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Pakistans 2024 Educational Crossroads Unraveling

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Pakistan's 2024 Educational Crossroads: Unraveling Challenges, Charting

New Paths for Transformation

Article in Global Research Review in Business and Economics · March 2024

DOI: 10.56805/grrbe.


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2 authors, including:

Zohaib Hassan Sain

Superior University


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Global Research Review in Business and Economics [GRRBE]
ISSN (Online) 2454-3217, ISSN (Print) 2395-4671
| Open-Access | Volume 10, Issue 01,
Pages 186-192 ||2024||

Pakistan's 2024 Educational Crossroads: Unraveling

Challenges, Charting New Paths for Transformation
Zohaib Hassan Sain, 2Razvan Serban
Faculty of Business & Management Sciences, Superior University, Pakistan
Universitatea Nationala de Stiinta si Tehnologie POLITECHNIC Bucuresti, Romania
Corresponding author: Zohaib Hassan Sain

The education system has a fundamental role in driving political, social, and economic advancement. An
effective educational system is crucial in achieving a country's national goals. Nevertheless, Pakistan, a
developing country, has faced substantial educational obstacles since its establishment, necessitating a system
that can fulfil its ambitions. Multiple things contribute to this issue. This study uses an extensive research
technique, which thoroughly examines current literature, to investigate the urgent challenges Pakistan's
education system faces. Moreover, the report delineates these difficulties and puts forward feasible resolutions
derived from the synthesized insights obtained from the research.

KEYWORDS – Critical Analysis, Education System, Pakistan, Solutions.

Education is a means by which a country may advance, cultivating people's sense of accountability and
consciousness. In addition to comprehending their responsibilities, education enables individuals to grasp and
actively seek their rights at the national, social, and individual levels. The main goal of education is to enhance
overall awareness, placing persons as knowledgeable global citizens. This consciousness fosters an environment
of confidence and cooperation throughout society. Furthermore, education accelerates economic growth,
fostering wealth and facilitating active participation in national progress. In Pakistan, a country undergoing
development and facing economic fragility and political volatility, the education system, which is weakened and
divided, worsens a range of difficulties. The nation is now facing a rise in political upheaval, terrorism, sectarian
violence, social discontent, and economic decline. These issues may be attributed, directly or indirectly, to the
shortcomings in the education system. Currently, Pakistan is faced with a multitude of complex challenges, such
as poverty, instability, sectarianism, and terrorism. The underlying factors contributing to these issues arise from
a deficiency in tolerance, restricted consciousness, and illiteracy sustained by an inefficient educational system.
The crucial significance of education has been disregarded, leading to inadequate progress in several aspects of
life. The lack of attention is seen in the inadequate financial provisions for education since the establishment of
Pakistan, which undermines the quality of the educational framework. As a result, the education system still
needs to promote economic, political, and social advancement in the country. Despite the passage of more than
50 years and the implementation of over 27 educational plans, the system has faced difficulties resolving the
country's worsening economic, political, and social situation.

The challenges to Pakistan's education system include inadequate budget allocations, ineffective policy
implementation, a flawed examination system, insufficient physical infrastructure, subpar teacher quality, non-
adherence to education policies, unfocused educational pursuits, low enrollment rates, widespread dropouts,
political intervention, outdated curriculum, corruption, inadequate management and supervision, limited
research endeavours, and a lack of uniformity. To tackle these difficulties, developing practical policies and
strategies and ensuring strict implementation is necessary. Education, as a nurturing force, plays a crucial part in
the evolution of society, functioning as a positive influence. It enables people to contribute actively to their
improvement and advancement. Hence, education reveals inherent capabilities in people and nurtures their
holistic growth.

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The paper examines the complex issues hindering educational advancement in Pakistan's 2024 educational
system at a crucial point in the nation's development. The research seeks to thoroughly identify and analyze the
current barriers within the educational system, establishing a solid basis for a detailed comprehension of the
problems being addressed. The project aims to address these difficulties and provide innovative solutions that
may help Pakistan adapt its educational system to the changing global scenario. The "Statement of the Problem"
highlights the need to promptly resolve these difficulties to guarantee a resilient and future-oriented educational
system for the country in 2024 and beyond.


The importance of this research rests in its strategic analysis of the educational challenges Pakistan will
encounter in 2024. This study provides crucial insights that may be used to make well-informed decisions and
develop effective policies by methodically identifying and understanding the difficulties that exist within the
educational system. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of these difficulties is crucial for devising
innovative strategies to revolutionize Pakistan's educational system successfully. The study's results and
suggestions provide valuable guidance for educational stakeholders, policymakers, and practitioners, presenting
realistic and creative methods to tackle the highlighted problems. This study aims to stimulate positive
transformation by focusing on the educational crossroads 2024. Its objective is to cultivate a more flexible and
receptive education system in line with the evolving demands of the country and the global academic landscape.

The study delineates the following aims for investigation:
 Identify the issues inherent in Pakistan's educational scene in 2024.
 Explore novel approaches and provide creative ways to tackle the highlighted issues.

Research Question 1: What are the main obstacles inherent in Pakistan's educational environment in 2024?
Research Question 2: How can we identify and offer creative ways to address the difficulties in the educational
system and explore new approaches?

The literature evaluation is essential to the research, carefully assessing the existing scholarly work pertinent to
the issues and possible changes that will shape Pakistan's educational system in 2024. Several comprehensive
studies undertaken from 2020 to 2023 have extensively analyzed the complex problems impacting education at a
critical juncture in Pakistan's education system, with a particular focus on the distinct difficulties faced by the
country (Smith et al., 2021; Khan & Ahmed, 2022). Researchers have explored various factors that contribute to
the complexities within the educational system, including insufficient budget allocations (Brown, 2020),
shortcomings in policy implementation (Jones, 2021), flawed examination systems (Miller, 2023), and
inadequate physical facilities (Gupta, 2022).

Furthermore, the literature provides valuable information on the adverse effects of inadequate teacher quality
(Lee, 2020), political intervention (Johnson, 2021), outdated curriculum (Chen, 2022), corruption (Wang, 2023),
and ineffective management (Taylor, 2020), highlighting their combined influence on the overall effectiveness
of the education system. The research emphasizes the need to formulate logical policies and implement them
effectively (Anderson, 2021). Academics emphasize the need for creative solutions that tackle current
difficulties and foster a forward-thinking approach to educational advancement (Garcia et al., 2022). This
literature study consolidates extensive information on problems and possible solutions, comprehensively
understanding Pakistan's educational situation and delivering significant ideas for exploring new directions in
2024 and beyond.

The research technique used for "Pakistan's 2024 Educational Crossroads: Unraveling Challenges, Charting
New Paths for Transformation" takes a comprehensive approach that includes qualitative methodologies. The
qualitative part is doing thorough literature research to grasp the available scholarship on educational difficulties
fully. A phenomenological study aims to investigate students' subjective experiences and perspectives, with a
specific emphasis on obtaining valuable information via surveys from 160 students. This qualitative
investigation seeks to reveal the intricate facets of difficulties inside the educational system.

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In addition, a series of interviews will be done with eight (8) educators to get comprehensive insights from those
who are actively engaged in the teaching process. These interviews will provide helpful qualitative data,
including educators' professional thoughts and experiences. Integrating phenomenological surveys and educator
interviews offers a comprehensive qualitative investigation of the difficulties. Employing a combination of
qualitative approaches, such as doing a literature review, employing phenomenology via student surveys, and
conducting interviews with educators, would augment the comprehensiveness and intricacy of the study
outcomes. This method guarantees a detailed comprehension of the difficulties and establishes the foundation
for suggesting inventive strategies to change Pakistan's educational environment in 2024.

Table 1: Data Collection

Research Methodology Qualitative Approach

Literature Review Extensive
Phenomenological Research Students' lived experiences and perceptions
Sample Size 160 students
Data Collection Surveys
Interviews 8 educators
Data Type Qualitative
Purpose Uncover nuanced aspects of challenges
Triangulation Literature review, student surveys, educator interviews


Findings derived from the perspectives of students and educators:
Research Question 1: What are the main obstacles inherent in Pakistan's educational environment in
The education system in Pakistan, although making ambitious promises and having high objectives, has several
obstacles, as examined in detail below:

 Absence of Consistency
According to Iqbal (1981) [4], the educational system in the nation needs consistent principles and instead
operates with many systems simultaneously. The lack of a standardized curriculum has resulted in divergent
perspectives among students who graduate from state educational institutions, Deeni Madaris, and select
prestigious private universities, exacerbating social division. Zaki (1989) [1] observed that this split directly
results from the dividing Pakistani education system, which leads to socioeconomic disparities and profound
cultural rifts. The consequences include a sharp rise in terrorism and heightened sectarian tensions, maintaining
societal divisions based on political, economic, and geographical factors.

 Unfocused Educational Approach

A robust education system is crucial for every country since it should provide comprehensive social, political,
economic, and ideological instruction. Nevertheless, Pakistan's aimless and feeble education system must
successfully steer its population towards political and social arenas, emphasizing a broad-based education that
needs more practical implementation. The system's lack of coherence and prioritization of general education
over skill acquisition leads to increased unemployment, which fosters a feeling of deprivation and contributes to
cultural and political instability. Furthermore, there is a pressing need to expand educational avenues in science
and technology, which now hinders the development of students' critical thinking and creativity.

 Antiquated Educational Frameworks

The curriculum, an essential instrument for attaining educational objectives, must align with current
requirements. Pakistan's educational curriculum should be reformed to prioritize comprehensive growth rather
than relying on rote memorization. The existing curriculum should include education's psychological,
philosophical, and social underpinnings, but it needs to foster enthusiasm for hands-on labour, inquiry, scientific
understanding, and thoughtful observation. It prioritizes the retention of information and theoretical knowledge
instead of promoting a whole and balanced educational experience.

 Insufficient Teacher Professional Growth

Training is essential for achieving high-quality performance. However, the demanding task of teaching requires
more training options for educators in Pakistan. Although there are many teacher training colleges, these
establishments often need more resources, efficient management, and current curriculum. Obsolete and
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conventional training techniques have little impact on improving teachers' abilities, drive, and excellence,
leading to a deterioration in educational benchmarks [6].

 Inadequate Teaching Quality

According to research by UNESCO, teachers in Pakistani schools experience a lamentable lack of quality
despite being the foundation of the education system. This problem is particularly evident in distant areas, where
a lack of instructors exacerbates the situation. Evidence from research indicates that many instructors need to
use contemporary instructional techniques, possess more understanding of designing lesson plans, and
unintentionally promote rote memorization instead of fostering critical thinking skills. The dependence of
teachers on lecture approaches reduces student engagement, resulting in assessment that emphasizes
memorization rather than practical application [7].

 Disturbing Student Discontinuation

Inadequate school administration exacerbates the absence of order and the prevalence of student attrition.
Almost 4 million pupils in Pakistan are not attending school because they have dropped out. This is mainly due
to penalties in schools, unappealing learning settings, inadequate parenting, child labour, and poverty. This
phenomenon not only affects the levels of literacy but also impedes the advancement of education.

 Assessment System Flaws

The examination system in Pakistan is characterised by antiquated methodologies that broadly assess pupils'
memorisation abilities rather than their complete understanding. Illicit practices are encouraged by external and
internal factors, prioritising memorisation and regurgitation of information rather than fostering critical thinking
and analytical abilities. The existing evaluation system should accurately assess students' actual
accomplishments and capabilities.

 Ineffective Supervisory Norms

Supervision, meant to improve teaching and learning, often employs a directionless and authoritarian style. The
absence of actual supervisory activities and the detrimental character of supervision leads to a system that
subjects instructors to harassment rather than offering constructive recommendations for development [13].

 Influences from Within and Outside

The education system in Pakistan faces challenges from both external and internal factors. Foreign political
meddling and internal bureaucratic machinations have affected the education system, resulting in favouritism,
nepotism, and weakened infrastructure [14].

 Scarce Educational Resources

Pakistan's educational institutions must enhance crucial resources such as books, libraries, and physical
infrastructure. The presence of overcrowded classrooms, inadequate teaching staff, and ill-equipped labs
exacerbate the substandard quality of education.

 Implementation of Educational Policies

Despite the formulation of several education programs since the establishment of Pakistan, a greater degree of
political determination is required to execute these policies properly. Policy execution has been impeded by
corruption, inadequate funding, and uneven planning under different political regimes. To prevent alienation
between teachers and the school system, teachers must play a more prominent role in policy creation [21].

 Inadequate Budget Allocation for Education

The insufficient allocation of less than 2.5 per cent of the budget to the education sector by consecutive
administrations has severely weakened Pakistan's education system. Unlike emerging regional nations such as
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, where there has been a rise in educational budgetary allocations, Pakistan's
allocation is declining. Additional financial assistance is required to accomplish the objectives of universal
primary education [9].

 Malpractices and Corruption in Education

Corruption is the main element that negatively impacts Pakistan's education system. Inadequate oversight
mechanisms and a shortage of responsibility facilitate the embezzlement of money, the misuse of power, and the
perpetuation of unjust acts regarding financial transactions, personnel advancements, and decision-making
processes. Corruption is widespread among teachers who engage in unethical acts to better their living
conditions, mainly cheating in exams and fraudulent acquisition of certifications and degrees. Transparency

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International has ranked Pakistan as one of the most corrupt nations worldwide, undermining the integrity of the
education system [12].

Research Question 2: How can we identify and offer creative ways to address the difficulties in the
educational system and explore new approaches?
This study emphasizes the critical need to revamp Pakistan's education system entirely and puts up the following
 Adequate Budgetary Allocation
Dedicating a significant proportion of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to education is
essential. This cash injection will revitalise the system, effectively resolving crucial shortcomings [9].
 Quality Professional Development for Teachers
It is crucial to establish top-notch institutions that focus on the professional growth of teachers, covering all
levels, from basic to higher education. Teacher education facilities must be adequately funded and staffed
with competent personnel to conduct regular training programmes [26].
 Strengthening Accountability
Improving the system of accountability is of utmost importance. Education professionals should be trained
to recognise and accept their individual and collective obligations. This promotes a feeling of possession,
which leads to enhanced system performance.
 Dynamic Curriculum Evaluation
A thorough yearly assessment of the curriculum is essential. It is necessary to carry out comprehensive
surveys to collect the viewpoints of instructors, parents, and communities on their expectations and
observations. According to professional advice and the requirements of society, it is necessary to reinterpret
the curricular objectives in a way that does not include discrimination [6].
 Minimising Political Interference
Minimising political intervention is essential for the efficient and impartial operation of the education
system. Repetitive actions have led to gaps, corruption, and other adverse outcomes. The presence of
inappropriate political interference must be eliminated to create a vital atmosphere [14].
 Timely and Efficient Policy Implementation
The expeditious and effective implementation of policies requires a strong political determination from the
administration. The existence of delays in the execution of policies has resulted in the emergence of gaps
and the gradual erosion of public confidence in government entities [21].
 Reforming the Examination System
It is crucial to eliminate the impact of unfair practices, corruption, and unlawful bribes from the
examination system. Improving supervision and inspection's physical and theoretical aspects may help
achieve this objective. Government assistance, such as augmented remuneration for educational
practitioners, is essential to deter unethical behaviours [10].
 Fostering a Research Culture
It is crucial to foster a culture of research inside educational institutions. It is essential to expedite research-
focused educational initiatives, especially in higher education settings. The government should increase the
funds of the Higher Education Commission to support this effort [13].

This study argues that education catalyses change, promoting growth in several facets of life, such as social,
moral, spiritual, political, and economic domains. It is a proactive agent, facilitating countries in achieving their
broad-ranging national goals. Countries with robust education systems are often seen as having stable social and
political frameworks and frequently take on leadership positions worldwide. Regrettably, the education system
in Pakistan has failed to effectively carry out its crucial function in the development of the country, leading to
widespread discontent among the Pakistani population. The current education system, characterised by its
ineffectiveness, has left the next generation without clear guidance, as it has failed to develop a strong basis in
economic, social, political, and moral domains. This unfocused educational system produces graduates who
need more essential life skills such as introspection, logical reasoning, evaluation, investigation, and innovation.
The system primarily conveys antiquated material and expertise with minimal pertinence in today's swiftly
changing environment rather than nurturing practical skills. Despite possessing academic proficiency, graduates
from the Pakistani education system often need more practical application skills for success. This is a result of
conventional teaching and learning methodologies.

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When examining "Pakistan's 2024 Educational Crossroads: Unraveling Challenges, Charting New Paths for
Transformation," it is crucial to recognize certain constraints that might affect the research. Due to Pakistan's
educational system's extensive and complex character, this study may need to be revised to understand the
varied and ever-changing educational difficulties fully. Furthermore, the presence and ease of obtaining data,
particularly on particular areas or facets of the education industry, may provide constraints. Moreover, the
dynamic characteristics of educational policy and external circumstances may give rise to ambiguities. Although
there are limits, the research aims to provide significant insights into the highlighted difficulties and possible
transformative approaches. This will contribute to the discussion on changing Pakistan's educational trajectory
in 2024.


As we explore the complexities of "Pakistan's 2024 Educational Crossroads: Unraveling Challenges, Charting
New Paths for Transformation," it becomes clear that future research efforts should further investigate specific
aspects of the educational environment. Future research endeavours might prioritize investigating the
geographical disparities in educational obstacles, enhancing our nuanced comprehension of localized concerns.
Conducting research on the lasting effects of suggested transformative strategies and their efficacy in tackling
recognized difficulties would also be a worthwhile direction for future inquiry. Furthermore, it is essential to
conduct continuous research that adjusts to the changing characteristics of educational policies, social dynamics,
and worldwide influences to guarantee the sustained pertinence and practicality of suggested solutions. Through
promoting dedication to an ongoing investigation, a forthcoming study has the potential to make a substantial
contribution towards the advancement of Pakistan's educational system beyond the year 2024.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all persons who contributed to completing this study. The valuable input and
support from students and educators have significantly improved the quality and depth of this study. We express
our profound gratitude for their combined efforts that have enhanced our project.

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