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Clara, CA Francisco ,: (12) United States Patent

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(12) United States Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US 10 ,128 ,705 B2

Yang et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov . 13 , 2018
(54 ) ELECTRIC MOTOR HEATING /COOLING (58 ) Field of Classification Search
SYSTEM CPC .. HO2K 9 / 19 ; HO2K 5 /20 ; HO2K 1 / 20 ; HO2K
1/32 ; HO2K 9 /20 ; HO2K 9 /005 ; HO2K
(71) Applicant: Tesla , Inc., Palo Alto , CA (US ) 9 /00
(Continued )
( 72 ) Inventors : Bozhi Yang, Santa Clara , CA (US);
Clara,,SanCA Francisco
Tomas Vianna Martins
CA (US ); Scott Michael Graves ,
Francisco ,, ((5656)) References Cited
Felton , CA (US); Ethan Swint , U . S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Sunnyvale , CA (US ); Eric Bellemare ,
Mountain View , CA (US); Lev 3,629 ,627 A * 12/1971 Dafler . . . . . . . . . . . HO2K 9 / 19
310 / 44
Fedoseyev , San Jose, CA (US ); 6 ,191,511 B1 2/2001 Zysset
Benjamin Dellal, San Francisco , CA (Continued )
(US); Leif E . Olsen , Menlo Park , CA
(US); Alexander Hain , Frankfurt FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Höchst (DE )
DE 4333613 A1 4 /1994
(73) Assignee : Tesla, Inc ., Palo Alto , CA (US) DE 102013020332 A1 7 / 2014
(Continued )
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days .
European Patent Office ; International Search Report and Written
(21) Appl. No.: 15 /827 ,435 Opinion; International Application No. PCT/US2017/ 036285; dated
Jul. 17 , 2017 , 14 pgs .
(22) Filed : Nov. 30, 2017 (Continued )
(65 ) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner – Thanh Lam
US 2018 /0091012 A1 Mar. 29, 2018 (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Garlick & Markison ;
Related U .S . Application Data Bruce E . Garlick
(63 ) Continuation of application No . (57 ) ABSTRACT
PCT/US2017 /036285 , filed on Jun . 7 , 2017 . An electric motor includes a case, a stator that includes a
(Continued ) stator laminaiton and end -windings , a rotor coupled to the
(51) Int. Ci. case via at least one rotor bearing . The rotor includes a
hollow cylindrical body, a first shaft portion , and a second
HO2K 9 /00 (2006 . 01) shaft portion . The hollow cylindrical body includes an inner
HO2K 1/32 (2006 .01) wall, an outer wall, a first distal end, and a second distal end.
( Continued ) The first shaft portions couples to the first distal end and the
(52) U . S . CI. second shaft portion couples to the second distal end . The
CPC . .............. HO2K 1/32 (2013.01); H02K 1/ 16 second shaft portion includes a fluid feed tube formed
(2013.01); HO2K 1/ 274 (2013 .01 ); HO2K 3/ 12 therewith having a fluid receive end and a fluid feed end , the
(2013.01 ); fluid feed end extending to a central inner portion of the
(Continued ) (Continued )



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(58 ) Field of Classification Search Sep . 15 , 2017 , 14 pgs.
USPC .................... ........... 310 /52 – 59 , 61 -63 , 60 A
See application file for complete search history . * cited by examiner
atent Nov . 13 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 7 US 10 ,128,705 B2

teosrahutose DRIVE MOTOR 102B GEAR BOX 104B




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316 1306
2305 326 326

324 3
304 304

310 322

3K0W5A puIlmpsFC-326 326

atent Nov . 13 , 2018 Sheet 4 of 7 US 10 ,128,705 B2

102A 316 309 206
302 311
305 308

23 6 305
. ..

304 304
326 326 331

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.w w

308 26



ane -- -
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I 602
Nov. 13, 2018 Sheet 6 of 7

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- 326

FIG . 6A FIG . 6B

305 \ /



n 326 =
12 . 13 I .
FIG . 6C FIG . 6D
U . S . Patent Nov. 13, 2018 Sheet 7 of 7 US 10 , 128, 705 B2










YES 728
716 NO
FIG . 7
US 10 , 128, 705 B2
ELECTRIC MOTOR HEATING /COOLING rotor shaft rotates. The fluid then passes between the sta
SYSTEM tionary tube and the hollow rotor shaft before passing
through a radiator incorporated into the motor and planetary
APPLICATION 5 U .S . Pat. No. 7, 156 , 195 discloses an electric motor in
which fluid is collected within the reduction gear case, not
The present application claims priority claims priority the motor case , thus avoiding deterioration and alteration of
pursuant to 35 U .S . C . § 120 and U . S .C . § 365 (c ) as a the motor magnets. The fluid from the reservoir is pumped
continuation of International Application Ser. No. PCT/ through the end of a passage in the drive shaft where it flows
US2017 /036285 , entitled “ ELECTRIC MOTOR COOLING 10 toward the motor. Some of the fluid is sprayed onto the
SYSTEM ’, filed 7 Jun . 2017 , which claimspriority pursuant reduction gears while the rest of the fluid is pumped between
to 35 U . S . C . $ 119 ( e ) to U . S . Provisional Patent Application the drive shaft and the reduction gear shaft and the motor
No . 62/ 346 , 741, entitled " ELECTRIC MOTOR COOLING output shaft .
SYSTEM AND ROTOR DISCHARGE PROTECTION ’, These prior solutions had a number of shortcomings. They
filed 7 Jun. 2016 , both of which are incorporated herein by 15 failed to address the differing heat production locations
reference in their entirety and made part of the present along the length of the rotor. More heat tends to be generated
application for all purposes. in the central portion of the rotor, as compared the end or
distal portions of the rotor. The prior art solutions tended to
BACKGROUND cool using a fluid that flowed from one distal portion of the
20 rotor to another distal portion of the rotor, causing a heat
Technical Field gradient from end to end and end to rotor center. Further, the
prior art solutions included a number of relatively complex
The present invention relates to electric motors ; and more parts , resulting in relatively high production costs and a
particularly to the management of the temperature of an relatively high failure rate .
electric motor. 25 Another problem with the operation of battery powered
electric vehicles is that the powering batteries do not operate
Description of Related Art efficiently at low temperatures. As the deployment of electric
vehicles proliferates , many are used in environments having
Electric motors can generate considerable heat, especially cold winters and/ or in locations that are cold at all times . In
by the traction motor of a vehicle where size and weight 30 order to keep the electric vehicles operating at a reasonable
constraints are coupled with the need forhigh power output. efficiency level, the electric vehicles must be stored inside or
Electric motor overheating causes the motor winding insu - use externally powered battery heaters to keep the batteries
lation to deteriorate quickly . For every 10 - degree Celsius at an acceptable operating temperature . This solution , of
rise in electric motor temperature, insulation life is cut in course , does not work when a heated storage location is
half. Another issue caused by overheating is that permanent 35 unavailable or when external power is not available .
magnets in the rotor lose their magnetic properties as they
overheat, resulting in a loss of efficiency. For induction SUMMARY
motors , an increase in temperature of their copper windings
reduces efficiency of the induction motor copper electrical According to a first embodimentof the present disclosure ,
resistivity increases 4 % for every 10 - degree Celsius tem - 40 an electric motor includes a case , a stator having a stator
perature increase. Thus, it is important to cool the internal lamination and end -windings, and a rotor coupled to the case
motor components ( e.g., rotor ) as well as the outer motor via at least one rotor bearing . The rotor includes a hollow
components ( e . g ., case , stator ). The electric motor cooling cylindrical body, a first shaft portion , a second shaft portion
system must operate efficiently over large variations in and a plurality of fluid exit ports . The hollow cylindrical
ambient operating environment as the electric motor may be 45 body includes an inner wall , an outer wall, a first distal end ,
subjected to a wide range of ambient temperatures, humidity and a second distal end . The first shaft portion couples to the
levels, and /or dust /dirt levels. first distal end of the hollow cylindrical body . In alternate
A number of different approaches have been taken to embodiments , the electric motor is an induction motor . The
meeting the cooling demands placed on a vehicle ' s electric second shaft portion couples to the second distal end of the
motor. For example , U . S . Pat. No. 6 , 191,511 discloses using 50 hollow cylindrical body and includes a fluid feed tube
a closed loop , liquid cooling circuit in an attempt to achieve formed therewith having a fluid receive end and a fluid feed
a temperature balance within the motor, the cooling circuit end , the fluid feed end extending to a central inner portion
passing the coolant (typically a fluid such as oil, e . g ., of the hollow cylindrical body. The plurality of fluid exit
automatic transmission oil or similar type oil) through both ports resides adjacent the first distal end and the second
the stator and a hollow rotor shaft. Within the hollow rotor 55 distal end of the hollow cylindrical body and are configured
shaft is a stationary injection tube , the injection tube fixed to to spray fluid onto at least the end -windings of the stator.
a stator flange . The fluid is pumped through the injection With the rotor structure of the electric motor, a fluid , e. g .,
tube to the end of the rotor shaft where it is passed between oil, serves to heat or cool the rotor during operation . Further ,
the cavity of injection tube and the hollow rotor shaft . The with the rotor structure of the electric motor, the cooling
fluid then passes through a cylindrical cooling chamber 60 fluid also serves to heat or cool the end -windings of the
extending over the length and periphery of the stator before stator and /or the stator lamination . With the fluid flow
cooling the stator structure and being returned to the injec - caused by the structure of the rotor of the present disclosure ,
tion tube. a single mechanism supports both rotor cooling and stator
U .S . Pat. No . 6 , 329,731 discloses a liquid cooled electric end -winding cooling .
motor in which one of the main elements of the planetary 65 The electric motor may include a number of additional
gear drives the displacementpump of a cooling circuit . Fluid features and structures . These features and structures may be
is pumped through a stationary tube about which the hollow included in various combinations that include some of these
US 10 , 128 , 705 B2
features and structures , all of these features and structures, based upon a temperature of the rotor, coolant temperature ,
or one of these features and structures . The electric motor coolant flow , rotor speed , and electric motor torque, among
may include a drive motor fluid pump configured to pump other parameters .
the fluid into the fluid receive end of the fluid feed tube.
The fluid feed end of the fluid feed tube may include a 5 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL
plurality of fluid spray ports formed in the second shaft VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS
portion and configured to spray fluid onto the inner wall of
the hollow cylindrical body. With the electric motor, a FIG . 1 illustrates the basic components of a battery
distance from the central inner portion of the hollow cylin - powered electric vehicle .
drical body to the plurality of fluid exit ports may be based 10 FIG . 2 illustrates components of a drivemotor and battery
upon a specified fluid film thickness to support rotor cooling. thermalmanagement system , both constructed and operating
The electric motor may include a cylindrical laminated according to a disclosed embodiment.
stack that includes a plurality of permanent magnets coupled FIG . 3 illustrates components of a drive motor and a
to the outer wall of the hollow cylindrical body. The electric portion of the components of a drive motor thermal man
motor may include a drive motor fluid pump having a drive 15 agement system according to a disclosed embodiment.
motor fluid pump outlet and a drive motor fluid pump inlet. FIG . 4 illustrates components of a drive motor and a
The electric motor may further include fluid circulation portion of the components of a drive motor thermal man
piping having an output portion coupled between the drive agement system according to a disclosed embodiment, par
motor fluid pump outlet and the fluid receive end of the ticularly showing the manner in which fluid and heat flow .
second shaft portion , an input portion coupled between a 20 FIGS. 5A and 5B illustrate a rotor according to a repre
fluid collection point on the case and the drive motor fluid sentative embodiment, detailing the construct of fluid exit
pump inlet and drive motor fluid pump electronics. The ports within a hollow central portion of the rotor.
electric motor may further include a radiator configured to FIGS. 6A , 6B , 6C , and 6D illustrate operation of a drive
cool the fluid . The electric motor may further include a heat motor according to one or more embodiments of the present
exchanger coupled between the drive motor fluid pump and 25 disclosure .
the radiator. FIG . 7 is a flow diagram illustrating electric motor and
According to a second embodiment of the present disclo - battery thermal management operations according to a dis
sure , a method for operating an electric motor includes closed embodiment.
pumping fluid into a hollow cylindrical body of a rotor via
a fluid feed tube that is oriented along an axis of rotation of 30 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
the rotor. The method further includes spraying the fluid DISCLOSURE
from a plurality of fluid exit ports of the fluid feed tube onto
an inner wall of the hollow cylindrical body of the rotor, the FIG . 1 illustrates the basic components of a battery
fluid further flowing along an inner wall of the hollow powered electric vehicle (electric vehicle ) 100. The electric
cylindrical body from a central portion towards fluid exit 35 vehicle 100 includes at least one drive motor (traction
ports located adjacent distal ends of the hollow cylindrical motor ) 102A and/ or 102B , at least one gear box 104A and /or
body . The method then includes spraying the fluid from the 104B coupled to a corresponding drive motor 102A and /or
fluid exit ports onto at least end-windings of a stator of the 102B , a battery 106 and electronics 108 ( including drive
electric motor. motor electronics ). Generally , the battery 106 provides elec
The method serves to heat or cool the rotor, the stator 40 tricity to the electronics 108 of the electric vehicle 100 and
laminate and/ or the end -windings of the stator. With the fluid
to propel the electric vehicle 100 using the drive motor 102A
flow of this method, a single operation supports both rotor and /or 102B . The electric vehicle 100 includes a large
heating/ cooling, stator laminate heating/ cooling, and stator
number of other components that are not described herein
end - winding heating /cooling . but known to one or ordinary skill . While the construct of the
The method of operating the electric motor may include 45 electric vehicle 100 of FIG . 1 is shown to have four wheels ,
a number of additional operations and / or features. These differing electric vehicles may have fewer or more than four
operations and /or features may be included in various com - wheels . Further, differing types of electric vehicles 100 may
binations that include some of these operations and/ or incorporate the inventive concepts described herein , includ
features, all of these operations and / or features , or one of ing motorcycles, aircraft, trucks, boats , train engines ,
these operations and / or features . The method may include 50 among other types of vehicles.
spraying the fluid from the plurality of fluid exits ports onto Various operational issues with the electric vehicle 100
the inner wall of the hollow cylindrical body by spraying the are described herein in conjunction with various embodi
fluid onto a central portion of the inner wall of the hollow ments . One of these operational issues relates to the cooling
cylindrical body . The fluid flows along the inner wall of the of the drive motor 102A or 102B . Another of these opera
hollow cylindrical body to the plurality of fluid exit ports . 55 tional issues relates to control of operating temperature of
With the method, a distance from the central inner portion of the battery 106 . Subsequent description herein may relate
the hollow cylindricalbody to the plurality of fluid exit ports back to the components of this FIG . 1 . Common numbering
maybe based upon a specified fluid film thickness to support may be used to refer to components identified in further
rotor heating/ cooling. FIGs. described herein .
The method may further include circulating the fluid from 60 FIG . 2 illustrates components of a drive motor and battery
the electric motor to a heat exchanger, cooling the fluid by thermal management system 200 , both constructed and
the heat exchanger, and circulating the fluid from the heat operating according to a disclosed embodiment. The drive
exchanger to the electric motor. The method may further motor and battery thermalmanagement system 200 includes
include circulating coolant between a radiator and the heat a drive motor thermal management system 202 having one
exchanger. The method may additionally include circulating 65 or more drive motor fluid pumps 204 , a fluid reservoir 206
the coolant between the heat exchanger and a battery and electronics 208 . In the illustrated embodiment, the fluid
Further, the method may include adjusting flow of the fluid is oil , e.g ., automatic transmission oil, lubricating oil, or
US 10 , 128 , 705 B2
similar oil . In other embodiments , other types of fluid may based upon viscosity of the fluid , rotational velocity of the
be used . The drive motor fluid pump 204 pumps fluid rotor 303 , and temperature of the fluid . The relationship
between the drive motor 102A and /or 102B , the fluid res between the inner wall 310 , the plurality of fluid exit ports
ervoir 206 , and a heat exchanger 210 . In one embodiment, 326 , and the specified fluid thickness will be described
the heat exchanger 210 exchanges heat from or to the fluid 5 further with reference to FIGS. 4 and 5 .
with water or glycol based coolant and routes the water or The rotor 303 also includes a cylindrical laminated stack
glycol based coolant to a radiator 212 for cooling . The heat 306 coupled to the outer wall 312 of the hollow cylindrical
exchanger 210 may include another pump to circulate the body 308 . The cylindrical laminated stack 306 includes a
water or glycol based coolant to battery 106 via coolant plurality of permanent magnets and insulating material. The
tubes 214 . In other embodiments , the drive motor fluid pump 10 stator 331 includes a plurality of stator windings (not shown )
204 may couple directly to the coolant tubes 214 of the that are intercoupled by the stator end -windings 305 . In
battery 106 and / or to the radiator 212 when a common fluid alternate embodiments , the electric motor is an induction
is used . The drive motor fluid pump 204 is controlled by motor.
electronics 208 , which may include a digital computer, The drive motor fluid pump 204 (each drive motor fluid
memory , and / or data processing and controlling compo - 15 pump when there are multiple drive motor fluid pumps ) has
nents . The drive motor fluid pump 204 may include control a drive motor fluid pump output 307 and a drive motor fluid
valves to control flow of fluid between the drive motor 1024 pump input 309 . The drive motor cooling system 200
and /or 102B , the reservoir 206 , and the heat exchanger 210 includes fluid circulation piping having an output portion
( and battery 106 coolant tubes 214 in other embodiments ). coupled between the drive motor fluid pump output 307 and
The heat exchanger 210 may also include valves to direct the 20 the fluid receive end 320 of the rotor second shaft portion
flow of coolant to the battery 106 coolant tubes 214 and to 316 . Further , the fluid circulation piping includes an input
the radiator 212 , under control of electronics 208 in some portion coupled between a fluid collection opening 311 in
embodiments . the case 302 and the drive motor fluid pump input 309 . The
Further illustrated in FIG . 2 are drive motor electronics drive motor fluid pump electronics 208 direct the drive
216 that receive electrical power from the battery 106 and 25 motor fluid pump 204 ( and associated valves ) to pump fluid
power the drive motor 102A and / or 102B . The drive motor from the reservoir 206 into the fluid receive end 320 of the
electronics 216 include power electronics and control elec - fluid feed tube 318 . The fluid is recirculated to the drive
tronics . The power electronics may include an inverter to motor fluid pump 204 via the fluid collection opening 311 in
drive a stator of the drive motor 102 A and /or 102B . The the case 302 . The stator drive electronics and the drivemotor
control electronics may include processing circuitry and 30 fluid pump electronics are designed to operate in an inactive
memory. The processing circuitry may be a central process - mode , a waste heat mode, and a rotor/stator cooling mode ,
ing unit, customized control circuitry , or other circuitry that and a rotor/ stator heating mode .
is configured to execute software instructions and process In the waste heat mode, the stator drive electronics
data. The memory may include RAM , ROM , DRAM , static provide electrical power to the stator 331 with or without
RAM , flash RAM , flash ROM , or another type ofmemory 35 causing rotation of the rotor 303 . Further, in the waste heat
capable of storing software instructions and/ or data . mode , the drive motor fluid pump 204 may at least substan
FIG . 3 illustrates components of a drive motor 102A (or tially fill the hollow cylindrical body 308 with fluid . This
102B ) and a portion of the components of a drive motor waste heat mode operation causes the drive motor fluid
thermal management system 200 according to a disclosed pump 204 to circulate fluid on end -windings 305 of the
embodiment. The drive motor 102A includes a case 302 , a 40 stator 331 to heat the fluid . As will be shown further with
stator 331 coupled to the case 302 that includes a stator reference to FIGS . 6A , 6B , 6C , and 6D , fluid diversion
lamination 304 and end -windings 305 , stator drive electron - structure (s ) may be included to direct the fluid upon the
ics (not shown ), at least one rotor bearing coupled to the case end -windings 305 . The fluid may further be directed to the
(not shown in FIG . 3 ), and a rotor 303 coupled to the case a of the stator to heat the stator lamination 304 for more
302 via at least one rotor bearing . The rotor 303 includes a 45 efficient operation . The waste heat generated from the end
hollow cylindrical body 308 having an inner wall 310 , an windings 305 of the stator 331 and from the stator lamina
outer wall 312 , a first distal end , and a second distal end . The tion 304 is collected by the fluid and circulated to the heat
rotor 303 also includes a first shaft portion 314 coupled to a exchanger 210 . The heated fluid may then be routed to the
first distal end of the hollow cylindrical body 308 and a coolant tubes 214 of the battery to heat the battery 106 .
second shaft portion 316 coupled to a second distal end of 50 These operations are described further herein with reference
the hollow cylindrical body 308 . The second shaft portion to FIG . 7 .
316 includes a fluid feed tube 318 formed therewith having In the rotor/stator thermal management mode, the stator
a fluid receive end 320 and a fluid feed end 322 . The fluid drive electronics provide electrical power to the stator 331 to
feed end 322 extends to a central inner portion of the hollow cause rotation of the rotor 303 based upon the power
cylindrical body 308 . The fluid feed end 322 of the second 55 requirements of the driving situation of the electric vehicle
shaft portion 316 includes a plurality of fluid spray ports 324 100 . Further, the drive motor fluid pump 204 circulates fluid
configured to spray fluid onto the inner wall 310 of the to manage the operating temperature of the rotor 303 and the
hollow cylindrical body 308 . The rotor 303 also includes a stator 331 of the electric motor. The drive motor fluid pump
plurality of fluid exit ports 326 formed adjacent the first 204 circulates the fluid to the heat exchanger 210 . The heat
distal end and second distal end of the hollow cylindrical 60 exchanger 210 may heat or cool the fluid or use heat from
body 308 . the fluid for battery 106 warming. In another operation , heat
A distance from the inner wall 310 of the hollow cylin - from the battery 106 is used to warm the rotor 303 and/ or the
drical body 308 to the plurality of fluid exit ports 326 is stator 331.
based upon a specified fluid thickness to support rotor FIG . 4 illustrates components of a drive motor 102A and
cooling while the rotor 303 rotates, e .g ., when the motor 65 a portion of the components of a drive motor thermal
102A is causing movement of a serviced vehicle 100 or management system according to a disclosed embodiment,
while the rotor is stationary. Such specified fluid thickness is particularly showing the manner in which fluid flows. Num
US 10 , 128,705 B2
bering between FIGS . 3 and 4 is consistent with arrows tion ring 602 fixed to the rotor 303. The oil distribution ring
included in FIG . 4 to illustrate fluid flow and heat flow . Solid 602 deflects fluid ( oil) exiting the hollow cylindrical body
arrowed lines in FIG . 4 indicate fluid flow . Dashed arrowed 308 via the fluid exit ports 326 towards the stator end
lines indicate heat flow . Note that there is shown to be a gap windings 305 . Deflection of the fluid is performed both
between the stator lamination 304 and the outer portion of 5 during the waste heat mode and the rotor/ stator cooling
the rotor 303. This gap is exaggerated to illustrate that fluid mode . FIG . 6A details the oil distribution ring 602 located on
may flow between the rotor 303 and the stator 331. a proximal end of the rotor 303. FIG . 6B shows fluid flow
Fluid (oil in the embodiment of FIG . 4 ) enters the fluid (direction of arrow ) from the inside of the hollow cylindrical
feed tube 318 at the fluid receive end 320 . The fluid feed body 308 , out of fluid exit port 326 , against the oil distri
tube 318 , which may be a forged internal extension of the 10 bution ring 602, and towards the stator end -windings 305 .
second shaft portion 316 , transports the fluid towards the FIG . 6C illustrates fluid flow from the oil distribution ring
fluid feed end 322 of the second shaft portion 316 . fluid exits 602 towards the stator end -windings 305 . FIG . 6D illustrates
the fluid feed tube 318 via fluid spray ports 324 at the fluid fluid flow from fluid exit port 326 past the laminated stack
feed end 322 . The pressure of pumping of the fluid at the 306 towards the stator end -windings 305 . With the embodi
fluid feed end 322 and centrifugal force when the rotor 303 15 ment of FIG . 6D , fluid is directed from the rotor directly to
is spinning causes the fluid to be received upon the inner the end windings 305 without entering the air gap between
wall 310 of the hollow cylindrical body 308 . When the rotor the rotor and the stator, which would increase drag and
303 is spinning, as indicated at box reference number 3 of reduce efficiency of the electric motor.
FIG . 4 , the oil builds up a layer on a central portion of the FIG . 7 is a flow diagram illustrating electric motor cooling
inner wall 310 and runs along the inner wall 310 towards the 20 and battery heating operations 700 according to a disclosed
fluid exit ports 326 . As indicated at box reference number 4 embodiment. As shown , the electric motor cooling and
of FIG . 4 , the fluid exits the rotor 303 via the fluid exit ports battery heating operations include an inactive mode (step
326 providing constant flow and heat transport. 702 ), a waste heatmode ( step 704 ) and a rotor/stator cooling
Note that in FIGS. 3 and 4 , the one or more drive motor mode (step 718 ). The inactive mode (step 702) is used when
fluid pumps 204 are not a regular coolant pump. The fluid 25 the electric car is not being used , when the battery 106 is in
that the drive motor fluid pump 204 pumps through the rotor an acceptable operating temperature range , and/ or when the
303 cannot be water/ glycol fluid , which is not dielectric rotor/stator do not require cooling. The waste heat mode
liquid , but is oil and , thus , the drive motor fluid pump 204 ( step 704 ) is enacted when the thermal management of the
is an oil pump in embodiments described herein . Further , the battery 106 (or another component of the electric vehicle
rotor heating / cooling structure and method described herein 30 100 ) requires warming of the battery 106 . In cold locations,
may be used with any other stator heating/cooling method . the temperature of the battery 106 may be as low as - 30
The rotor heating / cooling described herein may be in series degrees Fahrenheit due to ambient temperature . In order for
or in parallel with one or more stator cooling branches. the battery 106 to be sufficiently functional to drive the
FIGS. 5A and 5B illustrate a rotor 303 according to a electrical vehicle 100 , the temperature of the battery 106
representative embodiment, detailing the construct of fluid 35 must be raised to at least – 10 degrees Fahrenheit . The waste
exit ports within a hollow central portion of the rotor 303 . As heatmode ( step 704 ) serves this purpose .
shown , fluid exits the fluid exit ports 326 from the interior In waste heat mode , the stator of the electric motor is
of the rotor 303 . In the waste heat mode , the drive motor powered to heat end -windings of the stator (and other
drive motor fluid pump fills the hollow cylindricalbody 308 portions of the stator 331 as well as the rotor 303) with or
with fluid and the fluid is forced out of the fluid exit ports 40 without causing the rotor 303 of the electric motor to rotate
326 by the pressure of the pumped fluid when inside the ( step 706 ) . Stator 331 powering without rotor 303 rotation
hollow cylindrical body 308 . may be accomplished by applying DC voltage / current to the
Referring to all of FIGS. 4 , 5A and 5B , during the stator windings by the stator drive electronics. Alternately ,
rotor /stator heating / cooling mode, the centrifugal force stator 331 powering without rotor 303 rotation may be
caused by the rotor ' s 303 rotation causes the fluid to form a 45 accomplished by applying the same AC drive signal to each
film on the inner wall 310 of the hollow cylindrical body of the phases of the stator windings. Note that limited rotor
308 . Thickness of the film as it moves along the inner wall 303 rotation may be accomplished by the stator 331 oper
is based upon a distance from the outermost portion of the ating inefficiently to cause the rotor 303 to generate heat
fluid exit ports 326 and the inner wall 310 as well as fluid while rotating . The drive motor fluid pump 204 is then
properties such as viscosity and temperature , angular veloc - 50 operated to pump fluid into the hollow cylindrical body 308
ity of the rotor 303, and other factors. The fluid flows from of the rotor 303 ( step 708 ). Such pumping continues until the
a central portion of the inner wall 310 to distal portions of hollow cylindrical body 308 is at least substantially filled .
the hollow cylindrical body 308 in which the plurality of By continuing pumping until the hollow cylindrical body
fluid exit ports 326 are formed . The fluid is at a first 308 is filled , fluid exits the hollow cylindrical body 308 via
temperature when it exits the fluid spray ports 324 and is 55 the fluid exit ports 326 and flows onto the stator end
collected on the inner wall 310 at the central portion . As the windings 305 , the stator lamination 304, and in the air gap
fluid flows along the inner wall 310 towards the distal ends between the rotor 303 and stator 331 where the fluid gathers
of the hollow cylindrical body 308 it collects heat from the heat from the contacted components ( step 710 ). The oil
rotor 303 and the fluid is at a second temperature , which is distribution ring 602 may assist in directing the fluid onto the
higher than the first temperature . Thus, with the structure of 60 stator end -windings 305 and the stator lamination 304 . The
the rotor cooling system , more cooling is provided to a operation of step 710 may result in the case 302 of the
central portion of the rotor 303 , at which more heat is electric motor being at least substantially filled with fluid .
generated . This benefit results in more uniform temperature The heated fluid is then pumped to heat exchanger 210 to
control of the rotor 303. heat coolant circulating therethrough (step 712 ). The heated
FIGS . 6A , 6B , 6C , and 6D illustrate operation of a drive 65 coolant is then circulated via the coolant tubes 214 to heat
motor according to one or more embodiments of the present the battery 106 ( step 714 ) . The fluid heating and circulation
disclosure . The rotor 303 includes at least one oil distribu - operations are continued until the battery is heated to an
US 10 , 128 ,705 B2
acceptable operating temperature (as determined at step dently of the use of other features, all as would be apparent
716 ). Once the battery is heated to the acceptable operating to one skilled in the art after having the benefit of this
temperature , operation returns to the inactive mode ( step description of the disclosure .
702). Routines, methods, steps , operations, or portions thereof
The waste heat mode may commence with first warming 5 described herein may be implemented through electronics,
the drive motor fluid pump 204 and fluid to an acceptable einstructions
.g., one or more processors , using software and firmware
. A processor ” includes any hardware system ,
operating temperature. In one embodiment, the drive motor hardware mechanism or hardware component that processes
fluid pump 204 is submerged in the fluid reservoir 206 and data , signals or other information
acts as a small heater for the fluid . In such case , the drive 10 system with a central processing. unit
A processor can include a
, multiple processing
motor fluid pump 204 is operated very inefficiently to units, dedicated circuitry for achieving functionality, or
produce only heat and to produce enough torque to move other systems. Some embodiments may be implemented by
locally the fluid through the system . A goal in this operation using software programming or code in one or more digital
is to transfer heat from the drivemotor fluid pump 204 to the
pump 1515 computers
fluid as quickly as possible . Once the drive motor fluid pump or processors, by using application specific inte
grated circuits (ASICs), programmable logic devices, field
204 and fluid are warmed , the waste heat mode may con programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), optical, chemical, bio
tinue to warm the battery 106 . Local hot spots allow to drive logical, quantum or nano - engineered systems, components
motor fluid pump 204 to suck in fluid and around the drive and mechanisms. Based on the disclosure and teachings
motor fluid pump 204 into the downstream cooling and representatively provided herein , a person skilled in the art
lubrication system by sucking cold oil in at the same time. 20 will appreciate other ways or methods to implement the
This cold oil will be heated up subsequently , which will raise invention .
the fluid temperature even faster to continue with the waste As used herein , the terms " comprises," " comprising,"
heatmode. " includes," " including,” “ has," " having” or any contextual
The waste heat mode operations 704 of FIG . 7 may be variants thereof, are intended to cover a non -exclusive
performed using differing rotor and stator structures than 25 inclusion . For example , a process , product, article , or appa
those described previously herein . For example, a differing ratus that comprises a list of elements is not necessarily
fluid feed tube structure may be used to feed the fluid into limited to only those elements, but may include other
the hollow cylindrical body 308 of the rotor. In such elements not expressly listed or inherent to such process,
example , the fluid feed tube may be separate from the shaft product, article , or apparatus. Further, unless expressly
of the rotor. Further, differing structure may be employed for 30 stated to the contrary , “ or ” refers to an inclusive or and not
the fluid to exit the hollow cylindricalbody 308 of the rotor to an exclusive or. For example , a condition “ A or B ” is
and /or to be directed onto the end -windings 305 of the stator satisfied by any one of the following: A is true (or present)
and the stator lamination 304 . and B is false ( or not present), A is false (or not present) and
In the rotor/ stator cooling mode ( step 718 ), the stator is at B is true (or present), and both A and B is true (or present).
least partially enabled to rotate the rotor as required to propel 35 Although the steps, operations, or computations may be
the electric vehicle 100 (step 720) . Fluid is pumped into the presented in a specific order, this order may be changed in
hollow cylindrical body 308 by the drive motor fluid pump different embodiments . In some embodiments , to the extent
204 at a selected flow rate ( step 722). The fluid flows along multiple steps are shown as sequential in this specification ,
the inner wall 310 of the hollow cylindrical body 308 some combination of such steps in alternative embodiments
towards the distal ends of the hollow cylindrical body 308 , 40 may be performed at the same time. The sequence of
collecting heat from the rotor 303 along the way , and then operations described herein can be interrupted , suspended ,
exits the hollow cylindricalbody 308 via the fluid exit ports reversed , or otherwise controlled by another process .
326 towards the end -windings 305 of the stator, the stator Itwill also be appreciated that one or more of the elements
lamination 304 , and the air gap between the rotor 303 and depicted in the drawings/ figures can also be implemented in
the stator 331 ( step 724 ). The fluid is then optionally routed 45 a more separated or integrated manner, or even removed or
to the heat exchanger 210 for heating / cooling of the fluid rendered as inoperable in certain cases, as is useful in
( step 726 ). If a flow rate adjustment is necessary to alter the accordance with a particular application .
cooling rate ( as determined at step 728 ), the fluid flow rate
is modified (step 730 ) . If not, operation returns to step 722 . The invention claimed is :
The rotor / stator heating/ coolingmode is ceased when the car 50 1 . An electric motor comprising :
ceases operations or if the rotor/stator no longer needs a case ;
heating/cooling. a stator that includes a stator lamination and end -wind
In the foregoing specification , the disclosure has been ings; and
described with reference to specific embodiments .However, a rotor coupled to the case via at least one rotor bearing,
as one skilled in the art will appreciate , various embodi- 55 the rotor comprising :
ments disclosed herein can be modified or otherwise imple a hollow cylindrical body having an inner wall, an outer
mented in various other ways without departing from the wall, a first distal end , and a second distal end ;
spirit and scope of the disclosure . Accordingly , this descrip a first shaft portion coupled to the first distal end ofthe
tion is to be considered as illustrative and is for the purpose hollow cylindrical body ;
of teaching those skilled in the art themanner ofmaking and 60 a second shaft portion coupled to the second distal end
using various embodiments of the disclosed system ,method , of the hollow cylindrical body , the second shaft
and computer program product. It is to be understood that portion including a fluid feed tube formed therewith
the forms of disclosure herein shown and described are to be having a fluid receive end and a fluid feed end, the
taken as representative embodiments . Equivalent elements, fluid feed end extending to a central inner portion of
materials, processes or steps may be substituted for those 65 the hollow cylindrical body ; and
representatively illustrated and described herein . Moreover, a plurality of fluid exit ports adjacent the first distal end
certain features of the disclosure may be utilized indepen and the second distal end of the hollow cylindrical
US 10 , 128 ,705 B2
11 12
body configured to spray fluid onto at least the 10 . The rotor of claim 9 , further comprising at least one
end -windings of the stator . rotor bearing that rotatingly couple the rotor to the stator.
2. The electric motor of claim 1, further comprising : 11 . The rotor of claim 9 , wherein the fluid feed end of the
at least one drive motor fluid pump configured to pump fluid feed tube comprises a plurality of fluid spray ports
the fluid into the fluid receive end of the fluid feed tube; 5 formed in the second shaft portion and configured to spray
and fluid onto the inner wall.
a fluid reservoir. 12 . The rotor of claim 9 , further comprising a cylindrical
3. The electric motor of claim 1 , wherein the fluid feed laminated
end of the fluid feed tube comprises a plurality of fluid spray cylindrical stack coupled to the outer wall of the hollow
body and including a plurality of permanent
ports formed in the second shaft portion and configured to 10 magnets .
spray fluid onto the inner wall of the hollow cylindrical
body 13 . The rotor of claim 9 , wherein a distance from the
central inner portion of the hollow cylindrical body to the
4 . The electric motor of claim 1, further comprising a plurality
cylindrical laminated stack coupled to the outer wall of the of fluid exit ports is based upon a specified fluid
hollow cylindrical body and including a plurality of perma- 1 14 . A methodto forsupport
film thickness rotor cooling .
operating an electric motor comprising:
nent magnets .
5 . The electric motor of claim 1 , wherein a distance from pumping fluid into a hollow cylindrical body of a rotor via
the central inner portion of the hollow cylindrical body to the a fluid feed tube that is oriented along an axis of
plurality of fluid exit ports is based upon a specified fluid rotation of the rotor;
film thickness to support rotor cooling. 20
spraying the fluid from a plurality of fluid exit ports of the
6 . The electric motor of claim 1, further comprising : fluid feed tube onto an inner wall of the hollow cylin
a drive motor fluid pump having a drive motor fluid pump drical body of the rotor, the fluid further flowing along
outlet and a drive motor fluid pump inlet; the inner wall of the hollow cylindrical body from a
fluid circulation piping having : central portion towards fluid exit ports located adjacent
an output portion coupled between the drive motor fluid 25 distal ends of the hollow cylindrical body while the
pump outlet and the fluid receive end of the second rotor is rotating; and
shaft portion ; spraying the fluid from the fluid exit ports onto at least
an input portion coupled between a fluid collection end-windings of a stator of the electric motor.
point on the case and the drive motor fluid pump 15 . The method of claim 14, wherein spraying the fluid
inlet ; and from the plurality of fluid exits ports onto the inner wall of
drive motor fluid pump electronics . 30 the hollow cylindrical body comprises spraying the fluid
onto a central portion of the inner wall of the hollow
7 . The electric motor of claim 6 , further comprising a cylindrical body.
radiator configured to cool the fluid .
8 . The electric motor of claim 7, further comprising a heat central inner portionof of
16 . The method claim 15 , wherein a distance from the
the hollow cylindrical body to the
exchanger coupled between the drivemotor fluid pump and 3535 plurality of fluid exit ports is based upon a specified fluid
the radiator. film thickness to support rotor cooling .
9 . A rotor for use with a stator having a stator lamination 17 . The method of claim 14 , further comprising:
and end -windings, the rotor comprising:
a hollow cylindrical body having an inner wall , an outer circulating
exchanger ;
the fluid from the electric motor to a heat
wall , a first distal end , and a second distal end ;
a first shaft portion coupled to the first distal end of the exchanging heatbetween the fluid and the heat exchanger ;
hollow cylindrical body ; and
a second shaft portion coupled to the second distal end of circulating the fluid from the heat exchanger to the
the hollow cylindrical body, the second shaft portion electric motor.
including a fluid feed tube formed therewith having a 45 18 . The method of claim 17 , further comprising circulat
fluid receive end and a fluid feed end , the fluid feed end i ing coolant
ng19co .
between a radiator and the heat exchanger .
. The method of claim 18 , further comprising circulat
extending to a central inner portion of the hollow ing the coolant between the heat exchanger and a battery .
cylindrical body ; and
a plurality of fluid exit ports adjacent the first distal end flow20 .ofThethemethod of claim 14 , further comprising adjusting
fluid based upon at least a temperature of the
and the second distal end of the hollow cylindrical body 50 rotor .
configured to spray fluid onto at least the end -windings
of the stator. * * * * *

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