Rate Flexas Ojk
Rate Flexas Ojk
Rate Flexas Ojk
Manufacture of
electrical apparatus,
Wet & dry batteries,
Measuring and Precision Judul tanpa tarif
apparatus photographic
apparatus, Scientific
Manufacture assembly
2221 and repair of electrical 0,750 0,937 1,125 1,406 1,500 1,875
222 machines and apparatus
Wet and dry battery
2222 0,580 0,725 0,870 1,087 1,160 1,449
Manufacture of
measuring equipment
2223 photographic apparatus 0,823 1,029 1,235 1,543 1,646 2,058
precision instrument, and
scientific laboratories
2228 Mixed 1,375 1,718 2,062 2,578 2,749 3,437
Cable and wire factories Judul tanpa tarif
2231 Wire factories 0,754 0,943 1,131 1,414 1,509 1,886
223 2232 Cable factories 0,787 0,983 1,180 1,475 1,574 1,967
Nails, screws, bolts and
2233 0,618 0,772 0,927 1,159 1,236 1,545
nuts factories
2238 Mixed 0,760 0,950 1,140 1,425 1,520 1,900
Vehicle, Railways
carriage and locomotive,
224 Aircraft, Ships Judul tanpa tarif
construction and
assembling plants
Manufacture of tooth
paste, soap, detergents,
polishes, etheric oils,
essences, parfumes, and
cosmetic products,
gelatine non-synthetic
adhesives, starches,
candles and wax goods,
natural resins
Manufacture of soaps,
2371 1,022 1,277 1,532 1,916 2,043 2,554
detergents and polishes
Manufacture of etheric
2372 oils, essences, perfumes 1,221 1,526 1,831 2,289 2,442 3,052
and cosmetic products
Manufacture of gelatine,
non-synthetic adhesives,
2373 2,839 3,549 4,258 5,323 5,678 7,097
starches, candles and wax
goods, natural resins
Manufacture of natural
adhesives (glue) of organic
2374 origin coming from Judul tanpa tarif
animal, vegetable or
mineral source
23741 water based 3,800 4,750 5,700 7,125 7,600 9,500
23742 solvent based 4,370 5,463 6,555 8,194 8,740 10,925
2378 Mixed 2,200 2,750 3,300 4,125 4,400 5,500
Chemical fertilizer
238 1,427 1,783 2,140 2,675 2,853 3,566
factories (conventional)
Powders, explosives,
matches and firework Judul tanpa tarif
Powder, Explosives,
2399 Matches and Firework 8,700 10,875 13,050 16,313 17,400 21,750
Spinning Mills, pre-
Judul tanpa tarif
spinning process
Spinning mills, Pre-
2401 1,794 2,243 2,691 3,364 3,588 4,485
spinning : Animal Fibres
Spinning mills, Pre-
2402 spinning : Vegetable and 1,670 2,088 2,505 3,132 3,340 4,175
cellulose fibres
Spinning mills, Pre-
spinning : Synthetic
2403 1,550 1,938 2,325 2,906 3,100 3,875
fibres (mechanical
Spinning mills,Pre-
2408 2,159 2,699 3,239 4,049 4,319 5,398
spinning : Mixed
24 Weaving, pre-weaving
Judul tanpa tarif
Weaving, Pre-Weaving
2411 1,601 2,002 2,402 3,002 3,203 4,003
Processes: Animal fibres
Weaving, Pre-Weaving
241 2412 Processes: Vegetable and 1,744 2,180 2,616 3,271 3,489 4,361
cellulose fibres
Weaving, Pre-Weaving
2413 Processes: Synthetic 1,428 1,785 2,142 2,677 2,856 3,569
Weaving, Pre-Weaving
2418 2,081 2,601 3,121 3,902 4,162 5,202
Processes: Mixed
Dressing (including but
242 not limited to printing) Judul tanpa tarif
and finishing
- 10 -
251 2511 Paper manufacture 2,287 2,556 3,431 3,834 4,574 5,112
Manufacture of cardboard
2512 3,067 3,834 4,601 5,751 6,134 7,668
and hardboard
2518 Mixed 3,282 4,102 4,922 6,153 6,563 8,204
2592 Foamed rubber factories 8,692 10,865 13,038 16,298 17,385 21,731
259 Tyre factories, vulcanizing
2593 works rubber factories 1,036 1,295 1,554 1,942 2,072 2,590
(non estate risks)
Tyre Cord Manufacturers
25931 (using Tyre Yarn as basic 0,901 1,126 1,351 1,689 1,802 2,252
2594 Remilling factories 2,837 3,547 4,256 5,320 5,674 7,093
2595 Smoke houses (rubber) 22,271 27,839 33,407 41,758 44,542 55,678
Crumb Rubber Factories
2596 3,130 3,912 4,694 5,868 6,259 7,824
(natural and recycling)
2598 Mixed 6,007 7,509 9,011 11,263 12,014 15,018
Sawmills, carpenter's
shops, parquet factories,
Judul tanpa tarif
sawing and cutting of
Sawmills, panglong
26 260 2601 (sawmills with manual 7,031 8,788 10,546 13,183 14,062 17,577
manufacture only)
Carpenter's shops,
2602 parquet factories sawing 3,015 3,769 4,523 5,654 6,031 7,538
and cutting of firewood
2603 Wooden sport equipment 3,920 4,900 5,880 7,350 7,840 9,800
- 13 -
Wooden musical
268 2,400 3,000 3,600 4,500 4,800 6,000
instruments factories
Gambir, barang-barang
318 5,830 7,288
ditempat terbuka
Bangunan di dalam
lokasi perkebunan milik
40 mengacu pada okupasi kebun kode 3XX
perorangan, selain
proses produksi