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Genii Magazine - 07-2020



Fits For Kings

THIS MONTH’S “BURIED” TRICK was more or form a face-down pile of nine cards.
less successfully tucked away in a magic magazine despite Momentarily place the right-hand cards on the top of
being intriguingly ingenious. It accomplishes so much the deck to free your right hand to gesture at the dealt
while simultaneously requiring so little when it comes pile and say, “We’ll mark the spot with this random Seven
to having to perform extra fiddle-faddle. The effect and of Clubs.” Place the Seven of Clubs face up on top of the
underlying handling are the brain-child of Tomas Blomberg dealt pile.
with important tweaks added by Gene Castillon. The result Spread the remaining two face-up cards (Six of Diamonds
is a multiple effect that is truly astonishing. and Three of Hearts) on top of the deck and drop them in
Effect: Three face-up selections are randomly distributed front of the spectator. Then drop the rest of the deck on
in a face-down deck by the spectator. A King is discov- top of the dealt pile. Ask the spectator which one he wants
ered next to each face-up selection. When the values of to use next. Suppose he chooses the Three of Hearts.
the three selections added together, this sum is used to Pick up the deck and deal 13 cards face down to total
locate the fourth King at that exact numerical position in 16. Again, as you deal, audibly count. Place the Three onto
the deck. the dealt cards and drop the rest of the deck on top them.
As good as this effect sounds, wait until you try the pro- Repeat this process with the Six of Diamonds, dealing
cedure with a deck in your hands. You will also be relieved 10 cards to total 16, then place the Six of Diamonds face
to know that the set up is minimal. Just make sure your up onto the dealt cards and finally drop the deck on top.
deck consists of 52 cards. Then place two Kings on top and Believe it or not, the above dealing procedure has
two Kings on the bottom of the deck. placed three of the Kings adjacent to the three face-up
Method: Introduce the deck and say, “This trick is fit for selections and has also placed the remaining King in an
Kings.” Then explain that numerologists believe 16 is a exact position for a climactic count-down!
magical number and you have found a way to apply that Pick up the deck and ribbon spread it face down on the
number in a weird and wonderful way. Continue: “Let me table from left to right. Make sure that the spectator fully
explain how it works.” comprehends and appreciates the apparent randomness
Spread the deck face down between your hands and of the procedure.
have any three cards touched and outjogged. Then deal Fairly slide out the three face-up selections and the
them face up to the table. Suppose they are the Seven of three cards above (to the right of) each selection. Keep
Clubs, Three of Hearts, and Six of Diamonds. Ask if the the rest of the spread cards intact and in place. Scoop up
spectator wants to exchange any of these cards for oth- and square the cards, saying, “I’ll prove that this trick is fit
ers and then add, “Furthermore, these three cards can be for Kings!”
placed in any order.” Turn over the three face-down cards to reveal three
Allow the spectator(s) to exchange any of the cards. Kings and let this amazing effect register. The spectator
Next, secretly obtain a left pinky break under the top will likely assume the trick is over; however, you say, “We
King of the deck. Place the three face-up selections on have found three of the Kings but he fourth one is still lost
top of the deck. Square up and lift all four cards above in the deck.”
the break in a right-hand Biddle Grip. A face-down King Ask the spectator to add the values of the three selec-
is now secretly under the three face-up selections in your tions. Therefore, the sum of 7, 6, and 3 is 16. Deal down
right hand. to the 16th card from the top. The last card of this count,
Suppose that the face card of the packet is a Seven of believe it or not, will be the fourth King.
Clubs. Explain how you are going to deal nine more cards Our fraternity should thank Tomas Bloomberg and Gene
to the table to reach the mystical number 16. As you utter Castillon for this brilliant trick!
this patter and, while holding the right-hand packet, deal
off nine more cards from the deck one at a time onto the HEARSAY ASSAY
table, audibly saying, “Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Some quick tricks, especially the kind perpetuated by having
Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen,” as you eventually one person verbally explain it to someone in person or over


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