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Patent Application Publication May 15, 2014 Sheet 6 of 7 US 2014/O133980 A1
Patent Application Publication May 15, 2014 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2014/O133980 A1
US 2014/O 133980 A1 May 15, 2014
BLADE-PITCH CONTROL SYSTEM WITH ease of viewing, the Swashplate assembly being shown in
INDEXING SWASHPLATE inboard and outboard positions at the extents of Swashplate
BACKGROUND 0014 FIG. 6 is another side view of a portion of the rotor
assembly of FIG. 1 with some of the components being
0001 1. Field of the Invention removed for ease of viewing, the Swashplate assembly being
0002 The present application generally relates to blade shown in inboard and outboard positions at the extents of
control systems for aircraft rotors and specifically relates to a Swashplate travel; and
blade-pitch control system having an indexing Swashplate. (0015 FIG. 7 is an oblique view of an aircraft with an
0003 2. Description of Related Art embodiment of the rotor assembly of FIG. 1 installed thereon.
0004 Demand is increasing for rotary-wing aircraft, such 0016 While the system of the present application is sus
as helicopters and tiltrotors, to provide more thrust, higher ceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, spe
speeds, and carry heavier loads and/or heavier fuselages. cific embodiments thereof have been shown by way of
Where performance criteria such as these are to be increased, example in the drawings and are herein described in detail. It
the functional systems of the rotary-wing aircraft must be should be understood, however, that the description herein of
improved to provide the desired resultant performance specific embodiments is not intended to limit the system to the
enhancements. The rotor system is one of the many functional particular forms disclosed, but on the contrary, the intention is
systems which require improvement in order to meet the to cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives fall
demand for improved rotary-wing aircraft performance. ing within the spirit and scope of the application as defined by
0005 Rotary-wing aircraft have at least one rotor for pro the appended claims.
viding lift and propulsion forces. These rotors have at least
two airfoil blades connected to a central hub, and the hub is DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
connected to a rotatable mast driven in rotation by an engine EMBODIMENT
or motor. These blades may be adjustable for pitch angle, and 0017 Illustrative embodiments of the system of the
the pitch angle is typically controlled by a Swashplate assem present application are described below. In the interest of
bly and linkage for connecting a rotating portion of the Swash clarity, not all features of an actual implementation are
plate assembly to each blade. described in this specification. It will, of course, be appreci
0006. One example of a prior-art system includes a swash ated that in the development of any such actual embodiment,
plate movable in directions parallel to the mast axis toward numerous implementation-specific decisions must be made
and away from the rotor for collective control and which tilts to achieve the developer's specific goals, such as compliance
about axes perpendicular to the mast axis for cyclic control. with system-related and business-related constraints, which
When the swashplate moves toward or away from the rotor, will vary from one implementation to another. Moreover, it
the pitch angle of each blade changes by the same amount, will be appreciated that such a development effort might be
and in the same direction as each other blade. This collective complex and time-consuming but would nevertheless be a
control system, which is often referred to as a “rise and fall routine undertaking for those of ordinary skill in the art hav
system, provides for control of the thrust of the rotor, which is ing the benefit of this disclosure.
measured generally coaxial to the mast. On the other hand, 0018. In the specification, reference may be made to the
tilting of the swashplate causes the pitch of each blade to spatial relationships between various components and to the
change sinusoidally, or cyclically, as the rotor rotates, which spatial orientation of various aspects of components as the
causes the rotor to develop lift forces that vary across the devices are depicted in the attached drawings. However, as
plane of the rotor. will be recognized by those skilled in the art after a complete
0007 Although great strides have been made in the art of reading of the present application, the devices, members,
blade-pitch control systems, significant shortcomings apparatuses, etc. described herein may be positioned in any
remain. desired orientation. Thus, the use of terms such as “above.”
“below,” “upper,” “lower,” “inboard,” “outboard,” or other
like terms to describe a spatial relationship between various
0008. The novel features believed characteristic of the components or to describe the spatial orientation of aspects of
system of the present application are set forth in the appended such components should be understood to describe a relative
claims. However, the system itself, as well as a preferred relationship between the components or a spatial orientation
mode of use, and further objectives and advantages thereof, of aspects of Such components, respectively, as the device
will best be understood by reference to the following detailed described herein may be oriented in any desired direction.
description when read in conjunction with the accompanying 0019 For example, the rotor assemblies are shown in the
drawings, wherein: drawings in a generally vertical orientation, which is the
0009 FIG. 1 is an oblique view of a rotor assembly com orientation of the rotor assembly for a helicopter or for a
prising an embodiment of a blade-pitch control system with tiltrotor aircraft configured for rotor-borne flight in helicopter
an indexing Swashplate; mode. In the following description, components of the assem
0010 FIG. 2 is an enlarged oblique view of a portion of the bly may be described in relation to this orientation in the
rotor assembly of FIG. 1; drawings, though it should be understood that this is for
descriptive purposes only, as the orientation of the assembly
0011 FIG.3 is a side view of the rotor assembly of FIG.1; will change during use.
0012 FIG. 4 is an oblique view of an indexing portion of 0020. The system and method of the present application
the rotor assembly of FIG. 1; includes a blade-pitch control system for aircraft rotors, as
0013 FIG. 5 is a side view of a portion of the rotor assem described herein, which provides for control of the pitch
bly of FIG. 1 with some of the components being removed for angle of blades attached to the rotor and provides for indexing
US 2014/O 133980 A1 May 15, 2014
of the rotating portion of the Swashplate assembly relative to 39 comprises an inner ring 41 and an outer ring 43. Inner ring
the rotor mast. The indexing of the Swashplate assembly 41 is slidably affixed to mast 17, allowing for translation of
allows for changing the rotational orientation of the pitch ring 41 to any position between inboard and outboard extents
links to 1) provide for reduced delta-3 (pitch-flap coupling) along a limited portion of mast 17. In the embodiment shown
when the Swashplate assembly is moved to an inboard posi in FIGS. 1 through 6, inner ring 41 slides along indexing
tion during wing-borne flight ("airplane mode’) and 2) pro portion 45, which comprises helical splines 47. Features (not
vide for increased delta-3 and prevent contact of the pitch shown) on an inner Surface of inner ring 41 engage splines 47
links with theyoke when the Swashplate assembly is moved to to causea limited amount of indexing rotation of innerring 41
an outboard position during rotor-borne flight (“helicopter relative to mast 17 as ring 41 translates relative to mast 17.
mode). Another advantage of the rotor assembly is that Outerring 43 is rotatably connected to opposing pivot mounts
changing the angular orientation of the pitch links to prevent 49 of inner ring at pivot mounts 51, allowing rotation of outer
contact with the yoke allows for additional collective control ring 43 relative to inner ring 41 and mast 17 about axis 53.
during helicopter mode flight. Rotating swashplate 37 is rotatably attached to outer ring 43
0021 FIGS. 1 through 6 illustrate an embodiment of a at opposing pivot mounts 55, allowing rotation of rotating
blade-pitch control system having an indexing Swashplate swashplate 37 relative to outer ring 43 and mast 17 about axis
assembly. In FIGS. 4 through 6, portions of the system are 57, which is perpendicular to axis 53.
removed for ease of viewing. (0027. Referring again to FIGS. 3, 5 and 6, to control the
0022 Referring to FIGS. 1 through 3, a tiltrotor rotor motions of swashplate assembly 33 relative to mast 17, non
assembly 11 comprises a central yoke 13 rotatably mounted rotating Swashplate 35 is connected to a Swashplate actuation
with a constant-velocity (CV) joint 15 to rotor mast 17. This system (not shown) at three input clevises 59, which are
allows yoke 13 to pivot about flap axes perpendicular to axis equally spaced about non-rotating swashplate 35 every 120
19 of mast 17 while mast 17 drives yoke 13 in rotation with degrees. Actuators (not shown) are connected to input clev
mast 17 about mast axis 19. ises 59 for causing translation along mast 17 of swashplate
0023. During operation, the blades of a rotor system may assembly 33 for collective blade-pitch control and/or tilting
move in a flapping motion, in which the blades move in out-of of swashplate assembly 33 for cyclic blade-pitch control. The
plane directions due to aerodynamic forces on the blades. For operation of the actuation system is in response to inputs from
example, during forward movement in rotor-borne flight, an a pilot and/or a flight control system.
advancing blade is Subjected to a given speed of air across the 0028. To connect rotating swashplate 37 to pitchhorns 29,
blade, which produces lift on that blade and causes it to rise in four output clevises 61 are equally spaced about rotating
an out-of-plane direction. A corresponding effect is seen with swashplate 37 every 90 degrees, and each pitch horn 29 has a
a blade on the opposite side of the rotor mast, as it will be clevis 63. Pitch links 31 comprise opposing spherical rod
retreating and be subjected to a lower speed of air across the ends 65 or similar connectors for allowing pitch links 31 to
blade, resulting in the blade producing a smaller amount of rotate be connected to devises 61, 63 while allowing for
lift. In a rotor having a yoke connected to the mast with a rotation of pitch links 31 relative to clevises 61, 63, as occurs
gimbal, such as CV joint 15, the result of these two forces are during translation and/or tilting of Swashplate assembly 33
that the yoke rotates about the flapping axes of the gimbal. and during flapping of yoke 13.
0024 Yoke 13 comprises multiple arms 21 extending gen 0029. During operation of rotor assembly 11, torque is
erally radially from the central region of yoke 13. Ablade grip applied to mast 17 and to yoke 13 through CV joint 15. Torque
23 is rotatably mounted to each arm 21, such that each grip 23 is also transferred from mast 17 to inner ring 41 of CV joint 39
is rotatable relative to the associated arm 21 about a corre through splines 47 of indexing portion 45, and then to outer
sponding pitch axis 25. Grip 23 may be an integral, inboard ring 43 through pivot mounts 49, 51. Torque is then trans
portion of a rotor blade 27 or may be configured for attach ferred from outer ring 43 to rotating Swashplate 37 through
ment of a separate rotor blade 27. A fixed pitch horn 29 pivot mounts 55, causing non-rotating Swashplate to rotate
extends from an inner portion of each grip 23, and a rigid pitch about mast axis together with mast 17 and yoke 13.
link 31 is rotatably connected to each pitch horn 29. This 0030. A swashplate actuation system causes swashplate
configuration allows for movement of each pitch link 31 in assembly 33 to translate along indexing portion 45 and/or tilt
directions generally parallel to mast axis 19 to cause rotation relative to mast 17. When swashplate assembly 31 is trans
of the associated grip 23 and associated blade 27 about the lated in directions indicated by bi-directional arrow 66, the
corresponding pitch axis 25. motion parallel to mast axis 19 of assembly 31 is transferred
0025. A swashplate assembly 33 comprises an inboard from non-rotating swashplate 35 to pitchhorns 29 through the
non-rotating Swashplate 35 and an adjacent, coaxial, and mechanical connections of non-rotating Swashplate 35 to
outboard rotating swashplate 37, which is rotatably attached rotating swashplate 37. This motion is then transferred
to swashplate 35 with bearings in a manner that allows Swash through pitch links 31 to each pitch horn 29, resulting in
plate 37 to freely rotate relative to swashplate 35 about their collective control of the pitch of all grips 23 and associated
shared axis while providing for transfer of mechanical forces blades 27. Likewise, when swashplate assembly 31 is tilted,
(other than torsional forces about their shared axis) between the tilting motion relative to mast axis 19 of assembly 31 is
swashplates 35 and 37. During operation, rotating swashplate transferred from non-rotating swashplate 37 to pitchhorns 29
37 rotates along with mast 17 and yoke 13 about mast axis 19, through pitch links 31, resulting in differential, cyclic control
whereas non-rotating swashplate 35 does not rotate with mast of the pitch of all grips 23 and associated blades 27.
17 about axis 19. 0031 Referring specifically to FIGS. 5 and 6, swashplate
0026 Rotating swashplate 37 is coupled to mast 17 in a assembly 33 is shown in the inboard and outboard extents of
manner that allows swashplate assembly 33 to translate a travel along indexing portion 45. The inboard extent is farther
limited amount along the length of mast 17 and to tilt about from yoke 13, and the outboard extent is closer to yoke 13. In
axes perpendicular to mast 17. Referring to FIG.4, a CV joint addition, a pitch link 31 and associated pitch horn 29 are
US 2014/O 133980 A1 May 15, 2014
shown in the positions corresponding to the inboard and 0036) Another advantage of this blade-pitch control sys
outboard positions of Swashplate assembly 33 (with yoke in tem is that the amount of pitch-flap coupling is adjustable
an unflapped orientation). through selection of characteristics of the assembly. For
0032. In operation during flight in helicopter mode, example, the choice of relative lengths or locations of for
swashplate assembly 33 is generally located in the outboard example, clevises 61, 63, pitch links 31, and grips 31 will
2/3 of indexing portion 45, whereas during flight in airplane determine the angle change of pitch link 31 as Swashplate
mode, swashplate assembly 33 is generally located in the assembly 33 translates. Also, whereas splines 47 are
inboard 1/3 of indexing portion 45. During airplane mode described as being helical, it may be desirable to use splines
flight, optimal delta-3 is achieved by a significant angle dif having non-constant curvature that cause rotating Swashplate
ference between pitch links 31 and mast 17, which reduces 37 to index at varied rotational speeds for a given amount of
pitch change amount per amount of flapping. Though this translation. Additional modifications may be necessary to
incline of pitch link 31 is desirable, if pitch links 31 were achieve the desired results, as the amount of desired pitch-flap
maintained at this angle as Swashplate assembly 33 is moved coupling will vary based on the specific application. The
to the outboard extent of travel, pitch links 31 would contact described system is especially useful for a tiltrotor aircraft, as
a portion of yoke 13. This could be prevented by reducing the the system provides the required delta-3 control input for
extent of travel of swashplate assembly 33, but this would also stability during forward, wing-borne flight of the tiltrotor
reduce the amount of collective control for blades 27. when configured in airplane mode. It should also be noted that
0033. A significant advantage to use of indexing rotating although the system is shown in conjunction with a gimbaled
swashplate 37 is the ability to prevent pitch links 31 from rotor, the system may also be used with articulated or soft-in
contacting yoke 13 by changing the angular orientation of plane rotors.
pitch links 31 as Swashplate assembly 33 is moved between 0037 Referring to FIG. 7, tiltrotor aircraft 67 includes a
inboard and outboard positions. As swashplate assembly 33 fuselage 69 and wing 71 attached to fuselage 69. Rotating
moves along indexing portion 45, splines 47 cause CV joint engine nacelles 73 are pivotally mounted to opposing ends of
39 and rotating Swashplate 37 to index about mast 17 relative wing 71 and house engines (not shown) for Supplying torque
to yoke 13, changing the angle of pitch links 31 relative to the to turn a rotor mast housed in each nacelle 73. Two rotors 75
system. As shown in the figures, pitch link 31 is approxi each comprise a central rotor assembly housed under anaero
mately parallel to mast when swashplate assembly 33 is at the dynamic cover 77, and each rotor 75 has a blade-pitch control
outboard extent, whereas pitch link 31 is inclined when system an indexing Swashplate, such as assembly 11, which is
Swashplate assembly 33 is at the inboard extent. In certain shown and described above. The rotor assembly of each rotor
applications, this inclination of link 31 may be as much or 75 connects blades 79 to the associated rotor mast, the masts
more than 60 degrees relative to the mast axis to provide for being driven in rotation by the torque from the engines for
the desired reduction in delta-3 at the inboard position. By rotating rotors 75. Tiltrotor 67 is capable of flying in a heli
indexing Swashplate 37, thereby changing the orientation of copter mode, in which each nacelle 73 is positioned approxi
pitch link31 to be more parallel to mast 17, pitch link will no mately vertical, and flying in an airplane mode, in which each
longer contact yoke 13 when swashplate assembly 33 is nacelle 73 is positioned approximately horizontal (as shown).
moved to the outboard extent. This prevents an undesirable 0038 Tiltrotor 67 Is illustrated as an exemplary aircraft
effect while still providing for the full amount of collective that may employ the system of the present application. It
control. should be appreciated any variety of aircraft types may use
0034. The amount of indexing may be selected to optimize the system of the present application for main rotor blades,
the particular application, but there exists a total maximum tail rotor blades, or propellers. A non-exhaustive list of exem
indexing angle available due to packaging and interference plary aircraft types may include airplanes, gyrocopters, and
constraints. For example, the system shown on assembly 11 unmanned aircraft.
may be constrained to approximately 60 degrees of indexing 0039. The system of the present application provides sig
before pitch links 31 contact mast 17 due to the rotation of nificant advantages, including providing for indexing of a
swashplate 37 relative to yoke 13. While the available index non-rotating Swashplate to change the angular orientation of
ing amount will be different for particular applications, there pitch links.
will be a limit based, in part, on the length of the pitch link, 0040. The particular embodiments disclosed above are
distance from the mast, etc. illustrative only, as the application may be modified and prac
0035. The system of 11 is shown with pitch links 31 vary ticed in different but equivalent manners apparent to those
ing in orientation between the upright outboard position, in skilled in the art having the benefit of the teachings herein.
which link31 is substantially parallel to mast axis 19, and the Furthermore, no limitations are intended to the details of
inclined inboard position, in which link 31 is significantly construction or design herein shown, other than as described
inclined relative to mast axis 19. In the outboard position, the in the claims below. It is therefore evident that the particular
lower end of link 31 and clevis 61 are close to being in line embodiments disclosed above may be altered or modified and
with the upper end of link 31 and clevis 63 on pitch horn 29. all such variations are considered within the scope and spirit
As can be seen in FIG. 6, clevis 61 slightly trails clevis 63 in of the application. Accordingly, the protection sought herein
the direction of rotation of assembly 11, though clevis 61 may is as set forth in the claims below.
lead clevis 63 at the outboard position in other applications. In
some applications, clevis 61 may trail clevis 63 by 15 degrees 1. A blade-pitch control system for controlling a pitch
in the outboard position and then lead clevis 63 by 45 degrees angle of each of a plurality of blades on an aircraft rotor, the
in the inboard position. Also, it may be preferable to have a blades being rotatably connected to a yoke for rotation with a
non-linear indexing, Such that clevis 61 trails, then leads, and rotor mast, the control system comprising:
then trails again clevis 63 as Swashplate assembly 33 is trans a Swashplate assembly having a non-rotating portion and a
lated between the inboard and outboard positions. rotating portion;
US 2014/O 133980 A1 May 15, 2014
an indexing portion of the mast, the Swashplate assembly 10. The method of claim 8, wherein step (d) comprises
being translatably affixed to the indexing portion; indexing the rotating portion of the Swashplate assembly so
a pitch link connecting the rotating portion of the Swash that one end of the pitch link trails the opposite end of the
plate assembly to each blade: pitch link in one indexed position and leads the opposite end
wherein translation of the Swashplate assembly along the in another indexed position.
indexing portion causes a change in pitch of the blades 11. The method of claim 8, wherein step (d) comprises
and a corresponding indexing of the rotating portion of indexing the rotating portion of the Swashplate assembly to
the swashplate assembly relative to the mast, the index prevent contact of the pitch link with the yoke during opera
ing causing a change in an angular orientation of each tion.
pitch link, thus providing for selected pitch-flap cou 12. The method of claim 8, wherein step (d) comprises
pling between flapping motion of the yoke and pitch selectively indexing the rotating portion of the Swashplate
motion of the blades. assembly to cause rotation of each pitch link between an
2. The blade-pitch control system of claim 1, wherein the orientation that is Substantially parallel to the mastaxis and an
indexing portion comprises curved splines connected to and orientation in inclined relative to the mast axis.
causing indexing of the rotating portion of the Swashplate. 13. An aircraft having a blade-pitch control system for
3. The blade-pitch control system of claim 1, wherein the controlling a pitch angle of each of a plurality of blades on an
indexing portion comprises helical splines connected to and aircraft rotor, the blades being rotatably connected to a yoke
causing indexing of the rotating portion of the Swashplate. for rotation with a rotor mast, the control system comprising:
4. The blade-pitch control system of claim 1, wherein the a Swashplate assembly having a non-rotating portion and a
indexing portion comprises splines with non-constant curva rotating portion;
ture connected to and causing indexing of the rotating portion an indexing portion of the mast, the Swashplate assembly
of the Swashplate. being translatably affixed to the indexing portion;
5. The blade-pitch control system of claim 1, wherein an a pitch link connecting the rotating portion of the Swash
end of each pitch link connected to the rotating portion of the plate assembly to each blade:
swashplate assembly trails the opposite end of the pitch link wherein translation of the Swashplate assembly along the
in one indexed position and leads the opposite end in another indexing portion causes a change in pitch of the blades
indexed position. and a corresponding indexing of the rotating portion of
6. The blade-pitch control system of claim 1, wherein the swashplate assembly relative to the mast, the index
indexing of the rotating portion of the Swashplate assembly ing causing a change in an angular orientation of each
prevents contact of the pitch link with the yoke during opera pitch link, thus providing for selected pitch-flap cou
tion. pling between flapping motion of the yoke and pitch
7. The blade-pitch control system of claim 1, wherein motion of the blades.
selective indexing of the rotating portion of the Swashplate 14. The aircraft of claim 13, wherein the indexing portion
assembly causes rotation of each pitch link between an ori comprises curved splines connected to and causing indexing
entation that is Substantially parallel to the mast axis and an of the rotating portion of the Swashplate.
orientation in inclined relative to the mast axis. 15. The aircraft of claim 13, wherein the indexing portion
8. A method of controlling a pitch angle of each of a comprises helical splines connected to and causing indexing
plurality of blades on an aircraft rotor, the blades being rotat of the rotating portion of the Swashplate.
ably connected to a yoke for rotation with a rotor mast, the 16. The aircraft of claim 13, wherein the indexing portion
method comprising: comprises splines with non-constant curvature connected to
(a) providing a Swashplate assembly having a non-rotating and causing indexing of the rotating portion of the Swash
portion and a rotating portion; plate.
(b) connecting the rotating portion to an indexing portion 17. The aircraft of claim 13, wherein an end of each pitch
of the mast; link connected to the rotating portion of the Swashplate
(c) connecting the rotating portion to the blades with pitch assembly trails the opposite end of the pitch link in one
links; and indexed position and leads the opposite end in another
(d) translating the Swashplate assembly along the indexing indexed position.
portion for causing a change in pitch of the blades and a 18. The aircraft of claim 13, wherein indexing of the rotat
corresponding indexing of the rotating portion of the ing portion of the Swashplate assembly prevents contact of the
Swashplate assembly relative to the mast, the indexing pitch link with the yoke during operation.
causing a change in an angular orientation of each pitch 19. The aircraft of claim 13, wherein indexing of the rotat
link, thus providing for selected pitch-flap coupling ing portion of the Swashplate assembly causes selective rota
between flapping motion of the yoke and pitch motion of tion of each pitch link between an orientation that is substan
the blades. tially parallel to the mast axis and an orientation in inclined
relative to the mast axis.
9. The method of claim 8, wherein step (b) comprises
providing curved splines on the indexing portion. k k k k k