Chen Et Al 2016 Electric Field Effects in Electrochemical Co2 Reduction
Chen Et Al 2016 Electric Field Effects in Electrochemical Co2 Reduction
Chen Et Al 2016 Electric Field Effects in Electrochemical Co2 Reduction
electron density, such that the adsorbed molecule becomes Figure 2a shows the calculated free-energy diagram at pH 0
partially negatively charged. However, if this were a true for all intermediates in the CO2 → CO pathway on Ag(111)
electron transfer step, the reaction energy should be dependent and Pt(111) at the thermodynamic equilibrium potential (U0 =
on the work function (or electrochemical potential) of the −0.11 V at pH 0)6 versus the reversible hydrogen electrode
surface, and we find that not to be the case. This is because (RHE). These energies were obtained under vacuum at zero
there is hybridization between the CO2 and metallic states electric field with the appropriate solvation corrections. The
during the adsorption process, such that the charge transfer is effect of applied potential are included through the CHE
not directly a function of the potential. We show that by model, where the chemical potential of an electron changes
evaluating the CO2 adsorption energy on a Pt(111) surface, with the RHE potential via −eU.17 Within this model, the
with different coadsorbates leading to substantial variation in electrostatic potential is global and affects the energy of the
the work function, shown in Figure 1. [Note: the Pt(111) electrons in the electrode (in an explicit solvation picture, the
field effect is local and affects the energy of adsorbates outside
the surface). The CHE model then allows us to separate the
effect of electrochemical potential from other physical
influences at the electrochemical interface.
Typically, a barrier of 0.75 eV is considered to be the upper
limit for facile kinetics, bceause it yields a turnover frequency of
∼1 s−1 at room temperature. On Pt(111), the activation of CO2
is facile, even at room temperature. The formation of *CO2 as
an intermediate before the coupled proton−electron transfer is
only moderately uphill in free energy. However, CO production
is still slow on Pt(111) due to the strong adsorption of CO,
which limits *CO desorption.9,26,27 On Ag(111), on the other
hand, both *CO2 and *COOH intermediates are high in free
energy, and *CO desorption is facile at the equilibrium
Figure 2b shows the free-energy diagram for Ag(111) at
−0.11 vs RHE that includes an applied field of −1.0 V/Å. As
discussed in the following, this local field strength is typical of
solvated cations at the double layer and the corresponding
energy is obtained via eq 5 (presented later in this work). The
field leads to a significant shift in the free energy of *CO2 (and,
to a lesser extent, *COOH), such that the first step is no longer
thermodynamically difficult. Therefore, we expect substantial
field effects on the CO2 → CO kinetics over Ag and other
weakly adsorbing surfaces. For more reactive surfaces such as
Pt, this effect should be considerably smaller, since *CO2 is
already quite stable there and therefore any field stabilization
will not be seen in the kinetics (see Figure 2a).
Now, we address field effects on adsorbed CO2 in detail.
Field effects on adsorption energies have been studied
extensively in the literature, both to explain alkali promotion
in heterogeneous catalysis28−30 and as a basis for understanding
Figure 1. Geometry and energetics of CO2 adsorption. surface electrochemistry.31−36 Field effects on an adsorbate are
strongly dependent on its dipole moment and polarizability:
many adsorbates show rather small field effects, such as the
surface is considered here, since the adsorption of CO2 is common intermediates in the oxygen reduction and evolution
favorable, even in the absence of an electric field (ΔE < 0). reactions.34,35 An exception is the C−C coupling reaction
Note that we show ΔG in Figure 1b, which is slightly positive energy, where significant effects have been found on important
from the enthalpic and entropic contributions (see the intermediates.33
Supporting Information (SI) for details of the electronic From a modeling perspective, the field effect can be
structure calculations). The side of the slab without any investigated in two ways, via (1) applying an external dipole
adsorbates retains the bare Pt(111) work function (5.8 eV) potential under vacuum, and (2) explicitly considering
from our calculations. Although molecular adsorption on adsorption at an Ag(111) | water interface (see Figures S3−
Pt(111) can vary significantly with the choice of exchange- S5 in the SI for calculation details). We examine the effects of
correlation functional, the Bayesian error estimation functional potassium (K+) and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (EMIM+) in
with van der Waals correlation (BEEF-vdW) used in the the current study, since experiments have suggested that these
current study has been shown to compare favorably with ions lower the overpotential for CO production.7,8,37,38 Alkali
experimental data.23,24 A 4 × 4 cell was used to ensure adequate cations have been hypothesized to adsorb to the electrode
separation (a minimum of 6 Å) between CO2 and the surface7,39 or interact with surface-adsorbed species non-
coadsorbate, to prevent interaction. These work function covalently.40,41 Surface X-ray scattering data have suggested
changes agree well with a previous study on halide adsorption some alkali and alkaline-earth cations to be solvated and not
to the Pt(111) surface.25] adsorbed at the electrode surface.42 EMIM+ has been shown to
7134 DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.6b02299
ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 7133−7139
ACS Catalysis Letter
Figure 2. Free-energy diagram for CO2(g) to CO(g) without (left) and with (right) the effects of electric field on Ag(111) at the equilibrium
potential of the overall reaction (−0.11 V vs RHE). The same pathway on Pt(111) is shown to contrast CO2 and CO adsorption energies for the two
metals in the absence of an applied electric field.
Figure 3. (a) Plot showing how an applied electric field affects the energetics of CO2 adsorption at 0 V vs SHE, showing field-stabilized energies
obtained with both vacuum and explicit solvation methods. (b) Depiction of the solvated structures representative of cation-containing water layers.
have a high coverage on metals, because of the strong van der comparison of the two datasets, since adsorbates in the vacuum
Waals interactions.43 EMIM+ has also been hypothesized to calculations experience no stabilization from hydrogen bonding
catalyze the CO2 → CO mechanism through specific chemical to the solvent.
bonding; however, the exact nature of this remains unclear,44,45 The energy of an adsorbate in an electric field is given by
and we focus only on the field effect in the present study.
In Figure 3a, we show the adsorption energy as a function of α ,2
E = E0 + μ , −
field strength for *CO2. The adsorbate adopts a bent 2 (5)
configuration on the surface, signifying sharing of electron where E represents the potential energy; E0 is the adsorption
density with the metal.46 The energies obtained under vacuum energy in the absence of an electric field; μ and α are the
through applying an external potential are indicated by gray intrinsic dipole moment and polarizability values, respectively,
circles, while the energies obtained with explicit solvent and for the adsorbate; and , represents the electric field.47 The
solvated K+ and EMIM+ ions are indicated by purple and blue equation of best fit for the curve in Figure 3a gives μ = 0.96 e Å
polygons, respectively (for determination of the electric field and α = 0.76 e Å2 V−1. Generally, energies obtained through
with the latter method, see Figures S4 and S5 in the SI). The calculations under vacuum and with explicit solvation agree,
solvated ions are located ∼4 Å from the metal surface and are suggesting that the stabilization from the solvated ions is due to
not specifically adsorbed. The numbers refer to distinct solvent the electric field and not specific chemical bonding. All solvent
configurations for both ions (see Figure S2 in the SI). Figure 3b configurations exert similar field strengths in the vicinity of
shows an example of the solvated cation structures used in our *CO2 and thus result in similar stabilizing effects.
calculations. An average solvation energy (see eq S3 in the SI) In contrast to classical models of the electrochemical
has been applied to the vacuum calculations to allow for the interface, the field effect is localized on the atomic scale. Figure
7135 DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.6b02299
ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 7133−7139
ACS Catalysis Letter
4 shows the cation-induced electric fields taken from a z-slice r4 = k4θCO − k −4pCO θ
* (9)
near the center of adsorbed CO2 with K+ solvated at the surface
where k is the rate constant and θ the coverage of a specific site
denoted in the subscript. The potential-dependent rate-
constant ki for the ith step is
kBT ⎛ E0 ⎞ ⎡ eβ (U − U 0) ⎤
ki = exp⎜⎜ −
a, i
⎟⎟ exp⎢ − i i
h ⎝ B ⎠
k T ⎢
⎣ k BT ⎥⎦ (10)
⎛ ΔGi ⎞
K i = exp⎜ − ⎟
⎝ kBT ⎠ (13)
where the ΔG value of each step is shown in the free-energy
diagram. We can then solve for the overall rate analytically.
Now we contrast the free-energy landscapes at pH 7 and pH
14. In Figure 5, the energy of each species containing a
where UpH=0
0 is the equilibrium potential at pH 0. The
equilibrium potential for the reaction under discussion then
changes from −0.11 at pH 0 to −0.52 V at pH 7 and −0.94 V
at pH 14. These equilibrium potentials are indicated by dotted *
S Supporting Information
Corresponding Author
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