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Basic Avsec Exam Notes

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What is Aviation Security?

Ans: Safeguarding Civil Aviation against act unlawful interface. The objective is achieved by
combination of Measures and Human & Material Resources.

1. Airport Boundary Line – Height of Parameter – 8ft. Wall/ 1.5ft. wall with “Y” shaped barber
2. Annex 17, Annex 9, DOC 8973 and ICAO Manual

1. Civil Aviation shall operate from a safe & secure environment.
2. Develop & Implement legislation & procedure necessary to ensure a safe & secured
3. Security measures shall be consistent with ICAO environment.
4. Prosecute or extradite persons who carry out acts of unlawful interface.


1 AAI Airports Authority of India
2 APEDA Agriculture Product Export Development Authority
3 AC Aerodrome Committee
4 ACCR Aerodrome Committee Control Room
5 ACI Airport Council International
6 ADP Airfield Driving Permit
7 AEP Aerodrome Entry Permit
8 ASC Airport Security Committee
9 ASG Aviation Security Group
10 ASTI Aviation Security Training Institute
11 ASTP Aviation Security Training Package
12 ATS Air Traffic Services
13 AWB Air Way Bill
14 AVSEC Aviation Security
15 BBA Baggage Break-up Area
16 BCAS Bureau of Civil Aviation Security
17 BDDS Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad
18 BSA /BMA Baggage Sorting Area/ Baggage Make-up Area
19 BTAC Bomb Threat Assessment Committee
20 BTCP Bomb Threat Contingency Plan
21 BTL Baggage Tally List
22 BTRC Bomb Threat Review Committee
23 BWAF Bomb Warning Assessment Form
24 CASO Chief Aerodrome Security Officer
25 CAT Computer Aided Tomography
26 CBD Chemical and Biological Device.
27 CBRN Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear weapon
28 CBW Chemical and Biological weapons
29 CC Central Committee
30 CCTV Closed Circuit Television
31 CCS Cabinet Committee on Security
32 CISF Central Industrial Security Force
33 CLIP Caller Line Identification Procedure
34 CMG Crisis Management Group
35 COE Controller of Explosives
36 COSAH Committee of Secretaries on Aircraft Hijacking
37 CRPF Central Reserve Police Force
38 CTCP Counter Terrorist Contingency Plan
39 CTP Combined Test Piece
40 CTX Computed Tomography X-Ray
41 DAW Directorate of Air Worthiness
42 DFMD Door Frame Metal Detector
43 DGR Dangerous Goods Regulation
44 DGCA Directorate General of Civil Aviation
45 DIP Diplomatic Mail
46 EDDS Explosive Device Detection System
47 EDS Explosive Detection System
48 ETD Explosive Trace Detector
49 EPX Enhanced Performance X-Ray
50 EVD Explosive Vapour Detector
52 HHMD Hand Held Metal Detector
53 HUM Human Remains
54 IATA International Air Transport Association
55 IAPP Isolated Aircraft Parking Position
56 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
57 IED Improvised Explosive Device
58 IFSO In-flight Security Officer
59 IMS Ion Mobility Spectrometry
60 LAG Liquids, Aerosols and Gels
61 LTPE Low Temperature Plastic Explosive
62 LPR License Plate Reader
63 MANPADS Man Portable Air Defence System
64 MCA Ministry of Civil Aviation
65 MHA Ministry of Home Affair
66 MRTD Machine Readable Travel Document
67 MZDFMD Multi Zone Door Frame Metal Detector
68 NCASTP National Civil Aviation Security Training Programme
69 NCASQCP National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme
70 NCASP National Civil Aviation Security Programme
71 NDA Non-Disclosure agreement
72 NSG National Security Guards
73 OTP Operating Test Piece
74 PB-IED Person Borne Improvised Explosive Device
75 PFNA Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis
76 PIDS Perimeter Intruder Detection System
77 PRM Person with Reduced Mobility
78 PSc Pseudo Colour
79 PSO Personal Security Officer
80 PTSD Post Trauma Stress Disorder
81 QRT Quick Reaction Team
82 RCB Resume Current Bag
83 RDX Research& Developed Explosive
84 REM Roentgen Equivalent Man
85 SARP Standards and Recommended Practices
86 SLPC Secondary Ladder Point Checks
87 SOP Standard Operating Procedure
88 STEB Security Tampered Evident Bag
89 STP Standardized Training Package
90 SPG Special Protection Group
91 TCV Threat Containment Vessel
92 TIP Threat Image Projection
93 VB-IED Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device
94 VCS Variable Colour Stripping
95 VDU Visual Display Unit
96 VPB View Previous Bag
97 UVSS Under Vehicle Search System
98 UVSM Under Vehicle Search Mirror
99 XBIS X-ray Baggage Inspection System


Aircraft Acts of 1934

It extends to the whole of India and applies also-
a. To citizens of India wherever they may be;
b. To, and to the persons on, aircraft registered in India wherever they may be;
c. To, and to the persons on, aircraft registered outside India but for the time being in or over
India; and.
d. To an aircraft operated by a person who is not a citizen of India but as his principal place of
business or permanent residence in India.

Section 5 Power of Central Government to make rules for Civil Aviation

Section 5A Power to issue directions (DGCA or any other officer empowered by Central
Section 8 Power of detain aircraft

Section 8C Power of Central Government to make rules of securing safe custody and
redelivery of claimed property
Section 9A Power of Central Government to prohibit of regulate construction of buildings,
planting of trees etc.
Section 10 Penalty for act in contravention of Rule made under Section 5 of the Aircraft Acts.
(2 years imprisonment or fine up to Rs. 10 Lakhs or both)

Section 11A Penalty for failure to comply with directions issued under section 5A (2 years
imprisonment or fine up to Rs. 10 Lakhs or both)

Section 11B Penalty for failure to comply with direction issued under Section 9A (2 years
imprisonment or fine up to Rs. 10 Lakhs or both)

Aircraft Rules of 1937

The Aircraft Rules 1937, extends to the whole of India and apply also (unless the contrary
intention appears)
a. To, and to persons on, aircraft registered in India wherever they may be, expect cases falling
under sub-rule (4).
To, and to persons on, all aircraft for the time being in or over India.

Rule 7A Prohibition of carriage of pax without passport

Rule 8 Carriage of arms, ammunitions, explosives, military stores etc.
Rule 8A Security check of person boarding aircraft at aerodrome
Rule 9 Prohibit construction of Buildings, Planting of trees from reference point of
Rule 13 Photograph at aerodromes or from aircraft in-flight.
Rule 19 Cancellation, suspension or endorsement of license and certificate
Rule 22 Assault and other acts of interference against a crew member.
Rule 23 Assault and other acts of endangering safety or jeopardizing good order and
Rule 24 Prohibition on consumption of intoxicating and psychoactive substances.
Rule 24A Carriage of persons suffering from mental disorders or epilepsy in aircraft
Rule 24B Carriage of prisoners in an aircraft
Rule 24C Carriage of animals, birds and reptiles in aircraft
Rule 25 Prohibition of Smoking in aircraft
Rule 27 Carriage of persons in unauthorized parts of aircraft
Rule 90 Entry into Public Aerodromes (Access Control)
Rule 156 Inspection of aircrafts – (Empowers some of government officials authorized
by Central Government to enter aircraft for inspection, but are not exempted
from frisking/searching)
Rule 159 No person shall voluntarily obstruct any person acting in the exercise of his
powers or in the discharge of his duties under these rules.


1. Rule 3 Duties of Appropriate Authority
2. Rule 4 Appeal
3. Rule 5 Planning, design and layout of the Aerodrome security requirement
4. Rule 6 Aerodrome perimeter,
5. Rule 7 Provision of lighting, road, patrolling and observation post
6. Rule 8 Aerodrome security programme
7. Rule 9 Security clearance for operations at aerodrome
8. Rule 10 Handling of unattended or suspect baggage
9. Rule 11 Business establishment at aerodrome
10. Rule 12 Protection of facilities owned by aerodrome operator
11. Rule 13 Aviation Security Group
12. Rule 14 Duties of Chief Aerodrome Security officer
13. Rule 15 Ground handling service
14. Rule 16 Contingency Plan
15. Rule 17 Disembarkation of Unruly Passenger
16. Rule 18 Entry into aerodrome
17. Rule 19 Entry into security restricted area
18. Rule 20 Prohibition to carry weapons or explosive
19. Rule 21 Security check before embarkation
20. Rule 22 Certification of Screeners
21. Rule 23 Prohibition on carriage of certain goods (in cabin baggage)
22. Rule 24 Security Programme (Aircraft Operator)
23. Rule 25 Security clearance for operation (Aircraft)
24. Rule 26 Deployment of staff (for security duties)
25. Rule 27 Security search of aircraft
26. Rule 28 Access control of aircraft
27. Rule 29 Locking of cockpit door
28. Rule 30 Deployment of IFSO
29. Rule 31 Security control for hold baggage
30. Rule 32 Identification and reconciliation of hold baggage
31. Rule 33 Transfer baggage
32. Rule 34 Carriage of prisoners in aircraft
33. Rule 35 Carriage of cargo, mail, catering items and other stores
34. Rule 36 Detention of aircraft
35. Rule 37 Security control for Cargo and Courier bags
36. Rule 40 Prohibition on carriage of certain goods (in cargo and courier)
37. Rule 41 Protection of security cleared cargo or mail or courier bag etc
38. Rule 42 Regulated agent
39. Rule 43 Catering supplies
40. Rule 44 Supply of other stores
41. Rule 45 Reporting of security accident or incident
42. Rule 46 Investigation of security accident or incident
43. Rule 47 Power of the Inquiry Officer Rule 48 Inspection

Aviation Security Countermeasures:

1. Legislative – As per Law (ICAO)
2. Technical – As per Annex 17 - SARP (Standard Recommended Practice)
3. Physical

1. Audit
2. Inspection
3. Test
4. Survey


1. Convention on International Civil Aviation 7th December 1944
2. India became signatory to the Chicago Convention on 4th April 1947
3. In ICAO there is 192 countries are involved.
4. This convention has 19 Annex in Total
5. Bureau of Civil Aviation Security firmed on 1st April, 1987
6. DMNB – Di Methanol Di Nitro Benzene (MEX Convention)

It sets standards and regulations necessary for Aviation Safety, Security, Efficiency and Regularity, as
well as for Aviation Environmental Protection.

Sr No. Name of Convention Year Detailed Convention

The Convention on International Civil
1 Chicago Convention 1944
Conventions on offences and certain other
acts committed on board aircraft. Grants
2 Tokyo Convention 1963 certain rights to the Pilot in Command (PIC)
in order to ensure the Safety and order on
board of his Aircraft
Convention for the (Anti Hijacking)
3 Hague Convention 1970
suppression of unlawful Seizure of Aircraft.
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful
Montreal Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation. The
4 1971
Convention Sabotage of an Aircraft (In Air) and The term
Aircraft in Service (A parked aircraft)
Protocol to the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful acts
Montreal 1988 of Violence at Airports Serving International
Convention Civil Aviation (Offences is broadened)
Making of Plastic Explosives for the
5 MEX Convention 1991
purpose of Detection convention.

Enactment of Acts in India to Implement International Legal Instrument:

1. The Tokyo Conventions – 1975
2. The Anti-Hijacking Act 1982 and its amendment in 1994 was repealed as new The Anti-
Hijacking Act 2016
3. Suppression of Unlawful Acts against Safety of Civil Aviation Act, 1982 Amended in 1994 &
4. The Explosive Act

Standard Practice – Necessary

Recommended Practice – Desirable

1. ECAC – European Civil Aviation Conference – France 1955 – 42 Members
2. Airline Association - IATA – International Air Transport Association – Cuba 1945 – 240
Airlines members over 120 countries
3. Airport Association – ACI – Airport Council International – Geneva – 1991 – 595 Members
operating in over 1679 in over 177 countries.

1 DGCA Authority Director General Civil Aviation Safety
2 BCAS Authority Bureau of Civil Aviation Security Security
Appropriate Director General Bureau of Civil
3 DGBCAS Security
Authority Aviation Security
Regulated Security &
4 MCSCAPL Handling Agent
Agent Screeners

Anti-Hijacking Measures:
a. Frisking of passengers and search of Hand baggage
b. Armed support to frisking / searching staff
c. Escorting to passenger to aircraft
d. Apron and perimeter to aircraft
e. Security of catering items
f. Surveillance in Departure areas
g. Use of electronics aids – HHMD, DFMD, XBIS, CCTV
h. Secondary Ladder Point Checks
i. Pre-flight security checks / search of aircraft
j. Deployment of sky marshals (IFSO)
k. On the job supervision by airline staff.

Anti-Sabotage Measures:
a. Guarding of Aircraft
b. Anti-sabotage check of aircraft at originating station
c. Screening & protection of registered baggage until loaded into aircraft hold
d. Identification / Reconciliation of registered baggage
e. Access control of aircraft
f. On the job supervision by airline staff
g. Security of air crew baggage/ aircraft document bags/ fuel
h. Security of catering items
i. Security of cargo, courier, human remains, postal mail, company stores
j. Non acceptance of last minute items by passengers
k. Passengers to ensure they are aware of contents of their baggage’s

Measures against Terrorist Attacks:

a. Guarding of Aircraft and airport facilities
b. Apron / airport access control
c. Deployment of Quick Reaction Teams (QRT)
d. Perimeter wall standard heights
e. Perimeter road for patrolling
f. Perimeter lighting
g. Watch towers / Patrolling-foot or mobile
h. Police stations in close proximity of airport
i. Efficient communication system

Security of Personnel:
a. Aerodrome entry permit (AEP)/ Aerodrome Entry Card (AEC) issued after security vetting /
background checks
b. Display of AEP / AEC to detect misuse
c. Frisking of all AEP / AEC holders before entry to airside
d. Never leave your baggage unattended
e. Never lend your uniform / AEP to others
f. Never accept a packet for carriage without screening
g. On the job supervision / surveillance
h. Always display a positive security attitude.

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