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Oil and Gas Separation

Produced well-head fluids are complex mixtures of different compounds of

hydrogen and carbon, all with different densities, vapor pressures, and other physical
characteristics. As a well stream flows from the hot, high-pressure petroleum reservoir, it
experiences pressure and temperature reductions. Gases evolve from the liquids and the
well stream changes in character. The velocity of the gas carries liquids droplets, and the
liquid carries gas bubbles. The physical separation of these phases is one of the basics
operations in the production, processing, and treatment of oil and gas.
In oil and gas separator design, we mechanically separate from a hydrocarbon
stream the liquid and gas components that exist at a specific temperature and pressure.
Proper separator design is important because a separation vessel is normally the initial
processing vessel in any facility, and improper design of this process component can
“bottleneck” and reduce the capacity of the entire facility.
Separators are classified as “two-phase” if they separate gas from the total liquid
stream and “three-phase” if they also separate the liquid stream into its crude oil and
water components.
Separators are sometimes called “gas scrubbers” when the ratio of gas rate to
liquid rate is very high. Some operators use the term “traps” to designate separators that
handle flow directly from wells. In any case, they all have the same configuration and are
sized in accordance with the same procedure.

Factors effecting separation

Characteristics of the flow stream will greatly affect the design and operation of a
separator. The following factors must be determined before separator design;
1- Gas and liquid flow rates (minimum, average, and peak)
2- Operation and design pressures and temperatures.
3- Surging and slugging tendencies of the feed streams.
4- Physical properties of the fluids such as density and compressibility.
5- Designed degree of separation (e.g., removing 100% of particles greater than 10
6- Presence of impurities (paraffin, sand, scale, etc.).
7- Foaming tendencies of the crude oil.
8- Corrosive tendencies of the liquids or gas.

Vessel internals
Figure (4-1) is a schematic of a separator.
1- Inlet diverters (primary separation section); there are many types of inlet
diverters. Two main types are baffle plates and centrifuge diverters (shown in
figure (4-2)). A baffle plate can be a spherical dish, flat plate, angle iron, cone, or
just about anything that will accomplish a rapid change in direction and velocity
of the fluids and thus disengage the gas and liquid.
2- Mist extractor (secondary separation section); some of the drops are of such a
small diameter that they are not easily separated in the gravity settling section,
before the gas leaves the vessel it passes through mist extractor. This section uses
elements of vanes, wire mesh, or plates (as shown in figure (4-3)) to coalesce and
remove the very small droplets of liquid in one final separation before the gas
leaves the vessel.
3- Gas out; by controlling the rate at which gas leaves the vapor space of the vessel
the pressure in the vessel is maintained, the pressure in the separator is
maintained by a pressure controller.
4- Collection section; the liquid collection section provides the retention time
required to let entrained gas evolve out the oil and rise to the vapor space.
5- Liquid out; the liquid leaves the vessel through the liquid dump valve, where it is
regulated by a level controller. The level controller senses changes in liquid level
and controls the dump valve accordingly.

Figure (4-1) separator schematic.

Figure (4-2) baffle plates.

Figure (4-3) mist extractor.

Separators types
Classification of separators according to configuration:
a- Vertical separators
b- Horizontal separation
1- mono tube
2- dual tube
c- Spherical separators

Vertical separator
Figure (4-4) is a schematic of a vertical separator. The advantages are;
1- Adequate for medium or low GOR fluids.
2- Easy to remove the impurities (paraffin, sand, scale, etc.) from inside the vessel.
3- Vertical vessel requires small plan area, it could be very important in offshore.
4- Relatively easy to deal with the effluent liquids waves.

Figure (4-4) schematic of a vertical separator.

Horizontal separator
Figure (4-5) is a schematic of two types of horizontal separator. The advantages
1- Adequate for high GOR fluids and foaming oil.
2- Less expensive compare with the other types.
3- The interface area is larger in a horizontal vessel than the other types; it is easier
for the gas bubbles, which come out of solution as the liquid approaches
equilibrium, to reach the vapor space.
4- Easy to shipping and structure.

Figure (4-5) schematic of a horizontal separator.

Spherical separator
Figure (4-6) is a schematic of a spherical separator. The advantages are;
1- Use for low and homogenous production rate.
2- More cheap than Vertical and horizontal separators.
3- Easy to clean and drain.

Figure (4-6) schematic of a spherical separator.

Classification of separators according to function:

1- Two phases separators.

2- Three phases separators.

Classification of separators according to operating pressure:

1- High pressure separators [1500 psi]

2- Medium pressure separators [650 psi]
3- Low pressure separators [60 psi]

Separators Design
The basic factors that effect on separators design are;
1- Working pressure.
2- Working temperature.
3- Fluid components.
Separator design consisting as follows;
1- Calculate gas section capacity.
2- Calculate oil section capacity.

Capacity of a vertical separator

1- Gas capacity
Suppose there is a liquid drop in the gravity settling section, the liquid drops will
settle at a velocity determined by equating the gravity force (Fd), on the drop with the
drag force (Fu) caused by its motion relative to the gas continuous phase.

- Upward force Fu = (π/4) dp² k ρg u² …(1)

- Downward force Fd = (π/6) dp³ (ρo - ρg) g …(2)
dp = droplet diameter
k = empirical constant
ρg = gas density lb/ft³
ρo = oil density lb/ft³
u = gas velocity
g = acceleration due to gravity

If Fu = Fd
Then the droplet will remain suspended and gas velocity call suspending velocity.
(π/4) dp² k ρg u² = (π/6) dp³ (ρo - ρg) g ….(3)

u = [ 2g dp (ρo - ρg) / (3k ρg ) ]0.5 ….(4)

If u = dp & k remain constant then
u = c [(ρo - ρg) / ρg ]0.5 ….(5)
u = suspending velocity
c = [ 2g/3k ]0.5 = separate constant

qg = (π/4) d² u …. (6)
d = inside diameter of separator
qg = (π/4) d² c [(ρo - ρg) / ρg ]0.5 ….(7)
qg = gas flow rate at separator condition Scf/sec
Apply mass balance equation on gas under separator condition and standard
qg ρg = qgsc ρgsc ….(8)
qgsc = gas flow rate at standard condition Scf/sec
ρgsc = gas density at standard condition lb/ft³
ρg = p Mw / zRT …. (9)
γg = Mw gas / Mw air = Mw gas / 29

ρgsc = psc Mw / RTsc …. (10)
Mw = Molecular weight
z = Gas deviation factor (compressibility factor)
R = Gas constant
T = Temperature
γg = Gas specific gravity
Substitute eq. (7),(9) & (10) in eq. (8)
qgsc = (π/4) d² c [(ρo - ρg) / ρg ]0.5 (p Mw / zRT) / (psc Mw / RTsc)

In field units:

qgsc = 67824 * 10-6 d² c [(ρo - ρg) / ρg ]0.5 (p Tsc / zTpsc) …(11)

qgsc = gas flow rate at standard condition, MMScf/day

d = inside diameter of separator, ft
p = separator operating pressure, psia
p = standard pressure = 14.7 psia
T = separator operating temperature, oR
Tsc = standard temperature = 520 oR, (oR = oF + 460)

qgsc = 2.4 d² c [(ρo - ρg) / ρg ]0.5 (p / zT) …(11)

2- Oil capacity
Oil capacity design depended on retention time; therefore this time should be
enough to give solution gas in oil the chance to be freely.
For most application retention times of between 30 seconds and 3 minutes have
been found to be sufficient. Where foaming crude is present retention times up to four
times this amount may be needed.

Vo = (π/4) d² ho ….(12)
Vo = volume of oil section, ft³
d = inside diameter of separator, ft
ho = height of oil section, ft

qo actual = Vo / t
qo actual = (π/4) d² ho / t (1/5.615) (1440)
qo actual = 201.4 d² ho / t ….(13)

qor = 1/2 qo actual

qor = 100.7 d² ho / t ….(14)
qo actual = actual oil capacity bbl/day
qor = rated oil capacity under separator condition bbl/day
t = retention time, minute

From oil capacity and gas capacity calculations can determine inside diameter of
separator, height of gas section (gas section volume), height of oil section (oil section
volume), and then separator volume (gas section volume + oil section volume).

The volume (size, d) of a vertical separator can be estimated approximately

(ignore temperature, gas density and some factors effects), if the following data are
1- Operating pressure
2- Oil gravity (API)
3- Gas capacity (daily gas production MMcf/day)
and by figure (4-7), determine (d).

Capacity of a vertical separator = 9.7 * 10-4 d² , d in inch

Generally height of gas section, hg = 2 d
Estimating height of oil section, ho
Volume of oil section, Vo = oil production rate, qo * retention time, t
Height of oil section, ho (ft) = Vo, bbl / separator capacity, bbl/ft

Height of a vertical separation, L = ho + hg

Example (1):
Calculate the Gas & Oil capacity for vertical separator, use the following data:
L = 10 ft, ho = 3.25 ft, d = 24 in, γg = 0.8, API = 45o , p = 400 psi,
T = 60 oF, c = 0.167, z = 1, t = 1 minute.
1- Apply eq.(11) to determine gas capacity:
qgsc = 67824 * 10-6 d² c [(ρo - ρg) / ρg ]0.5 (p Tsc / zTpsc) …(11)
API = (141.5/γo) – 131.5
Oil specific gravity, γo = 0.8017 → γo = ρo/ ρwater
Oil density, ρo = 62.4 * 0.8017 = 50.02 lb/ft³.
ρg = p Mwgas / zRT = p (Mwair γg) / zRT = 400 (0.8*29) / 1*10.73*520
ρg = 1.66 lb/ft³.
qgsc = 67824 * 10-6 *(24/12)² *0.167*[(50.02 – 1.66) / 1.66 ]0.5 (400*520 /520*14.7)
qgsc = 6.66 MM Scf/day
2- Apply eq.(14) to determine oil capacity:
qor = 100.7 *(2)² * 3.25 / 1 = 1309 bbl/day

Figure (4-7) Estimate diameter of vertical separator.

Example (2):
Vertical separator has gas capacity = 100 MMcf/day, oil capacity = 7200 bbl/day, and
operation pressure = 400 psi, API = 70o, t = 0.5 minute. What is the separator design
(i.e. L & d)?
1- Use figure (4-7) to determine d, by p = 400 psi, API = 70o,
qg = 100 MMcf/day.
d = 72 in → hg = 2 d = 2* 72 / 12 = 12 ft

2- Use eq. (13) to calculate ho :

7200 = 201.4 * (72/12)² ho / 0.5 → ho = 0.5 ft
L = hg + ho = 12+0.5 = 12.5 ft.

Capacity of horizontal separators

1- Gas capacity

Total section area At = (π/4) d² … (12)

Area of gas section = 1/2 total area
Ag = (π/8) d² … (13) → Ag = (π/4) de² … (14)
d = separator diameter
de = equivalent diameter
Substitute eq. (13) in eq. (14)
(π/8) d² = (π/4) de² → de = 0.5 d

qgsc = 67824 * 10-6 de² c [(ρo - ρg) / ρg ]0.5 (p Tsc / zTpsc) (L/10)0.56 …(15)

L = height of separator, ft

2- Oil capacity

1- mono tube

qo = 1440Vo / 5.615t …(16)

Vo = (π/4) (L/2) d² ….(17)
Substitute eq. (17) in (16)
qo = 100.7 (Ld²/t) …(18)
d = inside diameter of separator, ft
L = height of separator, ft
qo = oil capacity bbl/day
t = retention time, minute

qor = 50.35 (Ld²/t) …(19)
qor = rated oil capacity under separator condition bbl/day

2- dual tube
Vo = (π/4) Ld² ….(20)
qo = 201.4 (Ld²/t) …(21)
qor = 100.7 (Ld²/t) …(22)

Graphically the volume (size, d) of a horizontal separator can be estimated

approximately, if the following data are known:
1- Operating pressure (psia)
2- Oil gravity (API)
3- Gas capacity (daily gas production, MMcf/day)
4- Liquid residence volume, bbl
and by figures (4-8) and (4-9), determine (d).

Example (3):
A mono tube horizontal separator has; d = 24 in, L = 10 ft, p = 400 psia,
T = 60 o F, c = 0.382, API = 35o, γg = 0.7, z = 0.909.t = 0.5 minute. Calculate:
1- qor when t = 1 minute.
2- de for gas section if Ag = 0.5 At.
3- qgsc.
1- Use eq. (19) to calculate qor:
qor = 50.35 (10*(24/12)²/1) = 2014 bbl/day

2- Use eq. (14) to calculate de:

Ag = (π/4) de² … (14)
At = (π/4) d² = (π/4) (24/12)² = 3.142 ft² → Ag = 0.5 At = 1.571 ft²
de = √(4 Ag)/ π =√(4 * 1.571)/ π = 1.414 ft

3- Use eq. (15) to calculate qgsc:

qgsc = 67824 * 10-6 de² c [(ρo - ρg) / ρg ]0.5 (p Tsc / zTpsc) (L/10)0.56 …(15)
API = (141.5/γo) – 131.5
Oil specific gravity, γo = 0.850 → γo = ρo/ ρwater
Oil density, ρo = 62.4 * 0.850= 53.03 lb/ft³.
ρg = p Mwgas / zRT = p (Mwair γg) / zRT = 400 (0.7*29) / 0.909*10.73*520
ρg = 1.60 lb/ft³.
qgsc = 67824 * 10-6 *(1.414)² *0.0.382*[(53.03 – 1.60) / 1.60 ]0.5
(400*520 /0.909*520*14.7) (10/10)0.56
qgsc = 8.49 MM Scf/day

Figure (4-8) Estimate gas capacity of horizontal separator.

Figure (4-9) Estimate diameter of horizontal separator.

Example (4):
Horizontal separator has qg = 50 MMcf/day, qo = 4320 bbl/day, p = 800 psi, API = 70o,
and t = 1 minute. What is the separator design (i.e. L & d)?
Use figure ( ) to determine Ag, by p = 800 psi, API = 70o,
qg = 50 MMcf/day.
Ag = 5 ft²
Use figure ( ) to determine d, by Ag = 5 ft², and Vo = qo * t = (4320*1)/1440
Vo = 3 bbl.
d = 35 in , and L = 4d = 4*35 = 140 ft.

Capacity of spherical separators

1- Gas capacity
Capacity of spherical separator depends on mist extractor capacity. Mist extractor
diameter calculates by the following empirical equation;

dm = 9.93 [Tz γg / p ρo]0.25 (qgsc/C)0.5 …(23)

dm = mist extractor diameter, in
C = allow velocity constant (for screen slick mist extractor = 0.35)
qgsc = gas flow rate (gas capacity), MMscf/day

2- Oil capacity
In this case the volume (Vo) of oil section equal to half total separator volume multiple
to )√d/2).

Vo = (π/12) )√d/2) d³ ….(24)

Where the actual oil capacity equal;

qo = 1440Vo / 5.615t …(16)
substitute eq. (24) in (16)

qo = 67.14 )√d/2) [d³/t] …(25)

qor = 33.57 )√d/2) [d³/t] …(26)

Example (5):
Calculate the Gas & Oil capacity for spherical separator, use the following data: d = 30
in, γg = 0.65, API = 45o , p = 100 psi,
T = 80 oF, t = 1 minute. The gas behaves as ideal gas.
1- Apply eq.(23) to determine gas capacity:
dm = 9.93 [Tz γg / p ρo]0.25 (qgsc/C)0.5 …(23)
API = (141.5/γo) – 131.5
Oil specific gravity, γo = 0.8017
Oil specific gravity, γo at T = 80 oF equal:
γo(T) = γo(60) - γo(60) * βo (T – 60), β0 = extension oil volume factor = 0.0005
γo(80) = 0.8017 – 0.8017 * 0.0005 (80 – 60) = 0.7937
γo = ρo/ ρwater
Oil density, ρo = 62.4 * 0.0.7937 = 49.53 lb/ft³.
ρg = p Mwgas / zRT = p (Mwair γg) / zRT = 100 (0.65*29) / 1*10.73*540
ρg = 0.325 lb/ft³.
(30/2) = 9.93 [540*1*0.65/ 100*49.53]0.25 (qgsc/0.35)0.5 …(23)
qgsc = 3.00 MM Scf/day
2- Apply eq.(26) to determine oil capacity:

qor = 33.57 )√d/2) [d³/t] = 33.57 *)√30/12*2) * [(30/2)³/1]

qor = 586 bbl/day


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