UH 1 Inspection Planning Guide.
UH 1 Inspection Planning Guide.
UH 1 Inspection Planning Guide.
This UH-1 Inspection Planning Guide (IPG) supersedes the UH-1 IPG dated March 26, 1996 and includes e!ision 1 (12 March 199") and e!ision 2 (March 1, 2##2)
TA$LE OF CONTENT" &hapter' (ection )&* + *, &H0PT) 1 )-I(I*.( I.T *+U&TI*. 10 .I.G(, &0UTI*.(, and .*T)( +),I.)+ ,* M0T +),I.)+ POINTS OF CONTACT 3I(T *, +),I.ITI*.( / 6 " 2 2
$ |
I.(P)&TI*. +)(& IPTI*.( I.(P)&TI*. (&H)+U3) &H0 T (P)&I03 I.(P)&TI*.( 3I(TI.G &*.+ITI*.03 I.(P)&TI*.( (0I , 0M)) 3I(TI.G &*.+ITI*.03 I.(P)&TI*.( ().GI.)) 3I(TI.G I.(P)&TI*.(
14 16 1" 12 19
/ 6 4 6 " 2 9
P )-).TI-) M0I.T).0.&) I.(P)&TI*. (P5M5I5) +)T0I3 71 +)T0I3 72 +)T0I3 7/ (P)&I03 I.(P)&TI*.( &*.+ITI*.03 I.(P)&TI*.( (0I , 0M)) &*.+ITI*.03 I.(P)&TI*.( ().GI.)) 3etter 9ro: ;ell Te<tron e9= *!erhaul and etire:ent (chedule, Manuals and Technical 0ssistance
2# 24 22 /# /6 /2 46
RECOR# OF REVI"ION" *riginall> accepted ?> the ,00 on 26 March 19965 e!ision 1 (12 March 199")=
REVI"ION NUM$ER e!5 1 (12 March 199") e!5 1 (12 March 199") e!5 1 (12 March 199") e!5 2 (1 Mar 2##2)
PAGE NUM$ER&"' e:o!ed page 12, Inserted ne@ page 125 e:o!ed pages 2/ to 26, Inserted ne@ pages 2/-265 e:o!ed page 29, Inserted ne@ page 295 &o!er page date AMarch 12, 199"B &hanged to AThis UH-1 Inspection Planning Guide (IPG) supersedes the UH-1 IPG dated March 26, 1996, and includes e!ision 1 (12 March 199") and e!ision 2 1 March 1, 2##2) and A1 March 2##2B Page 2 &hanged to include APoints o9 &ontactB, A+e9initionsB and A0ppendi<B Page / &hanged to indicated A e!ision 2, 1 March 2##2B updates5 Page 6, General, A10 .I.GB changed to include AUH-1 + and HB helicopters5
Page 6, third sentence 9ro: end o9 page no@ states, A0n o@ner'operator shall de!elop a checClist 9or each inspection outlined in this docu:ent5 e9er to (current !ersion) TM 44-142#-21#-PM+ UH-1H'-, and )H-1H'8 0ircra9t Pre!enti!e Maintenance +ail> Inspection &hecClist @hen de!eloping checClist5B Page 6 0dded to 1-15 General in the 9irst paragraph, AThis includes a re!ie@ o9 the aircra9t, aircra9t engines, appliances, and the 9or:s and records 9or an> recorded discrepancies and 9or an> applica?le 0ir@orthiness +irecti!es, (a9et> o9 ,light Messages, 0(0M(, TMDs T;Ds, etc5 that :ust ?e co:plied @ith5B Page 6, AP*I.T( *, &*.T0&TB added5
.e@ Page 1# .o@ includes A+e9initionsB5 Page 2 .o@ page 165 &hapter 2, Inspection +escriptions, 2-", A.*T)B, /5, changed to include, ATH) A0..U03 &E&3)B (T0 T( 0G0I. 1H). 033 I.(P)&TI*.( 0 ) &*MP3)T)+5B Page 12 .o@ page 2#5 &hapter /, Pre!enti!e Maintenance Inspection (P5M5 I5), (ection I, 25, no@ states, 25, A e!ie@ ser!ice instructions 9or :aintenance and inspection reFuire:ents 9or installed Cits, M1*s and (T&s as appropriate5B
Page 12 .o@ page 2#5 &hapter /, Pre!enti!e Maintenance Inspection (P5M5 I5), (ection I, 45, no@ states, 45, A)nsure all applica?le 0ir@orthiness +irecti!es ((a9et> o9 ,light
Page 1/ .o@ page 215 &hapter /, Pre!enti!e Maintenance Inspection (P5M5 I5), (ection III, 195, no@ states, A&hecC :ain rotor 9or proper lu?ricant le!el, inspect 9or e!idence o9 leaCage, and o?!ious conta:ination5 .ot applica?le i9 aircra9t is :odi9ied @ith grease hu?5B
15 0ll personnel to @ho: this IPG is 9urnished shall Ceep it up to date @ith the changes and additions 9urnished to the:5 25 )ach IPG shall ha!e the date o9 the last re!ision on each page5
C APTER 1 INTRO#UCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% 1!1( GENERAL This docu:ent, the UH-1 (eries Inspection Planning Guide (IPG) is a!aila?le to operators o9 UH-1 series helicopters (e<cept UH-1. :odels) 9or the purpose o9 pro!iding operators @ith a choice in :aintenance progra:s5 In accordance @ith the inspection standards set 9orth in the speci9ic aircra9t t>pe certi9icate, the o@ner'operator :ust use the co:plete inspection progra: de!eloped ?> the applica?le :ilitar> ser!ice5 This includes a re!ie@ o9 the aircra9t, aircra9t engines, $ appliances, and the 9or:s and records 9or an> recorded discrepancies and 9or an> $ applica?le 0ir@orthiness +irecti!es, (a9et> o9 ,light Messages, 0(0M(, TMDs T;Ds, $ etc5 that :ust ?e co:plied @ith5 $ This docu:ent, the IPG, has ?een de!eloped as an alternati!e reasona?le ?asis 9or inspection progra: de!elop:ent5 The o@ner'operator conducting pu?lic use operations :a> use this docu:ent as a reasona?le ?asis 9or the de!elop:ent o9 an inspection progra: to assure an eFui!alent le!el o9 sa9et>5 WARNING UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED HEREIN, STANDARDS FOR SERVICEABILITY FOR THE AIRFRAME MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE FOUND IN THE APPLICABLE MILITARY MAINTENANCE DOCUMENT FOR THESE SPECIFIC MAKE AND MODELS OF AIRCRAFT, I.E. NAVY UH-1E, UH-1L, TH-1L, HH-1K; ARMY UH-1B, UH-1C/M, UH-1D/H; AIR FORCE HH-1H). | UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED HEREIN STANDARDS FOR SERVICEABILITY FOR THE ENGINE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE FOUND IN THE APPLICABLE MILITARY MAINTENANCE DOCUMENT OR THE APPLICABLE ALLIED SIGNAL LYCOMING DOCUMENT FOR THESE SPECIFIC MODELS OF ENGINE. T!"L11, T!"L1", T!"L#$") This docu:ent contains the reFuire:ents 9or the Pre!enti!e Maintenance Inspection (P5M5I5), +etail (71-72-7/) Inspections, (pecial Inspections and &onditional Inspections that shall ?e per9or:ed on the UH-1 series helicopters5 Inspections reFuired herein shall ?e per9or:ed ?> a properl> rated repair:an (under 16 &ode o9 ,ederal egulations, Part 64) or a ,ederal 0!iation 0d:inistration certi9ied 0ir9ra:e and Po@erplant :echanic5 0n o@ner'operator shall de!elop a checClist 9or each inspection outlined in this docu:ent5 e9er to (current !ersion) TM 44-142#-21#-PM+ UH-1H'-, and )H-1H'8 0ircra9t Pre!enti!e Maintenance +ail> Inspection &hecClist @hen de!eloping checClist5 Maintenance 9unctions and de9initions o9 ter:s shall ?e in accordance @ith applica?le :ilitar> :aintenance :anual 9or the UH-1 (eries unless other@ise stipulated in this docu:ent5 The IPG is applica?le to a standard UH-1 series helicopter operating in a 9light pro9ile si:ilar to the U( :ilitar>5 $ $
NOTE UH-1 H)3I&*PT) ( U()+ ,* REPETITIVE H)0-E 3I,T 0.+ *TH) U.IGU) *P) 0TI*.( (3*GGI.G, 10T) ;U&H)T, 3*.G 3I.), )T&5), (H033 )GUI ) 0++ITI*.03 0.+'* M* ) , )GU).T I.(P)&TI*.( 0( +))M)+ .)&)((0 E ;0()+ *. *P) 0TI*.03 )8P) I).&) 0.+'* 03) T () -I&) ;U33)TI.( 0.+'* 0I 1* THI.)(( +I )&TI-)(5 UH-1 H)3I&*PT) ( M*+I,I)+ TH *UGH I.&* P* 0TI*. *, (UPP3)M).T03 TEP) &) TI,I&0T)( * )GUIPP)+ 1ITH (P)&I03 MI((I*. HIT( (H033 )GUI ) 0++ITI*.03 I.(P)&TI*.( 0( +))M)+ .)&)((0 E5 The IPG is pri:aril> presented 9or UH-1H :odel helicopters5 Inspection reFuire:ents peculiar to 46# :ain rotor eFuipped helicopters are denoted A46# M' B5 The IPG is also pri:aril> presented 9or the T4/311, T4/31/ and T4/3"#/ engines5 The engine should ?e :aintained and inspected in accordance @ith the :anu9acturerDs :aintenance :anual and the appropriate :anu9acturerDs ser!ice ?ulletins5 NOTE 0. ).GI.) H)03TH I.+I&0T* T)(T I( .* M033E 0 P )-,3IGHT ,U.&TI*. P) ,* M)+ ;E TH) PI3*T 0.+ H0( .*T ;)). I.&3U+)+ I. TH) IPG5 H*1)-) , TH) *P) 0T* (H*U3+ )(T0;3I(H 0 M)TH*+ ,* ).GI.) T ).+ M*.IT* I.G T* )-03U0T) ).GI.) H)03TH 0.+ P) ,* M0.&)5 0 (UGG)(T)+ M)TH*+ ,* ).GI.) T ).+ M*.IT* I.G I( TH) H)03TH I.+I&0T* T)(T (HIT) 0( +)(& I;)+ I. 0PP *P I0T) U( 0 ME M0.U03(5 1!2( )ARNING* CAUTION"* AN# NOTE" #EFINE#(
The IPG is di!ided into= &hapters, (ections, Headings, Paragraphs, and su?paragraphs5
AR# LAN#ING Tail rotor gear?o<5 10(1( e:o!e tail rotor gear?o<5 &hecC 9or cracCs5 a( Main rotor ?lades5 &1' ;olt contact etc5 &a' 1( e:o!e spline etc5 Tighten ?olt etc5 )tc5
| 1e? (ite 9or the General (er!ices 0d:inistration$ 0ircra9t Manage:ent Polic> +i!ision5 The $ AcaretaCerB o9 the Inspection Planning Guides5 $ 0T&*M UH-1 contact5 0T&*M *H-42 contact5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Hone>@ell contacts 9or T4/ engines5 pu?lications5 Technical $ $ $ $ $ $ $
&harlie )lCins (246) 944-#""/ (usan 3e@is (246) 944-#""/ Paul )lliott (6#2) 2/1-/#"" paul5)lliottIhone>@ell5co: uss (:ith (6#2) 2/1-/499 russ5s:ithIhone>@ell5co: +an Grad> (6#2) 2/1-//62 dan5grad>Ihone>@ell5co:
.ational Technical In9or:ation (er!ice 1 2## 44/-626" ("#/) 6#4-6### 4224 Port o>al oad (pring9ield, -0 22161 Maintenance :anuals 9or 0r:> helicopters5
and> (te@art +epart:ent o9 )nerg> (enior 0!iation Polic> *99icer, M0-1# *99ice o9 0!iation Manage:ent 1### Independence 0!e5, (1, : 9H-#6/ 1ashington, +& 2#424 (2#2) 426-61"1 IPG 1orC Group 0ndre@ 35 Helle> Product (upport )ngineer ;ell Helicopter Te<tron P* ;o< 622 ,ort 1orth, T8 "61#1 (21") 22#-6#"6
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
ichard Tho:as ,ederal 0!iation 0d:inistration ,T1-0ircra9t )!aluation Group (0)G) ,ort 1orth, Te<as "619/-#2"# (21") 222-42"2 IPG 1orC Group MiCe Miles General (er!ices 0d:inistration 12## , (treet, .1 : 12210 1ashington, +& 2#6#4 (2#2) 219-1/46
222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 AIRCRAFT :eans a de!ice that is used or intended to ?e used 9or 9light5
AIRCRAFT ENGINE :eans an engine that is used or intended to ?e used 9or propelling aircra9t5 It includes tur?o-superchargers, appurtenances, and accessories necessar> 9or its 9unctioning, ?ut does not include propellers5 AIRFRAME :eans the 9uselage, ?oo:s, nacelles, co@lings, 9airings, air9oil sur9aces (including rotors ?ut e<cluding propellers and rotating air9oils o9 engines), and landing gear o9 an aircra9t and their accessories and controls5 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE :eans that @orC @hich is reFuired to ?e per9or:ed ?> an appropriatel> certi9icated and Fuali9ied person(s)5 AIR)ORT INE"" #IRECTIVE :eans a :aintenance procedure dictated ?> the ,ederal 0!iation 0d:inistration that :ust ?e per9or:ed on an aircra9t in order to re:ain air@orth>5 APPROVE# unless used @ith re9erence to another person, :eans appro!ed ?> the ,00 0d:inistrator5 APPLIANCE :eans an> instru:ent, :echanis:, eFuip:ent, part, apparatus, appurtenance, or accessor>, including co::unications eFuip:ent, that is used or intended to ?e used in operating or controlling an aircra9t in 9light, is installed in or attached to the aircra9t, and is not part o9 an air9ra:e, engine, or propeller5 CALI$RATION :eans :aCing precise :easure:ents and adJust:ents to eFuip:ent or s>ste:s in order to o?tain opti:u: per9or:ance and to certi9> that output data 9alls @ithin prescri?ed tolerances5 CAUTION :eans a :aintenance or inspection procedure, practice, etc5, @hich, i9 not strictl> o?ser!ed, could result in da:age to or destruction o9 eFuip:ent5 C EC3 :eans an action taCen to e<a:ine and !eri9>, in accordance @ith esta?lished procedures and reFuire:ents, the condition or status o9 an aircra9t, its s>ste:s, co:ponents, and'or accessories5 CIVIL AIRCRAFT :eans an aircra9t that (tates Go!ern:ent or a (tate or local holding an air@orthiness certi9icateK engaging in co::ercial purposes5 (see :a> or :a> not ?e o@ned or leased ?> the United go!ern:entK that holds, or is ca?a?le o9 and is ca?a?le o9 transporting passengers or PU;3I& 0I & 0,T)
COMPONENT an> sel9-contained part, co:?ination o9 parts, su?asse:?lies or units, @hich per9or: a distincti!e 9unction necessar> to the operation o9 the air9ra:e, po@erplant or propeller5 CON#ITIONAL IN"PECTION :eans an inspection @hich is contingent upon speci9ic conditions or incidents that arise, and onl> ?ecause o9 these conditions or incidents5 )<a:ples o9 these conditions or incidents are hard landings, o!erspeed, and sudden stoppage5 0n inspection is reFuired in such cases ?e9ore 9urther 9light5
&ENGINE' CYCLE :eans an engine start and shutdo@n procedure to ?e counted as A1B5 ,or the purposes o9 this docu:ent and historical purposes (2 c>cles per 9light hour plus 24L) is the :ethod reco::ended to deter:ine the nu:?er o9 c>cles on engines that ha!e not ?een logging c>cles5 09ter that, 1 c>cle per 9light hour5 #M)R (pronounced di:@ar) :eans +epot Maintenance 1orC eFuire:ent5 It is a docu:ent that details :aintenance and inspection criteria 9or speci9ic co:ponents5 FOREIGN O$4ECT #AMAGE (,*+) :eans da:age to an aircra9t, air9ra:e5 or engine caused ?> a 9oreign o?Ject that is not part o9 the aircra9t, or has ?roCen loose o9 the aircra9t and caused da:age5 GROUN# RUN &see RUN!UP' :eans operating the aircra9t on the ground, @ith no intention o9 taCing o99, 9ro: a nor:al start thru 9light idle, as a :ini:u:5 AR# LAN#ING :eans an> accident or incident in @hich ground i:pact o9 the helicopter causes se!ere pitching o9 :ain rotor, allo@ing hard contact o9 hu? @ith :ast, or results in >ielding or noticea?le cracCing o9 9uselage p>lon support structure or landing gear5 AR#!TIME :eans a pri:ar> :aintenance process that reFuires an appliance or part ?e periodicall> o!erhaul in accordance @ith the 0genc>Ds :aintenance :anual or that it ?e re:o!ed 9ro: ser!ice5 EALT IN#ICATOR &ENGINE' TE"T (HIT) :eans a :ethod 9or engine trend :onitoring to e!aluate engine health and per9or:ance5 IN"PECT :eans a :ethod o9 Fuali9>ing the condition or status o9 the aircra9t, its s>ste:s, co:ponents, and'or accessories to speci9ic standards and reFuire:ents5 INTERME#IATE IN"PECTION :eans an inspection that is per9or:ed each 24 hours5 MAINTENANCE IN"PECTION" include dail>'pre9light, seg:ent, sa9et>, ser!ice, special, and nu:?ered inspections5 These inspections !ar> in scope and 9reFuenc> o9 per9or:ance according to t>pes o9 aircra9t5 MO#IFICATION )OR3 OR#ER (M1*) :eans an authoriMation to per9or: a :odi9ication on an aircra9t to correct or enhance an e<isting condition5 This is a :ilitar> ter: and is si:ilar to a co::ercial :odel ser!ice instruction5 MA4OR ALTERATION" :eans an alteration not listed in the aircra9t, or aircra9t engine'rotor speci9ications that (1) :ight apprecia?l> a99ect @eight, ?alance, structural strength, per9or:ance, po@erplant operation, 9light characteristics, or other Fualities a99ecting air@orthinessK or (2) is not done according to accepted practices, or cannot ?e done ?> ele:entar> operations (re9er to Part 6/)5 MA4OR REPAIR :eans a repair that (1) i9 i:properl> done, :ight apprecia?l> a99ect @eight, ?alance, structural strength, per9or:ance, po@erplant operations, 9light characteristics, or other Fualities o9 air@orthinessK or (2) is not done according to accepted practices, or cannot ?e done ?> ele:entar> operations (re9er to Part 6/)5
MA"T $UMPING or 9lapping-stop contact :eans the condition @hich occurs @hen the :ain >oCe contacts the :ast and :a> result in a 9ractured :ast and rotor seperation5 It usuall> occurs duringK slope landings, rotor startup'coastdo@n, or @hen the 9light en!elope is e<ceeded5 MINIMUM E+UIPMENT LI"T (M)3) :eans a regulator> authoriMation to continue to operate an aircra9t @ith inopera?le instru:ents or eFuip:ent5 The aircra9t :a> ?e operated under all applica?le conditions and li:itations contained in the :ini:u: eFuip:ent list5 MINOR ALTERATION :eans a :odi9ication that is an alteration other than a :aJor alteration5 MINOR REPAIR :eans a repair that is other than a :aJor repair5 NOTE :eans an inspection or :aintenance procedure, condition, etc(, @hich is essential to highlight ON CON#ITION ITEM (*&) :eans an ite: o9 eFuip:ent that :ust ?e restricted to one on @hich a deter:ination o9 continued air@orthiness :a> ?e :ade ?> a !isual checC, :easure:ent, test, or other :eans5 OPERATIONAL C EC3 :eans an Nin :otionN or Npo@er onN test 9or deter:ining that an ite: o9 eFuip:ent @ill operate at a speci9ied per9or:ance le!el5 OVER AUL :eans the co:plete disasse:?l>, cleaning, inspection, necessar> replace:ent or repair o9 parts, reasse:?l>, adJust:ent, and testing o9 an ite: or eFuip:ent in accordance @ith reco::ended procedures5 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE :eans si:ple or :inor preser!ation operations and the replace:ent o9 s:all standard parts not in!ol!ing co:ple< asse:?l> operations5 correcti!e action taCen ?e9ore it ?eco:es necessar> to :aCe a :aJor repair5 It is
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE IN"PECTION (P5M5I5) :eans an inspection @hich is acco:plished each 12 1'2 9light hours or e!er> 16 calendar da>s, @hiche!er occurs 9irst5 PU$LIC AIRCRAFT :eans an aircra9t used onl> 9or the United (tates Go!ern:ent, an aircra9t o@ned ?> the Go!ern:ent and operated ?> an> person 9or purposes related to cre@ training, eFuip:ent de!elop:ent, or de:onstration, an aircra9t o@ned and operated ?> the go!ern:ent o9 a (tate, the +istrict o9 &olu:?ia, or a territor> or possession o9 the United (tates or a political su?di!ision o9 one o9 these go!ern:ents, an aircra9t e<clusi!el> leased 9or at least 9# continuous da>s ?> the go!ern:ent o9 a (tate, the +istrict o9 &olu:?ia, or a territor> or possession o9 the United (tates or a political su?di!ision o9 one o9 these go!ern:ents, an aircra9t o@ned or operated ?> the ar:ed 9orces or chartered to pro!ide transportation to the ar:ed 9orces5 In this de9inition, the 9ollo@ing de9initions appl>= (1) &*MM) &I03 PU P*()( :eans the transportation o9 persons or propert> 9or co:pensation or hire, ?ut does not include the operation o9 an aircra9t ?> the ar:ed 9orces 9or rei:?urse:ent @hen that rei:?urse:ent is reFuired ?> an> ,ederal statute, regulation, or directi!e, in e99ect on .o!e:?er 1, 1999, or ?> one go!ern:ent on ?ehal9 o9 another go!ern:ent under a cost rei:?urse:ent agree:ent i9 the go!ern:ent on @hose ?ehal9 the operation is conducted certi9ies to the 0d:inistrator o9 the ,ederal 0!iation 0d:inistration that the operation is necessar> to respond to a
signi9icant and i::inent threat to li9e or propert> (including natural resources) and that no ser!ice ?> a pri!ate operator is reasona?l> a!aila?le to :eet the threat5 (2) G*-) .M).T03 ,U.&TI*. :eans an acti!it> undertaCen ?> a go!ern:ent, such as national de9ense, intelligence :issions, 9ire9ighting, search and rescue, la@ en9orce:ent (including transport o9 prisoners, detainees, and illegal aliens), aeronautical research, or ?iological or geological resource :anage:ent5 (/) GU03I,I)+ .*.-& )1M)M;) :eans an indi!idual, other than a :e:?er o9 the cre@, a?oard an aircra9t-(0) operated ?> the ar:ed 9orces or an intelligence agenc> o9 the United (tates Go!ern:entK or (;) @hose presence is reFuired to per9or:, or is associated @ith the per9or:ance o9, a go!ern:ental 9unction5 (6) 0 M)+ ,* &)( has the :eaning gi!en such ter: ?> section 1#1 o9 title 1#5 0n aircra9t does not Fuali9> as a pu?lic aircra9t @hen the aircra9t is used 9or co::ercial purposes or to carr> an indi!idual other than a cre@:e:?er or a Fuali9ied non-cre@:e:?er5 0I & 0,T *1.)+ * *P) 0T)+ ;E TH) 0 M)+ ,* &)( Fuali9ies as a pu?lic aircra9t i9= (0) the aircra9t is operated in accordance @ith title 1#K (;) the aircra9t is operated in the per9or:ance o9 a go!ern:ental 9unction under title 16, /1, /2, or 4# and the aircra9t is not used 9or co::ercial purposesK or (&) the aircra9t is chartered to pro!ide transportation to the ar:ed 9orces and the (ecretar> o9 +e9ense (or the (ecretar> o9 the depart:ent in @hich the &oast Guard is operating) designates the operation o9 the aircra9t as ?eing reFuired in the national interest5 3IMIT0TI*. 0n aircra9t that is o@ned or operated ?> the .ational Guard o9 a (tate, the +istrict o9 &olu:?ia, or an> territor> or possession o9 the United (tates, Fuali9ies as a pu?lic aircra9t onl> to the e<tent that it is operated under the direct control o9 the +epart:ent o9 +e9ense5 REPAIR :eans the restoration o9 an ite: o9 eFuip:ent to a ser!icea?le condition a9ter 9ault detection5 RUN UP &see GROUN# RUN' :eans operation o9 the aircra9t 9ro: nor:al start thru 9light idle5 ,light o9 the aircra9t :a> ?e planned5 "PECIAL IN"PECTION :eans an inspection, in addition to the P5M5I5, Inter:ediate and Periodic Inspections, that are inspections per9or:ed on a calendar ?asis, a c>cle ?asis, a co:?ination o9 hourl>'calendar ?asis, or 9ollo@ing the installation o9 a :aJor co:ponent such as a gear?o< installation5 TIME CONTROLLE# COMPONENT :eans a part or co:ponent @hich has an esta?lished ser!ice li9e, at @hich ti:e certain :aintenance :ust ?e per9or:ed or the ite: disposed o9 as unser!icea?le5 The ser!ice li9e :a> ?e ?ased on operating hours, c>cles, landings, calendar ti:e, or co:?inations o9 these5 UN"ALVAGEA$LE :eans an aircra9t part that should not ?e returned to a!iation use as de9ined ?> ,ederal 0!iation 0d:inistration (,00) 0d!isor> &ircular (0&) .o5 21-/2 A+isposition o9 Unsal!agea?le 0ircra9t Parts and Materials ("-4-96)5A5 Persons disposing o9 unsal!agea?le aircra9t parts and :aterials should, @hen appropriate, :utilate those parts and :aterials prior to release5 Mutilation should ?e acco:plished in such a :anner that the parts ?eco:e unusa?le 9or their original intended use (see 0& .o5 21-/2)5 VI"UAL IN"PECTION :eans an inspection o9 an ite: o9 eFuip:ent 9or cleanliness, and deterioration o9 parts or :aterials ?> !isual :eans5
)ARNING :eans a :aintenance or inspection procedure, practice, etc5, @hich i9 not correctl> 9ollo@ed, could result in personal inJur> or loss o9 li9e5 )IRE "TRI3E Protection (>ste: (1(P() :eans a ?asic s>ste: consisting o9 an upper cutter asse:?l>, a @indshield de9lector'cutter asse:?l>, and a lo@er cutter asse:?l> that pro!ides protection against 9rontal i:pacts @ith horiMontall> strung :echanical and po@er trans:ission @ires5 "AFETY OF FLIG T ME""AGE :eans an 0r:> issued :essage that details a :ethod to inspect, :aintain, repair, or replace a co:ponent o9 a U5(5 0r:> aircra9t, usuall> an *H-42 or UH-1 helicopter5 (*, could also appl> to 9light procedures, operating li:its, or operational polic>5
C APTER 2 IN"PECTION #E"CRIPTION" 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 NOTE P I* T* P30&I.G 0. 0I & 0,T *. THI( P *G 0M, 0 P5M5I5, +)T0I3D( 71, 72, 0.+ 7/, 0.+ 0.E *TH) (P)&I03 I.(P)&TI*.( TH0T M0E ;) )GUI )+, * 0. I.(P)&TI*. ,* I.ITI03 &) TI,I&0TI*., (H*U3+ ;) 0&&*MP3I(H)+5 2!1( P(M(I( P5M5I5 is 9ound in &hapter / and is acco:plished each 1# 9light hours or e!er> 16 calendar da>s, @hiche!er occurs 9irst5 2!2( #e1ai5 61 Is 9ound in &hapter 6 and is acco:plished each 4# 9light hours5 2!,( #e1ai5 62 Is 9ound in &hapter 4 and is acco:plished each 1## 9light hours5 2!/( #e1ai5 6, Is 9ound in &hapter 6 and is acco:plished each 14# 9light hours5 2!7( "PECIAL IN"PECTION" In addition to the P5M5I5 and the +etail 71, 72, and 7/ Inspections, reFuired (pecial Inspections 9ound in &hapter " o9 the IPG are per9or:ed on a calendar ?asis, a co:?ination o9 hourl>'calendar ?asis, or 9ollo@ing the installation o9 a :aJor co:ponent such as a gear?o< installation5 2!8( CON#ITIONAL IN"PECTION" &AIRFRAME' &onditional Inspections (0ir9ra:e) 9ound in &hapter 2 o9 the IPG are inspections reFuired as a result o9 unusual e!ents such as hard landings or sudden stoppage o9 rotor5 2!-( CON#ITIONAL IN"PECTION" &ENGINE' &onditional Inspections ()ngine) 9ound in &hapter 9 o9 the IPG are inspections reFuired as a result o9 an unusual e!ent such as engine oil 9ilter ?>pass or engine o!erte:perature5 NOTE TH) ) 0 ) .* P )(& I;)+ I.T) -03( ,*
&*.+ITI*.03 I.(P)&TI*.(5
IN"PECTION "C E#ULE C ART IN"PECTION "C E#ULE" 9 70 100 F&'()* H+,-. 170 200 270 ,00
NOTE 15 I, 0. 0I & 0,T 1I33 ;) *UT *, () -I&) M* ) TH0. /# +0E(, 0 P5M5I5 (H033 ;) P) ,* M)+ P I* T* )TU .I.G TH) 0I & 0,T T* () -I&)5 25 I, 0. 0I & 0,T I( *UT *, () -I&) M* ) TH0. 16 +0E(, 0 0PP *P I0T) M0.U03( I( (T *.G3E )&*MM).+)+5 U.-UP I. 0&&* +0.&) 1ITH
/5 TH) &*MP3)T) 0I & 0,T MU(T ;) I.(P)&T)+ 1ITHI. 12 &03).+0 M*.TH(, 1HI&H M)0.( 033 TH )) +)T0I3( MU(T H0-) ;)). P) ,* M)+5 I, 0. 0I & 0,T ,3I)( 3)(( TH0. 14# H*U ( I. 12 &03).+0 M*.TH(, TH) )M0I.+) *, TH) +)T0I3 I.(P)&TI*.( MU(T ;) P) ,* M)+5 I, 0. 0I & 0,T ,3I)( G )0T) TH0. 14# H*U (, TH) I.(P)&TI*. &E&3) I( &*.TI.U)+5 TH) A0..U03 $ &E&3)B (T0 T( 0G0I. 1H). 033 I.(P)&TI*.( 0 ) &*MP3)T)+5 ()) I.(P)&TI*. (&H)+U3) &H0 T $ 0;*-)5 65 ).GI.) I.(P)&TI*.( 0.+ )TI )M).T 3I,) 3IMIT)+ I.T) -03( - ),) T* MI3IT0 E M0I.T).0.&) +*&UM).T * TH) 033I)+ (IG.03 3E&*MI.G M0I.T).0.&) +*&UM).T5 45 &*MP*.).T *-) H0U3 0.+ )TI )M).T 3I,) 3IMIT)+ I.T) -03( - ),) MI3IT0 E M0I.T).0.&) +*&UM).T * M0.U,0&TU ) ( M0I.T).0.&) +*&UM).T5 T* 0PP3I&0;3)
2!.( "PECIAL IN"PECTION" LI"TING &C APTER -' In addition to the P5M5I5 and the +etail 71, 72, and 7/ Inspections, (pecial Inspections are per9or:ed on a calendar ?asis, a co:?ination o9 hourl>'calendar ?asis, or 9ollo@ing the installation o9 a :aJor co:ponent such as a gear?o< installation5 P0G) 1( 2( ,( /( 7( 8( -( .( :( 10( -!1( -!2( -!,( -!/( -!7( -!8( -!-( -!.( -!:( AFTER EAC IN"TALLATION( IN"TALLATION( IN"TALLATION( ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,7 ,7 ,7 ,7 ,7 ,8
2!:( CON#ITIONAL IN"PECTION" &AIRFRAME' &C APTER .' Inspections reFuired as a result o9 unusual e!ents such as hard landings or sudden stoppage o9 rotor5 P0G) 1( 2( ,( /( 7( 8( -( .( :( 10( 11( 12( 1,( 1/( 17( 18( .!1( .!2( .!,( .!/( .!7( .!8( .!-( .!.( .!:( AR# LAN#ING"( "U##EN "TOPPAGE ! PO)ER ON OR OFF( OVER"PEE#( OVERTOR+UE &AIRFRAME AN# ENGINE'( LIG TNING "TRI3E( MA"T $UMPING( AFTER )IRE "TRI3E( AFTER LO)ER )"P" GROUN# CONTACT( AFTER AIRCRAFT I" FLO)N INTO AREA )IT $LO)ING "AN# AN#9OR LOO"E GRA""( ELICOPTER( ,. /0 // /8 /. 70 70 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 7,
2!10( CON#ITIONAL IN"PECTION" &ENGINE' &C APTER :' 0 &onditional Inspection ()ngine) is per9or:ed as a result o9 an unusual e!ent such as engine oil 9ilter ?>pass or engine o!erte:perature5 P0G) 1( :!1( 2( ,( /( 7( 8( -( .( :( 10( 11( :!2( :!,( :!/( :!7( :!8( :!-( :!.( :!:( FOREIGN O$4ECT #AMAGE I" NOTE#( "U"PECTE# COMPRE""OR "TALL OR "URGE( ENGINE I" #ROPPE# #URING AN#LING( 7/ 7/ 77. 7. 80 81 82 8, 87 87
TH)() I.(P)&TI*.(5
C APTER , PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE IN"PECTION &P(M(I(' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "ECTION I( 1( GENERAL &"EE IN"PECTION "C E#ULE C ART* PAGE .'
2( )nsure all applica?le 0ir@orthiness +irecti!es ((a9et> o9 ,light, 0lert (er!ice $ ;ulletinOs, 0(0MDs, TMDs, T;, MIMDs , etc) are co:plied @ith5 ,( e!ie@ records 9or (P)&I03 or &03).+0 inspection ite:s @hich are due5
/( e!ie@ co:ponent listing 9or o!erhaul or retire:ent ite:s @hich need to ?e replaced5 7( e!ie@ ser!ice instructions 9or :aintenance and inspection reFuire:ents 9or installed Cits, M1*s and (T&s as appropriate5 8( Per9or: a general !isual inspection o9 aircra9t 9or condition and cleanliness5 -( &lean the aircra9t, particularl> the areas ?eing inspected5 LU$RICATION RE+UIREMENT" $
Inspect nose structure and 9ollo@ing co:ponents 9or condition and securit>5 a( 1indshields, nose structure and e<ternal eFuip:ent5 ?5 ;atter> co:part:ent structure and co:ponents and @iring5 c( Pitot and static ports5 Inspect cre@ and cargo doors and @indo@s 9or da:age and proper operation5 Inspect stencils, decals, and or placards
12( Inspect 9light, engine controls and :anual cargo release asse:?l> i9 installed5 1,( Inspect Instru:ent panel, consoles and installed eFuip:ent5 1 1/( Inspect cre@ and passenger seats, and seat ?elts and shoulder harnesses 9or da:age and securit>5 17( Inspect na!igation, search and landing lights 9or condition and checC 9or proper operation5
"ECTION IV( UPPER PYLON 18( Inspect the upper 9uselage structure, antennas, co@ling and air intaCe screens 9or de?ris, da:age and securit>5 1-( Inspect upper and lo@er :ain rotor ?lade sur9aces 9or da:age, e!idence o9 corrosion and cracCs5 Particular attention shall ?e gi!en to the dou?ler area and all ?ond lines5 Hairline cracCs in the paint 9inish should ?e inspected closel> 9or possi?le !oids5 1.( Inspect leading edge scar9 Joints 9or 9iller erosion, i9 splice co!er is not installed5 1:( &hecC :ain rotor 9or proper lu?ricant le!el, inspect 9or e!idence o9 leaCage, and o?!ious conta:ination5 .ot applica?le i9 aircra9t is :odi9ied @ith grease hu?5 20( Inspect :ain rotor grips 9or e!idence o9 corrosion and !isi?le da:age5 Inspect shield area 9or trapped conta:ination5 21( 225 Inspect drag ?race attach:ent lugs 9or da:age, cracCs and securit>5 Inspect :ain rotor hu? static stops 9or o?!ious de9or:ation and'or cracCs5 $
2,( Inspect :ain rotor >oCe 9or general condition and securit> o9 pillo@ ?locC asse:?l> attach:ent, pa>ing particular attention to the area surrounding the pillo@ ?locC ?ushing ?ores5 -isuall> inspect 9or sealant integrit> around >oCe to pillo@ ?locC :ating sur9ace and around head and nut o9 >oCe to pillo@ ?locC attach:ent ?olt5 2/( Inspect pillo@ ?locC ?ushing 9lange and outside area o9 ?ushing holes 9or e!idence o9 cracCs'corrosion5 275 Inspect :ain rotor pitch change linCs, da:per tu?es and connecting linCs 9or scratches, nicCs, dents, securit> o9 attach:ent and o?!iousl> @orn ?earings5 28( Inspect :ast asse:?l> 9or o?!ious da:age, particularl> in the area o9 :ain rotor hu? static stop contact area5 2-5 2.( &hecC securit> o9 :ast nut and :ast5 Inspect :ast seal 9or e!idence o9 leaCage5
2:( &hecC sta?iliMer ?ar da:pers 9or proper 9luid le!el and securit> o9 attach:ent5 ,0( ,1( Inspect scissors and slee!e asse:?l> 9or @orn ?earings and 9oreign o?Ject da:age5 Inspect s@ashplate asse:?l> 9or @orn ?earings and 9oreign o?Ject da:age5
,2( Inspect control lugs (/ ea5) on s@ashplate inner ring and (2 ea5) on s@ashplate outer ring 9or cracCs5 ,,( Inspect collecti!e le!ers 9or securit> o9 attach:ent and 9oreign o?Ject da:age5
,/( Inspect the trans:ission and p>lon support structure area 9or da:age, cracCs, and leaCs5 ,7( Inspect :ain dri!e sha9t and ensure 9ree@heel unit 9unctions properl>5
,85 Inspect h>draulic reser!oir 9or proper le!el, and inspect 9or a?nor:al oil discoloration5 "ECTION V( ,-( LO)ER PYLON
,.( Inspect trans:ission 9or proper oil le!el, and inspect 9or a?nor:al oil discoloration5 ,:( Inspect trans:ission :ounts and supports 9or cracCs and securit>5
/0( Inspect the trans:ission tail rotor output Fuill 9or grease leaCage and 9or o!er te:perature indications5 /1( Inspect h>draulic s>ste: co:ponents 9or da:age and leaCs, and the 9ilter 9or ?>pass indication5 /2( Inspect h>draulic ser!o c>linder :ount nuts 9or slippage :arCs5
/,( Inspect hell hole area 9or leaCs, @orCing 9asteners, and general securit> o9 co:ponents5 Pa> particular attention to the ser!o'linCage area and the li9t ?ea: and support case area5 //5 I9 e<ternal loads are anticipated - &lean and inspect hooC asse:?l> 9or @ear and da:age5 /7( Inspect landing gear 9or da:age and securit>5 Inspect cross tu?es 9or !isual indications o9 e<cess spread and saddle areas 9or slippage, cracCs and 9retting5 "ECTION VI( ENGINE NOTE P) ,* M 0 &*MP )((* 10(H 1H). I.(P)&TI*. )-)03( 0. 0&&UMU30TI*. *, +I T, 1H). ).GI.) P) ,* M0.&) +)& )0()( )8&)((I-)3E, 0.+ 1H).)-) )8H0U(T G0( T)MP) 0TU ) I.& )0()( (T)0+I3E +U I.G .* M03 *P) 0TI*.5 /8( Inspect engine co@lings and 9airings 9or securit>, da:age, and loose or :issing 9asteners5 /-( Inspect ,oreign *?Ject +a:age (,*+) screen and particle separator as 9ollo@s= /-(1( Inspect ,*+ screen 9or da:age @hich @ould per:it 9oreign o?Ject entr>5 I9 screen is da:aged inspect co:pressor 9or da:age5 Inspect as outlined in :!1 FOREIGN O$4ECT #AMAGE I" NOTE# inspection5 /-(2( Inspect ,*+ screen e<terior 9or presence o9 9oreign :aterial5 I9 :aterial such as rags, paper, grass or other !egetation is present enough to distur? air9lo@ to the inlet per9or: an inlet ?locCage inspection in accordance @ith :!. En@ine In5e1 $5ocAa@e Ins=ec1ion o9 the IPG5
I9 the screen or separator is not installed, inspect the inlet as 9ollo@s= /.(1( Inspect inlet 9or accu:ulation o9 dirt con9or:ing to contour o9 inlet housing5 ;uildup o9 dirt :a> con9or: to the shape o9 the inlet housing and ?e di99icult to detect5 033 9oreign :atter :ust ?e co:pletel> re:o!ed5 0n> e!idence o9 inlet ?locCage shall result in the :!. En@ine In5e1 $5ocAa@e Ins=ec1ion o9 the IPG ?eing per9or:ed5 /.(2( -isuall> inspect co:pressor ?lades, inlet housing air passages and !aria?le guide !anes as !isi?le 9ro: inlet housing5 Inspection shall ?e 9orK 9oreign o?Ject da:age, partial or co:plete inlet ?locCage, and salt, dirt oil and !arnish deposits5 I9 reFuired, per9or: a co:pressor @ash in accordance @ith the appropriate :aintenance :anual5 ,oreign o?Ject da:age shall ?e repaired i9 it e<ceeds the li:its in the appropriate :aintenance :anual5
/:( Inspect droop ca: asse:?l> 9or signs o9 ?inding and cleanliness and linear actuator 9or proper operation (e<cept 46# M' )5 70( Inspect engine :ounts and shi:s 9or da:age and securit>5
71( &hecC that oil tanC is 9illed to the proper le!el5 I9 oil 9ilter has a ?>-pass ?utton, inspect 9or e<tension o9 that ?utton5 I9 ?utton is e<tended, re:o!e and clean 9ilter ele:ents5 eset ?utton and a9ter ne<t 9light checC 9or e<tension o9 the ?>pass ?utton5 I9 ?utton is 9ound e<tended, per9or: an engine oil conta:ination inspection in accordance @ith :!: En@ine Oi5 Con1aBina1ion Ins=ec1ion o9 the IPG5 72( Inspect po@er tur?ine ?lades through e<haust di99user and inspect e<haust di99user 9or, cracCs and ?urnt areas5 "ECTION VII( TAIL $OOM
7,5 Inspect the tail ?oo: attach:ent ?olt areas 9or cracCs and securit>5 Pa> particular attention to the upper le9t attach:ent area on ?oth the 9uselage and tail ?oo:5 (&hecC attach:ent hard@are slippage :arCs)5 7/( 77( 78( Inspect oil cooler ?lo@er asse:?l> 9or cleanliness, ?locCage and rough ?earings5 Inspect tail rotor ser!o 9or securit> and leaCage5 Inspect ele!ators 9or da:age, cracCs and looseness5
7-( Inspect the e<ternal portions o9 !ertical splice area, Just 9or@ard o9 inter:ediate gear?o<, 9or cracCs and corrosion5 7.( Inspect the e<ternal portions o9 the !ertical 9in structure 9or signs o9 9retting, corrosion and cracCs5 "ECTION VIII( TAIL ROTOR9#RIVE "Y"TEM Inspect tail rotor cross
7:( &lean and inspect tail rotor control chain and sprocCet5 head 9or a<ial and radial :o!e:ent5
80( Inspect inter:ediate and tail rotor gear?o< attach:ent areas 9or signs o9 9retting and :o!e:ent5 815 &hecC inter:ediate and tail rotor gear?o<es 9or proper oil le!el and ser!ice i9 reFuired5 Inspect 9or a?nor:al oil discoloration5 82( -isuall> inspect tail rotor dri!e 9le< couplings and hanger asse:?lies 9or o!erheat indications, grease leaCage, securit> and 9oreign o?Jects5 8,( -isuall> inspect tail rotor ?lades 9or da:age, cracCs, and sCin dela:ination, @ith special attention to the area on ?oth sides ?et@een the dou?lers and si< inches out?oard o9 dou?lers5
C APTER / #ETAIL 61 ! 70 FLIG T OUR" 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 "ECTION I( 1( GENERAL e9er to IN"PECTION "C E#ULE C ART* PAGE .(
NOTE TH) UH-1 I.(P)&TI*. P30..I.G GUI+) (IPG) 10( +)-)3*P)+ T* P *-I+) GUI+0.&) I. P30..I.G I.(P)&TI*. P *G 0M( ,* T). M*+)3( *, TH) UH-1 () I)( H)3I&*PT) 5 TH) P IM0 E +I,,) ).&)$ ;)T1)). TH) UH-1 () I)( *, H)3I&*PT) ( 0 ) TH*() M*+)3( TH0T I.&* P* 0T) TH) A46#B *T* (E(T)M5 &*MP*.).T( * P0 T( 3I(T)+ ;E P0 T .UM;) I. TH) UH-1 IPG H0-) (P)&I,I& I.(P)&TI*. & IT) I0 TH0T 0PP3E T* TH0T P0 TI&U30 P0 T .UM;) 5 I. 0++ITI*., TH) 3I(TI.G *, 0 &*MP*.).T * P0 T, ;E P0 T .UM;) I. TH) IPG, I.+I&0T)( TH0T +U) T* TH) +)(IG. *, TH0T P0 TI&U30 &*MP*.).T * P0 T, (P)&I03 0TT).TI*. I( )GUI )+ *, TH) )P0I M0. * I.(P)&T* I. * +) T* -) I,E &*.TI.U)+ 0I 1* THI.)((5 *TH) &*MP*.).T( * P0 T(, .*T 3I(T)+ ;E P0 T .UM;) I. TH) UH-1 IPG, +* .*T )GUI ) (P)&I03 0TT).TI*. * I.(P)&TI*. *TH) TH0. 1H0T I( &033)+ ,* I. TH) UH-1 IPG * ),) ).&)+ M0.U03(5 2( Inspect sta?iliMer ?ar asse:?l> 9or !isual da:age in the 9or: o9 scratches, nicCs, dents, cracCs, corrosion, and @orn ?earings5 2(1( Inspect sta?iliMer tu?es, 2#6-#11-/22-##1, -#11, 9or cracCs, pa>ing particular attention to an area co!ering /6# degrees and 1-1'2 inches out?oard 9ro: !ertical ?olt5 ,( Inspect :ain rotor drag ?races 9or e!idence o9 corrosion and securit> o9 attach:ent5 MaCe a close !isual e<a:ination o9 in?oard end (grip end) o9 drag ?race asse:?l> 9or corrosion and'or cracCs5 /( &hecC torFue on :ain rotor pillo@ ?locC ?olt nuts 66 to "9 9oot-pounds5 +o not loosen nut5 0ppl> sealant, as reFuired, to area in accordance @ith applica?le :anual5 "ECTION III( 7( PYLON
Inspect s@ashplate gi:?al ring Joint5 NOTE ;*3T M*-)M).T 1I33 ,0I3 3*&TIT) ;*.+ 0.+ &0U() ;*3T 1)0 5
7(1( Grasp s@ashplate rotating ring (2#6-#11-6#/) and atte:pt to :o!e it in a horiMontal plane on an a<is in line @ith gi:?al ring attach points to support asse:?l> (2#6-#11-6#6)5 Ma<i:u: allo@a?le a<ial looseness across the gi:?al ring ?earings and attaching ?olts is #5#1# inch5
7(2( epeat su?paragraph 7(15, on a<is 9# degrees to the checC in su?paragraph 7(15, atte:pt to :o!e it in a !ertical plane to detect looseness in line @ith gi:?al ring attach points in inner ring (2#6-#11-6#2)5 Ma<i:u: allo@a?le a<ial looseness across the gi:?al ring ?earings and attaching ?olts is #5#1# inch5 7(,( Inspect s@ashplate trunnion ?earings 9or @ear and securit>5 ,or 2#6-#11-641 trunnion= +isconnect scissors dri!e linCs 9ro: trunnion and checC s@ashplate ?earing 9or roughness, ?inding and !ertical pla>5 otate and lu?ricate trunnion ?e9ore reconnecting5 "ECTION IV( TRAN"MI""ION 0n> indication o9 a cracC is I9 :etallic chips or particles
8( Inspect @e? a?o!e input Fuill 9or cracCs5 cause 9or re:o!al o9 case5 -( Inspect internal 9ilter and chip detector5 are 9ound, in!estigate to deter:ine cause5 .5 :( 10( 11(
Inspect oil lines and hoses 9or pin holes or cracCs due to cha9ing5 Inspect oil line FuicC disconnect 9or leaCs, @ear and proper pin engage:ent5 Inspect @ire ?undles and controls 9or cha9ing5 &hecC oil sight gage 9or discoloration and conta:ination5
12( Inspect trans:ission tail rotor dri!e Fuill coupling and :ain dri!e sha9t seals and surrounding area 9or e!idence o9 grease leaCage, !isual o!erheat indicator 9or discoloration and o!erheat condition5 0 change in color o9 indicator indicates a possi?le o!erheat and'or co:ponent degradation5 &ause o9 discoloration shall ?e deter:ined and corrected prior to 9light5 1,( e:o!e and !isuall> inspect generator dri!e Fuill :agnetic chip plug 9or conta:inants5 1/( -isuall> inspect generator condition, ((pline @ear and ?rush inspection is per9or:ed during the (pecial Inspection, -!:( EAC 800 OUR" OR 12 MONT " OF COMPONENT OPERATION* ) IC EVER OCCUR" FIR"T% o9 the IPG)5 17( Per9or: an operational checC o9 trans:ission chip detector s>ste:5 FU"ELAGE &PYLON AREA'
18( Inspect 9uselage p>lon structure 9or cracCs, distortion, :issing ri!ets5 Inspect trans:ission support 9or cracCs, distortion, de9ecti!e':issing ri!ets5 Inspect li9t ?ea: asse:?l> 9or cracCs5 1-( Inspect 9riction da:pers5 Mo!e p>lon 9ore and a9t, using :ast as le!er5 &hecC 9riction da:pers 9or 9reedo: o9 :o!e:ent and s:ooth operation5 epair or replace da:pers 9ound ?inding5 1.( Inspect isolation :ounts, :ount ?oots, :ounting ?racCets and structure 9or
1:( Inspect 9i9th :ount attach:ent 9or da:age and securit>5 support ?ea: 9or cracCs5
20( Inspect li9t linC, li9t ?ea: 9itting and lo@er su:p case attach:ent 9or securit> and cracCs5 ),) "ECTION VI( Y#RAULIC "Y"TEM NOTE T* P0G) 4, NOTE, ,* )P)TITI-) 3I,T(5
21( Inspect all lines, 9ittings and hoses 9or leaCage and securit>, CinCs, general condition, and pitting5 Pa> particular attention to the condition o9 the hoses5 22( Inspect h>draulic actuators 9or leaCage and securit>5 c>linder piston @ith h>draulic 9luid and lint 9ree cloth5 &lean e<posed area o9
2,( Inspect actuator attach:ent ?racCets 9or securit>, cracCs, and corrosion in i::ediate area5 2/5 Inspect pu:p 9or da:age and leaCage5 TAIL ROTOR9#RIVE "Y"TEM
27( Per9or: operational checC o9 inter:ediate and tail rotor gear?o< chip detector s>ste:5 28( &hecC torFue o9 inter:ediate gear?o< attach:ent ?oltsK and checC torFue o9 tail rotor gear?o< retaining nuts5 +o not loosen ?olts'nuts5 2-( Inspect tail rotor pitch change :echanis: as 9ollo@s= 2-(1( Mount dial indicator on tail rotor gear?o< output sha9t @ith dial indicator le!er on out?oard edge o9 crosshead adJacent to pitch linC ?olt5 2-(2( 0ppl> and hold 9ull le9t pedal5 Mo!e crosshead in a radial (rocCing :otion) and note a:ount o9 :a<i:u: radial :o!e:ent5 Ma<i:u: :o!e:ent should not e<ceed #5#2# inch5 2-(,( 0ppl> and hold 9ull right pedal5 Per9or: checC as stated in su?paragraph 2-(2, a?o!e5 Ma<i:u: :o!e:ent should not e<ceed #5#/4 inch5 2-(/( I9 tolerances stated in su?paragraphs 2-(2 and 2-(, are e<ceeded, inspect inner splines o9 tail rotor crosshead slider and :ating splines on tail rotor gear?o< output sha9t5 2-(7( Place control pedals in neutral position5 Mo!e crosshead in a<ial direction (in and out), ?eing care9ul not to cause radial :o!e:ent5 Ma<i:u: :o!e:ent should not e<ceed #5#12 inch5 2-(8( I9 tolerance in su?paragraph 2-(7 a?o!e, is e<ceeded, inspect crosshead
?earings, control Fuill ?earings and ac:e thread o9 control tu?e and :ating threads in control nut5 C APTER 7
#ETAIL 62 ! 100 FLIG T OUR" 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 "ECTION I( 1( GENERAL (ee IN"PECTION "C E#ULE C ART* PAGE .(
Per9or: a P5M5I5
2( Inspect landing gear 9or @ear o9 sCids and shoes, securit> o9 :ountings 9or sCids and crosstu?es5 Inspect sCid tu?es and crosstu?es 9or cracCs, distortion, or >ielding5 ,( Inspect 9uselage e<terior structure 9or cracCs, dents, corrosion, de9ecti!e and :issing ri!ets or scre@s5 "ECTION III( /( PILOT AN# PA""ENGER COMPARTMENT"
&hecC all sa9et> eFuip:ent 9or inspection due dates and operation5
7( Inspect all heating and cooling ducts and controls 9or cracCs, securit>, and operation5 8( Inspect ca?in structure 9or cracCs, loose ri!ets and other da:age5
-( ,unctionall> checC cre@ door :echanis: and Jettison :echanis:, and inspect 9or @ear, corrosion and distortion5 Inspect hinges 9or cracCs5 .( Inspect seat adJust:ent :echanis: and tracCs 9or @ear, positi!e locCing and lu?rication5 :( 10( 11( ,unctionall> checC cargo door @indo@ Jettison :echanis:5 Inspect cargo door latching :echanis: and door rollers 9or @ear and da:age5 +rain pitot static s>ste:, i9 necessar>5 LO)ER PYLON* ENGINE an< AFT9CENTRAL AREA
Inspect li9t ?ea: and surrounding area 9or cracCs and @orCing ri!ets5 NOTE ()) P0G) 4, NOTE* ,* )P)TITI-) 3I,T(5
1/( Inspect 9uel cell 8-connector, surrounding structure, and 9uel lines 9or condition5
17( &hecC engine idle solenoid 9or operation, 9reedo: o9 plunger, inspect 9or corrosion and securit>5 &hecC 9or proper clearance5 18( 1-5 1.5 Inspect ?leed air discharge line 9or cha9ing and ?locCage5
Inspect !oltage regulator 9or da:age and securit> o9 :ounting and ter:inals5 Inspect rela>s and :ain ?us area 9or securit> o9 :ounting and connections5 FLIG T CONTROL"
Inspect all control rods 9or clearance, securit> and general condition5 Inspect tail rotor and s>nchroniMed ele!ator control tu?es 9or @ear5 &hecC all controls 9or 9reedo: o9 :otion5 &hecC shoes and liners
22( &hecC collecti!e sticC 9or proper :ini:u: 9riction5 9or e<cessi!e @ear5
2,( &hecC collecti!e slee!e :ast 9riction collet 9or proper :ini:u: 9riction (46# M' )5 2/( &hecC s@ashplate uni?all 9or proper :ini:u: tilt 9riction (46# M' )5 TAIL ROTOR
C APTER 8 #ETAIL 6, ! 170 FLIG T OUR" 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 "ECTION I( GENERAL 1( Per9or: a P5M5I5 MAIN ROTOR "EE IN"PECTION "C E#ULE C ART* PAGE .(
&hecC torFue on the 2 ?olts attaching sta?iliMer ?ar supports to trunnion5 TAIL ROTOR
"ECTION III( ,5 /5
Inspect tail rotor hu? asse:?l> 9or @orn ?earings5 &lean tail rotor ?lades to :aintain i:pro!ed !isi?ilit>5
7( &lean and inspect tail rotor control chain and a9t ca?les 9or @ear, corrosion, cracCs, ?roCen strands and proper tension5 "ECTION IV( TAIL ROTOR #RIVE "ECTION
85 Inspect inter:ediate and tail rotor gear?o< sealants 9or condition and re-seal as needed5 -5 Inspect ?oth gear?o< !ents and 9iller cap pacCing 9or condition5
.5 &hecC condition o9 cla:ps 9or tail rotor sha9t coupling to gear?o< couplings5 Inspect cla:ps 9or e!idence o9 cracCs in or near the ?olt hole lugs5 :5 )<ternall> e<a:ine sha9t hanger ?earings and sha9t couplings 9or e!idence o9 grease leaCage, o!erte:perature condition, and e<cessi!e pla> and'or :o!e:ent5 "ECTION V( TRAN"MI""ION
10( e:o!e and inspect the e<ternal oil 9ilter (paper 9ilter) 9or :etal chips or particles, in!estigate to deter:ine cause i9 :etal chips are 9ound, and replace @ith ne@ 9ilter ele:ent5 "ECTION VI( TAIL $OOM
115 Inspect internal and e<ternal structure o9 tail ?oo: 9or cracCs, distortion, corrosion and securit>5 125 -isuall> inspect all tail ?oo: attach:ent 9ittings 9or cracCs and securit> as 9ollo@s= NOTE 0.E & 0&H, &* *(I*., * ;*.+ ()P0 0TI*. I( &0U() ,* IMM)+I0T) G *U.+I.G *, 0. 0I & 0,T U.TI3 TH) P *;3)M H0( ;)). )3IMI.0T)+5
12(1( Using a ?right light and :irror, inspect !isi?le portions o9 attach:ent 9ittings 9or cracCs5 (pecial attention :ust ?e gi!en to upper le9t attach:ent 9itting, particularl> in area o9 :ost 9or@ard ri!ets5 Inspect longeron, le9t and right sides, 9ro: attach:ent 9ittings to ne<t a9t ?ulChead 9or an> e!idence o9 corrosion5
12(25 e:o!e access panels on lo@er sCin o9 tail ?oo: to e<pose lo@er attach:ent 9ittings5 Using a ?right light and :irror, inspect !isi?le portions o9 attach:ent 9ittings 9or an> indications o9 cracCing, particularl> in area o9 :ost 9or@ard ri!ets5 Inspect longeron le9t and right sides, 9ro: attach:ent 9ittings to the ne<t a9t ?ulChead, 9or an> e!idence o9 corrosion5 12(,( e:o!e access plugs at ?ore 9or ?arrel nuts and !isuall> inspect tail ?oo: attach:ent 9ittings5 &hecC torFue o9 tail ?oo: attach:ent ?olts5 #O NOT $AC3 OFF NUT"( ;e sure that no less than one, nor :ore than three threads protrude through the ?arrel nut5 12(/5 *pen access door on right side o9 9uselage and inspect the 9our tail ?oo: attach:ent 9ittings on 9uselage a9t ?ulChead 9or cracCs gi!ing special attention to the area around tail ?oo: attach:ent ?olts and :ost a9t 9asteners5 Particular attention :ust ?e gi!en to inspection o9 le9t hand 9ittings5 1,5 Inspect !ertical 9in ri? along ri!et ro@ at 9in station 1#5#2 9or cracCs, (tail rotor 9# degree gear?o< casting area accessed through top:ost lightning holes)5 1/5 Inspect !ertical sCin splice area at ?oo: station 1965/, Just 9or@ard o9 inter:ediate gear?o<, 9or cracCs and corrosion5 17( Inspect tail rotor gear?o< support casting 9or cracCs and corrosion5
185 Inspect tail rotor and s>nchroniMed ele!ator push-pull tu?es 9or cha9ing, cracCs and corrosion5 1-5 Inspect tail rotor control ca?les and pulle>s 9or @ear, da:age, cha9ing, corrosion or 9ra>ing5 1.5 Inspect ele!ator and horn asse:?l> 9or securit>, condition, and corrosion5
NOTE ,* ).GI.)( 1ITH P0 TI&3) ()P0 0T* 0.+ ,*+ (& )).( I.(T033)+, P) ,* M P0 0G 0PH 125, ;)3*15 I, TH) ) I( .* P0 TI&3) ()P0 0T* * (& ))., P) ,* M P0 0G 0PH 195, ;)3*15 1:5 e:o!e particle separator5 &lean and inspect seals and gasCets 9or tears, separations o9 :aterial, cracCs in the separator and other da:age5 205 -isuall> inspect co:pressor ?lades and inlet housing air passages and !aria?le guide !anes as reFuired in the IPG, Cha=1er ,* P(M(I5, "ec1ion VI(* ENGINE, Paragraph /.(
215 Inspect starter and :ounts 9or securit> o9 :ounting, ?urned or arced connections, and cooling air ducts 9or o?structions, CinCing and securit>5 ((pline @ear and ?rush inspection is per9or:ed during (pecial Inspection,
225 Inspect engine :ounts 9or securit>, and tu?es 9or scratches, dents, cracCs, and @orn ?earings5 2,5 Inspect engine ?leed air actuator strainer 9or condition and cleanliness5 &lean i9 reFuired5 Inspect ?leed ?and asse:?l> 9or ?ends, cracCs and securit>5 2/5 Inspect air di99user 9or securit> and da:age= 2/(1( Inspect ?raMed Joints including !anes ?raMe:ents 9or cracCs5 Inspect ?raMed Joints o9 air outlet pan (P/) 9itting 9or cracCs5 Inspect engine :ounts 9or securit> and cracCs5 e9er to the :anu9acturerDs :aintenance :anual 9or repair procedures5 275 285 ,unctionall> checC anti-ice !al!e5 Inspect and clean 9uel control inlet strainer5
2-5 Inspect and clean'replace 9uel control ser!o strainer and replace paper 9ilter i9 installed5 2.5 2:5 ,05 ,15 ,25 ,,5 eplace :ain 9uel 9ilter ele:ent5 Inspect and 9unctionall> test chip plug5 Inspect and clean engine oil 9ilter asse:?l>5 Inspect FuicC disconnects and ?reaCa@a> 9ittings 9or securit> and @ear5 Inspect engine decCs 9or da:age and de-?onding5 Inspect decC drain holes and channels 9or o?struction5 -eri9> 9uel control le!er contacts &hecC idle detent operation and
,/5 Inspect .1 controls 9or @ear and ?inding5 stops @ith ?oth pilot and co-pilot t@ist grips5 condition5
,75 Inspect .2 controls 9or @ear and ?inding5 -eri9> pin condition5 ,unctionall> test linear actuator 9or proper operation5 ,85 ,-5 ,.5 ,:5 /05 /15 ,unctionall> test heater actuator !al!e5 Inspect ?leed air lines and 9ittings 9or @ear and ?locCage5 Inspect engine @iring harness 9or cha9ing, loose or corroded connections5 Inspect ignition e<citer and leads 9or da:age, cha9ing, and securit>5 Inspect oil lines and hoses 9or da:age, cha9ing, leaCage, and securit>5 Inspect 9uel lines and hoses 9or leaCage, cha9ing and securit>5
/25 Inspect co:?ustion cha:?er housing, support cone, 9ire shield, and e<haust di99user 9or cracCs, hot spots, ?urned areas, and ?ucCling5 /,5 Through the a9t end o9 the co:?ustion housing, inspect 9or :issing and cracCed po@er tur?ine ?lades or cracCs in the e<haust di99user5 //( Inspect the re:ainder o9 engine 9or condition5 Inspection shall include ?ut not ?e li:ited to ite:s such asK corrosion o9 :agnesiu: parts, 9asteners not torFued properl>, oil or 9uel leaCs 9ound on accessories or their hoses5 0ll discrepancies shall ?e inspected to the li:its 9ound in the appropriate :aintenance :anual5
C APTER "PECIAL IN"PECTION" 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 In addition to the P5M5I5 and the +etail 71, 72, and 7/ Inspections, (pecial Inspections are per9or:ed on a calendar ?asis, a co:?ination o9 hourl>'calendar ?asis, or 9ollo@ing the installation o9 :aJor co:ponents such as the inter:ediate gear?o<5 -!1( 1( AFTER EAC IN"TALLATION
+>na:ic ?alance and tracC tail rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l>5
2( Per9or: an in 9light tracC and ?alance o9 the :ain rotor asse:?l>, i9 :ain rotor hu? :aintenance has ?een per9or:ed or the :ain rotor ?lades ha!e ?een replaced5 -!2( AFTER FIR"T FLIG T* AFTER EAC IN"TALLATION
1( Main dri!e sha9t ;ell Helicopter Te<tron (;HT (ha9t) - Inspect dri!e sha9t 9or e<cessi!e grease leaCage, securit> and condition5 2( Tail ;oo: - &hecC torFue o9 attach:ent ?olts5 +o not loosen ?olts5
,( (cissors and slee!e collecti!e :ast 9riction collet (46# M' ) - &hecC 9riction as outlined in applica?le :anual5 -!,( 1( 2( $ET)EEN 7 AN# 10 OUR"* AFTER EAC IN"TALLATION +o not loosen nut5 +o not loosen nut5
/( Inter:ediate gear?o< - &hecC torFue o9 gear?o< attach:ent ?olts5 ?olts5 7( -!/( Tail rotor gear?o< - &hecC torFue o9 gear?o< retaining nuts5 EAC 27 OUR" OF OPERATION
1( 46# M' :ain rotor hu? - Inspect 9eathering ?earings 9or sFueaCing, ?inding and ratcheting @hile 9eathering grips to each li:it o9 tra!el, @ith pitch change linCs disconnected (one grip at a ti:e)5 e:o!e sand de9ector 9or a :ore detailed !isual inspection o9 9eathering ?earings 9or deteriorated or loose Te9lon lining5 Inspect Te9lon trunnion ?earings 9or sFueaCing, ?inding and ratcheting @hile 9lapping hu? to each li:it o9 tra!el5 WARNING< DO NOT FLAP THE ROTOR HARD AGAINST THE MAST.
-oltage regulator - &hecC !oltage regulator setting5 100 OUR" AFTER EAC IN"TALLATION +o not loosen ?olts5
Tail ?oo: - &hecC torFue o9 attach:ent ?olts5 ,00 OUR" OR 8 MONT " OF $ATTERY OPERATION
1( e:o!e .I&0+ ?atter>, checC capacit> and per9or: re-conditioning c>cle, i9 necessar>, in accordance @ith the ?atter> :anu9acturerDs instructions5 -!.( EAC 12 MONT " MAGNETIC &MAG' COMPA"" AN# RA#IO MAGNETIC IN#ICATOR &RMI' CALI$RATION 1( 2( -!:( -eri9> cali?ration o9 M0G co:pass and the MI5
&orrect as necessar> and update cali?ration placards5 EAC 800 OUR" OR 12 MONT " OF COMPONENT OPERATION* ) IC EVER OCCUR" FIR"T%
1( ;atter> o!erte:perature - Per9or: operational checC o9 ?atter> te:perature s>ste: (i9 installed)5 ( e9er to the :anu9acturers instructions)5 2( ):ergenc> 3ocator Trans:itter ()3T) - ,unctionall> checC )3T (i9 installed) and replace ?atteries i9 e<pired5 ,( *il &ooler - e:o!e oil cooler screens and clean 9an ?lades and asse:?l>5 &hecC ?earings 9or roughness and ?inding5 Inspect cooler 9or o?structions and leaCs5 /( Main +ri!e (ha9t (H0,3)8) - e:o!e dri!e sha9t and inspect internal 9ailsa9e dia:eters 9or e!idence o9 contact5 I9 contact is noticed, dri!e sha9t :ust ?e replaced5 -isuall> inspect dri!e sha9t 9or o?!ious :echanical da:age, 9le<plate looseness, corrosion, and'or 9retting at 9le< plate ?olted Joints5 /(1 Main +ri!e (ha9t (;HT) - e:o!e dri!e sha9t and clean, inspect, lu?ricate and reasse:?le in accordance @ith applica?le TM5 7( (tarter'Main Generator ! e:o!e starter generator andK inspect accessor> gear?o< generator dri!e splines 9or @ear and lu?ricate, inspect the starter generator splines 9or @ear and lu?ricate, and inspect the starter generator ?rushes 9or @ear5 8( 3ead 0cid ;atter> - &hecC 9or proper 9luid le!el and condition in accordance @ith ?atter> instruction :anual5 -( +rain trans:ission and trans:ission oil cooler5 Inspect and clean trans:ission oil pu:p screen5 Inspect and 9unctionall> checC chip plug5 e<ternal 9ilter5 (er!ice trans:ission @ith oil5 eplace
.( +rain engine oil and engine oil cooler5 Inspect and 9unctionall> checC chip plug5 eplace e<ternal 9ilter5 (er!ice engine @ith oil5
:( +rain inter:ediate gear?o< oil5 (er!ice gear?o< @ith oil5 10( +rain tailrotor gear?o< oil5 (er!ice gear?o< @ith oil5 11(
12( e:o!e and inspect all tail rotor 9le< couplings 9or cracCs and condition o9 internal splines and couplings5 -!10( EAC 1( 2/ MONT " OF COMPONENT OPERATION
2( Main rotor >oCe - e:o!e, disse:?le and inspect :ain rotor hu? as 9ollo@s= e:o!e ?earing races, spacers, and radius rings 9ro: >oCe spindles5 Inspect >oCe spindle 9or cracCs and corrosion pits, pa>ing particular attention to the in?oard radius o9 the spindle5 Inspect >oCe center section 9or cracCs, pa>ing particular attention to areas surrounding the pillo@ ?locC ?ushing ?ores5 0n> cracC is cause 9or reJection o9 the >oCe5 &lean up an> corrosion5 eplace tension torsion straps i9 calendar li9e is e<pired5 easse:?le hu? using ne@ pillo@ ?locC attaching hard@are5 ,5 Main rotor :ast - Inspect inside and outside dia:eters o9 :ast 9or corrosion and :echanical da:age5 /( 0ir9ra:e - The operator @ill per9or: a thorough and searching air9ra:e inspection to 9ind and preclude air9ra:e deterioration5 This inspection @ill pro!ide the operator @ith a structural e!aluation to deter:ine i9 the air9ra:e has aged to a point that :aJor re9ur?ish:ent is necessar>5 Using the applica?le :odel TM 9or da:age and repair li:its, acco:plish the 9ollo@ing= /(1( Inspect 9or@ard and a9t upper and lo@er cargo door tracCs 9or @ear and cracCing5 /(2( /(,( Inspect cargo door rollers and guides 9or @ear5 Inspect ca?in door post(s) !ertical angles 9or cracCs5
/(/( Inspect 9ollo@ing hone>co:? panels 9or dela:ination, !oids, sur9ace da:age (dents, punctures) and corrosion= a( ?( c( <( e( 0( @( h( i( ,or@ard 9uselage, :ain ?ea:s under ca?in 9loor5 3'H and 'H p>lon island panels5 09t ca?in ?ulChead panels5 Trans:ission and engine @orC'ser!ice decC panels5 oo9 decC panels5 3'H and 'H a9t out?oard 9uel cell ?ulCheads5 3'H and 'H lo@er out?oard 9uel cell panels5 3'H and 'H a9t :ain ?ea: panels (!ie@ed through 9uselage co:part:ent doors)5 ,or@ard :ain 9uel cell panel and a9t center 9uselage panel (!ie@ed in hell hole area)5
Inspect 9ollo@ing areas 9or cracCs, corrosion, and loose or @orCing ri!ets5 a( ?( c( <( e( 0( P>lon li9t ?ean @e?s and li9t linC 9itting5 P>lon structure5 09t 9uselage lo@er sCin5 09t 9uselage tail ?oo: attach:ent 9ittings and longerons5 Tail ?oo: and !ertical 9in interior and e<terior sCin, 9uselage attach:ent 9ittings and longerons5 Inter:ediate and tail rotor gear?o< castings5
8( Inspect electrical @ire ?undles in :ain 9uselage and tail ?oo: 9or oil and h>draulic 9luid soaCed insulation, discolored @ire indicating o!erheating, cracCed or ?roCen insulation5
C APTER . CON#ITIONAL IN"PECTION" &AIRFRAME' 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 &onditional Inspections 9ound in &hapter 2 are inspections reFuired as a result o9 unusual e!ents such as a hard landing or sudden stoppage o9 rotor5 .!1( AR# LAN#ING - Hard landing is de9ined as an> accident or incident in @hich ground i:pact o9 the helicopter causes se!ere pitching o9 :ain rotor, allo@ing hard contact o9 hu? @ith :ast, or results in >ielding or cracCing the :ounting lugs o9 the trans:ission support case or noticea?le >ielding or cracCing o9 9uselage p>lon support structure or landing gear5 This de9inition is con9ined onl> to those accidents or incidents not in!ol!ing sudden stoppage o9 :ain rotor or tail rotor5 NOTE &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ , *M 0 H)3I&*PT) ,*33*1I.G 0 H0 + 30.+I.G (H033 ;) )-03U0T)+ 0( 0. I.T) )30T)+ G *UP5 )M*-03 )&* +( 0&&*MP0.EI.G )0&H &*MP*.).T (H033 & *(( ),) ).&) P0 T 0.+ () I03 .UM;) ( *, *TH) + I-) (E(T)M &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ ,* )-03U0TI*.5 I0 a har< 5an<in@ is s;s=ec1e<* 1he 0o55oCin@ Para@ra=hs 1 1hro;@h 8 ?e5oC* sha55 ?e accoB=5ishe<( 1( Inspect :ain and tail rotor ?lades 9or e!idence o9 striCe da:age5 I9 such e!idence is 9ound on either rotor, per9or: .!2( "U##EN "TOPPAGE ! PO)ER ON OR OFF IN"PECTION* o9 the IPG( 2( -isuall> inspect underside o9 9uselage and tail ?oo: 9or e!idence o9 ground contact5 ,( Per9or: landing gear de9lection checC5 ,(1( I9 crosstu?es ha!e >ielded, re:o!e landing gear and inspect support and structure to @hich the> are attached 9or signs o9 >ielding or other da:age5 ,(2( I9 supports and attaching structure are not da:aged, replace da:aged landing gear co:ponents5 /( Inspect :ast 9or de9or:ation due to rotor hu? contact5 /(1( Inspect area around lo@er supports o9 p>lon da:pers 9or loose ri!ets or other da:age5 7( I9 no da:age other than >ielded landing gear crosstu?es has ?een 9ound at this point it can reasona?l> ?e deter:ined that a true hard landing did not occur5 &o:plete a P5M5I5 and return helicopter to 9light status pro!ided no 9urther e!idence o9 da:age is 9ound5 8( I9 da:age is :ore e<tensi!e than landing gear crosstu?e >ielding, a har< 5an<in@ has occ;rre<* 1he 0o55oCin@ Para@ra=hs - 1hro;@h 21 ?e5oC* sha55 ?e accoB=5ishe<%
-5 e:o!e and per9or: an o!erhaul e!aluation inspection o9 the 9ollo@ing co:ponents5 a( I, TH) ) I( +0M0G), TH) ?( c( Mast asse:?l>5 NOTE 0.E +),* M0TI*. I. 0 )0 &*.T0&T)+ ;E M0I. *T* HU;, * M0(T I( .*T 0I 1* THE 0.+ I( U.() -I&)0;3)5 Trans:ission5 Main input dri!e sha9t5 (Grease lu?ricated t>pe5) 0.E *TH) *;-I*U(
.( Per9or: a thorough !isual inspection o9 the 9ollo@ing co:ponents, @hich :a> ?e Cept in ser!ice i9 no discrepanc> or o?!ious da:age is 9ound5 eplace an> da:aged co:ponent5 a( ?( c( <( e( 0( @( h( i( D( A( 5( B( n( Main rotor ?lades5 Main rotor hu?5 Tail rotor ?lades5 Tail rotor hu?5 0nti-torFue controls5 Inter:ediate gear?o<5 Tail rotor gear?o<5 Tail rotor dri!e sha9ts5 Tail rotor dri!e sha9t hangers5 (@ashplate and support asse:?l>5 (cissors and slee!e asse:?l>5 (ta?iliMer ?ar asse:?l>5 Main rotor controls5 -isuall> inspect H0,3)8 dri!e sha9t 9or the 9ollo@ing conditions= &1' &2' &,' &/' ;olt contact @ith adJacent plate(s)5 Plate contact @ith end 9itting(s)5 Interconnect contact @ith end 9itting(s)5 &ontact o9 9ail-sa9e sur9ace(s)5
NOTE I, 0.E *, TH) &*.+ITI*.( +)(& I;)+ I. (U;P0 0G 0PH( n5, (1) TH *UGH (6) 0;*-) 0 ) ,*U.+, )P30&) H0,3)8 (H0,T5 :( &hecC all co@ling and doors 9or proper 9it and align:ent5 co@ling and inspect all attach:ent 9ittings5 e:o!e
NOTE I, (IG.I,I&0.T +0M0G) H0( ;)). ,*U.+ I. 0.E 0 )0 *, TH) 0I , 0M), I.(P)&TI*. (H033 ;) )8P0.+)+ ;)E*.+ TH) P*.) *, +0M0G)5 10( Using 1#-po@er :agni9>ing glass :aCe a co:plete inspection o9 p>lon support structure 9or loose or sheared ri!ets, cracCed ?racCets, ?ucCled or cracCed support angles or @e?s5 Pa> particular attention to p>lon :ounts attaching points and da:per support attaching points5
11( e:o!e li9t linC and :aCe a co:plete inspection o9 li9t linC, li9t linC attach:ent 9ittings and li9t ?ea: 9or cracCs and other e!idence o9 da:age5 I9 li9t linC is da:aged it is not air@orth> and is unser!icea?le5 12( e:o!e ?oth p>lon da:pers, disasse:?le and checC 9or internal >ielding5 easse:?le and reinstall i9 no e!idence o9 da:age5 I9 p>lon da:pers ha!e >ielded the> are not air@orth> and are unser!icea?le5 1,( Install ser!icea?le :ast, trans:ission asse:?l> and :ain dri!e sha9t asse:?l>5 e-install re:o!ed p>lon control co:ponents5 1/( 17( &hecC all engine :ount 9ittings and ?olts 9or da:age and looseness5 Inspect engine 9ire@alls 9or e!idence o9 @arping, crushing, or other da:age5
18( MaCe a co:plete inspection o9 area @here tail ?oo: is attached to 9or@ard 9uselage section5 This includes ?oth sets o9 attach:ent 9ittings and the longerons, ?ea: caps, sCins, @e?s, ?ulChead 9langes and other structural :e:?ers5 &hecC torFue on attach:ent ?olts to deter:ine i9 >ielding has occurred5 1-( &o:pletel> inspect 9light control s>ste: 9ro: pilots controls to rotor head 9or ?ent or da:aged tu?es, ?ellcranCs, ?ellcranC supports and 9or da:age to control s>ste: ?earings5 Particular attention shall ?e gi!en to p>lon controls, lo@er c>linder attach:ent support 9itting and adJacent air9ra:e structure5 1.( PressuriMe h>draulic s>ste: and checC 9or leaCs, inter9erence, ?inding and 9or satis9actor> operation5 1:( Inspect 9uel, oil and pneu:atic s>ste: 9or da:age, per9or: engine ground run and !isuall> checC 9uel, oil and pneu:atic lines 9or leaCs5 20( Inspect @ire striCe protection s>ste: (1(P() as 9ollo@s= 20(1( Inspect lo@er asse:?l> 9or o?!ious da:age to 1(P( and attach:ent area 9or da:age5 20(2( Inspect @indshield de9lector and upper 1(P( asse:?l> 9or o?!ious da:age to 1(P( and attach:ent area 9or da:age5 21( Inspect po@er plant in accordance @ith engine :anu9acturerDs inspection guide5 NOTE I, .* (IG.I,I&0.T +0M0G) H0( ;)). ,*U.+, .* ,U TH) I.(P)&TI*. I( .)&)((0 E5
.!2( "U##EN "TOPPAGE ! PO)ER ON OR OFF( (udden stoppage is de9ined as an> rapid deceleration o9 the dri!e s>ste: @hether caused ?> seiMure @ithin the helicopter trans:ission or ?> contact o9 the :ain or tail rotor ?lades @ith the ground, @ater, sno@, dense !egetation or other o?Ject o9 su99icient inertia to cause rapid deceleration5 Main or tail rotor ?lade da:age, @hen caused ?> striCing so:e o?Ject su99icient to reFuire ?lade replace:ent, is considered sudden stoppage5 1hen sudden stoppage occurs, inspect helicopter and replace co:ponents as 9ollo@s=
NOTE &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ , *M 0 H)3I&*PT) , ,*33*1I.G 0 (U++). (T*PP0G), (H033 ;) )-03U0T)+ 0( 0. I.T) )30T)+ G *UP5 )M*-03 )&* +( 0&&*MP0.EI.G )0&H &*MP*.).T (H033 & *(( ),) ).&) P0 T 0.+ () I03 .UM;) ( *, *TH) + I-) (E(T)M &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ ,* )-03U0TI*.5 Per9or: a sudden stoppage inspection as 9ollo@s= NOTE I, (U++). (T*PP0G) I.(P)&TI*. I( TH) )(U3T *, 0 T0I3 *T* (T IH), &*MP3E 1ITH .!2( "U##EN "TOPPAGE ! PO)ER ON OR OFF* P0 0G 0PH( -( through 125, ;)3*15 1( Main rotor ?lades5 1(1( -isuall> inspect ?oth :ain rotor ?lades 9or e!idence o9 da:age5 closel> 9or @rinCled sCin5 &hecC
1(2( I9 either ?lade is da:aged su99icientl> to reFuire ?lade replace:ent, return ?oth ?lades to an authoriMed o!erhaul 9acilit>5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record sho@ that reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage5 1(,( I9 no e!idence o9 da:age is 9ound on either ?lade, ?oth ?lades :a> ?e returned to ser!ice5
Main rotor hu?5 2(1( I9 :ain rotor ?lades @ere not da:aged, the :ain rotor hu? :a> ?e returned to ser!ice5 2(2( I9 :ain rotor ?lades @ere da:aged su99icientl> to reFuire ?lade replace:ent, per9or: an o!erhaul e!aluation inspection on :ain rotor hu? asse:?l>5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent records to sho@ that reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage 2(,( I9 an> :ain rotor ?lade is da:aged ?e>ond repair, grip is unser!icea?le and not air@orth>5 Per9or: o!erhaul e!aluation inspection on :ain rotor hu?5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ that reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage5
P>lon control co:ponents5 ,(1( I9 one or :ore o9 the 9ollo@ing discrepancies in su?paragraphs a5 through e( ?elo@ are 9ound, the s@ashplate asse:?l>, sta?iliMer ?ar asse:?l>, and scissors and slee!e asse:?l> shall ?e re:o!ed and an o!erhaul e!aluation shall ?e per9or:ed5 a( ?( c( <( e( (e!ere :ain rotor ?lade da:age5 Pitch horn 9ailure5 Eielded sta?iliMer ?ar tu?e5 &ontrol tu?e ?ucCled or ?roCen5 Trans:ission :ain support case :ounting leg ?roCen5
,(2( Using a ten-po@er :agni9>ing glass, :aCe a co:plete inspection o9 p>lon support structure 9or loose or sheared ri!ets, cracCed support angles and @e?s5 Pa> particular attention to p>lon :ounts attaching points and da:per support attach points5 ,(,( I9 no condition e<ists as listed in preceding su?paragraph ,(25, a?o!e, per9or: a close !isual inspection and i9 no e!idence o9 da:age is 9ound, the s@ashplate asse:?l>, sta?iliMer asse:?l>, and scissors and slee!e asse:?l> :a> ?e returned to ser!ice5 /( eplace all ?olts in rotating controls5 +iscard re:o!ed ?olts5
7( e:o!e and inspect :ain dri!e sha9t !isuall>5 I9 e!idence o9 >ielding or de9or:ation is noted, scrap the dri!e sha9t asse:?l>5 I9 no !isual e!idence o9 da:age is detected, per9or: an o!erhaul e!aluation5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al is (udden (toppage5 OR -isuall> inspect H0,3)8 dri!e sha9t 9or the 9ollo@ing conditions= a( ?( c( <( ;olt contact @ith adJacent plate(s)5 Plate contact @ith end 9itting(s)5 Interconnect contact @ith end 9itting(s)5 &ontact o9 9ail-sa9e sur9ace(s)5 )P30&)
NOTE I, 0.E *.) *, TH) 0;*-) &*.+ITI*.( I. P0 0G 0PH 7* a5 TH *UGH <5, 0 ) ,*U.+, (H0,T5 )TU . (H0,T T* () -I&) I, .* +0M0G) I( ,*U.+5 8( Trans:ission and :ast asse:?l>5 8(1( I9 :ast has e!idence o9 torsional >ielding, the :ast and trans:ission shall ?e considered unser!icea?le and scrapped5
8(2( I9 :ast does not ha!e torsional >ielding and trans:ission has no o?!ious da:age that @ould render it unser!icea?le, then trans:ission and :ast shall ha!e an o!erhaul e!aluation per9or:ed5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage5 -( Tail rotor dri!e sha9t hangers5 -(1( I9 a tail rotor dri!e sha9t section has ?een da:aged ?> :ain rotor striCe or other circu:stances, the hangers to @hich the da:aged section @as attached shall ?e considered unser!icea?le and not air@orth>5 I9 a tail rotor dri!e sha9t 9ails as a result o9 torsional load then all hangers and sections shall ?e considered unser!icea?le and not air@orth>5 MaCe a co:plete inspection o9 area @here tail ?oo: is attached to 9or@ard 9uselage section5 This includes all attach:ent 9ittings and the longerons, ?ea: caps, sCins, @e?s, ?ulChead 9langes and other structural :e:?ers5 &hecC torFue on attach:ent ?olts to deter:ine i9 >ielding has occurred5 -(2( I9 no da:age is 9ound in the preceding su?paragraph -(1, o!erhaul the ?earings in accordance @ith the applica?le :aintenance :anual5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage5
Tail rotor dri!e sha9t5 .(1( e:o!e all tail rotor dri!e sha9t sections and inspect 9or the 9ollo@ing conditions listed ?elo@5 I9 one or :ore conditions listed in su?paragraphs a(* through e(* ?elo@, are noted, all dri!e sha9t sections and ?earing hangers shall ?e considered unser!icea?le and not air@orth>5 MaCe a co:plete inspection o9 area @here tail ?oo: is attached to 9or@ard 9uselage section5 This includes ?oth sets o9 attach:ent 9ittings and the longerons, ?ea: caps, sCins, @e?s, ?ulChead 9langes and other structural :e:?ers5 &hecC torFue on attach:ent ?olts to deter:ine i9 >ielding has occurred5 a( ?( c( <( e( &ur!ic 9aces distorted5 )!idence o9 o!erload5 &racCs5 3oose or sheared ri!ets5 (cratches in e<cess o9 li:its5 ( e9er to applica?le Model TM5)
.(2( I9 inspection re!eals no condition as listed in su?paragraphs .(1(*a( through e5, a?o!e e<ists, then per9or: an inspection in accordance @ith applica?le TM5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage5 :( Tail rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l>5 :(1( I9 sudden stoppage originated at tail rotor ?lades, the tail rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l> shall ?e considered unser!icea?le and not air@orth>5 :(2( I9 sudden stoppage originated at :ain rotor or trans:ission, the tail rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l> :a> re:ain in ser!ice pro!ided there is no !isi?le e<ternal da:age5 I9 !isi?le da:age is noted on tail rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l>K re:o!e tail rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l> and per9or: o!erhaul e!aluation inspection5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent records to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage5 The tail rotor grips and ?lade attach:ent ?olts :ust ?e considered unser!icea?le and not air@orth>5 :(,( I9 sudden stoppage originated at tail rotor dri!e sha9t, inter:ediate gear?o< or tail rotor gear?o<, re:o!e tail rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l> and per9or: o!erhaul e!aluation inspection5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage5 10( Tail rotor gear?o<5 10(1( e:o!e tail rotor gear?o<5 &hecC 9or cracCs, sheared or ?ent attaching studs and e!idence o9 case distortion5 I9 an> o9 the listed is noted, then the gear?o< is not air@orth> and is unser!icea?le5 10(2( I9 no da:age is 9ound in the preceding su?paragraph 10(1(* a?o!e, o!erhaul the gear?o< in accordance @ith the applica?le o!erhaul :anual5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage5
Inter:ediate gear?o<5 11(1( e:o!e inter:ediate gear?o<5 Inspect 9or cracCs, case distortion or ?roCen lugs5 I9 an> o9 the a?o!e is noted then the gear?o< is not air@orth> and is unser!icea?le5 11(2( I9 no da:age is 9ound in the preceding su?paragraph 11(1(, o!erhaul the gear?o< in accordance @ith the applica?le o!erhaul :anual5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage5
NOTE I, .* )-I+).&) *, +0M0G) 10( ,*U.+ I. H)0+I.G .!2(* P0 0G 0PH -( TH *UGH 11(* 0;*-), TH). *MIT H)0+I.G .!2(* P0 0G 0PH 12(* ;)3*1( 12( Trans:ission su:p case5 12(1( I9 da:age @as 9ound on ?earing hangers, tail rotor dri!e sha9t, inter:ediate gear?o< or tail rotor gear?o<, then re:o!e tail rotor dri!e output Fuill 9ro: trans:ission su:p case asse:?l>5 12(2( Inspect output Fuill pinion 9or unusual load patterns on ?oth sides o9 teeth5 I9 no da:age is 9oundK reinstall Fuill, and trans:ission can ?e returned to ser!ice5 12(,( I9 tail rotor dri!e Fuill re!eals discrepancies, re:o!e trans:ission and per9or: an o!erhaul e!aluation5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ reason 9or re:o!al @as (udden (toppage5 .!,( OVER"PEE# - *!erspeed is de9ined as an> incident in @hich /46 :ain rotor rp: and'or engine o!erspeed li:its in engine :anu9acturerDs :anual are e<ceeded5 Per9or: o!erspeed inspection as 9ollo@s= NOTE &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ , *M H)3I&*PT) , ,*33*1I.G 0. *-) (P))+, (H033 ;) )-03U0T)+ 0( 0. I.T) )30T)+ G *UP5 )M*-03 )&* +( 0&&*MP0.EI.G )0&H &*MP*.).T (H033 & *(( ),) ).&) P0 T 0.+ () I03 .UM;) ( *, *TH) + I-) (E(T)M &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ ,* )-03U0TI*.5 NOTE ),) T* ).GI.) M0.U,0&TU ) D( I.(P)&TI*. GUI+) ,* )GUI )M).T(5 1( Main rotor hu? asse:?l>5 1(1( e:o!e :ain rotor hu?5 e:o!e :ain rotor ?lades5 Per9or: an o!erhaul e!aluation inspection5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al @as *!erspeed5 1(2( 25 -isuall> inspect :ain retention ?olts and drag ?race 9or shear o99set5 ).GI.) *-) (P))+ 0.+ I.(P)&TI*.
Main rotor ?lades5 2(1( Inspect :ain rotor ?lade 9or @rinCles and de9or:ation5
2(2( e:o!e each rotor ?lade tip cap and inspect 9or e!idence o9 looseness o9 inertia @eight inside ?lade spar5 I9 ?lades ha!e !isi?le scre@s through the leading edge a?rasion strip to attach inertia @eight inside spar, inspect 9or loose scre@s or distorted holes5 Tighten loose ?alance @eight retention nuts to torFue speci9ied in applica?le :ain rotor ?lade TM or +M1 5 2(,( I9 no discrepancies are 9ound in inspections outlined in su?paragraphs 2(1 and 2(25, a?o!e, the :ain rotor can ?e returned to ser!ice5 2(/ I9 discrepancies are 9ound in su?paragraphs 2(1 and'or 2(2 a?o!e, return ?oth ?lades to an authoriMed ?lade repair station5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent record to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al @as *!erspeed5 Indicate PM and duration i9 Cno@n5 ,5 Tail rotor hu? and ?lades5 ,(1( ,(2( ,(,( /( e:o!e tail rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l>5 e:o!e tail rotor ?lades5 eplace tail rotor ?lade retention ?olts5 I9 an> separation
Tail rotor ?lades5 /(1( &hecC 9or ?ond separations an>@here on the ?lade5 e<ists, the ?lade is unser!icea?le and not air@orth>5
/(2( I9 an> :o!e:ent o9 the tip or root and ?alance @eights has occurred, the ?lade is unser!icea?le and not air@orth>5 /(,( &hecC the retention ?ushings 9or e!idence o9 looseness5 I9 an> ?ushing is loose, scrap the ?lade5 /(/( I9 ?lades pass the a?o!e inspection reFuire:ents and no other discrepancies e<ist, the ?lade can ?e returned to ser!ice5 7( Per9or: a close inspection o9 the 9ollo@ing co:ponents5 I9 no !isual da:age is 9ound, the co:ponent :a> ?e returned to ser!ice5 a( Main trans:ission5 ?( Inter:ediate gear?o<5 c( Tail rotor gear?o<5 <( Main rotor :ast5 e( Main input dri!e sha9t5 0( Tail rotor dri!e sha9t hangers5 @( (ta?iliMer ?ar5 h( (@ashplate5 i( (cissors and slee!e5 D( Tail rotor hu?5 A( Tail rotor dri!e sha9t (2#6-#6#-62#-11)5 NOTE )M*-) 0.+ &*.+)M. *.3E TH) 2#6-#6#-62#-/ * -" 3*.G T0I3 *T* + I-) (H0,T(5 8( Install a ser!icea?le :ain rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l>5 Install ser!icea?le tail rotor ?lades5 ;alance and install tail rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l>5
.!/( OVERTOR+UE &AIRFRAME9ENGINE' - *!ertorFue is de9ined as an> incident in @hich torsional loads are introduced into the helicopter d>na:ic s>ste: in e<cess o9 esta?lished li:its5 NOTE &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ , *M H)3I&*PT) , ,*33*1I.G 0.E *-) T* GU), (H033 ;) )-03U0T)+ 0( 0. I.T) )30T)+ G *UP5 )M*-03 )&* +( 0&&*MP0.EI.G )0&H &*MP*.).T (H033 & *(( ),) ).&) P0 T 0.+ () I03 .UM;) ( *, *TH) + I-) (E(T)M &*MP*.).T )M*-)+ ,* )-03U0TI*. 0.+ (H033 ),3)&T *-) T* GU) 0( )0(*. ,* )M*-035 1( 1hen o!ertorFue has not e<ceeded 46 P(I per9or: thorough !isual inspection o9 the 9ollo@ing co:ponents5 I9 inspection does not re!eal an> discrepancies or o?!ious da:age to co:ponents, the> :a> ?e retained in ser!ice5 a( Main rotor ?lades5 ?5 Tail rotor ?lades5 c( Main rotor hu?5 <( Tail rotor hu?5 e( Inter:ediate gear?o<5 0( Tail rotor gear?o<5 @5 Tail rotor dri!e sha9ts5 h( Tail rotor dri!e sha9t hangers5 i( (ta?iliMer ?ar asse:?l>5 D( (@ashplate5 A5 (cissors and slee!e asse:?l>5 5( Main dri!e sha9t (;HT) as per TM5 B( H0,3)8 dri!e sha9t, !isuall> inspect 9or the 9ollo@ing conditions= &1' &2' &,' &/' ;olt contact @ith adJacent plate(s)5 Plate contact @ith end 9itting(s)5 Interconnect contact @ith end 9itting(s)5 &ontact o9 9ail-sa9e sur9ace(s)5 )P30&) (H0,T5
NOTE I, +I(& )P0.&I)( 0 ) ,*U.+ I. 1( B(* &1' TH *UGH &/' 0;*-), n( o( 2( Mast5 Trans:ission5
1hen o!ertorFue e<ceeds 46 P(I ?ut does not e<ceed 61 P(I= 2(1( Per9or: thorough !isual inspection o9 co:ponents listed in Paragraph 1( *su?paragraphs a( through B(* a?o!e5 2(2( 2(,( Inspect :ain trans:ission chip detector5 Inspect :ain trans:ission internal 9ilter and pu:p inlet screen5
2(/( I9 :etal particles indicating internal 9ailure are 9ound, re:o!e the trans:ission 9or o!erhaul e!aluation5 MaCe entr> in co:ponent record that reason 9or re:o!al @as o!ertorFue5 e:o!e all trans:ission s>ste: oil lines
and oil cooler5 eplace e<ternal oil 9ilter ele:ent5 ,lush and reinstall lines5 Install ne@ oil cooler5 Tag old cooler, A:etal particle conta:inatedB, and return to o!erhaul 9acilit>5 2(7( I9 chip detector, internal 9ilter and pu:p inlet screen appear nor:al, and there is no e!idence o9 internal 9ailure, operate the trans:ission 9or 9i!e hours, then checC chip detector, internal 9ilter and pu:p inlet screen5 I9 chip detector, 9ilter and screen inspection does not re!eal particles, the trans:ission is satis9actor> 9or ser!ice5 I9 :etal particles are 9ound or i9 there is an e!idence o9 internal 9ailure, re:o!e the trans:ission 9or o!erhaul e!aluation5 &lean oil lines, replace oil cooler, replace e<ternal oil 9ilter ele:ent and :aCe record entries as prescri?ed in preceding su?paragraph 2(/( 2(8( 2(-( eplace :ain rotor hu? pillo@ ?locC ?olts5 eplace :ain rotor trunnion cap ?olts (46# M' )5
2(.( e:o!e 9i9th :ount ?olts, re:o!e 9i9th :ount5 Per9or: a thorough inspection o9 ?olts and 9i9th :ount support5 &hecC 9or ?ent ?olts and ?ent 9i9th :ount support5 &hecC 9or proper ?olt hole align:ent ?et@een trans:ission and 9i9th :ount support5 Install 9i9th :ount5 ,( 1hen o!ertorFue has e<ceeded 61 P(I= ,(1( e:o!e and conde:n 2#6-#6#-62#-/ or -" long tail rotor dri!e sha9t5 ,(2( eturn 9ollo@ing co:ponents to an o!erhaul 9acilit> 9or o!erhaul e!aluation= a( trans:ission, ?( :ain dri!e sha9t (;HT and H0,3)8), c( :ain rotor hu?, and <( :ast5 ,(,( Per9or: thorough !isual inspection o9 co:ponents listed in Paragraph 1(* o9 Heading .!/(* page /95 ,(/( e:o!e 9i9th :ount ?olts, re:o!e 9i9th :ount5 Per9or: a thorough inspection o9 ?olts and 9i9th :ount support5 &hecC 9or ?ent ?olts and ?ent 9i9th :ount support5 &hecC 9or proper ?olt hole align:ent ?et@een trans:ission and 9i9th :ount support5 Install 9i9th :ount5 ,(7( Install ser!icea?le co:ponents5 T7,L1,$9-0, ENGINE" ! OVERTOR+UE LIMIT" *UTPUT (H0,T T* GU) (H033 .*T )8&))+ TH) ,*33*1I.G -03U)(= MI3IT0 E (/# MI.UT)() - 66 P(I (116L) .* M03 (&*.TI.U*U() - 6# P(I (1#"L) T7,L11 "ERIE" ENGINE" ! OVERTOR+UE LIMIT" *UTPUT (H0,T T* GU) (H033 .*T )8&))+ TH) ,*33*1I.G -03U)(= T0H)*,, (4 MI.UT)() - 4# P(I (926 9oot pounds)
.* M03 /(
1hen an ENGINE has ?een su?Jected to an o!ertorFue condition e<ceeding the preceding li:its, per9or: the 9ollo@ing= /(1( &hecC chip detector 9or :etal chips5 /(2( &hecC oil 9ilter 9or :etal chips or other 9oreign :atter5 /(,( I9 slight accu:ulation o9 9oreign :atter is o?ser!ed, clean chip detector and oil 9ilterK operate engine 9or 1# :inutesK then repeat su?paragraphs /(1( and /(25, a?o!e5 /(/( I9 e<cessi!e accu:ulation o9 :etal or 9oreign :atter is o?ser!ed, acco:plish the 9ollo@ing= a( Per9or: an oil conta:ination inspection5 ( e95 "2-##-##, ).GI.) - T *U;3)(H**TI.G, Para5 15&5) ?( Inspect output reduction carrier and gear asse:?l>5
/(7( epeat su?paragraph /(,(* a?o!e, increasing engine operating ti:e to /# :inutes5 /(8( Per9or: 9light test and repeat su?paragraphs /(1 and /(2 a?o!e5 I9 no e<cessi!e accu:ulation o9 :etal or 9oreign :atter is noted, engine :a> ?e released 9or nor:al operation5 .!7( LIG TNING "TRI3E" - 1hen the helicopter is suspected o9 recei!ing a lightning striCe, the 9ollo@ing inspections shall ?e per9or:ed5 NOTE &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ , *M 0 H)3I&*PT) , ,*33*1I.G 0 3IGHT.I.G (T IH), (H033 ;) )-03U0T)+ 0( 0. I.T) )30T)+ G *UP5 )M*-03 )&* +( 0&&*MP0.EI.G )0&H &*MP*.).T (H033 & *(( ),) ).&) P0 T 0.+ () I03 .UM;) ( *, *TH) + I-) (E(T)M &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ ,* )-03U0TI*.5 1( -isuall> inspect all e<ternal sur9aces o9 the helicopter @ith particular attention to :ain rotor ?lades and the hu?, the trans:ission and :ast asse:?l>, tail rotor ?lades and hu?, tail rotor gear?o<, and !ertical 9in5 &hecC electrical instru:ents and s>ste:s5 eplace de9ecti!e and'or da:aged parts5 2( I9 !isual indications o9 da:age are present, proceed as 9ollo@s= 2(1( Inspect :ain rotor ?lades5 I9 ?lades sho@ an> sign o9 ?urns (?urn :arCs can ?e !er> :inute) or de-?ond in an> ?onded areas, scrap ?lades5 2(2( Inspect :ain rotor hu? 9or indication o9 arcing or ?urning5 e:o!e :ain rotor hu? and return to o!erhaul 9acilit>5 (tate lightning striCe as reason 9or re:o!al5 2(,( e:o!e trans:ission and :ast asse:?l> and return to o!erhaul 9acilit>5 (tate lightning striCe as the reason 9or re:o!al5 2(/( Inspect tail rotor ?lades and hu?, scrap ?lades i9 indications o9 ?urns or de-?onding are 9ound5 e:o!e tail rotor hu? and return to
o!erhaul 9acilit>5
2(7( e:o!e gear?o<es and return to o!erhaul 9acilit>5 striCe as the reason 9or re:o!al5
2(8( Inspect !ertical 9in 9or indication o9 electrical arcing ?urns around :ounting point o9 inter:ediate and tail rotor gear?o<es5 ,( I9 no !isual indications or da:age is 9ound, re:o!e :ain rotor hu? grips and= ,(1( ,(2( -isuall> inspect ?earings 9or signs o9 electrical arcing or ?urning5 &hecC ?earing 9or s:ooth rotation5
,(,( I9 indications o9 electrical arcing or ?urning are present or rough ?earings, o!erhaul :ain rotor hu?5 NOTE I, .* I.+I&0TI*.( 0 ) ,*U.+, )0(()M;3) M0I. *T* HU;5
,(2( e:o!e :ain rotor :ast asse:?l> and !isuall> inspect ?alls in the upper :ast ?earing 9or signs o9 electrical arcing or ?urning5 otate ?earing during inspection so that all the sur9ace o9 each ?all :a> ?e o?ser!ed5 &hecC ?earing 9or s:ooth rotation5 -isuall> inspect the lo@er ?earing race on the :ast, and dri!ing spline on the :ast 9or signs o9 electrical arcing or ?urning5 a( I9 indications o9 electrical arcing or ?urning are present, re:o!e trans:ission and :ast asse:?l> and return to o!erhaul 9acilit>5 (tate lightning striCe as reason 9or re:o!al5 ?( I9 no indications are 9ound, reasse:?le trans:ission and :ast asse:?l> and return to ser!ice5 09ter 9i!e hours, re:o!e chip detectors and oil 9ilter and inspect 9or chips5 I9 no indications are 9ound, return trans:ission to ser!ice5 I9 indications are 9ound, re:o!e trans:ission and :ast asse:?l> and return to o!erhaul 9acilit>5 (tate lightning striCe as the reason 9or re:o!al5 ,(,( e:o!e output Fuill asse:?l> 9ro: tail rotor gear?o<5 -isuall> inspect gear teeth 9or signs o9 electrical arcing or ?urning5 otate tail rotor :ast to checC 9or s:ooth rotation o9 ?earings5 a( I9 e!idence o9 electrical arcing or ?urning is 9ound or i9 ?earings do not rotate s:oothl>, re:o!e gear?o< and return to o!erhaul 9acilit>5 (tate lightning striCe as the reason 9or re:o!al5 ?( I9 no indications o9 da:age are 9ound, and i9 ?earings rotate s:oothl>, reasse:?le tail rotor gear?o< and return to li:ited ser!ice as de9ined ?elo@= &1' 09ter 9i!e hours, re:o!e chip detector and inspect 9or chips5 &2' I9 no indications are 9ound, return tail rotor gear?o< to ser!ice5
&,' I9 indications are 9ound, return tail rotor gear?o< to o!erhaul 9acilit>5 (tate lightning striCe as the reason 9or re:o!al5 &/' e:o!e output Fuill asse:?l> 9ro: inter:ediate gear?o<5 -isuall> inspect gear teeth 9or signs o9 electrical arcing or ?urning5 otate Fuills to checC 9or s:ooth rotation o9 ?earings5 &a' I9 e!idence o9 arcing or ?urning is 9ound or i9 ?earings do not rotate s:oothl>, re:o!e inter:ediate gear?o< and return to o!erhaul 9acilit>5 (tate lightning striCe as the reason 9or re:o!al5
&?' I9 no indications o9 da:age are 9ound, and i9 ?earings rotate s:oothl>, reasse:?le inter:ediate gear?o< and return to li:ited ser!ice as de9ined ?elo@= 1( 09ter 9i!e hours, re:o!e chip detector and inspect 9or chips5 2( I9 no indications are 9ound, return inter:ediate gear?o< to ser!ice5 ,( I9 indications are 9ound, return inter:ediate gear?o< to o!erhaul 9acilit>5 (tate lightning striCe as the reason 9or re:o!al5 .!8( MA"T $UMPING I9 no
1( -isuall> inspect the :ast area @here the static stop @ould contact the :ast5 sur9ace de9or:ation o9 the :ast has occurred, the inspection is co:plete5 2( I9 there is !isual e!idence o9 sur9ace de9or:ation o9 the :ast due to static stop contact, per9or: the 9ollo@ing= 2(1( )!aluate the condition o9 the :ast per the da:age li:its5 ( e9er to applica?le TM5) 2(2( Inspect and replace the 9ollo@ing ite:s i9 da:age is 9ound= a( Main rotor hu? trunnion cap or pillo@ ?locC attach ?olts and drag ?race Ja: nuts and attach ?olts 9or securit>5 ?( ,light control s>ste: 9or ?ent or da:aged tu?es and rod end ?earings5 c( (tructure at trans:ission :ounting points5 <( 3i9t linC and structure 9or da:age, securit> and distortion5 e( Trans:ission su:p oil 9ilter, e<ternal oil 9ilter, and chip detector 9or :etal particles5 0( Main dri!e sha9t5 @( Tail rotor dri!e sha9ts and hanger asse:?lies 9or o?!ious da:age5 h( Main trans:ission output tail rotor dri!e Fuill5 i( Top 9or@ard section o9 9uselage5
3o@er 1ire (triCe Protection (>ste: (1(P() 0sse:?l>5 1(1( 1(2( Inspect 9or o?!ious da:age to 1(P(5 Inspect attach:ent area 9or da:age5
1indshield +e9lector and Upper 1(P( 0sse:?l>5 2(1( 2(2( Inspect 9or o?!ious da:age to 1(P(5 Inspect attach:ent area 9or da:age5
1indshield 1iper +e9lector (11+)5 ,(1( ,(2( Inspect 9or o?!ious da:age to 11+5 Inspect attach:ent area 9or da:age5
.!.( 1( 2(
AFTER LO)ER )"P" GROUN# CONTACT Inspect 9or o?!ious da:age5 Inspect attach:ent area 9or da:age5
,( e:o!e panel and inspect structure and directional control tu?es and ?ellcranCs 9or da:age5 /( eplace ?reaCa@a> tip asse:?l>5
NOTE 3*(( *, ; )0H010E TIP * +0M0G) .*T 0,,)&TI.G (T U&TU 03 I.T)G ITE *, I.(T0330TI*. 0 ) .*T &0U()( ,* G *U.+I.G *, 0I & 0,T5 H*1)-) , )P30&)M).T *, TIP 0.+ +0M0G) )P0I (H033 ;) 0&&*MP3I(H)+ 0( (**. 0( P 0&TI&035 .!:( AFTER AIRCRAFT I" FLO)N INTO AREA )IT $LO)ING "AN# AN#9OR LOO"E GRA"" ENVIRONMENT(
NOTE I, ,*+ (& )). 0.+ (0.+ 0.+ +U(T ()P0 0T* 0 ) I.(T033)+, )M*-) UPP) H03-)( T* 0&&*MP3I(H THI( I.(P)&TI*.5 I, ;3*&H0G) I( )-I+).T, TH) 3*1) H03, *, TH) ()P0 0T* ;) )M*-)+ T* ).(U ) &*MP3)T) )M*-03 *, G 0(( * ,* )IG. M0T) I035
NOTE I, TH) IMP *-)+ P0 TI&3) ()P0 0T* (IP() I( I.(T033)+, )M*-) 0.E ,* )IG. *;Q)&T( , *M TH) (& )). * (I+) *, -* T)8 TU;) P0.)3(5 ;3*1I.G (0.+ &0. P).)T 0T) TH *UGH -* T)8 TU;)( 0.+ I, ).GI.) I( .*T U..I.G, 1I33 .*T ;) (&0-).G)+ *-) ;*0 +5 I. TH)() &I &UM(T0.&)( (0.+ &0. ()TT3) I. ;*TT*M P3).UM *, IP(5 TH) T*P *, IP( (H*U3+ ;) )M*-)+ 0.+ 033 (0.+ )M*-)+ , *M IP( ;*TT*M H03,5 .!10( AFTER )A" ING ELICOPTER( 1( e:o!e le9t and right p>lon access doors5 Using a clean cloth, @ipe @ater deposits 9ro: p>lon structural :e:?ers5 eaching a9t onto 9or@ard engine decC through rear p>lon structures, @ipe @ater 9ro: engine decC5 2( ,( &hecC pitot static s>ste: 9or :oisture (drain plug re:o!ed)5 Purge lu?ricate tail rotor grip asse:?lies5
.!11( AFTER
1( 1ash entire helicopter @ith 9resh @ater, particularl> inside o9 engine co:part:ent doors5 1ash all co:part:ents @hich @ere e<posed to salt @ater5 MaCe a detail checC o9 all sur9aces 9or corrosion5 0ppl> corrosion pre!enti!e co:pound to e<posed non painted, anodiMed, or cad:iu: plated asse:?lies5 &lean engine co:pressor in accordance @ith applica?le engine TM5 .!12( ELICOPTER" OPERATE# IN "ALT LA#EN ENVIRONMENT%
1( Using a :ild soap detergent, @ash ?lades dail>5 inse @ith clear @ater and dr>5 0ll aircra9t do@n 9or :aintenance or non-9l>a?le storage are not su?Ject to ?lade @ash inspection5 .!1,( AFTER 1( ELICOPTER A" $EEN PAR3E# OR OPERATE# IN RAIN* ICE* OR "NO)(
Purge lu?ricate tail rotor hu? and ?lade grip ?earings5 Inspect
2( *pen engine inlet area and re:o!e upper air 9ilter asse:?l>5 and clean particle separator parts5
NOTE I.(P)&TI*. +*)( .*T 0PP3E T* H)3I&*PT) ( 1ITH ()3,-PU G) TEP) ()P0 0T* (5 I.(P)&TI*. .*T )GUI )+ I, H)3I&*PT) NOTE 10( P0 H)+ 1ITH P *T)&TI-) &*-) ( I.(T033)+5 I( I.(T033)+)5
Inspect sheet :etal sur9aces and o!erlaps, ?oth internal and e<ternal, 9or da:age5
2( Inspect ri!ets, ?olts, scre@s, and other hard@are in area, internall> and e<ternall> 9or da:age5 ,( /( Inspect hidden areas in !icinit> o9 ?atter> and su:p Jar 9or da:age5 Inspect all :etal parts throughout conta:inated area 9or da:age5
.!17( TRAN"MI""ION OIL OVER TEMPERATURE( 1( Trou?leshoot trans:ission s>ste: to deter:ine cause5 2( eplace trans:ission, :ast, oil cooler and e<ternal oil 9ilter i9 cause is due to trans:ission internal 9ailure5 ,( I9 cause is due to oil s>ste: e<ternal to trans:ission and oil te:perature did not e<ceed 1/# degrees & (266 degrees ,) 9or 14 :inutes, drain and re9ill trans:ission oil s>ste:5
/( I9 te:perature e<ceeded a?o!e li:its, replace trans:ission and :ast5 conta:ination is present, also replace oil cooler and e<ternal 9ilter5
I9 a?nor:al
.!18( COMPLETE LO"" OF TRAN"MI""ION OIL( 1( Trou?leshoot trans:ission oil s>ste: to deter:ine cause5
2( I9 engine po@er @as applied a9ter co:plete loss o9 oil, replace trans:ission and :ast5 I9 a?nor:al conta:ination is present, also replace oil cooler and e<ternal oil 9ilter ,( Inspect FuicC disconnects 9or engage:ent and @ear5
C APTER : CON#ITIONAL IN"PECTION" &ENGINE' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &onditional Inspections ()ngine) 9ound in Cha=1er : o9 the IPG are inspections reFuired as a result o9 an unusual e!ent such as engine oil 9ilter ?>pass or engine o!er te:perature5 NOTE TH) ) 0 ) .* P )(& I;)+ I.T) -03( ,* &*.+ITI*.03 I.(P)&TI*.(5 :!1( IN"PECT FOR FOREIGN O$4ECT #AMAGE &FO#'(
1( *pen inlet guide !anes :anuall> and conduct a !isual inspection o9 the inlet housing (inlet guide !ane and 9irst stage co:pressor rotor through the inlet ducts)5 2( I9 da:age e<ceeds li:its or appears to e<tend ?e>ond the 9irst stage co:pressor rotor, re:o!e the upper co:pressor housing hal9 and inspect co:pressor ?lades, !anes, centri9ugal i:pellers, and co:pressor housings5 ( e95 "2-/#-88, o9 appropriate :aintenance :anuals)5 I9 centri9ugal co:pressor i:peller is da:aged ?e>ond li:its, return engine to *!erhaul5 ,( Inspect all !isi?le air di99user !anes 9or nicCs, dents, and ?urrs5 Minor nicCs, dents and ?urrs are accepta?le pro!ided that :utilation has not occurred as de9ined ?> the appropriate :anual5 :!2( "U"PECTE# COMPRE""OR "TALL OR "URGE( )ngine co:pressor stall or surge is characteriMed ?> a sharp ru:?le or a series o9 load sharp reports, se!ere engine !i?ration and a rapid rise in e<haust gas te:perature ()GT), depending on se!erit> o9 surge5 1hen a surge has ?een reported, progressi!el> per9or: :!2( "U"PECTE# COMPRE""OR "TALL OR "URGE(*Paragraphs 1(* 2(* and ,( ?elo@* as indicated ?> discrepant conditions5 NOTE (T033 I.(P)&TI*. I( .*T )GUI )+ ,* .*I() &0U()+ ;E ;3))+ ;0.+ &E&3I.G * P) &).T .1 TH0T I( .*T 0&&*MP0.I)+ ;E 0 0PI+ I() I. )GT5 (U G) ;)3*1 24
NOTE &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ , *M 0 H)3I&*PT) , ,*33*1I.G 0 &*MP )((* (T033 * (U G), (H033 ;) )-03U0T)+ 0( 0. I.T) )30T)+ G *UP5 )M*-03 )&* +( 0&&*MP0.EI.G )0&H &*MP*.).T (H033 & *(( ),) ).&) P0 T 0.+ () I03 .UM;) ( *, *TH) + I-) (E(T)M &*MP*.).T( )M*-)+ ,* )-03U0TI*.5 +iscuss circu:stances o9 reported co:pressor stall @ith pilot5 +eter:ine .1 speed at @hich reported stall occurred5 &hecC helicopter and engine log 9or an> pertinent histor>5 1( Po@er plant5 1(1( )<a:ine inlet screen 9or ?locCage5
1(2( Inspect the engine in accordance @ith engine :anu9acturerDs inspection guide5 1(,( I9 co:pressor is dirt>, @ash in accordance @ith appro!ed engine :anu9acturerDs :ethod5
25 Po@er train5 I9 co:pressor stall occurs ?elo@ 24 percent .1 speed, co:pl> @ith the 9ollo@ing su?paragraphs 2(15, through 2(,5 ?elo@= 2(1( e:o!e :agnetic chip detectors 9ro: trans:ission, inter:ediate gear?o< and tail rotor gear?o<, and inspect 9or :etal particles5 2(2( I9 no e!idence o9 da:age is 9ound on tail ?oo: !ertical 9in and no indication o9 :etal particles are 9ound on chip detectorsK clean chip detectors and reinstall5 eturn helicopter to 9light status and repeat chip detector inspection in 4 to 1# hours5 I9 positi!e indication o9 da:age is 9ound on tail ?oo: p>lon or :etal chips are 9ound on chip detectors on initial 4 to 1# hour inspection, co:pl> @ith su?paragraphs 2(/ through 2(- ?elo@5 2(,( -isuall> inspect :ain dri!e sha9t5 Main ;HT dri!e sha9t, inspect 9or internal and cur!ic coupling da:age5 H0,3)8 dri!e sha9t, inspect 9or the 9ollo@ing conditions= a( ?5 c( Plate contact @ith end 9itting(s)5 Interconnect contact @ith end 9itting(s)5 &ontact o9 9ail-sa9e sur9ace(s)5 NOTE I, 0.E *.) *, TH) 0;*-) &*.+ITI*.( 0 ) ,*U.+, )P30&) (H0,T5 )TU . (H0,T T* () -I&) I, .* +0M0G) I( ,*U.+5
I9 co:pressor stall occurs at 24 percent .1 or a?o!e, co:pl> @ith the preceding Paragraph 25, (including su?paragraphs 2(1* 2(2 and 2(,) and the 9ollo@ing su?paragraphs 2(/, through 2(-5 and Paragraph ,( 2(/( e:o!e and conde:n 2#6-#6#-62#-/ and -" long tail rotor dri!e sha9t5
2(7( e:o!e tail rotor gear?o< 9ro: helicopter and re:o!e input Fuill5 1ith a 1# po@er glass, inspect gear teeth on pinion and gear 9or da:age5 I9 no e!idence o9 scoring or scu99ing is 9ound and there is no other da:age that @ould render gear?o< unser!icea?le, it :a> ?e reasse:?led and reinstalled 9or continued use5 I9 gear teeth are scored or scu99ed or there is other da:age that @ould render gear?o< unser!icea?le, replace gear?o<5 2(8( e:o!e input and output dri!e Fuill 9ro: inter:ediate gear?o< and inspect gear teeth on pinion and gear 9or da:age @ith a 1# po@er glass5 I9 no e!idence o9 scoring or scu99ing is 9ound and there is no :echanical da:age that @ould render gear?o< unser!icea?le, reasse:?le and return to ser!ice5 I9 gear teeth are scu99ed or scored or gear?o< has sustained other da:ageK replace gear?o<5
2(-( e:o!e the tail rotor dri!e Fuill 9ro: the trans:ission and inspect the gear teeth 9or da:age @ith a 1# po@er glass5 I9 there is no indication o9 scoring or scu99ing and there is no other da:age that @ould render the trans:ission unser!icea?le, it is suita?le 9or continued use5 I9 gear teeth are scored or scu99ed or there is other da:age that @ould render the trans:ission unser!icea?le, replace trans:ission and co:pl> @ith su?paragraph 2(.5, ?elo@5 2(.( I9 trans:ission is replaced, the tail rotor hanger ?earing asse:?lies and tail rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l> :ust also ?e replaced and procedures outlined in su?paragraphs a5 through e( ?elo@, per9or:ed5 NOTE P) ,* M 0. *-) H0U3 )-03U0TI*. *. T0I3 *T* HU; 0.+ ;30+)5 M0H) 0. ).T E I. &*MP*.).T )&* + T* (H*1 TH0T TH) )0(*. ,* )M*-03 10( &*MP )((* (T0335 a( e:o!e in?oard and out?oard drag ?race ?olts5 &hecC ?olts 9or de9or:ation, and per9or: a :agnetic particle inspection5 I9 satis9actor>, return to ser!ice5 ?( -isuall> inspect sta?iliMer ?ar outer tu?es 9or ?ending5 (0llo@a?le de9lection is #514# inch in each tu?e5) c( e:o!e :ain rotor pillo@ ?locCs 9ro: :ain rotor >oCe and checC 9or de9or:ation o9 ?ushing holes in pillo@ ?locCs and >oCe5 eplace :ain rotor trunnion cap ?olts (46# M' )5 <( Per9or: close !isual inspection o9 all :ain rotor co:ponents5
e( I9 an> discrepancies are noted as a result o9 inspection in su?paragraphs a( through <( a?o!e, re:o!e and replace :ain rotor hu? and ?lade asse:?l>, sta?iliMer ?ar asse:?l>, and :ast asse:?l>5 e:o!ed asse:?lies shall ha!e an o!erhaul e!aluation per9or:ed5 MaCe an entr> in co:ponent records to sho@ that the reason 9or re:o!al @as &o:pressor (tall5 ,( 0ir9ra:e5 ,(1( &hecC tail ?oo: !ertical 9in 9or e!idence o9 da:aged sCin panels and'or structure and ri!ets 9or looseness and'or sheared heads5 I9 inspection sho@s no indications o9 da:age, return helicopter to ser!ice5 I9 positi!e e!idence o9 da:age is 9ound, co:pl> @ith su?paragraphs ,(2 through ,(/ ?elo@5 ,(2( e:o!e sCin 9ro: tail ?oo: !ertical 9in adJacent to tail rotor gear?o< :ounting5 Inspect all support structures in this area and repair as reFuired5 Install ne@ sCin5 ,(,( MaCe close !isual inspection o9 co:plete tail ?oo: structure 9or distortion, ?ucCles, sCin cracCs and sheared or loose ri!ets, pa>ing particular attention to tail ?oo: attach:ent points and adJacent 9uselage to tail ?oo: structure and inter:ediate gear?o< support structure5
,(/( MaCe close !isual inspection o9 :ain p>lon support and engine :ount attach:ent structure 9or distortion ?ucCles, cracCs, sheared or loose ri!ets, etc5 ENGINE I" #ROPPE# #URING AN#LING(
2( &hecC o!erspeed go!ernor and tacho:eter dri!e 9or cracCs, distortion, and ?ent sha9ts5 ,( /( 75 8( &hecC oil 9ilter 9or loose ?olts and da:aged 9ilter ele:ents5 &hecC po@er-dri!en rotar> (oil) pu:p 9or loose ?olts and cracCed 9langes5 &hecC engine :ounting pads 9or cracCs5 &hecC all hose connections 9or securit>5
-( &hecC all accessories 9or loose ?olts, nuts, connections, and cracCed :ount 9langes5 .5 :( &hecC inlet, co:pressor, and co:?ustor housings 9or cracCs or loose ?olts5 I9 no !isual da:age is apparent, acco:plish the 9ollo@ing inspections=
:(1( Per9or: a co:plete engine ground operational test (@ith engine on aircra9t) and include !i?ration and coastdo@n checCs5 NOTE TH) MI.IMUM T)(T TIM) I( /# MI.UT)(5 -I; 0TI*. 3)-)3( MU(T ;) 1ITHI. )(T0;3I(H)+ 3IMIT(5 I, .* +),)&T( 0 ) .*T)+, ).GI.) I( &*.(I+) )+ () -I&)0;3)5 ( ),5 "1-##-##, P0 05 125)5) :(2( Per9or: inspection o9 oil 9ilter, screens, and chip detector 9or chips, lint, or other 9oreign :aterial5 NOTE I. TH) )-).T TH) ()-) ITE *, + *P I( (U&H TH0T IT)M( 0( &033)+ *UT I. H)0+I.G :!,( ENGINE I" #ROPPE# #URING AN#LING(* P0 0G 0PH( 1( TH *UGH .(* 0;*-) 0 ) +I(& )P0.T, IT I( )&*MM).+)+ TH0T ).GI.) ;) )TU .)+ T* 0 +)(IG.0T)+ *-) H0U3 ,0&I3ITE ,* ,U TH) &* )&TI-) 0&TI*.5
CAUTION T E FOLLO)ING ENGINE IN"PECTION MU"T $E COMPLETE# IN T E EVENT OF AIRCRAFT #RIVE "Y"TEM "TOPPING* EVEN MOMENTARILY( "U##EN "TOPPAGE I" INTERPRETE# TO INCLU#E T E " OC3 FELT $Y T E #RIVE "Y"TEM ) EN T E AIRCRAFT ROTOR $LA#E" COME IN CONTACT )IT T E GROUN#* )ATER* TREE"* OR OT ER O$"TACLE" T AT )OUL# CAU"E #AMAGE RE+UIRING AIRCRAFT ROTOR $LA#E C ANGE( IT I" A#VI"E# T AT ENGINE" "U$4ECTE# TO "U##EN "TOPPAGE $E RETURNE# TO A #E"IGNATE# OVER AUL FACILITY FOR T E FOLLO)ING IN"PECTION* A" FAILURE TO #O "O MAY AFFECT AIR)ORT INE""( #ETAILE# #I"A""EM$LY* IN"PECTION AN# A""EM$LY IN"TRUCTION" ARE PROVI#E# IN T E OVER AUL MANUAL* ALLIE# "IGNAL NO( ,,0(,( 1( Inspect output reduction carrier and gear asse:?l> (1-#/#-/4#-#2 or 1-#/#-/4#-12) and sun gearsha9t (1-#/#-192-#/ or 1-#/#-192-#6)5 1(1( Per9or: a :agnetic particle or 9luorescent penetrant inspection on all parts included in the reduction gearing s>ste:5 NOTE & 0&HI.G M0E *&&U 3*.GITU+I.033E 03*.G G)0 T))TH5 & 0&H( &0. ;) &*.(I+) )+ P0 TI03 ()P0 0TI*. *, M)T03 )(U3TI.G , *M U.+U) (T )(()(5 &HIPPI.G 0.+ ,30HI.G )P )().T -0 I*U( ,* M( *, & 0&HI.G5 1(2( Per9or: .!/ Over1orE;e &Air0raBe9En@ine' Ins=ec1ion* o9 the IPG5
1(,( I9 there is no da:age 9ound in the preceding inspections, per9or: :!: En@ine Oi5 Con1aBina1ion Ins=ec1ion, o9 the IPG5 1(/( I9 da:age is 9ound in the preceding inspection, per9or: o!erspeed inspection 9ound in :!7 En@ine Overs=ee< Ins=ec1ion* Cha=1er :* o9 the IPG( 2( I9 da:age is 9ound during :!7 En@ine Overs=ee< Ins=ec1ion* per9or: :!: En@ine Oi5 Con1aBina1ion Ins=ec1ion, o9 the IPG5 :!7( ENGINE OVER"PEE#( I9 engine has ?een su?Jected to an o!erspeed condition, proceed as 9ollo@s= 1( 25 e:o!e and checC oil 9ilter 9or :etal chips or other 9oreign :atter5
e:o!e and checC chip detector 9or :etal chips5 NOTE I, &HIP( 0 ) ,*U.+ I. *I3 ,I3T) * &HIP +)T)&T* , P) ,* M 0. *I3 &*.T0MI.0TI*. I.(P)&TI*.5 ( ),5 "2-##-##, ).GI.) - T *U;3)(H**TI.G, P0 05 15&)5 I9 gas producer (.1) o!erspeed li:its are e<ceeded, proceed as 9ollo@s= ,(1( Per9or: an I.T) .03 (H*T ).+) I.(P)&TI*.5 T *U;3)(H**TI.G, P0 05 15+) ( ),5 "2-##-##, ).GI.) -
,(2( &hecC co:pressor rotor asse:?l> ?> :echanicall> rotating and listening 9or indications o9 ru??ing5
I9 output sha9t (.2) o!erspeed li:its are e<ceeded, proceed as 9ollo@s= T7,L11 OVER"PEE# LIMIT" 1#1 P) &).T 0T T0H)-*,, P*1) 5 1#1 P) &).T 0T M08IMUM &*.TI.U*U( P*1) 5 T7,L1,$ OVER"PEE# LIMIT"
1H). .2 (P))+ )8&))+( 1#1 P) &).T (21,/## P*1) 66/" PM) 0T TH) T0H)*,, P*1) P*(ITI*.5
25 TH) ,*33*1I.G M08IMUM (T)0+E-(T0T) .2 (P))+( M0E ;) 0TT0I.)+, P *-I+I.G TH) M08IMUM &* )(P*.+I.G T* GU) P )((U ) I( .*T )8&))+)+ 1ITH*UT & )0TI.G 0. *-) (P))+ &*.+ITI*.= "TEA#Y "TATE COM$INATION" N2 "PEE# ! MA> 1#"L 1#6L 1#4L 1#/L 1#2L 1#1L (",#/2 (6,966 (6,9## (6,"69 (6,"#/ (6,6/" PM) PM) PM) PM) PM) PM) TOR+UE PRE""URE ! MA> 1# 21 /2 62 4/ 6# P(I P(I P(I P(I P(I P(I
/(1( -isuall> inspect po@er tur?ine rotor asse:?l> 9or da:aged or :issing ?lades (!ie@ through tailpipe)5 /(2( Per9or: tip clearance inspection on second stage po@er tur?ine ?lades through e<haust di99user (#5#24 inch :ini:u:5) NOTE I, +I(& )P0.&I)( 0 ) .*T)+, P) ,* M 0. I.T) .03 (H*T ).+ I.(P)&TI*.)5 ( ),5 "2-##-##, ).GI.) - T *U;3)(H**TI.G, P0 05 15+5) /(,( +eter:ine and correct cause o9 o!erspeed5 I9 no discrepancies are noted,
0n engine o!erte:perature condition e<ists @hen li:its gi!en are e<ceeded5 1( *?ser!e the 9ollo@ing li:its 9or nor:al operating conditions= 1(1( The :a<i:u: (red line) *I3-I. te:perature is 99 degrees & (21# degrees ,)5 1hen oil te:perature e<ceeds 99 degrees & (21# degrees ,) re9er to Paragraphs'su?paragraphs ?elo@ as appropriate5
1(2( 0 stead>-state engine *I3-I. te:perature o9 1## degrees & (212 degrees ,) is accepta?le pro!ided the oil 9ilter is inspected e!er> 4# hours o9 engine operation 9or e<cessi!e accu:ulation o9 car?on or :etal particles5 Under a?nor:al (e:ergenc>) conditions, such as an oil cooling s>ste: :al9unction or 9ailure, the 9ollo@ing procedures and engine oil te:perature li:its @ill :ini:iMe the risC in!ol!ed in operating an engine @hich has e<ceeded te:perature li:its5 CAUTION IT MU"T $E CLEARLY UN#ER"TOO# T ERE I" A PO""I$ILITY T AT MEC ANICAL COMPONENT" MAY "UFFER #AMAGE IF ENGINE OPERATING CON#ITION" ARE E>TEN#E# $EYON# T E"E LIMIT"( 2( 0t oil te:peratures 9ro: 99 degrees & (21# degrees ,) to 1/# degrees & (266 degrees ,) 9or 1# :inutes or less, checC engine oil screens and :ain oil 9ilter5 ,( 0t te:perature 9ro: 99 degrees & (21# degrees ,) to 1/# degrees & (266 degrees ,) 9or :ore than 1# :inutes, ?ut no :ore than /# :inutes, proceed as 9ollo@s= ,(1( &hange oil, clean all screens and :ain oil 9ilter5 Ground run engine 9or /# :inutes and rechecC :ain oil 9ilter 9or car?on and :etal particles5 I9 conta:ination is 9ound, clean oil screens and oil 9ilter5 epeat oil change and ground run engine5 /( 0t te:peratures 9ro: 99 degrees & (21# degrees ,) to 1/# degrees & (266 degrees ,) 9or greater than /# :inutes, per9or: 9ollo@ing oil o!erte:perature inspection, Paragraph -5, ?elo@5 7( 1hen oil te:perature reaches 1/1 degrees & (262 degrees ,) and a?o!e 9or an> length o9 ti:e, per9or: 9ollo@ing oil o!erte:perature inspection, Paragraph -(* ?elo@5 8( 1hen oil te:perature reaches 14# degrees & (/#2 degrees ,), the engine :ust ?e returned to *!erhaul5 -( Per9or: 9ollo@ing oil o!erte:perature inspection as reFuired= -(1( e:o!e co:?ustor tur?ine asse:?l>5 ( e95 "2-6#-##)
-(2( +isasse:?le co:?ustor tur?ine asse:?l> to per:it re:o!al o9 po@er tur?ine rotor and ?earing housing asse:?l>5
-(,( +isasse:?le po@er tur?ine rotor and ?earing housing asse:?l> to per:it re:o!al o9 .o5 / and 6 position :ain ?earings5 +eter:ine part nu:?ers o9 ?earings and= a( ?( eplace ?earing 1-/##-1"6-#6, 1-/##-426-#2, and 1-/##-#14-#2'#65 Inspect other ?earings 9or coCe'general condition5 eplace i9 necessar>
c( Inspect .o5 2 :ain ?earing seals 9or coCe'general condition5 eplace i9 necessar>5 -(/( +isasse:?le gas producer s>ste: co:ponents to per:it re:o!al o9 .o5 2 position :ain ?earing and .o5 2 :ain ?earing seals5 +eter:ine part nu:?ers o9 ?earings and= a( eplace ?earing 1-/##-426-#2, 1-/##-1"6-#65
?( Inspect other .o5 2 ?earing part nu:?ers 9or coCe and condition5 eplace i9 necessar>5 c( easse:?le gas producer s>ste: co:ponents, po@er tur?ine rotor and ?earing housing asse:?l>, and co:?ustor tur?ine asse:?l>5 einstall co:?ustor tur?ine asse:?l>5 -(7 e:o!e accessor> dri!e gear?o<5 a( +isasse:?le gear?o< to per:it re:o!al o9 ?earings 1-/##-##2-#1'#2 and 1-/##-###1'#2 9ro: pinion gearsha9t and ?earing asse:?l>, ?earings 1-/##-###1'#2 9ro: thrust ?earing liner asse:?l> and ?earings 1-/##-12-#1'#2 9ro: starter generator dri!e gearsha9t asse:?l>5 ( e95 "2-6#-#1) +eter:ine part nu:?er o9 ?earing and= ?( eplace ?earing 1-/##-##2-#1'#2, and 1-/##-#12-#15
c( Inspect ?earing 1-/##-#12-#2 and all re:aining installed ?earings 9or coCing and heat discoloration5 eplace i9 necessar>5 <( Inspect all gears and splined parts 9or coCing and heat discoloration5 eplace i9 necessar>5 e( e:o!e output reduction carrier and gear asse:?l>5
0( Inspect accessi?le gears and splined parts 9or signs o9 heat distortion5 eplace an> part that is discolored5 :!-( ENGINE "U$4ECTE# TO E>CE""IVE G!LOA#" & AR# LAN#ING* "EVERE MANEUVER"'( I9 it is suspected that e<cessi!e G loads ha!e ?een i:posed on engine, conduct the 9ollo@ing inspections i::ediatel> a9ter 9light during @hich the e<cessi!e loads occurred= 1( Inspect accessor> dri!e gear?o< 9or cracCed :ount 9langes or loose ?olts5 2( Inspect o!erspeed go!ernor and tacho:eter dri!e 9or cracCs, distortion and ?ent sha9t5
,( /( 7(
Inspect oil 9ilter 9or loose ?olts and da:aged 9ilter ele:ents5 Inspect oil pu:p 9or loose ?olts and cracCed 9langes5 Inspect 9uel control asse:?l> 9or cracCed 9langes and loose nuts5
8( Inspect engine and aircra9t :ounts 9or cracCs, loose ?olts, ?ending, or distortion in an> o9 the 9ollo@ing areas= a( ?( c( <( )ngine :ounts5 0ccessor> dri!e gear?o< :ount 9langes5 0ccessor> :ount 9langes5 Inlet, co:pressor, or co:?ustor housings55
NOTE I, TH) 0I & 0,T-,U .I(H)+ ).GI.) M*U.T 3)G( )8HI;IT 0.E & 0&H(, ;).+I.G, * +I(T* TI*., IT I( )&*MM).+)+ TH0T TH) ).GI.) ;) )TU .)+ T* *-) H0U3 0( )8T )M)3E HIGH G-3*0+( H0-) ;)). IMP*()+5 IT I( ,U TH) )&*MM).+)+ TH0T 033I)+ (IG.03 ;) &*.T0&T)+ T* P *-I+) 0++ITI*.03 +I )&TI*.5 -( .( Inspect air, oil, and 9uel hose connections 9or tightness5 Inspect all accessories 9or loose ?olts, nuts, and connections5 :(.( ENGINE INLET $LOC3AGE(
NOTE 0.E TIM) TH) 0I & 0,T I( ,3*1. I. 0 3**() G 0((',*3I0G) ).-I *.M).T, * I, IT I( (U(P)&T)+ TH0T 0G(, P0P) * *TH) +); I( &*U3+ H0-) ;)). I.G)(T)+, TH) ).GI.) (H033 ;) I.(P)&T)+ ,* ;3*&H0G) 0 *U.+ TH) I.3)T GUI+) -0.)(5 ,0I3U ) T* P) ,* M THI( I.(P)&TI*. &*U3+ )(U3T I. 3*(( *, P*1) 5 1( Inlet ?locCage inspection5 1(1( e:o!e the particle separator (?oth hal!es) and aircra9t inlet screen (i9 installed), and inspect the engine inlet area5 1(2( Inspect the inlet housing struts and each inlet guide !ane 9or rags, paper, grass, 9oliage or other 9oreign :aterial ?locCage or partial ?locCage5 1(,( &o:pletel> re:o!e an> 9oreign :aterial that :a> ?e lodged on the inlet strut or guide !anes5 (pecial attention should ?e gi!en to the lo@er (6 through 2 oDclocC) portion o9 the !ane asse:?l>5 1(/( I9 ?locCage or partial ?locCage is e!ident or suspected, re:o!e and scrap all the 9irst and second stage ?lades and replace @ith ne@ ?lades5 1(7( I9 re:o!ed, reinstall particle separator and aircra9t inlet screen5
1(8( Per9or: standard engine !i?ration checC @ith the engine installed in the aircra9t5 ( e95 "1-##-##, Para 125)5)
:!:( ENGINE OIL CONTAMINATION( 1hene!er an oil conta:ination inspection has re!ealed a continuance or an increase o9 chips in the oil 9ilter or on the chip detector, ?ut output reduction carrier and gear asse:?l> has 9reedo: o9 :o!e:ent and e:its no unusual noises, proceed as 9ollo@s= WARNING PROLONGED CONTACT WITH LUBRICATING OIL MAY CAUSE A SKIN RASH. THOSE AREAS OF SKIN AND CLOTHING THAT MAY COME IN CONTACT WITH LUBRICATING OIL SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY WASHED IMMEDIATELY. SATURATED CLOTHING SHOULD BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. AREAS IN WHICH LUBRICATING OIL IS USED SHOULD BE ADE=UATELY VENTILATED TO KEEP MIST AND FUMES TO A MINIMUM. CAUTION LU$RICATING OIL MAY "OFTEN PAINT UPON CONTACT( IF LU$RICATING OIL I" "PILLE# ON PAINTE# "URFACE"* T E"E "URFACE" " OUL# $E T OROUG LY )A" E#( 1( &hecC :ain oil 9ilter ele:ents 9or chip accu:ulation @hich could ha!e placed the 9ilter into ?>pass5 &lean @ith dr> cleaning sol!ent ( e95 "2-##-##, 62, Ta?le 2#/, or appropriate :anual) and reinstall5 2( e:o!e and inspect .o5 2 ?earing strainer and .o5 / and 6 ?earing strainer ?ore 9or :etal chips5 I9 chips are present, re:o!e and inspect three reduction gear oil trans9er tu?e strainers ( e95 "2-1#-#1) and o!erspeed go!ernor and tacho:eter dri!e oil throttle strainer ( e95 "2-6#-#2)5 ,or@ard engine to *!erhaul i9 :etal chips ha!e clogged :ore than one-third o9 9lo@ area o9 an> one o9 pre!iousl> :entioned strainers5 I9 a:ount o9 chips is not e<cessi!e, clean and reinstall strainers and proceed to Paragraph ,( ?elo@5 ,( Presence o9 chips in pre!iousl> :entioned strainers indicates that ?>pass o9 oil 9ilter has occurred5 eplace oil 9ilter5 /( +rain all oil 9ro: accessor> gear?o<, aircra9t, oil tanC, and oil cooler5 &lean @ith dr> cleaning sol!ent ( e95
7( e:o!e :etal chips 9ro: chip detector5 "2-##-##, 62, Ta?le 2#/)5
8( &hecC .o5 2 ?earing sca!enge line 9or :etal conta:ination5 I9 chips are e!ident, disasse:?le gas producer as necessar>, inspect all oil @etted co:ponentsK replace parts as needed5 ,lush co:ponents @ith dr> cleaning sol!ent ( e95 "2-##-##, 62, Ta?le 2#/) and reinstall5 -( &hecC .o5 / and 6 ?earings sca!enge line 9or :etal conta:ination5 I9 chips are e!ident, re:o!e co:?ustor tur?ine asse:?l>, disasse:?le po@er tur?ine and ?earing housing asse:?l>, and inspect ?earings and other oil @etted co:ponents5 eplace i9 reFuired ( e95 "2-4#-#6)5 ,lush co:ponents @ith dr> cleaning sol!ent ( e95 "2-##-##, 62, Ta?le 2#/) and reinstall5 .( I9 chips are suspected to co:e 9ro: reduction gearing, re:o!e reduction gearing, inspect its condition and replace i9 reFuired5
:( e:o!e accessor> dri!e gear?o< ( e95 "2-6#-#1)5 e:o!e and inspect sha9t gear asse:?l>5 Particularl> note condition o9 upper and lo@er ?earings on this sha9t5 Inspect and clean sca!enge strainer5 ,lush sha9t gear asse:?l> and internal co:ponents o9 gear?o< @ith dr> cleaning sol!ent ( e95 "2-##-##, 625 Ta?le 2#/) and reasse:?le5 10( ,lush aircra9t oil s>ste: and replace oil cooler on aircra9t not eFuipped @ith au<iliar> e<ternal oil 9ilter5 11( (er!ice oil s>ste: @ith lu?ricating oil ( e95 61 or 62, Ta?le 2#/) *perate engine at "# to 2# percent .1 9or 4 :inutes5 (hut do@n engine and allo@ to cool5 CAUTION ANY MALFUNCTION IN OIL PRE""URE IN E>CE"" OF PLU" OR MINU" 7 P"I* OR RAPI# RI"E IN OIL TEMPERATURE AT ANY PRE"ET PO)ER "ETTING* I" CAU"E FOR IMME#IATE ENGINE " UT#O)N( 12( &hecC oil 9ilter ele:ents, chip detector, and strainers5
1,( Inspect chip detector and oil 9ilter strainers 9or chips5 0:ount o9 chips noted should ?e less than original a:ount5 I9 so, repeat preceding Paragraphs 10( and 11(, increasing engine operating ti:e to 1# :inutes5 NOTE &HIP( I. *I3 ,I3T) M0E * IGI.0T) I. *I3 (UPP3E T0.HK &HIP( *. &HIP +)T)&T* * IGI.0T) I. ).GI.)5 1/( epeat inspection, ser!icing and operating c>cle, increasing engine operating ti:e to /# :inutes5 I9 no apprecia?le a:ount o9 chips or other conta:inates is noted, engine :a> ?e returned to ser!ice5 I9 a:ount o9 chips or other conta:inants re:ains the sa:e or increases, per9or: oil sa:ple anal>sis ( e95 "2-##-##, ).GI.) - I.(P)&TI*., Para5 15G5)K 9or@ard engine to *!erhaul5 NOTE TH) ,*33*1I.G 0&TI*.( 0 ) )&*MM).+)+ T* ).(U ) TH0T *I3, &HIP(, * *TH) &*.T0MI.0.T (0MP3)( 0 ) 0-0I30;3) T* 0I+ I. TH) +I0G.*(I( *, TH) P *;3)M5 I, 0. 033I)+ (IG.03 )P )().T0TI-) I( &033)+ I., )T0I. TH) (0MP3) ,* HI( )-03U0TI*. 0.+ 0&TI*.5 a( )<ercise care to pre!ent additional conta:ination o9 sa:ple5
?( MarC oil, chips, or conta:inant sa:ple to include operatorDs na:e, address, location on the engine 9ro: @hich the sa:ple @as taCen, engine :odel and seal nu:?er, ti:e since ne@, ti:e since o!erhaul, and last related :aintenance action5 Include the oil !endorDs na:e, ?atch nu:?er, and date o9 :anu9acture on the sa:ple5 c( I9 the engine is ?eing returned 9or repair or o!erhaul, return :arCed sa:ple in engine container5 17( I9 the a:ount o9 car?on particles 9ound on the engine oil 9ilter ele:ents co!ers 14 percent or :ore o9 the sur9ace area, proceed as 9ollo@s=
17(1( &lean and reinstall oil 9ilter asse:?l>5 17(2( +rain all oil 9ro: accessor> dri!e gear?o<, oil tanC, and oil cooler5 17(,( e:o!e and inspect .o5 2 strainer, and .o5 / and 6 ?earing strainers5 I9 car?on particles are present, oil 9ilter has ?>passed5 e:o!e, clean, and reinstall reduction gear oil trans9er tu?e strainers and o!erspeed go!ernor and tacho:eter dri!e oil throttle strainer5 &lean and reinstall .o5 2 ?earing strainer and .o5 / and 6 ?earing strainers5 17(/( e9ill oil tanC to capacit> @ith ne@ oil5
17(7( (tart engine and run at "# to 2# percent .1 9or 14 :inutes5 17(8( (hut do@n engineK then re:o!e, inspect, and clean oil 9ilter and strainers5 einstall oil 9ilter and strainers5 17(-( I9 conta:ination is e<cessi!e, repeat procedure until 9ilter is clean a9ter engine run5 :!10( LO"" OF PO)ER OR IG E> AU"T GA" TEMPERATURE CON#ITION(
Thoroughl> in!estigate the engine inline (engine de-ice) !al!e 9or proper 9unctioning prior to proceeding @ith trou?leshooting procedures5 ( e9er to applica?le engine :anual)5 :!11( ENGINE OVERTEMPERATURE( Per9or: an engine o!er-te:perature inspection5 ( e9er to applica?le engine TM5)
NOTE I, ).GI.) &0..*T ;) *P) 0T)+ 1ITH*UT )8&))+I.G )GT 3IMIT( 0( (P)&I,I)+ I. TM, IT I( 0. I.+I&0TI*. *, ).GI.) M03,U.&TI*. * I.(T UM).T ) * 5 ),) T* T *U;3)(H**TI.G T* +)T) MI.) &0U() 0.+ &* )&T 0&TI*., 0( *-) -T)MP) 0TU ) I.(P)&TI*. M0E .*T ;) )GUI )+5
APPEN#I> 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3etter 9ro: ;ell Te<tron e9= *!erhaul and etire:ent (chedule, Manuals, and Technical assistance5
Bell Helicopter
A Textron Company !ear Be"" #e"icopter $xcess%&'rp"'s Aircraft Operators(
Be"" #e"icopter is a)are of se*era" sit'ations in )hich many operators nee+ technica" assistance in maintainin, their -#.1 #e"icopters/ When the he"icopters are s'rp"'se+ 0y the !efense 1o,istics A,ency 2!1A3, many operators +o not recei*e the appropriate Technica" 4an'a"s to maintain their he"icopters/ The mi"itary Technica" 4an'a"s 2T45s3 re6'ire+ to maintain the -#.1 are( T4 77.172 .21 .28P.1%.2%.8 PA9T& 4A:-A1 T4 77.172 .21 .1 OP$9ATO9& 4A:-A1 T4 77.172 .21 .28.1%.2%.8 4A;:T$:A:C$ 4A:-A1 T4 77.172 .21 .C1 C#$C<1;&T T4 77.172 .21 .P4! P9$=$:TAT;=$ 4A;:T$:A:C$ !A;1> T4 77.172 .21 .P4 P#A&$ 4A;:T$:A:C$ T4 77.284 .22?.28 T78 $:@;:$ 4A;:T$:A:C$/ 4A:-A1 These are not Be"" #e"icopter man'a"s, Be"" #e"icopter +oesn5t maintain, 'p+ate or +istri0'te these man'a"s/ These man'a"s are a*ai"a0"e for p'rchase at( :T;&. :ationa" Technica" ;nformation &er*ice 4i"itary P'0"ications !epartment 7287 Port 9oya" 9oa+ &prin,fie"+, = A 22161 P#O:$( 7 8.6 7.6 8 .778.6847 FAA( 7 8.6 7.6? $mai" O9!$9&B:T;&/@O= ;n or+er to assist operators operatin, in the P'0"ic -se, Be"" #e"icopter has +e*e"ope+ an+ recommen+s the O*erha'" an+ 9etirement &che+'"e/ -nfort'nate"y Be"" #e"icopter cannot assist operators in Type Certifie+ 9estricte+ Cate,ory/ These operators are o0"i,ate+ to maintain their aircraft in accor+ance )ith the Type Certificate #o"+er re6'irements/ The rationa"e 0ehin+ Be"" #e"icopter +e*e"opin, this recommen+e+ O*erha'" an+ 9etirement &che+'"e is to remo*e the @ear0oxes o't of a COn.Con+itionC( Air)orthy 1imitation/ ;n comp"iance )ith the T45s an operator is re6'ire+ to taDe an oi" ana"ysis e*ery 27 ho'rs an+ s'0mit for a "a0 ana"ysis/ Be"" #e"icopter is a)are that a"" operators are not performin, this maintenance tasD an+ therefore Be"" #e"icopter has +e*e"ope+ a recommen+ O*erha'"%9etirement sche+'"e, it5s on"y pro*i+e+ to assist P'0"ic -se operators/ 9e,ar+s %An+re) 1/ <e""ey% Pro+'ct &'pport $n,ineer
UH-1 Retirement/Overhaul Schedule 4/18/2002 OVERHAUL "TERVAL %HOURS& RET RE!E"T "TERVAL %HOURS& 27 1 , 86 11 12 12 ? 7 7 24 24 24 24 86 86 17 7 >ears 24 24 12 12 7 11 2 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 11 12 1 %24 months %24 months / TE! !ain R't'r 4ain rotor 0"a+e Assem0"y Composite main rotor 0"a+e 4ain 9otor >oDe 4ain 9otor #'0 Assem0"y/ 4ain 9otor #'0 Assem0"y 4ain 9otor #'0 Assem0"y 4ain 9otor @rip P"ate Assem0"y Bo"t ;n0oar+ strap fittin, O't0oar+ &trap Fittin, &trap Pin 9etention &trap 9etention &trap C"e*is C"e*is Center Frame Assem0"y &ta0i"iEer Bar T'0e 9etention &trap &trap Fittin, ;n0oar+ 4ain &trap Assy 4ain 9otor &trap Assy 4ain 9otor &'pport Assem0"y Transmission Transmission Assem0"y Transmission Assem0"y 4ain inp't 6'i"" Assem0"y 4ast assem0"* 4ast Bearin, Bearin, Bearin, 4ast Assem0"y 4ast Assem0"y Tail R't'r ( )rive S*+tem B"a+e Assem0"y B"a+e Assem0"y B"a+e Assem0"y 2 4. 11.27 .7%118 2 7. 17.17 .1 1 2 4. 11.1 2.17 2 4. 11.1 1.8%.7%.? 2 4. 11.1 1.11 2 4. 12.1 1.18?%.141 2 4. 11.121.117 :ote 1 2 4. 11.2 7.1 7 4s2127 # 6 2 4. 12.1 2.1%7 2 4. 12.1 8.1 2 4. 12.1 4.1, .8, .7 26 18??, 2 4. 12.112.7 2 4. 12.122.1%7 2 4. 11.142.8 2 4. 11.17?.1 2 4. 11.8 7.11 2 1. 11.828.1 26 667 2 4. 12.1 2.? 2 4.81 .1 1.1 1 26 118? 2 4. 11.2 8.1 1 2 4. 4 . 16.1%.8 2 4. 4 . 16.7 2 7. 4 .268. 8%.111 2 4. 4 .866. ?%. 17 A44?122.44.1 1 2 4. 4 .186.7%.? 212. 4 .186.1 2 4. 11.47 .1 7 2 4. 11.47 .7 2 4. 11.7 2.11 2 4. 11.7 2.17 2 4. 11.7 2.121 :ote F2 #ART "U!$ER
TE! Tail R't'r ( )rive S*+tem %,'ntinued& @rip Assem0"y @rip Assem0"y @rip Assem0"y >oDe Assem0"y @ear0ox 42G
2 2 2 2
&"i+er, Tai" 9otor Bearin, #an,er @ear0ox ? G @ear0ox ? G @ear0ox ? G !ain R't'r !a+t ,'ntr'l+ &)ashp"ate H &'pport Assy &)ashp"ate H &'pport Assy &cissors an+ &"ee*e Assem0"y O'ter 9in, &'pport O'ter 9in, &'pport &'pport &'pport Pin Co""ecti*e 1e*er Co""ecti*e 1e*er &cissors Assem0"y &cissors an+ &"ee*e Assem0"y &cissors an+ &"ee*e Assem0"y &cissors an+ &"ee*e Assem0"y &cissors H #'0 !ri*e 1inD Co""ecti*e &"ee*e &cissors "e*er assem0"y &cissors #'0 !ri*e 1inD Co""ecti*e &"ee*e
4. 11.728.1 4. 11.728.1? 7. 11.711.1 1 4. 11.722.7 4. 4 . 8.7%.18 .1?, .28, .2? 2 4. 1 .72 .8 2 4. 4 .628.7 or PA4?1 7:PPA27 2 2 4. 4 . 12.1 2 4. 4 . 12.7 2 4. 4 . 12.18 2 4. 11.4 2 4. 11.4 .1%.8%.7%.7%.? .11
212. 1 .4 .12? :ote 8 2 4. 11.4 8. 1 :ote 8 2 4. 11.4 4.127 :ote 8 2 4. 11.4 8. 1 2 4. 11.4 4.127 2 4. 11.4 4.1 2 4. 11.4 4.7 2 4. 11.446.8 212. 1 .4 8.7 2 4. 11.488.1 2 4. 11.4 6.1%.?%.18%.17 2 4. 11.4 1.1%.7%.? 2 4. 11.4 1. 11 212. 1 .4 :ote 4 2 4. 11.4 :ote 4 2 4. 11.4 :ote 4 2 4. 11.4 :ote 4 212. 1 .4 1. 21 7. 18 7. 1
8.1 7 7.1 ?
"'te+F1/ 9eference B#T Technica" B'""etin &- ?7.7, A"ternate &pare Part( 4ain 9otor @rip P;: 2 4. 11.121.117 F2/ 9eference B#T Technica" B'""etin &-?4.2, A"ternate &pare Part( Tai" 9otor B"a+e P;: 2 4. 11.7 2.121 F8/ 9eference B#T Technica" B'""etin &- ?7.4, A"ternate &pare Part, &)ashp"ate an+ &'pport Assem0"y F4/ 9eference B#T Technica" B'""etin &-.?4.8, A"ternate &pare Part an+ &cissor an+ &"ee*e Assem0"y P;: 2 4. 11.4 1. 21