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Jurnal Kewarganegaraan

Vol. 7 No. 2 Desember 2023

P-ISSN: 1978-0184 E-ISSN: 2723-2328

The Effect of Dictation Method on Students’ Writing Ability in English

for Office
Frisca Andini1 Dina Irmayanti Hrp2
English Education, Potensi Utama University, Kota Medan, Sumatra Utara 20241, Indonesia 1,2
Email: friscaandini771@gmail.com1 dinairmayanti4@gmail.com2

This research was aimed to investigate The Effect of Dictation Method on Students’ Writing Ability. This
study was carried out at SMK PAB 2 Helvetia. The populations of this research were the students of
Vocational High School grade X. The populations of this research were 115 students, but the researcher
took only 79 students as the sample which divided into two parallel classes and this group namely
experimental and control groups. This research took the results of the pre-test and post-text values as a
determinant the effect of dictation method on writing ability in English for Office. Each class consists of
39 to 40 students. This research data was obtained after the pre-test and post-test were applied to the
experimental and control groups. The data needed to test the hypothesis is taken from the test scores of
each group. Based on the Mann-Whitney Test it is known mark Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) between Post Test
Classes Experiment with Class Post Test Control is 0.44, and because 0.44 0.05 then can said that Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted , or in other words: the dictation method gave a positive and significant
impact on students'' writing ability in English for Office.
Keyword: Dictation Method, Writing Ability, English for Office

This work is licensed under a Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-BerbagiSerupa 4.0 Internasional.

The inclusion of English as a compulsory subject in public schools contributes to the
advancement of science, technology and culture. The main purpose of teaching English in the
school curriculum is to encourage the improvement of students' language skills. The basic skills
of English language acquisition are often taught in an integrated manner, covering listening,
speaking, reading and writing (Farrell & Jacobs, 2020). In order to be able to write and
communicate effectively with others, it is crucial for students to acquire and develop this
important skill. Proficiency in writing has emerged as an essential skill in the process of creating
written outcomes (Doan & Hamid, 2021). Writing is a valuable tool for fostering critical and
analytical thinking skills in kids, as well as enhancing their ability to construct well-formed
Harmer (2004) asserts that writing serves as a means of generating language and
articulating ideas, emotions, and viewpoints. According to Indrilla & Ciptaningrum (2018),
writing abilities refer to the capacity to effectively communicate ideas, opinions, and emotions
to external individuals or groups through the medium of written language. Furthermore,
according to Tarigan (1986), writing skills encompass the productive and expressive aspects of
language, allowing individuals to communicate indirectly rather than through face-to-face
interactions with others. According to Troyka, as cited in Peltola et al. (2011), writing serves as
a means of conveying a message to a reader with a certain intention. The objectives of writing
encompass self-expression, the dissemination of information, persuasive communication, and
the creation of literary compositions. Moreover, as stated by Suparno (2008), writing may be
defined as the process of conveying messages through the use of written language as a medium
or tool for communication. Written communication involves several key elements: the author,
the written message, the channel or medium used for writing, and the readers who receive the
message. This tool serves as a means of communication with individuals.

Frisca Andini & Dina Irmayanti Hrp – Potensi Utama University 2286
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan
Vol. 7 No. 2 Desember 2023
P-ISSN: 1978-0184 E-ISSN: 2723-2328

Students’ low interest and lack ability in expressing their ideas logically, using the
appropiate words and producing accurate spelling and correct punctuation are some indicators
showing that the unsuccessful of teaching writing (Seyoum et al., 2022). Besides, during writing
class, it was identified that: (1) students get bored with the monotonous strategy of teaching;
(2) teacher does not use interesting media in teaching writing; and (3) students do not like
English subject expecially writing skill because they think it is a difficult one. The English
language encompasses four fundamental skills, namely speaking, reading, writing, and listening
(Mandasari & Aminatun, 2020). The remaining parts, namely grammar, vocabulary, and
pronunciation, are anticipated to facilitate rapid language acquisition among pupils. Writing is
an integral component of competency and holds significant importance, particularly in the
context of English language acquisition. The acquisition of writing skills enables students to
develop an understanding of syntax and sentence structure. Writing is a cognitive process that
involves the creation of visual symbols as a means of communication, distinct from oral
discourse. The skill of writing is often acknowledged as being among the most challenging.
Dictation is a valuable pedagogical exercise for students, involving the process of transcribing
spoken words or passages verbatim (Jia & Hew, 2022). This activity not only allows students to
practice their listening skills, but also provides them with several opportunities to enhance
their writing abilities. The utilization of dictation as a pedagogical method for language
acquisition has a long-standing history.
Dictation is a versatile and valuable pedagogical tool that researchers can employ for
many purposes (Smeplass, 2023). It can be utilized to introduce unfamiliar grammatical
structures, present the initial paragraph of a written piece, review certain vocabulary domains,
offer a concise summary of a reading or listening comprehension exercise, and facilitate the
development of writing proficiency. The implementation of dictation as a pedagogical approach
can assist in identifying and rectifying instances where pupils may exhibit a lack of
attentiveness during classroom instruction (Yu et al., 2022). The utilization of the dictation
method serves to enhance attentiveness among students, as it motivates them to direct their
focus towards the teacher's instructions and transcribe the material being dictated. According
to Mohr & Mohr (2007), Sometimes the teacher needs taking time to make students able to
expressing themselves. They need real condition in learning and have proudness after learning
something. They need fun interactions and interactive media to express their imagination. The
lack of practice is also considered as the problem in their writing. The teacher does not give
enough writing practices both in the classroom and outside the classroom.
In actuality, a considerable number of students continue to encounter challenges in
acquiring proficiency in the English language, particularly in the domain of writing. One of the
challenges encountered in educational settings is the limited vocabulary proficiency exhibited
by students. Hence, pupils encounter challenges when it comes to the construction of
paragraphs. Individuals may encounter challenges in organizing their thoughts and expressing
them coherently in relation to a given subject matter. Additionally, they may experience
difficulties in constructing phrases that are directly relevant to the topic at hand. English and
Indonesian exhibit basic differences in terms of their structure, pronunciation, and lexicon.
Furthermore, it is observed that pupils often struggle to retain the semantic understanding of
words that have been previously instructed or practiced. Regrettably, within several
professional domains, a significant proportion of students encounter difficulties in effectively
articulating their views and opinions due to limited experience in verbal communication.
This phenomenon is typically attributed to a restricted lexicon. Vocabulary constitutes
fundamental English knowledge that students must acquire as a primary step in their learning
process. This intervention is expected to facilitate effective English language acquisition among

Frisca Andini & Dina Irmayanti Hrp – Potensi Utama University 2287
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan
Vol. 7 No. 2 Desember 2023
P-ISSN: 1978-0184 E-ISSN: 2723-2328

pupils. In addition to this, a common issue frequently encountered is when pupils possess an
understanding of a word's definition, yet struggle to accurately predict its orthography or
ascertain the exact spelling. This study examines the efficacy of words taught in spelling
sessions, with a focus on their frequency of use in the English language. The significance of
spelling rules can be effectively demonstrated through the utilization of illustrative instances,
provided that they are implemented when composing the words under examination. The
utilization of words spoken in a colloquial manner compels students to engage in critical
thinking and employ the principles they have acquired. The author gathered data regarding the
acquisition of writing skills in the educational settings of classes X OTKP 1 and X OTKP 2.
The individuals acknowledged experiencing a sense of lethargy and a dearth of desire in
regards to acquiring writing skills. Another issue pertains to the methodology. The study
revealed that educators failed to employ engaging instructional strategies in the teaching of
writing to pupils. Many students experience a sense of ennui in response to the instructional
strategies employed by their educators. In addition to this, the aforementioned approach does
not effectively facilitate English language acquisition among pupils, particularly in the realm of
writing skills. In order to address the many challenges encountered by students, it is imperative
for educators to employ effective teaching strategies during the instructional process. These
methods are essential for fostering student engagement and promoting their interest in the
subject matter being presented. Through the implementation of appropriate methodologies,
educators are capable of effectively facilitating the teaching and learning process, hence
yielding desirable outcomes. One of the techniques provided is dictation. Dictation is
anticipated to be advantageous in facilitating the enhancement of students' writing proficiency.
Dictation refers to the process of transcribing spoken words or written text while they are being
articulated or read aloud. The utilization of dictation as a pedagogical approach in the field of
writing instruction has gained significant popularity in recent times, with the aim of enhancing
students' proficiency in written expression. Dictation exercises have the potential to enhance
students' ability to discern and rectify grammatical, spelling, and punctuation mistakes present
in their written work. In essence, the practice of dictation serves as a beneficial exercise for
students who possess a non-native language background, aiding them in accurately
transcribing oral discourse into written form (Kasransyah, 2016).
The dictation method can help students organize, set goals, and write letters using the
dictation method. This simple method can be interesting and useful for students, students can
make a letter with their respective writing abilities to match how well they understand what
the teacher dictates. They can focus on the teacher and class so they don't get distracted by
things that help them concentrate. The act of writing also helps students process and remember
what sentences the teacher dictates independently. Given the aforementioned concerns, it is
imperative to undertake a research investigation aimed at enhancing the writing proficiency of
Grade X students at SMK PAB 2 Helvetia. This can be achieved by employing the dictation
method, which has the potential to facilitate the development of students' writing skills through
the stimulation of idea generation, vocabulary expansion, and heightened interest in writing.

The study employed a quantitative research strategy. Quantitative research involves the
collection of data through the utilization of statistical methods.The objective of this study was
to investigate the impact of different dictation methods on the English writing proficiency of
students in an office setting. The present study was carried out in SMK PAB 2 Helvetia, situated
on Jalan Veteran Pasar IV Helvetia, Kecamatan Sunggal, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Medan,
Sumatra Utara.

Frisca Andini & Dina Irmayanti Hrp – Potensi Utama University 2288
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan
Vol. 7 No. 2 Desember 2023
P-ISSN: 1978-0184 E-ISSN: 2723-2328

The researcher employed a quasi-experimental research approach, specifically utilizing a

non-equivalent control group design. Quasi-experimental research refers to a methodology that
involves administering a treatment and subsequently measuring its effects, but does not
employ random sampling techniques to establish causal relationships between the treatment
and observed changes. Quasi-experimental research designs typically entail the inclusion of
two or more sample groups. Specifically, one group is assigned to receive a treatment, while
another group serves as a control group and does not get the treatment. The non-equivalent
group design employs a pre-test to assess the experimental and control groups, with the
intention of utilizing the obtained data as a foundation for evaluating any further changes. In
the present research design, the assignment of participants to experimental and control groups
is non-random. Despite this non-random assignment, the design involves a comparison
between the experimental and control groups. Both groups were administered a pre-test,
followed by the administration of a therapy, and subsequently given a post-test.
This study was conducted in two distinct academic settings. The initial class constituted
an experimental group. The second class served as the control group. This study utilized the
pre-test and post-test scores to assess the efficacy of the Dictation Method in enhancing
students' English writing proficiency for office purposes. The researcher administered a pre-
test and post-test in order to assess the change or impact within two groups. The pre-test was
administered to both the control class and experimental class prior to any intervention. The
administration of the therapy was restricted only to the experimental group. Subsequently, a
post-test was administered to both classes with the aim of assessing the improvement made by
each group.


Research Results
Result of Normality and Homogeneity Test
Testing hypothesis in This research uses statistics parametric because the data will tested
in the form of a ratio. Test normality used For study normality variables studied _ what is that
data ? normally distributed or no . That thing important Because if the data every variable not
normal, then testing hypothesis No Can use statistics parametric (Sugiyono, 2019). Before
testing done moreover formerly determined level significant or level real . This is done For
make something plan testing so you can is known boundaries For determine choice between
Ho and Ha. In this research , level selected reality _ is 0.05 or 5% because can represent
connection between variables studied _ And is something significance . So level the truth stated
by writer is 0.95 or 95%.
Table 1 Test Results Normality
Kolmogorov- Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk
Statistics Df Sig. Statistics df Sig.
Pre Test Experiment ,178 39 ,003 ,889 39 ,001
Post Test Experiment .138 39 ,059 ,901 39 ,002
Pre Test Control ,129 40 ,093 ,926 40 .012
Post Control Test ,150 40 .024 ,956 40 .125
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on Table 1 is known that on test results Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality , exists one
sig. which is more small of 0.05, i.e on Pre Test Experiment Class , and because the Sig of the
Experimental Pre Test Class (0.003) < 0.05, the data is said to be No normally distributed , and
by because the data doesn't normally distributed.

Frisca Andini & Dina Irmayanti Hrp – Potensi Utama University 2289
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan
Vol. 7 No. 2 Desember 2023
P-ISSN: 1978-0184 E-ISSN: 2723-2328

The Homogeneity Test

Test homogeneity used for know is a number of variant population is the same or no . This
test is carried out as condition in independent sample t test analysis and Anova (Ghozali, 2017).
Underlying assumptions _ in analysis variance ( Anova ) is that variant from population are the
same. Test similarity of two variances used For test is the distribution of the data is
homogeneous or no , ie with compare second the variance . Test homogeneity done For show
that differences that occur on test parametric statistics ( eg t test , Anava , Anacova ) absolutely
happen consequence exists difference between group , no as consequence difference in group
(Sianturi, 2022).
Table 2 Test Result of Post Test
T test for equality of Means
Mean Std. Deviation Std. Mean T df Sig. (2
Eror tailed)
Pair Pretest_Postest 52.33 23,737 ,042 18,569 39 0,000

Based on Table 3 is known that calculated t value from the results of the t test on class
experiment is 18.569 with Sig 0.000. As for the t table from class experiment is 1.68709 with
Sig 0.05, and by because t count > t table and Sig < 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted,
or in other words you can It is said : the dictation method is influential in a way positive And
significant impact on students' writing ability in English for Office.

Research Finding
Based on descriptive analysis tests, it was known that there are differences in learning
outcomes between the Control Class without treatment and the Experimental Class with special
treatment (application of the dictation method). This was evidenced by the increase in the value
between the Mean Pre Test for the Experimental Class and the Mean Post Test for the
Experimental Class, namely 14.34 and from the increase in the value between the Mean Pre
Test for the Control Class and the Mean Post Test for the Control Class, namely 11.61. Based on
the results of the normality test, it is known that the Pre-Experimental Test, and because the
Sig of the Pre-Experimental Test Class (0.003) is <0.05, the data is said to be not normally
distributed, and because the data is not normally distributed. Based on the Homogeneity of
Variance Test, It was known that the Sig. of Base on Mean is 0.140, and because the Sig. From
Base on Mean (0.140) > 0.05, it can be said that the experimental class data and control class
data are not homogeneous. Based on the results of the t test on class experiment is known that
calculated t value (18.569) > t table (1.68709) and Sig (0.000) < 0.05, then can said that
influential dictation method in a way positive And significant impact on students' writing ability
in English for Office , and based on comparison the value of Standardized Coefficients Beta, is
known that Standardized Coefficients Beta value at class Experiment (0.950) more big from
Standardized Coefficients Beta value at class Control (0.926). This indicates that use dictation
merthod own more influence to students' writing skills in English for Office when compared to
with influence English teaching without use dictation method.

Writing ability is the writer's ability to use pen and paper to express ideas through
symbols. There were several method to increase students’ writing ability , one of them is by
using dictation method. Dictation method is described as an integrated assessment of listening
and writing, however the main skill assessed during dictation is writing. The results of this

Frisca Andini & Dina Irmayanti Hrp – Potensi Utama University 2290
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan
Vol. 7 No. 2 Desember 2023
P-ISSN: 1978-0184 E-ISSN: 2723-2328

study showed that the effect of dictation method in increase students’ writing ability has a
positive and significant impact on students' writing ability in English for Office . Based on the
results of the t test on class experiment is known that calculated t value (18.569) > t table
(1.68709) and Sig (0.000) < 0.05, then can said that influential dictation method in a way
positive And significant impact on students' writing ability in English for Office , and based on
comparison the value of Standardized Coefficients Beta, is known that Standardized
Coefficients Beta value at class Experiment (0.950) more big from Standardized Coefficients
Beta value at class Control (0.926). This indicates that use method dictation own more influence
to students' writing skills in English for Office when compared to with influence English
teaching without use method dictation. This result is in line with research conducted by Tsauri
(2021); Arfe & Danzak (2020); Syakur (2020), that says dictation method in a way positive And
significant impact on students' writing ability in English for Office.
The findings indicated that pupils who were exposed to the dictation approach shown
improvements in spelling and reached higher levels of writing skill. This is in accordance with
previous research which states that dictation approach shown improvements in spelling and
reached higher levels of writing skill (Daulay et al., 2022; Robinson-Kooi & Hammond, 2020;
Yolanda, 2019), that says dictation method in a way positive And significant impact on students'
writing ability in English for Office. The findings indicated that pupils who were exposed to the
dictation approach shown improvements in spelling and reached higher levels of writing skill.
This is in accordance with previous research which states that dictation approach shown
improvements in spelling and reached higher levels of writing skill (Daulay et al.,
2022);(Robinson-Kooi & Hammond, 2020);(Yolanda, 2019). The research findings indicate that
the utilization of the dictation method has a beneficial impact on the spelling and writing
proficiency of students in Upper Basic Education. This result is supported by previous research
which indicates that the utilization of the dictation method has a beneficial impact on the
spelling and writing proficiency of students (Silalahi & Pratiwi, 2021; Sucharitrak, 2021). The
study suggests that it would be beneficial for teachers in English language classrooms to
introduce dictation activities to Upper Basic Education students. This practice is believed to
strengthen their spelling proficiency and improve their ability to produce coherent
compositions. In addition, it is recommended that English language instructors incorporate the
dictation method as a fundamental component of their instructional approach for enhancing
writing skills and fostering essay development within the classroom setting. The study
proposes that educators of the English language should consider including dictation techniques,
such as dicto-comp and split dictation, into their instructional practices. This approach aims to
encourage student engagement and facilitate the exploration of sentence construction through
interactive learning experiences.

There were 39 students who experienced an increase in learning outcomes and not a
single student experienced a decrease in learning outcomes from Pre Test to Post Test in the
Experiment class, and there were 37 students who experienced an increase in learning
outcomes and 2 people experienced a decrease in results. learn from Pre Test to Post Test in
Control class. This shows that there is a difference between students' writing abilities in English
for Office who were treated with the dictation method and those who were not treated with the
dictation method. Based on the Mann-Whitney Test, the Asymp value is known. Sig. (2-tailed)
between the Experiment Class Post Test and the Control Class Post Test is 0.44, and because
0.44 < 0.05 it can be said that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, or in other words: the dictation
method has a positive effect and significant to students' writing abilities in English for Office.

Frisca Andini & Dina Irmayanti Hrp – Potensi Utama University 2291
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan
Vol. 7 No. 2 Desember 2023
P-ISSN: 1978-0184 E-ISSN: 2723-2328

Based on the results of the t test on class experiment is known that calculated t value
(18.569) > t table (1.68709) and Sig (0.000) < 0.05, then can said that influential dictation
method in a way positive And significant impact on students' writing skills in English for Office,
and based on comparison the value of Standardized Coefficients Beta, is known that
Standardized Coefficients Beta value at class Experiment (0.950) more big from Standardized
Coefficients Beta value at class Control (0.926). This indicates that use method dictation own
more influence to students' writing skills in English for Office when compared to with influence
English teaching without use method dictation.

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Vol. 7 No. 2 Desember 2023
P-ISSN: 1978-0184 E-ISSN: 2723-2328

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Frisca Andini & Dina Irmayanti Hrp – Potensi Utama University 2293

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