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Meta-Analysis of Correlational Research About The Relationship Between Managerial Capabilities of Principal With Teacher Performance

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299

5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET 2018)

Meta-Analysis of Correlational Research about the

Relationship between Managerial Capabilities of
Principal with Teacher Performance

Mozes Markus Wullur, Johanis Frans Senduk Alfonds Andrew Maramis

Education Management Microteaching Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and
State University of Manado (UNIMA) Natural Sciences
Minahasa, Indonesia State University of Manado (UNIMA)
Minahasa, Indonesia

Abstract—Implementation of teachers’ performance The significance of the principal's managerial ability to

improvement in learning process is highly dependent on the achieve the goals of school education in particular, as well as
ability of principals to manage all processes and activities related national education goals in general, is reflected in the intensity
to the realization of duties and responsibilities of teachers. This of attention of academics as stated in the form of research.
study aims to analyze and synthesize a number of correlational Science, including education and teaching, continues to grow
studies that examine the relationship between principal rapidly. One form of the development of education and
managerial skills with teacher performance. This study uses teaching science is the emergence of innovative ideas which
meta-analysis techniques. Meta-analysis conducted on 13 studies
basically aim at improving the quality of education and
about the managerial skills of principals and teacher
teaching itself. The contribution of educational researchers is
performance. Results of this meta-analysis strengthens the
evidence of the 13 studies that the managerial skills of principal
not small in this regard. Much research has been done by
has a positive relationship with teacher performance. taking the topic of managerial ability.
Scientific communication through the publication of the
Keywords—meta-analysis; principal managerial skills; teacher findings of educational studies and research is so fast and easy
performance with the existence of technological means such as the internet.
Such a large contribution in which to integrate various
I. INTRODUCTION perspectives and dimensions of education, should be addressed
Based on the Regulation of Minister of National Education as a challenge that requires carefulness and wisdom of
No. 13 of 2007 concerning the Principal Standards [1], to be educators to assess the extent to which a phenomenon of
able to be appointed as the principal of a school/madrasah, a education and teaching has developed. The challenge requires
person must meet the national school principal standards. The the synthesis of various dimensions and perspectives offered,
standard covers two things, namely, qualifications and in order to improve academic insight and the quality of teacher
competencies. For competence, there are five dimensions of learning. Thus, the axiology of science can be directly felt.
competency standards that must be possessed, namely: Meta-analysis is a study of the results of similar studies.
personality, managerial, entrepreneurship, supervision, and Judging from these characteristics, the meta-analysis is a
social. For the managerial dimension there are 16 points that documentation study. Basically, meta-analysis is a way to
must be possessed by a principal according to the regulation, integrate or synthesize research findings [3]. Gall and his
the sixth point is to manage teachers and staff in order to utilize colleagues emphasize that meta-analysis is a statistical
human resources optimally. procedure that can be used to look for trends in the magnitude
Managerial ability is a very important aspect that must be of the effect observed from a number of quantitative studies
possessed by a school principal. Management is an integral involving the same research problem or research topic [4].
component and cannot be separated from the overall Meta-analysis is not new in research world because it has
educational process. The reason is that without management it been widely used since the 1970s. The meta-analysis of this era
is impossible for education goals to be realized optimally, was intended as an attempt to integrate findings from a number
effectively and efficiently. Management is needed to formulate of studies conducted using experimental designs (where there
organizational goals, determine what must be done to achieve were experimental groups and control groups). This must be
goals, communicate to people who will do the work done to done because the effect size calculation is done by dividing the
achieve goals, and determine how to measure the success of mean difference in the experimental group with the control
achieving these goals [2]. group mean, with the control group's standard deviation. There
is no denying that the emergence of a meta-analysis

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 484
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299

specifically for quantitative studies is influenced by the document format, to avoid articles from unofficial blogs); 2)
dominance of the quantitative paradigm (scientific methods) research articles are articles published in ISSN scientific
which did prevail in this era, especially in the field of journals; and 3) research articles documented in national data
education. bases such as www.pdii.lipi.go.id, or in national college
From the initial documentation that has been carried out,
there are quite a lot of research on the topic of the principal's After obtaining research articles according to the keywords
managerial abilities. Research with the topic of managerial and criteria used, then an assessment of the abstract of each
capability of principals that can be traced, generally uses a article is carried out to assess the suitability of the meta-
correlational approach. In general, the principal's managerial analysis. In this meta-analysis study, the independent variable
abilities are placed as independent variables, but there are also is the principal's managerial ability, while the dependent
several studies that place this topic as a dependent variable. variable is the teacher's performance. The results of the
The factor that is generally correlated with the principal's identification of each correlational research article include the
managerial ability is teacher performance, but there are also coding of the name of the researcher, year, sample source,
several other factors. The scope of research that can be traced number of samples, type of sample, type, magnitude of the
tends to vary, ranging from a small scope within the scope of correlation coefficient, and notes about other independent
the school to a greater scope in the demographic area. Thus, it variables (if any). The results of the correlational research data
is deemed necessary to comprehensively synthesize the results that were analyzed were reprocessed by summarizing and
of these studies, given their impact on improving the quality of extracting the results of the study, especially the value and
teaching in schools. With a meta-analysis approach to significance of the correlation coefficients of each study.
correlational research, especially the topic of managerial ability Furthermore, the results of the data processing are reported in
of principals, comprehensive empirical information will be descriptive quantitative and qualitative [5].
The objectives of this research are: 1) to provide a general III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
description of the results of correlational research on the
relationship between the principal's managerial abilities and A. Meta-Analysis Calculation
teacher performance; 2) to analyze and synthesize a number of 1) Research articles that are suitable for meta-analysis:
studies that show a significant correlation between the Research articles that have been obtained and deserved in
principal's managerial abilities and teacher performance; and 3) accordance with the criteria for the analyzes are 13 articles.
to provide information about other factors that are in line or not Criteria for articles according to the limits that are declared
in line with the principal's managerial ability in relation to
feasible to be analyzed, namely: 1) articles are the results of
teacher performance.
correlational research; and 2) analysis of research results at
least contains the value of the correlation coefficient (r), the
II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY statistical test value F, or the statistical test value t. The
A. Research Methods specifications of 13 research articles are presented in Table 1.
2) Transformation of statistical F and t to r: Of the 13
This study utilizes primary data that has been available as a
studies, one of them produced an F value, and three of them
result of studies conducted by various parties (especially
correlational studies), to examine the relationship between produced a t value. Statistic value of F is the value which
managerial abilities of principals and teacher performance. measures the magnitude of the difference in variance between
From these data, a meta-analysis will be carried out or two or several groups, and the statistic value of t is the value
commonly understood as an analysis of the results of existing which measures the magnitude of the mean difference
analyzes [5]. between two or several groups. For this reason, the value of F
and t need to be transformed first into the value of r
B. Meta-Analysis Procedure (correlation foefficient). The rxy values obtained directly and
Searching for research results is done through the internet from the transformation results are listed in Table 2. The
using the help of google search engines. Correlational research equation of the algebraic formula is presented as follows:
on the relationship between the principal's managerial abilities
and teacher performance is limited to studies conducted in
Indonesia. The keywords used in the google search engine are
t= F (1)
correlational studies, principal’s managerial abilities, and
teacher performance. From the search results, the article that is
most relevant to the keywords entered is selected. From the t
most relevant articles, are still selected again based on several rxy = ()
criteria, such as: 1) pdf article file extensions (portable t + ( N − 2)

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299


Scientific Sample
No. Author Title Year
work characteristic
Atep Yogaswara,
Principal managerial contributions and
Nanang Fattah, &
1. personnel information systems against 2010 Journal article SMP Teacher
Udin Saefudin
teacher teaching performance
Sa'ud [6]
Effect of principal managerial skills and
Basilius Redan teacher's socio-economic status on teacher
2. 2010 Journal article SMA Teacher
Werang [7] performance in SMA Negeri 1 Merauke
Relationship between school organizational
culture and principal leadership with the
3. Bersita Ginting [8] 2011 Journal article SMA Teacher
performance of teachers of Binjai City High
Effect of principal leadership and
4. Eko Djatmiko [9] infrastructure on teacher performance in 2006 Journal article SMP Teacher
Semarang City Middle School
Effect of principal managerial capabilities
Engkay Karweti and factors affecting work motivation on
5. 2010 Journal article SLB Teacher
[10] the performance of SLB teachers in Subang
Determination of leadership behavior,
principal managerial competence, and
6. Gede Widiasa [11] school working climate against productive 2012 Thesis SMK Teacher
teacher performance at SMK Negeri 3
Managerial ability of principals and work
Hamzah Yunus
7. of Middle School teachers in None Bolango 2008 Journal article SMP Teacher
District, Gorontalo Province
Contributions of managerial ability of
principals, principal’s supervision, and
I Wayan Rija
8. teachers' perceptions of their competencies 2011 Journal article SMA Teacher
Suantara [13]
against teacher performance at SMA Negeri
1 Blahbatu
Contributions of teacher’s intellectual,
Nurhizrah emotional and spiritual intelligence and
9. Gistituati, & principal leadership against teachers 2006 Journal article SD Teacher
Jafridin [14] performance in Mukomuko Regency
Elementary School
Analysis of principal managerial ability in
improving teacher performance in the area
10. Sri Sukiyasto [15] 2005 Journal article Principal
of Education and Culture Office,
Karanganyar Regency
Principal manager skills, school climate and
11. Sudarmiani [16] performance of MTs (Madrasah 2008 Journal article MTs Teacher
Tsanawiyah) teachers in Madiun Regency
Causality model of principal managerial
skills and organizational climate with Penjaskes
12. Sulistyorini [17] 2006 Journal article
performance of physical and health Teacher
education teachers
Effect of principal managerial competence
Suprihatmi, S. W.
13. on the performance of Public Middle 2007 Journal article SMP Teacher
School teachers

3) Analysis of sampling error correction (bare-bone

meta-analysis): If the population correlation is assumed

(N x r )i i

to be constant among several studies, then the best N i

estimate of correlation is not a simple average of the
correlation of several studies but the average weighted
for each correlation is divided by the number of samples The correlation coefficient (ri) is the result of the
in the study [19]. The best estimate for population correlation of variables x (principal's managerial ability)
and y (teacher's performance) in study i, and Ni is the
correlation is to follow the following equations. number of samples in the study i. The next step is to
a) The mean correlation of population: The mean change the value of r or rxy in each study to get the
correlation of the population is calculated using equation average correlation of the population, as presented in
3 below. Table 3. The mean correlation of the population after
being corrected by the number of samples or ř is 0.519.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299

No. Author N rxy (ri) N x rxy
No. Author N F t rxy Atep Yogaswara, Nanang
Atep Yogaswara, 1. Fattah, & Udin Saefudin 128 0,472 60,416
Nanang Fattah, & Sa'ud [6]
1. 128 0,472
Udin Saefudin 2. Basilius Redan Werang [7] 56 0,621 34,765
Sa'ud [6] 3. Bersita Ginting [8] 77 0,719 55,363
Basilius Redan 4. Eko Djatmiko [9] 230 0,764 175,766
2. 56 5,819 0,621
Werang [7] 5. Engkay Karweti [10] 67 0,288 19,296
3. Bersita Ginting [8] 77 0,719 6. Gede Widiasa [11] 102 0,528 53,829
4. Eko Djatmiko [9] 230 0,764 7. Hamzah Yunus [12] 115 0,873 100,441
Engkay Karweti 8. I Wayan Rija Suantara [13] 68 0,574 39,032
5. 67 0,288
[10] Nurhizrah Gistituati, &
6. Gede Widiasa [11] 102 0,528 9. 79 0,181 14,275
Jafridin [14]
Hamzah Yunus 10. Sri Sukiyasto [15] 100 0,769 76,862
7. 115 0,873
[12] 11. Sudarmiani [16] 90 0,424 38,160
I Wayan Rija 12. Sulistyorini [17] 303 0,204 61,889
8. 68 0,574
Suantara [13] 13. Suprihatmi, S. W. [18] 63 0,579 36,477
Nurhizrah Total 1478 6,996 766,571
9. Gistituati, & 79 0,181 Mean (ř) 0,519
Jafridin [14]
10. Sri Sukiyasto [15] 100 141,479 11,894 0,769
11. Sudarmiani [16] 90 0,424 d) Estimation of variance correlation of
12. Sulistyorini [17] 303 3,620 0,204 population: Variance in population correlation, or true
Suprihatmi, S. W. variance, is the corrected variance, ie the rxy variance
13. 63 0,579
minus the sampling error variance. Variance in
population correlation can be calculated using equation
b) Variance rxy (σ2r): Variance rxy or σ2r is (6).
calculated using equation 4 below.
σ2ς = σ2r - σ2e (6)

 2r = 
[ N i x (ri − r ) ] So that in this meta-analysis study can be calculated:
 Ni 4) σ2ς = σ2r - σ2e
σ2ς = 0,056 – 0,00474 = 0,05096
The results of the rxy variance calculation are
presented in Table 4. Based on Table 4, it is known that e) Confidence interval: If the correlation of the
the rxy or σ2r variance is 0.056. population after being corrected by the number of
samples (ř) has a normal distribution, then the
c) Variance of sampling error: The rxy variance of confidence interval can be calculated by the equation (7)
0.056 is a mixture of two things, namely variations in and (8).
population correlations and variations in sample
correlations produced by sampling errors. Estimation of
variance in population correlations can be obtained only p = ř ± 1,96 x  2r (7)
by correcting the rxy variance observed for sampling
So, the confidence interval can be calculated:
errors [19]. The sampling error variance can be
calculated using the following equation: = 0,519 ± 1,96 x 0,056
= 0,519 ± 0,464 = 0,056 < ř < 0,981
(1 − r 2 ) 2 f) Impact of sampling error: The impact of
 e=

sampling error (ψ) can be known by using the equation
( N − 1) (5)(9).

Based on the value of ř obtained and the average  2e

number of samples Ň available, then the sampling error ψ= x 100% (8)
 2r
variance in this meta-analysis study:
σ2e = (1-0,5192)2/(113,692-1)
= 0,534/112,692 = 0,00474 ψ= x 100% = 8,512%

Another error factor is determined as follows:

ω = (100 - ψ)% = 91,488%

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299


No. Author N rxy (ri) (rxy – ř) (rxy – ř)2 N(rxy – ř)2
1. Atep Yogaswara, Nanang Fattah, & Udin Saefudin Sa'ud [6] 128 0,472 -0,047 0,002 0,283
2. Basilius Redan Werang [7] 56 0,621 0,102 0,010 0,580
3. Bersita Ginting [8] 77 0,719 0,200 0,040 3,080
4. Eko Djatmiko [9] 230 0,764 0,245 0,060 13,828
5. Engkay Karweti [10] 67 0,288 -0,231 0,053 3,575
6. Gede Widiasa [11] 102 0,528 0,009 0,000 0,008
7. Hamzah Yunus [12] 115 0,873 0,354 0,126 14,444
8. I Wayan Rija Suantara [13] 68 0,574 0,055 0,003 0,206
9. Nurhizrah Gistituati, & Jafridin [14] 79 0,181 -0,338 0,114 9,041
10. Sri Sukiyasto [15] 100 0,769 0,250 0,062 6,231
11. Sudarmiani [16] 90 0,424 -0,095 0,009 0,812
12. Sulistyorini [17] 303 0,204 -0,315 0,099 30,017
13. Suprihatmi, S. W. [18] 63 0,579 0,060 0,004 0,227
Total 1478 Total 82,332
Mean 113,692 σ2r 0,056
SD 72,556 SD 8,772

g) Analysis of measurement error correction: After on a phenomenon of problematic. The results of this analysis
searching through Google search engines with the keywords are used as a basis for receiving (supporting) hypotheses or
"Principal Managerial Ability" and "Teacher Performance", even rejecting (aborting) general hypotheses with a larger
obtained 32 full articles that can be downloaded. From further population range, and wider. The results of the meta-analysis in
analysis related to the variables (F, t, r, and N) of the entire this study indicate that the hypothesis that there is a positive
article, only 13 articles which are feasible to be analyzed using correlation between the principal's managerial abilities and
a meta-analysis. Furthermore, these 13 articles did not provide teacher performance is acceptable.
reliability coefficient data for the measurement instruments The managerial ability of the principal includes various
used. Artifact correction other than sampling error is abilities in planning, organizing, mobilizing, and supervising.
correction of measurement error. In studies relating to the In planning activities, the principal must be able to estimate
principal's managerial abilities and teacher performance, all demands and needs, determine goals, establish methods of
are expost facto studies which use a correlational approach. implementation, allocate time, and determine the resources
Since all articles analyzed using meta-analyzes did not provide needed. In organizing activities, the principal conducts the
reliability coefficient values, the measurement error artifact process of determining, grouping, and arranging staff in
corrections were not counted in this meta-analysis study. various activities according to their respective abilities and
abilities to achieve school goals. Furthermore, the principal
B. Results tried to invite all staff to be willing to work by themselves or to
The meta-analysis in this study found that the actual be full of awareness together to achieve the desired goals.
population correlation after being corrected by a sampling error Finally, supervision of the process is carried out as a form of
of 0.519, with the population correlation variance estimated at evaluation. All of these components are an illustration and an
0.05096. Referring to the 95% confidence interval with the indicator of the principal's managerial ability in carrying out
acceptance limit between 0.056 <ř <0.981, this value is their duties and responsibilities [1, 7].
included in the interval boundary area to be received. Based on The implementation of all of the management functions
these results, it can be concluded that the hypothesis that there mentioned above is basically aimed at achieving school goals
is a positive correlation between the principal's managerial that have an impact on the quality of learning. But to achieve
abilities and teacher performance is acceptable. this, it is very much determined by the performance of the
Other aspects that need to be considered and studied further teacher in each subject that carries out the learning process
in a meta-analysis of managerial abilities of principals and directly to students. Teacher performance is a factor that
teacher performance are errors in sampling. Based on the greatly determines the achievement of school goals.
calculation, the results show that the sampling error variance Teacher performance in the implementation of learning
value is 0.00474, and the population correlation variance is assignments includes the planning of learning programs, the
0.056. From the comparison of the second value of the implementation of teaching and learning processes, and
variance, it was found that the impact of sampling error was assessment of learning outcomes. In planning learning, the
8.512%, with another error factor that had not been specified at teacher must be able to identify the needs of students,
91.488%. formulate basic competencies, and develop learning programs.
In the process of implementing learning, the teacher's most
C. Discussion important task is to condition the environment so as to support
Basically, the purpose of conducting a meta-analysis is to changes in behavior for students, which includes three things,
examine data derived from a set of primary studies that focus namely: pre-test, competence formation, and post-test.
Whereas in the assessment of learning outcomes can be done

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299

with class assessment, basic ability tests, final assessment of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
education units and certification, benchmarking, and program oriented schools. The specific purpose of the existence of
assessment [12, 20, 21]. technical schools or vocational high schools certainly requires
a special managerial touch as well. Thus, the correlation
The implementation of improving teacher performance in inference of managerial skills of technical school and/or
the learning process is very dependent on the ability of the vocational school principals with teacher performance can later
principal in managing all the processes and activities in be used as a reference for schools in taking on the role of
carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the teacher. facing the globalization era.
Between the principal's managerial abilities and the teacher's
performance in the learning process has a very close The researchers would like to thank the Rector of UNIMA
relationship in the context of achieving school goals. The who had the pleasure to fully finance this research.
principal will not be able to carry out his managerial duties
without receiving the full support and participation of the REFERENCES
teacher. On the contrary, the teacher will not be able to develop
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