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Master Emaco 1061

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Technical Data Guide

03 01 00
Maintenance of

MasterEmaco T 1061

Rapid-setting cement-based concrete repair

mortar with extended working time

MasterEmaco T 1061 MasterEmaco T 1061 is a one-component, shrinkage-compensated, cement-based mortar with
50 lb (22.6 kg) polyethylene-lined bags an extended working time. It is designed for repairing horizontal concrete surfaces.
2,500 lb (1,134 kg) bulk bags MasterEmaco T 1061DR is a reduced dust version available separately.
MasterEmaco T 1061DR
50 lb (22.6 kg) polyethylene-lined bags
• Extended working time SURFACE PREPARATION
YIELD • Extra low permeability helps minimize CONCRETE
0.43 ft3 (0.012 m3) per 50 lb (22.6 kg) chloride intrusion 1. Substrate must be structurally sound and fully
- WHEN EXTENDED 50%: • Rapid-setting for quick turn-around repairs cured (28 days).
0.57 ft3 (0.016 m3) • Low residual moisture, can be coated in as 2. Saw cut the perimeter of the area being
- WHEN EXTENDED 100%: little as 6 hours repaired into a square with a minimum depth
0.77 ft3 (0.022 m3) • Excellent resistance to freeze/thaw cycling of ½" (13 mm).
• Shrinkage compensated, minimizing cracking 3. Refer to current ICRI Guideline no. 310.2R
from drying shrinkage, reducing stress at the for surface prep requirements to permit
Store in unopened containers in cool,
bond line proper bond.
clean, dry conditions
• Can be placed neat up to 2" (50 mm) thickness
SHELF LIFE • Can be extended up to 100% by weight,
1. Remove all oxidation and scale from the
- 50 LB BAGS: providing higher yields
exposed reinforcing steel in accordance with
1 year when properly stored • Proprietary cement blend bonds to carbonated
ICRI Technical Guideline No. 310.1R.
- 2,500 LB BULK BAGS: and noncarbonated concrete substrates
2. For additional protection from future corrosion,
6 months when properly stored
coat the prepared reinforcing steel with
VOC CONTENT MasterProtect P 8100 AP.
0 g/L less water and exempt solvents
• Interior and exterior
• Horizontal surfaces
• Applications requiring high early-strength gain
• Structural concrete repairs
• Partial and full-depth repairs

• Concrete

A brand of

Technical Data Guide
MasterEmaco® T 1061

Technical Data Test Data

Composition The following results were obtained with a water / powder ratio of 5.5 pints (2.6 L) of water to 50 lbs (22.7 kg)
MasterEmaco T 1061 is a proprietary blend of of MasterEmaco T 1061 and MasterEmaco T 1061DR at 73 °F (23 °C).
cement, graded aggregate, shrinkage-compensating
agents, and set-control additives.
MasterEmaco T 1061DR is a proprietary blend of Fresh wet density, lb/ft3 (kg/m3) 130 (2,082) ASTM C 138
cement, graded aggregate, shrinkage-compensating Set time, min, at 72 °F (22 °C) ASTM C 191
agents, set-control and dust reducing additives. Initial 50
Final 80
Working time, min 25
• ASTM C 928
Length change, % (µstrain) ASTM C 928
Drying shrinkage −0.05 (−500)
Wetting expansion +0.03 (+300)
Coefficient of thermal expansion, 6.8 x 10−6 (12.6 x 10−6) CRD C 39
in/in/°F (cm/cm/°C)
Modulus of elasticity, psi (GPa) 4.6 x 106 (32) ASTM C 469
Rapid chloride permeability, < 300 ASTM C 1202
Freeze/thaw resistance, % RDM, 100 ASTM C 666, (Procedure A)
at 300 cycles
Scaling resistance, at 25 cycles 0 rating; no scaling ASTM C 672
Slant shear bond strength, psi (MPa) ASTM C 882, modified1
1 day 2,300 (16)
28 days 2,600 (18)
Splitting tensile strength, psi (MPa) ASTM C 496
1 day 400 (3)
28 days 450 (3)
Flexural strength, psi (MPa) ASTM C 348
1 day 700 (5)
28 days 850 (6)
Compressive strength, psi (MPa), ASTM C 109
2" cubes
3 hr 3,000 (21)
1 day 4,000 (28)
28 days 8,000 (55)
Compressive strength, psi (MPa), 7,400 (51) ASTM C 39
3 by 6" cylinders, at 28 days
Dust Reduction, %
MasterEmaco T 1061DR vs. control 75% DIN 55992-2
No bonding agent used; mortar scrubbed into substrate.
All application and performance values are typical for the material, but may vary with test methods, conditions, and
Master Builders Solutions


1. Precondition material to 70 °F ±5° (21 °C ±3°) 1. After removing all standing water, thoroughly Clean tools and equipment with clean water
before mixing. scrub a thin layer of bond coat into the immediately after use. Cured material must be
2. Add 5½ pints (2.6 L) of potable water to the saturated surface with a stiff-bristled broom or removed mechanically.
mixing container for each bag of MasterEmaco brush. Do not dilute the bond coat with water.
T 1061. If required, add the correct amount of Do not apply more of this bond coat than can
aggregate to the mixer. Add the powder to the be covered with mortar before the bond coat FOR BEST PERFORMANCE
water while continuously mixing with a slow- dries. Do not retemper the bond coat. • Minimum ambient, surface, and material
speed drill and paddle, mortar mixer, or other 2. Immediately place the repair mortar from one temperature is 50 °F (10 °C) and rising.
forced action mixer. side of the prepared area to the other. Work • Do not mix longer than 5 minutes.
3. Mix for a minimum of 3 minutes until the material firmly into the bottom and sides • Minimum application thickness is ½" (13 mm).
fully homogeneous. of the patch to ensure good bond. Level the • Neat MasterEmaco T 1061 can be applied to
MasterEmaco T 1061 and screed it to the a minimum of ¼” (6 mm) if intended for use
elevation of the existing concrete. Apply the under deck membranes on balconies subject
1. For repair areas 2–4" (51–102 mm) in depth,
appropriate finish. to pedestrian traffic.
the minimum recommended addition is 15–25
3. Finish the completed repair, as required, taking • Consult coating supplier for overcoating
lbs (6.8–11.4 kg) of 3⁄8" (10 mm) washed,
care not to overwork the surface. requirements.
graded, rounded, SSD, low-absorption, high-
4. The recommended application range of • Do not mix partial bags.
density aggregate per 50 lb (22.6 kg) bag.
MasterEmaco T 1061 is from 50 to 85 °F • Do not add plasticizers, accelerators,
2. For areas greater than 4" (102 mm) in depth,
(10 to 29 °C). Follow ACI 305 and 306 for retarders, or other additives.
the minimum recommended addition is 25–50
hot or cold weather. • For professional use only; not for sale to or use
lbs (11.4–22.6 kg) of 3⁄8" (10 mm) washed,
5. A maximum of 25 minutes should be allowed by the general public.
graded, rounded, SSD, low-absorption, high-
to mix, place, and finish MasterEmaco T 1061 • Make certain the most current versions of
density aggregate per 50 lb bag.
at 70 °F (21 °C). product data sheet and SDS are being used;
3. The maximum aggregate extension is 50 lbs
visit www.master-builders-solutions.com/en-us
(22.6 kg) of pea gravel per bag.
CURING to verify the most current versions.
4. Aggregate must comply with the requirements
Cure with an approved curing compound • Proper application is the responsibility of the
of ASTM C 33.
compliant with ASTM C 309 or preferably user. Field visits by Master Builders Solutions
ASTM C 1315. Alternative curing options personnel are for the purpose of making
include application of a fine mist of water, wet technical recommendations only and not for
burlap, or polyethylene sheeting for a minimum supervising or providing quality control on the
of 2 days. jobsite.
Technical Data Guide
MasterEmaco® T 1061

HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED WARRANTY NOTICE Purchaser must determine the suitability of the
Read, understand and follow all Safety Data Master Builders Solutions Construction products for the intended use and assumes
Sheets and product label information for this Systems US, LLC (“Master Builders”) warrants all risks and liabilities in connection therewith.
product prior to use. The SDS can be obtained this product to be free from manufacturing This information and all further technical
by visiting www.master-builders-solutions.com/ defects and to meet the technical properties advice are based on Master Builders’ present
en-us, e-mailing your request to mbsbscst@ on the current Technical Data Guide, if used knowledge and experience. However, Master
mbcc-group.com or calling 1(800)433-9517. as directed within shelf life. Satisfactory Builders assumes no liability for providing such
Use only as directed. results depend not only on quality products information and advice including the extent to
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: Call CHEMTEL but also upon many factors beyond our which such information and advice may relate
+1 (800) 255-3924 or if outside the US or control. MASTER BUILDERS MAKES NO to existing third party intellectual property
Canada, +1 (813) 248-0585. OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, rights, especially patent rights, nor shall any
EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING legal relationship be created by or arise from
WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR the provision of such information and advice.
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Master Builders reserves the right to make any
WITH RESPECT TO ITS PRODUCTS. The changes according to technological progress
sole and exclusive remedy of Purchaser for or further developments. The Purchaser of the
any claim concerning this product, including Product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability
but not limited to, claims alleging breach for the intended application and purpose
of warranty, negligence, strict liability or before proceeding with a full application of
otherwise, is shipment to purchaser of the product(s). Performance of the product
product equal to the amount of product that described herein should be verified by testing
fails to meet this warranty or refund of the and carried out by qualified experts.
original purchase price of product that fails
to meet this warranty, at the sole option of FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR
Master Builders. Any claims concerning this SALE TO OR USE BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC.
product must be received in writing within one
(1) year from the date of shipment and any
claims not presented within that period are
waived by Purchaser. MASTER BUILDERS

Master Builders Solutions Construction Systems US, LLC 889 Valley Park Drive, Shakopee, MN 55379 Customer Service +1 (800) 433-9517
www.master-builders-solutions.com/en-us Technical Service +1 (800) 243-6739

© MBCC Group, Form No.1018980 rev 04/2021

® registered trademark of a MBCC Group member in many countries of the world

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