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PP 2021 Icas en Eng D C

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Question Correct
number answer Mark Category Descriptor
1 C ✔ Text comprehension Identify an interviewee's motivation

2 B ✔ Writer's craft Understand the use of italics in an interview transcript

Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of an idiomatic phrase in an

3 B ✔ interview: out-of-the-box
4 D ✔ Syntax Identify an adjective in a sentence in an interview

Text comprehension Interpret a character trait from information given in an

5 A ✔ interview
Text comprehension Evaluate the factors influencing characters' actions as
6 B ✔ described in an interview
7 B, D, E ✔ Text comprehension Identify information in an interview

8 D ✔ Writer's craft Interpret a simile in a narrative

Text comprehension Make an inference from characters' greetings in a

9 C ✔ narrative
10 A ✔ Text comprehension Identify the character being described in a narrative

Vocabulary Identify a phrase in a narrative with a similar meaning

11 D ✔ to a word: retribution
12 B ✔ Text comprehension Infer the reason for a character's gesture in a narrative

Text comprehension Interpret a character's attitude from dialogue in a

13 B ✔ narrative
Syntax Identify the correct connective phrase to link ideas in a
14 C ✔ narrative
Identify a synonym in context in an advertisement:
15 D ✔ Vocabulary spacious

16 B ✔ Text comprehension Identify the audience of an advertisement

17 A ✔ Text comprehension Identify the main arguments in an advertisement

Text comprehension Identify the reason for a claim made in an

18 D ✔ advertisement
Syntax Identify a noun group used to maintain cohesion in an
19 D ✔ advertisement
20 A ✔ Writer's craft Interpret a play on words in an advertisement

21 B ✔ Text comprehension Analyse an advertisement to identify its main purposes

Identify the purpose of an investigation in a scientific
22 D ✔ Text comprehension explanation
Writer's craft Explain the use of quotation marks in a scientific
23 B ✔ explanation
24 D ✔ Text comprehension Interpret specific information in a scientific explanation
Interpret the meaning of a word in a scientific
25 A ✔ Vocabulary explanation: converted

26 C ✔ Text comprehension Interpret a scientific explanation for specific information

Writer's craft Identify a change in the writer's style in part of a

27 C ✔ scientific explanation
Text comprehension Use a description in a scientific explanation to correctly
28 B ✔ identify a diagram
29 B ✔ Syntax Identify an irregular verb in a folktale

Text comprehension Interpret a character's intentions from his words in a

30 C ✔ folktale

Question Correct
number answer Mark Category Descriptor
Text comprehension Identify the character trait that resulted in a situation in
31 A ✔ a folktale
Interpret the reason for an unusual orthographic choice
32 C ✔ Writer's craft for words in a folktale
Identify the speaker of words contained in brackets in a
33 D ✔ Text comprehension folktale
Analyse the events of a folktale to identify an
34 A ✔ Text comprehension appropriate analogy
Writer's craft Recognise the nature of information contained within
35 C ✔ brackets in a folktale
Text comprehension Understand the underlying question that a folktale
36 D ✔ answers
37 D ✔ Writer's craft Identify alliteration in a quote from a poem
Identify the meaning of a word from its context in a
38 B ✔ Vocabulary poem: pristine
39 D ✔ Syntax Identify a pronoun reference in a poem
Understand the use of quotation marks to indicate irony
40 D ✔ Writer's craft in a poem

41 A ✔ Text comprehension Interpret a description in a poem

42 C ✔ Writer's craft Understand the play on words in the title of a poem

43 C ✔ Writer's craft Analyse a poem to identify its tone

Writer's craft Identify the effect of a statement in the first paragraph

44 A ✔ in a biography
Identify two characteristics to support a claim in a
45 B, C ✔ Text comprehension biography

46 C ✔ Text comprehension Make an inference from information in a biography

47 C ✔ Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word in a biography: rare

48 A ✔ Text comprehension Interpret a statement from the subject of a biography

Syntax Identify an ellipsed connective in a sentence in a

49 B ✔ biography
Analyse the writer's main point in the final paragraph of
50 A ✔ Text comprehension a biography

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Page 32 Photo of Rainbow Falls by Oren Rozen
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NZ130415_Rainbow_Falls_02.jpg licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution- Share Alike 3.0 Unported license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0
Page 37 Photo of Sir David Attenborough with swans by Jack Sullivan/Alamy Stock Photo.


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