CHE 331: Petroleum Refinery Engineering: Refining: Technology and Economics
CHE 331: Petroleum Refinery Engineering: Refining: Technology and Economics
CHE 331: Petroleum Refinery Engineering: Refining: Technology and Economics
Some units
1 bbl = 42 US gallons
1 US gallon = 3.78541 L
1 bbl = 158.98722 L
The first real petroleum refinery was that of William Barnsdall and William A. Abbott, built at
Titusville, Pennsylvania, in 1860. In India, the first well was started in Digboi in 1889 and
completed in 1890 (202 m depth). Digboi refinery started in 1901. It was also the first refinery in
Asia. Its highest production was 7000 BPD (Barrels per day). It is now a part of IOCL. Its
capacity is 0.65 MMTPA (million metric tons per day). It is the world’s oldest oil refinery still in
1998 62.0
2014 215.066
2019 249.366
Total 22 refineries
In 2011-12, India has exported 60.5 MMT of petroleum products worth USD 58.2 billion. India
is the largest exporter of petroleum products in Asia since August, 2009.
2006-07 80
2010-onwards 155
2018 201.9
Resource %
Coal 53
Oil 33
Natural gas 10
Nuclear, hydro, wind etc. ~3
Resource %
Coal 44
Oil 25
Natural gas 5
Nuclear 1
Renewable (including hydro) 10
Other (including biomass) 15
Component %
Carbon 84 - 86
Hydrogen 11 - 14
Nitrogen 0.1 – 2.0
Oxygen 0.1 - 1.5
Sulfur 0.5 – 6.0
Trace metals Iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), vanadium (V), arsenic
(As) etc. present as organometallic compound
Oxygen in crude
Oxygen is present as naphthenic acid (mixture of several cyclopentyl and cyclohexyl carboxylic
acids): R-C(O)OH; C10H18O2 etc.
Crude oil with high oxygen/naphthenic acid content has high TAN (total acid number).
Nitrogen in crude
Crude oil having N content more than 0.25 wt% requires special processing
Pyridine (C5H5N); pure quinoline (C9H7N)
Quinoline (C9H7N)
Sulfur in crude
Sulfur is present as dissolved free sulfur; H2S; or as organic compounds such as thiophenes,
sulfonic acids, mercaptans, alkyl sulfates and alkyl sulfides.
Thiophene (C4H4S)
Benzothiophene (C8H6S)
Sulfur in crude creates corrosion, odor problems; it is also responsible for poor explosion
characteristics of gasoline fuels.
Corrosive sulfur compounds can be removed by treatment with alkalies, a process known as
Mercaptan (R-S-H)
Example: if R is ethyl radical, then the corresponding molecule will be ethyl mercaptan; benzyl
mercaptan (C6H5-CH2-SH)
Sulfur compounds are foul smelling and some are corrosive
Some organometallic compounds (having Fe, Ni, V, As) are poisonous to some catalysts
Diolefin (CnH2n-2): 1,5-hexadiene (C6H10)
Acetylene (C2H2):
Olefin naphthene
CnH2n CnH2n
Both are hydrocarbon Both are hydrocarbon
Unsaturated Saturated
Straight-chain Cyclic compound
C 2 H4 C6H12
Reactive; can react by direct combination with Not so reactive; can react only by displacement
other materials of hydrogen by another material
Resins Asphaltenes
Large molecule (primarily H and C) Do not dissolve in crude oil
There are 1 to 3 S, O, N etc. atoms per Dispersed as colloids
Ring structure (mostly aromatic) Solid, dry, black powder (non volatile)
3-10 rings per molecule Insoluble in n-heptane
Readily dissolve in crude Soluble in toluene
Heavy liquid or sticky solid C, H, O, N, S and trace of V and Ni
API gravity
Light crude has high API gravity and low sp. gr.
Heavy crude has low API gravity and high sp. gr.
Sulfur content and API gravity have greatest influence on the value of crude oil
API gravity is measured by means of hydrometers (D287), pycnometers (D941 & D1217)
Oil with oAPI < 10 is called extra heavy or bitumen [bitumen from oil sands, Alberta, Canada
has API = 8]
It is an indication of the pressure that a material will develop within a closed container
The apparatus is shaken and then put into a bath kept at 100oF (37.8oC)
RVP is an indication of the ease of starting and vapor-lock tendency of a motor gasoline as well
as explosion and evaporation hazards
High RVP helps to improve economics and engine starting characteristics (but there will be
vapor lock tendency)
Low RVP prevents vapor lock and reduces evaporation losses (but engine start problem)
Varies between 7.2 psi (49.6 kPa) in the summer and 13.5 psi (93.1 kPa) in the winter.
Example problem
RVP is not an additive property, hence, RVP Blending Indices are used
Flash and fire points
The flash point of an oil is the temperature at which the vapor above the oil will momentarily
flash or explode.
Accessories: closed cup containing the oil, heating and stirring equipment and a special
adjustable flame
Pensky Martens (PM) apparatus used for middle distillate and fuel oils
Abel apparatus used for kerosene (45-50oC; for IOCL, FP > 35oC) and lighter distillates
Empirical method
The fire point of some oil is the temperature at which the vapor above the oil are evolved rapidly
enough to burn continuously.
The temperature at which wax or other solid material begins to separate from solution
For paraffinic oils, this is the starting temperature of crystallization of paraffin waxes
It is typical specification of middle distillate fuels
The temperature at which the wax content of an oil crystallizes to form a gel structure
Lower the pour point, lower is the paraffin content and higher is the aromatic content
Octane number
It is the percentage by volume of isooctane that must be mixed with n-heptane in order to match
the knock intensity of the fuel undergoing testing (isooctane is C8H18 or 2,2,4-trimethylpentane)
Two methods
Method F1
600 rpm
Method F2
900 rpm
Inlet air temperature 300oF (~150oC)
n-paraffins have the lowest ON; aromatics and branched paraffins have highest ON
Minimum temperature for complete miscibility of equal volume of aniline and the test sample
Increases rapidly with increasing paraffin content or decreases rapidly with increasing aromatic
More aromatic, less is AP; and more is the damage to rubber parts; hence, AP ≥ 65 oC (150oF) is
recommended in order to minimize damage to rubber parts in a mud circulating system
Diesel index (DI) = [AP (in oF)*(oAPI)]/100
Resistance to flow
Another type is Ubbelohde viscometer (U-shaped glass tube held vertically in a controlled
temperature bath)
Saybolt Universal Second (SUS), (D88): used for lubricants (60 cc oil used)
Time (in sec) taken by 60 cc oil to flow through a calibrated tube at 100oF.
100 cSt (at 210oF) = 100*4.664 = 466.4 SUS
Degree Engler: (efflux time of the oil in sec)/(efflux time of water in sec)
Generally a specification for lubricating oils; high VI is desirable for lube oils
High viscosity index means the oil does not become viscous at low temperature and does not
become too thin at high temperature
VI Classification
<35 Low
35-80 Medium
80-110 High
>110 Very high
VI = [100*(L-U)]/(L-H)
Gear oil, VI = 98
4 stroke engine oil (for 2 wheeler/motor cycle/scooters etc.)
VI = 123
Laboratory Distillation
A laboratory batch distillation performed in a 15 theoretical plate fractionating column with 5:1
reflux ratio
1st phase
2nd phase
572oF (300oC) end point at 40 mm Hg pr.; then back to 760 mm Hg; the temperature becomes
790oF (421oC)
The portion of the distillation at reduced pressure is necessary to prevent excessive pot
temperature, which may cause cracking of crude oil
The data obtained at 40 mm Hg and 572oF should be converted to 760 mm Hg using charts
The corresponding temperature is 790oF (421oC) @760 mm Hg
ASTM D86 (AD) for low-boiling; ASTM D1160 (VD) used for high-boiling fractions
A simulated distillation method (ASTM D2887) may also be used to obtain TBP data for crude
A: 70 vol% BP = Ta
B: 30 vol% BP = Tb
ASTM Distillation
One equilibrium stage
Comparison between TBP, ASTM, and EFV
Carbon Residue
Determined by destructive distillation of the sample in the absence of air, to a coke residue
To determine the amount of carbon residue left after evaporation and pyrolysis of an oil under
specified conditions
Determined by a standard laboratory test procedure which subjects the sample to severe thermal
cracking conditions
Refinery products
LPG, naphtha, petrol (or gasoline), diesel, kerosene, jet fuel, gas oil, lubricating oil, greases and
waxes, fuel oil, coke, asphalt etc.
Step 1
Schematic diagram of the Atmospheric Distillation Unit (ADU is also called a Fractionator)
Another option for ADU may be:
Light distillate (300-500oF)
12 n-C12H26 (n-dodecane) 216±3.00
13 n-C13H28 (n-tridecane) 235.50
14 n-C14H30 (n-tetradecane) 253.9±3.00
15 n-C15H32 (n-pentadecane) 270.6±3.00
16 n-C16H34 (n-hexadecane) 286.90
17 n-C17H36 (n-heptadecane) 301.90
18 n-C18H38 (n-octadecane) 317.00
19 n-C19H40 (n-nonadecane) 330.00
20 n-C20H42 (eicosane) 343.10
Used as solvent
LN: feed for Hydrogen Unit; RN: goes to Gasoline pool; HN: fed to Hydrotreater Unit
Hydrotreater Unit: used for improving the quality of HSD by removal of sulfur and boosting
the Cetane No of HSD.
Cetane No.(CN)
The percentage of pure cetane (or n-hexadecane, CN=100; n-C16H34) in a blend of cetane and α –
methyl naphthalene* (CN = 0) which matches the ignition quality of a diesel fuel sample
ASTM D613 for CFR engine (Cooperative Fuel Research engine); CN~40-60
*α-methyl naphthalene
A number calculated from the average boiling point and gravity of a petroleum fraction in the
diesel fuel boiling range, which estimates the cetane no. of the fraction.
All in oC.
Assignment: Calculate the CI of some diesel fuel which has the following parameters:
Ans: CI = 22.56;
1 Get initial estimate of CN from 50% (v/v) distillation recovery temperature and density at
15oC (may be obtained from the Swedish Standards Institute)
2 From 90% (v/v) distillation recovery temperature and density, get one correction factor
3 Use 10% (v/v) and 90% (v/v) distillation recovery temperature to determine a second
correction factor
4 Add these two correction factors to the initial estimate, to obtain a correct CI.
B. Metal deactivators: copper and other metals can act as oxidation catalysts
C. Anti-freeze agents:
Used to lower freezing point
Various alcohols
Methanol was used earlier; but now ethylene glycol or propylene glycol is used
D. Corrosion inhibitor: ammonium sulfonate
E. Antiknock or octane booster: TEL (tetra ethyl lead) used earlier; now MTBE (methyl
tertiary butyl ether) is used
Properties of interest
Ease of startup, warm up rate, tendency to vapor lock, evaporation losses, losses to the
crankcase oil-governed by the proportion of various boiling range materials in the gasoline.
Ambient temp, oF Max allowable RVP, psia
60 12.7
90 8.0
~20% in summer
~25% in winter
S content
Aromatics (like benzene) increase octane no., but they are carcinogenic
Narrower boiling range and a lower vapor pressure (so it remains in liquid form at reduced
pressure at high altitude, thus preventing vapor lock)
Some Avgas still use TEL (pollutant and toxic) to prevent engine knocking
But turbine and diesel engines are designed to use kerosene-based jet fuel
Light Distillate
Example: kerosene, jet fuel, diesel, heating oil etc.
If aromatic is high, it creates smoke (aromatics are primarily responsible for smoke)
Smoke point
Measures the burning quality of jet fuels, kerosene and illuminating oil
Defined as the height of the flame in mm beyond which smoking takes place
In IOCL, the smoke point of SKO (Superior Kerosene Oil/Kero) is minimum 18 mm.
Jet fuel
A fuel in the heavy naphtha boiling range having an average gravity of 52.8 degrees API, 20
to 90% distillation temperatures of 290 – 470oF (143 – 243oC), and meeting Military
Specification MIL-T-5624L (Grade JP-4). It is used primarily for military turbojet and
turboprop aircraft engines because it has a lower freeze point than other aviation fuels and
meets engine requirements at high altitudes and speeds.
Kerosene jet fuel: ASTM boiling range: 175 - 290oC
Both are produced by blending suitable stocks of naphtha and light distillate (N & LD)
Cetane number: 40
the higher the H/C ratio, the better is the burning characteristics (i.e., the higher the
Heavy distillate
Lubricating oils
High boiling, high viscosity fraction of the crude with undesirable materials removed
Heavy liquid fuel and solids (fuel oil, coke, asphalt, carbon black)
Used as fuel
Used in calcium carbide production (CaC2, which is used to manufacture C2H2 etc.)
Colloids of resins and asphaltenes in oil
G/H: pp 16-29
Crude oils are classified as paraffin base, naphthene base, asphalt base, or mixed base
There are some crude with up to 80% aromatic content and called aromatic base
US Bureau of Mines
Key fraction
No. 1 No. 2
Paraffin ≥40 ≥30
Paraffin, intermediate ≥40 20-30
Intermediate, paraffin 33-40 ≥30
Intermediate 33-40 20-30
Intermediate, naphthene 33-40 ≤20
Naphthene, intermediate ≤33 20-30
Naphthene ≤33 ≤20
Characterization factors
Several correlations between yield and aromaticity/paraffinicity of crude oil exist, but the
two most widely used are the UOP or Watson “characterization factor” k W and the US
Bureau of Mines “correlation index” (C.I.).
TB = mean avg. boiling point, oR
(10.5, highly naphthenic base) < [kW (crude)] < (12.9, paraffin base)
Viscosity, aniline point, mol. wt., critical temperature etc., are correlated with kW.
CI scale is based upon straight-chain paraffins having a CI value of 0 & benzene having a CI
value of 100
Xi is the mol fr.; xi is the wt. fr.; Tbi is the normal boiling point of the ith fraction/component
The crude requires desalting if the salt content is greater than 10 lb/1000 bbl (expressed as
Desalting is carried out to minimize fouling and corrosion caused by salt deposition on heat
transfer surfaces and
In addition, some metals in inorganic compounds are dissolved in water, which is emulsified
with crude, can cause catalyst deactivation
Basic principle is to wash the salt (dissolved or suspended as crystals) from crude using
Separation ease and efficiency depend on pH, gravity and viscosity of crude as well as the
volume of wash water used per volume of crude
Suspended solid represents very fine sand, clay, soil particles, iron oxide and iron sulfide
particles from pipelines, tanks, or tankers etc.
Total suspended solid removal should be ≥ 60% and 80% removal of particles greater than
0.8 micron in size
Desalting is carried out by mixing crude oil with water (3 to 10 vol%) at temperature from
200 to 300oF (90 to 150oC)
API Water wash, vol% Temperature, oF (oC)
>40 3-4 240-260 (115-125)
30-40 4-7 260-280 (125-140)
<30 7-10 280-300 (140-150)
Oil and water phases are separated in a settling vessel by adding chemicals to assist in
breaking of emulsion (demulsifier)
Heavy naphthenic crudes form more stable emulsions than other crudes; hence operate at
lower efficiency
For very heavy crude oils (<15oAPI), addition of gas oil as a diluent to the second stage is
recommended to provide better separation efficiency
1 HACH titration with mercuric nitrate after water extraction of the salt
2 Potentiometric titration after water extraction
3 Conductivity measurement, etc.
[BPCD: barrels per calendar day; BPSD: barrels per stream day]
Atmospheric Topping Unit
After desalting, crude oil is pumped through a series of heat exchangers to the atmospheric
topping unit
Temperature is raised to about 550oF (288oC) by heat exchange with product and reflux
It is then further heated to about 750oF (399oC) in a furnace (direct-fired heater or “pipe-
still”) and charged to the flash zone of atmospheric tower
The furnace discharge temperature is sufficiently high (~750oF) to cause vaporization of all
products withdrawn above the flash zone
Reflux is provided by condensing the tower overhead vapors and returning a portion of the
liquid to the top of the tower, and by pump-around and pumpback streams lower in the tower
Crude towers do not normally use reboilers, but several trays incorporated below the flash
zone and steam is introduced below the bottom tray to strip any remaining gas oil from the
liquid in the flash zone and to produce a high-flash-point bottoms
Steam reduces the partial pressure of the hydrocarbons and thus lowers the required
vaporization temperature
5 to 8 trays are needed for each sidestream product and same no. above and below the feed
plate; so, if 4 liquid sidestream drawoff is there, it requires about 30-48 trays
Schematic diagram of the atmospheric topping unit
This is light gasoline portion of the overhead, containing some propane and butane and
remaining high-boiling components
Some of this condensate is returned as reflux, and remainder is sent to the stabilization
section of the refinery gas plant where butanes and propanes are separated from C5-180oF (C5
– 82oC) LSR gasoline
Vacuum Distillation
Heavier fractions of crude oil will undergo thermal cracking if distilled at atmospheric
pressure (because temperature will be very high)
Hence, they are distilled under vacuum (because boiling point decreases with decreasing
Steam increases furnace tube velocity and minimizes coke formation and decreases
hydrocarbon partial pressure
Stripping steam required is function of boiling range of feed and fraction vaporized, and
generally ranges from 10 to 50 lb/bbl feed
Highest outlet temperature, “dry” operation, i.g., no steam is added either to furnace inlet or
to vacuum tower
Lowest outlet temperature, “wet” operation, i.g., steam added to both the furnace inlet and
vacuum tower
Intermediate temperature used for “damp” operation, i.e., steam is added to furnace inlet only
For most crude oils, furnaces can be operated from 3 to 5 years between turnarounds
Low pressure increases the volume of vapor per barrel vaporized significantly; hence larger
diameter of vacuum tower is required (can be up to 40 ft diameter)
Schematic diagram of the vacuum tower
Auxiliary Equipment
Flash drum
Sometimes a flash drum is installed between feed-preheat heat exchangers and atmospheric
pipe-still furnace
Lower boiling fractions which vaporize in heat exchangers, are separated in the flash drum
and flow directly to the flash zone of the fractionators (ADU)
The liquid is pumped through the furnace to the ADU flash zone
This results in a smaller and lower-cost furnace and lower furnace outlet temperature for the
same quantity of overhead streams produced
Sometimes a stabilizer is incorporated in crude distillation section instead of the refinery gas
plant section
Liquid condensed from overhead vapor stream contains propane and butanes which make
vapor pressure much higher (than the vapor pressure required for gasoline blending)
So, the condensed liquid in excess of reflux requirements is charged to a stabilizing tower
where vapor pressure is adjusted by removing C3 and C4 from LSR gasoline stream
Later, n-butane is added to the gasoline stream to provide the desired RVP
CDU products
Fuel gas
Sometimes C3 in excess of LPG requirements is also included in the fuel gas stream
Wet gas
LSR naphtha
Stabilized LSR naphtha (or LSR gasoline) stream is desulfurized and used in gasoline
blending or processed in an isomerization unit to improve octane before blending into
Feed to catalytic reformer to produce high-octane reformate for gasoline blending and
Gas oils
Light, atmospheric and vacuum gas oils are processed in a hydrocracker or catalytic cracker
to produce gasoline, jet and diesel fuels. HVGO can be used as feedstock for lubricating oil
processing unit
Vacuum still bottoms can be processed in a visbreaker, coker or deasphalting unit to produce
heavy fuel oil or cracking and/or lube oil base stock (LOBS)
For asphalt crude, the residuum can be processed further to produce road and/or roofing
Coking can be considered as a severe thermal cracking process in which one of the end
products is carbon (i.e., coke), [very low H/C ratio]
To eliminate all volatile matter from petroleum coke, it must be calcined at approximately
1095 to 1260oC (2000 to 2300oF)
Coking of vacuum residue decreased coke formation on the cracker catalyst and allowed
increased cracker throughput
Types, properties and uses of petroleum coke
All cokes produced from the coker are called “green” cokes and contain some high-
molecular weight hydrocarbons called volatile matter
But, coke used to make anodes for aluminum production or electrodes for steel production
must be calcined at temperature from 1800 to 2400oF (980 to 1315oC) to reduce volatile
matter to a very low level
Sponge coke
Delayed coker coke is produced as hard, porous, irregular-shaped lumps ranging in size from
fine dust to 20 inch
Needle coke
Produced from highly aromatic feedstock (FCC cycle oil etc.) when a coking unit is operated
at high pressure (100 psig) and high recycle ratio (1:1)
Preferred over sponge coke for use in electrode manufacture because of its lower electrical
resistivity and lower coefficient of thermal expansion
Got produced during operational upset or while processing very heavy residual crude
Shot clusters can grow large enough to plug the coke drum outlet (>12 inch)
i Fuel
ii Manufacture of anode
iii Direct use as carbon source for manufacture of elemental phosphorus, calcium
carbide and silicon carbide
iv Manufacture of electrode
v Manufacture of graphite
Sulfur content
Sulfur content in petroleum coke varies with the sulfur content of coker feedstock
Delayed Coking
This was developed to minimize refinery yields of residual fuel oil by severe thermal
cracking of stocks such as vacuum residuals, aromatic gas oil etc.
Coke deposition in the heaters reduced by achieving high velocity (minimum retention time)
in the heaters
So the feed got sufficient time for coking hence “delayed coking”
Furnace outlet temperature ranges from 900-930oF (482-500oC) and pressure ~60 psig (4 bar)
Higher the outlet temperature, greater the tendency to form shot coke and more frequent is
decoking requirement
Coke removal
When one drum is full (or filled up to a safe margin), the heater effluent is switched to the
empty coke drum and full drum is isolated, steamed to remove hydrocarbon vapors, cooled
by filling with water, opened, drained and the coke removed
Most plants use a hydraulic system (by using a no. of high pressure water jets (2000 to 4500
Coke drums are filled and emptied on a time cycle, however, the fractionator is operated
Operation Hours
Fill drum with coke 24
Switch and steam out 3
Cool 3
Drain 2
Unhead and decoke 5
Head up and test 2
Heat up 7
Spare time 2
Total 48
Component Mol%
C1 51.4
C2 15.9
C2 = 1.5
C3 = -
C3 8.2
C4 = -
i-C4 -
n-C4 -
H2 13.7
CO2 0.2
Component Vol% API
Light naphtha 35.1 65
Heavy naphtha 64.9 50
Schematic diagram of a flexicoker
Feed can be vacuum resid, coal tar, shale oil, tar sand bitumen etc.
Feed preheated to about 600 to 700oF and sprayed into the reactor where it contacts a hot
fluidized bed of coke
Recycled coke provides sensible heat and heat of vaporization for the feed and the
endothermic heat for the cracking reaction
The cracked vapor product passes through cyclone separator (to separate coke particles up to
7 micron and above) and then are quenched in the scrubber vessel by wash oil
Some of high-boiling (925+oF) product condense and are recycled to the reactor
The balance of cracked vapor flow to the coker fractionator where various cuts are separated
Wash oil circulated in scrubber provides quench cooling and reduces amount of entrained
fine coke particles
Coke produced by cracking gets deposited as thin film on surface of existing coke particles
Then coke is stripped with steam so that no other product leaves along with coke
Heater is also fluidized bed and its primary function is to transfer heat from gasifier to reactor
Sulfur in coke is converted to H2S (high quantity) and COS (small quantity)
This product gas from top of gasifier enters heater from the bottom and helps in fluidization
and provide the heat needed in the reactor
Coke gas from heater is cooled in a waste heat steam generator and then passes through
external cyclones and a venture-type wet scrubber
Coke fine collected from this scrubber and purge coke (collected from heater bottom)
represent the net coke yield and contain essentially all of the metal and ash components of
the reactor feedstock
After removal of coke fine, the coke gas is treated to remove H2S and then used as refinery
This fuel gas has much less heating value (100 to 130 Btu/scf) than natural gas (900 to 1000
Fluid Coking
Only two fluid beds are used in a fluid coker: a reactor and a burner (in place of the heater)
Only 20 to 25% of the coke produced in the reactor is burned to satisfy the heat requirements
of the reactor and the feed preheat
C5+ liquid 56.7 60.1 60.1**
*after this, we make total which is 100; after total, net coke and C5+ liquid appear
The coke which is gasified in a Flexicoker produces coke gas of the following approx.
composition (after H2S removal):
Component Mol%
H2 15
CO 20
CH4 2
CO2 10
N2 53
Total 100
It is used to reduce viscosity and pour point of vacuum tower bottom (VR)
Gas oil produced by visbreaking is also used to increase catalytic cracker feedstock and
gasoline yield
Long paraffinic side chains attached to aromatic rings are the primary cause of high pour
point and viscosity for paraffinic base residue
Visbreaking is carried out to optimize the breaking of these long side chains and their
subsequent cracking to shorter molecules with lower viscosity and pour point
The principal reactions during visbreaking
(i) Cracking of the side chains attached to cycloparaffin and aromatic rings at or close to
the ring so the chains are either removed or shortened to methyl or ethyl groups
(ii) Cracking of resins to light hydrocarbons (primarily olefins) and compounds which
convert to asphaltenes
(iii) Above 900oF, some cracking of naphthene rings
Visbreaking may be classified as (i) coil or furnace cracking, and (ii) soaker cracking
Coil cracking uses higher furnace outlet temperature (885-930oF) and shorter reaction time,
1-3 min
Soaker cracking uses lower furnace outlet temperature (800-830oF) and longer reaction time;
so it has the advantage of lower energy consumption
Schematic diagram of coil visbreaker
In coil cracking process, the feed is heated to cracking temperature [885-930oF (474-500oC)]
and upon exit, is quenched with gas oil or tower bottoms to stop cracking reaction
Schematic diagram of soaker visbreaker
In the soaker cracking operation, the feed leaves the furnace between 800 to 820oF (427-
438oC) and passes through a soaking drum, which provides the additional reaction time,
before it is quenched
Pressure can be ~750 psig (high) for liquid-phase visbreaking and ~100-300 (low) psig for
20-40% vaporization at the furnace outlet
Feed Product
Yield, wt%
Butane and lighter 2.5
C5-330oF naphtha 5.9
Gas oil, 660oF EP 13.5
Tar 78.1
Product properties
Naphtha (oAPI) 65.0
Naphtha (Sulfur, wt%) 1.0
Gas oil (oAPI) 32.0
Gas oil (Sulfur, wt%) 2.5
Tar or feed Feed Tar (product)
% on crude -
API 14.4 11.0
Sulfur, wt% 4.1 4.3
Viscosity, cSt, 50oC 720 250
A few questions:
A coil visbreaker operates at 500oC for 1 min. How long will it take to achieve the same
thermal severity at 450oC in a soaker visbreaker process? An apparent Arrhenius activation
energy for thermal cracking is given as 50 kcal/mol.
Most important and widely used refinery process for converting heavy oils into more
valuable gasoline and lighter product
Almost completely replaced thermal cracking (TC) because more gasoline having a higher
octane number can be produced
Light gases produced by catalytic cracking (CC) contain more olefins than those produced by
thermal cracking
Component TC CC
Wt% Vol% Wt% Vol%
Fresh feed 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Gas 6.6 - 4.5 -
Propane 2.1 3.7 1.3 2.2
Propylene 1.0 1.8 2.0 3.4
i-C4 0.8 1.3 2.6 4.0
n-C4 1.9 2.9 0.9 1.4
Butylenes 1.8 2.6 2.6 3.8
C5+ gasoline 26.9 32.1 40.2 46.7
Light cycle oil 1.9 1.9 33.2 32.0
Residual oil 57.0 50.0 - -
Coke 0 5.0
Coke produced remains on the catalyst particle and rapidly lowers its activity
Regeneration is done by burning off the coke with air
Catalytic cracker
Moving-bed Fluidized-bed
Example: Example:
Thermafor catalytic cracker (TCC) Fluid catalytic cracker (FCC)
-very few TCC in operation -mostly FCC in the world
Bed cracking unit Riser (transfer line) cracking unit
Process flow (catalytic cracking)
Hot oil feed is contacted with catalyst in either feed riser line or reactor
Catalyst and hydrocarbon vapors separated mechanically and feed remaining on the catalyst
is removed by steam-stripping before the catalyst enters the regenerator
Spent catalyst enters regenerator and is reactivated by burning off the coke deposits with air
Treg carefully controlled to prevent catalyst deactivation by overheating and this is done by
controlling flow rate of air (to obtain a desired CO2/CO ratio in exit flue gas)
Flue gas and catalyst separated by cyclone separator and electrostatic precipitators
In the regenerator, the heat of combustion raises the catalyst temperature to 1150 to 1550oF
(620-845oC) and most of this heat is transferred by the catalyst to the oil feed in the riser
Zeolite catalysts have much higher cracking activity than amorphous catalysts
They also need shorter residence time to prevent overcracking of gasoline to gas and coke
Atmospheric and vacuum tower bottoms are blended into the FCC feed
Residual feedstocks have much higher metal content (Ni and Vanadium) and greater coke
forming potential (Ramsbottom and Conradson carbon residue) than distillate feeds
These contaminants
(ii) Promote coke and H2 formation
(iii) Decrease gasoline yield
If feed contains up to 15 ppm (Ni+V), then Ni catalyst activity can be passivated by addition
of organic antimony compounds to the feed and reduction in coke and hydrogen yield up to
15% and 45%, respectively;
If feed contains >15 ppm metals and has Conradson carbon >3%, hydroprocessing of FCC
feed may be required to remove metals, reduce carbon forming potential and increase yield
of gasoline and middle distillates by increasing the hydrogen content of the feed
Primary reaction (C-C bond scission and immediate neutralization of carbonium ion)
Catalytic cracking of paraffins
Main reactions
(iii) Polymerization
(iv) Saturation, aromatization and carbon formation (coke formation)
Isomerization followed by saturation and aromatization are responsible for high octane no. of
catalytically cracked gasoline
There is also C-C bond scission in both the ring and attached side chain
Aromatic hydrocarbons with alkyl group containing less than 3 carbon atoms are not very
For long side chain attached to aromatic ring, the main reaction is splitting off of side chains
without breaking the ring
Cracking catalysts
Commercial catalysts
Comparison of amorphous and zeolite catalysts [Table 6.2]
Amorphous Zeolite
Coke, wt% 4 4
Conversion 55 65
C5+ gasoline, vol% 38 51
C3- gas, wt% 7 6
C4’s, vol% 17 16
I Higher activity
II Higher gasoline yield at a given conversion
III Gasoline produced contains large % of paraffinic and aromatic hydrocarbons
IV Lower coke yield (hence larger throughput at a given conversion level)
V Increased isobutane production
VI Ability to go to higher conversion per pass without overcracking
I Demand for gasoline and jet fuel increased rapidly as compared to diesel and home
heating oil
II Large amount of inexpensive hydrogen available as a byproduct from catalytic
reforming unit
III Strict environmental norms for low sulfur and aromatics content in motor fuel
First commercial operation of distillate hydrocracker started by Chevron in 1958
(i) Increased demand for high-octane unleaded gasoline and kerosene-type jet fuel
(ii) Decreased demand for distillate fuel oil
These two important factors have promoted the conversion of higher-boiling petroleum
materials to gasoline and jet fuel
Advantages of hydrocracking
Typical feed for FCC: AGO, VGO etc. (that are paraffinic and easily cracked)
Typical feed for CH: cycle oil (vacuum and coker gas oils are also used as hydrocracker
feed); coker distillate (more aromatic)
These are very refractory (which retains its strength at high temperature) and resist catalytic
High pressure and hydrogen atmosphere make them relatively easy to hydrocrack
Table 7.1: Typical Hydrocracker feedstocks
Feed Product
Kerosene Naphtha
Straight-run diesel Naphtha and/or jet fuel
AGO Naphtha, jet fuel, and/or diesel
VGO Naphtha, jet fuel, diesel, lube oil
FCC LCO Naphtha
FCC HCO Naphtha and/or distillates
Coker LCGO Naphtha and/or distillates
Coker HCGO Naphtha and/or distillates
Hydrocracking reaction
Cracking and hydrogenation are complementary; cracking provides olefins for hydrogenation
and hydrogenation in turn provides heat for cracking
This excess heat increases the reactor temperature and accelerates the reaction rate
Rate of reaction and/or Treactor controlled by injecting cold hydrogen as quench into the
reactors to absorb the excess heat of reaction
This allows subsequent cracking and thus converts a low-value component of catalytic cycle
oils to a useful product
The olefinic product formed are rapidly hydrogenated, thus maintaining a high concentration
of high octane isoparaffins and prevents the reverse reaction back to straight-chain molecules
As compared to normal cracking operation, hydrocracking yields less amount of C3 and
lighter gases
Circulation of large quantities of hydrogen with feedstock prevents excessive catalyst fouling
and permits long runs without catalyst regeneration
Frequently the feedstock is hydrotreated to remove sulfur and nitrogen compounds as well as
Feed preparation
Feedstock is hydrotreated to saturate olefins and remove sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen
Molecules having metals are cracked and metals are retained on the catalyst
Nitrogen → ammonia
For some hydrocracking catalyst, presence of H2S in low concentration acts as a catalyst to
inhibit the saturation of aromatic rings which results in high octane gasoline
In the hydrotreater many hydrogenation reactions take place like olefin saturation, aromatic
ring saturation…etc. (cracking is insignificant at the operating conditions)
Exothermic heats of desulfurization and denitrogenation reaction are high (2400 to 2800
kJ/std m3 of H2)
Water content should be brought down to <25 ppm
To remove water, the stream is passed through silica gel or molecular sieve dryer
Process Company
Isomax Chevron and UOP, LLC
Unicracking UOP
GOFining ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co
Ultracracking BP Amoco
All hydrocracking and hydroprocessing operations in use today are fixed-bed catalytic
processes with liquid downflow
Single-stage or two-stage
Operating condition 660 - 785oF (350 - 420oC); 1000 – 2000 psig (68-136 atm)
T and P vary with the age of catalyst, product desired and properties of feedstock
If one-stage is used; then heavier material from the bottom of the fractioner is recycled back
to the reactor
If the feed is not hydrotreated, there is a guard reactor before the first reactor
The guard reactor has cobalt-molybdenum on silica-alumina to convert organic sulfur and
nitrogen compounds to H2S, NH3 and hydrocarbons to protect the precious metal catalyst in
the following reactor
Hydrocracking Catalyst
Catalyst activity decreases with time and reactor temperature increased to increase reaction
rate and maintain conversion
Regeneration required after 2-4 years
Mostly, silica-alumina is used as cracking base and rare-earth metal is used as hydrogenation
Density and sulfur content of crude increasing day by day; hence amount of VRC is also
increasing (1050+oF)
Earlier this resid has been sold as asphalt or as heavy fuel oil
Due to stricter environmental regulations, nowadays it is impossible to sell them as fuel oil;
they must be processed and converted so that they can be blended into transportation fuel
Ni and V in the resid act as catalyst for reaction creating carbon and light gaseous
As a result, catalytic processes usually use ARC as their feedstock and VRC feedstocks are
generally processed by noncatalytic processes
Hydroprocessing units
Delayed coking
Solvent extraction…etc
Asphaltene fraction
Liquid propane (C3H8) used to extract the oil fraction from VRC
Liquid n-pentane, n-hexane or n-heptane is then used to extract the resin fraction from the
residue from the propane extraction
Contains higher content of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon forming compound than VRC
VRC obtained from crude was solvent extracted (n-hptane) by Hensley (Amoco Research)
and it contained ~2 to 15wt% asphaltenes
Rossi et al. (Chevron) extracted VRC obtained from similar crude, using n-pentane and
found asphaltene content up to 25wt%
Resin fraction
Contains condensed-ring aromatics
Contains ~10 to 20 wt% metals in the crude; so the oil fraction is almost free of metal
Oil fraction is highly paraffinic and contains no metals, has lower sulfur and nitrogen content
than VRC
Processing options
Catalytic Noncatalytic
Uses ARC Uses VRC
Fixed-bed hydroprocessing Solvent extraction
Ebullated-bed or expanded-bed Delayed coking
hydroprocessing Flexicoking
Moving-bed hydroprocessing
Reduced crude FCC
(ii) removes substantial amounts of metals, sulfur, nitrogen and carbon forming compounds
Fixed-bed processes
H-Oil, LCfining
Charge rates ~ 30,000 to 40,000 BPSD (4760-6360 m3/SD) per train of reactors
Each train will have a guard reactor (to reduce metal content and carbon forming potential of
the feed) followed by 3 to 4 hydroprocessing reactors in series
Catalyst of the guard reactor has large pore size (150 – 200 Ao) silica-alumina catalyst with
low loading of cobalt and molybdenum
Fixed-bed process
Atmospheric resids are filtered before being fed to the hydroprocessing unit to remove solids
> 25 Ao in size, mixed with recycle hydrogen, heated to reaction temperature and charged
into the top of the guard reactor
Suspended solid will be deposited on top of the guard reactor and metal deposited on catalyst
Feed to the following reactors is low in metal and carbon forming precursors
3 to 4 reactors (after the guard reactor) operated to remove sulfur and nitrogen and crack
1050+oF (566+oC) material to lower boiling compounds
Table 8.1: Results from Hydroprocessing heavy Venezuelan crude oil (Jobo)
Feed Product
Gravity, oAPI 8.5 22.7
Sulfur, wt% 4.0 0.8
Nickel, ppm 440 19
Residue, wt% 13.8 2.8
Primary purpose is to saturate olefins, reduce sulfur, nitrogen, etc. and not to change the
boiling range of the feed
Olefin → paraffin
And removes objectionable elements (sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, halides, and trace metals)
from feedstocks by reaction with hydrogen
Product stream cooled and then H2 is separated in a stripper (to strip H2S and light ends)
Hydrotreating catalysts
Cobalt and molybdenum oxides on alumina, nickel oxide, nickel thiomolybdate, tungsten and
nickel sulfides, and vanadium oxide
Nowadays, the mostly used catalysts are cobalt and molybdenum oxides on alumina
They should be activated by converting the hydrogenation metals from the oxide to sulfide
Catalyst consumption varies from 0.001 to 0.007 lb/bbl (0.003 to 0.02 kg/m3) feed
Aromatics reduction
Hydrotreating the feed to FCC unit reduces sulfur content but increases aromatic content
(mono-aromatic content is increased)
Ease of Desulfurization
Paraffins (least difficult) > naphthenes > aromatics (most difficult)
Ease of Denitrogenation
For middle distillate fraction (from ADU), which contains high concentration of nitrogen
compounds, more efficient nitrogen reduction is achieved by using catalyst [90% nickel-
molybdenum and 10% nickel-tungsten]
H2 consumption
All reactions are exothermic; temperature rise of ~ 5 to 20oF (3 – 11oC) is usually observed
Catalytic reforming primarily increases the octane no. of motor gasoline but not its yield
PONA Analysis of feedstock and product
So, naphthas containing 7 or more carbon no. are used as reformer feed
Moreover, hydrocarbons boiling above 400oF (204oC) are easily hydrocracked and cause an
excessive carbon deposition on the catalyst
Desirable reactions
Reactions leading to formation of undesirable product
i Dealkylation of side chains on naphthenes and aromatics to form butanes and lighter
ii Cracking of paraffins and naphthenes to form butane and lighter paraffins
Dehydrogenation reaction
These reaction rates are very high as compared to other reforming reactions; so, there is a
need to have interheaters between catalyst beds so that a high temperature (and acceptable
reaction rate) is maintained
Major reactions
Reaction 1 is much faster than reaction 2 or 3
Conversion to aromatics increases the gasoline end point (because boiling point of aromatics
is higher than boiling point of paraffin or naphthenes of the same carbon number)
1 High temperature
2 Low pressure
3 Low space velocity
4 Low H2/HC mole ratio [but sufficient H2 partial pressure must be maintained to
avoid excessive coke formation]
Isomerization reactions
High H2/HC mole ratio (e.g., low HC partial pressure) favors formation of isomers
Relatively slow
HC yield increased by
Feed Product
Methyl cyclopentane Benzene
Cyclohexane Benzene
Dimethyl cyclopentane Toluene
Dimethyl cyclohexane Xylene
Cycloheptane Toluene
Methyl cycloheptane Xylene
Feed preparation
The active material in most catalytic reforming catalysts is platinum. Certain metals,
hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and organic nitrogen and sulfur compounds will deactivate the
precious catalyst. Feed pretreating, in the form of hydrotreating, is usually employed to
remove these materials. The hydrotreater employs a cobalt–molybdenum catalyst to convert
organic sulfur and nitrogen compounds to hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, respectively,
which are then removed from the system with the unreacted hydrogen. The metals in the feed
are retained by the hydrotreater catalyst. Hydrogen needed for the hydrotreater is obtained
from the catalytic reformer. If the boiling range of the charge stock must be changed, the feed
is redistilled before being charged to the catalytic reformer.
There are several major reforming processes in use today. These include the Platforming
process licensed by UOP LLC (Photo 4, Appendix E), Powerforming (Exxon) (Photo 5,
Appendix E), Ultraforming (Amoco), Catalytic Reforming (Engelhard), Magnaforming
(ARCO), Reforming (Institut Francais du Petrole [IFP]), and Rheniforming (Chevron). There
are several other processes in use at some refineries but these are limited to a few
installations and are not of general interest. Reforming processes are classified as
continuous, cyclic, or semiregenerative depending upon the frequency of catalyst
regeneration. The equipment for the continuous process is designed to permit the removal
and replacement of catalyst during normal operation. As a result, the catalyst can be
regenerated continuously and maintained at a high activity. As increased coke laydown and
thermodynamic equilibrium yields of reformate are both favored by low pressure operation,
the ability to maintain high catalyst activities and selectivities by continuous catalyst
regeneration is the major advantage of the continuous type of unit. This advantage has to be
evaluated with respect to the higher capital costs and possible lower operating costs due to
lower hydrogen recycle rates and pressures needed to keep coke laydown at an acceptable
level. The semiregenerative unit is at the other end of the spectrum and has the advantage of
minimum capital costs. Regeneration requires the unit to be taken off-stream. Depending
upon severity of operation, regeneration is required at intervals of 3 to 24 months. High
hydrogen recycle rates and operating pressures are utilized to minimize coke laydown and
consequent loss of catalyst activity. The cyclic process is a compromise between these
extremes and is characterized by having a swing reactor in addition to those on-stream in
which the catalyst can be regenerated without shutting the unit down. When the activity of
the catalyst in one of the on-stream reactors drops below the desired level, this reactor is
isolated from the system and replaced by the swing reactor. The catalyst in the replaced
reactor is then regenerated by admitting hot air into the reactor to burn the carbon off the
catalyst. After regeneration it is used to replace the next reactor needing regeneration. The
reforming process can be obtained as a continuous or semiregenerative operation and other
processes as either continuous, cyclic, or semiregenerative. The semiregenerative reforming
process is typical of fixed-bed reactor reforming operations and will be described here. The
semiregenerative process is shown in the simplified process flow diagram given in Figure
10.1. The pretreated feed and recycle hydrogen are heated to 925 to 975°F (498–524°C)
before entering the first reactor. In the first reactor, the major reaction is the dehydrogenation
of naphthenes to aromatics and, as this is strongly endothermic, a large drop in temperature
occurs. To maintain the reaction rate, the gases are reheated before being passed over the
catalyst in the second reactor. As the charge proceeds through the reactors, the reaction rates
decrease and the reactors become larger, and the reheat needed becomes less. Usually three
or four reactors are sufficient to provide the desired degree of reaction and heaters are needed
before each reactor to bring the mixture up to reaction temperature. In practice, either
separate heaters can be used or one heater can contain several separate coils. A typical gas
composition leaving each of the reactors in a four reactor system, with a HSR naphtha feed
of 180–380°F; severity, 99 RON; and pressure, 163 psi (1124 kPa) is as follows:
Feed 1 2 3
P 60 59 50 29
N 29 8 6 5
A 11 33 45 87
Total 100 100 96* 87*
Note: reactor outlet, mol/100 mol feed.; *summation not 100
The reaction mixture from the last reactor is cooled and the liquid products condensed. The
hydrogen-rich gases are separated from the liquid phase in a drum separator, and the liquid
from the separator is sent to a fractionator to be debutanized. The hydrogen-rich gas stream is
split into a hydrogen recycle stream and a net hydrogen by-product which is used in
hydrotreating or hydrocracking operations or as fuel. The reformer operating pressure and the
hydrogen/feed ratio are compromises among obtaining maximum yields, long operating
times between regeneration, and stable operation. It is usually necessary to operate at
pressures from 50 to 350 psig (345–2415 kPa) and at hydrogen charge ratios of 3–8 mol
H2/mol feed (2800–7600 scf/bbl). Liquid hourly space velocities in the area of 1 to 3 are in
general use. The original reforming process is classified as a semiregenerative type because
catalyst regeneration is infrequent and runs of 6 to 24 months between regeneration are
common. In the cyclic processes, regeneration is typically performed on a 24- or 48-hour
cycle, and a spare reactor is provided so that regeneration can be accomplished while the unit
is still on-stream. Because of these extra facilities, the cyclic processes are more expensive
but offer the advantages of low pressure operation and higher yields of reformate at the same
The addition of an alkyl group to any compound is an alkylation reaction but in petroleum
refining terminology the term alkylation is used for the reaction of low molecular weight
olefins (butylenes etc., C4=) with an isoparaffin (isobutane etc.) to form higher molecular
weight isoparaffins or alkylates. Although this reaction is simply the reverse of cracking, the
belief that paraffin hydrocarbons are chemically inert delayed its discovery until about 1935.
The need for high-octane aviation fuels during World War II acted as a stimulus to the
development of the alkylation process for production of isoparaffinic gasolines of high
octane number. Although alkylation can take place at high temperatures and pressures
without catalysts, the only processes of commercial importance involve low temperature
alkylation conducted in the presence of either sulfuric or hydrofluoric acid. The reactions
occurring in both processes are complex and the product has a rather wide boiling range. The
hydrocarbon and acid react in liquid phase. Isobutane and olefins are collected mainly from
FCC and delayed coker. Decreased demand for methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) has
resulted in increased attention on alkylation process. By proper choice of operating
conditions, most of the product can be made to fall within the gasoline boiling range with
motor octane numbers from 88 to 94 and research octane numbers from 94 to 99.
Alkylation reactions
1. Reaction temperature
2. Acid strength
3. Isobutane concentration
The principal reactions which occur in alkylation are the combinations of olefins with
isoparaffins as follows:
Process variables
The most important process variables are reaction temperature, acid strength, isobutane
concentration, and olefin space velocity. Changes in these variables affect both product
quality and yield. Reaction temperature has a greater effect in sulfuric acid processes than in
those using hydrofluoric acid. Low temperatures mean higher quality and the effect of
changing sulfuric acid reactor temperature from 25 to 55°F (-4 to 13°C) is to decrease
product octane from one to three numbers depending upon the efficiency of mixing in the
reactor. In hydrofluoric acid alkylation, increasing the reactor temperature from 60 to 125°F
(16 to 52°C) degrades the alkylate quality about three octane numbers. In sulfuric acid
alkylation, low temperatures cause the acid viscosity to become so great that good mixing of
the reactants and subsequent separation of the emulsion is difficult. At temperatures above
70°F (21°C), polymerization of the olefins becomes significant and yields are decreased. For
these reasons the normal sulfuric acid reactor temperature is from 40 to 50°F (5 to 10°C)
with a maximum of 70°F (21°C) and a minimum of 30°F (-1°C). For hydrofluoric acid
alkylation, temperature is less significant and reactor temperatures are usually in the range of
70 to 100°F (21 to 38°C). Acid strength has varying effects on alkylate quality depending on
the effectiveness of reactor mixing and the water content of the acid. In sulfuric acid
alkylation, the best quality and highest yields are obtained with acid strengths of 93 to 95%
by weight of acid, 1 to 2% water, and the remainder hydrocarbon diluents. The water
concentration in the acid lowers its catalytic activity about 3 to 5 times as much as
hydrocarbon diluents, thus an 88% acid containing 5% water is a much less effective catalyst
than the same strength acid containing 2% water. The poorer the mixing in a reactor, the
higher the acid strength necessary to keep acid dilution down. Increasing acid strength from
89 to 93% by weight increases alkylate quality by one to two octane numbers. In
hydrofluoric acid alkylation the highest octane number alkylate is attained in the 86 to 90%
by weight acidity range. Commercial operations usually have acid concentrations between 83
and 92% hydrofluoric acid and contain less than 1% water. Isobutane concentration is
generally expressed in terms of isobutane/olefin ratio. High isobutane/olefin ratios increase
octane number and yield, and reduce side reactions and acid consumption. In industrial
practice the isobutane/olefin ratio on reactor charge varies from 5:1 to 15: 1. In reactors
employing internal circulation to augment the reactor feed ratio, internal ratios from 100:1 to
1000:1 are realized. Olefin space velocity is defined as the volume of olefin charged per
hour divided by the volume of acid in the reactor. Lowering the olefin space velocity
reduces the amount of high-boiling hydrocarbons produced, increases the product octane, and
lowers acid consumption. Olefin space velocity is one way of expressing reaction time;
another is by using contact time. Contact time is defined as the residence time of the fresh
feed and externally recycled isobutane in the reactor. Contact time for hydrofluoric acid
alkylation ranges from 5 to 25 minutes and for sulfuric acid alkylation from 5 to 40 minutes.
Although the relationship is only approximate, Mrstik, Smith, and Pinkerton developed a
correlating factor, F, which is useful in predicting trends in alkylate quality where operating
variables are changed.
The higher the value of F, the better the alkylate quality. Normal values of F range from 10 to
Alkylation feedstocks
Olefins and isobutane are used as alkylation unit feedstocks. The chief sources of olefins are
catalytic cracking and coking operations. Butenes and propene are the most common olefins
used, but pentenes (amylenes) are included in some cases. Some refineries include pentenes
in alkylation unit feed to lower the FCC gasoline vapor pressure and reduce the bromine
number* in the final gasoline blend. Alkylation of pentenes is also considered as a way to
reduce the C5 olefin content of final gasoline blends and reduce its effects on ozone reduction
and visual pollution in the atmosphere. Olefins can be produced by dehydrogenation of
paraffins, and isobutane is cracked commercially to provide alkylation unit feed.
Hydrocrackers and catalytic crackers produce a great deal of the isobutane used in alkylation
but it is also obtained from catalytic reformers, crude distillation, and natural gas processing.
In some cases, normal butane is isomerized to produce additional isobutane for alkylation
unit feed.
*Bromine number is the amount of bromine in grams absorbed by 100 grams (3.5 oz) of a
sample. The number indicates the degree of unsaturation. The Bromine Number is useful as a
measure of aliphatic unsaturation in gasoline samples.
Role of alkylation and polymerization units in the refinery
Refinery gases produced from different units are collected and sent to the gas plant. Olefins
and isobutanes are separated and used as a feed to the alkylation plant. Sources of these two
components from different refinery units are shown in the Table. Olefins are sent to the
polymerization unit as shown in Figure. Both alkylation and polymerization units produce
gasoline which can be sent to the gasoline pool.
Alkylation products
Range of operating variables in alkylation
Isobutane concentrations
vol% in reaction zone 30-80 40-80
External ratio to olefins 3-12 3-12
Internal ratio to olefins - 50-1000
Olefin concentration
Total HC contact time, min 8-20 20-30
Olefin space velocity, v/hr/v - 0.1-0.6
Reactor temperature
F 60-115 35-60
C 16-46 2-16
Reactor acid concentration, wt% 80-95 88-95
Acid in emulsion, vol% 25-80 40-60
Concentrated sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids are the only catalysts used commercially today for
the production of high octane alkylate gasoline but other catalysts are used to produce
ethylbenzene, cumene, and long-chain (C12 to C16) alkylated benzenes. As discussed in previous
section, the desirable reactions are the formation of C8 carbonium ions and the subsequent
formation of alkylate. The main undesirable reaction is polymerization of olefins. Only strong
acids can catalyze the alkylation reaction but weaker acids can cause polymerization to take
place. Therefore, the acid strengths must be kept above 88% by weight H2SO4 or HF in order to
prevent excessive polymerization. Sulfuric acid containing free SO3 also causes undesired side
reactions and concentrations greater than 99.3% H2SO4 are not generally used. Isobutane is
soluble in the acid phase only to the extent of about 0.1% by weight in sulfuric acid and about
3% in hydrofluoric acid. Olefins are more soluble in the acid phase and a slight amount of
polymerization of the olefins is desirable as the polymerization products dissolve in the acid and
increase the solubility of isobutane in the acid phase. If the concentration of the acid becomes
less than 88%, some of the acid must be removed and replaced with stronger acid. In
hydrofluoric acid units, theacid removed is redistilled and the polymerization products removed
as a thick, dark ‘‘acid soluble oil’’ (ASO). The concentrated HF is recycled in the unit and the
net consumption is about 0.3 lb per barrel of alkylate produced. Unit inventory of hydrofluoric
acid is about 25–40 lb acid per BPD of feed. The sulfuric acid removed usually is regenerated in
a sulfuric acid plant which is generally not a part of the alkylation unit. The acid consumption
typically ranges from 13 to 30 lb per barrel of alkylate produced. Makeup acid is usually 98.5 to
99.3 wt% H2SO4.
Q1. Sir you have told us that from different process we obtain different types of
gasoline having different octane number, like gasoline obtained from catalytic
hydrocracking and FCC have high octane number than when it is obtained from
thermal cracking. So is this high octane number gasoline is used for blending only?
Now second thing is that how can be make more profit either by blending good quality
gasoline with poor one or by directly selling high octane no gasoline? Sir in India is only
one type of gasoline is sold in the market or we also have different ranges of gasoline
like USA? If only one type then why?
Q2. In comparison of TC and CC you have told that in TC coke is 0% while in all the
coking operation we use TC. Why?
Q3. In your journal on cracking of n-heptane you have mentioned that CS2(carbon
disulfide) is used to suppress coke formation on the wall of reactor so can it be used in
catalytic cracking process too?