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US 20110274550A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0274550 A1
Stamps et al. (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 10, 2011
(54) YOKE AND BEARING FITTING ASSEMBLY Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
B64C II/04 (2006.01)
(76) Inventors: Frank B. Stamps, Colleyville, TX (52) U.S. Cl. .................................................... 416/214 R
(US); Patrick R. Tisdale, Roanoke, (57) ABSTRACT
TX (US); Thomas C. Campbell,
Keller, TX (US); Richard E. A yoke and bearing fitting assembly for a multi-blade aircraft
Rauber, Euless, TX (US); James rotor is disclosed. The assembly has a yoke having arms
L. Braswell, Colleyville, TX (US) extending generally radially from a central portion of the
yoke, the arms each having opposing Surfaces. An aperture is
formed in each arm and extends between the surfaces. A
(21) Appl. No.: 13/144,510 bearing fitting has a body configured for insertion into the
aperture of the yoke and has two rims protruding from a
(22) PCT Fled: Jan. 19, 2009 periphery of the body, the body also having a bearing mount
adapted for mounting a pitch change bearing assembly to the
yoke. Each rim abuts one of the surfaces of the associated
(86) PCT NO.: PCT/USO9/31378 yoke arm when the bearing fitting is installed within the
aperture, so as to create clamping forces between the rims and
S371 (c)(1), the arm and the arm. The bearing fitting transmits forces from
(2), (4) Date: Jul. 14, 2011 the pitch bearing assembly into the yoke.
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Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2011 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2011/0274550 A1
US 2011/0274550 A1 Nov. 10, 2011

YOKE AND BEARNG FITTING ASSEMBLY halves 43, 45. Referring also to FIG. 2, two assembled bear
FOR ROTORS ing fittings 41 are shown in arms 19, and assembled cups 53,
55 are visible in fittings 41.
TECHNICAL FIELD 0008 To install each bearing assembly 21 in a cavity 29,
bearing assembly 21 is inserted in aperture 31, and fitting
0001. The technical field is yoke and bearing fitting halves 43, 45 are inserted into aperture 31 from opposite sides
assemblies for rotors.
of arm 19. Aligned cups 53, 55 provide for mounting of the
inboard and outboard ends of bearing assembly 21, and
aligned openings 51 provide clearance for the remaining por
0002 Many types of multiple-blade aircraft rotors require tions of bearing assembly 21 to rotate a limited amount rela
that the blades have the ability to be rotated about a radial tive to yoke 13. Fitting halves 43, 45 are fastened together
pitch-change axis for changing the angle of attack, or pitch, of using fasteners or other means, so as to create clamping forces
the blade during operation of the rotor. Adjustable-pitch between rims 49 and yoke 13 and retain bearing assembly 21
rotors may be used on fixed-wing aircraft or rotary-wing in a selected position within cavity 29 along pitch axis 25.
aircraft, Such as helicopters or tiltrotors. Halves 43, 45 may be attached together using fasteners (not
0003. In the configuration shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, a rotor shown) extending through both halves 43,45, such as through
assembly 11 comprises a yoke 13 and a central hub assembly aligned fastener holes 57.
15. Hub assembly 15 is used to pivotally attach yoke 13 to a 0009 While the combination of cavity 29 and bearing
mast (not shown), allowing the mast to rotate rotor assembly fittings 41 adequately serve the function of transferring forces
11 about mast axis 17. In the configuration shown, hub 15 from the blade assemblies to yoke 13, the configuration
allows for yoke 13 to gimbal about flapping axes relative to requires several machining steps to form cavity 29 in yoke 13
the mast. and on assembly requires thickness shims to ensure proper fit
0004 Yoke 13 comprises multiple arms 19 extending radi of the components. These steps lead to additional manufac
ally outward from a central portion of yoke 13, and yoke 13 turing time and additional cost.
has three arms 19 in the configuration shown. Each arm 19 is BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
used to connect a blade assembly (not shown) to yoke 13 for
movement with yoke 13 about mast axis 17. Each blade 0010 FIG. 1 is an oblique view of a portion of a prior-art
assembly has a blade grip that attaches to each arm 19 at an rotor assembly.
inboard pitch-change bearing assembly 21 and at an outboard 0011 FIG. 2 is an oblique view of the prior-art yoke and
pitch-change bearing assembly 23. Bearing assemblies 21, 23 bearing fitting assembly of FIG. 1.
define a pitch axis 25 for each blade assembly, about which 0012 FIG. 3 is an enlarged oblique view of the prior-art
the blade assemblies may be rotated to adjust the pitch of the bearing fitting of FIG. 2.
blades. Each outboard bearing assembly 23 is carried on a 0013 FIG. 4 is an embodiment of an improved yoke and
spindle 27that is connected to an outboard end of each arm 19 bearing fitting assembly for a rotor assembly.
of yoke 13, whereas each inboard bearing assembly 21 is 0014 FIG. 5 is an enlarged oblique view of the bearing
carried in a cavity 29 formed in an inboard portion of eacharm fitting of FIG. 4.
0005 Referring specifically to FIG. 2, yoke 13 is shown DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
with hub assembly 15 and bearing assemblies 21, 23 EMBODIMENT
removed. Cavity 29 of each arm 19 comprises an aperture 31
formed in yoke 13. As shown, aperture 31 has a generally 0015. An improved yoke and bearing fitting assembly is
trapezoidal shape, with the vertices being rounded to limit described below. The improved assembly reduces the number
stress concentrations. Aperture 31 has upper and lower ledges of manufacturing steps and results in decreased per-unit cost.
33 formed along the edges of aperture 31. Ledges 33 are (0016 FIG. 4 shows a yoke 59 for a rotor assembly, yoke 59
recessed from upper surface 35 of arm 19 and from lower being constructed similarly to yoke 13 and configured for use
surface 37 of arm 19 in a wedge-shaped notch 39 formed in with hub assembly 15 and blade assemblies, as described
each surface 35, 37. above. Yoke 59 is intended to be a direct replacement for yoke
0006 To install inboard bearing assembly 21 in cavity 29 13 in rotor assembly 11, though minor accommodations to
of each arm 19, a two-piece bearing fitting 41 is used. Bearing various components may be desired or required when using
fitting 41 comprises an upper half 43 and a lower half 45, and yoke 59.
each half 43, 45 is inserted from one side of arm 19 into 0017 Yoke 59 comprises multiple arms 61 extending radi
aperture 31 where they are then joined together to carry ally outward from a central portion of yoke 59, and yoke 59
inboard bearing assembly 21. has three arms 61 in the configuration shown. Each arm 61 is
0007 FIG. 3 is an enlarged view of bearing fitting 41 and used to connect a blade assembly (not shown) to yoke 59 for
shows detail of fitting halves 43, 45. Each half 43, 45 has a movement with yoke 59 about mast axis 63. As with rotor
body 47 having a generally trapezoidal outer shape that is the assembly 11, a grip of each blade assembly attaches to an
same as aperture 31, permitting halves 43, 45 to be closely fit outboard pitch-change bearing assembly (not shown), like
within aperture 31. A rim 49 extends from an outer edge of assembly 23, which is connected at the outboard end of each
each body 47, rims 49 being formed to fit on the associated arm 61. The grip also attaches to an inboard pitch-change
ledges 33 of cavity 29. Each half 43, 45 has a central opening bearing assembly (not shown), like assembly 21. The bearing
51 and one portion of round mounting cups 53, 55 (visible assemblies define a pitch axis 65 for each blade assembly.
only in half 45). When halves 43, 45 are joined together, each 0018. Each inboard bearing assembly is carried in an aper
body 47, opening 51, and cup 53, 55 of one of halves 43, 45 ture 67 formed in an inboard portion of each arm 61. As
is aligned with the corresponding component in the other of shown, aperture 67 has a generally triangular shape, with the
US 2011/0274550 A1 Nov. 10, 2011

Vertices being rounded to limit stress concentrations. Aper 0024. While at least one embodiment has been described,
ture 67 extends between upper surface 69 and an opposing this description is not intended to be construed in a limiting
lower surface 71 of arm 61. Unlike in yoke 13, aperture 67 is sense. Various modifications and combinations, as well as
not recessed from surfaces 69, 71 with a notch and does not other embodiments, will be apparent to persons skilled in the
have ledges. The lack of these features eliminates the extra art upon reference to the description.
machining required to form these features in yoke 13 and 1. A yoke and bearing fitting assembly for a multi-blade
provides for optional use shims in the assembly. aircraft rotor, comprising:
0019. To install the inboard bearing assembly in cavity 67 a yoke having arms extending generally radially from a
of each arm 61, a two-piece bearing fitting 73 is used. Bearing central portion of the yoke, the arms each having oppos
fitting 73 comprises an upper half 75 and a lower half 77, and ing Surfaces, an aperture being formed in each arm and
each half 75, 77 is inserted from one side of arm 61 into extending between the Surfaces; and
aperture 67 where they are then joined together to carry the a bearing fitting comprising a body configured for insertion
inboard bearing assembly. into the aperture of the yoke and having two rims pro
truding from a periphery of the body, the bearing fitting
0020 FIG. 5 is an enlarged view of bearing fitting 73 and also having a bearing mount adapted for mounting a
shows detail of fitting halves 75, 77. Each half 75, 77 has a pitch-change bearing assembly to the yoke;
body 79 having a generally triangular outer shape that is the wherein each rim abuts one of the surfaces of the associated
same as aperture 67, permitting halves 75, 77 to be closely fit yoke arm when the bearing fitting is installed within the
within aperture 67. It should be noted that the inboard end of aperture, so as to create clamping forces between the
body 79 has a larger height than the outboard end of body 79 rims and the arm; and
for accommodating the increased inboard thickness of arms wherein the bearing fitting is adapted for transmitting
61. A rim 81 extends from an outer edge of each body 79, rims forces from the pitch bearing assembly into the yoke.
81 being shaped to match the contour of surfaces 69, 71 for 2. The assembly according to claim 1, wherein the bearing
adjoining surfaces 69, 71. Each half 75, 77 has a central fitting is formed as two pieces.
opening 83 and at least one portion of at least one bearing 3. The assembly according to claim 1, wherein the bearing
mount, such as round mounting cups 85, 87 (visible only in fitting is formed as two halves.
half 77). When halves 75, 77 are joined together, each body 4. The assembly according to claim 1, wherein the bearing
79, opening 83, and cup 85, 87 of one of halves 75, 77 is fitting is formed as two halves, a rim being located on each
aligned with the corresponding component in the other of half.
halves 75, 77. Referring also to FIG.4, two assembled bear 5. The assembly according to claim 1, further comprising:
ing fittings 73 are shown in arms 61, and assembled cups 85. an elastomeric buffer located between each rim and the
87 are visible in fittings 73. A thin, preferably Teflon or adjacent Surface of the yoke.
elastomeric buffer 89 is located on the inner surface of each 6. The assembly according to claim 1, further comprising:
rim 81, so as to provide for wear reduction and/or cushioning a Teflon buffer located between each rim and the adjacent
between rims 81 and surfaces 69, 71 of yoke 59 as loads are surface of the yoke.
transmitted from each fitting 73 to yoke 59. Buffer 89 may 7. A yoke and bearing fitting assembly for a multi-blade
also be used to provide for preload in the installation of aircraft rotor, comprising:
fittings 73. a yoke having arms extending generally radially from a
0021. To install each inboard bearing assembly in a cavity central portion of the yoke, the arms each having oppos
67, the bearing assembly is inserted in aperture 67, and fitting ing Surfaces, an aperture being formed in each arm and
halves 75, 77 are inserted into aperture 67 from opposite sides extending between the Surfaces; and
of arm 61. Aligned cups 85, 87 provide for mounting of the a bearing fitting comprising a body configured for insertion
inboard and outboard ends of the bearing assembly, and into the aperture of the yoke and having two rims pro
aligned openings 83 provide clearance for the remaining por truding from a periphery of the body, the bearing fitting
tions of the bearing assembly to rotate a limited amount about being formed in at least two pieces, the bearing fitting
pitch axis 65 relative to yoke 59. Fitting halves 75, 77 are having a bearing mount adapted for mounting a pitch
fastened together using fasteners or other means, so as to change bearing assembly to the yoke;
create clamping forces between rims 81 and yoke 59 and wherein each rim abuts one of the surfaces of the associated
retain the bearing assembly in a selected position within yoke arm when the bearing fitting is installed within the
cavity 67 along pitch axis 65. Halves 75, 77 may be attached aperture, so as to create clamping forces between the
together using fasteners (not shown) extending through both rims and the arm; and
halves 75, 77, such as through aligned fastener holes 91. wherein the bearing fitting is adapted for transmitting
0022. It should be noted that fitting 73 is described as forces from the pitch bearing assembly into the yoke.
having two halves 75, 77, though fitting 73 may comprise 8. The assembly according to claim 7, wherein the bearing
multiple pieces that are not half of the whole and/or may not fitting is formed as two halves.
mirror the other piece. Also, whereas the surfaces of yoke 9. The assembly according to claim 7, wherein the bearing
arms 61 are described as having upper surface 69 and lower fitting is formed as two halves, a rim being located on each
surface 71, bearing fitting 73 may be used in yokes in which half.
opposing Surfaces of arms 61 are not oriented as shown. 10. The assembly according to claim 7, further comprising:
0023 The yoke and bearing fitting assembly described an elastomeric buffer located between each rim and the
above provides for several advantages, including: 1) elimi adjacent Surface of the yoke.
nating the need for several machining steps on a yoke, which 11. The assembly according to claim 7, further comprising:
eliminates cost and manufacturing time; and 2) providing for a Teflon buffer located between each rim and the adjacent
optional use of shims in the installation. surface of the yoke.
US 2011/0274550 A1 Nov. 10, 2011

12. A bearing fitting for installing a pitch-change bearing in wherein the bearing fitting is adapted for transmitting
a rotor yoke, the fitting comprising: forces from the pitch bearing assembly into the yoke.
a body adapted for insertion into an aperture in an arm of a 13. The bearing fitting according to claim 12, wherein the
rotor yoke; bearing fitting is formed as two pieces.
two rims protruding from a periphery of the body; 14. The bearing fitting according to claim 12, wherein the
a bearing mount adapted for locating a pitch-change bear bearing fitting is formed as two halves.
ing assembly within the fitting: 15. The bearing fitting according to claim 12, wherein the
wherein each rim is adapted to abut one of opposing Sur bearing fitting is formed as two halves, a rim being located on
faces of a yoke arm when the bearing fitting is installed each half.
within an aperture, so as to create clamping forces
between the rims and the arm; and

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