PP 2021 Icas en Eng D C
PP 2021 Icas en Eng D C
PP 2021 Icas en Eng D C
Question Correct
number answer Mark Category Descriptor
1 C ✔ Text comprehension Identify an interviewee's motivation
Question Correct
number answer Mark Category Descriptor
Text comprehension Identify the character trait that resulted in a situation in
31 A ✔ a folktale
Interpret the reason for an unusual orthographic choice
32 C ✔ Writer's craft for words in a folktale
Identify the speaker of words contained in brackets in a
33 D ✔ Text comprehension folktale
Analyse the events of a folktale to identify an
34 A ✔ Text comprehension appropriate analogy
Writer's craft Recognise the nature of information contained within
35 C ✔ brackets in a folktale
Text comprehension Understand the underlying question that a folktale
36 D ✔ answers
37 D ✔ Writer's craft Identify alliteration in a quote from a poem
Identify the meaning of a word from its context in a
38 B ✔ Vocabulary poem: pristine
39 D ✔ Syntax Identify a pronoun reference in a poem
Understand the use of quotation marks to indicate irony
40 D ✔ Writer's craft in a poem
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Page 32 Photo of Rainbow Falls by Oren Rozen
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NZ130415_Rainbow_Falls_02.jpg licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution- Share Alike 3.0 Unported license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0
Page 37 Photo of Sir David Attenborough with swans by Jack Sullivan/Alamy Stock Photo.