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(12) United States Patent

Jayaram et al.
(10) Patent No.: US 9 ,829,001 B2
(45) Date of Patent: Nov . 28, 2017
(54 ) ELECTRIC SUBMERSIBLE PUMP (58 ) Field of Classification Search
ASSEMBLY BEARING CPC ........... .. F04D 29 /046 ; F04D 29 /0462 , F04D
29 /0473; F04D 29/05 ; F04D 29 /051;
(71 ) Applicant: Summit ESP, LLC , Tulsa , OK (US) (Continued )
( 72 ) Inventors : Shiv Jayaram , Houston , TX (US); (56 ) References Cited
Thomas John Gottschalk , Houston ,
TX (US ); Wesley John Nowitzki, U . S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Broken Arrow , OK (US ); John 1 ,642,914 A 9 / 1927 Whann
Vanderstaay Kenner , Houston , TX 2 , 236 , 953 A 4 /1941 Schott
(US) (Continued )
(73 ) Assignee: Summit ESP, LLC , Tulsa, OK (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this CN 102606490 A 7 /2012
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Primary Examiner — Craig Kim
U . S .C . 154 (b ) by 0 days . Assistant Examiner — Jason Mikus
( 21) Appl. No.: 14 /920,565 ( 74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Frederic Dorwart,
Lawyers PLLC ; Penina Michlin Chiu
( 22 ) Filed : Oct. 22 , 2015 (57) ABSTRACT
(65) Prior Publication Data An electric submersible pump (ESP ) assembly bearing is
described . A bearing set for an ESP assembly includes a
US 2016 /0115998 A1 Apr. 28, 2016 rotatable sleeve , and a bushing outward of the rotatable
sleeve, the bushing including a tubular portion , and a radial
Related U . S . Application Data flange extending around a downstream side of the tubular
portion . An ESP assembly includes a rotatable shaft, at least
(60 ) Provisional application No .62/067,796 , filed on Oct. one stage stacked in series on the rotatable shaft, each stage
23 , 2014 . including a diffuser, a stationary bearing member including
a tubular portion secured within a working fluid exit of the
(51) Int . CI. diffuser, a stationary member flange extending radially out
F01D 25 / 16 (2006 .01) ward from a top of the tubular portion, and a rotatable sleeve
F04D 13 / 10 ( 2006 .01) inward of the stationary bearing member and secured to the
(Continued ) rotatable shaft. A bearing set for an ESP assembly includes
(52 ) U .S . CI. a bushing including a tubular portion , and an annular retain
CPC ....... F04D 13 / 10 ( 2013 .01) ; F04D 29 /0473 ing ring groove extending around an outer surface of the
( 2013 .01) ; F04D 29 /448 ( 2013 .01) : tubular portion .
(Continued ) 26 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets

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Page 2

(51) Int. Cl. 5 ,209,577 A * 5/ 1993 Swatek . ........... E21B 4 /003

F04D 29 / 047 ( 2006 .01 ) 384 /220
F04D 29 / 44 ( 2006 .01) 5 ,722 ,812 A * 3/ 1998 Knox ....... .. . .. . F04D 1/06
F16C 17 / 14 (2006 .01) 415 / 199 . 1
5 , 845 ,709 A 12 / 1998 Mack et al.
(52 ) U .S . CI. 6 ,017, 184 A 1/ 2000 Aguilar et al.
CPC .... ... F16C 17/ 14 ( 2013 .01); F05D 2250/292 6 ,068 ,444 A
6 , 106 ,224 A
5 /2000 Sheth
8 /2000 Sheth et al.
(2013 .01 ); F05D 2260/ 36 (2013 .01); F16C 6 , 167,965 B1 * 1/2001 Bearden ................ E21B 43 /121
2360 /44 (2013 .01 ) 166 / 105 . 5
(58) Field of Classification Search 6,547, 514 B2 4 /2003 Lee
CPC .. F04D 29 /053; F04D 29/056 ; F04D 29 /0563 ; 6 , 676, 366 B2 1/2004 Kao
F04D 29/0566 ; F04D 29 / 057 ; F04D 7 ,530 ,391 B2 5 /2009 Hall et al.
29/059; F04D 29 /041; F04D 29 / 0413 ; 7 , 549 ,837 B2 6 / 2009 Hackworth et al.
F04D 29/047 ; F04D 29/0513 ; FO4D 1 /06 ; 7 , 575 ,413 B2 * 8 /2009 Semple .. .. .. ... . ... . F04D 1/ 063
384 /275
F04D 1 /063; F04D 13 /08; F04D 13 / 086 ; 8 ,066 ,476 B2 11/ 2011 Orban et al.
F05B 2240 /51; F05B 2240 /52 ; F05B 8 ,070 ,426 B2 12 /2011 Brunner et al.
2240 /53 ; F05B 2240 /54 8 , 287, 235 B2 10 / 2012 Orban et al.
USPC ........ ......... 415/ 229, 111, 112 ; 416 / 174 8 ,400 ,035 B2 3 /2013 Watson
8 ,491,277 B27 / 2013 Kawabata et al.
See application file for complete search history. 8 ,651,836 B2 2 /2014 Parmeter et al.
8 ,684 ,679 B2 * 4 /2014 Tetzlaff . ................. F04D 13 /08
( 56 ) References Cited 415 / 170 . 1
8 ,894 ,350 B2 * 11/ 2014 Brunner ................ F04D 29 /041
9 ,039, 356 B1 5 /2015 Nowitzki et al.
3 , 170 ,646 A * 2 / 1965 Springer FO4D 3 / 00 9 , 200 ,642 B2 12 / 2015 Nowitzki et al.
241/276 9 , 353 ,752 B2 * 5 /2016 Tetzlaff ...... F04D 1/04
3 ,215 ,083 A 11/ 1965 Sarles et al. 2012 / 0020777 A1 1/2012 Eslinger
3, 945 ,695 A * 3/ 1976 Speakman ............ F16C 33 /102 2013 / 0017075 Al 1/2013 Orban et al.
384/ 291 2013 /0209225 AL 8 /2013 Eslinger
3, 975 , 117 A * 8/ 1976 Carter ....................... F04D 1/06 2014 / 0030055 A1 1/2014 Jayaram et al.
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4 ,781, 531 A 11/ 1988 James 2015 /0152877 A1 6 /2015 Jayaram et al.
5 , 160 , 240 A * 11/ 1992 Wilson .................. F04D 13 / 10
384 / 425 * cited by examiner
Nov. 28, 2017 Sheet 1 of 7 US 9 ,829 , 001 B2

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US 9 ,829 ,001 B2
ELECTRIC SUBMERSIBLE PUMP the force produced by the momentum of the fluid making its
ASSEMBLY BEARING turn in the impeller passageway. Pump assembly stages are
also subject to radial forces that can cause the shaft to
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED become misaligned .
APPLICATIONS To carry the thrust of the pump, thrust bearings are
sometimes employed in pump stages . The thrust bearings
This application claims the benefit of U . S . Provisional include a bushing that is pressed into the wall of the diffuser .
Application No . 62/ 067,796 to Jayaram et al., filed Oct . 23 , A sleeve is keyed to the shaft inward of the stationary
2014 and entitled “ THRUST HANDLING STAGE FOR bushing . A thin layer of fluid forms in between the sleeve
ELECTRIC SUMBERSIBLE PUMP ASSEMBLIES ,” 10 and bushing of the bearing set to provide fluid film lubri
which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. cation and carry the downthrust loads. The sleeve may
further act as a radial support bearing .
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Stationary bushings are traditionally disk - like in shape or
shaped like a hollowed cylinder. A conventional stationary
1. Field of the Invention 15 bushing is illustrated in FIG . 1 . The conventional bushing
Embodiments of the invention described herein pertain to must remain stationary as the sleeve rotates , and as such ,
the field of electric submersible pump assemblies. More these bushings must be securely pressed into the inner wall
particularly , but not by way of limitation , one or more of the diffuser exit. To make room for the bushing, the
embodiments of the invention enable an electric submersible diffuser core is bored to remove material from the wall of the
pump assembly bearing. 20 diffuser exit , and in doing so , the area of the diffuser exit
2 . Description of the Related Art normal to absolute flow velocity is reduced . Reducing the
Fluid , such as gas, oil or water, is often located in area of the diffuser exit reduces the performance of the stage
underground formations. In such situations, the fluid mustbe by diminishing the ability of the stage to increase the
pumped to the surface so that it can be collected , separated , pressure of the fluid passing through the pump assembly .
refined , distributed and /or sold . Centrifugal pumps are typi- 25 Typically , the reduced performance caused by insertion of
cally used in electric submersible pump (ESP ) applications the bushing is combatted by increasing the number of pump
for lifting well fluid to the surface . Centrifugalpumps impart stages, which adds cost to the pump assembly . In addition ,
energy to a fluid by accelerating the fluid through a rotating the bushing is conventionally made of a hard material like
impeller paired with a stationary diffuser. A rotating shaft tungsten carbide, which is expensive and so the bushing
runs through the central hub of the impeller and diffuser. A 30 itself adds to the overall cost of the pump assembly.
motor upstream of the pump turns the shaft , and the impeller As is apparent from the above , current ESP bearings suffer
is keyed to the shaft, causing the impeller to rotate with the from many shortcomings . Therefore, there is a need for an
shaft. improved electric submersible pump assembly bearing.
Each rotating impeller and stationary diffuser pair is
called a " stage ” . The impeller ' s rotation confers angular 35 BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
momentum to the fluid passing through the pump. The
angular momentum converts kinetic energy into pressure, One or more embodiments of the invention enable an
thereby raising the pressure on the fluid and lifting it to the electric submersible pump (ESP ) assembly bearing.
surface . Multiple stages of impeller and diffuser pairs may An ESP assembly bearing is described . An illustrative
be used to further increase the pressure lift. The stages are 40 embodiment of a bearing set for an electric submersible
stacked in series around the pump' s shaft, with each suc - pump (ESP ) assembly includes a rotatable sleeve, and a
cessive impeller sitting on a diffuser of the previous stage . bushing outward of the rotatable sleeve , the bushing includ
A conventional ESP assembly includes , from upstream to ing a tubular portion , and a radial flange extending around
downstream , a motor, seal section , intake section , and multi - a downstream side of the tubular portion . In some embodi
stage centrifugal pump. Production tubing carries the 45 ments , an outer diameter of the flange is tapered inwards in
pumped fluid from the centrifugal pump to the well's a downstream direction . In certain embodiments , the rotat
surface. The assembly components each have a shaft run- able sleeve is a flanged sleeve. In some embodiments , the
ning longitudinally through their centers that are connected bushing is secured to a portion of a diffuser defining a
and rotated by the motor. In gassy wells , a gas separator or diffuser exit. In certain embodiments, the rotatable sleeve
charge pump may also be included in the assembly . For 50 includes a rotating member flange, and the radial flange of
example , a gas separator may act as the intake of the the bushing extends between the rotatingmember flange and
assembly . In such instances , the gas separator compresses the portion of the diffuser defining a diffuser exit.
the gaseous fluid and then attempts to separate any unsatu - An illustrative embodiment of an electric submersible
rated gas before the fluid passes into the centrifugal pump. pump (ESP ) assembly includes a rotatable shaft, at least one
Gas separators sometimes include impeller and diffuser 55 stage stacked on the rotatable shaft, each of the at least one
stages to increase the pressure of the fluid during compres stao
stage including a diffuser, a stationary bearing member
sion and separation of gases . Similarly, charge pumps are including a tubular portion secured within a working fluid
also sometimes used in tandem with a primary centrifugal exit of the diffuser , a stationary member flange extending
pump in gassy wells, and may also employ stages . radially outward from a top of the tubular portion , and a
During operation , whether in a pump, charge pump or gas 60 rotatable bearing member comprising a sleeve, the sleeve
separator, pump assembly stages are subject to axial forces inward of the bearing member and secured to the rotatable
in the upward and downward directions , conventionally shaft. In some embodiments , the rotatable bearing member
referred to as “ thrust.” Downward force or “ downthrust" is includes a rotating member flange extending radially out
a result of a portion of the impeller discharge pressure acting ward from a top of the sleeve , wherein the stationary
on the top of the impeller. Upward force or “upthrust" is a 65 member flange extends between the rotating member flange
result of a portion of the impeller discharge pressure acting and the diffuser. In certain embodiments, an outer diameter
against the bottom of the impeller . A second upward force is of the stationary member flange is tapered inward in a
US 9 ,829 , 001 B2
downstream direction . In some embodiments, the stationary FIG . 3 is a cross sectional view of a diffuser and bearing
member flange and the tubular portion each comprise at least set of an illustrative embodiment.
one channel that together define a pathway forworking fluid . FIG . 4 is a perspective view of a channeled stationary
In certain embodiments , the at least one stage is located in member of an illustrative embodiment.
one of a centrifugal pump , gas separator, charge pump or 5 FIG . 5 is a perspective view of a stationary member of an
combination thereof. In some embodiments, the ESP assem illustrative embodiment having a tapered flange .
bly further includes a retaining ring secured around an FIG . 6 is a cross -sectional view of two impeller and
upstream side of the tubular portion , wherein the retaining diffuser stages of an illustrative embodiment stacked in
ring is adjacent to a bottom of a hub of the diffuser. series.
An illustrative embodiment of a bearing set for an electric 10 FIG . 7 is a cross sectional view of a diffuser with a bearing
submersible pump (ESP ) assembly includes a bushing set of an illustrative embodiment.
including an annular portion extending longitudinally FIG . 8 is a perspective view of a rotatable member of a
between a rotatable sleeve and a portion of a diffuser bearing set of an illustrative embodiment.
defining a diffuser exit , the annular portion including an FIG . 9 is a perspective view of a stationary member of a
annulus inner diameter and an annulus outer diameter, the bearing set of an illustrative embodiment.
annulus outer diameter pressed into an inner diameter of the FIG . 10 is a cross sectional view of a diffuser and bearing
portion defining the diffuser exit, a flange extending radially set of an illustrative embodiment.
outward from a top of the annular portion , the flange While the invention is susceptible to various modifica
comprising an upper surface and a lower surface , and the 20 tions and alternative forms, specific embodiments thereof
lower surface of the flange and the annulus outer diameter - are shown by way of example in the drawings and may
defining an indentation in the bushing, and wherein the inner herein be described in detail. The drawings may not be to
diameter of the portion defining the diffuser exit inter
lockedly fits within the indentation . In some embodiments, scale. It should be understood , however, that the embodi
an outer edge of the flange extending between the upper ments described herein and shown in the drawings are not
surface and the lower surface is tapered . In certain embodi- 25 intended to limit the invention to the particular form dis
ments, the taper is inwards in a downstream direction . In closed , but on the contrary , the intention is to cover all
some embodiments , the annulus inner diameter and the modifications, equivalents and alternatives falling within the
flange upper surface each have at least one channel and the scope of the present invention as defined by the appended
at least one channel forms a pathway for working fluid . In claims.
some embodiments , the rotatable sleeve comprises a sleeve 30
flange, and the flange of the bushing extends between the DETAILED DESCRIPTION
sleeve flange and the portion defining the diffuser exit . In
some embodiments, the annular portion has a retaining ring An electric submersible pump (ESP ) assembly bearing
groove around the annular portion . will now be described . In the following exemplary descrip
An illustrative embodiment of a bearing set for an electric 35 tion , numerous specific details are set forth in order to
submersible pump (ESP ) assembly includes a rotatable provide a more thorough understanding of embodiments of
sleeve , and a bushing outward of the rotatable sleeve , the the invention . It will be apparent, however , to an artisan of
bushing including a tubular portion , and an annular retaining ordinary skill that the present invention may be practiced
ring groove extending around an outer surface of the tubular
portion . In some embodiments, the bearing set further 40 without
incorporating all aspects of the specific details
herein . In other instances , specific features , quan
includes a radial flange extending around an upstream side
of the tubular portion , and the annular retaining ring groove tities, or measurements well known to those of ordinary skill
in the art have not been described in detail so as not to
is proximate to a downstream side of the tubular portion. In obscure the invention . Readers should note that although
some embodiments, the bushing is secured to a portion of aa
diffuser defining a diffuser exit. In certain embodiments , the examples of the invention are set forth herein , the claims,
bearing set further includes a radial flange extending around 45 and the full scope of any equivalents , are what define the
an upstream side of the tubular portion, and wherein the metes and bounds of the invention .
radial flange of the bushing is upstream of a hub of the As used in this specification and the appended claims, the
diffuser and positioned adjacent to the hub . In some embodi- singular forms “ a ” , “ an ” and “ the” include plural referents
ments, the rotatable sleeve is keyed to a shaft of one of a unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. Thus , for
centrifugal pump or gas separator. In some embodiments , 50 example , reference to a stage includes one or more stages.
the bearing set further includes a retaining ring positioned in " Coupled ” refers to either a direct connection or an
the annular retaining ring groove . indirect connection ( e . g ., at least one intervening connec
In further embodiments , features from specific embodi tion ) between one or more objects or components. The
ments may be combined with features from other embodi phrase " directly attached” means a direct connection
ments . For example , features from one embodimentmay be 55 between objects or components .
combined with features from any of the other embodiments. As used herein , the term " outer," " outside” or “ outward ”
In further embodiments , additional features may be added to means the radial direction away from the center of the shaft
the specific embodiments described herein . of the ESP and/ or the opening of a component through
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS which the shaft would extend . As used herein , the term
60 " inner" , " inside ” or “ inward ” means the radial direction
Advantages of the present invention may become appar toward the center of the shaft of the ESP and /or the opening
ent to those skilled in the art with the benefit of the following of a component through which the shaft would extend .
detailed description and upon reference to the accompanying As used herein the terms “ axial” , “ axially ” , “ longitudinal”
drawings in which : and “ longitudinally ” refer interchangeably to the direction
FIG . 1 is a bushing of the prior art . 65 extending along the length of the shaft of an ESP assembly
FIG . 2 is a perspective view of a stationary member of a component such as a multi- stage centrifugal pump, gas
bearing set of an illustrative embodiment. separator or charge pump.
US 9 ,829 , 001 B2
“ Downstream ” refers to the direction substantially with member of illustrative embodiments . As shown in FIG . 2 ,
the principal flow ofworking fluid when the pump assembly bushing 200 includes tubular portion 205 and bushing flange
is in operation . By way of example but not limitation , in a 220 . Tubular portion 205 may be tubular and /or annular in
vertical downhole electric submersible pump ( ESP ) assem shape, and bushing flange 220 may extend radially from
bly , the downstream direction may be towards the surface of 5 and/ or around an end or side of tubular portion 205 . As
the well. illustrated in FIG . 2 , bushing flange 220 extends around top
" Upstream ” refers to the direction substantially opposite 235 of tubular portion 205 . In some embodiments , bushing
the principal flow ofworking fluid when the pump assembly flange 220 may extend around bottom 240 of tubular portion
is in operation . By way of example but not limitation , in a 205 . Bushing 200 may be made of a hard material such as
vertical downhole ESP assembly , the upstream direction 10 tungsten carbide, silicon carbide, or another material having
may be opposite the surface of the well. similar properties . The thickness 245 of tubular portion 205
As used herein , the term “ top ” with respect to an ESP may be reduced as compared to the wall thickness of
assembly component refers to the downstream -most side of conventional stationary bushings in a comparable location of
the component. The term “bottom ” means the upstream a comparable pump assembly . For example, the thickness
most side of the component. 15 245 of tubular portion 205 may be reduced from 0 .188
One or more embodiments provide a bearing for ESP inches to about 0 .120 inches. In such instances , the material
assemblies. While illustrative embodiments are described in needed to form bushing 200 may be reduced by about 63 %
terms of an oil and/or gas downhole pumping embodiment, by volume.
nothing herein is intended to limit the invention to that Tubular portion 205 may be annular and /or tubular in
embodiment. Illustrative embodiments may be equally 20 shape (forming a hollow cavity ) and have an inner diameter
applicable to mixed flow or radial flow stages. 215 forming the inner surface of tubular portion 205 and an
An illustrative embodiment of a stationary member of a outer diameter 210 forming the outer surface of tubular
thrust and/or radial bearing set includes a flange that extends portion 205 . As shown in FIG . 2 , bushing flange 220 may be
radially from the annulus of the stationary member. In one located on top 235 of tubular portion 205 . Bushing flange
example , the bushing flange may be sandwiched between a 25 220 may extend radially from tubular portion 205 , and may
flange of the rotating member and the diffuser exit and/ or include an upper surface 225 and a bottom surface 230 . In
pressed into the diffuser exit. In another example , the some embodiments , no flange may be present on bottom 240
bushing flange may be on an upstream side of the bushing, of tubular portion 205 . As shown in FIG . 5 and FIG . 9 , outer
below the diffuser hub . The annular portion of the stationary edge 500 of bushing flange 220 may extend from bottom
member may have a reduced thickness as compared to 30 surface 230 to upper surface 225 . Outer edge 500 of bushing
conventional bushings, with the diffuser exit taking up the flange 220 may be tapered , such that it slants inward in a
space that would otherwise be filled with bushing material. downstream direction and /or as judged from bottom surface
Illustrative embodiments therefore may allow for more area 230 . Tapering outer edge 500 of bushing flange 220 may
of diffuser exit and less bushing material, while still pro cause fluid flow to exit smoothly to match the flow velocity
viding an equivalent surface area of contact between the 35 in the impeller eye (not shown ).
rotating and stationary members , as compared to conven - Referring to FIG . 3 , bushing 200 may be pressed in with
tional stages employing thrust bearings. These featuresmay interference fit and /or secured to an inner wall of a diffuser,
allow between a 5 % and 10 % increase in stage performance , in between the portion of the diffuser forming diffuser exit
including an increased pressure lift from each stage , which 300 , and sleeve 315 of the bearing set. An interference fit
may allow for fewer stages to be incorporated into the 40 may provide about two -thousandths of an inch of squeeze .
overall ESP assembly . In one example , a one-hundred - forty FIG . 3 illustrates bushing 200 pressed into diffuser exit 300
stage conventional ESP assembly may be reduced by of diffuser 325 , and situated and /or sandwiched between
between seven and fourteen stages when implementing diffuser exit 300 and rotatable sleeve 315 . As shown in FIG .
illustrative embodiments, which may reduce the cost of the 3 , rotatable sleeve 315 may be paired with bushing 200 to
assembly by about 5 % . Further, a stationary member with a 45 form a thrust and /or radial bearing set. Sleeve 315 may be
smaller footprint may reduce the cost of the bushing by keyed at keyway 310 to the shaft 610 (shown in FIG . 6 ) of
reducing the cost of the bushing material. Illustrative the ESP assembly component, such as a centrifugal pump
embodiments may be employed in centrifugal pump stages, shaft, gas separator shaft and /or charge pump shaft , such that
gas separator stages and /or charge pump stages. sleeve 315 rotates with shaft 610 during operation of the
The stationary member of illustrative embodiments may 50 ESP assembly. Diffuser 325 and bushing 200 should not
include channels for the handling of abrasive -laden well substantially rotate during operations (remain stationary ) .
fluid . In some embodiments , the flange of the stationary As shown in FIG . 3 , outer diameter 210 and bottom
member may include a radial channel on its upper surface surface 230 may form an indentation 305 in stationary
and the tubular portion may include an axial channel on its bushing 200 . Diffuser exit 300 and bushing 200 may be
inner diameter (inner surface ), which radial and axial chan - 55 fixedly pressed into each other such that diffuser exit 300
nels may intersect. The stationary member flange of illus- fills indentation 305 , interlockedly occupying the space
trative embodiments may have a tapered outer edge so that formed by indentation 305 that would conventionally be
working fluid may exit smoothly to match the flow velocity filled with additional bushing material. The additional dif
in the impeller eye . fuser exit 300 material filling indentation 305 may be
The stationary member may include a retention ring 60 diffuser exit volume that need not be bored away to make
groove . A retaining ring placed in the groove may keep the room for bushing 200 , as would conventionally need to be
stationary member from becoming unseated during opera - done .
tion . The retaining ring groove may be located on the side of In some embodiments , both sleeve 315 and bushing 220
the stationary member that is opposite the flange of the may be flanged . As illustrated in FIG . 3 , sleeve flange 320
stationary member . 65 of sleeve 315 may rest over and / or be adjacent to upper
Illustrative embodiments include a stationary member of surface 225 of bushing flange 220 . During operation of the
a bearing set. FIG . 2 illustrates an exemplary stationary ESP assembly, as sleeve 315 rotates, pumped fluid may flow
US 9 ,829 ,001 B2
between inner diameter 215 of tubular portion 205 and diffuser exit 300 may be milled or cast, for example , and
sleeve 315 , and also flow between upper surface 225 of accommodate retaining ring 700 . When bushing 200 has
bushing flange 220 and sleeve flange 320 . This fluid lubri bushing flange 220 on its upstream side as illustrated in FIG .
cation may provide radial and hydraulic thrust support to the 10 , bushing flange 220 may prevent unseating of bushing
pump assembly . In certain embodiments, sleeve 315 may not 5 200 if the ESP assembly is running in upthrust. In embodi
include a flange . FIG . 7 shows an illustrative embodiment of ments where bushing 200 is inverted , outer edge 500 ( shown
a bearing set having bushing 200 with bushing flange 220 , in FIG . 5 ) may be tapered outward in a downstream direc
and sleeve 315 that is flangeless . In embodiments where tion . In certain embodiments making use of retaining ring
sleeve 315 is flangeless, working fluid may flow between the 700 , bushing flange 220 may be eliminated and bushing 200
inner diameter 215 ( shown in FIG . 3 ) of bushing 200 and the 10 shortened to recess inside diffuser hub 710 .
outer diameter of sleeve 315 providing only radial support in FIG . 6 illustrates exemplary impeller and diffuser stages
the pump. FIG . 8 illustrates a sleeve of illustrative embodi- incorporating a bushing of an illustrative embodiment. As
ments without flange. FIG . 9 illustrates bushing 200 with shown in FIG . 6 , diffusers 325 may be paired with impellers
bushing flange 220 of an illustrative embodiment that may 605 . Each impeller 605 may be inward of a diffuser 325 and
be employed in a stage with a flangeless sleeve, such as 15 keyed to shaft 610 to form stage 615 , such that impeller 605
sleeve 310 illustrated in FIG . 8 . Where sleeve 315 is rotates with shaft610 during operation of the ESP assembly.
flangeless , sleeve 315 may be taller longitudinally than The stages 615 of FIG . 6 may be stages of a centrifugal
bushing 200 , as shown in FIG . 7 . pump, stages of a charge pump or stages of a gas separator
As illustrated in FIG . 7 and FIG . 9 , bushing 200 may of an ESP assembly. A single stage or multiple stages 615
include retaining ring groove 705 near the bottom side of 20 may be stacked in series about shaft 610 . For example , in an
tubular portion 205 . Although bushing 200 may be secured exemplary charge pump a single stage may be employed , in
by interference fit , at high temperatures , such as above about a gas separator one to five stages may be employed ; in a
300° F ., bushing 200 may work its way out and /or become multi- stage centrifugal pump fifty stages or one-hundred
unseated from diffuser 325 . If the ESP assembly is running twenty stages , for example , may be employed . Sleeve 315
in upthrust, for example in a situation where the actual flow 25 may be keyed to shaft 610 such that sleeve 315 rotates with
rate is lower than the best flow rate , placement of retaining shaft 610 . Bushing 200 may be pressed into the wall of
ring 700 in retaining ring groove 705 , as shown in FIG . 7 , diffuser exit 300, remaining stationary as shaft 610 and
may prevent bushing 200 from slipping upwards. Retaining sleeve 315 rotate . Stationary bushing 200 may extend cir
ring groove 705 may be machined or molded into tubular c umferentially about sleeve 315 such that there is a tight
portion 205 . Retaining ring 700 may be clipped and/ or 30 clearance between the inner diameter 215 of stationary
secured into retaining ring groove 705 . Retaining ring 700 bushing 200 and the outer diameter of sleeve 315 , and in
may be steel, a nickel and copper alloy, or another hard , some embodiments, between upper surface 225 of bushing
corrosion resistant material. As shown in FIG . 7 , should 200 and sleeve flange 320 . Pumped fluid may pass through
bushing 200 experience upward forces ( downstream direc the tight clearances , providing thrust and /or radial support to
tion ), retaining ring 705 may press up against diffuser hub 35 the stages 615 . As illustrated in FIG . 3 , as a result of the
710, preventing upward motion of bushing 200 . Bushing shape of the stationary bushing 200 of illustrative embodi
flange 220 shown in FIG . 7 , may prevent bushing from ments , including indentation 305 , the area of diffuser exit
moving downward (upstream direction ) when the ESP 300 normal to absolute flow velocity may be increased in
assembly runs in downthrust. illustrative embodiments as compared to conventional
Pumped fluid may contain abrasives such as sand , dirt , 40 stages.
rocks and other solid particles found underneath the ground . An ESP assembly bearing has been described . Illustrative
In such embodiments, bushing 200 may include channels to embodiments may provide for an impeller and diffuser stage
assist in guiding the flow of fluid around the bushing 200 thatmay be better capable of increasing fluid pressure whilst
surfaces to reduce abrasive wear and to cool the surface of carrying thrust from an ESP centrifugal pump assembly
bushing 200 . FIG . 4 illustrates an exemplary embodiment of 45 and/ or providing radial support. The diffuser exit of illus
a channeled bushing 200 . As shown in FIG . 4 , bushing 200 trative embodiments may include additional area normal to
includes an axial channel 405 extending along the inner absolute flow velocity that improves the performance of
diameter 215 of tubular portion 205 . Axial channel 405 is each stage , such that fewer stages may be employed . The
shown slanted along the axial surface at about 30° from the stationary bushing of illustrative embodiments has a smaller
vertical, but vertical axial channels and slants at other angels 50 footprint and therefore takes up less space in the diffuser
are also contemplated . Also as shown in FIG . 4 , bushing exit, whilst still performing its thrust carrying and /or radial
flange 220 includes radial channel 400 extending radially support function at a reduced cost.
along upper surface 225 . Axial channel 405 and radial Further modifications and alternative embodiments of
channel 400 may intersect at intersection 410 . Pumped fluid various aspects of the invention may be apparent to those
may be guided through radial channel 400 , axial channel 405 55 skilled in the art in view of this description . Accordingly , this
and intersection 410 . Additional channels may also be description is to be construed as illustrative only and is for
included on stationary bushing 200 and /or sleeve 315 . the purpose of teaching those skilled in the art the general
In some embodiments, bushing 200 may be inverted such manner of carrying out the invention . It is to be understood
that bushing flange 220 extends from bottom 240 of tubular that the forms of the invention shown and described herein
portion 205 , rather than top 235 . An exemplary inverted 60 are to be taken as the presently preferred embodiments .
bushing of an illustrative embodiment is shown in FIG . 10 . Elements and materials may be substituted for those illus
As illustrated in FIG . 10 , bushing flange 220 extends around trated and described herein , parts and processes may be
the upstream side and/ or bottom 240 of tubular portion 205 reversed , and certain features of the invention may be
of bushing 200. Bushing flange 220 may be adjacent to utilized independently , all as would be apparent to one
and / or press up against diffuser hub 710 . Retaining ring 700 65 skilled in the art after having the benefit of this description
may be secured into retaining ring groove 705 near top 235 of the invention . Changes may be made in the elements
of tubular portion 205 . Slot 1005 in the portion defining described herein without departing from the scope and range
US 9 ,829 , 001 B2
of equivalents as described in the following claims. In 11 . The ESP assembly of claim 7 ,wherein the at least one
addition , it is to be understood that features described herein stage is located in a centrifugal pump .
independently may, in certain embodiments , be combined . 12 . The ESP assembly of claim 7, wherein the at least one
What is claimed is : stage is located in one of a gas separator, charge pump or a
1 . A bearing set for an electric submersible pump (ESP) 5 combination thereof.
assembly comprising : 13 . A bearing set for an electric submersible pump (ESP )
a rotatable sleeve ; and assembly comprising:
a bushing outward of the rotatable sleeve press fit to a a bushing comprising :
diffuser, the bushing comprising: an annular portion extending longitudinally between a
a tubular portion having an outer diameter, and 10 rotatable sleeve and a portion of a diffuser defining
a thrust carrying flange extending radially around a top a diffuser exit, the annular portion comprising an
end of the tubular portion , the flange comprising an annulus inner diameter and an annulus outer diam
outer edge positioned radially outward from the eter , the annulus outer diameter pressed into an inner
outer diameter of the tubular portion; diameter of the portion defining the diffuser exit ;
the tubular portion having a retaining ring groove 15
around an upstream side of the outer diameter of the a thrust carrying flange extending radially outward
tubular portion ; around a top of the annular portion , the flange
a retaining ring seated in the retaining ring groove ; and comprising an upper surface and a lower surface , the
the retaining ring positioned adjacently below a diffuser upper surface and the lower surface joined by a
hub. 20 flange outer edge positioned radially outward from
2 . The bearing set of claim 1 , wherein the outer edge of the annular portion ; and
the thrust carrying flange is tapered inwards in a downstream the lower surface of the flange and the annulus outer
direction . diameter defining an indentation in the bushing ; and
3 . The bearing set of claim 1 , wherein the rotatable sleeve wherein the inner diameter of the portion defining the
is a flanged sleeve . 25 diffuser exit interlockedly fits within the indentation .
4. The bearing set of claim 1, wherein the bushing is press 14 . The bearing set of claim 13 , wherein the thrust
fit to a portion of the diffuser defining a diffuser exit. carrying flange outer edge is tapered .
5 . The bearing set of claim 4 , wherein the rotatable sleeve 15 . The bearing set of claim 14 , wherein the taper is
comprises a rotating member flange , and wherein the thrust inwards in a downstream direction .
carrying flange of the bushing extends between the rotating 30 16 . The bearing set of claim 13 , wherein the annulus inner
member flange and the portion of the diffuser defining the diameter and the thrust carrying flange upper surface each
diffuser exit . have at least one channel.
6 . The bearing set of claim 5 , wherein the rotatable sleeve 17 . The bearing set of claim 16 , wherein the at least one
is keyed to an ESP shaft. channel forms a pathway for working fluid .
7 . An electric submersible pump (ESP ) assembly com - 35 18 . The bearing set of claim 13 , wherein the rotatable
prising : sleeve comprises a sleeve flange , and the thrust carrying
a rotatable shaft; flange of the bushing extends between the sleeve flange and
at least one stage stacked on the rotatable shaft, each of the portion defining the diffuser exit .
the at least one stage comprising : 19 . The bearing set of claim 13 , wherein the bushing is
a diffuser ; 40 located in one of an ESP pump, gas separator or charge
a stationary bearing member comprising : pump.
a tubular portion pressed into a working fluid exit of 20 . The bearing set of claim 13 , wherein the annular
the diffuser ; portion has a retaining ring groove around the annular
a thrust carrying flange extending radially outward portion .
around a top end of the tubular portion , the flange 45 21. The bearing set of claim 20 , further comprising a
comprising an outer edge position radially out- retaining ring secured within the retaining ring groove .
ward from an outer surface of the tubular portion ; 22 . A bearing set for an electric submersible pump (ESP )
and assembly comprising :
a retaining ring secured around an upstream side of a rotatable sleeve ; and
the outer diameter of the tubular portion , wherein 50 a bushing outward of the rotatable sleeve , the bushing
the retaining ring is adjacent to a bottom of a hub pressed into a portion of a diffuser
of the diffuser; and defining a diffuser exit , the bushing comprising :
a rotatable bearing member comprising a sleeve , the a tubular portion ;
sleeve inward of the stationary bearing member and an annular retaining ring groove extending around an
secured to the rotatable shaft . 55 outer surface of the tubular portion ; and
8 . The ESP assembly of claim 7 , wherein the rotatable a thrust carrying flange extending radially around an
bearingmember comprises a rotating member flange extend upstream end of the tubular portion , the thrust car
ing radially outward from a top of the sleeve , wherein the rying flange comprising an outer edge positioned
thrust carrying flange extends between the rotating member radially outwards from the tubular portion , and
flange and the diffuser . wherein the thrust carrying flange of the bushing is
9 . The ESP assembly of claim 7 , wherein the outer edge upstream of a hub of the diffuser and positioned
of the thrust carrying flange is tapered inward in a down adjacent to the hub .
stream direction . 23. The bearing set of claim 22 , wherein the annular
10 . The ESP assembly of claim 7, wherein the thrust retaining ring groove is proximate to a downstream side of
carrying flange and the tubular portion each comprise at 65 the tubular portion .
least one channel that together define a pathway for working 24 . The bearing set of claim 22 , wherein the rotatable
fluid . sleeve is a flanged sleeve.
US 9 ,829,001 B2
25 . The bearing set of claim 22 , wherein the rotatable
sleeve is keyed to a shaft of one of a centrifugal pump or gas
separator .
26 . The bearing set of claim 22 , further comprising a
retaining ring positioned in the annular retaining ring 5
groove .
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