Intro To Relays #2 - ANSI - IEEE Relay Numbers
Intro To Relays #2 - ANSI - IEEE Relay Numbers
Intro To Relays #2 - ANSI - IEEE Relay Numbers
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Protective Relays are an advanced area of electrical engineering and contracting that can be intimidating, but they
don’t have to be! This series of 3 articles will introduce basic relaying to the non-engineers in the solar and energy
storage industries.
Relay Numbers
Protective relays are designed by using standard device numbers to describe its functionality. Instead of verbal
descriptions, we use numbers to describe the functions of a relay. The numbers and acronyms are standardized in
the document ANSI/IEEE C37.2.
1. Efficiency – They are much more efficient to use when creating the wiring diagrams or speaking. For instance,
instead of saying “Over Voltage on the Neutral” you can just say “59N”.
2. Standardization – When used in conversation, all parties (Utilities, engineers, vendors, installers, etc.) will
immediately know what functionality is needed without the risk of misinterpretation and mistakes.
3. More compact on a drawing – Since relays provide several functions, it's more concise on a drawing to just call
out the numbers. Here is an example of a relay with “phase overvoltage & undervoltage, phase over frequency
& under frequency, ground inverse time overcurrent, and alarm” functions. See how much easier it is using the
numbers that in you needed to write it all out? 1/6
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Attention Engineers!
If you love technical articles like this, then you might be a great fit at Pure Power! These sorts of topics are
discussed daily by our team of 80 engineers that designed over 2,000 C&I and Utility-Scale solar projects.
Surrounding yourself with all this experience is a great way to take your career to the next level.
Here are the most commonly used functions in PV and Energy Storage Systems:
# Name Description 2/6
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Additionally, there may be letters after the numbers, which further define the function:
# Name Description
It’s not enough to simply call out the functions. Functions also need the minimum and/or maximum setpoint values.
These are determined by an engineer and are often unique for each project. 3/6
7/13/24, 10:14 AM Intro to Relays #2 - ANSI/IEEE Relay Numbers
At a high level, the concept of relay device numbers is simple. It is a slippery slope that quickly gets more
complicated. However, developers and project managers don’t need to know the technical details to do their jobs.
That’s why you have experienced engineers such as Pure Power. If you need help with the relays on your project, click
here to learn more or reach out to us today
This entry was posted in Relay by Rick Ivins
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