Statistical Optimization of Ultra-High-Performance Glass Concrete
Statistical Optimization of Ultra-High-Performance Glass Concrete
Statistical Optimization of Ultra-High-Performance Glass Concrete
This paper presents the experimental results of research carried out density, high amounts of ultrafine SF (25 to 30% of cement
involving the compressive strength and slump flow of ultra-high- weight) are used to fill the voids between cement particles
performance concrete (UHPC) made with cementitious blends of in UHPC. This significantly increases the concrete cost and
recycled glass flour, recycled glass powder, micro limestone powder, decreases its workability. All these drawbacks restrict the
silica fume, and portland cement. The adopted second-order poly-
wider use of UHPC in the construction market.7,19
nomic regression model provided an accurate correlation between
In recent years, several researchers have focused on
the considered variables and the obtained responses. A numerical
optimization was then performed to obtain an eco-friendly mixture eco-friendly and cost-efficient UHPC. Li et al.20 proved
with the proper flow, highest compressive strength, and minimum that incorporating limestone powder in UHPC improved
content of cement. The use of 603 kg/m3 of cement in the mixture the hydration process at early age, leading to denser particle
can be considered as the most appropriate amount to be employed packing and improving mechanical properties. Huang and
in UHPC mixtures, fulfilling the limit values of compressive Cao21 used nano-CaCO3 and reported a 17% increase in
strength and spread flow. compressive strength compared to the control UHPC spec-
imens. As awareness for protecting the environment has
Keywords: compressive strength; optimization; recycled glass concrete;
risen, the possibility of converting solid waste into concrete
response surface methodology (RSM); sustainability; ultra-high-perfor-
mance concrete (UHPC). components has drawn more interest.22 As a result, some
waste materials such as recycled glass powder are also
INTRODUCTION included in the production of UHPC to reduce its cost and
In recent years, enormous developments in concrete tech- improve its environmental attributes. In this field, Vaitkev-
nology have achieved the development of new concrete icius et al.23 investigated the effect of glass powder on the
types, such as ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC).1 microstructure of UHPC. Their results revealed that glass
UHPC is defined as a new high-tech material, with superior powder increases the dissolution rate of portland cement
mechanical properties such as a compressive strength of over submitted to heat treatment, thus the hydration process is
150 MPa,2-4 and improved durability due to its extremely accelerated. Soliman and Tagnit-Hamou1 investigated the
low porosity.4-6 A typical UHPC mixture contains portland partial substitution of silica fume with fine glass powder
cement (CEM), silica fume (SF), quartz powder (QP), silica (FGP) in UHPC. The results demonstrated that compressive
sand (SS) with a maximum size of 600 μm, high-range water strength values of 235 and 220 MPa after 2 days of steam
reducers (HRWRs), and sometimes steel fiber.7-9 The fiber curing could be obtained, respectively, when replacing 30
inclusion in UHPC improves the material’s ductility, as well and 50% of SF with FGP with a mean particle size (d50)
as its tensile and flexural capacity.10,11 Currently, UHPC is of 3.8 µm. However, the amount of cement used exceeded
used in the construction of footbridges, precast deck panel 800 kg/m3. In another study, Tagnit-Hamou et al.7 and
bridge joints, special prestressed and precast concrete Soliman and Tagnit-Hamou11 used recycled glass powder
elements, concrete repair, marine platforms, precast walls, to replace quartz sand, cement, and quartz powder particles.
urban furniture, overlay on damaged pavements and indus- Aiming for a cost-effective and more sustainable UHPC,
trial floors, and other architectural applications.11-15 the objective of this study is to effectively design and produce
Today, the sustainability of the construction sector is a UHPC with a low cement content, a maximum content of
priority for the scientific community.16 For this reason, the silica fume of 100 kg/m3, and avoiding the use of QP. The
production of cement-based materials must consider not design of the concrete mixtures was based in achieving
only good mechanical and durability properties, but also great compressive strength and rheological properties with
environmentally friendly, ecological, and socioeconomic a minimum amount of cement through a three-factor Design
benefits.7,17 A typical UHPC design8 has a cement content of Experiments (DoE). To ensure a densely compacted
that varies from 800 to 1000 kg/m3. This high cement cementitious matrix, the modified Andreasen & Andersen
content not only affects production costs and consumes particle packing model (A&Amod)24 was used. QP was totally
natural resources; it also negatively affects the environment
ACI Materials Journal, V. 117, No. 1, January 2020.
because the production of 1 ton of portland cement releases MS No. M-2019-044, doi: 10.14359/51720292, received February 1, 2019, and
approximately 1 ton of CO2.7,18 QP has an immediate and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2020, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
long-term harmful effect on human health as it is classified obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
as a carcinogen agent.7,11 To achieve the optimum packing is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
P ( D) = �
(D q q
− � Dmin ) (1)
max −D q
min )
where D is the particle size; P(D) is the weight fraction of
total solids that are smaller than D; Dmax and Dmin are the
maximum and minimum particle sizes, respectively; and q
is the Fuller exponent. The value of q was determined in
previous research.33
A Central Composite Design (CCD) is an efficient exper-
imental design used in response surface methodology to
construct a second-order polynomic model for each response.
The CCD has several advantages, such as the ability to esti-
mate the quadratic effect of each response, the analysis of the
response surface with a relatively small number of experi-
mental runs, the determination of the interrelations between Fig. 2—Central composite design for three factors (A, B,
factors, and the ability to locate the optimal response.2,34 The and C) at two levels.
second-order model is widely used in this methodology for
the cube; and c center points with all levels set to coded level
the following reasons: 1) it works on a wide variety of func-
0, which are in the center of the cube. A graphic of a three-di-
tional forms, so it will often perform as an approximation to
mensional CCD for k = 3 independent variables is shown in
the true response surface; 2) it is easy to estimate its param-
Fig. 2. A design with three factors, four center points, eight
eters—β in Eq. (2)—in the second-order model; and 3) there
factorial points, and six axial points (α = ±1.78885) with a
is considerable practical experience indicating that second-
total of 18 set points, was used in this research.
order models work well in solving real response surface prob-
The variables of the experiments were coded according
lems. A CCD consists of a full or fractional factorial design
to Eq. (2)
with center points that are enlarged with star points, which
increase the variable space and allow the estimation of the
quadratic terms. The CCD structure for a k factor three-level Xj =
(Z j − Z0 j )� (2)
experiment design requires 2k + 2k + c design points, where ∆j
k is the number of studied variables, with 2k factorial points
where Xj is the coded value of the independent variable; Zj
representing all combinations of coded values x = ±1, which
is the real value of the independent variable; Z0j is the real
are in the corners of a cube; plus 2k axial points at a distance
value of the independent variable at the center point; and Δj
± α from the origin, which are in the center of each face of
is the step change value.
Fig. 4—Response surface 3-D plots indicating interaction Fig. 6—Response surface 3-D plots indicating interac-
effects of w/b (B) and HRWR content (C) on 1-day compres- tion effects of w/b (B) and HRWR content (C) on 28-day
sive strength. The cement content was fixed at 625 kg/m3 compressive strength. The cement content was fixed at
(A = 0). 625 kg/m3 (A = 0).
or group of values, that are not easily predicted by the model. satisfy the requirements for each of the responses as much
The figure also shows any abnormality in the response. as possible, without compromising any of the requirements.2
Optimization can be achieved by either maximizing or
MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION OF minimizing the value of the response or by trying to set the
ECO-FRIENDLY UHPC response on a specific target. To optimize under a multi-ob-
Objective and methods jective criteria, the global desirability function developed by
A multi-objective optimization method was performed Derringer and Suich,43 Eq. (5) was used
with the purpose of finding the optimum values of the
independent variables that could lead to the best response. 1
( ) = ∏dirn
1 n ∑ ri
After establishing the regression model between the mixture D = d1r1 × d 2r2 × d3r3 ×…× d nrn ∑ ri
i =1
design variables and responses, all independent variables
were varied simultaneously and independently to opti- where n is the number of responses included in the optimiza-
mize the objective functions. This optimal solution aims to tion; and ri is the relative importance of each individual func-
tion (di). The importance (ri) varies from 1 (least important)
both responses and variables were defined as a specific Table 9—Predicted responses by model versus
objective by assigning an importance degree. The objec- experimental measurement
tives of all the optimizations for each response are presented Øm, mm R28
in Table 7. Criteria I has been proposed for selecting the
Experi- Experi-
optimum mixture design variables to obtain a self-com-
Mixture mental Model RDL mental Model RDL
pacting mixture according to the EFNARC criteria39 with
the maximum 28-day compressive strength. In this scope, Criteria I 250 250.54 0.22% 165.8 164.43 –0.83%
the slump flow was defined as an “in range” objective, while Criteria
252 250.04 –0.78% 152.45 155.25 1.80%
28-day compressive strength was defined as a “maximum” II
objective. At the end of the multi-objective optimization
process, one optimal solution that satisfied the specified 1. An optimal mixture was designed to reach a 150 MPa
constraints was obtained. Criteria II adds to Criteria I the 28-day compressive strength with only 603 kg/m3 of cement
variable of minimum content of cement, maintaining a and 100 kg/m3 of silica fume, providing an ultra-high-perfor-
28-day compressive strength of over 150 MPa. Both opti- mance concrete which incorporates by-products in its dosage
mized mixtures are given in Table 8. such as recycled glass powder and recycled glass flour.
2. The regression model, using RSM, provides a thor-
Validation of proposed model ough examination of eco-friendly and cost-effective UHPC
The efficiency of the designed models was confirmed by properties over the selected range of cement content, w/b,
performing the experiment under the optimal conditions and and HRWR content. The lack-of-fit test results combined
comparing predicted-to-measured values obtained with the with high values of coefficients of multiple determinations
two mixtures presented in Table 8. The arrangement and (R2) demonstrated the accuracy of the second-order model
results of the confirmation tests are shown in Table 9. The to predict the required performance of UHPC in relation
absolute relative deviation, RDL (%), was used as a mean to compressive strength at 1, 7, and 28 days, as well as the
to measure accuracy for validation. Results showed that the spread flow value. The ANOVA results also verified that the
experimental values were similar to those predicted by the inclusion of all model parameters was statistically signifi-
proposed model. cant based on a very low P-value.
It is important to note that the mixture designed under 3. A numerical optimization of several responses was
Criterion II and tested experimentally resulted in a reduc- also efficiently accomplished to obtain an eco-friendly
tion of cement content of approximately 25% and of silica mixture with the maximum compressive strength and
fume by over 50%, compared to the typical dose of UHPC minimum cement content. The obtained results showed
proposed by Richard and Cheyrezy.8 These partial substitu- that the optimal values of design variables were 603 kg/m3
tions for less-expensive materials such as recycled glass and of cement, reaching compressive strength of 152 MPa at
limestone powders leads to a reduction in the final cost of the 28 days. Allowing a higher amount of cement, the numer-
mixture of approximately 20%. ical optimization showed an experimentally validated
compressive strength result of 165.8 MPa with 667 kg/m3
CONCLUSIONS of cement.
In this study, a multi-objective simultaneous optimi- 4. The results predicted by the model, along with those
zation technique was adopted to obtain a cost-effective obtained with the experiments, drive to the conclusion that
and eco-friendly ultra-high-performance concrete using the statistical model can be used to predict the properties of
by-products as filler, such as recycled glass flour, and as new mixtures with good accuracy.
cementitious supplementary materials, such as recycled
glass powder. Also, micro limestone powder was used as AUTHOR BIOS
Joaquín Abellán is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Civil Engi-
partial replacement of silica fume. The new material exhib- neering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain.
ited excellent workability and rheological properties. In this His research interests include mathematical optimization of eco-friendly
model, a response surface method (RSM) was incorporated. ultra-high-performance concrete and seismic behavior of high strain-hard-
ening cementitious composites.
Five performance parameters—spread flow; compressive
strength at 1, 7, and 28 days; and cement content—were Jaime Fernández is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at
analyzed and used in the optimization of the mixture design. UPM, where he received his BS and PhD in civil engineering. His research
interests include structural analysis, construction engineering, and civil
Based on the results of this experimental investigation, the engineering materials.
following conclusions are drawn: