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(56) References Cited 2012fO257847 A1* 10, 2012 Allred et al. .................. 384/221
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U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 1 of 6 US 9,347,487 B2
U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 2 of 6 US 9,347,487 B2
U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 3 of 6 US 9,347,487 B2
U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 4 of 6 US 9,347,487 B2
U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 5 of 6 US 9,347,487 B2
U.S. Patent May 24, 2016 Sheet 6 of 6 US 9,347,487 B2
US 9,347,487 B2
1. 2
ROTORCRAFT BEARNG WITH ROTATION bearing system includes a bearing housing attached to an
SLIPJOINT elastomeric bearing on a longitudinal axis, an end Surface of
the elastomeric bearing attached to an end Surface of the
TECHNICAL FIELD bearing housing. The rotorcraft bearing system also includes
a sliding contact bearing having an end Surface attached to a
This disclosure relates to a bearing assembly for a rotor sliding contact bearing material layer, wherein, under load on
craft. the longitudinal axis, the end Surface of the sliding contact
bearing is configured to contact an opposing end Surface of
BACKGROUND the bearing housing through the sliding contact bearing mate
10 rial layer to form a rotational slip joint.
In some rotorcraft, the rotor blades are coupled to a yoke This, and other aspects, can include one or more of the
that is attached to a rotating mast. The coupling between the following features. The opposing end Surface of the bearing
blades and the yoke experiences centrifugal forces generated housing can include a polished surface. The sliding contact
by the rotating blades. The coupling between the blades and bearing material can include at least one of tetrafluoroethyl
the yoke can include a centrifugal force bearing (CF bearing) 15 ene (TFE), PEEK, or brass. The opposing end surface of the
that allows each blade to pitch while being able to withstand bearing housing and the end Surface of the sliding contact
the centrifugal force generated by the rotating blade. The CF bearing can be the same material. The rotorcraft bearing
bearing also transfers the loads due to centrifugal force from system can also include a retaining member attached to the
the blade to the yoke. Folding the blades, e.g., tiltrotor aircraft bearing housing and the sliding contact bearing to prevent the
blades, for storage can result in damage to the CF bearing due bearing housing and the sliding contact bearing from sepa
to torsional loads and/or due to strain. rating when the load on the longitudinal axis is removed. The
retaining member can include a retaining ring and a hook
SUMMARY member attached to the retaining ring, the hook member
configured to be received by a recess in the bearing housing.
This disclosure describes a rotorcraft bearing with rotation 25 Certain aspects of the subject matter described here can be
slip joint. implemented as a rotorcraft bearing system. The rotorcraft
Certain aspects of the subject matter described here can be bearing system includes a sliding contact bearing and a bear
implemented as a rotorcraft bearing system. The rotorcraft ing housing attached to an elastomeric bearing on a longitu
bearing system includes a bearing housing attached to an dinal axis, a first end Surface of the elastomeric bearing
elastomeric bearing on a longitudinal axis, an end Surface of 30 attached to an end Surface of the bearing housing, a second
the elastomeric bearing attached to an end Surface of the end Surface of the elastomeric bearing attached to a sliding
bearing housing. The rotorcraft bearing system also includes contact material layer, wherein, under load on the longitudi
a sliding contact bearing having an end Surface. The rotorcraft nal axis, a Surface of the sliding contact material layer is
bearing system also includes an intermediate sliding contact configured to contact an opposing end Surface of the sliding
bearing material layer, wherein, under load on the longitudi 35 contact bearing through the sliding contact material layer to
nal axis, the end Surface of the sliding contact bearing is form a rotational slip joint.
configured to contact an opposing end Surface of the bearing The details of one or more implementations of the subject
housing through the intermediate sliding contact bearing matter described in this disclosure are set forth in the accom
material layer to form a rotational slip joint. panying drawings and the description below. Other features,
This, and other aspects, can include one or more of the 40 aspects, and advantages of the Subject matter will become
following features. The opposing end Surface of the bearing apparent from the description, the drawings, and the claims.
housing can include a polished Surface. The intermediate
sliding contact bearing material can be attached to the end BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
Surface of the sliding contact bearing. The end Surface of the
sliding contact bearing can include a polished Surface. The 45 FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram showing an example of a
intermediate sliding contact bearing material can be attached tiltrotor aircraft.
to the opposing end Surface of the bearing housing. The FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram showing an example of a
sliding contact bearing material can include africtional mate rotorcraft.
rial. The sliding contact bearing material can include at least FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram showing an example of a
one of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), PEEK, or brass. The rotor 50 rotor assembly including a centrifugal bearing assembly.
craft bearing system can include an intermediate polymer FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram showing a cross-section of
layer between the intermediate sliding contact bearing mate an example of a centrifugal bearing assembly.
rial layer and the elastomeric bearing. The intermediate poly FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram showing a cross-section of
mer layer can include rubber. The intermediate polymer layer another example of a centrifugal bearing assembly.
can be attached to the end Surface of the bearing housing. The 55 FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram showing a cross-section of
rotorcraft bearing system can include a retaining member an example of a centrifugal bearing assembly including a
attached to the bearing housing and the sliding contact bear retaining ring.
ing to prevent the bearing housing and the sliding contact Like reference numbers and designations in the various
bearing from separating when the load on the longitudinal drawings indicate like elements.
axis is removed. The retaining member can include a retain 60
ing ring and a hook member attached to the retaining ring, the DETAILED DESCRIPTION
hook member configured to be received by a recess in the
bearing housing. The hook member can be formed in the This disclosure describes a bearing with a rotation slipjoint
bearing housing. The hook member can be formed in the for a rotorcraft.
sliding contact bearing. 65 In some rotorcraft, each rotor blade is attached to a blade
Certain aspects of the subject matter described here can be grip that is coupled to a yoke. Each coupling between the yoke
implemented as a rotorcraft bearing system. The rotorcraft and the blade grip includes one or more bearings that allow
US 9,347,487 B2
3 4
the pitch of the blade to be adjusted. During rotation, each FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of an example rotorcraft 201.
rotor blade can experience significant load along its pitch axis Rotorcraft 201 has a rotor system 203 with multiple rotor
due to centrifugal force. In some cases, each blade-yoke blades 205. The pitch of each rotor blade 205 can be manipu
coupling includes a centrifugal force bearing (CF bearing) lated in order to selectively control direction, thrust, and lift of
that transfers the centrifugal load from the blade to the yoke. rotorcraft 201. The rotorcraft 201 can include CF bearing
The CF bearing withstands the centrifugal load while allow assemblies 220 as part of the coupling between each blade
ing some degree of pitch-axis blade rotation. During flight, 205 and the rotor system 203.
the pitching blades can impart a significant steady torsional FIG. 3. is a schematic diagram of an example rotor assem
strain on the CF bearing that can deform or weaken the bly 300. The rotor assembly 300 can be included in the rotor
bearing. If the blades are folded for storage as in a tiltrotor 10 systems 111 described in FIG. 1 or in the rotor system 203
aircraft, a CF bearing can experience damaging torsional described in FIG. 2. The rotor assembly 300 includes an
loads during the folding operation. Furthermore, if the blades example yoke 313 and a central hub assembly 315. Hub
remain folded for alongtime, the CF bearing can be deformed assembly 315 is used to pivotally attach yoke 313 to a mast
or weakened due to steady strain. (not shown), allowing the mast to rotate rotor assembly 300
This disclosure describes a CF bearing with a rotation slip 15 about mast axis 317. In the example shown, hub 315 allows
joint for a rotorcraft. The CF bearing can be used in the for yoke 313 to gimbal about flapping axes relative to the
coupling between a rotor blade and the yoke. The CF bearing maSt.
includes a rotation slip joint coupled to an elastomeric bear Example yoke 313 includes multiple arms 319 extending
ing along the axis of centrifugal force Such that the rotation radially outward from a central portion of yoke 313. Example
slip joint is able to allow rotation of the entire elastomeric yoke 313 has three arms 319, but in other implementations
bearing relative to the yoke. In this manner, the entire elasto yoke 313 can include more or fewer arms 319. Each arm 319
meric bearing rotates on the rotation slip joint to reduce connects a blade assembly (not shown) to yoke 313 for rota
torsional Strain within the elastomeric bearing, for example tion with yoke 313 about mast axis 317. Each blade assembly
due to blade pitching during flight. In some implementations, includes a blade (not shown) that attaches to a blade grip (not
the rotation slip joint is a sliding contact bearing including a 25 shown) that attaches to each arm 319 at an inboard pitch
sliding contact bearing material layer that slides against an change bearing assembly 321 and at an outboard CF bearing
essentially smooth surface (for example, a polished metal assembly 323. Bearing assemblies 321,323 define a longitu
Surface). The sliding contact bearing material can be a fric dinal pitch axis 325 for each blade assembly about which the
tional material Such that the rotation slipjoint has some fric blade assemblies may be rotated to adjust the pitch of the
tional resistance when under a centrifugal load but little or no 30 blades. Each CF bearing assembly 323 is carried on a spindle
frictional resistance when no load is present. During rotor 327 that is connected to an outboard end of each arm 319 of
operation the rotation slipjoint keeps the elastomeric bearing yoke 313, whereas each inboard bearing assembly 321 is
substantially rigid relative to the yoke but allows some carried in a cavity 329 formed in an inboard portion of each
amount of rotation. In some implementations, the sliding arm 319.
contact bearing material layer can separate from the essen 35 FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a cross-section of an
tially smooth Surface when no load is present. For example, example CF bearing assembly 400. The CF bearing assembly
when the blades are folded as in a tiltrotor aircraft, the rotation 400 can be used in applications such as bearing assembly 120
slip joint can reduce torsional Strain in the elastomeric bear in FIG. 1, bearing assembly 220 in FIG. 2, or bearing assem
ing by allowing the bearing to rotate. In some implementa bly 323 in FIG. 3. The example CF bearing assembly 400
tions, the sliding contact bearing material layer separates 40 includes a bearing housing 402 and a sliding contact bearing
from the Smooth Surface when no centrifugal load is present. 410. The bearing housing 402 and the sliding contact bearing
In this situation, the CF bearing will be uncoupled between 410 are located adjacently along longitudinal axis 325. Lon
the yoke and the blade and the elastomeric bearing will expe gitudinal axis 325 is the axis of centrifugal loading during
rience little strain. In this manner, the rotation slip joint can rotor operation. The bearing housing 402 and the sliding
reduce steady strain if the blades are stored in the folded 45 contact bearing 410 surround and define a spindle hole 408.
configuration for a long period of time. The spindle hole 408 is the hole through which a spindle (e.g.
The CF bearing with rotation slip joint can be used in spindle 327 from FIG. 3) is located. The bearing housing 402
applications where a centrifugal force bearing is used. For can be attached to a blade (e.g. via a blade grip). The sliding
example, the CF bearing could be used in aircraft, rotorcraft, contact bearing 410 is fixedly attached to the spindle. In some
or tiltrotor aircraft. For example, the CF bearing could be 50 implementations, the sliding contact bearing 410 can be inde
included in the coupling between the rotor blades and the pendently removed from the CF bearing assembly 400. For
yoke. example, the sliding contact bearing 410 could be removed
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of an example tiltrotor air for inspection or replacement while the rotor blades are in the
craft 101. Aircraft 101 includes a fuselage 103 with attached folded position while the bearing housing 402 remains
wings 105. Nacelles 107 are carried at the outboard ends of 55 attached to the blade.
wings 105 and are rotatable between the helicopter-mode An end Surface of the bearing housing 402 is attached to an
position shown and a forward-facing airplane-mode position end surface of an elastomeric bearing 404. The elastomeric
(not shown). Nacelles 107 carry engines and transmissions bearing 404 can be a Suitable elastomeric bearing, thrust
109 for powering rotor systems 111 in rotation. An engine bearing, or centrifugal force bearing. For example, elasto
may be an internal combustion engine, an electrical power 60 meric bearing 404 can include a stacked arrangement of
Source and associated motor, or any other Suitable means for shims and elastomeric. The bearing housing 402 can be all or
powering rotor system 111. Each rotor system 111 is illus partly a metal Such as steel, titanium, aluminum, or another
trated as having three blades 113. Spinning covers 115 and metal. The bearing housing 402 can also be all or partly a
nacelles 107 substantially enclose transmission 109, obscur non-metallic material Such as plastic.
ing transmission 109 from view in FIG. 1. The tiltrotor air 65 The sliding contact bearing 410 includes a contact bearing
craft 101 can include CF bearing assemblies 120 as part of the material layer 414 that is attached to an end surface 412 of the
coupling between each blade 113 and the rotor systems 111. sliding contact bearing 410. In some implementations, the
US 9,347,487 B2
5 6
contact bearing material layer 414 can have a conical shape or contact bearing 410. In some implementations, the opposing
another shape. The end surface 412 of the sliding contact end surface 406 of the bearing housing 402 and the end
bearing 410 and an opposing end Surface 406 of the bearing surface 412 of the sliding contact bearing 410 are the same
housing 402 are shaped to mate with each other. In some material.
implementations, the sliding contact bearing 410 includes a FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram of a cross-section of an
polymer layer 418. The polymer layer 418 can be a material example CF bearing assembly 600. Example CF bearing
Such as a polymer, rubber, an elastomer, or another material. assembly 600 is substantially similar to CF bearing 400
The polymer layer 418 can be located between the contact shown in FIG. 4 and CF bearing 500 shown in FIG. 5.
bearing material layer 414 and the end Surface of the sliding Example CF bearing 600 includes a retaining ring 620 and a
contact bearing 410. In some implementations, the polymer 10 recess 630. The retaining ring 620 is cylindrical member
layer 418 has a partly spherical shape. A transition shim 416 attached to the bearing housing 402 that includes a hook
is located between the contact bearing material layer 414 and member 622. The hook member 622 is a flange that extends
the polymer layer 418. The transition shim 416 can be metal radially inward. The retaining ring 620 or the hook member
or another material, and can have a conical shape on a Surface 622 can extend partially or entirely around the bearing hous
contacting the contact bearing material layer 414 and a partly 15 ing 402. The sliding contact bearing 410 includes a recess 630
spherical shape contacting the polymer layer 418. in the outer surface of the bearing 410. The recess 630 is
When no load is present along longitudinal axis 325, the configured to receive the hook member 622 of the retaining
end surface 412 of the sliding contact bearing 410 does not ring 620. The recess 630 limits the movement of the hook
impinge on the opposing end Surface 406 of the bearing member 622 along the axis 325 relative to the recess 630.
housing. In some situations with no load, the end Surface 412 Thus, the relative separation of the bearing housing 402 and
of the sliding contact bearing 410 may not be in contact with the sliding contact bearing 410 is limited. The retaining ring
the opposing end Surface 406 of the bearing housing 402. As 620 and recess 630 prevent the bearing housing 402 and the
such, with little or no load present the bearing housing 402 is sliding contact bearing 410 from separating when the load on
able to rotate along the axis 325 with respect to the sliding the longitudinal axis 325 is removed. In this manner, the CF
contact bearing 410. 25 bearing assembly 600 is prevented from separating into two
When a load is present along longitudinal axis 325, the end pieces (i.e., the bearing housing 402 and the sliding contact
Surface 412 of the sliding contact bearing 410 impinges on the bearing 410) when no load is present.
opposing end surface 406 of the bearing housing 402. In this A flange can extend radially outward from the sliding
manner, the end Surface 412 and the opposingend Surface 406 contact bearing 410 to limit movement of the hook member
form a rotational slipjoint. The bearing housing 402 is able to 30 622. In some implementations, the retaining ring 620 is
rotate along the axis 325 with respect to the sliding contact attached to the sliding contact bearing 410 and the recess 630
bearing 410. However, friction in the rotational slip joint is in the bearing housing 402.
between the end Surface 412 and the opposing end Surface A number of implementations have been described. Nev
406 can reduce the speed or degree of rotation of the bearing ertheless, it will be understood that various modifications
housing 402 relative to the sliding contact bearing 410. 35 may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of
The opposing end surface 406 of the bearing housing 402 the disclosure.
can be an essentially Smooth Surface Such as polished metal. What is claimed is:
The end surface 412 of the sliding contact bearing 410 is the 1. A rotorcraft bearing system comprising:
end surface of the contact bearing material layer 414. The a bearing housing attached to an elastomeric bearing on a
contact bearing material layer 414 can be a frictional material. 40 longitudinal axis, an end Surface of the elastomeric bear
For example, the frictional material can have a friction coef ing attached to an end Surface of the bearing housing:
ficient in the range of 0.01 to 0.40. For example, the sliding a sliding contact bearing having an end Surface; and
contact bearing material could be tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), an intermediate sliding contact bearing material on the end
PEEK, brass, or another material. In some implementations, Surface of the sliding contact bearing, wherein, under no
the opposing end Surface 406 of the bearing housing 402 and 45 load on the longitudinal axis, the intermediate sliding
the end surface 412 of the sliding contact bearing 410 are the contact bearing material is untouched by the bearing
same material. housing, and wherein, under load on the longitudinal
FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of a cross-section of an axis, the intermediate sliding contact bearing material is
example CF bearing assembly 500. Example CF bearing configured to touch an opposing end Surface of the bear
assembly 500 is substantially similar to CF bearing 400 50 ing housing to form a rotational slip joint.
shown in FIG. 4. In CF bearing assembly 500, a polymer layer 2. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 1, wherein the
418 is located between the elastomeric bearing 404 and the opposing end Surface of the bearing housing includes a pol
opposing end Surface 406 of the bearing housing 402. A ished Surface.
transition shim 416 can be included between the polymer 3. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 2, wherein the
layer 418 and the opposing end surface 406. In this example 55 intermediate sliding contact bearing material is attached to
implementation, the sliding contact bearing 410 does not the end Surface of the sliding contact bearing.
include a polymer layer 418. Including the polymer layer 418 4. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 1, wherein the
on the bearing housing 402 and not the sliding contact bearing end Surface of the sliding contact bearing includes a polished
410 allows the sliding contact bearing 410 to be subjected to Surface.
higher temperatures than the polymer layer 418 can with 60 5. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 4, wherein the
stand. For example, the sliding contact bearing material 414 intermediate sliding contact bearing material is attached to
could be TFE, which can require high temperatures during the the opposing end Surface of the bearing housing.
application process that may damage the polymer layer 418. 6. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 1, wherein the
In some implementations, the sliding contact bearing mate sliding contact bearing material includes africtional material.
rial is attached to the opposing end surface 406 of the bearing 65 7. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 6, wherein the
housing 402 and the essentially smooth Surface (i.e. the pol sliding contact bearing material includes at least one of tet
ished surface) is attached to the end surface 412 of the sliding rafluoroethylene (TFE), PEEK, or brass.
US 9,347,487 B2
7 8
8. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 1, further com Surface of the sliding contact bearing is configured to
prising an intermediate polymer layer between the interme contact an opposing end surface of the bearing housing
diate sliding contact bearing material layer and the elasto through the sliding contact bearing material layer to
meric bearing. form a rotational slip joint.
9. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 8, wherein the 5 16. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 15, wherein the
intermediate polymer layer includes rubber. opposing end surface of the bearing housing includes a pol
ished surface.
10. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 8, wherein the 17. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 15, wherein the
intermediate polymer layer is attached to and touches the end sliding contact bearing material includes at least one of tet
surface of the bearing housing. rafluoroethylene (TFE), PEEK, or brass.
11. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 1, further com 10
18. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 15, wherein the
prising a retaining member attached to the bearing housing opposing end surface of the bearing housing and the end
and configured to couple with the sliding contact bearing to Surface of the sliding contact bearing are the same material.
prevent the bearing housing and the sliding contact bearing 19. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 15, further com
from separating when the load on the longitudinal axis is 15 prising a retaining member attached to the bearing housing
12. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 11, wherein the and configured to couple with the sliding contact bearing to
retaining member comprises: prevent the bearing housing and the sliding contact bearing
a retaining ring; and from separating when the load on the longitudinal axis is
a hook member attached to the retaining ring, the hook removed wherein the retaining member comprises:
member configured to be received by a recess in the a retaining ring; and
bearing housing. a hook member attached to the retaining ring, the hook
13. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 12, wherein the member configured to be received by a recess in the
retaining ring is attached to the bearing housing. bearing housing.
14. The rotorcraft bearing system of claim 1, wherein the 20. A rotorcraft bearing system comprising:
bearing housing and the sliding contact bearing surround and 25 a sliding contact bearing, wherein a first end surface of the
define a spindle hole configured to receive a spindle. sliding contact bearing touches a sliding contact mate
15. A rotorcraft bearing system comprising: rial; and
a bearing housing attached to an elastomeric bearing on a a bearing housing attached to an elastomeric bearing on a
longitudinal axis, an end surface of the elastomeric bear longitudinal axis, a first end surface of the elastomeric
ing attached to an end surface of the bearing housing: 30 bearing attached to a first end surface of the bearing
and housing, wherein, under no load on the longitudinal axis,
a sliding contact bearing having an end surface attached to the sliding contact material is spaced apart from the
and touching a sliding contact bearing material, second end surface of the sliding contact bearing hous
wherein, under no load on the longitudinal axis, the end ing to define a gap between the bearing housing and the
Surface of the sliding contact bearing is configured to 35 material, and under load on the longitudinal axis, the
define a gap between the sliding contact bearing and the sliding contact material is configured to touch the sec
bearing housing, and the bearing housing is configured ond end surface of the bearing housing to form a rota
to be untouched by the sliding contact bearing material, tional slip joint.
and wherein, under load on the longitudinal axis, the end