FSTU Nahw (2016)
FSTU Nahw (2016)
FSTU Nahw (2016)
Hashim Mohamed
Al-Qalam Publications
First Steps To Understanding Nahw
First Edition April, 2016
ISBN: 978-0-9576534-6-7
Email info@alqalaminstitute.org
Website http://alqalaminstitute.org
Note for Students
As mentioned above, this is an entry level book. You will
need to study other texts to fully understand the
language properly. The objective of this book is to give
you a brief overview of how the Arabic language works.
Secondly, the rules in this book are all simplified rules to
which you will find more details and exceptions as you
study Nahw in more detail.
Types Of
Arabic Words
In Arabic a word is called ٌ َكلِ َمة. The plural is ٌ َكلِ َمات. Words
are divided into three categories: nouns, verbs and
1) Noun: a thing e.g. pen, paper.
A noun is called an ٌاِ ْسم. The plural is ٌأ َْْسَاء.
Nouns will have either an الat the beginning or a تنوين
at the end.
َرس ْول اَلَّرس ْول
2) Verb: an action. e.g. run, sat.
A verb is called a ٌفِ ْعل. The plural is ٌأَف َْعال.
Verbs will come on one of the following patterns:
اِفْ تَ ْح يَ ْفتَح فَتَ َح
3) Particle: usually a two letter word which is added to
nouns and verbs. e.g. ِ ْف, إِٰلی.
A particle is called a ٌ َح ْرف. The plural is ٌ ُح ُرْوف.
Nouns can be studied from different perspectives. Here,
we are going to look at four important characteristics of
nouns: 1) Definite – Indefinite 2) Gender 3) Number 4)
Characteristic 1
Definite and Indefinite
1) Definite: a name or a thing with the before it.
Muhammad the pen
In Arabic, the اَ ْلat the beginning of a noun is equal
to the English word the.
اَلنِ ي
َّب اَلَّرس ْول
the prophet the messenger
A definite noun is called َم ْع ِرفَة.
2) Indefinite: a noun with the letter a before it.
a pen
In Arabic, the تنوينat the end of a word is equal to
the English word a.
نَِبي َرس ْول
a prophet a messenger
An indefinite noun is called نَکِ َرة.
Look at the following verse and see how a noun has
been used first as نكرةthen معرفة.
﴾ول َّ صى فِْر َع ْون
َ الرس ٰ ﴿أ َْر َسلْنَا إِ َل فِْر َع ْو َن َرس ًول فَ َع
We sent a messenger to Fir‘awn. Then, Fir‘awn
disobeyed the messenger.
Characteristic 2
All living things have a natural gender i.e. they will be
either masculine or feminine.
Masculine Feminine
َولَد بِْنت
boy girl
In Arabic, non-living things also have a grammatical
gender i.e. even though they are neither male nor
female, for grammatical purposes they are considered as
eithier masculine or feminine.
Feminine Nouns
Nouns will be considered feminine in the following
1. By natural gender i.e. if it refers to a female
أمي َم ْرَي
mother Maryam
2. If it has a round ةat the end:
أ َّمة
a nation
The Arabic term for feminine is ُم َؤنَّث.
Masculine Nouns
Apart from these two types of nouns, all other nouns are
masculine. The Arabic name for masculine is ُم َذَّکر.
Characteristic 3
Singular, Dual and Plural
A noun can be singular, dual or plural. You already know
what singular and plurals are, as these terms are also
used in English.
Singular nouns are called ٌ َوا ِحد.
In Arabic, there is another form of noun that shows two.
This is known as dual. Duals are made from the َو ِاحدby
placing a فَتْ َحةon the last letter of the word and then
adding ِان.
َرج َل ِن َرجل
two men man
A dual word will never have a تنوين. It can however have a
ال. Therefore, if it has الit will be معرفةand if it does not
have الit will be نکرة, even though it does not have a تنوين.
ٌنكرة ٌمعرفة
َرج َل ِن الرج َل ِن
two men the two men
If انis added to a word ending with a round ة, it will be
written like a normal ت.
ِ َجنَّت
ان َجنَّة
two heavens heaven
A dual is called ٌتَثْنِيَة.
There are two types of plurals in Arabic; regular and
1) A regular plural is one that follows a fixed pattern.
This type is called الس ٌِال
َّ ٌاَ ْْلَ ْم ٌُع. This is used for both مذکرand
The masculine version, ٌُالسٌ ِال َّ ٌ ٌا ٌََ ٌْْلَ ٌْم ٌُعٌ ٌاٌلْ ٌُمٌَذ ٌَّک ٌُر, is made by
placing a ضمةon the last letter of the ;واحدand then by
adding ْو َن.
م ْسلِم ْو َن م ْسلِم
believers a believer
ِ َّ ٌ ٌٌث
ُ َّا ٌََ ٌْْلَ ٌْم ٌُعٌ ٌاٌلْ ُمٌ ٌَؤٌن, is made by
The feminine version, ٌُالسٌال
removing the ة, placing a فتحةon the last letter, and
then by adding ات.
م ْؤِمنَات
م ْؤِمنَة
Remember, the round ة/ لةis a sign of a singular word
being ;مؤنثand the اتis a sign of a plural word being
م ْسلِ َمات م ْسلِ َمة
believing women a believing woman
2) An irregular plural is one that is formed irregularly,
i.e. it has no fixed pattern. This is called اَ ْْلَ ْم ٌُع ال ُْم َک َّس ٌُر.
رسل َرس ْول أ َْْنار َْنْر
There is no rule to these plurals; they have to be
Summary of Number of Nouns
ٌتثنية ٌواحد
Dual Singular
ٌمكسر ٌسال
مؤنث مذكر مؤنث مذكر مؤنث مذكر
)(م ْسلِ َمات )ان) (م ْسلِم ْو َن
ِ َ(مسلِمت
ِ (مُسلِم) (مسلِمة) (مسلِم
)ان َْ َْ ْ
Characteristic 4
In Arabic, words end with a vowel i.e. فتحة, ضمةor كسرةdue
to different rules you will study later.
If a word ends with َض َّمة, ُ, it is generally ٌ َم ْرفُ ْوع.
الرس ْول
َّ َرس ْول
If a word ends with فَتْ َحة,َُ , it is generallyٌ ٌص ْوب
ُ َم ْن.
الرس ْو َل
َّ َرس ْوًل
If a word ends with َك ْسَرة,ُِ , it is generallyٌ ٌ ََْم ُرْور.
الرس ْوِل
َّ َرس ْول
These three, مرفوع, منصوبand جمرور, are grammatical states. In
Arabic this is called ٌإِ ْع َراب.
Key Words
Definite / Indefinite Gender Number ٌ ٌإعراب
Definite معرفةMasculine مذكرSingular واحد مرفوع
Indefinite نكرةFeminine مؤنثDual تثنیة منصوب
Plural مجع جمرور
Regular سال
Irregular مكسر
A verb, فعل, is a word that shows an action:
hit, run, sleep, etc.
In Arabic, there are three types of verbs:
1. ي ِ الْم: the past tense. This shows that an action
ٌْ اض َ
took place in the past.
فَتَ َح
He opened.
2. ُِع
ٌ ضار
َ ال ُْم: present or future tense.
يَ ْفتَح
He opens, he will open.
3. األ َْم ٌُر: instruction or command.
اِفْ تَ ْح
The rules of each of these will be discussed in صرفin
more detail.
حرْوفare particles which join nouns and verbs to give
additional meaning to them. Different particles will be
discussed when necessary throughout this book.
Until now we have been studying single words. Now, we
are going to put different types of words together and
make sentences. In Arabic, a sentence is called a ٌمجُْلَة.
There are two types of sentences.
1) ٌُاْل ِْْسيَّة
ِْ ٌٌُاَ ْْلُ ْملَة: This is a sentence that begins with an اسم.
2) ُاَ ْْلُ ْملَةٌٌُال ِْف ْعلِيٌَّة: This is a sentence that begins with a فعل.
اْلملةٌاْلْسي ٌة
اجلملة اإلمسیةis a sentence which is made up of two parts, the
ٌ ُم ْب تَ َدأand the بٌْ َخ.
The مبتدأis the subject i.e. the thing you are talking about.
The خربis the information regarding the مبتدأ.
[The Prophet] مبتدأis [truthful]خرب
The following rules apply regarding خرب-مبتدأ:
1) The مبتدأis generally معرفة,
2) The خربis generally نكرة,
3) The خربagrees with the مبتدأin number and gender,
4) Both words are مرفوع.
ُم َّمد َرس ْول ص ِادق
َ اَ َّلرسول ص ِادقَة ِ
َ فَاط َمة
Muhammad ﷺis a Prophet. The Prophet is truthful. Fatima is truthful.
The word تركیبliterally means to build or to put together.
In Nahw, we do تركیبof sentences i.e. we do a
grammatical breakdown of the structure of a sentence.
Below is the تركیبof a مجلة إمسیة.
[رس ْول]خرب]مجلة إمسیة
َ [[ُم َّمد]مبتدأ
You would express the تركیبin the following way:
ُممدis the رسول ;مبتدأis the ;خربand the مبتدأand خربjoin to
become a مجْلَة إِ ِْمسیَّة.
اْلملةٌالفعلي ٌة
اجلملة الفعلیةis a sentence which starts with a verb. A مجلة فعلیة
has four parts; verb, subject, object and adverb.
Every فعلmust have a subject, someone who is carrying
out the action. In Arabic, the subject in اجلملة الفعلیةis called
ِ َف.
The فاعلcomes after the verb and it is مرفوع.
ٌدٌ]فاعل]مجلة فعلیة
ُ [دٌا ُؤٌْو
َ [[قَتَ َل]فعل
Dawud u killed.
Some verbs may also carry an object, someone upon
whom the action is carried out. This is called ٌ َم ْفعُ ْول. The
مفعولwill be منصوب, and it generally comes after the فاعل.
جالوت]مفعول]مجلة فعلیة
ٌَ [ [[قَتَ َل]فعل [داؤود]فاعل
(the Prophet) Dawud u killed Goliath.
In اجلملة اإلمسیةthe subject is called مبتدأ, and in اجلملة الفعلیةthe
subject is called فاعل. In English they are both called
Along with a مفعولa مجلة فعلیةcan also have an adverb i.e.
something to show time or place. This is called ٌظَْرف.
﴾﴿لَبِثْنَا يَ ْوًما
We have stayed a day.
We have now covered six main parts of sentences:
1. مبتدأ: This is always a noun and is always مرفوع.
2. خرب: This is always a noun and is always مرفوع.
You would have noticed that five of the six main parts of
a sentence are nouns. However, just as they can be
single nouns they can also be phrases. Look at the
following example:
[The boy] مبتدأis [clever]خرب.
[This boy] مبتدأis [a clever student]خرب.
In the first sentence we have two nouns, the first is مبتدأ
and the second is خرب. In the second sentence both the مبتدأ
and the خربare made up of two words. These are called
phrases. These phrases are made up of different nouns
and different forms of nouns. The phrase then takes the
place of one of the main parts of the sentence i.e. in a مجلة
فعلیةa phrase can take the place of فاعل, مفعولor ظرف, and in
مجلة إمسیةit can take the place of the مبتدأor خرب.
There are five types of phrases:
1. Descriptive.
2. Demonstrative Phrase.
3. Possessive Phrase.
4. Conjunction.
5. ِشْبه مجْلَة.
Descriptive Phrase
The descriptive phrase is made by bringing an adjective
i.e. describing word after the noun. In Arabic a
describing word is called a ٌ ِص َفةand it comes after the
word it is describing, the ٌصوف
ُ َم ْو. The صفةmatches the موصوف
in all four characteristic mentioned in section one i.e.
نکرة-معرفة, مؤنث-مذكر, مجع-تثنیة- واحدand جمرور-منصوب-مرفوع.
َمة]موصوف [م ْؤمنَة]صفة
َ [أ [عَبْد]موصوف [م ْؤمن]صفة
ُ َّاٌَلْ ٌُم ٌَؤٌن
ٌ ٌث ٌاٌَلْ ٌُمٌَذ ٌَّك ُر
مجع ٌواحدٌ ٌ تثنية مجع ٌواحدٌ ٌ تثنية
هاَت ِن ٰهؤَل ِء
َ ِٰه ِذه ٰهؤَل ِء ٰه َذ ِان ٰه َذا
ُ ْاَلْ َق ِري
These This These This This /These
َ ِأ ْوٰلئ
ك َ ََِتن
ك َ ْتِل
ك َ ِأ ْوٰلئ
ك ذَانِك َ ٰذل
ك ٌالبَعِ ْي ُد
Those That Those That That /Those
2. In صفة- موصوفthe noun comes first and the adjective
second; however, in مشار إلیه- اسم اإلشارةthe noun comes
after the اسم اإلشارة.
[هذا]اسم اإلشارة [القرآن]مشار إلیه
this Qur’an
3. The اسم اإلشارةis ( معرفةwithout the need for an )الso the
word after it, مشار إلیه, must always have the definite
article )(ال.
4. The اسم اإلشارةare fixed words. i.e. they don’t take
کسرة-ضمة-فتحة, they remain the same in all cases. Any
word that behaves like this is called ني ٌ ِ َم ْب.
Here are some examples of مشار إلیه- اسم اإلشارةbeing used in
different places in the sentence.
َ أَنْ َزلْنَا [ َه َذا الْقْرآ ص ِادق
َ َّب]مبتدأ [ ٰه َذا النِ ي
We revealed this Qur’an. This Prophet is truthful.
Possessive Phrase
َ اَِْْل, is made by placing the
The possessive phrase, ُضافٌَة
owner after the item that is owned.
[بَْیت]املضاف [هللا]املضاف إلیه
The particle ( َوand) can be used to join two words or
phrases together to make a single phrase. This is called
ِ ْحرف الْعط.
ٌ َعطْف. The َوis called ف َ َْ
ِ َّ[ُمَ َّمد ون وح]مبتدأ نَبِی
ان َْ
Muhammad Q and Nooh u are two prophets.
The first word is called ٌ َم ْعطُوفٌ عَلَْي ِهand the second is called
ٌ َم ْعطُْوف.
ِ َّ[[ُمَ َّمد]معطوف علیه [و]حرف العطف[ن وح]معطوف]مبتدأ نَبِی
ان ْ َ
ِش ْبهٌُا ْْلُ ْملٌَِة
Another type of phrase is called ٌ ِشْب ٌهٌُا ْْلُ ْملَة. Unlike the other
phrases, this is not made up of two nouns, rather it
consists of a particle and a noun. These particles are
called فٌا ْْلَ َّارة
ُ اَ ْْلُُرْو. The word after احلروف اجلارةis ٌ ٌََْم ٌُرٌْور.
These particles are:
ْ ِ: in
ِ ِف ٰه َذا الْقر
in this Qur’an
َع ٰلی: on
عَلَ ٰى سرر
on couches
ٰ : to, until
إِ َ ٰل ِحي
until a time
ِم ْن: from
ِم ْن ََنر
from fire
ِ : with
ِبِس ِم هللا
with the name of Allah.
َح ٰتی: until, till
َح َّ ّٰت َمطْلَ ِع الْ َف ْج ِر
till the debut of dawn
ِل: for, belongs to
for a messenger
َع ْن: regarding, from
عَ ِن ا ْْلَ ْم ِر
regarding alcohol
The تركیبof a شبه اجلملةis as follows:
ْ ِ[[
ِ ف]حرف جار [الَْر
ض]جمرور]شبه مجلة
Just as a phrase can take the place of a noun, a pronoun
can also take the place of a noun. A pronoun, مي ٌْ ض
َ , is a
word which takes the place of a noun.
Pronouns As ٌمبتدأ Pronoun As مفعو ٌل Pronoun As مضافٌإلي ٌه
Zaid is clever. Ahmad saw Yunus. Bilal’s book
He is clever. Ahmad saw him. His book
There are three sets of fourteen pronouns.
ٌْ لض ٌِم
ٌُيٌُاٌلْ ٌَمٌْرفٌٌُْوع ٌَّ ٌَا ٌ ٌب ُ صٌ ٌْو ٌْ لض ٌِم
ُ يٌُاٌلْ ٌَمٌْن ٌَّ ٌَا ٌ ٌج ٌُرٌْوُر ٌْ لض ٌِم
ٌْ يٌُاٌلْ ٌَم ٌَّ ٌَا
ٌ ُه ٌَوHe ٌَُ ه Him ٌَُ هHis
ٌُُهَا They ٌُُهَا Them ٌ ُُهَاTheir
ُه ٌْمThey ُه ٌْم Them ُه ٌْمTheir
ِه ٌَي She َها Her َهاHers
ٌُُهَا They ٌُُهَا Them ٌ ُُهَاTheir
ُه ٌَّن They ُه ٌَّن Them ُه ٌَّنTheir
ٌَ ْأَن
ت You ٌَك You ٌَك Your
أَنْ تُ َماYou ُک َما You ُک َماYour
أَنْ تُ ٌْمYou ُک ٌْم You ُک ٌْمYour
ٌِ ْ أَنYou
ت ٌِك You ٌ ٌِك Your
أَنْ تُ َماYou ُک َما You ُک َماYour
ٌَُّ ْ أَنYou
ت ُک ٌَّن You ُک ٌَّنYour
ٌ أ ََنI ٌٌي/
ْ ٌْن ٌ ِ Me ٌْ َِ My
ََْن ٌُنWe ٌَن Us ٌ َنOur
Pronouns are مبنi.e. the end of the word doesn’t change
from ضمةto فتحةetc. Instead, there are three different sets
of pronouns, one for مرفوع, one for منصوبand one for جمرور.
The مرفوعpronoun will be used in place of a مبتدأ.
ِ ت]مبتدأ َع َّلم الْغی
وب َ ْ[أَن
You (Allah) are the knower of the unseen.
The منصوبpronoun is used in place of a مفعول. However, it is
not used on its own like the مرفوعpronoun. Instead it
comes joined to the فعل. In this case, the sentence order
changes to فاعل-مفعول-فعل.
ك هللا
َ َخلَ َق
Allah created you.
A جمرورpronoun can be used either as the مضاف إِلیهor the جمرور
after حرف جار. Like the منصوبpronoun, it will not come on its
own; rather it must be joined to the مضافor حرف جار.
َ إِلَْی
ك َ ِِف َر ْْحَت
towards you In your mercy
Just as a phrase can take the place of a noun, it is also
possible for a sentence to take the place of one of the
five slots of a noun i.e. a sentence can become a مبتدأ, خرب,
فاعل, مفعولor ظرف.
A Sentence as a ٌخب
A مجلة فعلیةcan become the خربof a مبتدأ.
خرب]مجلة إمسیة/الس َماءَ]مجلة فعلیة
َّ [رفَ َع
َ [[هللا]مبتدأ
Allah raised the heavens.
The translation of such sentences will be like a normal مجلة
فعلیةand not a مجلة امسیةi.e. it won’t have is or are.
A خربnormally ends in a ضمة. However, when the خربis a
sentence it won’t have a ضمة.
A Sentence as a ٌمفعول
If the verb of a sentence is the word قَ َالor ( يَق ْولto say)
then the entire quotation becomes the مفعول.
مجلة فعلیة/الس َماءَ]مفعول
َّ [خلَ َق هللا
َ الرجل
َّ ال
َ َق مجلة إمسیة/ب]مفعول
َر ي الرجل [هللا
َّ ال
َ َق
A Sentence as مضافٌإليه
A مضاف إلیهcan also come in the form of a sentence:
ل]مفعول]مضاف إلیه
َ اّلل]فاعل [اليرس
َّ [ [يَ ْوَم]مضاف [[ ََْي َمع]فعل
The day Allah will gather the prophets…
A sentence can also take the position of a noun when an
ص ْول ِ
ُ ا ْس ٌُم ال َْم ْوcomes before it.
The المساء املوصولةare as follows:
ٌمؤنث مذكر
مجعٌواحدٌ ٌ تثنية مجع ٌواحدٌ ٌ تثنية
ت ِ َاللَّت
ِ َّ
ْ الل
ان الَِّ ْت الَّ ِذيْ َن الَّ ِذ ْي اللَّ َذ ِان
Think of السم املوصولas the الof sentences i.e. it makes it معرفة.
السم املوصولchanges to agree with the word that is being
spoken about.
The sentence which comes after the اسم املوصولis called the
ِ . The صلة- موصولthen become a صفة.
ِ ِ [جاءَ ِم َن ِ
ٌالْ َمديْنَة]صلة]صفة َ [الرج َل] موصوف [[الَّذ ْي]اسمٌاملوصول
َّ ص ْرت
َ َن
I helped the man who came from Madeenah.
Until now, we have studied sentences on their own.
These were اجلملة الفعلیةor اجلملة اإلمسیة. Now we are going to
discuss how to join sentences together.
Just as a حرف العطفis used to join two words together to
make a phrase, it is also used to join two complete
sentences together.
The main particle of عطفis َو, (and)
] صلَبوه
َ [ما
َ [ما قَتَلوه] َو
They did not kill him, and they did not crucify him.