibovu U-turn) ..................................... 338
Figure 9.115: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Ally Sykes
Road Intersection (Tangibovu U-turn) ..................................... 339
Figure 9.116: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Ally Sykes
Road Intersection (Tangibovu U-turn) ..................................... 340
Figure 9.117: Goba – New Bagamoyo Road................................................. 341
Figure 9.118: Stage 1 Construction of Goba U-Turn – New Bagamoyo
Road ....................................................................................... 342
Figure 9.119: Stage 2 Construction of Goba U-Turn – New Bagamoyo
Road ....................................................................................... 343
Figure 9.120: Stage 3 Construction of Goba U-Turn – New Bagamoyo
Road ....................................................................................... 344
Figure 9.121: New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street Intersection (Massana) .. 345

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.122: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street

Intersection (Massana) ............................................................ 346
Figure 9.123: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street
Intersection (Massana) ............................................................ 347
Figure 9.124: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street
Intersection (Massana) ............................................................ 348
Figure 9.125: Stage 4 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street
Intersection (Massana) ............................................................ 349
Figure 9.126: New Bagamoyo Road Makonde Street (Baraza la Mitihani)
Intersection (and U-Turn) ........................................................ 350
Figure 9.127: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Makonde
Street (Baraza la Mitihani) Intersection (and U-Turn) .............. 351
Figure 9.128: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Makonde
Street (Baraza la Mitihani) Intersection (and U-Turn) .............. 352
Figure 9.129: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Makonde
Street (Baraza la Mitihani) Intersection (and U-Turn) .............. 353
Figure 9.130: Interchick – New Bagamoyo Road .......................................... 354
Figure 9.131: Stage 1 Construction of Interchick U-Turn – New Bagamoyo
Road ....................................................................................... 355
Figure 9.132: Stage 2 Construction of Interchick U-Turn – New Bagamoyo
Road ....................................................................................... 356
Figure 9.133: Stage 3 Construction of Interchick U-Turn – New Bagamoyo
Road ....................................................................................... 357
Figure 9.134: New Bagamoyo Road Jupiter Street Intersection (and U-
turn) (Mbezi Jogoo) ................................................................. 358
Figure 9.135: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Jupiter
Street Intersection (and U-turn) (Mbezi Jogoo) ....................... 359
Figure 9.136: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Jupiter
Street Intersection (and U-turn) (Mbezi Jogoo) ....................... 360
Figure 9. 137: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Jupiter
Street Intersection (and U-turn) (Mbezi Jogoo) ....................... 361
Figure 9.138: New Bagamoyo Road Africana Drive Intersection (and U-
turn) ......................................................................................... 362

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.139: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Africana

Drive Intersection (and U-turn) ................................................ 363
Figure 9.140: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Africana
Drive Intersection (and U-turn) ................................................ 364
Figure 9.141: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Africana
Drive Intersection (and U-turn) ................................................ 365
Figure 9.142: New Bagamoyo Road Salasala Road Bahari Beach Road
Intersection (and U-turn) ......................................................... 366
Figure 9.143: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Salasala
Road Bahari Beach Road Intersection (and U-turn) ................ 367
Figure 9.144: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Salasala
Road Bahari Beach Road Intersection (and U-turn) ................ 368
Figure 9.145: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Salasala
Road Bahari Beach Road Intersection (and U-turn) ................ 369
Figure 9.146: New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani Street Intersection
(Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn) .................................................. 370
Figure 9.147: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani
Street Intersection (Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn) .................... 371
Figure 9.148: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani
Street Intersection (Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn) .................... 372
Figure 9.149: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani
Street Intersection (Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn) .................... 373
Figure 9.150: Stage 4 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani
Street Intersection (Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn) .................... 374
Figure 9.151: New Bagamoyo Road IPTL Street Intersection (and U-turn) .. 375
Figure 9.152: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road IPTL Street
Intersection (and U-turn) ......................................................... 376
Figure 9.153: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road IPTL Street
Intersection (and U-turn) ......................................................... 377
Figure 9.154: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road IPTL Street
Intersection (and U-turn) ......................................................... 378
Figure 9.155: New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road Intersection (and U-turn) .. 379
Figure 9.156: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road
Intersection (and U-turn) ......................................................... 380
Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.157: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road

Intersection (and U-turn) ......................................................... 381
Figure 9.158: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road
Intersection (and U-turn) ......................................................... 382
Figure 9.159: Stage 4 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road
Intersection (and U-turn) ......................................................... 383
Figure 9.160: Stage 5 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road
Intersection (and U-turn) ......................................................... 384
Figure 9.161: DAWASA – New Bagamoyo Road .......................................... 385
Figure 9.162: Stage 1 Construction of DAWASA U-Turn – New
Bagamoyo Road ..................................................................... 386
Figure 9.163: Stage 2 Construction of DAWASA U-Turn – New
Bagamoyo Road ..................................................................... 387
Figure 9.164: Stage 3 Construction of DAWASA U-Turn – New
Bagamoyo Road ..................................................................... 388
Figure 9.165: Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road Intersection (Mpakani
Roundabout) ........................................................................... 389
Figure 9.166: Stage 1 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road
Intersection (Mpakani Roundabout) ........................................ 389
Figure 9.167: Stage 2 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road
Intersection (Mpakani Roundabout) ........................................ 390
Figure 9.168: Stage 3 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road
Intersection (Mpakani Roundabout) ........................................ 390
Figure 9.169: Stage 4 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road
Intersection (Mpakani Roundabout) ........................................ 391
Figure 9.170: Sam Nujoma Road University Road Intersection (Mlimani
City Roundabout) .................................................................... 391
Figure 9.171: Stage 1 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road University Road
Intersection (Mlimani City Roundabout) .................................. 392
Figure 9. 172: Stage 2 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road University Road
Intersection (Mlimani City Roundabout) .................................. 393
Figure 9.173: Stage 3 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road University Road
Intersection (Mlimani City Roundabout) .................................. 393

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9. 174: Stage 4 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road University Road

Intersection (Mlimani City Roundabout) .................................. 394
Figure 9.175: Sam Nujoma Road Igesa Road Intersection ........................... 394
Figure 9.176: Stage 1 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Igesa Road
Intersection.............................................................................. 395
Figure 9.177: Stage 2 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Igesa Road
Intersection.............................................................................. 396
Figure 9.178: Stage 3 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Igesa Road
Intersection.............................................................................. 397
Figure 9.179: Magufuli Hostel U -turn – Sam Nujoma Road ......................... 398
Figure 9.180: Stage 1 Construction of Magufuli Hostel U -turn – Sam
Nujoma Road .......................................................................... 399
Figure 9.181: Stage 2 Construction of Magufuli Hostel U -turn – Sam
Nujoma Road .......................................................................... 400
Figure 9.182: Stage 3 Construction of Magufuli Hostel U -turn – Sam
Nujoma Road .......................................................................... 401
Figure 9.183: Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano Road Intersection ................ 402
Figure 9.184: Stage 1 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano
Road Intersection .................................................................... 403
Figure 9.185: Stage 2 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano
Road Intersection .................................................................... 404
Figure 9.186: Stage 3 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano
Road Intersection .................................................................... 405
Figure 9.187: Stage 4 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano
Road Intersection .................................................................... 406

Draft Detailed Report

1.1 Project Background
Dar es Salaam City is the largest city in Tanzania has approximately five million
inhabitants accounting for around 40 percent of the urban population. The city is
expected to more than double its population by 2030, reaching 10 million. This
makes the city one of the fastest-growing cities in the world. It is also the third
fastest growing city in Africa, growing at an average rate of 5.8 percent annually
over 2002–2012. It is the country’s principal center of commerce and industry
and also an important terminal for air, sea, and road transport.

The studies conducted by GOT/JICA Master Plan Study on 2008, indicated that
90% of Dar es Salaam residents walk, cycle or take a bus ride to work. The
study showed that 56% of the Dar es Salaam residents make a walking trip,
41% make a trip by using public transport “Daladala”, and 3% make a trip by
using motorized two and three wheelers and private cars.

Dar es Salaam like many other cities around the world is faced with a
tremendous challenge of providing residents access to jobs, education, and
public services, all while not exhausting the finite environmental, social, and
economic resources available to them. An over dependence and prioritization of
single-occupant vehicles has exacerbated air and noise pollution, traffic
congestion, sprawling development, and traffic fatalities.

Thus, the high increase in population in Dar es Salaam has led to an increase in
transportation demand and hence high congestion and poor environmental and
safety conditions. The imposition of large-scale rise in private cars on walking
and living spaces has developed undesirable living environment and increase
demand of necessary infrastructure which is beyond the City capacity in terms
of roads, parking, etc. For this reason, Dar es Salaam need to invest in a more
complete set of sustainable mobility options that shift people away from driving
cars, while simultaneously reforming their planning policies to develop around
dense corridors with public transport and accessible amenities. At the heart of
this strategy is providing high-quality public transport for all people.

Draft Detailed Report

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has risen to the task of providing high-quality transport,
particularly during the past decade to cities around the globe. With roots in
South America, BRT began in Curitiba, Brazil in 1972, and it is a cost-effective,
bus-based rapid transit system, which can achieve high capacity, speed and
service quality. The system accomplishes this through a combination of
features: segregated bus lanes that are typically median aligned, off-board fare
collection, level boarding, bus priority at intersections, and other quality-of-
service elements (examples include information technology and effective

Therefore, the Government of Tanzania under the Ministry of Works, Transport

and Communications with its transportation agency Tanzania National Roads
Agency (TANROADS) -proposed an extensive BRT network in Dar es Salaam.
The proposed BRT network was aimed at addressing traffic congestion and
reshaping the growth of the city by influencing mixed land use of high density
along the BRT corridors. The BRT project involves development of a total of
140.1 km of BRT corridors to be implemented sequentially from the first to the
sixth line.

The project will upgrade the public transport system from the current minibuses
(Daladala) to high-quality bus-based mass transit system which is operated on
specialized infrastructure with adequate incentive to offer affordable mobility,
sustainable urban environment and better quality of life to urban population, of
all income levels. The first phase of the BRT system was planned in 2007 and
began operating on May 16, 2016.The entire system is operated by Dar es
Salaam Rapid Transit Agency (DART). The implementation of all phases of the
BRT system is expected to be completed in 2030.

1.2 Project Objectives

The main objective of the project is to carry out Consultancy Services for
Detailed Engineering Design, Preparation of Bidding Documents and
Supervision of works for the Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
infrastructure – Phase 4 (Phase I); Contract No. TRD/HQ/1087/2018/19
(30.12km). To this effect the Chief Executive – TANROADS, appointed M/s

Draft Detailed Report

Kunhwa Engineering & Consulting Co. Ltd in JV with M/s Seoul Housing &
Communities Corporation and M/s Dongsung Engineering Co. Ltd., in
Association with M/s Aqgola Engineering & Management Services Ltd., to carry
out Design and supervision of 30.15kms of Bus Rapid Transit System Phase 4
in Dar es Salaam City.

The contract for the assignment, contract No. TRD/HQ/1087/2018/19 was

executed on the June 12th ,2019 and the official commencement date of the
assignment was July 12th ,2019 with the intended completion date of 9 months
from the contract effective date.

The designed infrastructure consists of not only the roadwork that form the
busway and mixed traffic but also a range of other components, the
infrastructure components include:
i. Busway infrastructure;
ii. Mixed traffic infrastructure;
iii. Stations;
iv. Intermediate transfer stations;
v. Terminals;
vi. Depots;
vii. Control center;
viii. Traffic control signals;
ix. Integration infrastructure;
x. Park and ride facilities;
xi. Landscape;
xii. Public utilities.

The design covers three main areas being the infrastructure design (in the
physical location), the network plans (the service plans) and the organizational
and institutional management plan.

After implementation of BRT 4 and other phases, the objectives of fully

developed BRT will reflect a high-quality transit service that provides an
elevated level of customer satisfaction by

Draft Detailed Report

▪ Reducing transit travel time

▪ Increasing trip reliability
▪ Improving transit connections and providing more direct service
▪ Decreasing station stop dwell times and waiting times
▪ Enhancing system identity
▪ Increasing travel comfort
▪ Enhancing safety and security

1.3 Project scope and Location

Under the current contract, Dar es Salaam Rapid Bus Transport System BRT
Phase 4 includes the following road sections:
i. A section of Bibi Titi Mohamed road from Maktaba Street junction
to Ohio Street junction (0.23 km).
ii. Ali Hassan Mwinyi road (from the junction of Ohio Street to
Morocco) (5.92 km).
iii. New Bagamoyo Road from Morocco junction to Tegeta (DAWASA
Daladala Bus Station) (20 km).
iv. A spur on Sam Nujoma Road from its junction with New
Bagamoyo Road to Ubungo junction (4 km).

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 1.1: Project Study Area

Source: Consultant (2020)

Draft Detailed Report

1.4 Report Structure:

This main report covers the Infrastructure Design (in the physical location), i.e.,
i. Geometry Design
ii. Traffic Analysis and Pavement Design
iii. Hydrology and Hydraulic Design
iv. Architectural Design
v. Structural Design
vi. Topographical Survey
vii. Geotechnical Investigation
viii. Traffic Management.

The network plan (the service plan) and the organizational/institutional

management plan reports are presented as standalone reports and covers;
i. Investor Report
ii. Business Plan Report
iii. Economic Study Report
iv. Operational Report
v. Project Management Report
vi. Project Risk Management Report

Further to the above reports, the following reports which falls under the
Infrastructure Design, have been presented as standalone reports as per
Client’s request:
i. Bus Technical Specifications Report
ii. ITS Report
iii. OFC Report
iv. Drainage Report
v. Materials Report
vi. Structural Report Lot 1
vii. Structural Report Lot 2
viii. Traffic and Transportation Report.

Draft Detailed Report


2.1 Design Standards
The geometric design of the road will be based on the following
▪ MOW Geometric Design Manual 2011 Edition
▪ Code of Practice for Geometric Design (Draft) published by SATCC –
▪ Overseas Road note no 12
▪ AASHTO Guide for the development of bicycle facilities
▪ AASHTO Highway & Street Design “Green Book”
▪ MOW Standard Specifications for Road Works, 2000
▪ Streets for Walking and Cycling UN Habitat & ITDP

2.2 Geometric Design and Volume Computation

2.2.1 General
Geometric Design of the Road. Geometric Design for transportation facilities
includes the design of geometric cross sections, horizontal alignment, vertical
alignment, intersections, and various design details. These basic elements are
common to all linear facilities, such as flyovers. Geometric design maximizes
the comfort, safety, and economy of the infrastructures, while minimizing their
environmental impacts.

In this project the consultant acknowledges the conceptual design for the BRT
Phase 4 which was done by MS LOGIT Consultants in 2018. This conceptual
design will form a base for our preliminary and detailed Engineering design,
modifications will be done on the conceptual design to suit requirements of the
design standards and site condition.

The Consultant has carried out detailed design of the road with respect to the
agreed design criteria presented in the inception report and interim report, Since
the month of September 2019 the geometric design team has been working on
site and office carrying out investigations on various alignments, assessing and
designing the horizontal and vertical alignments taking into consideration of the
following factors.

Draft Detailed Report

i. Conceptual Design carried out by MS LOGIT

ii. Agreed design criteria
iii. Current and/or anticipated traffic volumes and composition
iv. Exiting terrain
v. Existing infrastructure
vi. Land use along the project corridor
vii. Local fixed points such as bridges;
viii. Geotechnical and soils investigations;
ix. Hydrological and drainage characteristics

2.3 Road Classification

In Tanzania the road network is grouped into a number of different
classifications for planning and design purposes. The responsibility of the
construction and maintenance of all major roads in Tanzania is vested under
TANROADS. For design purposes, the roads are divided in the following 6

Trunk Roads: - comprising of all inter-territorial through routes.

Local Main Roads: - comprising of all inter-regional roads other than Trunk
Roads and which connect Regional Centres and such centres to the Trunk

Regional Roads: - comprising of all inter-district roads connecting district

centres other than the Trunk and Local Main Roads.

District Roads: - comprising of all other major roads within a district other than
the above three categories. District Roads should at least connect centres of
Division (TARAFA) or main centres of production of the above main roads.

Major Feeder Roads: - comprising of all roads other than the 4 categories
above which connects Wards (KATA).

Minor Feeder Roads: - comprising of all other motor able roads.

Draft Detailed Report

Our proposed roads for BRT phase 4 is divided into five links which are already
classified as shown in the Table below

Table 2.1: BRT phase 4 road classification

Sn Road Link Name Road Number Classification
1 A section of Bibi Titi Mohamed road from T24 Trunk Road
Maktaba Street junction to Ohio Street
junction (0.23km).
2 Ali Hassan Mwinyi road (from the junction T26 Trunk Road
of Ohio Street to Morocco) (5.92 km).
3 New Bagamoyo Road from Morocco T26 Trunk Road
junction to Tegeta (DAWASA Daladala
Bus Station) (20 km);
4 A spur on Sam Nujoma Road from its T25 Trunk Road
junction with New Bagamoyo Road to
Ubungo junction (4 km).

The minimum design criteria of these roads’ sections in accordance with the
RGDM, based on the above classification, are discussed below.

2.3.1 Design Class

Road design classes are dependent of traffic volume AADT (veh/day) in the
design year and function class. Traffic volume expected for the design period 20
years for each road link have been calculated from the traffic studies which
have been undertaken by the consultant. From the calculated traffic volume, the
consultant determined the appropriate design class for the road from the table

Table 2.2: Design classes for various function class

Road Design AADT (veh/day) in
Function Class Remarks
Class the design year
DC1 >8000 Adopted
DC2 4000-8000
DC3 1000-4000
DC4 400-1000 M
DC5 200-400 M
DC6 50-200
DC7 20-50
DC8 <20

From the desk study carried out by the consultant and previous traffic surveys
undertaken by TANROADS Regional Manager office Dar es salaam, the
proposed roads fell within design class 1 (DC1)
Draft Detailed Report

2.3.2 Dimensions of the Road

The minimum design criteria of the proposed mixed traffic lanes will be
calculated in accordance with table 2.3 RGDM 2011 as shown in the table 2.3

Table 2.3: Cross Section Dimensions of the Road Design Classes

Road Carriageway
Shoulder Median
Design reserve Roadway
Surface Lane width width
class width width [m] Width No. of
width [m] [m]
[m] [m] lanes

DC1 60 28-31 2x7.0 3.5 4 2 x 2.5 * 9 -12

DC2 60 11.5 7.5 3.75 2 2 x 2.0 -

DC3 60 11.0 7.0 3.5 2 2 x 2.0 -
DC4 Paved 60 9.5 6.5 3.25 2 2 x 1.5 -
DC5 60 8.5 6.5 3.25 2 2 x 1.0 -

DC6 40 8.0 6.0 3.0 2 2 x 1.0
or paved

DC7 Gravel 30 7.5 5.5 2.75 2 2 x 1.0

Earth or
DC8 20 6.0 4.0 4.0 1 2 x 1.0
Source: Ministry of Works Road Geometric Design Manual

From the table above the proposed roads will be designed as dual carriageway
roads adopting the dimensions stated above for DC1.

The 9.0m median have been proposed in consideration of bus lanes (BRT)

2.3.2 Terrain
The terrain classification can be defined in the following cross slope ranges:
Flat terrain : ≤ 10%
Rolling terrain : > 10% and < 25%
Hilly terrain : 25% to 60%
Mountainous : > 60%

Draft Detailed Report

The proposed roads generally traverse in two terrain categories as shown in the
table below.

Table 2.4: Traverse in two terrain categories

Sn Road Link Name Terrain
1 A section of Bibi Titi Mohamed road from Maktaba Street junction to Flat
Ohio Street junction (0.23km).
2 Ali Hassan Mwinyi road (from the junction of Ohio Street to Morocco) Flat
(5.92 km).
3 New Bagamoyo Road from Morocco junction to Tegeta (DAWASA Flat/Rolling
Daladala Bus Station) (20 km);
4 A spur on Sam Nujoma Road from its junction with New Bagamoyo Flat
Road to Ubungo junction (4 km).

2.3.3 Design speed

The proposed roads are classified as design class 1 roads, a typical desirable
design speed for a road of this nature is 120km/h in flat terrain.

The desirable and minimum design speeds related to the design class versus
type of terrain, is shown in Table below, adopted from RGDM 2011.

Table 2.5: Minimum design speed adopted from RGDM 2011

Recommended design speed Km/hr Minimum design speed Km/hr
Design Carriageway Rolling Flat Rolling
Flat to
Class Width to Mountainous and and Mountainous
hilly rolling Hilly
1 2 x 7.0 120 90 70 120 90 70
2 7.5 110 80 70 100 80 60
3 7.0 110 80 70 100 80 60
4 6.5 100 80 60 80 70 50
5 6.5 80 70 50 70 50 40
6 6.0 80 70 50 70 50 40
7 6.0 70 60 50 60 50 40
Source: Ministry of Works Road Geometric Design Manual

From the table above the recommended design speed is 120km/h however the
proposed roads are passing on planned urban area and therefore the
operational speed will be limited to 50km/h in CBD and 60Km/h outside of CBD

2.3.4 Design Vehicle

The design vehicle adopted in this design is a composite rather than a single
vehicle. It thus represents a combination of the critical design features of all the
vehicles within a specific class weighted by the number of each make and

Draft Detailed Report

model vehicle found in the Tanzania vehicle population. The dimension of

various categories of vehicles which are available in Tanzania are shown on
table 2.6 below

Table 2.6: Dimensions of Vehicles categories

Vehicle Dimensions (m)
Type Wheel Base Front Overhang Rear Overhang Width
Passenger 3.1 0.7 1.0 1.8
car (P)
Single Unit 6.1 1.2 1.8 2.5
Single Unit 6.7+3.4*+6.1 1.2 1.8 2.5
Single unit 7.6 2.1 2.6 2.6
Semi-trailer 6.5+9.4 0.9 0.6 2.5
* Distance between SU rear and trailer front wheels
Source: SATCC

Two vehicles have been recommended for use in the design of the proposed
roads. The passenger car has been used for speed-related standards and the
bus for standards relating to maneuverability, typically at intersections. All
geometry and turning movements of the busways shall accommodate an
AASHTO BUS-45 design vehicle. The bus also dictates the maximum
permissible gradient. Designs, however will be checked to ensure that larger
vehicles, such as WB-15 Semi-trailer vehicles, can be accommodated within the
total width of the travelled way, even though they may encroach on adjacent or
even opposing lanes.

Turing templates recommended in the MoW Geometric design manual will been
used for establishing the layout of intersections and median openings. Swept
path analysis using Autodesk Vehicle tracking software will be carried out in all
intersections., U-turns and median openings to ensure save turning movement.
Recommended minimum turning radius are shown on Table 2.7 below
Table 2.7: Minimum turning radii
Vehicle Radius
Passenger Car (P) 6.8
Single unit truck (SU) 10.0
Bus (B) 11.5
Articulated vehicle (ARCTIC) 11.0

Draft Detailed Report

2.4 Design Criteria for BRT Lanes

BRT lanes is the portion of the roadway that buses utilize for their operations. In
this project the BRT lanes will be excluded from general traffic mixed lanes. This
section establishes the basic criteria to be used for BRT running way design.

2.4.1 BRT Lane Width

Desirable cross-sections are based on those for public roadways with the same
design speed. Minimum cross-section widths are constrained by the physical
width of the bus. Typically, the bus width constraint occurs at the mirror level,
where bus mirror to mirror widths can be on the order of 3.35 meters, hence a
bus lane width of 3.5 m is recommended for this project. Table 2.8 below gives
recommended lane widths for bus ways carrying in excess of 60 vehicles per
hour, at different design speeds. In built-up areas of the city, design speeds are
likely to be in the range 40-60 km/hr.

At stations, the lane width at a station platform may be reduced to 3.3 meters,
where passing lane is provided.

Table 2.8: Lane widths

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 2.1: Busway Typical Cross section

2.4.2 Cross section elements

The tables below are minimum requirements for camber, side and back slopes
that have been adhere to in the design of the cross-section elements.

Table 2.9: Minimum requirement for camber slope

Surface Type Camber Slope Remarks
Asphalt concrete surfaces 2.5% Adopted
Surface dressing 3.0%
Stone paved surfaces 3.0%
Gravel and earth surfaces 4.0%
Source: Ministry of Works Road Geometric Design Manual

2.4.3 Grading
The design drawings shall clearly depict the limits of permissible construction
disturbance, which shall include only those areas necessary for construction of
the proposed facilities. Requirements for clearing, grubbing, and removing
unsuitable materials shall be defined. In areas where fill slopes may encroach
upon properties adjacent to right-of -way, the use of retaining structures should
be considered. The flattest practical and economically beneficial cut and fill
slopes shall be utilized up to a maximum of two horizontals to one vertical
(1.5:1Cut/fill slopes have been designed to conducive to the establishment of
permanent vegetation for erosion control/slope stabilization.

Draft Detailed Report

Table 2.10: Recommended Side Slopes Ratios vs fill heights are shown
in the table below
Side Slope
Height (m)
Vertical: Horizontal

< 1.0m 1:4

1.0m to 3.0m 1:2
3.0m to 4.0m 1:1.5
> 4.0m Benching

Source: Ministry of Works Road Geometric Design Manual

Table 7-5: Recommended Back Slope Ratios Vs Material Type are shown in the
table below

Table 2.11: Back Slope Ratios Vs Material Type

Back Slope
Material Type
Vertical: Horizontal
Hard Rock
1:1 to 4:1
Decomposed rock and compacted
1:2 to 1:1
lateritic soils
1:2 to 1:1.5
Ordinary Soils
Source Ministry of Works Road Geometric Design Manual

2.4.4 Component of Typical Cross-Sectional Elements

The components of a typical cross section are BRT lanes, Mixed Traffic lanes,
Median, Outer Separators between BRT and Mixed Traffic lanes, Gutters,
Sidewalk and Bike lanes. Table 2.12 below shows comparison between widths
for each element as per standard.

Table 2.12: Cross Section widths.

Standard Application Reference
BRT 3.25 3.5 ORN12
MT 3.25 3.5 RGDM
Median btw BRT 0.4 0.5 – 1.0 ORN 12
BRT to MT 0.3 0.5 ORN 12
Gutter 0.5 Phase 1
Sidewalk 1.5 2.0 RGDM
Bike Lane 1.5 3.0 AASHTO Guide for the development of
bicycle facilities

Draft Detailed Report

The proposed Widths of mixed traffic lanes is 3.25m, in sections where the road
corridor is not sufficient the consultant will discuss with the client and prepare up
with design exceptions.

2.4.5 Right of Way (ROW)

In this project the geometry of BRT Corridor is passing through two types of
corridors: “Wider ROW 60m” in which the BRT corridor will be constructed with
few limitations in terms of space, direct routes to the desired destinations, and
require few if any expropriations. The second type of corridor, a “constrained
corridor ROW 30m,” uses routes that are limited in width, located along routes
that are not entirely direct and/or are constructed adjacent to or within
developed areas. These factors will have a significant influence on the
construction cost, convenience and travel time associated with the busway. In
general, the geometry of the BRT corridor will be designed to meet the MoW
geometric design guidelines for the desired design speed.

2.5 Roadway Geometry

2.5.1 Between stations
In this project the BRT corridor is designed road-within-an existing road corridor
i.e., introducing a two-lane road within the right-of-way of a larger existing road.
As such, the geometry of the BRT lanes will almost always follow the geometry
of the existing road, except where there is some very specific need for a
separate layout. One example of this, is the proposal at Selander, where the
busway cross a major intersection with a grade separation, while the rest of the
roadway uses an at-grade intersection.

2.5.2 Station areas

The geometry of the busway and the surrounding roadway are given careful
consideration at and approaching stations. Since the Stations will be located at
the middle of the road the bus lanes and the mixed traffic lanes will be realigned
to the outside to provide adequate space for the station. The design of the
tapers for this transition will take into account the design speed for both the
roadway and the busway, and any unique handling characteristics of the buses
being used. Consideration will be given to providing an outside overtaking lane

Draft Detailed Report

(located to the right of the stopping lane), to accommodate multiple services or

to improve the overall level of service. This will increase the space required for
the station, both laterally to accommodate the extra lane and longitudinally to
accommodate the additional taper length for the main roadway.

Table 2.13: Summary of Design Criteria

Criteria Recommended value
Minimum design speed, mainline 80 km/h
Minimum design speed, station and CBD areas 60 km/h
Minimum design speed, arterial ramps and access 40 km/h
Minimum stopping sight distance MOW RGDM 2011
Minimum stopping sight distance at station areas 85m
(passenger comfort)
Maximum superelevation, separate busway 2.5%
Maximum superelevation, 6%
Maximum superelevation at stations 2.5% (fall away from
Maximum superelevation runout, main busway 1:400
Maximum superelevation runout, stations 1:200
Minimum horizontal curve radius, mainline Based on minimum
design speed
Minimum horizontal curve radius, stations and CBD 120 m
Minimum horizontal curve radius, absolute minimum 80 m
Minimum horizontal curve radius, ramps and access 45 m
Spirals, all curves less than (1350 m) radius (when MoW RGDM 2011
potential convertibility to LRT) requirement based on
design speed (80km/h)
Maximum intersection skew angle 20°
Minimum turning radius at intersections Dependent on vehicle
type, typically absolute
minimum 7m
Minimum grade, urban section 0.3%
Maximum grade, mainline 5%, up to 8% for short
runs –(120-150 m)
Grade range, stations 0.5% to 2.0%
Maximum grade, access roads and ramps 6%
Minimum crest and sag curves Mow RGDM 2011
requirement based on
Minimum crest and sag curves at stations (passenger K = 18

Draft Detailed Report

2.5.3 Stretch Analysis

The proposed BRT stretches are discussed below
Bibi Titi Mohamed road from Maktaba Street junction to Ohio Street
junction (0.23km);

At this section BRT phase 4 will be connected to BRT Phase 3, The consultant
has already established communication with the BRT Phase 2 consultant on
harmonizing the design of the tie-in point. This section is categorized as Central
Business District (CBD) with narrow corridor of about 30m The Existing road
consists of dual carriageway of asphalt concrete, closed drain, curbed earth
median ranging from 2m to 2.5m and walkway lane.

The major challenge in this stretch are;

(i) Availability of ROW to Fit the BRT Corridor and NMT facilities
(ii) Proximity of Traffic Signals i.e., short legs between Maktaba and Serena
(iii) Existing Storm Sewer Network
(iv) Access to road side facilities

Cross section Elements Proposed during conceptual stage and detailed design
stage are presented in the table below

Table 2.14: Proposed Cross Section

Cross section Element Conceptual Detailed Remarks
Design Design
Bike Way NIL NIL Space availability
Walkway 3.0m 1.5m Footpath have been
provided with clear width
at a height of 200mm from
Storm Water Drainage Catch Basin Curb Inlet Gutter drain replaced with
0.5m Drain 1.0m Curb Inlet
Mixed Traffic Lanes 3.5m dual 3.5m dual
carriageway carriageway
Median Mix-T/BRT 0.5m 0.5m
BRT Lane between 3.5m 3.5m
BRT Lane at Station NIL NIL No station at this section
Median BRT/BRT 1.0m Wide 0.5m Ghost Allow overtaking

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 2.2: Typical Criss section Maktaba to Ohio

Ali Hassan Mwinyi road (from the junction of Ohio Street to Selander
Bridge) (1.30 km).

The Existing road consists of dual carriageway of asphalt concrete road with 2
lanes of 3.5m on each side, 0.5m closed drain on each side, 3.0m continuous
right turn lane separated with charter bars and 3.0m walkway on both sides and
a small verge on each side making a total of 30m.

The major challenge in this stretch are;

(i) Availability of ROW to Fit the BRT Corridor and NMT facilities
(ii) Narrow corridor to allow overtaking at Stations
(iii) Access to road side houses

Cross section Elements Proposed during conceptual stage and detailed design
stage are presented in the table below

Draft Detailed Report

Table 2.15: Proposed Cross section Elements

Cross section Conceptual Detailed Design Remarks
Element Design
Bike Way NIL NIL Space availability
Walkway 3.0m 1.0m to 1.5 m Footpath have been provided with
clear width at a height of 200mm
from carriageway
Storm Water Catch Basin Curb Inlet Drain Gutter drain replaced with Curb Inlet
Drainage 0.5m 1.0m
Mixed Traffic 3.5m dual 3.25 to 3.5m 3.25 lane with have been adopted to
Lanes carriageway dual carriageway avoid land acquisition at BRT
Median Mix- 0.5m 0.5m
BRT Lane 3.5m 3.5m
BRT Lane at 2/1 2 lanes of 3.25 3.25m have been adopted at
Station at Agharkhan Agharkhan Bus Station to avoid land
and No acquisition.
Overtaking Lane Staggered station have been
at Palm beach replaced with a narrow station at
station Agharkhan BRT Station
Median 1.0m Wide 0.5m at Allow overtaking
BRT/BRT Raised Agharkhan and
no median at
Palm beach

Figure 2.3: Typical Cross section Ohio to Selander bridge (Between


Draft Detailed Report

Figure 2.4: Typical cross section Agharkhan BRT Station

Figure 2.5: Typical cross section Palm Beach BRT Station

Ali Hassan Mwinyi road (from Selander Bridge to Morocco) (4.62 km).
This section has a Right of Way (ROW) of 60metres, the existing road cross
section is comprised of two types of typical cross sections.
Salender Bridge to ST-Peter Junction
ST Peters Junction to Morroco Junction
a dual carriageway of asphalt concrete road with 2 lanes of 3.5m on each
side, 0.5m closed drain on each side, 3.0m continuous right turn lane
separated with charter bars and 3.0m walkway on both sides and a small
verge on each side making a total of 30m.
Draft Detailed Report

Cross section Elements Proposed during conceptual stage and detailed design
stage are presented in the table below
Cross section Conceptual Detailed Remarks
Element Design Design
Bike Way/Service NIL 3.5 The road is passing on commercial
Rd plots; hence provision of combined
bikeway/service road is necessary.
Service road will be limited in short
segments by Bulbouts
Walkway 3.0m 2.0 Footpath have been provided with
clear width at a height of 200mm from
Storm Water Catch Basin Curb Inlet Existing u-shape drains and open
Drainage 0.5m Drain 1.0m drains have been replaced with
kerbinlet drain system
Mixed Traffic 3.5m dual 3.5m dual
Lanes carriageway carriageway
Median Mix- 0.5m 0.5m
BRT Lane 3.5m 3.5m
between Stations
BRT Lane at 2lanes of 2 lanes of
Station 3.5m each 3.5m each
Median BRT/BRT 7.0m Wide 0.5m Ghost This will save space for NMT facilities
Raised however it will require relocation of
existing drain at the existing median

Figure 2.5: Typical cross section Salender bridge to Morocco (Between


Draft Detailed Report

Figure 2.6: Typical Cross section Salender Bridge to Morocco (At


New Bagamoyo Road from Morocco junction to Mwenge (4.3km)

This section is currently under expansion which is undertaken by MS Nippo-Dai
JV Construction Company. This section is widened to four lanes dual
carriageway. This project is constructed in line with the requirements of BRT
corridor. The central median reserve is constructed wide enough to
accommodate bus lanes and tapers have been provided at location of bus
station so as not to disturb the existing facilities during construction of BRT
lanes. Proposed features of the BRT Corridor are shown in the table2.16 below

Table 2.16: Proposed features of the BRT Corridor

Cross section Conceptual Detailed Design Remarks
Element Design
Bike Way NIL 4.5m to 6.0m The road corridor between morocco
and Sayansi is narrow cannot fit
Bike way. Bike way have been
provided from Sayansi junction to
Walkway 3.0m 2.5 NMT facilities are already under
Storm Water Catch Basin NIL Catch basin drainage system is
Drainage 0.5m under construction BRT lanes will
utilize the same. Open drains from
Sayansi to Mwenge will be replaced
with curb inlet drain system
Mixed Traffic 3.5m dual 3.5m dual
Lanes carriageway carriageway
Median Mix- 0.5m 0.5m
BRT Lane 3.5m 3.5m

Draft Detailed Report

BRT Lane at 2lanes of 3.5m 2 lanes of 3.5m

Station each each
Median 7.0m Wide 0.5m Ghost This will save space for NMT
BRT/BRT Raised facilities however it will require
relocation of existing drain at the
existing median

Figure 2.7: Typical Cross section Morocco to Mwenge (Between


Figure 2.8: Typical Cross section Morocco to mwenge (At Stations)

New Bagamoyo Road from Mwenge -Tegeta (DAWASA Daladala Bus

Station) (16 km);

This section was already constructed with BRT in mind, the existing road is
comprising of (7.0m) four lanes dual carriageway, 9.0median and 1.5m
Draft Detailed Report

walkways on each side, this section is constructed with trapezoidal lined

drainage system. Our proposal is to fit the bus lanes at the median without
causing major disturbance to the existing facilities. The proposed cross-section
elements are shown in the table below

Table 2.17: The proposed cross-section

Cross section Conceptual Detailed Remarks
Element Design Design
Bike Way NIL 2.0 New bikeways to be constructed adjacent to
new walkways
Walkway 3.0m 3.0 Footpath have been provided with clear width
at a height of 200mm from carriageway
Service Road NIL 5.0 New service roads will be constructed to
replace the existing service roads
Storm Water Catch Basin NIL Existing system between station from
Drainage 0.5m Mwenge to Kawe will be retained closed new
closed system with curb inlets will be
constructed at stations.
New closed drain system with curb inlets will
be constructed from Kawe to Tegeta
Mixed Traffic 3.5m dual 3.5m dual
Lanes carriageway carriageway
Median Mix- 0.5m 0.5m
BRT Lane 3.5m 3.5m
BRT Lane at 2lanes of 3.5m 2 lanes of
Station each 3.5m each
Median 7.0m Wide 0.5m Ghost This will save space for NMT facilities
BRT/BRT Raised median however it will require relocation of existing
drain at the existing median

Figure 2.9: Typical Cross section Mwenge-Tegeta (Between Stations)

Draft Detailed Report

and A spur on Sam Nujoma Road from its junction with New Bagamoyo
Road to Ubungo junction (4 km).

This section was already constructed with BRT in mind, the existing road is
comprising of (7.0m) four lanes dual carriageway, 19.0median, 2.0m walkways
on each side and 5.0m service road on each side, this section is constructed
with trapezoidal lined drainage system. Our proposal is to fit the bus lanes at
the median without causing major disturbance to the existing facilities. The
proposed cross-section elements are shown in the table below

Table 2.18: The proposed cross-section elements

Cross section Conceptual Detailed Design Remarks
Element Design
Bike Way NIL NIL Existing Service road to be retained
and utilized as bike lane
Walkway 3.0m 2.0 Existing walkway to be maintained
Storm Water Catch Basin Curb Inlet Drain Existing system to be retained
Drainage 0.5m 1.0m
Mixed Traffic 3.5m dual 3.5m dual
Lanes carriageway carriageway
Median Mix- 0.5m 0.5m
BRT Lane 3.5m 3.5m
BRT Lane at 2lanes of 3.5m 2 lanes of 3.5m
Station each each
Median 7.0m Wide Varies 3.0m to
BRT/BRT Raised 5.0m

Figure 2.10: The proposed cross-section elements

Draft Detailed Report

2.5.4 Critical Sections of the alignment

This section discusses the critical sections of the alignments. Generally, the
BRT corridors have been designed to follow and fit within the available road
corridor, however in some instances the road geometry standards have been
modified/deviated to make the BRT operations comfortable and functional.

The brief description of factors considered on determination of the geometric

centerline is presented on the table below

Table 2.19: Geometric centerline

Road Factors considered during geometric design
Agharkha The existing road corridor is approximately 33m which is not enough to
n BRT accommodate the BRT Station without touching the existing properties at the edge
Station of the road. To accommodate the BRT stations in this location the following design
Km 0+450 have been adopted
to Km • A 3.5m wide BRT Station have been adopted
0+650 • BRT Lanes have been reduced to 3.25m
• Mixed traffic lanes have been reduced to 3.25m
• Walkways have been reduced to 1.0m

Palm At this section the available corridor is 26m, which is not enough to build a BRT
Beach Station without affecting the road side properties. To accommodate the BRT
Station Station at this section the following have been adopted
Km 1+300 • A 4.0m wide BRT Station have been adopted
to km • A 3.5 m Lane have been adopted for BRT without a physical barrier
1+550 between BRT and Mixed traffic, this will allow BRT bus to use mixed traffic
lane as overtaking lane
• Two lanes of 3.5m have been provided for mixed traffic on each side
• Walkways have been reduced to 1.0m

Draft Detailed Report

Road Factors considered during geometric design


Selander The consultant received both the concept design from LOGIT and the critical
bridge to Intersection design which was designed by another consultants. The Concept
Ubalozi design from Logit proposed to raise the BRT corridor from Palm Beach Bus Stand
Km 1+600 to Selander bridge Bus stand. This concept will reduce the number of conflicts
to km which would be introduced by the BRT buses at the two junctions (Ali Hassan
3+300 Mwinyi Rd with United nations Rd and Ali Hassan Mwinyi rd with Barak Obama rd)
however the conflicts within the mixed traffic lane will remain the same. This
concept is partially accepted as we expect reduction on mixed traffic volume after
opening of New Selander Bridge which is now under construction. However, we
did not accept introduction of traffic signal where the bridge crosses the mixed
traffic lanes as it will create a short leg between the roundabout and the crossing
The consultant proposed to construct a new bridge (90m) to replace the old
Selander bridge, this bridge will be used by mix traffic from CBD, the existing
bridge which is currently being used by traffic from CBD will b fully used by BRT
to/fro CBD. To reduce number of conflicts stated above we will make the United
Nations Rd intersection 2 phase only by restricting right turn movement from UN
Rd to Ali Hassan Mwinyi rd and change the Barak Obama junction to left in left out
only as we expect decrease in traffic after opening of New Selander Bridge.

Draft Detailed Report

Road Factors considered during geometric design


This option will save huge cost of building the elevated bridge for BRT corridor and
also allow continuous flow of traffic by reducing number of stops.

Draft Detailed Report

Road Factors considered during geometric design


Mlalakuwa A new bridge has been proposed in between the two-existing bridge, this bridge
Bridge will be exclusively used by BRT buses only.

Bondeni The existing pedestrian bridge at Bondeni Bus station have been retained the road
Pedestria have beed designed to pass through the bridge openings. New pedestrian ramp
n Bridge will be constructed to connect with Bondeni BRT station

Draft Detailed Report

Road Factors considered during geometric design


Bondeni A new bridge has been designed between the two existing bridges, the bridge will
Bridge Km be used exlusively by BRT buses, Mixed traffic and NMT facilities have been
12+975 maintained to the existing bridges.

Mbuyuni An underpass have been designed at km 18+900 to link the BRT Terminal with the
Depot North BRT Depot a maximum grade of 6% have been attained at the ramp and a
clea height of 5.5m have been provided at the underpass tunel.

Draft Detailed Report

Road Factors considered during geometric design

Tegeta A new 30m span bridge have been proposed between the existing two bridges the
River Km bridge will be used exclusively by BRT bus, mixed traffic and NMT have been
20+780 reatined to the existing bridges.

2.6 Horizontal Alignment

Design of the horizontal alignment follow the existing road. Base plan of the
existing road corridor showing all natural and manmade features has been
prepared using the topographical survey data. All the features within a band
width of 240m have been captured during the survey along with the details of
existing carriageway centerline, edge of pavement, edge of shoulder, toe line of
the embankment etc.

The following activities elucidate the preparation of base plans in more detail:
Format survey data to suit the requirements of highway design software
Download the data into software;
Define main corridor features by joining the points of centerline, edge of
pavement, embankment toe line;

Join the points with same description codes for all physical features like rivers,
buildings, religious structures, shops, telephone poles, electric poles, cross
roads etc. within the above specified limits;

Draft Detailed Report

Establish break lines for features such as edge of the road, shoulder, top and
bottom of ditches, etc.;

Insert the details of existing cross drainage structures such as bridge number,
span arrangement etc.;

Cross check the so prepared base plans by “walkover” surveys; and

Update and finalize the base plans with additional survey data, if necessary.

2.6.1 Horizontal Curves

Basing on the recommended design speed of 80km/hr and 50km/hr respectively
the following minimum radii have been adopted.

Table 2.20: Minimum radii of horizontal curves

Design Speed Minimum Radii of Curves (m)
km/hr Desirable Absolute (Calculated), emax=0.06
100 450 440
80 300 252
50 100 90

2.7 Vertical Alignment

The ground profile along the proposed alignment is extracted from the ground
model. Then, the ground profile is traced with gradients and appropriate vertical
curves using the vertical alignment design options in Civil 3D Road design
software. This has enabled us to have

Gradient Information
Vertical curve information of the existing and designed road

This information is compared with the limiting design values (minimum or

maximum for design standard) depending on the design standard.

Vertical alignment has been designed considering provision of overlay on the

existing pavement base as per the pavement calculation and to make sure that
the new finished road level matches with the adjacent land uses for ease of
ingress/exit from the new designed BRT route.
Draft Detailed Report

Table 2. 21: Summary of Vertical Alignment Analysis

Distance along various grades Vertical Curve
Vertical Grade Total
0-400 K-Value length
% (m) (m) A (m)
<0.5 1680 1680 <16 11.722
0.5-1.0 3389 3389 16-35 210
1.0-2.0 576 576 35-100 340
>2.0 1218 1218 >100 6720
Total 6863 7282

2.7.1 Gradients
Vehicle operations on gradients are complex and depend on a number of
factors: severity and length of gradient; level and composition of traffic; and the
number of overtaking opportunities on the gradient and in its vicinity.

The project road traverses through flat to rolling terrain hence the road gradient
has been applied to suit both economy and safety.

In the new design where the road passes through flat terrain, the proposed road
geometry follows closely the vertical geometry of the existing road.

In this project Vertical gradient is an extremely important as it controls the

location of BRT bus station. The maximum grade adopted for BRT bus station is

The allowable grades recommended in between station are shown in Table 9


Table 2.22: Maximum gradients

Design Speed (km/h)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Flat 5 5 4 3.5 3 3 3

From the above guidelines a maximum grade of 5% is recommended for


Draft Detailed Report

2.7.2 Minimum curve lengths

Recommended minimum lengths of vertical curves are given in the Table 10
below. The guideline document also recommends that where the length of the
curve is longer than 43.5A, special attention should be given to drainage.

Table 2.23: Minimum length of Vertical curve

K-Values to Satisfy stopping sight K-Values to satisfy
Design Speed distances passing sight
km/h (m / % of g) distances
Crest Sag (m / % of g)
30 3 4 50
40 5 8 86
50 10 12 126
60 18 18 176
70 22 25 246
80 49 32 310
90 71 41 387
100 105 51 475
Note: A = Algebraic difference in grade in per cent.

2.7.3 Critical length of grades

Critical length of grades, as defined in the guideline document, is the maximum
length of the designated up-grade on which a loaded truck can operate without
unreasonable reduction in speed. As such, the length of all grades should be
limited to the values given in Table 11 below for a 20km/h reduction in speed of

Table 2.24: Critical Length of grades

Length of grade at design speed Length of grade at design speed
of 60 km/h of 80 km/h
3% NA >900 m
4% >1200 m >550 m
5% >800 m >400 m
6% >600 m >350 m
7% >500 m >300 m
8% >400 m >200 m

2.7.4 Cuts and Fills

Generally, the existing vertical alignment was maintained however the section
between Africana and Tegeta is passing on rolling terrain hence huge cut is

Draft Detailed Report

expected especially at Mbuyuni Depot We recommended stone masonry wall at

this location to protect the cut face against erosion.

Huge fill is also expected at SIM 2000 Depot as the depot as the depot is
located in water logged area therefore the finished levels have been raised by
1.0m average to keep the pavement layers away from moisture.

2.7.5 Vertical Clearances

The adopted vertical clearance over the travel lanes and shoulders for new and
existing structures is 5.5 m. these structures include pedestrian bridges and

2.7.6 Vehicular Traffic Access

While access by vehicles other than buses is discouraged in the BRT Corridor,
provision have been made for emergency vehicle access through special
access points. The location of these special access points providing
emergency services are at km 6+920 Entry to Intelligence Hospital, km 12+060
and km 12+120 Entry/Exit to Lugalo Military camp.

Station Remarks

Draft Detailed Report

Lugalo Camp
Km 12+000

2.8 Signing and Striping

Signing and stripping have been provided in accordance to “A Guide to Traffic
Signing” Ministry of Infrastructure Development 2009. Additional signing which
are not covered in the guideline have been borrowed from SATCC Road Traffic
Sign Manual 1990 these included U-turn facility signs.

2.9 Integration of NMT facilities

Special care have been taken on board in the design of the elements of the
corridor (sidewalks, crosswalks and stations) to include features that facilitates
the use of the infrastructure by people with disabilities.

The following figures show details of the features included in walkways and
bicycle paths along the whole corridor. The figure shows ramps and devices for
the blind at crosswalks. Ramps extend through the whole sidewalk at corners
and the whole crosswalk at pedestrian crossings. They are designed to help
wheelchairs users and elderly use the pedestrian facilities. Tactile strips are
provided for blind users

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 2.11: Ramps, Crosswalks and Corner Treatments

The next figure shows the proposed handrail along ramps, particularly useful for
the elderly and blind

Figure 2.12: Handrail along ramps

Audible signals at pedestrian crossings to help the blind have been specified in
the specifications for pedestrian crossing facilities

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 2.13: Audible Pedestrian Crossing

2.10 Pedestrian Bridges

Pedestrian overpass bridges have been proposed at the following locations

Table 2.25: Pedestrian Bridges

SN Station Remarks
Mlimani City 1+425 New
Bamaga 8+620 New
Bondeni 12+750 Existing
Africana 17+200 New

2.11 Integration with other Projects along the project

The consultant acknowledges the existence of the following projects that are
linked with BRT Phase 4

Draft Detailed Report

Table 2.26: Integration with other Projects

SN Project Connection Remarks
Name Point
BRT phase Azikiwe Construction ongoing BRT phase 2 drawings have
2 project Km 0+000 been adopted

2 8-Critical Selander New design proposed by consultant have been

Intersection bridge to adopted in place of the critical design intersection,
Ubalozi the consultant design partially adopted Logit
Km 1+600 to concept on the design of roundabout to replace
km 3+300 the existing four leg intersection
3 8-Critical Morocco Design of Morocco interchange done by another
Intersection Km 4+925 to consultant did not match with the BRT concept.
(Morocco) km 5+355 The design of this interchange is now being
updated to match with the BRT design concept
3 BRT phase Morocco This part falls within the proposed Morocco
1 Terminal interchange. Although this section is still under
Km 5+125 design by another consultant, the concept is to
connect the two BRT phases by opening up the
existing median to allow BRT buses to make a
turn at grade at this Intersection
4 8-Critical Mwenge Design of Mwenge interchange done by another
Intersection Km 9+500 consultant did not match with the BRT concept.
(Mwenge) The design of this interchange is now being
updated to match with the BRT design concept
5 End of Boko This is the end point of BRT phase 4 design. A
Project (DAWASA) 250m taper length have been proposed to connect
Km 25+125 the dual carriageway road with the existing single
to km carriageway road. This taper falls outside of the
25+300 construction limit. The Client attention is needed
here to acquire additional land for construction of
this facility
6 Ubungo Mwenge - At this point the BRT phase 4 is merging with the
Interchange Ubungo spur Ubungo interchange project, Joint design team
rd meetings between the two-project consultants
Km 3+207 have been done and the designs have been
harmonized to connect smoothly

Draft Detailed Report

2.12 Intersections
All options had similar intersection and interchange locations. The type of
intersections varies by from one option to another because of the difference in
roadway geometry. This section will discuss the details of the intersections
proposed. The U-turns intersections shown in the concept plans have been
adopted. The consultant carried out Geometric design and signalization
analysis to determine which junctions will be signalized to properly manage
intersection control delay.

U-turns have been adopted to facilitate U-turn movement that is performed by

the vehicles that would otherwise turn right on the main road. To turn right from
the main road to the cross-street, the vehicles will make first make a left turn
from the main road, and second make another left at the cross-street before
making a U-turn at the main road. The proposed location for the U-turns are
shown below

Table 2.27: U-turn Facilities

U-Turn at km 0+300
(U-turn provision with
signalized intersection
at Ohio St junction)-
The U-turn will allow
traffic from South
bound traffic along Ali
Hassan Mwinyi rd to
make a U-turn back to
Ali Hassan Mwinyi rd.
Traffic from Ohio will
be allowed to make a
right turn to Ali Hassan
Mwinyi rd

This intersection is

Draft Detailed Report

located at km 0+850.
The junction is
designed as a 3-phase
intersection. The
following movements
have been allowed.
Phase 1: Through
Movement to and from
Phase 2: Through
Movement (East/West)
from Magoe Street to
Ufukoni Rd.
Phase 3: Right turn
movements from
Magoe St and Ufukoni
Rd to Alihassan Mwinyi

A Signalised oval
roundabout has been
designed at km 2+625,
this roundabout
connects Kinondoni Rd
on the West, Ali
Hassan Mwinyi rd to
the North, kenyata Rd
to the East and Ali
Hassan mwinyi rd to
the South. The
roundabout has been
designed to operate as
a signalised
intersection. The mixed
traffic will undergo
rotary movement
around the circle until
when the BRT Bus
approaches the
roundabout where the
mixed traffic will be
stopped to allow the
BRT Bus to cut through
the roundabout.
Intersection is located
at km 3+200 at KCB
Bank near Dar Free
Market Mall) This
intersection will allow
Traffic from Kaunda
Drive make a right turn
to Ali Hassan Mwinyi
rd. U turn for North
Bound traffic from the
mall will be through
Bongoyo Street

Draft Detailed Report

U-Turn is located at km
3+575 (near total fuel
station near
Haileselasie rd.) The
U-turn will allow North
bound traffic along Ali
Hassan Mwinyi rd to
make a U-turn back to
Ali Hassan Mwinyi rd.
similarly South bound
traffic along Ali Hassan
Mwinyi rd will be
allowed to make a U-
turn back to Ali Hassan
Mwinyi rd.

St Peter Junction km
3+850 (have been
designed to allow right
turn movement for East
bound traffic from
Selander Bridge to
Haile Selassie rd
Traffic from from hale-
Selasie rd will not be
allow to make a right
turn to Ali Hassan
Mwinyi rd.

Draft Detailed Report

U-Turn is located at km
4+250 (near Namanga
Junction) The U-turn
will serve as a right
turn facility to all traffic
between Madai street
and Ruhinde Street
and North Bound traffic
from Kimweri rd

Namanga -Intersection
(km 4+400) have been
opened to allow Right
turn movement for
traffic from AliHassan
Mwinyi rd to Kimweri rd

Draft Detailed Report

U-Turn is located at km
6+100 (at Victoria near
Victoria Fuel Station)
The U-turn will allow
South bound traffic
along New Bagamoyo
rd. to make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd.

U-Turn is located at km
6+675 (signalised
intersection near Green
Acres House opposite
to Merry Water) The U-
turn will allow North
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd. to
make a U-turn back to
New Bagamoyo rd.

U-Turn is located at
km 6+850
intersection at
Makumbusho) The

Draft Detailed Report

U-turn will allow

South bound traffic
along New
Bagamoyo rd. to
make a U-turn back
to New Bagamoyo
rd. North bound
traffic from Usalama
wa Taifa will be
allowed to make a
right turn to New
Bagamoyo rd.

U-Turn at km 7+450
intersection at
Millennium Towers)
The U-turn will allow
North bound traffic
along New
Bagamoyo rd. to
make a U-turn back
to New Bagamoyo
rd. Similarly, South
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
to make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd.

U-Turn is located at
km 8+200 The U-
turn will allow North
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
to make a right turn
to Shekilango rd or
make a U-turn back
to Bagamoyo rd.
Traffic from
Kijitonyama will be
utilize this U-turn to
make a right turn to
New Bagamoyo rd.

Draft Detailed Report

Bamaga Junction
(km 8+300) have
been opened to
allow right turn
movement for traffic
from Shekilango rd
to Bagamoyo Rd

The junction is
located at km 9+775,
it has been designed
as a two-phase
signalized junction to
allow right turn to
New Bagamoyo rd.
U-turn have been
provided at km
10+000 to allow
North bound traffic
along New
Bagamoyo rd. to
make a U-turn back
to New Bagamoyo

Draft Detailed Report

U-Turn is located at
km 10+825
intersection at
Makongo) The U-
turn will allow North
bound and South
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
to make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd. The
U-turn will also
facilitate traffic
movements from
East and West
connecting roads to
this military area.

U-Turn is located at
km 11+275
intersection at
Lugalo) The U-turn
will allow traffic from
South bound traffic
along New
Bagamoyo rd. to
make a U-turn back
to New Bagamoyo
rd. also The U-turn
at km 11+425 will
allow traffic from
North bound traffic
along New
Bagamoyo rd. to
make a U-turn back
to New Bagamoyo

Draft Detailed Report

The intersection is
located at km
12+350 (signalised
intersection at Kawe
junction) This
intersection will
function as a U-turn
for South bound
traffic along New
Bagamoyo rd. who
wants to make a U-
turn back to New
Bagamoyo rd. The
intersection will also
be utilized by Traffic
from Kawe to make
a right turn to
Bagamoyo rd and
traffic from Mwenge
to make a right turn
to Kawe.

U-Turn is located at
km 13+650
intersection at
TankiBovu) The U-
turn will allow South
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
to make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd and
North bound traffic
along New
Bagamoyo rd. to
make a U-turn back
to New Bagamoyo
rd. This U-turn will
also facilitate right
turn movement for
access roads from
Kawe Mizimuni and

Draft Detailed Report

Goba junction km
The intersection
have been opened to
allow right turn
movement from
Goba to Bagamoyo
rd. Righ turn from
Bagamoyo rd to
Goba has notbeen
allowed. Traffic from
Bagamoyo rd to
Goba will utilize the
U-turn at km13+650.

U-Turn is located at
km 15+175 (i.e.
Interchick signalized
intersection) The U-
turn will allow South
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
to make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd and
also provide access
to traffic heading to
the west to make a
right turn at this spot

Draft Detailed Report

U-Turn is located at
km 15+575 (near
IMTU) The U-turn
will allow North
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
to make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd and
provide access to
East bound traffic.

U-Turn is located at
km 16+225 (Jogoo
and Africana) The U-
turn will allow South
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
to make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd. and
also allow North
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
to make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd. The
U-turn will provide
access to West
bound and East
bound traffic

Draft Detailed Report

U-Turn is located at
km 17+100 (Africana
junction) The U-turn
will allow North
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
to make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd.

U-Turn is located at
km 19+375 (at JKT)
The U-turn will allow
North bound traffic
along New
Bagamoyo rd. to
make a U-turn back
to New Bagamoyo

U-Turn is located at
km 19+750 (at
Scansca) The U-turn
will allow South
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
to make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd. and
also allow traffic from
North bound traffic
along New
Bagamoyo rd. to
make a U-turn back
to New Bagamoyo

Draft Detailed Report

U-Turn is located at
km 22+050 (at Wazo
Junction) The U-turn
will allow South
bound traffic along
New Bagamoyo rd.
make a U-turn back
to New Bagamoyo
rd. make a U-turn
back to New
Bagamoyo rd.

U-Turn is located at
km 22+975 (at Kibo
complex) The U-turn
will allow North
bound along New
Bagamoyo rd. to
make a U-turn back
to New Bagamoyo

2.13 Production of Drawings

The following engineering drawings have been produced for the project using
format and title sheets as required by, chapter 11 of MoW RGDM and are
submitted in separate volume

Topographic/ Location Plans, scale 1:2,000

Showing natural ground levels, horizontal and vertical curve details, running
chainage, cross-section chainages, side drain’s location, description and
references to all drainage works, location of bench marks, location of road
furniture, any other relevant information.

Plans and Profiles, scale 1:500/1:50

Draft Detailed Report

These have been prepared un a separate volume showing natural ground

levels, horizontal and vertical curve details, running chainage, cross-section
type/chainage, side drain’s location, description and references to all drainage
works, location of bench marks, location of road furniture, and any other
relevant information in the format approved by the Client.

Figure 0-1:-Typical Plan and Profile Drawing generated through AutoCAD Civil

These show the construction details for the bridge superstructure and
substructure, including any protection works.

Culvert Details, scale 1:25

These shows details of all types of culverts, their inlets and outlets and any
necessary protection works. This have been presented in the form of Standard
Culvert Drawings for Pipe and Box Culverts with specific details for the
individual culverts given in a Schedule of New Culverts and Schedule of
Existing Culverts.

Soil Plans
These plans will show the location of borrow and quarry sites and
characteristics of soil for various sections of the route using appropriate scale.

Traffic Management Plans

These plans show details of the location of by-pass lanes, temporary structures,
barriers, signs, signals and other physical features necessary to accommodate
traffic flow during construction.

Auxiliary Works
All other necessary construction features requiring design drawings have been
shown using appropriate scales in the book of drawings

Draft Detailed Report


A Hydrology and Hydraulics report forms part of this study. This Report
documents the work of the hydrological and hydraulic investigations undertaken
in the fulfilment of the requirements of the Terms of References for the project in
order to arrive at the right design on the type and size of drainage structures, a
clear understanding of hydrology of the surroundings is compulsory.

3.1 Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference (TOR) require hydrological and hydraulics studies to
be undertaken along the project roads, namely Bagamoyo to Tegeta and
Mwenge to Ubungo, known as Sam Nujoma Roads to determine the design
peak flood discharges. These peak flood discharges shall be used to design
hydraulic structures with adequate capacities to safely pass the floods across
the roads.

Employer’s comments on the Inception have been taken on board: The

following in particular:

Assess of Impact of on improvement of drainage system along Morocco to

Mwenge Road by on-going project

Critical study and design of flood prone areas between Mbezi River to Africana.

3.2 Approach of the Assignment

A review of Hydrology and Hydraulics of the project has been carried out by
undertaking the following:

Collection of hydrological information available on catchment, climate, geology,

drainage and land use

Review of previous reports

Field survey and investigations along the proposed project area

Draft Detailed Report

Analysis and evaluation of obtained and collected data

Estimation of flow capacity of proposed drainage structures

Comparison of proposed drainage structures and computed drainage


3.3 Scope of Services

According to the Terms of Reference (ToR), the consultancy service covers four
major roads as shown below.

(i) Maktaba Street – Ohio junction (0.23km)

(ii) Ohio Street junction - Morocco (5.92km)
(iii) Morocco junction – Tegeta DAWASA (20.00km)
(iv) Sam Nujoma (4.00km)

3.4 Description of the Project Area

Dar-Es-Salaam region is close to the Equator about 6 o 48’ South in latitude and
39o 16’ in Longitude on the coast of the Indian Ocean. Due its proximity to the
ocean has the characteristic of marine climate with relatively comfortable wind
breeze from the ocean

3.4.1 Climate Temperature
The temperature is stable through the year. Averages of the maximum and
minimum temperature are 31oC and 19oC respectively. Rainy season (March,
April and May) becomes hot; the maximum temperature is over 32 oC.Dry
season becomes relatively cool, the maximum temperature is lower than 30 oC Rainfall
Annual rainfall is 1124mm in total. The season is divided into dry and rainy
season. March, April and May are rainy season.

Draft Detailed Report

From June to February is the dry season. Rainy days in a month during dry
season are 5 days in average. From June to September becomes very dry and
the rainfall is less than 30mm per month.

Table 3.1: Annual rainfall

Jan Feb Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec
Max 31.5 32.2 32.2 30.7 29.6 29.2 28.8 29.3 30.1 30.9 31.3 31.6
Min 23.2 23.1 22.6 22.4 21.1 19 18.2 18.1 18.4 19.7 21.3 22.8
Humidity (%)
9.00a.m 79 78 82 87 86 84 85 84 78 74 75 78
3.00p.m 64 62 67 73 66 58 56 54 53 76 76 65
Rain-day ( No of Days)
7 5 12 19 13 5 5 4 5 6 8 7
Rainfall (mm)
81.8 57.4 130.4 263.3 178.9 37.3 28.8 26.5 26.1 60 120.8 112.6
Total 1124

3.4.2 Topographical conditions

The topographical morphology of Dar-es-salaam is classified into 5 groups as

The Lowland has an elevation of lower than 5m above sea level. These are
consisting of marshy areas and swampy areas widely spread where soft soil is
thick and drainage condition is bad

Plat Plain
Flat plain and terrace areas are observed in the area of above sea level
between 5m and 20m. These areas with minor local hollows extend along the
coast with some kilometers wide. Geological, its origin was a coastal plain
associated with the local terrace (Msasani Peninsula) which is formed due to
pat time marine backward movement

Hill Terrace
Gentle hilly areas are observed in the area of sea level between 20m and 60m,
which is predominant part of the residential area of Dar-Es-Salaam. Ground
surface consists of residual weathered limestone.

Draft Detailed Report

Hill to mountain
Hill and mountainous areas can be observed in the western area of Dar-es-
Salaam at approximately 30km inland area from the coast. Undulation to
mountainous areas can be observed in the western area of Dar-Es-Salaam at
around 30km inland area from the coast.

3.4.3 Geological Conditions

The geological basement of Tanzania consists of igneous, sedimentary and
volcanic complex of old geological era. The study area being located close to
the coastal line, it is made up of sandstone layers of Tertiary. The oldest rock
basement in coastal Tanzania includes the Precambrian sediments of the
Archean age. The continental Karoo sequence forms the basal part of the
sedimentary sequence in the coastal basin of Tanzania.

3.4.4 Land cover/Land use and Vegetation

Land use and land cover are among the many physical-environmental factors
for consideration in hydrology.

Land here is covered by buildings and roads majority of which are tarmac roads
and few are gravel roads. The buildings are used as residential houses and
others for industrial purposes. Some farming of horticultural products is
commonly done on river valleys particularly Msimbazi valley

There are open areas that exist particularly along stream courses and have
mostly artificial trees and grass. Light to dense forests are on the upstream part
of Msimbazi, Mlalakuwa, Mbezi and Tegeta catchments.

3.4.5 Surface Drainage

The road corridor is a rapidly urbanizing area that is partly planned and partly

This urbanization has resulted into increased storm water runoff that passes in
between houses down to some water courses into which liquid and solid wastes

Draft Detailed Report

are thrown in and course hazardous environment and retardation to the water

3.5 Data Collection

Hydrology for Highway construction deals with estimating flood magnitudes
caused of Rainfall. Data was collected to enable calculation of design Peak
Runoff. Computation of Runoff is basically a function of Area and Rainfall,
expressed as Q = f (A, P). Other factors will only influence the results by
reducing or increasing the Runoff. Additional data related to factors affecting
flood formation was collected. Factors affecting flood formation are:
i. Rainfall amount and distribution
ii. Drainage area
iii. Ground cover and soil type
iv. Slopes of terrain and streams
v. Antedent moisture condition
vi. Storage potential (overbank, ponds, wetlands)
vii. Land use conditions

3.5.1 Maps
As mentioned above, drainage area is an important factor for calculating Runoff.
Maps related to the site were obtained before proceeding to site. The following
maps were purchased from the Mapping division of Ministry of Lands:

topographic maps in 1: 50,000 were purchased:

Sheet No 186/4 Dar-Es-Salaam
Sheet No 186/2 Kisarawe
Sheet No 186/3 Kawe
Other maps which were collected are USEP maps in a scale of 1: 2,500.

3.5.2 Rainfall data collection

Rainfall data available in Dar-Es-Salaam region associated to this project was
collected from the Tanzania Meteorological Agency Office in Dar-Es-Salaam.
The relevant stations are listed below:

Draft Detailed Report

Table 3.2: Rainfall data collection relevant stations

Serial No Station Name Meteorological No

1 Julius Nyerere Int. Airport (JNIA) 09429006
2 Ubungo Maji 09336033
3 Dar-Es-Salaam University 09336000
4 Wazo Hill 09336012

Rainfall data for Dar-es-salaam Airport and Wazo Hill is presented in Appendix

3.5.3 River flow data collection

No discharge data from the rivers near the project was collected from the
Computer Data bank of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Dar-Es-Salaam.

3.5.4 Bridge Inventory and Inspection data

The Hydrologist made a site investigation and compiled a list of existing
drainage structures, attached as Appendix 6.

3.5.5 Field investigations

The field investigations of existing Bagamoyo and Sam Nujoma Roads were
carried out by walking through and observing ground features and recording the

3.6 Design Standards

Provision of Design standards and other regulatory policies and programs is the
duty of the government of the United Republic of Tanzania through the
respective Ministries and Agencies. Until to-date, there are no standards or
Manuals provided to guide the designers and different stakeholders working in
the design of Hydrology and Hydraulics bridges and culverts structures. The
government allows the use of design standards from other countries such as
Kenya, South Africa, United States and United Kingdom.

3.6.1 Standard Methods of Peak flow calculations

The hydrological methods for estimating peak floods applied in this study are

Draft Detailed Report

Rational Formula for catchments areas of less than 15.0km2

TRRL EAFM for areas between 1.0km2 and 200km2

3.6.2 The Rational Method

Rational Method is used on small catchments with sizes of around 1.0 km2
where rainfall distribution becomes fairly uniform or where drainage flow
distance is less than 1.0 km.

The rainfall depths measured by rain gauges are point rainfalls which have to
be reduced to depths that are reasonably uniform over an area.

The Area Reduction Factor (ARF) reduces the point rainfall to a value that is
uniform over the entire catchment. It is computed based on the following

where A is catchment area in square kilometers (km2).

3.6.3 The TRRL EAFM

The Transport and Road Research Laboratory East Africa Flood Model (TRRL
EAFM) is used on catchments with areas not exceeding 200km 2. The point
rainfall is reduced to a catchment representative value by a factor ARF given by

where T is the zone dependent rainfall duration in hours and A is the

catchment area.

3.6.4 The Regionalization Technique

This method which involves Regional Flood Frequency Analysis (RFFA) is not
limited by coverage so long as it is used in homogeneous areas, that is, areas
having common hydrological, geological and land cover characteristics.

Draft Detailed Report

Only the first two methods have been used here because their requirements
have been met in this case.

3.6.5 Design Frequency and Return Periods

Design frequency return period is selected commensurate with facility cost,
volume of traffic, potential flood hazard to property, expected level of service,
strategic considerations, budgetary constraints, magnitude and risk associated
with damages from larger flood events. The table below gives the design
frequency for various structures according to TANROADS data.

Table 3.3: Design Return Periods

Pipe culverts 25
Box Culverts 50
Bridge 100

3.6.6 Freeboard
Freeboard is the vertical clearance between the maximum design water level
and the bridge soffit. It is normally provided for bridges to make sure that
floating debris including tree trunks pass safely. A freeboard also takes care of
the local afflux. Guidelines for Free board are available in different standards.
According to FHWA is the following equation:

Free board = 0.1Q0.3 0.008v2.

Where Q= design discharge in cusec
V= velocity of water in ft/sec
According to TRRL Road Note No 9, Vertical clearance at DFL minimum
is given below:

Table 3.4: The table below summarizes the culvert design criteria:
DISCHARGE (m 3/sec)
0.30 150
0.30-3.0 450
3.0 -30.0 600
30.0 - 300 900
Over 300 1200

Draft Detailed Report

Freeboard calculations are carried out together with bridge rating curve. After
hydrological computations to determine 100year peak discharge for a river
crossing, a rating curve is established and a height for 100year peak is
obtained. Then check if the chosen bridge size has the minimum clearance.
Bridge rating curves for Msimbazi, Mlalakuwa, Mbezi and Tegeta rivers are
presented in Appendix 3.7

Table 3.5: Culvert design criteria:

Type Discharge Capacity Q (m3/s)
Hw/D=1.00 Hw/D=1.25 Hw/D=1.50
Concrete Pipe 1.3 x D2.5 1.9 x D2.5 2.2 x D2.5
Corrugated Metal Pipe 1.1 x D2.5 1.6 x D2.5 1.8 x D2.5
Box Culvert 1.5 x B x H1.5 2.1 x B x H1.5 2.5 x B x H1.5
D: diameter of a pipe culvert (m) B: width of a box culvert (m)
Hw: headwater height (m) H: height of a box culvert (m)

3.6.7 Freeboard
The following specifications shall apply in the Review.
All structures to be constructed of reinforced concrete

Pipe culverts to have a minimum diameter of 0.9m for easy maintenance.

The drainage structures to occupy full spans and the natural depths of the
channels they cross in order to ensure unchanged channel flow regime and
therefore avoid problems that would otherwise arise due to future morphological

The bridge openings to be designed for peak flows with a minimum of 0.6m
freeboard between the maximum water level and the bridge soffit.

The Manning’s equation using the hydraulic characteristics of the channel to be

used to dimension the bridges.

For culverts, the ratio of the upstream water head (H) and the height (h) of the
culvert to H/h> 1.2

Draft Detailed Report

3.7 Previous Studies

The following Reports listed below were used as references in the Review by
the Consultant:

3.7.1 RAINFALL INTENSITY - Duration frequency data for stations in East

Africa 1971
Report prepared by C.M.Taylor and E.F. Lewis for East African Meteorological

3.7.2 THE TRRL EAST AFRICAN FLOOD MODEL - Department of the

Environment, Berkshire, England
Estimation of Peak Floods in East Africa Report No 706, 1976
Prediction of storm Rainfall in East Africa- Report No 623, 1974.


Report prepared by U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway


Report prepared by Kunhwa Engineering & Consulting Co. Ltd and Aqgola
Engineering & Management Services Ltd.


Report prepared by Ingerosec Corporation Japan, August 2018


Report prepared by Crown Tech-consult ltd in 2014 for DMDP project


Report prepared by Procesl and COWI in 2014 for DMDP project.

Draft Detailed Report


Report prepared by Sering Enggneria in 2018 for DMDP project.

3.8 Hydrological Data Analysis

3.8.1 Rainfall data
The following rainfall stations of the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA)
network are located in the project area:
Dar-es-Salaam Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA)
Dar-es Salaam University Laboratory
Ubungo Maji
Wazo Hill
Daily and Monthly rainfall data are available for these stations. Rainfall data analysis

Rainfall analysis is carried out in order to obtain required Rainfall input for
computing Peak Discharges required to size drainage structures. Monthly
Rainfall data obtained from Tanzania Meteorological Agency is analyzed using
Gumbel Extreme Value statistical methods. The TRRL East African uses
statistical methods for Rainfall analysis for various return periods. Mean annual rainfall

The mean annual rainfall for Tanzania is available in form of map and is
obtained from Tanzania Meteorological Agency. The map is presented in the
Figure 6-1 below. The mean annual rainfall in the project area varies from
800mm to 1400mm. Daily Rainfall

Tanzania Meteorological agency is charged with the task of collecting and
keeping rainfall data. The Consultant obtained Daily Rainfall from two rainfall
stations in the vicinity of the project area and the data was studied to check
reliability and continuity. A minimum continuous data record of 10 years is
required for the analysis to provide statistically satisfactory results. The number
of years with reliable records for each of the 2 stations is as follows:

Draft Detailed Report

Table 3.6: Rainfall Stations and duration of records

Stations DSM University DSM Airport Ubungo Wazo Hill
Record period 1955-2014 1971-2014 1927-2014 1934-2014
Record Years 59 43 87 80
Years of data 45 24 57 40

3.9 The Design Peak Discharges

The first two methods above, that is, Rational and TRRL EAFM have been used
in this study to estimate the design peak floods for catchments with exit points
along the project road.

3.9.1 Rational Method

Rational Method is based on physical consideration of runoff generated by
rainfall and takes into account specific catchment parameters such as size of
catchment, topography (land and channel slope), permeability of soil (infiltration
rate) and the vegetation cover of the catchment. These physical characteristics
are combined with the rainfall intensity-duration-frequencies read from Figure
3.1 for the time of concentration involved, to yield estimates of peak runoff
according to the following equation:

Q=0.278 x C x IP x A x F (1)
where Q=flood peak across drainage structure (m3/s)
C=runoff coefficient
IP=rainfall intensity (mm/hr) at the time of concentration
and for selected probability p
A= catchment area (km2)
F=Area Reduction Factor

The time taken by the storm runoff to travel from the most remote area of the
catchment to the point of exit is the concentration time Tc (hours). This time Tc,
determines the rainfall intensity to be used in the Rational Method and is
calculated by empirical formulas such as the Bransby-William’s formula:
Tc=0.615 x L/ (A0.1 x S0.2) (2)
where L=length of main stream in km
S=slope of main stream (%) and
Draft Detailed Report

A=catchment area in km2.

The Rational Method assumes uniform rainfall over the entire catchment area,
which is a reasonable assumption for smaller catchment areas.

In order to take account of variability in rainfall intensity over bigger catchments,

to a certain degree, as well as shape of the catchment, an area reduction factor,
F, is normally applied. This factor is computed as follows
F=1-0.04T-1/3 x A1/2 (3)

where F= reduction factor

T= duration in hours and
A= catchment area in km2.

The runoff coefficient, C, which is the proportion of rainfall that results into storm
runoff, is estimated on the basis of three factors- topography of catchment,
permeability of soils and vegetation cover shown in Table 3.7 and Table 3.8

Table 3.7: The Runoff Coefficient Values for Different catchments

Runoff coefficient=Cs + Ck + Cv
Cs (Topography) Ck (Soils) Cv (Vegetation)
Very Flat <1% 0.03 Sand and 0.03 Forest 0.04
Undulating 1-10% 0.08 Sandy Clays 0.08 Farmland 0.11
Hilly 10-20% 0.16 Clay and Loam 0.16 Grassland 0.21
Mountainous >20% 0.26 Sheet Rock 0.26 No Vegetation 0.28
Source: Road Rehabilitation Supervision Manual, 1989

Table 3.8: Runoff Coefficients for Various Other Surfaces

Surface Runoff Coefficient, C
Urban Residential
-Single houses 0.30
-Garden apartments 0.50
Commercial and Industrial 0.90
Forested areas depending on soil 0.05 - 0.20
Parks, farm land, pasture 0.05 - 0.30
Asphalt or concrete pavement 0.85 - 1.00
Source: Water Resources Engineering by Linsley and Franzini

Draft Detailed Report

The coefficient is a very sensitive parameter in estimating storm discharge and

therefore it has to be carefully selected

The two tables above are fairly comparable; however, Table 3.1 seems to be
more elaborative and so it has been adopted in this study.

y = 64.991x-0.538
R² = 0.9909 2yr
y = 99.879x-0.538 10yr
R² = 0.9909
y = 117.44x-0.538 25yr
R² = 0.9909
y = 130.47x-0.538 50yr
R² = 0.9909 100yr
y = 143.4x-0.538
R² = 0.9909 Power (2yr)
Power (10yr)

Rainfall Power (25yr)

Power (50yr)
Power (100yr)

Figure 3.1: Rainfall Intensity-Duration- Frequency Curves

In the power equations above, y stands for Rainfall Intensity (mm/hr) and x for
Duration (hrs) =time of concentration Tc (hrs).

The concentration time is computed from equation (2) above and Area
Reduction Factor F from equation (3). These are inserted in equation (1) to get
the peak design discharges.

Appendix 3 contains the computed design peak discharges by the Rational

Method. This method seems to overestimate very much the design discharges
because the discharges for the catchments with coverage smaller than or equal
to 1.0km2 are higher than those that are close by and having coverage greater
than 1.0km2 and their discharges estimated by TRRL.

Draft Detailed Report

Table 3.9: Results of Computations by rational formula

Catchment Co-ordinates Station Area Q25
No Eastings Northings (km) Name of Stream in
1 0531551 9247520 0+125 Bibi Titi/ Maktaba 0.4 1.2
2 0529765 9251019 0+350 Bibi Titi /Ohio 0.5 1.5
3 0528733 9251136 0+875 Bibi Titi /Magore 0.6 1.5
4 0527373 9251143 1+900 Salander Police Stat. 0.5 1.5
5 0528842 9251155 3+550 Ali Hassan/Mkwawa 0.4 1.3
6 0529765 9251019 4+460 Best Bite 1.2 2.0
7 0528842 9251155 5+395 Unnamed stream
8 0528842 9251155 5+395 Egyptian Attache 0.99 0.87
9 0528733 9251136 5+535 Bagamoyo/Chato Rd 2.7 10.36
10 0528546 9251108 5+695 Unnamed stream 0.99 1.05
11 0528328 9251073 5+915 Unnamed stream 0.99 0.87
11 0528101 9251041 6+145 Halotel 0.99 0.70
12 0527775 9251057 6+445 Victoria Tower 2.0 3.2
13 0527332 9251162 6+950 Makumbusho area 2.5 6.46
14 0526985 9251292 7+300 Unnamed stream 0.98 1.05
15 0526731 9251452 7+300 Oilcom Petrol stat. 4.0 5.57
16 0526204 9251873 7+600 Bamaga/Shekilango 3.6 21.61
17 0524941 9252047 8+595 ITV Mikocheni 1.5 1.28
18 0525476 9252432 8+300 Mikocheni/Aspen 3.2 11.07
19 0526204 9251873 9+175 Junct, /S,Nujoma Rd 3.2 11.07
20 0524682 9253526 9+512 Pedestrian. Crossing 0.38 1.32
21 0524626 9253642 10+590 Makongo Football gr. 0.38 1.32
22 0524513 9253893 10+725 Makongo Sec. Sch. 0.6 2.08
23 0524428 9254048 10+975 Lugalo Pump House 1.2 5.77
24 0524268 9254370 11+175 Lugalo to Hospital 0.8 3.87
25 0524202 9254511 11+520 At Sports grounds 0.5 2.44
26 0524113 9254730 11+685 At Sports grounds 0.6 2.92
27 0524082 9254827 11+925 Lugalo Main Gate 1 2 0.98
28 0523986 9255103 12+313 Lugalo Main Gate 2 2 0.98
29 052395 9257118 14+375 Goba junction 5 43.72
30 0523318 9257704 15+013 Makonde stream 3 6.25
31 0523063 9258568 15+915 Manyema 1 15 47.37
32 0523000 9258867 16+415 Manyama 2 7.0 15.98
33 0522845 925973 16+850 Africana Stream1 0.63 3.40
34 0522816 9259610 16+975 Africana Str. 2 Cross. 1.00 4.83
35 0522666 9260214 17+612 Rafia area 15 30.72
36 0522615 9260392 17+790 Mazrui International 2 6.80
37 0521148 9262812 20+650 Tegeta Stream 1 8.0 17.77
38 0519444 9264804 23+275 Tegeta Rabinisia 7.0 5.95
39 0518995 9265275 24+075 Kibo Cement 6.0 7.97
40 0518631 9265681 24+475 DAWASA 6.0 5.71

Draft Detailed Report


The TRRL EAFM is a simple conceptual catchment model developed to predict
the 10-year peak flood for East Africa catchments with areas not exceeding

The peak floods for higher return periods are estimated based on the 10-year
peak flood.

The model assumes that the catchment can be modelled as a linear reservoir
the input into which is rainfall and the output is the catchment runoff.

The outflow Q of such a reservoir is related to the reservoir storage S by linear

Q =1S
where K is the reservoir lag time whose value is dependent on the
characteristics of the catchment, particularly land cover.
The hydrograph assumed here has a peak factor
F = 2.3 for lag time K>1 hour and
F = 2.8 for lag time K< 0.5 hour

This peak flow factor is defined as the ratio of peak flow Qp and average flow
Qavg during the base time TB, that is,
F = Qp/Qavg

3.11.1 Runoff Volume

The total volume of runoff RO is given by
RO = (P-Y) *CA*A*103

Where: P is the total storm rainfall (mm) during time period equal to
the base time TB.
Y is the initial retention (mm)
CA is the contribution area coefficient and
A is the catchment area (km2)

Draft Detailed Report

Average Flow

For the hydrograph time base TB, storm rainfall P and a total volume of runoff
RO, the average flow Qavg is calculated as
Qavg = 0.93* RO m3/s
3600* TB
The base time is estimated as
TB = TP + 2.3K + TA
where TP is rainfall time (hours), the time when rainfall intensity remains
at a high level
K is the catchment lag time (hours) and
TA is the additional time for flood wave attenuation (hours).
The 10-year Storm Rainfall
The 10-year storm rainfall P can be determined for a given catchment
area A and a given rainfall base time TB as
RTB is the 10-year point rainfall during the base time TB and
ARF is an area reduction factor which indexes the rainfall variability in
space. It considers the reduction of the rainfall with increasing catchment
For Tanzania, ARF can be determined using the equation
ARF = 1.0 - 0.04T-1/3 A1/2

The 10-year rainfall RTB during the base time TB is calculated from the
RTB = RRTB * R 10/24.
where RRTB is the rainfall ratio that indexes the rainfall
variability in time and is given by
RRTB =TB/24*(24+b)/ (TB+b)) n
b and n are empirical zone dependent indices for rainfall given in
the TRRL EAFM Report as b=0.33 and n=0.76 for the zone on
which the project road lies.

Draft Detailed Report

R 10/24 is the 10-year daily (24-hours) rainfall that is estimated

from the regional maps of the 2-year daily rainfall R 2/24 and the
empirical zone specific 10:2 years ratio r10:2 provided in the
report shown in Appendix 2 of the report.
R10/24 = r 10:2 * R 2/24.

The TRRL EAFM Report 706 gives the values
r 10:2 = 1.64 and
R 2:24 = 80 mm so that
R 10:24 = 131.2 mm over the study area.
Annual maximum 24-hour rainfall data has provided representative
rainfall statistics over the study area. The data is shown in Table 3.10
below and plotted in Figure 3.11.

Initial Retention Y
Initial retention is the rainfall entering the reservoir without creating
outflow. It is calculated from the balance of evapo-transpiration and
rainfall since the last storm having given significant runoff.

In dry and wet zones in Tanzania the probability that the soils are at field
capacity is quite high and therefore initial retention is assumed here to be
Y = 0.

Contributing Area Coefficient, CA

In a catchment not all the surface contributes to the formation of runoff,
depending on different factors like terrain, slope, soil, land use, vegetation, soil
moisture etc.

The effective contributing area coefficient is given by

CA = CS* CW * CL

where CS is the standard value of the contributing area coefficient

CW is the catchment wetness factor and

Draft Detailed Report

CL is the land use factor

The coefficient and the factors were selected from tables below.

Table 3.10: The Standard Contributing Area Coefficient, Cs

Catchment Slope Soil Type
Well Drained Slightly Impeded Impeded
Drainage Drainage
Very Flat < 1.0% 0.15 0.30
Moderate 1-4% 0.09 0.38 0.40
Rolling 4-10% 0.10 0.45 0.50
Hilly 10-20% 0.11 0.50
Mountainous > 0.12

Table 3.11: The Catchment Wetness Factors, Cw

Rainfall Zone Catchment Factors (Cw)
Perennial Streams Ephemeral Streams
Wet Zone 1.0 1.0
Semi-Arid Zone 1.0 1.0
Dry Zones 0.75 0.5

Table 3.12: The Land Use factor, CL

Largely Bare Soil 1.50
Intense Cultivation (particularly in valleys) 1.50
Grass Cover 1.00
Dense Vegetation (particularly in valleys) 0.50
Ephemeral Stream, Sand Filled Valley 0.50
Swamp Filled Valley 0.33
Forest 0.33

3.11.2 Base Time TB.

The base time TB is the sum of the rainfall time TP, the time during which the
rainfall intensity remains at high level. It is a zone dependent factor and is
provided in the TRRL EAFM map.

The recession time TR for the surface flow estimated as TR = 2.3K where K is
the lag time.
he attenuation time of the flood wave TA in the stream system estimated from
the equation
Draft Detailed Report

TA = 0.028 * L/ (QAvg ¼ * SC ½)

L is the stream length,
QAvg is the estimated average discharge and
SC is the stream slope.

The rainfall time TP and the lag time K were selected respectively from
Tables 3.13 and 3.14 below.

Table 3.13: Rainfall Time (Tp) for East Africa 10-year Storms
Zone Index “n” Rainfall Time (TP)
Inland zone 0.96 0.75
Coastal zone 0.76 4.0
Kenya-Aberdare Uluguru zone 0.85 2.0

Table 3.14: The Catchment Lag Times, K

Catchment Type Lag Time K (hr)
Arid 0.1
Very Steep Small Catchments (slope >20%) 0.1
Semi-Arid Scrub (largely bare soil patches) 0.3
Poor Pasture 0.5
Good Pasture 1.5
Cultivated land (down to river bank) 3.0
Forest, Overgrown Valley Bottom 8.0
Papyrus Swamp in Valley Bottom 20.0

The details and results of the hydrological calculations, including the various
parameters that characterize each of the study catchments, are shown in
Appendix 3. This table in Appendix 3 is a self-contained table where all the
catchment variables are conveniently lumped and used to compute the design
discharges, iteratively, for return periods 10, 25, 50 and 100 years.

3.11.3 Results of Computations by TRRL.

Peak discharges for the large watershed basins were computed using the TRRL
East African Flood Model for bridges is summarized in the Table below.

Draft Detailed Report

Table 3.15: Results of Computations by TRRL

Catchment Co-ordinates Station (km) Area in Q100
No Eastings Northings Name of km2
1 0524906 9253063 10+075 Mlalakuwa 16 53.38
2 0523851 9255726 12+950 Mbezi 65 247.29
3 0521072 9262928 20+785 Tegeta 45 222.54

3.12 The Generalized Flood Model for Tropical Countries

Studies have shown that the Rational Method does not take into account
variations of time of rate of rainfall, the extent of the area affected by the rainfall,
the features of the area itself, which is contributing to the flow at outfall and
variations of the velocity of flow and temporary retention of low. A new method
known as Generalized Tropical Flood Model has been developed which
combines ORSTROM- Method and the TRRL-Method. The ORSTROM-Method
was developed by “Office de la recherché Scientifique et Technique outremer”,
Paris, France. The TRRL Method was developed by Transport Road Research
Laboratory of United Kingdom, England. The method is based on assumptions,
similarities and differences in both methods.

3.13 The Generalized Tropical Flood Model

The ORSTROM- method is a result of some 50 catchment studies in tropical
West Africa, carried out by Rodier et al. The TRRL Method bases on the
analysis of 14 representative catchments in Kenya and Uganda, published by
Rodier and Fiddes. A summary of the method is given below by showing the
different steps of calculation as follows:

The Estimate catchment characteristics such as:

i. catchment area
ii. catchment slope
iii. catchment soil types
iv. catchment land use factor
v. calculate Runoff Coefficient
vi. estimate the land use factor
vii. estimate the hydrograph base time
viii. Calculate design storm Q

Draft Detailed Report

ix. Calculate design peak flow

The Catchment characteristics are distinguished by the climatic zones they

belong to:

Climate Zones
Climate zones are classified in three groups as mentioned below.
Arid and semi-arid - mean annual rainfall below 800mm
Humid - mean annual rainfall between 800mm 1600mm
Rain forests - mean annual rainfall above 1600mm

Climate Zones have effect on catchment characteristics because different zones

have different rainfall amount which influence vegetation. The varying zones
types are assigned empirical numbers.

Run-Off Coefficients
There are four factors which influence the amount of run-off coefficient. These
are soil type, slopes, vegetation and catchment wetness.

The soil type classification is generally very subjective and will not consider
variation over total catchment. There are 5 classes which correspond directly to
the permeability classification. Values of soil and Slope classes are listed in
Table 3.1 6 and Table 3.17.

Table 3.16: Catchment Slope classifications

Slope Class S Average Catchment Slope (%)
1 0.00 -0.20
2 0.20 -1.00
3 1.00-4.00
4 4.00-10.00
5 10.00- 20.00
6 < 20.00

Draft Detailed Report

Table 3.17: Soil permeability Classification

Soil Class (i) Description
1 Impermeable – rock surface
Very low permeability clay soils with high swelling potential, shallow soils
over largely impermeable layers, very high-water table
3 Low permeability – drainage slightly impeded when soil fully wetted
Fairly permeable – deep soils of relatively high infiltration rate even when
Very permeable – soils with very high infiltration rates such as sands,
gravels and aggregated clays,

Regression equations for ORSTROM and TRRL are representing the basic run-
off coefficient as given below.
For humid catchments:
Cs = 0.53 – 0.12L + 0.08S
For semi-humid catchments (small catchments)
Cs = 0.96 – 0.12L + 0.08S
For humid catchments (big catchments)
Cs = 0.53 – 0.12L + 0.08S –bV A
b =0.04 (I1 and I2 soils)
b =0.02 (I3 and I4 soils)

It Run-off of semi-arid catchments decreases with area and the range is limited
by the area factor and their validity is limited to 100km2.There are run-off rates
for larger catchments.

The above equations are reliable for humid climates.

Land use Factors CL

The TRRL Land use factors are used and given below in the following

Table 3.18: Land use table Factors (CL)

Slope Class S Average Catchment Slope (%)
Semi-arid zone 1.00

Largely bare soil humid zone 1.50

Draft Detailed Report

Intensive cultivation 1.50

Grass cover 1.00
Dense vegetation particularly 0.50
Shallow impermeable soils 1.00
Very steep slopes S5/S6 0.67
Others 0.33

Catchment Wetness Factor

Run-off from humid catchments tends to be greater if the catchment has
received rainfall during previous days or weeks. This is due to the soil moisture
available after the storm. The wetness factor of 1.0 is assumed for semi-arid
and wet zones.

Table 3.19: Catchment Wetness Factors (Cw)

Catchment wetness factor
Rainfall zone
Perennial streams Ephemeral streams
Semi-arid zone 1.00 1.00
Wet zone 1.00 1.00
Dry zone 0.75 0.50

Hydrograph Base Time

The ORSTROM - Method considers three components for the time a flood
needs to reach the outlet of the catchment. The components are the following:

Storm duration
Time taken for the surface run – off to drain into the river system
Time for the river to reach the bridge site
The equation for the hydrograph base time is
Tb= C x A/ c 2
Tb hydrograph base time (h)
A Catchment area (km2)
S Slope class
C a constant which is 20 for semi-arid and 30 for humid catchments

The values for surface cover are given in Table 3.20.

Draft Detailed Report

Table 3.20: Surface cover time

Catchment Type Ts (h)
Arid zone 0.0
Poor pasture/scrub (large bare soil patches) 0.0
Good pasture 1.0
Cultivated land (down to river bank) 2.0
Shallow impermeable 2.0
Very steep slopes ( S5/S6)
Other 12.0
Swamp filled valleys 20.0

Peak Flow Factor

Both the ORSTROM and the TTRL Methods use a peak factor to relate the
average flow Q to peak flow Q. The peak flow factors are presented in the table

Table 3.21: Peak Flow Factors

Type of catchment Peak flow factors

Semi-arid zone 3.0

Humid zone 2.5

Forest 1.7

Average Flow and Design Peak in Fiddes and Watkins, the equation for
average flow during base time is given by:
Q = 0.278 Ca PA/Tb
Ca contributing area
P area design storm
A catchment area
Tb hydrograph base time
The design peak flow is then given by
Q= F. Q
with F being a peak factor.

Draft Detailed Report

The design Peak flow for the Msimbazi catchment having an area greater than
200km2 have been calculated using Generalized Tropical Flood Model and the
results are summarized below and presented in Appendix 4.2.

Table 3.22: Design peak flows for Msimbazi catchment area for each
return period

River Return period (yrs)

No. Area in km2
10 25 50 100
1 Msimbazi 268 502 566 615 663

The catchment area delineated from topographic maps is presented in

Appendix 1 of this report. The delineated Msimbazi Catchment area compares
well with catchment areas obtained by others, Deltares: Development of a
hydrological and hydrodynamic model of Msimbazi basin, July 2018 and by
ECORYS, DASUDA, CDR and Wema in The Msimbazi Opportunity, Volume A,
January 2019. The catchment areas by others is also given in Appendix 1a and

3.14 Hydraulics of Drainage Structures

3.14.1 General
The Project Road which starts from Maktaba Road and Junction of Bibi Titi
Mohamed Road to Tegeta DAWASA passing over undulating to flat land scape.
Water flows from the LHS across the road towards the Indian Ocean.

The road passes through very low and trouble spot which requires special
attention in this design report. These areas are Morocco to Mwenge, Mbezi
Beach area at Goba junction, Africana area and Rafia. The structures are
either non-existence or inadequate.

3.14.2 Field investigations

A field investigation has been carried out as described in the preceding sections
so as to access the conditions of existing culverts. These are described in some
selected critical locations as presented in sections that follow.

Draft Detailed Report

3.14.3 Ali Hassan/Mkwawa km 3+550 E 0530427 N 9250399

There is no pipe culvert at this location. However, this location collects all the
water from half of Osterbay area and the residential area causing ponding at his
area. This accumulation of storm water is causing road deterioration and
nuisance. The computed discharge is 1.3m3/sec.

A single pipe culvert diameter 900mm is required to constructed here to take

away water towards Leader club area or the nearest low point about 200m to
the LHS of the road.

3.14.4 Best Bite km 4+460 E 0529749 N 9251025

There is a 600mm pipe culvert at this location. However, this location collects all
the water from half of Kawawa road and the residential area behind former
TANROADS HQ causing ponding at his area. This pipe is not adequate. This
accumulation of storm water is causing road deterioration and nuisance. The
computed discharge is about 5m3/sec.

A double pipe culvert diameter 900mm is required to constructed here to take

away water to the nearest low point about 500m to the LHS side of the road.

3.14.5 Bagamoyo/Chato Road km 5+525 E 0528704 N 9251133

This area experiences severe flooding. There is a diameter 600mm concrete
pipe crossing the road which inadequate. This area receives about 6m3 of
stormwater from Kawawa Road and Bwawani area with a Catchment of 2.45
km2. The area is relatively flat with clay sand soil.

The hydrological capacity shows that a double cell 1.5mx 1,5m box culvert is
adequate as it can take 6.0m3/s while the quantity of flow is 3.53m3/s assuming
conservatively h/hw of 1.20 and a 10yrs return period.

3.14.6 Victoria Tower km 6+475 E 0527801 N 9251044

At Victoria Towers water comes from upstream of Bwawani ward. However,
there is no outlet for the 4.42 m3/sec stormwater due to fully build up area. It is

Draft Detailed Report

proposed to construct a underground stormwater pipe 2 nos 1200mm diameter

concrete pipes along.

3.14.7 Makumbusho area km 6+700 E 0527312 N 9251166

This area experiences severe flooding from water about 0.9m3 coming from
Makumbusho Secondary and beyond. There is a diameter 600mm concrete
pipe crossing the road which inadequate. The area is relatively flat with clay
sand soil.

The hydrological and hydraulic capacity shows that the structure is inadequate.
It is proposed to have two cells box culverts 1500mmx1200mm with a capacity
of 4.42m3/s.

3.14.8 Oilcom Petrol Station km 6+950 area E 0526712 N 9251432

At this area water crosses the road. There is a box culvert diameter 2.0mx3.0m.
The area receives stormwater from Kijitonyama stream and total discharge of
Kijitonyama river is about 41.48m3/sec. Some of the water is already provided
with existing box culverts. It is proposed to have a new box culvert 2.0m x3.0m
with a 13m3/s capacity.

3.14.9 Bamaga/Shekilango area km 7+600 E 0526178 N 9251863

This area experiences little flooding from water as water coming from upstream
of Mwenge area. There is no pipe crossing the road from LHS to TBC premises.
Under the on-going project a double 1.5mx 1.5m box culvert is being
constructed, which will be adequate.

3.14.10 Mikocheni/Aspen km 8+300 Area E 0525476 N 9252432

There is no Culvert here and it is a hidden problem area. This area experiences
some flooding from water coming from Sam Nujoma Road. This water is
blocked by Shelly factory but finds its way downstream to Viwanda road, where
to goes to the sea via Warioba stream. A recent study by Sering Engegneria
has identified the problem and documented in their report titled “Drainage and
Sanitation Development Plan (DSDP) for Dar-Es-Salaam City under DMDP,
2018. A double 1.5mx1.5m box culvert is proposed for this location. The

Draft Detailed Report

ongoing Morocco Mwenge project does not have a culvert in its project
implementation works. It is therefore to install a double 1.5mx1.5m

3.14.11 Junction/Sam Nujoma km 9+175 E 0526204 N 9251873

It is proposed to install a1500mm pipe culvert across Bagamoyo road.
Downstream towards Coca-Cola Factory, there a 1500mm pipe culvert which
empties water into a trapezoidal channel, with 1.0m bottom and height of 1.2m.
This is the main stormwater channel for the Bagamoyo and Sam Nujoma roads.

3.14.12 Pedestrian Crossing km 9+512 E 0524682 N 9253526

There is a double box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. This area experiences no flooding
from water coming from upstream of Lugalo Barracks. It is proposed to retain
the same existing box culverts.

3.14.13 Makongo Football ground area km 10+590 E 0524626 N

There is a double box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. This area experiences no flooding
from water coming from upstream of Lugalo Barracks. It is proposed to retain
the same existing box culverts.

3.14.14 Makongo Secondary School km 10+725 E 05361 N 925036

There is a triple box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. This area experiences no flooding from
water coming from upstream of Lugalo Barracks. It is proposed to retain the
same existing box culverts.

3.14.15 Lugalo near Pump house km 10+975 E 0524513 N 9253893

There is a double box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. This area experiences no flooding
from water coming from upstream of Lugalo Barracks. It is proposed to retain
the same existing box culverts.

3.14.16 Lugalo to Military Hospital km 11+175 E 0524268 N 9254370

There is a a single box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. This area experiences no flooding
from water coming upstream of from Lugalo Barracks. It is proposed to retain
the same existing box culverts.

Draft Detailed Report

3.14.17 Lugalo Sports grounds km 11+520 E 0524202 N 925511

There is a single box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. This area experiences no flooding
from water coming from upstream of Lugalo Barracks. It is proposed to retain
the same existing box culverts.

3.14.18 Lugalo Sports grounds km 11+685 E 0524113 N 9254730

There is a single box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. This area experiences no flooding
from water coming from upstream of Lugalo Barracks. It is proposed to retain
the same existing box culverts.

3.14.19 Lugalo Main Gate km 11+925 E 0524082 N 9254827

There is a double box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. This area experiences no flooding
from water coming from upstream of Lugalo Barracks. It is proposed to retain
the same existing box culverts.

3.14.20 Lugalo after Main Gate km 12+313 E 0524082 N 9254827

There is a double box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. This area experiences no flooding
from water coming from upstream of Lugalo Barracks. It is proposed to retain
the same existing box culverts.

3.14.21 Goba Junction km 14+375 E 0523495 N 9257118

This area is a catchment area of Mdumbwi Stream. It experiences heavy
flooding from water coming from upstream area with a catchment of about
5km2. There is a triple cells concrete box culvert 0.9mx.8m which is not
adequate. The area is relatively flat with clay SAND soil.

The hydrological and hydraulic capacity shows that the structures are
inadequate as they can offer 4.90m3/s while the quantity of flow is 19.64m3/s
assuming conservatively h/hw of 1.0m and a 25yrs return period. In view of the
hydraulic capacity required, double cell 1.50mx4.0m box culvert with a capacity
of handling quantity of flow of 19.0m3/s has been proposed with full protection
works to the access road.

Draft Detailed Report

3.14.22 Makonde area km 15+013 E 0523318 N 9257704

This area is a catchment area of Makonde Stream. It experiences heavy
flooding from water coming from upstream area with a catchment of about
3km2. There is a triple cells concrete box culvert 0.9mx.8m which is not
adequate. The area is relatively flat with clay SAND soil.

The hydrological and hydraulic capacity shows that the structures are
inadequate as they can offer 4.90m3/s while the quantity of flow is 6.28m3/s
assuming conservatively h/hw of 1.0m and a 25yrs return period. In view of the
hydraulic capacity required, double cell 1.2mx3.0m box culvert with a capacity
of handling quantity of flow of 4.90m3/s has been proposed with full protection
works to the access road.

3.14.23 Manyema1 Stream km 15+915 E 0523061 N 9258568

This area is a catchment area of Manyema Stream. It experiences water coming
from upstream area with a catchment of about 10 km2. There is a double cells
concrete box culvert 2.5mmx 4.0m which is adequate. The area is relatively flat
with clay SAND soil.

The hydrological and hydraulic capacity shows that the structures are adequate
as they can offer 47.90m3/s while the quantity of flow is 36.28m3/s assuming
conservatively h/hw of 1.0m and a 25yrs return period. In view of the above, the
existing box culvert is adequate.

3.14.24 Manyema2 Stream km 16+415 E 0523000 N 9258867

This area is a 4.0km2 catchment area of Manyema2 Stream which smaller. It
experiences flooding from water coming from upstream area. There is a double
cells concrete box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. The area is in a depression with
relatively flat area with a lot of vegetation and clay SAND soil.

The hydrological and hydraulic capacity shows that the existing structure is
inadequate as they can offer 2.00m3/s while the quantity of flow is 6.28m3/s
assuming conservatively h/hw of 1.0m and a 25yrs return period. In view of the
above, the existing box culvert need an additional box culvert of 1.5m x4.0m.

Draft Detailed Report

3.14.25 Africana Stream 1 km 16+850 E 0522845 N 9259473

This area is a 4.0km2 catchment area of Africana NMB Stream. It experiences
flooding from water coming from upstream area. There is a double cells
concrete box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. The area is in a depression with relatively flat
area with a lot of vegetation and clay SAND soil.

The hydrological and hydraulic capacity shows that the existing structure is
inadequate as take 2.00m3/s while the quantity of flow is 6.28m3/s assuming
conservatively h/hw of 1.0m and a 25yrs return period. In view of the above, the
existing box culvert need an additional box culvert of 3.0m x1.2m.

3.14.26 Africana Str. 2 Crossing km 16+975 E 0522816 N 9259610

This area is a 2.7km2 catchment area of Africana Stream. It experiences
flooding from water coming from upstream area. There is a double cells
concrete box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. The hydrological and hydraulic capacity
shows that the existing structure is inadequate as take only 2.00m3/s while the
quantity of flow is 6.28m3/s assuming conservatively h/hw of 1.0m and a 25yrs
return period. In view of the above, the existing box culvert need an additional
box culvert of 3.0m x1.2m.

3.14.27 Rafia area km 17+612 E 0522666 N 9260214

This area is a 11.0km2 catchment area of Rafia Stream. It experiences flooding
from water coming from upstream area. There are six cells of concrete box
culvert of 0.9mx 0.8m. The hydrological and hydraulic capacity shows that the
existing structure is inadequate as they can offer 8.00m3/s while the quantity of
flow is 19.0m3/s assuming conservatively h/hw of 1.0m and a 25yrs return
period. In view of the above, a new double box culvert of 4.0mx1.5m.

3.14.28 Mazrui International km 17+790 2 E 0522615 N 9260392

This is part catchment area of Rafia are. It takes was from Mbuyuni which goes
to Rafia. There are four cells concrete box culvert 0.9mx 0.8m. The hydrological
and hydraulic capacity shows that the existing structure is adequate.

Draft Detailed Report

3.14.29 Tegeta 1 Stream Kwa Ndevu km 20+650 E 0521148 N 9262812

Ndevu. It experiences a lot of water coming from upstream area. There is a
single cell concrete box culvert 2.0 mx 3.0m. The hydrological and hydraulic
capacity shows that the existing structure is adequate as it can accommodate
25.00m3/s while the quantity of flow is 22.28m3/s assuming conservatively h/hw
of 1.0m and a 50year return period.

3.14.30 Tegeta Namanga/ Rabininsia Hospital km 23+275 E 0519444 N

This area is a 4.0km2 catchment area of Wazo Hill Stream. Water coming from
upstream area passes through a double cells concrete box culvert of
2.0mx0.1m to DAWASA depot. The hydrological and hydraulic capacity shows
that the existing structure is not adequate. A double new 4.0m x 1.2m box
culvert is proposed.

Table 3.23: Hydraulics of Drainage Structures

Coordinates Station Type of Size
No. (km) Stream Name No of cells
Easting Northing structure in (mm)

1 0531551 9247520 0+125 Bibi Titi/ Maktaba Pipe culvert 900 1

2 0529765 9251019 0+350 Bibi Titi /Ohio Pipe culvert 900 1
3 0528733 9251136 0+875 Bibi Titi /Magore Pipe culvert 900 1
4 0527373 9251143 1+900 Selander Police Stat. Pipe culvert 900 1
5 0530427 9250399 3+550 AliHassan/Mkwawa Pipe culvert 900 1
6 0529765 9251019 4+460 Best Bite Pipe culvert 900 2
7 0528842 9251155 5+395 Egyptian Attache Box culvert 1500x1500 1.
8 0528733 9251136 5+535 Bagamoyo/Chato Rd Box culvert 1500x1500 1
9 0528842 9251155 5+695 Unnamed stream Pipe culvert 900 1
10 0528328 9251073 5+915 Unnamed stream PipeCulvert 900 1
11 0528101 9251041 6+145 Halotel PipeCulvert 900 1
12 0527801 9251044 6+475 Victoria Tower Pipe culvert 1200 1
13 0527312 9251166 6+950 Makumbusho area Box culvert 3000x1200 1
14 0526985 9251292 7+300 Unnamed stream PipeCulvert 900 1
15 0526731 9251452 7+607 Oilcom Petrol stat. Box culvert 1200x1200 1
16 0526556 9251432 7+814 Unnamed stream PipeCulvert 900 1
17 0526204 9251873 8+295 Bamaga/Shekilango Box culvert 1500x1500 2
18 0526556 9251432 8+595 Unnamed stream PipeCulvert 900 1

Draft Detailed Report

No. Coordinates Station Stream Name Type of Size No of cells

(km) structure in (mm)
19 0525476 9252432 9+175 Mikocheni/Aspen Pipe culvert 1500x1500 2 new
20 0526204 9251873 9+512 Junct,/ S,Nujoma Rd Box Culvert 900 2 retain
21 0524682 9253526 10+590 Pedestrian Crossing Box Culvert 900x 800 2 retain
22 0524626 9253642 10+725 MakongoFtball Box Culvert 900x 800 3 retain
23 0524513 9253893 10+975 LugaloMakongo Sec. Box Culvert 900x 800 2 retain
24 0524428 9254048 11+175 Lugalo Pump House Box Culvert 900x 800 2 retain
25 0524268 9254370 11+520 Lugalo to Hospital Box Culvert 900x 800 1 retain
26 0524202 9254511 11+685 At Sports grounds Box Culvert 900x 800 1 retain
26 0524113 9254730 11+925 At Sports grounds Box Culvert 900x 800 1 retain
27 0524082 9254827 12+025 Lugalo Main Gate Box Culvert 900x 800 2 retain
28 0523986 9255103 12+313 Lugalo Main gate Box Culvert 900x 800 2 retain
29 052395 9257118 14+375 Goba junction Box Culvert 4000x 1500 2 new
30 0523318 9257704 15+013 Makonde Box Culvert 3000x 1200 2 new
31 0523063 9258568 15+915 Manyema 1 Box Culvert 4000x2500 2 retain
32 0523000 9258867 16+425 Manyama 2 Box Culvert 4000x 1500 1
33 0522845 9259476 16+850 Africana Str.1 NMB Box Culvert 3000x1200 1 new
34 0522816 9259610 16+975 Africana Str.2 Cross. Box Culvert 3000x1200 1 new
35 0522666 9260214 17+612 Rafia area Box Culvert 4000x 1500 2 new
36 0522615 9260392 17+790 Mazrui International Box Culvert 900x 800 4 retain
37 0521148 9262812 20+650 Tegeta Stream 1 Pipe culvert 3000x2000 1 retain
38 0519444 9264804 23+275 Tegeta Rabinisia Box culvert 4000x1200 2 new
39 0518995 9265275 24+075 Kibo Cement Box culvert 4000x1200 2 new
40 0518631 9265681 24+475 DAWASA Box culvert 4000x1200 2 new

3.14.31 Boko Kibo Cement km 24+075 E 0518995 N 9265275

This area is a 6.0km2 catchment area of Wazo Hill Stream Water coming from
upstream area passes through a double cells concrete box culvert of 2.0mx0.1m.
The hydrological and hydraulic capacity shows that the existing structure is not
adequate. A double new 4.0m x 1.2m box culvert is proposed.

3.14.32 Boko DAWASA km 24+475 E 0518631 N 9265683

This area is a 6.0km2 catchment area of Wazo Hill Stream Water coming from
upstream area passes through a double cells concrete box culvert of 2.0mx0.1m.
The hydrological and hydraulic capacity shows that the existing structure is not
adequate. A double new 4.0m x 1.2m box culvert is proposed.

Draft Detailed Report

3.14.33 Selection of Peak flow capacities for drainage structures

After field investigations, calculation of discharge capacity of drainage structures was
undertaken using data from field and desk study. Computations have been made
using Manning equation and the same compared to values obtain from hydrological
study. All bridges and culverts are summaries below: Bibi Titi Mohamed to Boko
DAWASA and Mwenge to Ubungo section

Table 3.24:
Coordinates Station
Type of Size No of
No. Stream Name
Eastings Northings structure in(m) cells

0525208 9252569 9+550 Mwenge/Bagamoyo Pipe 0

1 0
jnt culvert
0524964 9252274 9+925 Pipe 0.9
2 Oilcom 1 new
0524696 9252032 10+275 Pipe 0.9
3 Tanzanite 1 new
0524432 9251706 10+700 Pipe 0.9
4 Mlimani City Round 1 new
0524012 9251100 11+450 3.0x2.0 1
5 Kijitonyama stream Box culvert

3.14.34 Road Side Storm Discharge and Drainage`

Concrete pipe culverts are required along the road sides to drain storm discharge
generated within the road surface. This storm discharge is to be conveyed into storm
water inlets spaced along the sides of the road. The road has a width of 45m and
has camber so that water flows from the middle of the road down to the sides.
Based on half the road width discharges have been computed using Rational
Method, the coefficient of runoff of c=1.0 and different road lengths to determine pipe
sizes required for the different return periods recommended for urban areas.

Dar es Salaam Rainfall Station data has been used to establish the Intensity-
Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves shown below.

3.15 Climate Changes

Climate change is real and is taking place. Tanzania is being affected by the main
climate events such droughts, river floods, and flash floods due to heavy rains. All
these events have major impacts on road infrastructure. During El Nino which

Draft Detailed Report

happened in 1998 December Tanzania had seen significant damage to infrastructure

such as railways, bridges, dams and roads.

Therefore, the government of Tanzania has set up a Centre for Climate Change
Studies (CCCS) at University of Dar es Salaam in order to study and coordinate all
activities related to Climate Change in all sectors. Other countries are also engaged
in addressing Climate change impact. Lessons learned from other countries with
similar climatic conditions can be adapted in Tanzania.

The following table lists these events and what measures may be used to minimize
the impacts.

Table 3.25: Possible Climate Change Events, Risks and General Mitigation
Climate event Risks to the road Measures
Heavy rain for longer Water overtopping on road crest Increase road level to at least 0.5 m
periods Increased capacity of moistures and over the maximum flood level
decreased cohesion of soil and Erosion protection
increased seepage and infiltration Increase capacity of culverts Build
across road body up weirs and spillways
Drainage system over capacity of Increase capacity of compaction
and increase drainage erosion (lower moisture percentage)
Embankment instability or loss, road Decrease hydrodynamic force of
wash away water through planting grass
• Use resistant materials for building
Storm events Destabilizations of bridges Trees
(Typhoons, Cyclones) blocking the roadway Damage to Increase capacity of spillways and
and extreme winds traffic signs culverts
Embankment protection through
tree plantings
Increase road inspections
Decrease road traffic during storms

3.15.1 Climate Adaption

With regards to climate change impacts, some methods are proposed to adapt to
climate change events, especially flooding, which always cause damage to roads.
Proposed Adaptation options are discussed in detail in below.

Draft Detailed Report

3.15.2 Drainage
A good drainage system conveys water from the surface of the road, as well from the
different layers of the road structure, to a safe exit (stream or cross drainage
structure). The drainage system also intercepts surface water flowing towards the
road and conveys water across the road in a controlled fashion.
The destructive power of water increases exponentially as its velocity increases.
Therefore, water must not be allowed to develop sufficient volume or velocity so as
to cause excessive wear along ditches, at culverts or along exposed running
surfaces, cuts or fills.

The presence of excess water within the roadway will adversely affect the properties
of the materials with which it was constructed. Cut or fill failures, road surface
erosion and weakened subgrades followed by a mass failure are all products of
inadequate or poorly-designed drainage.

Different types of drainage structures are discussed below

3.15.3 Drainage
Climate change may increase rainfall intensity which will increase the risk for
overflow and destruction of roads. The cross drainage of the roads, mainly culverts,
bridges and spillways should be modified to be resilient to climate change. New box
or pipe culverts can be added or existing culverts can be increased in size.

Pipe culverts are normally 0.6-1.5 m diameter culverts. However, it is recommended

to have Culverts with greater than 1.2m for easy cleaning.

Box culverts. The size of the culverts very much depends of the flow of water and the
height of embankment to be able to accommodate the culvert. It is important to
consider erosion problems around culverts where rapid flow is expected. Especially
vulnerable is the outlet of culverts where embankment protection should be
considered. Stone pitching is recommended.

Draft Detailed Report

3.15.4 Raising Road Level

Raising Road Level is one solution to adapt to climate change events, especially
flooding. The road surface level will be raised to an elevation higher than expected
flood level to reduce risk of road damage and to prevent an inaccessible road during
flood event. The road design level should be 0.5 m higher than highest expected
flood level.

3.16 Scour computations for proposed Bridges

Scour is the result of erosive action of flowing water, excavating and carrying away
material from the bed and banks of streams and from around the piers and
abutments of bridges. Scour depth evaluation has been and is presented in
Appendix 3.8 of Volume on Appendices.

3.16.1 Lacey’s Theory of Scour computations

According to Lacey’s theory of Incoherent alluvium, the four Bridge sites of the
Msimbazi, Mlalakuwa, Mbezi and Tegeta Rivers can be defined as ALLUVIAL “a
water course flowing within erodible boundaries in a flood plain of loose and fine soil,
where the longitudinal slope is low the water course.”. The stable width W of the river
bed is given by the relationship
W =4.836 x Q 0.5
D = 0.473 x Q 0.333
Therefore, maximum scour depth
Dmax = m x (W/L) 0.6
Where Q is the discharge (m3/sec)
f is silt factor (f = 1.76 x dm0.5), assumed to be = 1, since no soil lab.
Test results
W regime bed width
D water depth
L bridge width
m coefficient
m=1.5 for straight course,
m=2 for crossing structure is multi span
The results of scour computations for the four bridges is given below:

Draft Detailed Report

Table 3.26:
Name of Regime Bridge Q silt Coefficient Dmax
River Width Width (designed) factor (m) (Scour
(Lasey) (designed) m3/sec (f) depth)
Msimbazi 98. 72. 663 1 2 6.76
Mlalakuwa 35 30 53.38 1 1 6.66
Mbezi 76 30 247.29 1 1 6.66
Tegeta 72 30 222.64 1 1 6.21
Dmax is measured from top water level, therefore scour below riverbed level is in the
cover of 2,0m. It is recommended to construct pier cap at 3.0m below riverbed.

3.17 Conclusion and Recommendations

From the study and investigations carried out, the four existing bridges have
adequate flow capacities. They are never overtopped during rainy seasons. It is
assumed new bridges for BRT 4 of the same capacity are satisfactory.

However, there are problems with some of the culverts which need attention. Some
culverts are not provided, small in capacity and in wrong position and have no outlets
for emptying storm water which runs through them. The Culverts are mentioned here
i. The proposed dia.900mm culvert at km 3+550 at corner Ali Hassan
Mwinyi/ Mkwawa Road
ii. The proposed double dia 900mm culvert at km 4+660, corner Ali Hassan
Mwinyi road and Best bite
iii. The proposed single 3000mmx1500mm box culvert at km 5+525, corner
Bagamoyo road and Chato road
iv. The proposed single 1200mm pipe culvert at km 6+950, near Victoria
v. The proposed double 1500mm x1500mm box culvert at km 9+175, near
Mikochen area/Aspen
vi. The proposed double 4000mmx1200mm box culvert at km 23+275 near
Tegeta Rabininsia
vii. The proposed double 4000mmx1200mm box culvert at km 24+075 at Kibo

Draft Detailed Report

viii. The proposed double 4000mmx1200mm box culvert at km 24+475 at


The proposed BRT4 Terminal at DAWASA Boko is in a swampy. It is inundated

during rainfall and water reaches about 1.5m. The storm water from Wazo Hill
factory area upstream collects here and trickles down a small underground pipe to
the sea some 2km away. It is recommended to carry out a study to find ways of
getting rid of the ponding water.

Draft Detailed Report


4.1 Introduction
This report is a Final Architecture Design Report. It is the final part of the earlier
submitted draft reports that shows the existing situation of the routes covered by
BRT4, and draft design reports.

As earlier said in the architecture report for phase five (BRT 5), Dar es Salaam Bus
Rapid Transit system (DART), is a transport system in which buses traverse the bus
routes passing through bus stations, bus feeder stations, bus terminals and at the
end of day park at depots for cleaning, refueling and maintenance. Therefore, such
stations and depots are also critical parts of BRT 4 infrastructure that provide spaces
and facilities for the boarding and alighting, transfer of passengers from one
bus/BRT system to another and periodic maintenance, cleaning, fueling and parking
of buses for the efficient operation of the Transit system.

From the Architecture report on the existing situation and conditions of the BRT4
routes, we noted the LOGIT Concept Report proposing a number and types of the
Terminals, Bus Stations and Bus Depots. As such and looking at the prevailing
conditions, we have adopted the proposals as presented and our task is to produce
architectural drawings for the same as proposed.

4.2 Scope of Architectural Works

This report covers the following:
(i) Architectural Detailed Design of Bus Stations (6 types), the total of
which is 39 Bus Stations/stands from Ally Hassan Mwinyi through New
Bagamoyo Road to Boko Basihaya and five (5) stations from SIMU
2000 Road to Mwenge on Sam Nujoma Road, all giving a total of 44
bus stations;
(ii) Architectural Detailed Design of Feeder Stations (10 places, that is:
Kinondoni Road, Rose Garden Road / Kajenge Road, University on
Sam Nujoma Road, Igesa on Igesa Road, Savei on University Road,
Mwenge on Sam Nujoma Road, Goig on Bagamoyo Road, Africana on
Bagamoyo Road and Kibo Complex (Wazo Hill Corner on Bagamoyo
Road or Tegeta Nyuki, whichever name is used);

Draft Detailed Report

(iii) Architectural Detailed Design of Bus Depot (2 type): That is Mbuyuni /

Sala Sala Bus depot and SIMU 2000 Bus Depot;
(iv) Architectural Detailed Design of Bus Terminal (3 numbers). That is,
Boko Basihaya Bus Terminal, Mbuyuni / Sala Sala Bus Terminal,
Mwenge Bus Terminal, Extension of Morocco Bus Terminal and
Extension of the Kivukoni Bus Terminal;
(v) Park and Ride Parking station at Mwenge, Masana /Goba Road,
Africana and Bok Basihaya.

4.3 Architectural Design Issues

As it was in BRT5, the Architectural design goal is to achieve model bus stations,
bus feeder stations, integrated bus terminals and bus depot in line with the Client’s
requirements of having a comfortable environment for waiting, boarding and
alighting, interchange between BRT and private mode of travel, parking and
servicing of the BRT 4 buses including office facilities for DART while ensuring ease
of duplication and cost effectiveness during construction. All these are to be
achieved efficiently using both active and natural energy sources in order to make
BRT4 sustainable during the operation of the system. Thus, where applicable and
possible natural energy sources like light, air and solar in form of photovoltaic is used
in the operation of BRT 4.

4.3.1 Architectural Design Concepts

As it has been the case with BRT5, the overall Design Concept is pegged on
creating a sustainable transportation mode that is aesthetically appealing, efficient
and economical in its operations, so that return of investment is realized. And, to
achieve this concept, we have adopted most of the recommendations by LOGIT
Conceptual design, serve for the sizes of some of the bus stations have been
reduced in sizes and designed with sizes similar to what was designed in BRT5.
LOGIT recommended six prototypes bus stations sizes as follows: 60 m x 5P,
133.4mx5P, 156 m x 5OP, 160.8 m x 9OP, 236.8 m x 9OP, and 268.8 m x3.5SP.
The changes made to these proposed are those of 232m and instead designed a
station of 228.8m length and the 268 to 273.6m length. The 60m bus station has
remained the same.

Draft Detailed Report

The architectural design of the roofs are similar to those of BRT5 to avoid having
many varied designs in the same system, such when the whole BRT system is
completed, there should be at least three roof design types: that is that one in BRT1,
BRT2 as designed, and our designed curved roof system. As it was designed in
BRT5, stepped barrel roof provides for natural light but also avoiding the rain into the
bus stations. The doors have been designed to accommodate sliding automatic
doors in operation. The types of buses used are the 18 m. articulated buses 12 m.
long unarticulated buses.

From the study of the existing situation, there are a total of 44 stations varying is size
said here above. There are 39 bus stations on the route from Ally Hassan Mwinyi
Road and Bagamoyo Road to Boko Basihaya (DAWSCO DEPOT) the names of
which are shown on the road design drawings, and 5 bus stations from Simu 2000
road junction and Sam Nujoma Road to Mwenge (i.e., University (Magufuli Hostel),
Kivulini, Mlimani City, Lufungira, and Mwenge).

4.3.2 Architectural Design Considerations

The design considerations adapted in BRT4 are similar to those used in BRT 5
building infrastructure's designs and are as described here below:

4.3.3 Dynamism and Fluidity:

The stations have been designed to depict dynamism and flow as a system flowing
objects as DART is dynamic in that, passengers are rapidly conveyed to their
destinations like a flow from one station to another. This horizontal movement which
is a core function of the system is emphasized with the use of horizontal building
elements in the form of horizontal barrel roof, horizontal wall elements (sun shading
louvers) The roof design is a modular piece of barrels at different heights to depict
the dynamic flow movement. The geometrically curved roof with different roof heights
creates higher headroom for increasing air movement, lighting and also mimicking
movement, speed and dynamism flow.

4.3.4 Functionality, Efficiency and Adequacy

Care has been taken to ensure that all functions necessary for the smooth boarding,
alighting and waiting for buses are adequately provided to avoid congestion. This

Draft Detailed Report

has been achieved by having on level boarding and alighting. Thus, a cantilevered
900mm high 500 mm wide platform is provided, which meets the bus floor on the
same level. A Ticketing booth has been provided with facility for queuing on the
outside to avoid congestion in the bus station. However, it is envisaged that most of
the ticket purchases will be done outside the station.

4.3.5 Bus Stations/Stands Passenger Accessibility and Passengers’ Control

The bus stations have been designed to ensure access by everybody including the
disabled by providing ramps and handrails within the station. A dedicated entrance
turnstile for the disabled is also provided.

Firm control of the passengers is necessary since only those within the station will be
allowed to board the buses. Hence, the use of sliding doors and turnstiles has been
extensively used.

Regarding facilities for staff, we have added a bay or two each with a length of 2.4
meters to each ticketing area of the big/large stations (Mbuyuni station at St. Peters’,
Lugalo Station and Goigi Station) to accommodate staff washrooms, one per each
sex. Thus, the lengths of these stations have increased to accommodate this
change. This shall also necessitate construction of waste water treatment facility
(septic tanks and cesspools) at each station. Elevated water supply tanks each with
a capacity 10,000 litre shall be located at the outer side of the road way to supply
water to the washrooms as shown. Where a sewer line is available (e.g. along
Bagamoyo Road from Mwenge to Makumbusho), possible connection of these
facilities to the existing sewer line is possible.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.1: Elevated water tank to supply water to the station staff
washrooms (as per DART requirements and recommendations). Visual Accessibility of the Bus Stands

Visual access of both those within the station and those outsides is necessary to
allow passengers to see incoming buses and at the same time enjoy the outside
environment. It is also important for the bus drivers to be able to see inside the
station, thus 2-way visual access has been achieved by the use of glass windows
and in some areas where waiting will not take place, and horizontal sun louvers have
been used. Environmental Control and Comfort

To control the harsh weather of Dar es Salaam where high temperatures, high
humidity, dust and rain poses a constant challenge to the built environment, various
means have been used. Natural cross ventilation has been encouraged by providing
extensive louvre openings below window level, above window level and in the roof to
create air movement at body and roof levels. Maximum headroom of 4.1 m is also
provided to improve ventilation. The horizontal sun shading devices help to control
solar load.

An overhang to protect boarding or alighting passengers from rain is also provided.

The orientation of most of the stations along Ally Hassan Mwinyi and New

Draft Detailed Report

Bagamoyo Road along East – West require sun shading devices which help to
reduce solar load from getting into the longer sides (elevations) of the building. The
two curved steel frames on each side of the station spanning from ground to ground
serve to emphasise the dynamic flow and as decorative element which at the same
time is used to support or carry the solar panels which are used as sources of
energy for the stations. Sam Nujoma Road which runs almost north–south is directly
affected by the morning and evening suns. So, care is to be taken to ensure proper
sun-shading devices are provided. Materials and Construction Technology

Using the experience of BRT 1 and BRT5, care has been taken to ensure that the
choice of materials and construction is in line with locally available technology and
construction environment. Thus, the materials have been chosen for durability, low
maintenance, environment, and resistance to weather conditions.

4.4 Bus Station Types and their Numbers

There are 6 types of bus stations designed on the basis of the LOGIT Conceptual
Report with minor changes in the lengths of the stations to include one or two sets of
washrooms (male and female) for operational staff. The washrooms are
accommodated in a bay with width of 2.4 m. Recommendations from DART required
us to follows sizes as recommended by LOGIT. Thus, an increase of 2.4 m or 4.8 m
has been added to accommodate the staff washroom facilities (as recommended by
TANROAD), resulting in the following six station types in accordance with their sizes:
1. Bus Station Type I: 62.4 meters in length and the width of 5 meters;
2. Bus Station Type II: 136.8 meters in length and the width of 5 meters. Here,
LOGIT proposed 136m;
3. Bus Station Type III: 160.8 meters in length and the width of 5 meters with
operational return as proposed by LOGIT;
4. Bus Station Type IV: 160.8 meters in length and the width of 9 meters with
operational return as proposed by LOGIT;
5. Bus Station Type V: 228.8 meters in length and the width of 9 meters with
operational return Here, LOGIT proposed 233m with ; and,

Draft Detailed Report

6. Bus Station Type VI: 273.6 meters in length and the width of 3.5 meters –
Staggered station. Here, LOGIT proposed 269m with Operational return.

All the station widths include boarding and alighting platforms of 500 mm wide at all
entrances and alighting doors. Our designs are based on modular design with a
basic design module of 2.4 m and standard ramp of 9.6 m long giving a slope ratio of
1:10.7. Here below we describe the stations sequentially for better understanding of

As such, each station type in BRT 4 is a multiple of one module without or with a
connector or connectors and either half module (20.4m). A module constitutes of 17
bays of 2.4m making 40.8 m in length with a constant width of 4.0m center to center.
The connector or connectors each constitutes 13 bays of 2.4m or 31.2 m; or 15 bays
of 2.4 m or 36 m in length. An apron of 500 mm width is provided on each side at the
entrance for boarding and alighting. Type VIII which is a staggered station has 15
bays of 2.4 m or 36m connector and four modules of 17 bays of 2.4 m or 40.8 m all
totaling 268m. The station types are as follows: -

4.4.1 Station Type I

This station constitutes of a single module of 17 bays of 2.4m or 40.4 m long, with
entrance and ticketing areas that constitute 5 bays or 12 m on one side, and
entrance ramps on one side that constitutes 9.6 meters in length. The overall length
of the station is 62.4 m. The addition of 2.4 m on this station is for the purpose of
increasing the space for passenger entering through the turnstiles. The station can
accommodate four 18 m long buses at a time, two on each side as seen from Figure
4.2 here below. The plans and details of the designs are presented in a separate
bundle of drawings.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.2: Bus station type I

4.4.2 Station Type II

This station (Figure 4.3) constitutes of a half module of 8.5 bays of 2.4 m or 20.4m
and a single module of 17 bays of 2.4m long or 40.8m with entrances and ticketing
areas that constitute 5 bays on each side, and entrance ramps on each side that
constitutes 9.6 meters in length. In addition, a connector consisting of 13 bays each
of 2.4 m or 31.2m long. The overall length of the station is 136.8 m. The station can
accommodate six 18 m long buses at a time, or three on each side as seen from the
sketch here below. The plans and details of the designs are presented in a separate
bundle of drawings.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.3: Bus station type II

4.4.3 Station Type III

This station in Figure 4.4 has an overall length of two modules stations each of 17
bays, each measuring of 2.4m making 81.6 m., one connector of 15 bays of 2.4m
length (i.e., 36 m.) with entrance and ticketing area of 5 bays of 2.4 m (12 m.) on
both sides and two entrance ramps each measuring 9.6 m. on each side. This
covers a total length of 160.8 m with operational returns on both sides. The addition
of 2.4 m on this station to both ticketing areas is for the purpose of increasing the
spaces for passenger entering through the turnstiles. The width of this station is 4.0
m, with boarding and alighting cantilever apron of 500 mm length at the entrances
into the buses. The station can accommodate eight buses at a time, four on each
side as seen in the sketch below. The plans and details of the designs are presented
in a separate bundle of drawings.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.4: Bus station type III

4.4.4 Station Type IV

This station has an overall length of two modules stations each of 17 bays, each
measuring of 2.4m making 81.6 m., one connector of 15 bays of 2.4m length (i.e., 36
m.) with entrance and ticketing area of 5 bays of 2.4 m (12 m.) on both sides and two
entrance ramps each measuring 9.6 m. on each side (Fig. 4.5). This covers a total
length of 160.8m with operational returns on both sides. The width of this station is
8.0 m, with boarding and alighting cantilever apron of 500 mm wide at the entrances
into the buses. The station can accommodate eight buses at a time, four on each
side as seen in the sketch below. The plans and details of the designs are presented
in a separate bundle of drawings.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.5: Bus station type IV

4.4.5 Station Type V

This station (Figure 4.6) consists of three modules stations (each of 17bays of 2.4m
long, making 122.4 m length), two connectors each of 13 bays of 2.4m long making
62.4m), two entrance and ticketing areas (each of 5 bays of 2.4m long making 24 m)
and two entrance ramps (each measuring 9.6m in length, making 19.2m length). The
total length of the station is 228.8 m long, with operational returns on both sides (Fig.
4.6). The width of this station is maintained at 8.0 m, with boarding and alighting
cantilever apron of 500 mm long at the entrances into the buses. The station can
accommodate twelve buses at a time, six on each side. The plans and details of the
designs are presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.6: Bus Station type V

4.4.6 Station Type VI

This station (Fig. 4.7) is a staggered station constituting two legs (left and right legs).
The left leg is constituted by a ramp (9.6m) long, a ticketing area (12 m) long, a half
module boarding platform (20.4m) a connector (36m) long and two full module
boarding platform (40.8m) all totaling 118.8 m in length. The right leg is also similar
in its constituents and length and the two are connected by a connector (36m) long,
making the station 273.6 m in length. The left leg has doors for disembarking and
boarding to the left of the station only the right leg has doors to the right as you move
from the city out to Boko Basihaya. This staggered bus station can accommodate a
total of six buses at a time, that is, three buses on each leg. The left allows
passengers from the city and places nearby to board and disembark, while the right
leg allows passenger from out of the city to disembark/alight and board the buses as
go to places in the city or nearby in Upanga area. There are two entrances and
ticketing areas, one on each leg. The width of this station is maintained at 3.5 m, with
boarding and alighting cantilever apron of 500 mm long at the entrances into the

Draft Detailed Report

buses making the total with of the station to be 4m as seen in the sketch here below.
The plans and details of the designs are presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Figure 4.7: Bus Station type VI

4.5 Architectural Design Criteria

During the process of design, the following design criteria has been used: -

4.5.1 Bus Station Passenger Capacities

Each single module station is to accommodate a maximum of 4 buses at a time, two
on each side of the station and a half module to accommodate two buses. The
passenger capacity and saturation level of the stations has been applied as
proposed in the LOGIT Conceptual report. Similarly, the turnstiles provided are in
line with the LOGIT Conceptual proposal. However, we have added a bay or two
each with a length of 2.4 meters to each ticketing area to accommodate staff
washrooms or add flexibility in circulation by passengers when entering and exiting
through the turnstiles, one per each sex. Thus, the length of the stations has
increased to accommodate these changes. So, the capacities and levels of
saturation for each station type is summarised in table below:

Draft Detailed Report

Table 4.1: Table indicating the size, platform operations, number of stations
per type, number of subs stops, docking positions, passenger
design capacity, width of station and number of turnstiles.
Type Size Platform No. of Location Sub Docking Passenger Width No. of
Stations stops positions design Turnstiles
1 62.4x5P Bi- 1 Tanki 1 2 80 5 5
directional Bovu
2 136.4X5P Bi- 32 Others 2 3 140 5 10
3 160.8X5OP Bi- 1 Mbuyuni 2 4 160 5 10
160.8X9OP Bi- 2 Simu2000 2 4 160 9 22
directional / LMH at
5 228.8X9OP Bi- 1 Goig 3 6 240 9 22
6 273.6x4SP Bi- 1 Ohio 2 3 140 4 6
directional Street
9 Total number of 38

4.5.2 Bus Design and Hours of Usage

It is understood that the buses to be used for DART shall be Articulated Buses (18m
long with three door openings for ease of evacuation or exit) with 900mm floor deck
height from the level of the road at the entrance. Other bus types are the 12 m long
unarticulated buses with two door openings, one at the rear and one at the front. The
location and openings of the doors and other specifications in bus stations follow
these bus types.

It is understood also that the stations will be in use from 05 00hrs to midnight as the
case is in BRT 1, depending on the Bus Operator. Thus, adequate provision has
been made for internal and external lighting. Solar panels shall be used to generate
solar energy that shall be used for lighting at night hours in case TANESCO power is

4.5.3 Space and Material Schedule

Below is a schedule of the spaces accommodated per type of bus stations.

Draft Detailed Report

Table 4.2: Space Schedules of Typical Stations

Spaces Station Types

60X5P 136X5P 156X5OP 156X9OP 224X9OP 268.8X3.5ST
Entrance Ramps 38.4 76.8 76.8 76.8 153.6 33.6
Entrance Lobby 38.4 76.8 76.8 76.8 153.6 33.6
including ticketing
Space between 0 180 180 324 561.6 378
Boarding and 204 306 306 408 612 489.6
alighting Station
areas including
boarding platform
Total 280.4 639.6 639.6 885.6 1480.8 934.8

In order to reduce the variety of materials during the operation of DART, we have
used materials which can easily be found in the local market as opposed to materials
used in BRT 1. As such, the materials have been carefully chosen to comply with
durability needs, low maintenance, aesthetics and functional requirements etc. Table
4.3 shows the primary materials to be used on the project.

Table 4.3: General Schedules of Materials and Components

Floors Tiles 200 x 200 x 14mm heavy duty anti-skid Porcelain Tiles Ex Spain or other equally
Ramps 300 x 300 x 20mm anti-skid Brick Tiles (C-Tiles)
Walls Aluminum wire on vertical aluminium studs/fins with aluminium louvres
Door Openable aluminium louvre doors with the leaf opening 180 degrees onto the
side of the wall. The doors to fully open throughout the operation of the day.
Alternatively, aluminium framed sliding doors shall be used to avoid passengers
from falling while scrambling to board or alighting.
Windows Aluminium windows in the ticketing room (Fixed 8.38mm thick PVB laminated
Safety glass with Tinted interlayer on Bronze Anodized Aluminum frames).
Ceilings Suspended cement board ceiling (if required or else now ceiling to be provide;
though noise from the rain may be a problem)
Roof Hullet aluminum hula – span A7color coated roof covering to Steel “Z” purlins.
Alternatively, 18-gauge alu-zinc industrial trough roofing sheets on "Z" purlins.
Handrail Satin finish stainless steel on galvanized steel balusters

It is normal architectural practice to specify materials by specific manufacturers

whose reputation has proven to be acceptable in specific areas. This is to avoid
procurement of fake materials and imitations. This is especially so for sanitary

Draft Detailed Report

4.6 Feeder Stations Module Design

The feeder Stations do not have controlled access and the connection with the bus
stations is through the walkways with zebra crossing signage. The boarding and
alighting platforms do not have walls and the access is at the edges through ramps
designed in accordance with the universal accessibility norms. The platforms have
45m length and have capacity for three (3) of the 12-metre-long buses each. The
number of bus feeder stations are four (4) along Ally Hassan Mwinyi through New
Bagamoyo Road to Boko Basihaya and two (2) on Sam Nujoma Road from Simu
2000 road junction to Mwenge (located at Kinondoni/Kenyatta Road Junction one on
each road, Rose Garden Road /Kajenge Road, one on each road, Goig and
Africana). On the Sam Nujoma Road, one Feeder is close to Magufuli Hostel just
opposite the TCRA office building on Sam Nujoma Road to the University side.
Others include Igesa Feeder Station on Igesa Road off the junction of Sam Nujoma
Road and Igesa Road, Savei Feeder Station on the University Road, off the junction
of Sam Nujoma Road Roundabout and University Road, and Mwenge on the side of
Lugalo military Children Hospital. All the feeders are single seating side, that is,
seating platform is on side facing the road and the back of the seating platform is
shielded for security purposes. The feeders are typical in design, varying only in
length depending on the size of the plot assigned for it. All feeders are designed to
include two toilets (male and female) for working staff and a ticketing booth.

4.6.1 Kinondoni Road Feeder Station (Two Numbers)

These Feeder Stations (Fig. 4.8) are a single sided seating type with a total floor
area of 171m2. The station is shielded at the back for security purposes. This Station
feeds into BRT 4 on Ally Hassan Road from Kinondoni Road which is served by
mini-buses, tricycles and Boda Boda. So, the feeder station has two seating
platforms, one located on Kinondoni Road and the other by the Kenyatta Road, all
have a total floor area of 242 m2. The plans and details of the designs are presented
in a separate bundle of drawings.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.8: Kinondoni Feeder Stands at Kinondoni Road

4.6.2 Rose Garden Road Feeder Stations (Two Numbers)

The Rose Garden Feeder Stations (Fig. 4.9 and 4.10) are located off the Rose
Garden and Kajenge Roads, one on each road. Rose Garden Road runs down from
New Bagamoyo Road through Mikocheni to Old Bagamoyo Road, while Kajenge
Road runs from New Bagamoyo Road through Kijitonyama to Tandale on Sinza
Uzuri Road. One single seating feeder is located by the side of each road. The
capacity of each feeder is three (3) – 12-metre-long buses or six (6) mini-buses at a
time. The seating feeder platform has a total floor area of 242m 2. The plans and
details of the designs are presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Figure 4.9: Feeder Station at Rose Garden Road

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.10: Feeder Station at Kajenge Road

4.6.3 Goig Feeder Station

The Goig Feeder Station is (Figure 4.11) a much bigger feeder station, being a
combination of two 45 m single seating platforms making a total 90 metres platform.
The station serves buses plying to and from Mbezi Luis Bus Station on Morogoro
Road through Mbezi Luis, Mbezi Makabe, and Goba Centre down to Mbezi
Juu/Massana Hospital to New Bagamoyo Road. The station is shielded at the back
for security reasons. The capacity of the station is six (6) – 12 metres long buses or
12 microbuses at a time. The two have a total floor area of 684m 2. The plans and
details of the designs are presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Figure 4.11: Goig Feeder Station at Goig Bus Station

Draft Detailed Report

4.6.4 Africana Feeder Stations (Two Numbers)

The Africana Feeder Stations (Fig. 4.12) are located off the Africana Road that runs
from New Bagamoyo Road to White Sands Hotels and Mbezi Chini Road that runs
towards Kawe Round about on Old Bagamoyo Road. On the west of the New
Bagamoyo Road at Africana Road Junction another road run to Sala Sala brings in
people from the Sala Sala area. The Feeder station seating platforms are located
one off Africana Road and the other on the road to Sala Sala area. The capacity of
each feeder seating platform is three (3) – 12-metre-long buses or six (6) mini-buses
at a time. The two have a total floor area of 242m2. The plans and details of the
designs are presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Figure 4.12: Feeder Station at Africana Road

4.6.5 University (Magufuli Hostel) Feeder Station

This feeder station (Figure 4.13) is located on the side of the Magufuli Hostel
opposite the TCRA office building on Sam Nujoma Road. It is a single seating sided
feeder with a total floor area of 171m2. The feeder is shielded at the back of the
seating platform for security reasons. Whether the station is shielded at the back or
left open shall depend on the location and the security situation prevailing at the
respective site. The capacity of each feeder seating platform is three (3) – 12-metre-
long buses or six (6) mini-buses at a time. The plans and details of the designs are
presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.13: Feeder Station at Sam Nujoma Road (University Feeder Station)

4.6.5 Igesa Road Feeder Station

This feeder station (Figure 4.14) is located on Igesa Road close the Puma Fuel
Filling Station off the junction of Igesa Road and Sam Nujoma Road. It is a single
seating sided feeder with a total floor area of 171m2. The feeder is shielded at the
back of the seating platform for security reasons. Whether the station is shielded at
the back or left open shall depend on the location and the security situation
prevailing at the respective site. The capacity of each feeder seating platform is three
(3) – 12-metre-long buses or six (6) mini-buses at a time. The plans and details of
the designs are presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Figure 4.14: Feeder Station at Igesa Road

Draft Detailed Report

4.6.5 Savei Road Feeder Station

This feeder station (Figure 4.15) is located on both sides of the University Road
before DDC Mlimani Park, serving feeder buses to and from Makongo, University,
Msewe and Goba. It is a single seating sided feeder with a total floor area of 171m 2.
The feeder is shielded at the back of the seating platform for security reasons.
Whether the station is shielded at the back or left open shall depend on the location
and the security situation prevailing at the respective site. The capacity of each
feeder seating platform is three (3) – 12-metre-long buses or six (6) mini-buses at a
time. The plans and details of the designs are presented in a separate bundle of

Figure 4.15: Feeder Station at Savei Road

4.6.6 Mwenge Feeder Station

The Mwenge Feeder Station is located close to Lugalo Children Military Hospital
(figure 4.16). It is a single seating sided feeder with the seating platform facing the
Sam Nujoma Road. It has floor area of 171m2. The feeder is shielded at the back of
the seating platform for security reasons. The capacity of each feeder seating
platform is three (3) – 12-metre-long buses or six (6) mini-buses at a time. The plans
and details of the designs are presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.16: Feeder Station at Lugalo - Mwenge Feeder Station

4.7 Bus Terminal Stations

Bus terminal stations are terminuses of the BRT transportation mode. They are
stations which facility exchange of passengers from one transport mode to another,
one from the BRT transport mode to Dala Dala mode and other private transport
modes. Thus, their designs have to incorporate feeder stations which convey or
receive passengers from Dala Dala buses to or from BRT buses.

Bus terminal stations are complex in nature and accommodate a range of functional
spaces such as waiting spaces, ticket queuing area, ticketing office building, check in
or check out points, ablution block to serve both male and female including facilities
for those with disabilities. In addition, the bus terminal stations have to have feeder
stations to receive Dala Dala buses including parking areas for private passenger

4.7.1 BRT4 Bus Terminal Types and Locations

There four (4) types of Bus terminals in BRT4 as follows:
i) “Single platform at the centre” that is split between BRT and Feeders at
Boko Basihaya (DAWASCO Depot);
ii) The “Inside terminal” with “two platforms at the centre”; - “BRT outside and
Feeder Inside” at Sala Sala;

Draft Detailed Report

iii) The “Next to terminal” with “a single platform at the centre”, at Mwenge
and Morocco; and
iv) An “Inside terminal” with “multiple platforms”.

There are three (3) new Bus terminals on BRT4 route, one at Mwenge,
Mbuyuni/Sala Sala and Boko Basihaya (DAWASCO Depot) and two terminals for
extension of two BRT1 bus terminals of Kivukoni and Morocco. Here below we
present the designs of the terminals as follows: Boko Basihaya

Boko Basihaya Bus Terminal (Figure 4.17), “a single platform at the centre split
between BRT and Feeders” is located at Boko Basihaya (DAWASCO DEPOT) on
New Bagamoyo Road. It is a terminus of buses plying the BRT4 from Magogoni
Ferry through Mwenge, Lugalo Barracks to Boko Basihaya. The terminal is the last
of the terminals in this BRT4 route. When the future allows, the BRT4 can be
extended to Bunju B in order to cover the whole of Dar es Salaam and its nearby
environs to be served with a BRT system. This terminal also allows or provides
flexibility in the scheduling and planning of the bus operations. The terminal also
provides for Park-and-Ride parking facility where passengers with own private cars
from within the neighbourhood of Boko, Ununio and part of Kunduchi can park in
secured parking lots and ride into BRT. The plans and details of the designs are
presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Figure 4.17: Boko Basihaya Bus Terminal: A Single platform at the centre
split between BRT and Feeders Terminal Station. Mbuyuni/Sala Sala Bus Terminal and Bus Depot

Sala Sala Bus Terminal (Figure 4.18), “two platforms at the center” with “BRT
outside and Feeder inside”, is located Mbuyuni/Sala Sala on the New Bagamoyo

Draft Detailed Report

Roads. It is a terminus of buses plying the BRT4 from Magogoni Ferry through
Mwenge, Lugalo Barracks to Boko Basihaya. The station shall make it possible for
DART buses to have short routes within the BRT system, allowing or providing
flexibility in the scheduling and planning of the bus operations. The terminal also
provides for Park-and-Ride parking facility where passengers with own private cars
can park in secured parking lots and ride into BRT. The Park-and-Ride has a car
parking capacity of 109 parking spaces. The plans and details of the designs are
presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Figure 4.18: (B): Mbuyuni/Sala Sala Bus Terminal: A “two platforms at the
centre” with “BRT outside and Feeder inside” Bus Terminal, Mwenge Bus terminal

Mwenge Bus Terminal (Figure 4.18), a single platform at the centre, is located
close to the junction of Sam Nujoma and New Bagamoyo Roads. It is “a next to
terminal station” of buses plying the BRT5 (Ubungo Bus Terminal) and BRT4
(Simu 2000 Bus Terminal). The station shall make it possible for DART buses to
have short routes within the BRT system, allowing or providing flexibility in the
scheduling and planning of the bus operations. The plans and details of the designs
are presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.19: Mwenge Bus Terminal at Mwenge (a single platform at the

centre) Morocco Bus Terminal

Morocco Bus terminal (Fig. 4.19), a single platform at the centre, is currently a
terminus to BRT1 on the junction of Kawawa Road and New Bagamoyo/Ally Hassan
Mwinyi Roads. The “next to terminal station” serves buses plying DART Buses
from Mbezi Luis through Kimara, Ubungo, Manzese and Magomeni to the Terminus
and from Gerezani Terminal through Msimbazi Street, Fire on Morogoro Road
through Magomeni, Kinondoni to the terminal. The terminal also receives
passengers from all Dala Dala that traverse the Bagamoyo Road from Bunju through
Tegeta, Mbuyuni, Mwenge, Simu 2000 and Makongo Juu. With the complete
implementation of BRT4 and the expected BRT6, we anticipate that the terminal will
be congested leading to inefficiency. The plans and details of the designs are
presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Figure 4.20: Morocco extended Bus Terminal (a single platform at

the centre)

The objectives of BRT4 at this terminal is therefore to expand the facility (boarding
and alighting terminal platforms) towards the south on Kawawa Road and introduce
an addition bridge connecting passengers from bus stations on BRT6 route and Ally
Hassan Mwinyi and New Bagamoyo Roads. To achieve these objectives, an
extension of the terminal platforms for boarding and alighting towards the south on

Draft Detailed Report

Kawawa Road has been proposed and designed. In addition, a ramp and elevators
have been included for ease of use of the terminal by the physically impaired/or with
physical disabilities. An additional ticketing and turnstiles facilities have been placed
at the first floor of the bridge for passengers from BRT6 and Ally Hassan Mwinyi and
New Bagamoyo Roads. The other offices and toilet facilities have been maintained in
the ground floor platform. The plans and details of the designs are presented in a
separate bundle of drawings. Kivukoni Bus Terminal

Kivukoni Bus terminal (Fig. 4.21), “an inside terminal” with “multiple platforms”,
is currently a terminus to BRT1. The terminal serves DART Buses plying from Mbezi
Luis through Kimara, Ubungo, Manzese and Magomeni; Morocco Terminal through
Magomeni to Magogoni Ferry. The terminal also serves all Dala Dala that terminate
at Magogoni Ferry. With the complete implementation of BRT2 and BRT3, we
anticipate that the terminal will be congested. The plans and details of the designs
are presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

Figure 4.21: Kivukoni extended Bus Terminal (an inside terminal” with
“multiple platforms)

Draft Detailed Report

The objective of BRT4 at this terminal is to expand the facility towards the east by
removing the Dala Dala buses’ platforms and construction of additional boarding and
alighting terminal platforms in their place. To achieve the objective, we added 3 more
platforms (namely 01A - 01B (432m2); 02A - 02B (432m2); and 03A - 03B (345.6m2))
for boarding and alighting. In addition, an additional of entrance with ticketing
building shed (355.32m2) have been designed for passengers from the Magogoni
Ferry to board the BRT Buses, and a security office (14.18m2). Other ticketing
booths and ablution facilities (2 washrooms for people with physical disabilities, 11
washrooms for female, 8 washrooms for male, 8 urinals, 8 hand wash basins (4 for
each sex) Cleaners' room and an office) have been placed on the side of the Fish
Market (from entrance number) to cater for the increased passengers. The plans and
details of the designs are presented in a separate bundle of drawings.

4.7.2 Terminal Space Requirements

Bus terminal stations are complex in nature and accommodate a range of functional
spaces such as waiting spaces, ticket queuing area, ticketing office building, check in
or check out points, ablution block to serve both male and female including facilities
for those with disabilities. In some situations, the bus terminal stations have to have
feeder stations to receive Dala Dala buses including parking areas for private
passenger cars. Here below we provide a table indicating the minimum space
requirements for the bus terminal:

Table 4.4: Space Schedule of BRT 4 Terminal Building Structures (Boko

Basihaya, Mbuyuni and Mwenge)
Serial SPACES / ROOMS Boko Basihaya Mbuyuni/Sala Sala Mwenge
No. BRT 4 Ticketing BRT 4 Ticketing BRT 4 Ticketing
Building Building Building
AREA in m2 AREA in m2 AREA in m2
1 Ticketing machines 50.80 101.60 120.00
and check-in lobby
2 Ticketing office 24.26 48.52 38.00
3 Store 6.18 12.36 -
4 Lobby 18.30 36.60 -
5 Guard Office 4.32 8.64 -
6 Changing room with 6.60 13.20 -
7 Ablution area (Male 9.31 18.62 35.00
and Female
8 Storage for ablution 1.66 3.32 -
cleaning materials
9 Lobby into ablution 11.77 23.54 -

Draft Detailed Report

10 Total 133.20 165.00 219.00

SPACES / Boko Basihaya Mbuyuni/Sala Sala Mwenge

ROOMS BRT 4 Alighting and BRT 4 Alighting and BRT 4 Alighting and
Boarding building Boarding building Boarding building
structures structures structures
AREA in m2 AREA in m2 AREA in m2
11 Terminal Stands 1066.0 797 1371.00
12 Feeder Stands 1100.5 840 0.00
13 Total 2166.5 1637 1371.00

Table 4.5: Space Schedule of BRT 4 Terminal Extensions (Kivukoni/

Magogoni and Morocco Terminals)
SN Spaces/Rooms Extension of Extension of Morocco
Kivukoni/Magogoni Terminal Terminal
1 Entrance and Ticketing 355.35 92.26
booths and check-in
lobby building shed
2 Security 14.18 2.16
Changing rooms with 10.37
3 Storage for ablution 81.06 23.
cleaning materials,
Lobby into ablution and
Ablution area (Male
and Female
4 Total 450.60 127.64

SN SPACES/rooms BRT 4 Alighting and Boarding BRT 4 Alighting and Boarding

building structures building structures
AREA in m2 AREA in m2
1 Terminal Stands: 1209.6 1144.36
01A-01B; 02A-02B,
and 03A-03B
2 Feeder Stands 0 0.00
3 Total Extension 1660.20 1272.00

4.8 Depot Design Building

The design of the depot buildings has taken in consideration a number of issues of
concern to make the building facilities functional and safe for the workers. The
materials used brings about structures that are economical and durable to meet the
economic life of the same as intended. The factors considered are as follows:

4.8.1 Design Criteria

The design of a Bus depot should meet a number of important criteria in terms of
maintenance services, inspection services, fueling services, cleaning and car
washing services, apart from office services, resting services and hospitality service
like catering services. This means depots for the buses are attract people to work in

Draft Detailed Report

offices and car or vehicle servicing areas. So a need to meet such criteria cannot be
overemphasized. Here below we provide that we have tried to achieve in the design
of the depots as proposed by LOGIT.

4.8.2 Safety
Safety of employees in the Depot from hazards of fire, electric shock and injuries has
been considered by ensuring following:
(i) Zoning all activities involving heavy machinery to the ground floor
(ii) Zoning of heavy moving parts and machinery away from employees and public
paths as much as possible
(iii) Separation of fuels from possible sources of fire,
(iv) Adequate lighting during day and night
(v) Use of non-slippery floor surfaces
(vi) Column positions away from bus movement as much as possible
(vii) Providing adequate firefighting facilities e.g. underground water storage for
firefighting, fire extinguishers, properly designed escape routes and a dedicated
space for a fire fighting vehicle;
(viii) Providing fire detection and alarm systems

4.8.3 Functional Requirements

We have the following Depot requirements to provide in BRT 4. The requirements
have been adopted from LOGIT proposals. The design takes into consideration that
the Bus manufacturer's company will have specific requirements in terms of the
equipment to be installed, thus the design is tailored to provide spaces, which will be
flexible enough to suit any necessary changes in the design or dimensions of
spaces. The depot design is a single building as comprising of different functional
spaces as described here below.

4.8.4 The Sites for The Bus Depot Buildings at SIMU 2000 and Mbuyuni / Sala
LOGIT has proposed two sites for the Depots. One site is at Mbuyuni/Sala Sala and
the other one is at the SIMU 2000. Our designs have also taken these two sites into
consideration. Due to the difference in sizes of the areas in terms of squares metres,
the capacities of the depots to accommodate the buses differ considerably. The total

Draft Detailed Report

area of the SIMU 2000 site is 84,248 square metres. The Mbuyuni/Sala Sala Depot
site is provided in two separate areas. One of the sites on the right of the New
Bagamoyo Road as you head towards Tegeta suits for the location of the depot
administration and maintenance functions. It has a total area of 52,753 square
metres. The site has enough space to accommodate a number of buses. The site to
the left of New Bagamoyo Road is suitable for bus parking, with a total area of
33,757 square metres.

4.8.5 The Design of the Depot Building

The depot building is a three storeys’ building comprising of two wings (left and right
wings) with a connecting Maintenance Shade measuring 49.2 m by 42.6 m or
(2095.92m2). The two wings (left and right) each measure 42.6 m by 6.0 m or
(766.8m2). The right wing accommodates the kitchen and different workshops and
maintenance spaces in the ground floor, administration offices in the first floor and
recreation cum restaurant in the second floor plus the changing facilities and toilets
in accordance with gender. The left wing accommodates various storage spaces,
changing facilities and toilets in the ground floor; maintenance offices, control room,
drivers' room and changing and toilet facilities in the first floor; and recreation and
resting room for drivers in the second floor. The connecting Maintenance Shed (Oil
Maintenance Shade) is provided with a special long service pits for periodic or
corrective servicing of the buses. This connecting maintenance shade has a high
roof cover, which is supported by columns, which are strategically positioned to
avoid bus movement as much as possible. A lift has been proposed to serve people
with physical disabilities and caterers hoisting food to the restaurant in the second

The building for the administration and maintenance functions of the Depot is the
same as that building designed for BRT 5. All the services functions for depots are
as provided for in BRT5. The minimum headroom provided for the bus maintenance
area of the two depot buildings is 12.5m high. The Depot buildings each covers a
total built up area of 3629.52 m2 and the functions are accommodated as follows.
(The drawings for the Depot Building and the parking lots are submitted separately
for ease of reading and referencing).

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.22: Mbuyuni Depot Building with 414 vehicle parking (design
details of the building in separate drawings).

4.8.6 Architectural Space Schedule for Depot Building

Below is a schedule of the spaces accommodated in the Depot buildings. It
lists the spaces provided in the Depot Building.

Table 4.6: Space Schedules of Administration and Maintenance Building

Serial SPACES AREA in m2
1 Spare parts Storage rooms 120.0m2
2 Oil storage room 40.05
3 Mechanics Room 25.2
4 New Tyre Storage Room 20.4
5 Overhaul Room 20.2
6 Compressor and Equipment Room 20.0
7 Kitchen 18.2
8 Restaurant /Staff Canteen 141
9 Changing facilities/toilets (M+F) 60.0
10 Administration offices 165.2
11 Control Room 31.75
12 Server Room 10.2
13 Drivers' Waiting Room 30.6
14 Electrical Parts' Storage Room 10.2
15 Battery’ Room 10.2
16 Utility Rooms 20.4
17 Oil maintenance area (Maintenance Shade) 2095.92m2
18 Parts’ Cleaning Room 31.8
19 Pumps’ Service Room 19.4
20 Drivers' Resting Area 151.8
21 Total 3041.8

Draft Detailed Report

4.8.7 Other Open Area Spaces

Puncture repairs, wheel balancing and alignment, changing of tyres, will be done in
this area. The buses are normally cleaned internally then externally, thus a shaded
area is provided to cater for the special cleaning machine to be installed.

Table 4.7: Space Schedules of other open areas

1 New Tyre Offloading Bay 1 space - Outside
2 Tyre Resoling Plant Bay 1 space - Outside
3 Storage for retreaded tyres Bay 1 space - Outside
4 Storage for Old tyres Bay 1 space - Outside
5 Bus wash vacuum and cleaning Bays 1 space - Outside
6 Tyre Repair area (Tyre puncture Repair 1 space - Outside

4.8.8 Building Annexures

Annexed to the main Depot building is concrete flat roofed single storey building
standing on concrete columns that houses the generator and air pressure pumping
facilities. The annexure is separated with a 230mm wall from the main depot
building. The generator room is designed to accommodate a containerized
Generator set so as to reduce noise pollution. Capacity of the Generator set to be
provided is explained in the electrical services report. In addition, other building
facilities though small in size are provided serve functions as described below.

Table 4.8: Space Schedules of other small buildings

Serial No. Spaces Spaces Provided
1 Generator and pressure pumping 1 space - Outside
2 Visual Inspection Shade (Visual Inspection 1 space - Outside
3 Fueling area (Fueling Pumps) 1 space - Outside
4 Gate Houses 1 space - Outside
5 Inspectors’ office 1 space - Outside
6 Fuel Attendant office 1 space - Outside

4.8.9 Other Separate Facilities Provided in the Depots

The Visual Inspection shade is where the bus receives the first inspection. Control of
odometer, filling format for informing maintenance staff on condition of the bus,
external verification of problems, verification of equipment functioning, state of floor
and seats, seats of windows and general vehicle. After this inspection the Bus then
proceeds for fueling or to the maintenance building if maintenance is required. A

Draft Detailed Report

small office for the inspector is also provided. The fueling shade is designed to
accommodate 3 fueling pumps allowing 3 buses to fuel at the same time. A gate
house is also provided at the gate to house the security personnel who shall control
movement in and out of the depot of the buses and people.

4.8.10 Materials’ Schedule for the Bus Depot Buildings

As mentioned in the design considerations, the materials have been carefully chosen
to comply with durability needs, low maintenance, aesthetics and functional
requirements etc. Table 4.9 shows the primary materials to be used on the project.

Table 4.9: General Schedules of Materials

Floor 300 x 300 x 12mm Porcelain Tiles for office areas and heavy
duty unglazed 200 x 200 x 14mm Porcelain Tiles for wet
areas within the workshop and Heavy-duty Industrial
porcelain tiles for workshop areas.
Walls Block wall painted with stucco finish
Doors Toughed glass swing entrance doors in the administration
block, while Roller shutter doors for the stores, repair rooms
and pump room.
Windows Fixed 8.38mm thick PVB laminated Safety glass with Tinted
interlayer on Natural Anodized Aluminum frames.
Ceilings Suspended “Luxalon” ceiling and 12mm gypsum ceiling in
office areas.
Roof “Hullet Aluminum hula – span A7” color coated roof covering
to Steel “Z” purlins with reinforced concrete slabs
Handrail Satin finish stainless steel

4.8.11 Site Planning of the Bus Depot

The design and planning of the site follow the sequence of operations at the Depot.
There are 3 main bus cycles namely: - The bus passes through the Visual inspection area where it is checked
to assess whether it is fit for the next day’s operation. If this is the case
it goes for fueling, cleaning and parking. In a situation where the bus is observed to have minor problems but is
fit for the next day’s operation, it is scheduled for corrective
maintenance. Where the bus is considered unavailable for the next day’s operation
after observing major problems, it is sent to the corrective maintenance

Draft Detailed Report

area. The maintenance activity may also involve preventive (routine)

maintenance, which is programmed against a specific period. Thus, the
locations of the buildings on site have been placed in a loop respecting
the cycles of maintenance.

4.8.12 Parking Capacities for SIMU 2000 and Mbuyuni/Sala Sala Depots
This phase of BRT system provides for two (2) depots, one at SIMU 2000 and
another at Mbuyuni. Apart from accommodating the administration and maintenance
functions, Depots serve as the main parking facilities for the BRT buses during the
hours of recess or when the buses are not operating. In total the two depots provide
for 759 places or spaces of parking lots as follows:

Figure 4.23: SIMU 2000 Depot Building with 333 parking lots ((design
details of the building in separate drawings).

Simu 2000 has 345 parking lots all accommodating 18m long buses, while
Mbuyuni/Sala Sala has 414 parking lots (that is 229 lots on one site to the left and
185 on the depot building site to the right). In addition, all the Depots have mini petrol
fueling pumps, cleaning areas, tyres repairs area, tyre storage and vehicle inspection
areas. The depot buildings are designed to provide a number of service pits, spares
storage areas, and other maintenance functions.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 4.24: Vehicle parking lots (203 lots) at Sala Sala / Mbuyuni including
Park and Ride parking (109 lots)

It is assumed that the Depot will be in use from 04 00hrs to 0200hrs depending on
the Bus Operator. Thus, adequate provision has been made for internal and external
lighting. It is also assumed that the buses to be used for DART shall be Articulated
Buses with 900mm floor deck height from the level of the road at the entrance. The
design height of the bus is 3.05 and width of 2.5m and length of 18.0m

4.9 Construction and Finishing Technology Design Achievement

4.9.1 Construction and Specifications
All construction and finishes shall be executed in accordance with the project
construction technology designed and as specified. Rigorous testing of the materials
to meet the approved specifications is important to ensure the whole phase of BRT4
is executed properly to achieve the value for the money spent.

The platforms and ramps for bus stations, terminal buildings shall be cast in-situ on
high resistance concrete. Size, typology and design will be executed according to
specifications and detailing from structure design. In all bus stations and terminals,
the concrete floor will receive epoxy painting in yellow color. At feeder standpoints or
stations, the floor shall receive glassed finishing with sealant. The tactile floor will be
applied according to the architectonic requirements, 50 cm from the curb line, along
all platform’s extension, at ramps and at all obstacles. The tactile floor fixing has to

Draft Detailed Report

follow the recommendation from the fabricant or as per the specifications that meet
BS, BS EN, ASTM, TZS standards and/or any international standards.

The structure to be fixed on pre molded platforms will be done according to

specification and detailing of structure project. All steel structure will receive white
electrostatic painting, and fire protection.

The coverage has to be executed according to the determination of steel structure

project; in all it details. It will use thermo-acoustic tiles, pre-painted, 0.5mm.

4.9.2 Achievement of Task Objectives

The detailed design of the architectural building structures has been able to meet
most of the requirements of the client in terms of the required functions within the
limitations of the environment and the space available at the median of the road.
With the limitation of space, the toilet facilities have been provided though with some
inconveniences in the use of the same due to circulation mix between the
passengers boarding and alighting from the stations.

Due to the requirement of construction of the bus station and terminal building
structures to allow for rapid duplication and mass production of the units, some of the
materials that shall be used may be susceptible to vandalism as these have been
designed to allow for ease of fixing and coupling, thus it will be necessary to have
additional security arrangements to safeguard equipment and the building fabric from
intentional damage.

Draft Detailed Report


5.1 Drainage Structures
The Consultant’s structural design team carried out detailed site condition surveys of
all existing cross and longitudinal drainage structures along the project road covering
the sections below.
i. A section of Bibi Titi Mohamed road from Maktaba Street junction to
Ohio Street junction (0.23 km),
ii. Ali Hassan Mwinyi road (from the junction of Ohio Street to Morocco)
(5.92 km),
iii. New Bagamoyo Road from Morocco junction to Tegeta (DAWASA
Daladala Bus Station) (20 km) and
iv. A spur on Sam Nujoma Road from its junction with New Bagamoyo
Road to Ubungo junction (4 km).

This aimed to collect information necessary to assess structural functionality and

deficiencies of each structure, and to use such information as a basis to determine
the optimum structural and hydrological solution for each structure along the project

The condition survey covered the following;

i. Dimensions of existing structure, i.e., width, length, height, number of
spans, and associated vertical clearance, channel water depth, etc.,
ii. Existing types of structures, i.e., concrete, steel, composite, etc.,
iii. Existing conditions of pipe and box culverts, bridge superstructure and
substructure, and associated bridge elements such as bearings,
guardrails, etc.,
iv. Erosion condition around abutments, piers, etc.,
v. Guardrails, approach slabs and traffic safety conditions,
vi. Hydraulic capacity, highest water levels and conditions of river channel,
i.e., shape, vegetation growth, barriers, etc.

Draft Detailed Report

5.2 Drainage Structures Condition Survey

According to the inventory carried for all existing drainage structures, a total number
of 03 Box Culverts and 04 Bridges are found along the project roads. Condition and
hydrological survey conducted evaluated the various elements of drainage structures
such as drain channel, protection works, end structures sub-divided into headwall,
wing walls, apron and toe wall for inlet and outlet of structures concerning structural
condition and siltation. The main defects observed on the drainage structures include
but not limited to the following;
(i) Deteriorated or collapsed end structures,
(ii) Deteriorating or damaged headwall of the culverts,
(iii) Siltation or even completely blocked culverts.,
(iv) Heavy vegetation at culverts inlet/outlet.

From condition survey, it can be proven that most existing drainage structures,
particularly pipe culverts require replacement, in additional to new structures to
comply with the proposed alignment. This was based on following overall criteria
used to rank drainage structures;
1: Very good, no damage, only routine cleaning
2: Good, no immediate action required, minor repairs only
3: Fair, action soon required, major repairs
4: Critical, extensive rehabilitation or replacement required
5: Failed / failing, replacement required

The summary of drainage structures found along the project roads during condition
survey are listed in the Hydrology/Hydraulic Report. Such summary describes types
of drainage structures, defects observed, and recommended measures. See also
Appendix A of this report.

5.3 Condition assessment of bridge structures

There are four (04) major bridges located along the project road, as listed in the
Table 1.1 and pictures below. The condition survey of these existing structures was
carried out to ascertain their structural condition and assess whether they can be
utilized for the new project. Thus, the Consultant’s structural design team carried out
the following tasks.

Draft Detailed Report

Table 5.1: List of Bridge Structures

Number of Total length Total
S/N Location Chainage (km + m)
spans (m) number
01 Salender 2+025-2+100 5 75.0 02
02 Mlalakuwa 10+050-10+080 1 30.0 02
03 Lugalo 12+950-13+080 1 30.0 02
04 Tegeta 20+750-20+780 1 30.0 02

Figure 5.1: Salender Bridge

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 5.2: Mlalakuwa River Bridge

Figure 5.3: Mbezi River Bridge

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 5.4: Tegeta River Bridge

5.4 Collection of document and records

The activities involved collection of the following information;
(i) Road maps giving details and location of the structure, topographic
conditions of the road,
(ii) Details of as built or design drawings of the bridge structures, if any,
(iii) Structural calculations and design reports of the bridge structures if
(iv) Records on remedial works and or strengthening works on each
structure during its service life,
(v) Hydrological records, maps of catchment areas and river gauge
readings, and
(vi) Geotechnical investigation reports.

5.5 Field investigations

Based on the above information, field investigations were organized. The
investigations were carried out as follows;

Draft Detailed Report

5.5.1 Visual inspection of bridge structures

The structures were subjected to following assessments;

Super structures (RC beams, box girder beams, etc.) in general were inspected for;
Structural connections and joints
• Bearings
• Expansion joints
• Rivets and bolts for the parapet walls
• Deflections
• Clearance profile
• Corrosion and deformations
• Cracks
• Concrete spalling
• Honey-combs
• Exposed reinforcement bars
• Corrosion of reinforcement bars
• Substructures – abutments and piers in concrete
• Cracks
• Deformations
• Concrete spalling
• Exposed reinforcement bars
• Mortar joints for masonry structures
• Rusting
• Bearing banks and foundation joints
• Verticality of abutments and piers

All findings during this phase have been recorded and tabulated for each bridge.

5.5.2 Measurements and testing of bridge structures

Measurement of geometric dimensions and actual sizes of structural elements on
each bridge was carried out and testing of the same. Such measurements and test
results was used as a basic information for verifying load carrying capacity of the
bridge. In situ non-destructive tests, i.e. Rebound Hammer test to determine the

Draft Detailed Report

residual concrete strength, and Profometer equipment to determine the size, spacing
of the reinforcing steels and cover concrete to the reinforcing steels, was used to test
each bridge. Summary of results of each bridge is described below while detailed
results is attached in the Appendix B of this report.

Salender Bridge
An average compressive strength of 62.0 MPa of the rebound hammer was obtained
for the abutments, 59.33 MPa for the piers, and 60.0 MPa for the slab deck. Such
results indicate a good quality concrete that suffices structural requirements. In case
of reinforcement steels, 20 mm diameter bars spacing at 120 mm c/c were detected
at the bottom of the slab deck, both main bars and distributions bars. For the piers
and abutments, 20 mm diameter bars spacing at 150 mm c/c were detected for the
vertical reinforcement while 16 mm diameter bars spacing at 150 mm c/c were
detected for horizontal reinforcements. Such results represent sufficient number of
rebars that suffices structural requirements.

Mlalakua Bridge
An average compressive strength of 63.5 MPa of the rebound hammer was obtained
for the pre-stressed beams, and 63.0 MPa for the abutments. Such results indicate a
good quality concrete that suffices structural requirements. Also, based on the as
built structural drawings and structural design calculations reviewed, it is evident that
such a bridge conforms to structural requirements.

Lugalo Bridge
An average compressive strength of 59.5 MPa of the rebound hammer was obtained
for the pre-stressed beams, and 59.0 MPa for the abutments. Such results indicate a
good quality concrete that suffices structural requirements. Also, based on the as
built structural drawings and structural design calculations reviewed, it is evident that
such a bridge conforms to structural requirements.

Tegeta Bridge
An average compressive strength of 59.0 MPa of the rebound hammer was obtained
for the pre-stressed beams, and 54.0 MPa for the abutments. Such results indicate a
good quality concrete that suffices structural requirements. Also, based on the as

Draft Detailed Report

built structural drawings and structural design calculations reviewed, it is evident that
such a bridge conforms to structural requirements.

5.6 General
5.6.1 Planning of Structures
The planning of structural elements of the box culverts and bridges is a significant
step that influences functioning and construction of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) phase
4, within the City of Dar es salaam. It is essential that planning should allow
minimization of the project budget while allowing the project to function in full effect.
Also, aesthetic value of the project, in harmony with the surrounding environment is
also be considered. This section intends to give criteria for selection of important
structural elements for the bridges and box culverts for an effective planning and
construction of BRT Phase 4, based on basic elements stipulated in Table 5.2 below.

Table 5.2: Basic elements for structural design

Basic elements Key considerations
Structural safety and rationality
Engineering Construction efficiency and simplicity
elements Sustainability
Economic structure and forms
Functional Comfort ability and accessibility
elements Convenience in maintenance and economy
Harmonization with the existing environment
Balance between sub structural elements and the roof structures in consideration
of the surrounding environment

5.6.2 Planning of Structural Elements Criteria for structural elements selection
The criteria for selecting bridge and box culvert structural elements has been
developed focusing on cast in-situ construction Reinforced Concrete (RC) and steel
structural element techniques. Such criteria are grouped into the following key areas;

Materials types – construction materials, i.e., reinforcing steel, concrete materials,
structural steels, etc., which is locally available,

Draft Detailed Report

Materials service life –long lasting construction materials, i.e., strong and durable
against permanent and dynamic loading,

Materials flexibility – the same material that can be applied in a wide range, and
Material friendly – materials which are environmentally friendly, i.e., with little or no
environmental impact.

Design and aesthetics;

Structural elements – structural members i.e., beam, columns walls, etc., which are
strong and durable to withstand dead and imposed loading conditions,

Foundation – foundation bases which are wide enough and capable to withstand
static and dynamic loading,

Structural systems – structural system which is stable against static and dynamic
loading, with low centre of gravity for earthquake resistance,

Structural details – structural members which are designed and detailed observing
rules for durability and seismic design,

Aesthetics – structural members which have good appearance without the need for
special edge units or in-situ masking.

i. Structural steel self-weight – structural steel members that are within lifting
requirements available in Tanzanian crane capacity,
ii. Formwork for cast in situ and/or pre-cast concrete – formwork which exist
in Tanzanian market, with affordable costs,
iii. Concrete grades – locally available concrete plants capable of producing
required grades of concrete,
iv. Steel grades – required structural steel and reinforcing steel bars grades
which is locally available and no need for importation,
v. Stability during erection – structural members are stable during erection,
and no temporary supports required.

Draft Detailed Report

vi. Maintenance
vii. Durability – structural members well detailed to provide good long-term
viii. Inspection – exposed surfaces that can be easily inspected and
maintained without impair structure stability of the structure.
ix. Client requirements
x. Design life – the specified 100 years and/or more design life that can be
xi. Maintenance – a low maintenance of structural members that can be
xii. Environmentally friendly – the structures improve environmental
friendliness, i.e., between the structure itself and the surrounding

5.7 Bridge Design Standards

The structural design of the box culverts and bridges, i.e., reinforced concrete bridge
and steel I-Girder composite bridges is designed based on relevant codes, standards
and design manual as stipulated in Table 3.1 below. Also, relevant design
information and criteria has been considered as indicated in Table 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and
3.5 respectively.

Table 5.3: Codes, Standards and Design manual

Part 1:1997; Structural use of concrete – Code of practice for design and
BS construction
8110 Part 2:1985: Structural use of concrete - Code of practice for special
BS 1986: Code of practice for foundation
Part 2:1978: Steel, concrete and composite bridges – Specification for loads
Part 4:1990: Steel, concrete and composite bridges – Code of practice for design
concrete bridges
Part 7 & 8:1978: Steel, concrete and composite bridges – Specification for
materials and workmanship, concrete, reinforcement and pre-stressing tendons
Part 9:1983: Steel, concrete and composite bridges – Bridge Bearings
Part 10:1980: Code of Practice for fatigue
BS Part 2 (1991) – Specifications for vehicle containment parapets of concrete
6779 construction

Draft Detailed Report

BS 1997: Code of practice for Specification of carbon steel bars for the reinforcement
4449 of concrete
BD Volume 2: Backfilled Retaining Walls and Bridge Abutments
BD Volume 2: The design of buried concrete box and portal frame structures
BD Volume 1: Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

Table 5.4: BS EN Codes for Structural Design

Part 1-4:2005; Actions on structures: General Actions – Wind actions
Part 1-5:2003; Actions on structures: General Actions – Thermal actions
BS EN 1991 Part 1-6:2005; Actions on structures: General Actions – Actions during executions
Part 1-7:2006; Actions on structures: General Actions – Accidental actions
Part 2:2003; Actions on structures: Traffic loads on bridges
Part 2:2005; Design of concrete Structures – Concrete bridges – Design and
BS EN 1992
detailing rules
Part 2:2009: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Bridges
BS EN 1998 Part 5:2009: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Foundation, retaining

Table 5.5: Materials Unit Weight

Material Type Density

Soil 20 KN/m3

Asphalt Concrete 23 KN/m3

Reinforced Concrete 24 KN/m3

Plain Concrete 24 KN/m3

Steel 78.5 KN/m3

Table 5.6: Materials Properties

Reinforcing Steel Steel Grade 460 MPa for all reinforcement steel

355 MPa for all steel plate girders

275 MPa for all steel bracing members
Structural Steel Steel Grade
275 MPa for all steel web stiffening members
500 MPa for all steel welded stud

25 MPa for all drainage concrete pipes

Reinforced Concrete Concrete Grade
30 MPa for all drainage box culverts

Draft Detailed Report

30 MPa for abutments and abutments

foundations, wing walls, approaching slab, pier
head, pier, pier foundations and cast in situ
piles for bridges
Plain Concrete
15 MPa for all plain concretes

Relevant bearing capacity based on

Soil Bearing Capacity geotechnical report has been used for box
culverts and bridge foundations

Table 5.7: Dynamic loads: Earthquake load

Parameter Design value
Seismic hazard zone 0.16

Ground type B

Ground acceleration factor 0.12

Earthquake load
Bridge importance factor

Pile ductility behavior factor 2.1

Importance factor (I) 1.2

Table 5.8: Partial safety factors (γm) for the materials

Material Symbol Factor

Reinforced Concrete (γc) 1.5

Reinforcement Steel (γs) 1.05

Table 5.9: Concrete cover to the reinforcing steel

50 mm for all foundations

Reinforced Concrete 40 mm for all structural members

25 mm for all non - structural members

5.7.1 Design of Pipes and Box Culverts Geometry
Structures includes pipe culverts and box culverts, i.e., double and multiple cells.
The lengths of such structures were taken in accordance with road widths.

Draft Detailed Report Foundation
Foundations for culverts were designed based on soil properties obtained from the
geotechnical investigation report. Further, design assumed a removal of unsuitable
material with a replacement of suitable and well compacted materials under culverts
based so as to attain minimum Ground Bearing Pressure (GBP). Loads and Loading Combinations

All loads and loading combinations for culverts design described underneath
conform to relevant codes and standards, and design manual described in section
3.0 above.

The loading considered for the calculations are:

i. Permanent Loads
ii. Dead Loads
iii. Superimposed Dead loads
iv. Horizontal Earth Pressure
v. Vertical Live Loads
vi. HA or HB loads on carriageway
vii. Footway and Cycle Track Loading
viii. Horizontal Live Loads
ix. Live Load Surcharge
x. Traction

Load Combinations as per standards are (See Table 8 for loading factors in relevant
Combination 1: Permanent loads, Vertical Live Loads, Horizontal Live
load Surcharge
Combination 2: Permanent loads, Horizontal Live load Surcharge
Combination 3: Permanent loads, Vertical Live loads
Combination 4: Permanent loads, Live load Surcharge (one side), HA or
HB Traction
Combination 5: Permanent loads, Live load Surcharge (one side), HA or
HB Traction
Combination 6: Permanent loads, Live Loads Surcharge (one side).

Draft Detailed Report

The load combinations representing the worst loading possible of the three in
Ultimate Limit State design was used for analysis and design. The combination
giving worst loading possible include permanent, long-term and transient or variable
principal actions, plus long-term restraint actions only. Load Application Methodology to Culverts

The design loads adopted for structural analysis of pipes culverts and box culverts
are as indicated in figures below in order to achieve maximum bending moment and
shear force under applied Ultimate Limit State based on live and imposed loads.

Figure 5.5: Single cell box culvert and pipe culverts

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 5.6: Single cell box culvert Structural Analysis for Culverts

The structural analysis and design of culverts were carried out using Midas Civil
software and spreadsheet comforting to British Standards. However, the following
parameters were also considered;

Imposed vehicle loading

Imposed vehicle loading are applied in accordance to the code on top of culverts to
be designed. The loads are HA lane loading plus 144 kN knife edge loading or 37.5
units of HB loaded vehicle with the minimum tandem axle spacing of 6.0 m for the all
culverts. Surcharge loading effects resulting from imposed wheel loads on abutment
and culvert walls are also taken into account.

Hydrostatic Forces due to water

When the culverts are submerged in water the hydrostatic forces are in equilibrium
and the net effect is buoyancy of the structure. When water is drained immediately
the saturated soil water remains in position and forces due to pore water up to the
level of culvert top have to be considered in the design.

Draft Detailed Report

Active and passive earth pressures

Active earth pressures due to retained earth fill are taken into account on the walls of
the culverts. Passive earth pressures come into action when the culvert structures
are subjected to sliding forces.

Concrete Crack Width Control

Concrete crack widths for all box and circular culverts shall be limited to 0.3 mm.

5.7.2 Design of Bridge Structures Bridge superstructure selection
Bridge superstructure selection is mostly governed by span length, structural type,
and material type despite the significant criteria underline in section 2.2 above. Table
3.6 below gives span limits for different structural type and material to be used for
the superstructure selection. Moreover, Table 3.7 gives a comparable Pros and
Cons of materials types, i.e., steel and/or concrete to be used for the bridge

Draft Detailed Report

Table 5.10: The applied span length for the bridge superstructure
Span length (m)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Structure Type

Frame Bridge

Slab (thickness ≤ 80 cm)

Hollow Slab (thickness ≤ 80


T-girder bridge

RC - Simple (web with flange)

- Continuous

Concrete Arch Bridge

- With underlying deck

- With deck on top

Slab (thickness ≤ 80 cm)

Hollow Slab (thickness ≤ 80

Beam Girder Bridge (Post
Box Girder Bridge

- Simple

- Continuous

Plate Girder Bridge

- Simple

- Continuous

Box Girder Bridge

- Simple

- Continuous

Steel deck girder bridge

Steel deck box girder


Draft Detailed Report

- Simple

- Continuous

Truss Bridge

- Simple

- Continuous

Steel Arch Bridge

Cable-stayed bridge

Table 5.11: Comparison of the bridge superstructural elements

Reinforced Concrete Pre-stressed Concrete
Classification Steel Bridge Girder
(RC) Bridge Girder (PSC) Bridge Girder
Build of crane/cast in-
Method of Construction Cast in-situ Build of crane
The main material is The main material is
The main material is
concrete, which is concrete and steel
steel, which is not
easier to acquire and strands, which is easier
Construction Materials locally available,
helps in reducing the to acquire and helps in
therefore relatively cost
project cost reducing the project
Economics Inexpensive Inexpensive Expensive
Stability Stable Stable Stable
▪ The RC bridge ▪ The PSC bridge ▪ The steel girder is
girder and deck are girder is fabricated on fabricated in the
cast in-situ site and easier to install workshop, which make
▪ It reduces the during construction. it more convenient to
weight of the main ▪ It reduces the weight control the quality.
structure. of the main structure. ▪ It needs to be
▪ Advantages in ▪ Advantages in transported in a proper
planning the sub- planning the sub- road condition.
structure for either structure since a ▪ The main span can be
simply support or relatively long span designed up to 60m,
continuous spans. length is available with which is advantageous
▪ The height of the this type. in light of the sub
main structure is ▪ The height of the structure planning.
lower, which makes it main structure is lower, ▪ The main structure
easier to design the which makes it easier too high,
vertical alignment. to design the vertical disadvantageous for
alignment. the vertical alignment
No separate No separate Regular painting works
Maintenance maintenance efforts maintenance efforts for the steel members
required required required
Many times Few times
Local Many times
(a field of Design and (need specialist for
Construction (a field of Design and
Construct) design and
Experience Construct)

Draft Detailed Report

Steel Bridge Girder is selected to be constructed at the middle of the

existing bridges due to limited space available and lighter foundation
Application structure required.
RC Bridge Girder is selected to be constructed at Salender since it can be
constructed in ordinary conditions and its economically sound Bridge Geometry

Composite construction bridge is considered to be constructed at the middle of the
two existing bridges, where simply supported steel I girder beams design
mechanisms is used for the bridge as a result of single span. A typical cross section
for the bridge superstructure is presented in Figure 3.3 below. The overall deck width
is 8.95 m. The carriageway has two traffic lanes of width 3.5 m each. There are four
longitudinal constant depth simply supported steel I girder beams linked by a
transversely spanning concrete slab at the top. RC barriers are provided at the
edges of the deck to form parapets walls. For the RC bridge to be constructed at
Salender, a simply supported RC girder beams design mechanism is also used to
cover three spans bridge. A typical cross section for the bridge superstructure is
presented in Figure 3.4. The overall deck width is 11.4 m and consists of 1.7 m wide
raised footways on each side of the 7.5 m wide carriageway. There are five
longitudinal constant depth beams of 1.9 m deep, simply supported reinforced
concrete beams linked by a transversely spanning slab at the top. RC barriers are
provided at the edges of the deck to form parapets walls.

Figure 5.7: Typical bridge cross section (at middle of existing bridges)

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 5.8: Typical bridge cross section (Salender Bridge) Criteria for bridge substructures selection

The criteria for selecting bridge sub structural elements have been developed
focused the basic requirements for the bridge super structure, as well as topology
and embankment. Thus, a systematic method to select and plan sub structural
elements in order to achieve a form that is in harmony with the super structure is
imperative. The following basic criteria were the focal points for sub structural
elements selections;

Not only the material used, but also the safety of the construction work and the
construction budget for the ancillary structures such as the temporary bridge
structure, embankment road, and other temporary structures.

Conditions of construction
The available time frame for construction works, areas of construction, road traffic,
and the influence of vibration and noise.

A bridge over a river shall not interfere with the water flow, and the cross-section of
the structure shall minimize the influence of the scouring of the river.

The appearance of the bridge shall take the surrounding environments, such as the
urban, rural, or mountainous settings, into consideration.

Draft Detailed Report Bridge abutment selection

An abutment is the structure which transfers load from the super structure to the
foundation. It is installed at each end of the bridge to support the earth pressure onto
the bridge. Thus, it should be capable to withstand not only vertical loads from super
structure, but also lateral loads with stability. While it is important to consider a
proper cross-sectional design to be applied to the structure, the external stability of
the structure itself is of much higher importance. The external stability of the
structure can be ensured by considering overturning, sliding, and settlement. Table
5.12 below gives height limits for different types of abutments commonly applied,
while Table 5.13 describes the pros and cons of different types of abutments.

Table 5.12: Selection criteria for abutments based on height limits

Height (m)
Abutment type Application
10 20 30
Gravity type

Semi-gravity type

6 13
Reverse T type Adopted

10 20
Rear Buttress type

Rigid-frame type

Box type

Middle connection 15

Table 5.13: Selection of abutments based on Pros and Cons criteria

Rear buttress type
Type Reverse T Abutment Rigid-frame type abutment


Draft Detailed Report

Rear buttress type

Type Reverse T Abutment Rigid-frame type abutment
6 m - 13 m 10 m - 15 m 10 m - 20 m
∙Normally applicable to ∙Applicable when the ∙Not economical if the
approx. 10 m elevation horizontal force of the height is less than 7 m.
or hills super structure is ∙Structurally
∙Reduce the self-load of significant (with significant disadvantageous on a soft
the structure and resistance.) ground.
Conditions for
maintain structural ∙Can be used to prevent
selecting types
stability with the weight lateral flow of soft soil.
of the soil ∙Rear space available for
other purposes.

∙Economical under 13 m ∙Economical from 10 m ∙Economical at 13 m to 16

in height. high due to reduced earth m in height
∙The form is relatively pressure ∙Complicated form,
simple, making it easier ∙Complicated form, making it less efficient to
to construct. making it less efficient to construct
∙Provides a better construct ∙Disadvantageous
condition for compaction ∙Provides a better compaction conditions for
Characteristics of the rear backfill. condition for compaction backfilling
∙Higher reliability with of the rear backfill. ∙Many past references
more reference projects ∙Advantageous in terms of using the technology
using the technology the maintenance cost ∙Disadvantageous in
∙Advantageous in terms ∙Expensive to build maintenance
of the maintenance cost ∙Moderate construction
∙Lower construction cost cost

Reverse T type is selected, as it can be constructed in ordinary conditions and its

economically sound Bridge pier selection

Piers are located in the center of the bridge, supporting the vertical load from the
super structure. Thus, they should be in harmony with the super structure to achieve
aesthetic values of the structure. Especially, design of a pier should not only be
harmonizing with the surrounding environment, but also should influence the
usability of the space underneath the bridge, in accordance with the super structure
of the bridge. Several types of piers exist, with different characteristics, as described

Wall Type Pier

Less strength in the throttling axis. However, the structure yields quite rigidity along
the perpendicular direction to the throttling axis, making it a sound design to address
impact loads.

Draft Detailed Report

Round Column Pier

The rigidity of the pier itself is not significant, making it unsuitable for higher piers.
The applicable height for this design is 10.0 m.

T-Type Pier
With this design, the interference with the space under the bridge and water flow is
minimized, and the span length can be reduced further than other types, as well. The
suitable design height for this type of pier is around 20.0 m.

π -Type Pier
Advantageous for a skew bridge or in a condition where the bridge need to withstand
lateral force, such as an earthquake, as the design increases the rigidity of the pier.
The appropriate design height for this technology is around 30.0 m.

Table 3.10 below describes the pros and cons for different types of piers. Also, the
pros and cons take in to consideration the foundation depth of the pier, future
changes in the grounds, scouring by the water flow, the location of the bed rock
underneath the foundation, and construction efficiency.

Table 5.14: Selection of piers based on Pros and Cons criteria

Category T-type Multi-column type π - type


∙ Relatively low influence ∙ Applicable to areas of ∙ Applicable to areas of

Type of earthquakes higher earthquake threats higher earthquake threats
selection ∙ Applicable to narrower ∙ Applicable to wider and ∙ Applicable to wider
conditions and lower bridges lower bridges bridges

Draft Detailed Report

Category T-type Multi-column type π - type

∙ Relatively expensive to ∙ Relatively expensive to ∙ Moderate construction

build build cost
∙ The relative rigidity along ∙ Lower relative rigidity ∙ Lower relative rigidity
the horizontal and along the vertical axis along the vertical axis due
longitudinal directions depending on the height of to the height. This is
compared to the height of installation. This is compensated by its higher
installation, making less compensated by its higher lateral resistance, making
advantageous in terms of lateral resistance, making the design more resistant
seismic. the design more resistant to earth quakes.
∙ Relatively to earth quakes. ∙ Good load carrying
disadvantageous in terms ∙ Good load carrying capacity for eccentric
of the load carrying capacity for eccentric loads.
capacity for eccentric loads. ∙ Higher structural stability
The Pros loads. ∙ Higher structural stability ∙ Good handling of lateral
and Cons ∙ The round pier gives the ∙ Good handling of lateral load (wind load.)
same cross-sectional load (wind load.) ∙ Coping area more
shape at every angle. ∙ Coping area more complicated to build.
∙ Better availability of the complicated to build. ∙ Dual column type, making
space beneath the bridge. ∙ Longer construction time it take longer to construct
∙ Higher construction due to the increased compared to the t-type.
efficiency number of columns
∙ Repeated use of the ∙ Slimmer coping area due
forms can reduce the to the increased number of
construction time. columns
∙ Relatively
disadvantageous in
handling lateral load (wind
π -Type Pier is adopted for RC bridge, as it can be constructed in ordinary conditions
and its economically sound

5.7.3 Loads and Loading Combinations

Similar loads and loading combinations applied in section 3.1.3 were also
considered, with additional of other loads as described in Table 3.11 below.

Table 5.15: Superstructure lane live loading

Foot walks live load
Load case Lane 1 Lane 2 Foot walks live load (kN/m2)
1 5k Full HA Full HA 5k
2 5k HB 37.5 Full HA 5k
3 0 HB 37.5 0
4 0 HB 37.5 0
Note: k is defined in BD 37/01, clause 7.1.1

The loading combinations and partial factor of safety for different loading group
considered for the bridge design is given in Table 3.12, 3.13, and 3.14 respectively.

Draft Detailed Report

Table 5.16: Factors for load combination 1


Dead load 1.000 1.320

Superimposed dead load 1.200 1.925
Live load on foot walks and parapets 1.000 1.650
HA live load alone 1.200 1.650
HA with HB or HB alone 1.100 1.430
Table 5.17: Load combination 3 for bridge bearings design
Dead load (concrete) 1.000 1.320
Superimposed dead load 1.200 1.925
HA live load alone 1.000 1.375
HA with HB or HB alone 1.000 1.210
Effect of temperature difference 0.800 1.10
Live load on foot walks and parapets 1.000 1.375

Table 5.18: Load combination 4 for sub-structure bridge design


Dead load 1.000 1.32

Superimposed dead load 1.200 1.925

Longitudinal HA and associated primary live load 1.000 1.375

Longitudinal HB and associated primary live load 1.000 1.210

Accidental skidding load and associated

1.000 1.375
primary live load

Live load on foot walks and parapets 1.000 1.375

Earth pressure: retained fill and/or live load surcharge 1.000 1.650

5.7.4 Structural analysis and design of bridges

The longitudinal beams for the bridge structure was analyzed and designed as a
constant depth for simply supported. A monolithic assumption was used where the
slab was acting as compression flange for sagging moments. Thus, the slab was
analyzed and designed as spanning across longitudinal beams and having
cantilevered ends at deck edges. The transverse diaphragms, i.e., cross beams,

Draft Detailed Report

were provided and analyzed to enhance lateral and torsion restraint to longitudinal
beams. The grillage analysis was performed for the superstructure, including
abutments and piers using Midas Civil and Master series design software. Further,
the bridge foundations, were designed based on relevant geotechnical parameters
from geotechnical investigation report.

Draft Detailed Report


6.1 Planning of Structures
The planning of structural elements of the building structures is a significant step that
influences functioning and construction of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Phase 4,
within the City of Dar es salaam. It is essential that planning should allow
minimization of the project budget while allowing the project to function in full effect.
Also, aesthetic value of the project, in harmony with the surrounding environment
should also be considered. This section intends to give criteria for selection of
important structural elements for the building structures for an effective planning and
construction of BRT Phase 4, based on basic elements stipulated in Table 6.1 below.

Table 6.1: Basic elements for structural design

Basic elements Key considerations
Structural safety and rationality
Engineering Construction efficiency and simplicity
elements Sustainability
Economic structure and forms
Comfort ability and accessibility
Functional elements
Convenience in maintenance and economy
Harmonization with the existing environment
Aesthetic elements Balance between sub structural elements and the roof structures in
consideration of the surrounding environment

6.2 Planning of Structural Elements

6.2.1 Criteria for structural elements selection
The criteria for selecting building structural elements shall be developed focusing on
cast in-situ construction Reinforced Concrete (RC) and steel structural elements
techniques. Such criteria are grouped into the following key areas; Materials;
Materials types – construction materials, i.e., reinforcing steel, concrete materials,
structural steels, etc., locally available.

Materials service life –long lasting construction materials, i.e., strong and durable
against permanent and dynamic loading.

Materials flexibility – the same material be applied in a wide range.

Draft Detailed Report

Material friendly – materials are environmentally friendly, i.e., with little or no

environmental impact. Design and aesthetics;

Structural elements – structural members i.e., beams, columns walls, etc., strong
and durable to withstand dead and imposed loading conditions.

Roof structure – structural steel roof structures are light as possible to withstand
dead and dynamic impacts.

Foundation – foundation bases are wide enough capable to withstand static and
dynamic loading.

Structural systems – structural system is stable against static and dynamic loading,
with low center of gravity for earthquake resistance.

Building layout – the building layout is seismic friendly.

Structural details – structural members designed and detailed observing rules for
durability and seismic design.

Aesthetics – structural members have good appearance without the need for special
edge units or in-situ masking. Manufacture/construction;
Structural steel self-weight – structural steel members are within lifting requirements
available in Tanzanian crane capacity.

Formwork for cast in situ and/or pre-cast concrete – formwork exist in Tanzanian
market, with affordable costs.

Concrete grades – concrete plants capable of producing required grades of concrete

is locally available.

Draft Detailed Report

Steel grades – the required structural steel and reinforcing steel bars grades is
locally available and no need to be imported.

Stability during erection – structural members are stable during erection, and no
temporary supports required. Maintenance

Durability – structural members well detailed to provide good long-term durability.

Inspection – exposed surfaces can be easily inspected and maintained without

impair structure stability of the structure. Client requirements

Design life – the specified 50 years and/or more design life can be achieved.
Maintenance – a low maintenance of structural members can be provided.
Environmentally friendly – the structures improve environmental friendliness, i.e.
between the structure itself and the surrounding environment. Design Philosophy

Structural design of the building structures is based on relevant design codes,
standards and design manual as stipulated in Table 6.2. Importantly, relevant design
information and criteria has been considered as indicated in Table 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 66,
6.7, 68, and 6.9 respectively.

Table 6.2: Codes, Standards and Design manual

Actions on Structure
Part 1:1996: Loading for buildings - Code of practice for dead and imposed loads
BS 6399 Part 2:1997: Loading for buildings - Code of practice for wind loads
Part 3:1988: Loading for buildings - Code of practice for imposed roof loads
Concrete Design
Part 1:1997: Structural use of concrete – Code of practice for design and construction
BS 8110
Part 2:1985: Structural use of concrete - Code of practice for special circumstances
BS 12 1996: Specification for Portland cement
BS 5328 Part 1:1997: Concrete – Guide to specifying concrete

Draft Detailed Report

Actions on Structure
Part 4:1990: Concrete - Specification for the procedures to be used in sampling,
BS 5328
testing and assessing compliance of concrete
1997: Code of practice for Specification of carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of
BS 4449
Part 116 (1983) – Testing concrete — Method for determination of compressive
BS 1881
strength of concrete cubes
Part 107 (1983) – Testing concrete — Method for determination of density of
BS 1881
compacted fresh concrete
Part 106 (1983) – Testing concrete — Methods for determination of air content of fresh
BS 1881
1980: Methods of test for Water for making concrete (including notes on the suitability
BS 3148
of the water)
BS 882 1992: Specification for aggregates from natural sources for concrete
BS 812 Part 102 (1989) – Testing aggregates - Methods for sampling
BS 8004 1996: Code of practice for foundation
BD 30/87 Volume 2: Backfilled Retaining Walls and Bridge Abutments
Structural Steel Design
Part 1:2000: Structural use of steelwork in building - Code of practice for design —
Rolled and welded sections
Part 2:2001: Structural use of steelwork in building - Specification for materials,
fabrication and erection — Rolled and welded sections
Part 3:1990: Structural use of steelwork in building - Design in composite Construction
- Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite beams
Part 4:1994: Structural use of steelwork in building - Code of practice for design of
BS 5950
composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting
Part 6:1995: Structural use of steelwork in building - Code of practice for design of light
gauge profiled steel sheeting
Part 7:1997: Structural use of steelwork in building - Specification for materials and
workmanship: cold formed sections
Part 8:1990: Structural use of steelwork in building - Code of practice for fire resistant
BS 4 Part 1:2005: Structural steel sections - Specification for hot-rolled sections
1986: Specification for covered carbon and carbon manganese steel electrodes for
BS 639
manual metal-arc welding
BS 729 1971: Specification for hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles
Part 1:1964: Specification for sprayed metal coatings. Protection of iron and steel by
BS 2569
aluminum and zinc against atmospheric corrosion
BS 4360 1990: Specification for weldable structural steels
BS 4190 2014: ISO metric black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts. Specification
BS 3692 2014: ISO metric precision hexagon bolts, screws and nuts. Specification
BS 4320 1968: Specification for metal washers for general engineering purposes. Metric series
Part 2:1991: Hot-rolled structural steel sections. Specification for hot-finished hollow
BS 4848

Draft Detailed Report

Actions on Structure
Part 2:1969: Specification for high strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and
BS 4395 washers for structural engineering. Higher grade bolts and nuts and general grade
1977: Code of practice for protective coating of iron and steel structures against
BS 5493
Masonry Design
Part 1 (1981): Pre-cast concrete masonry units. Specification for precast concrete
BS 6073
masonry units
BS 5224 1995: Specification for masonry cement
Part 3 (2005): Code of practice for the use of masonry. Materials and components,
BS 5628
design and workmanship
BS 5390 1976: Code of practice for stone masonry
Timber Design
BS 4978 2007: Visual strength grading of softwood. Specification
Part 2 (2002) - Structural use of timber. Code of practice for permissible stress design,
BS 5268
materials and workmanship
1997: Specification for manufacture of glued structural components of timber and
BS 6446
wood-based panels

Table 6.3: BS EN Codes for Structural Design

BS EN 1990 Basis of structural design
Part 1-1:2005: Actions on structures. General actions. Densities, self-weight,
imposed loads for buildings
Part 1-2:2005: Actions on structures. General actions. Actions on structures exposed
to fire
BS EN 1991
Part 1-4:2005: Actions on structures: General Actions – Wind actions
Part 1-5:2003: Actions on structures: General Actions – Thermal actions
Part 1-6:2005; Actions on structures: General Actions – Actions during executions
Part 1-7:2006; Actions on structures: General Actions – Accidental actions
BS EN 206 Part 1:2000: Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity
Part 1:2006: Concrete – Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 – Method
of specifying and guidance for the specifier
BS 8500
Part 2:2006: Concrete – Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 –
Specification for constituent materials and concrete
Part 1:2004: Design of concrete structures - General rules and rules for buildings
BS EN 1992 Part 2:2004: Design of concrete structures. General rules. Structural fire design
Part 3:2004: Design of concrete structures. Liquid retaining and containing structures
Part 1:2005: Design of steel structures - General rules and rules for buildings
Part 2:2005: Design of steel structures. General rules. Structural fire design
Part 3:2005: Design of steel structures. General rules. Supplementary rules for cold-
formed members and sheeting
Part 4:2005: Design of steel structures. General rules. Supplementary rules for
BS EN 1993 stainless steels
Part 8:2005: Design of steel structures. Design of joints
Part 9:2005: Design of steel structures. Fatigue
Part 10:2005: Design of steel structures. Material toughness and through-thickness
Part 11:2005: Design of steel structures. Design of structures with tension

Draft Detailed Report

Part 12:2005: Design of steel structures. Additional rules for the extension of EN
1993 up to steel grades S 700
Part 1:2004: Design of composite steel and concrete structures. General rules and
rules for buildings
BS EN 1994
Part 2:2004: Design of composite steel and concrete structures. General rules.
Structural fire design
DD ENV Part 1:2000: Execution of concrete Structures - Common
Part 1:2005: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – General rules, seismic
actions and rules for buildings
BS EN 1998
Part 5:2009: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Foundation, retaining

Table 6.4: Materials Unit Weight

Material Type Density

Soil 20 KN/m3
Reinforced Concrete 24 KN/m3
Pre-cast Concrete 24 KN/m3

Plain Concrete 24 KN/m3

Steel 78.5 KN/m3

Table 6.5: Materials Properties

460 MPa for all reinforcement steel
Reinforcing Steel Steel Grade
355 MPa for all structural steel

Reinforced 40 MPa for all pre-cast structural elements

Concrete Concrete
30 MPa for all cast in situ structural members
Plain Concrete 15 MPa for all plain concretes
Motar Pressure Minimum design value of strength by pressure: 1 kN/m2

Block walling Pressure Minimum design value of strength by pressure: 10 kN/m2

Bearing Relevant bearing capacity from geotechnical investigation

Capacity report

Table 6.6: Permanent loads: Dead load of structures

Screed / finishes 1.2 kN/m2

Block 3.5 kN/m2
Ceiling and services 0.5 kN/m2
Floor partition if any 2.5 kN/m2

Draft Detailed Report

Table 6.7: Variable loads: Imposed floor loads

Building floor slabs 3.0 kN/m2

Spectators floor slabs 7.5 kN/m2

Staircase 3.0 kN/m2
Access ramps 3.0 kN/m2
Ground floor slabs 5.0 kN/m2
Access ramps 5.0 kN/m2

Table 6.8: Dynamic loads: Wind load

Parameter Design value
Basic wind speed 35.0 m/s
Wind load
Terrain category III
Friction coefficient 0.02

Table 6.9: Dynamic loads: Earthquake load

Parameter Design value
Building importance class III
Ground type A

Earthquake Ground acceleration factor 0.12

load Spectrum parameters Type I
Behavior factor 1.5
Lower boundary factor 0.2
Importance factor (I) 1.2

Table 6.10: Concrete cover to the reinforcing steel

50 mm for all foundations

30 mm for all structural members
25 mm for all non - structural members

Draft Detailed Report


7.1 Executive Summary
The Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) is to carry out Consulting
Services for Detailed Engineering Design, Preparation of bidding documents and
Supervision of works for the Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) infrastructure –
Phase 4 (BRT4) road corridor. The tasks will involve the topographical, and utility
(topo & utility) surveys expedition for the corridor to facilitate the detailed engineering
design and bidding document preparation for the project.

Topographical survey is one of the critical activities to be conducted in detailed

engineering design with the aim of providing the digital terrain model showing terrain,
natural and manmade features. This model is the main tool which shall be used by
highway engineer in design work (horizontal and vertical alignment) and calculation
of volumes of earth work for the project. It is also the basic tool for decision making
by other professionals during planning, execution and implementation of the project.

This report presents the detailed methodology, instrumentation, data capture,

calculation, analysis and reporting of topographical and utility survey for project
BRT4. In each part care has been taken and all necessary checks required were
applied to make sure that the survey is free from gross errors and allowable
accuracies were achieved.

7.1.1 Introduction
The objective of this report is to describe and explain all survey aspects relating to
the project topographic survey and utility survey of Bibi Titi road, Ali Hassan Mwinyi
road [Bibi Titi/Ohio junction to Morocco], Bagamoyo road [Morocco – Mwenge –
Tegeta] and Sam Nujoma road [Mwenge to Ubungo Sim2000] covering
approximately a total length of 30km.

The scope of the survey work required and undertaken for the project included the
following main aspects;
Establishment and observation of GPS Control Points (Primary Network).
Establishment of inter-visible stations/benchmarks along the entire length of the road
(Secondary Network).

Draft Detailed Report

Total Station survey of the stations/benchmarks.

Direct leveling of GPS Control Points and Benchmarks.
Survey of cross sections at 25 m interval within the corridor.
Utility survey within the corridor
Production of digital maps (AutoCAD DWG format) showing all features surveyed
and contour lines at 0.5 m interval.

The field operation commenced in 2nd September 2019, and field work
accomplished on 30th October 2019.

7.1.2 The Project Area

The BRT Phase 4 corridor comprising about 30.12 km covers:
i. A section of Bibi Titi Mohamed road from Maktaba Street junction to Ohio
Street junction (0.23km);
ii. Ali Hassan Mwinyi road (from the junction of Ohio Street to Morocco) (5.92
iii. New Bagamoyo Road from Morocco junction to Tegeta (DAWASA
Daladala Bus Station) (20.00 km); and
iv. A spur on Sam Nujoma Road from its junction with New Bagamoyo Road
to Ubungo junction (4.00 km).

7.2 Survey Equipment and Staff

7.2.1 Personnel
The survey staff was as follows:
i. 1 Chief surveyor,
ii. 2 Surveyors,
iii. 2 Technicians
iv. Local laborers
v. 2 Drivers

7.2.2 Equipment
Advanced survey equipment’s (GPS, total station and levels) were used for
survey operation.

Draft Detailed Report

A complete list, of topographic survey equipment used is as follows:

i. 2 GPS units Leica SR 530-Dual frequency,
ii. 2 Total station instruments Leica TCR 805 and TCR 703,
iii. 2 Digital level instruments Leica Sprinter 250 M,
iv. 5 Tripods
v. 2 Leica bar code staves
vi. 3 Sets of walkie/talkies
vii. Two 4WD vehicles

Office Work
Three laptops
Leica Geo-office combined software for GPS vectors processing
Leica Geo-office tools for total station data download
Covadis software for traverse computations and CAD drawing

7.3 References Datum

As stipulated in ToR the survey work is to be carried out in Tanzania mapping
system which the parameters are presented on the table below.

Table 6.11: Parameters Used

Ellipsoid Clarke 1880
Datum ARC 1960
Projection UTM Zone 37 S
Height Datum Mean Sea Level

7.3.1 Horizontal Datum Points

In order to fulfill the condition of section 4.2.20 of the ToR consultant visited The
Ministry of Lands and Human Settlement Development for data collection mainly to
obtain Nation control points in UTM ARC 1960 datum for planimetric control points
and benchmark referred to mean sea level MSL located in project area to be used as

The selection of datum points to be used was done with consideration of the location
of the project route. Second order control points (refer table below) were used as
datum for this project and MLHSD advised us to use these points because they are

Draft Detailed Report

reliable and it was used in TAREF11 system conducted by the MLHSD during
control points establishment for the whole country. The points can allow the
transformation of ARC1960 to UTM WGS TAREF11 coordinates system and vice
versa. The following control points were used as planimetric datum.

Table 6.12: Datum Control Points for Position (X, Y) Coordinates

Point ID Easting Northing Height Location Description
UGPS.18 521964.285 9248738.418 106.68 Ubungo
T.08D 531433.4562 9251046.185 11.8829 Oysterbay
UGPS.5 508193.329 9270063.795 40.1314 Bunju

Planimetric second order control points used as datum; Source the Ministry of Lands
and Human Settlement Development

The main consideration was the spread of these points in project location so as to
able to apply proper checks in all ends of the project.

UGPS5 and T.08D points used

7.3.2 Height Datum

Height datum was referred to mean sea level and the list of all benchmarks within
project area was obtained from the Ministry of Lands and Human Settlement
Development. Fundamental National (FBM with height 33.96fts) benchmark located
at Oysterbay was used as height datum and this was the same datum which was
used in BRT5 project. Refer to image below;

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 7.1: Dar es Salaam height datum referred to Mean Sea level
Source. The Ministry of Lands and Human Settlement Development

7.4 Field Execution

7.4.1 Data Search and Reconnaissance Survey
Familiarization of the project corridor was done by physically visiting the stretch of
the corridor to identify as-built boundaries and getting the general idea of survey
work to be executed. The data search was carried out at the record office of the
Ministry of Lands, Housing and Settlement Development (MLHSD), municipal Lands
Division offices (Kinondoni Municipal). Reconnaissance survey enabled the
preparation of working schedule and mobilization of the team for the survey work

7.4.2 Materialization of GPS Control Points along the road

The GPS control points and benchmarks were constructed and positioned in
accordance with the needs of the survey, the nature of the terrain, and the need to
ensure inter-visibility of adjoining points.

These control points (both GPS points and benchmarks) were materialized by
precast concrete monument dimensioned as follows: 60 cm pvc pipe together with
15cm steel reinforcement bar centrally cast within a concrete 0.20 m diameter in
cross section and 0.60m length.

A total of 20 primary points were established for the whole road routes. During
planning some points for bridge Intersection’s project and Mwenge-Morocco section
project was recovered and these points planned to be used for BRT4 survey and to

Draft Detailed Report

provide the basis for check the correlation of the previous survey works for the two
projects in relation to ongoing BRT4 design work. All GPS control points were
painted yellow color for easy identification.

The photographs shown in figure1 below illustrate the type of materialization used.
See the details of control points as described in point’s description cards in Appendix

Point materialized by concrete monument with PVC pipe and iron bar

Figure 7.2: Sample of Monumented Control Point along the road

Source Kunhwa Survey October 2019

7.4.3 Horizontal determination of Control Points/GPS observations

Primary control points were established at intervals of 3km apart. These points were
observed by static survey method. In each section between primary control points
the benchmarks were established at 300m intervals and coordinated by traverse
method with use of total station.

Section of approximately 3km Primary and Secondary points establishment and observation

G1 BM.
G BM. BM. G G10 BM.1
1 01 1 BM. BM.1 BM.1 BM.2 BM.3 G G10
2 3 8 2 2 9
4 7 0 8 3 3 9
Km 0 Km 3
Km 9

Figure 7.3 Refer to location map below showing datum points used and new
road control points established.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 7.4: Location map

Static Observation

7.5 Mission Planning

This is the activity conducted in office one day before static observation in order to
determine the best time for static observation. Mission planning activity includes site
definition, location (latitude and longitude), time zone etc. This was done with use of
Leica Geo office combined software LGO 8.3. Through sky plot; geometry of the

Draft Detailed Report

satellites and precision can be viewed and hence know the best time for observation
under which you can obtain good number of satellites.

Figure 7.5: Time for observation

From the diagram above the best observation time was between 08:00AM to 12:00
and from 14:00 to 17:00PM

Mission planning can allow also viewing the individual satellite at the date of

Figure 7.6: Date of observation

Draft Detailed Report

7.6 Static Survey

The observations were carried out using 2 GPS- dual frequency “Leica SR 530”
receivers, working in a static mode, with at least 8 satellites tracking per site, in order
to determine the WGS84 coordinates.

All points were occupied and the time of occupation differed from one point to
another depending on the length of the vector under observation but the minimum
occupation time for shorter vectors of 300m was 30minutes and time increased
according to the length of the vector. Data were downloaded and processed with use
of Leica Geo office combined Software LGO version 8.3. Based on control points
obtained from MLHSD, one point (UGPS.18) was fixed, and the remaining points
(UGP5 & T.08D) were freed in order to check the error closure. After adjustment the
error closure of these points are shown on the table below which are within
tolerance. Accuracy for established GPS-Primary control points;

Horizontal (X, Y): 5 mm + 0.5 ppm (rms)

Vertical (Z): 10 mm + 0.5 ppm (rms)

All GPS vector computations and adjustment details of this project were submitted
refer Appendix 6.1 - 6.3 for computation details.

Figure 7.7: Static GPS Survey operations along the road, Source
Kunhwa survey October 2019

Draft Detailed Report

Table 7.1: GPS Static closure error after computation

Point Easting(X Northing( Height( ∆E ∆N ∆Z Point Easting(X Northing( Height(
ID ) Y) Z) ID ) Y) Z)
UGPS. 521964.2 9248738. 106.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 UGPS. 521964.2 9248738. 106.68
18 85 418 4 0 0 0 18 85 418 4
0.38 0.89
531433.4 9251046. 11.882 0.12 531433.0 9251046. 10.987
0 6
T.08D 562 185 9 3 T.08D 76 309 2
- -
UGPS. 508193.3 9270063. 40.131 0.24 0.45 UGPS. 508193.0 9270064. 40.588
5 29 795 4 8 7 5 785 044 6

Final Adjusted Coordinates of GPS control points are indicated in Appendix I-2 of
this report and for GPS adjustment report refer to Appendix I-3.

7.6.1 Vertical determination of Control Points (Z value)

Elevations of the GPS Control Points were determined by carrying out a double run
geometric leveling network, using 2 Leica Sprinter 250 M digital levels. Forward and
back run level differences between successive benchmark monuments were
compared and the average of the differences meeting the required tolerances was
adopted for elevation of Control Points. Any differences exceeding the tolerances
were investigated and corrected. Level’s accuracy of GPS points for all loops were

checked by this expression; C = ± K [cm], C = maximum permissible error of

closure in centimeters, K = distance between benchmarks in kilometers. All routes
were confirmed to meet the accuracy required. See the table below in section 4.7

Refer Appendix III for leveling computations details and Appendix I-1 and Appendix
I-2 for final levels of GPS points and all Benchmarks.

7.6.2 Horizontal determination of benchmarks

The horizontal co-ordinates of Benchmark monuments were measured using two
total station instruments Leica TCR 805 and Leica TCR 703.

Starting from a couple of GPS control points (giving a fixed reference bearing) to the
next couple of GPS control points (also giving a fixed reference bearing) located 3

Draft Detailed Report

Km apart, the secondary traverse was performed in order to measure and compute
co-ordinates of the benchmarks. The misclosure observed between inter-visible
couples of GPS control points (angular and horizontal misclosures) were distributed
between the benchmarks constituting the secondary network (when meeting the
required tolerances). The adjusted co-ordinates were computed using Covadis
survey software. All traverse accuracy was checked under the requirement for urban
engineering survey which specify the minimum fractional linear misclosure of 1: 6000
and all traverse computed meet this requirement. Final coordinates of the
benchmarks are indicated in Appendix 6.1 – 6.2 of this report and refer Appendix 6.5
for details of all traverse computations and accuracy achieved.

7.6.3 Vertical determination of benchmarks (Z value)

The direct leveling of all benchmarks was carried out in parallel with the leveling of
GPS control points using the same equipment and methodology. Levels accuracy for

all loops for BM points were checked by this expression; C = ± K [cm], C =

maximum permissible error of closure in centimeters, K = distance between
benchmarks in kilometers. All routes were checked and confirmed to meet the
accuracy required; see the table below.

Total Allowable error [C Achieved(c Commen

File Name Distance[K(km)] (cm)] m) ts
Final Results LV1-B1B2- Acceptab
160919 9 3 0.3 le
Final Results LV1-B3B4- Acceptab
170919 12 4 1.4 le
Final Results LV1-B3B4- Acceptab
180919 3.4 2 0.7 le
Final Results LV1-B3B4- Acceptab
180919 2 1 0.7 le
Final Results LV1-FBM- Acceptab
210919 3 2 1 le

Final coordinates of the benchmarks are indicated in Appendix I-2 of this report and
refer Appendix III for details of all levelling computations.

Draft Detailed Report

7.6.4 Detailed Survey of Cross Sections

Based on the GPS control points and benchmarks established and accurately
determined, the cross-sectional survey of the road corridor was carried out using two
Total Stations Leica TCR 805 and TCR 703.

Cross-sections were generally surveyed at 25m intervals within the corridor. In order
to produce an accurate digital terrain model and topographical maps, both manmade
and natural features were measured in the following groups

i. Road Features; existing roads, tracks and junctions.

ii. Buildings Features; buildings, fences and all other construction services
and utilities located the corridor.
iii. Bridges and Rivers; detailed survey of existing bridges with main attention
on these areas, river upstream, downstream, river beds, banks and all
other associated details.
iv. Culverts and Drainage System; drains channels along and across the road
plus all culverts were accurately measured. Culverts wing walls and invert
elevation were measured.
v. Erosion Areas; gullies, toe, lines of cuts and fills.
vi. Utilities; all utilities feature such as water supply, manholes electricity and
telephone lines located within the corridor were measured.

All these features were captured with use of different codes. Finally, the files were
downloaded, checked and processed and produced DTM map using covadis
software. The map produced was used by the highway engineer in design work such
as horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, structure’s location design, volumes of
earth work calculation, haulage and finally used as design guideline tool for different
decisions making during design work. Also, primary and secondary control points
established will be used during construction for setting out work control and in other
design and construction work decision as per engineering discipline guidelines.

Draft Detailed Report

Appendix 7 - 1 Final GPS Control Point Coordinates

GPS - Coordinates
Point n° Easting (X) Northing (Y) Height (Z) SF
DPP.29 531407.293 9247354.353 7.601 0.999612
GP.1 531581.102 9247518.099 7.111 0.999612
IDG.35 530766.328 9249698.967 6.045 0.999612
IDG.36 530679.440 9249995.924 6.369 0.999612
GP.2 529673.359 9251071.973 9.548 0.999611
GP.102 529429.408 9251148.264 10.041 0.999611
GP.3 525187.446 9252542.710 26.903 0.999608
GP.103 525012.216 9252317.095 29.917 0.999608
GP.4 523579.290 9250543.223 49.880 0.999607
GP.104 523259.849 9250245.870 52.827 0.999607
GP.6 523935.986 9255196.791 36.765 0.999607
GP.106 523882.719 9255309.883 35.987 0.999607
GP.7 523145.209 9258160.314 34.976 0.999607
GP.107 523060.353 9258445.337 35.447 0.999607
GP.8 522387.118 9261030.558 49.367 0.999606
GP.108 522209.393 9261273.946 62.387 0.999606
GP.9 520435.981 9263672.176 31.362 0.999605
GP.109 520144.894 9263995.381 30.085 0.999605
GP.10 518419.412 9265878.684 20.555 0.999604
GP.110 518260.702 9266092.306 19.882 0.999604
GP.5 523668.827 9249931.288 49.517 0.999607
GP.105 523772.797 9250056.386 48.307 0.999607
GP.11 532905.700 9246471.609 4.828 0.999613
GP.111 532960.510 9246566.903 5.431 0.999613

Draft Detailed Report

Appendix 7-2 Final Benchmarks Coordinates

BM - Coordinates
Point n° Easting (X) Northing (Y) Height (Z) SF
BM.1 531573.483 9247752.813 5.571 0.999612
BM.2 531512.524 9248136.522 6.099 0.999612
BM.3 531497.014 9248321.446 5.891 0.999612
BM.4 530992.117 9249034.649 4.603 0.999612
BM.5 530964.879 9249123.290 4.567 0.999612
BM.6 530863.392 9249438.296 3.613 0.999612
IDG.31 531036.678 9248931.213 3.971 0.999612
IDG.32 531148.852 9248703.954 6.721 0.999612
BM.7 530462.541 9250347.410 7.926 0.999611
BM.8 530355.497 9250612.656 13.585 0.999611
IDG.37 530239.595 9250701.685 14.848 0.999611
IDG.38 529949.348 9250929.255 12.142 0.999611
BM.9 529120.336 9251196.231 16.280 0.999610
BM.10 528510.655 9251078.482 10.599 0.999610
BM.11 528328.335 9251096.547 10.903 0.999610
BM.12 527944.755 9251009.588 13.531 0.999610
BM.13 527632.559 9251050.674 16.354 0.999609
BM.14 527452.665 9251153.246 19.531 0.999609
BM.15 527212.550 9251183.614 19.690 0.999609
BM.16 526964.595 9251338.450 20.142 0.999609
BM.18 526742.038 9251379.330 20.536 0.999609
BM.19 526576.831 9251588.323 21.185 0.999609
BM.20 526325.738 9251709.237 21.769 0.999609
BM.21 526115.772 9251950.093 23.157 0.999608
BM.22 525795.106 9252096.009 24.147 0.999608
BM.23 525422.293 9252470.627 23.839 0.999608
IDG.43 529038.775 9251164.775 14.798 0.999610
IDG.44 528663.342 9251138.906 9.597 0.999610
IDG.45 527917.082 9251045.951 12.858 0.999610
IDG.46 527570.842 9251077.846 17.279 0.999609
IDG.51 525210.173 9252620.908 26.608 0.999608
BM.24 524790.107 9252116.283 32.895 0.999608
BM.25 524443.664 9251701.851 39.088 0.999607
BM.26 524235.821 9251439.483 41.463 0.999607
BM.27 523936.124 9251021.439 45.110 0.999607
BM24-1 524645.253 9251955.354 35.120 0.999607
BM26-1 524082.188 9251225.176 42.856 0.999607
BM27-1 523790.494 9250823.904 46.983 0.999607
BM.28 525030.143 9252819.329 26.774 0.999608
BM.29 524898.588 9253041.224 27.111 0.999608
BM.30 524797.963 9253241.702 25.895 0.999608
BM.31 524686.088 9253468.869 26.086 0.999608
BM.32 524573.620 9253697.693 26.253 0.999607
BM.33 524436.884 9253972.841 27.528 0.999607
BM.34 524324.342 9254200.965 30.747 0.999607

Draft Detailed Report

BM - Coordinates
Point n° Easting (X) Northing (Y) Height (Z) SF
BM.35 524178.677 9254498.386 33.254 0.999607
BM.36 524063.120 9254806.397 34.954 0.999607
BM.37 523824.962 9255589.699 21.273 0.999607
BM.38 523822.313 9255770.637 22.697 0.999607
BM.39 523755.318 9256143.123 34.948 0.999607
BM.40 523680.748 9256392.612 35.454 0.999607
BM.41 523631.063 9256554.075 33.915 0.999607
BM.42 523568.364 9256763.057 32.200 0.999607
BM.43 523481.633 9257049.349 29.589 0.999607
BM.44 523348.106 9257496.704 32.849 0.999607
BM.45 523221.732 9257922.528 33.835 0.999607
BM43-1 523415.911 9257269.446 30.388 0.999607
BM44-1 523277.395 9257732.324 32.079 0.999607
BM.46 522939.076 9258983.094 32.000 0.999606
BM.47 522863.311 9259263.709 32.626 0.999606
BM.48 522768.777 9259643.201 28.883 0.999606
BM.49 522686.323 9259976.951 25.943 0.999606
BM.50 522593.834 9260352.236 26.336 0.999606
BM.51 522477.479 9260834.058 40.053 0.999606
BM50-1 522551.227 9260531.868 31.903 0.999606
BM.52 521931.862 9261651.536 59.779 0.999606
BM.53 521572.990 9262175.560 52.070 0.999606
BM.54 521410.489 9262376.147 52.336 0.999606
BM.55 521330.184 9262497.503 47.239 0.999606
BM.56 521072.819 9262885.353 27.492 0.999605
BM.57 520907.121 9263132.590 30.726 0.999605
BM.58 520693.032 9263392.333 31.698 0.999605
BM52-1 521804.876 9261833.501 56.153 0.999606
BM55-1 521208.646 9262684.173 34.182 0.999606
BM.59 520001.310 9264175.468 28.090 0.999605
BM.60 519722.386 9264437.232 24.632 0.999605
BM.61 519494.281 9264703.747 23.040 0.999605
BM.63 519270.360 9264985.824 21.404 0.999605
BM.64 519012.788 9265214.041 20.612 0.999604
BM.65 518771.565 9265501.969 20.517 0.999604
BM65-1 518580.725 9265694.924 19.345 0.999604

Draft Detailed Report


Executive Summary
The principal purpose of the site investigation surveys is to recommend the type of
foundation for the proposed development on various bridges, overpass and crossing

The ground investigation was undertaken in accordance with the guidelines

presented in the European Codes of Practice, EC7, EN-1997-1:2004 Geotechnical
design, general rules and EN 1997-2: 2007 geotechnical design for ground
investigation and testing. The investigation has been undertaken by utilizing two (2)
exploratory boreholes at bridge, interchange, and pedestrian foot located at positions
determined from the various site layout and the current standards at the time the
work was undertaken.

The project route is located on the East Coastal Plains of Tanzania; areas which
form the low-lying lands and geologically consisting of sedimentary deposits that
range from Paleogene (66Ma) to Quaternary. Typical deposits of this timeline include
Kaolinitic sandstones, coral reef limestone, white buff sands and coral limestone
occurring in Dar es Salaam and alluvial deposits (clay, silt, sand, gravel, which are
recently deposited in the river valleys).

Exploratory boreholes for selected boreholes sites have shown that; silty SAND and
clayey SAND are the most dominant borehole materials for all bridge sites with
exception of Selander Bridge where clayey SAND, gravelly CLAY and limestone rock
is found. For Interchange sites, silty SAND and sandy CLAY are dominant borehole
materials found while clayey SAND appears to be dominant for all pedestrian
crossing sites.

The field test has shown that the SPT N values increase in some locations.
However, there is a decrease in strength with depth for all bridges. This indicates
that, the ground condition is changing depending on formation of the area.
Therefore, the design SPTN shall be based on the depth of the structure, however

Draft Detailed Report

the relationship between the depth and strength have been developed for design

For Undrained Condition (Clay area), the design SPTN equations have been
developed, with z value taken as 0 at the ground level and increases with depth (m),
below ground level. Undrained shear strength in the clay formation can be
approximated from SPT N results using the equation, Cu= f1 × N where f1 is
obtained from the graph in Figure 5-1 for determination of strength and Undrained
Young’s Modulus, Eu=360xCu.

It is recommended that deep foundations for the proposed development of bridges,

interchanges and pedestrian crossings to be installed. Depth of the foundation to be
determined at the time of undertaking structural design of the proposed structure. It
is further recommended that, the use of sump pumping or similar to collect water
from excavation when encountered during construction.

8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Background
The investigation started on 25th September 2019 and was carried out by SGC
Limited Consulting Engineers. The field work was scheduled for 45 days, completed
on 9th November 2019.

8.1.2 Scope of Investigation

The Scope of work as described in the Contract and Terms of Reference (ToR) for
this assignment is as summarized as follows;
• To undertake two (2) exploratory boreholes at different bridges (Tegeta,
Lugalo and Mlalakuwa, to a depth of investigation varies from 15m to 20m;
Selander Bridge to depth varies from 20m-40m, foot bridges/pedestrian
crossings to a depth of 6.0m and interchanges to a depth of 15m to 20m.
• To carry out in-situ testing and instrumentation of boreholes for checking
ground capillary rise (variable head permeability).
• To carryout subsurface ground conditions by logging the exploratory

Draft Detailed Report

• To carry out sampling for each borehole in accordance with the codes of
practise, schedule laboratory testing, analysis and interpretation of results
• To make recommendation for foundation design.

8.1.3 Objectives
The principal objective of ground investigation was to establish ground conditions at
the site, sufficient to identify possible foundation solutions for development and
provide parameters necessary for the design and construction of foundations.

To take borehole sampling for carrying out laboratory testing for the purpose of
classifying the soils and other parameters at the site for disposal and remedies of the
ground failure.

To interpreted the ground conditions and laboratory results for recommendation of

suitable foundation for the proposed structure/building.

8.1.4 Standards and Limitations

The overall approach to the investigation was undertaken in accordance with the
guidelines presented in European Codes of Practice, EC7, i.e. BS EN 1997-1:2004
Geotechnical design, General rules and BS EN 1997-2:2007 Geotechnical design-
for ground investigation and testing.

The ground investigation has been undertaken utilizing a number of exploratory

boreholes located at positions determined at from the current site layout, proposed
location of development works the likely ground conditions and the current standards
at the time the work was undertaken.

The extent of the ground investigation carried out was to provide a general overview
of ground conditions likely to be encountered on site. The investigations carried out
at the site will be suitable for outline, scheme and comprehensive design

Draft Detailed Report

Conditions on the site can vary with time and it is recommended that if development
is delayed, then consideration should be given to reviewing the findings of this
report, to ensure they are still valid and assess whether additional sampling and
testing would be required.

8.2 Site description and building locations

8.2.1 Proposed Development
The BRT Phase Infrastructure includes the widening of bridges at Selander,
Mlalakua, Lugalo and Tegeta; Proposed construction of Interchanges at Mbuyuni
and Goig junctions; Construction of Depots at Mbuyuni; Simu2000 and Kivukoni;
Terminal at Boko (DAWASA); Pedestrian (Foot bridges) crossings at Tegeta Nyuki,
Mlimani city and Makumbusho/Victoria; BRT stations at various locations. This Part I
report is intended for use for all bridges, interchanges and pedestrian crossing, a
separate report for Depots, Terminal and Bus station as Part II.

8.2.2 Topography
Dar es Salaam is located on the Coastal plains of Tanzania; areas which form the
low-lying lands with a number of hills in the eastern side as typically geological
setting elevations up to 1000 m above sea level (A.S.L). Most areas in the region
have been settled with few areas remaining under cultivation with scattered
settlements. Typical types of soils found include SAND and CLAYS soils with
moderate to good drainage.

The slope characteristics strongly determine the nature and intensity of soil erosion.
Subsequently, the topographical position influences the drainage and moisture
regime and has therefore a direct bearing on engineering foundations. Since the
area lie on the mouth of Indian oceans, vegetation are most mangrove woodland and
part of the soils are due to erosion resulting to consolidation of the natural ground.

8.2.3 Geology Regional Geology
Dar es Salaam is geologically located on the East coastal plain of Tanzania which
was among the result of the Continental rifting process which also led to formation of
the East African Rift System (EARS). The East Coastal plains consist of sedimentary

Draft Detailed Report

deposits that range from Paleogene to Quaternary, which are a reflection of

transgressive and regressive phases of the ocean which started in Jurassic times.
Typical deposits of this timeline include Lower Miocene Pugu Kaolinitic sandstones
which are overlain by clayish sands of Pliocene age; alluvial deposits (clay, silt,
sand, gravel, which are recently deposited in river valleys); Pleistocene coral reef
limestone which occurs at Wazo Hill, Kunduchi, Kimbiji and Tanga; sands of
Pleistocene to Holocene age with white buff sands and Holocene coral limestone
occurring in Oysterbay and Mtoni in Dar es Salaam

Figure 8.1: Generalized Geology and Geologic Section of Tanzania

(Semkimwa P. M et al, 2005) Local Geology and Soils

Dar es Salaam city is composed of mainly sands and silts mixed with clay, typical
characterized by most of sedimentary basins. The outcropping lithology of sites are
mainly silty clay and SAND with colour ranging moderate brown to Greyish green
and greenish black with few patches of grass ≤ 1m in height. Shallow subsurface
lithologies over the site area are briefly described in Table 3.4: Summary of Borehole
Ground conditions.

Draft Detailed Report

Soils in Dar es Salaam are evenly distributed as the city lies up to 100m above Mean
Sea level. Generally, the soils are categorized as SAND and loamy SAND with good
drainage properties. Along the project routes, the soils are changing SAND, loamy
SAND and CLAY from Tegeta toward Bibi Titi/Maktaba road Junction via Morocco.
Branch line from Ubungo to Mwenge appears to have silty SAND soils.

Figure 8.2: Soil Map of Tanzania including Dar es Salaam Features

8.3 Ground Investigation

8.3.1 Walkover Survey
A site walkover survey was undertaken by experienced Geotechnical Engineers on
September 2019 in a view to assess the site conditions and location of boreholes.
The field data collection/investigations started on 25th September 2019 to 9th
November 2019, whereby GPS location points over the drilled boreholes were
recorded. Positioning of the boreholes were decided to ensure that they are placed
within the vicinity of the proposed structure. The coordinates of boreholes location for

Draft Detailed Report

Bridges, Interchanges and Pedestrian crossing are presented in the tables 8.1, 8.2
and 8.3 below.

Table 8.1: Borehole Location for Bridges

1 TEGETA BH01 E 039.19100 S 06.67095
BH02 E 039.19151 S 06.67056
2 LUGALO BH01 E 039.21627 S 06.73601
BH02 E 039.21685 S 06.73590
3 MLALAKUWA BH01 E 039.22654 S 06.76032
BH02 E 039.22602 S 06.76056
4 SELANDER BH01 E 039.28133 S 06.79574
BH02 E 039.28149 S 06.79710

Table 8.2: Borehole location for Interchanges

1 Mbuyuni BH01 E 039.20352 S 06.68860
BH02 E 039.20406 S 06.68811
2 Goba BH01 E 039.21317 S 06.72400
BH02 E 039.21384 S 06.72455

Table 8.3: Borehole location for Pedestrian Crossing

1 Mlimani BH01 E 039.21936 S 06.77565
BH02 E 039.22051 S 06.77505
2 Mwenge BH01 E 039.22991 S 06.76462
BH02 E 039.22742 S 06.76268
3 Tegeta Kibaoni/Nyuki BH01 E 039.18135 S 06.65940
BH02 E 039.18197 S 06.65959

8.3.2 Fieldwork
The setting out of exploratory drilling equipment’s for the first bridge at Tegeta
boreholes was commenced on 25th September 2019 under the supervision of
experienced Engineers and drillers. The Rotary boring equipment’s were used for
drilling works. The drilling works of boreholes for each completed bridge were
terminated at 15.0m, 20m, 26m and 40m depth respectively below the ground level.
In accordance with the Terms of Reference (ToR) and European Standards (EC7) -
BS EN 1997-2:2007, two boreholes were drilled namely BH01 and BH02.

Draft Detailed Report

Until 13th October 2019, four (4) bridges were completed for ground investigation as
proposed for two boreholes at each site. The bridges include Tegeta Bridge, Lugalo
Bridge, Mlalakuwa Bridge and Selander Bridge. Investigation for pedestrian
crossings were carried on 19th, 22nd and 30th of October and interchanges on 2nd
to 9th of November 2019.

Figure 8.3: Drilling works at Selander Bridge (BH02) and Mbuyuni Interchange

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 8.4: Drilling works at Tegeta Bridge.

8.3.3 In-Situ Testing

The standard penetration value N-value is defined as the number of blows of 63.5 kg
hammer, falling through 760mm height, required to advance the spoon sampler
300mm into the soil (BS 13777 Part 9-1990).

Standard penetration testing incorporates a small diameter tube with a cutting shoe
known as the ‘split barrel sampler’ of about 650mm length, 50mm external diameter
and 35mm internal diameter. The sampler is forced dynamically using blows from
chain-driven windowless sampler. The cutting shoe is bedded 150mm into the soil
then the number of blows required to drive the sampler each 75mm up to a depth of
300mm is recorded. This is known as the “N” value. The SPT’s values were

Draft Detailed Report

measured at the interval of 1.50m deep consecutive up to the terminating depth i.e.
15m and 20m respectively.

The groundwater level was monitored for each borehole within 24 hours at different
time interval of 6 hours for the first 12hours of the first day and thereafter at the same
interval on the second day for each reading. The reading of water level for each
borehole was recorded. Standard Penetration Testing Results

Standard Penetration Testing (SPT-N values) has been undertaken at 1.50m
intervals for each of the exploratory boreholes to the terminating depth required. The
results in form of the Standard Penetration Resistance or N values are presented in
the table below;

Table 8.4: Standard Penetration test (SPT N) results for boreholes for
BH01 BH02 BH01 BH02 BH01 BH02 BH01 BH02
1.50 20 17 21 6 17 27 41 7
3.00 37 19 38 15 11 24 22 22
4.50 42 21 47 21 11 28 22 50
6.00 43 47 87 14 30 36 11 50
7.50 38 32 42 44 32 38 11 50
9.00 32 36 44 46 40 38 8 77
10.50 32 42 51 68 45 30 7 58
12.00 41 44 67 85 34 35 11 44
13.50 35+ 39 60 46 19 40 12 45
15.00 30 49 65 51 16 35 14 48
16.50 10 73 43 15 53
18.00 40 91 43 17 27
19.50 21 77 50 43 21
21.00 59 28
22.50 30 29
24.00 39 29
25.50 44 31
27.00 30
28.50 35
30.00 46

Draft Detailed Report

31.50 47
33.00 49
34.50 52
36.00 52
37.50 43
39.00 48

Table 8.5: Standard Penetration test (SPT N) results for boreholes on


Depth(m) BH01 BH02 BH01 BH02
1.50 10 10 7 8
3.00 15 16 10 13
4.50 16 30 25 22
6.00 25 23 20 23
7.50 27 32 32 15
9.00 21 18 35 24
10.50 36 26 33 27
12.00 46 25 41 34
13.50 48 35 32 52
15.00 40 27 36 63
16.50 30 53
18.00 49 33
19.50 48 41

Table 8.6: Standard Penetrations test (SPT N) results for boreholes on

Pedestrian Crossing
Depth(m) BH01 BH02 BH01 BH02 BH01 BH02
1.50 15 10 3 11 35 13
3.00 12 18 18 17 47 27
4.50 19 28 22 22 23
6.00 29 49 24 51 28

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 8.5: Standard Penetration Tests carried on the site at borehole 1

(BH01) with sample recovery at Lugalo Bridge Groundwater
The ground investigation conducted on the various location sites has revealed that,
there is existence of water below the ground level. These locations include Tegeta
bridge and Lugalo bridges and Tegeta Kibaoni and Mwenge junction. The initial
measurement was recorded after 12 hours on the completion of the drilling. The
water variations were recorded 24 hours after initial reading. It should be noted that,
these boreholes were drilled during dry to wet period, therefore it is anticipated that,
during the rainy season the rise of water table would be higher than the wet period
due to the nature and permeability of the soil. However, the rise of water table is not
expected where water rise was not available especially where the drilling place
during wet period and with occasional rains. The ground water rises and variation
records are shown in the table 8.7 below;

Draft Detailed Report

Table 8.7: Groundwater rise variation for proposed bridges along New
Bagamoyo road
01 02
INITIAL Reading(m) 13.5 12.4 7.8 5.3 NIL NIL 4.0 NIL
FINAL reading (aft. 24hrs)
11.2 12.0 3.5 4.8 NIL NIL NIL NIL
in meters

Table 8.8: Groundwater variation for proposed pedestrian crossing

INITIAL Reading(m) 2.2 NIL 2.0 NIL
FINAL reading (aft. 24hrs) 2.4 NIL 1.9 NIL

Figure 8.6: Groundwater level measurement at the boreholes

8.3.4 Sub-Surface Ground Conditions

The lithological sequence of strata encountered during ground investigation at the
site are resembles typical Geology of Tanzania-Karoo deposits. In this case, clastic

Draft Detailed Report

sedimentary sediments found deposited in layers over the area. The profiling and
logging of such strata were visualized on site and logging was done by the use of
software. Soil profiling for each borehole were taken as shown in the photo;

Figure 8.7: Soil strata and profiles from core box at Tegeta Bridge

Figure 8.8: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Lugalo Bridge

Figure 8.9: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Mlalakuwa Bridge

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 8.10: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Selander Bridge

Figure 8.11: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Mbuyuni Junction

Figure 8.12: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Goba Junction

The sequence of strata and ground conditions is will be presented in summary for
each bore on the draft report.

Draft Detailed Report

Table 8.9: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Selander

Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 3.00 Brownish Gravel Soil Manmade ground

BH01 3.00 3.80 Light Greyish silty SAND SAND soil

3.80 10.50 Grayish SAND & marine SAND soil

10.50 13.20 Darkish Gray CLAY & Silty CLAY
marine fragmts
13.20 18.20 Grayish clayey SAND Clayey SAND

18.20 19.00 Grayish fragments of Soft limestone

limestone ROCK
19.00 25.00 Grayish clayey SAND Clay SAND

0.00 0.50 Blackish SAND soil Decomposed ground

0.50 3.00 Brownish silty SAND Silty SAND

3.00 4.20 Blackish silty SAND Silty SAND

4.20 4.60 Light gray marine CLAY Clayey SAND

with SAND
4.60 8.00 Light Grey silt with Soft limestone
limestone fragm ROCK
8.00 19.70 Light gray Clays with rock Soft limestone
fragments ROCK
19.70 40.00 Limestone Rock Limestone ROCK

Table 8.10: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Mlalakuwa

Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 1.20 Greyish Black silty SAND Decomposed ground

BH01 1.20 4.00 Greyish Green silty CLAY WITH Clayey SAND
4.00 5.00 Blackish Red silty CLAY with SAND Clayey SAND
5.00 8.20 Grayish Green silty CLAY with Clayey SAND
8.20 10.00 Greenish Black silty CLAY with Clayey SAND
10.00 15.00 SAND
Greenish Gray silty CLAY with Clayey SAND
0.00 0.80 Light brown silty soil Decomposed ground
0.80 3.00 Light Gray Clayey SAND Clayey SAND
3.00 5.00 Greyish Green silty CLAY with Clayey SAND
5.00 10.00 Light Gray silty CLAY with SAND Clayey SAND
10.00 15.00 Greyish silty SAND Silty SAND
15.00 20.00 Greyish silty SAND Silty SAND

Draft Detailed Report

Table 8.11: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Lugalo Bridge
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) (m) Description Stratum
0.00 1.50 Light brown silty SAND Decomposed ground

BH01 1.50 3.00 Pale yellowish green CLAY with Clayey SAND
3.00 5.00 Greenish Black silty CLAY with Silty SAND
5.00 7.00 Brownish Black silty CLAY with Silty CLAY
7.00 9.00 Dark Greyish Gray silty CLAY with Clayey SAND
9.00 10.00 Light Greenish Gray CLAY with Clayey SAND
10.00 12.00 Yellowish Gray clayey SAND Clayey SAND
12.00 15.00 15.00 Greenish Black silty SAND Silty SAND

0.00 1.00 Light brown silty SAND Decomposed ground

1.00 2.90 Light Gray silty CLAY with SAND Silty SAND
BH02 2.90 4.00 Greenish Black silty CLAY Silty CLAY
4.00 7.80 Light Gray silty SAND Silty SAND
7.80 8.60 Light Greenish Gray Silty with SAND Silty SAND
8.60 10.00 Dark Greenish Gray CLAY with Clayey SAND
10.00 15.00 SAND
Light Bluish Gray silty SAND Silty SAND
15.00 20.00 Light Bluish Gray Clay with SAND Clayey SAND

Table 8.12: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Tegeta Bridge
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 1.00 Blackish silty CLAY with gravel Decomposed ground
1.00 2.20 Light grey clayey silty SAND Silty SAND
2.20 4.50 Yellowish orange silty SAND Silty SAND
4.50 5.20 Yellowish silty CLAY with sand Clayey SAND
5.20 13.25 Greyish Black Silty CLAY with Silty SAND
13.25 14.00 SANDGray silty CLAY with SAND
Light Silty SAND
14.00 20.00 Yellowish Gray CLAY GRAVEL GRAVELLY Clay

0.00 1.00 Topsoil, moderate brown SILTY Decomposed ground

1.00 2.00 Clay white Silt CLAY
Bluish Silty CLAY
2.00 3.00 Greenish Gray silty CLAY Silty CLAY
3.00 4.00 Greyish Black silty CLAY with SAND Silty SAND
4.00 5.00 Greenish Black silty CLAY with Silty SAND
5.00 9.00 Light Grey silty CLAY with SAND Silty SAND
9.00 10.00 Light brownish Gray sandy CLAY sandy CLAY
10.00 12.00 Greenish Black silty CLAY with Gravelly CLAY
12.00 15.00 Greenish Gray silty CLAY Silty CLAY

Draft Detailed Report

Table 8.13: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Mbuyuni

Borehole Top(m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m) (m)
0.00 0.40 Blackish red soil with gravel Fill material/layer
BH01 0.40 8.00 Red/reddish brown Silty SAND Silty SAND
8.00 12.00 Dusky red silty SAND Silty SAND
12.00 13.00 Red sandy SILT Sandy SILT
13.00 14.80 Moderate reddish-brown sandy SILT Sandy SILT
14.80 15.00 Grayish orange pink silty SAND Silty SAND

0.00 0.50 Blackish-Grayish orange soil with gravel Fill material/layer

0.50 8.00 Moderate reddish-brown SILT SILT
8.00 9.30 Moderate reddish-brown clay SILT Clay SILT
BH 02 9.30 11.00 Grayish pink silty CLAY Silty CLAY
11.00 13.00 Pale yellowish orange silty CLAY Silty CLAY
13.00 13.60 Pale yellowish orange CLAY with SAND Clayey SAND
13.60 16.00 Pale yellowish orange SAND SAND
16.00 17.20 Pale yellowish orange sandy SILT Sandy SILT
17.20 19.00 Pale yellowish orange clayey SAND Clayey SAND
19.00 20.00 Pale yellowish orange clayey SAND Clayey SAND

Table 8.14: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Goba

Borehole Top(m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m) (m)
BH01 0.00 0.85 Red soil with gravel material Fill material/layer
0.85 3.65 Dusky gray silty CLAY Silty CLAY
3.65 4.75 Grayish pink Clayey SILT Clayey SILT
4.75 5.00 Grayish pink SAND SAND
5.00 6.20 Dusky gray SAND SAND
6.20 9.00 Dusky gray silt CLAY Silty CLAY
9.00 12.00 Grayish clayey SAND Clayey SAND
12.00 13.70 Yellowish orange clayey SAND Clayey SAND
13.70 15.00 Grayish orange pink clayey SILT Clayey SILT

0.00 0.20 Medium gray SAND with gravel SAND soil

0.20 1.45 Reddish soil with gravel Fill material/layer
1.45 2.40 Dusky gray clay SAND Clay SAND
2.40 6.00 Medium gray SAND SAND
BH 02
6.00 10.00 Dusky gray clay SAND Clay SAND
10.00 13.40 Pale greenish yellow clay SAND Clay SAND
13.40 16.40 Grayish olive-green CLAY CLAY
16.40 20.00 Interbedded Grayish olive-green CLAY CLAY
and light red CLAY

Draft Detailed Report

Table 8.15: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Tegeta Kibaoni
Pedestrian footbridge
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.30 Whitish Grayish gravel material Fill material/layer
0.30 0.65 Brownish sand soil with gravel SAND
0.65 1.30 Blackish sand soil SAND
1.30 2.30 Light gray clay SAND Clay SAND
2.30 6.00 Grayish clay SILT Clay SILT

0.00 0.80 Blackish sand soil with gravel SAND

BH 02 0.80 1.00 Reddish brown silty sand Silty SAND
1.00 4.40 Grayish pink clayey SAND Clayey SAND
4.40 6.00 Grayish pink clayey SAND Clayey SAND

Table 8.16: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Mwenge
pedestrian footbridge
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.20 Grayish sand soil SAND
0.20 0.60 Reddish brown soil with gravel Fill material/layer
BH01 0.60 1.00 Blackish silty sand Silty SAND
1.00 1.60 Dusky gray silty SAND Silty SAND
1.60 6.00 Gray silty SAND Silty SAND

0.00 0.65 Reddish soil with gravel Fill material/layer

BH 02 0.65 1.00 Dusky gray sand SAND
1.00 2.00 Dusky gray clayey SAND Clayey SAND
2.00 6.00 Grayish clayey SAND Clayey SAND

Table 8.17: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Mlimani pedestrian
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 2.00 Dark gray silty CLAY Silty CLAY
2.00 2.40 Medium gray CLAY with SAND Clayey SAND
BH01 2.40 3.00 Dark gray silty CLAY Silty CLAY
0.00 0.80 Reddish brown soil with gravel Fill material/layer
BH 02 0.80 5.20 Grayish silty SAND Silty SAND
5.20 6.00 Medium gray clayey SAND Clayey SAND

Draft Detailed Report

8.3.5 Laboratory testing General
Soil sampling was conducted according to the current codes of practice i.e., BS EN
1997-2-2007 before scheduling for the testing. The SPT shoe sampling and
disturbed samples (DS) were taken from all boreholes. The laboratory testing was
scheduled at Drilling and Dam Construction Agency (DDCA) laboratories. The
detailed test results are presented in the Appendix 2 of this report. Geotechnical Testing Parameters

The programme for laboratory testing was carried out in accordance with BS EN
1997-2-2007 geotechnical design-for ground investigation and testing. Samples were
selected for testing to provide an accurate representation of ground conditions
encountered the following tests were carried out on the samples:
i. Particle Size Distribution (Grading)
ii. Natural Moisture Content
iii. Bulk Density/Unit Weight
iv. Atterberg Limits
v. Specific Gravity
vi. Linear Shrinkage
vii. Shear Strength
viii. Consolidation Classification Tests

Based on the laboratory tests on soil classification, the test results for grading have
shown that; borehole materials are mostly of clayey silty SAND and clayey SAND for
Tegeta Bridge; silty clayey SAND dominant for both borehole for Lugalo Bridge and
Mlalakuwa Bridge; while for Selander Bridge, silty sand and sandy gravelly Clay are
dominant for both boreholes.

For Interchanges, silty SAND is dominant for Mbuyuni JN interchange while Goba
Junction boreholes indicated to have silty SAND and sandy CLAY materials. Silty
clayey SAND is dominant borehole material found in all the proposed sites for
pedestrian footbridge.

Draft Detailed Report Natural Moisture Content

Natural water content at proposed sites varies as summarized below;

Natural Moisture Content (%)
Min. Max
Tegeta Bridge 3.19 30.54
Lugalo Bridge 4.31 19.56
Mlalakuwa Bridge 4.15 17.99
Selander Bridge 2.83 27.91

Natural Moisture Content range for Tegeta Bridge and Selander Bridge indicate that
the soil keeps water and become wet for long period due to the containment of clay
materials. The presence of high natural water content indicated also that; the
materials contain medium to stiff clay. Moisture content for Lugalo and Mlalakuwa
Bridges has indicated that there is more of SAND materials for explored boreholes
than clay contents.

Natural Moisture Content (%)
Min. Max
Mbuyuni Interchange 5.77 12.30
Goba JCT Interchange 5.40 25.20

Moisture Content range for Goba Junction Interchange indicates that the soil keeps
water and become wet for long period of time due to containment of clay materials.
Low to high content of clay is also indicated from the laboratory test results as soil
behavior changes with depth at this location.

Pedestrian crossing
Natural Moisture Content (%)
Min. Max
Tegeta Kibaoni/Nyuki 8.46 11.41
Mwenge 9.12 15.37
Mlimani 5.97 17.56

Draft Detailed Report Bulk density/Unit weights

The test results have shown the materials consist of weight/bulk density range of
different values for the boreholes and values to be used for foundation design are
recommended in the summary below;

Bulk Density (kN/m3)
Min. Max Recommended for foundation
Tegeta Bridge 17.86 18.94 17.9
Lugalo Bridge 17.89 18.94 17.9
Mlalakuwa Bridge 18.73 18.96 18.7
Selander Bridge 18.03 18.95 18.0

Bulk Density (kN/m3)
Min. Max Recommended for foundation
Mbuyuni 18.98 19.97 19.0
Goba 18.86 19.86 18.9

Bulk Density (kN/m3)
Min. Max Recommended for foundation
Tegeta Kibaoni/Nyuki 18.92 19.89 18.9
Mwenge 18.94 19.85 18.9
Mlimani 19.10 19.45 19.0 Atterberg Limits

Summary of Plasticity limits range values are presented in the table below;

The Atterberg limit results for bridges have shown that, the soil materials on the site
range from silty SAND to clayey soil of high plasticity. These properties are changing
with the depth below ground level. Summary of Plasticity limits range values is
presented in the table below;

Draft Detailed Report

No. BRIDGE Plasticity Limits (%)

Min. Max.
1. Tegeta Bridge 29.50 48.51
2. Lugalo Bridge 26.58 30.68
3. Mlalakuwa Bridge 33.69 41.23
4. Selander Bridge 18.28 28.55

The limit values for interchanges indicate that soil materials on the site range are
mainly silty SAND for Mbuyuni while Goba consist of sand CLAY and silty SAND as
dominant borehole materials. High Liquid limit values for Goba Junction indicates the
presence of clay materials of high plasticity for this site. Summary is presented in the
table below;

No. INTERCHANGE Plasticity Limits (%)

Min. Max.
1. Mbuyuni 12.58 18.33
2. Goba 20.56 37.92

Pedestrian crossing
Plasticity Limits for Pedestrian crossing have shown materials on the site are mostly
silty clayey SAND of medium plasticity with relatively minor changes with depth
below the ground level. Summary of Plasticity limits range values is presented in the
table below;

No. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING Plasticity Limits (%)

Min. Max.
1. Tegeta Kibaoni/Nyuki 20.65 45.82
2. Mwenge 14.06 26.74
3. Mlimani 21.81 29.17 Linear shrinkage

Summary of linear shrinkage for bridges, interchanges and Pedestrian crossing are
presented below;

Due to existence of silty and cohesive soils (CLAY properties), the materials has
shown to consist of medium to high shrinkage/swelling properties during the tests.
Generally, linear shrinkage for the soils from the boreholes range from 3.21% to

Draft Detailed Report

11.07%. This ability of soils to drastically change volume may cause damage to the
structures, such as cracks in the foundation.

Linear Shrinkage (%) Recommended for

Min Max foundation design
1. Tegeta Bridge 4.29 11.07 11.07
2. Lugalo Bridge 4.43 5.71 5.71
3. Mlalakuwa Bridge 3.57 4.64 4.64
4. Selander Bridge 3.21 4.64 4.64

Linear Shrinkage (%) Recommended for
Min Max foundation design
1. Mbuyuni 3.57 6.43 6.43
2. Goba 1.00 10.71 10.71

Pedestrian crossing
PEDESTRIAN Linear Shrinkage (%) Recommended for
CROSSING Min Max foundation design
1. Tegeta Kibaoni/Nyuki 5.71 11.43 11.43
2. Mwenge 4.29 7.50 7.50
3. Mlimani 5.36 7.86 7.86 Specific Gravity

The test has also indicated that materials for all bridges have average
Specific gravity of 2.66, hence recommended for the design purpose. Shear strength

The test results have shown the soil to consists of high shear strength, with values
ranging from C’= 13.14kN/m2 with angle shearing resistance ø’= 21° to C’=
30.5kN/m2 with angle shearing resistance ø’= 17°. From the tests results, it can be
concluded that the materials on the site consist of very soft to soft clay. For the
foundation design purpose of bridges, the shearing strength may be taken as
recommended in the table below;

Draft Detailed Report

Shear Strength parameters
Min. Max Recommended for
foundation design

C’ (kN/m2) ø’ () C’ (kN/m2) ø’ () C’ ø’ ()

Tegeta Bridge 20.2 18 30.5 17 30 17
Lugalo Bridge 18.04 18 19.42 18 19 18
Mlalakuwa 13.14
21 19.32 17 19 17
Selander Bridge 18.14 19 20.5 20 20 20

Shear Strength parameters
Min. Max Recommended for
foundation design

C’ ø’ ()
C’ (kN/m2) ø’ () C’ (kN/m2) ø’ ()
Mbuyuni 12.85 21 15.79 20 16 20
Goba Jn 16.18 18 37.85 15 38 15

Pedestrian crossing
Shear Strength parameters

Min. Max Recommended for foundation


C’ ø’ ()
C’ (kN/m2) ø’ () (kN/m2) ø’ ()
Tegeta Kibaoni 24.52 20 30.5 20 30 20
Mwenge 13.14 20 19.52 17 19 17
Mlimani 18.53 24 27.95 21 28 21 Consolidation
The test results for consolidation has shown the soil consist of coefficient of volume
compressibility, mv and coefficient of compressibility index, C varies as indicated in
the tables below;

Draft Detailed Report

Mv( m2/kN) Cc Mv (m2/kN) Cc
Tegeta Bridge 0.0332 0.245 0.0363 0.2719
Lugalo Bridge 0.0286 0.207 0.03335 0.2429
Mlalakuwa Bridge 0.0291 0.2041 0.036 0.2685
Selander Bridge 0.0294 0.2135 0.0351 0.2566

Mv( m2/kN) Cc Mv (m2/kN) Cc
Mbuyuni 0.012 0.0843 0.0143 0.1056
Goba 0.0165 0.1169 0.0441 0.3351

Pedestrian crossing
Min. Max
Mv( m2/kN) Cc Mv (m2/kN) Cc
Tegeta Kibaoni 0.0306 0.2276 0.0404 0.3061
Mwenge 0.0174 0.1298 0.0202 0.1531
Mlimani 0.0173 0.123 0.034 0.25

8.3.6 Interpretation of Laboratory Parameters for Foundation Design General
It is understood that the proposed Development of BRT Phase-4 Infrastructure
includes the widening of bridges at Selander, Mlalakuwa, Lugalo and Tegeta;
Proposed construction of Interchanges at Mbuyuni and Goig junctions; Pedestrian
(Foot bridges) crossings at Tegeta Nyuki, Mlimani city and Mwenge.

This report has been prepared independently based on the terms of reference
obtained from client representative herein after is called AQGOLA Engineering &
Management Services Limited to carry out Geotechnical Investigation Surveys for
BRT Infrastructures Phase 4. The geotechnical assessment is based on the in-situ
laboratory testing described in this report (Part I. Bridges, Interchanges and
Pedestrian Crossings) together with the soil descriptions on the exploratory borehole
logs and its summary.

Draft Detailed Report Classification
One hundred and fifteen (115) tests on particle size distribution were conducted for
all boreholes for bridges of which SPTs samples were taken to the laboratory `for
testing. The laboratory classification has indicated about 14%-45% of total weight of
samples is composed of Silt CLAY. The percentage of Sand varies between 57%-
91%particles while the percentage of gravel is less than 10%. In this case, the
percentage of silt CLAY and clayey SAND indicate that the site has accumulated fine
particles/residual soil transported by sea waves and consolidated into the place for
long time forming loose sand to soft CLAYS. Strength
The field test has shown the SPT N values to increase in some location. However,
there is a decrease in strength with depth for all bridges. This indicates that, the
ground condition is changing depending on formation of the area. The SPTN values
for Tegeta Bridge, SPT-N values ranges from 17 to 44 and with refusal state at
13.5m depth below ground level. For Lugalo Bridge SPT N values range from 6 to 91
with progressive increase for each borehole which indicate increase in strength.
SPT-N values for Mlalakuwa Bridge varies from 11 to 50 with minor changes in SPT
N values due to change in strength while for Selander Bridge SPT N values range
from 7 to 77 with occurrence of change in strength as depth increase.

For Interchanges, SPTN values varies 10 to 49 and 7 to 43 for Mbuyuni and Goba
respectively, therefore 10 and 7 can be taken as design SPTN strength values for
Mbuyuni and Goba interchange.

For Pedestrian crossings, SPTN values varies from 3 to 51 with progressive increase
in SPTN values for each site, however the largest results are not soil characteristics,
therefore the outliers shall be excluded in the design. Therefore, the design SPTN
shall be based on the depth of the structure, however the relationship between the
depth and strength have been developed for design purpose. For this case, the
design SPTN values can be derived from the following equations whereby the initial
measurement is taken at 1.5m below the ground level.

Draft Detailed Report

Equation 1: Selander Bridge: SPTN = 1.48Z + 10.5 where Z is 0 at ground level

…………………………………………………………………….…… (1)
Equation 2: Mlalakuwa Bridge: SPTN = 0.87Z + 18.3 where Z is 0 at ground
level …………………………………………………………………… (2)
Equation 3: Lugalo Bridge: SPTN = 4.0Z + 4.0 where Z is 0 at ground level
……..…………………………………………………………………… (3)
Equation 4: Tegeta Bridge: SPTN = 2.15Z + 17.0 where Z is 0 at ground level
………………………………………………………………………..… (4)
Equation 5: Mbuyuni interchange: SPTN = 1.5Z + 12 where Z is 0 at ground
level ……………………………………………………………..……… (5)
Equation 6: Goba Jct interchange: SPTN = 2.3Z + 7.0 where Z is 0 at ground
level…………………………………………………………………...… (6)
Equation 7: Tegeta Nyuki Crossing: SPTN = 3.27Z + 6.5 where Z is 0 at ground
level …………………………………………………………………… (7)
Equation 8: Mwenge Crossing: SPTN = 0.87Z + 18.3 where Z is 0 at ground
level …………………………………………………………...……… (8)
Equation 9: Mlimani Crossing: SPTN = 2.73Z + 12.5 where Z is 0 at ground level
…………………………………………………………………….…… (9)

8.3.7 Stiffness Clay Formation
The SPT N for clay formation range between 9 and 23, however the largest results
are not soil characteristics. Therefore, the design SPT N values for bridges shall be
taken as N equals to 22, 17, 15 and 17 for Selander, Mlalakuwa Lugalo and Tegeta
respectively. For interchanges, design SPTN value shall be taken as 10. Design
SPTN values for pedestrian crossing shall be taken as 10, 11 and 13 for Tegeta
Nyuki, Mwenge and Mlimani respectively.

Undrained shear strength in the clay formation can be approximated from SPT N
results using the equation
Cu= f1 × N ………………………………………………. (1) where N is design SPTN on
a clay formation

Draft Detailed Report

[Clayton, CIRIA Report 143, Standard Penetration Test (SPT): Methods and Use,
1995]. The Plasticity Index PI for the sampled soil is considered high when it more
than 14%. For the design purposes, the highest PI shall be considered. The value
of f1 may be obtained from Stroud and Butler Graph shown in the figure below.

Figure 8.13: The graph of f1 vs. PI (Stroud and Buter) for

determination of shear strength

Hence the cautions Undrained shear strength: cu=f1N……………… (1),

when eliminating uncharacteristically high values for SPT N.
A value for undrained Young’s Modulus (Eu) can be found from;
Eu= 360 × cu ……………………………………………. (2) Non-Cohesive Soils Formation

The drained Young’s Modulus can be found from the undrained condition by
referring to [Padfield and Sharrock, CIRIA Special Publication 27, Settlement of
Structures on Clay Soils, 1983];

The Effective Young’s Modulus is found from the equation, E’=0.6Eu (3)
Or in considering volume compressibility, mv, the drained modulus can be deduced

Draft Detailed Report

mv=1/E’…………………………………………………………………… (4)
[Padfield and Sharrock, CIRIA Special Publication 27, Settlement of
Structures on Clay Soils, 1983]

However, the value for the Young’s Modulus in Sand/Gravel can be

approximated directly by;
E’/N = 1.25 MPa (Clayton, CIRIA Report 143, 1995) where is design
SPT N values.

Therefore, an E’ value of 10MPa is recommended based on SPT

results for the design of foundations. However, for deep foundation, the
clay characteristic shall be taken into consideration. Geotechnical Engineering Assessment

Geotechnical engineering assessment was based on in-situ and laboratory test, soil
description recorded on the exploratory borehole’s records and the interpreted
ground model described. Foundation Assessment

The analyses of the results have shown that the SPT N values increase with depth,
hence the bearing capacity of the ground. The site is characterized by silty SAND
with some pockets of CLAYEY soil (swelling soil) which is also called expansive
soils. In this occurrence of clays, when the soil is partially saturated or wet, they
increase in volume. The soil shrinks greatly on drying and develops cracks on the
surface. The existence of Clays increases the friction resistance to deep foundation
and act as end bearing if extended to enough depth. The bearing resistance of the
foundations can be determined by structural Engineer using the formula described
on section 6.3 and 6.4 below. Swelling of the Soil

The swelling tendencies of expansive soils are quantified by the swell potential and
swell pressure parameters. The swell pressure of a soil is the external pressure that
needs to be placed over a swelling soil to prevent volume increase while the swell

Draft Detailed Report

potential of a soil in comparison is the magnitude of heave of a soil for a given final
water content and loading condition.

The swell potential of clay can be identified based on the concept of

swell index, Is (Vijayvergiya and Gazzaly, 1973)
Where wn= natural moisture content (%)
WL= liquid limit (%)
Swelling potential of the soil is given as a function of the plasticity index
by the formula (Seed et al. 1962) as;
SP=60KIp2.24 where Sp= swelling potential
Ip= plastic index
K= 3.6×10-5, a factor for clay content between
8% and 65%
From figure, minimum swelling pressure required to prevent volume
expansion of the soil in the proposed site is between 30kPa and

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 8.14: Relationship between swell index and liquid limit for clay soil
Chen, 1988) Drained Condition

R⁄A′ = c ′Nc bc sc ic + q′Nq bq sq iq + 0.5γ′B′Nγ bγ sγ iγ
where A′ = B′xL′,the design effective foundation area
with the design values of dimensionless factors for:
— the bearing resistance:
Nq = eπtanφ′ tan2 (45 + φ′⁄2)
Nc = (Nq − 1)cotφ′
Nγ = 2(Nq − 1)tanφ′ , where δ ≥ φ′ ⁄2 (rough base)
-the inclination of the foundation base
bc = bq − (1 − bq )⁄(Nc tanφ′ )

Draft Detailed Report

bq = bγ = (1 − α. tanφ′ )2
— the shape of foundation:
sq = 1 + (B′ ⁄L′ ) sin φ′ , for rectangular shape
sq = 1 + sin φ′ , for a square or circular shape
sγ = 1 − 0.3(B′ ⁄L′ , for rectangular shape
sγ = 0.7 , for a square or circular shape
sc = (sq . Nq )⁄(Nq − 1) , for resctangular, square or circular shape

— the inclination of the load, caused by a horizontal load H:

ic = iq − (1 − iq )⁄(Nc tanφ′)
iq = [1 − H⁄(V + A′c′cotφ′)]
iγ = iq Undrained conditions

(1) The design bearing resistance may be calculated from:
R⁄A′ = (π + 2)cu bc ic + q
with the dimensionless factors for:
— the inclination of the foundation base: bc = 1 − 2α⁄(π + 2)
— the shape of the foundation:
sc = 1 + 0.2(B′⁄L′) , for a rectangular shape;
sc =1.2, for a square or circular shape.
— the inclination of the load, caused by a horizontal load H:
1 H
ic = 2 (1 + √(1 − A′ c ) with H ≤ A′ cu
u Excavations
According to the site assessment, the site does not require specialised technology
for excavations during construction. Care shall be taken when water rises from the
ground which eventually requires prevention either by pumping or using
impermeable wall system. The use of sump pumping or similar to collect water from
excavation during construction is recommended.

Draft Detailed Report Conclusion and Recommendations

The following are recommendations for development of BRT infrastructures for
bridges, interchanges and pedestrian crossing foundations;

Bridges; Deep foundations is proposed. Depth of the foundation to be determined at

the time of undertaking structural design of the proposed bridge.

Interchanges; Deep foundation is recommended for interchange sites with

foundation depth to be determined at the time of structural design.

Pedestrian Crossing; deep foundation is recommended. Depth of the foundation to

be determined at the time of undertaking structural design.

Executive Summary
The principal purpose of the site investigation surveys is to recommend the type of
foundation for the proposed development on various, terminals, depots buildings and
BRT stations to be proposed.

The ground investigation was undertaken in accordance with the guidelines

presented in the European Codes of Practice, EC7, EN-1997-1:2004 Geotechnical
design, general rules and EN 1997-2: 2007 geotechnical design for ground
investigation and testing. The investigation has been undertaken by utilizing two (2)
exploratory boreholes at terminals & depots and one (1) at each proposed BRT

The project route is located on the East Coastal Plains of Tanzania; areas which
form the low-lying lands and geologically consisting of sedimentary deposits that
range from Paleogene (66Ma) to Quaternary. Typical deposits of this timeline include
Kaolinitic sandstones, coral reef limestone, white buff sands and coral limestone
occurring in Dar es Salaam and alluvial deposits (clay, silt, sand, gravel, which are
recently deposited in the river valleys). Exploratory boreholes have seen to consist of
mostly silty SAND. CLAY sands are dominated on few boreholes at Tank Bovu and

Draft Detailed Report

Mjengoni (UDSM Hostel) where CLAY of high and low plasticity is found

Field tests have shown that Standard Penetration Test (SPT-N value) for values for
depots varies from 6 to 45 with progressive increase with depth. Hence for drained
condition, design SPTN values can be taken as equation for straight line; SPTN= 6 +
6Z, where SPT N is starting at 1.5m below ground level. The Young’s Modulus in
Sand/Gravel can be approximated directly by; E’/N = 1.25 MPa (Clayton, CIRIA
Report 143, 1995) where is design SPT N values.

For Undrained Condition (Clay area), the design SPTN= 8 + 3.0 Z, where z is 0 at
1.5m below ground level and increases with depth, in meters, below ground level.
Undrained shear strength in the clay formation can be approximated from SPT N
results using the equation, Cu= f1 × N where f1=4.5 and Undrained Young’s
Modulus, Eu=360xCu.

It is recommended that shallow foundations with structure that can be kept isolated
from the swelling effects of the soils. This consists of pad or strip for Bus stations
surrounded by high quality materials i.e., materials with CBR >15%. For drained sites
such as Mbuyuni and Mawasiliano for short buildings and raft foundation for tall
building greater than two (4) storeys and for areas with low land areas. The building
foundations shall be raised to about 0.9m above ground level to avoid water

8.4 Scope of Investigations

The Scope of work as described in the Contract and Terms of Reference (ToR) for
this assignment is as summarized as follows;
(i) To undertake two (2) exploratory boreholes at Depots, Foot bridges and
Terminals to a depth of 4.5m-6.0m
(ii) To undertake two (1) exploratory boreholes for each BRT stations to a
depth of 3.0m.
(iii) To carry out in-situ testing and instrumentation of boreholes for checking
ground capillary rise (variable head permeability).

Draft Detailed Report

(iv) To carryout subsurface ground conditions by logging the exploratory

(v) To carry out sampling for each borehole in accordance with the codes of
practise, schedule for laboratory testing, analysis and interpretation of
results and.
(vi) To make recommendation for foundation design.

8.4.1 Objectives
The principal objective of ground investigation was to establish ground conditions at
the site, sufficient to identify possible foundation solutions for development and
provide parameters necessary for the design and construction of foundations.
(i) To take borehole sampling for carrying out laboratory testing for the
purpose of classifying the soils and other parameters at the site for
disposal and remedies of the ground failure.
(ii) To interpreted the ground conditions and laboratory results for
recommendation of suitable foundation for the proposed structure/building.

8.4.2 Standards and Limitations

The overall approach to the investigation was undertaken in accordance with the
guidelines presented in European Codes of Practice, EC7, i.e., BS EN 1997-1:2004
Geotechnical design, General rules and BS EN 1997-2:2007 Geotechnical design-
for ground investigation and testing.

The ground investigation has been undertaken utilizing a number of exploratory

boreholes located at positions determined at from the current site layout, proposed
location of development works, the likely ground conditions and the current
standards at the time the work was undertaken.

The extent of the ground investigation carried out was to provide a general overview
of ground conditions likely to be encountered on site. The investigations carried out
at the site will be suitable for outline, scheme and comprehensive design

Draft Detailed Report

Conditions on the site can vary with time and it is recommended that if development
is delayed, then consideration should be given to reviewing the findings of this
report, to ensure they are still valid and assess whether additional sampling and
testing would be required.

8.4.3 Ground Investigation Walkover Survey
A site walkover survey was undertaken by experienced Geotechnical Engineers on
September 2019 in a view to assess the site conditions and location of boreholes.
The field data collection/investigations started on 25th September 2019 to 9th
November 2019, whereby GPS location points over the drilled boreholes were
recorded. Positioning of the boreholes were decided to ensure that they are placed
within the vicinity of the proposed structure. The coordinates of boreholes location for
terminals, depots and BRT stations are presented in the tables 1.18 and 8.19 below.

Table 8.18: Borehole Location for Depots and Terminal

1 Mbuyuni BH01 E 039.20338 S 06.68508
BH02 E 039.20314 S 06.68440
BH03 E 039.20350 S 06.68669
2 2000/Mawasiliano BH01 E 039.21529 S 06.78821
BH02 E 039.21613 S 06.78745
1 DAWASA BH01 E 039.16714 S 06.64330
BH02 E 039.16812 S 06.64423

Table 8.19: Borehole location for BRT Stations

1 Aga khan BH01 E 039.28616 S 06.80550
2 Selander BH01 E 039.28042 S 06.79291
3 Ubalozi BH01 E 039.27849 S 06.78829
4 Mbuyuni BH01 E 039.27400 S 06.78072
5 Morocco BH01 E 039.26575 S 06.77709
6 Victoria BH01 E 039.25530 S 06.77833
7 Mpakani BH01 E 039.22530 S 06.76850
8 Mlimani-roundabout BH01 E 039.22205 S 06.77295
9 Mjengoni BH01 E 039.21426 S 06.78246
10 Super-Lugalo BH01 E 039.22048 S 06.74928
11 Tank Bovu BH01 E 039.21579 S 06.73079

Draft Detailed Report


12 Goig BH01 E 039.21212 S 06.72073
13 Interchick BH01 E 039.21212 S 06.71230
14 Afrikana BH01 E 039.20778 S 06.70243
15 Kituo Kipya BH01 E 039.20499 S 06.69112
16 JKT BH01 E 039.19747 S 06.68002
17 Bondeni BH01 E 039.19263 S 06.67341
18 Azania BH01 E 039.18629 S 06.66434
19 Namanga BH01 E 039.17470 S 06.65157 Fieldwork
The setting out of exploratory drilling equipment’s for the first Depot at Mawasiliano
was commenced on 14th October 2019 to under the supervision of experienced
Engineers and drillers. The investigations were conducted in accordance with the
Terms of Reference (ToR) and European Standards (EC7) - BS EN 1997-2:2007.

The Rotary boring equipment’s were used for drilling works. The drilling works for
each completed Depot Terminal was terminated at 4.50m and 6.0m respectively
from the ground level. However, for Bus stations, the drilling works terminated at
3.0m from the ground level.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 8.15: Drilling works at Super-Lugalo and Morocco Station using Rotary
Drilling equipment and Hand Auger respectively. In-Situ Testing

The standard penetration value N-value is defined as the number of blows of 63.5 kg
hammer, falling through 760mm height, required to advance the spoon sampler
300mm into the soil (BS 13777 Part 9-1990).

Standard penetration testing incorporates a small diameter tube with a cutting shoe
known as the ‘split barrel sampler’ of about 650mm length, 50mm external diameter
and 35mm internal diameter. The sampler is forced dynamically using blows from
chain-driven windowless sampler. The cutting shoe is bedded 150mm into the soil
then the number of blows required to drive the sampler each 75mm up to a depth of
300mm is recorded. This is known as the “N” value. The SPT’s values were
measured at the interval of 1.50m deep consecutive up to the terminating depth i.e.
15m and 20m respectively.

The groundwater level was monitored for each borehole within 24 hours at different
time interval of 6 hours for the first 12hours of the first day and thereafter at the same
interval on the second day for each reading. The reading of water level for each
borehole was recorded. Standard Penetration Testing Results

Standard Penetration Testing (SPT-N values) has been undertaken at 1.50m
intervals for each of the exploratory boreholes to the terminating depth required. The
results in form of the Standard Penetration Resistance or N values are presented in
the table below;

Draft Detailed Report

Table 8.20: Standard Penetration test (SPT N) results for boreholes for Depots
and Terminal
Depth(m) BH01 BH02 BH03 BH01 BH02 BH01 BH02
1.50 15 18 6 15 14 28 14
3.00 36 38 11 40 30 22 21
4.50 40 45 17 42 23 27 33
6.00 36 25

Table 8.21: Standard Penetration test (SPT N) results for BRT Stations
Depth (m)
1 Aga khan BH-01 10 31
2 Selander BH-01 9 14
3 Ubalozi BH-01 29 38
4 Mbuyuni BH-01 10 26
5 Morocco BH-01 8 22
6 Victoria BH-01 18 13
7 Mpakani BH-01 6 18
8 Mlimani-roundabout BH-01 5 14
9 Mjengoni-UDSM Hostel BH-01 3 9
10 Super-Lugalo BH-01 24 19
11 Tank Bovu BH-01 8 17
12 Goig BH-01 6 19
13 Interchick BH-01 10 17
14 Afrikana BH-01 13 16
15 Kituo Kipya BH-01 6 8
16 JKT BH-01 4 6
17 Bondeni BH-01 7 23
18 Azania BH-01 21 26
19 Namanga BH-01 12 18

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 8.16: Standard Penetration Tests carried on the site at borehole 1

(BH01) with sample recovery at Mawasiliano/Simu 2000 Depot Groundwater
The investigation conducted on the boreholes over the sites has revealed that
depots, terminal and BRT station locations had no water below the ground level. It
should be noted that, these boreholes were drilled during the wet period and
occasional rains, therefore it is not anticipated the rise of water table during the dry
period, however due to nature and the permeability of the soil the influence of water
from external phenomenon such as pipping and collapse of drainage system may
occur. Sub-Surface Ground Conditions

The lithological sequence of strata encountered during the ground investigation at
the site resembles typical Geology of Tanzania-Karoo deposits. In this case, clastic
sedimentary sediments were deposited in layers over the area. The profiling and

Draft Detailed Report

logging of such strata were visualized on site and logging was done by the use of
software. Soil profiling for each borehole were taken as shown in the photos below;

Figure 8.17: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Mawasiliano
Depot (BH01 & BH02)

Figure 8.18: Soil strata layout and profiles at Mbuyuni Depot-BH03

Figure 8.19: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Agha Khan

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 8.20: Soil strata layout and profiles from core box at Morocco

Figure 8.21: Soil strata layout and profile from core box at Mjengoni-
UDSM Hostel Station

Figure 8.22: Soil strata and profile from core box at Tank Bovu station

Draft Detailed Report

The summary sequence of strata and ground conditions will be presented in

summary for each bore on the report.

Table 8.22: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for Mbuyuni Depots
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.40 Blackish top soil Decomposed ground
0.40 2.60 Moderate reddish-brown sandy SILT Sandy SILT
BH01 2.60 4.50 Moderate reddish-brown SILT SILT
0.00 0.80 Dusky brown top soil Decomposed ground
BH 02 0.80 3.70 Moderate reddish-brown SAND SAND
3.70 4.50 Moderate reddish orange SAND SAND
0.00 0.20 Moderate orange pink Sand soil SAND
BH 03 0.20 0.35 Grayish red SAND SAND
0.35 0.60 Very dusky red Sand SAND
0.60 4.50 Moderate reddish-brown Sand SAND

Table 8.23: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for SIMU

2000/Mawasiliano Depots
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.40 Asphalt concrete + fine gravel Pavement layer
0.40 0.70 Reddish brown soil with gravel Fill materials/layer
0.70 2.7 Pale red silty Clay Silty CLAY
2.70 6.00 Grayish pink silty Clay Silty CLAY

0.00 0.40 reddish top soil with gravel Fill materials/layer

BH 02 0.40 1.50 Grayish orange pink SAND SAND
1.50 4.00 Pale red sand SILT SILT
BH02 4.00 6.00 Grayish orange pink clay SILT Clay SILT

Table 8.24: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for DAWASA

Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.50 Moderate brown SAND soil SAND
0.50 3.00 Grayish orange SAN SAND
3.00 4.50 Blackish sand soil SAND

0.00 0.15 Grayish orange pink SAND soil SAND

BH 02 0.15 0.35 Dark brown soil with gravel Fill material/layer
0.35 0.90 Blackish clayey SILT Clayey SILT
0.90 2.00 Light brown clayey SAND Clayey SAND
BH02 2.00 4.5 Grayish orange SAND SAND

Draft Detailed Report

Table 8.25: Summary of boreholes and ground conditions for BRT stations
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.35 Blackish/reddish soil with gravel Fill material/layer
0.35 1.00 Very dusk red SAND SAND
1.00 2.20 Moderate brown SAND SAND
2.20 3.00 Grayish silty SAND Silty SAND
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.50 Blackish sand soil SAND
0.50 0.90 Light brown SAND SAND
0.90 3.00 Whitish orange SAND SAND
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.30 Blackish sand soil SAND
0.30 0.70 Moderate reddish-brown silty SAND Silty SAND
0.70 3.00 Light red soil with gravel Fill material/layer
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
BH01 0.00 0.20 Blackish top soil(sand) SAND
0.20 3.00 Light red soil with gravel Fill material/layer
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.40 Blackish top soil with gravel Decomposed ground
0.40 1.00 Very dusky red silty SAND Silty SAND
1.00 2.80 Moderate reddish-brown silty SAND Silty SAND
2.80 3.00 Soft limestone rock Limestone
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.20 Blackish top soil Decomposed ground
0.20 0.40 Reddish brown soil with gravel Fill material/layer
0.40 1.60 Blackish red SAND SAND
1.60 2.50 Grayish SAND SAND
2.50 3.00 Pale red silty SAND Silty SAND
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.60 Reddish brown sand soil with gravel Fill material/layer
0.60 1.00 Moderate brown sand SAND

Draft Detailed Report

1.00 3.00 Grayish red clayey SAND Clayey SAND

MLIMANI Roundabout
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.25 Blackish top soil Decomposed ground
0.25 0.50 Reddish soil with gravel Fill material/layer
0.50 2.50 Dark Gray silty CLAY Silty CLAY
2.50 3.00 Medium Gray clayey SAND Clayey SAND
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.50 Light Gray SAND SAND
0.50 1.60 Dark Gray silty CLAY Silty CLAY
1.60 3.00 Medium Gray silty CLAY Silty CLAY
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.30 Blackish soil with gravel Fill material/layer
0.30 0.70 Dark red/brown reddish silty CLAY Silty CLAY
0.70 3.00 Brownish-pale red silt SILT
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.50 Brownish/reddish brown soil with Fill material/layer
BH01 gravel
0.50 1.25 Blackish CLAY (black cotton clay) CLAY
1.25 3.00 Dark Gray CLAY CLAY
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 3.00 Dusky Gray soft CLAY CLAY
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.25 Blackish soil with gravel Fill material/layer
0.25 1.00 Dusky Gray clayey SAND Clayey SAND
1.00 3.00 Dusky Gray soft CLAY CLAY
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 2.00 Blackish red sandy SILT Sandy SILT
2.00 3.00 Grayish red SILT SILT
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.30 Moderate brown SAND with gravel SAND

Draft Detailed Report

BH01 0.30 1.00 Dusky brown SAND SAND

1.00 3.00 Moderate reddish-brown silty SAND Silty SAND

Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
BH01 0.00 0.40 Light red soil with gravel Fill material/layer
0.40 3.00 Dusky red sandy SILT Sandy SILT
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.30 Medium gray sand soil SAND
0.30 1.00 Dusky red sandy SILT Sandy SILT
1.00 3.00 Grayish clayey SILT Clayey SILT
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.30 Dark gray/black soil with gravel Fill material/layer
0.30 1.60 Blackish clayey SILT Clayey SILT
1.60 3.00 Grayish clayey SAND Clayey SAND
Borehole Top (m) Base(m) Description Stratum
(BH) (m)
0.00 0.20 Light Gray SAND SAND
0.20 0.45 Reddish brown soil with gravel Fill material/layer
0.45 0.70 Grayish red SAND SAND
0.70 1.20 Dark gray SAND SAND
1.20 2.20 Light gray SAND SAND
2.20 3.00 Moderate red silty SAND Silty SAND

8.4.4 Laboratory testing General
Soil sampling was conducted according to the current codes of practice i.e. BS EN
1997-2-2007 before scheduling for the testing. The SPT shoe sampling and
disturbed samples (DS) were taken from all boreholes. The laboratory testing was
scheduled at Drilling and Dam Construction Agency (DDCA) laboratories. The
detailed test results are presented in the Appendix 2 of this report.

Draft Detailed Report Geotechnical Testing Parameters

The programme for laboratory testing was carried out and samples were selected for
testing to provide an accurate representation of ground conditions encountered. The
following tests were carried out on each sample:
i. Particle Size Distribution (Grading)
ii. Natural Moisture Content
iii. Bulk Density/Unit Weight
iv. Atterberg Limits
v. Specific Gravity
vi. Linear Shrinkage
vii. Shear Strength
viii. Consolidation Classification Tests

Based on the laboratory tests on soil classification, the test results for grading have
shown that; borehole materials consist mostly silty SAND for DAWASA; sandy CLAY
dominated for both boreholes at Mawasiliano/Simu 2000; while for Mbuyuni depot,
silty SAND is the dominant material from the boreholes. Most BRT stations sites are
dominated by silty SAND with notable exceptions at Tank Bovu and UDSM Hostel
(Mjengoni) where highly CLAY is dominant with low plasticity. Natural Moisture Content

Depots and Terminal
Natural water content at the Mawasiliano/Simu 2000 Depot varies from 3.22% to
11.68% while for Mbuyuni depot it varies from 4.33% to 10.7%. For DAWASA
Terminal, natural moisture content varies from 2.27% to 11.32%. All these locations
have low to high content of clay, however the soil behaviour change with depth

BRT Stations
Moisture Content values for stations range from 3.26% to 22.95%. Tank Bovu station
has high moisture content due to containment of clay materials which keeps water
and become wet for long period of time. Also, from the test results Agha Khan has
low moisture content values having low to non-plastic soils.

Draft Detailed Report Bulk density/Unit weights

The test results have shown the materials consist of weight/bulk density range of
different values for the boreholes and values to be used for foundation design are
recommended in the summary below;

Depots and Terminal

Bulk density (kN/m3) Recommended for
No. Min Max foundation design
1. Simu 2000/Mawasiliano Depot 18.6 19.69 18.6
2. Mbuyuni Depot 18.64 19.72 18.6
3. DAWASA Terminal 17.86 18.42 17.9

BRT Stations
Bulk density/unit weight values for BRT Stations have been summarized in Table
4.1. Atterberg Limits

Depots and Terminal
The Atterberg limit results have shown that, the soil materials on the site range from
silty SAND to clayey silty SAND of medium to low plasticity. These properties are
mostly uniform with increasing depth below ground level for depots and terminal.
Summary of Plasticity limits range values is presented in the table below;

No. Plasticity Limits

Min. Max.
1. Simu 2000/Mawasiliano Depot 14.25 41.78
2. Mbuyuni Depot 13.06 19.48
3. DAWASA Terminal 14.09 27.62

BRT Stations
Generally, plasticity limits for stations range from 10.14% to 35.91%, indicating most
materials from boreholes are of medium plasticity.

Draft Detailed Report

Laboratory test results have indicated materials of medium to high plasticity from
Super-Lugalo station to Azania Station with notable high plastic materials at Tank
Bovu. These materials range from silty CLAY to clayey SAND of medium plasticity.

From Agha Khan to Victoria Station together with stations between Ubungo-Mwenge
branch line have indicated low to non-plastic soils. Summary of Plasticity limits range
for station has been presented in Table 4.1. Linear shrinkage

Due to existence of silty and cohesive soils (CLAY properties), the materials have
shown to consist of medium to high shrinkage/swelling properties during the tests.
This ability of soils to drastically change volume may cause damage to the
structures, such as cracks in the foundation.

Depots and Terminal

Generally, linear shrinkage for the soils from the boreholes range from 4.11% to

No. Linear Shrinkage (%) Recommend for foundation

Min. Max. design
1. Simu 2000/Mawasiliano 4.43 6.43 6.43
2. Mbuyuni Depot 4.14 5.21 5.21
3. DAWASA Terminal 4.27 5.14 5.14

BRT Stations
For BRT Stations, linear shrinkage for soils range from 4.57% to 10.17% as
indicated I Table 4.1. Specific Gravity

The test has also indicated that materials from borehole are of specific gravity as
presented in the table below;

Table 8.25: Depots and Terminal

No. Specific Gravity
1. Simu 2000/Mawasiliano Depot 2.67
2. Mbuyuni Depot 2.67
3. DAWASA Terminal 2.62

Draft Detailed Report

BRT Stations
Specific gravity for borehole materials from the stations are presented in Table 4.1. Shear strength

Depots and Terminal
The test results have shown the soil consists of high shear strength, with values
ranging from C’= 11.77kN/m2 or kPa with angle shearing resistance ø’= 22° to C’=
30.69kN/m2 or kPa with angle shearing resistance ø’= 16°. From the tests results, it
can be concluded that the materials on the site consist of very soft to soft clay.

Shear Strength parameters

Min. Max Recommended for
foundation design
C’ C’
(kN/m2) ø’ () (kN/m2) ø’ () C’ ø’ ()
Simu 2000/Mawasiliano 13.33 17 30.69 16 31 16
Mbuyuni Depot 11.77 22 16.08 24 16 24
DAWASA Terminal 12.94 18 18.83 19 19 19

BRT Stations

The test results for BRT Stations have shown the soil consists shear strength, with
values ranging from C’= 0.88kN/m2 or kPa with angle shearing resistance ø’= 24° to
C’= 29.91kN/m2 or kPa with angle shearing resistance ø’= 18°. From the tests
results, it can be concluded that the materials on the site consist of very soft to soft
clay. The design strength may be taken as 18kPa for Non-Cohesive soils and 30kPa
for cohesive soil areas. Summary of shear strength parameters for BRT Stations has
been presented in Table 4.1 Consolidation
The test results for consolidation have shown the soil consist of coefficient of volume
compressibility, mv and coefficient of compressibility index, c. The summary of
coefficients is presented in the table below;

Draft Detailed Report

Table 8.26: Depots and Terminal

Min Max
No. mv (m2/Kg) Cc mv(m2/Kg) Cc
1. Simu 2000/Mawasiliano 0.0167 0.1167 0.0327 0.2478
2. Mbuyuni depot 0.0161 0.1121 0.0187 0.1316
3. DAWASA Terminal 0.0287 0.2062 0.0318 0.2303

BRT Stations
Consolidation parameters for BRT Stations are presented in Table 4.1

Table 8.27: Summary of results for Geotechnical tested parameters for BRT
kN/m3 (%) C (kN/m2)  Mv (m2/Kg) Cc
1 Aga khan 18.12 2.636 14.21 4.57 13.53 18 0.0272 0.1957
2 Selander 17.92 2.664 0.88 24 0.0307 0.2252
3 Ubalozi 18.49 2.667 19.57 6.43 17.65 19 0.307 0.2252
4 Mbuyuni 19.86 2.671 19.73 6.57 17.75 19 0.0246 0.1758
5 Morocco 18.24 2.654 27.91 7.4 27.46 16 0.0332 0.2458
6 Victoria 17.88 2.667 21.58 7.29 27.16 16 0.0317 0.2305
7 Mpakani/Lufungila 19.24 2.671 19.81 6.14 18.34 18 0.0288 0.2059
8 Mlimani-roundabout 18.47 2.668 19.31 6.21 15.1 19 0.0275 0.1944
9 Mjengoni 18.97 2.668 17.31 6 14.42 20 0.0262 0.186
10 Super-lugalo 19.43 2.669 22.49 5.86 16.38 19 0.0284 0.2027
11 Tank Bovu 19.24 2.676 27.48 7.5 27.95 17 0.0344 0.2556
12 Goig 18.87 2.668 22.07 7.14
13 Interchick 19.61 2.678 24.48 6.57
14 Afrikana 19.44 2.672 21.15 5.86
15 Kituo Kipya 19.88 2.67 28.61 7.86
16 JKT 18.77 2.669 23.6 7.14
17 Bondeni 19.62 2.678 35.91 10.17 29.91 18 0.0401 0.3009

8.4.5 Interpretation of Laboratory Parameters for Foundation Design General
It is understood that the proposed Development of BRT Phase-4 Infrastructure
includes the construction of Bus stands, terminals and Depots at various proposed

This report has been prepared independently based on the terms of reference
obtained from client representative herein after is called AQGOLA Engineering &
Management Services Limited to carry out Geotechnical Investigation Surveys for
BRT Infrastructures Phase 4. The geotechnical assessment is based on the in-situ
and laboratory testing described in this report (Part II. Depots, Terminal and BRT

Draft Detailed Report

Stations) together with the soil descriptions on the exploratory borehole logs and its
summary. Classification
Sixty-five (65) tests on particle size distribution were conducted for all boreholes for
depots, terminal and BRT Stations of which SPTs samples were taken to the
laboratory for testing. The laboratory classification has indicated about 15%-57% of
total weight of samples is composed of Silt CLAY. The percentage of Sand varies
between 60%-95%particles while the percentage of gravel is less than 6%. In this
case, the percentage of silt CLAY and SAND indicate that the site has accumulated
fine particles/residual soil transported by sea waves and consolidated into the place
for long time forming loose sand to soft CLAYS. Strength
Field tests have shown that Standard Penetration Test (SPT-N value) for values for
depots varies from 6 to 45 with progressive increase for each borehole at Mbuyuni.
The design SPTN may be taken as 6. For Simu 2000/Mawasiliano depot and
DAWASA terminal, the SPTN values varies from 14 to 42 therefore the design SPTN
strength may be taken as 14. Therefore, approximately design values for different
strata formation can be expressed as the function of depth using the following

SPTN= 6 + 6Z, where SPT N is starting at 1.5m below ground level.

For Bus Stations’ SPT-N values range from 3 to 38 for various stations. However,
the SPTs for UDSM Hostel (Mjengoni), Kituo Kipya and JKT have SPT N values less
than 10 while Ubalozi, Super-Lugalo and Azania station have SPT N values greater
than 20.

Therefore, approximately design values for BRT bus stand for different strata
formation can be grouped for various locations of the project as follow;

Draft Detailed Report

Table 8.28: Grouped strata formation for various locations of the project
Road Section Design Comments
Maktaba Juct to Aga Khan Jct 10 Medium silty SAND
Aga Khan Jct to Selander Bridge 9 Medium silty SAND
Selander Bridge to Morocco 8 Medium silty SAND
Morocco to Mwenge 18 Existence of Porewater pressure and silty
clay/sand area
Mwenge to Superstar (Sam Nujoma 5 Medium to High Clay area
Superstar to Mawasiliano (Sam 3 High soft Clay area
Nujoma rd)
Mwenge to Lugalo Bridge 19 Silty clay and gravel
Lugalo Bridge to Goba Junction 6 Highly soft Clay area
Goba Junction to Afrikana 10 Medium silty Clay
Africana to Tegeta Kibaoni 6 Gravel sand with clay
Tegeta Kibaoni to Boko 12 Silty Clay with gravel Stiffness Clay Formation
The SPT N for clay formation range between 14 and 42 for Simu 2000/Mawasiliano,
6 and 45 for Mbuyuni depot and 14 and 33 for DAWASA Terminal; however, the
largest results are not soil characteristics. Therefore, the design SPT N value shall
be taken as N=14. There is a distinct increase in SPT N value with depth, therefore
design values can be expressed as a function of depth using the following formula;

SPTN= 8 + 3.0 Z, where z is 0 at 1.5m below ground level and increases with depth,
in metres, below ground level.

Undrained shear strength in the clay formation can be approximated from SPT N
results using the equation

Cu= f1 × N ………………………………………………. (1)

[Clayton, CIRIA Report 143, Standard Penetration Test (SPT):

Methods and Use, 1995]. The Plasticity Index PI for the sampled soil
range from 13.06% to 41.78%. For the design purposes, the highest PI
shall be considered, i.e., 41.78%. The value of f1 may be obtained from
Stroud and Butler Graph.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 8.23: The graph of f1 vs. PI (Stroud and Buter) for determination
of shear strength

From the figure above, adopt f1=4.5 for PI 41.78%

Hence the cautions Undrained shear strength: cu=f1N; i.e., 4.5x8=36kPa, when
eliminating uncharacteristically high values for SPT N.
A value for undrained Young’s Modulus (Eu) can be found from;
Eu= 360 × cu ……………………………………………. (2) Non-Cohesive Soils Formation

The drained Young’s Modulus can be found from the undrained condition by
referring to [Padfield and Sharrock, CIRIA Special Publication 27, Settlement of
Structures on Clay Soils, 1983];

The Effective Young’s Modulus is found from the equation, E’=0.6Eu (3)
Or in considering volume compressibility, mv, the drained modulus can be deduced

Draft Detailed Report

mv=1/E’…………………………………………………………………… (4)
[Padfield and Sharrock, CIRIA Special Publication 27, Settlement of
Structures on Clay Soils, 1983]

However, the value for the Young’s Modulus in Sand/Gravel can be

approximated directly by;
E’/N = 1.25 MPa (Clayton, CIRIA Report 143,
1995) where is design SPT N values.
Therefore, the E’ =1.25x 8=10 MPa
Therefore, an E’ value of 10MPa is recommended based on SPT
results for the design of foundations. However, for deep foundation, the
clay characteristic shall be taken into consideration. Geotechnical Engineering Assessment

Geotechnical engineering assessment was based on the in-situ and laboratory test,
soil description recorded on the exploratory borehole’s records and the interpreted
ground model described. Foundation Assessment

The analyses of the results have shown that the SPT N values increase with depth,
hence the bearing capacity of the ground. The site is characterized by clayey soil
(swelling soil) in some areas which is also called expansive soils. When the soil is
partially saturated or wet, they increase in volume. The soil shrinks greatly on drying
and develops cracks on the surface. The width of these cracks may be up to 20mm
or more depending on the nature of soil and they travel deep into the ground. Swelling of the Soil

The swelling tendencies of expansive soils are quantified by the swell potential and
swell pressure parameters. The swell pressure of a soil is the external pressure that
needs to be placed over a swelling soil to prevent volume increase while the swell
potential of a soil in comparison is the magnitude of heave of a soil for a given final
water content and loading condition.

Draft Detailed Report

The swell potential of clay can be identified based on the concept of swell index, Is
(Vijayvergiya and Gazzaly, 1973)
IS= Wn/WL Is= 41.14/69.08= 0.60
Where wn= natural moisture content (%)
WL= liquid limit (%)
Swelling potential of the soil is given as a function of the plasticity index
by the formula (Seed et al. 1962) as;
SP=60KIp2.24 where Sp= swelling potential
Ip= plasticity index
K= 3.6×10-5, a factor for clay content between
8% and 65%
Therefore, Sp= 60× 3.6×10-5×32.072.44= 10.22%

From figure, minimum swelling pressure required to prevent volume expansion of the
soil in the proposed site is between 30kPa and 130kPa.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 8.24: Relationship between swell index and liquid limit for clay soil
(Chen, 1988) Bearing Strength for Drained Condition

R⁄A′ = c ′Nc bc sc ic + q′Nq bq sq iq + 0.5γ′B′Nγ bγ sγ iγ
where A′ = B′xL′,the design effective foundation area
with the design values of dimensionless factors for:
— the bearing resistance:
Nq = eπtanφ′ tan2 (45 + φ′⁄2)
Nc = (Nq − 1)cotφ′
Nγ = 2(Nq − 1)tanφ′ , where δ ≥ φ′ ⁄2 (rough base)
-the inclination of the foundation base
bc = bq − (1 − bq )⁄(Nc tanφ′ )

Draft Detailed Report

bq = bγ = (1 − α. tanφ′ )2
— the shape of foundation:
sq = 1 + (B′ ⁄L′ ) sin φ′ , for rectangular shape
sq = 1 + sin φ′ , for a square or circular shape
sγ = 1 − 0.3(B′ ⁄L′ , for rectangular shape
sγ = 0.7 , for a square or circular shape
sc = (sq . Nq )⁄(Nq − 1) , for resctangular, square or circular shape

— the inclination of the load, caused by a horizontal load H:

ic = iq − (1 − iq )⁄(Nc tanφ′)
iq = [1 − H⁄(V + A′c′cotφ′)]
iγ = iq Bearing Strength for Undrained conditions

(1) The design bearing resistance may be calculated from:
R⁄A′ = (π + 2)cu bc ic + q
with the dimensionless factors for:
— the inclination of the foundation base: bc = 1 − 2α⁄(π + 2)
— the shape of the foundation:
sc = 1 + 0.2(B′⁄L′) , for a rectangular shape;
sc =1.2, for a square or circular shape.
— the inclination of the load, caused by a horizontal load H:
1 H
ic = 2 (1 + √(1 − A′ c ) with H ≤ A′ cu
u Excavations
According to the site assessment, the site does not require specialized technology
for excavations during construction. Care shall be taken when water rises from the
ground which eventually requires prevention either by pumping or using
impermeable wall system.

The use of sump pumping or similar to collect water from excavation during
construction is recommended. When CLAY materials are encountered during

Draft Detailed Report

excavation, the excavation shall be continuing for extra depth between 300-600mm
down and replacement with high quality materials on the same depth i.e. 300-
600mm. Ground Improvement

Ground improvement at site is proposed on the backfilling of the foundations, access
roads and hard standing areas. The backfilling of the sides of the foundation shall
consist of the materials which high quality with CBR greater than 15%. The backfilled
materials around the foundation shall be well compacted under optimum moisture
content and comply with Tanzania Specifications for works, 2000. The minimum
degree of compaction is 95% for backfilling and 97% for parking lots.

8.4.6 Conclusion and Recommendations

The following are recommendation for the development of the BRT infrastructures
buildings; Foundations
Bus stations; Shallow foundations with structure that can be kept isolated from the
swelling effects of the soils. This consists of pad or strip surrounded by high quality
materials i.e., materials with CBR >15%. The reinforcement on the foundation and at
plinth level is necessary to avoid differential settlement.

Depot and Terminal Buildings: Shallow foundation for drained sites such as Mbuyuni
and Mawasiliano for short buildings and raft foundation for tall building greater than
two (4) storeys and for areas with low land areas. The building foundations shall be
raised to about 0.9m above ground level to avoid water ponding especially areas
such as DAWASA Terminal.

Draft Detailed Report Excavations
The site does not require specialized technology for excavations during construction.
The removal of top soil shall continue between 0.4m to 0.5m depending on the
ground conditions. The occurrence of water rise is predicted during excavation;
hence prevention either by pumping or using impermeable wall system is necessary.
It has recommended the use of sump pumping or similar to collect water from
excavation during construction when encountered. Ground Improvement

Ground improvement at site is proposed on the backfilling of the foundations, access
roads and hard standing areas. The backfilling of the sides of the foundation shall
consist of the materials which have high quality with CBR greater than 15%.
However, for hard standing and parking areas, the material quality shall consist of
CBR greater than 25%.

Draft Detailed Report


The BRT Phase 4 project comprises of 30.12 kilometers which covers:
A section of Bibi Titi Mohamed road from Maktaba Street junction to Ohio Street
junction (0.23km).
Ali Hassan Mwinyi road (from the junction of Ohio Street to Morocco) (5.92 km)
New Bagamoyo Road from Morocco junction to Tegeta (DAWASA Daladala Bus
Station) (20 km); and
A spur on Sam Nujoma Road from its junction with New Bagamoyo Road to Ubungo
junction (4 km).

9.1.1 Construction of a section of Bibi Titi Mohammed Road

Existing Situation along the Road
The Existing Mandela road (Figure 1) consists of dual carriage way of asphalt
concrete each way, earth median ranging from 0.5 m to 3 m, closed drainage
system, and walkway. The design would accommodate six lanes, that is two BRT
lanes and four lanes for mixed traffic, sidewalk both sides and bike lanes.

Figure 9.1: Existing Layout of the section Bibititi Mohamed road

Traffic Control Techniques during Construction

Draft Detailed Report

Traffic control techniques during construction require three stages of construction of
Bibi Titi Mohammed Road as illustrated in Figures 9.2 to 9.4.

Due to the small width of the existing median, the existing sidewalks will be
constructed for the use of mixed traffic to allow enough space in the mid of the road
for construction of BRT lanes. One side at a time should be the approach so as to
allow non-motorized traffic to use existing walkway pavements on one side while
providing crosswalks at an interval of not more 200m. Due to the restricted right of
way due to existing properties, it is expected that the construction will affect the full
width available. The construction will involve the removal of existing curbs.

After creating path for mixed traffic, motor traffic will be diverted to the prepared path
to create enough corridor for the construction of BRT lanes. In case the section
involves the construction of bus station, the provisional will be made during this

After completion of BRT lanes, motor traffic from one direction that was diverted
earlier will be diverted to the constructed BRT lanes to allow construction of mixed
traffic lanes. The same will be done for the other direction. Reconstruction of
drainage system shall be done at each section and Pedestrian walkways will be
constructed as required.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.2: Traffic management during construction along Bibi Titi

Mohammed Street - stage 1

Figure 9.3: Traffic management during construction along Bibi Titi

Mohammed Street - stage 2

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.4: Traffic management during construction along Bibi Titi

Mohammed Street - stage 3

In addition:
The traffic should be advised to use the alternative routes if it is not necessary to
pass by the properties near the construction zones, as shown in Figure 5.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.5: Possible divergence route

Draft Detailed Report

9.1.2 Construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Existing Situation along the Road:
The Existing road consists of a paved dual carriageway with either an auxiliary lane
or a median with 0.5 m to 3 m, as illustrated in Figures 6 to 8. A road section
consists of 5.92 km from Ohio Street to famous Morocco junction. On each side
there is a walkway, and, on some sections, there are service roads. The design will
accommodate four lanes of mixed traffic, two on each direction, two BRT lanes, one
in each direction, walkways and bike lanes on both directions. Service roads will also
be provided on some locations especially the sections where there is a need for
provisional of U-turns.

Figure 9.6: Existing section with a median, without service road along Ali
Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.7: Existing section with a median and service road along Ali Hassan
Mwinyi Road

Figure 9.8: Existing section with an auxiliary lane along Ali Hassan Mwinyi

Draft Detailed Report

9.1.3 Traffic Control Techniques during Construction:

Traffic control techniques during construction require three stages of construction of
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, as illustrated in Figures 9 to 11.

For the section with limited right of way due to existing property, existing walkways
will be re-constructed to allow path of motorized traffic to create enough corridor for
construction of BRT lanes. The approach will be one side at a time to allow non-
motorized traffic to utilize the walkways on the other side with crosswalks provided at
an interval of about 200 m.

For the sections with service roads, the traffic will be diverted to the service roads.
Service roads should first be cleared to provide dual movement (two lanes in one
direction) without major disruption on general traffic operations.

The reconstructed part will then be used as diverted route and the created space will
be used for construction of BRT lanes. Depending on the design, if the BRT lanes
will affect both directions (both parts of dual carriageway), then the provisional
created after reconstructing the service roads or walkways on both sides should
allow at least construction of one BRT lane. In case the section involves the
construction of bus station, the provisional will be made during this stage.

After completion of BRT lanes, motor traffic from one direction that was diverted
earlier will be diverted to the constructed BRT lanes to allow construction of mixed
traffic lanes. The same will be done for the other direction. Reconstruction of
drainage system shall be done at each section and Pedestrian walkways will be

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.9: Traffic management during construction along Ali Hassan Mwinyi
Road - stage 1

Figure 9.10: Traffic management during construction along Ali Hassan Mwinyi
Road - stage 2

Draft Detailed Report

9.1.4 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Existing Situation Along the Road:
It is planned that during construction of BRT 4, the corridor will be wide to
accommodate the construction without considerable disruption on mixed traffic
especially for the Morocco junction Mwenge junction section. The existing corridor
from Morocco Junction to Mwenge junction will be having 2 lanes on each direction
separated by a wide median of about 15 m. There are walkways on each direction.
Figure 9.12 presents typical features of New Bagamoyo Road. The BRT lanes will be
constructed in the wide median in between the mixed traffic lanes. The part starting
from Mwenge junction to DAWASA has a wide median that will be used for
construction of BRT lanes. Figure 9.12 provides description on the features existing
along the corridor between Mwenge junction to Wazo hill road New Bagamoyo road
intersection. The remaining section to DAWASA is a two-way two-lane road section.

Figure 9.11: Existing features along New Bagamoyo Road (Mwenge junction to
Wazo Hill Road and New Bagamoyo Road Intersection).

Draft Detailed Report

Traffic Control Techniques during Construction:

The section is wide enough, hence the construction of BRT lanes won’t disrupt the
mixed traffic. The traffic disruption will be expected at the intersections and where
there will be U–turns.

9.1.5 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Existing Situation Along the Road
A spur on Sam Nujoma Road from its junction with New Bagamoyo Road to Ubungo
junction is about 4 km. As shown in Figure 9.13, the road segment is a dual carriage
way with a wide median in between. On both sides of the road, there service roads
and walkways. The side drains are wide trapezoidal open drains. Figure 9.13
provides description of the existing features along the corridor.

Figure 9.12: Existing features along Sam Nujoma Road Traffic Control Techniques during Construction:

The section has a wide median hence the construction of BRT lanes won’t disrupt
the mixed traffic. The traffic disruption will be expected at the intersections and
whenever there is a designed U-turn. When improving the existing mixed traffic

Draft Detailed Report

lanes, the BRT lanes will be constructed first so that the mixed traffic on one side will
be diverted into BRT lanes and then the same will be applied on the other direction.
Figures 9.14 and 9.15 illustrates the proposed traffic control schemes.


Figure 9.13: Traffic control plan during construction for two lanes two ways

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.14: Traffic control plan during construction for Dual carriage way

9.1.6 Traffic Safety at Work Zones

Pedestrians and workers at work zones will be exposed to risk of injuries and being
killed during the construction. This traffic control plan will help more motorists’ traffic
to safely through or around the roadway work zones to protect the public and
workers. It takes the use of traffic control devices such as temporary barriers
(concrete, plastic and or wooden barriers along the work zones) for separating the
two-way traffic on normal divided roadway. Also, the use of road construction signs,
flaggers and transition zones to control moving vehicles at work zones. Safety of individuals at work zones:

Visibility is greatly reduced at night and the risk of getting injured or killed increases
during the night. This is due to poor visibility, tired drivers, glare off lights, inattentive
works etc. then it is recommended that workers should wear the reflective safety
gears (vests and head gear) during the night, also lighting around the working area is

Draft Detailed Report

important in order to increase visibility. Setting up the proper traffic controls will
reduce the risk of accidents around the construction zone for both during the day and
night times.

In order to protect workers in a roadway work zones, employers must have the
following: -
A comprehensive site- specific safety program (APP)
Temporary traffic control plan in place for the project site
Conducted crew meetings and trained all workers on work site discussing
potential hazards, equipment and blind spot.

Figures 9.16 to 9.19 illustrates different traffic control procedures and tools employed
in work zones.



Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.15: Route Diversion signs

Figure 9.16: A Flag Man stopping vehicles at work zone

Figure 9.17: Speed limit sign for controlling vehicle speeds at work zone

Draft Detailed Report


Figure 9.18: Channelizing devices at work zones (Traffic Control devices)

9.2 Section 2: Traffic Management at Intersections and at U-Turns

An effective Traffic Management Plan (TMP) developed for the intersections,
provides safe construction zones with minimum delay for all traffic modes, including
motor vehicles, transit, bicyclists and pedestrians.

9.2.1 Intersecting Road Signing and Signals

Signing for the control of traffic entering and leaving work zones by way of
intersecting roadways must be adequate to inform drivers, cyclists and pedestrians
of work zone conditions. At a minimum, a "Road Work Ahead" sign should be

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.2 Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations

When existing pedestrian facilities are disrupted, closed or relocated, the temporary
facility or route must be detectable and include accessibility features consistent with
the features present in the existing facility.

9.2.3 Pedestrian Requirements

Requirements for pedestrian safety in work zones are as follows:
Do not lead pedestrians into direct conflicts with worksite vehicles, equipment, or

Do not lead pedestrians into direct conflicts with mainline traffic moving through or
around the work site.
Provide positive protection where necessary.

Maintain or replicate existing pedestrian access ways to the greatest extent practical.
Pedestrian access ways through work zones must include provisions for the disabled
at the same level of accessibility as the existing facility or greater.

Ensure passengers have the ability to access transit stops, and to board and depart
transit vehicles safely. Temporary transit access must include provisions for the
disabled at the same level of accessibility as the existing facility or greater

9.2.4 Bicycle Requirements

Requirements for cyclist’s safety in work zones are as follows:
Do not lead cyclists into direct conflicts with mainline traffic, worksite vehicles, or
equipment moving through or around traffic control zones.

Cyclists should be provided with a travel route that replicates the most desirable
characteristics of a wide paved shoulder or bicycle lane through or around the work

If the work zone interrupts the continuity of an existing shared use path or bike route
system, provide signs directing cyclists through or around the work zone and back to
the path or route.

Draft Detailed Report

The cyclist should not be directed onto the same path used by pedestrians unless
the path is designed for bicycle traffic.

9.2.5 Lane Closure Analysis at Intersection

Lane closure analysis is a process used to calculate the peak hour traffic volume and
the restricted capacity for open road and signalized intersections. The analysis has
determined if a lane closure should be allowed and the time period a lane closure
could occur without excessive travel delay and the results were taken into account in
proposing Construction stages.

The intersections along BRT 4 corridor have directional peak hour traffic volumes,
with inbound morning traffic, and outbound afternoon traffic. Doing a composite lane
closure analysis would in many cases require night work or create very short
allowable lane closure periods. If a separate lane closure analysis is calculated for
inbound and outbound separately, night work may be avoided, and longer lane
closure periods may be allowed. When a lane closure is necessary, provide an
allowable lane closure period of at least one eight-hour period.

9.2.6 Portable Regulatory Signs

The purpose of portable regulatory signs (PRS) is to highlight the regulatory speed
for the work zone. A portable regulatory sign is a portable trailer that has the
regulatory speed sign mounted with flashing lights on each side of the sign. The
lights are used to draw the driver’s attention to the regulatory speed.

9.2.7 Channelizing Devices

The following devices may be used as channelizing devices:
Cones, tubular markers or drums
Vertical panels

The following sections provides illustrations on the proposed construction stages

based on the existing features and the existing traffic flow conditions. The section
provides information on the intersections and the U-turns.

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.8 Bibi Titi Mohammed Street Maktaba Street Intersection


The junction condition existing in project road is as shown in Figure 20.

Figure 9.19: Bibi Titi Mohammed Street - Maktaba Street Intersection

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the diversion roads near the existing property (alongside Kisutu
Resident Magistrate) respective area across the median of Bibi Titi Mohamed Street
to allow the possibility of right turning traffic from Posta to Tegeta as shown in Figure

Note: Entrance to Kisutu Resident Magistrate will be provided via the Magore street.

Figure 9.20: Construction of Bibi Titi Mohammed Street - Maktaba Street

Intersection during stage 1

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Improve the lanes for mixed traffic from JNIA by diverting the traffic to the
constructed diversion and construct one lane for BRT. Road construction signs
should be placed in proper locations to create smooth diversion of traffic to the
designated zones.

Note: As shown in Figure 9.22, right turning traffic from Posta will turn left to Bibi Titi
Mohamed Road and then utilize the provided U-Turn ahead, traffic from Posta will
also be advised to use Ghana Street then Ohio Street (Green arrows).

Figure 9.21: Construction of Bibi Titi Mohammed Street - Maktaba Street

Intersection during stage 2

Stage 3: Improve the lanes for mixed traffic from Tegeta by diverting the traffic to the
constructed BRT lane and one lane of the improved mixed traffic lanes, also

Draft Detailed Report

construct the other BRT lane. Direct the traffic from Posta to use the service road
and provide them with access to merge to the Bibi Titi Mohamed Street and to utilize
the U -Turn. Road construction signs should be placed in proper locations to create
smooth diversion of traffic to the designated zones. Figure 9.23 illustrates the
proposed traffic control procedure.

Note: There is no Right turning of traffic from JNIA, traffic will be advised to use the
next Junction at Ohio Street.

Figure 9.22: Construction of Bibi Titi Mohammed Street - Maktaba Street

Intersection during stage 3

Stage 4: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in the Figure 9.24.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.23: Construction of Bibi Titi Mohammed Street - Maktaba Street

Intersection during stage 4

9.2.9 Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio Street

The junction condition existing in project road is as shown in Figure 9.25.

Figure 9.24: Existing Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/ Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio
Street Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Prepare the diversion route for the traffic on the existing walkways and
service roads as shown in Figure 9.26. The traffic signs should be well placed
especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.25: Stage 1 construction of Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali Hassan

Mwinyi Road Ohio Street Intersection

Stage 2: Allow traffic from JNIA and Morocco (Bibi Titi Mohamed Street) to use the
prepared diversion routes and improve the mixed traffic lanes. The traffic from Posta
will be blocked and they will use the next intersection (Maktaba Junction). Lane
widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized, advise traffic for appropriate
manoeuvre. Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing lanes utilizing the
existing mixed traffic lanes, auxiliary lane and the median (Figure 9.27). Improve the
lane utilized by the traffic from Posta as per design.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.26: Stage 2 construction of Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali

Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio Street Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Morocco to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.28).

Figure 9.27: Stage 3 construction of Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali

Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio Street Intersection

Stage 4: Allow traffic from JNIA to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.29).

Figure 9.28: Stage 4 construction of Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali

Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio Street Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.30.

Figure 9.29: Stage 5 construction of Bibi Titi Street Mohammed/Ali

Hassan Mwinyi Road Ohio Street Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas)

Existing: The junction condition existing in project road is as shown Figure 9.31.

Figure 9.30: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni Road/Nkomo Street

Intersection (Las Vegas)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Prepare the diversion route for the traffic on the existing walkways and
service roads as shown in Figure 9.32. The traffic signs should be well placed
especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.31: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni

Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic from Posta and Morocco to use the prepared diversion routes.
The right turn traffic from Posta to Agha Khan will make U-turn ahead of the
construction area. Lane widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized, advise
traffic for appropriate maneuver. Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the
existing lanes utilizing the existing mixed traffic lanes, auxiliary lane and the median
(Figure 9.33).

Figure 9.32: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni

Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Morocco/Tegeta to use BRT lanes and construct the
mixed traffic lanes and all required features as per design, as shown in Figure 9.34.
The movements to and from Agha Khan will be restricted at this stage of

Figure 9.33: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

Ufukoni Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Allow traffic from Posta to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.35).

Figure 9.34: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni

Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.36.

Figure 9.35: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Ufukoni

Road/Nkomo Street Intersection (Las Vegas)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.10 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack Obama Drive Intersection (Palm Beach)
The junction condition existing in project road is as shown in Figure 9.37.

Figure 9.36: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack Obama Drive Intersection
(Palm Beach)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Prepare the diversion route for the traffic on the existing walkways as
shown in the sketch below. The traffic signs should be well placed especially for non-
motorized traffic.

Figure 9.37: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack

Obama Drive Intersection (Palm Beach)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic from Posta and Morocco/Tegeta to use the prepared diversion
routes. The right turn traffic from Posta to Agha Khan will not be allowed at this stage
of construction same as right turn traffic from Agha Khan to Morocco. Lane widths for
the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized, advise traffic for appropriate maneuver.
Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing lanes utilizing the existing
mixed traffic lanes and the median (Figure 9.39).

Figure 9.38: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack

Obama Drive Intersection (Palm Beach)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Morocco/Tegeta to use BRT lanes and construct the
mixed traffic lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.40). The
movements to and from Agha Khan will be restricted at this stage of construction.

Figure 9.39: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack

Obama Drive Intersection (Palm Beach)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Allow traffic from Posta to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.41).

Figure 9.40: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack

Obama Drive Intersection (Palm Beach)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.42.

Figure 9.41: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Barack Obama
Drive Intersection (Palm Beach)

9.2.11 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road Intersection

The junction condition existing in project road is as shown in Figure 9.43.

Figure 9.42: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the mixed traffic lane for the traffic from Morocco to Posta as
shown in Figure 9.44. The traffic signs should be well placed especially for non-
motorized traffic.

Figure 9.43: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road


Stage 2: Allow traffic from Morocco/Tegeta to use the prepared mixed traffic
lanes. The right turn traffic from Muhimbili to Posta will not be allowed at this
stage of construction same as right turn traffic from Morocco to Muhimbili
which will have to use a U-turn provided a head or other diversion route. Lane
widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized, advise traffic for
appropriate maneuver. Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing
lanes utilizing the existing mixed traffic lanes and the median (Figure 9.45).

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.44: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road


Stage 3: Allow traffic from Posta to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.46).

Figure 9.45: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 4.47.

Figure 9.46: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road UN Road


9.2.12 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection

Existing: The junction condition existing in project road is as shown in Figure

Figure 9.47: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni Road/Kenyatta Drive


Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Prepare the diversion route for the traffic on the existing walkways as
shown in Figure 4.49. The traffic signs should be well placed especially for non-
motorized traffic.

Figure 9.48: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni

Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection

Stage 2: Allow traffic from Posta and Morocco/Tegeta to use the prepared
diversion routes. The right turn traffic from Posta to Osterbay will use the U-
turn ahead of the construction area same as right turn traffic from Kinondoni
to Posta. Same maneuver will be done by the traffic from Morocco/Tegeta and
Osterbay respectively. Lane widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be
minimized, advise traffic for appropriate maneuver. Construct the BRT lanes
in the middle of the existing lanes utilizing the existing mixed traffic lanes and
the median (Figure 4.49).

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.49: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni

Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Morocco/Tegeta to use BRT lanes and construct
the mixed traffic lanes and all required features as per design. The left turn
traffic from Tegeta/Morocco will be restricted at this stage of construction and
the traffic can use the previous intersection through Kaunda drive (Figure

Figure 9.50: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni

Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Allow traffic from Posta to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed
traffic lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 4.51).

Figure 9.51: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni

Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes.
The Final Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.52.

Figure 9.52: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kinondoni

Road/Kenyatta Drive Intersection

9.2.13 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Kaunda Drive Intersection

The junction condition existing in project road is as shown in Figure 9.54.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.53: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road - Kaunda Drive Intersection

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the diversion routes and the U-turns for the traffic on the existing
service roads and walkways as shown in the sketch below. The traffic signs should
be well placed especially for non-motorized traffic (Figure 9.54).

Figure 9.54: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road - Kaunda Drive

Stage 2: Allow traffic from Posta and Morocco/Tegeta to use the prepared diversion
routes. The right turn traffic from Posta to Kaunda Drive will use the U-turn ahead of
the construction area. Similar type of right turn maneuver will be done by the traffic
from Kaunda Drive will be made once it turns left to Posta then use the provided U-
turn ahead. Lane widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized, advise traffic for

Draft Detailed Report

appropriate maneuver. Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing lanes
utilizing the existing mixed traffic lanes and the median (Figure 9.55).

Figure 9.55: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road -

Kaunda Drive Intersection

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Posta to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design. The right turn traffic from Posta will
use the maneuver as directed in stage two (Figure 9.56).

Figure 9.56: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road -

Kaunda Drive Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Allow traffic from Morocco/Tegeta to use BRT lanes and construct the
mixed traffic lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.57).

Figure 9.57: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road -

Kaunda Drive Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 59.

Figure 9.58: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road -

Kaunda Drive Intersection

9.2.14 TOTAL U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

The features existing in project road are as shown in Figure 9.60.

Figure 9.59: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the diversion routes for the traffic on the existing service roads
and walkways as shown in the sketch below. The traffic signs should be well placed
especially for non-motorized traffic (Figure 9.60).

Figure 9.60: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic from Posta and Morocco/Tegeta to use the prepared diversion
routes. Lane widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized, advise traffic for
appropriate manoeuvre. Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing lanes
utilizing the existing mixed traffic lanes and the median (Figure 9.61).

Figure 9.61: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Mwenge/Tegeta/Morocco to use BRT lanes and construct
the mixed traffic lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.62).

Figure 9.62: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Allow traffic from Posta to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.63).

Figure 9.63: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.64.

Figure 9.64: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

9.2.15 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s)
The junction condition existing in project road is as shown in Figure 9.65.

Figure 9.65: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile Selassie Road Intersection
(St. Peter’s)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Prepare the diversion routes for the traffic on the existing service roads and
walkways as shown in the sketch below. The traffic signs should be well placed
especially for non-motorized traffic (Figure 9.66).

Figure 9.66 Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile

Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s)

Stage 2: The traffic from both directions will be allowed to use the prepared diversion
routes at this stage. Traffic turning right from St. Peter’s (Haile Selassie road) to
Morocco will first turn left to Posta and utilize the U-turns provided ahead. The right
turn traffic from Posta to St. Peter’s (Haile Selassie road) will use the U-turn ahead of
the construction area. Lane widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized,
advise traffic for appropriate maneuver. Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the
existing lanes utilizing the existing mixed traffic lanes and the median (Figure 9.67).

Figure 9.67: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile

Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s)

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Posta to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.68). The right turning traffic
will use the similar manoeuvre as illustrated in Stage 2.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.68: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile

Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s)

Stage 4: At this stage, allow traffic from Tegeta/Morocco to utilize the BRT lanes
while making sure there is provisional for the left turn traffic from Tegeta/Morocco to
St. Peter’s as shown in Figure 9.69.

Figure 9.69: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile

Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.70.

Figure 9.70: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Haile

Selassie Road Intersection (St. Peter’s)

9.2.16 RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

The features existing in project road are as shown in Figure 72.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.71: RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the diversion routes for the traffic on the existing service roads
and walkways as shown in Figure 9.72. The traffic signs should be well placed
especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.72: Stage 1 construction of RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali

Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic from Posta and Morocco/Tegeta to use the prepared diversion
routes. Lane widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized, advise traffic for
appropriate maneuver. Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing lanes
utilizing the existing mixed traffic lanes and the median (Figure 9.74).

Figure 9.73: Stage 2 construction of RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali

Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Mwenge/Tegeta/Morocco to use BRT lanes and construct
the mixed traffic lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.75).

Figure 9.74: Stage 3 construction of RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali

Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Allow traffic from Posta to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.76).

Figure 9.75: Stage 4 construction of RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali

Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.76.

Figure 9.76: Stage 5 construction of RUHINDE (Mbuyuni) U-TURN - Ali

Hassan Mwinyi Road

9.2.17 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old Bagamoyo Road Intersection (Namanga)
The junction condition existing in project road is as shown in Figure 9.78.

Figure 9.77: Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old Bagamoyo Road Intersection
(Namanga) Proposed Construction stages

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 1: Prepare the diversion routes for the traffic on the existing service roads and
walkways as shown in Figure 9.79. The traffic signs should be well placed especially
for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.78: Stage 1 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old Bagamoyo
Road Intersection (Namanga)

Stage 2: The traffic from both directions will be allowed to use the prepared diversion
routes at this stage. Traffic turning right from Namanga (Old Bagamoyo road) to
Morocco will first turn left to Posta and utilize the U-turns provided ahead. The right
turn traffic from Posta to Namanga (Old Bagamoyo road) will use the U-turn ahead of
the construction area. Lane widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized,
advise traffic for appropriate manoeuvre. Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of
the existing lanes utilizing the existing mixed traffic lanes and the median (Figure

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.79: Stage 2 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old Bagamoyo
Road Intersection (Namanga)

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Posta to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.81). The right turning traffic
will use the similar maneuver as illustrated in Stage 2.

Figure 9.80: Stage 3 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old Bagamoyo
Road Intersection (Namanga)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: At this stage, allow traffic from Tegeta/Morocco to utilize the BRT lanes
while making sure there is provisional for the left turn traffic from Tegeta/Morocco to
Namanga as shown in Figure 9.82.

Figure 9.81: Stage 4 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old Bagamoyo
Road Intersection (Namanga)

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.83.

Figure 9.82: Stage 5 construction of Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Old Bagamoyo
Road Intersection (Namanga)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.18 BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

The features existing in project road are as shown in Figure 9.84.

Figure 9.83: Main features in Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the diversion routes for the traffic on the existing service roads
and walkways as shown in Figure 9.85. The traffic signs should be well placed
especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.84: Stage 1 construction of BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic from Posta and Morocco/Tegeta to use the prepared diversion
routes. Lane widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized, advise traffic for
appropriate maneuver. Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing lanes
utilizing the existing mixed traffic lanes and the median (Figure 9.86).

Figure 9.85: Stage 2 construction of BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Mwenge/Tegeta/Morocco to use BRT lanes and construct
the mixed traffic lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.87).

Figure 9.86: Stage 3 construction of BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Allow traffic from Posta to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.88).

Figure 9.87: Stage 4 construction of BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.89.

Figure 9.88: Stage 5 construction of BEST BITE U-TURN - Ali Hassan Mwinyi

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.19 New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA Street Intersection

The junction condition existing in project road is as shown in Figure 9.90.

Figure 9.89 New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA Street Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Prepare the diversion routes for the traffic on the existing service roads and
walkways as shown in the sketch below. The traffic signs should be well placed
especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.90: Stage 1 construction of New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA Street


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: The traffic from both directions will be allowed to use the prepared diversion
routes at this stage. Right turn traffic from Mwenge to EFATHA will use the U-turn
provided just after the construction area. Right turners from EFATHA, will first turn
left to the Mwenge direction before the utilize the prepared U-turn ahead of
construction area. Lane widths for the mixed traffic lanes will be minimized, advise
traffic for appropriate manoeuvre. Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the
existing lanes utilizing the existing median (Figure 9.92).

Figure 9.91: Stage 2 construction of New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA Street


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow the traffic from Mwenge to use the constructed BRT lane and
construct/improve the existing mixed traffic lanes and all other facilities as per the
design. After the construction is done on that side, direct the traffic from Bagamoyo
to use the BRT lanes and construct/improve the required facilities as per design
(Figure 9.93).

Figure 9.92: Stage 3 construction of New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA Street


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.94.

Figure 9.93: Stage 4 construction of New Bagamoyo Road EFATHA Street


Draft Detailed Report

9.2.20 SUMA JKT U-Turn (New Bagamoyo Road)

The features existing in project road are as shown in Figure 9.95.

Figure 9.94: New Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: With appropriate measures at construction zone, utilize the existing median
to construct the BRT lanes. The existing sidewalk and side drains will be
reconstructed at this stage to allow provision of other required facilities (Figure 9.96).

Figure 9.95: Stage 1 construction of SUMA JKT U-Turn (New Bagamoyo Road)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic to utilize the constructed surfaces and improve the existing
mixed traffic lanes as per design (Figure 9.97).

Figure 9.96: Stage 2 construction of SUMA JKT U-Turn (New Bagamoyo Road)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: The Final Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.98.

Figure 9.97: Stage 3 construction of SUMA JKT U-Turn (New Bagamoyo Road)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.21 Lugalo U-Turn (New Bagamoyo Road)

The features existing in project road section are as shown in Figure 9.99.

Figure 9.98: Lugalo Science - New Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the service roads and all required features as shown in Figure

Figure 9.99: Stage 1 construction of Lugalo U-Turn (New Bagamoyo Road)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Divert the mixed traffic to the prepared roads. Construct the BRT lanes
utilizing the existing median. Improve the existing mixed traffic lanes as per the
design. During this stage, the right turn traffic will be using provided U-turn locations
ahead of construction area (Figure 9.101).

Figure 9.100: Stage 2 construction of Lugalo U-Turn (New Bagamoyo Road)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: The Final Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.102.

Figure 9.101: Stage 3 construction of Lugalo U-Turn (New Bagamoyo Road)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.22 Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

The features existing in project road are as shown in Figure 9.103.

Figure 9.102: Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the diversion routes for the traffic on the existing service roads
and walkways, also prepare for the U-turns across the median as shown in Figure
9.104. The traffic signs should be well placed especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.103: Stage 1 construction of Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan Mwinyi


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic to use the prepared diversion routes. Lane widths for the mixed
traffic lanes will be minimized, advise traffic for appropriate manoeuvre. Construct
the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing lanes utilizing the existing the median
(Figure 9.105).

Figure 9.104: Stage 2 construction of Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan Mwinyi


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Mwenge to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 106).

Figure 9. 105: Stage 3 construction of Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan Mwinyi


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Allow traffic from Bagamoyo/Tegeta to use BRT lanes and construct the
mixed traffic lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.107).

Figure 9.106: Stage 4 construction of Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan Mwinyi


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.108.

Figure 9.107: Stage 5 construction of Makongo U-Turn - Ali Hassan Mwinyi


Draft Detailed Report

9.2.23 New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road Intersection

The features existing in project road are as shown in Figure 9.109.

Figure 9.108: New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the diversion routes for the traffic on the existing service roads
and walkways as shown in Figure 9.110. The traffic signs should be well placed
especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.109: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic to use the prepared diversion routes. Lane widths for the mixed
traffic lanes will be minimized, advise traffic for appropriate manoeuvre. Construct
the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing lanes utilizing the existing mixed traffic
lanes and the median (Figure 9.111).

Figure 9.110: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Mwenge to use BRT lanes and improve the mixed traffic
lanes and construct all required features as per design. Then after do the same for
the traffic from Bagamoyo (Figure 9.112).

Figure 9.111: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.113.

Figure 9.112: Stage 4 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Kawe Road


Draft Detailed Report

9.2.24 New Bagamoyo Road Ally Sykes Road Intersection (Tangibovu U-turn)

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.114.

Figure 9.113: New Bagamoyo Road Ally Sykes Road Intersection (Tangibovu

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the service roads which will be used as diversion routes during
construction for the traffic on the existing service roads and walkways as shown in
Figure 9.115. The construction of U-turns locations will also be done at this stage.
The traffic signs should be well placed especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.114: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Ally Sykes Road
Intersection (Tangibovu U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic to use the prepared service roads as diversion routes.
Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing lanes utilizing the existing
mixed traffic lanes and the median. The improvement of lanes for mixed traffic will
also be done at this stage of construction. The right turning traffic at the intersection
will be utilizing the provided U-turns ahead of the construction area (Figure 9.116).

Figure 9.115: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Ally Sykes Road
Intersection (Tangibovu U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: The Final Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.117.

Figure 9.116: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Ally Sykes Road
Intersection (Tangibovu U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.25 Goba U-Turn – New Bagamoyo Road

The features existing in project road section are as shown in Figure 9.118.

Figure 9.117: Goba – New Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the roads which will be used as diversion routes during
construction for the traffic on the existing service roads and walkways as shown in
Figure 9.119. Construct the BRT lanes utilizing the existing median. The traffic signs
should be well placed especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.118: Stage 1 Construction of Goba U-Turn – New Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic to use the prepared diversion routes which will later serve as
service roads for allowing U-turns. Improve the existing mixed traffic lanes as per
design and complete the construction of all other required facilities as per design
(Figure 9.120).

Figure 9.119: Stage 2 Construction of Goba U-Turn – New Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.121.

Figure 9.120: Stage 3 Construction of Goba U-Turn – New Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.26 New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street Intersection (Massana)

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.122.

Figure 9.121: New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street Intersection (Massana)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the service roads which will be used as diversion routes for the
traffic on the existing service roads and walkways as shown in Figure 9.123. Also
construct the BRT lanes utilizing the median. The traffic signs should be well placed
especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.122: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street

Intersection (Massana)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic from Mwenge to use the constructed service roads. Close the
existing middle part of the intersection to allow construction of the remaining part of
BRT lanes and to allow the improvement of existing mixed traffic lanes. At this stage,
the right turning traffic will utilize the provided U-turns ahead of construction area
(Figure 9.124).

Figure 9.123: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street

Intersection (Massana)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Bagamoyo/Tegeta to use BRT lanes and improve the
mixed traffic lanes and all required features as per design (Figure 9.125).

Figure 9.124: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street

Intersection (Massana)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.126.

Figure 9.125: Stage 4 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Peace Street

Intersection (Massana)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.27 New Bagamoyo Road Makonde Street (Baraza la Mitihani) Intersection

(and U-Turn)

The features existing in project road section are as shown in Figure 9.127.

Figure 9.126: New Bagamoyo Road Makonde Street (Baraza la Mitihani)

Intersection (and U-Turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the service roads which will be used as diversion routes for the
traffic on the existing service roads and walkways as shown in Figure 9.128. Also
construct the BRT lanes utilizing the median. The traffic signs should be well placed
especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.127: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Makonde Street

(Baraza la Mitihani) Intersection (and U-Turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic to use the constructed service roads. Close the existing middle
part of the intersection to allow construction of the remaining part of BRT lanes and
to allow the improvement of existing mixed traffic lanes. At this stage, the right
turning traffic will utilize the provided U-turns ahead of construction area (Figure

Figure 9.128: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Makonde Street

(Baraza la Mitihani) Intersection (and U-Turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.130.

Figure 9.129: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Makonde Street

(Baraza la Mitihani) Intersection (and U-Turn)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.28 Interchick U-Turn – New Bagamoyo Road

The features existing in project road are as shown in Figure 9.131.

Figure 9.130: Interchick – New Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the service roads which will be used as diversion routes for the
mixed traffic as shown in Figure 9.132. Utilize the median by constructing the BRT
lanes. The traffic signs should be well placed especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.131: Stage 1 Construction of Interchick U-Turn – New Bagamoyo


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic to use the constructed service roads. Improve the existing
mixed traffic lanes and construct all required facilities as per design. At this stage,
the BRT lanes can be used for mixed traffic to ease congestion at construction area
especially during peak hours (Figure 9.133).

Figure 9.132: Stage 2 Construction of Interchick U-Turn – New Bagamoyo


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.134.

Figure 9.133: Stage 3 Construction of Interchick U-Turn – New Bagamoyo


Draft Detailed Report

9.2.29 New Bagamoyo Road Jupiter Street Intersection (and U-turn) (Mbezi

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.135.

Figure 9.134: New Bagamoyo Road Jupiter Street Intersection (and U-turn)
(Mbezi Jogoo)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the service roads which will be used as diversion routes.
Construct the area across the median which will allow U-turning for traffic (Figure
9.136). The traffic signs should be well placed especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.135: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Jupiter Street

Intersection (and U-turn) (Mbezi Jogoo)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Divert the traffic into the service roads to create enough space for major
construction. Construct the BRT lanes and improve the existing mixed traffic lanes.
This is the stage to also construct all other facilities as per design (Figure 9.137).

Figure 9.136: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Jupiter Street

Intersection (and U-turn) (Mbezi Jogoo)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.138.

Figure 9. 137: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Jupiter Street

Intersection (and U-turn) (Mbezi Jogoo)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.30 New Bagamoyo Road Africana Drive Intersection (and U-turn)

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.139.

Figure 9.138: New Bagamoyo Road Africana Drive Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the service roads and the area that will be used for U-turning
traffic (Figure 9.140). Use appropriate sign for smooth and safe traffic movements at
the intersection as for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.139: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Africana Drive

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Divert the traffic to the constructed service roads. Utilize the existing
median to construct the BRT lanes. Improve the existing missed traffic lanes and
construct other facilities required as per design (Figure 9.141).

Figure 9.140: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Africana Drive

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.142.

Figure 9.141: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Africana Drive

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.31 New Bagamoyo Road Salasala Road Bahari Beach Road Intersection
(and U-turn)

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.143.

Figure 9.142: New Bagamoyo Road Salasala Road Bahari Beach Road
Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: At this location, there will be an inward U-turn. Construct the mixed traffic
lanes and all other features as per design requirement in the new location of the
service roads and walkways. The locations for U-turns will be prepared at this stage
of construction (Figure 9.144). The traffic signs should be well placed especially for
non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.143: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Salasala Road

Bahari Beach Road Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Divert the traffic to the constructed mixed traffic lanes. In the space created
in the middle part of the intersection, construct the BRT lanes and the inside service
roads. The right turning traffic will use the provided U-tuns on all sides of the
construction area (Figure 9.145).

Figure 9.144: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Salasala Road

Bahari Beach Road Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.146.

Figure 9.145: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Salasala Road

Bahari Beach Road Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.32 New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani Street Intersection (Mtongani/Suma JKT


The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.147.

Figure 9.146: New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani Street Intersection

(Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the BRT lanes utilizing the median space. Utilize the service road
existing and the sidewalks to construct the new service road and the traffic signs
should be well placed especially for non-motorized traffic (Figure 9.148).

Figure 9.147: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani Street

Intersection (Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic from Tegeta/Bagamoyo to use the prepared BRT lanes.
Improve the existing mixed traffic lanes in the direction towards Mwenge Intersection
(from Tegeta) as shown in Figure 9.149.

Figure 9.148: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani Street

Intersection (Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Mwenge to use BRT lanes and improve the mixed traffic
lanes. Construction of all required features as per design will be completed at this
stage (Figure 9.150).

Figure 9.149: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani Street

Intersection (Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.151.

Figure 9.150: Stage 4 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Mtongani Street

Intersection (Mtongani/Suma JKT U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.33 New Bagamoyo Road IPTL Street Intersection (and U-turn)

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.152.

Figure 9.151: New Bagamoyo Road IPTL Street Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the service roads that will later allow U-turns. Locations
where U-turns will be made across the median will be constructed at this
stage. The traffic signs should be well placed especially for non-motorized
traffic (Figure 9.153).

Figure 9.152: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road IPTL Street

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Divert the traffic to the constructed service roads. Utilize the median
and construct the BRT lanes. At this stage, the mixed traffic lanes will be
improved. Construction of other required facilities will be completed during this
stage (Figure 9.154).

Figure 9.153: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road IPTL Street

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.155.

Figure 9.154: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road IPTL Street

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.34 New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road Intersection (and U-turn)

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.156.

Figure 9.155: New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Prepare U-turn locations (Figure 9.157).

Figure 9.156: Stage 1 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Construct the BRT lanes in the middle of the existing lanes utilizing
the existing median (Figure 9.158). The right turning traffic will use the
prepared U-turn locations prepared during stage 1.

Figure 9.157: Stage 2 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Bagamoyo to use BRT lanes and construct the
mixed traffic lanes and all required features as per design. Also construct the
service roads beside Wazo hill roads that will serve as diversion routes in the
later stage (Figure 9.159).

Figure 9.158: Stage 3 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Allow traffic from Mwenge to use BRT lanes and construct the mixed
traffic lanes and all required features as per design. Close the middle part of
the intersection as shown to allow construction as per design (Figure 9.160).

Figure 9.159: Stage 4 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 5: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes.
The Final Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.161.

Figure 9.160: Stage 5 Construction of New Bagamoyo Road Wazo Road

Intersection (and U-turn)

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.35 DAWASA U-Turn – New Bagamoyo Road

The features existing in project road section are as shown in Figure 9.162.

Figure 9.161: DAWASA – New Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the new lanes for mixed traffic on each side of the existing
road as per design. At this stage, also construct the service roads which will
allow U-turns manoeuvres (Figure 9.163). The traffic signs should be well
placed especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.162: Stage 1 Construction of DAWASA U-Turn – New

Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Divert the traffic into newly constructed mixed traffic lanes. Construct
the BRT lanes utilizing the existing mixed traffic lanes (Figure 9.164).

Figure 9.163: Stage 2 Construction of DAWASA U-Turn – New

Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes.
The Final Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.165.

Figure 9.164: Stage 3 Construction of DAWASA U-Turn – New

Bagamoyo Road

Draft Detailed Report

9.2.36 Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road Intersection (Mpakani Roundabout)

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.166.

Figure 9.165: Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road Intersection (Mpakani


Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Utilize the existing median and construct the BRT lanes as per the design.
Construct the service roads as these will act as diversions routes (Figure 9.167). The
traffic signs should be well placed especially for non-motorized traffic so as to
provide efficient and safe traffic movements all time of the day.

Figure 9.166: Stage 1 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road

Intersection (Mpakani Roundabout)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Construct one lane of mixed traffic beside each side of the BRT
lanes after diverting the traffic to the constructed service roads. At this stage,
the roundabout will still operate as a common round about (Figure 9.168).

Figure 9.167: Stage 2 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road

Intersection (Mpakani Roundabout)

Stage 3: Allow traffic to use BRT lanes and the constructed single lane for the
mixed traffic. Construct the remaining mixed traffic lanes and all other
required facilities as per design requirements. This will be the last stage for
the movements at the intersection to follow the roundabout rules as the
intersection geometry will be altered (Figure 9.169).

Figure 9.168: Stage 3 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road

Intersection (Mpakani Roundabout)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes.
The Final Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 166.

Figure 9.169: Stage 4 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road TRA Road

Intersection (Mpakani Roundabout)

9.2.37 Sam Nujoma Road University Road Intersection (Mlimani City

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.171.

Figure 9.170: Sam Nujoma Road University Road Intersection (Mlimani City

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the BRT lanes utilizing the existing wide median. The traffic signs
should be well placed so that the traffic manoeuvrability will not be jeopardized by
the construction process (Figure 9.172).

Figure 9.171: Stage 1 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road University Road

Intersection (Mlimani City Roundabout)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Allow traffic Ubungo to use the constructed BRT lanes. Improve the existing
mixed traffic lanes and construct all other designed facilities. During this stage, the
required widening of the Spur of University road will be undertaken (Figure 9.173).

Figure 9. 172: Stage 2 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road University

Road Intersection (Mlimani City Roundabout)

Stage 3: Allow traffic from Mwenge to use BRT lanes, improve the mixed traffic lanes
and construct all facilities required as per design (Figure 9.174).

Figure 9.173: Stage 3 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road University

Road Intersection (Mlimani City Roundabout)

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.175.

Figure 9. 174: Stage 4 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road University

Road Intersection (Mlimani City Roundabout)

9.2.39 Sam Nujoma Road Igesa Road Intersection

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.176.

Figure 9.175: Sam Nujoma Road Igesa Road Intersection

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Utilize the existing median to construct the BRT lanes. Construct the
service roads on the existing service roads and walkways (Figure 173). Depending
on the design, other facilities can also be constructed during this stage. The traffic
signs should be well placed for non-motorized traffic and motorized traffic to have
efficient and safe traffic flow all time of construction.

Figure 9.176: Stage 1 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Igesa Road


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Divert the mixed traffic into the constructed service roads. The right turning
traffic will be making U-turn ahead of construction area. Improve the existing mixed
traffic lanes and complete the construction of all other facilities including pedestrian
facilities (Figure 9.178).

Figure 9.177: Stage 2 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Igesa Road


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.179.

Figure 9.178: Stage 3 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Igesa Road


Draft Detailed Report

9.2.40 Magufuli Hostel U -turn – Sam Nujoma Road

The features existing in project road section are as shown in Figure 9.180.

Figure 9.179: Magufuli Hostel U -turn – Sam Nujoma Road

Draft Detailed Report

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the service roads on the existing service roads and walkways.
Also, during this stage construct other facilities as per design. The construction U-
turn locations across the median will be done at this stage of construction (Figure
9.181). The traffic signs should be well placed especially for non-motorized traffic.

Figure 9.180: Stage 1 Construction of Magufuli Hostel U -turn – Sam Nujoma


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 2: Divert the traffic into the service roads with good care of non-motorized
traffic. Utilize the existing median to construct the BRT lanes and during this stage,
improve the existing mixed traffic lanes (Figure 9.182).

Figure 9.181: Stage 2 Construction of Magufuli Hostel U -turn – Sam

Nujoma Road

Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.183.

Figure 9.182: Stage 3 Construction of Magufuli Hostel U -turn – Sam Nujoma


Draft Detailed Report

9.2.41 Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano Road Intersection

The features existing in project road intersection are as shown in Figure 9.184.

Figure 9.183: Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano Road Intersection

Proposed Construction stages

Stage 1: Construct the BRT lanes in the existing median. Construct the service roads
as per design in the existing service roads walkways (Figure 9.185). Other designed
facilities can be constructed too during this stage.

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.184: Stage 1 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano

Road Intersection

Stage 2: Divert the traffic into the constructed service roads. Improve the
existing mixed traffic lanes as well as the remaining middle part of the
intersection. The widening of the Mawasiliano road will be done at this stage
while completing all other required facilities (Figure 9.186).

Draft Detailed Report

Figure 9.185: Stage 2 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano Road


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 3: Open the middle part of the intersection. Construct the BRT lanes in
Mawasiliano road after diverting the traffic to/from Mawasiliano into the widened part
(Figure 9.187).

Figure 9.186: Stage 3 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano Road


Draft Detailed Report

Stage 4: Finally block the access of mixed traffic into dedicated BRT lanes. The Final
Layout of the intersection will be as shown in Figure 9.188.

Figure 9.187: Stage 4 Construction of Sam Nujoma Road Mawasiliano Road


Catchment Areas
Appendix 1. According to COWI Report: Stormwater catchments and main rivers in
Dar-Es-Salaam: Tegeta, Mbezi, Mlalakuwa, Mikocheni, Kijitonyama and Msimbazi
Delineation of Catchment areas of Dar-Es-Salaam from Topographic maps
Msimbazi River Catchment area delineated from Topographic maps: Total area is 268 km2
Rainfall data
Julius Nyerere International Airport Monthly Rainfall (mm)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1966 116.3 81.6 145.7 250.8 217.2 58.8 12.6 49.9 30.6 36.7 19.1 38
1967 30.5 81.6 91 319.7 235 53.4 112.9 40.4 94.1 86 190.5 179.3
1968 5.9 135.3 305.8 417.9 119.3 63.4 3.2 13 15.5 86.9 292.4 109.8
1969 73.2 81.9 202.8 299.1 205.4 21.7 27.3 35.5 24.3 24.8 129.3 15.8
1970 110.7 41.8 80 180.7 126.7 2.2 15.3 9.5 59.1 15.7 20.4 209.4
1971 66.4 50.9 128.4 133.7 185 53 19.9 27.8 3.9 50.2 7.6 93.6
1972 65 74.1 150.1 351.3 263.4 0.3 37.7 14.9 52.7 131.6 176.4 100.8
1973 33.9 27.3 81.9 359 59.2 68 15.5 54 7.8 27.1 8.7 33.6
1974 167.9 6.3 76.1 304 86.5 14.8 41 1.7 24.3 26.2 11.9 2.7
1975 50.8 5 121.8 245 279.8 16.9 9.6 4.2 89.3 19.7 150.6 101.8
1976 14.4 9.1 243.2 278.3 173.4 96 78 3.3 12.5 40.4 26.7 37.4
1977 163.9 36.3 142.9 282 134.8 4.3 8.4 34.1 95.9 48.5 199.3 186.4
1978 65.8 14.8 133.7 428.1 112.6 57.5 24.8 9.5 26.2 35.1 425.1 159.4
1979 201.7 142.8 84 187.7 395.6 91.3 15.2 18.6 26.4 24.9 41.8 85.4
1980 58.8 61.6 103.3 143.5 88.4 0 19.2 42.7 2.4 128.7 238.1 98.5
1981 40.5 8.3 188.2 171.3 191 18.7 2.8 56.1 23 75.1 54.4 219.2
1982 13.8 1.7 58.9 198.9 237.4 138.9 50.3 20 18.5 181.2 264.1 238.3
1983 37.2 61.9 78 224 405.6 39.4 45.9 13.9 6.8 70 15.8 67.2
1984 116.4 0 128.4 441.2 174.2 60.1 28.4 5.1 6.5 104.4 121.1 182.3
1985 93.8 124.1 114.8 135.0 184.0 2.4 62.1 1.4 12.8 33.8 61.7 122.9
1986 35.8 0.4 210.8 398.4 293.5 13.3 1.7 32.6 46.0 109.0 242.7 46.7
1987 21.1 13.9 77.9 160.9 246.5 0.8 16.4 73.6 2.8 40.7 48.1 22.2
1988 183.3 13.2 105.2 245.7 15.3 78.5 9.3 48.2 32.7 8.8 62.4 152.7
1989 268.2 0.0 105.3 259.3 196.5 34.6 5.7 33.7 22.8 72.3 28.0 175.6
1990 110.2 160.9 93.5 271.5 100.3 29.2 29.9 7.3 23.6 29.6 230.2 55.6
1991 92.9 17.3 75.2 17.4 353.0 4.6 28.9 21.7 13.0 25.7 218.6 187.4
1992 9.2 114.6 51.3 325.4 288.1 37.2 34.8 3.1 20.9 2.6 138.3 120.0
1993 71.3 34.8 118.2 322.6 199.4 17.4 14.1 10.1 9.1 109.9 161.5 86.9
1994 54.6 100.1 99.7 289.2 171.1 4.4 50.1 10.0 9.3 69.0 197.7 228.7
1995 12.5 110.1 310.6 264.9 374.2 2.1 7.6 106.5 4.6 163.8 117.1 62.2
1996 90.0 225.8 233.1 223.2 254.2 11.6 14.9 13.5 1.8 108.1 78.5 12.2
1997 1.7 0.3 282.8 167.7 117.4 154.2 5.6 6.1 2.6 250.8 152.0 231.0
1998 107.3 123.7 155.2 319.9 161.6 29.9 2.4 5.0 68.0 58.5 105.7 0.0
1999 30.1 108.9 222.1 258.9 143.4 81.8 60.1 20.4 13.5 27.2 115.0 173.8
2000 1.8 3.5 169.9 222.1 47.6 126.9 29.6 31.1 3.2 6.2 79.2 214.2
2001 64.5 71.3 139.0 296.7 162.5 14.0 19.6 3.9 5.0 6.7 15.5 82.2
2002 81.9 83.5 197.2 569.4 30.1 7.0 32.1 95.4 30.2 51.8 98.9 112.5
2003 20.1 22.2 122.4 13.7 130.8 109.5 26.1 0.9 3.5 22.4 89.2 24.6
2004 77.7 149.8 134.5 297.6 19.3 42.7 0.9 0.6 31.1 93.5 65.5 181.6
2005 154.8 38.9 80.2 119.4 302.6 2.8 14.9 13.8 10.5 124.9 24.5 13.4
2006 6.4 44.0 243.5 226.7 166.4 142.9 15.0 6.5 23.8 78.1 240.9 230.4
2007 8.5 39.4 201.4 181.7 124.2 16.5 2.0 26.2 14.3 70.3 113.7 45.8
2008 52.3 56.1 159.4 303.8 62.4 10.0 6.7 10.4 16.7 95.0 116.8 11.7
2009 17.9 61.8 103.8 240.1 25.2 10.6 1.4 5.8 2.1 38.8 18.2 69.9
2010 14.0 83.2 167.7 362.2 119.0 14.6 7.1 15.8 46.2 0.4 48.7 85.3
2011 4.1 103.8 26.3 224.4 106.7 29.7 11.9 26.3 54.4 31.6 316.5 377.2
2012 3.2 36.4 49.9 263.5 109.6 9.7 3.2 19.2 16.3 0.8 124.0 66.8
2013 67.4 1.6 190.2 179.0 85.8 1.2 2.3 9.1 19.7 37.0 69.3 69.6
2014 0.9 80.6 426.3 449.2 154.5 4.2 7.9 0.5 60.8 20.1 33.9 40.0
2015 50.1 0.8 226.2 161.0 342.5 3.5 8.7 20.9 11.0 15.5 132.6 66.1
2016 154.2 98.7 56.2 352.8 8.6 3.5 1.9 4.3 26.8 0.1 49.6 26.2

1985 92.7 166.4 94.3 158.9 90.9 0 29.6 0.9 6 34.6 30.5 108.8
1986 26.4 0 67.8 295.1 208.7 5.9 1.2 21.5 55.3 84.4 99.7 140.4
1987 54 9 102 187.7 280.8 0 11.3 34.4 0 20.9 12.4 28.9
1988 132.8 3.2 109.9 150.1 27.8 48.6 0 24.8 27.8 30.5 56.4 87.2
1989 232.2 0 25.6 181.8 24.5 0 0 11.5 37.5 39.4 80.9
1990 46.7 97.2 137.9 216 64.8 0 0 9.6 3.2 5.8 190.7 51.3
1991 72.8 4.8 88.8 5.6 191.2 3.2 4.9 29.5 8.8 9.4 104.1 142.5
1992 7.2 20.9 114.9 339.2 109.1 59.9 17.2 0 40 0 90.8 69
1993 78.2 21.4 194 262.7 121.1 0 9.3 20.6 4.8 31.4 73.1 39.2
1994 10.9 94.7 130.2 340 127.6 0 16 0 6.6 94 87.3 m
1995 0 42.4 136 249.5 213.4 0 8.8 81.6 12 80 19.6 49.2
1996 42 33.6 171.6 123 215 4 9.3 0 0 68.4 0 0
1997 0 0 421.9 160.2 97.6 74.8 0 0 8 305.2 83.2 112.6
1998 151.5 42.1 65.7 244.1 190.2 23.7 13 0 16.8 30.4 78.9 m
1999 m m m m m m m m m m m m
2001 0 80 52.8 237.6 139.8 25.6 3.2 0 0 0 29 96.1
2002 72.5 m m m m m m m 52.2 38.7 27.3 16.5
2003 0 0 103.5 48.5 136.1 41.6 3.5 0 0 96.5 0 83.3
2004 11.2 101.2 65.5 125 2.6 43.4 7.4 0 0 155.9 102.1 168.3
2005 0 47 74.3 142.8 211.8 8 0 0 0 0 33.9 0
2006 10.1 42.3 116.4 132.1 111.6 105.3 17.1 0 0 35.1 93.3 185.4
2007 67.3 36 49.6 133.1 246.2 71.1 29 0 30.5 5.7 161.8 49
2008 26.1 4.8 109 212 77.8 1.5 29 0 1.5 126.6 202.3 21.9
2009 31.3 60.2 74.4 107.3 32.7 3.5 3.3 20 0 m m m
2010 54.6 64.8 67.6 294.7 42.9 9.8 5 28 15.6 0 34.3 45.6
2011 0 48.4 45.3 82.7 49.5 5.7 0 25.6 14.9 38 79.4 253.9

Note: m=Missing data

Rainfall data Analysis
Year Monthly Rainfall
Year R(mm )
1985 60.08
1986 81.67
1987 57.28
1988 47.19
1989 47.05
1990 64.71
1991 49.40
1992 71.75
1993 64.80
1994 80.57
1995 74.38
1996 52.08
1997 105.29
1998 64.61
1999 55.57
2001 55.34
2002 50.12
2003 42.75
2004 64.28
2005 43.15
2006 69.88
2007 67.67
2008 65.63
2009 40.78
2010 50.69
2011 53.62

Mean 60.78230769
Stdv 14.52898628

α 11.32820413
u 54.24366827

R.Period(T) (T/(T-1)) LN(T/(T-1)) LN(LN(T/(T-1))) YT RT(mm)

2 2.000 0.6931 -0.3665 0.3665 58.40
5 1.250 0.2231 -1.4999 1.4999 71.24
10 1.111 0.1054 -2.2504 2.2504 79.74
25 1.042 0.0408 -3.1985 3.1985 90.48
50 1.020 0.020 -3.9019 3.9019 98.45
100 1.010 0.010 -4.6001 4.6001 106.36
Rainfall Intensity for Dar-Es-Salaam Airport


Period 15MIN 30MIN 1HR 2HRS 3HRS 6HRS 12HRS

0 15.00 30.00 60.00 120.00 180.00 360.00 720.00

2YRS 92.08 65.04 42.78 23.66 16.62 9.50 4.99
5YRS 117.48 84.18 57.02 31.61 21.92 12.77 7.49
10YRS 134.32 96.84 66.44 36.87 25.42 14.93 7.91
25YRS 155.60 112.84 78.35 43.52 29.85 17.67 9.37
50YRS 171.40 124.72 87.19 48.45 33.13 19.70 10.46
100YRS 187.08 136.50 95.96 53.34 36.39 21.71 11.54
Peak flow computations
Appendix 3.5b: Generalised Tropical Flood Model

Chainage [km] [km]

Name of River Msimbazi
No. of Catchment 1
Mean Annual Precipitation [mm] 1000

Catchment Size [km2] 268

Geodetic Height at Bridge [maSL] 0

Geodetic Height at Watershed [maSL] 260
Height Difference [m] 260
Length of River [km] 65
Average Slope [m/m] 0.004
Catchment Form Factor [km2/km] 4.123
Climate Classification Humid
Soil Description 3
Slope Class S 1
Soil Class I 2
Basic Runoff Coefficient CS 1.000
Land Use Factor CL 1.5
Catchment Wetness Factor CW 0.5
Contributing Area CA 1.000
Surface Cover Flow Time TS [h] 1
Hydrograph Base Time TB [h] 50.000

24 - Hours Design Storm (T=10 YEARS) [mm] 124.8

24 - Hours Design Storm (T=25 YEARS) [mm] 140.9
24 - Hours Design Storm (T=50 YEARS) [mm] 152.9
24 - Hours Design Storm (T=100 YEARS) [mm] 164.8

Constant N 0.960
Constant B 0.330
Rainfall Ratio 0.982
Area Reduction Factor 0.982

Area Design Storm (T=10 years) [mm] 120.3

Area Design Storm (T=25 years) [mm] 135.9
Area Design Storm (T=50 years) [mm] 147.4
Area Design Storm (T=100 years) [mm] 158.9

Average Flow [m3/s] 179.3

Average Flow [m3/s] 202.5
Average Flow [m3/s] 219.7
Average Flow [m3/s] 236.8

Peak Flow Factor F 2.8

Design Flood (T=10 years) [m 3/s] 502.1

Design Flood (T=25 years) [m 3/s] 566.9
Design Flood (T=50 years) [m 3/s] 615.2
Design Flood (T=100 years) [m 3/s] 663.1
Peak discharges for large Bridge catchments using TRRL East African Flood Model

1 2
Parameters/ Catchment areas 3

Stream Name Mlalakuwa Mbezi Tegeta

Input Data
Area A ( km 2) 12.24 60.36 51.910
Channel Length L (km) 6 12 8.000
Channel Slope Sc (%) 0.67 2.75 2.75
Land Slope Sl (%) 0.67 2.75 2.75
10-Yr,24-Hr R'fall R10 (mm) 124.8 124.8 124.8
Std.Contr. Area Coef Cs 0.4 0.4 0.4
Catch.Wetness Factor Cw 0.5 0.5 0.50
Land Use Factor Cl 1.5 1.5 1.5
Contrib.Area Coef. CA 0.3 0.3 0.3
Rainfall Time Tp (hr) 4.00 4.00 4.00
Index n 0.96 0.96 0.96
Constant b 0.33 0.33 0.33
Reservoir lag time K 0.5 0.5 0.5

1ST Approximation TRRL

Rainfall Base Time TB (hr) 5.15 5.15 5.15
Area Reduction Factor ARF 0.92 0.82 0.83
Rfall in Base Time RTB(mm) 112.02 112.2 112.02
Average Rainfall Rav g(mm) 103.06 92.00 93.32
Average Discharge Qav g(m /s) 18.96 83.46 72.81
F.W Atten. Time TA(hr) 0.984 0.670 0.462

2ND Approximation TRRL

Rainfall Base Time TB (hr) 6.13 5.82 5.61
Area Reduction Factor ARF 0.92 0.83 0.84
Rfall in Base Time RTB(mm) 113.86 113.32 112.94
Average Rainfall Rav g(mm) 105.15 93.74 94.62
Average Discharge Qav g(m /s) 16.24 75.24 67.74
F.W Atten. Time TA(hr) 1.022 0.688 0.471
ABS(Delta (TA)) 0.039 0.018 0.008


QT=10 (m3/s) 37.36 173.06 155.80
QT=25 (m /s) 43.82 203.00 182.75
QT=50 (m /s) 48.60 225.15 202.70
QT=100 (m /s) 53.38 247.30 222.64
Peak discharges for small culvert catchments using Rational Method
Location Chainage Catch- Area Length Slope Runoff Rainfall Area Discharges Remarks
Name of Road Km ment no (km ) (km) (%) Coefficient Time Tc (hr) Intensity Redu. factor m3/sec
1 Bibi Titi/Maktaba. 0+125 1 0.25 2 0.2 0.35 2.50 49.59 0.99 1.19
2 Bibi Titi/Ohio 0+350 2 0.32 1.75 0.2 0.35 2.50 49.59 0.98 1.52
3 Bibi Titi/Magore 0+875 3 0.32 1.75 0.2 0.35 2.50 49.59 0.98 1.52
4 Salender Police St. 1+900 4 0.5 0.7 0.67 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.98 1.73
5 Ali Hassan/Mkwawa 3+550 5 0.4 1.87 0.22 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.98 1.39
6 Ali Hassan/Best bite 4+460 6 0.8 2.0 0.22 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.69 1.95
7 Egyptian Attache 5+395 7 0.25 1.87 0.22 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.99 0.87 in progress
8 Bagamoyo/Chato Rd 5+535 8 2.7 2.75 0.22 0.30 2.50 49.59 0.93 10.36
9 Unnamed stream 5+615 9 0.3 1.87 0.22 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.98 1.05 in progress
10 Unnamed stream 5+915 10 0.25 1.87 0.22 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.99 0.87 in progress
11 Halotel 6+145 11 0.2 1.87 0.22 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.99 0.70 in progress
12 Bagamoyo/Victoria 6+445 12 3.00 3 0.23 0.30 2.50 49.59 0.92 11.46 in progress
13 Makumbusho 6+950 13 2.5 7 0.22 0.30 4.00 32.97 0.94 6.46
14 Unnamed stream 7+300 14 0.3 1.87 0.22 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.98 1.05 in progress
15 Oilcom 7+600 15 4.0 7 0.33 0.15 3.00 42.42 0.64 4.52 Kijitonyama
16 Bamaga/ Shekilango 8+295 16 6 8 0.33 0.30 2.70 46.44 0.93 21.61 Kijitonyama
17 ITV 8+595 17 1.5 1.3 0.33 0.33 3.00 42.42 0.97 1.28 in progress
18 Mikocheni/Aspen 9+175 18 3.2 8 0.33 0.30 2.90 43.68 0.95 11.07 to No 16
19 Junct./Sam Nujoma 9+512 19 3.2 8 0.33 0.30 2.90 43.68 0.95 11.07
20 Pedestrian crossing 10+590 20 0.38 1.5 0.33 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.98 1.32
21 Makongo Football pitch. 10+725 21 0.38 1.7 0.33 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.98 1.32
22 Makongo Secondary 10+975 22 0.6 1.5 0.33 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.98 2.08
23 Lugalo Pump house 11+175 23 1.2 1.6 0.33 0.30 2.00 59.77 0.97 5.77
24 Lugalo at hospital 11+520 24 0.8 1.6 0.33 0.30 2.00 59.77 0.97 3.87
25 Lugalo Sports grounds 11+685 25 0.5 1.6 0.33 0.30 2.00 59.77 0.98 2.44
26 Lugalo Sports grounds 11+925 26 0.6 2 0.33 0.30 2.00 59.77 0.98 2.92
27 Lugalo near Gate 12+025 27 0.7 2 0.33 0.30 2.00 59.77 0.97 3.40
28 Lugalo after the Gate 12+313 28 0.9 2 0.33 0.30 2.00 59.77 0.97 4.35
29 Goba junction 14+375 29 15 5 0.33 0.20 2.00 59.77 0.88 43.72
30 Makonde stream 15+013 30 3 2 0.33 0.30 4.00 32.97 0.96 7.89
31 Manyama 1 stream 15+915 31 15 9 0.33 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.89 47.37
32 Manyama 2 stream 16+425 32 7 4 0.33 0.15 2.00 59.77 0.92 15.98
33 Africana str. 1 NMB 16+850 33 0.7 0.7 0.33 0.30 2.00 59.77 0.97 3.40
34 Africana stream 2 16+975 34 1 0.7 0.33 0.30 2.00 59.77 0.97 4.83
35 Rafia area 17+612 35 15 4 0.33 0.30 5.00 27.01 0.91 30.72
36 Mazrui International 17+790 36 2.00 1.2 0.33 0.30 3.00 42.42 0.96 6.80
37 Tegeta stream 1 20+650 37 10.0 8 0.33 0.30 6.00 22.90 0.93 17.77
38 Tegeta Rabininsia 23+275 38 2.5 7 0.33 0.30 4.50 29.68 0.96 5.95
39 Tegeta Kibo Cement 24+075 39 3.6 6 0.33 0.30 4.90 27.50 0.96 7.97
40 DAWASA 24+475 40 3.35 6 0.33 0.30 6.50 21.28 0.96 5.71
Conditions of existing bridges structures
Bridge at Msimbazi River
LOCATION OF Sealander bridge crossing between Bagamoyo Road Bridge at
BRIDGE Msimbazi river. Bridge dimension is L=80.0m w=29.5m H=5.3.m

CONDITION Structural condition of the Bridge was found to good.


Capacity of 663m3/sec
the Bridge
Bridge at Mlalakuwa
LOCATION OF Mlalakuwa River bridge crossing Bagamoyo Road at
BRIDGE Mlalakuwa river. Bridge dimension is L=30m W=10m

CONDITION Structural condition of the Bridge was found to good.

Mbezi River Bridge at Lugalo Barracks
LOCATION OF Mbezi River bridge crossing Bagamoyo Bridge at
BRIDGE Lugalo .Bridge dimension is L=30m W=10m H=5.3m

CONDITION Structural condition of the Bridge was found to good.

Bridge at Tegeta kwa Ndevu
LOCATION OF Tegeta kwa Ndevu bridge crossing between
BRIDGE Bagamoyo Bridge at Tegeta river. Bridge dimension
is L=30m H=5.3m

CONDITION Structural condition of the Bridge was found to good.

Hydraulic Capacity of Existing and proposed Bridges

Depth Elevation Manning Roughness Hydraulic Radius Channel slope Wetted Area Velocity Discharge
d (m) (m) n R S (%) Perimeter P (m) A (m 2) V (m/s) Q1(m 3/s)
0.0 0.00 0.035 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.5 0.50 0.035 0.49 0.50 81.00 40.00 0.59 23.43
1.0 1.00 0.035 0.98 0.50 82.00 80.00 0.92 73.79
1.5 1.50 0.035 1.45 0.50 83.00 120.00 1.20 143.88
2.0 2.00 0.035 1.90 0.50 84.00 160.00 1.44 230.55
2.5 2.50 0.035 2.35 0.50 85.00 200.00 1.66 331.78
3.0 3.00 0.035 2.79 0.50 86.00 240.00 1.86 446.10
3.5 3.50 0.035 3.22 0.50 87.00 280.00 2.04 572.36
4.0 4.00 0.035 3.64 0.50 88.00 320.00 2.22 709.60
4.5 4.50 0.035 4.04 0.50 89.00 360.00 2.38 857.03
5.0 5.00 0.035 4.44 0.50 90.00 400.00 2.53 1013.96
6.0 6.00 0.035 5.27 0.50 91.00 480.00 2.84 1363.93

Flow Depth vis Discharge



Flow depth (m)




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Discharge (m3/s)
2 1 Discharge Q1(m3/s)
V =
1 3 2
R S Q = AV

Depth Elevation Manning Roughness Hydraulic Radius Channel slope Wetted Area Velocity Discharge
d (m) (m) n R S (%) Perimeter P (m) A (m 2) V (m/s) Q1(m 3/s)
0.0 0.00 0.035 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.5 0.50 0.035 0.48 1.00 31.00 15.00 0.82 12.26
1.0 1.00 0.035 0.94 1.00 32.00 30.00 1.27 38.11
1.5 1.50 0.035 1.36 1.00 33.00 45.00 1.63 73.39 H≈1.4m
2.0 2.00 0.035 1.76 1.00 34.00 60.00 1.94 116.20
2.5 2.50 0.035 2.14 1.00 35.00 75.00 2.20 165.32
3.0 3.00 0.035 2.50 1.00 36.00 90.00 2.44 219.85
3.5 3.50 0.035 2.84 1.00 37.00 105.00 2.66 279.11
4.0 4.00 0.035 3.16 1.00 38.00 120.00 2.85 342.54

Flow Depth vis Discharge





Flow depth (m)

1.5 h ≈1.4m Q=53.38m3/sec



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Discharge (m3/s)

Discharge Q1(m3/s)

2 1
V =
1 3 2
R S Q = AV

Depth Elevation Manning Roughness Hydraulic Radius Channel slope Wetted Area Velocity Discharge
d (m) (m) n R S (%) Perimeter P (m) A (m 2) V (m/s) Q1(m 3/s)
0.0 0.00 0.035 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.5 0.50 0.035 0.48 1.00 31.00 15.00 0.82 12.26
1.0 1.00 0.035 0.94 1.00 32.00 30.00 1.27 38.11
1.5 1.50 0.035 1.36 1.00 33.00 45.00 1.63 73.39
2.0 2.00 0.035 1.76 1.00 34.00 60.00 1.94 116.20
2.5 2.50 0.035 2.14 1.00 35.00 75.00 2.20 165.32
3.0 3.00 0.035 2.50 1.00 36.00 90.00 2.44 219.85 H≈3.4m
3.5 3.50 0.035 2.84 1.00 37.00 105.00 2.66 279.11
4.0 4.00 0.035 3.16 1.00 38.00 120.00 2.85 342.54
4.5 4.50 0.035 3.46 1.00 39.00 135.00 3.03 409.68
5.00 5.00 0.035 3.75 1.00 40.00 150.00 3.20 480.15


Flow Depth vis Discharge 5.0





Flow depth (m)


h≈ 1.5



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Discharge (m3/s)

Discharge Q1(m3/s)

2 1
V =
1 3 2
R S Q = AV

Depth Elevation Manning Roughness Hydraulic Radius Channel slope Wetted Area Velocity Discharge
d (m) (m) n R S (%) Perimeter P (m) A (m 2) V (m/s) Q1(m 3/s)
0.0 0.00 0.035 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.5 0.50 0.035 0.48 1.00 31.00 15.00 0.82 12.26
1.0 1.00 0.035 0.94 1.00 32.00 30.00 1.27 38.11
1.5 1.50 0.035 1.36 1.00 33.00 45.00 1.63 73.39
2.0 2.00 0.035 1.76 1.00 34.00 60.00 1.94 116.20
2.5 2.50 0.035 2.14 1.00 35.00 75.00 2.20 165.32
3.0 3.00 0.035 2.50 1.00 36.00 90.00 2.44 219.85 H≈3.4m
3.5 3.50 0.035 2.84 1.00 37.00 105.00 2.66 279.11
4.0 4.00 0.035 3.16 1.00 38.00 120.00 2.85 342.54
4.5 4.50 0.035 3.46 1.00 39.00 135.00 3.03 409.68
5.00 5.00 0.035 3.75 1.00 40.00 150.00 3.20 480.15


5.0 Flow Depth vis Discharge





Flow depth (m)


h≈ 3.4m, Q= 247m3/sec



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Discharge (m3/s)

Discharge Q1(m3/s)

2 1
V =
1 3 2
R S Q = AV
Scour depth calculation for proposed Bridges

Design Data

Two boreholes are carried out at this bridge location, BH-1 near pier and BH-2 near abutment.Top layers of
BH-1 and BH-2 consist of normal sand in depth of 0.6m and 1.10m respectively followed by weathered,fine
to medium grained sand


SKEW ANGLE = 0 degree
DISCHARGE (Q) = 663 m3/s
SILT FACTOR (K sf ) = 1.0


Refer cl.110.1.3 & cl. of IRC:5,1998

Mean scour depth dsm = 1.34*(Db2/Ksf )(1/3)
Where Db = 1.3*Q/W
Mean scour depth = dsm = 6.537 m
Max scour depth at abt. = 1.27*dsm = 8.301 m
Max scour level(abutment) = HFL - 1.27*dsm = -4.301 m
Founding Level(abutment) = -4.301-1.2 = -5.501 m

Design Data

Two boreholes are carried out at this bridge location, BH-1 and BH-2 near abutments.Top layers of BH-1 and
BH-2 consist of normal sand in depth of 0.6m and 1.10m respectively followed by weathered,fine to medium
grained sand

SKEW ANGLE = 0 degree
DISCHARGE (Q) = 53.29 m3/s
SILT FACTOR (K sf ) = 1.0


Refer cl.110.1.3 & cl. of IRC:5,1998

Mean scour depth dsm = 1.34*(Db2/Ksf )(1/3)
Where Db = 1.3*Q/W
Mean scour depth = dsm = 2.395 m
Max scour depth at abt. = 1.27*dsm = 3.041 m
Max scour level(abutment) = HFL - 1.27*dsm = 11.959 m
Founding Level(abutment) = 11.959-1.2 = 10.759 m

Assumed Design Data

Two boreholes are carried out at this bridge location, BH-1 and and BH-2 consist of normal sand in depth of
0.6m and 1.10m respectively followed by weathered,fine to medium grained sand

SKEW ANGLE = 0 degree
DISCHARGE (Q) = 247.29 m3/s
SILT FACTOR (K sf ) = 1.0


Refer cl.110.1.3 & cl. of IRC:5,1998

Mean scour depth dsm = 1.34*(Db2/Ksf )(1/3)
Where Db = 1.3*Q/W
Mean scour depth = dsm = 6.662 m
Max scour depth at abt. = 1.27*dsm = 8.461 m
Max scour level(abutment) = HFL - 1.27*dsm = 6.539 m
Founding Level(abutment) = 6.539-1.2 = 5.339 m

Design Data

Two boreholes are carried out at this bridge location, BH-1 and BH-2 near abutments.Top layers of BH-1 and
BH-2 consist of normal sand in depth of 0.6m and 1.10m respectively followed by fine to medium grained

SKEW ANGLE = 0 degree
DISCHARGE (Q) = 222.64 m3/s
SILT FACTOR (K sf ) = 1.0


Refer cl.110.1.3 & cl. of IRC:5,1998

Mean scour depth dsm = 1.34*(Db2/K sf )(1/3)
Where Db = 1.3*Q/W
Mean scour depth = dsm = 6.212 m
Max scour depth at abt. = 1.27*dsm = 7.889 m
Max scour level(abutment) = HFL - 1.27*dsm = 17.111 m
Founding Level(abutment) = 17.111-1.2 = 15.911 m

There is no scour in Tegeta River Bridge

Hydraulic Capacity of existing Box Culverts
Flow capacity of 2no 1.5m x2.0m box culvert


Culvert Summary
Allowable HW Elevation 2.00m Headwater Depth/Height 1.01
Computed Headwater 2.00m Discharge 8.3071m³/s
Inlet Control HW Elev. 1.97m Tailwater Elevation 0.00m
Outlet Control HW Elev. 2.00m Control Type Entrance

Upstream Invert 0.15m Downstream Invert 0.00m
Length 12.00m Constructed Slope 0.012500m/m

Hydraulic Profile
Profile S2 Depth, Downstream 0.94m
Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 0.77m
Flow Regime Supercritic Critical Depth 1.16m
Velocity Downstream 4.12m/s Critical Slope 0.004203m/m

Section Shape Box Mannings Coefficient 0.013
Section Material Concrete Span 2.13m
Section Size 2000 x Rise 1.83m
2000 mm
Number Sections 1
Outlet Control Properties
Outlet Control HW Elev. 2.00m Upstream Velocity Head 0.58m
Ke 0.20 Entrance Loss 0.12m

Inlet Control Properties

Inlet Control HW Elev. 1.97m Flow Control Unsubmer
Inlet Type 90° Area Full 3.9m²
headwall w
45° bevels
K 0.49500 HDS 5 Chart 10
M 0.66700 HDS 5 Scale 2
C 0.03140 Equation Form 2
Y 0.82000
Flow capacity of 1no 4.0m x2.0m box culvert
Culvert Calculator Report
Capacity of 4.0m x2.0m Box culvert with Hw/h= 1.2
Discharge Calculation

Culvert Summary
Allowable HW Elevation 2.40 m Headwater Depth/Height 0.75
Computed Headwater 2.40 m Discharge 21.06 m³/s
Inlet Control HW Elev. 2.36 m Tailwater Elevation 0.00 m
Outlet Control HW Elev. 2.40 m Control Type Entrance

Upstream Invert 0.12 m Downstream Invert 0.00 m
Length 12.00 m Constructed Slope 0.010000 m/m

Hydraulic Profile
Profile S2 Depth, Downstream 1.21 m
Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 0.98 m
Flow Regime Supercriti Critical Depth 1.43 m
Velocity Downstream 4.41 m/s Critical Slope 0.003551 m/m

Section Shape Box Mannings Coefficient 0.013
Section Material Concrete Span 3.05 m
Section Size 4000 x Rise 3.05 m
Number Sections 1

Outlet Control Properties

Outlet Control HW Elev. 2.40 m Upstream Velocity Head 0.71 m
Ke 0.20 Entrance Loss 0.14 m

Inlet Control Properties

Inlet Control HW Elev. 2.36 m Flow Control Unsubme
Inlet Type 90° Area Full 9.3 m²
w 45°
K 0.49500 HDS 5 Chart 10
M 0.66700 HDS 5 Scale 2
C 0.03140 Equation Form 2
Y 0.82000
Flow capacity of 2nos x 4.0m x2.0m Box culvert at Manyema stream
Discharge calculation

Culvert Summary
Allowable HW Elevation 2.80m Headwater Depth/Height 0.89
Computed Headwater 2.80m Discharge 41.8476m³/s
Inlet Control HW Elev. 2.76m Tailwater Elevation 0.00m
Outlet Control HW Elev. 2.80m Control Type Entrance

Upstream Invert 0.10m Downstream Invert 0.00m
Length 12.00m Constructed Slope 0.008333m/m

Hydraulic Profile
Profile S2 Depth, Downstream 1.49m
Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 1.25m
Flow Regime Supercritic Critical Depth 1.69m
Velocity Downstream 4.62m/s Critical Slope 0.003761m/m

Section Shape Box Mannings Coefficient 0.013
Section Material Concrete Span 3.05m
Section Size 4000 x Rise 3.05m
Number Sections 2
Outlet Control Properties
Outlet Control HW Elev. 2.80m Upstream Velocity Head 0.84m
Ke 0.20 Entrance Loss 0.17m

Inlet Control Properties

Inlet Control HW Elev. 2.76m Flow Control Unsubmerg
Inlet Type 90° Area Full 18.6m²
headwall w
45° bevels
K 0.49500 HDS 5 Chart 10
M 0.66700 HDS 5 Scale 2
C 0.03140 Equation Form 2
Y 0.82000
Culvert Summary
Allowable HW Elevation 2.80m Headwater Depth/Height 1.48
Computed Headwater 2.80m Discharge 13.3615m³/s
Inlet Control HW Elev. 2.80m Tailwater Elevation 0.00m
Outlet Control HW Elev. 2.64m Control Type Inlet

Culvert Summary
Allowable HW Elevation 3.60m Headwater Depth/Height 1.15
Computed Headwater 3.60m Discharge 30.8814m³/s
Inlet Control HW Elev. 3.55m Tailwater Elevation 0.00m
Outlet Control HW Elev. 3.60m Control Type Entrance
Culvert Summary

Upstream Invert 0.10m Downstream Invert 0.00m
Length 12.00m Constructed Slope 0.008333m/m

Hydraulic Profile
Profile S2 Depth, Downstream 1.96m
Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 1.68m
Flow Regime Supercritic Critical Depth 2.19m
Velocity Downstream 5.16m/s Critical Slope 0.004183m/m

Section Shape Box Mannings Coefficient 0.013
Section Material Concrete Span 3.05m
Section Size 4000 x Rise 3.05m
Number Sections 1

Outlet Control Properties

Outlet Control HW Elev. 3.60m Upstream Velocity Head 1.09m
Ke 0.20 Entrance Loss 0.22m

Inlet Control Properties

Inlet Control HW Elev. 3.55m Flow Control Unsubmer
Inlet Type 90° Area Full 9.3m²
headwall w
45° bevels
K 0.49500 HDS 5 Chart 10
M 0.66700 HDS 5 Scale 2
C 0.03140 Equation Form 2
Y 0.82000

Hydraulic Capacity of Pipe Culverts

Culvert Calculator Report
Capacity of 900mm pipe culvert
Capacity of 900mm pipe culvert with Hw/h=1.2
Discharge calculation

Culvert Summary
Allowable HW Elevation 1.08 m Headwater Depth/Height 1.02
Computed Headwater 1.08 m Discharge 0.9325 m³/s
Inlet Control HW Elev. 1.02 m Tailwater Elevation 0.00 m
Outlet Control HW Elev. 1.08 m Control Type Entrance

Upstream Invert 0.15 m Downstream Invert 0.00 m
Length 12.00 m Constructed Slope 0.012500 m/m

Hydraulic Profile
Profile S2 Depth, Downstream 0.46 m
Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 0.43 m
Flow Regime Supercriti Critical Depth 0.57 m
Velocity Downstream 2.81 m/s Critical Slope 0.004868 m/m

Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013
Section Material Concrete Span 0.91 m
Section Size 900 mm Rise 0.91 m
Number Sections 1

Outlet Control Properties

Outlet Control HW Elev. 1.08 m Upstream Velocity Head 0.24 m
Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.12 m

Inlet Control Properties

Inlet Control HW Elev. 1.02 m Flow Control Unsubme
Inlet Type Square Area Full 0.7 m²
K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1
M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1
C 0.03980 Equation Form 1
Y 0.67000
Culvert Calculator Report
Capacity of 1200mm pipe culvert
Capacity of dia 1200mm pipe culvert with Hw/h= 1.2
Discharge calculation

Culvert Summary
Allowable HW Elevation 1.44 m Headwater Depth/Height 1.06
Computed Headwater 1.44 m Discharge 2.0392 m³/s
Inlet Control HW Elev. 1.36 m Tailwater Elevation 0.00 m
Outlet Control HW Elev. 1.44 m Control Type Entrance

Upstream Invert 0.15 m Downstream Invert 0.00 m
Length 12.00 m Constructed Slope 0.012500 m/m

Hydraulic Profile
Profile S2 Depth, Downstream 0.64 m
Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 0.57 m
Flow Regime Supercriti Critical Depth 0.78 m
Velocity Downstream 3.26 m/s Critical Slope 0.004559 m/m

Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013
Section Material Concrete Span 1.22 m
Section Size 1200 mm Rise 1.22 m
Number Sections 1

Outlet Control Properties

Outlet Control HW Elev. 1.44 m Upstream Velocity Head 0.34 m
Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.17 m

Inlet Control Properties

Inlet Control HW Elev. 1.36 m Flow Control Unsubme
Inlet Type Square Area Full 1.2 m²
K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1
M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1
C 0.03980 Equation Form 1
Y 0.67000
Culvert Calculator Report
Capacity of dia. 1500mm pipe culvert with Hw/h= 1.2
Capacity of 1500mm pipe culvert
Solve For: Discharge

Culvert Summary
Allowable HW Elevation 1.88 m Headwater Depth/Height 1.14
Computed Headwater 1.88 m Discharge 3.9761 m³/s
Inlet Control HW Elev. 1.79 m Tailwater Elevation 0.00 m
Outlet Control HW Elev. 1.88 m Control Type Entrance

Upstream Invert 0.15 m Downstream Invert 0.00 m
Length 12.00 m Constructed Slope 0.012500 m/m

Hydraulic Profile
Profile S2 Depth, Downstream 0.87 m
Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 0.75 m
Flow Regime Supercriti Critical Depth 1.03 m
Velocity Downstream 3.72 m/s Critical Slope 0.004498 m/m

Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013
Section Material Concrete Span 1.52 m
Section Size 1500 mm Rise 1.52 m
Number Sections 1

Outlet Control Properties

Outlet Control HW Elev. 1.88 m Upstream Velocity Head 0.46 m
Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.23 m

Inlet Control Properties

Inlet Control HW Elev. 1.79 m Flow Control Unsubme
Inlet Type Square Area Full 1.8 m²
K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1
M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1
C 0.03980 Equation Form 1
Y 0.67000

Demonstration of Monographs and Computer aided

Calculations give the same results
Discharge capacity of diameter 1800mm concrete pipe with Headwater 1.0m

Culvert Summary
Allowable HW Elevation 2.80 m Headwater Depth/Height 1.48
Computed Headwater 2.80 m Discharge 8.8503 m³/s
Inlet Control HW Elev. 2.80 m Tailwater Elevation 0.00 m
Outlet Control HW Elev. 2.74 m Control Type Inlet

Upstream Invert 0.10 m Downstream Invert 0.00 m
Length 12.00 m Constructed Slope 0.008333 m/m

Hydraulic Profile
Profile S2 Depth, Downstream 1.35 m
Slope Type Steep Normal Depth 1.25 m
Flow Regime Supercriti Critical Depth 1.47 m
Velocity Downstream 4.25 m/s Critical Slope 0.005645 m/m

Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.013
Section Material Concrete Span 1.83 m
Section Size 1800 mm Rise 1.83 m
Number Sections 1

Outlet Control Properties

Outlet Control HW Elev. 2.74 m Upstream Velocity Head 0.78 m
Ke 0.50 Entrance Loss 0.39 m

Inlet Control Properties

Inlet Control HW Elev. 2.80 m Flow Control Submerg
Inlet Type Square Area Full 2.6 m²
K 0.00980 HDS 5 Chart 1
M 2.00000 HDS 5 Scale 1
C 0.03980 Equation Form 1
Y 0.67000

NB: Using CulvertMaster, diameter 1800mm with H=1.0m gives Q=8.8m3/sec.

Example No.3 is a diameter 1800mm concrete give the same 9m3/sec.
Schedule of proposed drainage structures
Schedule of Proposed Cross Drainage Structures Mwenge Ubungo Bibi Titi to Boko Dawasa
Serial Stream Road Coordinates Proposed Structure
No. Name Chainage Eastings Northings Structure No. of Flow Remarks
Type mm / m Length(m) Openings Direction

1 Maktaba rd 0+125 530611 925036 CPC 900 45 1 RHS new

2 Ohio Rd 0+350 529765 9251019 CPC 900 45 1 RHS new

3 Magore rd 0+875 528733 9251136 CPC 900 45 1 RHS new

4 Police station 1+900 527373 9251143 CPC 900 45 1 RHS new

5 Mkwawa Rd 3+550 529765 925036 CPC 900 45 1 LHS new

6 Best bite 4+460 529765 9251019 CPC 900 45 1 LHS new

7 Unnamed stream 5+395 CPC 900 45 1 LHS under construction

8 Bagamoyo/Chato Rd 5+535 528733 925036 CBX 1500x1500 45 2 RHS new

9 Unnamed stream 5+915 CPC 900 45 1 LHS under construction

10 Halotel 6+145 CPC 900 45 1 LHS under construction

11 Bagamoyo/Victoria 6+445 527775 9251057 CPC 900 45 1 RHS new

12 Unnamed stream 6+950 CPC 900 45 1 LHS under construction

13 Makumbusho 7+300 527333 9251153 CPC 1500x1500 45 1 RHS under construction

14 Unnamed stream 7+600 CPC 900 45 1 LHS under construction

15 Olicom 8+295 526731 9251452 CPC 900 45 1 RHS under construction

16 Bamaga/Shekilango 8+595 526204 9251873 CPC 1500x1500 45 2 RHS under construction

17 ITV 9+175 CPC 900 45 1 LHS under construction

moved to Mwenge-
18 Aspen 9+512 525476 9252432 CPC 1500x1500 45 2 RHS
19 Junc/Nujoma 10+590 526204 9251873 CPC 900 45 1 RHS existing, retain

20 Pedestrian 10+725 524682 9253526 CBX 900 45 2 RHS existing, retain

21 Football gr. 10+975 524626 9253642 CBX 900 45 3 RHS existing, retain

22 Makongo 11+175 524513 9253893 CBX 900 45 2 RHS existing, retain

23 Pump house 11+520 524428 9254048 CBX 900 45 2 RHS existing, retain

24 Hospital 11+685 524268 9254370 CBX 900 45 1 RHS existing, retain

25 Sports grnd 11+925 524202 9254511 CBX 900 45 1 RHS existing, retain

26 Sports grnd 12+025 524113 9254730 CBX 900 45 1 RHS existing, retain

27 Lugalo 12+313 524082 92527 CBX 900 45 2 RHS existing, retain

28 Lugalo 14+375 523986 9255103 CBX 900 45 2 RHS existing, retain

29 Goba junct. 15+013 523950 9257118 CBX 4000x1500 45 2 LHS new and retain old cbx

30 Makonde 15+915 523318 9257704 CBX 4000x1500 45 2 RHS new and retain old cbx

31 Manyama 1 16+425 523063 9258568 CBX 4000x2500 45 2 RHS existing, retain

32 Manyama 2 16+850 523000 9258867 CBX 4000x1500 45 1 RHS new

33 Africana 1 16+975 522845 925973 CBX 4000x1500 45 1 RHS new

new Across the road
34 Africana 2 17+612 522816 9259610 CBX 1500x1500 45 1 RHS
towards Africana
new LHS Parallel to
35 Rafia 17+790 522816 9259610 CBX 1500x1500 45 1 RHS
Bagamoyo road
36 Mazrui 23+275 522615 9260392 CBX 900 45 4 RHS existing, retain

37 Tegeta 1 24+075 521148 9262812 CBX 3000x2000 45 1 RHS existing, retain

38 Rabininsia 24+475 519444 9264804 CBX 4000x1500 45 2 RHS New

39 Kibo Cemen 24+075 518995 9265275 CBX 4000x1500 45 2 RHS New

40 Dawasa 24+475 518631 9265681 CBX 2000x1000 45 1 RHS existing, retain

CPC Concrete Pipe Culvert
CBX Box Culvert
Schedule of Proposed Cross Drainage Structures Mwenge Ubungo
Serial Name of Road Coordinates Proposed Structure
No. Stream Chainage Eastings Northings Structure No. of Flow Remarks
Type mm / m Length(m) Openings Direction

1 Mwenge/ Bagamoyo 9+550 0525208 9252569 CBX 1500x1500 45 2 LHS new, to Mlalakuwa river

2 Oilcom 9+925 0524964 9252274 CPC 900 45 2 LHS new

3 Tanzanite 10+275 0524964 9252032 CPC 900 45 2 LHS new

from Roundabout to RHS

4 Mlimani City round 10+700 0524432 9251706 CPC 900 45 1 LHS

5 Kijitonyama 0+450 0524012 9251100 CBX 3000x2000 45 1 LHS retain existing

CPC Concrete Pipe Culvert

CBX Box Culvert
Drainage Calculations for Kivukoni, Simu 2000 Terminal
and Mbuyuni Depot
Project Name: Bus Rapid Transort ( BRT 4 )
Area: KIVUKONI Chainage : 0
Date 5.07.2020
By: Henry I. Ngogolo
Checked By: AJF

Rational Method Calculations

Basin Characteristics
Basin Discription (ID) = A1
Total Basin Area (A)= 1.00 Hectares (see basin map)
% land use C (HEC 22)
Area Paved = 1.00 Hectares 100.00% 0.900
Area Unpaved (median) = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Area Residential (>.5<2 ha lots)= 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Area Residential (>2 ha lots)= 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Suburban = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Parks = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Other = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Weight C= 100.00% 0.9

General Basin Descripion (undeveloped or urbanized) : urbanized

Time of Concentration
Shallow concetrated and channel travel time calculated
Ti me (i ni ti a l ) ca l cul a ted us i ng the fol l owi ng SCS TR-55 equa ti on:
using the following equation:

tc = 0.42 n 0.8 L0.8 tt = L

P0.5 S 0.4 60V

where: where:
n = roughness coefficient tt = Travel Time (min)
L = legth of overland flow in meters (150 maximum) L = flow length (m)
P = 2-year, 24-hours rainfall depth
S = average basin slope in percentage V= velocity (m/s)

Overland Shallow Concetrated/Channel

n= 0.9 paved Section 1
Length = 100.00 m Length = 0m
Elev1 = 10.00 m Elev1 = 0m
Elev2 = 5m Elev2 = 0m
Elev1 - Elev2 = 5 Elev1 - Elev2 = 0m
Slope = 3% Slope = 0%
P= 1.92 Velocity = 0 m/s
ti = 15 min Watercourse Type = 0
tt = 0 min

ti = 15 min
tt = 0 min
Tc = ti+tt = 30 min
Tc (check) = N/A min
Tc (used for calculation) = 30 min

Runoff Coefficient ( C ):
c(f) from Hydrology Design Criteria, 819.2 (1)
The product of Cf times C shall not exceed 1.0
Runoff Coefficient
Frequency Cf C Cf*C Cother This Project ( C )
2-year 1.000 0.9 0.9 0.9
5-year 1.000 0.9 0.9 0.9
10-year 1.000 0.9 0.9 0.9
25-year 1.100 0.9 0.9 0.99
50-year 1.200 0.9 0.9 1.08
100-year 1.250 0.9 0.9 1.125

Intensity ( I ): Calculated Flow Comments

Intensity Peak Flow
Frequency (mm/hour) (m3)
2-year 65.04 0.98 m3
5-year 84.18 1.38 m3
10-year 96.84 1.65 m3
25-year 112.84 2.19 m3
50-year 124.72 2.67 m3
100-year 136.5 3.10 m3
Project Name: Bus Rapid Transort ( BRT 4 )
Area: MBUYUNI Chainage : B Downstream
Date 5.07.2020
By: Henry I. Ngogolo
Checked By: AJF

Rational Method Calculations

Basin Characteristics
Basin Discription (ID) = A1
Total Basin Area (A)= 2.50 Hectares (see basin map)
% land use C (HEC 22)
Area Paved = 2.50 Hectares 100.00% 0.900
Area Unpaved (median) = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Area Residential (>.5<2 ha lots)= 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Area Residential (>2 ha lots)= 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Suburban = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Parks = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Other = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Weight C= 100.00% 0.9

General Basin Descripion (undeveloped or urbanized) : urbanized

Time of Concentration
Shallow concetrated and channel travel time calculated
Ti me (i ni ti a l ) ca l cul a ted us i ng the fol l owi ng SCS TR-55 equa ti on:
using the following equation:

tc = 0.42 n 0.8 L0.8 tt = L

P0.5 S 0.4 60V

where: where:
n = roughness coefficient tt = Travel Time (min)
L = legth of overland flow in meters (150 maximum) L = flow length (m)
P = 2-year, 24-hours rainfall depth
S = average basin slope in percentage V= velocity (m/s)

Overland Shallow Concetrated/Channel

n= 0.9 paved Section 1
Length = 100.00 m Length = 0m
Elev1 = 10.00 m Elev1 = 0m
Elev2 = 5m Elev2 = 0m
Elev1 - Elev2 = 5 Elev1 - Elev2 = 0m
Slope = 3% Slope = 0%
P= 65.04 Velocity = 0 m/s
ti = 30 min Watercourse Type = 0
tt = 0 min

ti = 30 min
tt = 0 min
Tc = ti+tt = 30 min
Tc (check) = N/A min
Tc (used for calculation) = 30 min

Runoff Coefficient ( C ):
c(f) from Hydrology Design Criteria, 819.2 (1)
The product of Cf times C shall not exceed 1.0
Runoff Coefficient
Frequency Cf C Cf*C Cother This Project ( C )
2-year 1.000 0.9 0.9 0.9
5-year 1.000 0.9 0.9 0.9
10-year 1.000 0.9 0.9 0.9
25-year 1.100 0.9 0.9 0.99
50-year 1.200 0.9 0.9 1.08
100-year 1.250 0.9 0.9 1.125

Intensity ( I ): Calculated Flow Comments

Intensity Peak Flow
Frequency (mm/hour) (m3)
2-year 65.04 0.81 m3
5-year 84.18 1.05 m3
10-year 96.84 1.21 m3 Design Discharge for storm drain
25-year 112.84 1.41 m3
50-year 124.72 1.56 m3
100-year 136.5 1.71 m3
Project Name: Bus Rapid Transort ( BRT 4 )
Area: MBUYUNI Chainage : B Downstream
Date 5.07.2020
By: Henry I. Ngogolo
Checked By: AJF

Rational Method Calculations

Basin Characteristics
Basin Discription (ID) = A1
Total Basin Area (A)= 2.50 Hectares (see basin map)
% land use C (HEC 22)
Area Paved = 2.50 Hectares 100.00% 0.900
Area Unpaved (median) = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Area Residential (>.5<2 ha lots)= 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Area Residential (>2 ha lots)= 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Suburban = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Parks = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Other = 0.00 0.00% 0.000
Weight C= 100.00% 0.9

General Basin Descripion (undeveloped or urbanized) : urbanized

Time of Concentration
Shallow concetrated and channel travel time calculated
Ti me (i ni ti a l ) ca l cul a ted us i ng the fol l owi ng SCS TR-55 equa ti on:
using the following equation:

tc = 0.42 n 0.8 L0.8 tt = L

P0.5 S 0.4 60V

where: where:
n = roughness coefficient tt = Travel Time (min)
L = legth of overland flow in meters (150 maximum) L = flow length (m)
P = 2-year, 24-hours rainfall depth
S = average basin slope in percentage V= velocity (m/s)

Overland Shallow Concetrated/Channel

n= 0.9 paved Section 1
Length = 100.00 m Length = 0m
Elev1 = 10.00 m Elev1 = 0m
Elev2 = 5 m Elev2 = 0m
Elev1 - Elev2 = 5 Elev1 - Elev2 = 0m
Slope = 3 % Slope = 0%
P= 65.04 Velocity = 0 m/s
ti = 30 min Watercourse Type = 0
tt = 0 min

ti = 30 min
tt = 0 min
Tc = ti+tt = 30 min
Tc (check) = N/A min
Tc (used for calculation) = 30 min

Runoff Coefficient ( C ):
c(f) from Hydrology Design Criteria, 819.2 (1)
The product of Cf times C shall not exceed 1.0
Runoff Coefficient
Frequency Cf C Cf*C Cother This Project ( C )
2-year 1.000 0.9 0.9 0.9
5-year 1.000 0.9 0.9 0.9
10-year 1.000 0.9 0.9 0.9
25-year 1.100 0.9 0.9 0.99
50-year 1.200 0.9 0.9 1.08
100-year 1.250 0.9 0.9 1.125

Intensity ( I ): Calculated Flow Comments

Intensity Peak Flow
Frequency (mm/hour) (m3)
2-year 65.04 0.81 m3
5-year 84.18 1.05 m3
10-year 96.84 1.21 m3 Design Discharge for storm drain
25-year 112.84 1.41 m3
50-year 124.72 1.56 m3
100-year 136.5 1.71 m3
Final Detailed Engineering Design Report BRT Phase 4


Final Detailed Engineering Design Report BRT Phase 4

Network Adjustment
(c) 1993-2012 Grontmij
Licensed to Leica Geosystems AG

Created: 09/29/2019 15:20:38

Project Information

Project name: STS-140919

Date created: 09/16/2019 07:57:52
Time zone: 3h 00'
Coordinate system name: UTM37
Application software: LEICA Geo Office 8.3
Processing kernel: MOVE3 4.1

General Information

Type: Minimally constrained
Dimension: 3D
Coordinate system: UTM 37S-ARC 1960 DATUM
Height mode: Ellipsoidal

Number of iterations: 1
Maximum coord correction in last iteration: 0.0001 m (tolerance is met)

Number of (partly) known stations: 1
Number of unknown stations: 31
Total: 32

GPS coordinate differences: 96 (32 baselines)
Known coordinates: 3
Total: 99

Coordinates: 96
Total: 96

Degrees of freedom: 3
Alfa (multi dimensional): 0.1291
Alfa 0 (one dimensional): 5.0 %
Beta: 80.0 %
Sigma a-priori (GPS): 10.0

Critical value W-test: 1.96

Critical value T-test (2-dimensional): 2.42
Critical value T-test (3-dimensional): 1.89
Critical value F-test: 1.89
F-test: 0.57 (accepted)

Results based on a-posteriori variance factor

Adjustment Results


Station Coordinate Corr Sd

DPP.29 Latitude 6° 48' 42.40553" S 2.2353 m 0.0111 m
Longitude 39° 17' 06.27463" E -16.5321 m 0.0143 m
Height 1.3983 m 23.2097 m 0.0358 m
GP.01 Latitude 6° 48' 37.06972" S 2.2347 m 0.0106 m
Longitude 39° 17' 11.93421" E -16.5327 m 0.0125 m
Height 0.9011 m 23.2093 m 0.0344 m
GP.02 Latitude 6° 46' 41.37204" S 2.2222 m 0.0073 m
Longitude 39° 16' 09.71502" E -16.5257 m 0.0079 m
Height 3.4167 m 23.2155 m 0.0195 m
GP.03 Latitude 6° 45' 53.55160" S 2.2181 m 0.0058 m
Longitude 39° 13' 43.54945" E -16.5099 m 0.0061 m
Height 21.0584 m 23.2293 m 0.0156 m
GP.04 Latitude 6° 46' 58.68985" S 2.2259 m 0.0044 m
Longitude 39° 12' 51.18861" E -16.5040 m 0.0043 m
Height 44.2170 m 23.2328 m 0.0110 m
GP.05 Latitude 6° 47' 18.61657" S 2.2282 m 0.0045 m
Longitude 39° 12' 54.11447" E -16.5043 m 0.0046 m
Height 43.8652 m 23.2323 m 0.0086 m
GP.06 Latitude 6° 44' 27.13851" S 2.2088 m 0.0062 m
Longitude 39° 13' 02.74158" E -16.5053 m 0.0064 m
Height 30.8579 m 23.2335 m 0.0173 m
GP.07 Latitude 6° 42' 50.64073" S 2.1981 m 0.0078 m
Longitude 39° 12' 36.93988" E -16.5024 m 0.0079 m
Height 28.9653 m 23.2365 m 0.0196 m
GP.08 Latitude 6° 41' 17.17962" S 2.1878 m 0.0092 m
Longitude 39° 12' 12.20710" E -16.4996 m 0.0101 m
Height 43.2180 m 23.2395 m 0.0260 m
GP.09 Latitude 6° 39' 51.17844" S 2.1787 m 0.0098 m
Longitude 39° 11' 08.62162" E -16.4924 m 0.0109 m
Height 25.1656 m 23.2455 m 0.0280 m
GP.10 Latitude 6° 38' 39.34515" S 2.1712 m 0.0104 m
Longitude 39° 10' 02.91605" E -16.4850 m 0.0116 m
Height 14.3486 m 23.2514 m 0.0297 m
GP.102 Latitude 6° 46' 38.89200" S 2.2220 m 0.0063 m
Longitude 39° 16' 01.76616" E -16.5248 m 0.0068 m
Height 3.9242 m 23.2162 m 0.0176 m
GP.103 Latitude 6° 46' 00.90155" S 2.2190 m 0.0050 m
Longitude 39° 13' 37.84433" E -16.5093 m 0.0050 m
Height 24.1010 m 23.2297 m 0.0129 m
GP.104 Latitude 6° 47' 08.37788" S 2.2271 m 0.0036 m
Longitude 39° 12' 40.78588" E -16.5028 m 0.0033 m
Height 47.1904 m 23.2335 m 0.0063 m
GP.105 Latitude 6° 47' 14.54118" S 2.2277 m 0.0051 m
Longitude 39° 12' 57.49987" E -16.5047 m 0.0056 m
Height 42.6500 m 23.2321 m 0.0122 m
GP.106 Latitude 6° 44' 23.45636" S 2.2084 m 0.0068 m
Longitude 39° 13' 01.00471" E -16.5051 m 0.0071 m
Height 30.0764 m 23.2336 m 0.0184 m
GP.107 Latitude 6° 42' 41.35995" S 2.1971 m 0.0083 m
Longitude 39° 12' 34.17183" E -16.5021 m 0.0086 m
Height 29.4172 m 23.2369 m 0.0205 m
GP.108 Latitude 6° 41' 09.25586" S 2.1870 m 0.0094 m
Longitude 39° 12' 06.41492" E -16.4989 m 0.0104 m
Height 56.2109 m 23.2400 m 0.0270 m
GP.109 Latitude 6° 39' 40.65655" S 2.1776 m 0.0101 m
Longitude 39° 10' 59.13679" E -16.4913 m 0.0112 m
Height 23.8868 m 23.2463 m 0.0286 m
GP.11 Latitude 6° 49' 11.12289" S 2.2381 m 0.0116 m
Longitude 39° 17' 55.11105" E -16.5376 m 0.0148 m
Height -1.4191 m 23.2055 m 0.0363 m
GP.110 Latitude 6° 38' 32.39013" S 2.1705 m 0.0106 m
Longitude 39° 09' 57.74462" E -16.4844 m 0.0120 m
Height 13.6728 m 23.2519 m 0.0305 m
GP.111 Latitude 6° 49' 08.01848" S 2.2377 m 0.0120 m
Longitude 39° 17' 56.89489" E -16.5378 m 0.0150 m
Height -0.8312 m 23.2054 m 0.0367 m
IDG.35 Latitude 6° 47' 26.06446" S 2.2269 m 0.0099 m
Longitude 39° 16' 45.34766" E -16.5297 m 0.0114 m
Height -0.1714 m 23.2122 m 0.0297 m
IDG.36 Latitude 6° 47' 16.39554" S 2.2259 m 0.0086 m
Longitude 39° 16' 42.51139" E -16.5294 m 0.0090 m
Height 0.1647 m 23.2126 m 0.0234 m
JP.31 Latitude 6° 46' 38.88080" S 2.2228 m 0.0074 m
Longitude 39° 15' 37.69347" E -16.5200 m 0.0081 m
Height 3.2096 m 23.2147 m 0.0207 m
JP.33-3 Latitude 6° 46' 25.42457" S 2.2216 m 0.0081 m
Longitude 39° 14' 29.47391" E -16.5104 m 0.0090 m
Height 15.2335 m 23.2156 m 0.0236 m
JP.33-4 Latitude 6° 46' 18.53372" S 2.2206 m 0.0081 m
Longitude 39° 14' 21.05513" E -16.5087 m 0.0092 m
Height 15.8719 m 23.2133 m 0.0245 m
JP.34 Latitude 6° 46' 12.79532" S 2.2201 m 0.0081 m
Longitude 39° 14' 14.17933" E -16.5055 m 0.0094 m
Height 17.2067 m 23.2067 m 0.0242 m
JP.34-4 Latitude 6° 45' 55.56846" S 2.2218 m 0.0069 m
Longitude 39° 13' 51.11232" E -16.4944 m 0.0075 m
Height 17.7374 m 23.1913 m 0.0180 m
T.08D Latitude 6° 46' 42.16204" S 2.2218 m 0.0088 m
Longitude 39° 17' 07.07963" E -16.5322 m 0.0093 m
Height 4.9910 m 23.2110 m 0.0266 m
UGPS.18 Latitude 6° 47' 57.48686" S 0.0000 m - fixed
Longitude 39° 11' 58.59816" E 0.0000 m - fixed
Height 100.7163 m 0.0000 m - fixed
UGPS.5 Latitude 6° 36' 23.10674" S 2.1589 m 0.0114 m
Longitude 39° 04' 29.80235" E -16.4472 m 0.0127 m
Height 33.6206 m 23.2793 m 0.0327 m

Observations and Residuals

Station Target Adj obs Resid Resid (ENH) Sd

DX JP.34-4 GP.03 155.0862 m 0.0037 m -0.0022 m 0.0075 m
DY -173.1976 m 0.0003 m -0.0011 m 0.0060 m
DZ 61.1344 m -0.0014 m 0.0032 m 0.0043 m
DX JP.34 JP.34-4 496.7344 m 0.0185 m -0.0085 m 0.0144 m
DY -508.8834 m 0.0041 m -0.0034 m 0.0127 m
DZ 525.4495 m -0.0054 m 0.0174 m 0.0063 m
DX JP.33-4 JP.34 150.6808 m 0.0071 m -0.0024 m 0.0120 m
DY -149.5487 m 0.0027 m 0.0000 m 0.0119 m
DZ 174.8934 m -0.0009 m 0.0072 m 0.0044 m
DX JP.33-3 JP.33-4 183.3604 m 0.0028 m -0.0007 m 0.0087 m
DY -184.0325 m 0.0014 m 0.0002 m 0.0093 m
DZ 210.1307 m -0.0001 m 0.0030 m 0.0029 m
DX JP.31 JP.33-3 1372.4684 m 0.0048 m -0.0019 m 0.0102 m
DY -1583.8077 m 0.0015 m 0.0004 m 0.0103 m
DZ 409.0619 m -0.0002 m 0.0047 m 0.0047 m
DX UGPS.18 GP.104 -721.7821 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0051 m
DY 1083.0141 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0050 m
DZ 1504.3571 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0035 m
DX GP.110 UGPS.5 6726.6862 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0089 m
DY -7513.6111 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0088 m
DZ 3942.6790 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0041 m
DX GP.10 GP.110 118.9662 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0052 m
DY -107.9674 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0050 m
DZ 212.2969 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0024 m
DX GP.109 GP.10 1252.6443 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0063 m
DY -1206.8233 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0058 m
DZ 1871.8667 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0030 m
DX GP.09 GP.109 212.1481 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0049 m
DY -202.9180 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0042 m
DZ 321.1908 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0024 m
DX GP.108 GP.09 1313.9184 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0060 m
DY -1219.0018 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0056 m
DZ 2385.8450 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0027 m
DX GP.08 GP.108 144.4069 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0056 m
DY -111.7835 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0051 m
DZ 240.2451 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0021 m
DX GP.107 GP.08 670.8191 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0126 m
DY -323.3503 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0108 m
DZ 2566.7038 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0048 m
DX GP.07 GP.107 79.9111 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0050 m
DY -44.5188 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0049 m
DZ 283.0931 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0029 m
DX GP.106 GP.07 725.1546 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0054 m
DY -362.1561 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0052 m
DZ 2831.7466 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0037 m
DX GP.06 GP.106 43.4089 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0052 m
DY -33.4217 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0045 m
DZ 112.4235 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0030 m
DX GP.11 GP.111 -25.4765 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0044 m
DY 49.9275 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0040 m
DZ 94.6211 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0031 m
DX DPP.29 GP.11 -1032.7952 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0055 m
DY 1092.4537 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0045 m
DZ -875.6117 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0034 m
DX GP.01 DPP.29 95.3713 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0085 m
DY -146.5005 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0083 m
DZ -162.8153 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0039 m
DX IDG.35 GP.01 -715.9773 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0131 m
DY 469.0322 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0123 m
DZ -2166.0202 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0049 m
DX IDG.36 T.08D -377.7967 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0104 m
DY 665.6268 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0074 m
DZ 1043.7011 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0031 m
DX IDG.36 IDG.35 -82.5765 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0143 m
DY 44.9746 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0134 m
DZ -294.9009 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0049 m
DX GP.02 IDG.36 -738.3826 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0120 m
DY 697.1240 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0069 m
DZ -1067.9856 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0034 m
DX GP.102 JP.31 467.3227 m 0.0039 m -0.0021 m 0.0088 m
DY -572.7500 m 0.0004 m -0.0006 m 0.0086 m
DZ 0.4260 m -0.0010 m 0.0034 m 0.0046 m
DX GP.102 GP.02 -161.8479 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0076 m
DY 182.9617 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0056 m
DZ -75.5929 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0036 m
DX GP.03 GP.102 -2825.6530 m 0.0017 m -0.0008 m 0.0061 m
DY 3172.2199 m 0.0004 m -0.0001 m 0.0058 m
DZ -1381.0958 m -0.0003 m 0.0016 m 0.0028 m
DX GP.03 GP.06 1041.7862 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0060 m
DY -767.2857 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0047 m
DZ 2634.9959 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0026 m
DX GP.103 GP.03 -92.5290 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0068 m
DY 150.6235 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0064 m
DZ 224.5727 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0033 m
DX GP.05 GP.105 -55.1950 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0069 m
DY 89.1344 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0059 m
DZ 124.4604 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0029 m
DX GP.104 GP.05 -290.1091 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0048 m
DY 291.5235 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0046 m
DZ -311.9312 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0028 m
DX GP.104 GP.04 -176.9973 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0066 m
DY 267.8623 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0068 m
DZ 295.8800 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0025 m
DX GP.04 GP.103 -759.1363 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0052 m
DY 1229.7193 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0050 m
DZ 1765.2065 m 0.0000 m 0.0000 m 0.0025 m

GPS Baseline Vector Residuals

Station Target Adj vector [m] Resid [m] Resid [ppm]

DV JP.34-4 GP.03 240.3883 0.0040 16.7
DV JP.34 JP.34-4 884.1971 0.0197 22.2
DV JP.33-4 JP.34 275.0586 0.0076 27.7
DV JP.33-3 JP.33-4 334.1316 0.0031 9.4
DV JP.31 JP.33-3 2135.2864 0.0050 2.4
DV UGPS.18 GP.104 1989.2157 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.110 UGPS.5 10828.0828 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.10 GP.110 266.2328 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.109 GP.10 2555.2741 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.09 GP.109 435.1391 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.108 GP.09 2984.0582 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.08 GP.108 301.7724 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.107 GP.08 2672.5497 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.07 GP.107 297.5053 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.106 GP.07 2945.4703 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.06 GP.106 125.0616 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.11 GP.111 109.9771 0.0000 0.0
DV DPP.29 GP.11 1739.7750 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.01 DPP.29 238.8867 0.0000 0.0
DV IDG.35 GP.01 2329.0037 0.0000 0.0
DV IDG.36 T.08D 1294.2571 0.0000 0.0
DV IDG.36 IDG.35 309.5289 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.02 IDG.36 1473.6974 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.102 JP.31 739.2112 0.0040 5.5
DV GP.102 GP.02 255.7030 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.03 GP.102 4467.0706 0.0018 0.4
DV GP.03 GP.06 2935.5151 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.103 GP.03 285.8005 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.05 GP.105 162.7324 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.104 GP.05 516.1883 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.104 GP.04 436.6042 0.0000 0.0
DV GP.04 GP.103 2281.3267 0.0000 0.0

Absolute Error Ellipses (2D - 39.4% 1D - 68.3%)

Station A [m] B [m] A/B Phi Sd Hgt [m]

DPP.29 0.0143 0.0111 1.3 -88° 0.0358
GP.01 0.0126 0.0105 1.2 -82° 0.0344
GP.02 0.0080 0.0073 1.1 -70° 0.0195
GP.03 0.0062 0.0057 1.1 64° 0.0156
GP.04 0.0046 0.0041 1.1 40° 0.0110
GP.05 0.0048 0.0044 1.1 55° 0.0086
GP.06 0.0066 0.0060 1.1 60° 0.0173
GP.07 0.0082 0.0075 1.1 48° 0.0196
GP.08 0.0103 0.0090 1.1 67° 0.0260
GP.09 0.0111 0.0096 1.2 65° 0.0280
GP.10 0.0118 0.0103 1.1 72° 0.0297
GP.102 0.0068 0.0062 1.1 79° 0.0176
GP.103 0.0053 0.0048 1.1 45° 0.0129
GP.104 0.0037 0.0031 1.2 29° 0.0063
GP.105 0.0056 0.0050 1.1 69° 0.0122
GP.106 0.0073 0.0066 1.1 55° 0.0184
GP.107 0.0088 0.0081 1.1 56° 0.0205
GP.108 0.0106 0.0092 1.2 67° 0.0270
GP.109 0.0114 0.0099 1.2 68° 0.0286
GP.11 0.0148 0.0116 1.3 -89° 0.0363
GP.110 0.0121 0.0105 1.2 74° 0.0305
GP.111 0.0150 0.0120 1.2 89° 0.0367
IDG.35 0.0115 0.0098 1.2 -79° 0.0297
IDG.36 0.0094 0.0081 1.2 -53° 0.0234
JP.31 0.0083 0.0073 1.1 69° 0.0207
JP.33-3 0.0091 0.0080 1.1 72° 0.0236
JP.33-4 0.0093 0.0080 1.2 72° 0.0245
JP.34 0.0096 0.0079 1.2 71° 0.0242
JP.34-4 0.0078 0.0066 1.2 60° 0.0180
T.08D 0.0096 0.0084 1.2 -56° 0.0266
UGPS.18 0.0000 0.0000 1.0 90° 0.0000
UGPS.5 0.0128 0.0112 1.1 75° 0.0327
Point ID Point Class Date/Time Easting Northings Post.Height quality Ell.Height
DPP.29 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 531407.2933 9247354.353 0.0401 7.1769
GP.01 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 531581.1016 9247518.099 0.0381 6.6832
GP.02 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 529673.3594 9251071.973 0.0223 9.3595
GP.03 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 525187.4464 9252542.71 0.0177 27.1215
GP.04 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 523579.2895 9250543.223 0.0126 50.2287
GP.05 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 523668.8274 9249931.288 0.0107 49.8527
GP.06 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 523935.9864 9255196.791 0.0195 37.0387
GP.07 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 523145.2087 9258160.314 0.0225 35.2686
GP.08 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 522387.1184 9261030.558 0.0294 49.6401
GP.09 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 520435.9814 9263672.176 0.0316 31.7153
GP.10 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 518419.412 9265878.684 0.0336 21.0106
GP.11 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 532905.7002 9246471.609 0.0409 4.3046
GP.102 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 529429.4077 9251148.264 0.0198 9.8733
GP.103 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 525012.2158 9252317.095 0.0147 30.1582
GP.104 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 523259.8486 9250245.87 0.0079 53.1956
GP.105 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 523772.7968 9250056.386 0.0144 48.6406
GP.106 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 523882.7186 9255309.883 0.0209 36.2621
GP.107 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 523060.3531 9258445.337 0.0237 35.7325
GP.108 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 522209.3931 9261273.946 0.0304 62.6447
GP.109 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 520144.8943 9263995.381 0.0323 30.4529
GP.110 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 518260.7023 9266092.306 0.0344 20.3452
GP.111 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 532960.5104 9246566.903 0.0414 4.8953
IDG.35 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 530766.328 9249698.967 0.0333 5.7041
IDG.36 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 530679.4402 9249995.924 0.0264 6.0526
JP.31 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 528690.4862 9251149.009 0.0234 9.1696
JP.33-3 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 526596.6651 9251563.295 0.0265 21.2395
JP.33-4 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 526338.3496 9251775.023 0.0274 21.8895
JP.34 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 526127.3779 9251951.337 0.0272 23.234
JP.34-4 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 525419.5682 9252480.668 0.0206 23.7948
T.08D Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 531433.016 9251046.309 0.0295 10.9072
UGPS.5 Adjusted 9/29/2019 15:17 508193.9785 9270064.044 0.0369 40.5886
UGPS.18 Control 9/14/2019 8:47 521964.285 9248738.415 106.684
Final Detailed Engineering Design Report BRT Phase 4

COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006


Calculation date: 08/10/2019 at 09:21:17

Projection used: Tanzania_UTM 37 South_ARC1960
Linear correction = -393 mm/km – Height correction = -5 mm/km

Traverse Length (XYZ, L = 2972.21 m)

Calculation results
ST: GP.3 X= 525187.446, Y = 9252542.710, Z = 26.903, V0 = 285.7186
Constant(s) X= 525187.446, Y = 9252542.710, Z = 26.903, V0 = 285.7186

Av: IDG51 AH = 132.3090, DH = 81.464, dZ = -0.328

Gi = 18.0276, DH = 81.463, dZ = -0.320
Ar: GP.3 AH = 213.5219, DH = 81.462, dZ = 0.311

ST: IDG51 X= 525210.207, Y = 9252620.929, Z = 26.583, V0 = 4.5057

Av: BM.28 AH = 348.5570, DH = 267.930, dZ = 0.178

Gi = 353.0627, DH = 267.935, dZ = 0.174
Ar: IDG51 AH = 82.4504, DH = 267.939, dZ = -0.170

ST: BM.28 X= 525030.079, Y = 9252819.279, Z = 26.758, V0 = 70.6123

Av: BM.29 AH = 295.2880, DH = 257.963, dZ = 0.324

Gi = 365.9003, DH = 257.961, dZ = 0.374
Ar: BM.28 AH = 314.8740, DH = 257.959, dZ = -0.425

ST: BM.29 X= 524898.419, Y = 9253041.111, Z = 27.132, V0 = 251.0263

Av: BM.30 AH = 119.3180, DH = 224.314, dZ = -1.258

Gi = 370.3443, DH = 224.314, dZ = -1.235
Ar: BM.29 AH = 182.2705, DH = 224.314, dZ = 1.212

ST: BM.30 X= 524797.665, Y = 9253241.524, Z = 25.897, V0 = 388.0738

Av: BM.31 AH = 382.7416, DH = 253.221, dZ = 0.211

Gi = 370.8154, DH = 253.222, dZ = 0.258
Ar: BM.30 AH = 7.7890, DH = 253.222, dZ = -0.306

ST: BM.31 X= 524685.604, Y = 9253468.600, Z = 26.156, V0 = 163.0264

Av: BM.32 AH = 207.8280, DH = 254.968, dZ = 0.013

Gi = 370.8544, DH = 254.969, dZ = 0.088
Ar: BM.31 AH = 306.7350, DH = 254.970, dZ = -0.162

ST: BM.32 X= 524572.910, Y = 9253697.312, Z = 26.243, V0 = 264.1194

Av: BM.33 AH = 106.4450, DH = 307.250, dZ = 1.240

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Gi = 370.5644, DH = 307.251, dZ = 1.251

Ar: BM.32 AH = 129.3942, DH = 307.252, dZ = -1.262

ST: BM.33 X= 524435.854, Y = 9253972.301, Z = 27.495, V0 = 41.1702

Av: BM.34 AH = 329.5688, DH = 254.373, dZ = 3.206

Gi = 370.7390, DH = 254.374, dZ = 3.209
Ar: BM.33 AH = 350.7550, DH = 254.374, dZ = -3.213

ST: BM.34 X= 524323.009, Y = 9254200.275, Z = 30.704, V0 = 219.9840

Av: BM.35 AH = 150.9267, DH = 331.176, dZ = 2.481

Gi = 370.9107, DH = 331.177, dZ = 2.468
Ar: BM.34 AH = 232.6246, DH = 331.178, dZ = -2.455

ST: BM.35 X= 524176.895, Y = 9254497.476, Z = 33.172, V0 = 338.2861

Av: BM.36 AH = 38.7573, DH = 328.978, dZ = 1.699

Gi = 377.0434, DH = 328.975, dZ = 1.777
Ar: BM.35 AH = 233.3250, DH = 328.973, dZ = -1.855

ST: BM.36 X= 524060.820, Y = 9254805.294, Z = 34.949, V0 = 343.7184

Av: GP.6 AH = 36.1210, DH = 410.573, dZ = 1.649

Gi = 379.8394, DH = 410.574, dZ = 1.804
Ar: BM.36 AH = 325.9200, DH = 410.576, dZ = -1.959

ST: GP.6 X= 523934.961, Y = 9255195.452, Z = 36.753, V0 = 253.9194

Constant(s) X= 523935.986, Y = 9255196.791, Z = 36.765, V0 = 254.0500

Angles calculation
Station X Y Gi V0
GP.3 525187.446 9252542.710 18.0385 285.7186
IDG51 525210.221 9252620.925 353.0845 4.5275
BM.28 525030.161 9252819.337 365.9330 70.6450
BM.29 524898.614 9253041.236 370.3878 251.0698
BM.30 524797.997 9253241.718 370.8698 388.1282
BM.31 524686.130 9253468.890 370.9197 163.0917
BM.32 524573.671 9253697.717 370.6406 264.1956
BM.33 524436.943 9253972.870 370.8261 41.2573
BM.34 524324.411 9254200.998 371.0086 220.0819
BM.35 524178.753 9254498.424 377.1522 338.3949
BM.36 524063.205 9254806.439 379.9591 343.8381
GP.6 523936.080 9255196.837 254.0500
Closure -0.094 -0.046

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Final stations coordinates

Station X Y Z V0
GP.3 525187.446 9252542.710 26.903 285.7186
IDG51 525210.212 9252620.921 26.584 4.5275
BM.28 525030.143 9252819.329 26.759 70.6450
BM.29 524898.588 9253041.224 27.135 251.0698
BM.30 524797.963 9253241.702 25.901 388.1282
BM.31 524686.088 9253468.869 26.160 163.0917
BM.32 524573.620 9253697.693 26.249 264.1956
BM.33 524436.884 9253972.841 27.501 41.2573
BM.34 524324.342 9254200.965 30.712 220.0819
BM.35 524178.677 9254498.386 33.181 338.3949
BM.36 524063.120 9254806.397 34.959 343.8381
GP.6 523935.986 9255196.791 36.765 254.0500

Results closure
Type Closure.
Planimetric (m) 0.1044
Angular (Gr) 0.1306
Height (m) 0.0119
Fractional Linear misclosure= 1:28000

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006


Calculation date: 29/09/2019 at 16:00:40

Projection used: Tanzania_UTM 37 South_ARC1960
Linear correction = -389 mm/km – Height correction = -1 mm/km

Traverse Length (XYZ, L = 2394.08 m)

Results calculation
ST: GP.1 X= 531581.102, Y = 9247518.099, Z = 7.111, V0 = 112.3603
Constante(s) X= 531581.102, Y = 9247518.099, Z = 7.111, V0 = 112.3603

Av: BM.1 AH = 285.5740, DH = 234.837, dZ = -1.637

Gi = 397.9343, DH = 234.840, dZ = -1.549
Ar: GP.1 AH = 122.0720, DH = 234.843, dZ = 1.460

ST: BM.1 X= 531573.483, Y = 9247752.816, Z = 5.562, V0 = 75.8623

Av: BM.2 AH = 314.1070, DH = 388.530, dZ = 0.336

Gi = 389.9693, DH = 388.524, dZ = 0.412
Ar: BM.1 AH = 300.7245, DH = 388.518, dZ = -0.487

ST: BM.2 X= 531512.520, Y = 9248136.527, Z = 5.974, V0 = 289.2448

Av: BM.3 AH = 105.4276, DH = 185.578, dZ = -0.290

Gi = 394.6724, DH = 185.576, dZ = -0.247
Ar: BM.2 AH = 220.1078, DH = 185.574, dZ = 0.204

ST: BM.3 X= 531497.008, Y = 9248321.454, Z = 5.727, V0 = 374.5646

Av: IDG.32 AH = 378.4239, DH = 517.250, dZ = 0.830

Gi = 352.9885, DH = 517.233, dZ = 0.815
Ar: BM.3 AH = 251.4788, DH = 517.216, dZ = -0.800

ST: IDG.32 X= 531148.834, Y = 9248703.952, Z = 6.542, V0 = 301.5097

Av: IDG.31 AH = 69.2987, DH = 253.442, dZ = -2.699

Gi = 370.8084, DH = 253.437, dZ = -2.713
Ar: IDG.32 AH = 175.9059, DH = 253.432, dZ = 2.727

ST: IDG.31 X= 531036.653, Y = 9248931.209, Z = 3.829, V0 = 394.9025

Av: BM.4 AH = 379.2000, DH = 112.618, dZ = 0.616

Gi = 374.1025, DH = 112.629, dZ = 0.633
Ar: IDG.31 AH = 312.4075, DH = 112.639, dZ = -0.649

ST: BM.4 X= 530992.089, Y = 9249034.646, Z = 4.461, V0 = 261.6950

Av: BM.5 AH = 119.3238, DH = 92.740, dZ = -0.049

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(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Gi = 381.0188, DH = 92.734, dZ = -0.031

Ar: BM.4 AH = 202.7900, DH = 92.728, dZ = 0.013

ST: BM.5 X= 530964.848, Y = 9249123.289, Z = 4.430, V0 = 378.2288

Av: BM.6 AH = 1.9256, DH = 330.956, dZ = -0.961

Gi = 380.1544, DH = 330.953, dZ = -0.940
Ar: BM.5 AH = 43.7425, DH = 330.950, dZ = 0.918

ST: BM.6 X= 530863.341, Y = 9249438.291, Z = 3.491, V0 = 136.4119

Av: IDG.35 AH = 240.8911, DH = 278.163, dZ = 2.404

Gi = 377.3030, DH = 278.158, dZ = 2.429
Ar: BM.6 AH = 26.6108, DH = 278.154, dZ = -2.454

ST: IDG.35 X= 530766.259, Y = 9249698.957, Z = 5.920, V0 = 150.6922

Constant(s) X= 530766.328, Y = 9249698.967, Z = 6.045, V0 = 150.6977

Angles calculation
Station X Y Gi V0
GP.1 531581.102 9247518.099 397.9348 112.3603
BM.1 531573.485 9247752.816 389.9704 75.8634
BM.2 531512.528 9248136.528 394.6740 289.2464
BM.3 531497.021 9248321.455 352.9907 374.5668
IDG.32 531148.861 9248703.966 370.8111 301.5124
IDG.31 531036.689 9248931.228 374.1058 394.9058
BM.4 530992.131 9249034.667 381.0226 261.6988
BM.5 530964.895 9249123.311 380.1588 378.2332
BM.6 530863.410 9249438.320 377.3079 136.4168
IDG.35 530766.348 9249698.994 150.6977
Closure -0.020 -0.027

Final stations coordinates

Station X Y Z V0
GP.1 531581.102 9247518.099 7.111 112.3603
BM.1 531573.483 9247752.813 5.575 75.8634
BM.2 531512.524 9248136.522 6.007 289.2464
BM.3 531497.014 9248321.446 5.769 374.5668
IDG.32 531148.852 9248703.954 6.611 301.5124
IDG.31 531036.678 9248931.213 3.912 394.9058
BM.4 530992.117 9249034.649 4.550 261.6988
BM.5 530964.879 9249123.290 4.524 378.2332
BM.6 530863.392 9249438.296 3.602 136.4168
IDG.35 530766.328 9249698.967 6.045 150.6977

Results closure
Type closure
Planimétrique (m) 0.0336
Angular (Gr) 0.0055
Height (m) 0.1254
Fractional Linear misclosure= 1:11000

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006


Calculation date: 29/09/2019 at 16:02:34

Projection used: Tanzania_UTM 37 South_ARC1960
Linear correction = -389 mm/km – Height correction = -1 mm/km

Traverse Length (XYZ, L = 1524.70 m)

Results calculation
ST: GP.2 X= 529673.359, Y = 9251071.973, Z = 9.548, V0 = 311.5583
Constant(s) X= 529673.359, Y = 9251071.973, Z = 9.548, V0 = 311.5583

Av: IDG.38 AH = 218.8084, DH = 310.712, dZ = 2.574

Gi = 130.3667, DH = 310.709, dZ = 2.603
Ar: GP.2 AH = 41.1471, DH = 310.707, dZ = -2.633

ST: IDG.38 X= 529949.386, Y = 9250929.321, Z = 12.151, V0 = 289.2196

Av: IDG.37 AH = 253.0873, DH = 368.819, dZ = 2.681

Gi = 142.3069, DH = 368.822, dZ = 2.704
Ar: IDG.38 AH = 336.0097, DH = 368.825, dZ = -2.727

ST: IDG.37 X= 530239.719, Y = 9250701.865, Z = 14.855, V0 = 6.2972

Av: BM.8 AH = 135.3598, DH = 146.153, dZ = -1.273

Gi = 141.6570, DH = 146.146, dZ = -1.265
Ar: IDG.37 AH = 33.9154, DH = 146.140, dZ = 1.258

ST: BM.8 X= 530355.678, Y = 9250612.915, Z = 13.590, V0 = 307.7416

Av: BM.7 AH = 267.7943, DH = 286.031, dZ = -5.655

Gi = 175.5359, DH = 286.016, dZ = -5.658
Ar: BM.8 AH = 391.9603, DH = 286.000, dZ = 5.661

ST: BM.7 X= 530462.904, Y = 9250347.758, Z = 7.932, V0 = 383.5756

Av: IDG.36 AH = 181.1725, DH = 413.018, dZ = -1.568

Gi = 164.7481, DH = 413.010, dZ = -1.541
Ar: BM.7 AH = 87.6946, DH = 413.003, dZ = 1.513

ST: IDG.36 X= 530680.092, Y = 9249996.466, Z = 6.391, V0 = 277.0535

Constant(s) X= 530679.440, Y = 9249995.924, Z = 6.369, V0 = 277.1133

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Angles calculation
Station X Y Gi V0
GP.2 529673.359 9251071.973 130.3767 311.5583
IDG.38 529949.364 9250929.278 142.3269 289.2396
IDG.37 530239.626 9250701.731 141.6869 6.3271
BM.8 530355.543 9250612.726 175.5758 307.7815
BM.7 530462.602 9250347.503 164.7979 383.6254
IDG.36 530679.516 9249996.041 277.1133
Ferm. -0.076 -0.117

Final stations coordinates

Station X Y Z V0
GP.2 529673.359 9251071.973 9.548 311.5583
IDG.38 529949.348 9250929.255 12.147 289.2396
IDG.37 530239.595 9250701.685 14.846 6.3271
BM.8 530355.497 9250612.656 13.578 307.7815
BM.7 530462.541 9250347.410 7.916 383.6254
IDG.36 530679.440 9249995.924 6.369 277.1133

Results closure
Type closure
Planimétrique (m) 0.1393
Angular (Gr) 0.0597
Height (m) -0.0220
Fractional Linear misclosure= 1:71000

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006


Calculation date: 29/09/2019 à 16:19:34

Projection used: Tanzania_UTM 37 South_ARC1960
Linear correction = -391 mm/km – Height correction = -2 mm/km

Traverse Length (XYZ, L = 4902.95 m)

Results calculation
ST: GP.102 X= 529429.408, Y = 9251148.264, Z = 10.041, V0 = 309.6057
Constant(s) X= 529429.408, Y = 9251148.264, Z = 10.041, V0 = 309.6057

Av: BM.9 AH = 0.1980, DH = 312.773, dZ = 6.214

Gi = 309.8037, DH = 312.779, dZ = 6.230
Ar: GP.102 AH = 168.9004, DH = 312.785, dZ = -6.247

ST: BM.9 X= 529120.331, Y = 9251196.241, Z = 16.271, V0 = 340.9033

Av: IDG.43 AH = 335.6623, DH = 87.428, dZ = -1.506

Gi = 276.5656, DH = 87.438, dZ = -1.490
Ar: BM.9 AH = 318.8089, DH = 87.448, dZ = 1.475

ST: IDG.43 X= 529038.750, Y = 9251164.776, Z = 14.781, V0 = 157.7567

Av: IDG.44 AH = 137.8825, DH = 376.321, dZ = -5.188

Gi = 295.6392, DH = 376.337, dZ = -5.183
Ar: IDG.43 AH = 130.8605, DH = 376.354, dZ = 5.179

ST: IDG.44 X= 528663.296, Y = 9251139.018, Z = 9.598, V0 = 364.7787

Av: BM.10 AH = 311.2546, DH = 164.213, dZ = 0.981

Gi = 276.0333, DH = 164.229, dZ = 0.996
Ar: IDG.44 AH = 68.8711, DH = 164.245, dZ = -1.012

ST: BM.10 X= 528510.568, Y = 9251078.641, Z = 10.594, V0 = 7.1622

Av: BM.11 AH = 299.1539, DH = 183.221, dZ = 0.296

Gi = 306.3161, DH = 183.221, dZ = 0.306
Ar: BM.10 AH = 196.8189, DH = 183.221, dZ = -0.315

ST: BM.11 X= 528328.247, Y = 9251096.789, Z = 10.900, V0 = 309.4972

Av: CP.01 AH = 371.4654, DH = 74.968, dZ = 0.561

Gi = 280.9626, DH = 74.983, dZ = 0.570
Ar: BM.11 AH = 318.3376, DH = 74.998, dZ = -0.579

ST: CP.01 X= 528256.592, Y = 9251074.699, Z = 11.470, V0 = 162.6250

Av: BM.12 AH = 124.3774, DH = 318.637, dZ = 2.029

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Gi = 287.0024, DH = 318.637, dZ = 2.036

Ar: CP.01 AH = 113.0735, DH = 318.638, dZ = -2.044

ST: BM.12 X= 527944.573, Y = 9251010.095, Z = 13.506, V0 = 373.9289

Av: IDG.45 AH = 384.6836, DH = 45.687, dZ = -0.688

Gi = 358.6125, DH = 45.681, dZ = -0.681
Ar: BM.12 AH = 171.3976, DH = 45.674, dZ = 0.674

ST: IDG.45 X= 527916.923, Y = 9251046.458, Z = 12.825, V0 = 387.2149

Av: BM.13 AH = 313.9058, DH = 284.569, dZ = 3.490

Gi = 301.1207, DH = 284.573, dZ = 3.486
Ar: IDG.45 AH = 180.4997, DH = 284.576, dZ = -3.483

ST: BM.13 X= 527632.395, Y = 9251051.468, Z = 16.311, V0 = 320.6210

Av: IDG.46 AH = 5.8315, DH = 67.425, dZ = 0.910

Gi = 326.4525, DH = 67.433, dZ = 0.918
Ar: BM.13 AH = 156.1743, DH = 67.441, dZ = -0.926

ST: IDG.46 X= 527570.700, Y = 9251078.688, Z = 17.229, V0 = 370.2782

Av: BM.14 AH = 365.9484, DH = 140.170, dZ = 2.225

Gi = 336.2266, DH = 140.176, dZ = 2.239
Ar: IDG.46 AH = 162.3798, DH = 140.183, dZ = -2.254

ST: BM.14 X= 527452.613, Y = 9251154.219, Z = 19.469, V0 = 373.8468

Av: BM.15 AH = 334.2486, DH = 242.031, dZ = 0.130

Gi = 308.0954, DH = 242.036, dZ = 0.134
Ar: BM.14 AH = 262.5124, DH = 242.041, dZ = -0.138

ST: BM.15 X= 527212.532, Y = 9251184.914, Z = 19.602, V0 = 245.5830

Av: BM.16 AH = 90.0489, DH = 292.326, dZ = 0.466

Gi = 335.6319, DH = 292.323, dZ = 0.478
Ar: BM.15 AH = 243.1941, DH = 292.320, dZ = -0.489

ST: BM.16 X= 526964.814, Y = 9251340.119, Z = 20.080, V0 = 292.4378

Av: BM.18 AH = 19.2281, DH = 226.283, dZ = 0.388

Gi = 311.6659, DH = 226.286, dZ = 0.397
Ar: BM.16 AH = 359.8998, DH = 226.289, dZ = -0.406

ST: BM.18 X= 526742.316, Y = 9251381.353, Z = 20.477, V0 = 151.7661

Av: BM.19 AH = 205.7606, DH = 266.386, dZ = 0.634

Gi = 357.5267, DH = 266.390, dZ = 0.651
Ar: BM.18 AH = 123.0807, DH = 266.394, dZ = -0.667

ST: BM.19 X= 526577.484, Y = 9251590.623, Z = 21.128, V0 = 34.4460

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Av: BM.20 AH = 294.2426, DH = 278.683, dZ = 0.545

Gi = 328.6886, DH = 278.688, dZ = 0.566
Ar: BM.19 AH = 59.7164, DH = 278.693, dZ = -0.587

ST: BM.20 X= 526326.618, Y = 9251712.003, Z = 21.694, V0 = 68.9722

Av: BM.21 AH = 285.5108, DH = 319.508, dZ = 1.343

Gi = 354.4830, DH = 319.513, dZ = 1.355
Ar: BM.20 AH = 184.0293, DH = 319.517, dZ = -1.367

ST: BM.21 X= 526117.145, Y = 9251953.270, Z = 23.049, V0 = 370.4537

Av: BM.22 AH = 356.8681, DH = 352.301, dZ = 0.982

Gi = 327.3218, DH = 352.303, dZ = 0.991
Ar: BM.21 AH = 51.1204, DH = 352.304, dZ = -1.000

ST: BM.22 X= 525796.792, Y = 9252099.869, Z = 24.040, V0 = 76.2014

Av: BM.23 AH = 274.0979, DH = 528.505, dZ = -0.193

Gi = 350.2993, DH = 528.503, dZ = -0.246
Ar: BM.22 AH = 137.2381, DH = 528.500, dZ = 0.299

ST: BM.23 X= 525424.845, Y = 9252475.330, Z = 23.793, V0 = 13.0612

Av: IDG.51 AH = 326.3288, DH = 259.954, dZ = 2.633

Gi = 339.3900, DH = 259.953, dZ = 2.634
Ar: BM.23 AH = 140.4775, DH = 259.953, dZ = -2.636

ST: IDG.51 X= 525213.084, Y = 9252626.104, Z = 26.428, V0 = 398.9125

Av: GP.3 AH = 219.2608, DH = 81.460, dZ = 0.282

Gi = 218.1733, DH = 81.464, dZ = 0.289
Ar: IDG.51 AH = 392.6301, DH = 81.469, dZ = -0.297

ST: GP.3 X= 525190.144, Y = 9252547.937, Z = 26.717, V0 = 25.5432

Constant(s) X= 525187.446, Y = 9252542.710, Z = 26.903, V0 = 25.3707

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Angles calculation
Station X Y Gi V0
GP.102 529429.408 9251148.264 309.7959 309.6057
BM.9 529120.325 9251196.203 276.5500 340.8877
IDG.43 529038.752 9251164.718 295.6157 157.7332
IDG.44 528663.307 9251138.821 276.0020 364.7474
BM.10 528510.609 9251078.369 306.2769 7.1230
BM.11 528328.277 9251096.405 280.9156 309.4502
CP.01 528256.638 9251074.262 286.9475 162.5701
BM.12 527944.675 9251009.389 358.5498 373.8662
IDG.45 527916.990 9251045.724 301.0502 387.1444
BM.13 527632.456 9251050.419 326.3741 320.5426
IDG.46 527570.727 9251077.563 336.1404 370.1920
BM.14 527452.538 9251152.934 308.0013 373.7527
BM.15 527212.412 9251183.274 335.5300 245.4811
BM.16 526964.446 9251338.082 311.5562 292.3281
BM.18 526741.878 9251378.933 357.4091 151.6485
BM.19 526576.659 9251587.898 328.5632 34.3206
BM.20 526325.554 9251708.783 354.3497 68.8389
BM.21 526115.576 9251949.611 327.1807 370.3126
BM.22 525794.899 9252095.499 350.1504 76.0525
BM.23 525422.075 9252470.088 339.2332 12.9044
IDG.51 525209.943 9252620.341 218.0087 398.7479
GP.3 525187.205 9252542.115 25.3707
Closure 0.241 0.595

Final stations coordinates

Station X Y Z V0
GP.102 529429.408 9251148.264 10.041 309.6057
BM.9 529120.336 9251196.231 16.283 340.8877
IDG.43 529038.775 9251164.775 14.796 157.7332
IDG.44 528663.342 9251138.906 9.627 364.7474
BM.10 528510.655 9251078.482 10.630 7.1230
BM.11 528328.335 9251096.547 10.942 309.4502
CP.01 528256.707 9251074.432 11.515 162.5701
BM.12 527944.755 9251009.588 13.564 373.8662
IDG.45 527917.082 9251045.951 12.884 387.1444
BM.13 527632.559 9251050.674 16.381 320.5426
IDG.46 527570.842 9251077.846 17.302 370.1920
BM.14 527452.665 9251153.246 19.546 373.7527
BM.15 527212.550 9251183.614 19.690 245.4811
BM.16 526964.595 9251338.450 20.178 292.3281
BM.18 526742.038 9251379.330 20.584 151.6485
BM.19 526576.831 9251588.323 21.245 34.3206
BM.20 526325.738 9251709.237 21.821 68.8389
BM.21 526115.772 9251950.093 23.188 370.3126
BM.22 525795.106 9252096.009 24.193 76.0525
BM.23 525422.293 9252470.627 23.966 12.9044
IDG.51 525210.173 9252620.908 26.611 398.7479
GP.3 525187.446 9252542.710 26.903 25.3707

Results closure
Type closure
Planimétrique (m) 0.6425
Angular (Gr) -0.1725
Altimétrique (m) 0.1857
Fractional Linear misclosure= 1:8000

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006


Calculation: 29/09/2019 à 16:50:48

Projection used : Tanzania_UTM 37 South_ARC1960
Linear correction = -393 mm/km – Height correction = -5 mm/km

Traverse Length (XYZ, L = 2675.23 m)

Calculation results
ST: GP.107 X= 523060.353, Y = 9258445.337, Z = 35.447, V0 = 166.9704
Constant(s) X= 523060.353, Y = 9258445.337, Z = 35.447, V0 = 166.9704

Av: BM.46 AH = 218.8864, DH = 551.257, dZ = -3.471

Gi = 385.8568, DH = 551.252, dZ = -3.443
Ar: GP.107 AH = 134.3870, DH = 551.247, dZ = 3.415

ST: BM.46 X= 522938.892, Y = 9258983.041, Z = 32.004, V0 = 51.4698

Av: BM.47 AH = 331.6989, DH = 290.663, dZ = 0.626

Gi = 383.1687, DH = 290.656, dZ = 0.633
Ar: BM.46 AH = 264.6941, DH = 290.650, dZ = -0.640

ST: BM.47 X= 522862.939, Y = 9259263.599, Z = 32.637, V0 = 318.4746

Av: BM.48 AH = 65.9361, DH = 391.087, dZ = -3.759

Gi = 384.4107, DH = 391.081, dZ = -3.748
Ar: BM.47 AH = 48.4883, DH = 391.074, dZ = 3.737

ST: BM.48 X= 522768.127, Y = 9259643.012, Z = 28.889, V0 = 135.9224

Av: BM.49 AH = 248.5993, DH = 343.784, dZ = -2.940

Gi = 384.5217, DH = 343.776, dZ = -2.920
Ar: BM.48 AH = 231.4124, DH = 343.767, dZ = 2.900

ST: BM.49 X= 522685.365, Y = 9259976.677, Z = 25.969, V0 = 353.1093

Av: BM.50 AH = 31.4407, DH = 386.507, dZ = 0.385

Gi = 384.5500, DH = 386.506, dZ = 0.388
Ar: BM.49 AH = 121.3168, DH = 386.506, dZ = -0.391

ST: BM.50 X= 522592.483, Y = 9260351.857, Z = 26.357, V0 = 63.2332

Av: BM.51 AH = 321.6090, DH = 495.665, dZ = 13.673

Gi = 384.8422, DH = 495.662, dZ = 13.701
Ar: BM.50 AH = 307.9645, DH = 495.659, dZ = -13.729

ST: BM.51 X= 522475.579, Y = 9260833.536, Z = 40.058, V0 = 276.8777

Av: GP.8 AH = 95.5824, DH = 216.290, dZ = 9.294

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Gi = 372.4601, DH = 216.292, dZ = 9.302

Ar: BM.51 AH = 5.7122, DH = 216.295, dZ = -9.310

ST: GP.8 X= 522387.903, Y = 9261029.904, Z = 49.360, V0 = 166.8179

Constant(s) X= 522387.118, Y = 9261030.558, Z = 49.367, V0 = 166.8270

Angles computations
Station X Y Gi V0
GP.107 523060.353 9258445.337 385.8667 166.9704
BM.46 522938.975 9258983.060 383.1885 51.4896
BM.47 522863.109 9259263.641 384.4404 318.5043
BM.48 522768.474 9259643.099 384.5613 135.9620
BM.49 522685.920 9259976.815 384.5995 353.1588
BM.50 522593.329 9260352.067 384.9016 63.2926
BM.51 522476.874 9260833.855 372.5294 276.9470
GP.8 522386.412 9261030.321 166.8270
Closure 0.306 0.137

Final stations coordinates

Station X Y Z V0
GP.107 523060.353 9258445.337 35.447 166.9704
BM.46 522939.076 9258983.094 32.005 51.4896
BM.47 522863.311 9259263.709 32.639 318.5043
BM.48 522768.777 9259643.201 28.892 135.9620
BM.49 522686.323 9259976.951 25.973 353.1588
BM.50 522593.834 9260352.236 26.362 63.2926
BM.51 522477.479 9260834.058 40.064 276.9470
GP.8 522387.118 9261030.558 49.367 166.8270

Results closure
Type Closure
Planimétrique (m) 0.3352
Angular (Gr) 0.0791
Height (m) 0.0073
Fractional Linear misclosure= 1:8000

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006


Calculation date : 29/09/2019 at 17:14:34

Projection used : Tanzania_UTM 37 South_ARC1960
Linear correction = -394 mm/km – Height correction = -6 mm/km

Traverse Length (XYZ, L = 2987.06 m)

Calculation results
ST: GP.108 X= 522209.393, Y = 9261273.946, Z = 62.387, V0 = 127.8648
Constant(s) X= 522209.393, Y = 9261273.946, Z = 62.387, V0 = 127.8648

Av: BM.52 AH = 231.7618, DH = 468.616, dZ = -2.663

Gi = 359.6266, DH = 468.608, dZ = -2.604
Ar: GP.108 AH = 133.5041, DH = 468.600, dZ = 2.545

ST: BM.52 X= 521931.733, Y = 9261651.436, Z = 59.783, V0 = 26.1225

Av: BM.53 AH = 335.6204, DH = 635.120, dZ = -7.736

Gi = 361.7429, DH = 635.122, dZ = -7.720
Ar: BM.52 AH = 397.8044, DH = 635.124, dZ = 7.704

ST: BM.53 X= 521572.624, Y = 9262175.287, Z = 52.063, V0 = 163.9385

Av: BM.54 AH = 192.6622, DH = 258.148, dZ = 0.236

Gi = 356.6007, DH = 258.150, dZ = 0.253
Ar: BM.53 AH = 88.8452, DH = 258.152, dZ = -0.271

ST: BM.54 X= 521409.957, Y = 9262375.739, Z = 52.317, V0 = 67.7555

Av: BM.55 AH = 294.9498, DH = 145.510, dZ = -5.112

Gi = 362.7053, DH = 145.511, dZ = -5.100
Ar: BM.54 AH = 96.3961, DH = 145.511, dZ = 5.087

ST: BM.55 X= 521329.506, Y = 9262496.987, Z = 47.217, V0 = 66.3092

Av: BM.56 AH = 296.3303, DH = 465.458, dZ = -19.761

Gi = 362.6395, DH = 465.464, dZ = -19.741
Ar: BM.55 AH = 285.6465, DH = 465.470, dZ = 19.721

ST: BM.56 X= 521071.757, Y = 9262884.572, Z = 27.476, V0 = 276.9930

Av: BM.57 AH = 85.3373, DH = 297.621, dZ = 3.233

Gi = 362.3303, DH = 297.618, dZ = 3.228
Ar: BM.56 AH = 72.6706, DH = 297.615, dZ = -3.223

ST: BM.57 X= 520905.750, Y = 9263131.591, Z = 30.704, V0 = 89.6597

Av: BM.58 AH = 266.3659, DH = 336.606, dZ = 0.944

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(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Gi = 356.0256, DH = 336.601, dZ = 0.956

Ar: BM.57 AH = 248.6377, DH = 336.596, dZ = -0.968

ST: BM.58 X= 520691.297, Y = 9263391.033, Z = 31.660, V0 = 307.3879

Av: GP.9 AH = 45.2153, DH = 379.985, dZ = -0.336

Gi = 352.6032, DH = 379.988, dZ = -0.326
Ar: BM.58 AH = 356.4856, DH = 379.992, dZ = 0.317

ST: GP.9 X= 520435.814, Y = 9263671.485, Z = 31.334, V0 = 196.1176

Constant(s) X= 520435.981, Y = 9263672.176, Z = 31.362, V0 = 196.2113

Angles calculation
Station X Y Gi V0
GP.108 522209.393 9261273.946 359.6370 127.8648
BM.52 521931.795 9261651.481 361.7638 26.1434
BM.53 521572.857 9262175.450 356.6320 163.9698
BM.54 521410.288 9262375.982 362.7470 67.7972
BM.55 521329.917 9262497.282 362.6916 66.3613
BM.56 521072.485 9262885.078 362.3928 277.0555
BM.57 520906.720 9263132.260 356.0985 89.7326
BM.58 520692.564 9263391.947 352.6865 307.4712
GP.9 520435.447 9263671.735 196.2113
Closure 0.234 0.141

Final stations coordinates

Station X Y Z V0
GP.108 522209.393 9261273.946 62.387 127.8648
BM.52 521931.862 9261651.536 59.787 26.1434
BM.53 521572.990 9262175.560 52.074 163.9698
BM.54 521410.489 9262376.147 52.330 67.7972
BM.55 521330.184 9262497.503 47.231 66.3613
BM.56 521072.819 9262885.353 27.495 277.0555
BM.57 520907.121 9263132.590 30.726 89.7326
BM.58 520693.032 9263392.333 31.685 307.4712
GP.9 520435.981 9263672.176 31.362 196.2113

Type de fermeture Ferm.

Planimetric (m) 0.2731
Angular (Gr) 0.0937
Height (m) 0.0282
Fractional Linear misclosure= 1:11000

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006


Calculation date : 29/09/2019 at 17:12:03

Projection utised : Tanzania_UTM 37 South_ARC1960
Linear correction = -395 mm/km – Height correction = -4 mm/km

Traverse Length (XYZ, L = 2559.31 m)

Results calculation
ST: GP.109 X= 520144.894, Y = 9263995.381, Z = 30.085, V0 = 397.0484
Constant(s) X= 520144.894, Y = 9263995.381, Z = 30.085, V0 = 397.0484

Av: BM.59 AH = 360.1151, DH = 230.320, dZ = -1.963

Gi = 357.1635, DH = 230.315, dZ = -1.969
Ar: GP.109 AH = 329.9531, DH = 230.311, dZ = 1.974

ST: BM.59 X= 520001.353, Y = 9264175.495, Z = 28.116, V0 = 227.2104

Av: BM.60 AH = 120.7825, DH = 382.505, dZ = -3.441

Gi = 347.9929, DH = 382.506, dZ = -3.450
Ar: BM.59 AH = 339.5022, DH = 382.506, dZ = 3.459

ST: BM.60 X= 519722.489, Y = 9264437.307, Z = 24.666, V0 = 208.4907

Av: CP.01 AH = 146.4498, DH = 251.250, dZ = -1.667

Gi = 354.9405, DH = 251.253, dZ = -1.661
Ar: BM.60 AH = 64.9769, DH = 251.255, dZ = 1.655

ST: CP.01 X= 519559.135, Y = 9264628.209, Z = 23.005, V0 = 89.9636

Av: BM.61 AH = 265.0410, DH = 99.538, dZ = 0.049

Gi = 355.0046, DH = 99.536, dZ = 0.050
Ar: CP.01 AH = 182.4022, DH = 99.533, dZ = -0.050

ST: BM.61 X= 519494.498, Y = 9264703.901, Z = 23.055, V0 = 372.6024

Av: BM.63 AH = 384.7060, DH = 360.142, dZ = -1.705

Gi = 357.3084, DH = 360.145, dZ = -1.653
Ar: BM.61 AH = 371.9764, DH = 360.149, dZ = 1.602

ST: BM.63 X= 519270.684, Y = 9264986.057, Z = 21.401, V0 = 185.3320

Av: BM.64 AH = 160.8525, DH = 344.124, dZ = -0.778

Gi = 346.1845, DH = 344.119, dZ = -0.773
Ar: BM.63 AH = 32.2138, DH = 344.114, dZ = 0.767

ST: BM.64 X= 519013.217, Y = 9265214.374, Z = 20.628, V0 = 113.9707

Av: BM.65 AH = 241.6635, DH = 375.611, dZ = -0.089

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Gi = 355.6342, DH = 375.614, dZ = -0.093

Ar: BM.64 AH = 214.2932, DH = 375.618, dZ = 0.098

ST: BM.65 X= 518772.132, Y = 9265502.409, Z = 20.535, V0 = 341.3410

Av: CP.2 AH = 13.1264, DH = 163.816, dZ = -0.381

Gi = 354.4674, DH = 163.811, dZ = -0.376
Ar: BM.65 AH = 258.9366, DH = 163.807, dZ = 0.371

ST: CP.2 X= 518664.707, Y = 9265626.078, Z = 20.159, V0 = 295.5308

Av: GP.10 AH = 55.5890, DH = 352.017, dZ = 0.389

Gi = 351.1198, DH = 352.006, dZ = 0.394
Ar: CP.2 AH = 133.4694, DH = 351.995, dZ = -0.399

ST: GP.10 X= 518420.218, Y = 9265879.324, Z = 20.553, V0 = 17.6504

Constant(s) X= 518419.412, Y = 9265878.684, Z = 20.555, V0 = 17.6171

Calcul en angles compensés

Station X Y Gi V0
GP.109 520144.894 9263995.381 357.1602 397.0484
BM.59 520001.344 9264175.488 347.9863 227.2038
BM.60 519722.453 9264437.271 354.9305 208.4807
CP.01 519559.069 9264628.147 354.9913 89.9503
BM.61 519494.415 9264703.825 357.2918 372.5858
BM.63 519270.528 9264985.923 346.1646 185.3121
BM.64 519012.989 9265214.159 355.6109 113.9474
BM.65 518771.799 9265502.106 354.4408 341.3144
CP.2 518664.322 9265625.730 351.0899 295.5009
GP.10 518419.714 9265878.861 17.6171
closure. -0.302 -0.177

Final stations coordinates

Station X Y Z V0
GP.109 520144.894 9263995.381 30.085 397.0484
BM.59 520001.310 9264175.468 28.117 227.2038
BM.60 519722.386 9264437.232 24.667 208.4807
CP.01 519558.968 9264628.088 23.006 89.9503
BM.61 519494.281 9264703.747 23.056 372.5858
BM.63 519270.360 9264985.824 21.402 185.3121
BM.64 519012.788 9265214.041 20.630 113.9474
BM.65 518771.565 9265501.969 20.537 341.3144
CP.2 518664.054 9265625.573 20.161 295.5009
GP.10 518419.412 9265878.684 20.555 17.6171

Results closure
Type closure
Planimetric (m) 0.3497
Angular (Gr) -0.0333
Height (m) 0.0021
Fractional Linear misclosure= 1:7000

TraverseT1-B8-280919_ccp Page 2 29/09/2019 - 17:12:03

COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006


Calculation date : 02/10/2019 at 08:13:26

Projection used : Tanzania_UTM 37 South_ARC1960
Linear correction = -393 mm/km – Height correction = -5 mm/km

Traverse Length (XYZ, L = 2285.32 m)

Calculation results
ST: GP.103 X= 525012.216, Y = 9252317.095, Z = 29.917, V0 = 374.6130
Constant(s) X= 525012.216, Y = 9252317.095, Z = 29.917, V0 = 374.6130

Av: BM.24 AH = 278.5750, DH = 299.413, dZ = 2.994

Gi = 253.1880, DH = 299.413, dZ = 2.993
Ar: GP.103 AH = 11.1645, DH = 299.413, dZ = -2.991

ST: BM.24 X= 524790.167, Y = 9252116.241, Z = 32.910, V0 = 42.0235

Av: BM.25 AH = 202.2904, DH = 540.150, dZ = 6.169

Gi = 244.3139, DH = 540.156, dZ = 6.200
Ar: BM.24 AH = 33.4751, DH = 540.162, dZ = -6.231

ST: BM.25 X= 524443.810, Y = 9251701.747, Z = 39.110, V0 = 10.8388

Av: BM.26 AH = 231.7923, DH = 334.712, dZ = 2.389

Gi = 242.6311, DH = 334.710, dZ = 2.438
Ar: BM.25 AH = 336.5860, DH = 334.708, dZ = -2.487

ST: BM.26 X= 524236.052, Y = 9251439.321, Z = 41.548, V0 = 106.0451

Av: BM.27 AH = 133.5330, DH = 514.371, dZ = 3.455

Gi = 239.5781, DH = 514.369, dZ = 3.546
Ar: BM.26 AH = 328.7965, DH = 514.368, dZ = -3.637

ST: BM.27 X= 523936.478, Y = 9251021.193, Z = 45.094, V0 = 110.7816

Av: GP.4 AH = 130.0087, DH = 596.671, dZ = 4.685

Gi = 240.7903, DH = 596.670, dZ = 4.828
Ar: BM.27 AH = 262.1310, DH = 596.670, dZ = -4.972

ST: GP.4 X= 523579.798, Y = 9250542.867, Z = 49.922, V0 = 178.6593

Constant(s) X= 523579.290, Y = 9250543.223, Z = 49.880, V0 = 178.6758

TraverseT2-B3-190919AA_ccp Page 1 02/10/2019 - 08:13:26

COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Angles calculation
Station X Y Gi V0
GP.103 525012.216 9252317.095 253.1908 374.6130
BM.24 524790.158 9252116.251 244.3194 42.0290
BM.25 524443.766 9251701.786 242.6394 10.8471
BM.26 524235.974 9251439.387 239.5891 106.0561
BM.27 523936.327 9251021.311 240.8041 110.7954
GP.4 523579.544 9250543.063 178.6758
Closure -0.154 0.160

Final stations coordinates

Station X Y Z V0
GP.103 525012.216 9252317.095 29.917 374.6130
BM.24 524790.107 9252116.283 32.904 42.0290
BM.25 524443.664 9251701.851 39.094 10.8471
BM.26 524235.821 9251439.483 41.526 106.0561
BM.27 523936.124 9251021.439 45.063 110.7954
GP.4 523579.290 9250543.223 49.880 178.6758

Results closure
Type closure
Planimetric (m) 0.2222
Angular (Gr) 0.0165
Height (m) -0.0423
Fractional Linear misclosure= 1:10000

TraverseT2-B3-190919AA_ccp Page 2 02/10/2019 - 08:13:26

COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006


Calculation date : 29/09/2019 à 15:57:22

Projection used : Tanzania_UTM 37 South_ARC1960
Linear correction = -389 mm/km – Height correction = -2 mm/km

Traverse Length (XYZ, L = 2952.63 m)

Calculation results
ST: GP.106 X= 523882.719, Y = 9255309.883, Z = 35.987, V0 = 357.6920
Constant(s) X= 523882.719, Y = 9255309.883, Z = 35.987, V0 = 357.6920

Av: BM.37 AH = 29.3490, DH = 285.718, dZ = -14.815

Gi = 387.0410, DH = 285.715, dZ = -14.788
Ar: GP.106 AH = 17.1270, DH = 285.712, dZ = 14.762

ST: BM.37 X= 523824.960, Y = 9255589.699, Z = 21.199, V0 = 169.9140

Av: BM.38 AH = 229.1530, DH = 180.958, dZ = 1.217

Gi = 399.0670, DH = 180.957, dZ = 1.360
Ar: BM.37 AH = 14.0350, DH = 180.955, dZ = -1.503

ST: BM.38 X= 523822.308, Y = 9255770.636, Z = 22.558, V0 = 185.0320

Av: BM.39 AH = 203.6390, DH = 378.465, dZ = 12.054

Gi = 388.6710, DH = 378.463, dZ = 12.229
Ar: BM.38 AH = 187.9200, DH = 378.460, dZ = -12.403

ST: BM.39 X= 523755.313, Y = 9256143.122, Z = 34.787, V0 = 0.7510

Av: BM.40 AH = 380.7590, DH = 260.397, dZ = 0.385

Gi = 381.5100, DH = 260.395, dZ = 0.518
Ar: BM.39 AH = 81.7310, DH = 260.394, dZ = -0.651

ST: BM.40 X= 523680.743, Y = 9256392.611, Z = 35.305, V0 = 99.7790

Av: BM.41 AH = 281.2160, DH = 168.934, dZ = -1.595

Gi = 380.9950, DH = 168.935, dZ = -1.537
Ar: BM.40 AH = 44.4730, DH = 168.937, dZ = 1.479

ST: BM.41 X= 523631.056, Y = 9256554.074, Z = 33.768, V0 = 136.5220

Av: BM.42 AH = 244.9220, DH = 218.185, dZ = -1.834

Gi = 381.4440, DH = 218.185, dZ = -1.793
Ar: BM.41 AH = 286.9440, DH = 218.186, dZ = 1.751

ST: BM.42 X= 523568.357, Y = 9256763.057, Z = 31.975, V0 = 294.5000

Av: BM.43 AH = 86.7740, DH = 299.144, dZ = -2.800

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Gi = 381.2740, DH = 299.141, dZ = -2.686

Ar: BM.42 AH = 148.2140, DH = 299.139, dZ = 2.572

ST: BM.43 X= 523481.629, Y = 9257049.350, Z = 29.289, V0 = 33.0600

Av: BM.44 AH = 348.4750, DH = 466.864, dZ = 3.111

Gi = 381.5350, DH = 466.858, dZ = 3.229
Ar: BM.43 AH = 88.8150, DH = 466.851, dZ = -3.347

ST: BM.44 X= 523348.108, Y = 9257496.707, Z = 32.518, V0 = 92.7200

Av: BM.45 AH = 288.9150, DH = 444.186, dZ = 0.892

Gi = 381.6350, DH = 444.182, dZ = 1.029
Ar: BM.44 AH = 358.6630, DH = 444.177, dZ = -1.167

ST: BM.45 X= 523221.742, Y = 9257922.534, Z = 33.548, V0 = 222.9720

Av: GP.7 AH = 157.2080, DH = 249.781, dZ = 1.012

Gi = 380.1800, DH = 249.796, dZ = 1.078
Ar: BM.45 AH = 123.6740, DH = 249.811, dZ = -1.144

ST: GP.7 X= 523145.223, Y = 9258160.321, Z = 34.626, V0 = 56.5060

Constant(s) X= 523145.209, Y = 9258160.314, Z = 34.976, V0 = 56.5039

Angles calculation
Station X Y Gi V0
GP.106 523882.719 9255309.883 387.0408 357.6920
BM.37 523824.959 9255589.699 399.0666 169.9136
BM.38 523822.306 9255770.636 388.6704 185.0314
BM.39 523755.308 9256143.121 381.5092 0.7502
BM.40 523680.735 9256392.609 380.9941 99.7781
BM.41 523631.046 9256554.072 381.4429 136.5209
BM.42 523568.343 9256763.053 381.2727 294.4987
BM.43 523481.609 9257049.344 381.5335 33.0585
BM.44 523348.078 9257496.698 381.6333 92.7183
BM.45 523221.700 9257922.522 380.1781 222.9701
GP.7 523145.174 9258160.307 56.5039
Closure. 0.035 0.007

Coordonnées définitives des stations

Station X Y Z V0
GP.106 523882.719 9255309.883 35.987 357.6920
BM.37 523824.962 9255589.699 21.232 169.9136
BM.38 523822.313 9255770.637 22.614 185.0314
BM.39 523755.318 9256143.123 34.887 0.7502
BM.40 523680.748 9256392.612 35.436 99.7781
BM.41 523631.063 9256554.075 33.919 136.5209
BM.42 523568.364 9256763.057 32.152 294.4987
BM.43 523481.633 9257049.349 29.502 33.0585
BM.44 523348.106 9257496.704 32.786 92.7183
BM.45 523221.732 9257922.528 33.868 222.9701
GP.7 523145.209 9258160.314 34.976 56.5039

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COVADIS Calculs Topométriques version 200x-8
(C) Géomédia S.A. 1993-2006

Results closure
Type closure
Planimetric (m) 0.0353
Angular (Gr) -0.0020
Height (m) 0.1505
Fractional Linear misclosure= 1:83000

TraverseT2-B5-190919_ccp Page 3 29/09/2019 - 15:57:22

Final Detailed Engineering Design Report BRT Phase 4

Forward Backward differences
Differences Raw
Point n
FW-BW Elevation
Point Raw Diff Diff Point Raw
n elevation Foreward Backward n elevation (FW+BW)/2
IDG.37 62.020 IDG.37 62.036 IDG.37 14.848
-2.707 0.000 -2.706 -2.706
IDG.38 59.314 IDG.38 59.330 IDG.38 12.142
-2.593 0.002 -2.594 -2.594
GP.02 56.721 GP.02 56.736 GP.02 9.548
0.494 0.003 0.491 0.493
GP.102 57.215 GP.102 57.227 GP.102 10.041
6.240 0.002 6.238 6.239
BM.9 63.455 BM.9 63.465 BM.9 16.280
-1.482 0.000 -1.482 -1.482
IDG.43 61.973 IDG.43 61.983 IDG.43 14.798
-5.198 0.004 -5.203 -5.201
IDG.44 56.775 IDG.44 56.781 IDG.44 9.597
1.000 -0.003 1.003 1.001
BM.10 57.775 BM.10 57.783 BM.10 10.599
0.305 0.000 0.304 0.305
BM.11 58.079 BM.11 58.088 BM.11 10.903
2.626 -0.003 2.630 2.628
BM.12 60.706 BM.12 60.717 BM.12 13.531
-0.672 0.002 -0.674 -0.673
IDG.45 60.034 IDG.45 60.043 IDG.45 12.858
3.495 0.000 3.495 3.495
BM.13 63.529 BM.13 63.539 BM.13 16.354
0.927 0.002 0.925 0.926
IDG.46 64.456 IDG.46 64.463 IDG.46 17.279
2.251 -0.002 2.252 2.251
BM.14 66.707 BM.14 66.715 BM.14 19.531
1.055 -0.002 1.056 1.056
BM.15 67.761 BM.15 67.772 BM.15 20.586
-0.447 -0.005 -0.442 -0.444
BM.16 67.315 BM.16 67.330 BM.16 20.142
0.394 -0.001 0.394 0.394
BM.18 67.708 BM.18 67.724 BM.18 20.536
0.651 0.004 0.647 0.649
BM.19 68.359 BM.19 68.371 BM.19 21.185
0.585 0.002 0.583 0.584
BM.20 68.944 BM.20 68.954 BM.20 21.769
1.388 0.000 1.388 1.388
BM.21 70.332 BM.21 70.342 BM.21 23.157
0.990 -0.002 0.992 0.991
BM.22 71.321 BM.22 71.334 BM.22 24.147
-0.308 0.001 -0.310 -0.309
BM.23 71.013 BM.23 71.025 BM.23 23.839
2.772 0.004 2.767 2.770
IDG.51 73.785 IDG.51 73.792 IDG.51 26.608
0.295 -0.001 0.295 0.295
GP.03 74.080 GP.03 74.087 GP.03 26.903
3.013 -0.001 3.014 3.014
GP.103 77.093 GP.103 77.102 GP.103 29.917
2.977 -0.002 2.979 2.978
BM.24 80.070 BM.24 80.081 BM.24 32.895
6.196 0.006 6.190 6.193
BM.25 86.266 BM.25 86.271 BM.25 39.088
2.373 -0.004 2.377 2.375
BM.26 88.639 BM.26 88.647 BM.26 41.463
3.647 0.000 3.648 3.648
BM.27 92.286 BM.27 92.295 BM.27 45.110
4.770 0.000 4.770 4.770
GP.04 97.056 GP.04 97.052 GP.04 49.880
2.944 -0.005 2.948 2.946
GP.104 100.000 GP.104 100.000 GP.104 52.827
0.003 10km
Forward Differences Backward Mean differences
Point n Raw Elevation
Point n Raw elevation Diff Foreward FW-BW Diff Backward Point n Raw elevation (FW+BW)/2
GP.104 104.5172 GP.104 104.521895 GP.104 52.827
-3.307 0.005 -3.312 -3.310
GP.05 101.2102 GP.05 101.209681 GP.05 49.517
-1.210 -0.001 -1.210 -1.210
GP.105 100.0000 GP.105 100 GP.105 48.307
Forward Differences Backward Mean differences
Point n Raw Elevation
Point n Raw elevation Diff Foreward FW-BW Diff Backward Point n Raw elevation (FW+BW)/2
GP.04 100.214 GP.04 100.213 GP.04 49.880
2.939 0.000 2.939 2.939
GP.104 103.153 GP.104 103.152 GP.104 52.819
4.611 -0.004 4.615 4.613
CP.02 107.764 CP.02 107.767 CP.02 57.432
-2.559 -0.001 -2.558 -2.559
CP.01 105.205 CP.01 105.209 CP.01 54.874
-3.416 0.003 -3.419 -3.418
BRT.58 101.788 BRT.58 101.789 BRT.58 51.456
-1.788 0.001 -1.789 -1.789
BRT.57 100.000 BRT.57 100.000 BRT.57 49.667
-0.001 BRT.57-BRT5 49.690 -0.023
Forward Backward Mean differences
Differences Raw
Point Raw Diff Diff Point Raw Point n
FW-BW Elevation
n elevation Foreward Backward n elevation (FW+BW)/2
IDG.51 100.000 IDG.51 100.000 IDG.51 26.608
0.167 0.001 0.166 0.166
BM.28 100.167 BM.28 100.166 BM.28 26.774
0.336 -0.001 0.338 0.337
BM.29 100.503 BM.29 100.503 BM.29 27.111
-1.217 -0.002 -1.215 -1.216
BM.30 99.286 BM.30 99.288 BM.30 25.895
0.192 0.003 0.189 0.190
BM.31 99.478 BM.31 99.477 BM.31 26.086
0.167 -0.001 0.168 0.168
BM.32 99.645 BM.32 99.645 BM.32 26.253
1.275 -0.001 1.275 1.275
BM.33 100.920 BM.33 100.921 BM.33 27.528
3.219 -0.001 3.219 3.219
BM.34 104.139 BM.34 104.140 BM.34 30.747
2.509 0.005 2.504 2.507
BM.35 106.648 BM.35 106.644 BM.35 33.254
1.704 0.007 1.697 1.701
BM.36 108.351 BM.36 108.341 BM.36 34.954
1.807 -0.006 1.814 1.810
GP.6 110.159 GP.6 110.155 GP.6 36.765
-0.778 -0.002 -0.777 -0.777
GP.106 109.380 GP.106 109.378 GP.106 35.987
-14.714 0.000 -14.715 -14.714
BM.37 94.666 BM.37 94.663 BM.37 21.273
1.425 0.002 1.424 1.425
BM.38 96.091 BM.38 96.087 BM.38 22.697
12.250 0.000 12.250 12.250
BM.39 108.342 BM.39 108.337 BM.39 34.948
0.507 0.003 0.505 0.506
BM.40 108.849 BM.40 108.842 BM.40 35.454
-1.540 -0.002 -1.537 -1.539
BM.41 107.310 BM.41 107.305 BM.41 33.915
-1.714 0.002 -1.716 -1.715
BM.42 105.595 BM.42 105.589 BM.42 32.200
-2.612 -0.001 -2.611 -2.611
BM.43 102.983 BM.43 102.978 BM.43 29.589
3.262 0.004 3.258 3.260
BM.44 106.246 BM.44 106.236 BM.44 32.849
0.986 0.000 0.987 0.987
BM.45 107.232 BM.45 107.222 BM.45 33.835
1.137 -0.007 1.145 1.141
GP.7 108.369 GP.7 108.367 GP.7 34.976
0.473 0.005 0.468 0.471
GP.107 108.843 GP.107 108.835 GP.107 35.447
-3.451 -0.008 -3.444 -3.447
BM.46 105.391 BM.46 105.392 BM.46 32.000
0.629 0.004 0.624 0.626
BM.47 106.020 BM.47 106.016 BM.47 32.626
-3.740 0.006 -3.746 -3.743
BM.48 102.280 BM.48 102.270 BM.48 28.883
-2.937 0.007 -2.944 -2.940
BM.49 99.344 BM.49 99.326 BM.49 25.943
0.396 0.007 0.389 0.393
BM.50 99.740 BM.50 99.715 BM.50 26.336
13.716 -0.003 13.718 13.717
BM.51 113.455 BM.51 113.434 BM.51 40.053
9.312 -0.004 9.316 9.314
GP.8 122.767 GP.8 122.750 GP.8 49.367
13.023 0.004 13.019 13.021
GP.108 135.790 GP.108 135.769 GP.108 62.387
-2.609 0.000 -2.609 -2.609
BM.52 133.181 BM.52 133.160 BM.52 59.779
-7.710 -0.003 -7.707 -7.709
BM.53 125.471 BM.53 125.453 BM.53 52.070
0.267 0.002 0.265 0.266
BM.54 125.738 BM.54 125.718 BM.54 52.336
-5.100 -0.005 -5.095 -5.097
BM.55 120.639 BM.55 120.623 BM.55 47.239
-19.745 0.004 -19.748 -19.747
BM.56 100.894 BM.56 100.874 BM.56 27.492
3.233 -0.001 3.234 3.234
BM.57 104.127 BM.57 104.108 BM.57 30.726
0.973 0.002 0.972 0.973
BM.58 105.101 BM.58 105.080 BM.58 31.698
-0.338 -0.003 -0.335 -0.337
GP.9 104.762 GP.9 104.745 GP.9 31.362
-1.278 -0.003 -1.275 -1.276
GP.109 103.484 GP.109 103.470 GP.109 30.085
Forward Differences Backward Mean differences
Point n Raw Elevation
Point n Raw elevation Diff Foreward FW-BW Diff Backward Point n Raw elevation (FW+BW)/2
GP.109 100.000 GP.109 100.000 GP.109 30.085
-1.995 0.000 -1.995 -1.995
BM.59 98.005 BM.59 98.005 BM.59 28.090
-3.458 -0.001 -3.458 -3.458
BM.60 94.547 BM.60 94.547 BM.60 24.632
-1.593 -0.003 -1.590 -1.592
BM.61 92.953 BM.61 92.957 BM.61 23.040
-1.635 0.003 -1.638 -1.637
BM.63 91.319 BM.63 91.319 BM.63 21.404
-0.790 0.002 -0.792 -0.791
BM.64 90.528 BM.64 90.526 BM.64 20.612
-0.097 -0.004 -0.093 -0.095
BM.65 90.431 BM.65 90.433 BM.65 20.517
0.037 -0.003 0.040 0.038
GP.10 90.468 GP.10 90.473 GP.10 20.555
-0.674 -0.001 -0.673 -0.673
GP.110 89.794 GP.110 89.800 GP.110 19.882
Forward Differences Backward Mean differences
Point n Raw Elevation
Point n Raw elevation Diff Foreward FW-BW Diff Backward Point n Raw elevation (FW+BW)/2
BM.3 100.000 BM.3 100.000 BM.3 5.891
0.211 0.006 0.205 0.208
BM.2 100.211 BM.2 100.205 BM.2 6.099
-0.528 -0.001 -0.528 -0.528
BM.1 99.683 BM.1 99.677 BM.1 5.571
1.540 0.001 1.540 1.540
GP.01 101.224 GP.01 101.217 GP.01 7.111
0.491 0.004 0.487 0.489
DDP.29 101.715 DDP.29 101.705 DDP.29 7.601
Forward Differences Backward Mean differences
Point n Raw Elevation
Point n Raw elevation Diff Foreward FW-BW Diff Backward Point n Raw elevation (FW+BW)/2
GP.01 100.000 GP.01 100.000 GP.01 7.111
-2.251 0.001 -2.252 -2.252
CP.03 97.749 CP.03 97.748 CP.03 4.860
1.729 -0.005 1.734 1.732
CP.04 99.478 CP.04 99.482 CP.04 6.591
-1.760 0.007 -1.767 -1.764
GP.11 97.718 GP.11 97.714 GP.11 4.828
0.605 0.002 0.602 0.603
GP.111 98.323 GP.111 98.317 GP.111 5.431
Forward Backward Mean differences
Differences Point Raw
Point Raw Diff Diff Raw
FW-BW n Elevation
n elevation Foreward Backward Point n elevation (FW+BW)/2
BM.44 100.766 BM.44 100.774 BM.44 32.849
-0.869 0.000 -0.869 -0.869
P2 99.896 P2 99.905 P2 31.979
0.104 0.009 0.095 0.099
BM44.1 100.000 BM44.1 100.000 BM44.1 32.079

BM.44 100.766 BM.44 100.774 BM.44 32.849

-2.461 0.000 -2.461 -2.461
BM43.1 98.278 BM43.1 98.313 BM43.1 30.388

BM.26 100.000 BM.26 100.000 BM.26 41.463

1.393 -0.001 1.394 1.394
BM26.1 101.393 BM26.1 101.394 BM26.1 42.856

BM.24 97.782 BM.24 97.782 BM.24 32.895

2.225 0.000 2.225 2.225
BM.24.1 100.006 BM.24.1 100.006 BM.24.1 35.120

BM.27 100.000 BM.27 100.014 BM.27 45.110

1.880 0.006 1.886 1.873
BM27.1 101.880 BM27.1 101.880 BM27.1 46.983
Forward Backward Mean differences
Differences Raw
Point Raw Diff Diff Point Raw Point n
FW-BW Elevation
n elevation Foreward Backward n elevation (FW+BW)/2
GP.107 102.574 GP.107 102.576 GP.107 35.447
-2.574 0.002 -2.576 -2.575
BM46.1 100.000 BM46.1 100.000 BM46.1 32.872

GP.10 100.000 GP.10 100.000 GP.10 20.555

-1.210 0.001 -1.211 -1.210
BM65.1 98.790 BM65.1 98.789 BM65.1 19.345

BM.56 100.000 BM.56 100.000 BM.56 27.492

6.691 0.002 6.688 6.690
BM55.1 106.691 BM55.1 106.688 BM55.1 34.182

BM.53 100.000 BM.53 100.000 BM.53 52.070

1.340 -0.003 1.343 1.342
P1 101.340 P1 101.343 P1 53.412
2.742 0.002 2.740 2.741
BM52.1 104.082 BM52.1 104.083 BM52.1 56.153

BM.51 100.000 BM.51 100.000 BM.51 40.053

-8.150 -0.001 -8.149 -8.149
BM50.1 91.850 BM50.1 91.851 BM50.1 31.903
Forward Backward Mean differences
Differences Point Raw
Point Raw Diff Diff Point Raw
FW-BW n Elevation
n elevation Foreward Backward n elevation (FW+BW)/2
FBM 100.000 FBM 100.000 FBM 10.351
-5.362 0.007 -5.369 -5.366
TP.01 94.638 TP.01 94.631 TP.01 4.985
-0.593 -0.003 -0.590 -0.592
TP.02 94.045 TP.02 94.041 TP.02 4.394
3.025 -0.002 3.027 3.026
TP.03 97.070 TP.03 97.068 TP.03 7.420
-0.355 0.005 -0.360 -0.358
TP.04 96.715 TP.04 96.708 TP.04 7.062
3.847 0.002 3.844 3.846
TP.05 100.562 TP.05 100.552 TP.05 10.908
3.941 0.001 3.939 3.940
IDG.37 104.502 IDG.37 104.492 IDG.37 14.848
Final Detailed Engineering Design Report BRT Phase 4

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting 531407.293 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9247354.353 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 7.601 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999612 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.1
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 531581.102 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9247518.099 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 7.111 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999612 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with DPP.29
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 530766.328 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9249698.967 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 6.045 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999612 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with IDG.36
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 530679.440 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9249995.924 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 6.369 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999612 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with IDG.35
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 529673.359 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9251071.973 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 9.548 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999611 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.102
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
GPS POINT n : GP.102
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 529429.408 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9251148.264 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 10.041 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999611 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.2
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 525187.446 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9252542.71 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 26.903 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999608 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.103
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
GPS POINT n : GP.103
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 525012.216 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9252317.095 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 29.917 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999608 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.3
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 523579.290 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9250543.223 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 49.880 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999607 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.104
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
GPS POINT n : GP.104
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 523259.849 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9250245.87 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 52.827 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999607 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.4
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 523668.827 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9249931.288 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 49.517 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999607 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.105
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
GPS POINT n : GP.105
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 523772.797 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9250056.386 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 48.307 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999607 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.5
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 523935.986 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9255196.791 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 36.765 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999607 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.106
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
GPS POINT n : GP.106
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 523882.719 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9255309.883 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 35.987 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999607 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.6
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 523145.209 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9258160.314 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 34.976 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999607 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.107
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
GPS POINT n : GP.107
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 523060.353 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9258445.337 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 35.447 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999607 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.07
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 522387.118 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9261030.558 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 49.367 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999606 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.108
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
GPS POINT n : GP.108
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 522209.393 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9261273.946 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 62.387 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999606 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.108
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 520435.981 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9263672.176 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 31.362 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999605 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.109
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
GPS POINT n : GP.109
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 520144.894 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9263995.381 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 30.085 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999605 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.09
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 518419.412 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9265878.684 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 20.555 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999604 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.110
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
GPS POINT n : GP.110
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 518260.702 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9266092.306 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 19.882 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999604 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.10
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 532905.700 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9246471.609 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 4.828 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999613 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.111
this point

o Establishment Date: JULY 2019
GPS POINT n : GP.111
UTM ZONE 37S - CLARKE 1880 ELLIPSOID Informations
Easting(X) 532960.510 Nature of Point:
IPC pipe with concrete plus Iron bar
Northing(Y) 9246566.903 inserted at the middle
Elevation(Z) 5.431 Location:
Coordinate system:
Corrections Projection: UTM Zone 37 South
Scale Factor(SF) = 0.999613 These corrections must Ellipsoid: Clark 1880
be applied to distances Datum: Arc 1960
mesured on field from Remarks: Intervisible with GP.11
this point

GP.1 529861.007 9245001.056 18.95 0.99961 GP.2 529990.673 9245070.01 19.09 0.99961
GP.2 529990.673 9245070.01 19.09 0.99961 GP.3 530192.996 9245193.212 15.76 0.99961
-129.666 -68.954 146.86 -202.323 -123.202 236.883
GP.3 530192.996 9245193.212 15.76 0.99961
GP.4 530577.534 9245423.333 13.807 0.99961 GP.3 530192.996 9245193.212 15.76 0.99961
GP.5 530764.516 9245497.052 14.11 0.99961 DRG26G 530411.484 9245290.928 14.114 0.99961
GP.6 530888.478 9245572.703 15.124 0.99961 -218.488 -97.716 239.344
GP.7 530985.314 9245640.319 14.709 0.99961 DRG26G 530411.484 9245290.928 14.114 0.99961
GP.8 530323.355 9245392.011 13.969 0.99961 GP.8 530323.355 9245392.011 13.969 0.99961
GP.9 530198.3 9245579.363 15.685 0.99961 88.129 -101.083 134.106
GP.10 529913.244 9245451.538 21.5 0.99961 GP.8 530323.355 9245392.011 13.969 0.99961
GP.11 530041.579 9245432.795 15.542 0.99961 GP.9 530198.3 9245579.363 15.685 0.99961
DRG.26E 530808.756 9245077.824 13.805 0.99961 125.055 -187.352 225.254
DRG26F 530596.734 9245175.291 15.893 0.99961 GP.10 529913.244 9245451.538 21.5 0.99961
DRG26G 530411.484 9245290.928 14.114 0.99961 GP.11 530041.579 9245432.795 15.542 0.99961
-128.335 18.743 129.696
GP.6 530888.478 9245572.703 15.124 0.99961
GP.7 530985.314 9245640.319 14.709 0.99961
-96.836 -67.616 118.106
GP.6 530888.478 9245572.703 15.124 0.99961
GP.5 530764.516 9245497.052 14.11 0.99961
123.962 75.651 145.223

GP.1 529861.007 9245001.056 18.95 0.99961

GP.8 530323.355 9245392.011 13.969 0.99961
-462.348 -390.955 605.485

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