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United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,961,451 B2

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,961,451 B2

Stearns et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 24, 2015

(54) SYSTEM FOR SURGICAL INSUFFLATION USPC .......... .. 600/560; 604/131, 140, 147, 151, 23,
AND GAS RECIRCULATION 604/26, 264, 27, 30, 31, 48, 9301, 33, 65,
604/67, 164.01
(75) Inventors: Ralph Stearns, Bozrah, CT (US); Kurt see application ?le for complete searCh hiSIOI'Y
Azarbarzin, Fair?eld, CT (US); _
Timothy J. Nolan, South Salem, NY (56) References Clted
(73) Assignee: SurgiQuest, Inc., Milford, CT (U S) 4,735,603 A 4/1988 Goodson et a1.
5,098,387 A * 3/1992 Wiest et al. ................. .. 604/153
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued)
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 23 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(21) App1_ NO; 11/960,701 W0 WO 98/19736 A 4/1988
W0 W0 02/085444 A 10/2002
(22) Filedr Dec- 20, 2007 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(65) Prior Publication Data International Search Report and Written Opinion mailed Mar. 9,
Us 2009/0137943 A1 M 28 2009 2009, issued in PCT Application No. PCT/US2007/088017.
ay ,
Primary Examiner * Kami A Bosworth
_ _ Assistant Examiner * Imani Hayman
Related U-s- APPhcatlon Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Edwards Wildman Palmer
(63) Continuation of application No. LLP; See“ U WOfSy
PCT/US2007/088017, ?led on Dec. 18, 2007. (57) ABSTRACT
(60) Prowslonal appl?°_a“°n NO' 60/875’436’ ?led on Dec' A system for insuf?ation and recirculation of insuf?ation
18, 2006: Provmone11 apphcqlon NO~ 90/923917: ?uid in a surgical procedure. The system includes a control
?led on APL 17, 2007, PTOVISIOHZ11 appllcatlon N0~ unit having a ?uid pump, a supply conduit, a return ?uid
60/ 959,826, ?led on Jul. 16, 2007. conduit and a pressure-controlled valve. The ?uid pump is
adapted and con?gured to circulate insuf?ation ?uid through
(51) Int, C], the system. The supply conduit is in ?uid communication
A61M 3 7/00 (200601) With an output of the ?uid pump and con?gured and adapted
A 613 17/34 (2006 01) for delivering pressurized insu?iation ?uid to an output port
A 61M 13/00 (200601) of the control unit. The return conduit is in ?uid communica
' tion With an input of the ?uid pump for delivering insuf?ation
(52) U‘s‘ Cl“ ?uid to the ?uid pump and is con?gured and adapted for
CPC ~~~~~~~ -- A613 17/3498 (201301); A613 17/3421 returning insu?iation ?uid from an input port of the control
(2013 ~01); A613 1 7/34 74 (2013 ~01); unit. The pressure-controlled valve is in ?uid communication
(Continued) With the supply conduit and the return conduit, and is adapted
_ _ _ and con?gured to receive a control signal and respond to the
(58) Fleld 0f ClaSSI?catlon searCh control signal by opening, thereby ?uidly connecting the
CPC ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ A61B 17/3421; A61B 17/3462; A61B supply conduit and the return conduit With one another.
17/3474; A61B17/3498; A61M 13/003;
A61M 2013/006; A61M 2205/3337 10 Claims, 25 Drawing Sheets
US 8,961,451 B2
Page 2

(52) U.S.Cl. 5,429,483 A 7/1995 Tamari

CPC ......... .. A61M13/003(2013.01);A61M13/006 5,466,229 A * 11/1995 Elson etal~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 604/317
(2014.02);A6]B 17/3462 (2013.01);A61M Q: {geld ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 604/247
_ , , oennlng
2205/3337 (2013'01)’A61M2205/3344 6,402,714 B1* 6/2002 Kraft-Kivikoski ............ .. 604/23
(201301) 2004/0034339 A1 2/2004 Stoller et a1.
USPC ................................ .. 604/26; 604/33; 604/67 2004/0204671 A1 10/2004 Stubbs et al‘
2005/0004512 A1 1/2005 Campbell et a1.
(56) References Cited 2005/0015043 A1* 1/2005 Stubbs et a1. ................. .. 604/26
2006/0182637 A1 8/2006 Jacobsen etal.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2007/0088275 A1 4/2007 Stearnsetal.

5,246,419 A * 9/1993 Absten .......................... .. 604/26

5,360,396 A * 11/1994 Chan ............................. .. 604/26 * cited by examiner
US. Patent Feb. 24, 2015 Sheet 1 0f 25 US 8,961,451 B2

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