Bladder Maintenance and Procedures
Bladder Maintenance and Procedures
Bladder Maintenance and Procedures
The user is the sole responsible party to ensure proper selection, installation, operation
and maintenance of these products and to follow all safety procedures. Please see for detailed instructions and warranty information, as well as our
terms and conditions of sale. Contact the Acc Inc sales department with any questions.
! Slowly increase initial precharge pressure to approximately 35 psig until the bladder is fully inflated. Precharge to a minimum of 30% of maximum
available working pressure. Only introduce high pressure to the desired psig after the bladder has fully inflated and the poppet has closed.
NOTE: All bladders are shipped from the factory with no precharge. Most 1. Follow all procedures above. DO NOT remove the TR adapter at the
accumulators are shipped with just minimal pressure. It is solely the gas end.
responsibility of the user to determine the proper precharge level and to B. Option 2: Removing the bladder from the top without removing the
ensure that suitable pressure is maintained at all times. In general, precharge accumulator from the system:
should equal 30% to 80% of the maximum system pressure, depending on the 1. Follow steps 1-7 in the BLADDER REPLACEMENT-REMOVAL
application. section above.
2. DO NOT remove the accumulator from the system.
3. Remove the TR adapter lock nut at top end of unity using an
Accumulators, Inc. approved spanner wrench (AI-505) then remove
BLADDER REPLACEMENT- BOTTOM the spacer and rings.
4. Push the TR adapter into the accumulator and through the AE ring.
Remove the AE ring by folding it ½ and pulling it through the hole.
1. Turn off your system (equipment), release all fluid pressure. 5. Pull the TR adapter and bladder out of the accumulator.
2. Remove protective cap and valve cap from accumulator. 6. Remove the hex jam nut from the bladder stem. Separate the bladder
3. Install genuine ACC INC approved charging and gauging assembly from the TR adapter.
appropriate to the system pressure rating on gas valve stem by
attaching the air chuck to the bladder gas valve by hand tightening its BLADDER REPLACEMENT- INSTALLATION
swivel hex connection, see photo 1. For all top-repairable models use a 1. Remove the valve core on a 3000-psi supplied bladder OR remove
TR Valve Extension (AI-TR-015). the gas valve supplied on a 4000 psi or higher accumulator from the
A. For 3000 psi accumulators. Turn the air chuck “ T “ handle clockwise until new bladder. Squeeze all the air out by rolling the bladder like a tube
it stops. This opens the valve core. of toothpaste.
B. For 4000 psi and higher accumulators. Open the valve by turning its top 2. Replace the valve core or gas valve. Unfold bladder completely.
(small) hex nut, counter-clockwise. The use of a second wrench to hold the 3. Reinstall the valve core or gas valve and unroll the bladder.
chuck in-place is recommended (AI-515), see photo 2. 4. Lubricate all surfaces of the bladder and shell liberally with system fluid to
1. Bleed off all nitrogen gas by opening up the bleed valve located on the prevent sticking.
charging head completely. (For 4000 psi or higher accumulators, the gas 5. Attach a bladder pull rod to the bladder by carefully threading the
valve must also be opened). female end to the male end of the gas-valve. Insert the rod through the
2. Remove the gauging device from gas valve stem. accumulator bottom and pull it through the top hole. Do not allow the
3. Release any remaining gas pressure from accumulator. (For a 3000 psi bladder to bind or kink. Make sure the gas valve and gas stem are sticking
accumulator, remove the valve core from gas stem using core tool. For out completely at the top end hole.
4000 psi or higher accumulators, open the gas valve fully, then remove 6. Remove the pull rod.
gas valve). 7. Attach the nameplate and hex nut to the exposed gas valve stem.
4. Remove accumulator from system, then remove the hex jam nut and Hand tighten.
nameplate from the gas end. Remove the lock nut from bottom of unit 8. Push the plug and poppet assembly with threads facing out,
using an Accumulators, Inc. approved spanner wrench and remove followed by the anti-extrusion ring flat side facing the bladder into the
the spacer and rings. accumulator.
5. Push the plug and poppet assembly into the accumulator and through 9. Pull the plug and poppet assembly back through the anti-extrusion ring.
the Anti-Extrusion ring, remove AE ring by tri-folding it and pulling it Seat ring in hole, metal side down.
through the hole. 10. Install a NEW metal back up ring (AI-S-412), o-ring (be careful not to
6. Remove the plug and poppet assembly. pinch the o-ring), rubber back up ring (AI-S-411), spacer, and lock nut
7. Pull the old bladder out of the bottom of the accumulator. (hand tighten). Precharge the accumulator (see instructions below).
11. Hand tighten the hex jam nut making sure the gas valve stem DOES NOT
TOP REPAIRABLE REMOVAL rotate or that the bladder twists, see photo 3. The use of two (2) wrenches
is recommended. Tighten locknut on fluid end to maximum torque.
A. Option 1 (preferred method): removing through the bottom (fluid) end:
clockwise until it stops. This closes the valve core.
TOP REPAIRABLE INSTALLATION For 4000 psi and higher: close the valve by turning its top hex nut
A. If using Option 1 (the preferred method) through the bottom, follow steps clockwise.
1-10 above in the BLADDER REPLACEMENT-INSTALLATION section. Remove the charging assembly from the accumulator. Check for
gas leakage. (The use of gas leak detection fluid or soapy water is
B. If using Option 2 (through the top), follow steps below: recommended). Put the valve cap on if pressure stays constant after
1. Follow steps 1-3 in the BLADDER REPLACEMENT-INSTALLATION 30 minutes. If not, repeat steps 1-11. When pressure is constant, install
section. protective cap. Tighten hex jam nut firmly.
2. Attach a bladder pull rod to the bladder, carefully threading it to the Install the protective cap and Accumulators, Inc. nameplate and hand
gas valve. Push the bladder down through the open top end hole. DO tighten.
NOT allow the bladder to bind or kink. If not previously installed, install the accumulator on the system. Check
3. Push bladder stem into the accumulator. for fluid leakage.
4. Install the TR adapter by placing it outside the rod and pushing it into the Pressurize system and operate. Precharge to minimum of 30% of
accumulator. operating pressure.
5. Place an AE ring over the rod and drop it into the accumulator by folding
it 1/3rd.
6. Pull the bladder stem through the AE ring and TR adapter and pull the • For cycling applications, check the precharge weekly.
entire assembly out of the accumulator making sure to seat the AE, • For non-cycling applications, check monthly.
bladder and TR adapter. • Some gas will be lost over time due to premeance.
7. Attach the hex jam nut following steps 9-10 in the BLADDER • A more rapid loss may indicate a gas valve or bladder problem.
1. Release system fluid pressure, not the gas precharge.
PRECHARGING INSTRUCTIONS 2. Remove gas protective cap and valve cap. DO NOT REMOVE THE
If the accumulator is already installed on a system: 3. Install Accumulators, Inc. approved gauging device on the gas
A. Pump or pour a small amount of system fluid (10% of accumulator valve stem.
4. For 3000 psi accumulators: Screw down air chuck “T” handle and
capacity) into the accumulator, at low pressure.
check pressure.
B. Turn off all power to the system and make sure all fluid pressure is
5. For 4000 psi and higher: Open gas valve top hex fitting keeping
released prior to precharge.
bottom hex tight, see photo 2. Check gas pressure.
OR 6. Add additional dry nitrogen gas if necessary using the above procedures,
steps 5-12, 14.
If accumulator is not yet installed: 7. To release excess nitrogen gas (if any), open the bleed valve located
NOTE: Accumulators should be installed as soon as possible after reciept. at the bottom of the gauging device until desired pressure is achieved.
If the accumulator will be kept in storage longer than 30 days, contact us Recheck the gas precharge.
for instructions.
A. The accumulator will normally be fully lubricated at the factory and
Accumulators, Inc. manufactures a wide range of special accumulators
charged with a
and bladders that can be adapted to most customer applications. Bladders
minimal precharge to close the poppet valve.
can be made with many different types of gas valves and with a wide range
If the poppet is open (indicated by a fluid leak at the fluid end, if the of materials and at many pressure ranges. Many elastomers are available.
accumulator has been exposed to heat, or stored longer than 90
days), manually install fluid to 10% of the accumulator volume. See RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES
commissioning instructions shipped with the accumulator for more
1. Remove the protective cap and valve cap. DO NOT REMOVE THE GAS
2. Attach the gland and nut portion of the charging assembly (AI-CG3-
3KT-SS for 3000 psi accumulators, AI-CG6-6KT-SS for 4000 psi and
higher) to a dry nitrogen gas bottle and tighten securely, see photo 4.
NOTE: If the gland and nut do not fit, the wrong gas or wrong pressure
is being used.
3a. For 3000 psi accumulators: Rotate “T” handle counter clockwise so it is
all the way out before attaching air chuck, opening the valve core. Attach
the air chuck to the bladder accumulator gas valve by hand, tightening
its swivel hex connection, see photo 1. Tighten with a hand wrench if
loose. For top-repairable models, use a TR Valve Extension (AI-TR-015).
Connect the swivel connector to the tank valve located on the charging
head assembly and tighten.
3b. For 4000 psi and higher accumulators: Open the valve by turning its
top hex nut counter-clockwise, making sure not to twist the bladder,
see photo 3.
4a. If using a nitrogen gas regulator, temporarily set it to 35 psig and open
the nitrogen gas valve, then set the regulator to the desired psig level.
4b. If you are not using a nitrogen gas regulator, care should be taken to
slowly “crack” the valve open. The use of a nitrogen gas regulator is
strongly reccommended since the valve can be opened fully using a
regulator set to 35 psig.
5. Begin precharge slowly (35 psig) using dry nitrogen gas, until the
bladder is fully inflated. (Full inflation is indicated by the sound of the
poppet closing).
6. Continue precharging to desired pressure by increasing gas flow
slowly. Gas will adjust to ambient temperature following precharge.
Recheck pressure after 15 minutes.
7a. For 3000 psi accumulators: Turn the air chuck “T“ handle counter-
1 1
3K Top Repairable
Gas End
4 3
8 6
9 5
7 Nitrogen source regulator attached with gland
8 9 and nut
1 1
6K Bottom Repairable Gas End
6 4
11 8 8
1. Protective Cap 5. 3K Gas Valve with O-Ring 9. Hex Jam Nut
(6000 psi Charging Assembly)
2. Valve Cap 6. 6K Gas Valve with O-Ring 10. Bladder
3. Valve Core 7. Transer Barrier Adapter 11. Plug and Popppet
4. Gas Valve Body with O-Ring 8. Bladder Valve Stem Assembly
Servicing TR model with special wrenches Tightening hex jam nut, making sure not to twist AI-TKIT-1
the bladder. Deluxe 3kpsi & 6kpsi Maintenance Kit