(54) AIRCRAFT ENGINEATTACHMENT PYLON 7,451,947 B2 * 1 1/2008 Machado et al. ............... 244.54
7.963,479 A1*
B2 * 6/2011 Cazals
............................ 244.54
Marche ........................... 244.54
ATTACHMENTS WITH ORTHOGONAL 2005/0178888 A1* 8, 2005 Machado et al. ............... 244.54
SHEARNG PNS 2008/0067.286 A1 3/2008 Cousin et al. ................... 244.54
2008, 0217467 A1* 9, 2008 Lafont ............................ 244.54
2008/0223983 A1* 9, 2008 Lafont et al. .................... 244.54
(75) Inventors: E. to the Gue Re 2008/0315033 A1* 12/2008 Diochon et al. ................ 244.54
rederic Journaae, lou ouse (FR); Eric 2009/0212155 A1* 8/2009 Huggins et al. ................. 244.54
Renaud, Brignemont (FR) 2010.0193627 A1* 8, 2010 Lafont ............................ 244.54
(21) Appl. No.: 13/239,464 French Preliminary Search Report issued on Jun. 17, 2011 in the
corresponding France Application No. 1057962.
(22) Filed: Sep. 22, 2011 U.S. Appl. No. 13/384,650, filed Jan. 18, 2012, Lafont.
(65) Prior Publication Data * cited by examiner
US 2012/OO80554 A1 Apr. 5, 2012 Primary Examiner — Tien Dinh
Assistant Examiner — Justin Benedik
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Oblon, Spivak,
McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, L.L.P.
Oct. 1, 2010 (FR) ...................................... 1057962
(51) Int. Cl. An aircraft assembly comprising a wing and an engine attach
B64D 27/00 (2006.01) ment pylon fixed to the wing by an attachment comprising a
(52) U.S. Cl. first and a second front wing system cleat connecting a rigid
USPC ............................................................ 244/54
structure of the attachment pylon and a front longeron of the
(58) Field of Classification Search wing. The first front wing system cleat comprises a first
USPC ............................................................ 244/54
See application file for complete search history. shearing pin oriented in the transversal direction to ensure
take-up of forces exerted in the longitudinal and vertical
(56) References Cited directions of the pylon, and the second front wing system
cleat comprises a second shearing pin oriented in the longi
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS tudinal direction to ensure take-up of forces exerted in the
transversal and vertical directions of the pylon.
4,560,122 A * 12/1985 Parkinson et al. .............. 244.54
5,806,792 A * 9/1998 Brossier et al. ................. 244.54 9 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 2014 Sheet 1 of 9 US 8,794,568 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 2014 Sheet 2 of 9 US 8,794,568 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 2014 Sheet 3 of 9 US 8,794,568 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 2014 Sheet 4 of 9 US 8,794,568 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 2014 Sheet 5 Of 9 US 8,794,568 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 2014 Sheet 6 Of9
U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 2014 Sheet 7 Of 9 US 8,794,568 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 2014 Sheet 8 of 9 US 8,794,568 B2
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U.S. Patent Aug. 5, 2014 Sheet 9 of 9 US 8,794,568 B2
US 8,794,568 B2
1. 2
AIRCRAFT ENGINEATTACHMENT PYLON Smaller dimensions, containing the core of said turbojet
COMPRISING TWO FRONT WING SYSTEM engine. The cases 18 and 22 are of course secured to each
SHEARNG PNS As shown in FIG. 1, two engine attachments 10, 12 of the
device 4 are provided, and are respectively called forward
TECHNICAL FIELD engine attachment and aft engine attachment. The forward
engine attachment 10 is inserted between a forward end of the
The present invention relates to an aircraft engine attach rigid structure 8, and an upper part of the fan case 18. The aft
ment pylon intended to be inserted between an aircraft wing engine attachment 12 is inserted between the rigid structure 8
system and the concerned engine, and more particularly an 10 and the central case 22, or the gas exhaust case situated further
assembly comprising this same pylon mounted on a wing of The rigid structure 8 makes it possible to convey forces
the aircraft.
This type of attachment pylon, or EMS (Engine Mounting between the turbojet engine and the wing system. It assumes
the form of a box extending from back to front, substantially
Structure), makes it possible to Suspend an engine below the 15 in direction X. This metal box is then traditionally formed by
wing system of the aircraft, or to mount said turboshaft engine assembling upper and lower longerons and side panels con
above that same wing system. nected to each other via transverse inner stiffening ribs (not
The invention can be used on any type of aircraft preferably visible in FIG. 1), which each assume the form of a rectangle
equipped with turbojet engines or turboprops. oriented in plane YZ.
Still in reference to FIG. 1, the secondary structures of the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION pylon 4 include a forward aerodynamic structure 24, an aft
aerodynamic structure 26, a connecting fairing 28 of the
Such an attachment pylon is in fact provided to form the forward and aft aerodynamic structures, and a lower aft aero
connecting interface between an engine and a wing of the dynamic fairing 30, also called “shield” or “APF (Aft Pylon
aircraft. It makes it possible to transmit, to the structure of 25 Fairing).
said aircraft, the forces generated by its associated engine, More precisely, the forward aerodynamic structure 24 is
and also allows the conveyance of the fuel, the electrical, placed in the lowerforward extension of the wing 2 and above
hydraulic and air systems between the engine and the aircraft. the primary structure 8. It is fixedly mounted on the rigid
FIG. 1 shows an engine assembly for an aircraft, as known structure 8, and has an aerodynamic profile function between
from document WO 2009/037267. This engine assembly 1 is 30 an upper part of the fan cowls hinged thereon, and the leading
intended to be fastened under a wing 2 of said aircraft. It edge of the wing system. This forward aerodynamic structure
includes an attachment pylon or device 4, as well as an engine 24 then has not only anaerodynamic fairingfunction, but also
6 Such as a turbojet engine attached under said device 4. makes it possible to place, segregate and convey different
Overall, the attachment device 4 includes a rigid structure systems (air, electric, hydraulic, fuel). Furthermore, the for
8, also called primary structure, Supporting attachment means 35 ward part of this structure 24 not being in contact with the
for the engine 6, these attachment means having a plurality of rigid structure 8, a heat exchanger is usually inserted in the
engine attachments 10, 12, as well as a device for taking up space defined between these two elements.
thrust forces 14 generated by the engine 6. Directly in the rear extension of said structure 24, still
For information, it should be noted that the assembly 1 is under the wing system and mounted above the rigid structure
intended to be surrounded by a nacelle (not shown), and that 40 8, is a connecting fairing 28, also called “karman.” Then, still
the attachment pylon 4 includes another series of fasteners toward the rear, the connecting fairing 28 is extended by the
(not shown) fastened on the rigid structure 8 and making it aft aerodynamic structure 26, which contains part of the
possible to suspend said assembly 1 under the wing 2 of the equipment of the pylon. This structure 26 is preferably situ
aircraft. ated completely behind relative to the rigid structure 8, and is
In the rest of the description that follows, by convention, X 45 therefore attached under the wing of the aircraft.
refers to the longitudinal direction of the pylon 4, which can Lastly, under the rigid structure 8 and the aft aerodynamic
also be likened to the longitudinal direction of the turbojet structure 26 is the lower aft aerodynamic fairing 30, also
engine, said direction X being parallel to a longitudinal axis 5 called "shield' or Aft Pylon Fairing.” Its essential functions
of said turbojet engine 6. On the other hand, Y refers to the are the formation of a thermal barrier, also called firewall,
direction oriented transversely relative to the pylon 4 and also 50 serving to protect the pylon and the wing system from the heat
comparable to the transverse direction of the turbojet engine given off by the primary flow, and the formation of an aero
6, and Z the vertical direction of the height, these three direc dynamic continuity between the output of the engine and the
tions X, Y and Z being orthogonal relative to each other. attachment pylon. In a known manner, the aforementioned
The terms “front” and “back' should be considered relative fairing 30 includes aheat protection floor 32 provided with an
to a direction of travel of the aircraft encountered after the 55 outer surface intended to be hugged by a primary flow of the
thrust exerted by the turbojet engine 6, said direction being engine that it partially delimits, radially outwardly, this pri
shown diagrammatically by arrow 7. mary flow escaping the hose 33 of the engine being diagram
FIG. 1, showing the prior art, shows the two engine attach matically shown by arrow 36. Moreover, the fairing 30 also
ments 10, 12, the take-up device for thrust forces 14, the rigid includes two side panels 44, which are provided to be out
structure 8 of the attachment device 4, as well as a plurality of 60 wardly hugged by a secondary flow from the engine diagram
secondary structures fastened on the rigid structure 8. These matically shown by arrow 38, due to their installation in the
secondary structures ensuring the segregation and mainte annular secondary flow channel 40 of the engine, and/or as
nance of the systems while Supporting aerodynamic fairing output therefrom.
elements will be described below. It should be noted that in the described preferred embodi
It is indicated that the turbojet engine 6 has, at the front, a 65 ment where the engine 6 is intended to be suspended under the
fan case 18 with large dimensions delimiting an annular fan wing system of the aircraft, the heat protection floor 32 for
channel 20, and has, toward the back, a central case 22 with protecting the pylon and the wing system from the primary
US 8,794,568 B2
3 4
flow 36 forms a lower portion of the fairing 30. Naturally, this necessary, since the longitudinal forces are taken up by one of
floor constitutes an upper portion of the fairing in the alter the two front wing system cleats, using a shearing pin trans
native case where the engine is intended to be installed above versely oriented.
the wing system. Thus, eliminating this intermediate cleat advantageously
Lastly, as shown in FIG. 1, it is provided that the forward creates a decrease in the mass and bulk relative to the attach
end of the floor 32 hugs the upper aft end of the hose 33, or it ment means, and consequently a non-negligible decrease in
is brought much closer to said same aft end of the hose 33. the overall mass and the cost of the attachment pylon.
As mentioned above, the pylon is equipped with a plurality Moreover, the decreased bulk makes it possible to come
of wing system attachments constituting attachment means closer to the rigid structure of the attachment pylon of the
for attaching the rigid structure on the wing. One embodiment 10
lower part of the wing.
of these attachment means is disclosed in document FR 2887
As a result, for a given spacing between an aircraft engine
522. They generally include two forward attachments each and its associated wing, the space allocated to arranging the
taking up forces in direction Z, an intermediate attachment rigid structure of the attachment pylon is Substantially greater
called a spigot attachment, taking up forces in directions X than that found in the assemblies of the prior art, in which part
and Y, and an aft attachment taking up forces in directions Z 15
of the free space between the engine and the wing was spe
and Y.
Although the solution described above enables a satisfac cifically dedicated to the installation of the spigot intermedi
tory transmission of the static and dynamic forces created by ate cleat.
the engine under all flight conditions, it nevertheless has The assembly according to the invention consequently
non-negligible drawbacks. allows an increase in the dimensions of the rigid structure of
In fact, on the turboshaft engines of recent aircrafts, the the attachment pylons, thereby making it possible to make
high dilution level sought leads to obtaining an extremely them better adapted to the significant forces they must take
high bulk, since increasing the dilution level inevitably leads up.
to an increase in the diameter of the engine, and more par Preferably, said second front wing system cleat comprises
ticularly an increase in the diameter of its fan case. 25 a pylon fitting secured to the rigid structure, a housing fitting
Thus, with a ground clearance that is naturally set so as to for the pin secured to the front wing longeron and arranged
remain acceptable from a safety perspective, the space between said front longeron and said pylon fitting, as well as
remaining between the wing and the turboshaft engine serv a fitting for keeping the pin attached on the front wing long
ing to house the rigid structure of the attachment pylon as well eron and arranged so that said pylon fitting is situated between
as its different attachments is more and more limited, while 30 said housing fitting of the pin and said maintenance fitting of
paradoxically, the forces to be taken up are of course increas the pin, these three fittings being passed through by said
ingly high. second shearing pin. Advantageously, the presence of the
This evolution of turboshaft engines has had the harmful maintenance fitting prevents the pin from working in cantile
consequence of imposing a reduction of the vertical dimen Ve.
sions of the rigid structure of the attachment pylon, in par 35 Preferably, said pin maintenance fitting is oriented Sub
ticular so as to be able to keep Sufficient space to place the stantially in the transverse direction parallel to the pylon
component elements of the intermediate attachment, the large fitting, and it is fixed to the front wing longeron directly at one
dimensions of which are imposed by the need to take up thrust of its ends, and indirectly at the other of its ends, via a
forces from the turboshaft engine, i.e. those oriented in the connecting fitting. The latter is preferably oriented Substan
longitudinal direction of said turboshaft engine. 40 tially in the longitudinal direction.
Furthermore, providing four distinct wing system attach Preferably, the rigid structure comprises a box, as well as
ments inevitably leads to a high overall mass for the attach transverse stiffening ribs of the box fixed on said box and
ment pylon. spaced apart from each other along the latter while being
outwardly arranged relative to said box that they surround,
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 45 and said pylon fitting is made in a single piece with one of said
transverse ribs. Of course, this fitting could alternatively be
The invention therefore aims to at least partially resolve the attached on the stiffening rib, withoutgoing beyond the scope
aforementioned drawbacks, relative to the prior art embodi of the invention.
mentS. Preferably, said second front wing system cleat comprises
To that end, the invention relates to an aircraft assembly 50 an additional housing fitting for the pin secured to the front
comprising a wing and an engine attachment pylon fixed to wing longeron, and arranged so that the latter is situated
the wing by means of attachment means comprising a first and between said housing fitting of the pin and said additional
a second front wing system cleat connecting a rigid structure housing fitting of the pin. The pin therefore Successively
of the attachment pylon and a front longeron of the wing, the passes through the housing fitting of the pin, the front wing
latter being inclined relative to each of the longitudinal and 55 longeron, and the additional housing fitting of the pin. Thus,
transverse directions of the pylon. if the housing fitting fails, the forces traveling through the pin
According to the invention, said first wing system cleat can be transmitted to the front wing longeron via the addi
comprises a first shearingpin oriented in the transversal direc tional housing fitting for the pin, which therefore performs a
tion to ensure take-up of forces exerted in the longitudinal and so-called “failsafe' safety function here.
Vertical directions of the pylon, and the second front wing 60 Preferably, said attachment means also comprise a rear
system cleat comprises a second shearing pin oriented in the wing system cleat ensuring taking-up of the forces exerted in
longitudinal direction to ensure take-up of forces exerted in the transverse and vertical directions of the pylon, and said
the transversal and vertical directions of the pylon. attachment means are exclusively formed by the two front
Advantageously, the design of the attachment means wing system cleats and the rear wing system cleat. This makes
according to the invention is simplified relative to that found 65 it possible to impart an isostatic nature to the attachment
in the prior art embodiments, primarily due to the fact that means, since each of the three cleats takes up forces in two
intermediate cleats of the Spigot cleat type are no longer different directions.
US 8,794,568 B2
5 6
The invention also relates to an aircraft comprising at least For information, it should be noted that the assembly 1 is
one assembly as described above, as well as an engine intended to be surrounded by a nacelle (not shown), and that
mounted on the pylon of said assembly, said engine prefer the attachment pylon 4 has another series of attachments 109,
ably being of the turbojet engine or turboprop type. 109'attached on the rigid structure 108 and making it possible
Other advantages and features of the invention will appear to ensure the Suspension of said assembly 1 under the wing/
in the detailed non-limiting description below. wing system 2 of the aircraft. Each of the wing system cleats
109,109 is also shown only partially in FIG.2. Nevertheless,
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS the front wing system cleats 109, 109, specific to the present
invention, will be described in more detail later, in reference
This description will be done in light of the appended 10 to FIGS. 5a to 5c.
drawings, among which: Two engine attachments 10, 12 of the pylon 4 are provided,
FIG. 1, already described, shows a diagrammatic side view and respectively called forward engine attachment and aft
of an aircraft engine assembly, comprising a traditional engine attachment. The forward engine attachment 10 is
attachment pylon of the prior art; inserted between a front end of the rigid structure 108 and an
FIG. 2 shows an exploded perspective view of an aircraft 15 upper part of the fan case 18, whereas the aft engine attach
engine assembly, comprising an attachment pylon intended to ment 12 is inserted between the rigid structure 8 and the
be an integral part of an assembly according to one preferred central case 22, or the exhaust case situated further back.
embodiment of the present invention; Furthermore, the take-up device for thrust forces 14, tradi
FIG.2a shows a transverse cross-sectional view of the rigid tionally comprising two connecting rods that are symmetrical
structure of the attachment pylon equipping the assembly relative to a median vertical and longitudinal plane of the
shown in FIG. 2, the cross-section passing through one of the pylon, is inserted between a radially inner part of the fan case,
transverse stiffening ribs; also called intermediate case, and the rear cleat 12 on which
FIGS. 2b and 2c show views similar to that of FIG. 2a, in these connecting rods are hinged, via a rudderbaras is known
which the rigid structure assumes the form of two alternative by those skilled in the art.
embodiments, respectively; 25 In this preferred embodiment of the present invention, the
FIG.3 shows a front view of a front part of the rigid pylon rigid structure 108 first comprises a box 150 extending glo
structure, in which the forward engine attachment is designed bally in the direction X. The box is formed from a single
according to an alternative embodiment; hollow segment made in a single piece of composite material,
FIG. 4 shows part of the rigid pylon structure, in which the of the resin and carbon fiber and/or glass mixture type, for
aft engine attachment is designed according to an alternative 30 example CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic).
embodiment; The production of this type of box can be easy and varied.
FIG. 5a shows an enlarged top view of part of the rigid It for example consists of arranging plies of composite mate
pylon structure and of the wing, showing the forward wing rial on a male mold, then placing the set ofplies inside a light
system cleats; female mold, which will guarantee a precise shape for the
FIG.5b shows a cross-sectional view along line Vb-Vb of 35 outer surface of the box. The latter is obtained by applying
FIG.5a. fluidic pressure inside the box, which fulfills the role of com
FIG.Sc shows a side view of that shown in FIG.5a. pacting force against the inner Surface of the box placed in a
FIG. 6 shows an enlarged top view of the take-up device for suitable furnace.
thrust forces of the engine assembly shown in the preceding Naturally, the stacking of plies can include stiffeners, local
figures, according to an alternative embodiment; 40 ized at predetermined locations of the box, whereof the inner
FIG. 7 shows a cross-sectional view along line VII-VII of Surface does not require any particular finishing. Thermoplas
FIG. 6; and tic stiffeners can also be joined on the box after the formation
FIG.8 shows a view similar to that of FIG. 6, in which the thereof, on its outer surface and/or its inner surface. Never
take-up device for thrust forces has been shown in a configu theless, it is preferably provided that the inside of the box 150
ration as adopted after the accidental break of one of its two 45 remains empty. It is in particular free of transverse stiffening
lateral connecting rods. ribs which, here, are provided outside the box, as will be
detailed later.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED The box 150 has a substantially square orrectangular trans
EMBODIMENTS verse section, with corners that may be slightly rounded,
50 which facilitates its production in a composite material. Fur
FIG.2 shows an exploded view of an aircraft engine assem thermore, as will be mentioned later, transverse stiffening ribs
bly intended to be fastened under a wing 2 of said aircraft, this surround and hug the outer surface of the box. As a result, ribs
assembly 1 including an attachment device 4 intended to be incorporating a Substantially square/rectangular frame that
an integral part of an aircraft assembly according to one hugs the box can then have reinforced Zones at the corners
preferred embodiment of the present invention. 55 thereof, since they can incorporate material to fill in the outer
In this assembly 1, which also includes an engine 6 Such as spaces left empty by the rounded corners of the box. The
a turbojet engine attached under the device 4. certain ele stiffness of the ribs is thereby strengthened.
ments are identical or similar to those of the prior art assembly As shown in FIG. 2, the box 150 has a section of maximum
shown in FIG. 1. In this respect, in the figures, elements size at the two forward wing system cleats 109, 109 it sup
bearing the same numbers correspond to identical or similar 60 ports. From this maximum-size region, the box extends lon
elements. gitudinally both over a small distance rearward, and over a
The attachment pylon 4 includes a rigid structure 108, also larger distance forward, with a section having a decreasing
called primary structure, bearing attachment means for the size, and of course in a single piece, although two longitudinal
engine 6, these attachment means having a plurality of engine sections could be considered withoutgoing beyond the scope
attachments 10, 12 (each shown in part only in FIG.2), as well 65 of the invention.
as a take-up device for thrust forces 14 generated by the As mentioned above, the rigid structure 108 is completed
engine 6. by a plurality of transverse stiffening ribs 152 of the box,
US 8,794,568 B2
7 8
outwardly fastened on the box 150 that they surround by engine. With this arrangement, the fairing 30 used in the prior
fitting the outer surface thereof. Moreover, they are spaced art, called APF, is advantageously no longer required.
apart from each other in direction X. The ribs 152 also have, at the lower side of their frame,
Each of these ribs 152, oriented in a plane YZ, preferably support means 166 for a ventilated system 170 for thermal
has a square/rectangular frame whereof all four corners protection of the box. These means 166 can assume different
respectively hug the upper and lower posts as well as the two forms, for example a fastening plate, on which the ventilated
lateral flanks of the box. In this way, each of them surrounds system 170 is mounted globally assuming the form of a pipe
the single box segment, on which they are fastened by weld extending longitudinally from one end to the other of the box,
ing, bolting, or by any other traditional technique available to under the lower post thereof. This pipe can also pass through
those skilled in the art. Before being fastened on the box, each 10 the lower rib extension 158 of one or more aft ribs 152, as
rib 152 is inserted from an end of the box with a smaller shown in FIG. 2.
section, then moved relative thereto until its frame bears on By being passed through by a cool fluid circulating in the
the outer surface of the box, at its permanent location. At this downstream direction, this pipe, known in itself, therefore
stage, before or after fastening of the rib on the box, the latter performs a heat protection function for the box relative to the
can be thermoplastically readjusted to enable correct assem 15 heat given off by the engine.
bly on the rib, while being hot reshaped directly on the outer Lastly, the ribs 152 have support means for an aerodynamic
transverse rib. skin of the pylon, referenced 172 in FIG. 2. These support
Although they are an integral part of the primary structure means correspond to the edges of the ribs, which offer a
108, the ribs 152, preferably metal, are cleverly used to sup support surface for the skin 172. In the illustrated preferred
port one or more other pieces of equipment of the pylon, or of embodiment, the skin 172, possibly obtained by assembling
the nacelle intended to surround the engine. They therefore panels, is provided to make up the aerodynamic Surface of all
have Support means for Supporting said equipment, prefer of the aerodynamic fairings found in the prior art shown in
ably made in a single piece with the ribs. FIG. 1, i.e. the forward aerodynamic structure 24, the aft
One can thus see that two of the forward ribs 152 have, at aerodynamic structure 26, the connecting fairing 28 and the
the lateral sides of their frame, support means 154 for the 25 lower aft aerodynamic fairing 30. The skin 172 is therefore
articulated nacelle cowls (not shown), these means 154 provided to cover, remotely, all of the upper post and the
assuming the form of fittings pierced in directionX so as to be lateral flanks of the box 150.
able to house the appropriate hinges. Thus, the forward ribs have an upper extension 178 with an
One of the forward ribs 152 has, at the lower side of its outwardly curved shape, called arched, to match the identical
frame, support means 156 for the aft engine attachment 12. 30 shape of the upper parts of the forward aerodynamic structure
These means 156 assume the form of a support plate oriented 24 and the forward portion of the connecting fairing 28. The
downward, on which a fitting 157 is bolted forming an inte aft ribs have an upper extension 180 with an inwardly curved
gral part of the aft engine attachment 12. In a manner known shape, called hollowed, to match the identical shape of the
by those skilled in the art, the aft engine attachment is com upper parts of the aft aerodynamic structure 26 and the aft
pleted by another fitting (not shown) secured to the central 35 portion of the connecting fairing 28. As shown in FIG. 2, the
case 22 of the engine or made in a single piece therewith, upper extension 178 of the forward ribs 152 is concave to
connected to the fitting 157 via connecting rods and/or clev receive the skin portion 172 with a complementary shape,
ises articulated on each of the two fittings. while the upper extension 180 of the aft ribs 152 is convex to
Similarly, the rib 152 furthest forward has, at the lower side receive the skin portion 172 with a complementary shape, or
of its frame, support means 159 for the forward engine attach 40 to directly receive the lower surface of the wing 2 with a
ment 10. These means 159 assume the form of a support plate complementary shape.
oriented downward, on which a fitting 161 is bolted forming Furthermore, the upper extension 178 of the forward ribs,
an integral part of the forward engine attachment 10. In a in an arched shape, can be passed throughby a pylon pipe, for
manner known by those skilled in the art, the forward engine example aheat exchanger pipe 182, traveling along the upper
attachment is completed by another fitting (not shown) 45 post of the box 150.
secured to the fan case 18 of the engine or made in a single FIG. 2a shows the box 150 made in a single piece of a
piece therewith, connected to the fitting 159 via connecting composite material, with a Substantially rectangular trans
rods and/or clevises articulated on each of the two fittings. verse section, with rounded corners. Each rib 152 hugs, with
Furthermore, the box 150 supports, at its back end, a rib its frame, the outer surface of this box, over the entire perim
152 equipped with support means (not referenced) for a rear 50 eter thereof. In other words, the frame of the rib inwardly
wing system cleat 109'. These means assume the form of a defines a contact Surface following a closed line, on which the
Support plate oriented upward, corresponding to the upper box is in contact, and on which it can be hot reshaped after its
side of the frame of the rib 152. Bolted on this support plate is manufacture, owing to its thermoplastic properties.
a fitting that is an integral part of the wing system cleat, As shown in FIG.2a, all four corners of the frame of the rib
although an alternative consisting of producing the rib and 55 have a reinforced mechanical strength, due to the presence of
this fitting as a single piece is within the Scope of the inven material filling in the spaces left free by the rounded corners
tion. In a manner known by those skilled in the art, the rear of the box, hugged by these frame corners. Advantageously,
wing system cleat 109" is completed by another fitting (not the mechanical strength of the entire rib is increased.
shown) secured to the wing or made in a single piece there FIG.2b shows a first alternative embodiment for manufac
with, connected to the first fitting by connecting rods and/or 60 turing the box 150, which is no longer made in a single piece,
clevises hinged on each of the two fittings. but obtained by assembling a lower longeron 150b made from
Furthermore, several aft ribs 152 have, at the lower side of a titanium alloy, and a U-shaped upper portion 150a made in
their frame, support means 158 for a heat protection floor 32. a single piece with a composite material. Here, the U-shaped
These means assume the form of a downward rib extension, structure therefore forms the upper post of the box, as well as
which ends with a convex surface 160 for receiving the floor 65 its lateral flanks. The lower longeron 150b forming the lower
32 with a complementary shape, the outer surface 164 of post of the box makes it possible, owing to the titanium alloy,
which is intended to be hugged by a primary flow 36 of the to better withstand the heat given off by the engine opposite
US 8,794,568 B2
which it is located. The assembly of the U-shaped upper longitudinal median plane P of the pylon. They are preferably
structure 150a on the lower longeron 150b can be done tra passed through by a same fictitious transverse plane of the
ditionally, for example by bolting. pylon.
FIG.2c shows a second alternative embodiment, resulting The first forward attachment 109, shown at the bottom of
from the first since it consists of making the U-shaped upper 5 FIG.5a, has a first shearing pin 202 oriented in direction Y. It
structure using two lateral panels 150a' and an upper longeron also integrates a pylon fitting 204 attached on a lateral blank
150a" fastened together, and each made from a composite of the box 150, between two ribs 152, and protrudes upward
material. from the upper post of the box. The protruding part, oriented
FIG.3 shows a forward part of the rigid pylon structure, on 10 in a plane XZ. defines an orifice passed through by the pin
which the forward engine attachment 10 is designed accord fittingAs204
202. shown in FIGS. 5a to 5c, for safety reasons, the pylon
can be doubled by an additional pylon fitting 204',
ing to one alternative embodiment. In fact, it is provided here
that the rib 152 furthest forward of the rigid structure is made which therefore performs a failsafe function. The fitting 204
in a single piece with the fitting 161 forming part of the engine isdirection
for example fastened Superimposed on the fitting 204, in
Y. It is also passed through by the pin 202. One
attachment 10. This fitting 161 extends laterally on either side 15 and/or the other of these fittings 204, 204' are preferably also
of the rib frame 152, and also downward from the lower side fastened on the lateral sides of the frames of the two ribs
of said frame. It supports a plurality of connecting rods/ between which they are located, as is better visible in FIG.5c.
clevises 185 that are mounted at one of their ends, preferably Moreover, this forward wing system cleat comprises a
hingedly, on said fitting 161, and which are mounted at their wing fitting 206, substantially oriented in a plane XZ, and
other end, preferably also hingedly, on another fitting 184 20 fixedly attached on the forward longeron 201. It therefore
secured to an upper part of the fan case 18, or made in a single protrudes forward relative to the latter, up to a forward end in
piece therewith. Here, two connecting rods/clevises 185 are the form of a yoke housing the rear end of the pylon fitting
provided, respectively mounted at the lateral ends of the 204, and also being passed through by the pin 202. Here also,
attachment 10. Furthermore, the central part of the fitting 161 for safety reasons, the wing fitting 206 can be doubled by an
is also hingedly mounted on a central part of the fitting 184. 25 additional wing fitting 206", which therefore performs a fail
This mounting is preferably of the “pending type, i.e. the safe function. The fitting 206" is for example attached super
forces do not travel through in a normal configuration, but imposed on the fitting 206, in direction Y. Its front end, in the
only in the backup configuration when one of the two lateral shape of a yoke, which houses the rear end of the fitting 204',
parts of the attachment 10 is damaged. This central part there is also passed through by the pin 202.
fore performs a so-called safety function, also called failsafe. 30 The second forward attachment 109, shown at the top of
The hinge pins here are oriented in direction X. FIG. 5a, has a second shearing pin 208 oriented in direction
Similarly, FIG. 4 shows a part of the rigid structure on X. It also integrates a pylon fitting 210 secured to the rigid
which the aft engine attachment 12 is designed according to structure, which is preferably made in a single piece with one
an alternative embodiment. In fact, it is provided here that one of the stiffening ribs 152. In fact, this fitting 210, pierced with
of the ribs 152 is made in a single piece with the fitting 157 35 an orifice passed through by the pin 208, extends from the
forming part of the engine attachment 12. This fitting 157 upper side of the frame of the rib 152, in a plane YZ. It also
extends essentially downward from the lower side of the rib Supports a ball joint 212 establishing the mechanical connec
frame 152. It supports a plurality of connecting rods/clevises tion with the shearing pin 208.
187that are mounted at one of their ends, preferably hingedly, The attachment 109 also includes a housing fitting for the
on said fitting 157, and which are mounted at their other end, 40 pin 214 secured to the forward longeron 201. It is fastened on
preferably also hingedly, on another fitting (not shown) the forward longeron 201 by bolting, at the front thereof. It
secured to an upper part of the central case 22, or made in a therefore has a rear Support Surface on the longeron 201,
single piece therewith. Here, two connecting rods/clevises which is inclined in a same direction as the latter, i.e. in both
187 are provided, respectively mounted at the lateral ends of directions X and Y. Furthermore, it has a front surface fitting
the attachment 12. Moreover, the central part of the fitting 157 45 into a plane YZ facing the pylon fitting 210. It is passed
is also hingedly mounted on a central part of the fitting fas through by a pin housing orifice, making it possible to embed
tened on the case 22. This mounting is preferably of the said pin in the fitting 214.
“pending type, i.e. the forces do not travel through in a Thus, this pin housing fitting 214 is arranged between the
normal configuration, but only in the backup configuration forward longeron 201 and the pylon fitting 210, in direction
when one of the two lateral parts of the attachment 10 is 50 X. For safety reasons, an additional housing fitting for the pin
damaged. This central part therefore performs a so-called 214 is also provided, visible in FIG.5a. It is secured to the
safety function, also called failsafe. The hinge pins here are forward longeron 201, bolted thereon so that said longeron is
oriented in direction X. situated between the two fittings 214, 214". Moreover, it has a
FIGS.5a to 5c show an assembly 200 comprising the pylon pin housing orifice situated in the continuation of the orifice
4 and the wing 2, in which assembly the two forward wing 55 formed in the longeron 201, which in turn is located in the
system cleats 109,109 are made according to a specificity of continuation of the orifice of the fitting 214. The pin 208
the present invention. therefore Successively passes through the housing fitting of
Here, the attachment means for attaching the rigid structure the pin 214, the forward longeron 201, and the additional
108 on the wing 2 are formed by the two forward wing system housing fitting of the pin 214". As a result, in the event the
cleats 109, 109 and by the aft wing system cleat 109'. The 60 fitting 214 fails, the forces passing through the pin 208 can be
latter, which is connected on a part of the wing arranged transmitted to the forward wing spar via the additional hous
behind relative to the forward wing spar 201, assumes a ing fitting of the pin 214", which performs a safety function,
conventional form already partially described above, of the called failsafe. It must therefore be considered that the pin
type formed by assembling fittings and clevises/connecting 208 is engaged in each of the fittings 214, 214".
rods. It will therefore not be described further. 65 To prevent the pin 208 from being cantilevered on the
The two forward attachments 109,109 are not symmetrical fitting 214, a fitting is also provided for keeping the pin 216
here, but still arranged on either side of the vertical and arranged so that the pylon fitting 210 is situated between the
US 8,794,568 B2
11 12
housing fitting of the pin 214 and the maintenance fitting of a direction of the axis system 190. Each of them is made from
the pin 216. The fitting 216 is oriented substantially in a plane a first male ball joint organ 196a, slid around the axis system
YZ, parallel to the pylon fitting 210 that it faces. It is fastened 190, and a second female ball joint organ 196b, integrated at
to the forward longeron 210 directly at one of its ends, pref the aft end of one of the connecting rods 14a. The male and
erably by bolting, and indirectly at the other of its ends, via a female organs here also have complementary shapes so as to
connecting fitting 218. The latter, which is preferably ori form the ball joints 196, this shape corresponding to a sphere
ented substantially in direction X, is provided to offset the symmetrically truncated by two planes parallel to each other
incline of the forward longeron 201 in direction Y. Thus, the and orthogonal to the axis 191.
fittings 216, 218 and the forward longeron 201 form a right For each secondary ball joint, the female ball joint organ
angled triangle in which the fittings 210, 214 fit, and which is 10 196b is either a piece fixedly attached on the aft end of the
passed through by the pin 208 Successively passing through connecting rod 14a, or made in a single piece therewith.
the fitting 216, the fitting 210, the fitting 214, the longeron In the example shown in FIGS. 6 and 7, the three male ball
201 and the fitting 216'. In that respect, it is indicated that the joint organs 192a, 196a therefore each have a through orifice
fitting 216 can also be doubled by an additional pin mainte in direction Y, making it possible to slide around the axis
nance fitting 216', still for safety reasons. This fitting 216' is 15 system 190. Their translational maintenance relative to said
then fastened superimposed on the fitting 216, in direction X. system 190, in the direction of the axis 191, is ensured by the
With these different arrangements, the bottom forward presence of two bushes 198 that are an integral part of the
wing system cleat 109 makes it possible to take up forces system 190, which press these organs 192a, 196a against each
exerted in directions X and Z., while the top ones make it other. The latter also preferably bear directly on each other, as
possible to take up forces exerted in directions Y and Z. shown in FIG. 6.
Moreover, the aft wing system cleat 109" also makes it pos The bushes 198 are maintained for one by the head of the
sible to take up forces exerted in directions Y and Z. As a axis system, and for the other by the nut of said system,
result, these three wing system cleats that make up the attach arranged opposite the head.
ment means enable an isostatic taking up of forces. Moreover, the device 14 has backup means making it pos
FIGS. 6 and 7 show an alternative embodiment for the 25 sible to ensure the transmission of forces in case of failure.
take-up device for thrust forces 14, which no longer com These means comprise two second fittings 199 fixedly
prises a rudder bar as was the case in the embodiment mounted on the rigid structure 108, preferably on the lower
described above. post of the box 150. The two second fittings 199 are located at
The device 14 nevertheless keeps two lateral connecting the lateral ends of the device 14, so that each secondary ball
rods for take-up of thrust forces 14a, arranged symmetrically 30 joint 196 is arranged between one of these second fittings 196,
relative to the vertical and longitudinal median plane P of the and the primary ball joint 192, in the direction of the axis
pylon. These two connecting rods 14a traditionally travel system. Moreover, each second fitting 196 is passed through
forward and upward from the intermediate case of the engine with play by the axis system 190, at the locking bushes 198.
on which their forward end is mounted, preferably hingedly. As seen in FIG. 6, the two fittings 196 extend in planes XZ.
Still in a known manner, the hinge pins of the connecting rods 35 like the first fitting 194 situated between them.
14a on the intermediate case are each Substantially perpen Thus, in the normal flight configuration, the engine forces
dicular to the shared plane in which the two connecting rods passing Successively through the two connecting rods 14a.
fit. the two secondary ball joints 196, the axis system 190, the
The device 14 comprises an axis system 190, oriented in primary ball joint 192, the first fitting 194, and the rigid
direction Y. under the lower post of the box 150. This axis 40 attachment pylon structure 108. The axis system 190 can then
system for example comprises two concentric axes 190a, oscillate slightly along the center of the primary ball joint
190b, as diagrammed in FIG. 6. This doubling of the axis 192, preferably in the plane of the connecting rods, because
makes it possible to obtain a failsafe safety function, in the the permanent balance of the forces passing through the two
event one of the two breaks. connecting rods. Nevertheless, the device 14 is designed so
The axis system 190 supports three ball joints whereof the 45 that the oscillations of the axis system have a low enough
centers are aligned on the longitudinal axis 191 of the system amplitude not to abut against the second fittings 199, by
190, oriented in directionY. These include a primary ball joint which no force passes under normal flight conditions.
192 made from a first male ball joint organ 192a, slid around However, in the event of an accidental failure occurring on
the axis system 190, and a second female ball joint organ 192, the force path between one of the connecting rods 14a and the
integrated into a first fitting 194. The male and female organs 50 axis system 190, such as for example the break of the left
naturally have complementary shapes so as to form the ball connecting rod in FIG. 8, the thrust forces then only pass
joint 192, this shape corresponding to a sphere symmetrically through the other connecting rod, on the right. This leads first
truncated by two planes parallel to each other and orthogonal to only stressing the axis system 190 by the right connecting
to the axis 191. rod, which causes the system 190 to rotate around the center
The female ball joint organ 192b is either a piece fixedly 55 of the primary ball joint 192, until the initial play between the
attached on the fitting 194, or made in a single piece there axis system 190 and the second fitting 199, associated with
with. This same fitting 194 is fixedly mounted on the rigid the active connecting rod, has been completely consumed.
structure 108, for example between two directly consecutive After the quasi-instantaneous obtainment of the stop
rib frames 152. As is visible in FIG.7, the first fitting 194 can between these elements, the engine forces Successively pass
in fact have a base bearing and fastened on the lower side of 60 through the non-failing connecting rod 14a, the axis system
the two rib frames 152, as well as on the part of the lower post 190, the two primary 192 and secondary 196 ball joints, the
of the box 150 situated between the two ribs. The mounting is two fittings 194,199, and the rigid structure 108 of the attach
preferably done by bolting on the box and the two concerned ment pylon. The “failsafe' safety function is therefore fully
ribs, whereof the aft rib is preferably that integrating the ensured.
fitting 157 of the aft engine attachment 12. 65 Of course, various changes can be made by one skilled in
Two secondary ball joints 196 are also provided respec the art to the invention just described, solely as non-limiting
tively arranged on either side of the primary ball joint 192, in examples. For example, it is in particular possible to indicate
US 8,794,568 B2
13 14
whether the engine assembly 1 has been presented in a con direction parallel to the pylon fitting, and said pin mainte
figuration adapted so that it is suspended under the wing nance fitting is fixed to the front wing longeron directly at one
system of the aircraft, this assembly 1 could also assume a of its ends, and indirectly at the other of its ends, via a
different configuration allowing it to be mounted above this connecting fitting.
same wing system. 4. The assembly according to claim 3, wherein the con
The invention claimed is: necting fitting is oriented Substantially in the longitudinal
1. An aircraft assembly comprising: direction.
awing and an engine attachment pylon fixed to the wing by 5. The assembly according to claim 2, wherein said second
an attachment comprising a first and a second front wing front wing system cleat comprises an additional housing fit
system cleat connecting a rigid structure of the attach 10
ting of the pin secured to the front wing longeron, and
ment pylon and a front longeron of the wing, the front arranged so that the additional housing fitting of the pin is
longeron being inclined relative to each of the longitu situated between said housing fitting of the pin and said
dinal and transverse directions of the pylon, additional housing fitting of the pin.
wherein said first wing system cleat comprises a first shear
ing pin oriented in the transversal direction to ensure 15 6. The assembly according to claim 1, wherein the rigid
take-up of forces exerted in the longitudinal and vertical structure comprises a box, as well as transverse stiffening ribs
directions of the pylon, and in that the second front wing of the box fixed on said box and spaced apart from each other
system cleat comprises a second shearingpin oriented in along the box while being outwardly arranged relative to said
the longitudinal direction to ensure take-up of forces box that they surround, and in that said pylon fitting is made
exerted in the transversal and vertical directions of the in a single piece with one of said transverse ribs.
pylon, and the second shearing pin penetrates the front 7. The assembly according to claim 1, wherein said attach
longeron. ment also comprise a rear wing system cleat ensuring taking
2. The assembly according to claim 1, wherein said second up of the forces exerted in the transverse and vertical direc
front wing system cleat comprises a pylon fitting secured to tions of the pylon, and in that said attachment are exclusively
the rigid structure, a housing fitting of the pin secured to the 25 formed by the two front wing system cleats and the rear wing
front wing longeron and arranged between said front long system cleat.
eron and said pylon fitting, as well as a maintenance fitting of 8. An aircraft comprising at least one assembly according
the pin for keeping the pin attached on the front wing long to claim 1, as well as an engine mounted on said assembly.
eronandarranged so that said pylon fitting is situated between 9. The assembly according to claim 1, wherein the front
said housing fitting of the pin and said maintenance fitting of 30
longeron includes a portion that extends between a top Sur
the pin, the pylon fitting, the housing fitting, and the mainte face of the wing and a bottom surface of the wing, and the two
nance fitting are each passed through by said second shearing front wing system cleats directly attach to the portion of the
pin. longeron.
3. The assembly according to claim 2, wherein said pin
maintenance fitting is oriented Substantially in the transverse