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Abstract - Household waste production is increasing every day as the number of products and consumption patterns increases. To overcome
the waste volume increase can be done by: reducing the volume of waste from the source through community empowerment. The research
on community-based waste management in Vim Village Abepura District Jayapura City aims to: (1) obtain an overview of community-based
waste management planning and process, (2) to inventory challenges and opportunities in domestic waste management, (3) community-
based waste management. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative, that is research which intends to describe phenomenon that
happened at research location. Data collection techniques include interviews, questionnaires, observations and documentation, while the
data analysis uses qualitative descriptive techniques. The result of this research concludes that domestic waste management in Vim Village
Jayapura City can reduce waste disposal to TPA, but not optimally implemented either in sorting and or in composting because of limited
facilities and infrastructure. The composition of waste generation in Vim Village Jayapura City consists of: organic garbage 50.75%, plastic
17.14%, 19.42% paper, glass/metal 12.70%. Organic waste utilized to compost will reduce waste generation and reduce environmental
burden, while sorting result not only can reduce waste generation but also can be sold or managed so as to increase revenue. Suggestions
based on the results of the research can be given as follows: (1) Government needs to do more socialization about waste management. (2)
Waste management is done with 3R principles (reduce, reuse, recycle).
2 Day-2 0.28 54.90 008 15.69 0.09 17.65 0.06 11.76 0.51 100
3 Day-3 0.27 48.21 0.11 19.64 0.09 16.07 0.09 16.07 0.56 100
4 Day-4 0.36 42.35 0.2 23.53 0.16 18.82 0.13 15.29 0.85 100
5 Day-5 0.23 52.27 0.1 22.73 0.11 25.00 0 0.00 044 100
6 Day-6 0.25 44.64 0.12 21.43 0.1 17.86 0.09 16.07 0.56 100
Waste Technology, Vol. 10(2), October 2022 – ISSN : 2338-6207
Waste Tech. Vol. 10(2)2022:24-27, Lazarus Ramandei
Waste Type
Organic Paper Plastic Glass / Metal Total
No Observation
Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight
% % % % %
(kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr)
7 Day-7 0.24 41.38 0.12 20.69 0.1 17.24 0.12 20.69 0.58 100
8 Day-8 0.3 50.00 0.12 20.00 0.12 20.00 0.06 10.00 06 100
9 Day-9 0.31 48.44 0.12 18.75 0.11 17.19 0.1 15.63 0.64 100
10 Day-10 0.26 49.06 0.09 16.98 0.08 15.09 0.1 18.87 0.53 100
11 Day-11 0.23 50.00 0.1 21.74 0.06 13.04 0.07 15.22 046 100
12 Day-12 0.24 61.54 0.08 20.51 0.07 17.95 0 0.00 0.39 100
13 Day-13 0.23 54.76 0.08 19.05 0.06 14.29 0.05 11.90 042 100
14 Day-14 0.24 58.54 0.07 17.07 0.05 12.20 0.05 12.20 041 100
Average 0.27 50.75 0.11 19.42 0.09 17.14 0.07 12.70 0.54 100
Waste Technology, Vol. 10(2), October 2022 – ISSN : 2338-6207
Waste Tech. Vol. 10(2)2022:24-27, Lazarus Ramandei
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