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Demystifying Cloud Computing

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Demystifying Cloud Computing

Paulo Neto

Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n 4200-465 PORTO, Portugal

Abstract. The Cloud computing emerges as a new computing style

which aims to provide on-demand network access to a shared pool of
scalable and often virtualized resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage,
applications, and services) that can be quickly provisioned and released.
It became a mainstream in 2006 but so far there is still no consensus
about its definition. This paper introduces and reviews the Cloud com-
puting regarding to its definition, architecture, security and economical
aspects. The purpose of this study is the creation of a baseline to start
a PhD research within this subject.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, Utility Computing

1 Introduction

With the fast improvement of computer processing and storage technologies

in conjunction with the Internet success, the hardware resources have become
cheaper and widely available. This technological trend has led to a new comput-
ing model called cloud computing, in which resources (e.g., CPU, storage and
network) are provided as general utilities that can be leased and released by
users through the Internet in an on-demand fashion.
Cloud computing can be seen as a platform that hosts applications and ser-
vices and being driven by three significant trends. First, the wide shift to new
Internet-based business models and Web 2.0 applications is driven by the growth
in connected devices, real-time data streams, search operations, collaboration
and social networking, and consumer-generated data. Second, global organiza-
tions are required to become integrated as they look to implement services-
oriented architecture (SOA) applications and take advantage of software as a
service (SaaS). Third, management, datacenter space and energy costs are driv-
ing to the requirement to improve the efficiency on the asset and human resources
Cloud computing provides computing as a utility. Just as electric companies
provide electricity when and where needed, cloud computing vendors dynami-
cally provision, configure, and de-provision IT (information technology) capabil-
ity as needed, transparently and seamlessly. This allows IT consumers to focus
on their specific problems and not on the computing resources they require.
There is an increasingly perceived vision that computing will be the 5th utility
(after water, electricity, gas, and telephony) [5].
The remaining parts of this paper are organized as follows. Section 2 presents
an overview and a definition of Cloud computing, Section 3 depicts a Cloud
computing architecture, the underlying services and the deployment models and
technologies. Section 4 compares Cloud with Grid computing emphasizing the
role of the Web 2.0. The privacy and data security risks are discussed in Section
5. Section 6 describes some economical aspects and finally Section 7 presents
some conclusions about this Cloud computing review.

2 Overview
In this section we present an overview of Cloud Computing including some def-
initions and a comparison with related concepts.

2.1 Definitions
The underlying concept of cloud computing is not a new one. John McCarthy
[20] in 1961, was the first to publicly suggest (in a speech given to celebrate
MITs centennial) that computer time-sharing technology might lead to a future
in which computing power and even specific applications could be sold through
the utility business model (like water or electricity). This idea of a computer or
information utility was very popular in the late 1960s, but given up by the mid-
1970s as it became clear that the hardware, software and telecommunications
technologies of the time were not ready yet for that challenge. However, since
2000, the idea has resurfaced in new forms [20]. The first academic definition
was provided by [8] in 1997 who called it a computing paradigm where the
boundaries of computing will be determined by economic rationale rather than
technical limits. When Eric Schmidt [19,18] explained his cloud computing view
on the Search Engine Strategies Conference in 2006 and a couple of weeks later
Amazon included the word cloud in the Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2), the
term became a mainstream.
In October 2007 Google and IBM [9,14] announced a major research initiative
to help students and researchers to address this new Internet-scale computing
paradigm. There is still a little consensus how to define Cloud Computing [12].
The Berkeley researchers [16] define Cloud Computing as both the applications
delivered as services over the Internet and the hardware and systems software
in the datacenters that provide those services.

The NIST also published a definition of cloud computing [15]:

“Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand net-
work access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,
networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly
provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction.”
From the hardware point of view, there is an illusion of infinite computing
resources available on demand. The Cloud users don’t need to concern themselves
about the required resources for the future growth, and those resources will be
paid in a pay-per-usage basis.
The Figure 1 shows the main characteristics of a cloud service. It needs to
be paid in a pay-per-usage basis, the resources should be scaled up or down on
demand (elasticity), and the resource management is owned by the provider.


Pay as
Elastic Managed
You go

Fig. 1. Characteristics of a cloud service.

3 Cloud Computing Architecture

This section presents the cloud computing architecture, the typical deployment
models as well as the underlying technologies.

3.1 Cloud Service Levels

Cloud services can be classified into four general types [6]:

Software as a Service (SaaS)

This is the most common type of cloud service and one that almost everyone
has already used at some point. In the SaaS cloud model, the service provider
supplies all the infrastructure along with the software product. Users interact
with the service using a Web-based front end. These services cover a wide
range, from Web-based e-mail like GMail to financial software like Mint [3].
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Cloud service that provides software and product development tools hosted
by the provider on the hardware infrastructure. The term PaaS is commonly
used for cloud-based platforms to build and run custom applications. PaaS
applications provide everything needed to build and deploy Web applications
and services accessible from anywhere on the Internet. The end users do
not have to download, install, or maintain the system. Popular examples of
this kind of a service are Google App Engine, Microsoft Windows Azure,
Force.com, Morph and Bungee Connect [7].
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Cloud services that provide access to computing resources such as processing
or storage which can be obtained as a service. The most popular examples
of IaaS are Amazon Web Services (AWS) with its Elastic Compute Cloud
(EC2) [1] for processing and Simple Storage Service (S3) [2] for storage , and
and Rackspace [4].
data Storage as a Service (dSaaS)
Services that provide storage to be used by the consumer including band-
width requirements [11].
Cloud computing can be viewed as a collection of services, which can be presented
in layers services, as shown in Figure 2.





Servers and Storage


Fig. 2. Layered architecture of Cloud Computing.

3.2 Cloud Computing Deployment Models

There are four types of cloud computing deployment models [21]:
Public Cloud
A public cloud is the traditional concept where the resources are leased
through the Internet from an off-site third-party provider who bills in a pay
per usage basis.
Community cloud
A community cloud is usually used by a set of organizations with similar
requirements and interests in order to share the infrastructure but keeping
a certain additional level of security and privacy. Examples of community
cloud include Google’s “Gov Cloud”.
Hybrid cloud
Even without consensus with this term, a hybrid cloud is probably the use of
physical hardware and virtualized cloud server instances together to provide
a single common service. For instance, a hybrid storage cloud can be used
in a tier fashion for archiving, backup and replication functionalities.
Private cloud
In private clouds the idea of leasing instead of buying and manage is lost,
but for big organizations it can be acceptable with the IT department (or
the hosting entity) playing the provider role. The storage and server hard-
ware providers also allow some pay per usage policy, like having additional
processors and storage capacity that will be charged just when temporarily
activated (Capacity on Demand). Thus even in private clouds the backend
overprovisioning can be avoided.

3.3 Technologies Behind a Cloud

Numerous underlying precursor technologies enabled cloud computing to emerge,


– Internet
– Virtualization
– Software-as-a-Service
– LAMP and WAMP stacks
– Web Hosting
– Database
– Inexpensive CPUs and storage
– SOA (service-oriented architectures)
– Sophisticated client algorithms, including HTML, CSS, AJAX, REST
– Client broadband
– SOA (service-oriented architectures)
– Large infrastructure implementations from Google, Yahoo, Amazon, and

4 Comparing with Grid Computing

The definition of Cloud Computing overlaps with many existing technologies,

such as Grid Computing, Utility Computing, Services Computing, and dis-
tributed computing in general. Cloud Computing is indeed evolved out of Grid
Computing and relies on Grid Computing as its backend and infrastructure sup-
port. The evolution has been a result of a shift in focus from an infrastructure
that delivers storage and processing resources (such is the case in Grids) to one
that is economy based in order to deliver more abstract resources and services
(such is the case in Clouds) [10]. Cloud and grid systems share the same basic
goal to reduce the computing costs. Grids are mostly designed to be general
purpose, so they exhibit a complete set of available system capabilities and the
resulting interface available for users and applications remains low level [13]. In
contrast to the Grid system interfaces, cloud system interfaces are simpler and
they do not expose internal system characteristics. Typically the exposed capa-
bility set is usually much more limited than the set of capabilities available in
the Cloud system itself. Figure 3 adapted from [10] shows an overview of the
relationship between Clouds and other domains that it overlaps with. Web 2.0
covers almost the whole spectrum of service-oriented applications, where Cloud
Computing lies at the large-scale side. Supercomputing and Cluster Computing
have been more focused on traditional non-service applications. Grid Computing
overlaps with all these fields.

Scale Distributed Systems


Grids Clouds

Web 2.0

Non-Service Service
Applications Oriented

Fig. 3. Grids and Clouds interaction.

5 Privacy and Data Security Risks

Although the many advantages of cloud computing already presented, some se-
curity issues need to be carefully evaluated. Processing sensitive data outside the
companies require additional cautions since the data bypass the physical, logi-
cal and personnel controls. The customers need to follow data retention policies
enforced by the regulatory laws, thus the service provider need to be prepared
and certified for those requirements. As long as the data is spread across multi-
ple locations a special concern need to be taken regarding to the law on those
specific locations (state/countries). In order to keep the data confidentiality, a
widely tested encryption scheme should used because an encryption accident can
make the data totally unusable. To protect against theft and or denial-of-service
attacks by users, virtualization is the primary security mechanism in the today’s
clouds. It’s a well known technology that protects against most attempts by
users to attack one another or the underlying cloud infrastructure. Nevertheless
neither all resources are virtualized nor the virtualization engines are bug free.
Another important concern is the protection against the cloud provider. The
virtualization technologies may allow the one who manages the lower layers to
circumvent many security barriers. Although there is already strict legislation in
US and EU to regulate and audit cloud computing providers [17], there is still
some reluctance by several companies to adopt this new technology at least in
a public cloud.

6 Cloud Computing Economics

One of the basic policies for any organization is the TCO (Total Cost of Own-
ership) reduction. For instance, provisioning a data center for the peak load
it must sustain during the end of the month (batch jobs), leads to a resource
underutilization during remaining time of the month. An organization in this
situation may benefit from cloud computing paying by the hour for computing
leading to cost savings even if the hourly rate to rent a machine from a cloud
provider is higher than the rate to own one (including space, power, cooling and
maintenance costs).
One of the basic policies for any organization is the reduction the TCO (Total
Cost of Ownership). For instance, provisioning a data center for the peak load
it must sustain during the end of the month leads to underutilization during the
other days. In this situation an organization may benefit from cloud computing
paying by the hour for computing leading to cost savings even if the hourly rate
to rent a machine from a cloud provider is higher than the rate to own one
(including space, power, cooling and maintenance costs).
Another example is a business startup that requires some computing re-
sources at the beginning but will suffer an unexpected increase of the resources
demand when it becomes popular. This type of organization doesn’t need to
invest upfront in computer resources that potentially will be used only months
or years later.
Although the clouding computing costs are more expensive compared with
owning a server for the same period, the cost of over-provisioning (having the
server in almost idle status during many hours per day) or under-provisioning
(increasing the system response time) is very high, driving the cloud computing
solution very attractive from the business point of view.
In Figure 4 with a correctly antecipated peak load, there is a waste of re-
sources due the lack of elasticity. The Figure 5 represents a typical underpro-
visioned environment where the demand overpass the capacity during the peak
load and still presenting long periods of low resource usage. Figure 6 represents
an on demand provisioning where the resources are dynamically adjusted based
on the demand (elasticity) providing a great cost effective solution.

C apacity
Resour ces

Resour ces
C apacity

D emand D emand

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
T ime Time

Fig. 4. Provisioning for peak load. Fig. 5. Underprovisioning.

Resour ces

C apacity
D emand

0 1 2 3
T ime

Fig. 6. On-Demand Provisioning.

In Figures 4,5 and 6, the grey area represents the waste of resources making
the on-demand provision the most efficient.
Although the economical benefits explained before there are also some nega-
tive aspects using Cloud Computing. For instance transferring a large database
over the network involves a significant cost (high bandwidth) and time. Some
companies choose to ship the data in physical support (tape or disk) through a
courier in order to reduce the network costs and the time that takes the data
import activity.

7 Conclusion

This paper reviewed the Cloud Computing technology from the architecture and
deployment models point of view and presented some economic advantages and
disadvantages and potential security issues. It has been produced as baseline to
start a PhD research within this subject and aims to contribute to the Cloud
computing evolution. Since cloud computing has embedded a blend of technolo-
gies, with so many opened issues like security, it may drive thousands of research
projects that will change the computing paradigms during the current decade.

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