Shear Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams: An Experimental Study
Shear Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams: An Experimental Study
Shear Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams: An Experimental Study
ISSN: 2186-2982 (P), 2186-2990 (O), Japan, DOI:
Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment
Engineering College, Basrah University, Iraq; 2Engineering College, Basrah University, Iraq; 3Engineering
College, Basrah University, Iraq
*Corresponding Author, Received: 07 July. 2021, Revised: 31 Aug. 2021, Accepted: 03 Oct. 2021
Abstract: Eight steel fiber-reinforced normal strength concrete beams (200 mm wide, 250 mm deep and 1500
mm long) were tested in bending under two concentrated loads, without and with stirrups. The concrete beams
were designed to have marked shear behavior. Three types of steel fibers (SFs), straight, hooked and corrugated,
were investigated as a possible replacement for standard transverse reinforcement. The fiber volume content, the
aspect ratio of fibers, and the existence of stirrups were the major testing parameters in this regard. Four fiber
volume proportions (R f of 0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%) and three aspect ratios (l/d of 50, 55 and 60) were utilized.
According to the experimental data, the shear behavior of steel fiber-reinforced normal strength concrete beams
(SFRCBs) without stirrups was similar, if not superior, to that of normal strength concrete beams (RCBs) with
stirrup reinforcement. The SFRCBs displayed extremely thin diagonal cracks and higher shear strengths,
especially for fiber fractions of 1% and 1.5%. The experimental results were compared to major universal codes
and existing models from the literature. The major codes undervalue the concrete contribution to shear strength
while exaggerating the contribution of the stirrups. Furthermore, some of the existing models overestimate the
fibers’ contribution to the shear strength, while others underestimate it when compared to the present
experimental findings.
Keywords: Steel fiber-reinforced concrete, Transverse reinforcement, Steel fiber volume content, Diagonal
cracking, Shear strength, Span depth ratio.
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 86, pp.167-179
experimental results was attained by numerically in the same way in all the beams. Table 1 depicts the
modeling the RC and SFRC push-off specimens. results of the direct tension test of the deformed bars.
Yoo and Yang 2017 [8] investigated the shear
behavior of SF high-strength RCBs (SFHRCBs). 3.3 Steel Fibers
This work discussed the influence of transverse
reinforcement, SF, and beam size on the shear Straight, 3 cm hooked, 5 cm hooked and
performance of the beams. The experimental results corrugated SFs (Fig. 2) were used in the RCBs. The
showed that the shear strength of the SFHRCB details of these SFs are presented in Table 2. Straight
without stirrups decreased with increasing beam size. SFs were included in the concrete mix at four ratios
On the other hand, the spread of cracks can be by volume: 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5%. On the other
restricted with the presence of SFs. The beams with hand, hooked and corrugated SFs were included in
minimum stirrups exhibited improved shear cracking the concrete at a ratio of 1% by volume.
behavior compared with those reinforced with SFs.
100 mm C/C
In 2018, the shear strength of reinforced concrete, 300 mm
250 2 Ø 12 mm
Ø 8 mm @
4 Ø 16 mm
industrial SFRC and recycled SFRC was studied
25 mm
experimentally and theoretically by Leone et al. [9].
The results showed acceptable toughness and shear I-Beam
performance of recycled SFRC relative to industrial
250 2 Ø 12 mm
4 Ø 16 mm
strength of RCBs is a complicated issue due to the
Ø 10 mm
25 mm
interference of several factors related to loading,
beam geometry, and main and transverse I-Beam
reinforcement; therefore, the present work evaluated
the role of steel fibers in the improvement of
concrete mechanical characteristics and upgrading
the shear behavior of RCBs. LDS 200 mm
3.1 Geometric Details of the Specimens
Fig. 1 Specifics of the beam and the test device
Fig. 1 depicts the specifics of the stirrups and
Table 1 Results of the direct tension test
the main reinforcement of the tested beams. In this
work, a total of 8 RCBs, 200 mm wide, 250 mm Bar diameter
deep and 1500 mm long, were strengthened with (mm) 8 12 16
different volumetric ratios and types of SF. One fy (MPa) 370 474 525
beam reinforced transversely with vertical stirrups fu (MPa) 495 564 674
εy (%) 12.76 12.79 12.88
(containing no SFs), as shown in Fig. 1a, was εu (%) 25.31 25.33 25.64
denoted as SS. The other tested beams without Es (GPa) 209.23 209.28 210.14
stirrups and containing SFs of different R f and l/d
values and types were identified as S1, S2, S3, S4, Table 2 Details of the steel fibers (by supplier)
S5, S6 and S7, as shown in Fig. 1b.
Fiber Hooked* Hooked*
Straight Corrugated
3.2 Reinforcement Bars type (3 cm) (5 cm)
D kg/m 7860 7860 7860 7860
f t MPa 2850 ≥ 1000 ≥ 1000 ≥ 700
Rebars of 8 mm diameter were employed for L mm 12 30 50 30
the stirrups, while 12 mm and 16 mm diameter d mm 0.25 0.5 0.9 0.55**
rebars were used for the top and bottom main l/d 50 60 55 55
reinforcement, respectively. Moreover, the bottom E SF 2×105 2×105 2×105 2×105
* Hooked ends and straight middle, ** Equivalent diameter,
and top of the steel bar areas were 804.25 mm2 and
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 86, pp.167-179
Table 3 The grading of fine and coarse aggregates 4.1. Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 86, pp.167-179
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 86, pp.167-179
Difference Difference
Beam ρ ρs Rf Failure
a/d l/d F d (kN) F u (kN) F u (%) F u (%)
symbol (%) (%) (%) Mode
SS 0.5 0.0 ---- 146.52 243.26 ----- ----- F-S
S1 0.0 0.0 ---- 94.50 175 ----- ----- S
S2 0.0 0.5 50 98.23 235 -3.39 +34.29 S
S3 0.0 1.0 50 152.71 247.5 +1.74 +41.43 S
2.657 1.942
S4 0.0 1.5 50 157.81 252.5 +3.79 +44.29 S
S5 0.0 1.0 60 169.37 263 +8.11 +50.3 F-S
S6 0.0 1.0 55 163.46 255 +4.83 +45.71 S
S7 0.0 1.0 55 153.88 250 +2.77 +42.86 S
F d = diagonal cracking load, F u = ultimate load, F-S = flexural-shear, S= shear
Straight SFs
Rf = 0.5%
Straight SFs
Rf = 1.0%
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 86, pp.167-179
Straight SFs
Rf = 1.0%
Straight SFs
Rf = 1.5%
3 cm hooked
Rf = 1.0%
5 cm hooked
Rf = 1.0%
Corrugated SF
Rf = 1.0%
Fig. 6 Continued
Fig. 6 Continued
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 86, pp.167-179
4.3 Load-Deflection Characteristics the cracks, in comparison to those with stirrups (SS)
or with SF reinforcement. Therefore, SFs serve the
Fig. 7 illustrates the load-deflection curves of the same purpose in restraining cracks as stirrups and
tested beams. From the initial loading to the consequently maintain a considerably higher
formation of the first crack, all of the beams stiffness that is less impacted by the smaller cracks.
displayed linear behavior. After cracks formed, all of The final stage refers to the concrete beam’s plastic
the beams showed nonlinear behavior. At this stage, flow or behavior, which causes significant plastic
the deflection rises in tandem with load but at a deflections prior to failure. Lim and Oh [15],
faster rate. The beam without transverse Tahenni, Chemrouk and Lecompte [16], Narayanan
reinforcement and SFs (S1) lost its stiffness and and Darwish [18], and Furlan and Hanai [19] all
failed without undergoing further significant obtained the same results.
deformation after complete cracking and growth of
300 300
S1 S1
SS 250 SS
S2 S3
200 S3 200 S5
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
S4 S6
150 150 S7
100 100
50 50
0 0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Mid-span deflection (mm) Mid-span deflection (mm)
(a) (b)
Fig. 7 Load-deflection relationships: (a) effect of straight SF volume content, (b) effect of SF types
and ultimate load are shown in Fig. 10. This figure portion of the concrete Vcz , across the interlocking of
indicates that the cracks were well restricted when the surface roughnesses Viy , across the longitudinal
SFs were utilized, and their width did not exceed the steel Vd acting as a dowel, and by the influence of
serviceability limit of 0.3 mm until immediately stirrups Vs [24], as shown in Fig. 12 below. The
before failure. The cracks in SF-reinforced beams ultimate shear force can be expressed as:
remained very narrow in comparison to cracks in
beams without SFs (S1). As indicated in Table 6, the Vu = Vcz + Viy + Vd + Vs (1)
SFs helped to delay the emergence of diagonal
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 86, pp.167-179
Δy Δ0.85 Displacement
Fig. 8 Displacement ductility index according At 25% of ultimate load (no diagonal cracking)
to Cohn and Bartlett [19, 20]
3.5 S1
3 SS
2.5 S3
Ductility index
2 S6
1.5 S4
l/d = 60
l/d = 50
l/d = 55
l/d = 55
l/d = 50
l/d = 50
Fd Fu
Crack width (mm)
0.2 S1
3.5cm Hooked
5cm Hooked
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 86, pp.167-179
application of various empirical formulas in design the yielding of the stirrups may not be safe, as failure
around the world warrants the topic’s ongoing will happen before the yielding of the stirrups [16].
investigation [16]. Eurocode 2 appears to give the best
expectations for Vu of the three code models when
P1 P2 the shear resistance of normal concrete beams
includes the concrete and steel contributions,
y C although it is still impractical due to undervaluing
Vcz the concrete contribution Vc and highly
Vi Viy Z
Vix overestimating the transverse reinforcement
T contribution Vs .
R1 ρ 4.6.2 Influence of steel fibers on the shear strength
Straight SFs enhanced the shear and ultimate
Fig. 12 Shear forces in an RC beam with web load capacities of normal concrete beams, with
reinforcement [24] increases ranging from 34% for an R f of 0.5% to
44% for an R f of 1.5%. For an R f of 1%, this
4.6.1 Theoretic prediction of the shear strength increase was 50.3%, 45.7%, and 42.86% when 3 cm
Table 7 summarizes the main methods for hooked, 5 cm hooked and corrugated steel fibers
determining the Vu of RC beams as specified in were used, respectively.
various design codes, namely, ACI318-19, BS8110 Various investigations and analytical models
and EC2. These theoretical shear estimations are for have been proposed regarding the influence of SFs
maximum compressive strengths of 60 MPa in on the shear resistance of RCBs [15, 17, 18, 23].
concrete. Cucchiara et al. [29] calculated the total ultimate
Where stirrups are included, the shear strength of shear force in SFRCBs by summing Vc , Vs , and Vf ,
RCB is the sum of Vc and Vs , as given by Eq. (1) as in Eq. (2) below.
above. Because the S1 beam is not strengthened
transversally, its ultimate shear strength is calculated Vu = Vc + Vs + Vf (2)
by the concrete Vc . The value of the ultimate shear
strength of the S1 beam is presented in Table 8 and For SFRCBs without stirrups, such as beams S2,
Fig. 13. The suggested universal codes also forecast S3, S4, S5, S6 and S7 in this work, the ultimate
the ultimate shear strength of the S1 beam. The shear force is presented in Eq. (3), and the
findings reveal that all models of the codes components of the shear resistance through the
undervalue the shear contribution of conventional diagonal crack are presented in Fig. 14 below.
concrete. EC2 is the most accurate of the three
models, although it still underestimates the shear Vu = Vc + Vf (3)
capacity of concrete by approximately 45%. On the
other hand, V u is considerably underestimated by Therefore,
55% below the test value when the ACI code iss
applied. Vf = Vu + Vc (4)
Table 8 and Fig. 13 demonstrate the
involvement of Vs in the shear strength of the SS 140
beam. Vc accounts for 72% of the total shear S1 SS
Shear strength (kN)
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 86, pp.167-179
(without stirrups and SFs) in the present study. If fibers from slipping and pulling of the concrete
there are no test results, Vc can be estimated using across a crack. The steel fiber appears anchored on
the theoretical models of various codes that were both sides of the crack when it develops; therefore,
previously provided. any influence of these fibers on shear capacity is
Eq. (4) can be expressed in terms of stresses by highly reliant on the fineness of this anchorage and
dividing both sides by the effective concrete section hereafter on the anchoring bond capacity [16].
bd as: Prevailing models available in the literature
(Table 9) to calculate the influence of the fibers on
𝑣𝑣f = 𝑣𝑣u + 𝑣𝑣c (5) the shear capacity were investigated for comparison.
Table 10 lists the projected values, which are
Eq. (5) depicts the experimental shear strength depicted in Fig. 15 with the current test findings. The
conveyed by fibers (𝑣𝑣f ). The present results revealed findings of the current study depict that the
out that the shear strength contribution of fibers is contribution of SFs to shear strength increases with
dependent on the quantity of fibers utilized R f and increasing R f and l/d values of the fibers. Increasing
their aspect ratio l/d. Therefore, the longer the fiber the volume content of straight SFs from 0.5% to
is, the better it is at bridging the two sides of a crack. 1.5% increases this contribution from 0.73 MPa to
At a specified fiber content, the smaller the diameter 0.94 MPa, respectively, while for 3 cm hooked SFs
of a fiber is, the greater the number of fibers, and the (l/d = 60, R f = 1.0%), the involvement of SFs in the
more bridging activities occurring through a crack, shear capacity is 1.07 MPa. Table 10 and Fig. 15
causing a greater fiber involvement in the shear clearly show that the involvement of fibers in the
capacity. These effects are in line with the findings shear capacity is overestimated in some of the
of earlier studies [2, 15, 16]. Furthermore, the bond existing models, as seen in Fig. 15, and should be
between SFs and concrete is critical in preventing considered with caution since they may lead to
International Journal of GEOMATE, Oct., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 86, pp.167-179
insecure design. Additionally, the model suggested models, and they underestimate the SF contribution
by Tahenni, Chemrou and Lecompte [16] and the 𝑣𝑣f to shear strength.
model suggested by Swamy, Jones and Chiam [23]
appear to give the best prospects for 𝑣𝑣f of the five
l/d 1: [15]
= 50 l / d 2: [14]
Vcz Vi 1.5
l/d = 60 l / d l / d 3: [17]
= 50 = 55 = 55 4: [22]
vf (MPa)
l/d 5: [16]
= 50 6: Exp.
Vf 0.5
0.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
Vd SF volume content (%)
Fig. 14 Shear forces in an SFRCB without stirrups Fig. 15 Experimental and theoretical shear strength of
Table 9 Available models for the involvement of the fibers in the shear capacity
v f =0.41𝜏𝜏𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑓𝑓
𝑙𝑙𝑓𝑓 α = 45°, the inclination between the longitudinal
Narayana and Darwish [18] 𝑑𝑑𝑓𝑓 reinforcement and the shear crack
Swamy et al. [23] v f =0.37𝜏𝜏𝑉𝑉𝑓𝑓
8.5 𝑙𝑙𝑓𝑓
Al-ta’an and Al-Feel [17] vf = 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑓𝑓 k = 1.2, the bond factor that accounts for differing
99 𝑑𝑑𝑓𝑓
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