KAS Theory
KAS Theory
KAS Theory
1A)- When any planet is in 6th house in Natal Chart or Navamsa will spoil result of related house.
2)- 11th house which is considered self-earned money where as 5th is for easy money.
2nd house is for your assets and wealth
6th house -Social status, Diseases, Debts, Enemity, Rivals, Assistants, Legal matters,
Disputes, Subordinates, Servants, So during antradasa one can get a job, may indulge in
conditions for raising debts or loan, facing health issues, competition with the rivals.
11th house is financial gains, 10th house is for success & authority, 3rd is for capacity to
handle responsibilties, prakaram & finally 7th house is for partnership, contracts, “dincharya”… etc
The effects of the 9th house, which governs luck, guru blessings, and advanced study,
29)- In arranged marriage, first 7th house is activated which is a contarct between a male and
female then 12th house of bed comforts triggers & after 5th house of love and relations develop
between the couple i.e 7th-12th-5th
A Love marriage is other way round. In this case first 5th house activates, then 12th house and
finally 7th house of marriage i.e 5th -12th-7th
30)- 7th house-Marriage, business, dincharya, accidents etc are major attributes for 7th house. 3rd
house- success in interviews, making new contacts, prakaram, achievements, will power will be
factored during assessing the result.
31)- In Kaalpurush chart Moon is natural Karaka (4th house lord) of fate (9th house) & Venus
(natural 7th lord) is Karaka & mool Karaka (2nd house lord) of attitude. Jupiter is guru, teacher,
elders & luck factor. That said, if one listens to his parents, guru or elders, & stable attitude, will
have a stable mind & good luck.
32)- Sun is natural karaka for 10th house & Saturn (of Auq sign) is natural karaka of knowledge,
brillancy means karaka of 4th house.
So, Sun will be natural Karaka for pitru-sukh (पितृसुख) of 10th house & NOT father (पितृ) - 9th
house, where as Saturn for intelect (बुद्धि) and not for adversity.
38)- To get an idea if there is any marital problem, 7th house along with 2nd and 9th house
has to be observed at micro level.
39)- Moon should be the main culprit while analysing issues related to mind.
Conjunction or aspect of Rahu, Ketu or Saturn can spoil the nature of Moon.
40)- Should any house have a Zero point, means where (in a sign) planet has acquired NO POWER
from any planet in the Sarvashtakavarga table, then the effect of the transit of Saturn and/or Mars
over such a house will manifest as worries and obstructions very prominently.
41)- Job, and earning is a important thing, so particularly if the points in 3rd,,6th,10th and 11th
houses from first house (Lagna) are in ascending order, a person can have his own bussiness, and
can run it successfully. In case if he is in service, he should be in some position of authority. It
means the power of house first house, which is lagna, is good. This increases the status of the
42)- If Venus is spoiled being in ->
Kritika, Ardra, Moola or Jyshtha Nakshatra
Venus is in 6th house of Rasi or in navamsa
Venus is with Mars in same nakshatra, where Mars is a 6th lord
then you can say there can be multiple marriages and there is no harmony in married life.
Worst in Krittika. For others nakshatra, Jupiter aspect CAN RECTIFY ISSUES IF NOT SEVERE
— like Saturn aspecting both luminaries OR Venus & Sun-Venus distance, Venus with Mars or in
6th lord nakshatra
43)- So, Jupiter if weak in a horoscope, this doesn’t mean all antradasa during Jupiter Mahadasa
will be giving malefic or a weak result.In fact, result may vary depending upon the antradasa
planets strength irrespective of Jupiter’s strength.
If antradasa planet is weak or spoilt then the result of this antradasa will be also weak or not-
so-good. On the otherhand, if Antradasa planet is strong, it will give better result irrespective
of Jupiter’s is weak.
If Antradasa planet is weak and mahadasa planet is strong, the net result will be weak during
such mahadasa/antradasa. On the contrary, if antradasa planet is strong and mahadasa planet is
weak, then the net result of such mahadasa/antradasa will be strong.
This is the basic theory if Mahadasa planet is weak or strong.
44)- For comparing 2 chart i.e. overlapping Ascendent over Ascendent OR Sign over Sign both are
We check ->
1) Male Venus with Female Mars.
2) Saturn of one chart with Venus of the other
3) Rahu of one chart with venus of the other
4) Venus and Mars in same navamsha or if the navamsa lords are the same then that also can show
close relationship
5) Sun and Moon of 2 charts should be checked.
The standard Gun miIan of two charts is to confirm the progeny. It has nothing to do with
happiness neither in marital life, nor does it confirm longevity of the couple.
There may be a divorce with high Gun melan points. High points in Gun melan of two charts do not
show mental compatibility of the couple.
For happy marital life, male and female must have similar thoughts, similar aims, attitude etc. Same
way they must have Physical and mental satisfaction from each other. Adjustment for each other is a
basic criterion for better relations.
If Sun and Moon in these both charts exchange their rashi, attraction increases.
In your chart if aspect of your Saturn is on female’s Mars, attraction becomes more strong.
45)- Sun-Venus distance is 46.2 degrees which is one of the reason to distract your mind,
changes the mentality. This may lead to have extra marital affairs or multiple marriages.
46)- Ketu will be representing 2–3 planets like:
Lord of the sign Ketu is placed
Lord of nakshatara Ketu is situated
Navamasa sign lord and planets where Ketu is situated in navamsa
Planet in conjunction with Ketu in same nakshatra in rasi chart
47)- 6th house which is the main house for acquiring any job.
48)- Tenth house natural lord is Saturn. 10th house indicates karma, authority, responsibility,
happiness from father’s wealth, etc. Its Natural Karaka is Sun (5th house lord) and Natural Root
Karaka is Jupiter (12th house lord). Their placement in natal chart indicates the ACTUAL status of
10th house.
In similar way, study 11th house taking natural Karaka’s like Mercury & Mars. “Functional
Karaka’s” must be studied along with natural Karaka.
So it is 2:12 means relations are not so tense but tolerable. It should not be in 6:8 ratio which
shows ultimate disputes.
59)- Jupiter is a natural beneficial but once this is in 6th house or in own sign in 6th means
Jupiter will be giving malefic result for the houses it aspects.
In the above exemplary chart, Jupiter aspects 10th & 2nd house, so Jupiter can be malefic for these
houses during it’s antradasa.this aspect on 5th, 7th, and 9th house so during it’s each antradasa,
Jupiter gave separation from Children, Wife and father
60)- Any functional Karaka is Mahadasa lord and lordship of it’s house will be having center of
it’s activity or essence. Like in above chart, to know about the flavor of Venus Mahadasa, Venus is
lord of 11th & 6th house.
61)- Second house of chart indicates wealth, relatives, family and quality of married life.
62)- If Karakansha is directly aspecting Moolansha then The quality and quantum of wealth will be
decreased if we are assesing 2nd house for wealth.
Because Karakansha & Moolansha , both are inner energy
63)- 6th house-, one can get a job, may indulge in conditions for raising debts or loan, facing health
issues, competition with the rivals.
2nd house- Buying movable assets, accumulating wealth and family & relatives.
4th house-Buying new house, Vehicle and family happiness
10th houses.~ Your career prospects, promotion or getting authority, honor, success and respect.
11th house- money, financial gain
8th house- inheritance, disputed claims, insurance money and various obstacles in life
64)- Planets in house directly becomes karak for that house. Ex.-Sun Mercury ,Rahu in 2nd house
becomes karak for 7th house (Marraige)
65)- One of the Law’s of KAS is that if the marriage is happy it will happen in highest
power planet of the lord of 4th or 12th house, however if the marriage is unhappy, or if
there are multiple marriages or divorce, then in such charts, marriages will take place
in lowest points or in that of 6th lord.
65)- Here, in this system, we observe that in about 60% of the time, the result of
any event is experienced in the sub period of the lord of D and E or is
connected with the lords of these houses.
These houses, D and E, are the 6 and 10 houses from House B, for which we
are looking for the result. The remaining 40% of the results are experienced
through the most powerful significator.
66)- One of the Law’s of KAS is that if the marriage is happy it will happen in highest
power planet of the lord of 4th or 12th house, however if the marriage is unhappy, or if there are
multiple marriages or divorce, then in such charts, marriages will take place in lowest points or in
that of 6th lord.
67)- As per Krushna’s Ashtakavarga System, Death is considered to be the most auspicious event,
and as per the laws of KAS, Auspicious events happen in the highest power planet or in that of
House D or E which in simple terms means Lord of 6th house from the house under consideration
or the Lord of 10th house from the house under consideration or in other words, death can happen
in the highest power planet for the 8th house or in the antar dasha of the 1st house lord or the 5th
house lord.
68)- These daily points in Transit chart reflect more of the frame of mind that a person is in. It
indicates the mood of the person backed by the strength of the Jupiter and Saturn points. In
Sandy’s case, her Jupiter and Saturn points were only 7, which reflected the downside of her
mood and situation and yet the high daily points still gave her the presence of mind to make
the right decision at the right time.
69)- The highest power planet or the LoD oLoE or their samdharmis, can furnish the event as far as
the antardasha is concerned.
70)- As per the basic laws of KAS, planets that aspect houses A, B or C, will not furnish the
result and their Samdharmis’ will step in instead. In this case, Saturn is placed in the 5th house
of the chart and it is aspecting the 2nd house which is House B. So here, Mercury can step in for
Saturn to furnish the result
71)- As per the rules of KAS, Rahu and Ketu if they are situated in House D or E become very
eager to furnish the result. So here Ketu becomes very eager to furnish the timing of this event.
72)- According to KAS, we say that the good events happen in the highest power planet or LoD or
LoE (i.e. 10th or 6 th from the house under focus) or their samdharmi’s. Death too happens in the
highest power planet thereby making it a most auspicious event.
73)- 2nd house lord which is Karaka for marriage if moved to 12th house which may be better for
timing but not for quality.
74)-If Mars is in 6th house and this is also a 6th lord. This Mars will be adding power to 9th, 12th &
first house making these strong. A plus point.
75)-Planet in 6th house or 6th house lord is moolansha & if it is in 2nd house - 6th from 9th house -This
improves quality of 7th house (Any planet if moves to 6th house from own sign, then it’s quality
76)- Karaka for marriage in own house i.e 2nd house - quiality is enhanced again.
77)-Natural Karaka Venus quality is spoiled if it in 6th house of natal chart
78)-If moolansh in natal chart is in 8th house aspecting 2nd house which is Karaka house for marriage
spoils quality of 7th house
79)-Saturn is with Moon in Navamsa. This factor is really to be judged seriously because Saturn is
controlling Moon so this indicate distraction or he himself does not want to get married for the the
above reason
80)-6th lord Moon in 2nd house - indicate love marriage with the consent of parents
81)- If Karakansha and root karak for 7th house has gone to 6th ( 2nd House )from 9th house. This
enhances and nourish the “Mool” of marriage house
82)- Karak planet in 6th house in navamsa, which we will say spoilt as Karaka.
83)-Planet in 10th house which is 6th lord also then listen to your parents or guru and do not be a sole
authority to decide about such important topics else this can act adversely.
84)- Problems might be there (Quality factor) when both Ansha’s or inner energies are working against
the phalsthan or 7th house of marriage.
85)- Mars in 10th is a good sign for bright career
86)- In the natal chart, Karak planet is in 6th house, then first direct indication is that something going
to be wrong with the status of Karaka of marriage
87)- Financial status is controlled by Karaka for 11th house (here 6th house lord) which has gone to 6th
from own sign sitting in 11th house. Again Moolkaraka for 11th house has again moved to 11th house.
Further, karakansha & moolansha which is in 5th house from 11th house, in 3rd house - so overall
financial position will be satisfactory.
88)- Natural Venus which moves to 6th house from 2nd house and this is also lord of 7th house. Here
Venus is spoilt because it is natural karaka & pillar of human life in any chart.
88)- Saturn lord of 7th house moved to 6th house is spoiling 7th house.
89)- Jupiter is in 6th house - in Libra sign - become more worst for 7th house
Sun-Venus distance 0.4deg Venus spoiled or combust - more focus on Career
90)- Venus & Mercury in same nakshatra - saying a lot about your affair
91)- To get an idea if there is any marital problem, 7th house along with 2nd ( Karak House) and
9th house ( Root karak house) has to be observed at micro level.
92)-If 2nd house Karaka planet is in 8th house aspecting the same. Next, Moolkarak i.e. 9th lord in 5th
house. Then both Karaka and Moolkaraka are in in anUpachya or peedasangyak houses. So on first
level, this shows 7th house has some problems.
93)- 4th house which is an Upachaya house for 7th house
94)- If Karak planet has got Zero points for 7th house in KAS power or in other words, no planet is
supporting this planet in 7th house. Hence as Karaka, this planet is weak for the 7th house and
also see points for 12th house lord whether this is also weak for the 12th house. Both are important
houses for 7th house and natural malefic planets becomes more malefic in these houses.Here
quality of 7th house is reduced
95)- Karaka lord for marriage is placed in Karak house and it’s Karakansha is aspecting 2nd house.
This is not favourable.
96)- Jupiter 6th house lord & aspecting from 8th house then This is provoking to break 7th house.
97)- Karaka lord in first house &Karak , Moolkaraka aspecting 7th house means opposing it besides
controlling your 7th house.Mars is karak & moolkarak sitting in 1st house
98)- Rahu is a representation of multiple planets like :
House & Nakshatra lord Rahu is situated
Planets in same Nakshatara, if any
Navamasa lord, Rahu is situated and planets in same Navamasa
99)- What Rahu Does Sitting In 7th House?
Rahu activates for your 2nd and 10th houses.i.e.( 4th & 8th from 7th house) Definitely, this
could trigger for -> ~ Your career prospects, promotion or getting authority, honor, success and
respect. ~ Your wealth (fixed or movable assets) -bank balance, good will, if married then adding
happiness, ability to express your thoughts etc.
100)-If we focus on 2nd house, this will also indicate END of 7th house (marriage) result. This is due
to the fact that 2nd house is also karaka, or a controller of 7th house) Thus, lords of 7th & 11th
houses AND planets situated in these houses can furnish the result for 2nd house, being eager and
upachaya houses for 2nd house.because 7th 11th houses are upachaya houses for 2n house.
101)- Rahu in 7th house is the best placement, if your chart has no other issues.
102) Rahu in 11th house- Rahu will be eager for 6th house & 2nd house - Eager means ready for the
result during it’s antradasa means one can get a Job, may fall in debt, has to face health issues. Rahu
antra may be untroubled or better phase for buying property, fixed assets. Second house also relates to
family so if there are problems in married life, Rahu can give divorce or separation in this case.
Next Rahu being in 11th house will control worldly comforts and matters related to movable assets. So
quality of such comforts like getting new house, vehicle and happiness of this material world will
depend upon Rahu. If a person wants to sell or buy house or movable assets Rahu will ascertain the the
profit or loss during this process.
103)- 7th lord planet in 12th house means status enhanced for the 7th house,if it is
also Karaka for the 7th house of marriage then this itself becomes eager for 7th house
If antradasa’s are showing less points in Worksheet 7, 11, 7 means less harrmony, being away from
spouse etc.
103)- If Saturn becomes Karaka for ascendant means it is controlling first house and in Upachaya house
so this will make it easier for first house. The Ascendant will benefit from Saturn's positive influences,
which include hard work, honesty, increased self-assurance, bravery, and ambition.
105)- If antradasa is weak in all 2nd, 5th, 7th & 12th houses. You are not enjoying family life (2nd
house), there is no love (5th house), no harmony or lost interest in married life (7th house) finally no
bed comforts(12th house).2nd, 5th, 7th & 12th houses are primary upachaya houses for 2nd,5th,7th,12th
houses respectively.
109)- Sun & Mercury both aspecting 2nd house, showing chances for number of marriages.
110)- 6th house lord situated in 8th house aspecting 2nd house (Karakasthan) reduces quality . 7th house
lord gone to 6th house reduces the quality of house.Mool karakansh in 6th house of Natal chart. Means
inner enrgy for marriage is spoilt being in this house.
111)-From lagna, Moon & Sun lagna, 7th lord from these three lagna has 6:8 relationships, showing
disputes in married life. These should be in harmony ratio like 5:9 or 3:11
112)- Ascedent having more than 30 points-Over-confident & showing resistance over trivial things,
lack of adjustments
113)- 7th lord is in 2nd house I.e. 7th lord has gone to 8th from 7th house though it is Exalted. Then also
there is reduction in it’s quality.
114)-If Jupiter is in Libra in Rasi chart or Navamsa with Rahu which already representing four planets.
Such Jupiter can delay a marriage, give multiple marriages or problems in married life,That said, if
Jupiter is in Libra sign, study the chart very carefully.
114)- When 6th lord is with Venus which is a natural karaka for marriage or functional karaka So in a
way, we can say quality of Venus is reduced.
115)- Karak lord in 5th house can give enjoyment & pleasure because 2nd lord in 5th house.
116)- When Venus & Jupiter are together in 2nd house and both are in same nakshatra of Jupiter. Also
these two are in same Navamsa means becomes “Samroop Samdharmi” so one will come forward other
for every act be it GOOD or BAD.
If Rahu & Jupiter are also in same Nakshtra of Jupiter so these also becomes Samdharmi BUT not
Samroop. There is a difference. This means both can replace each other for BENEFICIAL result only.
117)- Saturn the 11th lord which will also measure quality. This is subordinate house i.e next generation
for 7th house.
118)- Saturn which is a 6th house lord is situated in 5th house and this adding power to 2nd house &
all planets in this house. So, a 6th lord, a rouge planet giving negative power to 2nd house – karaka
house for marriage.
119)-Sun-Venus distance is more than 43 degrees which is one of the reason to distract mind, changes
the mentality. This may lead to have extra marital affairs or multiple marriages.
120)-When Venus & Jupiter are together in same Nakshatra. This is called blessings. Hurdles &
obstacles of life decrease OR dimnish. This is an invisible good luck but pays a lot in journey of life.
121)-If Venus which is natural karaka for marriage is in 6th house and functional karaka is also in the
6th house. This denote the quality of married life is reduced because functional & natural reasons for
staying happily has been not in favour of 7th house.
122)-See points KAS power for 2,7,5,12, if they are low then missing like love life & bed
comforts, enjoyments etc Power of planets for 12th house is low means there is lack of interest in
married life, giving less time to husband and more focused for her job or career.
123)- Here are some rules to find out the multiple marriages ->
Number of planets aspecting 2nd house
Number of planets in 2nd house
Jupiter in Libra- This can give multiple marriages, Problems or delay in marriage
Venus and Mars in same Nakshatra or Navamsa & Saturn aspecting Venus
Su-Venus distance more than 43 deg or less than 3 degree
Venus in Krittika Nakshatra -you may also consider Ardra, Jyashtha, Moola Nakshatra
First two rules tell us the FIGURE or NUMBER of marriages, if quality of marriage is spoilt.
123)- More planets in 2nd house means they become Karaka for marriage so both shows the NUMBER
OF TIMES a person can marry if some of the negative factors as mentioned exists in a chart OR there
is a total loss of quality for 7th house.
124)- Planet in 3rd house or 3rd house lord which is eager for 6th house means job. Again 4th house lord
which 10th from 7th house again eager to give marriage.
125)- Choose
any career
according to 10th
& 5th house.
These are the
palnets which
looks prominent
for your 10th &
5th house
(karaka house).
As you know,
recently there
are so many
fields related to
each planet so
decide as per your choice & priority.
126)-Sixth lord in any house reduces the result of that house. In general, we treat planets
with more points, as benefic. For the sixth lord it is not so. The sixth lord will reduce
the results, even if it has more points. For getting the actual result of the sixth lord,
treat the points of the sixth lord as 8 minus the points. Remember, the Sun and
Moon are not treated as 6th lord planets!
1st House: Sixth lord in first house reduces bodily happiness, more enemies,
2nd House: In second house, it is bad for family; family will break up; some
problem with heredity property.
3rd House: No attachment to brothers and sisters.
4th House: Accidents, much difficulty in acquiring property.
5th House: Enmity with children, loss of wisdom, problems with authority.
6th House: More bodily trouble, always struggles to face enmity.
7th House: Less marital happiness, disputes in partnerships, more quarrels.
8th House: Reduces life span; rise in the life will be with more difficulty, or no
rise at all; problems with regards to writing wills.
9th House: Disfame
10th House: Always differences with superiors; less success in own business.
11th House: Enmity with friends; No big gain.
12th House: Loss of money; imprisonment.
All the above results are experienced when the sixth has more points. When it has
less points, it will be reduced. Jupiter as the sixth lord and with more points gives
loss of the pleasure due to that house and also gives a malefic result for the houses it aspects.
Mars and Saturn as sixth lords are better then Jupiter. Sun and Moon give
no effect.Now, sixth lord for Lagna becomes the lord of House E. When we are searching for
the result for the First house, (Individuality) the sixth house becomes House E. The
more powerful sixth lord will give good individuality. If this lord receives more
points in the worksheet for the first house, the person will defeat his competitors
and enemies, and will gain a good name for himself.
For finding success, we refer to the points in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses. Here,
more points in the 6th house compared to the 3rd house gives a good reputation. The
sixth lord also indicates victory over competitors or enemies. So as the lord of E, it
gives good results for the 1 st house. The result is experienced in the sub of the sixth
127)-The 12th lord enhances the results of the house it is situated in. If it has more points, it gives
much better results. Even if it has less points, it still gives good results.Suppose the 12th lord is
situated in the 4th house, with less points. The person may not own his own
home, yet he receives all his happiness from his family. He may live in a rented
house, or there may be a situation where he may not be able to sell his home
whenever he so desires. If there are more points, he can own his own house.
Similarly if any planet is situated in the 12th house, it will give much better results in
its sub. Similar is the case with the 8th lord. It may give better results for the house
it is situated in with less effort.
128)-The sub period of 2nd lord is always troublesome.. It creates worries. For the 7th lord, it is
not experienced. Only for Libra and Aries lagna, when 2nd and 7th lord is the same
129)- For changing the job, the sub-period lord (Y) must be connected with
the 6th house, treating it as “B”.
Seventh house is for business, marriage and partnership or house of union whereas Tenth
house is for getting authority, position and success, respect and status in business and
career.Now 10th house, which is authority, status, success etc etc and this will activate in the
Antradasa of 3rd & 7th house.In the Antradasa of the 7th lord or the planets placed in the 7th
house with more power or > 4 points in Ashtakavarga, the results will be linked to the 10th house
and/or 2nd house matters AND during 12th or 4th lord antra, there are opportunities to start a new
130)-The antradasa of 6th lord & Karaka for the 6th house i.e. 1st house has been giving
health issues more predominantly.
131)-Conjunction or aspect of Rahu, Ketu or Saturn can spoil the nature of Moon.
8th house lord, controls your first house and mool karak for 6th house, 6th house is of diseases and
ailments.If Both karaka & karakansha are placed in 6th house for TIMING and not for QUALITY.
Health issues might prevail.Keep this in mind that 6th house definitely involves 1st and 8th house on
first level just because these houses tells us reasons.
132)- For health issue - For that you have to study 6th house, it’s lord and 8th house lord & planets in
this house - because 8th house is Mool karaka house for the 6th house which gives a clear hint about the
hidden or disease in coming years.
133)- Hospitalaztion-During antradasa of 9th or 5th house lord, this event can be happen. To further
delve deep into this event, you should check 6th house which is house of disease and debts. 7th house is
for accidents also. Both houses can be linked together with the 12th house.
So in this case, you can add 7th lord antradasa which can be eager for 12th house. 7th lord is also
functional karaka for 12th house.
134)- Job, and earning is a important thing, so particularly if the points in 3rd,,6th,10th and 11th
houses from first house (Lagna) are in ascending order, a person can have his own bussiness, and can
run it successfully. In case if he is in service, he should be in some position of authority. It means the
power of house first house, which is lagna, is good. This increases the status of the person.
135)-If Karaka for 6th house goes to moolkarak house. This spoils the 6th house but if Karakansha is in
6th house will compensate this issue.
136)-Ansha for 10th house & 5th house (Karaka for 10th house) can indicate the planets
accommodating various profession.
137)-To get the job-For 6th house, 11th & 3rd house antradasa should be activated,
10th house is again an Upachaya house of growth & prosperity so for this 3rd & 7th house
antradasa should be acivated I.e 3rd 7th & 11th house antradasa should be activated.
Antradasa shoud be in upachaya 3,6,10,11 houses,Moolkarak Karakansh or moolansh should
be in upachay houses 3,6,10,11.
Check the Worksheet, if planets in 6th house are interested or not in giving job and weak or
strong for 6th house. Also check for 11th house.
Divisional charts like D-20 & D-24 should show positive result for antradasa lord
Try for finding a suitable job only if antradasa is capable or eager for your 6th house.Planet or
karak planet or antradasa lord in 8th house is moolkarak house (8th house) for 6th house and also in
Upachyasthan from house of income i.e 11th house & 10th house. So…a fair chance to get a job.
A person can lose job in antradasa of 6th lord or 10th lord or antradasa of planets placed in these
houses.Planets with more power can become the reasons for job loss due to stress, worries or some
other factors you know better.For this see KAS power for antrdasa for 6th & 10 th house.
138)- For example, taking 7th house for marriage, if this house has few issues like 7th lord being in
6th house, Karaka or Venus is spoiled or Karakamsa aspetcing the 7th house etc then we can say
there might be delay for marriage. So to address all such issues, Jupiter has to hit the 7th house by
equal number of issues/problems as i mentioned earlier. This hit can be by aspecting 7th house or
transiting over this house.
Jupiter CAN NOT rectify such problems if Jupiter itself is spoiled, say this is in Libra sign or
aspect focus house as inner energy.
138)- If Karaka for 6th house goes to moolkarak house. This spoils the 6th house but if
Karakansha is in 6th house will compensate this issue.
139)- When third house is stronger and has high Sarvashtakavarga points, which makes you think
only after you act. This also indicate you will be doing some job.
If you check from 1st house which is Karaka for 6th house (Job & status), 3rd, 6th, 10th & 11th
houses are Upachaya from 1st house, have a zigzag strength allocation or points means doing
business is not your cup of tea and job is the only option.
140)-To get a job in Rahu antradasa /Mahadasa, Rahu always scores well because it represents
multiple planets.
A person can get a job in Rahu mahadasa/antradasa if:
Rahu is in 11th house
Rahu is in 3rd house
Rahu is in 1st house
Rahu is in Navamsa sign of 11th house
Rahu is in Navamsa sign or 3rd house
Besides, add the name of planets, Rahu is representing. Such planets can also help to get a job.
Rahu if situated in 6th house or in 10th house can also become the reason for layoff or may be
fired by the employer.
That said, Rahu or Ketu should be studied at micro level whether these are favourable or otherwise
before giving any prediction.
141)- If karak for job is in 2nd house then karak lord being in 2nd house is not benefic for the 6th
house as this has moved to An-Upachaya house for 6th house. Karaka like Moon will be giving you
continuous stress and worries no matter which work place you are doing your Job.
142)-Job or business?--For that you have to study the Upachaya houses points in
Sarvashtakavarga i.e 3rd–6th–10th & 11th house FROM all three lagna’s like Sun, Moon &
Lagna itself. These points should be in rising trend from respective Natal position of these
lagna’s. Below are the points from Lagna, Sun and Moon.
So from Lagna, 3rd house has 34 points 6th house has 29, 10th house has 28 & 11th house is with
24 points. Similarly, Sun and Moon have these points as you can check. These points are not in
rising trend in either lagna and these are in Zig-zag way.So this shows Job will be suitable as
per your chart. If these points are in rising order, then there will be smooth Sailing for doing a
business. You might be experiencing less obstacles. Sun lagna showing little trend but have less
143)- For promotion look for 10th house as focus house & 5th house as karaka house & see whether
Karak lord ,Karakansh root karak ,rootkarakasnsh are in upachaya houses
144)- What is a suitable work or business for me? My date of birth is 4th July 1985 at 1:50
AM in Bangalore, Karnataka.
Varahamira has taken 10th lord for career though theory is quite close and deep to understand. Once we
study ansha’s of 10th lord i mean from lagna, Moon & Sun, the inner energy, will show the depth
of what we seek.
which career is suitable or will suit you is different scenario. I can help you to sort out planets which
might be like a guiding force or driver for your ‘Prakaram”. i.e from 10th house lord is Karaka of
prakaram means direction of your inner nature where this can become more forceful. So in a way
we are checking capability your parakaram from 10th house. I will take example form Ascendant and
rest of things will come out from ansha’s of 10th lord from Moon & Sun.
Your chart shows from Ascendant->
Saturn is 10th lord - Saturn is in Gemini navamsa
Ju is in Cancer navamsa & Moon is in Aquarius navamsa
It means Mercury, Moon & Saturn are ansha’s of 10th house and these planets are giving innner energy
to 10th house. Similarly, from Moon lagna, Saturn, Mercury & Mars are giving inner energy to it’s 10th
house & from Sun lagna, Moon is inner energy for 10th house.
148)- Quality means harmony in married life, have common thoughts, smooth sailing.
149)-Planet in 8th house is a good luck for your money matters. This may riase opportunities to
fulfill desires, source of earning or judging a favourable time.On the other side, Jupiter can reduce
marital happiness. This can also interrupt any property, assets deal.
150)- Saturn a 6th lord in 8th house directly impacts Karaka house. Karaka means quality of 7th
house. when quality is reduced then you know this needs more adjustments, have more problems
and disharmony. When timing activates, you can not control the event. It is assessed or warned that
your marriage will fail, and you are scared or afraid getting married.
151) When Karak (2nd Lord )& moolkarak lord (9th Lord ) for 7th house are in 12th house.
So on the first level, status of 2nd and 9th house as karaka & moolkaraka is enhanced because
these two are situated in 12th house (God particle house of energy) Both are energised
qualitwise.Also when 2nd & 9th lord are placed together in a sign, this we call blessings which
works like an armor for difficulties & struggle in the life.
152)- Planet in 11th house which is supportive or next generation house for 7th house
Karaka’s, Moolkaraka & Ansha’s are used for quality purpose and not for timing.
153)- There is a difference between 6th house of Natal Chart and 6th house from own sign. If any
planet goes to 6th house of Natal chart, the planet’s quality will be spoilt because 6th house is
BLACKHOLE (except 1st & 9th house) But if any planet goes to sixth house from own sign, it’s
quality will be enhanced because 6th from any house is an Upachaya house means 7th house grows
in significance..
154)- 6th lord in 7th house so we can say problems might be there in married life but not so
servere, these can be manageable by mutual adjustments.
155)- The degree of Rahu is very important. In Pushya nakshatra, Rahu wilL be between 6deg 40
minutes - 20 degree Therefore delving deep into Rahu’s position degreewise ->
Rahu between 6deg40 to 10 degree will also represent Mercury, so Rahu will trigger if Mercury
antradasa can’t furnish the event. Religious jouneys, luck factor, health issues, position, socila status etc
Rahu between 10deg to 13.20deg can give event when Venus antradasa is unable to furnish the event -
One can enjoy long journeys, better career opportunities, gains
Rahu between 13.20deg to 16.40deg can furnish event in case Mars is unable to give it’s event during
it’s antradasa - Status, enhance individuality, one can buy new house, property, Vehicle
Last, if Rahu is in 16.40 deg to 20deg, this can come forward for the result if Jupiter is not giving the it’s
event - May face losses, more expenses, enjoy worldly comforts, marriage, parents health
Hence, Rahu will become samdharmi (performing same culture and duty) to Mercury, Venus, Mars &
Jupiter if Rahu is placed in degrees mentioned above.
156)- If planet is with more Bindus, then it will become eager for timing. Hence it can come forward for
giving result etc.
157)-Rahu in 2nd house - >
This becomes Karaka for 7th house - the hub of the chart
Rahu becomes eager to give event for 5th & 9th house - one may go for easy money, gambling, bribes
etc if luck favors
Rahu is 5th from 10th house - supportive house or next generation house means putting more efforts or
hard work then one can gather more fixed assets or property. Now for 2nd house, 11th lord which is also
eager and Upachya for giving result for 2nd house and dhansthan for 10th house.
158)- Rahu is in 3rd house in Leo sign in Ketu Nakshatra & in Gemini Navamsa.
So, during Rahu Mahadasa, your effected houses will be ->
8th house
2nd house
6th house
During entire Rahu mahadasa, more or less above houses will have influence on all antradasa.
Please clarify — if Rahu is positioned in third house, how will Rahu affect sixth, eighth and
second house? From third house Rahu is expecting seventh, ninth and eleventh house.
Take Rahu as karkattwa. 1) Rahu is in karaka house for 8th house 2) Saturn - Karaka for 2nd house
3) Gemini Mercury - Karaka for 6th house.
It is further sub divided into sub periods. The division for each of these subperiod planets is in
proportion to its Mahadasha period. This is called antradasa.
In all the antardasa’s, flavor of Mahadasha lord‘s karakatva will be experienced. Antardasa lord
will furnish the result for all 12 houses as per its power for the respective houses.
The date of any event is determined from the Sun’s transit. The event will take place on the dates,
when Sun transits in the powerful significator’s sign and nakshatra.
Like in the above example, if Sun is trasiting through Scorpio sign & Jyashta nakshatra,
marriage can happen during Jupiter or Mars antradasa, if Mars (sign lord) & Mercury (nakshtra
lord of jyashta) are strongest for 7th house.
Here Jupiter is 12th house lord & Mars is 4th house lord. Antradasa of any of these can furnish
marriage event while Sun transit.
159)-If Karak for the 7th house is in 5th house. Karak is indicating reason of marriage but this is in un-
Upachya house or in “peedasangyak” which is not a comfortable house for the planet, if we focus on 7th
house. This planet will not be able to nourish or help to grow it’s house. This directly will effect
marriage quality.
160)- Lagna lord is in 2nd house means wealth, so such a person might make a lot of money (timing of
event) if the native tries to speculate but at the same time, he might loose it all in 2nd lords antradasa or
in it’s samdharmi (friends) planets because this planet is aspecting malefically (if with more bindus) to
the 8th house (unearned or easy money)
This result will be experienced for 8th house ( house of unearned or easy money) because
first or lagna lord which is in second house, will be activated for 8th house.
In charts which have more planets in 2nd house, such persons must not go for easy money such
as speculation or taking bribes like that to make a quick buck.
161)- Tenth lord in 8th house - a better position because this is in Upachaya house from 10th house.
His 3rd house should be improved for communication skills, mental strength, his prakaram or fighting
spIrit etc.
Ninth lord in in 8th house - has few demerits. This might effect 9th house matters, showing disregard
to his elders & teachers. This might affect father’s longevity on the cost of inheritance but other planet’s
placements should be studied for such frailty
162)-Rahu in 8th house -Rahu in 8th house will be in 10th from 11th house and 6th from 3rd house. So
both houses are Upachaya houses for which Rahu might trigger for timing. So for Rahu during it’s
antradasa will provide opportunities for financial gains & success, to earn more money.
Again Rahu in 8th house is 6th from 3rd house means it is in powerful Upachya house so Rahu will help
for the growth of 3rd house i.e Parakaram or action where 3rd house is MoolKarak for first house or
Therefore, Rahu indicates that the third is becoming more important when Rahu is in 8th house. Now,
how a person uses the Parakram or action will rely on his or her nature or character. Further Rahu is
8th house is Upchay sthan from 11th house and in 11th from 10th house as well. So Upachay to both the
houses of authority and income. This will become Karaka for first house so contributing to individuality
and valor etc
163)-So everything is symmetric in a chart. 1st is self and then 7th is opposite or wife. 10th is work and
4th is opposite of that means enjoyment and comforts. 6th is efforts and 12th is again opposite i.e
ultimate happiness, bliss and Moksha.Fourth house is Moksha house on physical plane, so one enjoys
comforts, happiness of this material world, eighth house is Moksha house on Mental plane where one
can feel and can not touch and 12th house on Spiritual plane of bliss.
163)- when Saturn is with Ketu in 12th house, this might give good chances or both becomes eager for
marriage event and making new contacts, business and improving SELF. Now Saturn and Ketu will be
in Karaka-sthan for 5th house, there might be delay in progeny, relationships, acquiring wealth, assets
in life, luck may not favor on time when needed most.
Saturn in the 12th house promotes pride in one's own efforts. From 12th house, Saturn have it's sight on
9th house and this It creates a "Laxman rekha", which the native do not cross.
164)-For buying Vehicle- For Vehicle, study 4th house, Antra of 9th lord or first house CAN trigger,
Also check D-16 chart for quality means either one can buy a BMW or a small car.
For mother’s well being - Check Antra of 3rd and 7th lord
Acquiring Real estate or property – For Real estate or property, study 2nd house-Antra of 7th or 11th
lord will ascertain the event. Also check D-4 chart for quality.
165)- For child analysis, D-7 chart will give 5th house detail along with navamsa.
Saturn will be also strong by Mars aspect. This might delay in business success, promotion or
getting authority, makes the person to work hard, putting his more efforts to achieve his motive.
This might also cause delay in progeny because Saturn will be aspecting 5th house by 10th sight.
170)-If planet being 11th lord is in 2nd means it is more eager to settle and deal with the 2nd house
matters. If planet is in 2nd house & it has gone to 6th from own sign then marriage quality and it’s
happiness improves.
171)- However, divorce may happen if the chart contains certain significant indications ->
If the Karaka Jupiter is in 9th house between 10deg to 13.20deg
If the Jupiter is in 6th house between 20deg to 23.20deg
172)-When functional and /or natural Karaka for 7th house has gone to 6th from 2nd house,
improving the quality or enjoyment of marital life
173)-The two most important parts of a person's life are life and health, which correspond to the 8th
as focus house. The third house is a functional Karaka, and the 12th house - fifth from 8th -
Upachaya for the 8th house. So basically, 8th–3rd–12th houses are Primary Upachaya houses of
longevity and if any planet aspects one of these houses can deny result of 8th house.
173)-Venus is away from Sun around 44 deg means this offers plenty of freedom for enjoyments and
relationships whether before or after marriage. Additionally, it shows that you are more career-
174)- Astrologically, 4th house is Karak for the Ninth house and result of the 9th house is given by
knowledge. Therefore, Saturn is in 9th house can qualify for the foreign education during it’s
Mahadasa. Yes, this Saturn can provide brighter prospects if this is situated in the fourth house. 4th
house indicate degree from “knowledge” This degree could be of engineering, commerce or
medicine field (MBBS).Master degrees like P.hd must once again be referenced from the ninth house
and completing high school studies it is not a degree so this will be studied only from 4th house.
Planet in 9th house or ninth lord can qualify for the foreign education during it’s Mahadasa.
Yes, this planet or ninth house lord can provide brighter prospects if this is situated in the fourth
175)-Planet in the ninth house or 9th lord may give opportunities to travel overseas because
9th lord is 6th from 4th house and 10th from 12th house.
176)-Early Marriage Yoga ->
Karak ansha for 7th house is in 4th house
Moolansha is i 4th house
Karak ansha or Moolansha is conjunction with 7th lord
177)-For health, we often analyze the sixth house.
If 6th house Lord is moved to 8th house
Functional Karak moved to 8th house from own sign
Both Karak and MoolKarak in 6th house of Navamsa
Inner energy for Karak and MoolKarak is in 8th house
These factors all point to health problems which might disturb married life also
178)-Career is stable if functional karak of 10th house is in 8th house.Because 8th house is 10 th
house from 11th house which house of gain & 11th from 10 th house which is house of career.
179) -RootKarak for the 7th house means it is invisible like a Root which say all about married life
at inner level or personal life of a couple.Karak signifies physical level which shows happiness and
socially visible. Studying Karak and RootKarak contains all information about the happiness,
quality and quantum about 7th house.
Functional Karak in 7th house so on level one, happiness amplifies.
But if Functional Karak is in 6th house in Navamsa and Karkansh in 9th house (in RootKarak
house) i.e in 8th from 2nd house. This spoils fuctional karak status what it gains by to 6th from 2nd
house. This equalize the status of fuctional karak
180)- RootKarak of 7th house i.e. 9th lord gone to 11th house so this is in Upachaya house from 9th
house and in Primary Upachaya (10th from 2nd house) for 7th house. If this is in own Navamsa
then inner energy of 7th house is well placed.
181)- Exalted/Uccha Venus is favorable for 10th house of career, authority and promotion. Here
Venus will be lord of 2nd house and in MoolKarak house. In other words, Venus will be present
invisibly in the root. You may even find that you're successful in what you try.
182)- Amol Kundali -For Leo ascendant -Exalted/Uccha Jupiter in 12 th house is favorable for
10th house of career, authority and promotion. Here Jupiter will be lord of 5th house which is
fuctional karak house for 10 th house of career and in MoolKarak house from 10 th house. In other
words, Jupiter will be present invisibly in the root. You may even find that you're successful in
what you try.
183)-Sushrut kundali-Functional Karaka for 6th or 11th house which is well placed i.e. in 4th
house then it iis in Upachaya for 11th house which is good for timing. Functional Karaka for 6th or
11th house being in 4th house quality is decreased for the sixth and tenth houses, . So You will be
looking for a better job because of this.
184)- 1)- Planet in 8th house of natal chart will be eager for raising a person’s status, helpful in
career and profession- Karak of 1st house
2)-One can get opportunities to apply his/her natural abilities and skills to achieve ambitions. -11 th
from 10th house.
3)- Planet in 8th house of natal chart can give chances to grow one’s earning, gains while tasting
success.-10th from 11th house
185)- Lagna lord is in 2nd house means wealth, so such a person might make a lot of money (timing
of event) if the native tries to speculate but at the same time, he might loose it all in 2nd lords
antradasa or in it’s samdharmi (friends) planets because this planet is aspecting malefically (if with
more bindus) to the 8th house (unearned or easy money) This result will be experienced for 8th
house ( house of unearned or easy money) because first or lagna lord which is in second house, will
be activated for 8th house.
185)- Jupiter & Venus both are natural Karaka for 7th house. Status of natural Karaka tells about
the marital happiness on inner level.
186)- For changing the job, the sub-period lord (Y) must be connected with
the 6th house, treating it as “B”.
187)-Please note - Upachaya houses are always 3rd, 6th, 10th & 11th from any house.
188)-Third house denotes action and Saturn is natural Karak for this house. Strong Saturn will
improve one's ability to work hard and take initiative.
189)- Look for Sarvashtakavarga points for 10th & 11th house.So 10th house means input from
work & efforts and 11th house is output for hard work & efforts .If 10th house having 26 points &
11th house having 27 points then It is safe to claim that the effort’s output is nearly equivalent to the
effort intake.
209)- For good married life-Planets related to 5th, 12th & 7th house should be well
placed. Natural Karak & MoolKarak Venus & Jupiter should have no malefic
210) D-7 can be studied for the 5th house. D-4 is studied for the 2nd house. D-10 is studied for
the 8th house. D-12 is studied for the 10th house of matters.
211) When Karaka, MoolKarak, Karakansha and Moolansha is same planet in Focus house it
improves the quality of that house
212) 6th & 10th Upachaya houses from Focus house act to help prosper and grow house
213) Karak of Focus house ascertain status and quality of Focus house
214)- To get Job, Health issues- Sixth house will flourish and GROW or it’s RESULT will
be experienced in 3rd and 11rd lord Antradasa - One may raise a loan, get some job or face
health issues etc during these antradasa’s. ( 3rd and 11rd lord Antradasa lord will activate)
215)- To free from debts, To loose Job, Cure from disease, Success in competitive
examination- Sixth house will END ( Count from first house - KARAK for sixth house) in
the 6th and 10th lords Antradasa. So during these antra’s, one can pay off his debts, get
fired from your job, get cured of diseases, go through competitive tests, enemies, lawsuits,
etc. ( 6 th & 10 th antradasa lord will activate)
216)- 12th house is a God particle house, means any planet in 12th house will energize thus
result of 12th (bed comforts and marital bliss) will be enhanced.
217)- Running a business that has been facing problems and accumulated significant debt
presents a challenging situation.
To understand this astrologically, you need to study your 10th (profession) and 11th house
(gains, income and success).