Aspek Umum
• Virus
• Bakteri
• Fungi (yang patogen)
• Parasit (eukariot)
• Leukocytes are different from other cells of the body ~ they are not
tightly associated with a particular organ or tissue; thus, they
function similar to independent, single-celled organisms
• Unlike many other cells in the body, most innate immune leukocytes
cannot divide or reproduce on their own, but are the products of
pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells present in the bone marrow.
Prekursor sel
sistem imun Granulosit
(di sungsum progenitor mieloid ~ (Netrofil,
tulang) progenitor granulosit/ eosinofil,
makrofag basofil),
sel dendrit
Di dalam darah:
progenitor limfoid
Di Jaringan:
Limfosit B
Sel mast,
Limfosit T
sel dendrit
Lecture notes by Sulistiyani/2014-2019
Lecture notes by Sulistiyani/2014-2019
A neutrophil
A scanning electron
microscope (SEM)
image of a single A scanning electron
human lymphocyte. microscope image of
normal circulating
human blood. One can
see red blood cells,
several knobby white
blood cells including
lymphocytes, a
monocyte, a
neutrophil, and many An eosinophil
small disc-shaped
Lecture notes by Sulistiyani/2014-2019
T lymphocytes
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings Table 15.5
Evolusi Mekanisme Imun
• Cells of the innate immune system effectively prevent free growth of bacteria within
the body; however, many pathogens have evolved mechanisms allowing them to
evade the innate immune system.[6][7]
• Evasion strategies that circumvent the innate immune system include intracellular
replication, such as in Salmonella, or a protective capsule that prevents lysis by
complement and by phagocytes, as in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.[8] Bacteroides
species are normally commensal bacteria, making up a substantial portion of the
mammalian gastrointestinal flora.[9] Some species (B. fragilis, for example) are
opportunistic pathogens, causing infections of the peritoneal cavity. These species
evade the immune system through inhibition of phagocytosis by affecting the
receptors that phagocytes use to engulf bacteria or by mimicking host cells so that
the immune system does not recognize them as foreign. Staphylococcus aureus
inhibits the ability of the phagocyte to respond to chemokine signals. Other organisms
such as M. tuberculosis, Streptococcus pyogenes and Bacillus anthracis utilize
mechanisms that directly kill the phagocyte.
• Bacteria and fungi may also form complex biofilms, providing protection from the cells
and proteins of the immune system; recent studies indicate that such biofilms are
present in many successful infections, including the chronic Pseudomonas
aeruginosa and Burkholderia cenocepacia infections characteristic of cystic
• Antigen ( antibody-generating)
• Imunogen: suatu zat yang akan memicu
pembentukan antibodi dan dapat menimbulkan
respon imun
• Antigen didefinisikan sebagai semua zat yang
dapat berikatan dengan antibodi spesifik.
• Tidak semua antigen menghasilkan respon imun,
tetapi semua imunogen adalah antigen.
Mampu mengidentifikasi masalah dalam riset biokimia Teknik imunokimia: Pemanfaatan antibodi sebagai alat diagnostik
sederhana dan mampu memanfaatkan teknik dan riset
imunokimia yang sesuai untuk menyelesaikan Berbagai teknik imunokimia:
masalah tersebut Produksi antibodi poliklonal, asai serologis
Mampu menyusun laporan tugas mandiri dan Reaksi hemaglutinasi
menjelaskan berbagai teknik imunokimia dan Kromatografi imunoafinitas
12-14 manfaatnya kepada teman dalam kelompok
Radioimmunoassay (RIA), Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay (ELISA)
Mampu melakukan penilaian kinerja diri sendiri kultur sel hibridoma, produksi antibodi monoklonal
maupun teman dalam kelompok
Mikroskopi imunofluoresens
Mampu menerapkan strategi penyelesaian masalah Imunohistokimia
yang bersifat open-ended
Imunopresipitasi, immunoblotting (Westen Blotting)
✓ Afinitas
✓ Aviditas
✓ Jenis Antibodi
✓ Monoclonal vs poliklonal