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( 12 ) Lee
United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No.: US 11,470,619 B2
et al. (45 ) Date of Patent : Oct. 11 , 2022
COST MTC DEVICES IN H04W 24/08 (2009.01 )
SCENARIO (Continued )
( 71 ) Applicant: INTERDIGITAL PATENT (52) U.S. CI.
HOLDINGS , INC . , Wilmington, DE CPC H04W 72/085 (2013.01 ) ; H04W 24/08
(US ) ( 2013.01 ) ; H04W 48/20 (2013.01 ) ; H04W
72/0406 (2013.01 )
( 72 ) Inventors : Moon -il Lee , Melville , NY (US ) ; Janet ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
A. Stern -Berkowitz , Little Neck , NY CPC . H04W 24/08 ; H04W 48/20 ; H04W 72/0406 ;
(US ) ; J. Patrick Tooher , Montreal H04W 72/085
( CA) ; Nobuyuki Tamaki, Melville , NY See application file for complete search history .
(US ) ; Pouriya Sadeghi , San Diego , CA ( 56 ) References Cited
(US ) ; Virgil Comsa , Montreal ( CA) ;
Samian Kaur , Plymouth Meeting , PA U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
(US ) ; Stephen E. Terry, Northport, NY
( US ) 9,060,351 B2 6/2015 Verma et al .
2008/02 12467 A1 * 9/2008 Hsieh H04L 1/1812
( 73 ) Assignee : INTERDIGITAL PATENT 370/229
HOLDINGS, INC . , Wilmington, DE (Continued )
( US )
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this .

patent is extended or adjusted under 35 CN 103179681 A 6/2013

U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 0 days. EP 2608607 A2 6/2013
( Continued )
( 21 ) Appl . No .: 14 /910,434
(22) PCT Filed :
PCT/US2014/ 050211 3rd Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP ) , TS 36.211 V10.5.0 ,
(86) PCT No .: " Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network , Evolved
§ 371 (c ) ( 1 ) , Universal Terrestrial Radio Access ( E -UTRA ), Physical Channels
( 2 ) Date: Feb. 5 , 2016 and Modulation ( Release 10 )”, Jun . 2012 , pp . 1-101 .
( 87 ) PCT Pub . No .: WO2015 /021318 (Continued )
PCT Pub . Date : Feb. 12 , 2015 Primary Examiner Khaled M Kassim
Assistant Examiner - Zhaohui Yang
(65 ) Prior Publication Data (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Condo Roccia Koptiw
US 2016/0192376 A1 Jun . 30 , 2016
Related U.S. Application Data (57 ) ABSTRACT
( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62 /021,207 , filed on Jul .
2 Systems , methods, and instrumentalities are disclosed to
6 , 2014 , provisional application No. 61 / 863,328 , filed describe cell selection in low cost machine type communi
on Aug. 7 , 2013 . ( Continued)


Cell 204 DL / UL

DL /UL Decoupled
( e.g. , small cell )
US 11,470,619 B2
Page 2

cation (LC - MTC ) devices . An LTC -MC device may mea 2015/0055521 A1 * 2/2015 Seo HO4L 5/001
sure a plurality of downlink signals from a plurality of cells . 2015/0304088 A1 * 10/2015 Seo H04L 5/0055
The LTC -MC may detect a channel condition , e.g. , by 370/277
determining a cell with better uplink coverage than aa down 2016/0029265 A1 * 1/2016 Li H04W 36/0061
link cell . The detection of the channel condition may include 455/436
measuring an uplink pathloss. The LTC -MC may report the 2016/0105818 A1 * 4/2016 Lu H04W 24/10
channel condition as a decoupled channel condition , e.g. , 2016/0112946 A1 * 4/2016 Yi H04W 48/20
when an uplink cell is identified with uplink coverage better 370/280
than the downlink cell . The channel condition may be
reported , e.g. , via a set of Physical Random Access Channel FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(PRACH ) preambles. The set of PRACH preambles may be
predefined . The channel condition may be reported via a EP
WO 2012/110006
higher layer signaling . WO 2012/177207 A1 12/2012
WO WO 2013/109172 A1 7/2013
21 Claims , 13 Drawing Sheets
3rd Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP) , TS 36.212 V10.5.0 ,
(51 ) Int. Ci. “ Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network , Evolved
H04W 48/20 ( 2009.01 ) Universal Terrestrial Radio Access ( E -UTRA ) , Multiplexing and
H04W 72/04 ( 2009.01 ) channel Coding ( Release 10 ) ", Mar. 2012 , pp . 1-79 .
3rd Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP) , TS 36.213 V10.5.0 ,
( 56 ) References Cited “ Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network , Evolved
Universal Terrestrial Radio Access ( E -UTRA ), Physical Layer
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Procedures (Release 10 ) ”, Mar. 2012 , pp . 1-125 .
3rd Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP) , R1-131401 , “ Enhance
2013/0039195 A1 * 2/2013 Weng H04W 48/20 ment to Small Cells for MTC ” , Qualcomm Incorporated , TSG - RAN
370/252 WG1 # 72bis, Chicago , USA , Apr. 15-19 , 2013 , 6 pages .
2013/0083759 Al * 4/2013 Rong HO4W 48/20 3rd Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP ), R1-132704, “ TP for
370/329 Section 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 on Potential Solutions in 7.1 Solutions for
2013/0322308 A1 * 12/2013 Yu H04W 16/14 Co -Channel Scenarios ” , Qualcomm , TSG RAN WG1 Meeting #73 ,
370/280 Fukuoka, Japan, May 20-24 , 2013 , 11pp .
2014/0177601 A1 * 6/2014 Nishio H04W 72/02 3rd Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP) , TS 36.331 V10.5.0 ,
370/332 “ Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network , Evolved
2014/0213316 A1 * 7/2014 Liu HO4W 52/10 Universal Terrestrial Radio Access ( E -UTRA ), Radio Resource
455/522 Control ( RRC ); Protocol specification (Release 10 ) ” , Mar. 2012 , pp .
2014/0241272 A1 * 8/2014 Griot HO4W 74/0833 1-302 .
370/329 3rd Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP) , TS 36.321 V10.5.0 ,
2014/0349582 A1 * 11/2014 Xiao H04W 64/00 “ Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network , Evolved
455 / 67.11 Universal Terrestrial Radio Access ( E -UTRA ), Medium Access
2014/0355568 A1 * 12/2014 Gunnarsson HO4W 72/085 Control ( MAC ) protocol specification ( Release 10 ) ”, Mar. 2012 , pp .
370/331 1-54 .
2015/0036663 A1 * 2/2015 Kilpatrick , II HO4W 36/245
370/332 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Oct. 11 , 2022 Sheet 1 of 13 US 11,470,619 B2

108 PSTN 112 Other Networks

106/7 9 NCeotwrek 110 Inter t
100 FIG

103/4 5 RAN
1 4a
1 5/ 6 17
1 4b

15/617 116 117


15/617 /
1 6/1 7
U.S. Patent Oct. 11 , 2022 Sheet 2 of 13 US 11,470,619 B2


124 Transceiver 134
Speaker / Power
Microphone Source

126 118 136

Keypad Processor GPS Chipset

Display/ Peripherals

Removable Removable
Memory Memory

FIG . 1B
U.S. Patent Oct. 11 , 2022 Sheet 3 of 13 US 11,470,619 B2

108 PSTN 110 Inter t 112 Other

144 MGW 150 G SN

146 MSC 148 SGSN

N106 Ceotwrek
luCS luPS 1C
103 RAN iur
142a RNC 142b RNC
lub lub

Node B
Node B
140a 140b 140
115 115 115

102a 102c
000 102b
U.S. Patent Oct. 11 , 2022 Sheet 4 of 13 US 11,470,619 B2

108 PSTN 110 Inter t 112 Other

N107 Ceotwrek 166 PDN Gateway
162 M E 164 Serving Gateway 1D

104 RAN S1 S1

X2 X2
160a eNode
160b e-BNode
160 eNode-B

116 116 116

7 102a 102b 102c

U.S. Patent Oct. 11 , 2022 Sheet 5 of 13 |
US 11,470,619 B2

108 PSTN 110 Inter t 112 Other Networks

NCeotwrek 186 AAA 184 MIP-HA 188 Gateway

105 RAN
182 ASN Gateway R6

R8 R8
180a SBtasioen 180b SBtasioen 180C SBtasioen
R1 R1 R1
117 117
72 117
102a 102b 102c
U.S. Patent Oct. 11 , 2022 Sheet 6 of 13 US 11,470,619 B2


Š Macro Cell 202


204 DL/ULDecoupled

Smal Cel
U.S. Patent Oct. 11 , 2022 Sheet 7 of 13 US 11,470,619 B2



PARrcaendmbsole RAacensdpomse STcrahnesdmiulo RCoenstluion 3


302 304 306 308
U.S. Patent Oct. 11 , 2022 Sheet 8 of 13 US 11,470,619 B2






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U.S. Patent Oct. 11 , 2022 Sheet 9 of 13 US 11,470,619 B2





500 502

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600 602
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700 702

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U.S. Patent Oct. 11 , 2022 Sheet 13 of 13 US 11,470,619 B2

904 9

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US 11,470,619 B2
1 2
COVERAGE ENHANCEMENTS OF LOW Shared Channel (PUSCH ) , a Physical Hybrid Automatic
COST MTC DEVICES IN Repeat Request Indicator Channel (PHICH ) , and / or a
UPLINK /DOWNLINK DECOUPLED PDCCH . The downlink data may include a Physical Down
SCENARIO link Shared Channel ( PDSCH ) , a Physical Uplink Control
5 Channel (PUCCH ) , and / or a PDCCH . A low power node
CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED (LPN) may be discovered using a LPN list and / or aa PRACH
APPLICATIONS preamble. Hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ ) feed
back may be sent to an LPN . The channel condition may be
This application is the National Stage entry under 35 reported using a higher layer signaling.
U.S.C. § 371 of Patent Cooperation Treaty Application 10
PCT /US2014 /050211, filed Aug. 7 , 2014 , which claims the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
benefit ofU.S. Provisional Application No. 61 / 863,328 , filed
Aug. 7 , 2013 , and U.S. Provisional Application No. 62 21 , FIG . 1A is a system diagram of an example communica
207 , filed Jul. 6 , 2014 , the disclosures of which are hereby tions system in which one or more disclosed embodiments
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. 15 may be implemented .
FIG . 1B is a system diagram of an example wireless
BACKGROUND transmit / receive unit (WTRU ) that may be used within the
communications system illustrated in FIG . 1A .
Low cost machine type communication (LC - MTC ) FIG . 1C is a system diagram of an example radio access
devices may enable machines to communicate with each 20 network and an example core network that may be used
other or with humans. Examples of LC - MTC devices may within the communications system illustrated in FIG . 1A .
include smart meters , home automation devices , consumer FIG . 1D is a system diagram of another example radio
products , etc. One or more LC - MTC devices may commu- access network and another example core network that may
nicate with MTC servers over mobile networks using a Third be used within the communications system illustrated in
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP ) network . Due to 25 FIG . 1A .
various reasons, compared to regular 3GPP devices ( e.g. , FIG . 1E is a system diagram of another example radio
Long Term Evolution (LTE ) devices ), LC - MTC devices access network and another example core network that may
may suffer higher received Signal to Interference Noise be used within the communications system illustrated in
Ratio ( SINR) losses . Mechanisms for communicating pro- FIG . 1A .
vided for connecting the regular devices may not be 30 FIG . 2 is a diagram illustrating examples of DL /UL
adequate for the LC - MTC devices. coupled and DL /UL cases for low cost machine type com
munication (LC - MTC ) .
SUMMARY FIG . 3 illustrates an example random access procedure .
FIG . 4 illustrates an example of layer 2 (L2 ) processing of
Systems, methods, and instrumentalities are disclosed to 35 an incoming packet .
describe cell selection in low cost machine type communi- FIG . 5 illustrates an example DL /UL decoupled system .
cation (LC - MTC ) devices. An LTC -MC device may mea- FIG . 6 illustrates another example DL /UL decoupled
sure a plurality of downlink signals from a plurality of cells . system .
The LTC -MC may detect a channel condition , e.g. , by FIG . 7 illustrates another example DL /UL decoupled
determining a cell with better uplink coverage than a down-
link cell . The detection of the channel condition .may include
40 system .
FIG . 8 illustrates another example DL /UL decoupled
measuring an uplink pathloss. system .
The LTC -MC may report the channel condition as a FIG . 9 illustrates an example of C -plane connectivity of
decoupled channel condition, e.g. , when an uplink cell is eNBs in a decoupled system .
identified with uplink coverage better than the downlink 45
cell . The channel condition may be reported, e.g. , via a set DETAILED DESCRIPTION
of Physical Random Access Channel (PRACH ) preambles .
The set of PRACH preambles may be predefined . The A detailed description of illustrative embodiments will
channel condition may be reported, e.g. , via a higher layer now be described with reference to the various Figures.
signaling (e.g. , Radio Resource Control ( RRC ) ) . 50 Although this description provides a detailed example of
A wireless transmit /receive unit (WTRU ) may include a possible implementations, it should be noted that the details
processor that comprises processor - executable instructions . are intended to be exemplary and in no way limit the scope
When the processor- executable instructions are executed , of the application .
the WTRU may measure a downlink signal from a downlink FIG . 1A is a diagram of an example communications
cell . The WTRU may detect aa channel condition at least in 55 system 100 in which one or more disclosed embodiments
part by determining a cell with better uplink coverage than may be implemented . The communications system 100 may
the downlink cell . The WTRU may communicate uplink be a multiple access system that provides content, such as
data with a first node associated with the determined cell and voice , data , video , messaging , broadcast, etc. , to multiple
may communicate downlink data with a second node asso- wireless users . The communications system 100 may enable
ciated with the downlink cell . 60 multiple wireless users to access such content through the
The channel condition may be reported as a partially sharing of system resources, including wireless bandwidth .
decoupled channel condition when control ( e.g. , a Physical For example, the communications system 100 may employ
Downlink Control Channel ( PDCCH ) ) associated with the one or more channel access methods, such as code division
uplink data is used in the first node . The channel condition multiple access ( CDMA ), time division multiple access
may be reported as a fully decoupled channel condition 65 (TDMA) , frequency division multiple access ( FDMA ),
when control associated with the uplink data is used in the orthogonal FDMA (OFDMA ), single -carrier FDMA ( SC
second node. The uplink data may include a Physical Uplink FDMA ), and the like .
US 11,470,619 B2
3 4
As shown in FIG . 1A , the communications system 100 protocols such as High - Speed Packet Access (HSPA ) and / or
may include wireless transmit/ receive units (WTRUs) 102a , Evolved HSPA ( HSPA + ). HSPA may include High- Speed
102b , 102c , and / or 102d ( which generally or collectively Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA ) and / or High- Speed
may be referred to as WTRU 102 ) , a radio access network Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA ).
(RAN ) 103/104/105 , a core network 106/107/109, a public 5 In another embodiment, the base station 114a and the

switched telephone network (PSTN) 108 , the Internet 110 , WTRUs 102a , 102b , 102c may implement a radio technol
and other networks 112 , though it will be appreciated that ogy such as Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access
the disclosed embodiments contemplate any number of ( E -UTRA ), which may establish the air interface 115/ 116 /
WTRUs, base stations, networks, and / or network elements . 117 using Long Term Evolution (LTE ) and / or LTE - Ad
Each of the WTRUs 102a , 102b , 102c , 102d may be any 10 vanced (LTE - A ).
type of device configured to operate and / or communicate in In other embodiments , the base station 114a and the
a wireless environment. By way of example, the WTRUS WTRUS 102a , 102b , 102c may implement radio technolo
102a , 102b , 102c , 102d may be configured to transmit gies such as IEEE 802.16 (e.g. , Worldwide Interoperability
and / or receive wireless signals and may include user equip for Microwave Access (WiMAX ) ), CDMA2000 ,
ment (UE ) , a mobile station , a fixed or mobile subscriber 15 CDMA2000 1x , CDMA2000 EV -DO , Interim Standard
unit , a pager, a cellular telephone, a personal digital assistant 2000 ( IS - 2000) , Interim Standard 95 ( IS - 95 ) , Interim Stan
( PDA ), a smartphone , a laptop, a netbook, a personal dard 856 (IS - 856 ) , Global System for Mobile communica
computer, a wireless sensor, consumer electronics, and the tions (GSM ) , Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
like . (EDGE ) , GSM EDGE (GERAN ), and the like .
The communications system 100 may also include aa base 20 The base station 114b in FIG . 1A may be a wireless router,
station 114a and a base station 114b . Each of the base Home Node B , Home eNode B , or access point, for example,
stations 114a , 114b may be any type of device configured to and may utilize any suitable RAT for facilitating wireless
wirelessly interface with at least one of the WTRUs 102a , connectivity in a localized area , such as a place of business ,
102b , 102c , 102d to facilitate access to one or more com- a home , a vehicle , a campus, and the like . In one embodi
munication networks, such as the core network 106/107/109, 25 ment, the base station 114b and the WTRUs 102c , 102d may
the Internet 110 , and / or the networks 112. By way of implement a radio technology such as IEEE 802.11 to
example , the base stations 114a , 114b may be a base establish aa wireless local area network (WLAN ). In another
transceiver station (BTS ) , a Node - B , an eNode B , a Home embodiment, the base station 114b and the WTRUs 102c ,
Node B , a Home eNode B , a site controller, an access point 102d may implement a radio technology such as IEEE
(AP) , a wireless router, and the like . While the base stations 30 802.15 to establish a wireless personal area network
114a , 114b are each depicted as a single element, it will be ( WPAN ). In yet another embodiment, the base station 114b
appreciated that the base stations 114a , 114b may include and the WTRUs 102c , 102d may utilize a cellular - based
any number of interconnected base stations and /or network RAT (e.g. , WCDMA, CDMA2000 , GSM , E , LTE - A , etc.)
elements. to establish a picocell or femtocell. As shown in FIG . 1A , the
The base station 114a may be part of the RAN 103 / 104 / 35 base station 114b may have a direct connection to the
105 , which may also include other base stations and / or Internet 110. Thus, the base station 114b may not be required
network elements ( not shown) , such as a base station con- to access the Internet 110 via the core network 106/107/109 .
troller (BSC ) , a radio network controller (RNC ), relay The RAN 103/104/105 may be in communication with the
nodes, etc. The base station 114a and /or the base station core network 106/107/109 , which may be any type of
114b may be configured to transmit and / or receive wireless 40 network configured to provide voice , data , applications ,
signals within a particular geographic region , which may be and / or voice over internet protocol ( VoIP ) services to one or
referred to as a cell (not shown ). The cell may further be more of the WTRUS 1020 , 102b , 1020 , 102d . For example,
divided into cell sectors . For example, the cell associated the core network 106/107/109 may provide call control,
with the base station 114a may be divided into three sectors . billing services, mobile location - based services, pre - paid
Thus, in one embodiment, the base station 114a may include 45 calling , Internet connectivity , video distribution , etc. , and / or
three transceivers, e.g. , one for each sector of the cell . In perform high - level security functions, such as user authen
another embodiment, the base station 114a may employ tication . Although not shown in FIG . 1A , it will be appre
multiple - input multiple output ( MIMO ) technology and , ciated that the RAN 103/104/105 and / or the core network
therefore , may utilize multiple transceivers for each sector of 106/107/109 may be in direct or indirect communication
the cell . 50 with other RANs that employ the same RAT as the RAN
The base stations 114a , 114b may communicate with one 103/104/105 or a different RAT . For example, in addition to
or more of the WTRUS 102a , 102b , 102c , 102d over an air being connected to the RAN 103/104/105 , which may be
interface 115/116/117 , which may be any suitable wireless utilizing an E -UTRA radio technology, the core network
communication link (e.g. , radio frequency (RF ) , microwave, 106/107/109 may also be in communication with another
infrared ( IR) , ultraviolet (UV ), visible light, etc. ) . The air 55 RAN (not shown) employing a GSM radio technology.
interface 115/116/117 may be established using any suitable The core network 106/107/109 may also serve as a
radio access technology (RAT ). gateway for the WTRUs 102a , 102b , 102c , 102d to access
More specifically, as noted above , the communications the PSTN 108 , the Internet 110 , and / or other networks 112 .
system 100 may be a multiple access system and may The PSTN 108 may include circuit- switched telephone
employ one or more channel access schemes, such as 60 networks that provide plain old telephone service ( POTS ) .
CDMA, TDMA, FDMA, OFDMA , SC - FDMA, and the like . The Internet 110 may include a global system of intercon
For example, the base station 114a in the RAN 103/104/105 nected computer networks and devices that use common
and the WTRUs 102a , 102b , 102c may implement a radio communication protocols , such as the transmission control
technology such as Universal Mobile Telecommunications protocol ( TCP) , user datagram protocol (UDP ) and the
System (UMTS ) Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA ), which 65 internet protocol ( IP ) in the TCP/IP internet protocol suite .
may establish the air interface 115/116/117 using wideband The networks 112 may include wired or wireless commu
CDMA ( WCDMA ). WCDMA may include communication nications networks owned and / or operated by other service
US 11,470,619 B2
5 6
providers. For example , the networks 112 may include or more transmit / receive elements 122 ( e.g. , multiple anten
another core network connected to one or more RANs, nas ) for transmitting and receiving wireless signals over the
which may employ the same RAT as the RAN 103/104/105 air interface 115/116/117 .
or a different RAT. The transceiver 120 may be configured to modulate the
Some or all of the WTRUS 102a , 102b , 102c , 102d in the 5 signals that are to be transmitted by the transmit/ receive
communications system 100 may include multi -mode capa- element 122 and to demodulate the signals that are received
bilities , e.g. , the WTRUs 102a , 102b , 102c , 102d may by the transmit / receive element 122. As noted above , the
include multiple transceivers for communicating with dif- WTRU 102 may have multi -mode capabilities. Thus, the
ferent wireless networks over different wireless links. For transceiver 120 may include multiple transceivers for
example, the WTRU 102c shown in FIG . 1A may be 10 enabling the WTRU 102 to communicate via multiple RATS ,
configured to communicate with the base station 114a , such as UTRA and IEEE 802.11 , for example.
which may employ a cellular-based radio technology , and The processor 118 of the WTRU 102 may be coupled to ,
with the base station 114b , which may employ an IEEE 802 and may receive user input data from , the speaker/micro
radio technology. phone 124 , the keypad 126 , and / or the display / touchpad 128
FIG . 1B is a system diagram of an example WTRU 102. 15 (e.g. , a liquid crystal display ( LCD ) display unit or organic
As shown in FIG . 1B , the WTRU 102 may include a light - emitting diode ( OLED ) display unit ) . The processor
processor 118 , a transceiver 120 , a transmit/ receive element 118 may also output user data to the speaker /microphone
122 , a speaker /microphone 124 , a keypad 126 , a display/ 124 , the keypad 126 , and / or the display / touchpad 128. In
touchpad 128 , non - removable memory 130 , removable addition, the processor 118 may access information from ,
memory 132 , a power source 134 , a global positioning 20 and store data in , any type of suitable memory, such as the
system (GPS ) chipset 136 , and other peripherals 138. It will non - removable memory 130 and / or the removable memory
be appreciated that the WTRU 102 may include any sub- 132. The non - removable memory 130 may include random
combination of the foregoing elements while remaining access memory (RAM ), read - only memory ( ROM) , a hard
consistent with an embodiment. Also , embodiments contem- disk, or any other type of memory storage device. The
plate that the base stations 114a and 114b , and / or the nodes 25 removable memory 132 may include a subscriber identity
that base stations 114a and 114b may represent, such as but module ( SIM) card , a memory stick, a secure digital ( SD )
not limited to transceiver station ( BTS ) , a Node- B , a site memory card , and the like . In other embodiments , the
controller, an access point ( AP ), a home node - B , an evolved processor 118 may access information from , and store data
home node - B ( eNodeB ) , a home evolved node- B (HeNB or in , memory that is not physically located on the WTRU 102 ,
HeNodeB ) , a home evolved node - B gateway , and proxy 30 such as on a server or a home computer (not shown ).
nodes, among others, may include some or all of the The processor 118 may receive power from the power
elements depicted in FIG . 1B and described herein . source 134 , and may be configured to distribute and /or
The processor 118 may be a general purpose processor, a control the power the other components in the WTRU
special purpose processor, a conventional processor, a digi- 102. The power source 134 may be any suitable device for
tal signal processor ( DSP ) , a plurality of microprocessors , 35 powering the WTRU 102. For example, the power source
one or more microprocessors in association with a DSP core , 134 may include one or more dry cell batteries ( e.g. ,
a controller, a microcontroller, Application Specific Inte- nickel - cadmium (NiCd) , nickel - zinc (NiZn) , nickel metal
grated Circuits (ASICs ) , Field Programmable Gate Array hydride (NiMH ), lithium - ion (Li - ion) , etc. ), solar cells , fuel
(FPGAs) circuits, any other type of integrated circuit (IC ) , a cells , and the like.
state machine , and the like. The processor 118 may perform 40 The processor 118 may also be coupled to the GPS chipset
signal coding , data processing, power control, input /output 136 , which may be configured to provide location informa
processing, and / or any other functionality that enables the tion ( e.g. , longitude and latitude ) regarding the current
WTRU 102 to operate in a wireless environment. The location of the WTRU 102. In addition to , or in lieu of, the
processor 118 may be coupled to the transceiver 120 , which information from the GPS chipset 136 , the WTRU 102 may
may be coupled to the transmit /receive element 122. While 45 receive location information over the air interface 115/ 116 /
FIG . 1B depicts the processor 118 and the transceiver 120 as 117 from a base station (e.g. , base stations 114a , 114b )
separate components, it will be appreciated that the proces- and / or determine its location based on the timing of the
sor 118 and the transceiver 120 may be integrated together signals being received from two or more nearby base
in an electronic package or chip . stations . It will be appreciated that the WTRU 102 may
The transmit/ receive element 122 may be configured to 50 acquire location information by way of any suitable loca
transmit signals to , or receive signals from , a base station tion - determination implementation while remaining consis
( e.g. , the base station 114a ) over the air interface 115/ 116 / tent with an embodiment.
117. For example, in one embodiment, the transmit/ receive The processor 118 may further be coupled to other
element 122 may be an antenna configured to transmit peripherals 138 , which may include one or more software
and / or receive RF signals . In another embodiment, the 55 and / or hardware modules that provide additional features ,
transmit/ receive element 122 may be an emitter /detector functionality and / or wired or wireless connectivity. For
configured to transmit and /or receive IR , UV, or visible light example, the peripherals 138 may include an accelerometer,
signals, for example. In yet another embodiment, the trans- an e - compass, a satellite transceiver, a digital camera ( for
mit / receive element 122 may be configured to transmit and photographs or video ) , a universal serial bus (USB ) port, a
receive both RF and light signals. It will be appreciated that 60 vibration device, aa television transceiver, a hands free head
the transmit / receive element 122 may be configured to set, a Bluetooth® module , a frequency modulated ( FM )
transmit and / or receive any combination of wireless signals. radio unit, a digital music player, a media player, a video
In addition, although the transmit /receive element 122 is game player module , an Internet browser, and the like .
depicted in FIG . 1B as a single element, the WTRU 102 may FIG . 1C is a system diagram of the RAN 103 and the core
include any number of transmit / receive elements 122. More 65 network 106 according to an embodiment. As noted above ,
specifically, the WTRU 102 may employ MIMO technology. the RAN 103 may employ a UTRA radio technology to
Thus, in one embodiment, the WTRU 102 may include two communicate with the WTRUs 102a , 1021 , 102c over the air
US 11,470,619 B2
7 8
interface 115. The RAN 103 may also be in communication example, may use multiple antennas to transmit wireless
with the core network 106. As shown in FIG . 1C , the RAN signals to , and receive wireless signals from , the WTRU
103 may include Node -Bs 140a , 140b , 140c , which may 102a .
each include one or more transceivers for communicating Each of the eNode -Bs 160a , 1606 , 160c may be associ
with the WTRUs 102a , 102b , 102c over the air interface 115. 5 ated with a particular cell (not shown ) and may be config
The Node - Bs 140a , 1400 , 140c may each be associated with ured to handle radio resource management decisions, han
a particular cell (not shown ) within the RAN 103. The RAN dover decisions, scheduling of users in the uplink and / or
103 may also include RNCs 142a , 142b . It will be appre- downlink , and the like . As shown in FIG . 1D , the eNode - Bs
ciated that the RAN 103 may include any number of 160a , 160b , 160c may communicate with one another over
Node - Bs and RNCs while remaining consistent with an 10 an X2 interface .
embodiment. The core network 107 shown in FIG . 1D may include a
As shown in FIG . 1C , the Node - Bs 140a , 140b may be in mobility management gateway ( MME ) 162 , a serving gate
communication with the RNC 142a . Additionally, the way 164 , and a packet data network (PDN) gateway 166 .
Node - B 140c may be in communication with the RNC 142b . While each of the foregoing elements are depicted as part of
The Node - Bs 140a , 140 , 140c may communicate with the 15 the core network 107 , it will be appreciated that any one of
respective RNCs 142a , 142b via an lub interface . The RNCS these elements may be owned and /or operated by an entity
142a , 142b may be in communication with one another via other than the core network operator.
an Iur interface. Each of the RNCs 142a , 142b may be The MME 162 may be connected to each of the eNode - Bs
configured to control the respective Node - Bs 140a , 140b , 160a , 160b , 160c in the RAN 104 via an S1 interface and
140c to which it is connected . In addition, each of the RNCs 20 may serve as a control node . For example, the MME 162
142a , 142b may be configured to carry out or support other may be responsible for authenticating users of the WTRUS
functionality, such as outer loop power control, load control, 102a , 1021 , 102c , bearer activation /deactivation, selecting a
admission control, packet scheduling, handover control, particular serving gateway during an initial attach of the
macrodiversity, security functions, data encryption , and the WTRUS 1020 , 102b , 102c , and the like . The MME 162 may
like . 25 also provide a control plane function for switching between
The core network 106 shown in FIG . 1C may include a the RAN 104 and other RANs ( not shown) that employ other
media gateway (MGW) 144 , a mobile switching center radio technologies, such as GSM or WCDMA .
( MSC ) 146 , a serving GPRS support node ( SGSN) 148 , The serving gateway 164 may be connected to each of the
and / or a gateway GPRS support node ( GGSN) 150. While eNode - Bs 160a , 160 , 160c in the RAN 104 via the Si
each of the foregoing elements are depicted as part of the 30 interface . The serving gateway 164 may generally route and
core network 106 , it will be appreciated that any one of these forward user data packets to / from the WTRUs 102a , 102b ,
elements may be owned and / or operated by an entity other 102c . The serving gateway 164 may also perform other
than the core network operator. fur ons, such as anchoring user planes during inter - eNode
The RNC 142a in the RAN 103 may be connected to the B handovers, triggering paging when downlink data is
MSC 146 in the core network 106 via an IuCS interface. The 35 available for the WTRUS 1020 , 102b , 102c , managing and
MSC 146 may be connected to the MGW 144. The MSC 146 storing contexts of the WTRUS 102a , 102b , 102c , and the
and the MGW 144 may provide the WTRUS 1020 , 102b , like.
102c with access to circuit - switched networks, such as the The serving gateway 164 may also be connected to the
PSTN 108 , to facilitate communications between the PDN gateway 166 , which may provide the WTRUs 102a ,
WTRUs 102a , 102b , 102c and traditional land -line commu- 40 102b , 102c with access to packet - switched networks, such as
nications devices. the Internet 110 , to facilitate communications between the
The RNC 142a in the RAN 103 may also be connected to WTRUS 102a , 102b , 102c and IP - enabled devices.
the SGSN 148 in the core network 106 via an IuPS interface . The core network 107 may facilitate communications
The SGSN 148 may be connected to the GGSN 150. The with other networks . For example, the core network 107
SGSN 148 and the GGSN 150 may provide the WTRUS 45 may provide the WTRUS 1020 , 102b , 102c with access to
102a , 102b , 102c with access to packet -switched networks, circuit -switched networks, such as the PSTN 108 , to facili
such as the Internet 110 , to facilitate communications tate communications between the WTRUS 102a , 102b , 102c
between and the WTRUS 102a , 102b , 102c and IP - enabled and traditional land -line communications devices . For
devices. example , the core network 107 may include , or may com
As noted above , the core network 106 may also be 50 municate with, an IP gateway (e.g. , an IP multimedia sub
connected to the networks 112 , which may include other system (IMS ) server) that serves as an interface between the
wired or wireless networks that are owned and / or operated core network 107 and the PSTN 108. In addition , the core
by other service providers. network 107 may provide the WTRUS 102a , 102b , 1020
FIG . 1D is a system diagram of the RAN 104 and the core with access to the networks 112 , which may include other
network 107 according to an embodiment.As noted above , 55 wired or wireless networks that are owned and / or operated
the RAN 104 may employ an E -UTRA radio technology to by other service providers.
communicate with the WTRUS 102a , 102b , 102c over the air FIG . 1E is a system diagram of the RAN 105 and the core
interface 116. The RAN 104 may also be in communication network 109 according to an embodiment. The RAN 105
with the core network 107 . may be an access service network (ASN) that employs IEEE
The RAN 104 may include eNode -Bs 160a , 160b , 1600 , 60 802.16 radio technology to communicate with the WTRUS
though it will be appreciated that the RAN 104 may include 102a , 102b , 102c over the air interface 117. As will be
any number of eNode - Bs while remaining consistent with an further discussed below , the communication links between
embodiment. The eNode - Bs 160a , 160b , 160c may each the different functional entities of the WTRUs 102a , 102b ,
include one or more transceivers for communicating with 102c , the RAN 105 , and the core network 109 may be
the WTRUs 102a , 102b , 102c over the air interface 116. In 65 defined as reference points.
one embodiment, the eNode -Bs 160a , 160b , 160c may As shown in FIG . 1E , the RAN 105 may include base
implement MIMO technology. Thus, the eNode - B 160a , for stations 180a , 1800 , 180c , and an ASN gateway 182 , though
US 11,470,619 B2
9 10
it will be appreciated that the RAN 105 may include any include other wired or wireless networks that are owned
number of base stations and ASN gateways while remaining and / or operated by other service providers .
consistent with an embodiment. The base stations 180a , Although not shown in FIG . 1E , it will be appreciated that
180b , 180c may each be associated with a particular cell ( not the RAN 105 may be connected to other ASNs and the core
shown ) in the RAN 105 and may each include one or more 5 network 109 may be connected to other core networks. The
transceivers for communicating with the WTRUs 102a , communication link between the RAN 105 the other ASNs
102b , 102c over the air interface 117. In one embodiment, may be defined as an R4 reference point, which may include
the base stations 180a , 1800 , 180c may implement MIMO protocols for coordinating the mobility of the WTRUs 102a ,
technology. Thus, the base station 180a , for example, may 102b , 102c between the RAN 105 and the other ASNs . The
use multiple antennas to transmit wireless signals to, and 10 communication
other core networkslink between
may be the core network
defined as an R5109reference
and the,
receive wireless signals from , the WTRU 102a . The base which may include protocols for facilitating interworking
stations 180a , 1806 , 180c may also provide mobility man between home core networks and visited core networks .
agement functions, such as handoff triggering, tunnel estab A low cost machine type communication (LC - MTC )
lishment, radio resource management, traffic classification , 15 device working on an LTE network (e.g. , a smart meter
quality of service (QoS ) policy enforcement, and the like. located in a basement of a house ) may assume higher
The ASN gateway 182 may serve as a traffic aggregation received Signal to Interference Noise Ratio ( SINR) losses
point and may be responsible for paging , caching of sub (e.g. , up to 15 dB ) as compared to some other LTE devices .
scriber profiles, routing to the core network 109 , and the The throughput and / or delay criteria for the LC - MTC may
like . 20 also be relaxed . A device's downlink ( DL ) and uplink (UL )
The air interface 117 between the WTRUS 102a , 102b , communications may be with the same cell , e.g. , in a DL /UL
102c and the RAN 105 may be defined as an R1 reference coupled case .
point that implements the IEEE 802.16 specification . In In a heterogeneous network environment, the LC - MTC
addition , each of the WTRUs 102a , 102b , 102c may estab- device may be located near a low power node . The LC - MTC
lish a logical interface ( not shown) with the core network 25 device may be downlink /uplink ( DL /UL ) coupled and /or
109. The logical interface between the WTRUS 102a , 102b , DL /UL decoupled . FIG . 2 illustrates examples of DL /UL
102c and the core network 109 may be defined as an R2 coupled and DL/UL decoupled cases .
reference point, which may be used for authentication, As illustrated in FIG . 2 , in a DL / UL coupled case , an
authorization, IP host configuration management, and / or LC - MTC device may communicate with a Macro cell 202
mobility management. 30 for uplink and / or downlink. In a DL/UL decoupled case , an
The communication link between each of the base stations LC - MTC device may communicate with the Macro cell 202
180a , 180 , 180c may be defined as an R8 reference point for downlink while transmitting an uplink signal to a low
that includes protocols for facilitating WTRU handovers and power node (LPN) 204. The uplink signal may be transmit
the transfer of data between base stations. The communica- ted to the low power node 204 , e.g. , because of a transmis
tion link between the base stations 180a , 180b , 180c and the 35 sion power difference between the Macro cell 202 and the
ASN gateway 182 may be defined as an R6 reference point. low power node 204. For eexample, the Macro cell 202 may
The R6 reference point may include protocols for facilitating transmit signals at 46 dBm , whereas the low power node 204
mobility management based on mobility events associated may transmit signals at 27 dBm . This may result in different
with each of the WTRUS 102a , 102b , 102c. downlink coverage. The coverage for uplink may be related
As shown in FIG . 1E , the RAN 105 may be connected to 40 to the geographical distance between the WTRU and the
the core network 109. The communication link between the base station so that low power node may have better uplink
RAN 105 and the core network 109 may defined as an R3 coverage .
reference point that includes protocols for facilitating data Wireless communication systems compliant with the
transfer and mobility management capabilities, for example . Third Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP ) Long Term
The core network 109 may include a mobile IP home agent 45 Evolution (LTE ) may support up to 100 Mbps in the
( MIP - HA) 184 , an authentication , authorization , accounting downlink ( DL ) and up to 50 Mbps in the uplink (UL ) for a
( AAA ) server 186 , and a gateway 188. While each of the 2x2 configuration . The LTE DL scheme may be based on an
foregoing elements are depicted as part of the core network Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access ( OFDMA)
109 , it will be appreciated that any one of these elements air interface . A radio frame may include ten 1 ms subframes .
may be owned and / or operated by an entity other than the 50 A subframe may include two 0.5 ms timeslots . There may be
core network operator. either six or seven Orthogonal Frequency Division Multi
The MIP - HA may be responsible for IP address manage- plexing (OFDM) symbols per timeslot . Seven symbols per
ment, and may enable the WTRUs 102a , 102b , 102c to roam timeslot may be used with normal cyclic prefix (CP ) length ,
between different ASNs and / or different core networks. The and six symbols per timeslot may be used with extended CP
MIP - HA 184 may provide the WTRUs 102a , 1021 , 102c 55 length . The subcarrier spacing for a particular specification
with access to packet - switched networks, such as the Inter- may be 15 kHz . A reduced subcarrier spacing mode , for
net 110 , to facilitate communications between the WTRUS example, using 7.5 kHz may also be possible . A frame may
102a , 102b , 102c and IP - enabled devices . The AAA server be or refer to a radio frame.
186 may be responsible for user authentication and for A resource element ( RE ) may be associated with a sub
supporting user services. The gateway 188 may facilitate 60 carrier during an OFDM symbol interval. A resource block
interworking with other networks. For example, the gateway (RB ) may include twelve consecutive subcarriers during a
188 may provide the WTRUS 102a , 102b , 102c with access 0.5 ms timeslot . With seven symbols per timeslot , a RB may
to circuit -switched networks, such as the PSTN 108 , to include 12x7 = 84 REs .
facilitate communications between the WTRUs 102a , 1025 , For dynamic scheduling, a subframe may include two
102c and traditional land - line communications devices. In 65 consecutive timeslots , which may be referred to as a RB pair.
addition, the gateway 188 may provide the WTRUs 102a , Certain subcarriers on some OFDM symbols may be allo
102b , 102c with access to the networks 112 , which may cated to carry pilot or reference signals in the time-fre
US 11,470,619 B2
11 12
quency grid . A number of subcarriers at the edges of the side of the 62 central subcarriers may be reserved or unused .
transmission bandwidth may not be transmitted in order to For FDD , PSS transmission may be in the last OFDM
comply with spectral mask criteria . symbol and SSS in the second to last (e.g. , next to last )
Uplink channels that may be provided and / or used may OFDM symbol of timeslot 0 (e.g. , the first timeslot of
include Physical UL Shared Channel ( PUSCH ) and / or 5 subframe () and timeslot 10 (e.g. , the first timeslot of
Physical UL Control Channel (PUCCH ) . Control informa- subframe 5 ) of each radio frame. For TDD , PSS transmis
tion, which may be referred to as UL Control Information sion may be in the third OFDM symbol in subframes 1 and
(UCI ) , may be transmitted by a WTRU , for example in a 6 and SSS may be transmitted in the last OFDM symbol in
subframe, on the PUSCH or the PUCCH , or part may be timeslot 1 ( e.g. , the second timeslot of subframe ( ) and
transmitted on the PUCCH and part on the PUSCH . UCI 10 timeslot 11 ( e.g. , the second timeslot of subframe 5 ) of each
may include one or more of hybrid automatic repeat request radio frame. The synchronization signals may convey infor
( HARQ ) ACK /NACK , scheduling request ( SR) , and / or mation regarding the physical cell identity (cell ID ) of the
Channel State Information ( CSI ) which may include one or cell .
more of Channel Quality Indicator ( CRI ) , Precoding Matrix A Physical Broadcast Channel ( PBCH ) , which may be
Indicator ( PMI ) , and Rank Indicator (RI ) . Resources that 15 transmitted by an eNB or cell , may carry cell information ,
may be allocated for PUCCH transmission may be located such as a Master Information Block ( MIB ) . The PBCH may
at or near the edges of the UL band . be provided or transmitted in subframe 0 of each radio frame
Downlink channels that may be provided and / or used may and may be repeated over, for example, four consecutive
include Physical Downlink Shared Channel ( PDSCH ) and / radio frames ( e.g. , 40 ms time period ). The PBCH may be
or downlink control channels, which may include one or 20 transmitted in the first four OFDM symbols of the second
more of Physical Control Format Indicator Channel (PC- timeslot of subframe 0 and may be transmitted on the 72
FICH ) , Physical Hybrid - ARQ Indicator Channel ( PHICH ) , center subcarriers . The MIB may provide information such
Physical Downlink Control Channel ( PDCCH ) , and / or as the DL bandwidth of the cell , PHICH information , and at
Enhanced PDCCH (EPDCCH) . least part of the System Frame Number ( SFN) , for example ,
One or more symbols, e.g. , the first 1 to 3 OFDM 25 the most significant 8 bits of aa 10 - bit SFN .
symbol ( s) in each subframe in the DL , may be occupied by Downlink reference signals may include a Cell -specific
one or more of PCFICH , PHICH , and PDCCH according to Reference Signal ( CRS ) , a Channel - State - Information Ref
the overhead of the control channels, and the symbols erence Signal ( CSI - RS ) , and / or a DeModulation Reference
occupied may be referred to as the DL control region . The Signal ( DM - RS ) , and / or a Positioning Reference Signal
PCFICH may be transmitted , for example, in the first OFDM 30 (PRS ) . DL reference signals may be received and / or used by
symbol (e.g. , symbol 0) in each subframe and / or may a WTRU . CRS may be used by a WTRU for channel
indicate the number of OFDM symbols used for the DL estimation for coherent demodulation of a (e.g. , any ) down
control region in the subframe. A WTRU may detect a link physical channel. Certain DL channels may include at
Control Format Indicator (CFI ) from a PCFICH , and the DL least one of PMCH , EPDCCH , and PDSCH when config
control region may be defined in the subframe according to 35 ured with TM7 , TM8 , TM9 , or TM10 . A WTRU may use the
the CFI value . The PCFICH may be skipped if a subframe CRS for channel state information measurements for the
may be defined as a non -PDSCH supportable subframe. DL reporting of CQI , PMI , and / or RI, for example, if the WTRU
symbols that are not part of a DL control region may be is configured with a transmission mode using CRS for
referred to as the data or PDSCH region. Enhanced PDCCH PDSCH demodulation . A WTRU may use the CRS for
( EPDCCH ) may be provided and / or used in the PDSCH 40 cell - selection and / or mobility - related measurements . The
region . The location of an EPDCCH in that region may be CRS may be received in certain subframes (e.g. , any sub
signaled , for example, via higher layer signaling such as frame), and multiple antenna ports (e.g. , up to four antenna
Radio Resource Control (RRC ) signaling, to a WTRU that ports ) may be supported . A WTRU may use DM - RS for
may ( or may be expected to ) monitor, receive , or otherwise demodulation of certain channels, which may include at

use that EPDCCH . The PDCCH and / or EPDCCH may 45 least one of EPDCCH and PDSCH configured with TM7 ,
provide control information , resource allocations (e.g. , TM8 , TM9 , or TM10 . DM - RS may be used for the demodu
grants ) for UL and / or DL transmission, and the like . lation of aa channel ( e.g. , EPDCCH or PDSCH ) and may be
DL signals and / or channels may be provided or transmit- transmitted in the resource blocks assigned to the channel
ted by an eNB and / or may be received and / or used by a (e.g. , EPDCCH or PDSCH ) . A WTRU may use CSI - RS ,
WTRU . UL signals and / or channels may be provided or 50 which may be transmitted with a duty cycle , for channel
transmitted by a WTRU and / or may be received and / or used state information measurements, for example, if the WTRU
by an eNB . may be configured with a transmission mode , which may use
Signals and / or channels may be associated with a cell that DM - RS for PDSCH demodulation . The CSI - RS may also be
may correspond to a certain carrier frequency and / or geo- used for cell - selection and mobility - related measurements,
graphic area . A carrier frequency may be a center frequency 55 for example, if a WTRU may be configured with a trans
of a cell ( e.g. , the center frequency of a cell's supported mission mode (e.g. , TM10 ) . A WTRU may use the PRS for
bandwidth ). An eNB may have one or more cells associated position related measurements.
with it . An eNB may be or refer to a cell . A WTRU may transmit uplink reference signals, includ
Synchronization signals , which may include a Primary ing , for example, a sounding reference signal ( SRS ) and / or
Synchronization Signal (PSS ) and/ or a Secondary Synchro- 60 and DM -RS. The SRS may be transmitted in the last
nization Signal ( SSS ) , may be provided or transmitted , for SC -FDMA symbol in a set of uplink subframes which may
example , by an eNB or cell . A WTRU may use such signals, be configured for WTRU - specific SRS subframes, which
for example, to acquire time and /or frequency synchroniza- may be a subset of cell - specific SRS subframes . The SRS
tion with an eNB or cell . The PSS and /or SSS may be may be transmitted by a WTRU periodically in the WTRU
present in subframes ( and / or 5 and / or may be present in 65 specific SRS subframes within a configured and / or pre
every radio frame. Transmission may be on 62 subcarriers at defined frequency bandwidth . A WTRU may transmit the
the center of a cell's bandwidth , and five subcarriers on each SRS in an aperiodic manner, for example, if the WTRU may
US 11,470,619 B2
13 14
receive an aperiodic SRS ( A -SRS ) transmission trigger in a The WTRU may transmit a RA preamble that may be
DCI . A WTRU may transmit DM - RS for the PUSCH (e.g. , explicitly ) signaled to the WTRU by the network , e.g. ,
demodulation at the eNB receiver and the location of ra - Preamblelndex, when using a non - contention based RA
DM - RS may be in the middle of the SC - FDMA symbols procedure, or in other cases . The WTRU may transmit the
( e.g. , fourth SC -FDMA symbol in normal CP ) in each slot 5 preamble on a PRACH resource that it may select from a
for the resource blocks for which PUSCH transmission may The specific subset of the cell's configured PRACH resources .
be granted . subset ( e.g. , the mask ) may be explicitly signaled to the
For LTE TDD , multiple TDD uplink /downlink subframe WTRU by the network , e.g. , ra - PRACH -MaskIndex . The
configurations may be supported and one or more of the 10 WTRU may use the indicated resource when the subset
configurations may be used in an eNB . A TDD uplink / includes A
one choice or in other cases .
PRACH preamble may be considered a PRACH
downlink subframe configuration may include a downlink resource . For example
subframe “ ID ' , an uplink subframe ' U ' , and / or a special PRACH preamble, time, , PRACH
resources may include a
and / or frequency resources .
subframe ' S , ' as shown in Table 1 . FIG . 3 illustrates an example random access procedure
TABLE 1 15 300. At 302 (e.g. , msgl ) , the WTRU may transmit a pre
amble , which may be at a certain power level . An eNB that
Example TDD LTE Uplink - downlink configurations. may receive the preamble may respond with a Random
Access Response (RAR ), e.g. , msg2 , at 304. If the WTRU
Uplink- Downlink may not receive the RAR within a certain time window, the
downlink to -Uplink 20 WTRU may transmit another preamble ( which may be
configu- Switch -point Subframe number
different from the previous preamble) and may transmit it at
ration periodicity 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a higher power ( e.g. , ramp up the power such as according
to a ramping protocol ) . The WTRU may repeat transmitting

C Coag Cogc A wA o C.oDC .Co ga

0 5 ms D S U U U S U U U
1 5 ms D S U U D U preambles until at least one of the following may happen : the
2 5 ms D S U D D S U D D 25 WTRU receives an RAR , the WTRU reaches (or exceeds )
3 10 ms S U U
D D D its maximum power , and / or the WTRU reaches (or exceeds )
10 ms
10 ms D
the maximum number of ramps which may be permitted. If
6 5 ms D S U U U S U U D the WTRU may reach or exceed one of the maximums, the
WTRU may consider the random access procedure 300 to
30 fail. The ramping step and maximum number of ramp may
A WTRU may receive user plane and / or control plane be provided by the eNB , such as via system information that
data in a PDSCH transmission from an eNB . A WTRU may may be broadcast.
receive RLC and /or MAC control information , for example, If the WTRU may receive an RAR , the RAR may include
in a PDSCH transmission from an eNB . one or more of a grant for resources on which to send an UL
A random access (RA ) procedure may be contention- 35 transmission at 306 (e.g. , msg3 ) , a C - RNTI or TC -RNTI,
based (e.g. , common) or non - contention based ( e.g. , con- and / or a timing advance ( TA ). In response to the RAR , the

tention - free or dedicated ). WTRU may transmit in the UL at 306 (e.g. , msg3 ) on the
When using a contention -based RA procedure , the WTRU granted resources and may adjust its UL timing according to
may initiate the process by transmitting a RA preamble that the TA . For a contention - free RA procedure, the random
it may randomly select from a common pool of preambles 40 access procedure 300 may end at 306 .
that may be communicated to the WTRU by the network, For a contention -based procedure, contention resolution
e.g. , via broadcasted system information . The WTRU may may occur at 308 (e.g. , msg4 ) . A contention resolution
transmit the preamble on a PRACH resource (e.g. , a message may include information (e.g. , C -RNTI) that may
resource in time and frequency ) that the WTRU may select indicate the WTRU for which the RAR may have been
from a set of allowed resources that may be communicated 45 intended . If the WTRU may receive aa contention resolution
to the WTRU by the network , e.g. , via broadcasted system message indicating that it as the intended WTRU , the
information . The cell's configured set of PRACH resources WTRU may consider the random access procedure 300
may be or may include this set of allowed PRACH successful. If not, the WTRU may consider the random
resources . The unit of time for the PRACH resource may be access procedure 300 a failure and may try again .
a subframe. The subframe the WTRU may select for the 50 In UL transmissions, a WTRU may perform power con
PRACH resource may be the next subframe configured for trol based on a number of factors that may include one or
PRACH in which the WTRU may transmit the PRACH more of measured pathloss on the DL carrier, transmit power
( e.g. , based on timing , measurement, and / or other WTRU control ( TPC) commands (e.g. , from the eNB ), the number
considerations). The WTRU may select a frequency aspect of resource blocks on which it may transmit, and / or other
of the PRACH resource (e.g. , the resource blocks (RBS )) in 55 static or semi- static parameters, among others. The TPC
the selected subframe, for example, based on parameters command may be provided in physical layer signaling such
communicated to the WTRU by the network, e.g. , via as in a DCI format, e.g. , in aa DCI format that may grant UL
broadcasted system information. A frequency resource may resources or one that may be used for TPC commands. A
be allowed for PRACH in a subframe for FDD or other WTRU may modify, increase , and/ or decrease its UL trans
cases . It may be defined by a starting ( e.g. , lowest) RB 60 mit power on one or more channels based on a received TPC
number that may be provided by the network , e.g. , prach- command. The modification may be at a certain time after
FrequencyOffset, and may have a fixed bandwidth, such as the receipt of the TPC command .
six RBs . The static or semi- static parameters may be provided by
Multiple WTRUs may select the same resources ( e.g. , the eNB or other network resources . The parameters and /or
preamble and PRACH resource) for random access , and the 65 the power control formula and / or the power control proce
contention situation may be resolved when a contention- dure may be established based on or found in , for example,
based random access procedure is used , or in other cases . LTE or LTE - A standards.
US 11,470,619 B2
15 16
A WTRU may synchronize its reception and / or transmis- the data which may come into the protocol layer and a
sion timing to the received frame timing of a reference cell . protocol data unit ( PDU) may represent the data which may
The timing of received frame boundaries may vary over time come out of the protocol layer. For example, an RLC SDU
due to WTRU motion and / or other factors ( e.g. , oscillator 402 , which may come into the RLC layer, may include at
drift), and a WTRU may autonomously adjust its timing 5 least part of aa PDCP PDU 404. An RLC PDU 406 , which
accordingly. The WTRU may apply a timing advance ( TA ) may be data processed by the RLC layer may include an
to the transmitted signals . For example, the WTRU may start RLC SDU 402 plus headers and other information which
transmission of a given UL subframe some amount of time may be included by the RLC layer.
( e.g. , the applied TA ) before the start of the corresponding In the example shown in FIG . 4 , the RLC may segment
DL subframe. The eNB may provide TA commands to a 10 PDCP PDUs into RLC PDUs such that MAC PDUs may
WTRU ( e.g. , each WTRU ) that may communicate with it in include a segmented RLC PDU . PDUs may be concatenated .
the UL or that may be under its control, and the eNB may In an inter-frequency operation in heterogeneous network ,
provide such commands with the intent that UL transmis- the frequency band of Macro and LPN may or may not be
sions from the WTRUs in any given subframe intended for the same . Inter - frequency and intra - frequency operation
a certain cell arrive at the certain cell at nominally the same 15 may be taken into account to support decoupled mode . The
time . The WTRU may also autonomously adjust its uplink low cost MTC (LC - MTC ) device, low - cost UE , low - cost
timing according to the received downlink frame of the WTRU , LC -WTRU , UE , LC - MTC UE , MTC UE , and / or
reference cell , and that timing may change. LC -UE , WTRU , coverage limited device , coverage limited
Mobility for a WTRU in an idle mode may include cell LC - MTC device , coverage limited UE , coverage limited
selection and / or cell reselection . A WTRU may perform cell 20 WTRU , and other terms may be used herein interchangeably
selection to find a suitable cell for normal camping and to refer to an MTC device that may be low cost .
connectivity. A WTRU may perform cell selection for initial Although the examples described herein may refer to a
access to the network, for transitions from connected mode certain type of device or WTRU such as a LC - MTC device
to IDLE mode, and / or for recovery from connectivity fail- or coverage limited WTRU , these examples are non -limit
ures, such as radio link failures. A WTRU with no prior 25 ing , and these examples may be applied to any device or
knowledge of the network or cells may perform initial cell WTRU and still be consistent with the principles disclosed
selection , and a WTRU with some previously stored infor- herein . Cell , eNB , node , and network node may be used
mation about the network and cells may perform stored herein interchangeably. Macro eNB and LPN may be
information cell selection . In order for aa WTRU to deem a replaced by each other or by any other eNB , cell , node, or
cell as a suitable cell , the RSRP and RSRQ measurements of 30 network node and still be consistent with the principles
the cell may ( e.g. , may need to ) meet certain cell selection disclosed herein . Macro and Macro eNB may be used
criteria . Parameters for the selection criteria may be pro- interchangeably. An LPN may have or be an eNB separate
vided by the eNB , e.g. , in system information that may be from aa Macro eNB or may be controlled by a Macro eNB ,
broadcast. If a WTRU may find or detect aa cell and the cell for example , such as in the case of the LPN being a remote
may fail to meet the criteria, the WTRU may perform the 35 radio head (RRH ) of a Macro eNB . Small cell and LPN may
same check on the next found or detected cell until the be used interchangeably. Upon , following, as a result of, and
criteria is met and a suitable cell is found . in response to may be used interchangeably. Although
A WTRU may perform cell re - selection in an idle mode examples may be disclosed in the context of two nodes, e.g. ,
when a neighboring cell may become better than the current a Macro and a LPN , these examples are non - limiting. Use of
serving cell , for example , in terms of RSRP or RSRQ . The 40 any number of nodes of any type may be consistent with the
neighboring cell may be an intra - frequency, inter - frequency principles disclosed herein .
LTE cell or inter -RAT, e.g. , UMTS or GSM , cell . The A WTRU may be able to communicate ( e.g. , with accept
measurements and the determination of cell selection criteria able performance ) in an UL or a DL ( e.g. , but not both UL
that may trigger the WTRU to reselect to another cell may and DL) to a node, e.g. , either aa Macro cell or a Low Power
be done by the WTRU based on information provided by the 45 Node (LPN) . If, however, the WTRU may be able to
eNB . communicate ( e.g. , with acceptable or improved perfor
A WTRU may measure and monitor the serving cell , e.g. , mance ) in the DL to one and in the UL to the other, DL /UL
continually . If the serving cell quality may fall below a decoupled operation may be desirable. DL /UL decoupled
certain threshold , the WTRU may begin to detect and operation, operating in a DL/UL decoupled scenario , and
measure neighboring cells . Information regarding neighbor- 50 decoupled mode may be used interchangeably. Decoupled
ing cells and cell reselection criteria may be indicated to a operation may be desirable , for example , when a WTRU is
WTRU in system information (e.g. , SIBs ) that may be unable to communicate in UL and DL to a Macro cell and /or
broadcasted by the eNB . Certain priorities may be specified a LPN . Decoupled operation may use DL transmissions
or used by the eNB and WTRU as part of the evaluation for from the Macro cell and UL transmissions to the LPN , or
cell reselection. For example, the WTRU may be provided 55 vice versa .
with higher priorities for certain frequencies over the current In a DL /UL decoupled scenario , certain or all of a
serving cell frequency such that the eNB may , to a certain WTRU's DL communication may be with one ( or at least
extent, control the frequencies and cells to which the WTRU one) node and certain or all of its UL communication may
may reselect . WTRU - determined priorities for cell re -selec- be with another (or at least one other) node, for example, as
tion may include, for example, the prioritization of MBMS 60 shown in FIGS . 5 and 6 .
frequencies over other frequencies when a WTRU may FIG . 5 illustrates an example DL /UL decoupled system
prefer to receive MBMS services. 500 in which communication of DL data and control may be
FIG . 4 illustrates an example of layer 2 ( L2 ) processing of with a node such as a Macro eNB 502. The node 502 may
an incoming packet. FIG . 4 shows a PDCP header which transmit and /or aa WTRU 504 may receive the DL channels.
may appended to the incoming packet that may be trans- 65 The DL channels may include one or more of a physical DL
mitted in the DL or UL direction . From the perspective of shared channel ( PDSCH ) , a physical DL control channel
each protocol layer, a service data unit ( SDU) may represent (PDCCH ) , an enhanced PDCCH ( EPDCCH ) , and / or a
US 11,470,619 B2
17 18
physical hybrid automatic repeat request (ARQ ) indicator greater than zero , such as 10 ms , 20 ms , 40 ms , 80 ms , or
channel (PHICH ) . The PDCCH (or EPDCCH ) may provide even longer. When the LPN and Macro eNB are ( or are
UL and / or DL grants to the WTRU 504. Communication of controlled by ) separate eNBs, non - ideal backhaul delay may
UL data and control may be with another node 506 such as apply .
a small cell (e.g. , small cell eNB ) or LPN . The WTRU 504 5 Intra and Inter- frequency operation may be considered .
may transmit and / or the node 506 may receive the UL The frequency band for the LPN and the Macro eNB may or
channels . The UL channels may include one or more of a may not be the same in a heterogeneous network or in other
physical UL shared channel ( PUSCH ) , a physical UL control scenarios. Inter - frequency and /or intra - frequency operation
channel ( PUCCH ) , a physical random access channel may be considered for the decoupled scenarios.
( PRACH ) ( not shown in FIG . 5 ) , and /or a sounding refer- 10 When a cell is switched to or used for a certain direction
ence signal ( SRS ) ( not shown in FIG . 5 ) . PDCCH and (e.g. , UL or DL ) , the cell may be switched to or used for
EPDCCH may be used interchangeably . certain ( e.g. , some or all ) data channels and /or control
FIG . 6 illustrates an example DL /UL decoupled system channels in that direction . When a cell is switched to or used
600 in which communication of DL data and associated for a certain direction ( e.g. , UL or DL ) , the cell may be
control may be a one node such as a Macro eNB 602 and 15 switched to or used at least for data channels in that direction
communication of UL data and associated control may be and may include the associated feedback control channels ,
with another node 604 such as a small cell (e.g. , small cell which may be in the opposite direction . For example, using
eNB ) or LPN . In this example, PDSCH may be received by a cell for DL (or DL communication ) may mean using it for
a WTRU 606 from one node such as the Macro eNB 602 . at least PDSCH and PUCCH , which may carry HARQ
The WTRU 606 may receive DL grants via a PDCCH or 20 feedback for the PDSCH . Using a cell for UL (or UL
EPDCCH from this node . The WTRU 606 may provide communication ) may mean using it for at least PUSCH or
feedback for the DL data such as HARQ ACK /NACK and PUSCH and PHICH , which may carry HARQ feedback for
CQI on a PUCCH to this node . PUSCH may be transmitted the PUSCH .
by the WTRU 606 to another node 604 such as the small cell Transmission modes or modes of operation may include ,
( e.g. , small cell eNB ) or LPN . The WTRU 606 may receive 25 for example, a coupled mode and a decoupled mode . A
UL grants on a PDCCH or EPDCCH from this other node WTRU may operate , prepare to operate, or intend to operate
604. The WTRU 606 may receive feedback for the UL data in a coupled mode and / or a decoupled mode . Operating in a
such as HARQ ACK /NACK on a PHICH from this other coupled ( or decoupled ) mode may be the same as or similar
node. PRACH and / or SRS may be transmitted by the WTRU to operating in a coupled ( or decoupled ) scenario .
606 to at least one of the nodes . 30 DL / UL decoupled mode, decoupled mode , decoupled
DL system signals, such one or more of primary synchro- transmission mode, decoupled operation , decoupled mode
nization signal (PSS ) , secondary synchronization signal of operation, dual connected mode , dual connectivity mode ,
( SSS ) , physical broadcast channel ( PBCH ) , and cell specific dual connection mode , and dual cell mode may be used
reference signals ( CRS ) may be received by the WTRU from interchangeably. DL/UL coupled mode in which both uplink
one or both of the nodes ( e.g. , eNBs ) . PDSCH carrying 35 and downlink communication may be with the same node
system signals, such as paging and / or system information (e.g. , eNB ) may be interchangeably used with coupled
( e.g. , in one or more system information blocks ( SIBs ) ) may mode , coupled transmission mode, coupled operation,
be received by the WTRU from one or both of the nodes coupled mode of operation, single connected mode , single
( e.g. , eNBs ) . cell connected mode, single connectivity mode, single con
For the DL /UL decoupled scenarios, various operational 40 nection mode, and single cell mode . DL /UL and UL/DL may
aspects may be considered . be used interchangeably .
Uplink accessibility to a Macro eNB may be considered . A WTRU may autonomously choose its mode of opera
The coverage limited LC - MTC device may start with a tion (e.g. , coupled or decoupled) or may be configured for a

coupled scenario ( e.g. , with the Macro eNB ) and then switch certain mode . For example, a WTRU may select and connect
its UL ( e.g. , some or all of its UL ) to another node (e.g. , the 45 to a cell and begin with coupled operation with that cell and
LPN) , which may have better UL coverage. The coverage may (e.g. , may then ) receive configuration from the corre

limited LC - MTC device may have DL but not UL ( or limited sponding eNB (e.g. , macro eNB ) to switch certain or all
UL ) coverage with one node (e.g. , the Macro eNB ) so that communication in a certain direction (e.g. , UL or DL ) to
it may (e.g. , may need to ) start with another node (e.g. , the another cell or node (e.g. , LPN ). In another example, a
LPN) for UL (or at least some UL ) from the beginning. 50 WTRU may choose to communicate in the DL , e.g. , for
Downlink signal readability for LPN may be considered . certain or all channels with one node and in the UL , e.g. , for
A LC - MTC device may read certain (e.g. , all ) downlink (or certain or all channels with another node , for example, based
DL system) signals of the LPN , such as PSS and / or SSS , on measurements and / or its ability to communicate (on some
CRS , PBCH , and / or SIBs , which may enable it to measure or all channels ) in a certain direction .
downlink pathloss and / or synchronize with the LPN in terms 55 When switching communication in a certain direction
of time and / or frequency offset. A LC - MTC device may not (e.g. , DL and / or UL ) to another cell or node, at least one data
decode PBCH of the LPN , e.g. , due to its poor received channel in that direction (e.g. , PDSCH and / or PUSCH )
signal quality, while it may synchronize with the LPN in and / or certain associated control channels or signaling for
terms of time and /or frequency sync (e.g. , based on one or the at least one data channel in that direction may be
more of PSS , SSS , and CRS ) . 60 switched . This may include scheduling grants, which may be
Backhaul delay between aa Macro eNB and the LPN may carried on a control channel ( e.g. , PDCCH or EPDCCH ) in
be considered . The backhaul ( e.g. , for communication the same or opposite direction and / or feedback , which may
between the Macro and the LPN) may be considered ideal, be carried on a channel such as a control channel in the
e.g. , there may be no or minimal delay (e.g. , for such opposite direction (e.g. , PUCCH and / or PHICH ) .
communication ). When the LPN is an RRH of the Macro 65 When communicating or choosing to communicate in a
eNB , the backhaul may be considered ideal . The backhaul certain direction (e.g. , DL and / or UL ) with a certain cell or
may be non - ideal , e.g. , the backhaul delay may be a value node , communication with that cell or node may include at
US 11,470,619 B2
19 20
least one data channel in that direction ( e.g. , PDSCH and / or system information , broadcast signals and / or channels, syn
PUSCH ) and / or certain associated control channels or sig- chronization signals and /or channels, and / or reference sig
naling for the at least one data channel in that direction nals such as CRS .
which may include scheduling grants, which may be carried The term DL communication may be used herein to
on a control channel ( e.g. , PDCCH or ePDCCH ) in the same 5 include certain DL channels and may also include certain
or opposite direction and / or feedback , which may be carried (e.g. , related ) UL channels . DL communication may include
on a channel such as a control channel in the opposite (e.g. , include use of) one or more DL channels, such as at
direction (e.g. , PUCCH and / or PHICH ) . least one of PDSCH , PDCCH ( and /or EPDCCH ) , PHICH ,
For example , WTRU communication in the DL with a and PBCH . These one or more DL channels may be trans
node or cell may include one or more of receiving DL grants 10 mitted by a cell or eNB and / or monitored and / or received by
from the node or cell , e.g. , via PDCCH , receiving DL data a WTRU . Such transmission , monitoring , and /or reception
from the node or cell , e.g. , via PDSCH , and / or transmitting may constitute use of the channel. DL communication may
feedback to the node or cell , e.g. , via PUCCH . WTRU include one or more UL channels which may be associated
communication in the UL with a node or cell may include with aa DL channel or transmission such as a PUCCH which
one or more of receiving UL grants from the node or cell , 15 may be associated with aa DL channel, such as a PDSCH . A
e.g. , via PDCCH , transmitting UL data to the node or cell , PUCCH which may be associated with a PDSCH may
e.g. , via PUSCH , and receiving feedback from the node or provide feedback ( e.g. , ACK /NACK and / or CQI ) for or
cell, e.g. , via PHICH . which may correspond to a PDSCH transmission . These one
WTRU communication in the DL with a node or cell may or more UL channels may be transmitted by a WTRU and /or
include receiving DL data and /or control channels from the 20 monitored and / or received by a cell or eNB . Such transmis
node or cell , which may include one or more of PDSCH , sion, monitoring, and / or reception may constitute use of the
PDCCH , ePDCCH , which may carry UL and / or DL grants,
-2 channel. Use of aa cell or eNB for DL communication may
and / or PHICH . WTRU communication in the UL with a not preclude use of the cell or eNB for UL communication .
node or cell may include transmitting UL data and / or control WTRU use of a cell or eNB for DL communication may not
channels to the node or cell , which may include one or more 25 preclude its use of the cell or eNB for random access for or
of PUSCH and PUCCH . during which the WTRU may transmit PRACH and / or
An eNB , node, or cell (e.g. , Macro or LPN) may transmit PUSCH to the cell or eNB .
one or more of the signals described herein , which may be A WTRU may operate in, be configured with , or be
received by a WTRU . An eNB , node, or cell ( e.g. , Macro or configured to operate in a coverage limited mode of opera
LPN) may receive or intend to receive one or more of the 30 tion for certain or all channels in DL and /or UL . Coverage
signals described herein , which may be transmitted by a limited and coverage enhanced may be used interchange
WTRU . ably.
Operate, intend to operate, consider to operate, and pre- In a coverage limited mode, a WTRU and / or an eNB
pare to operate may be used interchangeably. Being in a communicating with the WTRU may perform certain
mode , operating in a mode , intending to operate in a mode , 35 actions to improve the coverage or performance on one or
considering to operate in a mode , and preparing to operate more channels such as repetition or power boosting .
may be used interchangeably. Mode and scenario may be A WTRU may operate in coverage limited mode while in
used interchangeably. coupled mode and / or decoupled mode . The level of cover
UL communication may include certain UL channels and age limitation and the actions of the WTRU and / or eNB (or
may include certain (e.g. , related ) DL channels. UL com- 40 nodes in the decoupled case ) to reduce or eliminate the
munication may include (e.g. , include use of) one or more effects of the limitations may be different in the UL and the
UL channels, such as at least one of PUSCH , PUCCH , SRS , DL .
and / or PRACH . These one or more UL channels may be A WTRU may operate in non - coverage limited mode
transmitted by a WTRU and / or monitored and / or received while in coupled mode and / or decoupled mode . While a
by a cell or eNB . Such transmission , monitoring, and / or 45 WTRU may be operating in coupled or decoupled mode , one
reception may constitute use of the channel. UL communi- direction of the WTRU's communication may be in cover
cation may include ( e.g. , include use of) one or more DL age limited mode, while the other direction may be in
channels that may be associated with an UL channel or non - coverage limited mode, or both directions of commu
transmission such as a PDCCH or PHICH , which may be nication may be in coverage limited mode or non - coverage
associated with an UL channel. A PDCCH , which may be 50 limited mode .
associated with an UL channel, may include, but may not be A WTRU may operate in coverage limited mode when the
limited to one or more of a PDCCH which may provide an WTRU may be ( or may be considered ) coverage limited .
UL grant or allocation , e.g. , for a PUSCH transmission , a A WTRU may be (or may be considered ) coverage limited
PDCCH which may provide a trigger for an aperiodic SRS in aa certain direction ( e.g. , DL and /or UL ) if one or more of
transmission , and a PDCCH which may include a PDCCH 55 the following may reach or cross ( e.g. , become higher or
order, e.g. , for UL synchronization which may trigger or lower than ) a threshold : a measurement (e.g. , RSRP ) that
result in a PRACH transmission . A PHICH , which may be may be made by the WTRU , a value derived or determined ,
associated with a PUSCH may provide feedback ( e.g. , e.g. , by the WTRU , from a measurement ( e.g. , pathloss ), and
ACK /NACK ) for or which may correspond to a PUSCH a difference between one or more values or measurements
transmission. These one or more DL channels may be 60 that may be determined by the WTRU . Different levels of
transmitted by a cell or eNB and / or monitored and / or coverage limitation may be performed . Different thresholds
received by a WTRU . Such transmission , monitoring , and / or may be used for the different levels .
reception may constitute use of the channel. Use of a cell or Cell search , cell selection, and cell reselection may be
eNB for UL communication may not preclude use of the cell used interchangeably. DL cell selection and legacy cell
or eNB for DL communication . WTRU use of a cell or eNB 65 selection may be used interchangeably .
for UL communication may not preclude its use of the cell An uplink cell may be a cell that a WTRU may use or
or eNB for (e.g. , for reception and / or use of) one or more of intend to use for UL communication.
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21 22
A downlink cell may be a cell that a WTRU may use or start with coupled mode for the cell access and may switch
intend to use for DL communication or at least DL com- or be switched to decoupled mode, for example, according
munication . to the channel condition . The configuration may be provided
A legacy cell may be aa cell that a WTRU may select using 5 by the eNB and / or received by the WTRU via higher layer
legacy cell selection or reselection procedures. signaling, such as RRC signaling. The decoupled mode may
A cell selection and / or reselection procedure may be be configured by higher layers for a WTRU configured for
different for a WTRU that may operate in coupled or or operating in coupled mode . If a WTRU is configured with
decoupled mode. a decoupled mode, the WTRU may start or perform an
A WTRU , such as one that may be in a coupled mode , uplink cell search procedure described herein . The WTRU
may measure downlink signals from multiple cells and may 10 may perform an UL cell search procedure while a downlink
select a downlink cell based on predefined criteria, which cell search procedure may not be performed. The decoupled
may include but are not limited to : highest signal strength , mode may be configured by higher layers and the configu
RSRP, and /or received SINR , and the WTRU may assume ration signaling may include the uplink cell information . The
that the uplink cell is the same as the downlink cell . There
may be no separate cell search procedure for uplink cell 15 uplink cell information may include at least one of cell-ID,
center frequency, bandwidth , and PRACH resource configu
selection .
A WTRU , such as one that may be in ( or may be ration .
considered or may intend to be in) a decoupled mode , may The supported downlink and uplink channels ( e.g. , by or
measure downlink signals from multiple cells and select a for communication with a node) may be different according
downlink cell based on predefined criteria, which may 20 to the mode of operation ( e.g. , with respect to a certain
include but are not limited to : signal strength , RSRP, RSRQ , WTRU ) . For example, in coupled mode, all channels
and / or received SINR ( e.g. , highest signal strength, RSRP, defined may be supported while in decoupled mode only a
RSRQ , and / or received SINR) . The WTRU may perform an subset of channels which may be used in coupled mode may
uplink cell search procedure in which the predefined criteria be supported (e.g. , for communication between the WTRU
for uplink cell selection may be different from that for 25 and each node ). In coupled mode , data and control channels
downlink cell selection . The uplink cell search may be (e.g. , between the WTRU and one node) may be supported .
performed for cells within a list provided by the selected In decoupled mode , certain channels (or certain channels in
downlink cell . The list of uplink cells associated with the a certain direction ) , such as data channels and / or control
selected downlink cell may be provided in a broadcast channels ( e.g. , in a certain direction ), may ( or may only ) be
channel ( e.g. , MIB , SIB -X ) , higher layer signaling ( e.g. , 30 supported (e.g. , between the WTRU and a certain node or a
MAC , RRC ), and / or physical layer signaling ( e.g. , set of nodes ) . Data and control channels may include but are
( E ) PDCCH ). not limited to one or more of PDSCH , PUSCH , PHICH ,
Measurements of one or more cells for one or more of UL (E ) PDCCH , PUCCH , SR , SRS , and PRACH . The coupled
cell search , UL cell selection , and UL cell reselection may mode may support broadcasting channels and data / control
be performed , e.g. , by the WTRU , on signals it may detect 35 channels. The decoupled mode may ( or may only ) support
or receive in the DL from those one or more cells and / or data and control channels . Broadcasting channels may
other cells . include but not be limited to one or more of PBCH , SIBs
A coupled mode and a decoupled mode may be used (e.g. , PDSCH carrying SIBs ) , and Paging ( e.g. , PDSCH
according to the WTRU category or used differently accord- carrying Paging ). Decoupled mode may not support one or
ing to the WTRU category . 40 more of PHICH or SR . A WTRU (e.g. , low - cost or coverage
The coupled and decoupled transmission modes may be limited WTRU ) may receive ( e.g. , may receive all ) broad
defined and used for one or more certain categories of casting information in a coupled mode and switch to a
WTRUs such as a low - cost or coverage limited WTRU decoupled mode , e.g. , for data transmission. While in
category . For example, these transmission modes may be (or decoupled mode , the WTRU may receive one or more
may only be) used for a specific WTRU category. If a 45 broadcast and / or paging channels from one of the cells ( e.g. ,
WTRU falls under this WTRU category, it may operate with the one that it may use for DL communication, which may
the applicable transmission modes , e.g. , coupled and / or be the Macro eNB ).
decoupled operation. The coupled transmission mode may The transmission modes may be selected during the cell
be used for certain ( e.g. , all ) WTRU categories , and the access procedure. If a WTRU selects or is configured for one
decoupled transmission mode may be used (e.g. , only used) 50 transmission mode ( e.g. , coupled or decoupled) , the trans
for specific one or more WTRU categories ( e.g. , low - cost or mission mode may remain unchanged at least for the con
coverage limited WTRU category ). nected mode .
The coupled mode may support one or more specific A WTRU may perform UL cell selection and / or reselec
transmission modes ( e.g. , TM9 ) with aa restricted number of tion to select and /or reselect a cell to use for UL commu
ranks for one or more WTRU categories (e.g. , low - cost or 55 nication .
coverage limited WTRU ). Certain or all legacy transmission A WTRU may perform a cell selection procedure for the
modes ( e.g. , TM1 - TM10 ) may be supported in the coupled downlink and / or uplink, for example separately. A WTRU
mode for certain (e.g. , certain other ) WTRU categories . The may or may not perform uplink cell selection based on the
capability of supporting legacy transmission modes may be results of the downlink cell selection procedure. DL cell
related to the release of the WTRU . 60 selection may be performed to choose aa cell for at least DL
A coupled mode and / or a decoupled mode may be con- (or certain DL ) communication ( e.g. , for at least broadcast
figured, e.g. , for a WTRU , in a semi- static and / or WTRU- of system information ) which may be the best cell or a cell
specific manner. that meets a certain criteria . DL cell selection may be the
The coupled mode may be defined as a primary mode and same as legacy cell selection . UL cell selection may be
the decoupled mode may be defined as a secondary mode . 65 performed to choose a cell for at least UL ( or certain UL )
The primary mode may be considered as the default mode so communication (e.g. , PUSCH ) which may be the best cell or
that the WTRU ( e.g. , low - cost WTRU ) may (or may always ) a cell that meets certain criteria .
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23 24
A WTRU may perform downlink cell selection and uplink selection and / or reselection for UL communication or access
cell selection at the same time (or during a similar timeframe to that cell ( e.g. , the Macro cell ) . For example, the WTRU
such as prior to or during selecting a cell for camping on , a may receive at least one of a pathloss threshold ( e.g. ,
suitable cell , or a best cell ) . The cell selection criteria for minimum pathloss threshold ) and an offset. A WTRU may ,
uplink and downlink may be different. Upon (or following ) 5 for example, based at least on this information , determine if
finishing the cell selection process or procedure ( e.g. , upon the cell is suitable for UL communication or access . Deter
or following choosing the cell or cells that meet the DL mining whether a cell is suitable for UL communication or
and / or UL selection criteria ), the WTRU may select either access may be referred to as performing an UL suitability
coupled mode or decoupled mode according to the outcome check . Pathloss may refer to UL or DL pathloss .
of the cell selection for downlink and uplink . If the selected 10 A WTRU may perform UL cell selection and / or an UL
uplink cell is different from the downlink cell , the WTRU suitability check for one or more cells . For example, upon
may select decoupled mode. Otherwise, the WTRU may (or following) finding or selecting a cell that may meet the
select coupled mode . RSRP and / or RSRQ based (e.g. , Rel - 11 ) cell suitability
A WTRU may perform a first (e.g. , downlink or legacy ) criteria , the WTRU may perform an UL suitability check for
cell selection . If a measured signal during the first ( e.g. , 15 that cell . A WTRU may perform cell selection (e.g. , legacy
downlink or legacy ) cell selection satisfies a predefined cell selection) and UL cell selection separately. UL cell
criterion (e.g. , coverage limited channel condition or thresh- selection may include an UL suitability check .
old) , the WTRU may perform a second ( e.g. , uplink ) cell If the UL cell suitability criteria have been met ( e.g. , for
selection (e.g. , additionally ). If the predefined criterion is not the Macro cell ) , the WTRU may operate in coupled mode .
met (e.g. , the coverage limited condition or threshold is not 20 If the UL cell suitability criteria have not been met , the
met) , the WTRU may not perform the second ( e.g. , uplink ) WTRU may consider the cell not suitable and may search for
cell selection . Upon or following finishing the cell selection another cell ( e.g. , for DL and / or UL communication or
( e.g. , legacy and / or DL , and / or UL ) , the WTRU may select access ) . If the UL cell suitability criteria have not been met,
either coupled mode or decoupled mode according to the the WTRU may attempt to search for a more suitable cell ,
outcome of the cell selection . If the selected cell (e.g. , uplink 25 for example an ( e.g. , another) Macro or LPN cell , for UL
cell ) from the second cell selection is different from the communication or access . The search may be based on
selected cell (e.g. , downlink cell ) from the first cell selec- information provided by the cell ( e.g. , Macro cell ) that may
tion, the WTRU may select decoupled mode . Otherwise, the have been selected as a suitable (or suitable DL ) cell or best
WTRU may select coupled mode . The WTRU may or may (or best DL ) cell and /or based on criteria such as legacy cell
only perform the second ( e.g. , UL) cell selection if the cell 30 selection criteria . The information may be provided by the
selected from the first ( e.g. , DL or legacy ) cell selection cell via signaling , such as broadcast signaling ( e.g. , in
indicates ( e.g. , in system information which may be broad- system information such as in one or more SIBs ) or dedi
cast in a MIB or SIB ) that it may support decoupled cated signaling
operation . If the cell selected from the first (e.g. , DL or The WTRU may, for example if the UL cell suitability
legacy ) cell selection procedure does not indicate that it 35 criteria have not been met , use or continue to use a cell ( e.g. ,
supports decoupled mode ( or indicates it does not support Macro cell ) for DL connectivity, given that the DL or legacy
decouple mode ) , the WTRU may select coupled mode or the cell selection criteria have been met.
WTRU may search for another cell that may support For cell reselection , a WTRU may monitor current UL
decoupled mode . The WTRU may ( or may only ) search for conditions with neighboring cells ( e.g. , Macro and / or LPN
another cell that may support decoupled mode if certain 40 cells ) and perform UL (e.g. , UL only ) cell reselection if
criteria (e.g. , one or more conditions and / or thresholds) is (or another cell may provide better UL conditions than the
are ) met , such as coverage is too limited for coupled current one . For example, the cell selection criteria (e.g. , for
operation with the selected cell . UL ) may be based on pathloss measurements, and if a
The procedures described may be applied for initial cell neighbor cell ( e.g. , LPN cell ) pathloss is (e.g. , is determined
2 9

selection and /or cell reselection . 45 by the WTRU to be) an offset better than the current cell
Any of a variety of cell selection criteria may be used . A pathloss, then the WTRU may perform cell reselection ( e.g. ,
cell selection criterion may be a downlink common refer- UL cell reselection ). The WTRU may perform cell reselec
ence signal received power ( e.g. , RSRP ) , which may be tion monitoring based on information provided by the cur
measured by the WTRU . Another cell selection criterion rent cell , which may be used for DL communication ( e.g. ,
may be a downlink pathloss ( e.g. , transmitted power— 50 Macro cell ) or UL communication ( e.g. , LPN) , for example
RSRP ) , which may be determined by the WTRU from via signaling such as broadcast signaling ( e.g. , via system
measurements (e.g. , of RSRP ) and transmitted power which information which may be in SIBs ) or dedicated signaling.
may be received by the WTRU in signaling , such as broad- AWTRU may report ( e.g. , send in a message ) the selected
cast or dedicated signaling from a node (e.g. , eNB ). Another UL cell (or LPN) to the selected DL or legacy cell (e.g. , the
cell selection criterion may be a downlink received SNR 55 Macro ) and / or its selected DL or legacy cell to its selected
( e.g. , RSRQ ) , which may be measured or determined by the UL cell . The WTRU may send the report upon , following, or
WTRU . Another cell selection criterion may be an uplink as a result of selecting or reselecting ( e.g. , modifying its
pathloss, which may be estimated by the WTRU , for selection of) an UL ( or DL ) cell (e.g. , a cell for UL or DL
example , based on DL pathloss. communication ). The WTRU may report the cell ID of the
The cell selection criteria may be the same or different for 60 selected cell . Report, send , and transmit may be used inter
the downlink ( or legacy ) and uplink selection procedures. changeably. Report and send or transmit in a message may
The measurement thresholds for making decisions ( e.g. , be used interchangeably.
selection decisions ) may be the same or different for the Fully decoupled , fully decoupled operation, fully
downlink (or legacy ) and uplink selection procedures. decoupled mode of operation , and other variations, may
A WTRU may receive , for example , in broadcast signal- 65 mean or may imply but not be limited to a scenario or
ing such as system information ( e.g. , in one or more SIBs ) operation in which uplink ( e.g. , all UL ) channels may be
of aa cell (e.g. , the Macro cell ) , information related to cell associated with one cell and downlink (e.g. , all DL ) channels
US 11,470,619 B2
25 26
may be associated with another cell . For example, uplink for the second cell may be signaled, e.g. , via higher layer
( e.g. , all uplink ) channels, which may include PUCCH and signaling. A WTRU may detect the physical cell - ID for the
PUSCH may be transmitted to a cell - A (e.g. , LPN) , while first cell , e.g. , via a synchronization channel, in a frequency
downlink (e.g. , all downlink ) channels such as PDSCH and band, and the WTRU may detect the physical cell - ID for the
( E) PDCCH may be received from a cell - B ( e.g. , Macro ). 5 second cell , e.g. , via a synchronization channel, in another
Partially decoupled, partially decoupled operation, par frequency band .
tially decoupled mode of operation, and other variations Downlink communication (e.g. , by a WTRU ) may
may mean or may imply but not be limited to a scenario or include one or more of receiving PDSCH , monitoring
operation in which at least one or more uplink channels may (E ) PDCCH associated with the PDSCH , and / or sending
be associated with a cell -A (e.g. , LPN) and at least one or 10 HARQ -ACK corresponding to the PDSCH . Receiving
more downlink channels ( e.g. , PDSCH and /or ( E ) PDCCH ) downlink signals and sending HARQ - ACK corresponding
may be associated with a cell - B (e.g. , Macro ) or both ( e.g. , to the downlink signals may be from and / or to (or based on)
cell -A and cell -B ) . the first cell (e.g. , Macro) .
A PUCCH may be associated with both cell - A (e.g. , LPN) A WTRU may receive and /or monitor (E ) PDCCH asso
and cell - B ( e.g. , Macro ) according to the information type 15 ciated with PDSCH (e.g. , DL assignment) from the first cell .
( e.g. , HARQ - ACK , CSI , SR) that may be carried by the A WTRU may assume that the PDSCH , ( E ) PDCCH asso
PUCCH . A PUCCH that may include HARQ - ACK that may
correspond to a PDSCH may be sent to cell - B (e.g. , Macro ) , ciated with the PDSCH , and / or HARQ -ACK corresponding
while aa PUCCH that may include SR may be sent to cell -A to the PDSCH are from / to a quasi -collocated transmission
( e.g. , LPN) . In another example, ( E ) PDCCH may be asso- 20 point. The same time /frequency offset may be used for
ciated with both cell -A (e.g. , LPN) and cell - B (e.g. , Macro ) demodulation (e.g. , of one or more of these channels ). For
according to the DCI format (e.g. , DCI format 0 and DCI HARQ -ACK transmission, the timing advance may be
format 1A) . A WTRU may monitor /receive a (E ) PDCCH applied ( e.g. , by the WTRU ) according to a downlink timing
that may include a DCI format such as DCI format 1A from reference , which may be of ( or determined from the DL
a cell - B (e.g. , Macro ), for example since it may be related to 25 timing of) the first cell .
downlink assignment. A WTRU may monitor / receive Uplink communication (e.g. , by a WTRU ) may include
( E) PDCCH that may include a DCI format such as DCI one or more of monitoring (E ) PDCCH , which may be
format 0 from aa cell - A (e.g. , LPN) , for example, since it may associated with a PUSCH , transmitting PUSCH , and / or
be related to uplink grant. receiving HARQ -ACK , which may correspond to the
In another example partially decoupled scenario , at least 30 PUSCH . Monitoring (E) PDCCH associated with a PUSCH , a
one UL channel (or one UL channel that may be carrying transmitting PUSCH , and / or receiving HARQ - ACK corre
certain information or a certain information type) may be sponding to the PUSCH may be from / to (or based on) the
associated with cell - A , but not cell - B , and at least one DL second cell (e.g. , LPN ).
channel ( or one DL channel carrying certain information or The downlink timing of the second cell may be used ( e.g. ,
a certain information type) may be associated with cell - B , 35 by the WTRU ) as an uplink timing reference ( e.g. , for
but not cell - A . An information type may include one or more transmission to the first and /or second cell ) . For example,
of control information, certain control information, data , or when an uplink timing advance value may be applied ( e.g. ,
certain data . by the WTRU ), the timing reference may be the downlink
A WTRU may perform each of uplink communication timing of the second cell . The downlink timing of the first
and downlink communication with aa different cell . The cell 40 cell may be used ( e.g. , by the WTRU ) as an uplink timing
may be identified by physical cell - ID or virtual cell ID . In an reference (e.g. , for transmission to the first and / or second
example, the downlink communication may be performed cell . The uplink timing reference ( e.g. , for the first and / or
with a first cell (e.g. , Macro ), and the uplink communication second cell ) may be indicated via higher layer signaling . The
may be performed with a second cell (e.g. , LPN) . The first indication may be ( e.g. , to use for the UL timing reference)
cell and second cell may have aa different (or same ) virtual 45 one of the downlink timing of the first cell and the downlink
cell ID or physical cell ID . timing of the second cell .
The first cell may be defined or configured as the cell with A PUCCH may be transmitted to cell -A (e.g. , Macro ) or
which aa WTRU may perform or may have performed initial cell - B (e.g. , LPN) according to the message type included in
cell access . The first cell may be defined or configured as a the PUCCH . The message type may be defined as a PUCCH
cell with which a WTRU may perform or may have per- 50 format (e.g. , 1 / 1a/ 1b /2 /2a/2b/ 3 ) . The target cell to which a
formed a random access procedure . The first cell may be WTRU may transmit aa PUCCH may be determined accord
defined or configured as a downlink cell in the decoupled ing to the PUCCH format.
mode of operation. If a PUCCH may include HARQ -ACK that may corre
The second cell may be defined as the cell that may be or spond to a PDSCH from cell -A (e.g. , Macro ), the PUCCH
may have been configured via higher layer signaling. The 55 may be transmitted ( e.g. , by the WTRU) to the cell -A ( e.g. ,
second cell may be defined as an uplink cell in the decoupled Macro ). If a PUCCH may include a positive scheduling
mode of operation . request ( SR) , the PUCCH may be transmitted ( e.g. , by the
The first cell and the second cell may have ( or use ) a same WTRU ) to a cell - B ( e.g. , LPN) . For example, the PUCCH
frequency band . For example, the downlink frequency bands formats that may include HARQ - ACK may be transmitted
for the first cell and for the second cell may be the same and 60 (e.g. , by the WTRU ) to the cell from which aa WTRU may
FDD may be used ( e.g. , to separate the cells ) . The first cell receive or may have received a corresponding PDSCH . For
and the second cell may have ( or use) different frequency example, if a WTRU may receive a PDSCH from cell -A
bands. For example, the downlink frequency bands for the (e.g. , Macro ), the cell -A may be the target cell for the
first cell and for the second cell may have ( or use ) a different PUCCH formats including HARQ -ACK (e.g. , PUCCH for
frequency band. 65 mat la / 1b /2a /2b / 3 ). The PUCCH formats that may include
AWTRU may detect the physical cell - ID for the first cell , SR (e.g. , positive SR) may be transmitted (e.g. , by the
e.g. , via a synchronization channel, and the physical cell - ID WTRU ) to the cell (e.g. , LPN) which may be configured or
US 11,470,619 B2
27 28
determined as an uplink cell ( or as a cell for UL commu- monitor PDCCH (or EPDCCH ) based on the configuration
nication ), e.g. , in a decoupled mode of operation . of the cell -A ( e.g. , Macro ) if the WTRU may attempt to
HARQ - ACK and positive SR may not be transmitted in decode a DCI format which may be related to downlink
the same PUCCH in the decoupled mode of operation or in grant.
other scenarios. For example, PUCCH format la may be 5 The configuration of a cell for PDCCH ( or EPDCCH )
used for 1 - bit HARQ -ACK with positive SR (e.g. , in FDD ) monitoring may include a Physical cell - ID ( PCI ) ; CRS
if a WTRU may be in the coupled mode of operation . configurations, such as the number of CRS port and v - shift;
PUCCH format la may be used for (e.g. , only for) 1 - bit a MBSFN pattern ; and / or EPDCCH configurations, which
HARQ - ACK (e.g. , in FDD ) if a WTRU may be in the may include one or more of resource allocation , mode of
decoupled mode of operation . For example, the positive SR 10 operation ( e.g. , localized or distributed ), and EPDCCH
may not be multiplexed ( e.g. , in PUCCH format la ) in the starting symbol.
decoupled mode of operation. A WTRU may use PUCCH A WTRU may monitor PDCCH with the number of CRS
format 1 for positive SR transmission . If aa WTRU may or ports and / or v - shift of the CRS based on the cell - A ( e.g. ,
may need to transmit a HARQ - ACK and a positive SR in the Macro ) if the DCI format the WTRU may attempt to decode
same uplink subframe, the WTRU may drop the positive SR 15 may belong to the cell - A . The WTRU may monitor PDCCH
in the subframe and transmit the HARQ - ACK , e.g. , to the with the number of CRS ports and /or v - shift of the CRS
cell - A ( e.g. , Macro ) in the subframe. The WTRU may drop based on the cell - B (e.g. , LPN) if the DCI format the WTRU
the HARQ - ACK and transmit the positive SR , e.g. , to cell - B may attempt to decode may belong to the cell - B . A WTRU
(e.g. , LPN) in the subframe. may assume that the number of CRS ports may be the same
A PUSCH may be transmitted (e.g. , by a WTRU ) to either 20 for both cell -A and cell - B .
cell - A (e.g. , Macro ) or cell - B (e.g. , LPN) according to the The cell to which a DCI format may belong (e.g. , for a
message type included in (or intended to be included in ) the WTRU ) may be predefined , implicitly defined according to
PUSCH . The message type may be defined according to the a predefined condition, and /or configured via higher layer
existence of UCI in the message . signaling. For example , DCI formats for UL grants may
If a PUSCH may include UCI , the PUSCH may be 25 belong to cell - B (e.g. , LPN) and / or DCI formats for DL
transmitted ( e.g. , by the WTRU ) to the cell - A ( e.g. , Macro ) . grants may belong to cell -A ( e.g. , Macro ) .
If a PUSCH may not include UCI , the PUSCH may be A WTRU may monitor EPDCCH in an EPDCCH
transmitted ( e.g. , by the WTRU ) to the cell - B ( e.g. , LPN) . A resource set ( e.g. , EPDCCH resource set A) that may be
WTRU may ( or may only ) transmit PUSCH to one cell at a configured for cell - A , for example, if the DCI format the
time , e.g. , in a subframe or TTI . If a PUSCH may include 30 WTRU may attempt to decode may belong to the cell -A
UCI , the PUSCH may not include unicast traffic in the and /or the WTRU may monitor EPDCCH in another
decoupled mode of operation . EPDCCH resource set ( e.g. , EPDCCH resource set B ) that
If a WTRU may have or may be scheduled for UCI and may be configured for the cell - B , for example, if the DCI
UL unicast traffic together (e.g. , in the same subframe or format the WTRU may attempt to decode may belong to the
TTI ) the WTRU may drop the unicast traffic and may ( e.g. , 35 cell - B .
may only ) transmit the UCI . If a WTRU may have or be The EPDCCH resource set A and the EPDCCH resource
scheduled for UCI and UL unicast traffic together ( e.g. , in set B may be partially or fully overlapped in a time!
the same subframe or TTI ) a WTRU may consider this as an frequency resource (e.g. , PRB ) . If a WTRU may or may
error case . A WTRU may transmit one of the types of traffic need to monitor EPDCCH in both EPDCCH resource sets ,
to one of the cells or may not transmit PUSCH (e.g. , any 40 the WTRU may prioritize one of the EPDCCH resource sets ,
PUSCH ) . If a PUCCH may include a UCI including HARQ- e.g. , according to the DCI format the WTRU may attempt to
ACK , a WTRU may transmit HARQ - ACK ( e.g. , may only decode.
transmit HARQ - ACK ) . A WTRU may use at least one of The EPDCCH resource set A and the EPDCCH resource
PUCCH or PUSCH for HARQ -ACK transmission , e.g. , if a set B may be mutually orthogonal in the time domain and / or
WTRU may have HARQ -ACK to transmit. 45 the frequency domain , and the WTRU may assume that
If a PUSCH may include a HARQ - ACK , the PUSCH may there is no resource collision between the EPDCCH resource
be transmitted (e.g. , by the WTRU ) to the cell -A ( e.g. , set A and the EPDCCH resource set B.
Macro ). If a PUSCH may not include a HARQ -ACK , the The EPDCCH resource set A and the EPDCCH resource
PUSCH may be transmitted ( e.g. , by the WTRU ) to the set B may be configured independently. The EPDCCH
cell - B (e.g. LPN) . 50 resource set A may be configured as localized mode , and the
If a PUSCH may include a HARQ - ACK , the PUSCH may EPDCCH resource set B may be configured as distributed
not include unicast traffic in the decoupled mode of opera- mode . A WTRU may attempt to decode a DCI format which
tion . The WTRU may drop HARQ -ACK and / or UL unicast may be associated with DL ( e.g. , DCI format 2 ) in the
data which may be scheduled for the same transmission time EPDCCH resource set A based on the localized mode of
( e.g. , subframe or TTI ) . 55 operation and / or the WTRU may attempt to decode another
Same time ( e.g. , transmission time , subframe, TTI ) may DCI format which may be associated with UL (e.g. , DCI
be replaced by overlapping times (e.g. , transmission times , format 0 ) in the EPDCCH resource set B based on the
subframes , TTIS ) and still be consistent with the principles distributed mode of operation .
disclosed herein . In another solution , a WTRU may monitor a PDCCH or
A PDCCH ( or EPDCCH ) may be monitored / received 60 an EPDCCH according to the direction of communication
( e.g. , by a WTRU ) from either cell -A ( e.g. , Macro ) or cell - B (e.g. , DL or UL ) with which the DCI format may be
( e.g. , LPN) according to the DCI format which may be associated . For example, a WTRU may decode or attempt to
carried by the PDCCH ( or EPDCCH ). In an example, if a decode a DCI format which may be associated with UL
WTRU may attempt to decode a DCI format which may be communication (e.g. , a DCI format that may include an
related to uplink grant ( e.g. DCI formats O) and / or 4 ) , the 65 uplink grant such as DCI formats 0 and / or 4 ) in the PDCCH
WTRU may monitor PDCCH ( or EPDCCH ) based on the region ( or EPDCCH region) of ( or based on the configura
configuration of the cell - B ( e.g. , LPN) . The WTRU may tion of) cell - B ( e.g. , LPN) and / or the WTRU may decode or
US 11,470,619 B2
29 30
attempt to decode a DCI format which may be associated one direction of communication (e.g. , DL ) while the other
with DL communication (e.g. , a DCI format that may direction of communication (e.g. , UL ) may use or be in
include a downlink grant such as DCI formats 1A , 2 , and non - coverage limited mode of operation. The coverage
others ) in the EPDCCH region ( or PDCCH region ) of (or limited mode of operation may include the use of coverage
based on the configuration of) the cell -A (e.g. , Macro ) . The 5 enhancement transmission schemes , such as repetitions, TTI
configuration of cell - A and / or cell - B may include signals bundling, and / or PSD boosting of data and / or control chan
and / or parameters that may enable the WTRU to locate nels . The non - coverage limited mode of operation may
and / or decode the PDCCH and / or EPDCCH of the (or each) include legacy transmission schemes used for LTE device
cell . (e.g. , coverage enhancements schemes may not be used) .
The WTRU may monitor and / or attempt to decode one or 10 The timing for HARQ procedures may be according to the
more DCI formats which may be associated with one coverage limited mode of operation for both downlink and
direction of communication (e.g. , DL or UL ) in the PDCCH uplink although uplink may not be configured as coverage
WTRU - specific search space and one or more DCI formats limited mode of operation. The pathloss for uplink power
which may be associated with the another direction of control may be obtained from associated uplink LPN if the
communication (e.g. , UL or DL ) in the EPDCCH WTRU- 15 uplink may be configured with a non - coverage limited mode
specific search space . This may apply ( e.g. , only apply ) if the of operation while the downlink may be configured with a
WTRU may (or may need to ) monitor and /or attempt to coverage limited mode of operation.
decode DCI formats for both uplink and downlink commu- A WTRU , such as one configured with or operating in the
nications, e.g. , for decoupled mode operation . decoupled mode , may be configured with a coverage limited
The common search space may be configured in the 20 mode of operation for both downlink and uplink. The
PDCCH region (e.g. , only in the PDCCH region) . A WTRU coverage limitation level may be different for downlink and
may ( e.g. , irrespective of the direction of communication uplink . The coverage limited mode of operation may be
which may be associated with a cell ) monitor the PDCCH configured separately for downlink and uplink. The number
region (e.g. , of the cell , such as cell -A and / or cell - B ) for a of repetitions for PDSCH for coverage enhancement may be
( e.g. , any) DCI that may carry one or more of system 25 separately configured from the number of repetitions for
information ( e.g. , using SI-RNTI), random access response PUSCH for coverage enhancement. The TTI bundling size
( e.g. , using RA -RNTI), and / or paging (e.g. , using P -RNTI ). may be different between uplink and downlink .
A WTRU may be configured with C - RNTI independently Coverage enhancement mode may be used differently
for uplink and downlink communication. For example, a according to the physical channel type, included information
C - RNTI for downlink communication (e.g. , DL - C - RNTI) 30 type, and / or the transmission point (e.g. , Macro or LPN ) to
may be assigned during RACH procedure and /or a C - RNTI which a WTRU transmits .
for uplink communication ( e.g. , UL - C -RNTI) may be con- An uplink and / or a downlink channel may be repeated
figured via higher layer signaling. A WTRU may receive or over multiple subframes to improve coverage of the channel,
monitor PDCCH ( or EPDCCH ) based on the type of and / or the number of repetitions ( and /or PSD boosting) may
C - RNTI. 35 be different according to the coverage enhancement ( CE )
A WTRU may monitor aa control region (e.g. , PDCCH or level . For example, up to a certain number ( e.g. , four) of CE
EPDCCH region) for a DCI that may be scrambled with levels may be supported for an uplink or a downlink
DL - C - RNTI. The WTRU may monitor another ( or the other) channel, and the first CE level (e.g. , CE level 1 ) may be no
control region ( e.g. , EPDCCH or PDCCH region) for aa DCI repetition. The second CE level ( e.g. , CE level 2 ) may use
that may be scrambled with UL - C - RNTI. For example, 40 a certain number ( e.g. , five ) of repetitions. The third and
when a WTRU may monitor and / or attempt to decode a DCI fourth CE levels (e.g. , CE level 3 and CE level 4 ) may use
that may be scrambled with DL - C -RNTI, the configuration certain repetitions (e.g. , 10 and 20 repetitions, respectively ).
for PDCCH or EPDCCH may be based on the cell associated The number of CE levels and the number of repetitions
with DL communication . When a WTRU may monitor are non- limiting examples. Any numbers of CE levels and /or
and / or attempt to decode a DCI which may be scrambled 45 repetitions may be used and still be consistent with the
with UL - C -RNTI, the configuration for PDCCH or principles disclosed herein .
EPDCCH may be based on the cell associated with UL The CE level examples described herein may apply to
communication . partially decoupled mode scenarios ( and /or fully decoupled
The search space may be defined as a function of DL - C- mode scenarios ).
RNTI and / or UL - C - RNTI. The search space may be differ- 50 The CE level (e.g. , for a PUCCH format) may be con
ent for the DCI that may be scrambled with DL - C -RNTI and figured or determined ( e.g. , independently ) according to the
the DCI that may be scrambled with UL - C -RNTI. message type that may be included in the PUCCH , e.g. , in
In aa decoupled mode of operation, an uplink communi- the decoupled mode of operation . The same CE level may be
cation and a downlink communication may have aa different applied for certain (e.g. , all ) PUCCH formats in the coupled
coverage as the associated cell may be different. Coverage 55 mode of operation or in other cases .
enhancement level may be applied separately according to The message type may be defined as (or based on the
the direction of communication . The link adaptation may or PUCCH format but may not be limited to the PUCCH
may need to be implemented or performed differently format . The message type may be defined as or based on the
according to the mode of operation . PUCCH contents .
Coverage limited mode of operation may be applied in 60 The CE level for a PUCCH format that may include
one direction of communication (e.g. , DL or UL ) or both HARQ - ACK may be configured or determined based on the
( e.g. , DL and UL ) directions, for example, according to the coverage limitation level of cell - B (e.g. , Macro ) . The CE
channel conditions such as the channel conditions in the level for a PUCCH format that may include positive SR may
different directions in the decoupled mode . be configured or determined based on the coverage limita
For example , a WTRU , such as one configured with or 65 tion level of the cell -A ( e.g. , LPN ).
operating in the decoupled mode , may be configured with One or more of PUCCH formats 1a / 1b / 2 / 2a / 2b / 3 may be
and / or operate in a coverage limited mode of operation for configured with or determined to have the same CE level . A
US 11,470,619 B2
31 32
subset of PUCCH formats may be supported for HARQ- CE level the WTRU may use or may have used for the
ACK transmission in the decoupled mode of operation . For PRACH preamble transmission for which the WTRU may
instance, PUCCH format la may be ( e.g. , the only PUCCH receive or may have received RAR successfully. The CE
format ) supported in the decoupled mode. PUCCH format level for the cell - A ( e.g. , LPN) may be configured via higher
1a / 2 may be (e.g. , the only PUCCH formats ) supported in 5 layer signaling from the cell - B . The CE level for the cell -A
the decoupled mode . (e.g. , LPN) may be determined ( e.g. , by the WTRU ) during
PUCCH format 1 may be configured with or determined a RACH procedure that may target cell -A . This RACH
to have aa CE level that may be smaller than the CE level for procedure may be separate from a RACH procedure for the
other PUCCH formats . cell - B .
The CE level for the PUCCH formats that may include 10 The CE level for each cell may be configured by one of
HARQ - ACK may be determined by the WTRU during the the cells (e.g. , the cell - B ) . The CE level for each cell may be
PRACH procedure. The CE level for the PUCCH format signaled by higher layers , e.g. , after RRC connection setup ,
that may include positive SR may be configured by higher where the RRC connection setup may be with one of the
layer signaling. For example, the CE level for the PUCCH cells (e.g. , cell- B ).
format that may include HARQ -ACK may be determined 15 The CE level for a PUSCH transmission may be indicated
from ( e.g. , may be determined to be the same as ) the CE by or in the associated ( E ) PDCCH for the PUSCH ( e.g. ,
level which may be (or may have been) used for the PRACH which may include the UL grant for the PUSCH ) .
preamble transmission from which the WTRU may have The associated ( E ) PDCCH for the uplink grant may
received RAR successfully. The CE level for the PUCCH include an indication , e.g. , an explicit indication ( e.g. , one or
format including positive SR may be configured by higher 20 more bits ) , of the CE level ( e.g. , that the WTRU may use )
layer signaling, e.g. , when the WTRU may be configured to for the corresponding PUSCH transmission . One or more of
operate decoupled mode . the CE levels supported and the CE level to use may be
The CE for a PUCCH ( and /or PUSCH ) may be deter- indicated in the DCI format that may be used for uplink
mined or configured based on the target cell for the PUCCH grant.
( and /or PUSCH ) transmission . For example, if a PUCCH 25 The associated ( E ) PDCCH for the uplink grant may
( and /or PUSCH ) may be transmitted to a target cell , cell -A implicitly indicate the CE level for the PUSCH transmis
( e.g. , Macro ), the CE level may be based on the cell - A . If a sion .
PUCCH may be transmitted to a target cell , cell - B (e.g. , A CE level dependent C -RNTI may be used . For example,
LPN) , the CE level may be based on the cell - B . C -RNTI - 1 may be used to indicate CE level - 1, C - RNTI - 2
The CE level for PUCCH ( and /or PUSCH ) may be 30 may be used to indicate CE - level - 2 , and so on . There may
determined or configured based on the physical or virtual be a one - to -one mapping between C - RNTI and CE level .
cell - ID for the PUCCH ( and /or PUSCH ) transmission. The The (E ) PDCCH search space may be partitioned, and each
CE level may be determined or configured as a function of partition may correspond a certain CE level. If a WTRU
WTRU ID which may be used for uplink transmission . may receive an uplink grant in aa certain (E ) PDCCH search
Transmission of aa PUCCH and / or PUSCH may be by a 35 space partition, the partition may implicitly indicate the CE
WTRU . level for the PUSCH transmission . Two or more (E ) PDCCH
Determination of and / or use of aa CE level for a channel search spaces may be configured for uplink communication,
( e.g. , PUCCH and / or PUSCH ) may be by a WTRU . Con- and each ( E )PDCCH search space may correspond to (or
figuration of aa CE level (e.g. , for use by a WTRU ) which may be configured with ) a certain CE level . If a WTRU may
may be for a channel (e.g. , PUCCH and / or PUSCH ) may be 40 receive a DCI for uplink communication , the CE level for
by a cell . The WTRU may receive such configuration from the PUSCH transmission may be determined based on the
the cell , e.g. , via signaling such as higher layer signaling. search space from which the WTRU received the DCI . The
A CE level for a channel may be the CE level the WTRU CE level of the associated (E ) PDCCH for the uplink grant
may use when transmitting or receiving that channel. A cell may be used as the CE level for the PUSCH transmission .
in communication with the WTRU may use the same CE 45 The CE level for a (E ) PDCCH transmission may be
level for that channel when communicating with the WTRU . determined based on the search space in which a WTRU
ACE level for aa cell may be the CE level the WTRU may may attempt to decode aa DCI . The CE level for a (E ) PDCCH
use when communicating with the cell , for example, for a transmission may be the CE level that the cell may use for
certain one or more channels . transmission and / or the WTRU may use for monitoring
The CE level for a PUSCH transmission may be deter- 50 and / or reception of the ( E ) PDCCH .
mined based on a predefined condition , such as the existence Two or more ( E ) PDCCH search spaces may be configured
of the UCI in the PUSCH . For example, a PUSCH that may and CE level for each search space may be configured. A
include UCI may be transmitted with aa certain CE level that WTRU may attempt to decode a (E ) PDCCH candidate in a
may be determined for a cell - B ( e.g. , Macro ) and / or a certain ( E ) PDCCH search space based on , e.g. , using) the
PUSCH that may not include UCI may be transmitted with 55 CE level configured . In an example, two (E ) PDCCH search
another CE level which may be determined for aa cell - B (e.g. , spaces may be respectively configured with a first and
LPN) . The predefined condition may be the physical or second CE level ( e.g. , CE level - 1 and CE level - 3 ) . A WTRU
virtual cell - ID of the cell to which the PUSCH may be may attempt to decode a DCI in the first (E ) PDCCH search
transmitted . A PUSCH that may be transmitted to the cell -A space with (e.g. , using or according to ) the first CE level
may use one CE level ( e.g. , CE level 2 ) . A PUCCH trans- 60 (e.g. , CE level - 1 ) , and the WTRU may attempt to decode a
mitted to the cell - B may use another CE level (e.g. , CE level DCI in the second (E ) PDCCH search space with ( e.g. , using
4) . or according to ) the second CE level (e.g. , CE level- 3 ).
The CE level for each cell (e.g. , for PUSCH transmission ) Higher layer signaling may be used to configure the CE level
may be configured or determined independently (e.g. , for or for each search space.
by the WTRU ). The CE level for the cell - B ( e.g. , Macro ) 65 An ( E ) PDCCH search space may be partitioned with
may be determined (e.g. , by the WTRU ) during a RACH multiple subsets . A subset may be configured with a certain
procedure. The CE level may be (or may be based on) the CE level . A WTRU may attempt to decode a (E ) PDCCH
US 11,470,619 B2
33 34
candidate in a ( E ) PDCCH subset based on (e.g. , using) the A WTRU (e.g. , a low - cost or coverage limited WTRU )
CE level, which may be configured. may measure downlink signals from cells ( e.g. , hearable
The CE level for a (E ) PDCCH transmission may be cells , available cells , cells in proximity, or identified cells
determined based on the DCI format, which may be carried such as by a list) and if a ( e.g. , the best ) measurement ( e.g. ,
in the (E ) PDCCH . The CE level for one or more DCI 5 of signal power or RSRP ) of those cells meets a certain
formats that may be associated with the downlink commu criterion, e.g. , is lower than a threshold , the WTRU may
nication (e.g. , DCI format 1A / 2 /2A / 2B / 2C ) may be deter consider itself as a coverage limited WTRU . The WTRU
mined based on the CE level for the cell - B (e.g. , Macro ) . The may select the cell with a certain ( e.g. , the best) measure
CE level for one or more DCI formats that may be associated
with the uplink communication ( e.g. , DCI format 0/4 ) may 10 ment may
, for example as its selected DL cell . The threshold that
differentiate a coverage limited WTRU from a non
be determined based on the CE level for the cell - A (e.g. , coverage limited WTRU may be predefined , and / or the
LPN) . The CE level for one or more DCI formats that may threshold may be configured via higher layer signaling such
be associated with the downlink communication may be as broadcast channels or signaling .
determined by the cell - B (e.g. , Macro ) . The CE level for one The WTRU may ( e.g. , may then ) check whether the cell
or more DCI formats that may be associated with the uplink 15
communication may be determined by the cell -A ( e.g. , (e.g. , selected DL cell ) supports a decoupled mode ( e.g. ,
LPN) . The CE level for one or more DCI formats that may based on signals that may be broadcast from the cell ) . The
be associated with the downlink communication may be WTRU may (e.g. , may then ), for example , if the cell
determined during a RACH procedure. For example, the CE supports decoupled mode , measure ( or estimate or deter
level which may be used by a WTRU for the PRACH 20 mine ) uplink pathloss ( or may measure , estimate or deter
preamble transmission for which the WTRU may receive a mine downlink pathloss that it may use for an uplink
RAR succ ccessfully may be or may determine the CE level for pathloss estimate or equivalent), for example, to determine

the DCI formats which may be associated with the downlink if there may be another cell that may have or provide better
( or UL ) communication . The CE level for one or more DCI uplink coverage (e.g. , for the WTRU ).
formats which may be associated with the uplink ( or DL ) 25 The WTRU may, for example, based on UL or DL
communication may be configured via higher layer signal pathloss, select an UL cell that it may consider to have better
ing uplink coverage, for example, the cell with the lowest UL or
Anode ( e.g. , Macro eNB and /or LPN) may need to detect, DL pathloss.
know , or be informed whether aa WTRU falls under channel The WTRU may select and / or use at least one of the
for example, for proper system operation . These channel decoupled(orchannel
that may warrant decoupled or coupled operation , 30 certain reserved) PRACH resources to indicate the
conditions may be referred to as decoupled and coupled of the DL and / or ULcondition for the WTRU , e.g. , to the eNB
selected cell . The WTRU may transmit
channel ce ditions, respectively.
Selected downlink cell , suitable downlink cell , best down PRACH on at least one of the certain (or reserved ) PRACH
link cell, and cell for DL communication, may be used 35 selected resourcesUL
, e.g.cell,to. the eNB of the selected DL cell and/ or the
interchangeably. Macro cell ( or LPN cell ) may be the The certain ( or reserved) PRACH resources, which may
selected , suitable, or best DL cell . Macro cell ( or LPN cell )
may be the cell used for DL communication . Macro (or be used to indicate decoupled channel conditions, may be
LPN) or Macro (or LPN) cell may be used interchangeably provided via broadcast channels or signaling. These
with selected , suitable , and best DL cell . 40 resources may be independent ( or separate ) from the
Selected UL cell , suitable UL cell , best UL cell , and cell PRACH resources that may be used for coupled mode or by
for UL communication may be used interchangeably. LPN a ( e.g. , legacy) LTE WTRU , e.g. , one that may not operate
cell (or Macro cell ) may be the selected , suitable , or best UL in , consider operating in , or intend to operate in decoupled
cell . LPN cell ( or Macro cell ) may be the cell used for UL mode. The certain (or reserv erved ) PRACH resources that may
communication . LPN ( or Macro ) or LPN (or Macro ) cell 45 be used to indicate decoupled channel conditions, may be
may be used interchangeably with selected, suitable , and predefined. A WTRU may be informed , e.g. , via higher layer
best UL cell . signaling, such as broadcast ( or dedicated ) signaling
PRACH resources may be partitioned to indicate whether whether aa node or the network supports decoupled mode .
a WTRU may have decoupled channel conditions . The certain ( or reserved ) PRACH resources, which may
Decoupled channel conditions may include , but are not 50 be used to indicate decoupled channel conditions, may be
limited to , a scenario in which a WTRU's uplink cell ( e.g. , provided to the WTRU via higher layer signaling , such as
selected UL cell ) may be different from its DL cell (e.g. , broadcast or dedicated signaling. The resources may be
selected downlink cell ) , for example after cell selection provided by the selected DL cell or the selected UL cell . The
and / or reselection (e.g. , separate cell selection and / or rese- resources may be used for PRACH transmission to the
lection ) procedures for uplink and downlink . 55 selected DL cell or the selected UL cell , e.g. , to indicate that
PRACH resources may be partitioned by one or more of the WTRU has decoupled channel conditions.
preamble (e.g. , preamble subset or set) , time and /or fre- The resources may be predefined or provided by the
quency such that one or more certain (e.g. , reserved ) selected DL cell (e.g. , the Macro ) and the WTRU may
PRACH resources may be used to indicate whether aa WTRU transmit the PRACH to the selected DL cell ( e.g. , the Macro )
may have decoupled channel conditions . One or more cer- 60 using at least one of those resources . The WTRU may
tain ( e.g. , reserved ) PRACH resources may be used , e.g. , by indicate it has decoupled channel conditions to the selected
a WTRU , if the WTRU (e.g. , low - cost WTRU ) selects DL cell , for example , by using these resources.
decoupled mode described herein ( e.g. , if the WTRU found The resources to use on the selected UL cell ( e.g. , the
a cell which may have better uplink coverage as compared LPN) may be predefined , provided by the selected DL cell
with that of its selected DL cell or the Macro or if the WTRU 65 (e.g. , the Macro ) , or provided by the selected UL cell ( e.g. ,
selects different UL and DL cells or different cells for UL the LPN) , and the WTRU may transmit the PRACH to the
and DL communication ). selected UL cell ( e.g. , the LPN) using at least one of those
US 11,470,619 B2
35 36
resources . The WTRU may indicate it has decoupled chan- When the LPN uses a different DL -UL frequency pair or
nel conditions to the selected UL cell , for example by using is on a different UL TDD frequency from that of DL Macro
these resources . pair, the WTRU (e.g. , FDD WTRU ) may experience a
The WTRU may transmit the PRACH during or as part of frequency duplex separation while using Macro cell DL and
a random access procedure such as a random access proce- 5 LPN UL frequencies. This frequency duplex separation may
dure for connection establishment. be different from what may be expected (e.g. , based on the
Higher layer signaling ( e.g., RRC signaling) may be used Macro duplex separation ), typical, or specified (e.g. , based
to indicate the decoupled channel condition , e.g. , after RRC onAcurrent supported FDD bands ) .
connection setup . Configuration information for decoupled 10 quencyduplexer design may take into consideration the fre
mode may be provided via higher layer signaling , e.g. , by an expected ,separation
, or
between DL and UL that may be
specified , for example, for certain
eNB to the WTRU , and the WTRU ( e.g. , low - cost WTRU ) frequency bands. For example , a duplexer may be designed
may switch from coupled mode to decoupled mode . The for a certain FDD carrier with a specific band separation .
WTRU may perform a random access procedure, e.g. , for One or more of the LPN UL frequencies may fall into a
connection establishment, to a node ( e.g. , Macro eNB ) and 15 lower separation value , which may cause a receiver self
that node may provide the configuration information for desense , e.g. , due to the design of a duplexer that may take
decoupled mode . The WTRU may , for example, in response the frequency separation between DL and UL into consid
to the receipt of the configuration information, switch to or eration . The design of the duplexer may cause restrictions in
begin operating in decoupled mode. The configuration infor- the UL frequencies that the WTRU may use to have a
mation may include information related to one or more cells 20 DL -UL separation of at least the nominal band value . For
( e.g. , additional cells ) such as the LPN cell (or cells ) to use example, band V may have 45 MHz DL -UL nominal sepa
in decoupled mode , e.g. , the cell frequency, cell bandwidth , ration . For band V , the WTRU may operate on UL frequen
cell ID , among others . cies that may be at least 45 MHz separated from the Macro
In another solution , a WTRU may (or may always ) cell DL frequency. Separation of lower than , e.g. , 45 MHz
attempt ( e.g. , first attempt) random access to a cell such as 25 may deteriorate receiver sensitivity. WTRU output power
a suitable (e.g. , suitable DL or legacy ) cell , the cell with the limitations may provide a non - nominal duplex separation.
best RSRP which may be the Macro cell , or the Macro cell . The LPN may operate at a different bandwidth than Macro
Upon (or following ) failing random access x times , where x cell , and the WTRU may change the transmitter bandwidth
may be pre - configured or may be provided in broadcast and the baseband sampling frequency.
signaling such as in system information (e.g. , a SIB ) , the 30 There may be , for example as a result of duplexer
WTRU may determine to , or determine that it should , limitations or receiver sensitivity, a frequency restriction
attempt decoupled mode random access . The WTRU may (e.g. , which may be imposed ) for the uplink band ( or
attempt non - coverage enhanced random access and /or cov- frequencies ) from the UL cell ( e.g. , LPN) such that the
erage enhanced random access before determining to , or uplink frequency band ( or frequencies) may be separated
determining that it should , attempt decoupled mode random 35 from the downlink frequency band by at least the specific
access . The value of x may be WTRU implementation band separation that may be assumed in coupled case .
specific. Coverage enhanced random access may include use One or more of frequency (e.g. , UL or DL frequency or
of certain PRACH resources and /or repetition . carrier frequency ) selection , usage , or assignment may be
Decoupled mode random access may include performing limited to frequencies that aa WTRU may use in order to have
random access to another cell (e.g. , a selected UL cell such 40 an appropriate or usable DL -UL separation, e.g. , at least the
as a LPN cell ) , which may be different from the one that may nominal band value that may be based on the DL frequency
have been selected , for example as a suitable (e.g. , suitable band .
DL or legacy ) cell or different from the cell with the best WTRU output power limitations may be used (e.g. , by the
RSRP, which may be the Macro cell , or different from the WTRU ) for ( e.g. , when using or operating with ) a non
Macro cell . The WTRU may perform random access to both 45 nominal duplex separation.
Macro and LPN , for example , simultaneously. Decoupled The LPN may operate with a different bandwidth than the
mode random access may include simultaneous random Macro cell . The WTRU may change the (or use a different)
access to multiple cells such as the Macro and the LPN . transmitter bandwidth and /or baseband sampling frequency
Upon (or following) failing random access after using (e.g. , from that or those that it may use to communicate with
maximum PRACH transmission power, for example to a 50 the Macro ), for example , to communicate with the LPN
certain cell (e.g. , selected cell ) such as the one which may when the LPN may operate with aa different bandwidth than
have been selected as a suitable ( e.g. , suitable DL or legacy ) the Macro cell or in other cases .
cell or the cell with the best RSRP ( which may be the Macro Decoupled mode may be supported, for example, for the
cell ) or the Macro cell , a WTRU may determine to , or case that the frequency bands ( or operating frequencies ) may
determine that it should, attempt decoupled mode random 55 be different for LPN and Macro that may ( e.g. , may each) be
access . in or using FDD or TDD . For example, if decoupled mode
The appropriate trigger that a WTRU may use to switch may be used with different frequency bands (or different
to decoupled operation ( such as the value of x or the carrier frequencies) for an LPN and Macro in TDD (or for
threshold ) may be included in broadcast signaling such as a one in FDD and the other in TDD ) , it may become (or the
SIB , which may be transmitted by the selected DL cell or the 60 WTRU may use) FDD operation since the frequency band
Macro cell . (or carrier frequency ) may be different for uplink and
Handling or avoiding operation (e.g. , WTRU operation ) downlink . A WTRU (e.g. , a low - cost WTRU ) that may be
with a duplex separation ( e.g. , UL - DL band separation) (or may be intended ) for TDD may ( or may need to ) , for
which may be different from what may be expected ( e.g. , example as a result of UL and DL having different frequen
based on the Macro duplex separation ), typical, or specified 65 cies or frequency bands in decoupled mode , implement a
( e.g. , based on current supported FDD bands ) may be duplexer and / or use at least some aspects of FDD operation
performed . in decoupled mode .
US 11,470,619 B2
37 38
Uplink cell search , half -duplex FDD mode, and /or WTRU The duplex capability may be informed as an actual value of
measurements and channel feedback may be used for band separation, for example f2 .
decoupled mode and / or may be applied if the frequency A node (e.g. , a Macro ) may provide (e.g. , broadcast ) a list
band (or carrier frequency ) may be different for LPN and of cells or LPNs that may be used for uplink cell selection
Macro (or for one or more directions of at least two nodes 5 and may include frequency (or frequency band ) information ,
that may be used , for example by a WTRU , in decoupled for example with or in the list .
mode) . The WTRU may operate in decoupled mode with a A WTRU may (e.g. , may autonomously ), for example
simple or single transmitter or a single power amplifier (PA ) . result ofonreceiving
based ( e.g. , upon receiving , following receiving , or as a
) the list (e.g. , via broadcast information ),
A WTRU (e.g. , low - cost WTRU ) that may support
decoupled mode may report or inform its duplex capability 10 remove or exclude the cells or LPNs for which uplink band
to a node ( e.g. , a Macro or LPN) . The duplex capability may separation may be smaller than a certain amount ( e.g. ,
be the minimum frequency separation the WTRU may be itsmaller than the separation for coupled mode) from the cells
may consider for UL communication when, for example
able to support for the band in which the WTRU is operating performing UL cell selection and /or reselection .
with the node . The node may assume the minimum fre 15 If there is no cell (e.g. , LPN) in the list that may provide
quency separation the WTRU may be able to support to be frequencies ( e.g. , UL frequencies , enough frequencies,
the DL -UL frequency separation for the band in which the enough UL frequencies ) within the duplex capability of the
WTRU and the node are operating, for example, when the WTRU , the WTRU may assume that or may operate as if
WTRU is operating in FDD mode . decoupled mode may not be supported in the cell (e.g. , the
A node (e.g. , a Macro or LPN) may, for example,upon (or 20 cell or node that may have provided the list) . A low - cost
following or as result of) receiving ( or assuming, determin- WTRU may try to reselect a downlink cell until it may find
ing , or knowing) the duplex capability of a WTRU , indicate a pair of downlink and uplink cells with enough frequency
( e.g. , to the WTRU ) and / or configure ( e.g., configure the separation . Upon (or following or as a result of) selection of
WTRU with or for) a certain set or range of frequencies, e.g. , an uplink cell , the WTRU may report ( e.g. , send a message
which may be represented by E -UTRA Absolute Radio 25 or report) to the node ( e.g. , the Macro ) to inform it which
Frequency Channel Number ( EARFCN) , which may be cell ( e.g. , LPN) the WTRU may have selected as an uplink
used by the WTRU for a purpose such as uplink cell search , cell . The WTRU may report the cell ID of the cell .
for example in or for decoupled mode . A set or range of Transmission power limitation may be used ( e.g. , by a
frequencies ( e.g. , EARFCNs ) that may not be used for a WTRU ) if the band separation for decoupled mode (e.g. , of
certain purpose such as uplink cell search , e.g. , in or for 30 the WTRU ) may be less than aa certain separation such as the
decoupled mode , may be configured or informed to the band separation or the minimum band separation of coupled
WTRU by the node. mode (e.g. , for the WTRU ). In an example, a WTRU may
The set or range of frequencies ( e.g. , EARFCNs) may be detect (or determine ) an inappropriate (e.g. , too small )
replaced with a cell (e.g. , LPN) list , e.g. , for decoupled frequency separation . If the WTRU may detect (or deter
mode . The list may include the cells ( e.g. , LPNs), which may 35 mine) an inappropriate ( e.g., too small ) frequency separation
be represented by their cell IDs and associated information that may be resolved through limitation of its output power,
that may be used or needed for uplink cell search . The the WTRU may limit its power accordingly and / or the
associated information ( e.g. , for each cell ) may include but WTRU may report its maximum allowed transmit power
is not limited to one or more of frequency band or carrier (e.g. , for that particular UL frequency ), for example to a
frequency (e.g. , EARFCN ), duplex mode (e.g. , FDD or 40 node (e.g. , the Macro ). For example, if thea nominal band
TDD ) , bandwidth , and base station (e.g. , cell ) transmission separation, e.g. , for coupled mode , may be a certain value ,

power. such as 45 MHz , and the selected UL cell (or the cell for UL
If there is no EARFCN which may be available within the communication ), e.g. , the LPN , may use an UL frequency
duplex capability for the WTRU , the node (e.g. , Macro ) may that may correspond to a lower separation (e.g. , 40 MHz) ,
configure the WTRU with fallback operation. The WTRU 45 the WTRU output power limitation ( e.g. , by the WTRU )
may autonomously select fallback operation. Coupled mode may be a certain maximum value such as 20 or 17 dBm , for
operation may be considered as a fallback operation. In example to compensate for the lack of or reduced separation.
coupled mode , a WTRU may assume that the uplink cell is The WTRU may limit its output power by this value when
the same as the selected downlink cell . transmitting to the UL cell . The WTRU may report this
If there is no EARFCN which may be available within the 50 maximum power value to one or more nodes with which it
duplex capability for the WTRU , the WTRU may try to may communicate (e.g. , the Macro and / or LPN) .
reselect a downlink cell , such as one it may use in coupled A WTRU may determine and / or have a maximum power
mode or one that may have an associated node ( e.g. , LPN) limit that may be used (e.g. , by the WTRU ) when the band
that may provide enough frequency separation, e.g. , for separation between UL and DL , e.g. , for decoupled mode ,
decoupled mode . The node ( e.g. , Macro ) may indicate to the 55 may be lower than aa certain value such as the band separa
WTRU to perform the reselection or the WTRU may deter- tion for coupled mode . The maximum power limit may be
mine to do reselection . referred to as Pcmax , d and may be cell specific or node
If there is no EARFCN that may be available within the specific or there may be a cell specific (e.g. , for each cell )
duplex capability for the WTRU , it may be considered , e.g. , and a node specific limit that may have the same or different
by the WTRU as radio link failure and the WTRU may 60 values .
perform ( or restart from ) cell search . If the WTRU maximum power limitation , e.g. , Pcmax , d,
The duplex capability may be provided or reported as a may be lower than the one supported through deployment by
reference frequency (e.g. , EARFCN) that may have a mini- the LPN (e.g. , Pcmax or Pcmax , c ) , the WTRU may report
mum frequency (or band ) separation that may be supported power headroom ( PH ) based on its own maximum allowed
by the WTRU . For example, for aa WTRU operating with a 65 power (e.g. , Pcmax , d ).
carrier frequency fl and supporting a frequency separation For PH calculation , determination and / or reporting for a
of f2 (e.g. , 45 MHz) , the WTRU may report the value f1 + f2 . cell ( e.g. , an UL cell which may be the LPN) , the WTRU
US 11,470,619 B2
39 40
may use as the maximum power the smaller of the ordinary may have higher priority than the uplink subframes in the
calculated Pcmax , c for the cell and the maximum power LPN . The uplink subframes in the LPN may have higher
limitation for reduced UL - DL band separation, e.g. , Pcmax , priority than downlink subframes in the Macro .
d . Pcmax , d may be incorporated into the Pcmax , c equation A WTRU ( e.g. , a low - cost WTRU ) may select a duplex
to accomplish the equivalent. PH may be the maximum 5 mode of operation between TDD and HD - FDD upon (or
power minus the calculated transmit power. The minimum following or as a result of) selecting a downlink cell and / or
of Pemax , c (e.g. , signaled maximum power) and Pcmax , d uplink cell . The WTRU may select a downlink cell based on
may be used in the power control and / or power headroom certain ( e.g. , predefined ) criteria . If a measured signal (or
calculation, e.g. , in place of Pemax , c . Pcmax , d may be
incorporated into the Pcmax , c equation to accomplish the 10 signals
( e.g. ,
) may satisfy a certain ( e.g. , predefined ) condition
coverage limited condition ), the WTRU may perform
equivalent. When its own allowed power (e.g. , Pcmax , d ) an uplink cell selection
may be exceeded , the WTRU may report a negative power a result of) selecting anprocedure uplink
. Upon (or following or as
cell , the WTRU may select
headroom , for example when the WTRU power may still be TDD or HD - FDD operation. The WTRU
under the maximum ( e.g. , maximum LPN) power which the selected uplink cell is the same as the may select TDD if
selected downlink
may be determined excluding consideration for band sepa- 15
cell . The WTRU may select HD - FDD otherwise . If the
ration (e.g. , Pcmax and / or Pcmax , c ) .
The WTRU may use the Power Management Reduction WTRU selects HD - FDD , it may indicate or report its
( e.g. , P - MPR) bit in the PHR that may be associated with a capability ( e.g. , duplex capability ) as HD - FDD . If the
half FDD operation to signal the power limitation for the WTRU selects TDD , it may indicate or report its capability
half duplex FDD case . 20 (e.g. , duplex capability ) as TDD and / or HD - FDD (e.g. , both
A first node ( e.g. , Macro ) may select another node or cell TDD and HD -FDD) .
( e.g. , LPN ) as an uplink cell for a WTRU which may be For operation, e.g. , HD - FDD operation, of a WTRU , e.g. ,
configured for or operating in ( or which may need or intend a TDD WTRU that may be a low - cost WTRU , which may
to operate in) decoupled mode . The first node may select the use , or be operating in or with , decoupled mode , a guard
other node or cell based on at least one of PRACH preamble 25 subframe may be used for the switching between uplink and
detection , duplex capability information, e.g. , reported from downlink. For example, Nguard subframes may be used
WTRU , or the band separation which may be used for or by between uplink and downlink subframes where Nguard may
the first node's operating band, e.g. , in coupled mode. be a positive integer number ( e.g. , 1 ) . Nguard may be a
A WTRU may report its duplex capability to aa node ( e.g. , predefined number , or may be configured via higher layers ,
Macro ) such as in a capabilities message . The WTRU may 30 or may be implicitly configured, for example according to
be configured with an uplink cell from or by its selected the downlink and / or uplink subframe configuration. The
downlink cell . guard subframe may be introduced for (e.g. , only for) the
Half duplex FDD (HD - FDD ) mode may be used for or by case of switching from downlink uplink .
a WTRU ( e.g. , low - cost WTRU ) in a TDD network . This For operation, e.g. , HD - FDD operation, of a WTRU , e.g. ,
may apply for decoupled operation of or by the WTRU , for 35 a TDD WTRU that may be a low - cost WTRU , which may
example, if the frequency band for the nodes or cells ( e.g. , use , or be operating in or with , decoupled mode , the uplink
LPN and / or Macro ) with which the WTRU may communi- and downlink subframe switching may be based on radio
cate may be different. frame number ( e.g. , SFN) . For example, even numbered
A TDD network may be a set of one or more nodes that radio frames may be used for downlink, and odd numbered
may use frequencies typically reserved for TDD operation. 40 radio frames may be used for uplink. The guard subframe (s )
A TDD network may be a set of one or more nodes (e.g. , a may be introduced in the Nguard last subframes in the
Macro and a LPN) where the nodes may use or operate in downlink radio frames.
TDD mode for coupled operation. For operation , e.g. , HD - FDD operation, of a WTRU , e.g. ,
A TDD WTRU may be a WTRU that may be capable of a TDD WTRU that may be a low - cost WTRU , which may
operating in at least a TDD mode or with a TDD air 45 use , or be operating in or with , decoupled mode , the TDD
interface , for example, when communicating with one or operation may be considered as default mode , and HD - FDD
more cells and / or nodes . mode may be used based on configuration . A WTRU ( e.g. ,
A TDD WTRU ( e.g. , low - cost WTRU ) may report or low - cost WTRU ) may operate with TDD mode until con
indicate its HD - FDD capability, e.g. , to a node ( e.g. , Macro figured ( e.g. , by the eNB ) for HD - FDD mode , e.g. , via
or LPN) . If the WTRU may have capability for HD - FDD 50 higher layer signaling, such as RRC signaling. The configu
and may use decoupled mode , the WTRU may perform a ration may be provided during or after RRC connection
cell selection procedure ( e.g. , separately ) for uplink and establishment.
downlink . HD - FDD mode may be used for or by a WTRU ( e.g. , a
A WTRU may determine the TDD subframe configura- low - cost WTRU ) in an FDD network . This may apply for
tion for the Macro and / or LPN . The WTRU may assume that 55 decoupled operation, for example, if the frequency band for
the Macro and the LPN may have the same TDD subframe the nodes or cells (e.g. , LPN and / or Macro ) with which the
configuration and the subframe configuration may be WTRU may communicate may be different.
acquired from a broadcasting channel or information from An FDD network may be a set of one or more nodes that
the Macro . The WTRU may assume that the uplink subframe may use frequencies typically reserved for FDD operation.
configuration of the LPN is at least the same as that for 60 An FDD network may be a set of one or more nodes ( e.g. ,
Macro or a subset of the uplink subframes of the Macro . a Macro and a LPN) where the nodes may use or operate in
The WTRU may receive broadcasting channels or infor- FDD mode (which may be full duplex and / or or half duplex )
mation from both the Macro and the LPN . If the TDD for coupled operation.
subframe configuration may be different between the Macro A WTRU ( e.g. , low - cost WTRU ) which may have HD
and the LPN , priority (e.g. , predefined priority ) rules may be 65 FDD capability and may use decoupled mode, the WTRU
applied to determine the direction that the WTRU may use may perform cell selection ( e.g. , separately ) for uplink and
for the subframes . The downlink subframes in the Macro downlink .
US 11,470,619 B2
41 42
To determine the UL and DL subframe configuration, for For example, if a WTRU may be scheduled to ( or need to )
example , a rule ( e.g. , a predefined rule ) may be applied to transmit an UL channel to more than one cell , the WTRU
define uplink and downlink subframes . For example, at least may select a target cell for uplink transmission , which may
certain subframe numbers (e.g. , one or more of 0 , 4 , 5 , and be according to a prioritization rule . A WTRU may transmit
9 ) may be defined as downlink subframes and the others may 5 the highest priority channel ( e.g. , to one of the cells ) and
be considered as uplink subframes . The MBSFN subframe may not transmit one or more (e.g. , other) channels ( e.g. , to
configuration may be used so that the subframes configured anotherA
cell or cells ) .
PUCCH including HARQ - ACK may ( e.g. , may
as MBSFN subframes may be considered as uplink sub always ) have higher
frames and the others may be considered as downlink 10 without UCI and SRSpriority than one or more of PUSCH
. An uplink signal or channel that may
subframes. The uplink and downlink subframes may be be targeted to the Macro
configured via higher layer signaling. There may be default UL signal or channel (e.g.may , the
have higher priority than an
same and / or other signal or
downlink ( and /or UL) subframes that may be used ( e.g. , may channel such as all other UL signals or channels ) for the
always be used) as downlink ( and /or UL ) subframes. For LPN .
subframes with a default direction , configuration may not be 15 A PUCCH that may include positive SR may have higher
provided or used . For data channels, uplink and downlink priority than a PUCCH that may include HARQ -ACK . A
subframes may be dynamically configured based on one or PUCCH that may include H - ARQ may have higher priority
more HARQ process aspects (e.g. , HARQ process timing) . than a PUCCH that may include positive SR .
For example, if a WTRU may receive aa downlink assign- Mutually exclusive uplink resources may be configured
ment in subframe n then the n + 4 subframe or the subframe 20 for two or more cells . For example, a set or subset of uplink
for the HARQ ACK /NACK feedback ( e.g. , subframe n + 4 ) resources may be assigned to (or used in ) a cell -A ( e.g. ,
may become an uplink subframe ( e.g. , automatically ). LPN) , and another set or subset of uplink resources that may
If a WTRU ( e.g. , low - cost WTRU ) may be configured for be non -overlapped with the uplink resources assigned to (or
or may select half duplex FDD mode, for example, for used in) a cell -A may be assigned to (or used in) a cell - B
decoupled mode , the WTRU may adapt the way it may 25 (e.g. , Macro ).
perform measurements and / or may transmit feedback , mea- The set (or subset) of uplink resources may be defined as
surements, and / or other signals in the UL , for example, a subset of the uplink subframes available . The subframe set
based on which subframes may be used for UL and / or DL . { 0,2,4,6,8 } may be assigned to (or used in )the cell -A , and
This may enable the WTRU to cope with (or better handle ) another subframe set { 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 } may be assigned to ( or
self desensing of its receiver. 30 used in) the cell - B . The set (or subset ) of uplink resources
For feedback and / or measurements such as one or more of may be defined as a subset of PRB -pairs in aa subframe. The
RSRP, RSRQ , CQI , CSI , and RLM (Radio Link Monitor- even -numbered PRB - pair may be assigned to ( or used in)
ing ) , the WTRU may avoid taking samples from DL sub- the cell - A , and the odd -numbered PRB -pair may be assigned
frames that may overlap with UL transmissions. to (or used in) the cell - B .
The WTRU may avoid transmitting feedback and /or 35 The assignment ( or use) of the resource sets ( or subsets )
measurements, or may delay such transmission , while moni- may be WTRU - specific and may apply in decoupled mode .
toring DL control channels or being scheduled for reception The assignment (or use) of the resource sets ( or subsets ) may
( or in subframes in which it may be scheduled for reception) . be applicable in scenarios in which the cells (e.g. , cell - A and
The WTRU may store its feedback and / or measurements, for cell - B ) may operate in or with the same frequency band .
example, in case the scheduled time for the feedback and / or 40 For aa WTRU to access a cell , it may first discover the cell .
measurements may overlap with a DL monitoring and / or The discovery process may involve detecting PSS / SSS and
reception. The WTRU may drop the feedback and / or mea- reading the PBCH and the SIBs . While the coverage of such
surements that may be considered obsolete and may restart signals may be higher than that of data transmissions , a
the process until the next feedback or measurement report- WTRU may be unable to detect any of the signals from an
ing occasion . The eNB may request aperiodic feedback 45 LPN . It may be possible that such an LPN may be suited
and / or measurements ( e.g. , for certain feedback and / or mea- (e.g. , best suited ) to receive the WTRU's UL transmissions.
surements ), for example, in case the WTRU may have A WTRU may have coverage, which may include limited
skipped the period occasion ( s ) for the feedback and / or coverage , in the DL to the Macro cell and may have limited
measurements (e.g. , the certain feedback and / or measure- coverage in the UL that may be more limited than the
ments ) . 50 coverage in the DL . The WTRU may be handed off (e.g. , by
The WTRU may drop an SR transmission if may overlap the Macro ) to a LPN ( e.g. , nearby LPN) for UL transmis
with DL data that may have been scheduled ( e.g. , for the sions ( or UL communication ), e.g. , to improve the perfor
WTRU ). The WTRU may scale SR power and still transmit mance . The Macro cell may assist the WTRU in discovering
it , for example , if the WTRU may use a power limitation nearby LPNs. The WTRU may have no UL coverage ( or
alternative for half duplex FDD . 55 may have coverage that may be limited beyond a threshold )
A WTRU may not be able to transmit, ( e.g. , at the same to the Macro and may independently find and connect to a
time or during overlapping times ) to multiple cells . For LPN for UL and to a Macro cell for DL . A WTRU may
example, a WTRU may transmit or may be scheduled to maintain separate synchronization to Macro and LPN cells
transmit a PUCCH ( e.g. , for HARQ - ACK) to cell - B (e.g. for DL and UL transmissions, e.g. , if there is no synchro
Macro ) and a PUSCH to cell -A (e.g. , LPN) and the WTRU 60 nization between the Macro cell and the LPN .
may be able ( e.g. , only able) to transmit an uplink signal to A WTRU (e.g. , low - cost WTRU ) may discover a Low
one cell . This may apply when the WTRU may have a Power Node ( LPN) , for example to be used for UL com
simple or single transmitter or may have one PA . munication or transmissions. A WTRU may (e.g. , autono
A prioritization rule may be defined and / or may apply mously ) determine that it may be better served in aa
when uplink signals may be scheduled or may need to be 65 decoupled manner and may trigger discovery of LPN cells .
transmitted at the same time or during overlapping times to In another solution, the WTRU may be configured to dis
different cells . cover one or more LPNs that may enable it to have
US 11,470,619 B2
43 44
decoupled operation. A Macro may configure the WTRU RS sequence, RS sequence initialization, v - shift, and / or
( e.g. , via higher layer signaling such as RRC signaling ) to transmission power. A Macro cell may indicate to a WTRU
perform discovery of one or more LPNs . a CSI - RS configuration that may be used for measurements.
The discovery of LPNs ( e.g. , small cells ) by a WTRU may This configuration may include, for example, cell ID , RE
be done with or without Macro cell assistance . 5 mapping , subframe periodicity, subframe offset, RS
A WTRU may be provided with the configuration of one sequence, RS sequence initialization , and / or transmission
or multiple LPNs. Such configurations may enable aa WTRU power. A WTRU may be configured to make measurements
to take relevant measurements . Such configurations may on a new RS transmitted by LPNs to enable measurements
enable the WTRU to perform random access on the LPN . by WTRUs that may be unable to use legacy cell discovery
Such a random access may explicitly or implicitly indicate 10 mechanisms. Such a configuration may include , for
to the LPN that it may be for UL ( e.g. , for at least some , example, a coarse ( or fine ) RE mapping , a subframe peri
certain , all , or only UL transmissions or UL communication ) odicity and offset ( possibly based on the subframe timing of
and that DL ( e.g. , some , certain , or all DL transmissions or the Macro cell ) , an RS sequence, an RS sequence initial
communication ) may be or may be continued from or with ization (possibly based on a cell ID ) , and / or transmission
another cell ( e.g. , the Macro cell ) . Such a random access 15 power. For any of the RS configurations, the Macro may also
may explicitly or implicitly indicate to the LPN that it may provide timing and/or frequency offset value to enable
be for decoupled mode operation and that the LPN may be appropriate measurements by the WTRU .
the selected UL cell or the selected cell for UL communi- Upon ( or following or as a result of) being provided with
cation for the WTRU . such RS configurations, a WTRU may or may begin taking
The Macro cell may provide a list of LPN configurations 20 (or making) measurements on the RS . The WTRU may
to the WTRU . Such aa list may include, e.g. , for each LPN , measure RSRP and / or RSRQ type measurements .
one or more of an identity (or index ) for the LPN , reference The WTRU may determine the pathloss of an LPN that
signal ( RS ) configuration, time and /or frequency offset ( e.g. , may be appropriate for UL communication . The WTRU may
with respect to the time and / or frequency of the Macro cell ) , attempt to determine the time and / or frequency offset of the
RACH parameters, WTRU identity ( such as one or more of 25 LPN transmission (e.g. , relative to the Macro cell transmis
C - RNTI, RA - RNTI, SI-RNTI, P -RNTI) to use with the (or sion ). A WTRU may determine the state or capability of the
each) LPN , UL bandwidth , frame timing (possibly as an LPN ( for example, if it allows decoupled mode operation ),
offset ), system frame number (possibly as an offset ), and cell for example, based on the measurements taken . The WTRU
identity . An offset may be an offset with respect to the Macro may feed back measurements, e.g. , any of the aforemen
parameter or value . Some of the parameters that may be 30 tioned measurements, to its Macro cell . For example, a
provided or configured may be as described in solutions or WTRU may be configured to make measurements on a
examples herein. The WTRU may or may be configured to plurality of LPNs . The WTRU may make measurements
use or maintain an identity ( such as C -RNTI) for the LPN according to the configuration . The WTRU may feed back
( e.g. , for communication with the LPN) , which may be certain measurements (e.g. , a subset of the measurements
separate from or independent of the identity (e.g. , C -RNTI) 35 described herein ), to the Macro cell . If the WTRU feeds
which may be used by or with the Macro cell , e.g. , for DL back measurements for a plurality of LPNs , the WTRU may
transmissions or communication that may be between the be configured with an identity for each LPN in the mea
WTRU and the Macro . The WTRU may determine an surement configurations and may include the LPN identity
identity ( e.g. , C -RNTI) to be used by ( or for communication with its measurement report to the Macro . The WTRU may
with ) the LPN as a function or an offset value of the identity 40 feed back measurements for aa subset of all configured LPNs .
( e.g. , C - RNTI) that may be used by ( or for communication The WTRU may have triggers and thresholds configured to
with) the Macro cell . determine the appropriate subset of LPNs for which it may
Such configuration of LPN cells that may be used for UL feed back measurements, e.g. , to the Macro . For example, a
transmission or UL communication may be WTRU -specific WTRU may report or may only report measurements for
and may be provided via higher layer signaling to WTRUS 45 LPNs whose frequency and / or time offset may be within an
that may have Macro cell access . AWTRU may be triggered allowable value . A WTRU may report or may only report
to obtain measurements on a subset of the LPNs in the measurements for the LPN with the smallest pathloss. LPN
configured ( or pre - configured ) list. Such triggering may be pathloss may be computed from one or more measurements
done dynamically via physical layer signaling, or it may be and transmission power, e.g. , LPN transmission power
done by higher layer signaling. 50 minus measured LPN RSRP.
The list of LPN cells along with their parameters may be Upon (or following or as a result of) determining that an
provided by system information ( e.g. , System Information LPN is appropriate for UL transmissions or UL communi
Block ( SIB ) ) and / or PBCH transmission from the Macro cation , a WTRU may begin random access (e.g. , a random
cell . Such information may be broadcast by the Macro cell . access process or procedure ) to that LPN . Such a random
This may enable UL access to LPN cells by WTRUs that 55 access process (or procedure) may be a modified random
may be unable to obtain UL access to the Macro cell . access process or procedure that may indicate to the LPN
System information ( e.g. , one of the SIBs ) of the Macro that the WTRU may be attempting access for the purpose of
cell may (or may also ) indicate a set of triggers and / or UL transmissions or UL communication (e.g. , only UL
measurement states that aa WTRU may use to determine that transmissions or UL communication ) and /or decoupled
( or whether ) it should attempt decoupled operation. 60 mode operation. Such a random access procedure may
A WTRU may be configured by a Macro to take mea- indicate to the LPN what Macro cell the WTRU may (or may
surements on a LPN (or on multiple LPNs ). Such measure- expect to or be expected to ) use for DL transmissions or DL
ments may be enabled by the configuration of appropriate or communication . The WTRU may obtain the RACH con
certain reference signals (RS ) . For example , a Macro cell figuration from the LPN itself, or it may obtain the RACH
may indicate to a WTRU a CRS configuration. This con- 65 configuration from the Macro cell . The RACH configuration
figuration may include , for example, cell ID , time and / or may be provided by broadcast signaling ( e.g. , by the Macro
frequency location , subframe periodicity, subframe offset , or LPN) or dedicated signaling ( e.g. , from the Macro ) .
US 11,470,619 B2
45 46
A WTRU may determine that it may be unable to , e.g. , the LPN ( using LPN -specific probing signal configuration ),
successfully, have certain or all UL transmissions to , or UL or to a group of LPNs ( using group - specific probing signal
communication with , a Macro cell and / or that it may be configurations ).
better served by having certain or all UL transmissions to or A WTRU may probe the LPNs to transmit a PRACH
UL communication with aa LPN . Upon ( or following or as a 5 preamble on a set of resources that may be preconfigured.
result of) making such a determination , the WTRU may Multiple LPNs may be configured by a Macro cell to listen
attempt to discover at least one LPN that may provide (or to this specific set of resources (or preambles ) to see if it can
provide better) UL coverage . A WTRU may (e.g. , autono- effectively be used by the WTRU for UL transmissions (or
mously) search for and /or detect one or more LPNs that may UL communication ). A WTRU may expect a random access
be adequate for UL transmissions or UL communication . 10 response (RAR ) message from an LPN upon transmitting a
Such detection may be based on legacy detection mecha- PRACH preamble, and within a pre - configured time win
nisms (e.g. , cell search or selection measurements or mecha- dow . The WTRU may be configured with different RAR
nisms ) , or may be based on measurements that may be made reception time windows per type of RACH . For example, a
or taken ( e.g. , by the WTRU) on a discovery signal. WTRU performing legacy RACH may have aa first window
Upon (or following or as a result of) discovering an
adequate LPN , the WTRU may attempt random access to
15 size, whereas when performing PRACH transmission for
probing LPNs , it may have aa second window size . The RAR
that LPN . The WTRU may attempt a modified random may come from the Macro cell , and , depending on the
access to that LPN . A modified random access may indicate backhaul, such response may take longer. It may not be
to the LPN that the WTRU wishes to connect for UL desirable to have the WTRU retransmit PRACH preamble
communication and that DL communication may be handled 20 too fast.
by another ( e.g. , a Macro ) cell . In another solution , the A WTRU may be configured to periodically transmit a
WTRU may report to the Macro cell one or more LPNs that probing signal either to the serving LPN or to a group of
it may ( or may intend to ) use for UL transmissions or UL LPNs ( which may include the serving LPN ). Such a signal
communication . The WTRU may report to at least one of the may have priority over any other UL transmission scheduled
LPN and the Macro cell the timing and / or frequency and / or 25 for the same subframe. For example, the WTRU may use
pathloss of the LPN , for example, as offsets of the LPN with puncturing or rate matching around the REs allocated for the
respect to the Macro cell . transmission of the periodic probing signal . The WTRU may
The WTRU and /or an LPN may be mobile . If the WTRU drop any UL transmission scheduled for that subframe when
is actively transmitting data in the UL, the LPN may be able it is supposed to transmit the probing signal.
to determine a possibly worsening link from the WTRU . An 30 A WTRU may perform periodic , or possibly on demand
actively transmitting WTRU may be aa WTRU that has been and / or aperiodic, transmission of a probing signal by reusing
recently scheduled for PUSCH transmissions or that is the SRS . For probing use , the SRS may have different
expected to be imminently scheduled for PUSCH or that has parameters as those used for legacy SRS . For example, the
recently transmitted PUCCH or that is expected to be transmission power of a probing signal SRS may use its own
transmitting PUCCH imminently. A recently scheduled or 35 set of power control loop , independent of other SRS or
imminent transmission may be one which may occur within PDSCH . The probing signal SRS may use maximum power.
a pre - configured amount of subframes from the current The pathloss used in the determination of the transmission
subframe. An LPN may determine that a link may be power for the probing signal SRS may use the value of path
worsening by a decrease in the MCS ; an increase in HARQ loss to the Macro cell . This may enable the Macro cell to
retransmissions ; a decrease in the overall WTRU through- 40 listen to the probing signal to determine if a WTRU can be
put , and / or a decrease in the received power of a channel or served by a single cell as opposed to using decoupled
signal, such as SRS . Such aa channel may be one that is used UL - DL . A probing signal SRS may use a different sequence
for probing purposes by the WTRU , such as a modified than legacy SRS . Such sequence may be macro -cell- area
PRACH transmission where no RAR message is expected specific, thus enabling multiple LPNs to possibly hear the
by the WTRU . 45 signal. The probing signal SRS may also be spread over
On the other hand, in some cases , a WTRU may be multiple symbols (possibly the same sequence can be
connected for UL transmission (or UL communication ) to an repeated over multiple adjacent symbols ). This may enable
LPN , however it may have no recent or imminent UL different cells with different timing criteria to efficiently
transmissions ( or UL communication ). For example, an LPN detect the probing signal.
may have a timer and upon reception of an UL transmission , 50 A WTRU may also be configured to transmit an aperiodic
the LPN may reset the timer. Upon expiration of the timer, SRS as a probing signal . Such aperiodic SRS may be
the LPN may consider that any quality observed from a semi-persistent in that a WTRU may be given orders to
previous transmission may no longer be relevant. transmit the SRS with a specific configuration for a set
Such RLM / RLF like behavior at the LPN may trigger an period of time , or until it may be configured to stop the
LPN to request a transmission of a probing -like signal by the 55 transmission .
WTRU . If the LPN has some DL connectivity to the WTRU , A WTRU may be configured with a set of LPNs that may
it may request the probe itself. On the other, for fully be able to receive UL transmissions ( or UL communication )
decoupled scenario , the LPN may indicate to the Macro cell from the WTRU and may be used in a decoupled manner
serving the WTRU for the WTRU to transmit a probe - like with aa Macro cell . Such a set can be explicitly configured to
signal to enable the LPN to make appropriate measurements . 60 the WTRU . In a system information block ( SIB ) from the
The Macro may either configure the WTRU with a probing Macro , there may be a list of LPNs in the coverage area of
signal that can be received by multiple LPNs , or it may the Macro that can be used . Along with the list of LPNs , the
simultaneously configure other LPNs to listen for the probe SIB may include parameters to enable UL transmissions (or
signal. In another solution , the WTRU may have its own UL communication) to each LPN . For example, RACH
timer, which it may reset after every UL transmission (or UL 65 configuration may be provided for each (or groups of) LPN .
communication ) to the LPN . Upon expiration of the timer, Some geographical coordinates of the LPNs may be pro
the WTRU may be triggered to transmit a probing signal to vided to enable the WTRU to determine a subset of LPNs
US 11,470,619 B2
47 48
that are in close proximity to the WTRU , and thus likely to If a WTRU may or may intend to transmit one or more UL
be adequate LPNs for UL transmissions (or UL communi- channels or signals to a cell (e.g. , the Macro and / or LPN ),
cation ). A new SIB may be transmitting. Such aa SIB may use the WTRU may need TA from and / or for that cell . For a
beamforming and may include the configuration parameters small cell or LPN , the cell may be small enough that TA may
of a subset of LPNs within aa Macro cell's coverage . Multiple 5 not be needed , e.g. , a WTRU may transmit to the cell
versions of the SIB may be transmitted , e.g. , with different without TA or with a TA with a value of zero .
precoding and different subset of LPN configurations, to A WTRU may receive broadcast signaling from a cell
enable the WTRU to determine which subset is most rel- (e.g. , Macro or LPN) that may enable it to acquire system
evant for its current position . information that may be needed to perform a random access
A set of LPNs may be configured to the WTRU in an RRC 10 procedure, for example PRACH configuration information .
message . For example, the WTRU may expect a set of LPN This system information may include the configuration
configurations in an RRC message transmitted during the information (e.g. , PRACH configuration ) for random access
RACH procedure to the Macro cell . to the cell (e.g. , Macro or LPN ) and/ or for random access to
A set of LPNs may be configured to the WTRU in Li one or more other cells (e.g. , Macros and / or LPNs ).
signaling to the WTRU . For example, a WTRU may receive 15 A first cell (e.g. , Macro ) may not be able to receive a
a DCI to schedule a probing signal transmission . Such aa DCI PRACH preamble from a WTRU due to limited uplink
may include a list of LPNs for which the probing signal coverage . The WTRU may transmit the PRACH preamble,
should be targeted. for example, for initial access and / or connection establish
The set of LPNs can also include any configuration to ment to a second cell (e.g. , LPN) . PRACH preamble detec
attempt to use one or multiple LPNs for UL transmissions 20 tion , request for initial access , and / or a connection estab
( or UL communication ). For example , the set of LPNs may lishment request may be indicated or forwarded to the first
include probing signal configuration. cell ( e.g. , Macro ) by the second cell ( e.g. , LPN) .
AWTRU may be configured to transmit a generic probing A first cell (e.g. , LPN) may receive the UL transmissions
signal that may be received by any LPN under the Macro related to the random access procedure of a WTRU (e.g. , one
cell coverage. The LPNs may report measurements on such 25 or more of PRACH , msg1 , PUSCH carrying msg3 ) while a
a probing signal back to the Macro . The Macro may then second cell ( e.g. , Macro ) may provide the DL transmissions
configure the WTRU with a subset of LPNs and their related to the random access procedure of a WTRU (e.g. , one
configurations. This second, smaller set of LPNs may be or more of PDCCH , PDSCH that may carry RAR or msg3 ) .
used by the WTRU for any further probing signal transmis- PRACH , RACH , and random access may be used inter
sion . A more specific probing signal may be jointly config- 30 changeably.
ured at the WTRU for future probing signal transmission. A WTRU may perform random access autonomously
The WTRU may autonomously determine the subset of (e.g. , without a command or request from a cell or eNB ) or
LPNs for which it may transmit a probing signal . This may following or in response to a command or request that may
be done by implicit configuration or autonomously by the be explicit ( e.g. , PDCCH order) or implied ( e.g. , RRC
WTRU . For example, a WTRU may be configured with a 35 reconfiguration for mobility or handover ). Msgl may be the
relationship between a parameter of the serving Macro cell transmission of a preamble. A response to a preamble
and possible LPNs . The parameter of the Macro cell may transmission (e.g. , which may be transmitted by a WTRU or
include aa Cell ID , e.g. , the PCID or a virtual cell ID (VCID ) node such as LPN) may be a random access response ( RAR )
of the Macro cell , e.g. , used to determine the CRS sequence (e.g. , from a node such as the Macro which may receive the
of the Macro cell . The parameter of the Macro cell may 40 preamble) or may be another response ( e.g. , from a node
include a v_shift used for the CRS , a CSI - RS configuration such as the Macro which may receive the preamble ) such as
of the Macro cell (VCID , periodicity, subframe offset, and / or a timing advance command .
RE mapping ) , a geographic location of the Macro cell (e.g. , The terms message and msg may be used interchangeably .
GPS coordinates ), a frequency of the Macro cell , and / or RAR and msg2 may be used interchangeably. RAR may be
MBSFN configuration . 45 replaced by timing advance command or any other message,
The parameters of the LPN , or set of LPNs, obtained command or response , e.g. , to a preamble transmission , and
autonomously by the WTRU may include Cell ID (e.g. , or still be consistent with the principles disclosed herein . A
VCID used for CRS or CSI -RS sequence generation ), geo- timing advance command may include a timing advance
graphic location of the LPN ( S ), probing signal configuration, value . An RAR may include a timing advance command or
RACH configuration (possibly including PRACH resources , 50 a timing advance value . A cell or eNB may send and / or a
PRACH transmission power , and / or RAR reception win- WTRU or node may receive a timing advance command (or
dow ) , a frequency of the LPNs, and / or MBSFN configura- other message that may include a timing advance command
tion . or value) which may be unsolicited ( e.g. , without a preamble
The cell ID of the Macro cell may be tied to a specific set transmission ).
of LPNs (e.g. , LPN IDs ) and a set of probing configurations. 55 A WTRU may be configured by a Macro cell , e.g. , with
The WTRU may perform measurements on the CRS of parameters and / or information , to (or which may ) enable
different LPNs . Such measurements may indicate that the LPN access or discovery (e.g. , by the WTRU ) for possible
cell is too weak for DL transmissions . The WTRU may rank UL transmissions (or UL communication ). The Macro cell
the LPNs based on their CRS -based measurements and may may provide a set of PRACH resources on which the WTRU
determine possible relevant LPNs . Upon such a determina- 60 may attempt random access to the LPN . The random access
tion, the WTRU may be use the appropriate probing signal may be a legacy type random access or may be a random
configuration as provided by the Macro cell . access that may indicate access may be or may be intended
A random access procedure may be performed by a for (or only for) UL transmissions or UL communication.
WTRU , for example for initial access , which may be for For example, the Macro cell may indicate a set or subset of
connection establishment, and / or to obtain timing advance 65 PRACH preambles that may be (or may be intended to be )
( TA ), e.g. , for UL time synchronization , among other rea- used by the WTRU when the WTRU may attempt random
sons . access on the LPN . Such a set or subset of preambles may
US 11,470,619 B2
49 50
be interpreted by the LPN as an indication that the WTRU communicate (or receive transmissions) in the DL , e.g. , for
may wish ( or may be requesting ) to have access ( e.g. , access at least the random access . The indicated Macro cell may be
only ) for UL transmissions ( or UL communication ). Physi- the Macro cell which may be associated with the LPN and / or
cal PRACH resources ( such as time and / or frequency the cell from which the WTRU may have received the LPN
resources and /or set of subframes , e.g. , for an LPN) may be 5 and / or PRACH configuration , e.g. , for the random access .
configured by the Macro cell for the WTRU . Reception of a The WTRU may receive or expect to receive a Random
PRACH preamble in a ( e.g. , any) certain ( e.g. , configured or Access Response (RAR ) message from a (or the) Macro cell ,
pre -configured ) set or subset of resources by the LPN may e.g. , in response to the preamble it may have sent to an (or
indicate to the LPN that the WTRU may wish (or may be the ) LPN . The Macro cell may be one for which the WTRU
requesting ) to have access for UL ( e.g. , UL transmissions or 10 may have DL coverage (e.g. , satisfactory DL coverage ). The
UL communication ) while the WTRU may (or may intend Macro cell may be a ( or the) Macro cell associated with the
to ) have or maintain access for DL ( e.g. , for DL communi- LPN and / or indicated by the PRACH resources ( e.g. , pre
cation ) to another (e.g. , the Macro ) cell . amble and / or time and / or frequency resources) which the
The RACH configuration that may be provided by the WTRU may have used for transmission to the LPN .
Macro cell may (or may also ) indicate to the WTRU a guard 15 The window of time (e.g. , time window or time frame)
time (e.g. , required guard time ) . The guard time may be used within which a WTRU may expect (e.g. , expect to receive)
to account for timing uncertainty and / or to ensure no (or a RAR from the Macro cell may be increased (e.g. , with
reduced ) interference with one or more subsequent sub- respect to the legacy window ) , for example, to allow for
frames that may not be used for random access . The guard backhaul communication between the LPN and the Macro
time may be a period of no UL transmission that may be 20 cell . The RAR message may include a configuration for an
appended to the PRACH preamble. This guard time may be UL transmission , for example of an UL transmission of
adjusted for (e.g. , specifically for) decoupled random access , random access message 3 by the WTRU to the LPN . The
for example in order to mitigate possible timing errors which configuration may include one or more of an UL grant, a cell
may be caused by a WTRU possibly being unable to ID , a C -RNTI, aa TC -RNTI, a timing advance command and
synchronize to the LPN . The RACH configuration that may 25 an UL DM - RS configuration . The WTRU may transmit
be provided by the Macro may include a frequency offset, message 3 to the LPN and may expect a contention resolu
for example, for similar reasons as for the increased guard tion message (e.g. , if needed ) to be transmitted by the
time . The Macro cell may include pathloss offset value . Macro . The WTRU may consider itself connected to the
This pathloss offset value may be used by the WTRU to Macro for DL ( e.g. , DL transmissions or communication )
determine an appropriate initial transmission power for the 30 and to the LPN for UL ( e.g. , UL transmissions or commu
PRACH preamble. The Macro cell may include an absolute nication ). Random access message 3 may include a connec
power level that may be used by the WTRU for its initial tion establishment request such as an RRC connection
PRACH preamble transmission . Such a configured WTRU establishment request. The RRC connection may be estab
transmission power may be provided to the LPN and / or may lished with the Macro and / or the LPN .
be used at the Macro cell (or any other controlling entity ), 35 AWTRU may select one or more cells (e.g. , Macro and / or
for example, to determine the pathloss between the WTRU LPN) for its random access procedure, for example, for
and the LPN . The pathloss may be determined based on the connection establishment. The cell ( or cells ) with which the
configured transmission power and / or the received power of WTRU may perform the random access procedure may or
the PRACH preamble at the LPN . may not be the cell (or cells ) with which the connection may
A WTRU may be unable to have certain ( e.g. , any ) UL 40 be established . The cell or one of the cells with which the
coverage to the Macro cell or may have limited ( e.g. , limited WTRU may perform the random access procedure may be
beyond a certain level ) UL coverage to the Macro cell . The the cell with which the connection may be established .
WTRU may ( e.g. , may also ) be unable to have certain ( e.g. , A WTRU may select a certain cell ( e.g. , Macro cell ) as its
any) DL coverage from the LPN or may have limited ( e.g. , cell for at least one or more certain DL transmissions ( e.g. ,
limited beyond a certain level ) DL coverage from the LPN . 45 system information which may be broadcast) or certain DL
The WTRU may have satisfactory DL coverage from the communication , for example based on one or more of cell
Macro cell ( e.g. , above a certain level ) and / or satisfactory search , cell selection , and / or cell reselection procedures,
UL coverage to the LPN (e.g. , above a certain level ) . For which may be legacy procedures or DL specific procedures.
example, a WTRU may have severely limited coverage in A WTRU may perform one or more parts of a random access
the UL to the Macro and in the DL from the LPN while 50 procedure with the certain cell and / or another cell ( e.g. ,
having satisfactory coverage from the Macro in the DL and LPN) where the LPN may be selected or determined by the
in the UL to the LPN . WTRU based on one or more solutions described herein .
A WTRU , for example in a scenario such as described The resources which may be used (e.g. , by the WTRU ) for
herein , may perform a random access (e.g. , random access transmission of a PRACH preamble to the LPN may be
procedure) that may involve both a LPN and Macro . For 55 provided by the certain cell and / or other cell , for example
example, upon (or following or after) obtaining the PRACH via system information which may be broadcast by the cell .
preamble transmission parameters, WTRU may transmit The parts of the random access procedure which the
an appropriate PRACH preamble to a LPN that may be WTRU may perform may include one or more of UL
nearby. The PRACH preamble may implicitly ( for example, transmission of the PRACH preamble ( e.g. , msgl ) , moni
by use of aa certain subset of preambles and / or time and / or 60 toring for and / or reception of the DL RAR (e.g. , msg2 ) , UL
frequency resources which may be predefined or pre-con- transmission on resources which may have been allocated by
figured ) or explicitly indicate to the LPN aa Macro cell . The
the RAR ( e.g. , msg3 ) which may include a connection
indicated Macro cell may be one (e.g. , the one ) from which
establishment request, and monitoring for and / or reception
the WTRU may like to (or intend to or expect to ) have DL
of a DL contention resolution message ( e.g. , msg4 ) .
connectivity ( e.g. , receive at least certain DL transmissions
65 In an example, a WTRU may determine or decide whether
such as all DL transmissions). The indicated Macro cell may
the random access procedure or PRACH transmission ( e.g. ,
be one with which the WTRU may (or may expect to ) successful PRACH transmission ) may be possible to the
US 11,470,619 B2
51 52
certain Macro . Successful transmission may include the use may try a transmission of the PRACH preamble using each
of coverage enhancement techniques such as repetition . of one or more levels or may try (e.g. , may only try ) the
Such a determination or decision may, for example, be based worst (or maximum ) level.
on whether the WTRU (or WTRU measurement) may meet The WTRU may determine a PRACH preamble trans
or exceed a certain level of coverage limitation or meet a 5 mission to be successful if an RAR may be received by the
certain coverage limitation criteria such as a measurement WTRU in response to (e.g. , in an expected time window
being above or below a certain threshold . following) the preamble transmission . The WTRU may
If the WTRU (or WTRU measurement) may meet or determine the PRACH preamble transmission to be unsuc
exceed the level of coverage limitation or meet the certain 10 cessful if the RAR may not be received (e.g. , in the expected
coverage limitation criteria , the WTRU may perform certain time window ).
( or all ) parts, for example one or more UL transmissions, of If the WTRU may determine that transmission of the
the random access procedure with another cell or node such PRACH preamble ( which may include one or more attempts
as an LPN . For example, the WTRU may transmit a PRACH which may include power ramping) in accordance with a
preamble to the LPN. 15 certain level of coverage limitation or coverage enhance
The WTRU may (e.g. , may first) attempt PRACH pre- ment such as a chosen level or a worst (or maximum ) level
amble transmission to the Macro , e.g. , the WTRU may (e.g. , of a set of considered or available levels ) may be
transmit a PRACH preamble to the Macro one or more unsuccessful, the WTRU may perform certain (or all ) parts,
times . Each transmission may use a different preamble. Each for example one or more UL transmissions, of the random
transmission may be at a different power level and / or in 20 access procedure with another cell such as an LPN . For
accordance with a different level of coverage limitation or example , the WTRU may transmit a PRACH preamble to
coverage enhancement. The WTRU may ramp up ( e.g. , the LPN .
increase or increase by a certain amount) the transmission If the WTRU may transmit PRACH preamble to an
power between PRACH preamble transmissions, which may LPN , the WTRU may perform one or more UL transmis
be in accordance with aa certain level of coverage limitation 25 sions that may be associated with the random access pro
or coverage enhancement. A level of coverage limitation or cedure ( e.g. , msg1 and /or msg3 ) to or with the LPN . If the
coverage enhancement may include no coverage limitation WTRU may transmit a PRACH preamble to an LPN , the
or coverage enhancement. A WTRU may have or be con WTRU may receive or expect to receive one or more DL
figured with a maximum number of times it may ramp the transmissions which may be associated with the random
PRACH power and / or aa maximum number of times it may 30 access procedure (e.g. , msg2 and /or msg4 ) from the Macro
ramp the PRACH power at a certain ( e.g. , each or any) level or the LPN .
of coverage limitation or coverage enhancement, and / or a If the WTRU may perform a random access procedure
maximum power ( e.g. , for PRACH transmission ). with the Macro and if a preamble transmission may be
The WTRU may determine whether one or more of the
PRACH preamble transmissions to the Macro are success- 35 successful , if a subsequent aspect of the procedure (e.g. ,
ful. If the WTRU may determine that one or multiple ( e.g. , contention resolution ) may be unsuccessful, for example, for
all ) of the PRACH preamble transmissions may be unsuc ator least aa certain number of times , the WTRU may determine

consider the random access procedure unsuccessful. If the

cessful, the WTRU may perform certain (or all ) parts, for
example one or more UL transmissions, of the random WTRU may consider or determine the random access pro
access procedure with another cell such as an LPN . For 40 cedure with the Macro as or to be unsuccessful, the WTRU
example, the WTRU may transmit a PRACH preamble to may perform certain (or all ) parts, for example one or more
the LPN . UL transmissions, of the random access procedure with
For example, a WTRU may transmit a PRACH preamble another cell such as an LPN . For example, the WTRU may
to the Macro at a certain power level for a certain level of transmit a PRACH preamble to the LPN .
coverage limitation or coverage enhancement. If the WTRU 45 The WTRU may transmit a PRACH preamble success
may determine that the PRACH preamble transmission may fully to a Macro and , for example as part of or included in
be unsuccessful, the WTRU may ramp the power and the RAR which may be transmitted by the Macro, the Macro
transmit another PRACH preamble and may repeat the may provide one or more of the following to the WTRU : a
process until the transmission may be successful or the grant ( or allocation) for resources for UL transmission ( e.g. ,
maximum number of times to ramp (or the maximum 50 msg3 ) which may be resources of another cell such as an
transmission power) may be met or exceeded . The WTRU LPN , indication that the resources are for another cell ,
may repeat the process for one or more other levels of information regarding the other cell such as cell ID or an
coverage limitation or coverage enhancement. A WTRU index or indication which may correspond to a list ( e.g. ,
may determine overall PRACH preamble transmission to the which may provide cell information ) which may be provided
Macro may be unsuccessful if certain ( e.g. , all ) PRACH 55 separately such as via system information which may be
preamble transmission attempts may be unsuccessful. If the broadcast, and an indication to operate in decouple mode . A
WTRU may determine that overall PRACH preamble trans- WTRU may transmit in the UL ( e.g. , msg3 ) , for example to
mission may be unsuccessful, the WTRU may perform the LPN and /or on the resources indicated .
certain (or all ) parts, for example one or more UL transmis- The WTRU may perform a random access procedure with
sions, of the random access procedure with anothera cell such 60 a Macro , and the Macro may configure the WTRU for
as an LPN . For example, the WTRU may transmit a PRACH decoupled operation (e.g. , which may include the LPN to
preamble to the LPN . use in decoupled operation ) after such completion, e.g. , via
For transmission of a PRACH preamble to the Macro , the signaling such as RRC signaling.
WTRU may make the transmission in accordance with a In an example, such as those described herein , when the
certain level of coverage limitation or coverage enhance - 65 WTRU may transmit aa PRACH preamble to an LPN based
ment such as a chosen level or a worst ( or maximum ) level on an aspect of a random access procedure with a Macro
( e.g. , of a set of considered or available levels ) . The WTRU being determined or decided by the WTRU to be unsuc
US 11,470,619 B2
53 54
cessful, the WTRU may transmit the PRACH preamble PRACH ( e.g. , broadcasted PRACH ) preamble from a
upon (or following, after, or as a result of) the determination WTRU that may be experiencing poor UL coverage to the
or decision . Macro cell . Such a configuration may be provided over an
A PRACH transmission may be used for WTRU discov- X2 interface . The contents of the configuration may include
ery by a LPN . A WTRU may receive, e.g. , from a Macro , or 5 one or more of a set of preambles, time and / or frequency
may be configured with, e.g. , by a Macro , a set of PRACH resources , and transmission power characteristics ( e.g. ,
resources that it may use , for example when the WTRU may transmission power ). An LPN ( or LPNs ) may indicate to a
be unable to have ( e.g. , have successful) UL transmission or Macro cell what PRACH configurations may be used by
certain (e.g. , any ) UL coverage to the Macro cell or may WTRUS, for example, for PRACH transmission such as
have limited (e.g. , limited beyond a certain level) UL 10 broadcasted PRACH preamble transmission that may be or
coverage to the Macro cell . The PRACH resources may may be intended to be received by the LPN (or one or more
include one or more of aa set or subset of preambles, a set of of the LPNs).
time and / or frequency resources, appropriate subframes, and A Macro may configure ( or provide configuration to ) one
a transmission power setting. The Macro may transmit or more LPNs which may include certain information which
and / or the WTRU may receive the configuration via signal- 15 may relate to the WTRUs that may use broadcasted PRACH
ing from the Macro , such as system information that may be preamble transmission or that may transmit a PRACH
broadcast by the Macro or other higher layer signaling. preamble which may be or may be intended to be received
Upon (or following or after or as a result of) determining that by one or more of the one or more LPNs . For example, the
it may use or require an LPN for at least certain UL Macro cell may inform the one or more LPNs of the identity
transmissions ( e.g. , PRACH or random access related UL 20 of one or more WTRUs that may transmit (or broadcast) a
transmissions or all UL transmissions ), a WTRU may trans- PRACH preamble which may be or may be intended to be
mit ( e.g. , broadcast) a PRACH preamble from the received received by one or more of the one or more LPNs , for
or configured set or subset. The PRACH preamble trans- example for the purpose of decoupled operation. The Macro
mission may be considered or designated as a broadcast , for may indicate to the one or more LPNs the C - RNTI which
example since the WTRU may not be aware of what LPN 25 may be used by the Macro, pathloss to the Macro , timing
may receive or be capable of receiving the transmission . and / or frequency offset of the Macro , and / or security keys
For a PRACH preamble transmission such as a broad- that may be used by the WTRU at (or for, with , or when
casted PRACH preamble transmission, a WTRU may use a communicating with ) the Macro . The indicated information
configured or pre -determined transmission power level, may be related to a certain WTRU .
which may be a fixed transmission power level. For 30 Upon (or following, in response to , or as a result of)
example, a WTRU may be configured to transmit the reception of a PRACH preamble ( e.g. , broadcasted PRACH
PRACH preamble multiple times . Each PRACH preamble preamble ), an LPN may transmit a message or an acknowl
transmission may have a configured , pre -configured or oth- edgement to a Macro or to another entity such as a central
erwise known or determined power level , and such power ized entity that may indicate this reception. If or when
levels may be constant over all PRACH preamble transmis- 35 multiple LPNs may have received the PRACH preamble
sions . The transmission power which may be used for transmission ( and /or may have indicated such reception to a
PRACH preamble transmission may be explicitly config- Macro or other entity ), the Macro and / or the other entity
ured by a Macro cell or may be configured by the WTRU . may determine, e.g. , based on the contents of the message or
The PRACH preamble transmission power may be or may acknowledgement, an LPN (e.g. , the appropriate LPN) that
be configured to be the maximum WTRU transmission 40 may be used by the WTRU for certain communication ( e.g. ,
power. The PRACH preamble transmission power may be a UL communication ) and / or decoupled operation . If one
function ( or an offset) of the transmission power that may be (e.g. , only one) LPN may have received the PRACH pre
used for an (e.g. , any or a certain type of) UL transmission amble transmission ( and /or may have indicated such recep
to the Macro . tion to a Macro or other entity ), the Macro and / or the other
The PRACH preamble transmission power may be 45 entity may determine that LPN to be the LPN which may be
selected (e.g. , jointly ) with the PRACH preamble and /or the used by the WTRU for certain communication (e.g. , UL
PRACH time / frequency used . Such a solution may enable communication ) and / or decoupled operation . The Macro
an LPN that may receive the PRACH preamble transmission and /or other entity may indicate to an LPN whether or not
to know or determine the transmission power that may be it may be or may have been selected for certain communi
used by the WTRU . 50 cation ( e.g. , UL communication ) and / or decoupled operation
With a fixed or otherwise known PRACH preamble of or with the WTRU .
transmission power, a node (e.g. , Macro or LPN) that may The message or acknowledgement that may be transmit
receive the PRACH preamble transmission may or may be ted by an LPN that may have received the PRACH preamble
able to determine the pathloss (e.g. , UL pathloss ), for transmission may be signaled over the X2 interface. Such a
example from (or between) the WTRU that may have 55 message or acknowledgement may include one or more
transmitted the PRACH preamble and the node . The node parameters associated with the received PRACH preamble
may measure ( e.g. , the received power ) of the PRACH transmission . For example , the acknowledgement may
preamble it may receive, for example, to determine the include one or more of the received preamble ID or IDs , a
pathloss which may be computed or determined from the WTRU ID , the resources on which the PRACH preamble
transmit power minus the measurement. If the node (LPN) 60 may have been received , the received power, the pathloss
which may receive the PRACH preamble may not have the (which may be determined based on the received power
value of the transmission power , the value may be provided and / or explicit or implicit determination of the transmission
to it by another node (e.g. , the Macro ) , for example, via an power used ), a time and / or frequency offset value . The
X2 interface. message or acknowledgement may (or may also ) include
A Macro cell may configure ( or provide configuration to ) 65 one or more of an allowed UL grant, a timing advance
one or more LPNs with the appropriate parameters to command and a frequency offset command that the Macro
receive (e.g. , which may enable it or them to receive) a may provide ( e.g. , via transmission in the DL ) to the WTRU .
US 11,470,619 B2
55 56
The grant may be used (e.g. , to allocate UL resources ) for a Macro cell . The Macro may determine a timing advance
random access message 3 type communication or for any (which may be aa LPN -Macro TA ) that may be based on this
other UL transmission which the WTRU may make . random access and may provide it to the LPN . The LPN may
Timing advance may be replaced by another representa- indicate to the Macro the purpose of the random access , for
tive time adjustment or time difference value , such as time 5 example, by use of certain PRACH resources (e.g. , one or
delay (e.g. , time delay or one way time delay ) and still be more of preamble , time and / or frequency resources ).
consistent with the principles disclosed herein . Another procedure with the same intent and / or result may be
A WTRU and /or LPN (and /or Macro ) may perform time used . The timing advance may be positive , negative , or zero
and / or frequency synchronization and / or adjustments, for and may be relative to the DL timing of the Macro .
example , for UL and /or DL transmissions and / or commu- 10 Based on a timing advance (e.g. , a LPN -Macro TA ) that
nication . may be received from ( or determined by) the Macro cell , the
An LPN (or LPNs ) may synchronize ( e.g. , regularly ) with LPN ( and / or Macro ) may be able to determine (e.g. , prop
the Macro , for example, to enable WTRUs to use decoupled erly determine) another timing advance ( which may be the
operation . Such synchronization may be done via an X2 WTRU -LPN TA ) to be provided to a WTRU that may have
interface . For example, a Macro cell may indicate a time 15 UL connectivity to (or UL transmissions to or UL commu
and / or frequency offset value that the LPN may use to better nication with the LPN . The LPN (or the Macro ) may
align ( e.g. , its transmissions) with the Macro cell . In an provide the WTRU -LPN TA to the WTRU . The LPN may
example , such tuning may be done regularly, for example in provide the WTRU -LPN to the Macro which may provide it
a periodic manner. In another example, such tuning may be to the WTRU . The WTRU may use the WTRU - LPN TA to
done aperiodically, e.g. , upon (or following or in response 20 adjust the timing of its UL transmissions to the LPN . The
to ) a request from the LPN or request or recommendation LPN -Macro TA and the WTRU - LPN TA may be the same or
from the Macro cell . different.
The LPN may (or may attempt to ) synchronize using over The LPN may adjust its timing (e.g. , reference timing )
the air (OTA ) means. For example, a LPN may determine such that the LPN -Macro TA may be the TA (e.g. , the correct
the timing and / or frequency of the Macro cell by detecting 25 TA ) that the WTRU may use to adjust its UL transmissions
the PSS ( and /or SSS ) and / or CRS of the Macro cell . The to the LPN (e.g. , for proper or desirable reception by the
LPN may (or may attempt to ) synchronize its timing and / or LPN) .
frequency with that or those of the Macro, for example by The LPN may synchronize its timing or its timing may be
using (e.g. , based on detection of) one or more of those synchronized with the Macro timing . Synchronized may
signals. The LPN may have limited coverage and the 30 mean approximately synchronized or synchronized to within
WTRUs served by such a node may be located nearby to the a certain tolerance (e.g. , on the order of 0.26 us ) . In the
LPN . The LPN may assume that such timing and / or fre- examples disclosed herein , times may be approximate.
quency of the Macro cell may be that or those which may be The LPN timing may be synchronized with the Macro
experienced by WTRUs under its (e.g. , the LPN's ) cover- timing . The Macro may transmit (e.g. , synchronization
age . 35 and /or reference signals such as PSS ) at time TO . The LPN
A Macro may transmit (e.g. , synchronization and / or ref- may transmit ( e.g. , synchronization and / or reference signals
erence signals such as PSS ) at time To , and a LPN may such as PSS ) at (or approximately ) time TO . The WTRU may
receive such transmission at time T1 . A WTRU that may be receive the transmission from the Macro at time T1 . The
in proximity to the LPN and / or may or may intend to LPN -Macro TA may be TA1 which may be (e.g. , approxi
communicate with the LPN may ( or may also ) receive such 40 mately ) equal to 2x (T1 - TO ) . A WTRU near the LPN may
transmission at a time which may be at or near time T1 . An transmit to the LPN at TO (e.g. , with a zero TA relative to the
LPN may synchronize its timing ( e.g. , reference timing that LPN reference timing) . Relative to the reception from the
may include DL PSS transmission ) with T1 (e.g. , transmit Macro at T1 , the WTRU may need to advance its timing by
PSS at or approximately at T1 ) . A WTRU may (e.g. , may T1 - TO , for example to transmit at TO . The TA for the WTRU
then ) use the Macro timing (e.g. , according to its DL 45 to use with the LPN relative to the Macro timing may be
synchronization and / or reference signals) as its reference TA2 = 0.5xTA1. The LPN and / or Macro may provide TA2 to
timing for the LPN (e.g. , for communication with the LPN) . the WTRU . The LPN and / or Macro may provide TA1 to the
A WTRU may use or need no (or a zero ) timing advance for WTRU and the WTRU may adjust it for use with the LPN
UL transmission to the LPN . (e.g. , the WTRU may divide it by 2 ) .
A LPN may adjust or synchronize its frequency based on 50 A LPN may perform a random access to a Macro , for
reception of one or more DL signals from the Macro . The example , as described herein . The Macro may determine a
WTRU may use one or more DL signals from the Macro as timing advance (e.g. , the LPN -Macro TA ) which may be
( or to determine) the frequency reference for the LPN . based on this random access and may provide (e.g. , transmit)
A WTRU may determine the time and / or frequency offset it to the LPN . The timing advance may correspond to one
of a LPN with respect to a Macro cell . If an offset (or offsets ) 55 which the LPN may use were it to communicate in the UL
may be greater than aa threshold value , the WTRU may report to the Macro . The Macro and / or the LPN may transmit the
to the LPN the offset value ( or values ) and may request timing advance to a WTRU that may be near the LPN and / or
tighter synchronization of the LPN to the Macro cell . The that may be using or intending to use the LPN for decoupled
LPN may adjust its transmission in accordance with one or mode, for example, with the Macro . The WTRU may use the
more offset values , for example to reduce and / or eliminate 60 timing advance to adjust the timing of one or more UL
the offset. transmissions to the Macro . The WTRU may obtain DL
A LPN may perform a random access to the Macro cell , synchronization from the DL signals from the Macro . The
for example to be provided with and / or receive a timing reference timing for the adjustment may be based on DL
advance command. Such a random access may be under- signals ( e.g. , synchronization and / or reference signals from
stood by the LPN and / or Macro cell to be for aa certain ( e.g. ,
9 65 the Macro ) . Since the WTRU may be near the LPN , the TA
synchronization or timing advance) purpose (e.g. , only ) and that may be used or needed by the WTRU may be the same
may not lead to the LPN being granted UL resources to the as the TA that may be needed by the LPN .
US 11,470,619 B2
57 58
The LPN may adjust or modify the TA before providing for example, with the Macro and aa certain LPN or an LPN
it to the WTRU . The modification or adjustment may be such as one among a certain set of LPNs . Such an indication
based on a timing difference between the Macro and LPN may be provided in or with a RAR or separately.
transmissions (e.g. , synchronization and / or reference sig- The WTRU may be able to synchronize to the DL signals
nals ) . The modification or adjustment may be based on the 5 or timing of the LPN and / or may use the DL signals or
TA that the WTRU may use , and / or the LPN may determine, timing of the LPN for its reference timing , e.g. , for one or
for example for UL transmission from the WTRU to the more transmissions (e.g. , UL transmissions) to and / or for
LPN . communication with the LPN . The WTRU may transmit a
The LPN may or may not be synchronized (or approxi- preamble (e.g. , a random access preamble ) to the LPN , and
mately synchronized ) with the Macro in time and /or fre- 10 the reference timing the WTRU may use for the transmission
quency . may be the LPN DL timing or signals (e.g. , synchronization
A WTRU may maintain synchronization with more than and / or reference signals ) , for example, if the WTRU may be
one ( e.g. , two ) non - synchronized points , for example, in able to detect and / or synchronize to the LPN DL signals .
order to perform decoupled operation. The WTRU may The LPN may determine the TA for WTRU -LPN com
segregate the UL synchronization from the DL synchroni- 15 munication , e.g. , the WTRU -LPN TA . The LPN may trans
zation and / or the Macro synchronization from the LPN mit the WTRU -LPN TA to the WTRU and / or to the Macro .
synchronization. For each of UL and DL transmissions (or The Macro may transmit the WTRU - LPN TA to the WTRU .
UL and DL communication or Macro and LPN communi- Communication between the Macro and LPN may be via an
cation ), a WTRU may maintain separate timing and / or X2 interface .
frequency offsets. One synchronization (e.g. , Macro or DL 20 The WTRU may ( for example, if the WTRU may be
communication) may be obtained from the DL synchroni- unable to detect the DL signals, e.g. , synchronization and / or
zation and / or reference signal ( e.g. , PSS and / or SSS and /or reference signals of the LPN) use the DL timing or signals
CRS and /or CSI - RS ) transmissions of the Macro cell . (e.g. , synchronization and / or reference signals ) from the
Another synchronization ( e.g. , LPN or UL communication ) Macro for its reference timing , e.g. , for UL transmission to
may be obtained from the DL synchronization and /or ref- 25 the LPN .
erence signal transmissions of the LPN . The WTRU may transmit a preamble (e.g. , a random
One synchronization ( e.g. , UL communication or LPN) access preamble) to the LPN and the reference timing that
may be obtained as an offset (e.g. , offset value) from another the WTRU may use for the transmission may be the Macro
( e.g. , DL communication or Macro ) synchronization ( e.g. , DL timing .
synchronization timing and / or values ) . The offsets that may 30 The Macro may transmit a TA to the WTRU , which may
be used may be provided by the Macro cell via higher layer be a TA it may have received from the LPN (e.g. , LPN
signaling. The offsets that may be used may be broadcast by Macro TA or UE -LPN TA ). The LPN may send a TA ( e.g. ,
the Macro cell (e.g. , in system information, such as in a
LPN -Macro TA or WTRI - LPN TA ) to the WTRU . The
SIB ) . WTRU may receive a TA from the Macro or LPN ( e.g. ,
A WTRU may receive a timing advance command that 35 LPN -Macro TA or WTRU -LPN TA ), which it may use to
may be transmitted by the Macro cell and may understand adjust its UL transmission to the LPN .
that the command may be used or may be intended to be The WTRU may transmit a preamble ( e.g. , random access
used as an adjustment (e.g. , offset value ) that may be applied preamble ) to the LPN autonomously ( e.g. , without a request
to certain transmissions, for example, when the WTRU may or command) or may do so in response to an indication ,
maintain separate timing and / or frequency synchronization 40 request, or command (e.g. , from the Macro ) to start or use
and /or offsets for UL and DL transmissions (or UL and DL decoupled mode or in response to a command ( e.g. , from the 9

communication or Macro and LPN communication ). The Macro ) such as a PDCCH order (e.g. , for timing alignment).
WTRU may apply the adjustment to the certain transmis- The WTRU may transmit a preamble (e.g. , random access
sions . The certain transmissions may be , for example, trans- preamble) to the Macro autonomously (e.g. , without a
missions that may be based on the WTRU's (e.g. , current) 45 request or command) or may do so in response to an
UL (e.g. , UL communication ) or LPN synchronization. indication , request, or command ( e.g. , from the Macro ) such
A WTRU may use one or more procedures such as those as a PDCCH order ( e.g. , for timing alignment) or RRC
described herein to obtain a timing advance that it may use reconfiguration ( e.g. , for mobility or handover ).
to adjust one or more UL transmissions to one or more cells A WTRU may ( e.g. , may first) transmit a preamble ( e.g. ,
( e.g. , Macro and / or LPN) . 50 a random access preamble) to aa certain cell ( e.g. , LPN) and
A WTRU may (e.g. , may first) transmit a preamble ( e.g. , may ( e.g. , may later ) need , receive , or use a timing advance
a random access preamble ) to a certain cell (e.g. , Macro ) and that may be for access to another cell ( e.g. , Macro ) . The
may ( e.g. , may later ) need , receive , or use a timing advance WTRU may use the DL timing or signals (e.g. , synchroni
that may be for access to another cell (e.g. , LPN) . The zation and / or reference signals) from the Macro and / or the
WTRU may use the DL timing or signals ( e.g. , synchroni- 55 LPN as its reference timing for the transmission of the
zation and / or reference signals ) from the Macro as its preamble to the LPN . The WTRU may receive the timing
reference timing for the transmission of the preamble to the advance for the Macro from the Macro or the LPN .
Macro . The WTRU may receive the timing advance for the For the WTRU -LPN TA , the LPN may determine the TA
LPN from the Macro or the LPN . for WTRU - LPN communication , e.g. , the WTRU - LPN TA .
The Macro may determine the TA for WTRU -Macro 60 The LPN may transmit the WTRU -LPN TA to the WTRU
communication . The Macro may transmit and / or the WTRU and / or to the Macro . The determination and / or transmission
may receive , e.g. , from the Macro , a timing advance that the of the WTRU - LPN TA (e.g. , by the LPN) may be in response
WTRU may use to adjust one or more UL transmissions that to the preamble or receipt of the preamble by the LPN . The
it may make or intend to make to the Macro . The determi- Macro may transmit the WTRU - LPN TA to the WTRU . The
nation and / or transmission of the TA may be in response to 65 transmission of the WTRU -LPN TA (e.g. , by the Macro )
the preamble or receipt of the preamble by the Macro . The may be in response to receipt of a communication ( e.g.,
Macro may indicate to the WTRU to use a decoupled mode, message ) from the LPN , which may include aa TA that may
US 11,470,619 B2
59 60
be intended for a certain WTRU . Communication between or within a threshold of the TA the WTRU may apply for
the Macro and LPN may be via an X2 interface . The WTRU PUCCH transmissions to the LPN , and if the WTRU may be
may receive a TA from the Macro or LPN (e.g. , LPN - Macro scheduled for both transmissions ( e.g. , in the same or
TA or WTRU -LPN TA ) and may use the TA to adjust one or overlapping subframes ), the WTRU may not transmit both
more of its UL transmissions to the LPN . 5 the PUSCH to the Macro and the PUCCH to the LPN
For the WTRU - Macro TA , the LPN may determine the simultaneously (e.g. , in the same or overlapping subframes ).
LPN -Macro TA that it may consider as the WTRU -Macro The WTRU may ( or may only ) transmit the highest priority
TA and may provide that TA (or an adjusted version of that channel ( e.g. , PUCCH ) or the channel to the highest priority
TA ) to the WTRU . The WTRU may transmit a preamble node , for example in the overlapping subframe or sub
( e.g. , random access preamble ) to the Macro autonomously 10 frames.
( e.g. , without a request or command ) or may do so in The WTRU may transmit (e.g. , only transmit) to one of
response to an indication, request, or command ( e.g. , from the nodes and may drop (e.g. , not transmit) the scheduled
the Macro or LPN ) such as a PDCCH order ( e.g. , for timing transmission ( s) to the other node or nodes, for example,

alignment) or RRC reconfiguration (e.g. , for mobility or when the WTRU may be unable to transmit to multiple
handover ). The indication , request, or command to transmit 15 nodes simultaneously, for example, due to a TA difference
a preamble or perform a random access , e.g. , to obtain a TA , (which may be greater than a threshold ), if the WTRU may
which may be transmitted or provided by the Macro or LPN , be scheduled for transmission to those nodes simultaneously
may include an indication of coverage enhancement (CE ) (e.g. , in the same or overlapping subframes ).
level and / or a number of repetitions ( e.g. , preamble repeti- For channels scheduled for simultaneous ( e.g. , in the
tions ) . The WTRU may use the indicated CE level and / or 20 same or overlapping subframes ) UL transmission by the
repetitions for communication with the Macro such as for WTRU , e.g. , to more than one node , the channels may have
PRACH resource selection , preamble transmission , or other priorities. The WTRU may transmit the channel with the
UL transmissions. The Macro may determine the TA for highest priority and may not transmit the other channels. The
WTRU - Macro communication, e.g. , the WTRU -Macro TA , WTRU may transmit the channels that may be scheduled for
for example in response to a preamble or receipt of a 25 transmission to the highest priority node and may not
preamble which may be from the WTRU . The Macro may transmit the other channels. The WTRU may determine the
send the WTRU -Macro TA to the WTRU and/ or the LPN . highest priority channel and the node to which it may be
The WTRU may receive ?a TA from the Macro or LPN ( e.g. , transmitted and may transmit the scheduled (e.g. , all the
LPN -Macro TA or WTRU -Macro TA ), and it may use the scheduled ) channels to that node . The WTRU may drop
TA to adjust one or more of its UL transmissions to the 30 (e.g. , not transmit) the scheduled (e.g. , all the scheduled )
Macro . channels to one or more (e.g. , all ) other nodes . PUCCH may
A WTRU may or may be able to transmit at least one UL have higher priority than PUSCH (or vice versa ) . PRACH
channel to each of at least two nodes, such as a Macro and may have the highest priority. The Macro may have higher
LPN . If the WTRU may use a different TA for transmission priority than the LPN ( or vice versa) . Node priority may be
to the nodes , it may be difficult for the WTRU to transmit to 35 channel specific or for all channels . SRS may have lowest
those nodes simultaneously , for example , if the WTRU may priority . Periodic SRS may be higher priority than an ape
have one transmitter (e.g. , one set of transmitter compo- riodic SRS ( or vice versa) . When multiple SRSs (e.g. , of
nents ). equal priority ) may be scheduled simultaneously, e.g. , with
A WTRU may transmit in the UL simultaneously to out other channels, the priority ( e.g. , for which to transmit
certain nodes if (e.g. , only if) the TA the WTRU may (or may 40 and which to drop ) may be node based ,configuration based ,
need to apply for the UL transmissions to those nodes may or may be determined by the WTRU . When multiple SRSs
be the same or within a certain tolerance or threshold of each ( e.g. , of equal priority ) may be scheduled simultaneously,
other. The WTRU may not transmit in the UL simultane- e.g. , without other channels, the WTRU may drop ( e.g. , not
ously to the certain nodes if the TA the WTRU may (or may transmit ) certain or all of the SRSs . SRS may or may only
need to ) apply for the UL transmissions to those nodes may 45 be scheduled and / or transmitted by the WTRU to a node to
not be the same or may not be within a certain tolerance or which it may (or may also ) transmit PUSCH .
threshold of each other. The tolerance or threshold may be If the WTRU may be scheduled for simultaneous trans
specified, known or determined by the WTRU (e.g. , based mission of PUSCH and PUCCH to different nodes, the
on WTRU implementation ), or configured ( e.g. , by one or WTRU may transmit the PUCCH and may drop ( e.g. , not
more of the nodes such as via broadcast or dedicated 50 transmit ) the PUSCH . If the WTRU may be scheduled for
signaling). This may apply, e.g. , may only apply, for a simultaneous transmission of PUCCH and SRS to first
WTRU that may have one transmitter and / or a WTRU that node and PUSCH to a second node , the WTRU may transmit
may not support multiple TAs or TA groups ( TAGS). The the PUCCH and SRS to the first node, which may be due to
WTRU may receive one TA and may use that TA for UL the priority of the PUCCH over the PUSCH ) . The WTRU
( e.g. , all or certain UL ) transmissions to the certain nodes . 55 may drop ( e.g. , not transmit) the PUSCH . If the WTRU may
The WTRU may receive one TA for a node and may apply be scheduled for simultaneous transmission of (e.g. , equal
one of the TAs for UL (e.g. , all UL or certain UL ) trans- priority ) SRSs to a first node and a second node , the WTRU
missions to the certain nodes. may transmit the SRS to the node with higher priority for at
A WTRU may transmit a first channel (e.g. , PUCCH ) to least SRS ( e.g. , standalone SRS ) transmission and may not
a first node ( e.g. , the Macro ) and a second channel ( e.g. , 60 transmit the SRS to the other node . The WTRU may choose
PUSCH ) to a second node (e.g. , LPN) . If the TA the WTRU (e.g. , randomly ) which SRS to transmit and which to not
may apply for PUSCH transmissions to the Macro may be transmit and may transmit accordingly.
the same or within a threshold of the TA the WTRU may The nodes (e.g. , Macro and LPN ) may share or exchange
apply for PUCCH transmissions to the LPN , the WTRU may
2 information (e.g. , over X2 ) regarding the period ( and /or
transmit the PUSCH to the Macro and the PUCCH to the 65 other parameters ) of the SRS that may be transmitted in each
LPN simultaneously. If the TA the WTRU may apply for one's cell . These may include the period and / or parameters
PUSCH transmissions to the Macro may be not be the same for cell specific SRS and / or one or more WTRU - specific
US 11,470,619 B2
61 62
SRS that may be specific to one or more certain WTRUs that ACK /NACK may be a feedback for a HARQ process or
may be operating in decoupled mode with the nodes . A node procedure . ACK /NACK may represent one or more of ACK
may use this information to avoid UL collisions with SRS ( positive acknowledgement), NACK ( negative acknowl
transmissions to another node and / or symbols or subframes edgement ), and DTX (discontinuous transmission which
reserved for SRS by another node . 5 may mean no acknowledgement ).
A Macro and an LPN may share their periodic SRS In certain scenarios such as a decoupled scenario , a
parameters for a certain WTRU that may be operating in WTRU may transmit DL HARQ Ack /Nack information to
decoupled mode with the Macro and the LPN . The LPN may an eNB , e.g. , LPN , in response to reception of one or more
avoid scheduling PUSCH transmission for the WTRU in DL signals ( e.g. , PDSCH ) from another eNB (e.g. , Macro ) ,
subframes that may overlap with the WTRU's periodic SRS 10 which may be successful or unsuccessful. The one eNB may
subframes for the Macro .
not be aware
A scheduled channel or transmission may be a channel or may not expect of the DL transmission by the other eNB and / or
transmission for which resources may be ( or may have been ) SR for the feedback the Ack /Nack feedback . A WTRU may use
allocated such as by grant, configuration , request, or other , for example, since SR resources may
be available ( e.g. , configured or pre -configured ) for the
means. A retransmission may be (e.g. , considered ) a sched- 15 WTRU (e.g. , semi - statically
uled transmission (e.g. , of a PUSCH ). One or more of ).
PUSCH , PUCCH , SPS , and PRACH may be (e.g. , consid In certain scenarios such as certain decoupled operation
ered ) scheduled, a scheduled channel or a scheduled trans scenarios, a WTRU and / or eNB may not follow the PDSCH
mission . A scheduled transmission may be a planned trans- related HARQ operation and / or timing of certain standards
mission . PRACH which may be requested (e.g. ,by a node) 20 releases. A WTRU and/or eNB may use one or a combina
or autonomously planned or initiated ( e.g. , by a WTRU ) tion of the mechanisms for HARQ operation described
may be (e.g. , considered ) a scheduled transmission . Sched- herein .
uled channel and scheduled transmission may be used The WTRU may not transmit an ACK /NACK signal in
interchangeably. Scheduled and allocated may be used inter- response to reception of a PDSCH , for example, using ( or
changeably . 25 according to ) the PDSCH HARQ ACK /NACK timing of
One or more of the nodes may adjust their timing such certain (e.g. , LTE or LTE - A ) releases . Following the trans
that the WTRU may use the same TA for transmission to mission of a PDSCH by an eNB , the eNB may not expect to
both nodes . For example, the LPN may adjust its time using receive an ACK /NACK from the WTRU , for example using
one or more mechanisms described herein ( e.g. , for time (or according to ) the PDSCH HARQ ACK /NACK timing of
synchronization ) such that the WTRU may use one TA for 30 certain ( e.g. , LTE or LTE - A ) releases .
UL transmission to the Macro and the LPN . In response to the reception of one or more PDSCH ( e.g. ,
A WTRU may transmit simultaneously to the Macro and from an eNB such as the Macro ) by the WTRU , the WTRU
the LPN in certain cases , such as decoupled mode operation may transmit the related PDSCH HARQ ACK /NACK using
with the same TA for Macro and LPN . Scheduling Request (e.g. , SR) resources and / or signal ( e.g. ,
In decoupled operation arrangement (e.g. , assuming DL 35 to the eNB or another eNB such as the LPN) . After the
transmissions from the Macro and UL transmissions to the transmission of one or more PDSCH by an eNB ( e.g. ,
LPN ) , upon the reception of the Physical Downlink Shared Macro ) , the eNB may receive (or expect to receive) the
Channel (PDSCH ) by the WTRU , the WTRU may send the related PDSCH HARQ ACK /NACK by receiving a signal
corresponding Hybrid Automatic reQuest ( HARQ ) feedback on SR resources and / or SR signal. An eNB ( e.g. , LPN ) may
to the LPN . The LPN may communicate the feedback to the 40 receive PDSCH HARQ ACK NACK / by receiving a signal
serving eNB ( e.g. , the Macro ), which may have sent the on SR resources and / or SR signal . The eNB may provide the
corresponding PDSCH . A timing criterion for eNB to feedback to another eNB (e.g. , Macro ) .
receive the PDSCH HARQ feedback may not be sufficient A WTRU may bundle the HARQ ACK /NACK bits cor
due to the extra LPN processing and further communication responding to one or more PDSCH , received in a time
and / or communication delay between LPN and eNB . The 45 window, into one or more ACK /NACK bits . The WTRU
eNB may not be able to inform the LPN of the transmission may receive a configuration of the HARQ bundling time
of the PDSCH and the LPN may not expect to receive the window through higher layer signaling, e.g. , from eNB . The
PDSCH - related feedback when they are sent by the WTRU . HARQ bundling window may be represented with one or
Such an arrangement may make it difficult for the LPN to more parameters such as window size (possibly represented
properly receive and/ or decode a feedback . An improved 50 in number of subframes, e.g. , n ), window offset (possibly
HARQ operation may be provided. represented in number of subframes , e.g. , m) , etc. As an
When an eNB may send a PDSCH to a WTRU , it may example of window size , it may be set to the same value as
expect the WTRU to provide an ACK /NACK feedback , e.g. , the number of subframes between two consecutive config
via PUCCH and / or PUSCH , in response to that PDSCH . The ured SR resources . As an example for window offset, it may
eNB may expect the ACK /NACK in a specific frequency 55 be defined and / or configured as a number of subframes ( e.g. ,
and / or time location that may be relative to the frequency m=4 ) before the subframe including the next SR resource
and /or time location of the PDSCH . The eNB may expect to (e.g. , the SR resource to be used to carry the corresponding
receive a PUCCH in that specific resource location from that PDSCH HARQ ACK /NACK bits ) . For example , for a
specific WTRU . When the eNB may detect or receive a WTRU with n= 10 and m=4 , the WTRU may receive certain
PUCCH , it may know from which WTRU it may be coming . 60 (e.g. , all ) potential PDSCHs in aa window with the size of 10
The resource location and / or timing of the PUCCH trans- subframes which may end 4 subframes before the next SR
mission may (e.g. , implicitly ) identify at least in part the resource . The WTRU may determine the PDSCH HARQ
identity of the WTRU which may (or may have ) transmit the ACK /NACK bits for certain ( e.g. , all the) received PDSCH
PUCCH . In an UL/DL decoupled scenario the LPN may not data within the window . The WTRU may bundle all those
be aware of Macro eNB PDSCH transmission and may not 65 bits into a single ACKNACK bit , and it may send the
at least one of expect , detect, and / or look for the correspond- bundled ACK /NACK bit using the next SR resource (e.g. , to
ing PUCCH . the eNB ).
US 11,470,619 B2
63 64
After the reception of a possibly bounded PDSCH HARQ SR resources for that WTRU ) may carry PDSCH HARQ
feedback by the eNB , that eNB may apply the received ACK /NACK bits and / or possibly not the potential UL
HARQ feedback for certain ( e.g. , all ) PDSCH it may have transmission request.
transmitted to the WTRU during the corresponding PDSCH The WTRU may not send PDSCH HARQ ACK /NACK
transmission window . 5 bits (e.g. , via PUCCH ) in an ( e.g. , every ) UL subframe. The
A WTRU may not send PDSCH negative acknowledge- WTRU may receive a configuration parameter indicating
ment to the eNB . The WTRU may or may only ) send which subframes the WTRU may use to send PDSCH
PDSCH positive acknowledgements to the eNB . The WTRU HARQ ACK /NACK bits ( e.g. , via PUCCH ) . The WTRU
may send an actual transmission request to the eNB using a 10 may receive a configuration parameter r that may indicate
PUCCH in the SR resources that may include the same that every r-th subframe may include PUCCH resources
constellation point as for a negative HARQ PUCCH allocated to the WTRU and / or the WTRU may only transmit
acknowledgement. The WTRU may send a PUCCH in the PDSCH HARQ ACK /NACK bits (e.g. , via PUCCH ) in
SR resources to the eNB that may include the same con- those subframes . Different WTRUs may be configured by
stellation point as for a positive HARQ PUCCH acknowl- 15 the same PUCCH resources and / or the same PUCCH
edgement as a positive PDSCH HARQ acknowledgement indexes. Different WTRUs may be configured to potentially
for the corresponding PDSCH ( s ) . The negative and positive send PDSCH HARQACK /NACK bits (e.g. , via PUCCH ) in
acknowledgment may be presented by different constella- different subframes .
tion points. The eNB may expect to receive a PDSCH PUSCH -based HARQ ACK /NACK may be provided . A
HAR ACK /NACK within a predefined time frame. If the 20 WTRU may transmit a PUSCH carrying the corresponding
eNB may not receive a positive acknowledgement during PDSCH HARQ ACK / NACK bit ( s ) , e.g. , when the WTRU
the predefined time frame, it may assume a negative receives one or more PDSCH . The WTRU may not transmit
acknowledgment for the corresponding PDSCH ( ). a PUCCH including the corresponding PDSCH HARQ
A WTRU may not send PDSCH positive acknowledge- ACK /NACK bits , when the WTRU receives one or more
ment to the eNB . The WTRU may (or may only ) send 25 PDSCHs . The WTRU may transmit the PDSCH HARQ
PDSCH negative acknowledgements to the eNB . The ACK /NACK bit ( s ) of one or more PDSCHs in the same
WTRU may send an actual transmission request to the eNB PUSCH . For example, the WTRU may transmit the HARQ
using a PUCCH in the SR resources that may include the ACK /NACK bit ( s ) of each PDSCH received in a certain
same constellation point as for a negative HARQ PUCCH period of time , e.g. , a time window , in the same PUSCH .
acknowledgement. The WTRU may send a PUCCH in the 30 This window may be referred to as HARQ bundling win
SR resources that may include the same constellation point dow . A PUSCH may carry PDSCH HARQ ACKNACK
as for a positive HARQ PUCCH acknowledgement as a bit ( s ) and /or information regarding the corresponding
negative PDSCH HARQ acknowledgement for the corre- PDSCH ( s ) . For example, the PUSCH may carry indications
sponding PDSCH ( ). The negative and positive acknowl- of the DL HARQ processes of the corresponding PDSCH ( s ) .
edgments may be presented by different constellation points. 35 The PUSCH may carry indications of the frequency and / or
The eNB may expect to receive a PDSCH HARQ ACK / time locations the corresponding PDSCH ( s ) may be
NACK within a predefined time frame. If the eNB may not received . The WTRU may receive one or more configuration
receive a negative acknowledgement during the predefined parameters defining the HARQ bundling window , e.g. , win
time frame, it may assume a positive acknowledgment for dow size . The size of the bundling window may be a value
the corresponding PDSCH ( s ) . 40 equal or greater than one . The WTRU may receive one or
A signal transmitted on SR resources may not include a more UL grants for each window to carry the PDSCH
certain (e.g. , any ) UL transmission request from the WTRU . HARQ ACK /NACK bits of the corresponding window . The
The eNB may not interpret every PUCCH received in a SR WTRU may derive the frequency, time location and / or other
resource as the one including an actual UL data transmission transmission parameters of the PUSCH carrying the PDSCH
request from that specific WTRU . The WTRU may send 45 HARQ ACK /NACK bits based on one or more DL grants of
PUCCH to inform the network of its UL transmission the PDSCH and / or PDSCH in the corresponding HARQ
request in (e.g. , only in ) a subset of the SR resources. The bundling window . For example, the transmission parameters
WTRU may receive indications on which SR resources to of the PUSCH carrying the PDSCH HARQ ACK /NACK
use for this purpose . For example, the WTRU may receive bits may be derived based on the characteristics of the first
a second configuration for the SR resources. This second 50 (or last) PDSCH grant in the corresponding bundling win
configuration may indicate a subset of PUCCH resources dow . The WTRU may derive the frequency, time location
provided by the first (e.g. , main ) configured SR resources. and / or other parameters of the PUSCH carrying the PDSCH
As an example, the WTRU may receive a configuration HARQ ACK / NACK bits , e.g. , based on the boundaries of
parameter r that may indicate that every r-th SR resource the bundling window . For example, the related PUSCH may
( e.g. , every r - th subframe including SR resources for that 55 be transmitted in n subframes after the end of the bundling
WTRU ) may carry an actual UL transmission request and / or window .
possibly not the potential PDSCH HARQ ACK / NACK Modified PDSCH HARQ ACK / NACK timing may be
bit ( s ) . The WTRU may send PUCCH to inform the network provided . The eNB may be configured to expect to receive
of its PDSCH HARQ ACK /NACK in (e.g. , only in) a subset the PDSCH HARQ ACK /NACK , from the WTRU and / or
of the SR resources . The WTRU may receive indications on 60 another network entity, within a predefined and / or config
which SR resources to use for this purpose . For example, the ured time window (possibly in terms of subframes ), e.g. ,
WTRU may receive a second configuration for the SR following the transmission of the corresponding PDSCH .
resources . This second configuration may indicate a subset The eNB may be configured to expect to receive the PDSCH
of PUCCH resources provided by the first (e.g. , main) HARQ ACK /NACK , from the WTRU and / or another net
configured SR resources . As an example, the WTRU may 65 work entity, e.g. , after a predefined and / or configured num
receive a configuration parameter r which may indicate that ber of subframes following the transmission of the corre
every r-th SR resource ( e.g. , every r - th subframe including sponding PDSCH .
US 11,470,619 B2
65 66
AWTRU may be configured for HARQ - less operation for may transmit with errors ). The error may be indicated by the
transmission and reception of Physical Uplink Shared Chan- receiver RLC entity (e.g. , on the network side ) with an RLC
nel (PUSCH ) and PDSCH data . The WTRU may rely on STATUS PDU , or may be indicated by lower layers , e.g. , by
RLC AM and ARQ operation for reliable reception and an HARQ NACK feedback response from the corresponding
transmission of data .A WTRU without HARQ may not have 5 HARQ process . In the RLCARQ retransmission, the WTRU
a reliable delivery mechanism for MAC control elements . transmitting RLC entity may again provide MAC with RLC
Improvements to MAC CE reliability may be provided. For PDU with SN7 , and the MAC entity , receiving the SN7 may
a WTRU with HARQ - less operation , reliability improve- be re - transmitted and based on the mapping between SN and
ments may be provided , e.g. , for delivery of msg3 during the MAC CE may include the MAC CE into the MAC PDU for
RACH procedure , which may operate in RLC transparent 10 transmission by a HARQ process .
mode . A WTRU may provide an empty RLC PDU to the MAC
A WTRU may be configured to operate without HARQ layer with headers such that the MAC layer may include
processes for transmission and / or reception of PUSCH and MAC CE with the RLC PDU , e.g. , to construct the MAC
PDSCH data, e.g. , HARQ - less operation. A WTRU may PDU . A WTRU may use the RLC ARQ process to determine
receive PDSCH data and in response may transmit ACK / 15 whether the MAC CE has been properly received by the
NACK in the allocated PUCCH or, if available , in PUSCH . receiver MAC entity, e.g. , based on the positive ARQ or
A WTRU may be configured not to transmit any HARQ- negative feedback received . The WTRU MAC entity may
ACK response . In HARQ - less operation, a WTRU may not determine whether the MAC CE is properly received based
receive a retransmission of PDSCH data corresponding to on the single HARQ feedback received by HARQ process
NACK response as part of the HARQ process . From the UL 20 which sent the MAC CE . If a negative ARQ feedback and /or
perspective, a WTRU may not expect to receive HARQ HARQ feedback is received for the RLC PDU sequence
feedback in response to PUSCH transmission on PHICH number which included the MAC CE , the WTRU may
from the eNB . For example , a WTRU may receive HARQ retransmit the header RLC PDU and the MAC layer may
response on the PHICH , but may not re -transmit the PUSCH include the same MAC CE for retransmission . On the
data in response to a received NACK . For example , a 25 receiver RLC entity side , an empty RLC PDU may be
WTRU may not be allocated with PHICH resource for included into the receiver buffer for the purpose of in
HARQ - less operation . For UL and DL , the WTRU , on sequence delivery and proper reconstruction of the RLC
receiving or transmitting the first transmission of data , may SDU and for purpose of ARQ process feedback , but other
consider the HARQ process completed. In an HARQ - less wise is discarded once the receiver window is moved
operation, a WTRU may use RLC acknowledged mode and 30 beyond the RLC PDU , and may not be delivered to high
ARQ process for retransmissions for reliable data transfers. layers.
The ARQ process of AM RLC ARQ may allow for a less To indicate to RLC its intention for delivery of aa MAC
stringent feedback time between the transmitter and the CE , the MAC layer may provide an indication to the RLC
receiver, and may allow for additional delays between UL layer to provide an empty RLC PDU , e.g. , with RLC PDUs
receiving and DL transmitting eNBs , e.g. , in the decoupled 35 to be transmitted in an upcoming grant. For example, the
UL/DL scenario . MAC layer may request the empty RLC PDU from any RLC
Delivery of MAC CEs between eNB and WTRU may rely entity associated with the MAC layer, or possibly may
on the HARQ processes for feedback and any retransmis- request the empty PDU from the RLC entity associated with
sions . A WTRU in HARQ - less operation may be configured the lowest logical channel identifier
with RLC AM with ARQ process for data retransmissions 40 In HARQ - less operation, a WTRU may receive a HARQ
and in - sequence delivery of packets. A WTRU may not use feedback for any UL transmission and may transmit HARQ
HARQ processes as a reliable delivery method for delivery feedback for DL reception but may not transmit or receive
of MAC CEs in HARQ - less operation . The WTRU may be any retransmissions for a HARQ process. A WTRU may
configured with one or more of RLC S / N to MAC CE then determine the reliable transmission and reception of a
mapping, individual MAC CE delivery, MAC CE based on 45 MAC CE , based on the acknowledgement of the HARQ . For
HARQ feedback , information included in MAC CE deliv- reception of MAC CE in DL , in case a MAC CE reception
ered by other layers , or MAC CE including UL grant for resulted in NACK , aa WTRU may expect the retransmission
reliable delivery of MAC CEs . of MAC CE in another HARQ transmission. In case of
A WTRU may associate a MAC CE with the sequence decoupled UL/ DL , the DL transmission of MAC CE and the
number of RLC PDU to which the WTRU may include the 50 resulting feedback may allow for sufficient tolerance of
MAC CE to construct the MAC PDU for transmission . The delay between the eNB which receives the HARQ feedback
WTRU may allocate a one - to - one mapping between the from the WTRU to the eNB which transmits and then
MAC CE and the RLC PDU . When the RLC , e.g. , based on retransmits the MAC CE in the next DL opportunity.
ARQ feedback needs to retransmit the RLC PDU , the For transmission of MAC CE in UL by a WTRU , the
WTRU may determine the mapping between the re - trans- 55 WTRU may, based on received NACK feedback for a
mitted RLC PDU sequence number and MAC CE , and may previous transmission , include the same MAC CE for trans
include the MAC CE in the retransmission of the RLC PDU . mission on a HARQ feedback based on normal procedures
For example, the WTRU may transmit a RLC PDU with the for MAC CE inclusion into the MAC PDU for UL trans
MAC CE in the MAC PDU for the first and retransmission mission . In the transmission , the WTRU may transmit the
for the ARQ process . 60 MAC CE , or may include it into the MAC PDU with data
A WTRU , e.g. , for PDSCH transmissions, may receive a from higher layers . For example, a WTRU may transmit
single data packet in PDCP that may be segmented into one ad / or receive MAC CE in multiple HARQ transmissions,
or more RLC SDUS (e.g. , eight RLC SDUS ) . Each SDU may repeated in different HARQ processes. A WTRU may
be assigned a sequence number (e.g. , SN ( ~7 ) to construct receive and / or transmit multiple repeated MAC CEs regard
RLC PDUs . Each RLC PDU may be assigned to separate 65 less of HARQ feedback . A WTRU may include and /or
HARQ process. The MAC may include a MAC CE to RLC receive a MAC procedure identifier in the MAC subheader
PDU with SN ( e.g. , SN 7 , which for example the WTRU along with LCID , which may indicate the MAC CE type ,
US 11,470,619 B2
67 68
e.g. , in order to distinguish between repeated MAC CEs and msg3 as part of random access procedure. A WTRU may
a different MAC CE . The number of repetitions may be a configure the default SRB with RLC acknowledged mode .
function of the coverage enhancement mode for which the The WTRU may be configured for SRB with RLC AM , e.g. ,
WTRU may be configured, and may be indicated by higher without explicit configuration signaling from the network
layer signaling from the eNB . 5 with default parameter values as defined in RRC . The
AWTRU may provide or receive information indicated in WTRU may configure the RLC AM related parameters such
a MAC CE by signaling from a layer; for example, by RRC as reordering timer (e.g. , t -Reordering) with the maximum
signaling or PDCCH in physical layer. For example, a allowable duration, e.g. , 200 ms , to allow for the longest
WTRU may use information related to RACH procedure, delay for coverage enhancement mode operation in the ARQ
e.g. , RAR , and timing alignment command for decoupled 10 process. For example, the WTRU may configure the default
UL/DL and / or coverage enhancement scenario . SRB with t -Reordering for longer than 200 ms , e.g. , depend
For example , the WTRU may receive the one or more of ing on the coverage enhancement amount that is specified
a timing advance command, an UL grant, or an C -RNTI for the WTRU .
from RRC or PDCCH . The timing advance command may In a HARQ - less operation , if the msg3 transmission fails ,
be one or more bits ( e.g. , 6 or 11 bits ) and may indicate 15 e.g. , a WTRU does not receive RRC connection setup
timing adjustment amount. For example , in response to
preamble transmission, WTRU may receive this information message , the WTRU may re -attempt the msg3 transmission .
in PDCCH , e.g. , masked with C -RNTI for the WTRU . The The WTRU may be provided with an UL grant, e.g. , via
UL grant may be one or more bits long ( e.g. , 20 bits ) and PDCCH with the WTRU C - RNTI which may be pre
may indicate UL resources to be used for transmission by the 20 allocated by the network , or via the TC -RNTI, which may be
WTRU . For example, this information may be received by allocated to the WTRU by the previous reception of RAR
the WTRU in PDCCH masked with C -RNTI. The C -RNTI from the network . The WTRU may reuse the same resources
may be one or more bits long ( e.g. , 16 bits ) and may indicate from the UL gra that was allocated in the initial msg3
the WTRU identifier allocated the cell . For example, a transmission attempt. For example, in the UL grant, the
WTRU may include C -RNTI as part of a RRC message as 25 WTRU may receive a semi-persistent scheduling of msg3 in
part of the scheduling request procedure using RACH for case of unsuccessful transmissions. The WTRU may be
UL transmission of data . configured with a re - transmission timer and maximum num
A WTRU , for example, using decoupled UL/ DL for ber of msg3 transmission attempts. For example, the WTRU
reception and transmission , and in coverage enhancements may use the T300 timer and maxHARQ - Msg3Tx IE values ,
mode may not use certain MAC CEs for the purpose of 30 e.g. , as specified in SIB of the cell for the purpose in
assisting the eNB scheduler with information for proving HARQ - less operation . For example, on expiry of the retrans
UL grants to the WTRU . For example, a WTRU may not be mission timer, the WTRU may attempt a re - transmission of
configured to transmit PHR , BSR MAC CEs . For example, the same msg3 contents in the same UL resource in the next
a WTRU may expect not to receive commands such as for available UL subframe. The WTRU may , on reaching maxi
DRX, MBMS or carrier activation /deactivation , which a 35 mum number of msg3 retransmissions, reset MAC and
WTRU in coverage enhancement mode and decoupled indicate to the higher layers of failure of RRC connection
UL/DL may not support. establishment. As part of the re - attempt of msg3 transmis
A WTRU may be indicated with UL grant information sion, the WTRU may perform the random access procedure
that may be included in a MAC CE received from the from preamble transmission to the same cell . For example,
network . A WTRU may use the included UL grant to 40 the WTRU may receive in the UL grant for initial msg3
transmit the corresponding HARQ feedback of received transmission configuration for dedicated RACH resources
MAC CE information on the allocated PUSCH . The WTRU for msg3 re - transmission . The WTRU may re - use the same
may be allocated with PUSCH for the purpose of HARQ dedicated RACH resources on a re -attempt, e.g. , until the
feedback rather than using PUCCH in the decoupled UL/DL number of maximum msg3 transmission re -attempts has
scenario . For example, a WTRU may receive MAC CE with 45 been reached .
UL grant information for each scheduled PDSCH reception Power control may be provided . If a WTRU may be
of data , which may be used by the WTRU to transmit the unable to receive TPC commands from a node and / or may
corresponding HARQ feedback for reception of PDSCH be unable to measure pathloss for that node , existing means
data on PUSCH . The WTRU may receive reduced UL grant for power control may not work properly. A WTRU may
information in the MAC CE . The MAC CE UL grant may 50 perform a random access process to a node to determine a
include RB assignment and / or modulation and coding transmit power to that node where the random access and /or
scheme . The WTRU may receive the UL resources for transmit power may not depend on pathloss.
HARQ A / N transmission , or may include resources for UL The WTRU may perform a random access process to a
data and / or for other UL control information . certain node (e.g. , LPN) with the pathloss set to 0. At the
As part of RACH related message transmissions, e.g. 55 completion of the process, for example, if successful, the
msg3 , WTRU may rely on HARQ process for feedback and WTRU may use its last PRACH transmission power or an
retransmissions for increased reliability of signaling. A adjusted version of that power for certain UL transmissions
WTRU , by default may have a radio bearer configuration to the node.
with RLC in transparent mode . For aa WTRU configured for The WTRU may start the RA process to a node at a certain
HARQ - less operation , there may be no feedback and 60 power ( e.g. , fixed power ). The WTRU may transmit a
retransmission mechanism to ensure reliable signaling for preamble at that power. If the WTRU may not receive a
msg3 and possibly RRC connection request for initial con- response (e.g. , RAR ) within the expected time window, the
nection establishment. For purpose of reliable msg3 trans WTRU may ramp the power and try again . The WTRU may
mission in HARQ - less operation, a WTRU may be config- repeat (e.g. , after waiting a backoff time) the process until it
ured with one or more of the following . 65 may reach (or exceed ) its maximum power and / or until it
A WTRU may configure a default signaling radio bearer may reach (or exceed) the maximum number of ramping
( SRB ), e.g. , as specified in RRC for UL transmission of attempts.
US 11,470,619 B2
69 70
The starting power may be a fixed value such as – 10 dB
a Macro eNB ) and uplink bearer configuration associated with
or may be configured , e.g. , by a node such as the one to another network node ( for example, the LPN node ).
which the preamble may be intended ( e.g. , LPN) or a The WTRU may be configured with user plane bearers
specific node (e.g. , the Macro ). The amount to ramp by that may or may need to ) operate in decoupled mode , for
and / or the maximum number of ramping attempts may be 5 example using a new or modified user plane configuration .
configured, e.g. , by a node such as the one to which the On (or following ) receiving the RRC re - configuration mes
preamble is intended ( e.g. , LPN) or a specific node (e.g. , the sage , the WTRU may determine the downlink and uplink
Macro ). The configuration may be provided by broadcast links of aa logical channel may need to be associated with
signaling (e.g. , system information such as in a SIB ) or different network nodes. The WTRU may create separate
dedicated signaling. 10 logical channels for the downlink and uplink directions .
The process may be considered or determined to be Upon (or following) change of WTRU operation for one
successful (e.g. , by the WTRU ) if the WTRU may receive a or more bearers from coupled mode to decoupled mode or
response before reaching (or exceeding ) its maximum power vice versa , the WTRU may ( e.g. , additionally ) be configured
to perform a Security configuration/ re -configuration with
and /or the maximum number of ramping attempts. The 15 the eNB and /or the MME . The WTRU may be configured to
PRACH preamble for which a response is received may be maintain separate AS and NAS security keys for the down
referred to herein as the successful preamble. The transmis- link and the uplink directions of the radio bearer which may
sion power the WTRU may use for the successful preamble be associated with a RAB that may be operating in
may be referred to herein as P - PRACHsuccess . decoupled mode . For example, when the WTRU may be
The WTRU may use P - PRACHsuccess to determine the 20 configured to move one or many bearers to the decoupled
power for certain UL transmissions to the node (e.g. , LPN ). mode , the WTRU may receive a modified Security Mode
For example, the WTRU may use P -PRACHsuccess for all Command or a RRC Reconfiguration message with configu
UL transmissions to the node or the WTRU may add an ration to create or update the KeNB which may be associated
offset to P - PRACHsuccess to obtain the transmission power with one or more network nodes .
for certain channels. The offset may be the same or different 25 A WTRU may be camped on a suitable cell (e.g. , for
for different UL channels. The offset ( s ) may be provided by downlink ), and may or may need to ) initiate a RRC
broadcast signaling (e.g. , system information such as in a Connection with the network . The WTRU may perform
SIB ) or dedicated signaling from a node such as the one to connection establishment, which may include a random
which the preamble is transmitted or a specific node (e.g. , access procedure. The random access procedure may
the Macro ) . The offset( s ) may be reconfigured, e.g. , by the 30 include one or more of Message 1 - Message 4. The random
node . access procedure may be in accordance with one or more
The WTRU may use a fixed power transmission for one solutions and / or examples described herein .
or more channels. The fixed power may be initially config- At Message 1 , the WTRU may determine the PRACH
ured by broadcast or dedicated signaling and may be recon- resources to use to send RA Message 1 to the network . The
figured by dedicated signaling from one or more of the nodes 35 WTRU may obtain the PRACH resources to be used for
( e.g. , Macro or LPN) . uplink from higher layer signaling ( for example, SIB sig
Systems for decoupled scenarios may be provided . For naling) from the Macro eNB . The PRACH configuration
decoupled scenarios, the radio protocol architecture that a from Macro eNB may indicate one or multiple sets of
particular bearer may use may depend on the bearer setup. PRACH resources that may be used to send Message 1. Sets
The radio bearer may be split between downlink 702 and 40 of PRACH resources may be associated with different
uplink 704 at the S -GW , as shown in the example system network nodes .
700 of FIG . 7. As shown in the example system 800 of FIG . The WTRU may choose a PRACH resource from the
8 , the downlink bearer S1 - U may come from the S - GW and configured set based on one or more of turns , measurements ,
go to the Macro - eNB, and the uplink bearer may be routed or configuration priority. The WTRU may select PRACH

from the LPN 802 to the PDCP 804 on the Macro 806 , which 45 resources from one set of the configured set at a time . The
may allow for a single bi - directional S1 -U link from Macro WTRU may attempt to listen to response message for a
eNB ( MeNB ) 806 to the S -GW . preconfigured duration . If WTRU fails to receive a response ,
FIG . 9 illustrates an example of C - plane connectivity the WTRU may be configured to select PRACH resources
between eNBs 902 , 904 involved in a decoupled scenario . from another set .
The eNBs 902 , 904 ( e.g. , Macro eNB and LPN) that may be 50 The WTRU may perform and maintain downlink mea
involved in supporting decoupled operation (e.g. , as illus- surements for the neighbor nodes of the network node the
trated in FIGS . 7-8 ) may own its radio resources and may be WTRU is camped on . The WTRU may maintain an ordered
responsible ( e.g. , primarily responsible ) for allocating the list of the network nodes ordered on the measurement
radio resources of its cells . Coordination between MeNB results . The WTRU may select the PRACH resources asso
and LPN. may be performed by means of X2 interface 55 ciated with network node highest on the list , and keep
signaling moving down the list until it is successful in obtaining a
In case of decoupled scenarios, the multi - node nature of response to the RACH message .
the transmission may translate for the WTRU into having The WTRU may be configured with a priority in which
two WTRU entities configured, e.g. , one MAC entity for the PRACH resources may be selected . For example , the
MeNB and one MAC entity for LPN . 60 WTRU may be configured with a priority of each set of
In case of decoupled scenario , the WTRU may be con- PRACH resources , and may keep moving down the list until
figured with separate RRC entities for the downlink and it is successful in obtaining a response to the RACH mes
uplink nodes , and separate configuration of the decoupled sage . The WTRU may be configured to select resources
signaling radio bearers. For example, the RRC Connection associated with the Macro with the highest priority.
Setup message may include the configuration of a signaling 65 The WTRU may be configured with configuration param
radio bearer with an indication of downlink bearer configu- eters such as the power to be used to transmit the PRACH
ration associated with one network node ( for example, the and /or the response window to be used to receive the
US 11,470,619 B2
71 72
response message . The WTRU may be configured to calcu- mode ), the WTRU may use higher layer signaling ( for
late the power to be used for PRACH transmission . For example RRC signaling ) to request the network that the
example, the WTRU may be configured with a value of WTRU needs to operate in decoupled mode . The indication
offset associated with each resource set that may be applied may include measurements of neighboring nodes , if avail
to the power calculated for PRACH transmission to the 5
Macro eNB .
able , that triggered the transmission of indication . The
WTRU may transmit the indication using pre -configured
Network nodes ( for example, the LPN) that successfully PRACH resources.
receive a PRACH from the WTRU may be configured to Upon ( or following) receiving the indication from the
send a message indication to a ( or the) Macro eNB . The
network node may determine the destination of the indica- 10 WTRU , the network node may inform the MME to recon
figure the S1 link. For example, the Macro eNB may send a
tion from the PRACH resource received from the WTRU .
For example, a network node ( for example, the LPN) may modified
Path Switch message or a new S1 - C message to the
with the list of radio bearers that need to be re
partition its PRACH resources and provide unique sets of configured. The message may include the identifier of the
PRACH resources to the neighbor Macro eNBs . The LPN
may report the reception of PRACH to the Macro eNB . The 15 network
of eachassociated
RAB that with
to bedownlink and .uplink
re -configured Upon
report may also include the received power of the PRACH ,
the timing of the message ( to be used for calculation of receiving the request from the network node , the MME may
timing advance ), and / or an uplink grant that should be sent send a reconfiguration message ( for example , a modified
in the RAR message to the WTRU . The network node ( for Handover Request Message or a new message) to one or
example the LPN ) may create the RAR message and send it 20 multiple of the network nodes associated with the RABs to
in the report as a transparent container to the Macro - eNB . be reconfigured . The MME may send the context of the
Upon (or in response to ) receiving one or more reports WTRU in the message , including the WTRU context, sub
from neighboring nodes ( for example, neighboring LPNs ) , scription parameters, etc. The MME may additionally send
the (or a) Macro -eNB may select the LPN . For example, the the Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate ( A -MBR ) to the network
Macro - ENB may select the LPN which reported the highest 25 nodes , associated with the direction of the RAB ( for
received power in the report. example, downlink A - MBR may be sent to the network node
The Macro eNB may prepare a RAR response using associated with downlink RAB and uplink A - MBR may be
parameters obtained in the report or transparent RAR mes- sent to the network node associated with the uplink RAB ).
sage received from the LPN , and perform transmission to the Radio link monitoring ( RLM) for mobility support may
WTRU . 30 be provided . In some cases , the WTRU and / or an LPN may
At Message 2 , the WTRU may receive or expect to be mobile . If the WTRU is actively transmitting data in the
receive aa Random Access Response (RAR ) from a network UL , the LPN may be able to determine a possibly worsening
node. The RAR message may indicate uplink grant and the link from the WTRU . An actively transmitting WTRU may
timing advance to be used by the WTRU for transmission of be a WTRU that has been recently scheduled for PUSCH
subsequent messages . The RAR message may indicate the 35 transmissions or that is expected to be imminently scheduled
identity of the network node for subsequent transmissions. for PUSCH or that has recently transmitted PUCCH or is
For example, the RAR message may have the identifier of expected to be transmitting PUCCH imminently. A recently
the LPN node and the timing advance that the WTRU may scheduled or imminent transmission may be one occurring
use for uplink for subsequent transmissions. within a possibly pre - configured amount of subframes from
At Message 3 , the WTRU may transmit the RRC Con- 40 the current subframe. An LPN may determine that aa link is
nection Request message using the configuration parameters worsening by a decrease of the MCS ; an increase in a
in Message 2. In the decoupled scenario illustrated in FIG . threshold number of HARQ retransmissions; a decrease in
7 , the WTRU may be configured to use HARQ - less opera- the overall WTRU throughput; and / or a decrease in the
tion as specified in Section 5.8 . In the decoupled scenario received power of a channel or signal , such as SRS . Such a
illustrated in FIG . 8 , the WTRU may be configured to use 45 channel may be one that is used for probing purposes by the
HARQ to send Message 3 . WTRU , such as a modified PRACH transmission where no
At Message 4 , the WTRU may receive RRC Connection RAR message is expected by the WTRU .
Setup message from the network node associated with the Upon ( or following or in response to ) detecting degrada
downlink traffic . For example , the RRC Connection Setup tion in uplink conditions, an LPN associated with the uplink
message may include the configuration of a signaling radio 50 may send a report to the downlink network node ( for
bearer with an indication of downlink bearer configuration example the Macro eNB in decoupled scenarios discussed
associated with one network node ( for example, the Macro herein ) associated with the WTRU . The downlink network
eNB ) and uplink bearer configuration associated with node may determine the need to reconfigure the uplink .
another network node ( for example , the LPN node id) . A WTRU may determine to perform reconfiguration in
At Message 5 , the WTRU may send the RRC Connection 55 the uplink by an explicit command from the network . The
Setup Complete message from the network node associated WTRU may receive command from the network ( for
with the downlink . The WTRU may send aa NAS message to example , higher layer signaling using MAC , RRC ) to trigger
the MME piggybacked on the RRC Connection Setup reconfiguration of the uplink. For example , the WTRU may
Complete message . The NAS message may be a modified receive a message or RRC Reconfiguration message with
Attach Request or a new message that sends the identifier of 60 mobility configuration parameters to move the uplink con
the downlink and the uplink network nodes to the MME . The nection from existing LPN node to a new target LPN node .
eNB may also add an indicator to the MME to support A WTRU may be configured to determine uplink issues ,
configuration of S1 - MME and S1 -U links ( for example, for example, when the number of RACH failures reaches a
S1 -U DL to the downlink node and S1 - U UL link to the configured threshold . For example, a WTRU may initiate
uplink node link ) 65 RACH to send aa SR and / or BSR to request resources, and if
If the WTRU initiates RRC Connection establishment the number of RACH attempts exceed a pre - configured
( e.g. , if the WTRU is already connected in the coupled threshold , the WTRU may determine uplink issues .
US 11,470,619 B2
73 74
A WTRU may be configured to determine uplink issues if A WTRU may refer to an identity of the physical device,
the number of scheduling requests exceed a preconfigured or to the user's identity such as subscription related identi
threshold . ties , e.g. , MSISDN , SIP URI , etc. WTRU may refer to
The WTRU may send aa BSR to request for a grant. If it application- based identities, e.g. , user names that may be
does not receive a response from the eNB within a precon- 5
used per application .
figured duration, the WTRU may determine issues in the The processes described above may be implemented in a
uplink radio link. For example, a new timer may be started computer program , software , and / or firmware incorporated
when BSR is sent, or the expiry of an existing timer in a computer -readable medium for execution by a computer
retxBSR - Timer may trigger the WTRU to detect uplink 10
and / or processor. Examples of computer - readable media
issues . include, but are not limited to , electronic signals ( transmitted
A WTRU may be configured to determine it has uplink over wired and / or wireless connections) and / or computer
issues if the HARQ negative feedback to uplink transmis- readable storage media . Examples of computer -readable
sions is above , below, or equal to a configured threshold . For storage media include , but are not limited to , a read only
example , a WTRU may be configured to determine it has 15 memory (ROM ) , a random access memory (RAM ), a reg
uplink radio link issues when the number of NACKS ister, cache memory , semiconductor memory devices, mag
received in a certain window reaches or exceeds a config- netic media such as , but not limited to , internal hard disks
ured threshold . and removable disks , magneto -optical media , and /or optical
A WTRU may be configured to determine uplink issues if media such as CD - ROM disks , and / or digital versatile disks
one or more of the specified triggers cause the WTRU to 20 (DVDs ) . A processor in association with software may be
detect Radio Link Failure conditions. For example, the used to implement a radio frequency transceiver for use in
WTRU may determine uplink issues when time T310 or a WTRU , UE , terminal, base station , RNC, and /or any host
T312 is started or expires. The WTRU may determine uplink computer.
issues based on a configured number of consecutive out - of
synch or being in out -of- synch for N TTIs . The WTRU may 25 What is claimed :
determine uplink issued based on monitoring the downlink 1. A method performed by a wireless transmit / receive unit
reference signals same or another cell from the uplink LPN (WTRU ), the method comprising:
node . For example, the WTRU may be performing mea- measuring downlink signals transmitted from a plurality
surements on reference signals (PSS / SSS , CRS , CSI - RS , of downlink cells ;
DRS , etc. ) originating from the LPN node that is also the 30 selecting a downlink cell from the plurality of downlink
WTRU's uplink LPN node. The WTRU may detect uplink cells based on the measurements of the downlink
issues if the measurements in downlink signals falls below signals ;
a configured threshold . For example, a WTRU may deter- determining, based on a measurement of a downlink
mine uplink issues based on observed downlink signal signal from the downlink cell , that the WTRU is
errors. For example, if the DL BLER is less than , equal to 35 associated with a limited coverage associated with the
or exceeds a configured threshold , the WTRU may deter downlink cell ;
mine uplink errors . receiving a list from the downlink cell , wherein the list
For example, the WTRU may determine uplink issues comprises one or more cells that are candidates for an
when the number of RLC retransmissions becomes equal or uplink cell selection , wherein the candidates for the
exceeds a threshold . 40 uplink cell selection comprise a cell that supports a
On ( or following or in response to ) detecting uplink decoupled mode , and wherein , in the decoupled mode ,
issues , the WTRU may initiate radio link recovery procedure uplink data is sent via the cell that supports the
for the uplink. The WTRU may perform uplink cell selec decoupled mode , and downlink data is received via the
tion, e.g. , as described herein, to select the network node to downlink cell ;
re - establish LPN connection. For example, the WTRU may 45 based on the determination that the WTRU is associated
be configured with a set of LPN neighbor nodes , and may with the limited coverage associated with the downlink
initiate RLF re - establishment procedure with another LPN cell ,
node in the set. measuring at least one downlink signal transmitted
The WTRU may transmit a new recovery message or from the one or more cells that are the candidates for
modified RLF re - establishment message to the selected 50 the uplink cell selection ,
network node. This message may include at least one of the selecting the cell that supports the decoupled mode ,
following parameters: cause of the failure, the identity of the wherein the selection of the cell is based on the
downlink node associated with de - coupled operation , the measurement of the at least one downlink signal
identity of the previous uplink node associated with the transmitted from the one or more cells that are the
de-coupled operation , etc. 55 candidates for the uplink cell selection, and
If the re - establishment is successful, the WTRU may determining that the downlink cell supports the
receive a new success message or modified RLF re -estab decoupled mode ;
lishment success message from a (or the) network node . and
If re - establishment is rejected , or the re - establishment sending uplink data to the selected cell and receiving
response is not received within preconfigured duration , the 60 downlink data from the downlink cell , wherein the
WTRU may be configured to report to the downlink network downlink cell and the selected cell are different.
node (e.g. , the Macro eNB in decoupled scenarios discussed 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein control information
above) . The WTRU may be configured to move to associated with the uplink data that is sent to the selected cell
RRC_IDLE . is used in the selected cell .
The processes and instrumentalities described herein may 65 3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the control information
apply in any combination , may apply to other wireless is received in a Physical Downlink Control Channel
technologies, and for other services . (PDCCH) transmission .
US 11,470,619 B2
75 76
4. The method of claim 1 , wherein control information select the cell that supports the decoupled mode ,
associated with the uplink data that is sent to the selected cell wherein the selection of the cell is based on the
is received via the downlink cell . measurement of the at least one downlink signal
5. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of a transmitted from the one or more cells that are the
Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PUSCH ) transmission, a 5 candidates for the uplink cell selection , and,
Physical Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request Indicator Chan determine that the downlink cell supports the
decoupled mode;
nel (PHICH ) transmission , or a Physical Downlink Control and
Channel ( PDCCH ) transmission is sent using the selected send uplink data to the selected cell and receive
cell. downlink data from the downlink cell , wherein the
6. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of a downlink cell and the selected cell are different.
Physical Downlink Shared Channel ( PDSCH ) transmission , 12. The WTRU of claim 11 , wherein control information
a Physical Uplink Control Channel ( PUCCH ) transmission , associated with the uplink data that is sent to the selected cell
or a Physical Downlink Control Channel ( PDCCH ) trans is used in the selected cell .
mission is received using the downlink cell . 15
13. The WTRU of claim 12 , wherein the control infor
7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising discovering mation is received in a Physical Downlink Control Channel
a low power node (LPN) using a LPN list . (PDCCH) transmission .
8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising discovering 14. The WTRU of claim 11 , wherein control information
a low power node ( LPN ) using a Physical Random Access associated with the uplink data that is sent to the selected cell
Channel ( PRACH ) preamble. is received via the downlink cell .
9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sending 15. The WTRU of claim 11 , wherein at least one of a
hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ ) feedback to a low Physical Uplink Shared Channel ( PUSCH ) transmission , a
power node (LPN ). Physical Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request Indicator Chan
10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the limited coverage nel (PHICH ) transmission , or a Physical Downlink Control
associated with the downlink cell prevents the WTRU from 25
Channel ( PDCCH ) transmission is sent using the selected
cell .
sending an uplink transmission using the downlink cell . 16. The WTRU of claim 11 , wherein at least one of a
11. A wireless transmit / receive unit (WTRU ) comprising: Physical Downlink Shared Channel ( PDSCH ) transmission ,
a processor configured to :
measure downlink signals transmitted from a plurality a Physical Uplink Control Channel ( PUCCH ) transmission,
of downlink cells ; 30
or a Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH ) trans
select a downlink cell from the plurality of downlink mission is received using the downlink cell .
cells based on the measurements of the downlink 17. The WTRU of claim 11 , wherein the processor is
signals ; further configured to discover a low power node (LPN)
determine, based on a measurement of a downlink using a LPN list .
signal from the downlink cell , that the WTRU is 35
18. The WTRU of claim 11 , wherein the processor is
associated with a limited coverage associated with further configured to discover a low power node (LPN)
the downlink cell ; using a Physical Random Access Channel ( PRACH ) pre
receive a list from the downlink cell , wherein the list amble .
comprises one or more cells that are candidates for 19. The WTRU of claim 11 , wherein the processor is
an uplink cell selection, wherein the candidates for 40
further configured to send hybrid automatic repeat request
the uplink cell selection comprise a cell that supports (HARQ ) feedback to a low power node ( LPN) .
a decoupled mode , and wherein , in the decoupled 20. The WTRU of claim 11 , wherein the processor is
mode , uplink data is sent via the cell that supports the configured to :
decoupled mode , and downlink data is received via transmit a physical random access channel (PRACH )
the downlink cell ; 45
preamble to the selected cell ; and
based on the determination that the WTRU is associ receive a random access response (RAR ) message from
the downlink cell .
ated with the limited coverage associated with the 21. The WTRU of claim 11 , wherein the limited coverage
downlink cell , associated with the downlink cell prevents the WTRU from
measure at least one downlink signal transmitted sending an uplink transmission using the downlink cell .
from the one or more cells that are the candidates
for the uplink cell selection ,

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