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CSEN 102

Introduction to Computer Science

Lecture 3:
Algorithmic Problem Solving
Conditional Operations

Prof. Dr. Slim Abdennadher

Dr. Aysha Alsafty, slim.abdennadher@guc.edu.eg,
German University Cairo, Department of Media Engineering and Technology

14.10.2017 - 19.10.2017

1 Synopsis
1.1 Sequential operations

• What is computer science?

• What is an algorithm?
Definition 1 (Algorithm). An algorithm is a well-ordered collection of unam-
biguous and effectively computable operations that, when executed, produces a
result and halts in a finite amount of time.

• Why python?
• What are the necessary elements for sequential algorithms?
– Input (e. g., “A = eval(input())”)
– Output (e. g., “print(A)”, or “print("text")”)
– Calculation, manipulation (e. g., “A = B + C”)

Sequential operations
Example 2 (See last lecture). For a given number of eggs, find out how many dozen
eggs we have and how many extra eggs are left over.

1 eggs = eval(input())
2 dozens = int(eggs / 12)
3 extras = eggs - (dozens * 12)
4 print("Your number of eggs is ")
• Let the input be 27
5 print(dozens)
6 print(" dozen(s) and ") • What is the output?
7 print(extras)
8 print(" extra(s)")

Where the function int rounds down the result to an integer. For example int(10/3) = 3.

How to contsruct an algorithm

• Identify the input of the algorithm
• Introduce variables for
– Input
– (intermediate) results
• Analyze the task into sequential steps
• Provide for detailed output

2 Conditional operations
2.1 Introduction
By the end of this lecture, you should be able to:
• Design algorithms using conditional operations

Algorithms: operations
Algorithms can be constructed by the following operations:
• Sequential Operation
• Conditional Operation
• Iterative Operation

2.2 Concepts
Conditional operation – idea

1 nameOfSinger = input()
2 if nameOfSinger == ’Mohamed Mounir’:
3 print(’I will go home’)
4 else:
5 print(’I will stay at the GUC’)

Conditional operation – principle

• Rationale
– Determines whether or not a condition is true; and based on whether or not
it is true; selects the next step to do
• Notation
– Use the same primitives as before plus the following:

1 if condition:
2 # <operations for the if-part>
3 else:
4 # <operations for the else-part>

• Execution
– Evaluate <condition> expression to see whether it is true or false.
– If true, then execute operations in if-part
– Otherwise, execute operations in else-part

Conditional operation – diagram


Input num

num < 0
True 1 num = eval(input())
? 2 if num < 0:
3 print("The number is negative")
The number The number 4 else:
is is
positive negative 5 print("The number is positive")
7 print("Good-bye for now")

Good bye


2.3 General examples
Conditional operation – examples
Example 1:
Write an algorithm to compute the absolute value of a given number.

1 Number = int(input())
3 if (Number >= 0):
4 Value = Number
5 else:
6 Value = (-1) * Number
8 print(Value)

Conditional operation – examples

Example 2:
Give the user a choice of seeing the area or the circumference of a circle given its

1 radius = eval(input())
2 response = input("Type A for area or C for circumference")
3 if (response == "A"):
4 area = (radius * radius * 3.14)
5 print(area)
6 else:
7 circumference = (2 * radius * 3.14)
8 print(circumference)

Conditional Operation – examples

Example 3:
Write an algorithm to convert Euro (EUR, e) to Egyptian Pound (EGP, £E) and Egyp-
tian Pound to Euro. The inputs to your algorithm are the following:

• Amount of money to be converted

• Conversion Type (i. e., 1 for EUR to EGP and 2 for EGP to EUR)

• Exchange Rate (i. e., the EGP equivalent for 1 EUR)

1 amount, type, rate = eval(input()), eval(input()), eval(input())

2 if type == 1:
3 amount = amount * rate
4 else:
5 amount = amount / rate
6 print(amount)

2.4 Compounded conditions
Compounded conditions
Conditions may be compounded using AND, OR and NOT.

• E1 or E2: true if at least one of them is true; false otherwise.

• E1 and E2: true if both are true; false otherwise.
• not E: true if E is false and false if E is true.

Find the sum of three positive numbers

1 A, B, C = int(input()), int(input()), int(input())
2 if (A > 0) and (B > 0) and (C > 0):
3 Sum = (A+B+C)
4 print(Sum)

2.5 Nested conditions

Conditional algorithms with more than two choices
Nested if-statement

1 if first_condition:
2 # <do first thing>
3 else:
4 if second_condition:
5 # <do second thing>
6 else:
7 # <do something else>

2.6 Examples for nested conditions

Nested if-statement – examples
Example 1
Algorithm to find the largest of three numbers.

1 A, B, C = eval(input()), eval(input()), eval(input())

2 if A >= B:
3 if A >= C:
4 print(A)
5 else:
6 print(C)
7 else:
8 if B >= C:
9 print(B)
10 else:
11 print(C)

Nested if-statement – examples
Example 2
Write an algorithm that reads each student’s marks, print either a grade or an error
message. Students marks in a class are graded on the following policy:
• A: 85-100

• B: 74-85
• C: 60-74
• D: 50-60

• F: <50

Nested if-statement – examples

1 Mark = eval(input())
2 if(Mark >=0):
3 if (Mark >100):
4 print("invalid mark")
5 else:
6 if (Mark <50):
7 print("grade is F")
8 else:
9 if (Mark <60):
Solution with if and else
10 print("grade is D")
11 else:
12 if (Mark <74):
13 print("grade is C")
14 else:
15 if (Mark <85):
16 print("grade is B")
17 else:
18 print("grade is A")

Nested if-statement – examples

1 Mark = eval(input())
2 if(Mark >=0):
3 if (Mark >100):
4 print("invalid mark")
5 elif (Mark <50):
6 print("grade is F")
7 elif (Mark <60):
Solution with if and elif
8 print("grade is D")
9 elif (Mark <74):
10 print("grade is C")
11 elif (Mark <85):
12 print("grade is B")
13 else:
14 print("grade is A")

Nested if-statement – examples
Example 3
Given an employee’s eligible medical expenses for a calendar year, write an algorithm
which computes the amount of reimbursement from group medical insurance.
• The insurance does not cover the first 100 LE of medical expenses.

• It pays 90% of the remaining amount in the first 2000 LE of expenses and 100%
of any additional expenses.

Nested if-statement – examples

1 LL = 100
2 UL = 2000
3 Expense = int(input())
5 if (Expense < LL):
6 Refund = 0
7 else:
8 if (Expense < UL):
9 Refund = 0.9 * (Expense-LL)
10 else:
11 Refund = 0.90 * (UL-LL) + (Expense - UL)
13 print(Refund)

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