Richter 1974
Richter 1974
Richter 1974
More recently, measurements on lunar rocks and on transformer (L VDT). The measuring system, designed to
terrestrial igneous r o c k s thought to be analogues of be mounted horizontally, was mounted vertically with
lunar rocks have increased our understanding of thermal the L V D T b e l o w the furnace. The leaf-spring pushrod
expansion of igneous rocks. holder was removed. These two modifications, described
Thirumalai and Demou [7-1 and Griffin and Demou in more detail by Baldridge et al. [10], greatly reduced
[8] have measured the thermal expansion of'lunar-ana- friction in the transducer assembly and permitted better
logue' materials. Thirumalai and Demou I-7] showed mounting of the sample. The transducer assembly was
that the thermal expansion of rocks in vacuum was the surrounded by a constant temperature water-jacketed
same as that at atmospheric pressure. They noted an im- shield to avoid errors from changes in ambient tempera-
mediately irrecoverable length change of 0.08 per cent in ture. A high-impedance a.c. amplifier was inserted
their sample of granodiorite after heating it to 350°C at between the displacement transdu.cer and the demodula-
5°C/min. Griffin and Demou [8] measured the thermal tor to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and the sensi-
expansion of several rocks from - 140 to 950°C. They tivity of the system. The signal from the transducer
showed that distinct changes in slope of the expansion exciter-demodulator was sent to a Hewlett-Packard
curve of a granodiorite corresponded to the ~-fl quartz digital data acquisition system which automatically
inversion point (573°C). took readings at 10 min intervals. The resolution of the
Baldridge and Simmons [9], Baldridge et al. 1-101, and system is 0.001r~C for temperature and 1 × 10-5 for
Todd et al. 1-11-1 have measured the thermal expansion strain.
of lunar rocks. Baldridge et al. [ 10] found that the mea- A silicon carbide tube furnace was suspended around
sured expansions of lunar samples are significantly lower the sample. The furnace control and sample tempera-
than the values calculated for the thermal expansion of tures were obtained from separate chromel-alumel ther-
an aggregate but that the observed expansion for Fairfax mocouples. The signal from the sample temperature
diabase was approximately equal to the calculated value. thermocouple, which was placed at the surface of the
They attributed the discrepancy for the lunar rocks to sample, was also connected to the data acquisition sys-
the large number of microfractures that exist in lunar tem.
rocks. Todd et al. 1-11] corroborate the results of Bal- The rate of temperature change, whether heating or
dridge et al. 1-10-1in finding that the thermal expansions cooling, is extremely important in measuring the ther-
of highly fractured igneous rocks from the Ries meteor- mal expansion. In our early work, samples were heated
ite impact crater are also much lower than the calculated at a rate of 5°C/min which we now believe is too high.
'intrinsic' values. Todd [12] used acoustic emission techniques to show
We now describe our measuring system and the exper- that a rate of 5°C/min, even at low temperature, could
imental techniques because both have significant effects introduce new cracks in rock. We have, therefore, used
on the results. a lower rate. The operational procedure used to obtain
the thermal expansions reported here, and the one that
w e recommend for use with rocks, combines a low rate
EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT AND METHODS of change of temperature with long intervals of constant
We measured thermal expansion on a modified Brink- furnace temperature. In making a run, we change tem-
mann TD-IX differential dilatometer. Figure 1 is a sim- perature at a rate of 1-2°C/min for 30 min and then hold
plified block diagram of the apparatus. The measuring temperature constant for 60 rain. The period of constant
system of the dilatometer consisted of a fused silica tube, furnace temperature is sufficient for both length and
sample holder, and an inner fused silica rod which temperature of the sample to stabilize. Each data point
pushed an iron slug inside a linear variable differential is the average of the sample temperature and length dur-
ing the last 40 rain of the 60 min interval in which the
temperature remained constant.
:', H Sroo
s,,,:, 7" -I I III %
-I I 0 I00 200 300 400
T, °C
500 600 700 800 900
Fig. 1. Simplified block diagram of the experimental apparatus. Fig. 2. Thermal expansion of quartz parallel to the c-axis. Data from
LVDT stands for linear variable differential transformer. Kozu and Takane [13].
Thermal Expansion Behavior of Igneous Rocks 405
.The dilatometer was calibrated with a cylinder of Effect of thermal gradient on the observed thermal expan-
monocrystalline quartz cut parallel to the c-axis, using sion
the data of Kozu and Takane [13] for the correct expan- The rate at which a sample is heated affects the appar-
sion of quartz between 25 ° and 450°C (shown in Fig. 2). ent thermal expansion. Because the sample is finite in
The data for each sample were then corrected for the size, a change of temperature at the surface is not instan-
slight expansion of the fused-silica measuring system of taneous throughout• the volume of the sample. There-
the dilatometer and adjusted to a reference temperature fore, a temporal gradient produces a spatial gradient in
of 25°C. Each sample data set was recalculated as rela- the sample that can produce cracks. We believe that the
tive expansion AL/Lo and a third degree polynomial was heating rates commonly used for measurements of ther-
fitted by least squares to the data set (Fig. 3). mal expansion of rocks are too large. For example, many
The linear thermal expansion of each rock core was workers have used 5°C/rain as the heating-cooling rate
measured along the long dimension of the sample only, in their thermal expansion measurements [7-9]. Others
and the volume expansion was taken to be three times have used even higher rates. Thirumalai and Demou
the linear expansion. Anisotropy of expansion was not [19] measured the thermal expansion of the Halecrest
investigated. (N.J.) and Charcoal granites over the range 20-400°C at
We estimate the precision of the instrument and tech- heating-cooling rates of 5, 20 and 50°C/min. Because the
nique from repeated measurements on samples with two higher heating rates produced large immediately
known thermal expansion (e.g. alumina, fused silica). irrecoverable microstructural damage, the coefficients of
Our measurements of temperature are precise to 10-3°C thermal expansion determined from the expansion-con-
and changes of sample length to 5 x 10- 5 in. Our deter- traction curves at the three rates are different.
minations of the coefficient of thermal expansion are re- Todd [12] demonstrated clearly that simply heating a
peatable to 2 per cent or less. granite at a rate of 5°C/min causes cracking. He heated
samples of Westerly granite at rates of 8, 5, and 2°C/min
Samples from room temperature to 300°C and studied the acous-
Sample preparation was kept as simple as possible in tic emissions. The 8°C/min rate produced the greatest
order to introduce the least possible amount of struc- number of emissions. The 5°C/min rate produced about
tural damage. Cylinders 1 cm in diameter and 4"5-5"0 cm half as many events as the 8°C/min rate. And, the rate
long were cut from large blocks with water-cooled dia- of 2°C/rain produced almost no acoustic events over the
Measured value Calculated value
•Uncracked' samples:
Cape Neddick gabbro (I) 25.5 19.5
Fairfax diabase
(5°C/min) 19-5 18.4
( 1°C/min) 17.8
Frederick diabase
(5°C/rain) 18.8 lcJ.0
Westerly granite 33"6 24-2
Barre granite 23"2 24-3
Ries granite 934 23.5 25"6
Highly cracked samples:
Ries granite 936 19-4 23-4
Lunar samples
62295 6'8 17.0
65015 10-9 18.4
68415 4-8 14.4
temperature (Figs. 3 and 5). The notable exception is the elastic waves. He also showed that the fracture strength
Westerly granite, for which the measured value is much depended significantly on residual stresses. Perhaps the
higher than the calculated value. Yet our measured value most striking demonstration of the effects of residual
compares well with the value measured by Wheeler [3] stress was the bending of a bar of lunar rock number
and independently, by Griffith [4]. The measurements ' 15555 as it was sawed from a larger piece (Patrick Butler,
were made at a heating rate of l-2°C/min; and the differ- personal communication). The bar was roughly 1 x 2 x
ence in values seems too great to be caused by the inac- 17 cm and the free end moved away from the larger
curacies inherent calculating the coefficient from Tur- piece by 5 cm as it was sawed. Moisture also has been
ner's equation. We do not yet understand the cause of shown to affect several physical properties. For example,
the discrepancy between the calculated and intrinsic Simmons and Nur [22] and Nur and Simmons [23]
values. showed the effects of moisture on the velocity of elastic
waves. The effects of moisture on the electrical proper-
The effects of repeated thermal cycling on the thermal ties of rocks are well known. And finally, Hockman and
expansion of igneous rocks Kessler [6] have examined directly the effect of moisture
Figure 3 shows the thermal expansion behavior of the on the thermal expansion of rocks. They found that irre-
Cape Neddick gabbro (Sample CN-I) for several tem- gularities in the heating curves of samples of granite over
perature cycles to successively higher temperatures. The the range - 20 to + 60°C would disappear if water were
heating rate for this set of data was 2°C/min or less. prevented from entering a specimen during the test.
Several features of the thermal expansion of this rock Whatever the cause of the first hysteresis loop, none
can be obtained directly from Fig. 3: (1) the coefficient of of the successive thermal cycles of the sample displayed
thermal expansion as a function of both temperature a similar feature. The heating curve of cycle 2 (to 300°C)
and the maximum temperature to which the sample has coincides with the cooling path of the first cycle. Similar
been exposed, (2) the temperature at which significant first cycle hysteresis has been observed for other samples
cracking begins to occur, (3) the permanent strain asso- of Cape Neddick gabbro, Fairfax diabase and Frederick
ciated with maximum temperatures of cycling, and (4) diabase; such behavior was not observed in either the
the influence of cracks on the thermal expansion of a Westerly or Barre granite.
rock. Cycle 2 (T,,.... = 300°C) of CN-I yielded a permanent
The heating of any virgin rock to a temperature of strain of 1"2 x 10-4 at room temperature. The length of
even 70°C produces a (very) few cracks. For example, di- the sample remained the same after another cycle to
rect measurement of the crack porosity produced by the 300°C (cycle 3), which indicates that the rock had
thermal cycling of Frederick diabase, at a rate of I'0°C/ reached a steady state of deformation after only one
min, to 70°C gives an increase of porosity of 7 x 10-6. cycle.
Furthermore, comparison of specially prepared The sample was then cycled to increasing values
petrographic sections of virgin samples of the Frederick of Tmax in increments of approx. 50°C and cycled
diabase with sections of the samples that had been four times between room temperature and each value of
heated to 70°C shows that a few characteristic cracks T,,,~,,. In Fig. 4 we summarize the permanent strain at
were produced by the heating. room temperature of the sample of Cape Neddick gab-
Whether such cracks affect the thermal expansion is bro as a function of the maximum temperature of each
unclear to us because the change is too small to be cycle. Note that no cracking occurred during an initial
detected experimentally with our dilatometer. cycle to 250°C. The first discernible cracking occurred
The thermal expansion data on the Cape Neddick during cycle 2 to 300~'C and produced a strain of 0.012
gabbro provide a good example of the progressive effect per cent. Cycling the sample to 350 and 380°C produced
on an igneous rock of several cycles to different tempera- steady increases of co that are approximately linear with
tures. We discuss the data on this rock in some detail as T,.,~,,. Note that the values of e0 for T z; 380'C are rela-
a typical example. tively small. During the cycles to 430°C the first drama-
On even the first cycle to 250°C, a very small hyster- tic increases in permanent strain occur. After four cycles
esis loop appears but the sample shows no permanent to 430~'C, the value ofe0 had tripled, increasing from 0"03
strain. We do not understand the cause of this hysteresis. to 0.09 per cent. After four cycles to 480°C. the eo in-
Todd's [12] results indicate that very few cracks should creased to 0-16 per cent and after three cycles to 530°C,
be produced in the rock when heated at such a low rate. a total of 18 thermal cycles, the sample of Cape Neddick
Furthermore, newly created cracks should cause a per- gabbro had increased its length at room temperature by
manent strain at ambient temperature. We suggest two 0"21 per cent. This total length change was confirmed by
possible explanations for this initial hysteresis: (I) r~si- measuring the sample length with a precision
dual stresses were partially relieved in the sample with- micrometer at the end of the experiment.
out creating new ones during the first cycle, and (2) the Also plotted in Fig. 4 are the values of e,, for another
loop is a function of moisture being driven from the rock sample of Cape Neddick gabbro (Sample CN-II) which
when heated. Both residual internal stresses and mois- was cycled once to 250°C and then five times to 550°C.
ture content affect the physical properties of rocks. For The expansion curves are shown in Fig. 5.'Approximate
example, Friedman [21] showed that residual stresses in steady state conditions were reached after the fifth cycle
the Barre granite affect the velocity and attenuation of to 550°C and the sample had a final length change of
408 Dorothy Richter and Gene Simmons
30 [
o CN-I
o CN-II 2e_ a
~t" II/
o~ ii
// 0 I00 200 300
T , "C
400 SO0 600
4~ / I
x I
Fig. 5. The thermal expansion of Cape Neddick $abbro (sample CN-
o .~11 II). Crosses are heating data; circles are cooling data.
.,~" iii cracked. In Table 3 we list the mean volume coefficient
(~5-2oo) measured after each cycle for the two samples
of Cape Neddick gabbro. The values were calculated
from the cooling curves. The values measured for the
0"8 first cycle, 25.5 x 10 -6 (°C) -1 for sample CN-I and
24.3 x 10 -6 (°C) -I for sample CN-II, differ by 5 per
cent, a value that exceeds our experimental error. Both
samples were heated at l-2°C/min; the difference in
0"~ I I I I I I
tOO 200 300 400 SO0 600 values is possibly due to a slight change in mineral com-
T, °C
position, or initial crack porosity, or both. The value for
Fig. 4. Permanent strain at room temperature (¢o) for Cape Neddick CN-I was slightly higher (but approximately constant)
gabbro (samples CN-I and CN-II) as a function of the maximum tem- during cycles 3-7 and then drops to 23-6 × 10 - 6 (°C)-l
perature (T,,~0 to which the sample was cycled. Circles are the data
for CN-I ; squares are the data for CN-II. upon cycling to T,,~ = 430°C. The coefficient decreased
again (to 21.6 x 10 -6) when the sample was cycled to
0.22 per cent. Comparison of the values of% for the two 480°C and dropped to 18"3 on the final cycles to 530°C,
samples of Cape Neddick gabbro shows that the degree a decrease of 33 per cent from the original ~,,.
of cracking depends on T,..... and the number of cycles to The ~5-2o0 of CN-II which was cycled once to 250°C
T,..... but is independent of the number of cycles to tower and then five times to 550°C, follows a different trend
ThL, • " but appears to be approaching a similar final value for
The curves in Figs. 3 and 5 show that the coefficient the coefficient of thermal expansion (Fig. 6). The coeffi-
of thermal expansion also change when a rock becomes cient after the first cycle to 550°C drops from 24.3 x
the same rock in an unshocked state.
(4) For T,.... ± 250'C and low heating rates some of
cyc II CN - I
our samples show a small hysteresis but no permanent
strain on the first and subsequent cycles. For these con-
cyc 15-I ditions, all cycles reproduce the first cycle.
(5) These results provide a framework with which to
$ 07
~ ,cycl6CN-!
cyc 6CN-O understand the previous discrepancies in values of ther-
F mal expansion reported by different investigators using
different experimental conditions and emphasize the
hypothesis that thermal expansion data of igneous rocks
2 must always be considered in light of the sample's pre-
E , X I0 4
vious history.
Fig. 81 Steady-statethermal expansion normalizedwith respect t9 the
value for the virgin sample as a function of co. Cyc = cycle: Frfx = Acknowledgements-ScottBaldridgehelped us in the beginning of this
Fairfax diabase: CN-I and 1I = Cape Neddick gahbro samples l and study. Frank Miller designed the additions to the electronic system
II : Wst = Westerlygranite. and maintained the equipment. David Riach machined the samples.
Thermal Expansion Behavior of Igneous Rocks 411
Partial financial support was provided by the National Aeronautics 11, Todd T., Richter D., Simmons G. and Wang H. Unique characteri-
and Space Administration through contract NGR 22-009-540 and by zation of lunar rocks by physical properties. Proc. Fourth Lunar
the National Science Foundation contract GA 40756. Sci. Conf. 3, Pergamon Press, 2663 (19731
12. Todd T. Effect of cracks on elastic properties oflow porosity rocks.
Ph.D. thesis, Mass. Inst. of Tech., 320 (1973).
Received 8 April 1974. 13. Kozu S. andTakane K. Influence oftemperature on tbe axial ratio,
the interfacial angle, and the volume of quartz. Sci. Rep. Tohoku
Univ. 3, (3rd Ser.) 239 (1929).
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Geomechanics Abstracts
l Affiliation
Title , Soft, stiff s e r v o - c o n t r o l l e d testing m a c h i n e . A r e v i e w with reference to
r o c k failure. 23F, I T , 54R.
I Number of references
Number of figures
Source , EN( ;NG. GEOLOGY, V6, N3, 1972, P 1 5 5 - 1 8 9 .
1 Page
Title of journal
Abstract , T h i s r e v i e w c o n t a i n s a brief h i s t o r y of testing m a c h i n e s a n d a
detailed discussion of the principles i n v o l v e d in r o c k f a i l u r e . . .