Select one:
a. two layers
b. four layers
c. three layers
d. one layer
Select one:
Select one:
a. output
b. error
c. prediction
d. data
a. Hyperbolic tanget
b. Linear
c. Sigmoid
d. Rectified linear unit
a. Batch normalization
b. Early stopping
c. Xavier initialization
d. Dropout
6. Which of the following statements are True about convolutional layer.
Select one:
Select one:
Select one:
a. In transfer learning, a model is trained on one kind of problem, and then used on a different
but related problem
b. Transfer learning is to keep the later layers of a pre-trained network, and re-train the early
layers for a specific application
c. Transfer learning allows developers to circumvent the need for lots of new data
d. Transfer learning decreases the training time for a neural network model.
a. AlexNet
b. VGG
c. GoogleNet
d. ResNet