Computational Modelling of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells: Challenges and Opportunities
Computational Modelling of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells: Challenges and Opportunities
Computational Modelling of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells: Challenges and Opportunities
Keynote Paper
Fuel cells are still undergoing intense development, and the combination of new and optimized materials, improved product
development, novel architectures, more efcient transport processes, and design optimization and integration are expected to lead to
major gains in performance, efciency, reliability, manufacturability and cost-effectiveness. Computational fuel cell engineering (CFCE)
tools that allow systematic simulation, design and optimization of fuel cell systems would facilitate the integration of such advances,
allow less heavy reliance on hardware prototyping, and reduce development cycles.
CFCE requires the robust integration of models representing a variety of complex multi-physics transport processes characterized by a
broad spectrum of length and time scales. These processes include a fascinating, but not always well understood, array of phenomena
involving uidic, ionic, electronic and thermal transport in concert with electrochemical reactions. In this paper, we report on some
progress in both fundamental modelling of these phenomena, as well as in the development of integrated, computational uid dynamics
(CFD) based models for polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells. A new rational model for coupled protonic and water transport
in PEMS, as well direct numerical simulations of two-phase ow in porous gas diffusion electrodes are discussed. Illustrative applications
of CFD-based simulations are presented for conventional fuel cells and novel micro-structured fuel cells. The paper concludes with a
perspective on some of the remaining theoretical, experimental and numerical challenges to achieve truly functional CFCE tools.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fuel cell; Transport phenomena; Two phase ow; Modelling; CFD; Polymer electrolyte membranes; Porous electrodes; Computational design;
Micro-fuel cell; Review
0360-5442/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
270 N. Djilali / Energy 32 (2007) 269280
membrane (PEM) to the cathode. Since the membrane is materials or designs. A particularly promising avenue is the
not electronically conductive, the electrons released at the use of micro-structured features [3] as will be discussed
anode have to ow along an external circuit, thereby later. In any case, it is rst necessary to identify the
generating useful electric power, and eventually recombine prevailing limitations and their location, and to understand
with the protons on the cathode side to produce water. their origin. In-situ measurements to obtain the relevant
These reactions and pathways are illustrated schematically information are exceedingly difcult due to the conned
in Fig. 1. and electrochemically active environment of fuel cells, the
Broadly speaking, improved performance in PEMFC complexity of the couplings, and the often transient nature
can be achieved by enhancing the rates of transport and/or of the processes. Rational models based on the funda-
reaction, and by increasing the surface/volume ratio of mental physico-chemical processes together with experi-
interfacial areas where reactions/transport take place. This mental observation are thus an essential tool to gain a
can be achieved by, e.g., engineering the transport proper- more complete understanding of the operation of a fuel
ties or processes in specic areas, or by introducing new cell. Coupling these models with modern computational
uid dynamics (CFD) and multi-disciplinary optimization
methods would allow the creation of powerful computa-
- + tional fuel cell engineering (CFCE) tools that could lead to
dramatic reductions in lead times and development costs,
and spur innovative design.
While much progress has been made in recent years in
Assembly (MEA) CFD based modelling of fuel cells, truly functional and
predictive capabilities remain a challenge due to, amongst
others factors:
Anode Cathode
lack of sufciently general models for ionic and water
transport in polymer membranes;
deciencies in models for two phase transport in porous
gas diffusion electrodes and gas ow channels;
O2 +4e-
inadequate macroscopic modelling and resolution of
catalyst layers;
4e- +4H+ +4H+
limited data for material and transport parameters and
lack of in situ data for validation; and
existence of a wide range of characteristic length and
time scales.
A review of challenges and modelling issues in both low The transport of heat away from the reaction site
and high temperature fuel cells, with particular attention to primarily through the solid matrix.
heat management, appeared recently [20]. In this paper, we Condensation/evaporation and transport of liquid water
provide an overview focused primarily on recent progress and vapour.
made at the University of Victoria in addressing some of
the key transport phenomena issues and in the develop- Optimal tailoring of an effective electrode requires
ment of CFD based modelling strategies for PEMFCs. The balancing of often conicting requirements. On the
rst part of the paper focuses on fundamental modelling of cathode side for instance, the reaction is prone to mass
specic transport phenomena encountered in component transport limitations at high current densities, when
layers of the membrane electrode assembly (MEA). In the depletion of oxygen in the air stream becomes signicant.
second part, we discuss the integration of some of these This can be further compounded by ooding of the
sub-models into multi-dimensional CFD codes and illus- electrode pores by the product water and blocking of
trate their application in plate and frame unit cells as well pathways for oxygen transport to the reaction sites.
as in novel micro-structured designs. The paper closes with Effective removal of excess water is thus essential, but
a perspective on some of the remaining challenges. must be balanced against the need to prevent drying of the
adjacent proton conducting media (membrane), which not
2. Transport phenomena in PEMFCS only causes deterioration in protonic conductivity (and
thus higher ohmic losses and lower efciency), but also
The cathode side of the MEA, shown schematically in impacts durability.
Fig. 2, provides a good illustration of the complex interplay Computational design of fuel cells with effective reactant
between various transport phenomena. The MEA consists distribution, optimized structures and proper heat and
of a proton exchange membrane sandwiched between water management, requires understanding of the various
catalyst and gas diffusion layers (GDL), with the latter two transport processes in each of the components, the
components essentially forming the electrode. This elec- development of physically representative models for these
trode is a buffer zone that facilitates a number of processes: processes, and, nally, proper coupling of the models.
The conduction of electrons between the current 2.1. Polymer electrolyte membranes
collectors and the reaction sites.
The conduction of protons between the membrane and Polymer electrolyte membranes (PEM) provide the key
catalyst layer. functions of conducting protons from anode to cathode,
The transport of the reactants to the catalyst layer. and of preventing reactant crossover. These membranes
consist of microphase-separated structures, comprising
Proton Carbon hydrophobic polymer chains (PTFE/Teon) and hydro-
Conducting Supported philic sulfonic acid groups. A thorough review of transport
Media Catalyst phenomena in PEM was recently provided in [21]. The
protonic conductivity characteristics of a PEM are strongly
e- dependent on the membrane hydration given in terms of l
(number of sorbed waters per sulfonate head). Excess
HO2 protons in bulk water are primarily in the form of
hydronium ions (H3O+), and higher complexes such as
O2 Eigen ion (H9O4)+ may also participate. A phenomenon
closely linked to membrane conductivity is electro-osmotic
drag (EOD), the process whereby a given number of water
molecules associated with a proton are dragged as the
proton migrates from anode to cathode. This EOD
H+ mechanism plays a major role in determining overall water
The breadth of PEM transport models proposed to date
ranges from molecular dynamics simulations and statistical
mechanics models, to empirical macroscopic models as
illustrated in Fig. 3. Our focus is on the development of
macroscopic models required for computational simula-
tions of complete fuel cells. The most widely used model to
PEM Catalyst GDL
date for determining membrane conductivity in large scale
fuel cell models is due to Springer, Zawodzinski and
Fig. 2. Transport of reactants, charged species and products in a PEMFC Gottesfeld [22]. This diffusion model has limited
cathode. predictive abilities as it relies on empirical correlations
272 N. Djilali / Energy 32 (2007) 269280
Fig. 3. Classication of transport models for proton exchange mem- Fig. 4 illustrates the enhanced capabilities of the BFM2
model in capturing the variation of the conductivity for all
water contents. Fig. 5 illustrates the predicted water
crossover coefcient WC N l I=2F . In the second
obtained for Naon membranes only [23,24], and in
part of this paper, the BFM2 is coupled to a fuel cell model
particular does not perform well under low humidication
and we will see that the resulting overpotentials and overall
conditions [23].
performance predicted by the BFM2 can, for some
A more fundamental and general approach to macro-
operating conditions, differ signicantly from those ob-
scopic modelling transport in membranes requires micro-
tained using the classical Springer model.
scopic consideration of the dominant interactions between
the aqueous system and the polymer and how they affect
the conductivity and transport properties. A general model 2.2. Gas diffusion electrodes
that considers such interactions based on the fundamentals
of multi-component diffusion was recently derived. This The gas diffusion layers (GDLs) consist of an aniso-
model proceeds from a generalization of the StefanMax- tropic brous structure, either in the form of a paper or a
well relations to a free solution in a membrane pore woven cloth, that allows distribution of reactant gases
structure [25]. Specializing this formulation to polymer through the porous matrix and collection of current
electrolyte membranes (specically peruorosulfonic acid through the bres (see Fig. 6). At higher current densities,
membranes) and expressing the electrochemical potential or when local water and heat management is inadequate,
gradient in terms of composition, activity, Gibbs free water condensation takes place leading to potential
energy, and electrical potential yields a general expression ooding within the GDL (and catalyst layer) as
that can be simplied through an order of magnitude discussed earlier. In order to remedy this, GDLs are
analysis [26]. Considering a limiting case scenario with a commonly treated with PTFE (Teon) to impart hydro-
pressure drop of order (5 105 N/m2) and a potential drop phobicity, and force water droplets to agglomerate at the
of order (0.3 V), shows that the dominant driving terms are free surface of the GDL. However, the hydrophilic Naon
the potential and mole fraction gradients, rFm and rX. in the catalyst layer will absorb and retain liquid water.
The resulting simplication and expressing X in terms of
membrane water content l yields the new Binary Friction 7
Membrane Model (BFM2) [26]:
" # " # nd
fDpp Dpw rFm ou
Conductivity (S/m)
Np 5 erb
c . (1) U
Nw fDwp Dww rl d
4 un
r bo
The BFM2 provides a general constitutive relation 3
coupling the protonic ux Np, which is proportional the Sp
rin Thampan
ionic current im, to the water ux Nw; c is the molar
concentration of water; f F/(RT), and Fm and l are the 1
membrane potential and water content. The coupling
between the protonic and water transport is through the
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
diagonal transport parameters Dpw and Dwp which are
(mol H2O / molSO3-)
considered to be functions of water content l and
temperature T. A feature of the model is that all Fig. 4. Calculated conductivity using BFM2 (solid) and models of
parameters can be obtained using a simplied version of Springer et al. [22] and Thampan et al. [24] against experimental data
the model obtained in the limit of conditions representing [27] for E-form Naon 117 (dashed bounds).
N. Djilali / Energy 32 (2007) 269280 273
Pnw = Pw+PC Eqs. (4) are the basis of the most general multi-uid
formulation used so far in complete fuel cell models [29],
Pc /r
and a hierarchy of simplications, ranging from the
r1 > r2 mixture model [30] to simple porosity correction schemes
Pnw, 2 > Pnw, 1 have been proposed [28]. One of the central problems in all
models of two-phase transport in GDLs is the determina-
tion of a constitutive relation for capillary pressure as a
function of saturation, the expected general form of which
is illustrated in Fig. 8. The prescription of the constitutive
r2 relation has so far relied on the so-called Leverett J-
function, specically in the form proposed by Udell [31]:
High Capillary Pressure Pc k 1=2
Js , (7)
High Non-wetting Pressure s
Wetting Phase (Gas in GDL) with
Non-wetting Phase (Liquid Water in GDL)
Js 1:4171 s 2:1201 s2 1:2631 s3 . (8)
Fig. 7. Schematic of capillary diffusion, in which the liquid is the non- This is then used to compute the capillary pressure in
wetting phase. conjunction with the contact angle y
s cosy
A schematic illustration of capillary motion in a pore is Pc Js (9)
shown in Fig. 7. At the end of the pore where the liquid k=1=2
radius is smaller (lower local saturation), the capillary and in turn to determine the capillary diffusivity.
pressure is greater than at the end with the larger liquid There are a number of issues with Udells relation [28],
radius (greater local saturation). Because the liquid not the least of which is that the experimental data upon
pressure is the sum of the capillary pressure and the gas which it is based was obtained in porous samples of soils,
pressure Pc Pl Pg , the hydrodynamic pressure of the which have a radically different structure from brous
liquid is greater at the end of the pore with the smaller media used in GDLs.
radius. Therefore, the bulk motion of the liquid is toward Another key issue in the application of two-phase
the end with the greater radius (and local saturation). The transport models is the determination of the phase specic
transport of liquid water from low to high saturation, as permeabilities. These must be corrected for the volume
shown in Fig. 7, is counter-intuitive, and illustrates the fractions occupied by different phases. One of the
tendency for water, in hydrophobic media such as those
used for gas diffusion layers, to move to ever-increasing
pore diameters according to the capillary pressures inverse
proportionality to the liquid radius. This analysis will be
instructive in the subsequent interpretation of visualiza-
tions and simulations of ow between the bres that make
up the structure of a GDL.
Introducing the denition of macroscopic capillary
Capillary Pressure
Fig. 11. Two phase ow in GDL: instantaneous pressure eld liquid phase (gas phase in blue).
processes, the transport of water, which exists in the system evaporation, which can be found under the land areas
in the forms of vapour, liquid, and absorbed in the due to the increased pressure drop. The pressure drop, an
polymer, is central to all other transport processes. artifact of the increased resistance to gas transport below
Unsaturated water in the vapour phase affects local relative the land area, reduces the vapour pressure below the
humidity in the vicinity of the membrane and thus water saturation point. Negative values, indicating condensation,
transport across the membrane and protonic conductivity, are most prevalent at the catalyst layer/GDL interface
which in turn impacts the electric potential eld. The because of the oxygen consumption and the production of
transport of liquid water in the porous media affects mass water vapour. The corresponding distribution of liquid
transport of gas species, while liquid water in the gas water saturation in the cathodes GDL, shown on the right-
channels changes the pressure eld and may alter the hand side, indicates maximum saturation levels of about
overall ow distribution in a unit cell. A key aspect of any 10% under the land area at the end of the channel.
simulations involving two-phase transport and phase Transport of water across the membrane links, as noted
change is the proper resolution of heat transfer and earlier, the anode and cathode sides of a fuel cell.
irreversibilities [35]. Polarization curves obtained using a complete fuel cell
Fig. 15 illustrates the predicted distribution of the rate of model that incorporates the binary friction membrane
phase change and of liquid water saturation in the cathode model (BFM2) discussed in Section 2.1 are presented in
of a PEMFC using a 3D coupled implementation of the Fig. 16. A particularly important issue here is the coupling
multi-uid model presented earlier. In this gure, the top
and bottom of the vertical axis correspond to the catalyst
layer/ GDL and gas ow channel/GDL interfaces,
respectively, and the planes correspond to successive Springer, RH = 75/ 25
Springer, RH = 25/ 75
locations from the inlet to the outlet of the fuel cell 0.8 BFM2, RH = 75/ 25 0.8
section. Positive phase change values correspond to BFM2, RH = 25/ 75
cell voltage [V]
0.6 0.6
(Energy) Latent heat
i2R, i
0.4 0.4
convection Reaction
mass source rates
Gas species source
Mass & Water Electrical
flux 0.2
Momentum potential 0.2
p Membrane
Fig. 15. Rate of phase change [kg/(m3 s)] (left) and liquid water saturation (right) inside the cathodic gas diffusion layer at a current density of 0.8 A/cm2.
(Gas channel opening is located between 0.0005 and 0.0015 m of the cell width, and the land areas between 00.0005 and 0.00150.002 m.).
278 N. Djilali / Energy 32 (2007) 269280
parameters and dimensions considered will not result in molecular dynamic simulations, are required to determine
insurmountable mass transport limitations. the fundamental properties of specic PFSA membranes,
including the diffusion and interaction coefcients, and the
4. Concluding perspective sorption isotherms. Further this model needs to be
extended to liquid water equilibrated membranes and to
Fuel cells are at the vanguard of emerging clean energy account for transients.
technologies, but must surmount a number of key PEMFC catalyst layers consist of a complex composite
challenges in order to successfully compete against incum- structure of interconnected, microporous agglomerates
bents such as IC engines and batteries. The availability of surrounded by macropores. Charged species, heat, liquid
reliable and functional computational tools could help water, and gas all ow through this layer. Modelling and
achieve dramatic reductions in development cycles and experimental characterization of this layer is one of the
costs, and could spur innovative design required to most difcult problems in PEMFCs. Multi-scale modelling
surmount some of the cost and performance challenges. strategies are required to resolve the catalyst structure and
In this paper we have reviewed the array of transport guide the formulation of improved macroscopic models
phenomena encountered in PEM fuel cells, and presented suitable for use in a CFCE framework.
some of the progress made in our laboratory in addressing The functionality and usefulness of computational fuel
some of the fundamental issues that still limit the cell models in a design environment will require the
capabilities of computational fuel cell engineering (CFCE). effective and robust integration of the various submodels
A new model for coupled protonic and water transport in a CFCE framework that will allow not only design
in polymer membranes was presented. This general model analysis, but also systematic optimization. This will
is based on rational and physical consideration, removes necessitate the development of novel algorithms that take
several of the limitations of the empirical models used to into account the specic nature of the couplings, the large
date, and should provide a good foundation for modelling range of scales encountered in PEMFCs fuel cells, and the
all puruoro-sulfonic acid membranes. Approaches com- multi-variable nature of the optimization problems.
bining pore network modelling, direct numerical simula-
tion of two phase ow in reconstructed gas diffusion layers,
and quantitative visualization have been described, and the Acknowledgements
sample results presented revealing fundamental mechan-
isms of liquid water transport in hydrophobic GDLs. The The work presented in this paper is the result of
important issue of integration and coupling was also collaboration with a number of former and current
discussed in the context of CFD-based fuel cell models, and graduate students, research associates and colleagues. The
we have shown that used judiciously, current models and author would like to particularly acknowledge the con-
computational tools can be used in both conventional tributions of: Torsten Berning, Brian Carnes, Jeff Fimrite,
designs and in novel micro-structured fuel cells to provide Shawn Litster, Ged McLean, Bojan Markicevic, Henning
detailed information and to analyze design features. Struchtrup, and Jay Sui.
Numerous outstanding problems need to be resolved Financial support from the following is also gratefully
before truly functional computational fuel cell engineering acknowledged: the MITACS Network of Centres of
capabilities are achieved. The broader applicability of the Excellence; the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
multi-uid model comes at the cost of solving for an Council (NSERC) of Canada; the Canada Research Chairs
additional set of eld equations and the required coupling program; Angstrom Power Inc.; and Ballard Power
of the phases. This makes the numerical solution less stable Systems.
and more computationally intensive. Alternative models
based on various levels of simplications should be better
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