Edbe GKJ
Edbe GKJ
Edbe GKJ
Unit – I
Business Ethics [8 Marks]
Ethics is a branch of social science. It deals with moral principles and social values. It helps us to classifying, what is
good and what is bad? It tells us to do good things and avoid doing bad things. So, ethics separate, good and bad, right
and wrong, fair and unfair, moral and immoral and proper and improper human action. In short, ethics means a code
of conduct. It is like the 10 commandments of holy Bible. It tells a person how to behave with another person.
In short, business ethics means to conduct business with a human touch in order to give welfare to the society. So, the
businessmen must give a regular supply of good quality goods and services at reasonable prices to their consumers.
They must avoid indulging in unfair trade practices like adulteration, promoting misleading advertisements, cheating
in weights and measures, black marketing, etc.
1. Descriptive Ethics:- Descriptive ethics deals with what people actually believe (or made to believe) to be
right or wrong, and accordingly holds up the human actions acceptable or not acceptable or punishable under
a custom or law.
2. Normative Ethics:- Normative Ethics deals with ―norms‖ or set of considerations how one should act. Thus,
it‘s a study of “ethical action‖ and sets out the rightness or wrongness of the actions. It is also called
prescriptive ethics because it rests on the principles which determine whether an action is right or wrong.
3. Virtue ethics:- Virtue ethics focuses on one‘s character and the virtues for determining or evaluating ethical
behaviour. Plato, Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas were major advocates of Virtue ethics. Plato gave a scheme
of four cardinal virtues viz. prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude (courage). His disciple Aristotle
categorized the virtues as moral and intellectual. He identified some of the moral virtues including “wisdom”.
4. Deontological ethics:- Deontological ethics or duty ethics focuses on the rightness and wrongness of the
actions rather than the consequences of those actions. There are different deontological theories such as
categorical imperative, moral absolutism, divine command theory etc.
5. Consequentialism (Teleology):- Consequentialism or teleological ethics says that the morality of an action is
contingent with the outcome of that action. So, the morally right action would produce good outcome while
morally wrong action would produce bad outcome.
6. Meta Ethics:- Meta Ethics or ―analytical ethics‖ deals with the origin of the ethical concepts themselves. It
does not consider whether an action is good or bad, right or wrong. Rather, it questions – what goodness or
rightness or morality itself is? It is basically a highly abstract way of thinking about ethics. The key theories in
meta-ethics include naturalism, non-naturalism, emotivism and prescriptivism.
7. Applied Ethics:- Applied ethics deals with the philosophical examination, from a moral standpoint, of
particular issues in private and public life which are matters of moral judgment. This branch of ethics is most
important for professionals in different walks of life including doctors, teachers, administrators, rulers and so
on. There are six key domains of applied ethics viz. Decision ethics {ethical decision making process},
2. Demand and supply forces: Any market which is the heart of any business is governed by the two market
forces, namely demand and supply. The price, output and many other decisions are based on these two market
forces. Hence the scope for business ethics is very much restricted in business.
3. Compliance of law: Any business has to be in compliance of the law of land. For example in India the
Competition Law encourages the growth of healthy competition. Apart from this, there are labour laws to
protect the working and service conditions of labour. Similarly there are legal provisions to take care of the
customers and customer welfare.
4. Conflicts of interest: Business promotes conflicts of interest such as conflict between employers and
employees, conflict between sellers and buyers, conflict between owners and governments as well as conflict
between the different competitors. In an atmosphere dominated by conflicts, the possibility of ethical
operations is limited.
5. Profit is the object of business: The object of any business is to make profit and indicates its progress. While
making profit through its various operations, a business has to follow different techniques and tactics. Most of
these business techniques are based on exploitation. Hence there may not be a good scope for business ethics
in modern days.
6. Poor moral standards of society: Even though high ethical values are spoken and written by a small section
of society, the moral standards of society have fallen down. Frauds are taking place in all areas of business
operations like accounting fraud, marketing fraud and consumer fraud.
Unit – II
Principles of Business Ethics [8 Marks]
In a general sense, ethics is the concern for good behaviour - doing the right thing. Business ethics refers to the
standards and principles which govern the business activities. It means doing business activities with rational thinking
and honesty. A business requires ethics for its success. Now a days availability of proper safety measures for
employees, satisfaction of consumers and protection of environment are modern business standards.
Morals are the social, cultural and religious beliefs or values of an individual or group which tells us what is right or
wrong. They are the rules and standards made by the society or culture which is to be followed
by us while deciding what is right. Some moral principles are: Do not cheat, Be loyal, Be patient, Always tell the
truth, Be generous. Morals refer to the beliefs what is not objectively right, but what is considered right for any
situation, so it can be said that what is morally correct may not be objectively correct.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the principles of conduct of an individual or group. It works as a
guiding principle as to decide what is good or bad. They are the standards which govern the life of a person. Ethics is
also known as moral philosophy. Some ethical principles are: Truthfulness, Honesty, Loyalty, Respect, Fairness,
EXAMPLES: If the son of a big politician has committed a crime and he uses his powers to free his son from legal
consequences. Then this act is immoral because the politician is trying to save a culprit. A very close friend or relative
of an interviewer comes for an interview and without asking a single question, he selects him. This act is unethical
because the selection process must be transparent and unbiased.
A grocer sells adulterated products to his customers to earn more profit. This act is neither moral nor ethical because
he is cheating his customers and profession at the same time.
Ethical dilemma also known as a moral dilemmas, are situations in which there is a choice to be made between two
options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion. In such cases, societal and personal
ethical guidelines can provide no satisfactory outcome for the chooser. Ethical dilemmas assume that the chooser will
abide by societal norms, such as codes of law or religious teachings, in order to make the choice ethically impossible.
Unit – III
Ethics in Management [8 Marks]
Ethics is a subject of social science that is related with moral principles and social values. 'Business Ethics' can be
termed as a study of proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues, such as corporate
governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility, and fiduciary responsibilities.
Businesses must abide by some basic principles. It should provide quality goods and services at reasonable prices to
their consumers. It must also avoid adulteration, misleading advertisements, and other unfair malpractices.
Human Resource Management (HRM) deals with work force management, manpower planning and other employee
related activities in an organization. Therefore, we can say that it is a special branch of management where ethics play
a crucial role. HRM concerns human issues, especially those related with compensation, development, industrial
relations, health and safety issues. However, there are sufficient disagreements in managing HRM issues that stem
from various quarters.
sometimes seen by some as a method of promoting promiscuity that is undesirable and strongly condemned in
various societies.
❖ A negative advertising policy lets the advertiser highlight various disadvantages of the competitors‘ products
rather than showing the inherent advantages of their own products or services. Such policies are rampant in
political advertising.
Direct marketing is one of the most controversial methods of advertising channels, especially when the approaches
included are unsolicited. Some common examples include TV and Telephonic commercials and the direct mail.
Electronic spam and telemarketing also push the limits of ethical standards and legality in a strong manner.
Deceptive Marketing Policies and Ethics
Deceptive marketing policies are not contained in a specific limit or to one target market, and it can sometimes go
unseen by the public. There are numerous methods of deceptive marketing. It can be presented to consumers in
various forms; one of the methods is one that is accomplished via the use of humour.
Anti-Competitive Practices
There are various methods that are anti-competitive. For example, bait and switch is a type of fraud where customers
are "baited" through the advertisements for some products or services that have a low price; however, the customers
find in reality that the advertised good is unavailable and they are "switched" towards a product that is costlier and
was not intended in the advertisements.
Pricing Ethics
There are various forms of unethical business practices related to pricing the products and services.
Bid rigging is a type of fraud in which a commercial contract is promised to one party, however, for the sake of
appearance several other parties also present a bid.
Predatory pricing is the practice of sale of a product or service at a negligible price, intending to throw competitors
out of the market, or to create barriers to entry.
➢ Confidential hotlines assure employees‘ anonymity, which is a concern for ―whistle blowing‖ actions.
Step 4: The Legal and Private Angle
➢ Research and apply federal, state and municipal labor and employment laws pertaining to whistle blowing.
➢ Refrain from making suspension, termination decisions, in connection with whistle blowing or when
employee‘s right is protected under whistle blowing laws or public policy.
➢ Look for legal advice for the employee reports of workplace ethics issues that may increase your
organization‘s legal liability.
Step 5: Keeping the Standard Intact
➢ Apply workplace policy consistently while addressing employee concerns about workplace ethics.
➢ Use the same standard in every circumstance, regardless of the perceived intention, seriousness or the position
of employees involved.
➢ Communicate the same rules for all employees – whether executive or front-line production roles.
➢ Approach every issue with equal interpretation of the company policy.
Wisdom and Knowledge
The talent to gather information and convert it to something useful is a great quality. Wisdom is capitalizing one‘s
experience to interpret information and being knowledgeable to produce wise decisions.
It is important to have the ability to avoid unethical temptations. The decision to take the ethical path needs enough
commitment to the value of good ethics. Ethical people usually say ―no‖ to the individual gain if it is irrelevant to
institutional benefit and goodwill.
Justice and Fair Guidance
Fair treatment of people is important. Justice is served when a fair return is gained in return for the energy and effort
expended. Certain individuals give special treatment without regard to objective criteria by which to judge fairness.
It is the recognition of something beyond oneself more permanent and powerful than the self. When one lacks
transcendence, he may tend towards self-absorption.
Love and Kindness
The expression of love and kindness is always productive. Research shows that there are different types of ―love.‖ In
an organizational context, love means intense positive reaction to co-workers, groups and/or situations. An
organization ―with heart‖ allows love, compassion and kindness among and between people.
Courage and Integrity
It is important to have the courage to act ethically and with integrity. These values let us decide right from wrong and
acting accordingly. They impel one to act in the right manner without considering personal consequences, even when
it is tough and needs benevolence.
Unit – IV
Corporate Culture [8 Marks]
Corporate culture refers to the beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company's employees and
management interact and handle outside business transactions. Often, corporate culture is implied, not
expressly defined, and develops organically over time from the cumulative traits of the people the company
Globalization ― Refers to the growing interdependence of countries resulting from the increasing business
on integration of trade , Finance , people , and ideas in one global marketplace . International trade and
cross-border investment flows are the main elements of this integration. Globalization started after world
war II but has accelerated since the mid 1980‘s , driven by two factors .Technological advances that have
lowered the cost of transportation , communication and computation to the extent that it is often
economically feasible for a firm to locate different phases of production in different countries .
Unit – V
Ethics & Corporate Governance [8 Marks]
Corporate Governance refers to the way a corporation is governed. It is the technique by which companies
are directed and managed. It means carrying the business as per the stakeholders‘ desires. It is actually
conducted by the board of Directors and the concerned committees for the company‘s stakeholder‘s benefit.
It is all about balancing individual and societal goals, as well as, economic and social goals.
the framework of the board‘s accountability to its stakeholders. It also concerns how the board delegates
authority to manage the business throughout the organization.
❖ Business ethics is a kind of applied ethics. It is the application of moral or ethical norms to business.
❖ The term ethics has its origin from the Greek word ―ethos‖, which means character or custom-the
distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution.
❖ Ethics is a set of principles or standards of human conduct that govern the behaviour of individuals
or organization.
❖ Ethics can be defined as the discipline dealing with moral duties and obligation, and explanation
what is good or not good for others and for us.
❖ Ethics is the study of moral decisions that are made by us in the course of performance of our duties.
❖ Ethics is the study of characteristics of morals and it also deals with the moral choices that are made
in relationship with others.
Unit – I
Introduction [10 Marks]
An entrepreneur is one who brings together the factors of production and combines them into a product‖. He made a
clear distinction between a capitalist and an entrepreneur. Capitalist is only a financier. Entrepreneur is the coordinator
and organizer of a business enterprise.
The word entrepreneur is derived from French word “Entreprendre” and the German word “Unternehmen”, both mean
“To undertake”.
Entrepreneurship is the process of creating value by bringing together a unique package of resources to exploit an
He has the following characteristics:
a) An entrepreneur brings about change in the society. He is a catalyst of change.
b) Entrepreneur is action-oriented, highly motivated individual who takes risk to achieve goals.
c) Entrepreneur accepts responsibilities with enthusiasm and endurance.
d) Entrepreneur is thinker and doer, planner and worker.
e) Entrepreneur can foresee the future, seize market with a salesman‘s persuasiveness, manipulate funds with
financial talent and smell error, frauds and deficiencies with an auditor‘s precisions.
f) Entrepreneur undertakes venture not for his personal gain alone but for the benefit of consumers, government
and the society as well.
g) Entrepreneur builds new enterprises. He possesses intense level of determination and a desire to overcome
hurdles and solves the problem and completes the job.
h) Entrepreneur finds the resources required to exploit opportunities.
i) Entrepreneur does extraordinary things as a function of vision, hard work, and passion. He challenges
assumptions and breaks rules.
j) Although many people come up with great business ideas, most of them never act on their ideas.
An entrepreneur is the key source of innovation and variation in an economy. It is actually one of the most important
tools of an entrepreneurs success. They use innovation to exploit opportunities available in the market and overcome
any threats.
Entrepreneurship and risk-taking go hand in hand. One of the most important features of entrepreneurship is that the
whole business is run and managed by one person. So there is no one to share the risks with.
Vision or foresight is one of the main driving forces behind any entrepreneur. It is the energy that drives the business
forward by using the foresight of the entrepreneur. It is what gives the business an outline for the future – the tasks to
complete, the risks to take, the culture to establish etc.
In an entrepreneurship, it is essentially a one-man show. The entrepreneur bears all the risks and enjoys all the
rewards. And sure he has the help of employees and middle-level management, yet he must be the one in ultimate
control. This requires a lot of organization and impeccable organizational skills. An entrepreneur must be able to
manage and organize his finances, his employees, his resources etc. So his organizational abilities are one of the most
important elements of an entrepreneurship.
➢ Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be
useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
➢ Creativity is the ability to come up with new ideas and to identify new and different ways of looking at a
problem and opportunities.
➢ A process of assembling ideas by recombining elements already known but wrongly assumed to be unrelated
to each other. This definition has several key elements that are worth considering:
❖ Process: Creativity is also a process (implying among other things, that it is more like a skill than an
attitude, and that you can get better at it with practice).
❖ Ideas: Creativity results in ideas that have potential value.
❖ Recombining: The creativity process is one of putting things together in unexpected ways.
➢ Excessive focus on extrinsic motivation
➢ Limits set by superiors
➢ Critical evaluation
➢ Close, controlling supervision
➢ Competition in a win-lose situation
➢ Control of decision making
➢ Control of information
➢ Blindly following the rules
➢ Constantly being practical
➢ Becoming overly specialized
➢ Fearing looking foolish
➢ Fearing mistakes and failure.
▪ Innovation is the implementation of new ideas at the individual, group or organizational level.
▪ A process of intentional change made to create value by meeting opportunity and seeking advantage.
• Process: Innovation is a process (implying, among other things, that it can be learned and managed)
• International: That process is carried out on purpose.
• Change: it results in some kind of change.
• Value: The whole point of the change is to create value in our economy, society and/or individual
• Opportunity: Entrepreneurial individuals enable tomorrow‘s value creation by exploring for it today:
having ideas, turning ideas marketable insights and seeking ways to meet opportunities.
• Advantage: At the same time, they also create value by exploiting the opportunities they have at
There are four distinct types of innovation, these are as follows:
➢ Invention – Described as the creation of a new product, service or process. Something that has not been tried
➢ Extension – The expansion of an existing product, service or process. This would mean that the entrepreneur
takes an existing idea and applies it differently.
➢ Duplication – Copying (replicating) an existing product or service and then adding the entrepreneurs own
creative touch. In order to improve it.
➢ Synthesis – A combination of more than one existing products or services in to a new product, or services.
This means that several different ideas are combined in to one new product or services.
1. Analytical planning: Carefully identifying the product or service features, design as well as the resources that
will be needed.
2. Resources organization: Obtaining the required resources, materials, technology, human or capital resources.
3. Implementation: Applying the resources in order to accomplish the plans
4. Commercial application: The provision of value to customers, rewards employees, and satisfy the stake
➢ Creativity is the ability to develop new ideas and to discover new ways of looking at problems and
➢ Innovation is the ability to apply creative solutions to those problems and opportunities in order to enhance
people‘s lives or to enrich society.
Creativity – Thinking new things
Following are the important environmental barriers to entrepreneurship:
a) Non-Availability of Raw Material: - Non-availability of raw materials especially during peak season is one
of the obstacles inhibiting entrepreneurship. This leads to competition for raw material.
b) Lack of Skilled Labour: - This is the most important resource in any organization. Unfortunately, desired
manpower may not be available in an organization. This is either due to the lack of skilled labour or due to
lack of committed or loyal employees in the organization.
c) Lack of Good Machinery: - Good machines are required for the production of goods, because of rapid
technological developments, machines become obsolete very soon. Small entrepreneurs find it difficult to get
large amount of cash for installing modern machinery.
d) Lack of Infrastructure: - Lack of infrastructure facilities is a major barrier to the growth of entrepreneurship
particularly in under developed and developing economies. The infrastructural facilities include land and
building, adequate and cheap power, proper transportation, water and drainage facilities etc.
e) Lack of Fund: - There are various methods by which an entrepreneur arranges for funds, e.g., own savings,
borrowings from friends and relatives, banks and other financial institutions. Many peopledo not enter into
entrepreneurial activities because of lack of funds.
Personal barrier are those barriers that are caused by emotional blocks of an individual. Some of the
personal barriers may be outlined as below:
a) Unwillingness to Invest Money: - Even though people have money, still they do not come in
entrepreneurship. They are not willing to take the risk of investing money in business.
b) Lack of Confidence: - Many people thing that they lack what it takes to become an entrepreneur. They feel
that they could not master all the skills. Thus most people are reluctant to become entrepreneurs.
c) Lack of Motivation: - When an individual starts a new venture, he is filled with enthusiasm and drive to
achieve success. But when he faces the challenges of real business or bears loss, or his ideas don‘t work, he
loses interest or motivation.
d) Lack of Patience: - The desire to achieve success in the first attempt or to become rich very soon is the prime
motivating factor of modern youth. When such dreams do not come true , they lose interest. This gradually
drives to fail in business.
e) Inability to Dream: - Entrepreneurs, who are short on vision or become satisfied with what they achieve,
sometimes lose interest in further expansion/growth of business.
The social attitude inhibits many people even from thinking of starting a business. The important social
barriers are as follows.
a) Low Status: - The society things that entrepreneurs are the people who exploit the society. Thus the attitude
of the society towards entrepreneurs is not positive.
b) Custom and Tradition of People: - Most people want a real job. Even parents who are entrepreneurs
wouldn‘t like their children to be entrepreneurs. Thus lack of support from society and family hinder the
growth of entrepreneurs.
A. Need for Achievement: - Need for achievement means the drive to achieve a goal. People having need for
achievement will be so much self – confident that they do not believe in mere luck. If an individual has need
for achievement, he will become a successful entrepreneur.
B. Personal Motives: - These have been found to be one of the crucial factors responsible for entrepreneurship
amongst individuals. Bill Gates dreamt that one day he would become the richest person. His dream became a
reality later.
C. Recognition: - Many people become successful entrepreneurs just for getting recognition from others.
D. Need of Authority: - Need of authority‘ will inspire men to work. When they become entrepreneurs, they can
exercise authority over managers, employees etc.
A. Culture: - Culture is closely related with accepted values and human behaviour. For e.g. some societies have
customs of polygamy and some have not.
B. Religious Belief: - According to Max Weber, entrepreneurism is a function of religious belief and the impact
of religion shapes the entrepreneurial culture. He emphasized that the entrepreneurial energies are exogenous
supplied by means of religious belief.
C. Minority Groups: - Hoselitz explained that the supply of entrepreneurship is governed by cultural factors,
and culturally minority groups are the spark plugs of entrepreneurial and economic development. Minority
groups like the Jews and Greeks in Medieval Europe, the Lebanese in West Africa, the Indians in East Africa
has important roles in promoting economic development.
D. Spirit of Capitalism: - It guides the entrepreneur to engage in activities that can bring more and more profits.
The profit motive character coupled with the attitude towards acquisition of money urges the individual to
start new venture.
A. Legitimacy of Entrepreneurship: - System of norms and values within a socio – cultural setting is
responsible for the emergence of entrepreneurship. The degree of approval or disapproval granted to
entrepreneurial behaviour will influence its emergence and its characteristics if it does emerge.
B. Social Marginality: - Individuals or groups on the perimeter of a given social system or between two social
systems provide the personnel to assume the entrepreneurial roles. Social marginality is likely to promote
entrepreneurship are largely determined by two factors, namely the legitimacy of entrepreneurship and social
C. Family: - Role Models and Association with Similar Type of Individuals: - If an individual has a supportive
family, he or she is more likely to become an entrepreneur. Similarly, if an individual has role models who
have been successful in entrepreneurship, certainly, he may be motivated to start ventures. If a person is in
association with entrepreneurs, this may add to his or her desire of setting up a new venture. Reliance, Tata,
Birla etc. are the industries depend upon family based inheritance. Roberts (1991) has developed the idea of
the entrepreneurial heritage to describe the importance of the family background for the entrepreneur. This
heritage includes factors such as the father‘s occupation, the family work ethic and religion, family size and
the first born son, growing up experience and so on.
D. Caste System: - Certain religions and caste encourage the growth of entrepreneurial talent. Some religious
communities like the parsees, marwaris and sindhees seem to have an affinity for entrepreneurial activity. The
caste system in Hindu society has promoted to the growth of business and professional skills.
E. Occupation :- Those born in rich families with silver spoons in their mouth have not only an advantage of
having financial resources for carrying out business but also learn the business skill by continuous interaction
and contacts with parents, customers, employees and visitors in family shops, offices and homes.
F. Education and Technical Qualifications: - Education is the best means of developing man‘s resourcefulness
which encompasses different dimensions of entrepreneurship. It may be expected that the high level of
education may enable the entrepreneurs to exercise their entrepreneurial talent more efficiently and
G. Social Status: - Every human being aspires for a high social status and once he achieves a reasonable level,
his aspirations and desires for its start getting multiplied. People work hard to maintain their status as it also
contributes to their entrepreneurial growth.
H. Social Responsibility: - It is the obligation to the society in which the business enterprise operates. An
entrepreneur generates employment for others besides helping himself.
A. Infrastructural Facilities: - Entrepreneurship development requires certain basic infrastructure like power,
transportation, communication, technical information etc. These provide external economies and improve the
efficiency of investments by entrepreneurs. These infrastructural facilities are scarce in less developed
countries. The entrepreneurs themselves have to procure these facilities at their own cost. They have to obtain
these facilities at higher costs. This will greatly discourage the entrepreneurship development. In advanced
countries, those who are desirous of starting an enterprise will find no difficulty in procuring the
infrastructural facilities at reasonable costs.
B. Financial Resources: - Finance is the life blood of business activity. Capital is required to obtain materials,
machinery, equipment, etc. and to undertake innovation. Capital is regarded as lubricant to the process of
production. The lack of financial resources discourages the youth and potential entrepreneurs to start new
ventures. Hence, the need for fixed and working capital should be adequately met if new entrepreneurs are to
come forward and grow.
C. Availability of Material and Know – How: - Entrepreneurship is encouraged only if there is an adequate
supply of materials and know-how. Easy availability of materials attracts more individuals towards
entrepreneurship. Technical know-how is essential for innovation. With technical knowledge, men discover
more and sophisticated techniques of production.
D. Labour Conditions: - The quality rather than quantity of labour is another factor which influences the
emergence and growth of entrepreneurship. The availability of cheep labour positively affects
E. Market: - The size and composition of market influence entrepreneurship in their own ways. Practically,
monopoly in a particular product in a market becomes more influential for entrepreneurship than a
competitive market.
F. Support System: - Ability, initiative and support systems include financial and commercial institutions,
research, training, consultancy services, ancillary industry etc.
A. Personality: - The entrepreneurial personality comprises of the person, his skills, styles and motives.
Impressive personality and individual skill help to develop entrepreneurship. These qualities are required for
entrepreneurs because they have to work with officers, managers, engineers, labourers, customers, investors,
govt. officers, ministers etc.
B. Independence:- Another personality factors which influences entrepreneurship is independence. An
entrepreneur works out plans on his own, searches and explores resources and experiences and uses inner urge
to make the enterprise a success instead of waiting for suggestions or directions from others.
C. Compulsion: - Certain compelling reasons also force the people to become entrepreneurs. These include:
a) Unemployment or dissatisfaction with existing job or occupation,
b) To use technical or professional knowledge and skills,
c) To put the idle funds to use. A large number of technically qualified people after gaining initial
experience and confidence and not being satisfied by their growth in the profession have a compulsive
reason to try entrepreneurship.
They try to follow the footsteps of their predecessors. They follow old customs, traditions, sentiments etc.
They take up new projects only when it is necessary to do so.
i. Drone Entrepreneurs: Drone entrepreneurs are those who refuse to adopt and use opportunities to
make changes in production. They would not change the method of production already introduced. They
follow the traditional method of production. They may even suffer losses but they are not ready to make
changes in their existing production methods. There is another classification of entrepreneurs. According
to this, entrepreneurs may be broadly classified into commercial entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs.
ii. Commercial Entrepreneurs: They are those entrepreneurs who start business enterprises for their
personal gain. They undertake business ventures for the purpose of generating sales and profits. Most of
the entrepreneurs belong to this category.
iii. Social Entrepreneurs: They are those who identify, evaluate and exploit opportunities that create social
values and not personal wealth. Social values refer to the basic long standing needs of society. They
focus on the disadvantaged sections of the society. They play the role of change agents in the society. In
short, social entrepreneurs are those who start ventures not for making profits but for providing social
Copreneurs are entrepreneurial couples who work together as co-owners of their business. They are
creating a division of labour that is based on expertise as opposed to gender studies show that companies
co-owned by spouses represent one of the fastest growing business sectors.
These entrepreneurs become successful in their own ventures. Some of them caused a threat to the corporations they
left. This type if
entrepreneurs have come to be called Intrapreneurs. They believe strongly in their own talents. They have
desire to create something of their own. They want responsibility and have a strong drive for individual
expression and more freedom in their present.
Now-a-days, new products and services are conceived, create, tested, produced and marketed very
quickly and with great speed. Therefore, today‘s entrepreneur needs to have a different mindset about
establishing and operating a business. This mind set is called ULTRAPRENEURING. An entrepreneur
with this mind set is known as Ultrapreneur.
1) Determining the objectives of the enterprise and revising the objectives in the light of changed circumstances.
2) Developing an organization including efficient relations with subordinates and all employees.
3) Securing adequate finance.
4) The requisition of efficient technological equipment.
5) Developing a market for the products and devising new products to meet customers demand.
6) Maintaining good relations with public authorities and with society.
These units provide inputs to other industries. These are engaged in the manufacture of parts,
components, light engineering products like cycles, sewing machines diesels engines, machine tools,
electrical application. The investment in plant and machinery should not exceed Rs. 5 crores.
The important characteristics of MSMEs are summarized as follows:
a) They are generally organized and run by individual entrepreneurs.
b) They require less capital.
c) They are fundamentally labour-intensive units facilitating greater utilization of man power.
d) They involve the use of simple technology, intensive utilization of individual skill.
e) They cater the individual tastes and fashions and render personalized service to leading to professional
specialization consumers.
f) They are highly localized industries.
g) Using local resources MSMEs are decentralized and dispersed to rural areas.
Following are the objectives of MSMEs:-
1. To provide increased employment opportunities.
2. To provide production of large variety of goods especially consumer goods through labour intensive methods.
3. To bring backward areas too in the mainstream of national development.
4. To improve the level of living of people in the country.
5. To create a climate for the development of self-employed experts, professionals and small entrepreneurs.
6. To ensure more equitable distribution of national income.
7. To ensure balanced regional development as regards industries.
8. To encourage the adoption of modern techniques in the unorganised traditional sector or the industry
Following are the advantages of MSMEs:-
1. They are relatively more environmental friendly.
2. They are generally based on local resources.
3. They provide ample opportunities for creativity and experimentation.
4. They facilitate equitable distribution of income and wealth.
5. MSME enjoys the government support and patronage.
6. These helps in the balanced regional development.
7. It is possible to make necessary changes as and when required.
8. These help in reducing prices.
9. There is a close and direct personal contact with the customer and employees.
10. They create more employment opportunities. They are labour intensive. They offer ample scope for self
The disadvantages of MSMEs are as follows:-
a. MSMEs suffer from lack of funds.
b. They are financially weak.
c. They suffer from lack of managerial and other skills.
d. They cannot employ highly paid officials.
e. MSMEs always face tough competition from large businesses.
f. They are not well equipped to make advantage of the latest technology and modern methods.
g. MSMEs cannot afford to spend large sums of money on research and experiments.
1) LACK OF MANAGERING EXPERIENCE: They may not be having specialised knowledge in the
different fields of management. At the time of initiating the project, they are not in a position to anticipate
correctly their financial requirements and the size of market for their products.
2) INADEQUATE FINANCE: Generally MSMEs are not in a position to arrange full finance from their own
sources. They obtain finance from unorganized finance sector at higher rate of interest.
3) LACK OF PROPER MACHINARY AND EQUIPMENT: Many MSMEs use inefficient and outdated
machinery and equipment. This affects the quality of production.
4) LACK OF TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW: Do not have the knowledge about different alternative
technologies and processes available for manufacturing their products to improve the quality of products and
reduce costs.
5) RUN ON TRADITIONAL LINES: They have not yet adopted modern methods and techniques of
production. They have not taken adequate interest in research and development efforts. Hence they cannot be
run efficiently.
6) IRREGULAR SUPPLY OF RAW MATERIALS: The majority of MSMEs depends on local sources for
their raw material requirements. Small entrepreneurs are forced to pay high prices for materials because they
purchase materials in small quantity.
Are family businesses becoming the norm and more accepted as a successful business model?
In India traditionally the family business is the norm. The trend continues. However, there are certain business houses
where the professional teams are taking over to run the empires. These cases are also multiplying as the wealth is
growing at different levels. The recent cases are of Tata Group where a serious head hunting programme was done to
find a successor to Mr. Ratan Tata. Mr. Mistry was appointed to head the Tata Group. The famous IT company
Infosys has seen the change at the top level when Mr. Narayan Murthy has been successful in appointing the
well-known professional personality Mr. Vishal Sikka to head the business founded by him.
When two or more individuals must act upon or implement their needs, values, or interests, and they perceive others
are blocking or opposing them, conflict arises. In life, and especially in families and businesses where values and
interests are deeply held and tied to future happiness, conflict is inevitable and sometimes can even be positive.Rather
than mask or deny inevitable conflict, conflict resolution brings differences to the surface and creates a comfortable,
safe space and set of skills to successfully move forward while enhancing the relationships involved.
Family Councils provide families with a vehicle to entertain family projects and resolve issues. Some of these include
developing Entry Criteria for new family members to enter the family business, chronicling the family history, and
ensuring that family fairness is considered in family business or wealth management decisions.
Formal, scheduled family meetings provide family members with information about the status of the family and the
family business. Family members can re-connect with one another, and family issues can be discussed constructively
rather than left to fester into larger issues
Family retreats are conducted over two to four days at off site locations. They provide a neutral venue to discuss
family and family business.
Unit – II
Public & Private System [10 Marks]
An action or thing that causes someone or something to become more active or enthusiastic, or to develop or operate:
Sustainability is the process of maintaining change in a balanced environment, in which the exploitation of resources,
the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in harmony
and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.
Sustainability entrepreneurship acts at the interface of politics, business and civil society to mobilise new resources
and aim at a structural change towards socially and environmentally sound economic activities. With its innovative
business models, they develop new markets, generate new sources of income – particularly for socially disadvantaged
population groups – and contribute to a sustainable approach to economy (Green Economy).
1. The ability to manage money: Very simply, if you can‘t manage money, you can‘t manage a business. Do you
know where your money goes each month? Do you live off less than you earn? If the answer to these
questions is no, you‘ll struggle to manage a business budget as well.
2. The ability to raise money: Once you can manage money, can you get more? In order to get investment, you
need to not only understand where to get money, but how to convincingly make a case that your business is a
good risk as well.
3. The ability to relieve stress: Stress is no laughing matter. If you allow yourself to get frustrated and upset by
setbacks, you‘ll struggle as an entrepreneur. Learning how to use stress to your benefits essential.
4. The ability to be productive: This is a big topic, because there‘s no one right way to be productive that works
for everyone. Learn about your peak energy times, your routines, and the productivity tools that work for you
in order to create your own plan for success.
5. The ability to identify strengths and weaknesses: As a business owner, you don‘t need to be perfect at
everything. You do, however, have to understand where you‘re strong and where you‘re weak. Assessing this
will inform everything from the business decisions you make, to the partners you bring on, and to the
employees you hire.
6. The ability to hire effective people: Speaking of hiring, this is easily one of the most important skills any
entrepreneur could have. Having great people on your team will give you access to new strengths, while also
building a company culture that people want to be a part of. Hiring the right people is essential to get where
you want to go.
Access to finance is the ability of individuals or enterprises to obtain financial services, including credit, deposit,
payment, insurance, and other risk management services. Those who involuntarily have no or only limited access to
financial services are referred to as the unbanked or under banked, respectively.
How does access to finance affect innovative entrepreneurship?
Access to finance is a key driver in the creation, survival and growth of innovative new ventures. Lack of finance
typically prevents new ventures from investing in innovative projects, improving their productivity, financing their
growth, covering working capital requirement and meeting market demand.
Research supports the relevance of access to finance as a key determinant of entrepreneurship and clearly identifies
a finance gap in many locations for new and small firms involved in the early stages of innovation, especially in the
market for high risk capital.
The importance of different types of finance varies across the stages of business development.
During the seed and start-up stages, technology-driven high-growth SMEs can obtain equity financing from
entrepreneurs or from family and friends. In earlier stages, self-financing is particularly important since innovative
entrepreneurs cannot overcome information asymmetry and therefore rarely find any lender or investors, even for
potentially profitable projects. Subsequently, financing may be supplemented by seed capital investment from
informal private investors (e.g. business angels) and, in a few cases, by seed financing funds and venture capitalists. In
the expansion stage, SMEs generally require increasing amounts of equity to maintain R&D and to expand marketing
and sales activities, amounts that are typically only available through other sources, such as initial public offerings on
stock exchange.
A considerable number of new businesses and start-ups rely on the internet as either their entire marketplace – or a
significant part of their growth strategy. So, what happens if you know nothing about IT but have a world-class idea
that could underpin your life as an entrepreneur? The answer is; you need to get up to speed quickly.
Networking infrastructure:
The world of networking is a complex one, and most entrepreneurs and startup businesses will turn to a managed
service provider to support them establishing and maintaining a network. With cloud services and mobile network
access becoming more required by businesses, you are likely to hear about hybrid networks‘ too – this is a type of
network that uses more than one connecting technology – for example, broadband and 4G internet access.
Bookkeeping/accounting software:
This is where IT can be a massive help. Bookkeeping systems and accountancy software like QuickBooks,
FreshBooks or Sage One can bring all your most frequently needed tasks into one application – meaning you and your
team can keep track of everything as it happens. Scan your receipts, categorise your bank account incomings and
outgoings, set up payroll – all done quickly and efficiently.
Outsourcing marketplaces:
Okay, so outsourcing isn’t IT tech as such. Instead, it is your gateway to IT skills that could take a lifetime to master
otherwise – and when you are starting out it is likely to be difficult, or perhaps even outright impossible to take on IT
➢ Providing the platform to small industries for interaction with large institutional buyers.
➢ To enrich marketing skills in micro, small and medium enterprises.
➢ To disseminate the promotion of MSME and its products through various government programs.
An industrial estate is a place where the required facilities and factory accommodation are provided by the
government to the entrepreneurs to establish their industries there.
1) Economies of Scale: It arises because all the industrial units enjoy common infrastructural facilities like
water, roads, etc. As the size of the industrial units increases, the costs of estate development and
administration per unit of each facility decrease.
2) External Economies: Several industrial units are clustered together in an industrial estate. This enable them
to enjoy the benefits of agglomeration and external economies like improved transport facilities, availability
of trained labour, repair facilities, power and water etc.
3) Low Investment: Even a small entrepreneur can acquire an industrial plot or shed on rent or hire purchase
4) Less Risks: Since all units enjoy common facilities and low capital investment, risks are relatively low.
5) Mutual Co-Operation: All industrial units located in an industrial estate face common problems and seek to
achieve common objectives.
6) Balanced Regional Development: It is possible to secure a balanced regional development by developing
industrial estates in industrially backward areas.
7) Saving of Time and Effort: An individual entrepreneur is relieved of trouble of searching for suitable space.
A business incubator is a company that helps new and startup companies to develop by providing services such as
management training or office space.
Most common incubator services are:
1. Help with business basics
2. Networking activities
3. Marketing assistance
4. Market Research
5. High-speed Internet access
6. Help with accounting/financial management
7. Access to bank loans, loan funds and guarantee programs
8. Help with presentation skills
9. Links to higher education resources
10. Links to strategic partners
11. Access to angel investors or venture capital
12. Comprehensive business training programs
13. Advisory boards and mentors
14. Management team identification
15. Help with business etiquette
16. Technology commercialization assistance
17. Help with regulatory compliance
18. Intellectual property management
An angel investor (also known as a business angel, informal investor, angel funder, private investor, or seed investor)
is an affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or
ownership equity. A small but increasing number of angel investors invest online through equity crowd funding or
organize themselves into angel groups or angel networks to share investment capital, as well as to provide advice to
their portfolio companies.
It is a private or institutional investment made into early-stage / start-up companies (new ventures). As defined,
ventures involve risk (having uncertain outcome) in the expectation of a sizeable gain. Venture Capital is money
invested in businesses that are small; or exist only as an initiative, but have huge potential to grow. The people who
invest this money are called venture capitalists (VCs). The venture capital investment is made when a venture
capitalist buys shares of such a company and becomes a financial partner in the business.
The Venture Capital Funding Process Typically Involves Four Phases In The Company’s
i. Idea generation
ii. Start-up
iii. Ramp up
iv. Exit
Private equity is a finance which is provided for medium to long term period to companies who have high growth
potential. These companies are those companies which are not listed companies on any exchange. This investment is
done in exchange of a certain percentage of equity of the investee. Sometimes this type of investment is done to gain
major or complete control of the company in anticipation of higher returns. Apart from making investments in private
companies at times PE investors buy out public companies resulting in their delisting.
Unit – III
Sources of Business Ideas [10 Marks]
A business idea is mostly an impulsive thought, which strikes and then never fades away. There are plenty of ideas
that people come up with before the one which gave them their ‘EUREKA!‘ moment. At the end of the day, it‘s not
just the idea or its uniqueness that attracts funding but the overall execution and feasibility instead. Thus, a business
idea undergoes considerable testing before finally being rolled out in the market as a full-fledged business.
Some methods and factors which can be kept in mind to test an idea:
Market research
Before investing in any business idea, it is vital to conduct a market research and survey. The analysis of the same will
reveal important information about consumer behavior and preferences. In the case of a survey, the questions
shouldn‘t be rigid or close ended as they fail to elicit all the facts. Multiple choices and open-ended questions help
dive deep into the customer‘s expectations from the business concept.
Industrial analysis
There might be many firms which do not directly operating on a business idea similar to yours but still end up
engaging your potential customer base. To understand the feasibility of your idea, it is important to identify such
competitors as well as those which compete directly with you.
Trend analysis
Trend analysis is another statistical tool which helps procure information about the changing customer preferences
using historical data. If the results are not convincing enough, retrospection of the business idea becomes important.
Financial goal clarity
An idea needs to be unique to attract investors but it isn‘t sufficient enough to convince them to invest in it. If you
don‘t have the financial clarity on each stage of execution and the amount required to acquire a customer, it is a loud
and clear sign that you need to reconsider your business idea.
Business is never operated with a short term objective; several strategies are considered to make it profitable in long
run. Therefore, the feasibility of a business idea also depends on the long term sustainability of the business.
Profitable stakeholders
The ultimate aim of everyone associated with a business is to become profitable. Therefore, if the business affects any
of the stakeholders (shareholders, employees, creditors, government, suppliers, community) negatively, then it is a
clear indication that the business idea needs reconsideration.
A feasibility study aims to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and weaknesses of an existing business or
proposed venture, opportunities and threats present in the natural environment, the resources required to carry through,
and ultimately the prospects for success.
Operational feasibility – a measure of how well a solution meets the system requirements.
Cultural (or political) feasibility - a measure of how well a solution will be accepted in an organizational climate.
Technical feasibility – a measure of the practicality of a technical solution and the availability of technical resources
and expertise.
Schedule feasibility – a measure of how reasonable the project timetable is.
Economic feasibility - a measure of the cost-effectiveness of a project or solution.
Legal feasibility - a measure of how well a solution can be implemented within existing legal/contractual obligations.
In simple words, business plan is a written statement of what an entrepreneur proposes to take up. It is a kind of guide
frost or course of action what the entrepreneur hopes to achieve in his business and how is he going to achieve it.
Importance and Purpose of Business Plan and Project Report –
➢ It clarifies and shows direction to move forward; and allows you to understand what needs to be done for
future success.
➢ It can be used as a tool to attract investors, reliable vendors, and executive level employees into the new
➢ A project report shows the feasibility of the proposed project and the probability of achieving profit. Whether
a project is feasible in different business aspects like financial, economic, commercial, social, etc. can be
ascertained while preparing the report.
➢ It enables an entrepreneur to foresee his requirements in advance and helps him to take suitable decisions
➢ It will give clear view to business expenditures and manage budget with full visibility.
➢ What would be initial cost to get start?
➢ Determines target market & ways to reach.
➢ Gives you deep and clear market insights.
What I will get from this report?
❖ It will give you in depth information about particular business idea.
❖ It will give you knowledge on technical, commercial aspects of selected business.
❖ It will give you information required budget, daily expenses and profitability.
❖ It will provide you market related information.
❖ It will give you all the information which is necessary to start-up.
A good project report or business plan should contain the following contents:
1) General Information: Information on product profile and product details.
2) Promoter: His/her name, educational qualification, work experience, project related experience.
3) Location: Exact location of the project, lease or freehold, locational advantages.
4) Land and Building: Land area, construction area, type of construction, cost of construction, detailed plan and
estimate along with plant layout.
5) Plant and Machinery: Details of machinery required, capacity, suppliers, cost, various alternatives available,
cost of miscellaneous assets.
6) Production Process: Description of production process, process chart, technical knowhow, technology
alternatives available, production programme.
7) Utilities: Water, power, steam, compressed air requirements, cost estimates, sources of utilities.
8) Transport and Communication: Mode, possibility of getting, costs.
9) Raw Material: List of raw material required by quality and quantity, sources of procurement, cost of raw
material, tie-up arrangements, if any, for procurement of raw material, alternative raw material, if any.
• It has a life cycle reflected by growth, maturity and decay
• It has a definite beginning and an end
• It is subjected to a lot of change.
• It has a fixed set of objectives.
• Every project has risk and uncertainty associated with it.
• It is concerned with production of goods and services.
• The objective of a project is to earn profit.
• A project involves investment of money and money‘s worth.
• A project is undertaken to achieve a purpose.
3. Project Appraisal: It involves searching, scrutiny, analysis and evaluation of market, technical, financial and
economic variables. It examines the viability of the project.
4. Project Selection: It is the process of choosing a project rationally in the light of objectives and inherent
constraints on the basis of appraisal.
5. Project Implementation: It is the stage of birth of an enterprise. At the end of this stage, the idea becomes a
6. Project Follow Up and Evaluation: It is the process of assessing the performance of the project after it
started functioning. Project evaluation simply means assessing the progress of the project.
Technical analysis of a project is essential to ensure that necessary physical facilities required for production will be
available and the best possible alternative is selected to procure them. The object of technical analysis is to assess the
technical soundness of the project. This is considered essential for the long term success of the project. Technical
analysis includes the study of the following:
1) MATERIAL INPUTS: It is essential to assess the availability of materials, inputs and utilities. Utilities
include power, water, steam, fuel, communication facilities, transport facilities etc.
2) MANUFACTURING PROCESS/TECHNOLOGY: Technologies simply refers to the tools, devices and
knowledge that help in the transformation of inputs into outputs. It is the application of knowledge,
encompassing the related concepts of science, innovation, invention and discovery. It is the application of
scientific knowledge to practical commercial purpose.
3) PLANT CAPACITY: It refers to the volume or number of units that can be manufactured during a given
period. Plant capacity is also called production capacity.
4) PLANT LOCATION: It refers to a fairly broad area where the enterprise is to be established like city,
industrial zone or coastal area. The success of a project depends on the location, to a certain extent.
5) SIZE OF THE PLANT: The efficiency and profitability of a project are very much influenced by its size.
Size of the plant depends on the manufacturing process, availability of raw materials, capital investment
needed and the size of the market.
6) PRODUCT MIX: Product mix or range is decided according to market requirement. It refers to the set of all
the products offered by a firm for sale.
7) FACTORY DESIGN: It refers to the plan for a particular type of building, arrangement of machinery and
equipment and provision of service facilities, lighting, heating etc. in the building. Factory design comprises
layout of building and layout of factory.
8) MACHINERIES AND EQUIPMENTS: The requirement of machinery and equipment is dependent on
production technology and plant capacity. It is also influenced by the type of project.
A project report may be defined as a document with respect to any investment proposal based on certain information
and factual data for the purpose of appraising the project. It states as to what business is intended to be undertaken by
the entrepreneur and whether it would be physically possible, financially viable, commercially profitable and socially
desirable to do such a business.
3) Product: - Details of products to be produced, details of application of the product, proposed product mix,
product standard etc.
4) Market and marketing:- Market potential analysis, major buyers, area to be covered, trade practices, sales
promotion devices, trade practice and trade channels adopted by the competitors, demand analysis, proposed
market research etc.
5) Location: - Locational advantages, criteria for selecting the location, exact location of the project, other
6) Production process: - Details of technology, process flow chart, manufacturing process, production
programme etc.
7) Raw material: - List of raw material required in terms of quality and quantity, sources of requirement, cost of
raw material etc.
8) Utilities: -Water, power, steam-sources and costs, effluent disposal etc.
9) Transport and communication: - Method, possibility of getting and costs of transport.
10) Manpower requirement: - Requirement of skilled, semi skilled personnel, technical and non-technical
personnel, cost of procurement, capacity, and suppliers cost, alternatives available, cost of miscellaneous
11) Land and building: - Land area, construction area, cost of construction, detailed plan, plant lay out along
with cost.
12) Plant and machinery: - Details of machinery and equipment required.
13) Cost of project and sources of finance: - working capital required, preliminary and pre-operative expenses,
contingencies and arrangements for the meeting the cost of project.
14) Financial viability of the project: - Cost of production and profitability for the first years, break even
analysis, and analysis of cash flow and fund flow statements.
Unit – IV
Mobilizing Resources [10 Marks]
Any startup would need all of the following resources, though the financial resource may be considered most
A. Financial Resource: Financial resources can be obtained from a variety of sources, the easiest being from:
a. The personal accounts of the company‘s founder.
b. Alternatively, loans and lines of credit may be granted from financial institutions,
c. Friends and relatives,
d. Private investors
Here is an overview of typical financing sources for a startup business:
a) Personal Investment: When borrowing, you invest some of your own money either in the form of cash or
collateral on your assets. This proves to your banker that you have a long- term commitment to your project.
b) Love Money: This is money loaned by a spouse, parents, family or friends. A banker considers this as patient
capital‖, which is money that will be repaid later as your business profits increase.
c) Venture Capital: Venture capitalists take an equity position in the company to help it carry out a promising
but higher risk project. This involves giving up some ownership or equity in your business to an external
party. Venture capitalists also expect a healthy return on their investment, often generated when the business
starts selling shares to the public. Be sure to look for investors who bring relevant experience and knowledge
to your business.
d) Angels: Angels are generally wealthy individuals or retired company executives who invest directly in small
firms owned by others. They are often leaders in their own field who not only contribute their experience and
network of contacts but also their technical and/or management knowledge.
e) Business Incubators: Business incubators or ―accelerators‖ generally focus on the high-tech sector by
providing support for new businesses in various stages of development. However, there are also local
economic development incubators, which are focused on areas such as job creation, revitalization and hosting
and sharing services.
f) Grants and Subsidies: You may have access to this funding to help cover expenses, such as research and
development, marketing, salaries, equipment and productivity improvement. Technically, a grant is a sum of
money conditionally given to your business that you do not have to repay.
B. Intellectual Resource: Intellectual resource is the intangible value of a business, covering its people, the
value inherent in its relationships, and everything that is left when the employees go home, of which
Intellectual property (IP) is but one component. It is the sum of everything everybody in a company knows
that gives it a competitive edge.
C. Human Resource: The success of an organization is heavily reliant on the talent and strength of its
employees. The hiring of experienced professionals with track records of excellence within their area of
expertise ensures that the mission and goals of the company will be carried out efficiently and with
D. Physical Resource: Whether a small home business or a retail operation with multiple locations, every
organization must have the appropriate physical resources to survive. This includes a proper workspace,
working telephone line, adequate information systems and effective marketing materials. This aspect of
business planning can be one of the costliest. As such, it is important for an entrepreneur to realistically assess
his needs before making any purchases.
E. Educational Resources: Perhaps the greatest thing an entrepreneur can do when establishing a new business
is to gain as much education possible. By understanding his/her competition and gaining an in-depth
knowledge of his/her industry, he/she will be better prepared to make smarter decisions regarding the
direction of his/her firm. Educational resources can be found through professional trade associations that are
geared toward his/her industry, local chamber of commerce as well as the Small Business Administration.
F. Emotional Resources: Starting a business can be an extremely stressful endeavour for an entrepreneur to
undertake. To maintain the sanity as well as stay motivated, it is important to have a support team that can
give inspirations and guidance as needed. This team may be composed of friends and family as well as a
mentor or professional group.
G. Moral Resources: Moral Resources include solidarity support, legitimacy and sympathetic support. These
resources can be easily retracted, making them less accessible than other resources.
H. Cultural Knowledge Resource: Cultural Knowledge resource has become widely necessary and universal.
Known Examples include how to accomplish specific tasks like enacting a protest event, holding a news
conference, running a meeting, forming an organization, initiating a festival, or surfing the web.
After planning about the resource mobilisation, an entrepreneur needs to have a clear picture of accommodation
(space) and utilities of what business must have. Though, it is a tedious and time consuming task, but it essential and
deserves high attention. Following points should be considered in selecting the location (accommodation) of business
or office space:
• Style of operation (e.g. formal, casual, traditional retail store, kiosk, cart etc.)
• Consider who your customers are and how important their proximity to your location is.
• Monitor foot traffic
• Accessibility of parking
• Is your location/area business friendly?
• Is your area safe for business as well as for customers
• Proximity to other businesses and services
• Building infrastructure
• Utilities and their associated costs
• How close do you need to be your suppliers?
• Can you legally operate your business in this area?
• Possibilities of renovations or change in building (consider legal restrictions)
• Availability of labour, transport, fuel, power, raw material etc.
• Expansion possibilities
• Personal factors
Utilities (water, fuel, electricity etc.) are essential services that play a vital role in successful operation of any
enterprises. What utilities your business requires will depend on the nature of business and size of operation. Some
common utilities which should be obtained/acquired or hold by the start-up are given below:
• Water
• Sewage
• Trash services
• Telecommunication (i.e. telephone, internet, FAX machine, word processing software etc.)
• Electricity
• Parking
• Canteen
• Furniture
• Toilets (for basic health, welfare, privacy and dignity)
• Conference style speaker phone
Resource mobilization refers to all activities involved in securing new and additional resources for your organization.
It also involves making better use of, and maximizing, existing resources. Resource mobilization is often referred to as
‘New Business Development‘.
Why is resource mobilization so important?
Resource mobilization is critical to any organization for the following reasons:
1. Ensures the continuation of your organization‘s service provision to clients
2. Supports organizational sustainability
3. Allows for improvement and scale-up of products and services the organization currently provides
4. Organizations, both in the public and private sector, must be in the business of generating new business to stay
in business.
Although sustainability is often identified with having sufficient funds to cover an organization‘s activities, it is
actually a broader concept. There are three fundamental streams of sustainability: institutional, financial and
programmatic. Each is vital to the survival of an organization.
Below are the definitions of these three areas of sustainability:
a) Programmatic sustainability: The organization delivers products and services that respond to clients‘ needs
and anticipates new areas of need. Its success enables expansion of its client base.
b) Institutional sustainability: The organization has a strong, yet flexible structure and accountable, transparent
governance practices. Its structure and good governance allows it to respond to the shifting priorities of its
supporters and to new responsibilities toward its clients, while creating a positive work climate for its staff.
c) Financial sustainability: The organization draws on various sources of revenue, allowing it to support its
ongoing efforts and to undertake new initiatives.
v. Proper Form: A legal contract also must be in the proper form. Typically, this means that the contract must
be in writing. The proper form is determined by the type of contract that you are engaged in and the laws of
your state. In some cases, verbal contracts are binding and are perfectly acceptable.