*1.Location:originate from the root of cecum; three colonic bands converge at the base.(imp during
surgery to identify the appendix
*2.Mc Burney’s point : lateral one-third on the way from the right iliac anterior superior spine to
the umbilicus
3.Lenz point:Right and middle 1/3 from right iliac anterior superior spine to the left anterior
superior spine
4.Morris point:Crossing point of two line- the line from right iliac anterior superior spine to the
umbilicus and the Lateral border of rectus abdominus
*5.Common positions of appendix
anterior ileum appendix ;
posterior ileum appendix
pelvic appendix;
posterior cecum appendix ;
inferior cecum appendix
6.Blood supply & nerve innervation
Appendiceal mesenterium contains A. V. N. L.
• appendix artery: a final artery from ileocolic artery (*impaired blood supply results in
• appendix vein: portal vein (*if there is appendix inflammation, it can cause pylephlebitis
and hepatic abcesses)
• sympathetic nerve : celiac plexus and lesser splanchnic nerve *T10,T11(referred pain
around umbilicus and epigastrium)
6.Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdomen.
anatomy :worm-shaped, narrow, plenty of lymph glands
mechanical reason: fecalith, food residue, ascarid, tumor, etc.
*Bacteria invasion: all kinds of G- bacillus and anaerobe.
Acute simple appendicitis(early stage;canbe treated with antibiotics or surgery without any
Acute purulent appendicitis(inflammation severe, cannot be cured with antibiotics,localized
peritonitis,post operative complications are more-infection of incision,fistula formation)
Perforation and gangrenous appendicitis
Periappendiceal abscess(when there is inflammation greater omentum moves towards the
appendix and wraps around it forming a mass)
Inflammation disappear
Inflammation localized: periappendiceal abscess
Inflammation diffused: diffused peritonitis, purulent pylephlebitis, infection shock
*Symptoms :
Abdominal pain :Periumbilical or epigastric pain that migrates to right lower abdomen. Pain
becomes persistent and well localized. It worsens with moving,breathing deeply, coughing,
sneezing, walking, or being touched.
Gastrointestinal symptoms: anorexia, nausea, and vomiting occur after the onset of pain;
constipation; diarrhea; bladder and rectum stimulus symptoms (tenesmus)
General symptoms : tired ,headache, fever, rapid pulse, SIRS (systemic inflammatory
response syndrome)
*Signs :
Tenderness at the right lower abdomen (Mc Burney’s point)
Peritoneal irritation sign :
muscular rigidity
rebound tenderness (Blumberg sign)
bowel sounds disappear
*Rovsing’s sign: pain at the right lower quadrant upon palpation of the left lower quadrant.
*Psoas sign : pain on active elevation of the right legs
*Obturator sign: pain at internal and external rotation of the right hip.
Right lower abdominal mass
Lab test
Blood routine: mildly to moderately elevated WBC with nuclear left shift ,
Urine routine: a few RBCs or WBCs
pregnancy test (β-HCG)
Imaging examination:Ultrasound; X-ray; CT.
*E.DIAGNOSIS: Key points-
Migrating right lower abdominal pain
Tenderness at Mc Burney’s point.
Elevated WBCs
Two types : A:required surgery
B:not required surgery
*A: Required surgery:
Perforation of gastointestinal tract---- ulcer, tumor, diverticulitis
Obstetrics and gynecologic disease---- ectopic pregnancy, ovarian torsion
B: Not required surgery
Pelvic inflammation
Mesenteric adenitis: enlarged lymph nodes in the mesentery
Viral & bacterial gastroenteritis
Pneumonia, pleurisy
** (1)Early operation: surgical removal (appendectomy)
Acute simple appendicitis: appendectomy
Acute purulent and gangrenous appendicitis: appendectomy and/or drainage
Appendiceal abscess:
if localised at right lower quadrant: antibiotic therapy and general treatment
if infection diffused: incision and drainage
i. Incision : generally at McBurny point----McBurney’s incision(oblique); or transverse skin
incision; 3—6cm long
The colonic bands are followed to the base of the appendix
Mesoappendix is divided between clamps and ligated
The base of appendix is ligated at 0.5cm from cecum and inverted using a purse-string
iii.Laparoscopy appendectomy
iv.Suspected case: not definite.
Admit the patient to the hospital for further observation 12-24hrs
exploration incision: right rectus abdominis incision
* * (2)Antibiotic thearpy:
Acute simple appendicitis with contraindication of operation
Appendiceal abscess- Broadspectrum antibiotics: 3rd generation cephalosporin(gram
negative bacillus )+metronidazole (anaerobe )
Complication of acute appendicitis:
• Abdomen abscess
• Inter or extra fistula
• Pylephlebitis
Complication of appendectomy:
• Incision infection
• Peritonitis and abdomen abscess
• Bleeding
• Stool fistula
• Stump infection
• Adhesive intestinal obstruction