Words Test: (교과서 Lesson 4)
Words Test: (교과서 Lesson 4)
Words Test: (교과서 Lesson 4)
2 asset 27 yield
3 fee 28 aspire
4 landscape 29 appropriate
6 sustainable 31 advance
7 utilize 32 digital
8 limited 33 artwork
9 possession 34 permanent
10 spare 35 particular
11 book 36 acquisition
12 download 37 embrace
13 reservation 38 appreciate
14 access 39 storage
15 ownership 40 exhibition
16 install 41 international
18 sociable 43 grief
19 virtual 44 ceiling
20 remarkable 45 occasion
23 underused 48 accommodation
대구혜화여자고등학교 고2
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ID Number 20927
Words Test (교과서 Lesson 5)
Name 한 지 은
1 intangible 26 figure
2 heritage 27 rod
3 monument 28 cotton
4 oral 29 diversity
5 ritual 30 designate
6 depict 31 feature
7 ethnic 32 promote
8 theme 33 strengthen
9 manipulate 34 diverse
10 preserve 35 uneducated
11 ordinary 36 trustworthy
12 be devoted to 37 costume
13 related to 38 heroic
14 fuse 39 civil
15 musicianship 40 emphasize
16 emotional 41 affair
19 cheerful 44 snap
20 dynasty 45 religious
21 component 46 passionately
22 represent 47 tune
24 puppet 49 acrobatic
25 shadowy 50 spin
대구혜화여자고등학교 고2
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ID Number 20927
Words Test (교과서 Lesson 5)
Name 한 지 은
51 comprehensive 76
52 commoner 77
54 on behalf of 79
55 in particular 80
56 be comprised of 81
57 in addition to 82
58 83
59 84
60 85
61 86
62 87
63 88
64 89
65 90
66 91
67 92
68 93
69 94
70 95
71 96
72 97
73 98
74 99
75 100
대구혜화여자고등학교 고2
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ID Number 20927
Words Test (교과서 Lesson 6)
Name 한 지 은
1 Martian 26 fluid
2 spacecraft 27 weightlessness
3 delay 28 artificial
6 exploration 31 expose
7 destiny 32 progress
9 stimulate 34 aeronautics
10 launch 35 planet
11 astronaut 36 orbit
12 crew 37 collaboration
13 colony 38 deplete
14 vital 39 humanity
21 protein 46 complex
22 carbohydrate 47 gravity
23 sufficient 48 bodily
대구혜화여자고등학교 고2
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ID Number 20927
Words Test (14강 흐름 무관한 문장 찾기)
Name 한 지 은
1 Impressionist 26 cease
2 objective 27 thrill
3 sincere 28 mechanisation
4 aim to do 29 vertical
5 sensation 30 exceed
6 regard 31 up-to-date
7 storey 32 originally
8 lock 33 standing
9 inplace 34 craftsman
10 debut 35 sensation
11 emphasis 36 exposition
12 narrative 37 basement
13 isolated 38 iconic
14 assess 39 dialogue
15 collaborative 40 prior to
16 vocal 41 weigh
17 cast 42 relative to
18 pioneer 43 persistence
19 phenomenon 44 situated
20 preferential 45 unfold
21 access 46 unaware of
22 instinct 47
23 reproduction 48
24 likelihood 49
25 yield 50
대구혜화여자고등학교 고2
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ID Number 20927
Words Test (15강 문단 내 글의 순서 파악)
Name 한 지 은
1 macro 26 definition
2 alternative 27 justified
3 emerge 28 satisfactory
4 question 29 explanation
6 prejudice 31 instinctively
7 essentialist 32 arrange
8 stable 33 prompt
11 soundness 36 ethical
12 outline 37 awareness
14 evolve 39 unite
15 strategy 40 capture
17 commission 42 be aware of
18 survivor 43 consciousness
19 urge 44 organism
20 maintain 45 a host of
21 invaluable 46 mechanism
22 impress 47 inevitable
23 virtually 48 permanently
24 involvement 49 encounter
25 reflect on 50 accept
대구혜화여자고등학교 고2
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ID Number 20927
Words Test (15강 문단 내 글의 순서 파악)
Name 한 지 은
51 speculate 76
52 essentially 77
53 autonomy 78
54 progressive 79
55 urbanism 80
56 expertise 81
57 fulfuillment 82
58 fuel 83
59 occupational 84
60 administrative 85
61 degree 86
62 expand 87
63 discipline 88
64 pose 89
65 90
66 91
67 92
68 93
69 94
70 95
71 96
72 97
73 98
74 99
75 100
대구혜화여자고등학교 고2
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ID Number 20927
Words Test (17강 문단 요약하기)
Name 한 지 은
1 tempting 26 generous
2 embody 27 treat
3 empowerment 28 mood
4 progressive 29 observation
5 be committed to 30 purposeful
7 embrace 32 notably
8 comparative 33 ape
9 full-blown 34 actualize
10 situational 35 characterize
11 mediate 36 capacity
13 spontaneously 38 deceptively
14 apparently 39 keen
15 infrastructure 40
16 prosocial 41
17 foundation 42
18 alternative 43
19 attitude 44
20 normative 45
21 component 46
22 consequence 47
23 experiment 48
24 collaborative 49
25 bother to do 50
대구혜화여자고등학교 고2
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