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Pravaah User Manual

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Platform for Regulatory Application, Validation

and AutHorisation
User Manual for Applicants
(Version 1.1 dated 30.05.2024)


PRAVAAH - User Manual for Applicants

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3

2. Purpose .............................................................................................................. 4

3. Getting Started ................................................................................................... 4

4. Application Submission .................................................................................... 4

5. Application History .......................................................................................... 12

6. General features of PRAVAAH ........................................................................ 18

7. My Support Requests ...................................................................................... 21

8. Frequently Asked questions (FAQs) .............................................................. 23

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PRAVAAH - User Manual for Applicants

1. Introduction

PRAVAAH is a secure and centralised web-based portal for any individual or entity
to seek authorisation, license or regulatory approval on any reference made by it
to the Reserve Bank. The following are some of the key features available in the
 Submit the application online on the portal;
 Track and Monitor the status of the application/reference;
 Respond to any clarification/query sought by the RBI in connection with the
application/reference; and
 Receive a decision from the Reserve Bank in a time bound manner.
At present, 60 application forms covering different regulatory and supervisory
departments of RBI have been made available on the portal. This also includes a
general-purpose form for applicants to submit their requests which are not
included in any other application form. More application forms would be made
available as may be required.

 Single portal for submitting all applications/ references/ requests.
 Submission of applications in electronic format obviating the need for
paper-based submissions.
 Status updates to applicant through SMS and Email.
 Enables effective monitoring by RBI of applications and references
received in the Reserve Bank.
 Dedicated section for applicants to view/ download previous applications.
 Integration with Reserve Bank's Electronic Document Management
System (Sarthi) to facilitate end to end digitization.
 Display of time limits for deciding on the applications/ approvals sought.
 Option to raise support ticket from the portal itself.

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2. Purpose

This document outlines the functionalities in the PRAVAAH portal for submitting
applications/requests to RBI by individuals and regulated entities.

3. Getting Started

User can access the PRAVAAH by using below URL:


Alternatively, link to PRAVAAH is also placed on the RBI website.

Fig.1. PRAVAAH - Login Page

4. Application Submission

PRAVAAH should not be used for the following types of applications/requests.

i. Right to Information (RTI) requests

ii. Regulatory/Supervisory returns
iii. Complaints falling under the purview of Banking Ombudsman

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Users are required to provide basic details on the portal before submitting an
application/request. Basic details are to be provided each time a fresh
application/request is to be submitted by the applicant. On entering the basic
details including the mobile number, the users can login after verification of OTP
sent on their mobile number.

Please note that the mobile number is the unique identifier, which is to be used to
access the portal, submit applications, submit additional information, download
documents, view application history etc.

After successful OTP authentication, applicant must submit application to specific

department by selecting appropriate category and provide required data by
uploading related documents.

Fig.2. PRAVAAH- Disclaimer for applicants

 After clicking the proceed button, the window opens as shown in the
fig.3 below.

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Fig.3. PRAVAAH- Basic details form page

Basic details (Business Entity Applicants):

Business entity applicants shall provide the basic details and submit as
shown in the fig.4. PAN number and GST number (if applicable) is mandatory
for submitting application by Business Entity.

Fig.4. PRAVAAH- Business entity Applicants basic details

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Basic Details (Individual Applicants):

Individual applicants shall provide basic details as shown in the fig.5. and
submit the form.

Fig.5. PRAVAAH – Individual users Applicant basic details

Authentication process:

 On entering basic details applicants will receive OTP on registered

mobile number.
 Users must enter the OTP and Click on ‘Verify’ button.
 If the applicant enters the incorrect OTP, then the system will
prompt stating ‘Error message: Invalid OTP’. For new OTP
generation, users must click on the ‘Resend OTP’ option below. A
new OTP will be received by SMS. Applicants must enter and click
on verify.
 On successful OTP authentication, the applicants will be directed to
home page of the PRAVAAH application with a prompt message of
‘Successful login’, as shown in fig.6.

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Fig.6. PRAVAAH – Home page.

Steps to complete Application form:

 Step 1: Click on ‘Submit Application’ button to proceed with Submit

Application process as shown in the fig.6.
 Step 2: A chat box will be displayed to the user, where the user can
enter the keywords pertaining to what they wish to apply/request for
(refer Fig.7.).
 The system will display the relevant forms available for submission as
per the applicant’s requirement (refer Fig.8).
 The user can select the appropriate option from the list. The user will be
directed to the application form to fill out further details.
 Applicants’ basic details will be auto populated as submitted by the
applicant prior to OTP generation which cannot be modified.
 User may refer the reference number of the previous application, if any.
 User may also refer the reference document provided along with the
application field to enter data in specific format while submitting the
application, wherever applicable.

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Fig.7. PRAVAAH – Chat box screen.

Fig.8. PRAVAAH –Chat box screen.

Fig.9. PRAVAAH –Application form page

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 Step 3: Applicants can fill out the form in one go or save it as a draft by
clicking the ‘Save as Draft’ button, move to the next tab by clicking the
‘Validate’ button, as shown in Fig. 9.
 A temporary application ID is generated for applications saved in draft
mode as shown in Fig.10.
 For forms with additional tabs, the applicant has to click the 'Validate &
Next' button, fill out the required information, and submit the form as
shown in the fig.10.

Fig.10. PRAVAAH -Application Form page

 The ‘Submit’ button will be enabled only after the user has filled in the
required details and validated the same in all tabs as shown in fig.11.
 Applicants can also save the application as a draft and logout. On the
next login by the user, he can start filling in the details in the remaining
 In such a scenario, the application status will be displayed as ‘Draft’ in
the application history.
 The application form can be edited only until the user does not click on
the Submit button. Once the user clicks submit, they can only view the
application; no further changes can be made.
 The user can select the required application from the list displayed in
the Application History on the Home Page.

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Fig.11. PRAVAAH -Application Id Generation

 Step 5: Click on Submit button to complete the Submission process.

 After submitting the application, a confirmation message is displayed on
the screen. Application number is generated successfully as shown in the
fig.11.Applicants will receive the confirmation message on registered
Email and SMS.
 Applicant can view the submitted application under ‘Application History’
tab as mentioned in fig.12.
 Users can view the status of the application and ‘Estimated Process
Completion Date’ in the grid as shown in the fig.12.
 The estimated process completion dates are defined as per the RBI’s
internal policies, procedures, and citizen charter.
i) All the estimated timelines for regulatory approvals of various
departments are anticipated to be met by in most cases, but a few
may exceed these timelines.
ii) If departments are likely to exceed the timeline, they will revert to
the applicant.
iii) In case an applicant does not get a response within the indicated
timeline, they can approach the head of the concerned department.
The department head will respond with the status of the application,
the reason for delay, request for additional information, if any, as
well as likely time for disposal of the application.

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iv) In some situations, a change in procedure or in the environment will

change the estimated time for action. In such cases, the timeline for
approval will be modified appropriately.
v) The timelines are subject to receipt of complete information/
documents from the banks/ institutions concerned as well as receipt
of regulatory/ supervisory inputs/ due diligence reports/ approvals
from other regulators and the concerned Government Agencies/
vi) The timelines for Foreign Exchange Department are not applicable
for cases referred to Empowered Committee for approval.

(For more details related to timelines for regulatory approvals please visit

Fig.12. PRAVAAH –List of submitted Applications.

(Note: The PRAVAAH application will be processed by RBI Nodal Officer.

Further updates of the application will be shared on the applicant’s registered
Email-ID and Mobile no. Also, the same can be tracked from PRAVAAH portal
using Application History)

5. Application History

Business Entities / Individual Applicants can track the status of the submitted
applications through ‘Application History’.

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Fig.13. PRAVAAH - Login Page

 On clicking Application History, the applicant will be routed to Sign-in

 Applicants must enter the registered Mobile number provided at the time
of submitting application. Applicant shall enter valid captcha and click on
Request for OTP button. OTP will be sent on the registered mobile
number. Applicants must enter received OTP and verify.

Fig.14. PRAVAAH - Application History Home page

 On successful authentication applicant will land to the Application register
Home page as shown in fig.14.

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 By searching the application number or by selecting the option from the

dropdown applicants can preview the submitted application. Also, he /
she can generate csv file of the application forms as shown in the fig.18.
 Applicants can view the status of the submitted application as below:
Sr.no Application status Description
1 Draft The applicant clicks on the
‘Save as Draft’ button, and the
application is saved in draft
mode. A temporary application
number is assigned to the
applicant. When the applicant
re-logs in, they can resume
filling out the form.
2 In Process The application has been
verified, and it is currently being
processed by the RBI user.
2 Request Submitted The application is successfully
submitted, and it is ready for
further processing by
respective department. The
status will be communicated to
applicant through SMS and
3 Application Approved The application has been
apprived by the respective
department of the RBI.
Applicant can find the details of
the response on clicking on this
4 Application Returned The application has been
returned by the respective
department of the RBI.
Applicant can find the details of
the response on clicking on this
5 Application Rejected The application has been
rejected by the respective
department of the RBI.
Applicant can find the details of

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the response on clicking on this


6 Referred back for The application has been

Additional Information referred back for additional
information. Applicant has to
click on this application and
submit required additional

 The applicant can preview the already submitted application details in a

previewed document and download it as a generated pdf.

Fig.15. PRAVAAH - Application Preview document

Process to share additional documents after submitting application.

In case of missed, incorrect, or additional details, applicants can upload

documents even after the application is submitted. RBI officials can also
request applicants for additional documents for further processing in case of
missed, incorrect, or additional details and the status will be displayed as
‘Referred back for additional information’ to the applicants.

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For submitting additional documents applicants should follow below steps:

 Step1: Applicants must login to the PRAVAAH portal by registered Mobile

 On successful authentication applicant will land to the Application register
Home Page as shown in figure.14.
 Step 2: Click on application number from the grid, a previewed document
is displayed on the screen as shown in fig.14.
 Step 3: Click on upload icon, a confirmation message is displayed on the
screen as shown in the fig.15.On clicking ‘Yes’, the response is uploaded.
 The interim response (Applicants) will be displayed in the below grid as
shown in the fig.16.
 On clicking ‘Generate pdf’ button, applicant can download the
Application previewed document in pdf format as shown in fig.17.
 The applications for which the status is ‘Referred back for Additional
information’, the estimated process completion date will be reset as per
the timelines defined by the RBI after the required information/
documents is submitted by the applicant.

Fig.16. PRAVAAH – Additional Document- Upload.

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Fig.17. PRAVAAH - Application Preview document in PDF format

For viewing Interim response received from RBI follow below steps:

 The response from by RBI can be viewed by the applicants in the

Application History details preview document under ‘RBI Response
Documents section’  RBI response file, Comments by RBI officials as
shown in the fig.18.
 Applicants must follow the steps mentioned above (in the submitting
additional documents) to upload the requested documents.

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Fig.18. PRAVAAH – RBI Response.

6. General features of PRAVAAH

 On successful authentication applicant will land to home page as shown in

the fig 19.

Fig.19. PRAVAAH – Default functionalities


 If user is experiencing any issue while submitting application, then he / she

may raise support ticket as displayed in fig. 19.

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Change Mobile Number:

Fig.20. PRAVAAH – Change Mobile Number

Applicants willing to change the registered mobile number will be able to

change by following the below steps:

 Click on Change Mobile Number button a new window of change mobile

number will be displayed as shown in the fig.20.
 Applicant must enter the existing registered mobile number and then
enter the new mobile number and click on Request OTP.
 OTP will be received on the new mobile number; applicant shall enter
the OTP and a request to change mobile number. All existing requests
which are mapped to existing mobile number will be mapped to new /
updated mobile number after an appropriate cooling period.
 During cooling period, applicant can check status of the requests with
previous mobile number only.

Session Time:
 Session timer is set up to 15 minutes. The system will display the
warning message 2 minutes prior to completing the session time.
Applicant is required to click ‘Continue’ button in order to continue the
existing session as shown in Fig.21. Applicant may also refresh the
browser to reset the session timer.
 If the system is idle for too long it will display a message as shown in
the fig.22.
 If applicant doesn’t click the continue button, the system will Log-out
automatically and display message to applicant as shown in Fig.23.

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Fig.21. PRAVAAH - Session Exceed Dialog box.

Fig.22. PRAVAAH - Idle Session Timeout Dialog box

Fig.23. PRAVAAH - Idle Session Timeout Dialog box

(Note: Applicant should reinitiate the process as mentioned above in Fig.3 if

application is logged out or session time out before completing the application
submission process.

Contact PRAVAAH Support

 On clicking contact PRAVAAH support button the following window
will be displayed to the applicant where support details are mentioned
as shown in fig.24.

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Fig.24. PRAVAAH Support–Contact details

7. My Support Requests

Fig.25. PRAVAAH -Create Support Request

Create support request:

 If applicant faces any issue while submitting the application or
checking the status of the already submitted application, the user can
create Support ticket in PRAVAAH by clicking on floating support icon
(in blue) available at the bottom right corner of the page.
 On Clicking the Raise Issue button or floating support icon the window
as shown in the fig.26.

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Fig.26. PRAVAAH - Application Support request form

 Applicants shall Key in the necessary details as displayed in the fig.26.

 Upload any additional attachments if required using ‘Upload File’
option. Following document types are allowed: jpg, png, jpeg, pdf.
 Click on ‘Create’ button. The Application Support request is created
 The applicants can update the already raised support requests in
PRAVAAH by clicking on the required Application ID.

Fig.27. PRAVAAH - My Support Requests tab

 Applicants shall key in the detail Description of the issue.

 Upload any additional attachments if required using ‘Upload File’ option.
Mentioned document types are allowed: jpg, png, jpeg, pdf.
 Click on ‘Update’ button. The Application Support request is updated

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Fig.28. PRAVAAH – View Support request update

 Applicants can view the raised support requests stacked in the

buckets as follows:
 Pending
 In-process
 Closed

8. Frequently Asked questions (FAQs)

Q.1. Who can use PRAVAAH portal?

A1. The PRAVAAH portal will make it convenient for any individual or entity to apply
online for various regulatory approvals.

Q.2. How can existing Applicants can login to the portal?

A2. Existing applicants can login only by using their registered mobile number
(XXXXXXXXXX) on clicking Application History tab. Mobile number is unique

Q.3. Where can I upload the additional documents which is to be submitted?

A3. To upload additional documents kindly refer the User manual section no. 7 –
Application History - ‘Process to provide additional Document’.

Q.4. How are the timelines updated after the applicant submits additional
information/ document?

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A4. When applicant submits the additional information/documents, the estimated

process completion date is reset, and the revised date of closure shall be as per
the number of days required from the date of submission of additional
i) All the above estimated timelines for regulatory approvals of various
departments (I to IX) are anticipated to be met by in most cases, but a
few may exceed these timelines.
ii) If departments are likely to exceed the timeline, they will revert to the
iii) In case an applicant does not get a response within the indicated
timeline, they can approach the head of the concerned department. The
department head will respond with the status of the application, the
reason for delay, request for additional information, if any, as well as
likely time for disposal of the application.
iv) In some situations, a change in procedure or in the environment will
change the estimated time for action. In such cases, the timeline for
approval will be modified appropriately.
v) The timelines given in column 3 for all above Departments (I to IX) are
subject to receipt of complete information/ documents from the banks/
institutions concerned as well as receipt of regulatory/ supervisory
inputs/ due diligence reports/ approvals from other regulators and the
concerned Government Agencies/ Departments.
vi) The timeline mentioned against the VI. Foreign Exchange Department
are not applicable for cases referred to Empowered Committee for

Q.5. Where can I find the Response file which is to be submitted if requested
by RBI?

A5. To upload the Response file kindly refer the User manual under section
Application History, pg.no 15. Enter the required details and attach the document
in pdf format up to 8MB.

Q.6. What is an Instruction document?

A6. Instruction document contains the guidelines for uploading the documents in the
application form.

Q.7. How can I seek help for any queries related to this portal?

A7. For queries related to this portal, please write to: pravaah.support@rbi.org.in

Note: The support team will be available from 09:00 AM to 07:00 PM on all working
days (Except Saturday, Sunday and Bank holidays- Mumbai Location)

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Contact Details:

PRAVAAH pravaah.support@rbi.org.in 022-2756-8501 /

Support 8598

End of the document

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