Positive Artificial Intelligence in Education (P AIED) : A Roadmap
Positive Artificial Intelligence in Education (P AIED) : A Roadmap
Positive Artificial Intelligence in Education (P AIED) : A Roadmap
The unprecedented global movement of school education to find technological and
intelligent solutions to keep the learning ecosystem working was not enough to
recover the impacts of Covid-19, not only due to learning-related challenges but also
due to the rise of negative emotions, such as frustration, anxiety, boredom, risk of
burnout and the so-called “Covid fatigue”. Although this is not a new problem, it
was deepened during the pandemic, and we need to face old and new challenges
in different ways. Despite focusing only on the learning system’s inefficiencies and
on the hegemony of solutions to tackle the learning gap, we also need to shed light
on the strengths and the positive aspects of the learning process to promote wellbe-
ing. As highlighted by John Self, an intelligent tutoring system would behave as if
it genuinely cared about the student’s success. This note from John Self sheds light
on the importance and reflection of what success means and for whom. This study
presents a roadmap for positive psychology and artificial intelligence in education.
It is intended to identify and understand how the intersection of Positive Psychol-
ogy and Artificial Intelligence in Education can support the promotion of learning
and wellbeing of students, teachers, and other educational stakeholders. As such, a
bibliometric analysis of positive psychology and artificial intelligence in education
was made as the so-called Positive Artificial Intelligence in Education (P-AIED).
The search string was performed in 2021, and the total number of studies gathered
was 10,777. After all the PRISMA steps, 256 studies were approved according to
the inclusion criteria. The main conclusions were the high number of institutions
and researchers with related publications indicate a new trend for the community of
AIED; the high number of collaboration from different countries indicates a possible
global movement toward P-AIED; Positive Emotion and Engagement were the main
Positive Psychology constructs identified in the studies; the lack of well-grounded
theories of Positive Psychology indicates an excellent research opportunity; Positive
Learning Analytics (P-LA), Positive Educational Data Mining (P-EDM) and Posi-
tive Intelligent Tutoring Systems (P-ITS) are three hot topics for P-AIED.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
was emphasized due to the negative impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in
all areas, from education to health and the economy. It is unprecedented for the
global movement of school education to find educational technology solutions to
keep the learning ecosystem working and promote student success. Such a move-
ment has motivated a full-scale substitute for traditional instruction by looking at
the academic outcomes. Nevertheless, the pandemic also deepened problems related
to the lack of engagement and negative emotions, such as frustration, anxiety, bore-
dom, risk of burnout, and the so-called “Covid fatigue” (Bai et al., 2021). Therefore,
we need to face old and new challenges in different ways. Despite focusing only on
the learning system’s inefficiencies and on the hegemony of solutions to tackle the
learning gap, we also need to shed light on the strengths and the positive aspects of
the learning process to promote wellbeing. To date, there is vast information about
the real impact of Covid-19 on academic outcome and wellbeing (Amaechi et al.,
2021; Reimers, 2022; Reimers et al., 2022). Although solutions have been designed
to improve academic performance or promote wellbeing, few studies on Artificial
Intelligence in Education are observing how to improve academic performance and
promote wellbeing simultaneously.
The community interested in promoting wellbeing is called Positive Psychology
(Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000), and there are several studies regarding Posi-
tive Education (Duckworth et al., 2007; Noble & Helen, 2015; Zhang et al., 2022).
Nevertheless, there is no systematization of the studies regarding Positive Educa-
tion (or Positive Psychology) and Artificial Intelligence in Education. To the best
of our knowledge, there are several secondary literature studies with two different
perspectives: i) positive psychology in different educational contexts, such as posi-
tive organizational scholarship (POS) (Donaldson et al., 2019), classroom (Seligman
et al., 2009), academic performance (Waters, 2012), higher education (Williams
et al., 2018), early childhood children (Benoit & Gabola, 2021), vulnerable students
(Brunzell et al., 2016), teachers and school managers (Schiavon et al., 2020), mind-
fulness (Albrecht et al., 2012) and positive education interventions (Waters & Loton,
2019) and ii) artificial intelligence in education reviews on specific constructs or
sub-fields, such as affective computing (Yadegaridehkordi et al., 2019), self-regu-
lated learning (Araka et al., 2020), flow theory (dos Santos et al., 2018a, b), enjoy-
ment, and others.
For this reason, the concept of Positive Artificial Intelligence in Education
(P-AIED) is proposed in this paper. From an epistemological viewpoint, P-AIED
is concerned with the application of AI to Education to promote both learning and
wellbeing, with twofold goals: firstly, research on how AI can be applied to develop
individual strengths and personal motivation to promote learning; secondly, research
on how positive education can be used on the design, development, innovation, and
transformation of intelligent systems to promote wellbeing in educational settings.
In this kind of study, it is investigated, for example, how theories like the flow-the-
ory-based design could improve knowledge acquisition and promote the wellbeing
of students at the same time (Jogo et al., 2022), Pereira et al., 2022). Although such
a conceptualization was not proposed, several studies consider using positive psy-
chology concepts or techniques in AIED and using Artificial Intelligence in Positive
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
This study proposes a roadmap for positive psychology and artificial intelligence
in education. It intends to identify and understand how the intersection of Posi-
tive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence in Education can promote the learning
and well-being of students, teachers, and other educational stakeholders. This arti-
cle is organized as follows: Section "Foundations of P-AIED" describes the theo-
retical foundations of Positive Artificial Intelligence in Education (P-AIED). Sec-
tion "Methods" presents the method used to identify the studies related to P-AIED.
Results and analysis are shown in Section "Results and Analysis". Section "Discus-
sion" presents a discussion and roadmap on P-AIED, revisiting the importance of
intelligent caring systems, describing the main findings of the literature on P-AIED,
and proposing research questions and future directions to the sub-field of P-AIED.
Finally, Section "Conclusions" presents the conclusions of the study.
Foundations of P‑AIED
This section aims to present the foundations of what has been called Positive Arti-
ficial Intelligence in Education. To do that, it is essential to bring the literature on
Positive Psychology and how it relates to education and artificial intelligence.
From a historical standpoint, psychology (or mainstream psychology) was driven
to alleviate the suffering of human beings, while the positive aspects were not taken
into account. For this reason, Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi sug-
gested that psychology should not only focus on individuals’ weaknesses but also
look into their strengths and positive aspects of them Oades & Mossman, 2017).
Indeed, the founders of positive psychology recognized that traditional psychology
had become predominantly weakness-oriented: an approach that had succeeded in
alleviating many forms of human suffering but had failed at capturing the whole
human picture (Snyder et al., 2010). Therefore, positive psychology combines sci-
entific and practical approaches to i) build human strength and make people more
productive and ii) nurture genius, the generation of high human potential (Compton
& Hoffman, 2019; Seligman, 1998).
Although the proposal of Positive Psychology dates from the 1990s, the con-
cept of wellbeing has been an endless discussion for centuries, from philosophers
(Crisp, 2021) to psychologists (Snyder & Lopez, 2001). There are several perspec-
tives and constructs related to wellbeing (Oades & Mossman, 2017), on which sev-
eral theories have been developed throughout the years. Some of these theories are
being applied to the field of Computers and Education and Artificial Intelligence
in Education, such as Flow Theory (Csikszentmihalyi, 2001), which involves a
single-minded immersion in an appropriately challenging goal-based activity, and
Self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2017), where our sense of autonomy, com-
petence, and relatedness determines the quality of motivation. Another critical the-
ory, but not very discussed in the Artificial Intelligence in Education community, is
the Strengths Theory (Park et al., 2004). According to the literature, the develop-
ment of character strengths promotes wellbeing and the perception of life satisfac-
tion (Harzer, 2016; Morgan & Simmons, 2021; Park et al., 2004). After a pervasive
work about positive traits and characteristics of individuals, a list of 24 character
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
strengths was categorized into six virtues and summarized in a classification called
Values in Action (VIA) Classification of Strengths. Other well-known theories from
the Positive Psychology community are Broaden-and-build theory (Fredrickson,
2004), Hope theory (Snyder, 2002), Growth Mindset (Dweck & Leggett, 1988), and
PERMA (an acronym for P = Positive Emotion; E = Engagement; R = Relationship;
M = Meaning; A = Achievement) (Seligman, 2018).
Although there are several studies about the benefits of positive education, there
is no systematization of how positive education or positive psychology could benefit
from the advances of Artificial Intelligence, as well as no systematization of how the
field of Artificial Intelligence in Education could benefit from Positive Psychology.
However, it is essential to cite the studies conducted by Diego Zapata-Rivera and
colleagues about the concept of Caring Assessment to support personalized learning
(Zapata-Rivera, 2017), which means assessments that consider aspects of the student
not taken into account with current standardized assessments. These aspects include
knowledge, skills, and other relevant cognitive, metacognitive, and social-emotional
characteristics (sometimes referred to as noncognitive attributes) and aspects of the
learning context to create assessment environments that offer appropriate conditions
for students to demonstrate what they know and can do (Sparks et al., 2022).
Therefore, there is a clear intersection of different student fields, such as Educa-
tion, Positive Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence. Figure 1 presents a Venn Dia-
gram to illustrate how the sub-field of Positive Artificial Intelligence in Education
intersects with different fields. In the figure, it is possible to see how the combina-
tion of Positive Education, Artificial Intelligence in Education, and Artificial Intel-
ligence Applied to Positive Psychology is the basis for defining what we called as
It is worth mentioning that Positive Education and Artificial Intelligence are
paramount to developing P-AIED. From an epistemological viewpoint, P-AIED is
concerned with the application of AI to Education to promote both learning and
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
wellbeing, with twofold goals: firstly, research on how AI can be applied to develop
individual strengths and personal motivation to promote learning; secondly, research
on how positive education can be used on the design, development, innovation, and
transformation of intelligent systems to promote wellbeing in educational settings.
In this kind of study, it is investigated, for example, how theories like the flow-the-
ory-based design could improve knowledge acquisition and promote the wellbe-
ing of students at the same time (Jogo et al., 2022; Pereira et al., 2022). Therefore,
P-AIED can be divided into two perspectives, as follows:
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
The bibliometric survey was done by following the methods of Systematic Mapping,
which is a means of identifying, evaluating, and interpreting the available research
findings related to a research question, topic area, or phenomenon (Kitchenham &
Charters, 2007a). The primary purpose was to conduct a systematic mapping to
extract the bibliometric information that gathered evidence to base conclusions.
The guidelines and the protocol template proposed by Kitchenham and Charters
(2007a) were used to perform this bibliometric analysis. The systematic mapping
process includes several activities, which can be grouped into three main phases:
planning the systematic study, conducting, and reporting the results. It consists of
the following steps: i) identification of the need for the study; ii) formulation of a
focused research question; iii) a comprehensive, exhaustive search for primary
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
studies; iv) identification of the data needed to answer the research question; vi) data
extraction; vii) summary and synthesis of study results; viii) interpretation of the
results to determine their applicability; and ix) report-writing.
A software tool called Sumarize (NEES, 2022) was used to support the protocol
definition. It is used to provide support to researchers conducting systematic studies.
Sumarize extended the software tool Parsifal, which has been empirically evaluated,
and it was demonstrated that such a tool had positive results in the execution of sys-
tematic studies (Stefanovic et al., 2021).
Research Questions
This bibliometric survey aims to identify and understand how the intersection of
Positive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence in Education can support the promo-
tion of learning and the wellbeing of students, teachers, and other educational stake-
holders. Thus, the two high-level questions of this study are:
HLQ1: How has Artificial Intelligence been applied in Positive Education (AI-
HLQ2: How has Positive Psychology impacted Artificial Intelligence in Educa-
tion (PP-AI)?
The aim of defining a criterion is to identify those primary papers which provide
direct evidence about the research questions and also to reduce the likelihood of bias
(Kitchenham & Charters, 2007a). Note that we consider primary papers the studies
which present some proposal to the area or present some empirical evaluation of its
contributions, whereas secondary papers are studies that only review a topic area,
e.g., surveys, systematic literature reviews, or systematic mappings.
Studies were eligible for inclusion in the review if they presented a peer-reviewed
primary study and that presented some contribution to P-AIED. Studies were
excluded if they were secondary, short papers, non-peer reviewed, duplicated, non-
English written, gray literature papers (e.g., books, theses, dissertations, and so on),
position papers, and if their focus was not using P-AIED.
The search strategy included only electronic databases and was validated by experts
on Positive Psychology and AIED. According to Chen’s recommendation (Chen
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
et al., 2010a), the following electronic databases were automatically searched: ISI
Web of Science, Scopus, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, and Compendex. Due
to the context of Psychology, We also added the following digital libraries as recom-
mended by experts: ERIC and PsycInfo.
Figure 4 shows the systematic process and the number of papers identified at each
stage. In order to reach the goals and answer the research question, it was defined
the PRISMA (Acronym for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-Analyses) checklist and the use of PICOC (Population, Intervention, Compari-
son, Outcome, and Context) to support the systematization of the work (Keele et al.,
2007). PICOC applies with an AND operator together with a set of OR operators for
each dimension in order to build the search string. In this case, the string considered
the dimensions of intervention (i.e. positive psychology), outcome (i.e. outcomes of
research), and context (i.e. positive psychology, educational technology, and AIED).
In Step 1 the studies were obtained from electronic databases using the following
search terms:
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
These search terms for P-AIED were combined considering two main categories:
i) Positive Psychology: PERMA (an acronym for P = Positive Emotion; E = Engage-
ment; R = Relationship; M = Meaning; A = Achievement) construct (Seligman,
2018) is the most well-known construct so that it was taken into account as well as
Positive Education (Kern & Wehmeyer, 2021); ii) Computers and Education: dif-
ferent terms were considered based on previous systematic studies (Dermeval et al.,
2017; dos Santos et al., 2018b); iii) Artificial Intelligence: the main techniques used
nowadays in AIED society were considered; and iv) Outcome: to ensure the gath-
ered studies are primary studies. Therefore, the string was composed in the follow-
ing way:
The search string was performed in June 2021, and the total number of studies
gathered was 10,777. After that, duplicated studies were removed (i.e. 3676 stud-
ies removed) and we applied a natural language processing algorithm to the title,
keywords, and abstract to automatically reject not adequate studies. The automatic
filtering algorithm was calibrated with the search string by considering the seman-
tic relations, such as the automatic identification of other possible semantic terms
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
embedded in the searched studies. The automatic identification of the terms aimed
to reduce the noise of any incorrect removal of studies, ensuring a minimal thresh-
old for the automatic inclusion or exclusion of studies. Therefore, if the algorithm
finds at least one term (or synonym) for each part of the string combined with the
AND logical connector, then the study is included and goes to the next phase of
the I/E criteria. As a result of the automatic exclusion of studies, 3911 studies were
rejected. Finally, three authors of the paper performed a manual exclusion following
the criteria. The studies were split for the authors, and each one of them applied all
the inclusion and exclusion criteria based on title, abstract, and keywords. When one
of the authors was unsure about the inclusion or exclusion of the study, the paper
was submitted to a different author (none of the three) to give his opinion. Even if
both authors did not agree on the inclusion or exclusion, the paper was submitted
to another author for a final decision. In this process, a total of five authors were
involved in the manual exclusion of the studies, and a total of 2712 studies were
removed. In total, 478 studies were approved according to the inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria, and the data was extracted. Finally, a full-text screening of the papers
was conducted, and the removal of studies based on criteria 12, 13, 14, and 15. It is
worth mentioning that the participation of the five authors of the paper was applied
to steps 4 and 5. In total, 256 papers were selected in the final stage, as described in
Fig. 4. The next steps of the study were to run a bibliometric analysis to answer the
raised research questions.
A total of 256 studies met the inclusion criteria and their data were extracted. The
next subsections present the results according to each research question.
The reviewed papers were published between 2006 and 2021. From a temporal point
of view (Fig. 5), we can note an increasing number of papers throughout the years,
but in the last five years (after 2016), the number of studies has been higher than in
comparison with previous years. Then, as shown in the figure, the year 2019 has the
highest number of publications. It is also worth noting that there is a clear balance of
studies in most of the years, which means the research on Positive Education using
AI techniques and on AIED using Positive Psychology techniques is increasing.
Of the 256 publications chosen, 48.44% (n = 124) addressed AIED through Posi-
tive Psychology techniques (AI-PE), whereas 51.56% (n = 132) addressed Positive
Education using AI approaches (PP-IA). In Fig. 5, we can see a consistent increase
in the publication number over time. We can clearly observe an average growth rate
of publications that is more than double every five years. From the first five years
(2006–2010) in which the growth rates were 0.55% (AI-PE) and 0.77% (PP-AI), we
can appreciate growth rates to 2.47% (AI-PE) and 2.15% (PP-AI) in the second five-
year period (2011–2015). In the last five-year period (2016–2020, the growth rates
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
of publications were 5.66% and 5.99%. It is clear there is an increase in the number
of papers. However, observing the growth rate does not mean it is more balanced
than the previous years. It means that although the number of papers about PE-AI
is higher than AI-PP, the absolute difference in the studies’ growth rate (0.23; 0.32;
0.33) remains almost the same. Therefore, these growth rates mean that AI-PE and
PP-IA research is always expanding. It is also worth noting that, with the excep-
tion of the first five years, there is a balance of studies in most years (2011, 2012,
2015, 2018, 2019), but, as shown in Fig. 5, the number of publications about PP-AI
(n = 29 articles, 11.33%) was more than twice than the number of publications about
AI-PE (n = 14 articles, 5.47%) in 2020—a fact that is most likely explained due to
the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, the diagnosis, treatments, and assessments of the
emotional well-being of students have been a fundamental subject during the Covid-
19 (Reimers, 2022).
In reference to the number of citations given to the publication about P-AIED, the
years 2021, 2017, and 2011 are the top 3 in the number of citations, as we showed in
Fig. 6. This figure also shows that there is not yet a predominance of a sub-field to
the detriment of the other. Despite the fact that there have been more publications in
recent years, the average citations per year and the average citations per article per
year indicate a great variation in both subfields (AI-PE and PP-AI). With an aver-
age of 88.3 citations per article and 7.35 citations per year over the first five years
(2006–2010), the articles published in the year 2010 stand out as the articles hav-
ing the highest citations per article about AIED using Positive Psychology (AI-PE).
From these studies, the study of Chen et al. (2010b) is currently the most cited (341
citations), in which the study pointed out the relationship between web-based learn-
ing technologies and student engagement.
In the second five-year period (2011–2015), the year 2011 stands out as the year
with the highest number of citations per article about Positive Education using AI
approaches (PP-IA), as shown in Fig. 6. This year’s articles have an average of 98
citations per article and 8.9 citations per year. The study of Rowe et al. (2011) is the
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
study that received the most citations with 174 citations, and it is about narrative-
centric learning environments and their effects on learning outcomes, in-game prob-
lem-solving, and engagement. Also, this year, we pointed out the study of D’Mello
and Graesser (2011) as one of the most relevant in the subfield, with 115 citations.
This study approaches the temporal dynamics of students’ non-basic cognitive-
affective states (such as confusion, frustration, boredom, engagement/flow, delight,
and surprise) during deep learning activities in an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS).
Regarding the subarea of AIED using Positive Psychology approaches (AI-PE),
the studies published in 2012 stand out as the most relevant for the second five-year
period (2011–2015), as shown in Fig. 6, with an average of 70.8 citations per article
and 7.08 citations per year. Two articles published this year are the most relevant.
The former article is the study of DMello & Graesser (2012), with 190 citations,
in which the authors present details of implementation and assessments conducted
with the ITS known as AutoTutor—a conversation-based ITS that enhances student
learning and engagement by interacting with them in natural language through adap-
tive conversational dialogue. The latter article is the study of Alzoubi et al. (2012),
with 80 citations, in which the authors describe an affective state detector based on
physiological input data.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
It is not surprising that the majority of papers on AI and ITS are published by
these communities, which are at the forefront of research in this area. This finding
may also suggest that the papers included in this review are of high quality, as they
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
This section aims to provide a starting point to understand the main concepts of Pos-
itive Psychology and AIED of the studies. For this analysis, we excluded terms and
synonyms that are part of educational contexts and research. These terms are stu-
dent, computer-aided instruction, computer-assisted instruction, e-learning, learning
systems, learning ecosystems, teaching systems, artificial intelligence, education,
education computing, teaching, learning environment, e-learning environment, vir-
tual-learning environment, online systems, article, internet, online-learning, learn-
ing, human experiment, research, computer-based learning environment, educational
environment, educational system, experimental conditions, empirical experiments,
case study, educational evaluation, and web-based.
In Figs. 8, 9 and 10 are presented the co-occurrence analysis of keywords plus.
The diameter of nodes is proportional to the frequency of each keyword, and the
thickness of the lines connecting keywords represents the strength of their rela-
tionship. Based on the analysis of the aims and scope of the main publication
venue to P-AIED, the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Table 2 Clusters of co-occurrence analysis of keywords plus and topics from IJAIED
Keywords Plus Topics from IJAIED
Cluster 1 (red): data mining, educational data assessment and testing of learning outcomes, evalu-
mining, ation of AIED systems,
engagement, forecasting, information management, performance support systems, tools for the guided
academic performance, exploration of information resources
learning management system, semantics, multi-
modal learning, quality of learning
Cluster 2 (blue): intelligent tutoring system, bayesian and statistical methods,
human, emotion, cognitive models of problem-solving,
affective computing, intelligent intelligent tutoring systems, modeling metacogni-
vehicle highway systems, affect, tive
affective state, intelligent systems, skills, student modeling,
problem-solving, bayesian networks, and cognitive diagnosis, intelligent courseware
interactive learning environment, affect detection, for computer-based training, formal models of
computation theory, feedback, components
student modeling, algorithm, computer program- of AIED systems
ming, personality
Cluster 3 (green): student engagement, engineering motivation, human factors, and
education, interface design, natural language interfaces
learning analytics, behavioral for instructional systems,
research, surveys, virtual reality, computer-supported collaborative learning
collaborative learning, scaffolds, self-regulated
user interfaces, active learning,
computer-supported collaborative learning,
distance education, embodied
conversational agent, higher education
Cluster 4 (violet): massive open online course, computer-assisted language learning,
motivation, dialogue (argumentation, explanation, negotiation,
deep learning, curricula, machine etc.),
learning, learning algorithms, natural language interfaces for instructional sys-
big data, classification (of information), tems,
machine learning techniques, networked learning and teaching
student satisfaction, natural language systems, support for networked communication
processing systems, sentiment analysis,
social networking (online),
internet of things, support vector machines,
effective learning environment, learning process,
student motivation
Cluster 5 (orange): human factors and interface design,
human–computer interaction, electroencephalog- natural language interfaces for instructional systems
emotion recognition, electrophysiology,
face recognition, speech recognition
Cluster 6 (brown): gamification, motivation, assessment, and testing
learning performance, of learning outcomes, evaluation of AIED systems
learning outcome, decision
making, engineering research
Cluster 7 (pink): neural networks, convolution
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
(IJAIED),1 there are 48 topics on which 19 (39.58%) has a relationship with the 07
clusters identified in the co-occurrence analysis with the 100 most used keywords-
plus detailed in Table 2.
Figure 8 reveals that the five largest clusters contain the following keywords:
data mining, intelligent tutoring system, student engagement, motivation, and
human–computer interaction. They correspond to the principal research areas and
topics addressed by the P-AIED or areas and topics in which we can address future
research. From the first cluster (red cluster), we can infer that data mining has been
utilized in learning management systems, being applied to the engagement, aca-
demic performance, and quality of learning, and with the goals of forecasting, infor-
mation management, and multimodal learning. Based on the second cluster (blue),
we can infer that intelligent tutoring systems have been addressed by the P-AIED
employing affective computing, feedback, affect detection and problem-solving. As
indicated by the third cluster (green), P-AIED uses learning analytics, collabora-
tive learning, virtual reality, scaffolds, active learning, and self-regulated learning to
promote student engagement. From the fourth cluster (violet), we can infer that the
P-AIED addresses motivation, student motivation, learning process, curricula, senti-
ment analysis, student satisfaction, and an effective learning environment through
the use of big data, deep learning, learning algorithms, machine learning techniques,
classification (of information), and that these topics are primarily covered in mas-
sive open online courses, effective learning environments, and natural language pro-
cessing systems. The fifth cluster (orange) indicates that face recognition, emotion
recognition, speech recognition, electroencephalography, and electrophysiology are
part of the human–computer interaction in P-AIED.
AI-PE (AIED using Positive Psychology techniques) and PP-AI (Positive Educa-
tion using Artificial Intelligence) both contain clusters of intelligent tutoring sys-
tems and data mining. These two clusters share the majority of the same terms for
both research subtopics (for details, see Table 6 of Appendix A). In the co-occur-
rence analysis of keywords plus from studies of AI-PE, we identified 07 clusters (as
shown in Fig. 9), four of them as relevant to infer the topics addressed by AI-PE. In
addition to the first two common clusters, the third cluster (green) can be interpreted
as that the AI-PE addresses or has focused on student engagement, its forecasting,
and the classification (of information) through machine learning (deep learning) and
big data in massive open online courses. The fourth cluster (violet) indicates that
the topic of motivation is addressed mainly in engineering education through virtual
reality, curricula, collaborative learning, virtual reality, computer games, survey,
gamification, learning analytics, and natural language processing systems.
In relation to the PP-AI, Fig. 10 reveals that the third cluster (green) focuses
on human emotions via machine learning, virtual reality, algorithm, and aug-
mented reality. The fourth cluster (orange) is focused on human–computer interac-
tion through behavioral research, computational model (of personality as the main
focus), and emotion recognition—particularly via face recognition.
We also performed a co-occurrence analysis of phrases found in the article’s title,
abstract, author’s keyword, and keyword-plus. This analysis aimed to identify the
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
primary research outcomes addressed by P-AIED and its subtopics. In order to con-
duct this research, we utilized the search terms (3–9) used in this bibliometric study
to select articles. When some of these keywords or their synonyms were discov-
ered in the author keywords, keyword-plus, title, and abstracts, they were turned into
these keywords (3–9). The findings of this co-occurrence analysis are depicted in
Fig. 11. As detailed in Table 7 of Appendix A, this result indicates that there are
three primary clusters. In the first cluster (red), engagement relates to a user, learn-
ing, and student engagement, engagement prediction, engagement detection, accom-
plishment, achievement, interest, values, achievement emotions, relationship, values,
purpose, and meaning. The second cluster (green) alludes to students’ satisfaction
and confidence, while the third cluster (blue) is the flow state, related to flow visu-
alization, flow theory, flow experience, surprise, and happiness.
Similar clusters to those identified in P-AIED can be observed in AI-PE and
PP-AI study outcomes (Fig. 11). As part of the second cluster (blue) in AI-PE, the
flow state is connected with student happiness, and the first cluster (red) remains
associated with student engagement. In the PP-AI, we detected the achievement
cluster (blue) related to interest and achievement feelings as a new cluster added to
the three clusters of engagement, flow state, and satisfaction.
Figures 12, 13 and 14 presented the thematic maps, detailed in the Tables 8, 9
and 10 of Appendix A. A thematic map was created by employing a two-dimension
matrix of centrality (relevance of a topic) and density (estimates of development)
of keywords-plus. In this sense, the upper-left quadrant as well-developed themes
occupy niche themes, the upper-right quadrant as motor themes indicate important
and well-developed themes, the lower-left quadrant shows emerging or declining
themes, and the lower-right quadrant points out the basic transversal themes.
Based on the thematic maps, it is possible to identify that Positive Emotion
(i.e. P from PERMA) is the most important and well-developed theme. This can
also be confirmed with the second cluster (pink) that emerged from Fig. 12 (for
details, see Table 8 of Appendix A) regarding P-AIED in which feature extraction
and algorithm are part of this theme. Other two important and well-developed
themes are human–computer interaction (third cluster—brown) and affective
computing (fourth cluster—gray), which are related to virtual reality and affect
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Fig. 13 Thematic map showing relevance and development of topics in artificial intelligence using posi-
tive psychology (IA-PP)
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Fig. 14 Thematic map showing relevance and development of topics in positive psychology using artifi-
cial intelligence (PP-AI)
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
areas are digital games (second cluster—pale pink) and embodied conversational
agents with affect and for computer-science education (first cluster—cyan).
Figure 14 shows the identified themes regarding PP-AI (for details, see 10 of
Appendix A). EDM (in curricula and for student engagement), as in the P-AIED
and AI-ED, was identified as a transversal theme (seventh cluster—red). Intelligent
Tutoring Systems (in motivation and engineering education) is another transversal
theme (sixth cluster—green) of PP-AI. Affective computing (third cluster—gray) is
a well-developed and interesting theme present in P-AIED and AI-ED. Electroen-
cephalography and neural networks (fourth cluster—cyan) are also well-developed
and interesting themes for PP-AI. Positive emotion through behavioral research and
virtual reality (fifth cluster—blue) and the classification of information through
deep learning for forecasting (eighth cluster—violet) are both interesting themes.
Emerging areas of PP-AI are shown in the lower-left quadrant of Fig. 14. These two
areas are gamification (first cluster—brown) and human–computer interaction (sec-
ond cluster—pink).
Table 3 Twenty most prolific authors in P-AIED and their annual publications
Authors 2007 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Art ToC
N is the number of published papers; and the numbers in parentheses correspond to the Total of Citations(ToC)
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Table 4 Twenty most prolific authors in PP-AI and their annual publications
Authors 2007 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Art ToC
N is the number of published papers; and the numbers in parentheses correspond to the Total of Citations(ToC)
Table 5 Twenty most prolific authors in AI-PE and their annual publications
Authors 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019 2020 N ToC
N is the number of published papers; and the numbers in parentheses correspond to the Total of Citations(ToC)
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
United States, and North Carolina State University is far more productive than the
others, with 19 studies (7.42%).
Regarding the research leaders of P-AIED, Tables 3, 4 and 5 present the list of the
leaders. Each table indicates the researcher, the number of publications throughout
the years, the total number (N) of publications, the number of citations (in parenthe-
ses), and the Total of Citations (ToC). Regarding the field of P-AIED (described in
Table 3), James Lester, Sydney D’Mello, Ryan Baker, Bradford W. Mott, and Roger
Azevedo are the most prolific researcher. Three of these authors also published the
most cited articles. Studies of P-AIED vary from 2007 to 2021; however, most of
the publications are from 2011 until 2021. Additionally, it is also possible to observe
some prominent researchers with publications in the last 5 years, such as R. Kizil-
cec, Y. Liang, M. Barros-Estrada, and J. Boticario.
Regarding the studies about Positive Psychology using AIED (PP-AI), as shown
in Table 4, the studies vary from 2007 until 2021, and there are not clear leaders in
the field. However, in addition to the most prolific authors of P-AIED, James Lester,
Sydney D’Mello, and Roger Azevedo, we can highlight two prominent researchers:
R. Kizilcec, and A. Emerson by their publications in the last 5 years and their num-
ber of citations.
Regarding Artificial Intelligence applied to Positive Education (AI-PE), the stud-
ies are from 2010 until 2020, as shown in Table 5. James Lester, Ryan Baker, and
Sydney D’Mello are the most prolific authors of AI-PE, as well as they are also pro-
lific in P-AIED. In addition to these authors, considering only the last five years, the
most prominent researchers in the field are G. Hwang, K.E. Boyer, E.N. Weibe, J.B.
Wiggins, M. Barros-Estrada, and R. Zatarain-Cabada by the numbers of citations
that their publications received (greater than ten per year).
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
clusters in the authors’ collaboration network about AIED using Positive Psy-
chology (AI-PE), of which 05 of them consist of three or more researchers. In ref-
erence to Positive Education using Artificial Intelligence (PP-AI), we also identi-
fied 08 clusters and four of them are composed of three or more researchers, as
shown in the figure. We can also clearly observe that P-AIED research collabora-
tion specializes in each subfield. For example, the group led by Lester is divided
into two groups to address AI-PE, both led by Lester J.C.
Regarding collaboration between institutions, Fig. 17 presents the institutional
collaboration network (for details, see Table 12 of Appendix A). It is interest-
ing to observe that there are several strong collaborations, but the majority of
them involve at least one US university. The universities leading collaborations
in the field are North Carolina State University, Carnegie Mellon University,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and the University of Notre Dame. As shown in
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Fig. 17, we identify 08 clusters of institute collaborations with two or more pub-
lications about P-AIED. We also identified 06 clusters of institutions contributing
to the PP-AI research and 03 clusters of institutions with articles published about
Finally, there are several multi-country collaborations on P-AIED, AI-PE, and
PP-AI between American Continent, Asia, and Europe; American Continent and
Europe; Europe, American Continent, and Africa; Europe and Africa; Asian and
Africa; and Europe and Asia.
In response to the research question about impact, Fig. 18 presents the list of the
most cited studies. It is possible to observe that four studies have more than 100 cita-
tions, and they are published in journals. Indeed, only one of the most cited studies
is not a journal paper, which indicates how journal publications are more impactful
than book chapters and conference papers.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
In this section, we present and discuss the main findings of this study as well as a
roadmap with the emerging branches of P-AIED and the twofold perspective of pro-
moting learning and wellbeing. At the end of this section, we discuss the threats to
the validity of this review.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Fig. 20 Roadmap indicating emerging branches of P-AIED as well as the twofold perspective of learning
and wellbeing
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Finally, some branches of P-AIED can emerge, such as Positive Learning Ana-
lytics (P-LA), Positive Educational Data Mining (P-EDM), and Positive Intelligent
Tutoring Systems (P-ITS) are three hot topics for P-AIED. Based on the summary of
the findings, a roadmap is presented on Fig. 20 indicating how P-AIED can be con-
ceptualized and how it considers the twofold epistemological viewpoint by promot-
ing both learning and wellbeing.
Threats to Validity
This section describes concerns that must be improved in future replications of this
study and other aspects that must be considered to generalize the results of the bibli-
ometric analysis performed in this work. In order to organize this section, the threats
to validity were classified using the Internal, External, Construct, and Conclusion
categories (Wohlin et al., 2012).
The main constructs in this review are the two concepts, “Artificial Intelligence in
Education” and “Positive Psychology”. For the first concept, we used terms of well-
cited and well-known secondary and systematic studies published on IJAIED, such as
(Dermeval et al., 2017). For the second concept, we considered the construct PERMA
(Seligman, 2018), proposed by one of the fathers of Positive Psychology, Martin
Seligman, and terms from the branch of Positive Psychology (Kern & Wehmeyer,
2021), so-called Positive Education. Additionally, essential constructs for each part of
PERMA were also considered. For example, for the P = Positive Emotion, the list of
emotions proposed by Barbara Fredrickson (Fredrickson, 2004) was added. However,
the list of terms added was not exhaustive, and some terms used on the string returned
hundreds of thousands of papers, and we had to remove them.
As threats to the internal validity, some subjective decisions may have occurred
during paper selection since some primary studies did not provide a clear descrip-
tion or proper objectives and results, making the objective application of the inclu-
sion/exclusion criteria difficult. In order to minimize selection mistakes, the selec-
tion process was performed in an iterative way; the data extraction was realized
collaboratively by reviewers, and any conflicts were discussed and resolved by all
the authors. In this way, we tried to mitigate the threats due to personal bias on
study understanding. Moreover, the remaining authors are researchers with exper-
tise in Artificial Intelligence in Education and Positive Psychology. Finally, we had
no threat regarding data extraction because it was extracted based on the automatic
extraction of bibliometric information using a bibliometric tool.
External validity is concerned with establishing the generalizability of the results,
which is related to the degree to which the primary studies represent the review
topic. In order to mitigate external threats, the search process described in Sect. 3.3
was defined after several trial searches and validated with the consensus of authors.
We tested the coverage and representativeness of retrieved studies, including auto-
matic database search and references scan.
With regard to conclusion validity, it is possible that some excluded studies in
this review should have been included. To mitigate this threat, the selection process
and the inclusion and exclusion criteria were carefully designed and discussed by
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
In this work, we claimed there is a global movement towards Positive Artificial Intel-
ligence in Education (P-AIED). We did that by conducting a bibliometric analysis to
investigate how the fields of Positive Psychology, Education, and Artificial Intelligence
are being combined to promote the learning and well-being of the students. Our goal
was to shed light on the importance of wellbeing and Positive Psychology in the context
of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Since there is no systematization of the stud-
ies regarding Positive Education (or Positive Psychology) and Artificial Intelligence in
Education, we conducted such a study as the starting point for P-AIED.
Additionally, we coined the concept of Positive Artificial Intelligence in Educa-
tion (P-AIED). From an epistemological viewpoint, P-AIED is concerned with the
application of AI to Education to promote both learning and wellbeing, with twofold
goals: firstly, research on how AI can be applied to develop individual strengths and
personal motivation to promote learning; secondly, research on how positive educa-
tion can be applied on the design, development, innovation, and transformation of
intelligence systems to promote wellbeing in educational settings.
Two hundred and fifty-six studies out of 10,777 papers were finally included. The
main conclusions were the high number of institutions and researchers with related
publications indicate a new trend for the community of AIED; the high number of
collaboration from different countries indicates a possible global movement toward
P-AIED; Positive Emotion and Engagement were the main Positive Psychology
constructs identified in the studies; the lack of well-grounded theories of Positive
Psychology indicates an excellent research opportunity; Positive Learning Analytics
(P-LA), Positive Educational Data Mining (P-EDM) and Positive Intelligent Tutor-
ing Systems (P-ITS) are three hot topics for P-AIED.
The results presented in this study can be useful to artificial intelligence in the
education community as well as the positive education community since it gath-
ers relevant information from the primary studies included in the review, forming
a recent body of knowledge regarding P-AIED. In future work, we intend to inves-
tigate further some of the possible emerging subfields of the AIED community. It
is worth mentioning this approach is not new in the AIED community, and it hap-
pened, for example, in the proposition of Educational Data Mining and Learning
Analytics. Some of the other work that can contribute to this research on P-AIED is
the creation of a special issue in the AIED Journal, co-located workshops in confer-
ences such as AIED, ITS, and ICALT, supervision of students to conceptualize the
field, and tutorials to disseminate the new subfield.
Table 6 Clusters of co-occurrence analysis in the keywords-plus of AI-PE and PP-AI and their corresponding relationship with keywords-plus of P-AIED
Keywords Plus of P-AIED Keywords Plus of AI-PE Keywords Plus of PP-AI
Cluster 1 (red): data mining, educational data Cluster 1 (red): data mining, educational data Cluster 1 (red): data mining, motivation, engage-
mining, engagement, forecasting, information mining, engagement, behavioral research, human– ment, electroencephalography, forecasting, educa-
management, academic performance, learning computer interaction, learning management system, tional data mining, multi-modal learning, quality of
management system, semantics, multi-modal learn- information management, academic performance, learning, academic performance, electrophysiology,
ing, quality of learning ecosystems, semantics, autonomous learning, com- information management, machine learning tech-
puter supported collaborative learning niques, teaching and learning environments, biomedi-
cal signal processing
Cluster 2 (blue): intelligent tutoring system, human, Cluster 2 (blue): intelligent tutoring system, intel- Cluster 2 (blue): intelligent tutoring system, student
emotion, affective computing, intelligent vehicle ligent vehicle highway systems, affective computing, engagement, deep learning, engineering education,
highway systems, affect, affective state, intelligent bayesian networks, intelligent systems, interactive neural networks, scaffolds, affective computing, affec-
systems, problem solving, bayesian networks, learning environment, problem solving, student tive state, classification (of information), self-regulated
interactive learning environment, affect detection, modeling, affect, affect detection, computation learning, affect, big data, convolution, problem
computation theory, feedback, student modeling, theory, scaffolds, self-regulated learning, affec- solving, active learning, feedback, long short-term
algorithm, computer programming, personality tive student modelling, computer programming, memory
computer science education, distributed parameter
Cluster 4 (violet): massive open online course, Cluster 3 (green): massive open online course, Cluster 2 (blue): intelligent tutoring system, student
motivation, deep learning, curricula, machine learn- student engagement, deep learning, learning engagement, deep learning, engineering educa-
ing, learning algorithms, big data, classification (of algorithms, machine learning, big data, classifica- tion, neural networks, scaffolds, affective comput-
information), machine learning techniques, student tion (of information), human, machine learning ing, affective state, classification (of information),
satisfaction, natural language processing systems, techniques, discussion forum, distance education, self-regulated learning, affect, big data, convolution,
sentiment analysis, social networking (online), forecasting problem-solving, active learning, feedback, long short-
internet of things, support vector machines, effective term memory; and Cluster 4 (violet): curricula, learn-
learning environment, learning process, student ing analytics, massive open online course, surveys,
motivation sentiment analysis, student satisfaction, collaborative
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Table 6 (continued)
Keywords Plus of P-AIED Keywords Plus of AI-PE Keywords Plus of PP-AI
Cluster 4 (violet): massive open online course, Cluster 4 (violet): motivation, engineering educa- Cluster 4 (violet): curricula, learning analytics, mas-
motivation, deep learning, curricula, machine learn- tion, curricula, gamification, collaborative learning, sive open online course, surveys, sentiment analysis,
ing, learning algorithms, big data, classification (of learning analytics, surveys, virtual reality, learning student satisfaction, collaborative learning
information), machine learning techniques, student outcome, learning performance, natural language
satisfaction, natural language processing systems, processing systems, computer games, engineering
sentiment analysis, social networking (online), research
internet of things, support vector machines, effective
learning environment, learning process, student
Cluster 5 (orange): human computer interaction, Cluster 1 (red): data mining, educational data mining, Cluster 5 (orange): human computer interaction,
electroencephalography, emotion recognition, engagement, behavioral research, human com- behavioral research, emotion recognition, face recog-
electrophysiology,face recognition, speech recogni- puter interaction, learning management system, nition, personality, computational model, desirability
tion information management, academic performance,
ecosystems, semantics, autonomous learning,
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
bold text: terms present in P-AIED, AI-PE and PP-AI; italic text: terms present in two fields
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Table 11 (continued)
Heffernan N.T 2 0.0370 Min W 1 0.0210
Alor-Hernandez G 3 0.0280 Wiebe E.N 1 0.0366
Barron-Estrada M.L 3 0.0461 Baker R.S.J.D 2 0.0400
Bittencourt I.I 4 0.0370 Ocumpaugh J 2 0.0400
Challco G.C 4 0.0370 Fatahi S 3 0.0400
Isotani S 4 0.0370 Moradi H 3 0.0400
Dmello S.K 5 0.0370 Frasson C 4 0.0584
Graesser A.C 5 0.0370 Chaouachi M 4 0.0308
Goswami M 6 0.0370 Jraidi I 4 0.0308
Mian S 6 0.0370 Boticario Jg 5 0.0400
Mostow J 6 0.0370 Santos O.C 5 0.0400
Jackson G.T 7 0.0370 Uria-Rivas R 5 0.0400
Mcnamara Ds 7 0.0370 Cocea M 6 0.0400
Kevitt P.M 8 0.0370 Weibelzahl S 6 0.0400
Lunney T 8 0.0370 Deb S 7 0.0400
Muñoz K 8 0.0370 Kumari P 7 0.0400
Neri L 8 0.0370 Dewan M.A.A 8 0.0400
Noguez J 8 0.0370 Lin F 8 0.0400
Murshed M 8 0.0400
Wen D 8 0.0400
Table 12 Institutions’ collaboration network
P-AIED Cluster PageRank AI-PE Cluster PageRank
North Carolina State University 1 0.0914 North Carolina State University 1 0.0833
University of Florida 1 0.0404 University of Florida 1 0.0833
Mcgill University 1 0.0293 Carnegie Mellon University 2 0.0833
University of Central Florida 1 0.0293 Delhi Technological University 2 0.0833
Carnegie Mellon University 2 0.0476 Federal University of Alagoas 3 0.0833
Delhi Technological University 2 0.0476 University of São Paulo 3 0.0833
University of Memphis 3 0.0476 University of Memphis 4 0.0833
University of Notre Dame 3 0.0476 University of Notre Dame 4 0.0833
University of Tehran 4 0.0695 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 5 0.0833
Intelligent Systems Research Institute 4 0.0426 University of Pennsylvania 5 0.0833
Dalhousie University 4 0.0308 School of Engineering and Architecture 6 0.0833
Columbia University 5 0.0367 University of Ulster 6 0.0833
University of Pennsylvania 5 0.0367 PP-AI Cluster PageRank
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 5 0.0695 North Carolina State University 1 0.1622
Federal University of Alagoas 6 0.0476 University of Central Florida 1 0.0856
University of São Paulo 6 0.0476 Mcgill University 1 0.0856
Shadan Women’s College of Engineering and 7 0.0476 University of Tehran 2 0.1622
Bharathiar University 7 0.0476 Dalhousie University 2 0.0856
Dr.G.U.Pope College of Engineering 7 0.0476 Intelligent Systems Research Institute 2 0.0856
School of Engineering And Architecture 8 0.0476 Bharathiar University 3 0.1111
University of Ulster 8 0.0476 Dr.G.U.Pope College of Engineering 3 0.1111
Shadan Women’s College of Engineering And 3 0.1111
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this work has been supported by the Brazilian institutions: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientí-
fico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).
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*Al-Tarabily, M., Abdel-Kader, R., Abdel Azeem, G., Marie, M. (2018). Optimizing dynamic multi-
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* Ig Ibert Bittencourt
Center of Excellence for Social Technologies, Computing Institute, Federal University
of Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil
Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Department of Engineering and Technology (DETEC), Federal Rural University
of the Semi-Arid Region (UFERSA), Mossoró, Brazil
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of São Paulo (ICMC-USP),
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Psychology Institute, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil
Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil