Us 8894452
Us 8894452
Us 8894452
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US 8,894.452 B2
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Fig. 2
U.S. Patent Nov. 25, 2014 Sheet 3 of 4 US 8,894.452 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 25, 2014 Sheet 4 of 4 US 8,894.452 B2
Fig. 6
Fig. 5
US 8,894,452 B2
1. 2
DRIVE MEANS FOR AMPHIBIOUS EP-1727687-B1 discloses an amphibious excavator which
EQUIPMENT has a power transmission arrangement in the pontoon crawler
track assembly, comprising an endless power transmission
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED means in each of its pontoon members, such as chain formed
APPLICATION by pin joints of successive formed parts that is arranged to be
moveable by means of a wheel arrangement, Such as a drive
The instant application is a national phase of PCT/ wheel and turnover wheel and/or Support wheel arrangement
MY2011/000208, filed Sep. 20, 2011, pending, which claims or the like, on the outer periphery of the pontoon member,
priority to Malaysian Patent Application No. PI 2010004398, 10
whereby each successive crawler track part of the crawler
filed Sep. 21, 2010, pending, the entire specifications of both track arrangement is attached to the endless power transmis
of which are expressly incorporated herein by reference. sion means. The pontoon crawler trackassembly comprises a
This invention relates to amphibious equipment and, more power transmission arrangement, essentially at the centre of
particularly, to amphibious equipment for use in the construc each pontoon member, whereby each crawler track part of the
tion industry for excavating or lifting loads and other Such 15 arrangement is coupled with the power transmission means at
operations on Soft ground of on water and especially to the its middle. The power transmission arrangement also com
drive means for Such equipment. prises a chain tightening arrangement.
This document also fails to address the problems of motor
BACKGROUND TO THE INVENTION and track deterioration and of inefficient torque to traction
Amphibious construction equipment Such as excavators One standard hydraulic drive train of existing amphibious
and cranes is increasingly being used for construction where construction equipment is powered by two hydraulic pumps.
ground conditions are such that conventional heavy equip Each pump provides hydraulic pressure to a hydraulic motor
ment runs a risk of being bogged down, in Some cases irre on each side of a chassis. It also comprises a pair of parallel
trievably. The currently used amphibious equipment is cus 25 pontoons Surrounded by a caterpillar track travelling round
tom-built and comprises the operative part of whatever piece the periphery of each pontoon. The pressure from the hydrau
of equipment is desired mounted on a pair of buoyant cater lic pumps is transferred to the hydraulic motors via fluid
pillar-tracked pontoons so that the structure will not sink into connections to provide power to two of the axles. The other
Soft ground. Making the equipment amphibious also allows it two axles are idlers.
to be used in waterfront sites where access is difficult. 30 Other conventional amphibious equipment utilizes a single
The pontoons carry sprocket-driven caterpillar tracks that hydraulic motor in the drive train. Whether single of dual
allow the equipment to be maneuvered on land or water, the hydraulic motors are used they are selected based on the
track sprockets normally being driven by hydraulic motors. weight of the equipment. Higher capacity equipment requires
Each track usually has two or more spaced sprockets on a more power for its operation and the only current Solution is
driven axle and two or more spaced sprockets on an idler axle. 35 to employ either more powerful engines or bigger hydraulic
The asymmetrical distribution of torque and traction between motors. This correlation ultimately limits the range of motion
the front axle and rear axles limit the track efficiency espe of the upper structure or the mobility of the equipment
cially when operating on highly undulating and Viscous Sur depending on the placement of the motor.
faces. Another undesirable effect is that tracks and motor will This invention circumvents the various problems of
deteriorate more quickly because the unbalanced stresses 40 amphibious construction equipment referred to hereinbefore.
generated by the idler and driven axles will lead to inconsis
tent metal fatigue in different parts of the tracks, and reduced SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
the motor lifespan.
The prior art contains various proposals related to the train According to the invention drive means for amphibious
drive system of amphibious machines. 45 equipment comprising a working unit Supported on a pair of
US-2005/0014.425-A discloses a drive system for use in elongate, parallel, buoyant pontoons each of which carries a
amphibious excavators and draglines having caterpillar-type caterpillar track driven by sprockets mounted on an axles, the
treads or tracks. The system has an adjustable sprocket and axles being positioned at or towards the ends of each pontoon
chain connected between a final drive of an engine and a track on its upper Surface, comprise a single hydraulic pump, at
axle that moves endless belts carrying the tracks or treads to 50 least one hydraulic motor powered by the pump for driving
propel the machinery. The improved drive system described each axle, the motors on each pontoon being arranged Such
in this document has a sprocket attached to the final drive of that they run synchronously as to both direction and rate but
the motor; a sprocket removably affixed to a track drive axle not necessarily in the same direction or at the same rate as the
near or at an end thereof, and an endless chain connecting the motors on the other pontoon.
motor drive sprocket and the track drive sprocket. The 55 The invention also includes amphibious equipment incor
sprocket and chain drive system can be adjusted to change porating the drive system. Preferably the drive system of the
torque and speed by removing and replacing the track drive invention incorporates a controller that automatically con
sprocket with greater diameter sprocket for more track force trols valves in the lines connecting the motors to the hydraulic
and lower speed or with a lesser diameter sprocket for less pump to ensure that each pair of motors is accurately con
track force and higher speed. 60 trolled as to its direction and rate.
The result is an amphibious excavator with an improved
tracking system, which uses multiple drive sprockets to Suite BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the terrain condition. The improved tracking system allows
the possibilities of sacrificing speed for torque and vice versa. The invention will now be described in greater detail, by
Whilst allowing for different torque settings, the problems of 65 way of example, with reference to the drawings, in which:
motor and track deterioration and of inefficient torque to FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an amphibious excavator of
traction conversion are not addressed. the present invention;
US 8,894,452 B2
3 4
FIG. 2 is a schematic top view of the chassis of the exca ports when the drive is to move the machine in one direction
vator shown in FIG. 1; and ports (9) are used as input ports when the drive is to move
FIG. 3 is a diagram of the hydraulic fluid distribution the machine in the other direction. The pairs of ports (8a, 8b)
system of the excavator shown in FIG. 1; and (9a, 9b), as shown in FIG. 3, are each connected to the
FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a single pontoon of the 5 output from controller (12) by individual lines (6). Port (11) is
excavator shown in FIG. 1 showing the relative positions of used to control the speed of the motors and to ensure that they
the hydraulic motors and the pontoon; operate at the same speed.
FIG.5 is an enlarged view of one of the hydraulic motors of The invention claimed is:
FIG. 4; and
FIG. 6 is an enlarged view of the other hydraulic motor of 10 a1. working
Drive means for amphibious equipment, comprising:
unit Supported on a pair of elongate, parallel,
FIG. 4.
buoyant pontoons each of which carries a caterpillar
DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED track driven by sprockets mounted on axles;
EMBODIMENTS the axles being positioned at or towards the ends of each
pontoon on its upper Surface;
Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, an amphibious excavator com a single hydraulic pump;
prises a chassis (1), a pair of parallel pontoon members (2) at least one hydraulic motor powered by the pump for
coupled to said chassis (1), an axle (5) mounted at opposing driving each axle;
ends of each pontoon member (2) on the top Surface thereof, the motors being arranged on each pontoon Such that one of
a sprocket (5a) mounted at each end of axle (5), a caterpillar 20 the motors is mounted upside down so that they run
track (3) around the outer periphery of each pontoon member synchronously as to both direction and rate but not nec
(2) and engaging with sprockets (5a), whereby the caterpillar essarily in the same direction or at the same rate as the
track (3) moves around pontoon (2) on rotation of axles (5), motors on the other pontoon; and
and a hydraulic motor (4) for driving each axle (5) and con a controller that controls valves in lines connecting the
nected by fluid connections (6) to a hydraulic pump (7). 25 motors to the hydraulic pump to ensure that each pair of
motors is controlled as to its direction and rate.
FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of the hydraulic distribution 2. Amphibious equipment, comprising:
system comprising hydraulic pump (7) which powers the two a working unit Supported on a pair of elongate, parallel,
hydraulic motors (4) on each side. The fluid connection (6) buoyant pontoons each of which carries a caterpillar
comprises a plurality of hydraulic lines to complete the
hydraulic cycle from pump (7), through motors (4) and back 30 track driven by sprockets mounted on axles;
to pump (7). the axles being positioned at or towards the ends of each
One of the motors (4b) is mounted upside down to achieve pontoon on its upper surface, wherein each axle is driven
synchronization of rotation direction of the two motors (4a. by at least one hydraulic motor, all the motors being
4b) and the hydraulic lines cross each other to connect them to powered by a single hydraulic pump;
the relevant ports (8 & 9). Hydraulic lines connect the ports 35 the motors being arranged on each pontoon Such that one of
that drive the motors for forward movement while another the motors is mounted upside down so that they run
hydraulic line connects the ports that drive the motors for synchronously as to both direction and rate but not nec
reverse movement. FIG.3 also shows the flow of the hydrau essarily in the same direction or at the same rate as the
lic pressure from pump (7) to the hydraulic motors (4). The motors on the other pontoon; and
pressure is routed through the control valve (12) depending 40 a controller that controls valves in lines connecting the
on the direction of movement desired. As can be seen, all of motors to the hydraulic pump to ensure that each pair of
motors is controlled as to its direction and rate.
the axles (5) are powered and there is no idle axle.
FIG. 4 shows the structure of one of the pontoon members the3.working Amphibious equipment according to claim 2, wherein
unit is an excavator.
(2) in greater detail comprising a continuous track (2). The
axles (5) carrying the sprockets that engage the continuous 45 4. Amphibious equipment according to claim 2, wherein
tracks (3) are driven by two hydraulic motors (4a and 4b). the working unit is a crane.
FIGS. 5 and 6 are enlarged views of the two motors (4a, the5.working Amphibious equipment according to claim 2, wherein
unit is a bulldozer.
4b), respectively, on each pontoon. One motor is mounted
upside down compared to the other. Ports (8) are used as input k k k k k