Coud Computing
Coud Computing
Coud Computing
The NIST model originally did not require a cloud to use virtualization to pool resources, nor did
it absolutely require that a cloud support multi-tenancy in the earliest definitions of cloud
computing. Multi-tenancy is the sharing of resources among two or more clients. The latest
version of the NIST definition does require that cloud computing networks use virtualization and
support multi-tenancy.
Because cloud computing is moving toward a set of modular interacting components based on
standards such as the Service Oriented Architecture (described in Chapter 13), you might expect
that future versions of the NIST model may add those features as well. The NIST cloud model
doesn't address a number of intermediary services such as transaction or service brokers,
provisioning, integration, and interoperability services that form the basis for many cloud
computing discussions. Given the emerging roles of service buses, brokers, and cloud APIs at
various levels, undoubtedly these elements need to be added to capture the whole story.
1. On-demand self-service: A client can provision computer resources without the need for
interaction with cloud service provider personnel.
2. Broad network access: Access to resources in the cloud is available over the network using
standard methods in a manner that provides platform-independent access to clients of all
types. This includes a mixture of heterogeneous operating systems, and thick and thin
platforms such as laptops, mobile phones, and PDA.
3. Resource pooling: A cloud service provider creates resources that are pooled together in a
system that supports multi-tenant usage. Physical and virtual systems are dynamically
allocated or reallocated as needed. Intrinsic in this concept of pooling is the idea of
abstraction that hides the location of resources such as virtual machines, processing, memory,
storage, and network bandwidth and connectivity.
4. Rapid elasticity: Resources can be rapidly and elastically provisioned. The system can add
resources by either scaling up systems (more powerful computers) or scaling out systems
(more computers of the same kind), and scaling may be automatic or manual. From the
standpoint of the client, cloud computing resources should look limitless and can be
purchased at any time and in any quantity.
5. Measured service: The use of cloud system resources is measured, audited, and reported to
the customer based on a metered system.
A client can be charged based on a known metric such as amount of storage used, number of
transactions, network I/O (Input/output) or bandwidth, amount of processing power used, and so
forth. A client is charged based on the level of services provided.
Multi-tenancy is an architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves
multiple customers. Each customer is called a tenant. Tenants may be given the ability to
customize some parts of the application, such as color of the user interface (UI) or business rules,
but they cannot customize the application's code.
Multi-tenancy can be economical because software development and maintenance costs are
shared. It can be contrasted with single-tenancy, an architecture in which each customer has their
own software instance and may be given access to code. With a multi-tenancy architecture, the
provider only has to make updates once. With a single-tenancy architecture, the provider has to
touch multiple instances of the software in order to make updates.
In cloud computing, the meaning of multi-tenancy architecture has broadened because of new
service models that take advantage of virtualization and remote access. A software-as-a-service
(SaaS) provider, for example, can run one instance of its application on one instance of a
database and provide web access to multiple customers. In such a scenario, each tenant's data is
isolated and remains invisible to other tenants.
Whether an IT organization is going with public or private clouds, it's important to understand
the nuances of multi-tenant architecture. For public clouds, IT managers need to understand the
degree of multi-tenancy supported by whichever vendor they are looking at. For private clouds,
the entire responsibility of designing a multi-tenant architecture rests with the IT managers.
FIGURE.1.5. Different IT workloads can be distributed differently across public and private
1.5.1 Multi-tenancy defined
A tenant is any application -- either inside or outside the enterprise -- that needs its own secure
and exclusive virtual computing environment. This environment can encompass all or some
select layers of enterprise architecture, from storage to user interface. All interactive applications
(or tenants) have to be multi-user in nature.
A departmental application that processes sensitive financial data within the private cloud of an
enterprise is as much a "tenant" as a global marketing application that publishes product
catalogson a public cloud. They both have the same tenancy requirements, regardless of the fact
that one has internal co-tenants and the other has external.
Multi-tenancy is the key common attribute of both public and private clouds, and it applies to all
three layers of a cloud: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
Most people point to the IaaS layer alone when they talk about clouds. Even so, architecturally,
both public and private IaaSes go beyond tactical features such as virtualization, and head
towards implementing the concept of IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS) through billing -- or chargeback in
the case of private clouds -- based on metered usage. An IaaS also features improved
accountability using service-level-agreements (SLAs), identity management for secured access,
fault tolerance, disaster recovery, dynamic procurement and other key properties.
By incorporating these shared services at the infrastructure layer, all clouds automatically
become multi-tenant, to a degree. But multi-tenancy in clouds has to go beyond the IaaS layer, to
include the PaaS layer (application servers, Java Virtual Machines, etc.) and ultimately to the
SaaS or application layer (database, business logic, work flow and user interface). Only then can
tenants can enjoy the full spectrum of common services from a cloud -- starting at the hardware
layer and going all the way up to the user-interface layer, depending on the degree of multi-
tenancy offered by the cloud.
3. Lowest degree: IaaS and PaaS are multi-tenant. SaaS is single tenant.
For example,, at the relatively high end of the multi-tenancy spectrum, has
72,500 customers who are supported by 8 to 12 multi-tenant instances (meaning IaaS/PaaS
instances) in a 1:5000 ratio. In other words, each multi-tenant instance supports 5,000 tenants
who share the same database schema. Intact, a financial systems SaaS provider in the middle of
the spectrum, has more than 2,500 customers who share 10 instances in a 1:250 ratio.
Private clouds, and offerings such as SAP's Business By Design (due this summer), would be at
the lowest end of the spectrum of multi-tenancy, with application layers that are dedicated and
are more suited for specific large enterprise customers.
The Jericho Forum has identified 4 criteria to differentiate cloud formations from each otherand
the manner of their provision. The Cloud Cube Model summarises these 4 dimensions.
While the underlying intent remains the same, an added distinction in describing
Deperimeterised cloud usage arises in that the detailed description changes based on the level of
abstraction at which you choose to operate. At the heart of all cloud forms is the concept of
abstraction. Cloud models separate one layer of business from another, e.g. process from
software, platform from infrastructure, etc. We show an example model here with four levels of
abstraction; we can expect other models identifying different layers and abstraction levels to
emerge to suit different business needs. Most cloud computing activities today are occurring at
the lower layers of the stack, so today we have more maturity at the lower level.
1.7.5 Company Size and the Economic Costs and Benefits of Cloud Computing
The economic costs or benefits of implementing cloud services vary depending upon the size of
the enterprise and its existing IT resources/overheads including legacy data center infrastructure,
computer hardware, legacy software, maturity of internal processes, IT staffing and technical
skill base. These determine the strategic costs and benefits that accrue to individuals and
corporations depending upon their relative size.
In the past, large corporations have had an advantage over small corporations in their access to
capital and their ability to leverage their existing human, software, and hardware resources to
support new marketing and strategic initiatives. However, since the advent of cloud computing,
the barriers to entry for a particular market or market segment for a startup company have been
dramatically reduced and cloud computing may have tipped the balance of strategic advantage
away from the large established corporations towards much more nimble small or startup
companies. A small, dedicated, and talented team of individuals can now pool their individual
talents to address a perceived market need without an immediate need for a venture capital funds
to provide the necessary IT infrastructure. There are a number of cloud providers who provide
software development environments that include the requisite software development tools, code
repositories, test environments, and access to a highly scalable production environment on pay-
as-you-go basis.
Also contributing to this trend is the open-source movement. While licensing issues, support, and
feature considerations may dissuade larger enterprises from using open source software in the
development and deployment of their proprietary products, the availability of open source
software in nearly every software category has been a boon to SMEs, the self-employed, and
As these small companies grow into midsize and large companies they face changing cost
equations that modify the relative costs and benefits of cloud computing. For instance, at certain
data traffic volumes the marginal costs of operating on a cloud provider’s infrastructure may
become more expensive than providing the necessary IT infrastructure in-house. At that point,
there may be advantages of a mixed-use strategy in which some of the applications and services
are brought in-house and others continue to be hosted in the cloud. The following tables will
identify the differences that SMEs and large enterprises face in both the benefits and costs of
cloud services.
2.1.1 Hypervisor
The hypervisor is a firmware or low-level program that acts as a Virtual Machine Manager.
There are two types of hypervisor:
1. Type 1 hypervisor executes on bare system. LynxSecure, RTS Hypervisor, Oracle VM, Sun
xVM Server, VirtualLogic VLX are examples of Type 1 hypervisor. The following diagram
shows the Type 1 hypervisor. The type1 hypervisor does not have any host operating system
because they are installed on a bare system.
FIGURE.2.1. Type 1 hypervisor
2. Type 2 hypervisor is a software interface that emulates the devices with which a system
normally interacts. Containers, KVM, Microsoft Hyper V, VMware Fusion, Virtual Server
2005 R2, Windows Virtual PC and VMware workstation 6.0 are examples of Type 2
hypervisor. The following diagram shows the Type 2 hypervisor.
3. Para virtualization
B. I/O redirection
The virtualization software or device uses the meta-data to re-direct I/O requests. It will receive
an incoming I/O request containing information about the location of the data in terms of the
logical disk (vdisk) and translates this into a new I/O request to the physical disk location.
For example, the virtualization device may:
1. Receive a read request for vdisk LUN ID=1, LBA=32
2. Perform a meta-data look up for LUN ID=1, LBA=32, and finds this maps to physical
5. Sends the data back to the originator as if it had come from vdisk LUN ID=1, LBA32
C. Capabilities
Most implementations allow for heterogeneous management of multi-vendor storage devices
within the scope of a given implementation's support matrix. This means that the following
capabilities are not limited to a single vendor's device (as with similar capabilities provided by
specific storage controllers) and are in fact possible across different vendors' devices.
D. Replication
Data replication techniques are not limited to virtualization appliances and as such are not
described here in detail. However most implementations will provide some or all of these
replication services.
When storage is virtualized, replication services must be implemented above the software or
device that is performing the virtualization. This is true because it is only above the virtualization
layer that a true and consistent image of the logical disk (vdisk) can be copied. This limits the
services that some implementations can implement – or makes them seriously difficult to
implement. If the virtualization is implemented in the network or higher, this renders any
replication services provided by the underlying storage controllers useless.
1. Remote data replication for disaster recovery
1.1. Synchronous Mirroring – where I/O completion is only returned when the remote site
acknowledges the completion. Applicable for shorter distances (<200 km)
1.2. Asynchronous Mirroring – where I/O completion is returned before the remote site has
acknowledged the completion. Applicable for much greater distances (>200 km)
2. Point-In-Time Snapshots to copy or clone data for diverse uses
1.1. When combined with thin provisioning, enables space-efficient snapshots
E. Pooling
The physical storage resources are aggregated into storage pools, from which the logical storage
is created. More storage systems, which may be heterogeneous in nature, can be added as and
when needed, and the virtual storage space will scale up by the same amount. This process is
fully transparent to the applications using the storage infrastructure.
F. Disk management
The software or device providing storage virtualization becomes a common disk manager in the
virtualized environment. Logical disks (vdisks) are created by the virtualization software or
device and are mapped (made visible) to the required host or server, thus providing a common
place or way for managing all volumes in the environment.
Enhanced features are easy to provide in this environment:
1. Thin Provisioning to maximize storage utilization
1.1. This is relatively easy to implement as physical storage is only allocated in the mapping
table when it is used.
2. Disk expansion and shrinking
1.1. More physical storage can be allocated by adding to the mapping table (assuming the using
system can cope with online expansion)
1.2. Similarly disks can be reduced in size by removing some physical storage from the
mapping (uses for this are limited as there is no guarantee of what resides on the areas removed) Benefits
A. Non-disruptive data migration
One of the major benefits of abstracting the host or server from the actual storage is the ability
to migrate data while maintaining concurrent I/O access.
The host only knows about the logical disk (the mapped LUN) and so any changes to the meta-
data mapping is transparent to the host. This means the actual data can be moved or replicated to
another physical location without affecting the operation of any client. When the data has been
copied or moved, the meta-data can simply be updated to point to the new location, therefore
freeing up the physical storage at the old location.
The process of moving the physical location is known as data migration. Most implementations
allow for this to be done in a non-disruptive manner that is concurrently while the host continues
to perform I/O to the logical disk (or LUN).
The mapping granularity dictates how quickly the meta-data can be updated, how much extra
capacity is required during the migration, and how quickly the previous location is marked as
free. The smaller the granularity the faster the update, less space required and quicker the old
storage can be freed up.
There are many day to day tasks a storage administrator has to perform that can be simply and
concurrently performed using data migration techniques.
1. Moving data off an over-utilized storage device.
2. Moving data onto a faster storage device as needs require
B. Improved utilization
Utilization can be increased by virtue of the pooling, migration, and thin provisioning services.
This allows users to avoid over-buying and over-provisioning storage solutions. In other words,
this kind of utilization through a shared pool of storage can be easily and quickly allocated as it
is needed to avoid constraints on storage capacity that often hinder application performance.
When all available storage capacity is pooled, system administrators no longer have to search for
disks that have free space to allocate to a particular host or server. A new logical disk can be
simply allocated from the available pool, or an existing disk can be expanded.
Pooling also means that all the available storage capacity can potentially be used. In a traditional
environment, an entire disk would be mapped to a host. This may be larger than is required, thus
wasting space. In a virtual environment, the logical disk (LUN) is assigned the capacity required
by the using host.
Storage can be assigned where it is needed at that point in time, reducing the need to guess how
much a given host will need in the future. Using Thin Provisioning, the administrator can create
a very large thin provisioned logical disk, thus the using system thinks it has a very large disk
from day one.
C. Fewer points of management
With storage virtualization, multiple independent storage devices, even if scattered across a
network, appear to be a single monolithic storage device and can be managed centrally.
However, traditional storage controller management is still required. That is, the creation and
maintenance of RAID arrays, including error and fault management.
D. Risks
i. Backing out a failed implementation
Once the abstraction layer is in place, only the virtualizer knows where the data actually resides
on the physical medium. Backing out of a virtual storage environment therefore requires the
reconstruction of the logical disks as contiguous disks that can be used in a traditional manner.
Most implementations will provide some form of back-out procedure and with the data migration
services it is at least possible, but time consuming.
ii. Interoperability and vendor support
Interoperability is a key enabler to any virtualization software or device. It applies to the actual
physical storage controllers and the hosts, their operating systems, multi-pathing software and
connectivity hardware.
Interoperability requirements differ based on the implementation chosen. For example,
virtualization implemented within a storage controller adds no extra overhead to host based
interoperability, but will require additional support of other storage controllers if they are to be
virtualized by the same software. Switch based virtualization may not require specific host
interoperability — if it uses packet cracking techniques to redirect the I/O. Network based
appliances have the highest level of interoperability requirements as they have to interoperate
with all devices, storage and hosts.
iii. Complexity
Complexity affects several areas :
1. Management of environment: Although a virtual storage infrastructure benefits from a single
point of logical disk and replication service management, the physical storage must still be
managed. Problem determination and fault isolation can also become complex, due to the
abstraction layer.
2. Infrastructure design: Traditional design ethics may no longer apply, virtualization brings a
whole range of new ideas and concepts to think about (as detailed here)
3. The software or device itself: Some implementations are more complex to design and code –
network based, especially in-band (symmetric) designs in particular — these
implementations actually handle the I/O requests and so latency becomes an issue.
E. Meta-data management
Information is one of the most valuable assets in today's business environments. Once
virtualized, the meta-data are the glue in the middle. If the meta-data are lost, so is all the actual
data as it would be virtually impossible to reconstruct the logical drives without the mapping
information. Any implementation must ensure its protection with appropriate levels of back-ups
and replicas. It is important to be able to reconstruct the meta-data in the event of a catastrophic
The meta-data management also has implications on performance. Any virtualization software or
device must be able to keep all the copies of the meta-data atomic and quickly updateable. Some
implementations restrict the ability to provide certain fast update functions, such as point-in-time
copies and caching where super fast updates are required to ensure minimal latency to the actual
I/O being performed.
F. Performance and scalability
In some implementations the performance of the physical storage can actually be improved,
mainly due to caching. Caching however requires the visibility of the data contained within the
I/O request and so is limited to in-band and symmetric virtualization software and devices.
However these implementations also directly influence the latency of an I/O request (cache
miss), due to the I/O having to flow through the software or device. Assuming the software or
device is efficiently designed this impact should be minimal when compared with the latency
associated with physical disk accesses.
Due to the nature of virtualization, the mapping of logical to physical requires some processing
power and lookup tables. Therefore, every implementation will add some small amount of
In addition to response time concerns, throughput has to be considered. The bandwidth into and
out of the meta-data lookup software directly impacts the available system bandwidth. In
asymmetric implementations, where the meta-data lookup occurs before the information is read
or written, bandwidth is less of a concern as the meta-data are a tiny fraction of the actual I/O
size. In-band, symmetric flow through designs are directly limited by their processing power and
connectivity bandwidths.
Most implementations provide some form of scale-out model, where the inclusion of additional
software or device instances provides increased scalability and potentially increased bandwidth.
The performance and scalability characteristics are directly influenced by the chosen
G. Implementation approaches
1. Host-based
2. Storage device-based
3. Network-based
Host-based virtualization requires additional software running on the host, as a privileged task or
process. In some cases volume management is built into the operating system, and in other
instances it is offered as a separate product. Volumes (LUN's) presented to the host system are
handled by a traditional physical device driver. However, a software layer (the volume manager)
resides above the disk device driver intercepts the I/O requests, and provides the meta-data
lookup and I/O mapping.
Most modern operating systems have some form of logical volume management built-in (in
Linux called Logical Volume Manager or LVM; in Solaris and FreeBSD, ZFS's zpool layer; in
Windows called Logical Disk Manager or LDM), that performs virtualization tasks.
Note: Host based volume managers were in use long before the term storage virtualization had
been coined.
1. Simple to design and code
2. Supports any storage type
3. Improves storage utilization without thin provisioning restrictions
1. Storage utilization optimized only on a per host basis
2. Replication and data migration only possible locally to that host
3. Software is unique to each operating system
4. No easy way of keeping host instances in sync with other instances
5. Traditional Data Recovery following a server disk drive crash is impossible
Specific examples
1. Logical volume management
2. File systems, e.g., (hard links, SMB/NFS)
3. Automatic mounting
Storage device-based
Like host-based virtualization, several categories have existed for years and have only recently
been classified as virtualization. Simple data storage devices, like single hard disk drives, do not
provide any virtualization. But even the simplest disk arrays provide a logical to physical
abstraction, as they use RAID schemes to join multiple disks in a single array (and possibly later
divide the array it into smaller volumes).
Advanced disk arrays often feature cloning, snapshots and remote replication. Generally these
devices do not provide the benefits of data migration or replication across heterogeneous storage,
as each vendor tends to use their own proprietary protocols.
A new breed of disk array controllers allows the downstream attachment of other storage
devices. For the purposes of this article we will only discuss the later style which do actually
virtualized other storage devices.
A primary storage controller provides the services and allows the direct attachment of other
storage controllers. Depending on the implementation these may be from the same or different
The primary controller will provide the pooling and meta-data management services. It may also
provide replication and migration services across those controllers which it is .
1. No additional hardware or infrastructure requirements
2. Provides most of the benefits of storage virtualization
3. Does not add latency to individual I/Os
1. Storage utilization optimized only across the connected controllers
2. Replication and data migration only possible across the connected controllers and same
vendors device for long distance support
3. Downstream controller attachment limited to vendors support matrix
4. I/O Latency, non cache hits require the primary storage controller to issue a secondary
downstream I/O request
5. Increase in storage infrastructure resource, the primary storage controller requires the
same bandwidth as the secondary storage controllers to maintain the same throughput.
Storage virtualization operating on a network based device (typically a standard server or smart
switch) and using iSCSI or FC Fibre channel networks to connect as a SAN. These types of
devices are the most commonly available and implemented form of virtualization.
The virtualization device sits in the SAN and provides the layer of abstraction between the hosts
performing the I/O and the storage controllers providing the storage capacity.
1. True heterogeneous storage virtualization
2. Caching of data (performance benefit) is possible when in-band
3. Single management interface for all virtualized storage
4. Replication services across heterogeneous devices
1. Complex interoperability matrices – limited by vendors support
2. Difficult to implement fast meta-data updates in switched-based devices
3. Out-of-band requires specific host based software
4. In-band may add latency to I/O
5. In-band the most complicated to design and code
2.5.1 Component
Various equipment and software vendors offer network virtualization by combining any of the
1. Network hardware, such as switches and network adapters, also known as network interface
cards (NICs)
2. ork elements, such as firewalls and load balancers
3. Networks, such as virtual LANs (VLANs) and containers such as virtual machines (VMs)
4. Network storage devices
5. Network machine-to-machine elements, such as telecommunications devices
6. Network mobile elements, such as laptop computers, tablet computers, and smart phones
7. Network media, such as Ethernet and Fibre Channel.
2.9 KVM
KVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86
hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V). It consists of a loadable
kernel module, kvm.ko, that provides the core virtualization infrastructure and a processor
specific module, kvm-intel.ko or kvm-amd.ko. Using KVM, one can run multiple virtual
machines running unmodified Linux or Windows images. Each virtual machine has private
virtualized hardware: a network card, disk, graphics adapter, etc. KVM is open source software.
The kernel component of KVM is included in mainline Linux, as of 2.6.20. The userspace
component of KVM is included in mainline QEMU.
2.9.1 The Virtualization component with KVM
On Linux, QEMU versions 0.10.1 and later is one such userspace host. QEMU uses KVM when
available to virtualized guests at near-native speeds, but otherwise falls back to software-only
emulation. Internally, KVM uses SeaBIOS as an open source implementation of a 16-bit
x86 BIOS.
FIGURE.2.10. Internals of KVM
kvm-unit-tests is a project as old as KVM. As its name suggests, it's purpose is to provide unit
tests for KVM. The unit tests are tiny guest operating systems that generally execute only tens of
lines of C and assembler test code in order to obtain its PASS/FAIL result. Unit tests provide
KVM and virt hardware functional testing by targeting the features through minimal
implementations of their use per the hardware specification. The simplicity of unit tests make
them easy to verify they are correct, easy to maintain, and easy to use in timing measurements.
Unit tests are also often used for quick and dirty bug reproducers. The reproducers may then be
kept as regression tests. It's strongly encouraged that patches implementing new KVM features
are submitted with accompanying unit tests.
While a single unit test is focused on a single feature, all unit tests share the minimal system
initialization and setup code. There are also several functions made shareable across all unit tests,
comprising a unit test API. The setup code and API implementation are briefly described in the
next section, "Framework". We then describe testdevs in the "Testdevs"section, which are
extensions to KVM's userspace that provide special support for unit tests. Section "API" lists the
subsystems, e.g. MMU, SMP, which the API covers, along with a few descriptions of what the
API supports. It specifically avoids listing any actual function declarations though, as those may
change (use the source Luke!). The "Running tests"section gives all the details necessary to build
and run tests, and section "Adding a test" provides an example of adding a test. Finally
section "Contributing" explains where and how to submit patches.
2.9.3 Framework
The kvm-unit-tests framework supports multiple architectures; currently i386, x86_64, armv7
(arm), armv8 (arm64), ppc64, and ppc64le. The framework makes sharing code between similar
architectures, e.g. arm and arm64, easier by adopting Linux's configured asm symlink. With the
asm symlink each architecture gets its own copy of the headers, but then may opt to share the
same code.
The framework has the following components: Test building support
Test building is done through make files and some supporting bash scripts. Shared code for test setup and API
Test setup code includes, for example, early system init, MMU enablement, and UART init. The
API provides some common libc functions, e.g. strcpy, atol, malloc, printf, as well as some low-
level helper functions commonly seen in kernel code, e.g. irq_enable/disable(), barrier(), and
some kvm-unit-tests specific API for, e.g., installing exception handlers and reporting test
success/failure. Test running support
Test running is provided with a few bash scripts, using a unit tests configuration file as input.
Generally tests are run from within the source root directory using the supporting scripts, but tests
may optionally be built as standalone tests as well. More information about the standalone
building and running is in the section "Running tests".
2.9.4 API
There are three API categories in kvm-unit-tests 1) libc, 2) functions typical of kernel code, and
3) kvm-unit-tests specific. Very little libc has been implemented, but some of the most
commonly used functions, such as strcpy, memset, malloc, printf, assert, exit, and others are
available. To give an overview of (2), it's best to break them down by subsystem.
2.9.6 Vectors
Functions to install exception handlers. On ARM a default register-dumping handler is installed
during system init before the unit test starts.
2.9.7 Memory
Functions for memory allocation. Free memory is prepared for allocation during system init
before the unit test starts. Functions for MMU enable/disable, TLB flushing, PTE setting, etc.
2.9.8 SMP
Functions to boot secondaries, iterate online cpus, etc.
Barriers, spinlocks, atomic ops, cpumasks, etc.
2.9.9 I/O
1. Output messages to the UART. The UART is initialized during system init before the unit
test starts.
2. Functions to read/write MMIO
3. Functions to read/write I/O ports (x86-only)
4. Functions for accessing PCI devices (Currently x86-only)
2.9.10 Power management
PSCI (ARM-only)
RTAS (PowerPC-only)
2.9.12 Virtio
Buffer sending support (Currently virtio-mmio only)
2.9.13 Misc
Special register accessorsSwitch to user mode supportLinux's asm-offsets generation, which can
be used for structures that need to be accessed from assembly.Note, many of the names for the
functions implementing the above are kvm-unit-tests specific, making them also part of the kvm-
unit-tests specific API. However, at least for ARM, any function that implements something for
which the Linux kernel already has a function, then we use the same name (and exact same type
signature, if possible). The kvm-unit-tests specific API also includes some testing specific
functions, such as report() and report_summary(). The report* functions should be used to report
PASS/FAIL results of the tests, and the overall test result summary.
2.10 Xen
2.10.1 What is the Xen Project Hypervisor?
The Xen Project hypervisor is an open-source type-1 or baremetal hypervisor, which makes it
possible to run many instances of an operating system or indeed different operating systems in
parallel on a single machine (or host). The Xen Project hypervisor is the only type-1 hypervisor
that is available as open source. It is used as the basis for a number of different commercial and
open source applications, such as: server virtualization, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),
desktop virtualization, security applications, embedded and hardware appliances. The Xen
Project hypervisor is powering the largest clouds in production today.
Here are some of the Xen Project hypervisor's key features:
1. Small footprint and interface (is around 1MB in size). Because it uses a microkernel design,
with a small memory footprint and limited interface to the guest, it is more robust and secure
than other hypervisors.
2. Operating system agnostic: Most installations run with Linux as the main control stack (aka
"domain 0"). But a number of other operating systems can be used instead, including
NetBSD and OpenSolaris.
3. Driver Isolation: The Xen Project hypervisor has the capability to allow the main device
driver for a system to run inside of a virtual machine. If the driver crashes, or is
compromised, the VM containing the driver can be rebooted and the driver restarted without
affecting the rest of the system.
4. Para virtualization: Fully paravirtualized guests have been optimized to run as a virtual
machine. This allows the guests to run much faster than with hardware extensions (HVM).
Additionally, the hypervisor can run on hardware that doesn't support virtualization
The key aspects of the Xen Project architecture that a user needs to understsand in order to make
the best choices.
1. Guest types: The Xen Project hypervisor can run fully virtualized (HVM) guests, or
paravirtualized (PV) guests.
2. Domain 0: The architecture employs a special domain called domain 0 which contains
drivers for the hardware, as well as the toolstack to control VMs.
3. Toolstack: This section covers various toolstack front-ends available as part of the Xen
Project stack and the implications of using each.
FIGURE.2.12. The evolution of the different virtualization modes in the Xen Project Hypervisor
The hypervisor supports running two different types of guests: Paravirtualization (PV) and Full
or Hardware assisted Virtualization (HVM). Both guest types can be used at the same time on a
single hypervisor. It is also possible to use techniques used for Paravirtualization in an HVM
guest and vice versa: essentially creating a continuum between the capabilities of pure PV and
HVM. We use different abbreviations to refer to these configurations, called HVM with PV
drivers, PVHVM and PVH.
Para virtualization (PV) is an efficient and lightweight virtualization technique originally
introduced by Xen Project, later adopted by other virtualization platforms. PV does not require
virtualization extensions from the host CPU. However, paravirtualized guests require a PV-
enabled kernel and PV drivers, so the guests are aware of the hypervisor and can run efficiently
without emulation or virtual emulated hardware. PV-enabled kernels exist for Linux, NetBSD,
FreeBSD and OpenSolaris. Linux kernels have been PV-enabled from 2.6.24 using the Linux
pvops framework. In practice this means that PV will work with most Linux distributions (with
the exception of very old versions of distros).
Full Virtualization or Hardware-assisted virtualizing (HVM) uses virtualization extensions from
the host CPU to virtualize guests. HVM requires Intel VT or AMD-V hardware extensions. The
Xen Project software uses Qemu to emulate PC hardware, including BIOS, IDE disk controller,
VGA graphic adapter, USB controller, network adapter etc. Virtualization hardware extensions
are used to boost performance of the emulation. Fully virtualized guests do not require any
kernel support. This means that Windows operating systems can be used as a Xen Project HVM
guest. Fully virtualized guests are usually slower than paravirtualized guests, because of the
required emulation.
FIGURE.2.14. Difference between HVM with and without PV and PVHVM drivers
Note that Xen Project PV (paravirtual) guests automatically use PV drivers: there is thus no need
for these drivers - you are already automatically using the optimized drivers. PVHVM drivers are
only required for HVM (fully virtualized) guest VMs.
Xen Project 4.4 introduced a virtualization mode called PVH for DomU's. Xen Project 4.5
introduced PVH for Dom0 (both Linux and some BSD's). This is essentially a PV guest using
PV drivers for boot and I/O. Otherwise it uses HW virtualization extensions, without the need for
emulation. PVH is considered experimental in 4.4 and 4.5. It works pretty well, but additional
tuning is needed (probably in the 4.6 release) before it should be used in production. PVH has
the potential to combine the best trade-offs of all virtualization modes, while simplifying the Xen
FIGURE.2.15. Difference between HVM (and its variants), PV and PVH
In a nutshell, PVH means less code and fewer Interfaces in Linux/FreeBSD: consequently it has
a smaller TCB and attack surface, and thus fewer possible exploits. Once hardened and
optimised, it should It also have better performance and lower latency, in particular on 64 bit
hosts.PVH requires support in the guest operating system and is enabled with pvh=1 in the
configuration file.
1. PVH Guest support is available from Xen 4.4
2. PVH Dom0 support is available from Xen 4.5
we started an initiative to re-architect and simplify the PVH architecture, as the original
implementation has some limitations. This effort has on the development list been dubbed as
HVMLite or PVHv2. From a user's perspective, the PVH re-work will behave as PVH does, but
implementation wise it uses much more of the HVM code execution path rather than the PV
execution path (which is why developers dubbed it HVMLite on the mailing lists and in a few
developer facing presentations). At this stage, we have not decided yet how to call the feature
once it is complete, but most likely we will stick with PVH to avoid confusion, although on the
mailing list you may still see references to HVMLite. Once complete, the original PVH
implementation will still be available for a bit, but will eventually be replaced by the new
2.11 HyperV
The Hyper-V role in Windows Server, practical uses for the role, the most significant new or
updated functionality in this version compared to previous versions of Hyper-V, hardware
requirements, and a list of operating systems (known as guest operating systems) supported for
use in a Hyper-V virtual machine.
A beta version of Hyper-V was shipped with certain x86-64 editions of Windows Server 2008.
The finalized version was released on June 26, 2008 and was delivered throughWindows
Update. Hyper-V has since been released with every version of Windows Server.
Microsoft provides Hyper-V through two channels:
1. Part of Windows: Hyper-V is an optional component of Windows Server 2008 and later. It is
also available in x64 SKUs of Pro and Enterprise editions of Windows 8, Windows
8.1 and Windows 10.
2. Hyper-V Server: It is a freeware edition of Windows Server with limited functionality and
Hyper-V component.
2.11.2 Architecture
Hyper-V implements isolation of virtual machines in terms of a partition. A partition is a logical
unit of isolation, supported by the hypervisor, in which each guest operating system executes. A
hypervisor instance has to have at least one parent partition, running a supported version
of Windows Server (2008 and later). The virtualization stack runs in the parent partition and has
direct access to the hardware devices. The parent partition then creates the child partitions which
host the guest OSs. A parent partition creates child partitions using the hypercall API, which is
the application programming interface exposed by Hyper-V.
A child partition does not have access to the physical processor, nor does it handle its
real interrupts. Instead, it has a virtual view of the processor and runs in Guest Virtual Address,
which, depending on the configuration of the hypervisor, might not necessarily be the
entire virtual address space. Depending on VM configuration, Hyper-V may expose only a
subset of the processors to each partition. The hypervisor handles the interrupts to the processor,
and redirects them to the respective partition using a logical Synthetic Interrupt
Controller (SynIC). Hyper-V can hardware accelerate the address translation of Guest Virtual
Address-spaces by using second level address translation provided by the CPU, referred to
as EPT on Intel and RVI (formerly NPT) on AMD.
Child partitions do not have direct access to hardware resources, but instead have a virtual view
of the resources, in terms of virtual devices. Any request to the virtual devices is redirected via
the VMBus to the devices in the parent partition, which will manage the requests. The VMBus is
a logical channel which enables inter-partition communication. The response is also redirected
via the VMBus. If the devices in the parent partition are also virtual devices, it will be redirected
further until it reaches the parent partition, where it will gain access to the physical devices.
Parent partitions run a Virtualization Service Provider (VSP), which connects to the VMBus and
handles device access requests from child partitions. Child partition virtual devices internally run
a Virtualization Service Client (VSC), which redirect the request to VSPs in the parent partition
via the VMBus. This entire process is transparent to the guest OS.
Virtual devices can also take advantage of a Windows Server Virtualization feature,
named Enlightened I/O, for storage, networking and graphics subsystems, among others.
Enlightened I/O is specialized virtualization-aware implementation of high level communication
protocols like SCSI to take advantage of VMBus directly, that allows bypassing any device
emulation layer. This makes the communication more efficient, but requires the guest OS to
support Enlightened I/O. Currently only the following operating systems support Enlightened
I/O, allowing them therefore to run faster as guest operating systems under Hyper-V than other
operating systems that need to use slower emulated hardware:
4. Windows Server 2008 and later
5. Windows Vista and later
7. FreeBSD
2.11.3 Role and technology description
The Hyper-V role enables you to create and manage a virtualized computing environment by
using virtualization technology that is built in to Windows Server. Installing the Hyper-V role
installs the required components and optionally installs management tools. The required
components include Windows hypervisor, Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management Service, the
virtualization WMI provider, and other virtualization components such as the virtual machine
bus (VMbus), virtualization service provider (VSP) and virtual infrastructure driver (VID).
The management tools for the Hyper-V role consist of:
1. GUI-based management tools: Hyper-V Manager, a Microsoft Management Console
(MMC) snap-in, and Virtual Machine Connection, which provides access to the video
output of a virtual machine so you can interact with the virtual machine.
2. Hyper-V-specific cmdlets for Windows PowerShell. Windows Server 2012 includes a
Hyper-V module, which provides command-line access to all the functionality available
in the GUI, as well functionality not available through the GUI. For more information
about the Hyper-V module, see Hyper-V Module for Windows PowerShell.
If you use Server Manager to install the Hyper-V role, the management tools are included unless
you specifically exclude them. If you use Windows PowerShell to install the Hyper-V role, the
management tools are not included by default. To install the tools, use the parameter –
The Hyper-V technology virtualizes hardware to provide an environment in which you can run
multiple operating systems at the same time on one physical computer. Hyper-V enables you to
create and manage virtual machines and their resources. Each virtual machine is an isolated,
virtualized computer system that can run its own operating system. The operating system that
runs within a virtual machine is called a guest operating system. Federation
All cloud computing providers, regardless of how big they are, have a finite capacity. To grow
beyond this capacity, cloud computing providers should be able to form federations of providers
such that they can collaborate and share their resources. The need for federation-capable cloud
computing offerings is also derived from the industry trend of adopting the cloud computing
internally within companies to create private clouds and then being able to extend these clouds
with resources leased on-demand from public clouds. Any federation of cloud computing
providers should allow virtual application to be deployed across federated sites. Furthermore,
virtual applications need to be completely location free and allowed to migrate in part or as a
whole between sites. At the same time, the security privacy and independence of the federation
members must be maintained to allow competing providers to federate. Independence
Just as in other utilities, where we get service without knowing the internals of the utility
provider and with standard equipment not specific to any provider (e.g., telephones), for cloud
computing services to really fulfil the computing as a utility vision, we need to offer cloud
computing users full independence. Users should be able to use the services of the cloud without
relying on any provider specific tool, and cloud computing providers should be able to manage
their infrastructure without exposing internal details to their customers or partners. As a
consequence of the independence principle, all cloud services need to be encapsulated and
generalized such that users will be able to acquire equivalent virtual resources at different
providers. Isolation
Cloud computing services are, by definition, hosted by a provider that will simultaneously host
applications from many different users. For these users to move their computing into the cloud,
they need warranties from the cloud computing provider that their stuff is completely isolated
from others. Users must be ensured that their resources cannot be accessed by others sharing the
same cloud and that adequate performance isolation is in place to ensure that no other user may
possess the power to directly affect the service granted to their application. Elasticity
One of the main advantages of cloud computing is the capability to provide, or release, resources
on-demand. These “elasticity” capabilities should be enacted automatically by cloud computing
providers to meet demand variations, just as electrical companies are able (under normal
operational circumstances) to automatically deal with variances in electricity consumption levels.
Clearly the behaviour and limits of automatic growth and shrinking should be driven by contracts
and rules agreed on between cloud computing providers and consumers. The ability of users to
grow their applications when facing an increase of real-life demand need to be complemented by
the ability to scale. Cloud computing services as offered by a federation of infrastructure
providers is expected to offer any user application of any size the ability to quickly scale up its
application by unrestricted magnitude and approach Internet scale. At the same time, user
applications should be allowed to scale down facing decreasing demand. Such scalability
although depended on the internals of the user application is prime driver for cloud computing
because it help users to better match expenses with gain. Trust
Probably the most critical issue to address before cloud computing can become the preferred
computing paradigm is that of establishing trust. Mechanisms to build and maintain trust
between cloud computing consumers and cloud computing providers, as well as between cloud
computing providers among themselves, are essential for the success of any cloud computing
The Service Manager is the only component within an IP that interacts with SPs. It
receives Service Manifests, negotiates pricing, and handles billing. Its two most complex tasks
are (1) deploying and provisioning VEEs based on the Service Manifest and (2) monitoring and
enforcing SLA compliance by throttling a service application’s capacity.
The Virtual Execution Environment Manager (VEEM) is responsible for the optimal
placement of VEEs into VEE Hosts subject to constraints determined by the Service Manager.
The continuous optimization process is driven by a site-specific programmable utility function.
The VEEM is free to place and move VEEs anywhere, even on the remote sites (subject to
overall cross-site agreements), as long as the placement satisfies the constraints. Thus, in
addition to serving local requests (from the local Service Manager), VEEM is responsible for the
federation of remote sites.
The Virtual Execution Environment Host (VEEH) is responsible for the basic control
and monitoring of VEEs and their resources (e.g., creating a VEE, allocating additional resources
to a VEE, monitoring a VEE, migrating a VEE, creating a virtual network and storage pool, etc.).
Given that VEEs belonging to the same application may be placed on multiple VEEHs and even
extend beyond the boundaries of a site, VEEHs must support isolated virtual networks that span
VEEHs and sites. Moreover, VEEHs must support transparent VEE migration to any compatible
VEEH within the federated cloud, regardless of site location or network and storage
The layered design stresses the use of standard, open, and generic protocols and interfaces to
support vertical and horizontal interoperability between layers. Different implementations of
each layer will be able to interact with each other. The Service Management Interface (SMI) with
its service manifest exposes a standardized interface into the RESERVOIR cloud for service
providers. The service provider may then choose among RESERVOIR cloud providers, knowing
that they share a common language to express their business requirements. The VEE
Management Interface (VMI) simplifies the introduction of different and independent IT
optimization strategies without disrupting other layers or peer VEEMs. Furthermore, VMI’s
support of VEEM-to-VEEM communication simplifies cloud federation by limiting the
horizontal interoperability to one layer of the stack. The VEE Host Interface (VHI) will support
plugging-in of new virtualization platforms (e.g., hypervisors), without requiring VEEM
recompilation or restart. RESERVOIR’s loosely coupled stack reference architecture should
promote a variety of innovative approaches to support cloud computing.
3.1.3 Features of Federation Types
Federations of clouds may be constructed in various ways, with disparate feature sets offered by
the underlying implementation architecture. This section is devoted to present these
differentiating features. Using these features as a base, a number of federation scenarios are
defined, comprised of subsets of this feature set. The first feature to consider is the framework
agreement support: Framework agreements, as defined in the previous section, may either be
supported by the architecture or not. If framework agreements are not supported, this implies that
federation may only be carried out in a more ad hoc opportunistic manner. Another feature is the
opportunistic placement support. If framework agreements are not supported by the architecture,
or if there is not enough spare capacity even including the framework agreements, a site may
choose to perform opportunistic placement. It is a process where remote sites are queried on-
demand as the need for additional resources arises, and the local site requests a certain SLA-
governed capacity for a given cost from the remote sites.
One interesting feature to take into account is the advance resource reservation support. This
feature may be used both when there is an existing framework agreement and when opportunistic
placement has been performed. Both types of advance reservations are only valid for a certain
time, since they impact the utilization of resources at a site. Because of this impact, they should
be billed as actual usage during the active time interval.
The ability to migrate machines across sites defines the federated migration support. There are
two types of migration: cold and hot (or live). In cold migration, the VEE is suspended and
experiences a certain amount of downtime while it is being transferred. Most modern operating
systems have support for being suspended, which includes saving all RAM contents to disk and
later restoring the runtime state to its prior state. Hot or live migration does not allow for system
downtime, and it works by transferring the runtime state while the VEE is still running.
Focusing on networks, there can be cross-site virtual network support: VEEs belonging to a
service are potentially connected to virtual networks, should this be requested by the SP. Ideally,
these virtual networks will span across sites. However, this requires substantial effort and
advanced features of the underlying architecture. In the same line, the federation can offer public
IP addresses retention post cross-site migration. With fully virtualized networks, this may be a
directly supported feature; but even if virtualized networks are not available,
it may still be possible to maintain public IP addresses by manipulating routing information.
Information disclosure within the federation has also to be taken into account. The sites in the
federation may provide information to different degrees (for instance, the information exchange
between sites may be larger within the same administrative domain than outside it). Information
regarding deployed VEEs will be primarily via the monitoring system, whereas some
information may also potentially be exposed via the VMI as response to a VEE deployment
The last identified feature useful to define scenario is the VMI operation support: Depending on
the requirements of the federation scenario, only a subset of the VMI operations may be made
available. Which operations are required may be related to the amount of information that is
exposed by the remote sites; access to more information may also increase the possibility and
need to manipulate the deployed VEEs.
Service Manager. The baseline federation is the most basic federation scenario, but even here
the SM must be allowed to specify placement restrictions when a service is deployed.
Deployment restrictions are associated to an specific VEE (although the restriction expression
could involve other VEEs, as can be seen in the affinity restrictions above) and passed down to
the VEEM along with any other specific VEE metadata when the VEE is issued for creation
through VMI. They specify a set of constraints that must be held when the VEE is created, so
they can be seen as some kind of “contour conditions” that determine the domain that can be
used by the placement algorithm run at VEEM layer. Two kinds of deployment restrictions are
envisioned: First, there are affinity restrictions, related to the relations between VEEs; and
second, there can be site restrictions, related to sites.
In the basic federation scenario, federation uses framework agreement (FA) between
organizations to set the terms and conditions for federation. Framework agreements are
negotiated and defined by individuals, but they are encoded at the end in the service manager
(SM)—in particular, within the business information data base (BIDB). The pricing information
included in the FA is used by the SM to calculate the cost of resources running in remote systems
(based on the aggregated usage information that it received from the local VEEM) and correlate
this information with the charges issued by those remote sites. The SM should be able to include
as part of the VEE metadata a “price hint vector” consisting on a sequence of numbers, each one
representing an estimation of the relative cost of deploying the VEE on each federated site. The
SM calculate this vector based on the FA established with the other sites.
Given that the advanced federation scenario supports migration, the placement restrictions have
to be checked not only at service deployment time but also for migration. In addition, the SM
could update the deployment restrictions during the service lifespan, thereby changing the
“contour conditions” used by the placement algorithm. When the VEE is migrated across sites,
its deployment restrictions are included along with any other metadata associated with the VEE.
On the other hand, no additional functionality is needed from the service manager to implement
the full-featured federation.
Virtual Execution Environment Manager. Very little is needed in the baseline federation
scenario of the VEEM. The only requirement will be the ability to deploy a VEE in the remote
site, so it will need a plug-in that can communicate with the remote cloud by invoking the public
API. This will satisfy the opportunistic placement requirement. For the different features offered
by the basic federation scenario, the VEEM will need framework agreement, since it is necessary
that the VEEM implement a way to tell whether it can take care of the VEE or not, attending to
the SLAs defined in the framework agreement. The best module in the VEEM for the SLA
evaluation to take place is the admission control of the policy engine. Also, cold migration is
needed; therefore the VEEM needs the ability to signal the hypervisor to save the VEE state (this
is part of the VEEM life-cycle module) and also the ability to transfer the state files to the remote
site. Additionally, the VEEM need to be able to signal the hypervisor to restore the VEE state
and resume its execution (also part of the VEEM life-cycle module). Regarding advance resource
reservation support, the policy engine must be capable of reserving capacity in the physical
infrastructure given a timeframe for certain VEEs.
In the advanced federation scenario, the ability to create cross-site virtual networks for the VEEs
has to be achieved using the functionality offered by the virtual application network (VAN) as
part of the virtual host interface API. Therefore, the VEEM needs to correctly interface with the
VAN and be able to express the virtual network characteristics in a VEEM-to-VEEM
connection. In the full-featured federation scenario the live migration feature offered by this
scenario will need to be supported also in the VHI API. The VEEM will just
need to invoke the functionality of live migration to the hypervisor part of the VHI API to
achieve live migration across administrative domains.
Virtual Execution Environment Host. The ability to monitor a federation is needed. The
RESERVOIR monitoring service supports the asynchronous monitoring of a cloud data centers0
VEEHs, their VEEs, and the applications running inside the VEEs. To support federation, the
originating data center must be able to monitor VEEs and their applications running at a remote
site. When an event occurs related to a VEE running on a remote site, it is published and a
remote proxy forwards the request to the subscribing local proxy, which in turn publishes the
event to the waiting local subscribers. The monitoring framework is agnostic to type and source
of data being monitored and supports the dynamic creation of new topics.
No further functionality is required for the basic federation in the VEEH apart from the features
described for the baseline scenario. On the other hand, for the advanced federation one, several
features are needed. First, it must have the ability to implement federated network service with
virtual application network (VANs), a novel overlay network that enables virtual network
services across subnets and across administrative boundaries. VANs enables the establishment of
large-scale virtual networks, free of any location dependency, that in turn allows completely
“migratable” virtual networks. (1) The offered virtual network service is fully isolated, (2) it
enables sharing of hosts, network devices, and physical connections, and (3) hides network
related physical characteristics such as link throughputs, location of hosts, and so forth. Also, the
ability to do federated migration with non-shared storage service is required. RESERVOIR
enhances the standard VM migration capability typically available in every modern hypervisor
with support for environments in which the source and the destination hosts do not share storage;
typically the disk(s) of the migrated VM resided in the shared storage.
Regarding the full-featured federation scenario, hot migration is the functionality that affects the
most what is demanded from VEEH in this scenario. RESERVOIR’s separation principle
requires that each RESERVOIR site be an autonomous entity. Site configuration, topology, and
so on, are not shared between sites. So one site is not aware of the host addresses on another site.
However, currently VM migration between hosts require that the source and destination
hypervisors know each other’s addresses and transfer a VM directly from the source host to the
destination host. In order to overcome this apparent contradiction, RESERVOIR introduces a
novel federated migration channel to transfer a VEE from one host to another host without
directly addressing the destination host. Instead of transferring the VEE directly to the
destination host, it passes through proxies at the source site and destination site, solving the
unknown hypervisor location problem.
3.2 SLA management in cloud computing
SLA management of applications hosted on cloud platforms involves five phases.
1. Feasibility
2. On-boarding
3. Pre-production
4. Production
5. Termination
Different activities performed under each of these phases are shown in Figure 3.2. These
activities are explained in detail in the following subsections.
3.2.3 Preproduction
Once the determination of policies is completed as discussed in previous phase, the application is
hosted in a simulated production environment. It facilitates the customer to verify and validate
the MSP’s findings on application’s runtime characteristics and agree on the defined SLA. Once
both parties agree on the cost and the terms and conditions of the SLA, the customer sign-off is
obtained. On successful completion of this phase the MSP allows the application to go on-live.
3.2.4 Production
In this phase, the application is made accessible to its end users under the agreed SLA. However,
there could be situations when the managed application tends to behave differently in a
production environment compared to the preproduction environment. This in turn may cause
sustained breach of the terms and conditions mentioned in the SLA. Additionally, customer may
request the MSP for inclusion of new terms and conditions in the SLA. If the application SLA is
breached frequently or if the customer requests for a new non-agreed SLA, the on-boarding
process is performed again. In the case of the former, on-boarding activity is repeated to analyze
the application and its policies with respect to SLA fulfilment. In case of the latter, a new set of
policies are formulated to meet the fresh terms and conditions of the SLA.
3.2.5 Termination
When the customer wishes to withdraw the hosted application and does not wish to continue to
avail the services of the MSP for managing the hosting of its application, the termination activity
is initiated. On initiation of termination, all data related to the application are transferred to the
customer and only the essential information is retained for legal compliance. This ends the
hosting relationship between the two parties for that application, and the customer sign-off is
As outlined in the previous sections, the adoption of the cloud paradigm for HPC is a flexible
way to deploy (virtual) clusters dedicated to execute HPC applications. The switch from a
physical to a virtual cluster is completely transparent for the majority of HPC users, who have
just terminal access to the cluster and limit themselves to “launch” their tasks. The first and well-
known difference between HPC and cloud environments is the different economic approach: (a)
buy-and-maintain for HPC and (b) pay-per-use in cloud systems. In the latter, every time that a
task is started, the user will be charged for the used resources. But it is very hard to know in
advance which will be the resource usage and hence the cost. On the other hand, even if the
global expense for a physical cluster is higher, once the system has been acquired, all the costs
are fixed and predictable (in fact, they are so until the system is not faulty). It would be great to
predict, albeit approximately, the resource usage of a target application in a cloud, in order to
estimate the cost of its execution.
These two issues above are strictly related, and a performance problem becomes an economic
problem. Let us assume that a given application is well optimized for a physical cluster. If it
behaves on a virtual cluster as on the physical one, it will use the cloud resources in an efficient
way, and its execution will be relatively cheap. This is not so trivial as it may seem, as the pay-
per-use paradigm commonly used in commercial clouds (see Table 3.1) charges the user for
virtual cluster up-time, not for CPU usage. Almost surprisingly, this means that processor idle
time has a cost for cloud users.
For clarity’s sake, it is worth presenting a simple but interesting example regarding performance
and cost. Let us consider two different virtual clusters with two and four nodes, respectively. Let
us assume that the application is well-optimized and that, at least for a small number of
processors, it gets linear speed-up. The target application will be executed in two hours in the
first cluster and in one hour in the second one. Let the execution cost be X dollars per hour per
machine instance (virtual node). This is similar to the charging scheme of
EC2. The total cost is given by
(Cost per hour per instance) * (number of instances) * (hours)
In the first case (two-node cluster) the cost will be X*2*2, whereas in the second one it will be
X*1*4. It turns out that the two configurations have the same cost for the final user, even if the
first execution is slower than the second. Now if we consider an application that is not well-
optimized and has a speed-up less than the ideal one, the running time on the large virtual cluster
will be longer than two hours; as a consequence, the cost of the run of the second virtual cluster
will be higher than that on the small one. In conclusion: In clouds, performance counts two
times. Low performance means not only long waiting times, but also high costs. The use of
alternative cost factors (e.g., the RAM memory allocated, as for GoGrid in Table 3.1) leads to
completely different considerations and requires different application optimizations to reduce the
final cost of execution.
TABLE 3.1. Example of Cost Criteria
In light of the above, it is clear that the typical HPC user would like to know how long his
application will run on the target cluster and which configuration has the highest
performance/cost ratio. The advanced user, on the other hand, would also know if there is a way
to optimize its application so as to reduce the cost of its run without sacrificing performance. The
high-end user, who cares more for performance than for the cost to be sustained, would like
instead to know how to choose the best configuration to maximize the performance of his
application. In other words, in the cloud world the hardware configuration is not fixed, and it is
not the starting point for optimization decisions. Configurations can be easily changed in order to
fit the user needs. All the three classes of users should resort to performance analysis and
prediction tools. But, unfortunately, prediction tools for virtual environments are not available,
and the literature presents only partial results on the performance analysis of such systems.
An additional consequence of the different way that HPC users exploit a virtual cluster is that the
cloud concept makes very different the system dimensioning—that is, the choice of the system
configuration fit for the user purposes (cost, maximum response time, etc.). An HPC machine is
chosen and acquired, aiming to be at the top of available technology (under inevitable money
constraints) and to be able to sustain the highest system usage that may eventually be required.
This can be measured in terms of GFLOPS, in terms of number of runnable jobs, or by other
indexes depending on the HPC applications that will be actually executed. In other words, the
dimensioning is made by considering the peak system usage. It takes place at system acquisition
time, by examining the machine specifications or by assembling it using hardware components
of known performance. In this phase, simple and
global performance indexes are used (e.g., bandwidth and latency for the interconnect, peak
FLOPS for the computing nodes, etc.).
In clouds, instead, the system must be dimensioned by finding out an optimal trade-off between
application performance and used resources. As mentioned above, the optimality is a concept
that is fairly different, depending on the class of users. Someone would like to obtain high
performance at any cost, whereas others would privilege economic factors. In any case, as the
choice of the system is not done once and for all, the dimensioning of the virtual clusters takes
place every time the HPC applications have to be executed on new datasets. In clouds, the
system dimensioning is a task under the control of the user, not of the system administrator. This
completely changes the scenario and makes the dimensioning a complex activity, eager for
performance data and indexes that can be measured fairly easily in the PC world on physical
systems, but that are not generally available for complex and rapidly changing systems as virtual
TABLE 3.2. Differences Between “Classical” HPC and HPC in Cloud Environments
Table 3.2 summarizes the differences between HPC classical environments and HPC in clouds.
To summarize the above discussion, in systems (the clouds) where the availability of
performance data is crucial to know how fast your applications will run and how much you will
pay, there is great uncertainty about what to measure and how to measure, and there are great
difficulties when attempting to interpret the meaning of measured data.
The unsatisfactory performance of the network connection between virtual clusters. In any case,
the performance offered by virtual clusters is not comparable to the one offered by physical
clusters. Even if the results briefly reported above are of great interest and can be of
help to get insight on the problem, they do not take into account the differences between HPC
machines and HPC in the cloud, which we have summarized at the start of this section. Stated
another way, the mentioned analyses simply measure global performance indexes. But the
scenario can drastically change if different performance indexes are measured.
Just to start, the application response time is perhaps the performance index of great importance
in a cloud context. In fact, it is a measurement of interest for the final user and, above all, has a
direct impact on the cost of the application execution. An interesting consideration linked to
response time was proposed by Ian Foster in his blog [11]. The overall application response time
(RT) is given by the formula RT = ( job submission time) + (execution time).
In common HPC environments (HPC system with batch queue, grids, etc.) the job submission
time may be fairly long (even minutes or hours, due to necessity to get all the required
computing resources together). On the other hand, in a cloud used to run HPC workload (a
virtual cluster dedicated to the HPC user), queues (and waiting time) simply disappear. The
result is that, even if the virtual cluster may offer a much lower computational power, the final
response time may be comparable to that of (physical) HPC systems.
In order to take into account this important difference between physical and virtual
environments, Foster suggests to evaluate the response time in terms of probability of
completion, which is a stochastic function of time, and represents the probability that the job will
be completed before that time. Note that the stochastic behaviour mainly depends on the job
submission time, whereas execution time is usually a deterministic value. So in a VC the
probability of completion is a threshold function (it is zero before the value corresponding to
execution time of actual task, and one after). In a typical HPC environment, which involves
batch and queuing systems, the job submission time is stochastic and fairly long, thus leading to
a global completion time higher than the one measured on the VC. This phenomenon opens the
way to a large adoption of the cloud approach, at least for middle- or small- dimension HPC
applications, where the computation power loss due to the use of the cloud is more tolerable.
This is a context in which the grid paradigm was never largely adopted because of the high
startup overhead.
An interesting approach, although still experimental, is the one offered by solutions as C-meter
and PerfCloud, which offer frameworks that dynamically benchmark the target VMs or VCs
offered by the cloud. The idea is to provide a benchmark-on-demand service to take into account
the extreme variability of the cloud load and to evaluate frequently its actual state. The first
framework supports the GrenchMark benchmark. More detailed, the PerfCloud project aims at
providing performance evaluation and prediction services in grid-based clouds. Besides
providing services for ondemand benchmarking of virtual clusters, the PerfCloud framework
uses the benchmarking results to tune a simulator used for predict the performance of HPC
Major concern for existing users and for potential new users of cloud computing services.
Outsourcing computing to a cloud generates new security and privacy concerns.
There is the need for international regulations adopted by the countries where data
centers of cloud computing providers are located.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) do not provide adequate legal protection for cloud
computer users, often left to deal with events beyond their control.
Traditional threats: impact amplified due to the vast amount of cloud resources and the
large user population that can be affected. The fuzzy bounds of responsibility between the
providers of cloud services and users and the difficulties to accurately identify the cause.
New threats: cloud servers host multiple VMs; multiple applications may run under each
VM. Multi-tenancy and VMM vulnerabilities open new attack channels for malicious
users. Identifying the path followed by an attacker more difficult in a cloud environment.
Authentication and authorization: the procedures in place for one individual does not
extend to an enterprise.
Third-party control: generates a spectrum of concerns caused by the lack of transparency
and limited user control.
Availability of cloud services: system failures, power outages, and other catastrophic
events could shutdown services for extended periods of time.
2. The cloud infrastructure: attacks that either originates at the cloud or spoofs to
originate from the cloud infrastructure.
2. The cloud infrastructure: It is most serious line of attack. It limits the access to
resources, privilege-related attacks, data distortion, injecting additional operations.
1. The abusive use of the cloud - the ability to conduct nefarious activities from the cloud.
2. APIs that are not fully secure - may not protect the users during a range of activities starting
with authentication and access control to monitoring and
control of the application during runtime.
3. Malicious insiders - cloud service providers do not disclose their hiring standards and policies,
so this can be a serious threat.
4. Data loss or leakage - if the only copy of the data is stored on the cloud, then sensitive data is
permanently lost when cloud data replication fails followed by a
storage media failure.
5. Unknown risk profile - exposure to the ignorance or underestimation of the risks of cloud
6. Shared technology.
7. Account hijacking.
The lack of transparency makes auditability a very difficult proposition for cloud computing.
The unauthorized access to confidential information and the data theft top the list of user
Data is more vulnerable in storage, as it is kept in storage for extended periods of time.
Threats during processing cannot be ignored; such threats can originate from flaws in the
VMM, rogue VMs, or a VMBR.
There is the risk of unauthorized access and data theft posed by rogue employees of a
Cloud Service Provider (CSP).
The threats caused by multi-tenancy differ from one cloud delivery model to another.
The contract between the user and the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) should spell out explicitly
CSP obligations to handle securely sensitive information and its obligation to comply to
privacy laws.
The main aspects of privacy are: the lack of user control, potential unauthorized
secondary use, data proliferation, and dynamic provisioning.
Digital age has confronted legislators with significant challenges related to privacy as
new threats have emerged. For example, personal information voluntarily shared, but
stolen from sites granted access to it or misused can lead to identity theft.
Privacy concerns are different for the three cloud delivery models and also depend on the
actual context.
Web sites that collect personal identifying information from or about consumers online
required to comply with four fair information practices:
Notice - provide consumers clear and conspicuous notice of their information practices,
including what information they collect, how they collect it, how they use it, how they
provide Choice, Access, and Security to consumers, whether they disclose the
information collected to other entities, and whether other entities are collecting
information through the site.
Access - offer consumers reasonable access to the information a web site has collected
about them, including a reasonable opportunity to review information and to correct
inaccuracies or delete information.
Security - take reasonable steps to protect the security of the information they collect
from consumers.
4.4.2 Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
The need for tools capable to identify privacy issues in information systems.
There are no international standards for such a process, though different countries and
organization require PIA reports.
The centerpiece of A proposed PIA tool is based on a SaaS service.
The users of the SaaS service providing access to the PIA tool must fill in a
The system used a knowledge base (KB) created and maintained by domain
The system uses templates to generate additional questions necessary and to fill in
the PIA report.
An expert system infers which rules are satisfied by the facts in the database and
provided by the users and executes the rule with the highest priority.
o Risk: the perceived probability of loss; trust not necessary if there is no risk
involved, if there is a certainty that an action can succeed.
o Interdependence: the interests of one entity cannot be archived without reliance
on other entities
An entity must work very hard to build trust, but may lose the trust very easily.
Offers individuals the ability to obscure or conceal their identity. The anonymity reduces
the cues normally used in judgments of trust.
Identity is critical for developing trust relations, it allows us to base our trust on the past
history of interactions with an entity. Anonymity causes mistrust because identity is
associated with accountability and in absence of identity accountability cannot be
There are no guarantees that the entities we transact with fully understand the role they
have assumed.
4.5.2 How to determine trust
Policies reveal the conditions to obtain trust, and the actions when some of
the conditions are met. Policies require the verification of credentials;
credentials are issued by a trusted authority and describe the
qualities of the entity using the credential.
Closed-box platforms , e.g., cellular phones, game consoles and ATM could have
embedded cryptographic keys to reveal their true identity to remote systems and
authenticate the software running on them.
Such facilities are not available to open-box platforms, the traditional hardware for
commodity operating systems.
Hybrid and hosted VMs, expose the entire system to the vulnerability of the host OS.
A secure TCB (Trusted Computing Base) is a necessary condition for security in a virtual
machine environment; if the TCB is compromised then the security of the entire system is
In a traditional VM the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) controls the access to the
hardware and provides a stricter isolation of VMs from one another than the isolation of
processes in a traditional OS.
A VMM controls the execution of privileged operations and can enforce memory
isolation as well as disk and network access.
The VMMs are considerably less complex and better structured than traditional
operating systems thus, in a better position to respond to security attacks.
A major challenge: a VMM sees only raw data regarding the state of a guest
operating system while security services typically operate at a higher logical level,
e.g., at the level of a file rather than a disk block.
Starvation of resources and denial of service for some VMs. Probable causes:
(b) a rogue VM with the capability to bypass resource limits set in VMM.
VM side-channel attacks: malicious attack on one or more VMs by a rogue VM under the
same VMM. Probable causes:
(a) lack of proper isolation of inter-VM traffic due to misconfiguration of the virtual
network residing in the VMM.
(b) limitation of packet inspection devices to handle high speed traffic, e.g., video traffic.
(c) presence of VM instances built from insecure VM images, e.g., a VM image having a
guest OS without the latest patches.
Deployment of rogue or insecure VM. Unauthorized users may create insecure instances
from images or may perform unauthorized administrative actions on existing VMs.
Probable cause:
improper configuration of access controls on VM administrative tasks
such as instance creation, launching, suspension, re- activation and so on.
Presence of insecure and tampered VM images in the VM image repository. Probable
(a) lack of access control to the VM image repository.
(b) lack of mechanisms to verify the integrity of the images, e.g., digitally signed
4.7.3 Security of virtualization
The complete state of an operating system running under a virtual machine is captured by
the VM; this state can be saved in a file and then the file can be copied and shared.
1. Ability to support the IaaS delivery model. In this model a user selects an image
matching the local environment used by the application and then uploads and runs the
application on the cloud using this image.
2. Increased reliability. An operating system with all the applications running under it can
be replicated and switched to a hot standby.
3. Improved intrusion prevention and detection. A clone can look for known patterns in
system activity and detect intrusion. The operator can switch to a hot standby when
suspicious events are detected.
4. More efficient and flexible software testing. Instead of a very large number of dedicated
systems running under different OS, different version of each OS, and different patches
for each version, virtualization allows the multitude of OS instances to share a small
number of physical systems.
o To reduce power consumption, the load of lightly loaded servers can be moved to
other servers and then, turn off or set on standby mode the lightly loaded
When secure logging and intrusion protection are implemented at the VMM layer, the
services cannot be disabled or modified. Intrusion detection can be disabled and logging
can be modified by an intruder when implemented at the OS level. A VMM may be able
to log only events of interest for a post-attack analysis.
Infection may last indefinitely: some of the infected VMs may be dormant at the time
when the measures to clean up the systems are taken and then, at a later time, wake up
and infect other systems; the scenario can repeat itself.
In a traditional computing environment a steady state can be reached. In this steady state
all systems are brought up to a desirable state. This desirable state is reached by installing
the latest version of the system software and then applying to all systems the latest
patches. Due to the lack of control, a virtual environment may never reach such a steady
A side effect of the ability to record in a file the complete state of a VM is the possibility
to roll back a VM. This allows a new type of vulnerability caused by events recorded in
the memory of an attacker.
Virtualization undermines the basic principle that time sensitive data stored on any
system should be reduced to a minimum.
Image sharing is critical for the IaaS cloud delivery model. For example, a user of AWS
has the option to choose between
Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) accessible through the Quick Start.
Many of the images analyzed by a recent report allowed a user to undelete files, recover
credentials, private keys, or other types of sensitive information with little effort and
using standard tools.
A software vulnerability audit revealed that 98% of the Windows AMIs and 58% of
Linux AMIs audited had critical vulnerabilities.
Security risks:
1. Backdoors and leftover credentials.
2. Unsolicited connections.
3. Malware.
The Trusted Computer Base (TCB) of a cloud computing environment includes not only
the hypervisor but also the management OS.
The management OS supports administrative tools, live migration, device drivers, and
device emulators.
In Xen the management operating system runs in Dom0; it manages the building of all
user domains, a process consisting of several steps:
i. Allocate memory in the Dom0 address space and load the kernel of the
guest operating system from the secondary storage.
ii. Allocate memory for the new VM and use foreign mapping to load the
kernel to the new VM.
iii. Set up the initial page tables for the new VM.
iv. Release the foreign mapping on the new VM memory, set up the virtual
CPU registers and launch the new VM.
Fig 4.3: The trusted computing base of a Xen-based environment includes the hardware,
Xen, and the management operating system running in Dom0. The management OS supports
administrative tools, live migration, device drivers, and device emulators. A guest
operatingsystem and applications running under it reside in a DomU.
o Modify the kernel of the guest OS to allow a third party to monitor and control the
execution of applications running under the new VM.
o Undermine the integrity of the new VM by setting the wrong page tables and/or
setup wrong virtual CPU registers.
Refuse to release the foreign mapping and access the memory while the new VM is
At run time:
o Dom0 exposes a set of abstract devices to the guest operating systems using split
drivers with the frontend of in a DomU and the backend in Dom0. We have to
ensure that run time communication through Dom0 is encrypted. Transport Layer
Security (TLS) does not guarantee that Dom0 cannot extract cryptographic keys
from the memory of the OS and applications running in DomU
To implement a secure run-time system, we have to intercept and control the hypercalls
used for communication between a Dom0 that cannot be trusted and a DomU we want to
o The privacy and integrity of the virtual CPU of a VM. When Dom0 wants to save
the state of the VM the hypercall should be intercepted and the contents of the
virtual CPU registers should be encrypted. When DomU is restored, the virtual
CPU context should be decrypted and then an integrity check should be carried
o The privacy and integrity of the VM virtual memory. The page table update
hypercall should be intercepted and the page should be encrypted so that Dom0
handles only encrypted pages of the VM. To guarantee the integrity, the
hypervisor should calculate a hash of all the memory pages before they are saved
by Dom0. An address translation is necessary as a restored DomU may be
allocated a different memory region.
o The freshness of the virtual CPU and the memory of the VM. The solution is to
add to the hash a version number.
Xoar is a version of Xen designed to boost system security; based on micro-kernel design
principles. The design goals are:
o Tight control of privileges, each component should only have the privileges
required by its function.
Components used to boot the system; they self-destruct before any user VM is started.
They discover the hardware configuration of the server including the PCI drivers and
then boot the system:
Components restarted on a timer; the two components export physical storage device
drivers and the physical network driver to a guest VM.
It should support not only traditional operating systems, by exporting the hardware
abstraction for open-box platforms, but also the abstractions for closed-box platforms (do
not allow the contents of the system to be either manipulated or inspected by the platform
An application should be allowed to build its software stack based on its needs.
Applications requiring a very high level of security should run under a very thin OS
supporting only the functionality required by the application and the ability to boot. At
the other end of the spectrum are applications demanding low assurance, but a rich set of
OS features; such applications need a commodity operating system.
Provide trusted paths from a user to an application. Such a path allows a human user to
determine with certainty the identity of the VM it is interacting with and allows the VM
to verify the identity of the human user.
Support attestation, the ability of an application running in a closed-box to gain trust from
a remote party, by cryptographically identifying itself.
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizable
compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier
for developers.
Amazon EC2’s simple web service interface allows you to obtain and configure capacity
with minimal friction. It provides you with complete control of your computing resources
and lets you run on Amazon’s proven computing environment. AND APPLICATIONS
Amazon EC2 reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to
minutes, allowing you to quickly scale capacity, both up and down, as your computing
requirements change. Amazon EC2 changes the economics of computing by allowing
you to pay only for capacity that you actually use.
Amazon EC2 provides developers the tools to build failure resilient applications and
isolate themselves from common failure scenarios.
o Secure login information for your instances using key pairs (AWS stores the
public key, and you store the private key in a secure place).
o Storage volumes for temporary data that's deleted when you stop or terminate
your instance, known as instance store volumes.
o Multiple physical locations for your resources, such as instances and Amazon
EBS volumes, known as regions and Availability Zones.
o Metadata, known as tags, that you can create and assign to your Amazon EC2
o Virtual networks you can create that are logically isolated from the rest of the
AWS cloud, and that you can optionally connect to your own network, known
as virtual private clouds (VPCs).
5.1.2 Getting Started with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
There are several ways to get started with Amazon EC2. You can use the AWS
Management Console, the AWS Command Line Tools (CLI), or AWS SDKs.
Log into the AWS Management Console and set up your root account.
Step 2: Launch an Amazon EC2 instance
In the Amazon EC2 Dashboard, choose "Launch Instance" to create and configure your
virtual machine.
o In this wizard, you have the option to configure your instance features.
o Security group: In step 6, you have the option to configure your virtual firewall.
o Create a key pair: Select "Create a new key pair" and assign a name. The key pair
file (.pem) will download automatically - save this in a safe place as we will later
use this file to log in to the instance. Finally, choose "Launch Instances" to
complete the set up.
After you launch your instance, you can connect to it and use it the way that you'd
use a computer sitting in front of you. To connect from the console, follow the steps
o Select the EC2 instance you created and choose "Connect".
o Select "A Java SSH client directly from my browser". Ensure Java is installed and
Amazon EC2 is free to start (learn more), but you should terminate your instances to
prevent additional charges. The EC2 instance and the data associated will be deleted.
o Select the EC2 instance, choose "Actions", select "Instance State", and
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), provides developers and IT teams with
secure, durable, highly-scalable cloud storage. Amazon S3 is easy to use object storage,
with a simple web service interface to store and retrieve any amount of data from
anywhere on the web.
With Amazon S3, you pay only for the storage you actually use. There is no minimum
fee and no setup cost. Amazon S3 offers a range of storage classes designed for different
use cases including Amazon S3 Standard for general-purpose storage of frequently
accessed data, Amazon S3 Standard - Infrequent Access (Standard - IA) for long-lived,
but less frequently accessed data, and Amazon Glacier for long-term archive.
Amazon S3 also offers configurable lifecycle policies for managing your data throughout
its lifecycle. Once a policy is set, your data will automatically migrate to the most
appropriate storage class without any changes to your applications.
Amazon S3 can be used alone or together with other AWS services such as Amazon
Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and AWS Identity and Access Management
(IAM), as well as data migration services and gateways for initial or ongoing data
Amazon S3 provides cost-effective object storage for a wide variety of use cases
including backup and recovery, nearline archive, big data analytics, disaster recovery,
cloud applications, and content distribution.
In S3, there’s no initial charges, zero setup cost. You only pay for what you utilize. It is
utmost suitable for webmasters and bloggers, especially those who have the following
Running out of bandwidths: If you are on shared hosting account, any Stumble effect
can easily eat up the entire bandwidth limit for the month. Most of the time, the web host
will suspend the account until you have settle the payment for the extra bandwidths
consumed. Amazon S3 provides unlimited bandwidth and you’ll be served with any
amount of bandwidth your site needs. Charges will be made to credit card and payment
can be made at the end of the month.
Better scalability: Amazon S3 using cloud hosting and image serving is relatively fast.
Separating them away from normal HTTP request will definitely ease the server load and
thus, guarantees better stability.
Paying for more that you actually used: Whether you are on shared hosting, VPS or
dedicated server, you pay a lump sum each month (or year) and the amount includes hard
disk storage and bandwidth you might not fully make use of. Why pay for more when
you can pay only for what you are used.
Store files online: Instead of backing up your files in CD/DVDs to save more hard disk
space, here’s another option. Store them online, and you have the option to keep them
private or make them public accessible. It’s entire up to you.
Easier files retrieval and sharing: If you store your file online, you can access them
anywhere as long as there’s Internet connection. Amazon S3 also allows me to
communicate files better with friends, clients, and blog readers.
There are several ways to get started with Amazon S3 depending on your use case and
how you want to integrate the service into your use case.
The AWS Management Console provides a web-based interface for accessing and
managing all your Amazon S3 resources. Programmatic access to Amazon S3 is enabled
by the AWS SDKs and the AWS Mobile SDK. In addition, Amazon S3 is supported by a
wide range of third party tools and gateways.
Sign into the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console
o In the Create a Bucket dialog box, in the Bucket Name box, enter a bucket
o In the Region box, select a region. For this exercise, select Oregon from the
drop-down list.
o Click Create. When Amazon S3 successfully creates your bucket, the console
displays your empty bucket in the Buckets panel.
Now that you've created a bucket, you're ready to add an object to it. An object can be
any kind of file: a text file, a photo, a video and so forth.
o In the Amazon S3 console, click the name of bucket that you want to upload an object to
and then click Upload.
o In the Upload - Select Files wizard, if you want to upload an entire folder, you must
click Enable Enhanced Uploader to install the necessary Java applet. You only need to
do this once per console session.
o Select the file that you want to upload and then click Open.
Now that you've added an object to a bucket, you can open and view it in a
browser. You can also download the object to your local computer.
o In the Amazon S3 console, in the Objects and Folders list, right-click the object or
objects that you want to open or download, then click Open or Download as appropriate.
o If you are downloading the object, specify where you want to save it. The procedure for
saving the object depends on the browser and operating system that you are using.
Now that you've added an object to a bucket and viewed it, you can move the object
to a different bucket or folder.
o In the Amazon S3 console, right-click the object that you want to move, and then click
o Navigate to the bucket or folder where you want to move the object. Right-click the
folder or bucket and then click Paste Into.
If you no longer need to store the objects that you uploaded and moved while going
through this guide, you should delete them to prevent further charges.
o Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console
o In the Objects and Folders panel, right-click the object that you want to delete, and then
click Delete.
You can empty a bucket, which deletes all the objects in the bucket without
deleting the bucket. For information on the limitations for emptying a bucket,
see Deleting/Emptying a Bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer
o Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console
o Right-click the bucket that you want to empty, and then click Empty Bucket.
o When a confirmation message appears, enter the bucket name and then click Empty
You can delete a bucket and all the objects contained in the bucket. For information on the
limitations for deleting a bucket, see Deleting/Emptying a Bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage
Service Developer Guide.
o Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console
o Right-click the bucket that you want to delete, and then click Delete Bucket.
o When a confirmation message appears, enter the bucket name and click Delete.
5.2.2 Uses of S3
1. Backup and Storage – Provide data backup and storage services for others.
2. Application Hosting – Provide services that deploy, install, and manage web
3. Media Hosting – Build a redundant, scalable, and highly available infrastructure that
hosts video, photo, or music uploads and downloads.
4. Software Delivery – Host your software applications that customers can download.
Cloudstack is an open source cloud computing software for creating, managing, and deploying
infrastructure cloud services. It uses existing hypervisors such as KVM, VMware vSphere, and
XenServer/XCP for virtualization.
Cloudstack is a Cloud Orchestration platform that pools computing resources to build public,
private and hybrid Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds. Cloudstack manages the network,
storage, and compute nodes that make up a cloud infrastructure. A Cloudstack cloud has a
hierarchical structure which enables it to scale to manage tens of thousands of physical servers,
all from a single management interface.
2. Availability Zones
By structuring Cloudstack into geographical Zones, virtual instances and data storage can
be placed in specific locations in order to comply with an organization's data storage
policies etc. An Availability Zone consists of at least one Pod, and Secondary Storage,
which is shared by all Pods in the Zone.
Zones are visible to end users, who can then choose which Zone they wish to create their
virtual instances in. A public Zone is visible to all users, but private Zones can also be
created which are then only available to members of a particular domain and its
associated sub-domains.
Fig 5.1: Availability Zone
1. Pods
2. Clusters
A Cluster is a group of identical Hosts running a common Hypervisor. For example a Cluster
could be a XenServer Pool, a set KVM Server or a VMware cluster pre-configured in vCenter.
Each Cluster has a dedicated Primary Storage device which is where the virtual machine
instances are hosted. With multiple Hosts within a Cluster, High Availability and Load
Balancing are standard features of a Cloudstack deployment.
3. Secondary Storage
Secondary Storage is used to store virtual machine Templates, ISO images and Snapshots. The
storage is available to all PODs in a Zone, and can also be replicated automatically between
Availability Zones thereby providing a common storage platform throughout the whole Cloud.
Secondary Storage uses the Network File System (NFS) as this ensures it can be accessed by any
Host in the Zone.
4. Primary Storage
Primary Storage is unique to each Cluster and is used to host the virtual machine
instances. Cloudstack is designed to work with all standards-compliant iSCSI and NFS Servers
supported by the underlying Hypervisor. Primary Storage is a critical component and should be
built on high performance hardware with multiple high speed disks.
Single Management Server can manage multiple zones. Zones can be geographically distributed
but low latency links are expected for better performance.
The idea behind an intercloud is that a single common functionality would combine many
different individual clouds into one seamless mass in terms of on-demand operations.
Cloud hosting is largely intended to deliver on-demand services. Through careful use of
scalable and highly engineered technologies, cloud providers are able to offer customers
the ability to change their levels of service in many ways without waiting for physical
changes to occur.
Terms like rapid elasticity, resource pooling and on-demand self-service are already part
of cloud hosting service designs that are set up to make sure the customer or client never
has to deal with limitations or disruptions. Building on all of these ideas, the intercloud
would simply make sure that a cloud could use resources beyond its reach by taking
advantage of pre-existing contracts with other cloud providers.
Although these setups are theoretical as they apply to cloud services, telecom providers
already have these kinds of agreements. Most of the national telecom companies are able
to reach out and use parts of another company’s operations where they lack a regional or
local footprint, because of carefully designed business agreements between the
companies. If cloud providers develop these kinds of relationships, the intercloud could
become reality.
5.4.1 Architectural classification of Inter-Clouds.
o Centralized – in every instance of this group of architectures, there is a central entity that
either performs or facilitates resource allocation. Usually, this central entity acts as a
repository where available cloud resources are registered but may also have other
responsibilities like acting as a market place for resources.
o Peer-to-Peer – in the architectures from this group, clouds communicate and negotiate
directly with each other without mediators.
o Services – application provisioning is carried out by a service that can be hosted either
externally or in-house by the cloud clients. Most such services include broker
components in themselves. Typically, application developers specify an SLA or a set of
provisioning rules, and the service performs the deployment and execution in the
background, in a way respecting these predefined attributes.
o Libraries - often, custom application brokers that directly take care of provisioning and
scheduling application components across clouds are needed. Typically, such approaches
make use of Inter-Cloud libraries that facilitate the usage of multiple clouds in a uniform
o Only by utilizing multiple clouds can one gain access to so widely distributed
resources and provide well-performing and legislation-compliant services to
2. Better application resilience - During the past several years, there have been several
cases of cloud service outages, including ones of major vendors. The implications from
one of Amazon’s data centres failure were very serious for customers who relied on that
location only.
o Thus, they advise the use of multiple providers. Besides fault tolerance, using
resources from different providers acts as an insurance against a provider being
stopped because of regulatory or legal reasons as well.
3. Avoidance of vendor lock-in -By using multiple clouds and being able to freely
transit workload among them, a cloud client can easily avoid vendor lock-in. In case a
provider changes a policy or pricing that impact negatively its clients, they could easily
migrate elsewhere.
Google App Engine (often referred to as GAE or simply App Engine) is a platform as a
service (PaaS) cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web applications in
Google-managed data centres.
Applications are sandboxed and run across multiple servers. App Engine offers automatic
scaling for web applications—as the number of requests increases for an application, App
Engine automatically allocates more resources for the web application to handle the
additional demand.
The App Engine requires that apps be written in Java or Python, store data in Google Big
Table and use the Google query language. Non-compliant applications require
modification to use App Engine.
Google App Engine provides more infrastructure than other scalable hosting services
such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). The App Engine also eliminates some
system administration and developmental tasks to make it easier to write scalable
Google App Engine is free up to a certain amount of resource usage. Users exceeding the
per-day or per-minute usage rates for CPU resources, storage, number of API calls or
requests and concurrent requests can pay for more of these resources.
Google App Engine makes it easy to take your app ideas to the next level.
o Quick to start: With no software or hardware to buy and maintain, you can prototype
and deploy applications to your users in a matter of hours.
o Simple to use: Google App Engine includes the tools you need to create, test, launch,
and update your apps.
o Rich set of APIs: Build feature-rich services faster with Google App Engine’s easy-to-
use APIs.
o Immediate scalability: There’s almost no limit to how high or how quickly your app can
o Pay for what you use: Get started without any upfront costs with App Engine’s free tier
and pay only for the resources you use as your application grows.
4. You don't feel like taking care of your own server monitoring tools.
5. You need pricing that fits your actual usage and isn't time-slot based (App engine
provides pay-per-drink cost model).
7. You are able to work without direct access to local file system.
5.5.2 Advantages of Google App Engine.
For any app’s success, this is among the deciding factors. Google creates its own apps
using GFS, Big Table and other such technologies, which are available to you when you
utilize the Google app engine to create apps. You only have to write the code for the app
and Google looks after the testing on account of the automatic scaling feature that the app
engine has. Regardless of the amount of data or number of users that your app stores, the
app engine can meet your needs by scaling up or down as required.
Cost Savings
You don’t have to hire engineers to manage your servers or to do that yourself. You can
invest the money saved in to other parts of your business.
Platform Independence
You can move all your data to another environment without any difficulty as there is not
much dependency on the app engine platform.
Eucalyptus was founded out of a research project in the Computer Science Department at the
University of California, Santa Barbara, and became a for-profit business called Eucalyptus
Systems in 2009.
Eucalyptus Systems announced a formal agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS) in
March 2012, allowing administrators to move instances between a Eucalyptus private cloud and
the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) to create a hybrid cloud. The partnership also
allows Eucalyptus to work with Amazon’s product teams to develop unique AWS-compatible
3. Compatible with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Simple Storage Service (S3).
5. Can be installed and deployed from source code or DEB and RPM packages.
Eucalyptus cloud based architecture shows the actual centralization of private cloud system
(Figure). The solution includes three essentials nodes for the monitoring of the services: the
cloud controller (CLC), the cluster controller CC and the node controller NC. The CLC is the
central node of the architecture. It monitors the system through the different CC on the network.
Cluster controllers are the intermediary nodes used by the CLC to collect information over the
entire network. Each CC is in charge of a number of node controllers. The role of the different
NCs is to monitor the single physical computing node on which they are installed. The other
components of the system deal with the management of users’ data and the security concerns.
Eucalyptus architecture is seemingly encountered in the other private cloud solutions such as
Open Nebula where the save terms namely cluster, node or cloud controller are used.
Open Stack is a set of software tools for building and managing cloud computing platforms for
public and private clouds. Backed by some of the biggest companies in software development
and hosting, as well as thousands of individual community members, many think that Open
Stack is the future of cloud computing. Open Stack is managed by the Open Stack, a non-profit
that oversees both development and community-building around the project.
Open Stack lets users deploy virtual machines and other instances that handle different tasks for
managing a cloud environment on the fly. It makes horizontal scaling easy, which means that
tasks that benefit from running concurrently can easily serve more or fewer users on the fly by
just spinning up more instances.
For example, a mobile application that needs to communicate with a remote server might be able
to divide the work of communicating with each user across many different instances, all
communicating with one another but scaling quickly and easily as the application gains more
And most importantly, Open Stack is open source software, which means that anyone who
chooses to can access the source code, make any changes or modifications they need, and freely
share these changes back out to the community at large.
It also means that Open Stack has the benefit of thousands of developers all over the world
working in tandem to develop the strongest, most robust, and most secure product that they can.
Cloud computing can refer to a lot of different things, but typically the industry talks
about running different items "as a service"—software, platforms, and infrastructure.
Open Stack falls into the latter category and is considered Infrastructure as a Service
Providing infrastructure means that Open Stack makes it easy for users to quickly add
new instance, upon which other cloud components can run. Typically, the infrastructure
then runs a "platform" upon which a developer can create software applications that are
delivered to the end users.
Open Stack is made up of many different moving parts. Because of its open nature, anyone can
add additional components to Open Stack to help it to meet their needs. But the Open Stack
community has collaboratively identified nine key components that are a part of the "core" of
Open Stack, which are distributed as a part of any Open Stack system and officially maintained
by the Open Stack community.
1. Nova is the primary computing engine behind Open Stack. It is used for deploying and
managing large numbers of virtual machines and other instances to handle computing tasks.
2. Swift is a storage system for objects and files. Rather than the traditional idea of a referring to
files by their location on a disk drive, developers can instead refer to a unique identifier referring
to the file or piece of information and let Open Stack decide where to store this information. This
makes scaling easy, as developers don’t have the worry about the capacity on a single system
behind the software. It also allows the system, rather than the developer, to worry about how best
to make sure that data is backed up in case of the failure of a machine or network connection.
3. Cinder is a block storage component, which is more analogous to the traditional notion of a
computer being able to access specific locations on a disk drive. This more traditional way of
accessing files might be important in scenarios in which data access speed is the most important
4. Neutron provides the networking capability for Open Stack. It helps to ensure that each of the
components of an Open Stack deployment can communicate with one another quickly and
5. Horizon is the dashboard behind Open Stack. It is the only graphical interface to Open Stack,
so for users wanting to give Opens tack a try, this may be the first component they actually
“see.” Developers can access all of the components of Opens tack individually through an
application programming interface (API), but the dashboard provides system administrators a
look at what is going on in the cloud, and to manage it as needed.
6. Keystone provides identity services for Opens tack. It is essentially a central list of all of the
users of the Opens tack cloud, mapped against all of the services provided by the cloud, which
they have permission to use. It provides multiple means of access, meaning developers can easily
map their existing user access methods against Keystone.
7. Glance provides image services to Opens tack. In this case, "images" refers to images (or
virtual copies) of hard disks. Glance allows these images to be used as templates when deploying
new virtual machine instances.
8. Ceilometers provides telemetry services, which allow the cloud to provide billing services to
individual users of the cloud. It also keeps a verifiable count of each user’s system usage of each
of the various components of an Open Stack cloud. Think metering and usage reporting.
9. Heat is the orchestration component of Open Stack, which allows developers to store the
requirements of a cloud application in a file that defines what resources are necessary for that
application. In this way, it helps to manage the infrastructure needed for a cloud service to run.
Open Nebula is a cloud computing platform for managing heterogeneous distributed data
centre infrastructures. The Open Nebula platform manages a data centre's virtual infrastructure to
build private, public and hybrid implementations of infrastructure as a service. Open Nebula
is free and open-source software, subject to the requirements of the Apache License version 2.
Open Nebula provides the most simple but feature-rich and flexible solution for the
comprehensive management of virtualized data centers to enable private, public and hybrid IaaS
clouds. Open Nebula interoperability makes cloud an evolution by leveraging existing IT assets,
protecting your investments, and avoiding vendor lock-in.
Open Nebula provides features at the two main layers of Data Centre Virtualization and Cloud
2. Cloud Management.
We also have users that use Open Nebula to provide a multi-tenant, cloud-like provisioning layer
on top of an existing infrastructure management solution (like VMware vCenter).
These users are looking for provisioning, elasticity and multi-tenancy cloud features like virtual
data centers provisioning, data enter federation or hybrid cloud computing to connect in-house
infrastructures with public clouds, while the infrastructure is managed by already familiar tools
for infrastructure management and operation.
The Open Nebula technology is the result of many years of research and development in efficient
and scalable management of virtual machines on large-scale distributed infrastructures. Open
Nebula was designed to address the requirements of business use cases from leading
companies and across multiple industries, such as Hosting, Telecom, eGovernment, Utility
The principles that have guided the design of Open Nebula are:
Faster respond to infrastructure needs for services with dynamic resizing of the physical
infrastructure by adding new hosts, and dynamic cluster partitioning to meet capacity
requirements of services.
Lower infrastructure expenses with the combination of local and remote Cloud resources,
so eliminating the over-purchase of systems to meet peaks demands.
Seamless integration with any product and service in the virtualization/cloud ecosystem
and management tool in the data centre, such as cloud providers, VM managers, virtual
image managers, service managers, management tools, scheduler.
Faster delivery and scalability of services to meet dynamic demands of service end-users.
1. Make an effective business case: Before you rip out your existing systems and introduce
your users to the cloud, it's important to plan ahead. This planning should include making clear
what benefits you expect to derive from the new solution and how this change will help meet
business objectives.
Any bank that's considering moving to the cloud needs to undergo a prudent research process.
Taking the time to learn about the available solutions should ease concerns about the cloud's
ability to meet the strict regulations posed by banks, as there are a number of solutions designed
to help banks comply with these regulations.
There's no doubt that your bank has made significant investments in an infrastructure that the
cloud will replace, and you'll need to justify the cost of not using this infrastructure.
Although moving to the cloud will replace some legacy hardware, your bank will likely need to
keep in place other existing on-premise solutions.
Since you will have multiple solutions in place, determine which system is the master when it
comes to data governance. Historically, banks have been account-centric, but the shift today is
toward becoming more client-centric, so you need to make sure your data is set up to match this
new model.
Configuring and managing cloud solutions will come with a learning curve for even the most
seasoned IT professionals.
The applications of cloud computing are practically limitless. With the right middleware, a cloud
computing system could execute all the programs a normal computer could run. Potentially,
everything from generic word processing software to customized computer programs designed
for a specific company could work on a cloud computing system.
1. Clients would be able to access their applications and data from anywhere at any time.
They could access the cloud computing system using any computer linked to the Internet.
2. It could bring hardware costs down. Cloud computing systems would reduce the need for
advanced hardware on the client side. You wouldn't need to buy the fastest computer with the
most memory, because the cloud system would take care of those needs for you.
3. The companies don't have to buy a set of software or software licenses for every employee.
Instead, the company could pay a metered fee to a cloud computing company.
4. Servers and digital storage devices take up space. Some companies rent physical space to
store servers and databases because they don't have it available on site. Cloud computing
gives these companies the option of storing data on someone else's hardware, removing the
need for physical space on the front end.
5. If the cloud computing system's back end is a grid computing system, then the client could
take advantage of the entire network's processing power.
6.1 Introduction
Ubiquitous computing devices are not personal computers, but very tiny even invisible devices.
Can be either mobile or embedded in almost any type of object imaginable. This may include
cars, tools, appliances, clothing and various consumer goods all communicating through
increasingly interconnected networks.
Vision: Also known as Pervasive Computing. Some Visions are, “Computing Everywhere for
Everyone”, “Embed Computing devices in the environment”, “Keep the computers in the
background presence".
6.2 Applications:
1. Health Care: Pervasive computing offers opportunities for future healthcare provision both
for treating and managing disease, and for patient administration. Remote sensors and
monitoring technology might allow the continuous capture and analysis of patients’
physiological data. Medical staff could be immediately alerted to any detected irregularities.
3.Intelligent transport systems: Such systems seek to bring together information and
telecommunications technologies in a collaborative scheme to improve the safety, efficiency and
productivity of transport network. Electronic devices could be directly integrated into the
transport infrastructure, and into vehicles themselves, with the aim of better monitoring and
managing the movement of vehicles within road, rail, air and sea transport systems.
5. Logistics: Tracking logistical goods along the entire transport chain of raw materials, semi-
finished articles, and finished products (including their eventual disposal) closes the gap in IT
control systems between the physical flow and the information flow. This offers opportunities for
optimizing and automating logistics that are already apparent today.
6. Motor traffic: Automobiles already contain several assistance systems that support the driver
invisibly. Networking vehicles with each other and with surrounding telemetric systems is
anticipated for the future.
7. Military: The military sector requires the provision of information on averting and fighting
external threats that is as close-meshed, multi-dimensional, and interrelated as possible. This
comprises the collection and processing of information. It also includes the development of new
weapons systems.
8. Production: In the smart factory, the flow and processing of components within
manufacturing are controlled by the components and by the processing and transport stations
themselves. Ubiquitous computing will facilitate a decentralized production system that will
independently configure, control and monitor itself.
9. E-commerce: The smart objects of ubiquitous computing allow for new business models
with a variety of digital services to be implemented. These include location-based services, a
shift from selling products to renting them, and software agents that will instruct components in
ubiquitous computing to initiate and carry out services and business transactions independently.
10. Inner security: Identification systems, such as electronic passport and the already abundant
smart cards, are applications of ubiquitous computing in inner security. In the future, monitoring
systems will become increasingly important—for instance, in protecting the environment or
surveillance of key infrastructure such as airports and the power grid.
User Interfaces:- The multitude of different Ubicomp devices with their different sizes of
displays and interaction capabilities represents another challenge.
Networking:- Another key driver for the final transition will be the use of short-range
wireless as well as traditional wired technologies. Wireless computing refers to the use of
wireless technology to connect computers to a network.
Mobility:- First of all, the middleware has to deal with the mobility of the users and other
physical objects. Therefore it must support mobile wireless communication and small mobile
computing devices, such as PDAs and laptops.
Scalability:- In a ubiquitous computing environment where possibly thousands and thousands
of devices are part of scalability of the whole system is a key requirement. All the devices are
autonomous and must be able to operate independently a decentralized management will
most likely be most suitable.
Reliability:- Thus the reliability of ubiquitous services and devices is a crucial requirement.In
order to construct reliable systems self-monitoring, self-regulating and self-healing features
like they are found in biology might be a solution.
Interoperability:- This will probably be one of the major factors for the success or failure of
the Ubicomp vision. This diversity will make it impossible that there is only one agreed
Resource Discovery:- The ability of devices to describe their behaviour to the network is a
key requirement. On the other hand, it cannot be assumed that devices in a ubiquitous
environment have prior knowledge of the capabilities of other occupants.
Privacy and Security:- In a fully networked world with ubiquitous, sensor-equipped devices
several privacy and security issues arise. The people in this environment will be worried
about their privacy since there is the potential of total monitoring must be understandable by
the user and it must be modelled into the system architecture.
6.5 Human Computer Interaction
Ubiquitous computing has high prospects for human life along with certain challenges across
computer science, system design, system engineering, system modelling and in Human
Computer Interactions (HCI) design. In case of Human Computer Interactions (HCI) there are
certain requirements and challenges for ubiquitous computing like minimum user attention in
order to enable them to focus on tasks rather than technology.
Traditional Human computer Interaction models in the form command line, menu driven or
Graphical User Interface (GUI) are inadequate and insufficient to meet the unique requirements
of the ubiquitous computing environment.
The smart objects of ubiquitous computing require developers who design user interfaces that
move beyond the formerly dominant monitor/keyboard principle. Most objects will have a
variety of interfaces to their environment, but these will not include visualization components.
Moreover, there will be many implicit interactions in which the user will have little or no
involvement in the computing process, to avoid flooding the user with information. Even so, the
user must be given the option of controlling the activities of ubiquitous computing by means of
an appropriate human-machine interface.
The design of human-machine interfaces is an important activity for most of the leading players
in consumer electronics and computer systems. Companies such as Microsoft and Siemens
maintain their own usability labs in order to test their products. The auto industry and its
suppliers, e.g., Toyota, BMW and Mitsubishi, or their suppliers Emerson and Siemens VDO, are
also working intensively on the interfaces of their driver assistance systems.
A central challenge for the human-machine interface is to construct a semantic model of the real
world, which would allow the meaning of a spoken sentence to be understood, for example. Such
models have been developed for specific domains such as medicine, but a general model is yet to
These developments are currently getting a strong boost from the semantic web initiative of the
Internet standards organization- the World-wide Web Consortium. Semantic Web comprises a
collection of standards for classification systems such as RDF and OWL, which model the real
world in networks of concepts. Whether and how this approach might impact real applications
has yet to be seen.
Technology experts believe that human-machine interfaces will play a rather average role for the
evolution of ubiquitous computing. Speech technology is seen as particularly relevant, but also
as a possible technological bottleneck. The visionary approaches of gestures and implants are
believed to be less relevant for further evolution of ubiquitous computing.
6.6 Architectural Design for UbiCom Systems: Smart DEI Model
Three basic architectural design patterns for ubiquitous ICT system: smart devices, smart
environment and smart interaction are proposed. Here the concept smart simply means that the
entity is active, digital, networked, can operate to some extent autonomously, is reconfigurable
and has local control of the resources it needs such as energy, data storage, etc.
It follows that these three main types of system design may themselves contain sub-systems and
components at a lower level of granularity that may also be considered smart, e.g., a smart
environment device may consist of smart sensors and a smart controller, etc. There is even smart
dust. An illustrative example of how these three types of models can be deployed is given in
Figure below. These are many examples of sub-types28 of smarts for each of the three basic
types of smarts which are discussed in detail in the later chapters of this book.
The three main types of smart design also overlap, they are not mutually exclusive. Smart
devices may also support smart interaction. Smart mobile start devices can be used for control in
addition to the use of static embedded environment devices.
Smart devices may be used to support the virtual viewpoints of smart personal (physical
environment) spaces in a personal space that accompanies the user wherever they are. Smart DEI
also refers to hybrid models that combine the designs of smart device, smart environments and
smart interaction.
Figure 6.2: A UbiCom system model. The dotted line indicates the UbiCom system
Smart devices, e.g., personal computer, mobile phone, tend to be multi-purpose ICT devices,
operating as a single portal to access sets of popular multiple application services that may reside
locally on the device or remotely on servers. There is a range of forms for smart devices. Smart
devices tend to be personal devices, having a specified owner or user. In the smart device model,
the locus of control and user interface reside in the smart device.
The main characteristics of smart devices are as follows: mobility, dynamic service discovery
and intermittent resource access (concurrency, upgrading, etc.). Devices are often designed to be
multi-functional because these ease access to, and simplify the interoperability of, multi-
functions at run-time. However, the trade-off is in a decreased openness of the system to
maintain (upgrade) hardware components and to support more dynamic flexible run-time
1. Weiser’s ICT Device Forms: Tabs, Pads and Boards We often think of computers primarily
in terms of the multi-application personal or server computers, as devices with some type of
screen display for data output and a keyboard and some sort of pointing devices for data input.
As humans, we routinely interact with many more devices that have single embedded computers
in them, such as household appliances, and with complex machines that have multiple embedded
computers in them.
Weiser noted that there was a trend away from many people per computer, to one computer per
person, through to many computers per person. Computer-based devices tend to become smaller
and lighter in weight, cheaper to produce. Thus devices can become prevalent, made more
portable and can appear less obtrusive.
Weiser considered a range of device sizes in his early work from wearable centimetre-sized
devices (tabs), to hand-held decimetre-sized devices (pads) to metre-sized (boards) displays. ICT
Pads to enable people to access mobile services and ICT tabs to track goods are in widespread
use. Wall displays are useful for viewing by multiple people, for collaborative working and for
viewing large complex structures such as maps. Board devices may also be used horizontally as
surface computers as well used in a vertical position.
Accompanied: these are devices that are not worn or implanted. They can either be portable
or hand-held, separate from, but carried in clothes or fashion accessories.
Portable: such as laptop computers which are oriented to two-handed operation while seated.
These are generally the highest resource devices.
Hand-held: devices are usually operated one handed and on occasion hands-free, combining
multiple applications such as communication, audio-video recording and playback and
mobile office. These are low resource devices.
Wearable: devices such as accessories and jewellery are usually operated hands-free and
operate autonomously, e.g., watches that act as personal information managers, earpieces that
act as audio transceivers, glasses that act as visual transceivers and contact lenses. These are
low resource devices.
Implanted or embedded: these are often used for medical reasons to augment human
functions, e.g., a heart pacemaker. They may also be used to enhance the abilities of
physically and mentally able humans. Implants may be silicon-based macro- or micro-sized
integrated circuits or they may be carbon-based, e.g., nanotechnology.
Static can be regarded as an antonym for mobile. Static devices tend to be moved before
installation to a fixed location and then reside there for their full operational life-cycle. They tend
to use a continuous network connection and fixed energy source.
They can incorporate high levels of local computation resources, e.g., personal computer, AV
recorders and players, various home and office appliances, etc. The division between statics and
mobiles can be more finely grained. For example, statics could move between sessions of usage,
e.g., a mobile circus containing different leisure rides in contrast to the rides in a fixed leisure
4. Volatile Service Access: Mobiles tend to use wireless networks. However, mobiles may be
intermittently connected to either wireless networks (WAN is not always available) or to wired
communications networks (moving from LAN to LAN) or to both. Service access by smart
mobile devices is characterised as follows. Intermittent (service access) devices access
software services and hardware intermittently. This may be because resources are finite and
demand exceeds supply, e.g., a device runs out of energy and needs to wait for it to be
This may be because resources are not continually accessible. Service discovery: devices can
dynamically discover available services or even changes in the service context. Devices can
discover the availability of local access networks and link via core networks to remote network
home services. They can discover local resources and balance the cost and availability of local
access versus remote access to services.
Devices can be designed to access services that they discover on an intermittent basis. Context-
aware discovery can improve basic discovery by limiting discovery to the services to the ones
of interest, rather than needing to be notified of many services that do not match the context.
With asymmetric remote service access, more downloads than uploads, tends to occur. This is in
part due to the limited local resources.
For example, because of the greater power needed to transmit rather than receive
communication and the limited power capacity, high power consumption results in more
received than sent calls. Apart from the ability to create and transmit voice signals, earlier
phones were designed to be transreceivers and players. More recently, because of
miniaturisation, mobile devices not only act as multimedia players, they can also act as
multimedia recorders and as content sources.
5. Situated and Self-Aware: Smart devices although they are capable of remote access to any
Internet services, tend to use various contexts to filter information and service access. For
examples, devices may operate to focus on local views of the physical environments, maps,
and to access local services such as restaurants and hotels.
Mobiles are often designed to work with a reference location in the physical environment called
a home location, e.g., mobile network nodes report their temporary location addresses to a home
server which is used to help coordinate the mobility. Service providers often charge access to
services for mobile service access based upon how remote they are with respect to a reference
ICT location, a home ICT location. During transit, mobiles tend to reference a route from a start
location to a destination location.
Mobile devices support limited local hardware, physical, and software resources in terms of
power, screen, CPU, memory, etc. They are ICT resource constrained. Services that are accessed
or pushed to use such devices must be aware of these limitations, otherwise the resource
utilisation by services will not be optimal and may be wasted, e.g., receiving content in a format
that cannot be played.
In the latter case, the mobile device could act as an intermediary to output this content to another
device where it can be played. Mobile devices tend to use a finite internal energy cache in
contrast to an external energy supply, enhancing mobility. The internal energy supply may be
replenished from a natural renewal external source, e.g., solar power or from an artificial energy
gird: energy self-sufficiency.
This is particularly important for low-maintenance, tether less devices. Devices can
automatically configure themselves to support different functions based upon the energy
available. Without an internal energy cache, the mobility of devices may be limited by the
length of a power cable it is connected to. There is usually a one-to-one relationship between
mobiles and their owners. Devices’ configuration and operation tends to be personalised, to
support the concept of a personal information and service space which accompanies people
where ever they are.
Smart environment devices support several types of interaction with environments such as the
physical environment as follows:
• Tagging and annotating the physical environment: tags, e.g., RFID32 tags, can be attached
to physical objects. Tag readers can be used to find the location of tags and to track them. Virtual
tags can be attached to virtual views of the environment, e.g., a tag can be attached to a location
in a virtual map.
• Sensing or monitoring the physical environment: Transducers take inputs from the physical
environment to convert some phenomena in the physical world into electrical signals that can be
digitised, e.g., how much ink is in a printer’s cartridges. Sensors provide the raw information
about the state of the physical environment as input to help determine the context in a context
aware system. Sensing is often a pre-stage to filtering and adapting.
• Filtering: a system forms an abstract or virtual view of part of its environment such as the
physical world. This reduces the number of features in the view and enables viewers to focus on
the features of interest.
• Adapting: system behaviour can adapt to the features of interest in the environment of adapt to
changes in the environment, e.g., a physical environment route is based upon the relation of the
current location to a destination location.
• Controlling the physical world: Controllers normally require sensors to determine the state of
the physical phenomena e.g., heating or cooling systems that sense the temperature in an
environment. Controlling can involve actions to modify the state of environment, to cause it to
transition to another state. Control may involve changing the order (assembly) of artefacts in the
environment or may involve regulation of the physical environment.
• Assembling: robots are used to act on a part of the physical world. There is a variety of robots.
They may be pre-programmed to schedule a series of actions in the world to achieve some goal,
e.g., a robot can incorporate sensors to detect objects in a source location, move them and stack
them in a destination location .
• Regulating: Regulators tend to work in a fixed location, e.g., a heating system uses feedback
control to regulate the temperature in an environment within a selected range.
6.10 Context-Aware Systems
Is the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event. It deals with,
The parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its
The interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs.
Perception of Context
Through examination of internal state -> internal Context.
Through examination of surrounding environment through own sensor system embedded
in object -> Smart Artefacts.
Through examination of surrounding environment with the help of sensors embedded
into the environment -> Smart Environments.
MediaCup: Smart-Artefacts
Aware Home / Context Toolkit: Smart-Environment
Context-aware systems can be implemented in many ways. The approach depends on special
requirements and conditions such as the location of sensors (local or remote), the amount of
possible users (one user or many), the available resources of the used devices (high-end-PCs or
small mobile devices) or the facility of a further extension of the system. Furthermore, the
method of context-data acquisition is very important when designing context-aware systems
because it predefines the architectural style of the system at least to some extent.
Direct sensor access: This approach is often used in devices with sensors locally built in. The
client software gathers the desired information directly from these sensors, i.e., there is no
additional layer for gaining and processing sensor data. Drivers for the sensors are hardwired
into the application, so this tightly coupled method is usable only in rare cases. Therefore, it is
not suited for distributed systems due to its direct access nature which lacks a component capable
of managing multiple concurrent sensor accesses.
Context server: The next logical step is to permit multiple clients access to remote data sources.
This distributed approach extends the middleware based architecture by introducing an access
managing remote component. Gathering sensor data is moved to this so-called context server to
facilitate concurrent multiple access. Besides the reuse of sensors, the usage of a context server
has the advantage of relieving clients of resource intensive operations.
As probably the majority of end devices used in context-aware systems are mobile gadgets with
limitations in computation power, disk space etc., this is an important aspect. In return one has to
consider about appropriate protocols, network performance, quality of service parameters etc.
when designing a context-aware system based on client-server architecture.
The first layer consists of a collection of different sensors. It is notable that the word “sensor” not
only refers to sensing hardware but also to every data source which may provide usable context
Concerning the way data is captured, sensors can be classified in three groups Physical sensors.
The most frequently used type of sensors are physical sensors. Many hardware sensors are
available nowadays which are capable of capturing almost any physical data.
Logical sensors. These sensors make use of a couple of information sources, and combine
physical and virtual sensors with additional information from databases or various other sources
in order to solve higher tasks. For example, a logical sensor can be constructed to detect an
employee’s current position by analyzing logins at desktop PCs and a database mapping of
devices to location information.
The second layer is responsible for the retrieval of raw context data. It makes use of appropriate
drivers for physical sensors and APIs for virtual and logical sensors. The query functionality is
often implemented in reusable software components which make low-level details of hardware
access transparent by providing more abstract methods such as get Position().
By using interfaces for components responsible for equal types of context these components
become exchangeable. Therefore, it is possible, for instance, to replace a RFID system by a GPS
system without any major modification in the current and upper layers.
The Preprocessing layer is not implemented in every context-aware system but may offer useful
information if the raw data are too coarse grained. The preprocessing layer is responsible for
reasoning and interpreting contextual information.
The sensors queried in the underlying layer most often return technical data that are not
appropriate to use by application designers. Hence this layer raises the results of layer two to a
higher abstraction level. The transformations include extraction and quantization operations. For
example, the exact GPS position of a person might not be of value for an application but the
name of the room the person is in, may be.
The fourth layer, Storage and Management, organizes the gathered data and offers them via a
public interface to the client. Clients may gain access in two different ways, synchronous and
asynchronous. In the synchronous manner the client is polling the server for changes via remote
method calls. Therefore, it sends a message requesting some kind of offered data and pauses
until it receives the server’s answer.
The asynchronous mode works via subscriptions. Each client subscribes to specific events it is
interested in. On occurrence of one of these events, the client is either simply notified or a
client’s method is directly involved using a callback. In the majority of cases the asynchronous
approach is more suitable due to rapid changes in the underlying context. The polling technique
is more resource intensive as context data has to be requested quite often and the application has
to prove for changes itself, using some kind of context history.
The client is realized in the fifth layer, the Application layer. The actual reaction on different
events and context instances is implemented here. Sometimes information retrieval and
application specific context management and reasoning is encapsulated in form of agents which
communicate with the context server and act as an additional layer between the preprocessing
and the application layer (Chen, 2004). An example for context logic at the client side is the
display on mobile devices: as a light sensor detects bad illumination, text may be displayed in
higher color contrast.
A context model is needed to define and store context data in a machine process able form. To
develop flexible and useable context ontologies that cover the wide range of possible contexts is
a challenging task.
Key-Value Models: These models represent the simplest data structure for context modeling.
They are frequently used in various service frameworks, where the key value pairs are used to
describe the capabilities of a service. Service discovery is then applied by using matching
algorithms which use these key-value pairs.
Markup Scheme Models: All markup based models use a hierarchical data structure consisting
of markup tags with attributes and content. Profiles represent typical markup-scheme models.
Typical examples for such profiles are the Composite Capabilities / Preference Profile (CC/PP)
(W3C, 2004a) and User Agent Profile (UAProf) (Wapforum, 2001), which are encoded in
Graphical Models: The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is also suitable for modeling
context. Various approaches exist where contextual aspects are modeled in by using UML, e.g.,
Sheng and Benatallah (2005).
Object Oriented Models. Modeling context by using object-oriented techniques offers to use
the full power of object orientation (e.g., encapsulation, reusability, inheritance). Existing
approaches use various objects to represent different context types (such as temperature,
location, etc.), and encapsulate the details of context processing and representation. Access the
context and the context processing logic is provided by well-defined interfaces.
Logic Based Models. Logic-based models have a high degree of formality. Typically, facts,
expressions and rules are used to define a context model. A logic based system is then used to
manage the aforementioned terms and allows to add, update or remove new facts. The inference
(also called reasoning) process can be used to derive new facts based on existing rules in the
systems. The contextual information needs to be represented in a formal way as facts.
Ontology Based Models. Ontologies represent a description of the concepts and relationships.
Therefore, ontologies are a very promising instrument for modeling contextual information due
to their high and formal expressiveness and the possibilities for applying ontology reasoning
techniques. Various context-aware frameworks use ontologies as underlying context models.
Fig 6.4: Centre for Ubiquitous communication by Light.
The Canter offers a variety of vehicles through which different entities can partner with.
Its Partnership Programs allow you to engage in different Center’s activities at different levels,
license technologies, contract to use facilities and equipment, attend seminars, and gain access to
the latest research and innovation.
Partners can contribute to the Canter by sponsoring employees or students to work directly in the
Canter, and provide real-time comments on center operation and research thrusts. They can also
collaborate with the center to pursue state or government grants of joint interest.
The Centre also anticipates attention and support by different sponsors to enrich Center’s
research. Sponsors may similarly choose to become involved.
The Canter is establishing an advisory board consisting of invited experts and representatives
from industry, government and academia, to assess and reshape the Centre programs.
The center researchers consult advisory board members informally throughout the year, and the
board has a formal face-to-face meeting once per year around each Centre annual meeting. The
advisory board can evaluate the Center’s progress toward the metrics and benchmarks, and
identify potential opportunities and threats for the Centre to pursue.
6.11 Ubiquitous System Challenge and outlook
Key Challenges
Key Challenges for each of the core UbiCom system properties are considered:
• Distributed
• Context-Aware
• iHCI
• Artificial Intelligent
• Autonomous
• Reliability
• Openness
• Event floods
• Ad hoc interactions
• Reduced cohesion,
• Disruptions
• Localized scalability
• Increase in Interdependencies
1. Smart Interaction
• Smarter interaction between individual smart devices and smart environments is a key
enabler to promote richer, more seamless, personal, social and public spaces.
• Interaction with smart mobile & environment devices requires effective human computer
interaction design to make these systems useful
• Human interactions often need to be centred in physical world rather than centred in
virtual computer devices.
Key challenges for Interaction in Smart Environments