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people start preparing for it the 27thof May, the death
This observation expressed the desire to do something and if
MANN KI BAAT... months in advance. The news centuries ago, straightawayanniversary of the first Prime you are determined towards that
Continued from page 2 being received these days is that Minister
implies that practicing yogic of India, Pandit goal then success can be
of International Solar Alliance, there are preparations afoot in Jawaharlal Nehru ji. I render my
exercises on a regular basis leads achieved despite all odds! And
they all are rooted in fulfilling that the whole world to celebrate 21 pranam to Pandit ji. Memories of
to imbibing benefic attributes this is not only about Sikar, but in
very dream of Mahatma Gandhi. June as International Yoga Day. this month are also linked with
which stand by our side like every corner of India, you will
On this environment day, let all Yoga for unity and a relatives and friends. The practice
Veer Savarkar. This was the very witness something akin to this. If
of us give it a good thought as to harmonious society conveys a of yoga leads to building up of
month, the month of May 1857, you observe in your
what can we do to make our message that has permeated the courage, which always protects
when Indians had displayed their neighbourhood, then you will
planet cleaner and greener? world over. Centuries us like a father. The practice of
strength against the British. In witness for yourselves how
How can we progress in this ago, the great Sanskrit Poet yoga leads to germination of a
many parts of the country, our people overcome the difficulties
direction? What innovative Bhartahari had written in his sense of forgiveness in the same
youth and farmers demonstrated in their lives!
things can we do? The rainy ‘Shataktrayam’. manner as a mother has for her
their bravery whilst standing up You must have realized that
season is fast approaching; we children and mental peace against the injustice. It is indeed whenever we go to a tea shop,
œÒÿZ ÿSÿ Á¬ÃÊ ˇÊ◊Ê ø ¡ŸŸË ‡ÊÊÁãÃÁ‡ø⁄U¥ ªÁ„ŸË
becomes our permanent friend.
sad that we kept on calling the and enjoy tea there, a discussion
can set a target of achieving
record plantation of trees this Bhartahari has said that with
‚àÿ¥ ‚ÍŸÈ⁄Uÿ¥ ŒÿÊ ø ÷ÁªŸË ÷˝ÊÃÊ ◊Ÿ— ‚¥ÿ◊—– events of 1857 only as a rebellion with some of the customers
time and not only plant trees but regular yogic exercise, truth
or a soldiers’ mutiny for a very automatically ensues. These
‡ÊƒÿÊ ÷ÍÁ◊Ë¥ ÁŒ‡ÊÙsÁ¬ fl‚Ÿ¥ ôÊÊŸÊ◊ÎÃ¥ ÷Ù¡Ÿ¥
also nurture and maintain the becomes our child, mercy long time. discussions are also political and
saplings till they grow. becomes our sister, self restraint
∞à ÿSÿ ∑§ÈÁ≈UÁê’Ÿ— flŒ ‚π ∑§S◊ÊŒ˜ ÷ÿ¥ ÿÙÁªŸ—–– In fact, May 1857 was not only social in nature, can be about
My dear countrymen and [A man whose father is patience, our brother, earth turns in to our
evaluated as a minor historical movies, sports and sportspersons
especially my young friends, you mother is forgiveness and peace bed and knowledge satiates our
incident but was also an attempt or can focus even on the
do remember the 21 of June as consort, Truth as his friend, hunger. When so many attributes
to dent our self-respect. It was problems of the country – any
now;not only you and I, June 21 compassion as his sister and become one's partner, then that
Veer Savarkar who boldly problem with probable solutions
remains a part of the entire restraint for brother as family yogi conquers all forms of fear.
expostulated by writing that are discussed at length – but
world’s collective members and whose bed is the Once again, I appeal to all the
whatever happened in 1857 was often the problems and their
consciousness. The 21 of June great earth, is clothed by the citizens to adopt their legacy of
not a revolt but was indeed the solutions remain limited to such
has been mandated and is great sky and whose food is only yoga and create a healthy, happy
First War of Independence. animated discussions only.
celebrated as the International knowledge. Is indeed a Yogi who and harmonious nation. Savarkaralong with his band of But there are some people who
Yoga Day in the entire world and won't know any fear.] brave hearts celebrated the
My dear countrymen, today is go ahead with their work, to bring
50thanniversary of the First about a change through their
War of Independence with hard work and dedication; they
great fanfare at India house in make it a reality. Such is the story
London. It is also an amazing of D. Prakash Rao, living in the
coincidence that the month slums of Cuttack, Orissa, who
which witnessed the First gave up everything of his in order
Struggle for Independence was to adopt and realize the dreams
the month in which Veer of others!Just yesterday I’ve had
Savarkar ji was born. Savarkar the good fortune of meeting D.
ji’s personality was full of Prakash Rao.
special qualities; he was a Shriman D. Prakash Rao has
worshipper of both weapons or been a tea vendor in the city of
shashtra and Knowledge or Cuttack forthe past five decades.
shaashtras. A meagre tea vendor; today you
Generally Veer Savarkar is will be surprised to know that the
renowned for his bravery and lives of more than 70 children are
his struggle against the British being illuminated through
Raj. But besides these sterling education due to his efforts. He
qualities, he was also a striking has opened a school named
poet and a social reformer who 'Asha Ashvaasan', spending 50%
always emphasized on of his incomefor children living in
goodwill and unity. A wonderful slums and hutments. He ensures
account about Savarkarji has education, health and meals for
been given by our dear all the children coming to this
honorable Atal Bihari Vajpayee school. I congratulate D. Prakash
Ji. Atal ji had said - Savarkar Rao for his hard work, his
means brilliance, Savarkar persistence and for providing a
means sacrifice, Savarkar new direction to the lives of those
means penance, Savarkar poor children attending his
means substance, Savarkar school. He has banished the
means logic, Savarkar means darkness from their lives.Who
amongst us does not know the
youth, Savarkar means an
Vedic shloka 'Tamso Ma
arrow, and Savarkar means a
Jyotirgamaya'! However, it has
Sword! Behold! What an
been put intopractice by D.
accurate depiction of Savarkar
Prakash Rao. His life is an
by Atal ji! Savarkar marched
inspiration to us, our society and
alongwith both poetry and
the whole country. Your
revolution. Besides being a
surroundings too must be full of
sensitive poet, he was also a
such inspiring happenings. There
courageous revolutionary.
must be innumerable incidents.
My dear brothers and sisters,
Come, let us take positivity
I was watching a story on TV
about our underprivileged The month of June is so hot
daughters of certain slums in that people anxiously wait for the
Sikar, Rajasthan. Our rains, gazing towards the sky for
daughters, who were forced to the clouds to appear. People will
sift through garbage and beg wait for the moon in a few days
from home to home in order to from now onwards.Witnessing
earn a living - today they are the moon means that the festival
learning sewing and stitching of Eid can be celebrated. After an
clothes to cover the entire month of fasting during
impoverished. This is an Ramzan, the festival of Eid is a
example where the daughters harbinger of celebrations.
are stitching ordinary to good I hope and believe that
quality clothes for themselves everyone will celebrate Eid with
and other families. Along with gaiety and fervor and on this
this, they are undergoing a occasion children will specially
training course in skill get a grand ‘Eidi’. I hope that the
development. festival of Eid will further
These daughters have strengthen the bonds of harmony
become self-reliant today and in our society. Heartiest
are living their lives with felicitations to all of you. My dear
respect and have become a countrymen, many thanks to you
strong support to their families. all. We shall meet once again in
I wish all these daughters, another episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat’
brimming with hope and trust, a next month.
EN 10/71 very bright future. They have Namaskar
demonstrated that if you have - PIB
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We take utmost care in publishing result of the various competitive examinations conducted by the UPSC,
SSC, Railway Recruitment Boards etc. Candidates are however advised to check with official
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Applications are invited for appointment to the post of Registrar in Lakshmibai 15 years of administrative experience, of which 8 years shall be as Deputy Registrar
National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior (an autonomous organization under or an equivalent post.
the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India) in Pay Band 4-Rs. 37400- The application form along with supporting certificates and testimonials duly attested by
67000 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000 (under revision) for a period of five years or self, should reach to the Registrar, LNIPE, Shakti Nagar, Mela Road, Gwalior on or
attaining superannuation age i.e. 62 years, whichever is earlier. before 25.06.2018, super-scribing the envelope with "Application for the post of
The minimum qualifications and experience shall be as under:-
Registrar". The application format and other details may be obtained from the
1. Master's Degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade in a point
Institute's web-site www.lninpe.edu.in on the link "Job Opportunities" at home page.
scale wherever grading system is followed.
2. At least 15 years of experience as Assistant Professor in the Academic Level 11 and The incomplete or un-signed applications, lacking information, certificates or
above or with 8 years of service in the Academic Level 12 and above including as testimonials as required or received after the crucial date, are liable to be rejected
Associate Professor along with experience in educational administration; OR summarily.
Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institutions of (Dr. Vivek Pandey)
higher education; OR EN 10/42 Registrar Incharge
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Office of the Development Commissioner No.A-12011/5/2016-Ad.I A
Govt. of India
Kandla Special Economic Zone Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Gandhidham-Kutch - 370 230 Department of Economic Affairs
Phone (02836) - 253300, 252475, 252273 North Block, Central Secretariat, New Delhi
Fax (02836)-252250 & 252194
E-mail: kandlasez@gmail.com Subject:- Filling up of four vacancies of Auditor in Level-5 in the pay matrix (pre-
Website: www.kasez.gov.in revised PB-1 of Rs. 5200-20200 plus GP Rs. 2800) in Ministry of Finance,
Department of Economic Affairs on Deputation/absorption basis.
No.KASEZ/Estt-I/APP/ADC Post/2017/1756 Dated: 16.05.2018 Applications in the prescribed proforma, as per the Annexure-II are invited from eligible
Applications are invited for filling up ON DEPUTATION for the posts of Assistant persons for filling up the four vacancies of Auditor in the Department of Economic
Development Commissioner (Group 'B' Gazetted Post) in the pay scale of Rs. Affairs, Ministry of Finance on deputation/absorption basis. The particulars regarding
44900-142400 level-7 (Pre-revised Scale Rs. 9300-34800+4600) in the Special the post are given in Annexure-I.
Economic Zones in the Office of the Development Commissioner, Reliance Special 2. It is requested that the applications of such eligible candidates, as are desirous of
Economic Zone, Jamnagar. Employees of the Central Government or State being considered for the post and who can be relieved immediately on selection, may
Government or a Public Sector Undertaking of Central or State Governments be forwarded along with attested photocopies of last 5 years ACR dossier, Vigilance
alone will be considered. The eligibility and other requirements are given in the Clearance and Integrity Certificates to the undersigned within a period of 60 days from
Annexure-I. the date of issue of this Advt. Applicants will not be allowed to withdraw their
Appointment will be on deputation basis initially for a period of three years. The terms candidature at a later date. Applications received without the up to date CR Dossiers,
and conditions of the deputation would be the same as the standard terms and Vigilance Clearance and Integrity certificate will not be entertained.
conditions prescribed by the Department of Personnel & Training (website: (Sanjeev Gupta)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
www.persmin.nic.in), Government of India vide their O.M. No. 6/8/2009- Estt (Pay-II)
Ph. No. 23095060
dated 17-06-2010, as amended from time to time.
Application should be sent through proper channel in the prescribed proforma
1. Name of the post : Auditor
(Annexure-II) to this office. While forwarding the applications, concerned department 2. Number of vacancy : Four
should send the upto date Confidential Reports for the last five years, Integrity 3. Classification : General Central Service,
Certificate, Vigilance Clearance of the applicant and the details of minor or major Group-C, Non-Gazetted Ministerial
penalties imposed during the last ten years. It may also be certified by the 4. Ministry/Department : Ministry of Finance,
forwarding authority that the particulars furnished by the applicant are correct and that Department of Economic Affairs
no disciplinary/vigilance case is pending or contemplated against the applicant. 5. Scale of pay : Level-5 in the pay matrix (Pre-revised scale
It is requested that vacancy may be given wide publicity and the particulars of eligible of Rs. 5200-20200 + 2800 Grade Pay
officers who are willing to be considered for deputation and also possessing requisite (Pay Band-1)
experience and whose services can be spared by the parent department may kindly 6. Method of Recruitment : Deputation/Absorption
be forwarded to this office within 60 days from the date of publication of this Advt. in 7. Eligibility conditions :
the Employment News. Applications received after the closing date or unaccompanied DEPUTATION/ABSORPTION
by the CR dossiers/vigilance clearance or not through proper channel will not be A. i) Officers of the Central Government holding analogous posts on regular basis in
entertained. the organized accounts cadre; or
(Satyadeep Mahapatra) ii) Upper Division Clerks from Central Government Offices holding post on regular
Jt. Development Commissioner basis in Level-5 (pre-revised PB-1 of Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay Rs. 2400)
Kandla Special Economic Zone or equivalent with 5 years' service in the Grade; or
Tel: 02836-253300 Fax: 02836-252250 iii) Lower Division Clerks of the Central Secretariat Clerical Service or other Central
ANNEXURE-I Government Offices in the Level-2 (pre-revised Pay Band-1 of Rs. 5200-20200 plus
ELIGIBILITY FOR DEPUTATION (ADC): Grade Pay of Rs. 1900) having thirteen years regular service in the post; and
(a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; or B. i) possessing working knowledge of computers;
(ii) With six year's regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto ii) having practical experience of two years in Budgeting and Accounting
on regular basis in the scale of pay of Rs. 9300-34800/- G.P. Rs. 4200/- or (Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization/
(b) Possessing 2 years' experience in foreign trade or industrial development work. Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed 3 years. The
ANNEXURE-II maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as
BIO-DATA on the closing date of the receipt of application.)
1. Name and office address PROFORMA
(in Block Letters) 1. Post applied for
2. Date of Birth 2. Name and address in Block Letters
3. Date of retirement under Central/ 3. Date of Birth
State Government Rules 4. Date of Retirement under Central Govt. Rules
5. Educational Qualifications
4. Educational Qualifications 6. Whether educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied?
5. Present Basic Pay (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the
6. Post held on regular basis with Scale rules, state the authority for the same)
of Pay (pre-revised) and date of Qualification/Experience Qualification/ Experience
appointment thereto on regular basis Required Possessed
7. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet
7. Permanent post held with Scale of Pay the requirement of the post?
(pre-revised) and date of confirmation 8. Details of employment, in chronological order (enclose a separate sheet duly
8. Details of Employment in chronological authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient)
order (enclosed a separate sheet, duly Ministry/ Post Held From To Scale of Pay Nature of
authenticated by your signature, if the Department and Basic Pay Duties
space below is not sufficient):
Sl. Name of the Post held From To Scale of Pay Nature 9. Nature of present employment i.e. ad-hoc or Temporary or quasi-permanent or
No. Office/ Org- and Basic Pay of Duties permanent
anisation 10. In case the present employment is held on Deputation basis/contract basis,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 please state;
(a) The date of initial appointment
(b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract
(c) Name of the parent Office/Organization to which belong.
11. Additional details about present employment
Please state whether working under
9. Nature of present employment i.e. whether, (a) Central Government
adhoc or temporary or Permanent (b) State Government
10. In case the present employment is held on Continued on page 11
deputation basis, please state;
(a) Date of appointment to the present post 12. Additional information, if any, which you would
(b) Period of appointment on deputation like to mention in support of your suitability for the
(c) Name of the parent office/organisation to post (Enclose a separate sheet if the space is
which you belong not sufficient)
11. Additional details about present employment. 13. Whether belongs to SC/ST
Please state whether working under: Place: Signature of the Candidate
(a) Central Government Date: Address (R):
(b) State Government Phone (O) :
(c) Autonomous Organisation (M) :
(d) Government Undertaking (Countersigned)
(e) University (Employer) EN 10/24
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File No.SVPNPA-ESSTOA-22(E281)/1/2018-O/o AO(Estt) Qualifications/ Qualifications/
Experience Experience
‚⁄UŒÊ⁄U flÀ‹÷÷Ê߸U ¬≈U‹ ⁄UÊc≈˛UËÿ ¬ÈÁ‹‚ •∑§ÊŒ◊Ë Required possessed by
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Essential (1)
the officer
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Central Forensic Science Laboratory
EN 10/1
EN 10/36
EN 10/35 EN 10/54
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Employment News 9 - 15 June 2018 ADMISSION
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EN 10/43 EN 10/45
EN 10/47 EN 10/52
F. No.- 9/3/2018-20-IA
Government of India
Archaeological Survey of India
Institute of Archaeology
Red Fort, Delhi- 06
Admission Notice
Applications are invited for admission two years Post-Graduate Diploma in Written Test Without submission of final year mark sheet candidate is not eligible
Archaeology course Session 2018-20 in Institute of Archaeology. & Personal to sit for the written test. Written entrance examination is scheduled
Interview to be held on 4th September 2018 and personal interview of short-
Qualification Master's Degree in Ancient or Medieval Indian History/Archaeology/ listed candidates will be held on 13th and 14th September 2018. The
Anthropology/Indian Classical languages such as Sanskrit, Pali, medium for entrance examination will be both Hindi and English.
Prakrit, Arabic or Persian or in Geology with knowledge of Pleistocene Stipend During the entire period of two years course the students (excluding
age from a recognized University or equivalent with a Minimum in service officials) would be entitled to a stipend for Rs.- 8000/- per
aggregate of 55% marks (50% in respect of candidates belonging to month, in addition to second- class railway or ordinary bus fare as
reserve categories as per Govt. Rules) travelling allowances for attending outstation training camps.
Application Application form alongwith prospectus can be obtained from the office
Age The upper age limit as on 31.08.2018 should not exceed 25 years,
Form of the Director, Institute of Archaeology, Archaeological Survey of
which is relaxable to the candidates belonging to reserve categories India, Red Fort, Delhi-110006 at any working day on payment by
and departmental (Central/State Govt./University) officials as per Demand draft of Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty only) drawn
Govt. rules. in favor of Director, Institute of Archaeology payable at New Delhi
alongwith a self addressed and 50/- rupees stamped envelope (size 32
Reservation Reservation to SC/ST/OBC/PH as per Govt. Rules.
cms x A-4 size). The candidate should write his/her name, Mobile No.,
Total Seat Total 15 Seats (including Departmental Sponsored candidates) E-mail ID & address (in capital letter) on the back of the Demand Draft.
Departmental/ The Departmental/Sponsorships Quota is as under: Archaeological The dates of accepting request for Application form by post are 1st
to 31st July, 2018. The application form both in Hindi and English
Sponsorships Survey of India/State Govt./University-7, in the event of non-availa-
can also be downloaded from ASI website i.e. www.asi.nic.in and
Quota bility of eligible reserve category or departmental/sponsored quota submitted alongwith demand draft of Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred
candidate having required percentage of marks, the same shall be Fifty Only) with self attested necessary documents.
further relaxable at the absolute discretion to the competent authority. Last date of Interested candidate fulfilling the eligibility criteria should submit their
Selection The selection procedure will comprise of written test and personal Submission duly filled application latest by 06th August, 2018.
Procedure Interview of short-listed candidates. EN 10/17
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EN 10/10
Maharshi Dayanand
Saraswati University, Ajmer
Recruitment RA/ Project Fellow at
Deptt. of Microbiology
EN 10/76 Registrar
EN 10/64
EN 10/62
No. 12026/2/2018-E-ll
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Department of Agriculture,
Cooperation & Farmers Welfare
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated : 28/5/2018
Due to some typographical errors, the vacancy circular No. 12026/2/2018-E-ll for filling up One Post of
Additional Commissioner (Integrated Nutrients Management) on composite method published in the
Employment News dated 12-18 May, 2018 is amended in the following manner :
Para of the Existing Content Amended to read as
Para 2(B) 1(II) Ten years experience in the field of Ten years experience in the field of promo-
promotion of organic manures or tion of organic manures or bio-fertilizers
bio-fertilizers or fertilizers or quality or quality control of fertilizers, or
EN 10/66 control of fertilizers, or
3 List of duties and responsibilities List of duties and responsibilities attached
attached to the post of Deputy to the post of Additional Commissioner
Commissioner (Integrated Nutrients (Integrated Nutrients Management)
Advertisement No. 02/2017/R-II
Annexure-l Proforma for application for the post Proforma for application for the post
⁄UÊc≈˛UËÿ ‡ÊÒÁˇÊ∑§ •ŸÈ‚¥äÊÊŸ •ÊÒ⁄U ¬˝Á‡ÊˇÊáÊ ¬Á⁄U·Œ of Assistant Commissioner (Integrated of Additional Commissioner (Integrated
Nutrients Management) by Composite Nutrients Management) by Composite
National Council of Educational method [Deputation (including short method [Deputation (including short term
Research and Training term contract) plus Promotion] in contract) plus Promotion] in the Department
the Department of Agriculture, Coop- of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers
Vacancy Notice eration & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
Due to some administrative reasons, Scheme and Syllabus for the Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Welfare, Government of India.
post of Junior Accountant (50% Direct Quota) advertised in the Government of India.
Point No. 5 of Essential 1 (II) Ten years' experience in the field of
Employment News dated 20-26 January, 2018 has been modified.
the table in 1 (II) Three years' experience in the promotion of organic manures or bio-
Revised Scheme & Syllabus alongwith detailed advertisement is
Annexure-l field of promotion of organic manures fertilizers or quality control of fertilizers, or
available on the website of the NCERT www.ncert.nic.in> Qualification or bio-fertilizers or fertilizers or quality 2. Ph.D. from a recognized University or
announcement>vacancies>Non-Academic. and experi- control of fertilizers, or institute in any of the specialization
ence required 2. Ph.D. from a recognized university indicated at 1 (I) above, and
Last date for the receipt of application is also extended upto 15 days
or institute in any of the specialization (III) Seven years experience in the field of
from the date of issue of this Notice in the Employment News. indicated at 1(I) above. promotion of organic manures or bio-fertilizers.
Note: Those who had already applied, need not to be apply again. Experience Regular Service
EN 10/69 EN 10/50
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EN 10/65
Due to the administrative reason of discontinuing of
EN 10/70
The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in the
Employment News are their own. They do not necessarily reflect the views
of the government or the organisations they work for. The contents of the
advertisements published in the Employment News belong to the
organisation or their representatives. The Employment News is in no way
responsible for any liability arising out of the contents/text of these
advertisements. EN 10/4
Ministry of Defence
Headquarters Dakshin Bharat Area
Island Grounds, Chennai – 600 009
Applications are invited from Male/Female candidates for the recruitment to the under (b) Incomplete application will be rejected.
mentioned post at Headquarters Dakshin Bharat Area, Island Grounds, (c) Candidates whose application is received in time and found complete/eligible in
Chennai–600009. all respects during scrutiny will be called for test.
Ser Name of Pay Scale No. of Reserved for Total (d) Post mentioned above are subject to All India Liability and Field Service Liability
No. Post vacancies Rules.
SC ST OBC Gen (e) The decision of appointing authority regarding selection/rejection will be final.
1. Messenger PB Rs. 18,000/-, 06 - 01 01 04 06 (f) The recruitment process can be cancelled/postponed/suspended/terminated
PML-1 and other without any prior notice/assigning any reasons at any stage.
allowances as (g) The Appointing Authority/Selection Board has right to short list applications
per Govt. orders without assigning any reason and change the number of vacancies/reservation
1. Examination Centre: Headquarters Dakshin Bharat Area, Island Grounds, status any time before selection. No representation will be entertained on this
Chennai- 600009. account.
2. Age Limit: (h) Job Description: The post of messenger is similar to peon. The under
mentioned duties will be performed by the messenger:-
(a) Gen (For both Male / Female) – 18-25 Years
(i) Messenger will perform all the duties connected with office work. (i.e. Cleaning
(b) SC/ST (For both Male / Female) – 18-30 Years
of office and furniture, passing message, collection/ distribution of mail and
(c) OBC (For both Male / Female) – 18-28 Years (Those who produce non-creamy
arrangement of drinking water.
layer certificate (OBC Category) will only be considered for against OBC quota)
(ii) Intimating the officer of the arrival of authorised visitors.
3. Qualification: (i) Matriculation or equivalent qualification from recognised board (ii)
(iii) Keeping vigil over the office from security point of view during working hours.
No weightage will be given for higher qualification (iii) Scheme of examination – the
examination will consist of written test only. Questions will be objective type. (iv) Written (iv) Any additional task (Official work) given by superintendent of branch
examination will be conducted for filling up these posts as it involves induction to Group concerned or officer working under.
‘C’ posts. (v) All candidates will be tested for physical fitness and written examination Caution : Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification and cancellation of the
(vi) Only physically fit candidates to apply (Medical fitness certificate to be attached candidature.
from an authorised Govt Hospital Doctor). APPLICATION FORM
(To be filled in English only)
4. The written test will consist of four papers. The max marks for each paper is given
Post applied for : _________________________
1. Examination Centre: HQ Dakshin Bharat Area, Island Grounds,
(a) General Intelligence & Reasoning - (25Qs, 25 Marks)
(b) English Language - (50Qs, 50 Marks)
2. Name in full (in block letters) : ______________________________________
(c) Numerical Aptitude - (25Qs, 25 Marks) 3. Father’s/Husband’s Name: _________________________________________
(d) General Awareness - (50Qs, 50 Marks) 4. Date of Birth in Christian Era (DD/MM/YY): ____________________________
5. Total time allowed for the written examination – 2 Hours Age as on closing date of application: Years _________ Months __________
6. Selection will be made strictly on merit basis. Days ___________
7. The appointment will initially be on a temporary basis and likely to become 5. Male/Female Male _________ Female ___________
permanent after successful completion of probationary period for two years. The initial 6. Marital Status Married________Unmarried__________
appointment will be at Headquarters Dakshin Bharat Area, Island Grounds, Chennai – 7. Are you Citizen of India Yes__________ No _______________
600 009 and thereafter the individual is likely to be posted anywhere in India. 8. Religion/Caste: __________________________________________________
8. How to Apply: Application in the prescribed format duly completed in all aspects with 9. Identification marks:-
attested copies of relevant certificates should be sent to the Presiding Officer C/O (a) __________________________________________________
Officer Commanding Officer, Headquarters Dakshin Bharat Area, Island Grounds, (b) __________________________________________________
Chennai – 600 009 to reach within 21 days from the date of publication of this 10. Permanent address (in block letters) with PIN code Number: _______________
advertisement through by post /courier. No application will be accepted in person. 11. Mailing address (in block letters) with PIN code Number: __________________
12. Education qualification from Matriculation/ X Std
9. The following documents should be attached with the application form:-
(a) Two copies of recent passport size photographs one attested on reverse by a Ser Qualification University / Subject Percentage of Remarks
Gazetted Officer and attached in a separate cover and should be pasted on the No. Board Studied marks obtained
application form at the appropriate place and attested by a Gazetted Officer.
(b) Attested copies of certificates and testimonials in proof of age/date of birth/
educational qualification and experience, (if any) etc.
(c) Attested copies of SC/ST and OBC Non Creamy Layer certificate in the 13. Experience (if any)/ particulars of previous & previous employment of similar job.
prescribed form issued by competent authority as required by the Central Govt.
Ser Name & full Designation / Scale of Period of Employment
(d) Two self addressed envelopes of the size 23 cms x 10 cms.
No. address of duties Pay
10. The application and the other documents should be arranged in the following order employer of post From To
and tightly tagged or stapled on the left hand side top corner:-
(a) Additional Photograph
(b) Application form
(c) Attested copies of certificates
(d) Self Addressed envelopes
I hereby declare that the information furnished in the application are true, complete and
11. The closing date of receipt of applications will be within 21 days from the date of
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am fully aware that in the event of any
publication of this advertisement. Upper age limit of candidates will be calculated based
of the said information furnished by me being found false or incorrect at any stage, my
on closing date of application. This office will not be responsible for any postal delay or
candidature/ appointment is liable to be summarily cancelled/terminated without any
loss in transit/courier. Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected without any
notice or compensation.
communication to the candidates. The date, time and venue of the examination shall
Date ………………….………….. Signature of Candidate …………………………
be intimated later. Place ………………..…………… Name ………………………………….............…
12. No TA/DA will be paid to candidate for appearing in the written examination.
13. Submission of application does not vest the candidate any right to be called for
written examination/other related test.
(a) Photograph attested by Gazetted Officer is affixed.
14. No interim correspondence with regards to the status of application(s) will be (b) Application is in prescribed format completed in all respects.
entertained. (c) Attested copies of Educational Certificates attached.
General Instructions (d) Attested copies of SC/ST and OBC Certificates with non creamy layer certificates
(a) Application without the specified copies of certificates as directed in the as applicable.
instructions will be rejected and no other inquiry/correspondence will be (e) Identification Marks be clear and visible.
entertained. davp 10601/11/0005/1819 EN 10/85
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