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A Research Paper in


Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Academic Strand of


Colindong, Chaegeon.

Jamby, Jamero

Lapac, Ace Axelle C.

Mantalaba, Felomina

Montebon, Marybeth


12 – HUMSS B

Mrs. Bonnaville Tumulak Caña





There are many changes in the new context of the 21st century curriculum and

consequently. In Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy students have shared that one

of the most effective ways in learning is through note taking, and in between taking

notes the learners have suggested to take breaks in order for the mind to rest,

because tendencies are the brain will eventually get tired, and may result to stress

and tiredness of the student. (Nguyen, T. L. 2021, December 10).

Some students also do practice test online especially slow learners, that’s their

way of improving their academic skills and memorization. Practice test is a website

wherein students can make their own test so that they will know if what they were

studying is right or wrong, or to see if they really understood the lessons. They can

also do it by spaced repetition involves spreading your study reviews over a few days.

The “spaced” part of spaced repetition refers to the gaps of time in between study

sessions. You might review information right after school and then actively recall the

information in a few hours, a few days, then a few weeks later. An example of it is

MWF (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), TTHS (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday), in this

way the students could rest their minds for a day, then study again tomorrow to

determine if they really learned or understand what they were answering.

Some student’s way of learning is through doing protégé effect occurs when

someone puts in more effort to learn information when they know they're going to

teach it to someone else. So protégé effect is acting as if they’re teaching other people

it’s like pretending that you are teaching someone while memorizing and studying in

a unique way. Because when the student eagers to learn something with the intention

to teach it later, they tend learn it more deeply, it’s their way of understanding and

memorizing better. They can also do it by telling someone what they have learned

and what they have understand.

Hand-written notes, it allows a student to process the information,

because as you read and write the brain could slowly memorize what you’re writing.

Due to the slow process of writing the brain typically memorizes it easily. It also

requires you to hold the ideas you are learning longer in your mind, as handwriting of

your notes will take longer than typing. This trains your short-term and long-term

memory. The more you use your memory, the better it will get.

One of the most effective ways of learning is by using highlighters, better

memory of text when re-reading it and better comprehension as students evaluate

the importance of individual passages. These effects can translate into better test

performance. These are also the important things students’ highlights, Key

words/terms, names, years, numbers and titles. When highlighting important things

students tend to do it by color coding the key words/terms, names, years, numbers

and titles, each with different colors of the highlighter. Highlighting helps them to

concentrate and enhances their understanding. Deciding what to highlight, underline

or annotate encourages students to think critically and formulate their own response

to the text.

A multi-site study by (Gurung and Burns 2019) showed positive effects of

retrieval and distributed practice on exam scores, when implemented in the

classroom. By any means even if students have multi-site stud, it will be beneficially

leave a positive impact towards them.

However, according to (Hayat, A. A., & Shateri, K. 2019) students should be

informed to know not only what strategies to use, but also when and how to employ

them. Because using a certain strategy without knowing the purpose or its

use/function, tendencies it will not work out the way students want it to work. And it

may lead to stress and academic problems, causing students to be in a state of


Lastly, the researchers have also noticed that senior high school HUMSS

students in Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy are studying by going to a quiet place

to avoid any distractions, especially when they have an upcoming test. Because in a

classroom setting students tend to be noisy that distracts a person while reviewing.

There are also tendencies that their fellow classmates will distract them by annoying

them. Enhanced Concentration is also a benefit in studying in a quiet

place/environment. It is also the ability to focus on different tasks is often

accompanied by a little background noise. Focus is almost always lost when a sound

reaches around 80 decibels. A silent environment or one with just a little background

noise will help you concentrate the best. Being in a quiet space promotes staying calm

and composed. These, in turn, should result with faster work, higher work quality and

far less stress, which has a productive value of its own. Quiet spaces give you time

to reflect and analyze situations.

Theoretical Background of the Study

This study emphasizes the importance of observable behaviors in the

learning process. This is associated with B. F. Skinner’s Behaviorism Theory

Behaviorism Theory suggests that individuals learn through conditioned

responses to stimuli, with reinforcement and punishment playing a significant role.

Behaviorism highlights the value of repetition and practice in solidifying learning.

Constructivism Theory Proposed by theorists such as Jean Piaget and Lev

Vygotsky, constructivism emphasizes the active role of learners in constructing their

own knowledge and meaning. It suggests that learners actively engage with previous

experiences and mental schemas to make sense of new information. Social

interaction and collaboration are also seen as vital components of the learning

process in constructivism.

Social Learning Theory developed by Albert Bandura, social learning theory

posits that learning occurs through observation and imitation of others. It suggests

that individuals learn not only from direct experiences but also by observing and

modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and consequences displayed by others in social

contexts. This theory emphasizes the importance of role models and social

reinforcement in learning. Through a strategic observation, it may enhance the

learner’s minds. As students surround themselves with intelligent people and observe

how they learn and what their strategies in learning tendencies are the student will be

This study assumes that different learning strategies can help

students in improving their academic performance

Social Learning Constructivism B. F. Skinner’s

Theory developed Theory by Jean Behaviorism
by Albert Bandura Piaget and Lev Theory

Learners Strategy

*Identify how student’s construct their own knowledge

*Understand how learners observe and learn the process of improving

their strategies in learning

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Theoretical Framework of the Study.

Through a strategic observation, it may enhance the learner’s minds. As

students surround themselves with intelligent people and observe how they learn and

what their strategies in learning, tendencies are the student will be able to adapt and

slowly follow that strategy. Information Processing Theory views the human mind

as a complex information processing system, likening it to a computer. It suggests

that learning involves the encoding of important information like note taking, storage,

and retrieval of information. The Information Processing Theory explains how the

human mind processes information, including attention, perception, memory, and

problem-solving. Attention is crucial for selecting and processing relevant information,

perception aids in understanding the world, memory involves

encoding, storing, and retrieving information, and problem-solving involves identifying

and resolving complex problems. Metacognition, the ability to monitor and regulate

thinking, enhances learning. However, it's essential to integrate multiple perspectives

for a comprehensive understanding.

Being able to have strategies towards learning effectively is a great. Strategy

use helps students to become more efficient and more effective learners. Learning

strategies are particularly important for helping students to overcome their areas of

weakness and to rely on their areas of competence. Strategy can also encourage

independent learning.

According to Aminatun and Oktaviani, (2019). Every learner employs certain

strategies and styles. As each learner begin to explore, each learner will be able to

identify which strategy is the right one for them. Because not all the strategy or the

styles in learning is effective for each learner. According to the statement, students

can improve their learning process by harnessing certain ways of learning and tactics.

It suggests that students are embracing a set of methods and strategies that are in

line with their own preferences of learning, whether consciously or unconsciously. It

acknowledges the value of individualized instruction as well as the fact that every

student learns differently and has different methods for processing knowledge.

In addition, Mandasari and Oktaviani (2018), it is mentioned clearly in their

research that most students used language learning strategies including affective,

memory, social, metacognitive, cognitive, and compensation. To better understand,

analyze, memorize, and engage. In this way of learning students can actively

participate in class as it involves interaction with people. This strategy lets the

students employ various language learning strategies to enhance their learning

experience. These strategies can be categorized into affective, memory, social,

metacognitive, cognitive, and compensation strategies. It shows that students are

actively engaged in understanding and applying different techniques to facilitate

language acquisition.

Learning strategies and methods such as problem-based learning according

to (Tekin & Yıldırım, 2020). Learning strategies and methods like problem-based

learning can be very effective in developing critical thinking and active learning. By

addressing real-world issues or scenarios, problem-based learning motivates

students to use what they have learned in useful contexts. This method improves

problem-solving skills and permits a deeper comprehension of the subject. It's crucial

to remember that different strategies are more effective for various learners, thus

while putting these strategies into practise, it's always necessary to take individual

learning preferences and styles into account.

(Govender & Rugube, 2022). Learners like to work when it's not forced on

them. It’s true because when they want to do something on their own without being

forced then they will not think of it as a burden or a pressure given towards them.

When they have a feeling of control and choice over their learning process, learners

are more likely to be interested and motivated. Resistance, indifference, or distraction

may occur when learning is perceived as being pushed or pressed upon someone.

Giving students some choice over their schoolwork, including selecting their own

themes, assignments, and learning materials, might help them feel more invested in

their education and boost their natural drive to learn. But, in order to make sure that

the learning objectives are still being accomplished, it's critical to find a balance

between giving freedom and supplying the required structure and direction.

Present age learning strategies and requirements have been changed from

traditional to computer and mobile based (Hosseini, Hartt, & Mostafapour, 2019). Now

the traditional learning strategies don’t fulfill current society Needs. There are different

ways to interpret the theory that traditional learning methodologies don't meet the

needs of modern society. While it's true that society is always changing and evolving

and that traditional educational tactics may need to be modified to satisfy new needs,

it's equally critical to acknowledge that classic approaches have advantages of their

own and are still vital in education.

(Dehghanzadeh, Noroozi, & Talaee, 2020). The digital game-based strategy

is one of the modern learning strategies that are being used in different educational

levels from primary to higher classes. A lot of research has been done into the

effectiveness of digital game-based learning strategy in higher educational

The study of Yaacob et al. (2018) also reports a scanty use of storage

strategies. Using different storage strategies that have been shown to increase

memory is useful for both learning and memory. In addition to encouraging the use of

remembrance educators and people should also emphasize retrieval practice and

active learning, support organizational strategies, and offer opportunity for spaced


The concept of cognitivism focuses on the stimulation of the student’s

learning strategies Acevedo et al. (2020). It describes the idea that students process

the information that they receive and reorganizes them to gain and store new


(Ancho & Serbo, 2019), using brain-based learning strategies. Brain-based

learning strategies draw on research from neuroscience to inform teaching practices.

They emphasize the importance of engaging multiple senses, promoting active

learning, and creating meaningful connections to enhance knowledge acquisition and

retention. Here is some brain based learning techniques, Multi-sensory learning, Mind

mapping, Retrieval practice, Metacognition, and Chunking.

(Ancho & Serbo, 2019) recommend the use of collaborative and

cooperative activities in the field of social sciences. The values of communication,

candor, trust, volunteerism, conflict resolution, synergy, and actual interaction are

the social skills that need to be practiced in the learning process

According to (Agussani, Gunawan & Sulasmi, 2020; Sulasmi, & Tanjung,

2020), To obtain learning outcomes that are in accordance with learning objectives

requires the ability to choose the right learning strategy, because learning strategies

are the most important thing that must be considered in a teaching and learning

process. In the process of providing education which is still dominated by the view

that knowledge as a set of facts that must be memorized will clearly provide

unsatisfactory learning outcomes, due to various things, including the selection of

inappropriate learning strategies (Sulasmi, 2020c).

In Accordance to A. Akrim, 2018; Sulasmi & Akrim, 2020). The learning

strategy chosen should be adjusted to the methods, media and other learning

resources that are considered relevant in conveying information, and guide students

to be optimally involved, so that students can gain learning experiences in order to

develop their abilities, such as: mental, intellectual, emotional, and social and skills or

cognitive, affective and psychomotor


Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine whether there are significant differences in the

outcomes and success rates of students using different learning strategies.

Specifically, this study targeted the following questions:

1.) Profile of the Respondents base on their age and gender

2.) Is having a good learning strategy effective? In terms of:

1.1 Cognitive skills

1.2 Good Communication skills

3.) Can the different learning strategies enhance and improve the student’s

performance? in terms of.

2.1 Building collaborative relationships

2.2 Having compassion and empathy

4.) What are the most effective ways of learning? In terms of

3.1 Note taking

3.2 Organization

3.3 Attendance

Statement of Hypothesis

To achieve the study's goals, the hypothesis is developed in accordance with

the problem statement that is given.

HO: There is no significant difference in the efficacy of the different learning

strategies in the humanities and social sciences strand.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to give knowledge and results of the study from the

respondents, recent studies, and other related sites. And it’s also valuable for the



Empowering students to choose effective learning methods based on their

individual needs enhances academic performance, deepens understanding, and

promotes autonomy and self-directed learning. Students will also be able to know

what is the most effective way in learning


Teachers can benefit from studying various learning strategies by becoming

more comfortable at adapting varied learning requirements and styles in the

classroom. Additionally, it gives teachers the freedom to continuously modify and

enhance their methods of instruction, which raises student engagement and

academic performance.

Researchers themselves

By gaining a deeper understanding of how students acquire and retain

knowledge, researchers can make significant contributions to the fields of educational

psychology and education by investigating various learning methodologies. In

addition, it gives academics the chance to formulate and test experimental

hypotheses, advancing our understanding of the cognitive sciences and educational


Future researchers

Future researchers can gain from studying various learning tactics by doing

so since it will give them a solid foundation of knowledge and research in the field of

education, enabling them to build upon and deepen their understanding of

successful teaching techniques. Furthermore, it provides upcoming researchers with

the means to assess the effects of various learning tactics critically, encouraging the

creation of novel methods to improve teaching and learning procedures.

Scope and Delimitation

This research will take place during the First Semester of the school year 2023

to examine deeply how the different teaching strategies have effectively produced

and formed great and competitive learners at IHMA Senior High department in

Humanities and Social Sciences strand. To further understand and show how these

strategies able to help students specifically in Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy.

Each of the respondents are given 5 minutes to answer the survey provided by the

researchers. The study's participants are confined to senior high school pupils at

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy. A.R.


This part of the study covers the following areas research design, flow of the

study, research location, respondents, instruments, data collection process, analysis

of the data scoring technique, and more. These are covered in the course of this study


Research Design

This study utilized an Experimental design in order to understand the

importance of how the learning strategies have impacted the student’s life, in terms

of studying effectively, learning, and understanding.

Research Procedure

The steps towards acquiring the positive outcomes of this study is to make

sure that all the information about this study is correct. The choice Experimental

design is chosen by the researchers in order to understand the importance of how the

learning strategies(cause) affects the learner’s academic performance(effect) and

many more. Probability sampling is used in order to conduct the survey questionnaire

to the Senior high school HUMSS students, in Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy.

Including the Grade 11 with 2 sections, 33 students from the Gr 11 Humss A and 32

students from gr 11 Humss B, and Grade 12 with 3 sections, 29 students from 12

Humss A, 26 from 12 Humss B, and 30 students from 12 Humss C, in total of 150

students in HUMSS. Before the survey started, consent was given for the participants,

to ensure that there was no maliciousness in conducting this study, and to also clearly

outline the research's purpose and procedures. The Research Instrument used is a

Survey Questionnaires. The respondents were asked to answer six sets of survey

questionnaire. And total of 35 questions, is to be answered by the respondents.

Through processing the data of our study, “Determining the Effectiveness of the

Different Learning Strategies in HUMSS strand”. The Binary Scale, from Yes to No.

Binary scales are nominal scales consisting of binary items that assume one of two

possible values.

Ethical Considerations is followed throughout the process of this study,

ensuring the participants that their rights and information are kept private and safe.

After the gathering of the data, it reaches the conclusion based of the analysis and

recommendations of the Different Learning Strategies, that will help HUMSS students

have a more convenient and beneficial study technique/strategy.

Flow of the Study

The schematic diagram of Figure 2 presents the entire process or the flow of the

1. Determining the
1. Letter of request  Identifying
importance of having a
learning strategy in conducting the the best
study strategies in
1.1 Examining the
HUMSS students
2. Handing out learning for
1.2 Determining which survey better
strategy in learning is the questionnaires education
most effective
 Valuable
3. Gathering Data
1.3 Investigating each and
strategy through the results
2. Analyzing students 4. Conclusions and ive research
through their survey
recommendations report
questionnaire results

3. Assessing the quality

of each strategy

Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of the Flow of the Study

Research Environment

This study is implemented in Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy A.R. Wherein this

catholic school is not just to serve and praise God but to also learn and adapt the core

values of IHMA. This is not only required for students, but also to the teachers, faculty

members and staff. In this school

Research Respondents

The Sampling used in this study is, Probability sampling, because the selection of the

respondents is from within a population that the researchers have choose to conduct

on, which is the students from Humanities and Social Sciences of the Senior High

School Department Grade 11th – 12th in Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy. The

expected respondents should be 150 HUMSS students.

Figure 3. Map of the Research Locale

Research Instrument

The Research Instrument used is a Survey Questionnaires. It aims to get

answers and to identify how many students are in the same page, and how many

are not. The respondents were asked to answer six sets of survey questionnaire,

that are answerable by YES or NO. there are 35 questions prepared to determine

the efficacy of the Different Learning Strategies

Research Data processing and Analysis

Through processing the data of our study, “Determining the Effectiveness of

the Different Learning Strategies in HUMSS strand”. Initially the data analysis that

will be gathered will undergo a careful but difficult process to know if there are

inaccurate and unreliable data lead to spurious or wrong conclusions. The Binary

Scale, from Yes to No, allows a quantitative assessment of the student’s

perceptions. Binary scales are nominal scales consisting of binary items that

assume one of two possible values

Ethical Consideration

In carrying out our study titled "Determining the Effectiveness of the Different

Learning strategies in Humanities and Social Sciences," ethical considerations were

dominant all throughout the research process. We firstly informed the respondents of

our study and will be presented a consent letter, ensuring the participants that its safe

and out of harm, through the consent letter they will be fully aware of the study's

purpose and procedures. Initially the data analysis that will be gathered will undergo

a careful but difficult process to know if there are inaccurate and unreliable data lead

to spurious or wrong conclusions. Safety precautions were put in place, especially for

students whom may have issues. Strict data security protocols were used to

safeguard participant data, and legal requirements were adhered to conduct the study

with clearance from an ethics review board. The reporting process is maintained open

with an emphasis on correctness and the lack of prejudice or manipulation in the

methods, findings, and conclusions presented.


The study uses appropriate statistical techniques to analyze quantitative


Frequency distribution and the percentage formula Determines the total

responses regarding the effectiveness of the Different Learning Strategies in

Humanities and Social Sciences

Weighted mean will be used to evaluate how HUMSS students in grades 11 and 12

are able to effectively impose their own techniques.

Simple Percentage will be used in making comparison between two or more series

of data. It will also be used to determine the relationship between the series

Percentage = No. of Respondents x 100

Total no. of respondents

Scoring Procedure

The quantitative data collected in this study are analyzed systematically as

part of the scoring process. The responses from the selected participants will be

carefully categorized using frequency distribution. The distribution will then be

assessed using the percentage method, providing a thorough summary of the views

and opinions of the participants, on the effectiveness of the different learning

strategies. In addition, the weighted mean computation will be applied to evaluate the

believed effective strategy mentioned by HUMSS students in Grades 11 and 12. By

giving responses different weights, this approach allows for a deeper awareness of

how various strategy affect participants' views. Finally, the research will employ

Simple Percentage analysis to investigate how well Grade 11 and 12 HUMSS

students at Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy find the different strategies to be a

method for improving abilities and study techniques. The goal of this thorough scoring

method is to offer deep insights into the effectiveness of each strategy within the

targeted population

Definition of Terms

For better and clearer understanding of the study, the following are defined


Cognitive skills

In this study, the word Cognitive refers to the ability of the student to think,

read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. Knowledge

In this study, the word knowledge refers the capacity of the learners

understanding, awareness, and comprehension.

Time management

In this study, this word refers to balancing of time of the learner’s academics,

social life, and self-care.



This chapter presents the date gathered and the interpretation and
presentation of the results from the conducted survey. To properly and accurately
identify the most effective learning strategy the researchers used a tabular
presentation of data. The tabular presentation allows data to be organize for further
analysis, allows large amount of raw data to be stored and organize in a neat format

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1. Frequency and percentage distribution of the profile of respondents in
terms of age and gender
Characteristics Frequency Percentage%

Gender Male 70 46.6%

Female 80 53.3%
Age 16-17 68 45.3%
18-19 76 51.0%
20-21 6 4%

The table shows the demographic distribution of the respondents in terms of

their gender and age. Out of the 150 respondents, 46.6% are male while 53.3% are
female. This indicates a relatively balanced gender distribution with a slightly higher
representation of females. It shows that the 45.3% of the respondents are aged 16-
17, 51.0% are aged 18-19, and lastly 4% are aged 20-21. These demographic data
are essential for effectively customizing learning strategies because different age
groups and genders may react differently to different educational approaches. This
data provides the basic knowledge needed for additional study, enabling us
researchers to adjust our interpretations and suggestions appropriately.

Table 2. The Effectiveness of Determining the Different Learning Strategy, In terms

of: Effectiveness.



Do you have a long-term memory? 56 86.67% 94 62.66%

Do you avoid Misunderstandings? 124 82.67% 26 17.33%

Are you able to concentrate in class 66 44.00% 84 56.00%

Do you process language faster? 79 52.67% 71 47.33%

Are you able to logically reason? 94 62.67% 56 37.33%

TOTAL 419 55.87% 331 44.13%


Are you Able to interpret Man made 105 70% 45 30%


Do you have a good hearing 104 69.3% 46 32%


Do you have skills in communication 109 73.0% 41 27.33%

Do you have confidence in terms of 71 47.33% 79 53.00%

speaking ?
Are you able to do Visual 107 71.33% 43 29.00%

TOTAL 496 65.87% 252 33.87%

The table shows that both skills is effective having the percentage of 55.87%
and 65.87%. Although both are effective the Communication Skills had the higher
percentage rate which means out of the two skills, Communication skills is the most

effective. In conclusion having a good learning strategy is more effective in
Communication 68.87% than the Cognitive which is 55.87% of its Effectiveness

Table 2.1. Determining if having a good Learning Strategy is Effective, in terms of

Cognitive Skills

No. of Responses

F % F %

Do you have a long-term memory 56 86.67% 94 62.66%

Are you able to concentrate in class 66 44.00% 84 56.00%


Do you avoid Misunderstandings? 124 82.67% 26 17.33%

Do you process language faster? 79 52.67% 71 47.33%

Are you able to logically reason? 94 62.67% 56 37.33%

TOTAL: 419 55.87% 331 44.13%

Out of 150 respondents, 55.87% answered Yes in the given survey which
means cognitive as a good learning strategy is moderately effective and good to
use. In addition, 124 respondents tend to avoid misunderstandings to keep their
minds off of things that they usually think they can’t benefit from, and the lowest
having the 56 of the frequency have long term memory. Ranking by frequency 124
avoids misunderstandings, 94 respondents are able to logically reason, 79
processes language faster,66 are able to concentrate and focus on class
discussions, and 56 respondents have long term memory.

Table 2.2, The Effectiveness of Determining the Different Learning Strategy in
Humss strand, in terms of Communication Skills
No. of Responses

F % F %

Are you Able to interpret Man made 105 70% 45 30%


Do you have a good hearing 104 69.3% 46 32%


Do you have skills in communication 109 73.0% 41 27.33%

Do you have confidence in terms of 71 47.33% 79 53.00%

speaking ?

Are you able to do Visual Communication? 107 71.33% 43 29.00%

TOTAL: 496 65.87% 252 33.87%

This table presents that Humss students are able to learn effectively even if
it isn’t written, and out of 150, 65.87% agreed to it think that communication skills
are effective and 33.87% thinks otherwise. Those who belonged to the 65.87% learn
that through communication they are able to learn and see a bigger perspective.

Table 3. The Effectiveness of the Different Learning Strategy, in terms of


Are you good with socializing? 93 62% 57 38%

Are you actively participating in group 131 87.33% 19 13,0%

Do you accept corrections from peers or 143 95.33% 7 5.0%
group members?

Do you listen to other group members? 146 97.33% 4 3.0%

Are you flexible with making new friends? 127 85.0% 23 15.33%

Are you able to spread positivity with your 131 87.33% 19 13%

Are you an understanding 113 75.33% 37 25.00%


Do you compliment your groupmates if 133 89.00% 17 11.33%

they did their assigned task right?
Do you have patience with your 124 83.00% 26 17.33%

Do you understand your groupmates when 133 89.00% 17 11.33%

they lack in giving information or when
they can't be present in some days of your

Enhancing the student’s performance. This table shows that 85.33% of

Humss students find that Building Collaborative Relationships are efficient and
effective for enhancing and improving their studies, and 84.53% of Humss students
find that Having Compassion and Empathy is effective in terms with enhancing and
improving their academic Performance. In conclusion Having to build collaborative
relationships is the best strategy for enhancing and improving the students’
performance with their studies.

Table 3.1. Determining the different Learning Strategies that enhances the Humss
students’ performance by Frequency and Percentage, in terms of Building
Collaborative Relationship
No. of Responses
F % F %

Are you good with socializing? 93 62% 57 38%

Are you actively participating in 131 87.33% 19 13.0%

group activities?

Do you accept corrections from 143 95.33% 7 5.0%

peers or group members?

Do you listen to other group 146 97.33% 4 3.0%


Are you flexible with making new 127 85.0% 23 15.33%


TOTAL: 640 85.33% 110 14.67%

Building Collaborative Relationships, with this strategy 85.33% of Humss

students answered for Yes which means that this strategy effectively enhances and
improves the Humss students’ performance academically or non-academically.

Table 3.2. Determining the different Learning Strategies that enhances the Humss
students’ performance by Frequency and Percentage, in terms of Having
Compassion and Empathy
No. of Responses
F % F %

Are you able to spread positivity with your 131 87.33% 19 13%

Are you an understanding leader/member? 113 75.33% 37 25.00%

Do you compliment your groupmates if they 133 89.00% 17 11.33%

did their assigned task right?

Do you have patience with your groupmates? 124 83.00% 26 17.33%

Do you understand your groupmates when 133 89.00% 17 11.33%

they lack in giving information or when they
can't be present in some days of your

TOTAL: 634 84.53 116 15.47

This strategy interprets that 84.53% of Humss students find Having

Compassion and Empathy is effective in terms with enhancing and improving their
academic Performance. 15.47% Interprets otherwise.

Table 4. Determining the most Effective ways of Learning, in terms of Note Taking,
Organization/Organizing, and Attendance.


Are the notes you're taking important? 139 93.00% 11 7.33%

Are you taking down notes when the 117 78% 33 22%
teacher is discussing?
When your classmates asks you for notes 132 88% 18 12%
about yesterday’s lesson, Do you share

Is taking notes important? 150 100% 0 0%

Do you understand the notes you're 145 97.00% 5 3.33%


Are your notes organize? 109 73.00% 41 27.33%

Do you keep tract with your assignments 129 86% 21 14.00%
and projects deadline?

Do you organize your papers? 124 83.00% 26 17.33%

Is Taking notes important? 143 95.33% 7 5.00%

Do you understand the notes you're 135 90% 15 10%


Are you always present in class? 130 87.00% 20 13.33%

Do you skip classes? 17 11.33% 133 89.00%

Do you take absences? 63 42% 87 58.00%

Does your life outside of school affect 84 56.00% 66 44%

your attendance in school?

Are you able to catch up easily with the 120 80% 30 20%
lessons you've missed?

This Interprets the most effective ways of learning. For the Attendance
having the lowest rate percentage of effectiveness 55.22%, Following above is
Organization/Organizing having the percentage of 85.33% of Efficacy, and the
highest and most effective way of learning according to the results of the data is
Note Taking having the percentage of 91.07% of effectiveness, this shows that Note
Taking for Humss Students is the most Effective way of Learning because they can
easily just write and scan important notes whenever they want.

Table 4.1. Determining the most Effective way of Learning, in terms of Note Taking.

No. of Responses

F % F %

Are the notes you're taking important? 139 93.00% 11 7.33%

Are you taking down notes when the 117 78% 33 22%
teacher is discussing?

When your classmates asks you for 132 88% 18 12%

notes about yesterday’s lesson, Do you
share it?
Is taking notes important? 150 100% 0 0

Do you understand the notes you're 145 97,00% 5 3.33%

TOTAL: 683 91.07% 67 8.93%

The table shows that Note taking has the percentage of 91.07% indicating
that this strategy is very much effective for almost all of the respondents. This also
shows that this strategy can benefit everyone or anyone as long as they are taking
down important notes, so that when they need to study they just always look at it
without having any trouble with studying. And 8.04% are the ones who didn’t think
that writing notes are effective for them

Table 4.2. Determining the most Effective way of Learning, in terms of
No. of Responses

F % F %

Are your notes organize? 109 73,00% 41 27.33%

Do you keep tract with your 129 86% 21 14.00%

assignments and projects deadline?

Do you organize your papers? 124 83.00% 26 17.33%

Is Taking notes important? 143 95.33% 7 5.00%

Do you understand the notes you're 135 90% 15 10%

writing by organizing them?

TOTAL: 640 85.33% 110 14.67%

The table presented shows that 85.33% of Humss students think that
organization or organizing is the best way of effectively learning, in light of the fact
that being an organize student will help you settle things down accordingly and
properly without any hassle. 14.67% of Humss students does not think that
Organization is the best way of effectively learning.

Table 4.3. Determining the most Effective way of learning, in terms of Attendance

No. of Responses

F % F %

Are you always present in class? 130 87.00% 20 13.33%

Do you skip classes? 17 11.33% 133 89,00%

Do you take absences? 63 42% 87 58.00%

Does your life outside of school affect your 84 56.00% 66 44%

attendance in school?

Are you able to catch up easily with the 120 80% 30 20%
lessons you've missed?

TOTAL: 414 55.2% 339 45.2%

This table interprets that 52.22% of Humss student think that this strategy is
effective, indicating that it is in between of a 55/45% effectiveness. And 44.80% of
humss students think that this strategy does not fit for them.

Table 5. Presents the Weighted Average of YES on each strategy



COGNITIVE SKILLS 55.87% 150 84.0




HAVING COMPASSION AND 85.53% 150 128.2


NOTE TAKING 91.07% 150 137.0

ORGANIZATION 85.33% 150 128.0

ATTENDANCE 55.22% 150 83.0

TOTAL: 150 786

786 divided 150 = 5.24

The total Weighted Average of Yes is 5.24 Which means that the weighted
average of the strategies in Table 4 indicates the combined performance based on
cognitive skills, communication skills, collaborative relationships, compassion, note-
taking, organization, and attendance. Each strategy's contribution to the total
weighted average of 5.24 varies according to its percentage and weight, reflecting
the importance of different skills in the overall assessment.

Table 6. Presents the Weighted Average of NO on each strategy


( DLS)

COGNITIVE SKILLS 44.13% 150 66.1






NOTE TAKING 8.93% 150 13.3

ORGANIZATION 14.67% 150 22.0

ATTENDANCE 44.80% 150 67.2

TOTAL: 150 264.8

264.8 divide 150 = 1.7653333333333 rounding if off equal it to 1.8

The document presents the Weighted Average of NO for different learning

strategies, including cognitive skills, communication skills, building collaborative
relationships, compassion and empathy, note-taking, organization, and attendance.
The total Weighted Average of NO is calculated to be 1.8, derived from dividing
264.8 by 150 and rounding off the result



As we reach the culmination of our exploration into quantitative research, it is

essential to reflect on the Conclusion, Summary, and Recommendations that have
emerged throughout our journey. Moreover, this Chapter contains the overall
conclusion, summary, and recommendations of the study entitled “Determining the
Effectiveness of the Different Learning Strategies in Humss Strand”

In conclusion, the study on the effectiveness of different learning strategies in
the Humss strand provides valuable insights into enhancing cognitive and
communication skills among students. The hypothesis that there is no significant
difference in efficacy across these strategies underscores the importance of
empowering students to choose methods that suit their individual needs, ultimately
leading to improved academic performance and self-directed learning. Through
meticulous data analysis and ethical considerations, the study ensures the integrity
and confidentiality of participant information, contributing to the credibility of the
research findings.
Moreover, the study's findings suggest that students can benefit greatly from
exploring a variety of learning strategies to broaden their knowledge and enhance
their educational experiences. It is recommended that students actively engage in
seeking different perspectives and approaches to learning, fostering a deeper
understanding and appreciation for diverse methods. Furthermore, researchers are
encouraged to continue their investigations into innovative learning techniques to
support academic growth and personal development, thereby advancing the field of
education and enriching the learning environment for both students and teachers
The study focuses on determining the impact of various learning strategies on
Humss students at Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy in Cebu, utilizing an
experimental design and survey questionnaires for data collection. It aims to provide
a comprehensive analysis of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations to
enhance educational practices and curriculum development. The study emphasizes
the importance of engaging both academic and practical audiences to ensure the
research's relevance and usefulness in improving learning methods and student

The research methodology involves using survey questionnaires and google survey
forms to gather responses from students, aiming to identify the effectiveness of
different learning strategies in the Humanities and Social Sciences strand. By
exploring how students acquire and retain knowledge, the study contributes to
educational psychology and advances understanding of cognitive sciences and
teaching techniques. The scope and delimitation of the research focus on examining
how teaching strategies impact student learning at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Academy, providing insights into creating competitive learners in the Humss

Students should try to find different strategies and perspectives in order for
them to widen their knowledge
Students should actively seek out different perspectives and strategies to
enrich their learning
Researchers should continue studying various learning methods for
academic and personal growth
Engage academic and practical audiences to ensure the study's relevance in
enhancing learning methods and student outcomes


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March 23, 2024

SR. Ma. Corazon Caberte A.R PhD

School Principal

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Minglanilla, Cebu

Greetings of Peace!

We seek to formally ask you permission for a research project titled

"Determining the Different Learning Strategies in Humanities and Social Sciences."
The primary objective of this study is to determine the impact of the different learning
strategies of HUMSS students at Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy, Minglanilla,
Cebu. We utilized an experimental design, employing a survey as the primary
research instrument to gather information. The research paper that is provided
contains thorough analysis, conclusions, and findings from our study. We think that
this study makes an important contribution to the field of education by offering useful
suggestions for creating curriculum and designing learning methods. We truly hope
that both academic and practical audiences will find our research to be beneficial and
well-received. And we have no doubt that this experience will greatly advance both
our intellectual and personal growth.

Hoping for your kind consideration. We look forward to your positive response.















Survey Questionnaire

Directions: Answer all the following questions about the Effectiveness of the Different
Learning Strategies by putting a check mark (✓) on the statements below.

Cognitive skills

1. do you have a long-term memory

2. Have good concentration
3. Do you Avoid misunderstandings
4. do you process Language faster?
5. are you able to Logically Reason?

Communication skills YES NO

1. Able to interpret man-made communication
2. Have good hearing comprehension?
3. do you have a skill in communication?

4. do you have confidence while speaking?

5. Able to do Visual Communication

Building collaborative relationships YES NO

1. Are you good with socializing?

2. Are you actively participating in group

3. Accepting corrections from peers or group
4. Listening to other group members?

5. Are you flexible with making new friends?

Having compassion and empathy YES NO

1. Are you able to spread positivity with your

2. Are you an understanding leader?
3. Do you complement your group members?
4. Do you have patience with your group
5. Do you understand your group mates when
they lack in giving information or when they
can’t be present in some days of your

Note taking YES NO

1. Are the notes you are taking important?

2. Are you taking down notes when the
teacher is discussing?
3. When your classmate asks you for notes
about yesterday’s lesson. Do you share it?
4. Is taking notes important?
5. Do you understand the notes you’re

Organization YES NO

1.Are your notes organize?

2. Do you keep tract with your assignments
and projects deadlines?
3. Do you organize your papers?
4. Is taking notes important?
5. Do you understand the notes you’re


1.Are you always present in class?

2. Do you skip classes?
3. Do you take absents?
4. Does your life outside of school affect you
attendance in school?
5.Are you able to catch up easily with the
lessons you’ve missed?



Ma. Corazon Cabete A.R. PhD

School Principal

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Minglanilla Cebu

Greetings of Peace!

We seek to formally ask you permission for a research project titled

"Determining the Different Learning Strategies in Humanities and Social Sciences."

The primary objective of this study is to determine the impact of the different learning

strategies of HUMSS students at Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy, Minglanilla,

Cebu. We utilized an experimental design, employing a survey as the primary

research instrument to gather information. The research paper that is provided

contains thorough analysis, conclusions, and findings from our study. We think that

this study makes an important contribution to the field of education by offering useful

suggestions for creating curriculum and designing learning methods. We truly hope

that both academic and practical audiences will find our research to be beneficial and

well-received. Your assistance is essential to our project's success. And we have no

doubt that this experience will greatly advance both our intellectual and personal


Hoping for your kind consideration. We look forward to your positive response.


Lapac, Ace Axelle C. Colindong, Chaegeon

Mantalaba, Felomina

Montebon, Marybeth

Jamero, Jamby



Research Adviser


Ms. Corazon Cabete A.R. PhD

School Principal



Bacay Tulay, Minglanilla, Cebu


Date of Birth : July 6, 2006

Place of Birth : Surigao City

Citizenship : Filipino

Sex : Male

Age : 17

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name : Ronald Secuya

Mother’s Name : Maylene Secuya


Senior High School : Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Poblacion Ward 4, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2022-2024

Junior High School : Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Poblacion Ward 4, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2018-2022

Elementary : Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Poblacion Ward 4, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2011-2018

Abuno Minglanilla Tunghaan Cebu


Date of Birth : March 31, 2004

Place of Birth : Cebu City

Citizenship : Filipino

Sex : Male

Age : 20

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name : Raul C. Cantilas

Mother’s Name : Ma. Minerva Leyson


Senior High School : Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Poblacion Ward 4, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2022-2024

Junior High School : Tungkop National High School

Tungkop, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2018-2022

Elementary : Lower Tunghaan Elementary School

Lower Tunghaan, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2011-2018

Bacay Tulay, Minglanilla Cebu


Date of Birth : June 13, 2006

Place of Birth : Margarita Birthing Center

Citizenship : Filipino

Sex : Female

Age : 17

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name : Quirino G. Lapac Jr.

Mother’s Name : Ma. Isabel C. Lapac


Senior High School : Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Poblacion Ward 4, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2022-2024

Junior High School : Naga National High School (Gr 7 & 8)

West Poblacion, City of Naga Cebu
Tulay National High School (Gr 9 & 10)
Bacay Tulay, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2018-2022

Elementary : Naga Central Elementary School

West Poblacion, City of Naga Cebu
S.Y. 2011-201

Poblacion Ward 3, Minglanilla Cebu


Date of Birth : August 5, 2005

Place of Birth : Minglanilla Cebu

Citizenship : Filipino

Sex : Female

Age : 18

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name : Wilson John Alsola

Mother’s Name : Analiza Mantalaba


Senior High School : Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Poblacion Ward 4, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2022-2024

Junior High School : Tulay National High School

Bacay Tulay, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2018-2022

Elementary : Minglanilla Central School

Minglanilla Cebu
S.Y. 2011-2018

Lower Calajoan, Minglanilla Cebu


Date of Birth : July 1 2003

Place of Birth : Badian Cebu

Citizenship : Filipino

Sex : Female

Age : 20

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name : Roberto Montebon

Mother’s Name : Judith Montebon


Senior High School : Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

Poblacion Ward 4, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2022-2024

Junior High School : Tulay National High School

Bacay Tulay, Minglanilla, Cebu
S.Y. 2018-2022

Elementary : Minglanilla Central School

Minglanilla Cebu
S.Y. 2011-2018


After the researchers compiled and counted of the respective numbers from
each strategy the following are the steps in achieving the respective calculations.

First Step:
The researchers Disseminated the questionnaires by strand and by order, to
check if there were no repetition of respondents to avoid manipulation and stress
Second Step:
The researchers counted the number of respondents who answered Yes and
No from each strategy, and then totaling them from each strategy
Ex. For Cognitive Skills, 56 for question 1, 66 for question 2, 124 for question 3, 79
for question 4, 94 for question 5, adding it all up equal it to 419.
Third Step:
After the researchers have added the numbers from each strategy, the
researchers were able to get the percentages from each strategy, by using the
simple percentage the researchers themselves had easily calculated the numbers
Fourth/ Last Step:
Now, after the researchers gathered the data and analyze the table they are
now able to interpret each table and answer the statement of the problem base on
the results and interpretations.


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